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The Rise and Fall of a Civilization

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Rise /Fall Society The Rise and fall of a civilization (The Lost Tribe) booker’s business notes It was not the best of times and it wasn’t the worst of times. It is simply a time of no confidence as a decline of a civilization, a way of life no longer has the confidence of its members of society. The collapse of the banking system, un equal allocation of resources such as food, clothing and shelter, the educational system that either takes the ideas of targeted students or allows privileged money to buy an education has indeed shaken the basic foundation and structure of a nation. With the added warnings from God almighty in the forms of flood, pre staged weather patterns, targeted food shortages, global warming and not so far off in the future global war ,is there hope? The intense search for a new found confidence, a new deal has been all but shut out due to the implementation of un fair practices and policies placed on people of color as the world is witness to a complete melt down of a system that has not only lost touch with its citizens but has what appears to be have lost favor with the creator. Too much greed, hatred, deception, lies, cruel and un needed tactics and the trickery that has indeed implanted a scar on the hearts, minds and spirits of a people. There is no fix; there is no foundation as to mend the distrust that has been unjustly implemented on the people. The confusion of race on race hate crimes and the lack of self love directly correlate to the lack of love for the country. The division is so deep that indeed only the power of a true and living God can stop the certain down fall and take over of the wicket system. 1
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What are the options?

 Business as usual – This action is of course where the society has been for 

generations while keeping the un equal power bases a float. More of the same

is simply the pushing away from Gods word and eventually dividing the

country to the point of a governing breakdown.

The Sharing of power - In a society of greed, corruption, hatred lies, dirty

money and politics there is no real confidence; the sharing of power is not an

option. The in securities of fragile positions and the global community

 peering through and beyond the superficial smoke screen has placed

limitations on the scheme that has all but totally wiped out the possibilities of 

 peace, love, joy , happiness and basic human and civil rights.

 A new deal - A new deal could save the society however there appears to be a

major problem; the old system of things didn’t include the true and living God

in their plan of deception and trickery. Thus any new deal that has not the

founding fathers wisdom of one nation under God is un American. At present

the satanic Cult and its followers run amuck .The chances of a new deal

appears to be slim to none.

Will the start of a new war divert our attention as in the past – It’s a very real

 possibility except we don’t have any one that believes in the country enough to

fight for what it stands for. Mothers will not allow their sons to be drafted; the

old men are tired and old and in some cases simply have been treated so lowly

that they preach to their off spring, it’s simply not worth it. Perhaps some of 

the mothers will enlist, I don’t think so, and there is no confidence.


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 How about marshal law - Now this is a real possibility perhaps with a new

world order! The problem is due to the hatred, distrust and the oppression of 

 people, every body has arms including the children. Folk simply don’t believe.

How can you change that? You can’t but God can. However you have to be a

society that believes in God and live it.

So what is the answer – Perhaps its more talk – two schemes , or more people

of color set ups , more lies , more hate crimes, print more dirty money and

make more cell phone calls. Pray, and take a closer walk with God. But hurry,

you don’t have much time. Things have changed and the system process is

now on the clock, God almighty has the signs – not man.

The modern day rise of the system

America the land of the free and home of the brave, so What’s in it for me? History is

indeed the tail of the tape. Any society and its people are the producks of the efforts of 

the past and potential of the benefits of its present efforts.

The American dream was at one time an American reality now it is simply a dream

that has very little meaning or confidence.

The family farm no longer exists, there is job shortages but even worse is the fact that

many members of society refuse to work, refuse to pay taxes and could care less about

government. Simply put, what's in it for me?

For any system to rise above its competitors it must have a greater out put of 

resources, services and products that it’s in ports. Thus the equation is in the favor of the

society on top of the technology, social programs, and the society that allows and

encourages creativity for improving at home and abroad.


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At one time line this society was a leader as was Rome and other society’s .What

happened? It is first the relationship with God, and receiving his blessing. How ever on

earth and in mans short comings it is the balance that has turned the tides of civilization.

The balance of production, the equalization of treatment or standard of basic human

rights, the un balanced wealth distribution, The balance of food, clothing and shelter, the

 balance of home and world confidence, the balance of power here and abroad and the

 balance of good and evil.

The scale has tipped toward un just, greed, hatred and the substitute of head games

instead of real world’s contribution to a global competitive arena. Thus the world status,

 perception and credibility have been lost and with out the confidence of the common folk 

the future is hopeless.

The true believer walks by faith, the true country on the rise builds and instills faith

and confidence, thus the changing of the guard is now in motion.

The counter part Great Britain has as yet stood the test of time, yet its off spring has

all but placed the global arena the mists of a global loss of confidence. Is the society

worth it?

One might examine the build up of weapons, power struggles of oil reserves and the

demands of the new world leaders that at least at present to be un stoppable. We no that

the rise of civilization has a peak before the fall and realize the symptoms of a major 

decline of said society.

Maintaining the edge - The period at which American controlled the automobile,

held the technology edge, and its people maintained the highest quality of life was the

 peak of its civilization run.


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The way in which the country was founded or taken (which ever applies) reflects on

the length of the rise. As most know and believe the country was developed with certain

rights, freedoms and beliefs that sustained the country through the tough years and

independence and the slave trade.

Only when the foundations of the new founded system are at play does the system

thrive and produce. As more of the freedoms and basic founding principles are

disproved, the less affect of the governing body, the less confidence and the more

globally divided.

The decline – Just as the rise of a civilization has milestones and basic foundations

 so does the fall. God is always first in a modern civilization. There may be holy wars land

disputes, different cultures and attitudes but the on going fact ,the un wavering evidence

is that God Is and will always be the foundation. Simply put, with out God you have a fall

of the society.

A divided house can not and will not stand, it’s that simple. Is this society divided?

Perhaps most or all societies are divided to some point but perhaps a society with so

many different cultures and back grounds simply can’t afford the segment divisions.

A look at the realities suggest that culture, age, demographics, color, status, religion

and many other factors impact the system process more than one would care to


Each person you meet has a cell phone, a church, a set of values, beliefs, and

 justification for being a child of God. When the nation was on the rise these elements

were noted as freedoms however now there are differences and divisions that have

impacted the rise and fall of the society.


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for rise. There is nothing that can really be done about it with out the divine intervention


The problem is that the majority of society has lost the spiritual connection and thus

the true and living God and his direction has be cast aside for the doctrine of Satan and

the hatred, lies and implementation of crimes that has place the society on the course it is

now on with very little hope of turning things around.

Perhaps the reason this country did not last as long as the UK and other countries is

that the technology does not permit secrets .Moreover what ever crimes that are

implemented are transmitted around the globe at the touch of a button. Thus as a society

you can not only talk the talk, you must walk the walk.


Book of Knowledge

Richard Booker


  It has become clear that what is now working isn’t working however what folk are

seeking is simply something different. It doesn’t seem to matter what the difference is as

long as it is not the same song and dance.

So what does this really mean, it means that the state of the world is confused and

there is no solve for the equation as per what is next. Moreover this is also an opportune


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time line for those who wish to try out new business schemes, religious gathering and

above all else to test the real intelligence of a give society as to how much the people of a

given society are pre occupied with living when indeed they are not living at all.

We see it everywhere from the so called politics, the education process, and the job

market and even in some places of worship. Some feel it is about the money however one

can ask the question as to what money is and what is its true value?

Is the money life or simply a piece of printed paper that is worthless until a society or a

 portion of a given society breaths life in to it by exhibiting confidence that the printed

 paper is a symbol of the faith of said society and its people.

So where can people turn to if there is no longer confidence in the old system that has

finally divided the society to the point that the system itself simply represents dirty

 politics and racial divisions that can no longer be swept aside by more ploys and tricks.

Moreover as the globe becomes more and more competitive and less dependent of the

alpha society a change in the balance of power has already taken place.

Thus the status, quality of life and simply basic principals of the alpha society no

longer have meaning and thus an all but total meltdown of the society has taken affect.

There is no quick fix however should there be a fix at all and any pretense of patch

work on the confidence will indeed need to prove beyond the test of time that it can not

only regain the confidence of the people of the given society but deliver unquestioned

 benefits that include the poorest of the down society.

This becomes even more complex as loss of world status and increased racial

divisions within the society threaten not only stability but the very existence of the



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What happened? Simply put the old gray mare an’t what she use to be and this is

compounded by greed, un checked racial issues and un resolved issues of leadership


To add to the society down fall the issues of inequality, the lack of training, education

and discipline of the next generation has placed the society at a juncture at which there is

very little recourse. The global competition is simply too stiff.

Thus in all actuality a society that has decline to the point of no return must by all

accounts rely on other more stable and focused economies and societies.

The head games and divisions of class and race have reached the outer edge of the

envelope and there is not enough confidence within the society to buy in to the next


More over as the technology and other elements advance forward there are no longer 

the lag times for schemes to unfold and thus information at the touch of a button

diminishes the affect of not expressing the truth and implementing color schemes as a

means to control targeted segments of society.


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Gene R. Booker

It would appear that somewhere along the line the process of the business exchange

has indeed lost its magical charm; the inter-twine of the mutual exchange no longer sustains the pulse of the global trade or the local pulse of the modern society.

The symptoms can indeed be seen and felt around the globe and at present as with

health care and other elements of the global society, there is no cure all /fix all solution.

Thus the alarm is once again sounding as the common man; the element

Of society that has the least amount of control of the set of circumstances indeed reflects

that he still has the buying power.

The conditions and quality of the business climate of any given set of societies ,at any

given time tends to directly correlate as per the level of satisfaction of exchange of 

 products and services, the degree of stakeholders to influence such conditions and

circumstances and the confidence of stated society members that the business process at

some point will not only improve ,but deliver on time, adjust not to the over all market


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scheme ,for this does not address stake holder issues ,but to address the current and future

expectations of those seeking goods and services on a fair market basics.

Thus it is of great importance that the leaders of the product/supply exchange not only

meet the customer expectations, but also instill the confidence and or trust in the business

 process to the degree of fore seeable growth with the ability to capture global

stakeholders as per the evidence exhibited from the home investment base.

Wisdom Publish is an effort to communicate some of the affects and elements that have

impacted, and continue to impact the way real-world business interact. The intent is to

spot light likes and differences of past and present business elements, and perhaps share

real-world fixes or possible creative policies, ventures, regulations that may suggest a re-

thinking of the way we create, implement and deliver the business process.


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This effort is communicated through trueness and is set at the tone of basic beliefs in

one’s self and fore most part the confidence in one’s spirit. Thus the tone is set to the

 business of examining business and market practices and schemes that have occurred in

 past efforts, present events and possible future tie in’s to past and present as per the

enhancement of the over-all business/market structure, function, service to stakeholders

and the return on investment.

The hope is that the informed reader/researcher takes away from the information

concepts, or thought imprints that at some point will jointly help to raise the value of the

 present business element and thus aids to regain the leadership that was indeed the mark 

of the greatest society on the globe.

 For some of us life tends to be a river that flows as dictated by nature or perhaps made events that 

affect the quality ,quantity, and thinking abilities of those that have yet to conquer their very own

 fears ,relationship with their higher power or perhaps an element as simple as building confidence in

one’s self.

At times one seeks those things that indeed inspire the inner most soul or spirit to motivate, to drive,

to act and to at the lowest point, simply to be. One could ponder the question as to how or why some

 folk appear to live life to the fullest while others tend to accept whatever is give or offered. At some

 point one might come to the conclusion that what ever is to be, is to be, perhaps of the power of the


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creator or perhaps the power the creator has placed in each individual, the point is, just do it, if it feels

right and the spirit of the living God has indeed touched the spirit, indeed it should be done.

  Some spend a life time seeking to please the whelms of those less blessed and more of the spirit of 

darkness. The problem is that the prince of darkness only executes the power of darkness as per the

weakness of ones spirit.

Simply put the more time away from the word, the true believes or even the true house of worship

of a true and living God, the more one is open to the elements of darkness. Usually one finds that as

Satan executes the evil of darkness, it is done in a fashion to make some one else look good or someone

else to benefit.

However in all reality the person or persons are cloaking as good to execute, For indeed the deeds of 

darkness are set to deceive.

It thus stands to reason that at some point the truth, the light and all that is so called dirty will indeed

come forth. Thus there are indeed times a good God fearing saint or believer can just stand on the

trueness, the pureness of the living word of a living God.

Of course this is not easy for much of the time, the lies, the dirty money and other evil elements

over-ride the faith of many believer and thus many believes miss out on their blessings.


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One might pose the question as to what exactly does it take to stand on the word of God? Does it

take faith, wisdom, knowledge, a relationship with the higher power, money or do we as saints have a


Perhaps a good place to start is to know who we are and who we serve, thus we as believers can,

with the aid of the higher power pray for a relationship with the living God. One might find that after 

 praying and or seeking for this relationship with the creator, it simply is not enough; it may appear that

some element is still missing, and perhaps it is. For some this relationship will need to be spiritually

feed, nourished, re-enforced, en-courage, or perhaps taught.

This is where some of the believers feel there is a problem. Where can a believer or any one seeking

trueness or the word of the living God and actually be not only be helped, but told the truth too.

Moreover, the truth equals power for the true believers and thus the unity of the saints or those that

 believe on a true and living please God with a pure and clean heart mind soul and spirit. However all is

not as simple as it sounds for some of the believer feel strongly that Satan has influence in some of the

 places of worship and on some of the leadership of those for the light. This indeed presents another 


How does one discern spirits of good and evil? Some pray, others live and learn, many seek teachers

or ministers guidance, and yet some simply have the gifts to feel in their inner spirit as to light or 

darkness with in a person.

There are those of us that can walk into a church for the first time of perhaps meet some one for the

first and right off the bat, we can tell if the spirits are in agreement or of the same spirit.


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The author tends to lean on the Book of Proverbs as a book of wisdom when one is seeking truth

and understanding. Key is being able to listen, to execute the truth, seek out those that have the true

knowledge, re-enforce your spirit by constant exposure of the true and living word and true and living


Learn not only when to speak, but what to speak and how to reference what you speak to the word.

Pray as if your life actually depends, for this may very well be the case for many of the believers.

Seek a help mate that believes as you believes, serves as serve and prays as you pray. It is not only

true that a house divided will not stand, but as help mates, you either increase or have power to do

Gods will or you are divided and thus have a weak union and no power.

It is also very much true that birds of a father ,flock together, thus surround your self with God

fearing people that not only en-courage you ,but aid to up lift your spirit. Also be able to make a

decision ,if you are in a situation ,relationship or a set of circumstances that doesn’t enhance you and

your relationship with the creator, simply un-load .This is important as the longer the negative set of 

circumstances are apart of your life, the more of a liability these conditions impact on you.

Be sure and always seek the truth, it really is the light ,and remember that at times after seeking the

truth ,chose the proper time to communicate, (chose your battles).

As with any child of the kingdom there are certain factors that one may want to consider: A.

Education is important, higher academics can improve quality of life and aid in delivering the message

of the Good News.

B. Know that there is no substitute for common sense, street sense or sometimes termed

mother wit sense.


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C. Moving around ,meeting other 

 people of faith, visiting other countries even,

learning new languages or experiences other 

cultures enhances the ability of communication the message.


Wisdom is perhaps knowing enough to fear the word of God .The education of the wisdom process

 should take place at conception for indeed one is absorbing, learning , processing, changing /adapting 

and seeking some type of process, activity, or action.








confide nce faith





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Thus it would prudent to stimulate this process at an early age. For teaching and conditioning 

 processes, the best stages suited for the precepts for the wisdom process is K-6.

This process should be conducted by those that have a handle of the conditioning process and have

the scope and insight of future trends, progressions, and mind –sits. This age group is suggested before

the head games are implemented and the minds have not been contaminated.

  There may very well be some truth that wisdom can be attained from the past. For this reason and

others the researcher will incorporate some history based knowledge ,information, business schemes,

 business processes and simply lessons learned in an effort to compare system processes, seek lessons

learned and perhaps positively impact the current market conditions or business environment .

This will be the first volume devoted to the business aspect of the market, and the natural investors,

customers and improving the interactive process. The purpose or reasoning for this undertaking is to

reflect on past practices, experiences.

Some feel that business in the US and other areas of the globe occur and interacts in cycles and thus

certain elements may be termed as constant, while others may appear as variables that exhibit

 predictable patterns, or with some imagination one can create a trend for present business exchanges

implementing the past as a comparative model that may be adjusted to current market conditions.

Moreover, those that would have access to high level technology may apply the gathered data and or 

research in a fashion to construct a simulation model incorporating elements of repeated trends or 

 patterns with the lessons learned from those before us.


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In any given business society there is usually a period of down time .This time is created as per the

conditions of a given society ,it resources at the time frame, the effectiveness of the leadership, the

infrastructure, its dependency on those around the society ,and the ability to adapt and change.

However one element is becoming of interest for those that have paid attention to the lessons

learned of the past. The lesson can be termed one of the old/new business key indicators as per business

wisdom. Its’ confidence in the business element, how to increase confidence, how to restore confidence

and above all how to create confidence.

One is not pressed at all to seek out large scale bail outs, scandals in today’s markets and these

 breaks in confidence impact business markets on a global scale. At some point one might as to if the

majority of the public ever really moves beyond the disappointments.

The history of business has been a good indicator of why the market trends vary. It may be

compared to the plot or graph of a business organization over time from start, to peak, to the downward

trend and finally, for most the end of the business.

Certainly, time value of money is a current factor and a wisdom key for the businessman; however 

the confidence of the process is increasingly becoming an important element of the business process.

At this juncture one might examine some of the factors of influence that have not only shaped the

keys of business success or failure, but may in all reality impact the interaction of the current market.

• Change of Technology (from manual labor intensive, simplex machines, computer based

networking, to creating whatever one can imagine).

• The World Wars have impacted the business for during the early periods the men were sent off 

to serve in some cases and the women and some children entered the work force (This became


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These activities can implemented on different levels as per the level of resources available at any

given time to or for any given society, the confidence of all stakeholders the flux drive impacts and the

ability of those that are placed in control positions of such flux drive to create, implement, lead and

 persuade the opposite stakeholders of the worth of the process and the ability of the goods and services

exchanged to maintain value/worth for a pre determined /acceptable time line.

 flux & Drive-

The flux drive is very much more complex that one might think for as the customers evolve so do

the standards and enlightenment of said customers. More over different societies around the globe not

only compete for the resources, but indeed seek to gain control of the flux process.

However, the beauty of the process is that it is indeed constantly in the state of flux and thus change

and opportunity are always a required option.

The trick it seems is to find that hook, though it may only last while the trend or fade is hot, the

 business exchange depends largely on it.

The next element of the flux process is to create a means as a symbol or acceptable agreement as to

what or how the process will satisfy the needs or wants of most stakeholders. Perhaps for some it is

 precious medals or minerals (gold, silver, oil……) or perhaps the confidence of such elements can be

incorporated in such items as moneys, notes or simply an agreed upon exchange for services or 


The key point here is agreed upon, for this suggests the term confidence since the actual resources

or elements are not active in the flux process. One might also ponder at this juncture, what are the

driving forces of the business/flux process?


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Perhaps for some it its simply addressing the needs of the stakeholders, or perhaps creating a need

for the stakeholder, maybe tracking the trends of current past and future business processes, perhaps its

 just flux and what ever one can think of, one then can create, the business of flux, the execution of 

thought process that at least in theory have the potential to produce an exchange of business energy,

motion, activity or simply flux.

Who then in the realm of business could or should control this movement of energy or activity?

One might feel as if it were only just for those that are in power positions or settings where decisions

can be made should remain there.

If it not broke, don’t fix it. Is it broke? Where do new ideas come from and how are they interjected

into the flux pool.

Perhaps a history lesson can be attained as per the rise and fall of civilizations, the causes, the

leadership, the competition, and the confidence of the civilization at the time of the downward trend.

Though one might think the business process is equal or should be equal, one might suggest this is

very much not the case.

 Products & services -

There is a product or service, a cost for this product or service and the value assigned to the product

or service. The cost is usually what the market will pay or what it may pay in the future for depending

on the state of flux the value can and will rise or decline.

The creation and implementation of a product or service suggest that the process is un-equal by the

natural process of creating and implementing a service or product. The is indeed the energy of motion


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and the expectancy of a return on investment as motivating factors as compared to what this product or 

service is indeed worth to me.

Change can be equated to the term flux as a constant interaction of matter, energy or simply

thoughts, actions and the exchange of goods an services to the end of a return of investment and a

 perceived value of given products or services at least appears to satisfy some percent of preconditions.

Perhaps there is some truth to the concept that the more things change, the more things stay the

same. The important point here is the perceived set of conditions and or circumstances and the

 perceived out come to be.

Change thus must by its nature interact as a state of flux to exist, thus one can now interject

conditions on the change process that may or may not impact the way one chooses to do business.

• Is there a need for the change in business

• What conditions or circumstances impact or influence the flux process

• Who will implement the change process

• How will the change be executed


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• Who or what is the target market /customers

• What is the expected outcome (return on investment)

• Will the change be temporary of have a long term impact

• Can the change process be managed ,measures and improved

• What are the measures of a successful change process

• Do you have the right people and resources in place

• Timing can be everything

• I s there support for the elements implementing the change and will the

customers be conditioned for the buy in

Next, one might pose the question, can one really be prepared for change, if so how? Some claim to

have the ability to read the business market, while others feel there are trends to follow, still others feel

customers really don’t really know what they want so it is thus up to them to create something out of 

the flux and of course market it to those that haven’t a clue as to what they really need or want.

Still yet there are those that are simply creative and simply dare to take risks or believe in

themselves to the point of actually having the ability to pre-determine the market flux.

So how can one really prepare ,it may be that to prepare to market flux is not the issue, perhaps it is

simply to adapt and take what ever business to the next level while improving the process (cheaper,

 better and faster). Who really knows, the researcher certainly doesn’t.


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It is indeed now miscarry to promote on going training and education

 just to compete, thus areas of human resources ,labor management and

others mat at times enjoy the spot light.

The business process is now incorporated the niche seeking element as

per the right resources and the right fit at the right time frame.

One must come to the realization that there are indeed those of business

and those that are simply in the process, one must as the researcher is

now learning patients, caring, sharing, understanding and at some point

seeking those at the set of circumstances as customers.

The flux of business thrives only as flux with out the skills, inputs, labor

and the like for those implementing the process. More over the issue of 

confidence of the structure and delivery of goods and services is of 

paramount concern.

Someone in the business group must not only have a business plan, but a

real-world business vision that can indeed be communicated effectively

not only through the business group but also to the customer base.

Today’s business leaders must display not only strong and firm leadership but the ability to

change with the entire business environment should it be necessary. Thus those in leadership

positions should be hand picked, stood the test of time and above at least on the surface project a

positive chemistry among those that may interact with in the business circle.


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The are of communication should be of great interest to today’s management teams since

there is no one leadership style that fits all, the style for today’s must simply be to adapt to a

given set of circumstances at ant given set of events at any given time frames.

A plus for those that seek to be ahead is to pick up some language tapes or suggest the idea to

some of the team members, thus the enterprise can adapt to the evolving global scheme much


At some point one must ask the business partners or ones self, is this the right fit, do I enjoy

this, can I help some one or perhaps give back through the business effort or should I sell.

These elements are personal questions but should be reevaluated during the life of the

business cycle. one must pay close attention to governments rules ,regulations, and policies for

this too is apart of the business flux ,and it too may appear un clear or un certain at times as to

how the processes interact and simply what are the consequences for mistakes or errors.

One might feel with all the flux going on and other influencing factors, how can one gauge the true

value of a business venture, especially when start up costs can vary with no real guarantee of profit.

Well one might suggest hand picking out those ventures that have less start up thus having less over 

head cost. Moreover the business owners can earn profits while engaged in other tasks. One might

suggest with caution, internet ventures that have stood the test of time or perhaps researched real-estate


 No matter what the path is, research is need in and of the area of interest and some percent of risk 

will be involved ,if not everyone would indeed be rich. Perhaps a look at the investment of space

(NASA) an investment!


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United States Business and Public Policy in the 20th Century: Louis Galambos and Joseph Pratt 

  The story begins with the transfer of history and business interaction with two of this societies

 business innovators. We know them as J.P. Morgan and Lee Iacocca. The authors of the book reflect

the thoughts that these men are or were symbols of the American Business system.

“The book suggests that Morgan sparked some of the values of the responsible businessmen at the

upper crust in America at the turn of the century. Moreover it is suggested that Morgan was a dominant

influence in the investment banking industry”.

Galambos & Pratt, copyright 1988

One may be note worthy at this point is that some feel that during this time-line ,some of the

 business practices and policies may have been left un-checked. “This could imply elements un-checked

could be processes or interaction among the government, labor unions or perhaps foreign competitors.

Over time things, systems and processes change, or do they”? Some feel the more things change, the

more things stay the same. The question that one asks at this point is should history be used in a way or 

means to analyze contemporary problems?

Galambos & Pratt, copyright 1988 One might infer that the traditions and events throughout history

have some importance in the way we presently do business and perhaps some of the basic business

theories and or schemes are still at play even as the author communicates the transfer of works.


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What ever the case, what are the lessons learned, how has the business process be improved, and

simply put, do the people of the society believe in the business process? “One could pose the question,

how does the past impact the present or future? Some feel the business processes of the past have or 

will impact future students or leaders that may be at some point being accountable for the success of 

failure of business organizations”. Galambos & Pratt, copyright 1988

“The authors of the book state that while reconstructing the past, they drew upon the research of 

others, including their colleagues, students, and other author”. For the most part most researchers apply

the some format, with perhaps changes as per the technology available at any given time.

The authors suggests in marking similarities between Morgan and Iacocca, that is somewhat

difficult to imagine two business more different in back ground and in style than a financier (Morgan)

and an automobile manufacturer (Iacocca).

The writing follows to suggest the Morgan reflects the American way of doing business in 1900 and

Iacocca for that of the 1980s.Galambos & Pratt copyright 1988 The writings move foreword to suggest

that time-line between the two, may measure the extent to which the business sector and the public

setting in the US has changed.

As stated, Morgan projected the values of the responsible business higher ups and he and his peers

may have exhibited influence over some of the most productive sectors of the American economy

during the time –line indicated.

On the flip side, the writers suggest, Iacocca and his time line of business interactivity, could

scarcely be more different. History reflects Iacocca as a self- promoter who relishes the spot-light, the

successful white Knight of the Chrysler face-lift. Galambos & Pratt, copyright 1988 .The researcher 


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also found worthy to note that the writers suggest that “ in Morgan’s day a small elite in the business

community ,had far more power than any business person, Iacocca included, can exercise today”.

Moreover, as a contrast the authors suggest that business leaders of the 1980s do not command; they

negotiate. The authors suggest it is this evolution that is the focus of their collection of research.

The research gathered in the authors writings strongly indicates the rise of the expanded corporation

during J.P. Morgan’s era suggests a noticeable shift with in America’s Business Exchanges. The

following are areas of the research that was brought out:




Distribution Galambos & Pratt, copyright 1988

The writers move on to suggest large corporate combines were organized to tie together their 

 business markets and to take advantage of technological innovations.

Also as these processes evolved, the business men of the day searched new ways to achieve

efficient production, to encourage innovation, and to maintain control of their economic and

 political environments.

The researcher feels at this juncture that the interaction of the current business process can

 be said to be bases at least in part as per some of the earlier elements of Morgan’s era.

However what is important to focus on is how well these elements and or practices

 performed at the earlier time-line, what elements have we still in motion as per today’s


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 business processes, and perhaps, what are the lessons learned? Galambos & Pratt, copyright


The researcher also feels it worthy to note as per a business of direct power and influence,

compared to seeking a buy in of the stakeholders through negotiations, and or concessions and

stakeholder confidence, decision making process, change of education methods, and the

impact of global competition, with the US not holding the number one spot as trade as per a

global business scheme.

Perhaps the business model has indeed shifted or one might suggest the quality, style,

commitment or skills of today’s business leaders are simply not what they were at one time.

Whatever the case, however the cycles fall or rebound, the leaders, the business processes,

the customers, and all the interactivity must adapt to stay in positive motion and compete on a

global level.

The evolution of the business model as per the author’s research implies new corporate

structures were created over time and management learned over this period how to deal with in

some cases, larger and more complex business systems. Galambos & Pratt, copyright 1988.

Some of these changes could imply differences between Morgan and Iacocca.

Also noted by the authors of the book study was that the government’s role shifted clearly

in three categories during the century: the first was single –industry regulation, cross –industry

and government directed activities that indirectly shape the nation’s business environment.”

These elements were considered for they were indicators that the government as such did not


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grow; what developed were specific governmental functions performed by specific

institutions”. Galambos & Pratt, copyright 1988.

As a contrast to today’s business climate, some feel there is too much government and also

too much government spending. Also today’s society appears divided as per the government

 bail outs of business failures and in some cases the action taken or action not taken in the

scandals pertaining to the business interactivity and the consequences there of.

The climate of the current government business process employs a great number of 

 personal ,has sub contractors, and as an added factor ,some of the government members

moon-light ,create business that may be in question as to conflict of interest as per the

functions of the government activity.

More over as additional rules, regulations, policies and or procedures change or are added,

the question of fairness, and delivery across the board are at times heated issues.

There may be grey areas of favoritism, special trade partners with special interest rates,

even insider information and knowledge that may or may not be regulated or tracked across

the board fairly.

The bottom line in the areas of regulation and implementation of polices, is simply what the

stakeholders and those that have a say in the American Business process will indeed tolerate.

One might feel at some point that the business process (the flux process) can be or at

certain times over whelming, this thought may indeed have some merit. However the elements

listed above are not the complete story –lines, there is the factor of global investments, which


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leads into at least in part domestic and global problems or issues that project a need to be


In order to conduct business, there must not only be resources, leadership and a market, but

also effective communication through out the business process. This of course may be easier 

said than done. For the present market, the products and or services reflect market balance,

targeted customers and customer /market conditioning.

Thus customers and markets can be created through careful and targeted conditioning of the

services. From this point of view, the business person can be viewed as the catalyst to spark 

new and innovative concepts, generate profits /return on investments, and thus sustaining the

capitalistic society.

This is somewhat more complex that it sounds for, again rules, regulations, and conditions are

applied through the government and the stakeholders. Thus there must be a trade off of not

only goods and services, but the power, influence and the conditions in which these elements

must interact.

Business can be ,more than a process when the conditions as per it exists in real-world

terms meets, exceeds or adapts to real-world market demand.

“ As per Morgan, the authors reflect his major contribution to the business process was to

 bring under control relationships among competing firms.

Each combine during this era went through an extended process of administrative

consolidation as authority and lines of communication were at some point centralized “.

Galambos & Pratt, copyright 1988.


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It is suggested that during this time line, the concept was developed and implemented that

the business organizations executed a particular pace in a particular way, thus functional

departments, a central point of contact, and briefing the company president were accepted

order of practices.

Another important element incorporated was the committee system. The feel at the time

was that the business system needed coordination, the was complied with by the markets and

the global standard. Galambos &Pratt, copyright 1988.

At this juncture the projects moves foreword to the subject matter of the gold standard. The

researcher is not totally clear as to the monetary system in place at present, or the current value

of the coins and denominations of print. However the findings suggest the gold standard

ensured of a certain time frame would indeed be of similar value in the future.

On might ponder at some point the tie in as per the true gold standard and the rate of 

inflation that is profoundly reflected in today’s market. Moreover, the issues of confidence of 

the monetary process, and the over all worth of said process is at best in question.

Also during Morgan’s era, the creditability /confidence of the gold standard was thought to

 be protected by the US government. Thus a true and meaning role, thus projecting a need for 

the government and not the current “process of adding more red tape to an already over-burden


The researcher was struck as the authors communicated that Morgan was instilled with the

confidence that he and his peers could control economic affairs far better than any regulatory



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Thus far it would appear that American business men maintained and the US government

maintained a role. However, the take the researcher receives to the end is that the country

existed, maintaining through the efforts of the business and or corporations.

The government appeared to be an entity for confidence building, a process to loop the

 business sector and its customers and at times to interject limited regulations. How has these

roles, changed, have the roles changed for the betterment of the business market, and where

does the driving force for the market and society lie.

One may take a critical look at the existing conditions and indeed suggest several

combinations of answers or solutions, however one fact is very clear, things have changed .We

may very well have similarities to the same government process, however the business

leadership has changed. We now have scandals and huge corporations the simply fold------ (go


It would appear a slight shift in any market, if such market does not or can not adapt to the

changing conditions of the state of technology and the demand of such technology.

It becomes clear that it is not the demand for such technology, but the available resources

that are limited or targeted as to maintain the balance of supply and demand .Of course for any

of these elements to bear fruit, the element of confidence must be addressed.

However, what appears to be a major problem for the current global markets is that the

issues of confidence are addressed only when there is a crisis. That in itself what not over tax

the business process, however when the confidence issues are indeed addressed, these issues

are only at best addressed on a short term bases. Thus the market tends reflect unstable


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/uncertain cycles of market growth with uncontrolled spikes of lost wealth for some, and the

gain of un-told wealth for others.

Depending upon one’s point a depressed market can indicate a needed market correction,

or an all out melt down.

For those that have indeed invested the time and resources to study the true business model,

it doesn’t really matter, what does matter is that the process is quickly back on track,

confidence is restored, and the “ long term corrections have been implemented” .

As the project now reflects back to the Morgan era,” Morgan saw himself as the best friend

to the government, perhaps even the best friend the government had during his era.

This is some what accented as per during the depression of the 1890s, he displayed his

loyalty by coming to the rescue of the government in a monetary crisis “. Galambos & Pratt,

copyright 1988. Do we have a monetary at present? One might also ponder as to whether we

have a Morgan to bail the government out. Does the government have a friend?

This example could indeed reflect that the elite of this era of the financial system lent a

helping hand to the president of the U.S. dealing on a personal basis.

The research also suggests the nation benefited, financial interests in the U.S .and also

Europe at this time line, for it had an interest in keeping the U.S. on the gold standard.

However, the trade off was personal control.

The authors move on to suggest that the balance between private and public power was

struck much to the advantage of the private sector. Galambos & Pratt, copyright 1988.


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The time line now evolves to the nineteenth- Century Firm (Morgan System, 1840 -1900)

the efforts of the day were centered on obtaining capital and credit for the firm .History

reflects that during the 1840s and 1850s, the U.S. was indeed a capital poor society.

The urban sector did not deal in the areas of stocks; those securities were thought to be too

risky. Banks seldom lent money on a long term basis; the business person had to be known

 personally by the banks officers.

The norm for some one creating a business was to seek aid from the family. Galambos &

Pratt, copy 1988.

Today’s market tends to reflect heavily on credit, and in some cases, depending on market

conditions and the ease of government regulations, it’s simply turn a profit and deal with the

consequences at a later time line.

(The housing bubble). However ,there should always be a balance, the need for a stimulus

or to jump start the market or indeed to simply take advantage of cash and investing to the

degree of self advancement only and other elements of the market picks up the tab later.

More over ,it appears the market of today is more closely tied to the global market

schemes, thus the cast of players are harder to track, the investments in the market demands

much more research time, retirement plans are in question at times, and education can not be


In today’s market there are differences that change the basic market structure; however it is

indeed unclear as to the adaptation process of the investors, the stakeholders and the



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The internet domain appears to have only been lightly taped and the cast of players are

indeed global. The ground rules in many cases are un-clear at best ‘or perhaps with out rules at


The businessman or the CEO now attends a tele-conference instead of the closed door 

meeting and some one acting at the head of the table. Moreover, for those seeking knowledge,

information technology has no bounds or limits. So what does all this mean?

Simply put, the game has not changed, it is still about a return on investment, however how

we play the game has changed and the methods or rules have indeed shifted.

Home based work stations, and the concept of having your money or investment work for 

you while you are living life. Turn key business schemes, and up side down pyramid schemes

can not only be ran as computer based, but created as per computer base. In today’s business

scheme, knowledge is truly power, and creativity and cash is king.

+-The flip side, everything can be stolen, your thoughts, your projects, everything, it just

depends on who gets it to the market first.

The true writers of the higher levels of society must resort to the old fashion method of pin

and paper, and choosing selectively a group the indeed represents their true interest. Data

researched from (Galambos & Pratt, 1988)

This not only reflects confidence or trust, but a breakdown in the system process, thus

more divisions. The impact on the business sector can be a shift of knowledge base to other 

countries, a decline in confidence correlates to a society that has split business ventures, the

main stream of investors, those that create, those that get paid for what they know, those that


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transfer information to the highest bidder and those that progressively seek real world

investment opportunity.

These elements contribute to the rise and fall of the society for the business creativity,

 business transactions, and business return on investment all depend heavily on this, equal


The concept is simple, yet it can be a major driver for the best and the brightest indeed seek 

self actualization, to get paid for what they know, what they do and above all what they create.

With all the information available and a global market, the society is responsible for the

 progression of its people, business is interaction, but not only that, it must interact with-in the

regulations of the society, but most importantly it must interact freely. Thus the confidence,

creativity and progression of the society can press foreword in a positive and competitive


The Morgan era was at some point power, however the power are earned and at least

executed for the benefit of the society as well as the individual. The contrast of today reflects

 power, however the failure of the super investment firms and the like also reflects creed, thus

confidence is shaken. Data researched from (Galambos & Pratt, 1988)


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The CorporateCombine


The EntrepreneurialFirm


Control of risksA. in markets

B. in the political



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Galambos & Pratt, copyright 1988 p.33

The System in Flux (1901-1939) Morgan

  When one is born in the month of January, it would be a given that the birth is

delivered with a chill. However being delivered in the state of West Virginia one can

expect to be cold.

One can suggest at this point that one is a product of the environment of which one is

 born. How this product or product is developed is another story. Perhaps all men are

created equally or un-equally, should it really matter or does it really matter?

The point is that the environmental factors impact each individual differently and thus

each life must adapt, react, conform or simply give up.

What is worthy to note is that after one is born, luck, God, faith, natural selection and

other elements are at play?

The catch is that the deck is more often than not stacked and for the most part a

system or process is in place that maintains the haves and haves not.

There is no mechanism of checks and balances and thus the over all quality of life or 

 being varies to the degree that a given group or society tolerates the gap among the rich

and the poor.


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Birth being the first stage of the human process, is thus followed by the un conscious

efforts of emulating or copying others as a natural process of survival. A small child

grows mentally and physically with out much effort for indeed at this stage it is simply


However as one moves to young adult hood a different process is taken form that is a

natural process, but also a process of intended actions and reactions, thus setting the stage

for the ability of learning. Some elements / concepts researched through (Galambos &

Pratt, 1988)

At this time line one can assume the start of a conditioning process, however what

one is conditioned to or from, begins to set the stage as per the type of life one will live,

the quality of life one will live and, the input one will have on a given society and more

over the impact of one’s off spring.

Some elements of concern here are the basic building blocks of the human and how

they inter-face. For indeed the human can only be what he has gathered and processed

from the environment.

A problem or a concern area at this point is first, the basic, food, clothing and shelter 

as per the access to these elements. As the process breaks down father one can look at

how a single human or groups of humans are nourished.

This may include the education of knowing how to eat healthy, have the monies to

access the food and being able to be constant as per the eating and buying habits.

Let us suppose that group A has constant access to a healthy food supply and thus the

off spring of group A should follow the same pattern of good health, thus being better 


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How do we spoon feed the transfer of power to citizens that have become

accustomed to being at the top of the food chain?

What do we fill the void with as per job creation, innovation, lack of educational

leadership and simply riding the wave of setting the pace of the pulse of the


Can the business in this country compete when the deck is not stacked but the

 population lags as per the edge of unity, and lack of confidence?

What can a declining society offer for trade or resource interchange? (borrowing

and raising the national debt can no longer sustain an economy that lacks

opportunity for innovation/creativity and the advancement of implementing return

on investment?

Where will we find the business leadership, the incentives and the balance of 

supply and demand?

How will a declining society handle the increased influx of foreign competition

entering the society with cheaper, better and faster business concepts along with a

 better quality of education and training?

How will business, the banking system, the government and workers blend to

compete in an environment that has already transformed into the next phase?

Simply put, who will train the next generation of business leaders or will they

simply be replaced? Perhaps the replacements are already here.

Who will address the issues of equality and opportunity for all and moreover who

will enforce the freedom to do business?

The face of reality – 


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We can’t create but so many job opportunities for there must be at some point not a

creation of jobs but a demand stream for new and improved products and services. Thus

the reality appears at this point to be having a well trained, well educated and highly

skilled work force with cutting edge management in place to direct resources.

We simply are not there. There is a plan however that will not be listed in this volume.

It would also appear that one can not conduct competitive business ventures with

confidence of the players that interact in the process that too will be addresses in a

different volume for selected readers.

The art of business is not only supply and demand it is most important to have a

means of gaining the return customer and changing /adapting not only to the customer 

 base but also the global environment.

After all business is indeed a global market and the trick is not only to reach that

global market but to attract a niche and impart control your part of the resource exchange.

 A look at the facts – 

Can a society survive at this time line with out a competitive business strategy – no it


This society for the most part implements only one language and thus limited as per real

world business communication. The system process is not one of true value services

rather that of greed and self centered perks.

The business sector has now taken a dip and the banking process appears to be the last

refuge however there is a price for indeed there is no free ride and the American dream

no longer glitters or shines.


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We need business equal opportunities, real world business leaders, and a long term

strategic vision of positive global interaction that when sustained over a period of time

will allow growth and profit yielding investments to thrive.

Can we do it? Yes we can, we must change and adapt if we are to compete and regain

control of the business scheme.

Our competition – 

It is a given that the competition is now global however inside the global net is also

credibility and the ability to sustain the global business relation. This concept entails

some responsibilities such as

• Delivery options as just in time, supply on demand

• Guarantees on the products or services

• A balance of trade as per the GDP export ratio

• Fair exchange regulations such as tariffs /taxes

• Fair hiring and firing practices

• Acknowledging labor laws and unions

• Competitive wages and benefits

• Above all government support and not government intervention

Along with the global arena as a source of present and future competition one must now

adjust to the competition of technology. The areas of robotics/android interface

technology will soon be a competitive force as per a business tool and a business.

The shift is to the future of not just getting the job done but getting the job done better,

cost effective and faster. Perhaps humans and technology can interface at some point to

supply the need of future change and sustainability.


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The use to be third world countries are now advanced to the mark of being the demand

customer, supplier and control point of many business exchange processes. Thus the

 business process is really no longer simply created but suggests a real need for 

improvement of quality of life at a real world price and delivered by those that happen to

 be ahead of the curve at a given timeline.

The next Microsoft or Apple computer link may will be a joint venture from the EU,

or Asia or an emerging satellite country, it simply depends on the attitude, opportunity

and spirit of the people, not the government.

 Falling – 

It is not all the fact that we have an increasing un-skilled /educated labor force; this is

combined with the loss of the American dream. The loss of the spark the units a society,

the values, goals and vision to not only lead in the business scheme but to extend the

opportunity to the next generation of society.

Wealth, greed and activities that instill distrust of leadership can not be restored

unless the people of society demand it to be restored. If indeed the people fell that the

 business and banking sectors do not have their best interest at hand the confidence needed

to restore the business sector will never bear fruit.

Thus either foreign business leaders will enter the falling society and take control of 

 productive resources or the business assets that are with in the falling society will be

executed within the borders of other countries.

The creation of jobs can not alone restore the business edge the society once held; it is

the will of the people that make a county, a president or a global business a great success.


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Thus a mechanism to inspire, to unit and to project a fair deal to all must be implemented

at some point to regain the business edge.

How can this be implemented, this subject matter will be discussed at a latter date

however what is of interest at present is the elements themselves being visible.

The next generation – 

The next generation of labor-intensive segments will need to be informed, project at

least the first level of higher education, posses developed communication skills and it

least one foreign language.

This assessment is suggested because of the increasing on the future of robotics,

foreign investors, foreign make up of the society, more limited resources for more limited

 peoples and cultures and simply more international competition competing with in the


Thus the time is not now to get ready, it has passed for indeed the time line has passed

and the given populace has not a glue of the change that has taken place. Moreover the

resources in country are no longer labor intensive driven due to technological advances

and a shift to global linked life sustaining transactions that at present affect each society.

The elements of impact suggest the following indicators:

Only infrastructure job creation, limited food services, healthcare services,

computer based interface , and highly skilled management talents will endure the

shift while those of lower level labor skills will be left to government programs

for existence.

The new wave of workers and leaders from other countries will increase as per 

the next decade at a rapid rate as per the gap of rich and poor, educated and un


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educated widens and the creativity , innovation and finance power will be needed

to sustain the society that is too far in debt to operate and sustain its society.

Business opportunities will increase for those that prepared for the new shift and

have the forethought of implementing the limited resources by a means that can

improve the process.

The new waste in the society will not be based on color of other non irrelevant

factors for it will simply be an equation of those implementing the most effective

 business schemes, those able to interact cross culturally, those that have evolved

 beyond petty racial issues and those that are simply innovative that will move


It is now a global business process and the US is not on top but shifting toward

the top middle and the global position does not look promising for the future.

Owning and controlling resources is now global and just about any society that is

 progressing or sustaining progress has an element of foreign investment AND or 

foreign debt. It is the society that indeed best manages these elements that will

sustain the new business shift.

The new world order is no longer a military order it is a business / technology

order thus there are many societies in the game and the wasted time and

resources on targeted colure issues , limiting those targeted and simply lifting

their ideas and business plans will no longer suffice . Simply put, the competition

is too stiff and the players are global.

During the early stages of the development of the business model the business

corporations and the government had a perceived set of special relationships. The movers


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and shakers of the business arena could impact policies and the way the society was to


Thus business and national leadership were a combined force to be reckoned with

around the globe. Instead of simply printing more worthless paper an agreement among

the business community could be implemented and the saving of face and a more than

large global debt was avoided.

It would appear that over time a shift from sustaining the society and progressing

forward to greed and how we can stop the lower levels from advancing replaced the

importance of a moral and competitive society.

At present the business sector may be indebted to the government and perhaps that is

not entirely bad, however it is the business sector that creates America not the restrictions

and enforced limitations on color. Thus a reverse on national growth and debt has all but

over taken the society.

At this juncture there is no innovative process that can compete on a global scale in a

global market and thus global debt. Is there a fix they may be suggested by the notes and

information thus far?

Perhaps bringing back the spirit of old fashion healthily American competition would

help but at present that has be blocked by racial issues , hate crimes, greed and a status

 policy that has a confidence level of the lowest since the society was formed.

Will the country rebound? At present there are those that make the claim that America

can regain her status as world leader and become united once again. This may indeed be

 possible should the world stop spinning.


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The facts are power, greed, money, race and the melting pot of the society are

elements that are out of balance and there is no kingdom in place that can merit enough

confidence for a fix. More over its now an interconnected global business scheme that

houses real –world brain power and some countries have control of the racial issues that

in time will aid in the down fall of this society.

The debt that the nation owes and the decline of skills talent, creativity that have been

all but completely shut down has indeed positioned the society at the level of some

developing third world countries. The only difference is mainly those of the ability to

make war, not competitive products and services.

Thus the business model shifts as other societies implement those same opportunities

and thus lessening the importance of the US as a leader.

There are indeed processes and schemes that can and should be implemented however 

it appears at least on the surface no one cares enough or has confidence enough in the old

system to act.

Pray? Or is it still talk –two and a special order?

Gene R. Booker

AU Business student


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