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The role of health literacy and social networks in arthritis

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University of Wollongong Research Online Graduate School of Medicine - Papers (Archive) Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health 2012 e role of health literacy and social networks in arthritis patient's health information-seeking behaviour: a qualitative study Janee Ellis University of Wollongong, [email protected] Judy Mullan University of Wollongong, [email protected] Anthony Worsley Deakin University, [email protected] Nagesh Brahmavar Pai University of Wollongong, [email protected] Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected] Publication Details Ellis, J., Mullan, J., Worsley, A. & Pai, N. Brahmavar. (2012). e role of health literacy and social networks in arthritis patient's health information-seeking behaviour: a qualitative study. International Journal of Family Medicine, ID: 397039 1-6.

University of WollongongResearch Online

Graduate School of Medicine - Papers (Archive) Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health


The role of health literacy and social networks inarthritis patient's health information-seekingbehaviour: a qualitative studyJanette EllisUniversity of Wollongong, [email protected]

Judy MullanUniversity of Wollongong, [email protected]

Anthony WorsleyDeakin University, [email protected]

Nagesh Brahmavar PaiUniversity of Wollongong, [email protected]

Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library:[email protected]

Publication DetailsEllis, J., Mullan, J., Worsley, A. & Pai, N. Brahmavar. (2012). The role of health literacy and social networks in arthritis patient's healthinformation-seeking behaviour: a qualitative study. International Journal of Family Medicine, ID: 397039 1-6.

The role of health literacy and social networks in arthritis patient's healthinformation-seeking behaviour: a qualitative study

AbstractBackground. Patients engage in health information-seeking behaviour to maintain their wellbeing and tomanage chronic diseases such as arthritis. Health literacy allows patients to understand available treatmentsand to critically appraise information they obtain from a wide range of sources. Aims. To explore how arthritispatients’ health literacy affects engagement in arthritis-focused health information-seeking behaviour and theselection of sources of health information available through their informal social network. Methods. Anexploratory, qualitative study consisting of one-on-one semi-structured interviews. Twenty participants witharthritis were recruited from community organizations. The interviews were designed to elicit participants’understanding about their arthritis and arthritis medication and to determine how the participants’ healthliteracy informed selection of where they found information about their arthritis and pain medication.Results. Participants with low health literacy were less likely to be engaged with health information-seekingbehaviour. Participants with intermediate health literacy were more likely to source arthritis-focused healthinformation from newspapers, television and within their informal social network. Those with high healthliteracy sourced information from the internet and specialist health sources and were providers of informationwithin their informal social network. Conclusion. Health professionals need to be aware that levels ofengagement in health information-seeking behaviour and sources of arthritis-focused health information maybe related to their patients’ health literacy.

Keywordshealth, literacy, qualitative, study, role, patient, networks, social, behaviour, seeking, information, arthritis

DisciplinesMedicine and Health Sciences

Publication DetailsEllis, J., Mullan, J., Worsley, A. & Pai, N. Brahmavar. (2012). The role of health literacy and social networks inarthritis patient's health information-seeking behaviour: a qualitative study. International Journal of FamilyMedicine, ID: 397039 1-6.

This journal article is available at Research Online: http://ro.uow.edu.au/medpapers/485


The Role of Health Literacy and Social Networks in Arthritis Patient’s Health Information-

Seeking Behaviour: A Qualitative Study

Janette Ellis1 – [email protected]

Judy Mullan1 – [email protected]

Anthony Worsley2 – [email protected]

Nagesh Pai1 – [email protected]

1Graduate School of Medicine, University of Wollongong, Wollongong 2522, NSW, Australia

2School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway,

Burwood 3125, VIC, Australia

Correspondence should be addressed to Janette Ellis, [email protected]



Background. Patients engage in health information-seeking behaviour to maintain their

wellbeing and to manage chronic diseases such as arthritis. Health literacy allows patients to

understand available treatments and to critically appraise information they obtain from a wide

range of sources.

Aims. To explore how arthritis patients’ health literacy affects engagement in arthritis-

focused health information-seeking behaviour and the selection of sources of health

information available through their informal social network.

Methods. An exploratory, qualitative study consisting of one-on-one semi-structured

interviews. Twenty participants with arthritis were recruited from community organizations.

The interviews were designed to elicit participants’ understanding about their arthritis and

arthritis medication and to determine how the participants’ health literacy informed selection

of where they found information about their arthritis and pain medication.

Results. Participants with low health literacy were less likely to be engaged with health

information-seeking behaviour. Participants with intermediate health literacy were more

likely to source arthritis-focused health information from newspapers, television and within

their informal social network. Those with high health literacy sourced information from the

internet and specialist health sources and were providers of information within their informal

social network.

Conclusion. Health professionals need to be aware that levels of engagement in health

information-seeking behaviour and sources of arthritis-focused health information may be

related to their patients’ health literacy.


1. Introduction

Health information-seeking behaviour has been identified as a key component of patient

behaviour which assists in the psychosocial adjustment to illness [1]. Patients seek health

information to manage their ongoing health, as well as to manage chronic disease [2].

Previous health information-seeking behaviour studies have focused on why patients engage

in this behaviour, typically as a coping mechanism [1], from where they get their health

information [3] and the kind of information they find [2, 4]. These studies often presume a

level of patient health literacy sufficient for the patient to successfully navigate a range of

activities, from taking medications safely, to discussing their health concerns with health

professionals [5]. Further, an individual’s personal social network has been recognized as an

important source of health information [3, 6] providing them with the support needed to

manage a chronic illness, such as arthritis.

Current chronic disease management models assume that the patient has a level of

health literacy sufficient to understand the factors that may aggravate symptoms and the types

of treatments that are effective in managing symptoms [7]. It is noteable also that patients

with low health literacy have been shown to have little understanding of the medications they

are taking [8], which exacerbates the risk of poor health outcomes related to incorrect use of

medications [9]. Further, an individual’s health literacy may affect that individual’s ability

and desire to seek out health information [4, 10] and individuals with low health literacy are

less likely to engage with written medicine information [10]. There are very few studies

which have examined the impact of health literacy on arthritis medication management [5],

so this is an appropriate area of research designed to better inform arthritis-focused patient

management interventions.

Patients who engage in health information-seeking behaviour tend to use sources of


information that require active engagement, such as exposure to mass media (newspapers,

television), the internet and web based social networks [3]. Most health information-seeking

behaviour literature examines this behaviour generally and not specifically in arthritis

patients. Informal social networks made up of family or friends [11] also provide a range of

support, including informational support [12]. The sharing of health information through

interpersonal communication has been found to be more prevalent among those with more

complex informal social networks [13].

The aim of this paper is to undertake a pilot study using a constructivist paradigm [14]

to investigate how arthritis patients’ health literacy affected their engagement in arthritis-

focused health information-seeking behaviour and how it directed their choice of health

information source(s), importantly including their informal social network.

2. Method

The pilot study was exploratory, with a qualitative design using one-on-one semi-

structured interviews. A purposive selection strategy was utilized, targeting a convenience

sample of community-dwelling adults taking medication prescribed by a health professional

for the management of their arthritis and arthritic pain. Culturally and Linguistically Diverse

(CALD) participants who could speak and understand English were also included in the study

to maximize variance in health literacy and the range of experiences in managing chronic

disease. Community groups in the Illawarra Region (New South Wales (NSW), Australia,)

which catered specifically to people with arthritis or to the elderly taking medication for

arthritis, were targeted as part of the recruitment strategy. These community groups involved

were the Illawarra Branch of the NSW Arthritis Foundation, the University of Wollongong

Graduate School of Medicine patient volunteers program and the South-Eastern Sydney

Illawarra Area Health Service Multicultural Health Outpatient Services.


Following ethics approval by the University of Wollongong’s Human Research Ethics

Committee, the primary author attended a scheduled meeting for each of the community

groups described above (at their usual premises), where she informed approximately 80

group members, in total, about the study at large and provided flyers with contact details for

interested participants. These interested participants, then contacted the researcher who

provided them with a participant information sheet and a participant consent form which was

signed prior to the interview taking place at their usual community group meeting premises.

Data Collection

The participants completed a brief questionnaire (for demographic data) and an audit of their

current medications to ensure that they were taking medications for arthritis pain. A one-on-

one semi-structured 30-60 minute interview then ensued (at their usual premises) which was

recorded on digital audio equipment to allow for verbatim analysis of the discussion. The

semi-structured interview questions were designed to elicit the participants’ experience in

managing their arthritis medications and to describe which of these medications they felt

were most effective in controlling their pain. The interview questions also asked the

participants to comment on whether or not they discussed their pain medications with others,

what they understood about their arthritis and where they found information about their

arthritis and arthritis pain medication.

Data Analysis

Digital audio recordings were transcribed and thematic analysis was conducted by the

primary author utilising qualitative analysis software (N*Vivo 8). Major themes and sub-

themes were inductively drawn from participant responses. The coding of participant


responses was checked by an independent researcher. For the purposes of this article,

participant responses were categorized into a de facto measure of health literacy and to

describe the extent and make-up of the participant’s social networks, as described in the next

two sections.

2.1 Measurement of Health Literacy

Health literacy was estimated and classified using a method adapted from Field, Ziebland,

McPherson and Lehman’s [8] qualitative study into heart failure patients’ understanding of

medication (see Table 1). The health literacy analysis of the verbatim transcripts of the one-

on-one semi-structured interviews was independently conducted by two qualitative

researchers who achieved a high level of inter-rater reliability (80% agreement). The

classification of health literacy (adapted from Field, Ziebland, McPherson and Lehman’s [8])

was based upon the participants’ understanding of arthritis and its management, as well as

emergent themes from the verbatim transcripts. Each respondent was assigned to one of these

three levels by the primary author and another independent qualitative researcher (see Table

1). The level of engagement in arthritis-focused health information-seeking behaviour at

each health literacy level was also examined from the verbatim interview transcripts.

Table 1 – Classification of health literacy (adapted from Field, Ziebland, McPherson & Lehman [8])

Health Literacy Level Classification Criteria

Level 1 – low health literacy Little or no understanding of health information, use of non-technical

language, corresponding to Field et al.’s ‘Doing what I’m told’- e.g.

participants who did not fully understand their arthritis or their arthritis

pain medication and were not interested in further treatment details.

Level 2 - intermediate health literacy Some understanding of health information, use of a mix of technical and

non-technical language, corresponding to Field et al.’s ‘Leaving it up to

your GP’- e.g. participants who described good relations with their GP

and maintained that they received enough information about their

arthritis and arthritis pain medication for their needs.

Level 3 - high health literacy Good to excellent understanding of health information, use of

appropriate technical language, corresponding to Field et al.’s

‘Candidates for concordance’ - e.g. participants who had a good to

excellent level of understanding about their arthritis and arthritis pain


medication and often sourced more information about their

condition and its treatment.

2.2 Measurement of Social Network

Analysis of the transcribed interviews was used to determine the extent of participants' social

networks, with participant responses categorized into three main themes – who was providing

the support (formal, informal or other), the kind of support (informational, instrumental,

appraisal, emotional) and the perceived quality of the support (positive or negative). Sources

of informational support were examined and linked to each health literacy category to

provide a de facto measure of health information sources.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Results

Twenty-one participants volunteered to take part in the study however one participant was

excluded for not fitting the selection criteria as she did not have arthritis. Figure 1 indicates

that more females than males participated in the study and Table 2 shows that the majority of

the participants were aged 75 years of age or less and from a CALD background, with equal

numbers of participants being educated up to and below year 10, and above year 10. The

CALD background participants were post-World War II emigrants from Central Europe

(Germany n=1), the Mediterranean (Italy n=4; Greece n=2) and a Balkan state (Macedonia



Figure 1- Number of male and female participants at each level of health literacy

Table 2: Number of participants at each level of health literacy, their age, cultural

background and education level

Demographic Estimated Level of Health Literacy Total

Low Intermediate High


75 years 4 5 5 14 (70%)

> 75 years 5 0 1 6 (30%)

Cultural background

English-speaking 1 2 6 9 (45%)

CALD 8 3 0 11 (55%)

Education level

year 10 7 3 0 10 (50%)

> year 10 2 2 6 10 (50%)

Total 9 (45%) 5 (25%) 6 (30%) 20 (100%)












Low Intermediate High



er o

f p





Estimated level of health literacy




3.1.1 Estimated Health Literacy Classifications

As shown in Table 2, just under half of the participants were estimated as demonstrating low

health literacy. The remaining participants were almost evenly distributed between the

intermediate and high categories of health literacy. The majority of those estimated as Level

1 (low) and level 2 (intermediate) health literacy were from a CALD backgrounds, whereas

the majority of the English speaking background participants were estimated as Level 3

(high) health literacy. Similarly, the majority of participants who had been educated to year

10 and below were more likely to be represented in Level 1 health literacy and included many

of the CALD participants.

3.1.2 Estimated Health Literacy and Level of Engagement in Health Information-Seeking


Participants who were estimated as Level 1 (low) health literacy appeared to have little or no

awareness or understanding of health information regarding their arthritis and/or pain

medications. Noteably, they showed little or no engagement in arthritis-focused health

information-seeking behaviour, as demonstrated by the following comments:

Just as long as they [ease my pain], that’s sufficient (Participant 4, female, ES background)

I am not questioning what the doctor, he is the expert, he is prescribing it for me. (Participant 2, male,

CALD background)


Participants who were estimated as Level 2 (intermediate) health literacy appeared to

understand the role pain medications played in the broader management of their arthritic pain

and demonstrated some engagement in arthritis-focused health information-seeking

behaviour. This was demonstrated by participants’ awareness of health information, such as

consumer medicine information, as evidenced by a comment such as:

I’m sort of fairly strict on that, you know, ...and I’ll sort of double check if it’s not always on the packet

when I come from the chemist...because sometimes you have to take it with food, sometimes you don’t,

you have to take it half an hour before food (Participant 3, female, ES background)

Participants estimated as Level 3 (high) health literacy demonstrated more

engagement with arthritis-focused health information-seeking behaviour. This was reflected

by the higher level of technical detail used in these participants’ conversations, such as this

participant’s response, in answer to a question about his understanding of his cervical


Oh, it’s the narrowing of the channel in the top of my spine, which I understand to be caused by

arthritis, osteoarthritis, the buildup of calcium in the bone, gradually narrowing the channel which

affects my nervous system and is affecting my nervous system (Participant 12, male, ES background)

3.1.3 Sources of Health Information through Social Networks

The quality and complexity of information sources the participants engaged with appeared to

be influenced by the participants’ estimated level of health literacy. Furthermore, there

appeared to be some differences in regard to the flow of health information within informal


social networks.

While participants estimated as low health literacy did not report seeking health

information outside their formal doctor/patient relationship, those estimated as intermediate

health literacy were more likely to engage in general health information broadcast through

television, radio or newspapers. Some participants with estimated intermediate health

literacy also reported that they looked for health information regarding their arthritis and its

management on the internet, either through a general search or to follow-up programs they

had heard on the radio or television.

Those estimated as high health literacy were more likely to engage in specialized

medical information, such as medical journals, health support organization reports or their

own medical records (such as x-ray reports), as well as consumer medicine information, as

evidenced by this comment:

I belong to the Arthritis Foundation and I get their quarterly magazines (Participant 17, female, ES


When it came to exchanging arthritis-focused health information within their informal

social networks, the flow of information discussed by study participants also appeared to be

linked to their estimated level of health literacy. Some participants from CALD backgrounds

reported instances of seeking information about pain medications and supplements from

friends in their informal social networks, such as:

I take this one because some of my friends say they good (Participant 29, female, CALD background)

Those who discussed being recipients of advice from members of their informal social


network tended to be in the estimated low and intermediate health literacy categories.

Whereas participants who stated that they gave advice to others in their informal social

network tended to be in the estimated high health literacy category.

3.2 Discussion

The results of this study suggest that an individual’s level of engagement with arthritis-

focused health information-seeking behaviour is mediated by their level of health literacy and

that they have access to a range of sources of information available through their informal

social networks.

Those respondents who had been estimated to have high health literacy demonstrated

the most engagement in arthritis-focused health information-seeking behaviour and appeared

to inquire more about their arthritis and their pain medications. They reported seeking

information from a variety of sources, mainly specialist medical texts (if the participant had

access to them), health support organizations and specialist sites on the internet. Patients

such as these meet the criteria for the concordance effect that is the desired outcome of health

literacy initiatives [8, 15-17], displaying characteristics of the informed activated patient

exemplar of the Chronic Care Model [7]. One study examining the health attitudes,

cognitions and behaviours of individuals seeking health information found that health-

oriented individuals utilized active communication channels, which required participant

involvement in the critical analysis of health information [3]. Certainly, participants in this

study with estimated high health literacy reported levels of personal and/or professional

interest in health. This would imply that their enhanced ability to acquire and comprehend

sources of quality arthritis health information facilitated their management of medications for

their arthritis.


In contrast, participants demonstrating estimated low health literacy described little or

no engagement in arthritis-focused health information-seeking behaviour, accepting only the

information received directly from a health professional. These participants did not describe

seeking information from any other source and appeared to have fewer sources of

informational support through their social network. A study into health information-seeking

behaviour among social isolates found that those with limited social networks were less likely

to seek information about their health [18]. However, it may be that those with low health

literacy in this study do not have the capacity to seek information from other sources due to

lower levels of education and, in the case of this study’s sample, language differences, both

barriers to health information sharing which have been identified in CALD populations in the

United States [13]. The complexity of language in written and spoken arthritis health

information [5], over and above the barriers of everyday written and spoken language, may

also explain some of these results.

This study also suggests that the direction of the flow of health information within an

individual’s informal social network is affected by that individual’s health literacy.

Participants in this study who exhibited estimated high health literacy reported giving advice

to others in their social network. Participants estimated as demonstrating intermediate and

low health literacy reported receiving advice from those in their social network who had more

understanding of health issues. This is consistent with another Australian study [19] which

also found that those with high health literacy considered themselves sources of health

information for those in their social network and that those with low health literacy looked to

others in their informal social network for health information. More research into the flow of

health information within social networks is necessary to confirm these exploratory findings.

Given that the majority of participants in this study who demonstrated estimated low


health literacy were from CALD backgrounds, these results provide some insight into how

patients with CALD backgrounds engage with health information. The value to patients with

low health literacy of having access to those more confident in negotiating the health system

is well-established [13, 18, 20]. As there is limited formal evidence about this form of social

support in CALD populations in Australia [21] more research into the characteristics of

CALD populations’ health information seeking behaviour is required.

The results of this study offer an insight into how the level of health literacy of

patients managing their arthritis pain medication can influence their choice of health

information sources. The study is important because if patients with a chronic illness, such as

arthritis, are relying upon inadequate or inappropriate sources of health information, for

example from their informal social networks, they may be inadvertently misunderstanding

their therapeutic regimen, which could then further exacerbate poor health outcomes and

adverse drug events[9]. Health professionals need to be mindful that patients with a chronic

illness, especially those with low health literacy, may not come to them to seek clarification

about the health information given to them [19]. They also need to be especially mindful

when treating patients from CALD backgrounds that they may not ask important questions

about their care and/or therapeutic regimen because of their language limitations. In addition,

based on the findings from this study, health professionals need to be aware that patients with

high levels of health literacy are likely to seek further health information from other sources,

which they are likely to share. Health professionals should therefore direct these patients to

suitable and reputable health information resources to ensure that they are accessing and

sharing good quality health information.



The small number of particiapnts in our exploratory qualitative study limits the

generalisations we can make about the role of health literacy and social netwworks in arthritis

patients’ health informaiton seeking behaviour and prevents us from making any causal

attributions. The very small proportion of males in the study precludes us from making any

specific observations about similarities or differences between genders and our study design

assumed participants had some competent levels in speaking English. Further, the limited

geographic spread of participants meant that many participants used the same health

professionals (GPs or specialist rheumatologists) or belonged to the same community-based

organizations. This may account for a social or cultural bias towards some behaviours or

attitudes which might have influenced participant responses. The results of this study suggest

that the research is worthy of further inquiry and needs to be validated in a larger study.

4. Conclusion

Based on the results of this exploratory study, it appears that patients living with arthritis who

have limited literacy skills and limited knowledge about their arthritis/arthritis pain

medications perceive themselves to be managing their disease and medications according to

what the doctor has prescribed. Importantly, however, it seems as though they are more likely

to ask questions about their chronic condition and its treatment from their informal social

networks rather than from their doctors. Further, this study highlights that patients with high

literacy skills are more inclined to engage in arthritis-focused health information seeking

behaviour beyond that provided by their doctors. These patients are also more likely to share

this information and their knowledge among their informal social networks. Overall,

therefore, even though much larger studies are required to confirm these findings, all health

professionals should endeavour to encourage their patients with limited literacy skills, in


particular those from CALD backgrounds, to ask questions to ensure that they are managing

their chronic disease and pain medication safely and effectively. Health professionals should

also ensure that their well educated patients with high health literacy are sourcing information

about their chronic disease and its management from good quality, reputable sources,

especially since it appears that many of them are likely to share their knowledge and

understanding among others in their informal social networks.

The results of this study have been presented in a Poster Presentation at the Australian

Disease Management Association’s 7th

Annual National Conference, Canberra, August 2011;

and the 10th

National Emerging Researchers in Ageing Conference, Sydney, November 2011.

Acknowledgement: The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of the Multicultural

Health Team of the South-Eastern Sydney Illawarra Area Health Service for support in

recruiting CALD participants to this study. We also wish to acknowledge Dr Kathryn

Weston, Dr Warren Rich and John Mullan for their assistance in the qualitative data analysis

and the proof reading of this re-submission.



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