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The Role of Octopamine and Tyramine in the Adult Female ......Chapter 2: Octopamine and tyramine...

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The Role of Octopamine and Tyramine in the Adult Female Reproductive System of Rhodnius prolixus by Sam Hana A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Cell and Systems Biology University of Toronto © Copyright by Sam Hana 2017
  • The Role of Octopamine and Tyramine in the Adult

    Female Reproductive System of Rhodnius prolixus


    Sam Hana

    A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements

    for the degree of Master of Science

    Cell and Systems Biology

    University of Toronto

    © Copyright by Sam Hana 2017

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    The Role of Octopamine and Tyramine in the Adult

    Female Reproductive System of Rhodnius prolixus

    Sam Hana

    Master of Science

    Cell and Systems Biology

    University of Toronto



    Octopamine and tyramine are neuroactive chemicals involved in many physiological

    processes acting as neurotransmitters, neuromodulators and neurohormones. Octopamine and

    tyramine modulate reproduction in insects. In Rhodnius prolixus, octopamine decreased the

    amplitude and reduced the RhoprFIRFa-induced oviduct contraction in a dose-dependent manner,

    whereas tyramine only reduced the RhoprFIRFa-induced contractions. Also, octopamine and

    tyramine reduced the frequency and abolished bursal contractions at higher concentrations.

    Octopamine also increased the levels of cAMP in the oviducts, an effect blocked by phentolamine.

    Dibutyryl cAMP mimicked the effects of octopamine at the bursa, suggesting that octopamine may

    act by an Octβ-receptor, a known GPCR. The cDNA sequences of RhoprOctβ2-R and RhoprTyr1-

    R have been cloned and characterized; the receptor transcripts are expressed in all female

    reproductive tissues. Injection of octopamine and tyramine into mated and fed adult females

    increased oogenesis. Overall, octopamine and tyramine modulate the female reproductive tissues

    leading to successful laying of eggs.

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    I would like to first offer my deepest thanks to my mentor, Dr. Angela Lange. Her excellent

    guidance and supervision were instrumental in my success. She motivated and inspired me to do

    my best throughout this journey. I am fortunate to graduate under your supervision knowing that

    I was taught from the best.

    I want to acknowledge and thank my committee, Dr. Ian Orchard and Dr. Adriano Senatore for

    their input in my research. Dr. Senatore, thank you very much for your helpful tips and feedback

    early on in my degree. Dr. Ian Orchard, I would like to thank you for reading, editing, and

    providing feedback on the research articles and this thesis.

    To all members of the Lange lab, I want to thank you for being part of this journey. I especially

    want to acknowledge those that taught, guided and supported me in my research. You have been

    great colleagues and I am glad to have known you all. We have created wonderful memories.

    And lastly, there was no limit to the amount of love and support my family has given me. Thank

    you father and mother for your sacrifices every day, I am blessed to have you. Thank you to my

    brothers for the love and support throughout this journey. Thank you God for the countless


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    Table of Contents

    Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... ii

    Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................... ii

    Organization of the Thesis ......................................................................................................... vii

    List of Figures and Supplementary Tables .............................................................................. viii

    List of Abbreviation .......................................................................................................................x

    Chapter 1: General Introduction .................................................................................................1

    Neuroactive chemicals .....................................................................................................................1

    Biogenic amines ...............................................................................................................................1

    Octopamine ......................................................................................................................................2

    Tyramine ..........................................................................................................................................3

    Rhodnius prolixus: a vector of Chagas disease ................................................................................7

    The female reproductive system ......................................................................................................8

    Anatomy ...........................................................................................................................................8

    Central nervous system innervation to the reproductive system ...................................................12

    Reproductive processes ..................................................................................................................12

    Oogenesis ...........................................................................................................................12

    Ovulation ............................................................................................................................13

    Fertilization and oviposition ..............................................................................................13

    Neuroactive chemicals control reproduction in females ................................................................14


    Thesis objective .............................................................................................................................16

  • v

    References ......................................................................................................................................18

    Chapter 2: Octopamine and tyramine regulate the activity of reproductive visceral

    muscles in the adult female blood-feeding bug, Rhodnius prolixus. ...................................23

    Abstract ..........................................................................................................................................24

    Introduction ....................................................................................................................................25

    Materials and Methods ...................................................................................................................26

    Results ............................................................................................................................................29

    Discussion ......................................................................................................................................44

    References ......................................................................................................................................47

    Chapter 3: Cloning and functional characterization of Octβ2-Receptor and Tyr1-

    Receptor in the Chagas disease vector, Rhodnius prolixus. .................................................50

    Abstract ..........................................................................................................................................51

    Introduction ....................................................................................................................................52

    Materials and Methods ...................................................................................................................56

    Results ............................................................................................................................................59

    Discussion ......................................................................................................................................79

    References ......................................................................................................................................84

    Supplementary Material .................................................................................................................90

    Chapter 4: Octopamine and tyramine induce egg-laying in Rhodnius prolixus. ...................93

    Abstract ..........................................................................................................................................94

    Introduction ....................................................................................................................................95

    Materials and Methods ...................................................................................................................97

    Results ..........................................................................................................................................101

  • vi

    Discussion ....................................................................................................................................106

    References ....................................................................................................................................108

    Chapter 5: General Discussion .................................................................................................111

    The role of octopamine and tyramine in the reproductive system ...............................................111

    Reproductive visceral muscle ......................................................................................................112

    ▪ Oviducts ...........................................................................................................................112

    ▪ Bursa ................................................................................................................................114

    Reproductive processes ................................................................................................................117

    ▪ Direct ................................................................................................................................117

    ▪ Indirect .............................................................................................................................117

    Summary ......................................................................................................................................121

    Future directions ..........................................................................................................................122

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    Organization of the Thesis

    The thesis is broken into 5 chapters. Chapter 1 provides a general introduction for the thesis.

    Chapter 2 is organized as a research journal article and it focuses on octopamine and tyramine

    regulation of reproductive visceral muscles. Chapter 2 has been published in the Journal of

    Experimental Biology (Hana and Lange, 2017). Chapter 3 focuses on RhoprOctβ2-R and

    RhoprTyr1-R cDNA receptor cloning, functional characterization and expression in the

    reproductive system. Chapter 3 is also organized as a research article that has been submitted

    for publication in Frontiers in Physiology. Chapter 4 is a short report on the effects of injected

    octopamine and tyramine on egg-laying. Chapter 5 is for general discussion and connects all the


  • viii

    List of Figures and Supplementary Tables

    Chapter 1: General Introduction

    Figure 1. The biosynthetic pathway of octopamine and tyramine ..................................................4

    Figure 2. The anatomical structures of the adult female reproductive system .............................10

    Chapter 2: Octopamine and tyramine regulate the activity of reproductive visceral

    muscles in the adult female blood-feeding bug, Rhodnius prolixus

    Figure 1. Octopamine and tyramine on rhythmic contractions of the oviducts............................32

    Figure 2. Octopamine and tyramine on RhoprFIRFa-induced contractions……………….........34

    Figure 3. Octopamine and tyramine on rhythmic contractions of the bursa……………….........36

    Figure 4. Phentolamine inhibits octopamine in the lateral oviducts…………………..…...........38

    Figure 5. Phentolamine blocks octopamine in the bursa…………………………..………........40

    Figure 6. Yohimbine fails to block tyramine in the bursa…………………………..……..........42

    Chapter 3: Cloning and functional characterization of Octβ2-Receptor and Tyr1-Receptor

    in the Chagas disease vector, Rhodnius prolixus.

    Figure 1. Classification of octopamine and tyramine receptors....................................................56

    Figure 2. RhoprOctβ2-R cDNA sequence ………………………………..………..……...........64

    Figure 3. RhoprTyr1-R cDNA sequence ……………………………………………..…...........66

    Figure 4. Phylogenetic tree of insect octopamine and tyramine receptors …………...…….......68

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    Figure 5. Multiple sequence alignment of insect Octβ2-Rs …………………………..…….......70

    Figure 6. Multiple sequence alignment of insect Tyr1-Rs …………………………...……........72

    Figure 7. Functional characterization of R. prolixus Octβ2 receptor……………………..……..74

    Figure 8. Functional characterization of R. prolixus Tyr1 receptor………………………..……76

    Figure 9. Spatial expression of RhoprOctβ2-R and RhoprTyr1-R. ……………………...……..78

    Table S1. Primers for the amplification of the receptor fragments ……………….....…..…..….91

    Table S2. Primers for the amplification of 3’ region of the receptors…………………….....….91

    Table S3. Primers for the amplification of 5’ region of the receptors ……………...……...…...92

    Table S4. Primers used for the mammalian expression vector preparation ……………....……92

    Table S5. Primers used for RT-qPCR analysis of receptor transcripts………………....….……93

    Chapter 4: Octopamine and tyramine induce egg-laying in Rhodnius prolixus

    Figure 1. The protocol for the egg-laying assay……………………………………………….101

    Figure 2. The result of octopamine injection on the number of eggslaid…………….………..103

    Figure 3. The effect of tyramine injection on the number of eggs laid………………...………105

    Chapter 5: General Discussion

    Figure 1. Model showing the effects of octopamine on the oviducts and the bursa…………...116

    Figure 2. Model for the possible effects of octopamine and tyramine on egg production…….120

  • x

    List of Abbreviation

    ANOVA analysis of variance

    AST Allatostatin

    BLAST basic local alignment search tool

    bp base pairs

    CA corpora allatum

    Ca2+ calcium

    cAMP 3’-5’-cyclic adenosine monophosphate

    CC corpus cardiacum

    cDNA complementary deoxyribonucleic acid

    CNS central nervous system

    EC50 half maximal activation concentration

    FLPs FMRFamide-like peptides

    GDP guanosine diphosphate

    GPCR G-protein coupled receptor

    GTP guanosine triphosphate

    HEK293/CNG human embryonic kidney cells expressing cyclic nucleotide-gated ion


    IP3 inositol triphosphate

    JH juvenile hormone

    mNSCs median neurosecretory cells

    mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid

    MS Myosuppressin

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    MTGM mesothoracic ganglionic mass

    NPF Long neuropeptide F

    ORF open reading frame

    PBS phosphate-buffered saline

    PRO prothoracic ganglion

    RT-qPCR quantitative reverse transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction

    RACE rapid amplification of cDNA ends

    SEM standard error of the mean

    SOG suboesophageal ganglion

    TM transmembrane domain


    untranslated region

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    Chapter 1: General Introduction

    Neuroactive chemicals

    Insects display a wide range of behaviours important for maintaining survival and

    ultimately reproductive success. Insects utilize the nervous system, composed of the brain and the

    ventral nerve cord, to monitor external environmental cues and coordinate internal processes. This

    complex coordination is enabled by a large network of functionally diverse neurons and supporting

    cells. Different neuroactive chemicals are utilized by the nervous system to transmit signals from

    neuron to neuron and neuron to target tissues, thereby allowing the flow of information within the

    organism. These neuroactive chemicals are classified as neurotransmitters, neurohormones and

    neuromodulators (Klowden, 2013). Neurotransmitters are specifically released into the synaptic

    cleft causing changes in the post-synaptic membrane potential. Glutamate is known as the classic

    excitatory neurotransmitter at neuromuscular junctions in insects (Jan and Jan, 1976). The effect(s)

    of neurotransmitters are transient due to re-uptake, enzymatic degradation and diffusion in the

    synaptic gap. Neurohormones, synthesized by neurosecretory cells, are released into the

    hemolymph and function as circulating hormones. Neurohormones modulate many peripheral

    tissues and have longer-lasting effects. For example, adipokinetic hormone released from the

    corpus cardiacum regulates energy levels in insects (Orchard and Lange, 1983). Lastly,

    neuromodulators, released by neurons, modify the transmission in other synapses and/or modify

    activity at target tissues. Neuromodulators can affect the excitability of post-synaptic membranes

    and modulate the release of neurotransmitters from the pre-synaptic neurons. For example, at high

    concentrations, serotonin can enhance the excitatory responses evoked by electrical stimulation of

    the antennal nerves, whereas at low concentrations, serotonin reduces theses responses in Manduca

    sexta (Kloppenburg and Hildebrand, 1995).

    Biogenic amines

    Biogenic amines are a class of organic neuroactive chemicals, mostly obtained from amino

    acids and characterized by having low molecular weights and amine functional group(s). In insects,

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    octopamine, tyramine, serotonin (5-HT), dopamine and histamine are examples of the most

    common and widely studied biogenic amines. Biogenic amines can be utilized by the nervous

    system for the transmission of quick, private and short-lasting messages (Orchard et al., 2001).

    Biogenic amines are mainly distributed in the central nervous system (CNS), but are also found in

    projections to peripheral tissues suggesting their diverse physiological roles in insects (Blenau and

    Thamm, 2011; Monastirioti, 1999; Nässel, 1999; Nässel and Elekes, 1992; Roeder, 2005). They

    can also act as neurohormones or neuromodulators. Serotonin is released into the hemolymph

    during feeding in Rhodnius prolixus to initiate diuresis by stimulating rapid tubule secretion

    (Maddrell et al., 1991). In Periplaneta americana, dopamine stimulates the release of the fluid

    component of saliva and serotonin stimulates the release of the proteinaceous components of saliva

    (Just and Walz, 1996). Histamine, in Musca domestica and Calliphora erythrocephala, is a

    neurotransmitter involved in olfaction as its been shown to be released from photoreceptor cells

    (Hardie, 1987). These are just some examples of the physiological effects of these biogenic amines.


    Octopamine was discovered in the salivary gland of the octopus, Octopus vulgaris

    (Erspamer, 1948). Octopamine is a versatile neuroactive chemical derived from the hydroxylation

    of tyramine by tyramine β-hydroxylase (Fig. 1). There is an immense amount of data that confirms

    that octopamine acts as a neurotransmitter, neuromodulator and a neurohormone in insects, hence

    the its versatility (Orchard, 1982). Octopamine is structurally and functionally similar to

    noradrenaline of vertebrates; octopamine is the “adrenergic” of insects (Roeder, 1999; Roeder,

    2005). In the CNS, octopamine’s content is 3-7 times higher than tyramine (Lange, 2009). In the

    adult D. melanogaster, octopamine is found throughout the CNS with processes innervating

    regions such as the ventral nerve cord, subesophageal ganglia, protocerebrum, central complex,

    mushroom bodies and the optic lobe (Busch et al., 2009). Multiple groups of neurons containing

    octopamine have been characterized, like the ventral median paired (VPM), ventral unpaired

    median (VUM) and dorsal unpaired median neurons (DUM) (Busch et al., 2009). In Schistocerca

    gregaria and P. americana, octopamine is found in the ganglia of the ventral nerve cord and is

    also found in the optic lopes (Evans, 1978). In both species, octopamine was also found to be

    associated with the corpora cardiaca (Evans, 1978). Octopamine is involved in a plethora of

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    physiological processes thereby influencing communication, signaling and behaviour in insects.

    To briefly state a few roles, octopamine is important in aggression, reproduction, learning and

    memory (Farooqui, 2012; Ohta and Ozoe, 2014; Roeder, 1999; Roeder, 2005).


    Tyramine was not originally thought be being a neurotransmitter but merely thought to be

    the metabolic precursor of octopamine; however, tyramine has been established as an independent

    bioactive chemical in insects synthesized via the decarboxylation of the amino acid tyrosine

    (Lange, 2009) (Fig. 1). In Drosophila melanogaster, tyrosine decarboxylase 2 is responsible for

    synthesizing tyramine in neuronal cells, whereas tyrosine decarboxylase 1 synthesizes non-

    neuronal tyramine in peripheral tissues (Cole et al., 2005). The distribution of tyramine specific

    neurons, those that do not also contain octopamine, has been described in insects. In S. gregaria,

    immunoreactive tyramine neurons are found in the medulla, the protocerebral bridge, the antennal

    lobes, subesophageal ganglion and the neuropile (Homberg et al., 2013; Kononenko et al., 2009).

    In D. melanogaster larva, tyramine-specific neurons are found in the brain, thoracic ganglia and

    abdominal ganglia (Monastirioti et al., 1995). Tyramine-containing neurons that also contain

    octopamine, have been found in the suboesophageal ganglia and thoracico-abdominal ganglia

    (Nagaya et al., 2002). These neurons are characterized as ventral unpaired medial neurons (VUM)

    and the tyramine specific pairs of dorsal lateral neurons in the abdominal ganglia (Nagaya et al.,

    2002). VUM and DUM neurons, which also contain octopamine, innervate skeletal muscles and

    other peripheral target tissues (Lange, 2009). Physiologically, tyramine along with its metabolic

    successor, octopamine, have been shown to have similar effects in invertebrates (Roeder, 1999;

    Roeder, 2005); however, tyramine has been reported to exhibit its own physiological actions

    independent of octopamine. This was confirmed by the discovery of tyramine specific receptors.

    For example, elevation of tyramine attenuates locomotion in D. melanogaster larva lacking

    octopamine and octopamine feeding rescues locomotion in mutant flies (Saraswati et al., 2004).

    Tyramine has been shown to be involved in the regulation of many physiological processes, such

    as reproduction, aggression, feeding and locomotion (see Ohta and Ozoe, 2014).

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    Figure 1. The biosynthetic pathway for the synthesis of octopamine and tyramine. Tyramine is

    produced by the decarboxylation of tyrosine, while octopamine is produced by the hydroxylation

    of octopamine. Figure obtained from (Lange, 2009)

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    G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)

    G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), also known as seven-transmembrane domain

    receptors (7TMs), are a large family of receptor proteins that bind ligands extracellularly leading

    to receptor activation and thereby eliciting intracellular signal transduction (Kristiansen, 2004).

    GPCRs are coupled to specific G-proteins which are an integral component in initiating signal

    transduction pathways. GPCR ligands include biogenic amines, neuropeptides, glycoproteins,

    photons, taste molecules, odorants, hormones + pheromones and odorants (Kristiansen, 2004). All

    GPCRs are characterized by having an extracellular N-terminus, 7TMs creating three extracellular

    loops along with three intracellular loops and an intracellular C-terminus. The N-terminus is

    glycosylated, and this is critical for cell surface expression (Kristiansen, 2004). The 7TM domains,

    7 α-helices, span the plasma membrane usually creating a pocket in which ligands interact with

    the side chain amino acids (Kristiansen, 2004). The extracellular loops can also participate in

    ligand interaction and/or binding (Kristiansen, 2004). The cytosolic loops contain serine and

    threonine residues which are potential phosphorylation sites by protein kinases. Protein kinases

    serve as a method of GPCR desensitization (Kristiansen, 2004). The C-terminus contains cysteine

    residues which serve as a site for palmitoylation. Palmitoylation anchors the C-terminus to the

    cytosolic plasma membrane. Palmitoylation allows for normal processing of the receptor and

    accessibility of the C-terminus to kinases and regulatory proteins (Kristiansen, 2004). G-proteins

    are divided into two main classes, heterotrimeric G-proteins and small cytoplasmic G-proteins.

    Heterotrimeric G-protein complexes are composed of α, β and γ subunits. G-proteins are closely

    associated with GPCRs at the amphiphatic α-helices of TM5 and TM6 (Kristiansen, 2004). They

    are also believed to interact with the intracellular loops (ICL2 and ICL3) and the C-terminus

    (Kristiansen, 2004).

    The binding of a ligand to the GPCR causes receptor activation and conformational change

    leading to an increased affinity for the G-protein (Kristiansen, 2004). This causes the release of

    guanosine diphosphate (GDP) from the α subunit and the binding of guanosine triphosphate (GTP)

    (Kristiansen, 2004). The α subunit, bound to GTP, dissociates from the βγ complex and leads to

    the activation of target proteins, initiating signaling cascades (Kristiansen, 2004). The activated

    GPCR lasts until GTP in α subunit is hydrolyzed to GDP and the heterotrimeric complex reforms

    (Kristiansen, 2004). There are many classes of Gα subunits. Different subunit lead to different

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    activation or inhibition of downstream effectors (Ellis, 2004). Gαs subunit is known to activate

    adenylate cyclase and lead to cAMP elevation, whereas, Gαi/Gαo inhibits adenylate cyclase (Ellis,


    There are six different subfamilies of GPCRs. Biogenic amines belong to the rhodopsin-

    like (Class A) subfamily of GPCRs. It is the largest family of GPCRs and members of this family

    are characterized by having DRY motif at the end of TM3, and NPxxY domain in TM7 (Rovati

    et al., 2007; White et al., 2012). These residues are important for protein stabilization and/or G-

    protein activation. Biogenic amines noncovalently bind to the upper part of the 7TM domains. The

    binding of these small neuroactive chemicals lies deep between TM3, TM4, TM5, TM6 and TM7

    (Kristiansen, 2004). Many insect biogenic amines receptors have been characterized and

    functionally analyzed. A focus on octopamine and tyramine receptors is presented in Chapter 3.

    The function of these receptors is integral in all animals. Therefore, these GPCRs are potential

    targets of many insecticides.

    Rhodnius prolixus: a vector of Chagas disease

    Rhodnius prolixus, generally known as one of many kissing bugs, is a blood-feeding

    hemipteran mainly found in South and Central America (Bern et al., 2011). R. prolixus undergoes

    incomplete metamorphosis developing through five nymphal instars and finally molting into a

    sexually capable adult stage (Nunes-da-fonseca et al., 2017). A blood meal is required for every

    incomplete metamorphosis; those that do not obtain a blood meal attenuate development and

    remain in the nymphal stage. R. prolixus typically feed on mammalian, bird, marsupial and

    reptilian blood (Davey, 2007). There are two known populations of R. prolixus, sylvan and

    domestic (Davey, 2007). Sylvan populations occur among the leaves of palm trees, pteridophytes,

    and their hosts’ burrows and nests (Davey, 2007). Domestic R. prolixus are in close association

    with human habitats and living spaces. They are found in crevices, thatched roofs and small damp

    dark spaces (Davey, 2007). R. prolixus are resilient insects, and nymphal instar stages have been

    observed to survive for several months without a blood meal in colonies grown and maintained in

    the laboratory (WHO, 2002).

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    R. prolixus are nocturnal, they sense CO2 levels and are attracted to the mouth and eye

    regions of the human host (CDC, 2013). Feeding behaviour is initiated with the insertion of the

    proboscis into the host. A cocktail of chemicals are injected into the host via the proboscis to

    prevent detection, blood coagulation and vasoconstriction (WHO, 2002). Fifth-instar R. prolixus

    have been observed to feed for 20 minutes thereby consuming 10 times their unfed body mass

    (Orchard, 2006). Taking such a massive blood meal causes a major physiological disturbance in

    R. prolixus. While feeding, diuresis is initiated for the expulsion of excess water and salts to

    compensate for the large blood meal (Orchard, 2006). Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan carried in

    the gut of Rhodnius prolixus, is also expelled in the process of diuresis (Garcia et al., 2007). T.

    cruzi is introduced into the host by mucosal membrane or through the blood stream by scratching

    of the punctured area (WHO, 2002).

    T. cruzi is known to cause Chagas disease which infects 6 to 7 million people worldwide

    (WHO, 2017). Most cases of the disease have been reported in Latin America (WHO, 2017). In

    the United States, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 300,000 people are

    carriers of the parasite; these individuals include immigrants from Chagas disease native regions

    (CDC, 2013). In the acute phase of the disease, the parasite is found in the circulating blood and

    fever and swelling at the site of infection are reported. In the chronic phase, 20 to 30% of infected

    individuals can develop life-threatening conditions due to cardiac and digestive problems

    (Kirchhoff and Pearson, 2007). No vaccines have been developed yet, however there are

    treatments for the acute phase of the disease that can eliminate T. cruzi from the blood of the host

    (CDC, 2013).

    The female reproductive system


    The adult female reproductive system is composed of two ovaries, two lateral oviducts, a

    common oviduct, spermatheca, bursa and the cement gland (Wigglesworth, 1972) (Fig. 2). The

    terminal filament attaches to the body wall. Each ovary contains seven meroistic telotrophic type

    ovarioles connected to a terminal filament. The ovarioles within the ovary are held together by a

    muscular layer known as the peritoneal sheath (Sedra and Lange, 2014). The ovary is the site of

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    egg growth and development, oogenesis. Mature eggs in the ovary are deposited into the oviducts

    by a process known as ovulation. Eggs are then carried to the common oviduct by oviduct

    peristaltic contractions. Sperm stored in the spermatheca, released by spermathecal contractions,

    fertilizes the eggs at the common oviduct (Davey, 1958). The fertilized eggs move to the bursa for

    oviposition. The eggs are first coated with secretions from the cement gland for attachment to

    substrates and then laid by strong bursal phasic contractions (Lococo and Huebner, 1980).

    All muscle in insects are striated. Insect muscles can be divided into skeletal muscle,

    visceral muscle, and cardiac muscles (Wigglesworth, 1972). Skeletal muscles are attached to the

    cuticle and serve for locomotion and moulting. Visceral muscles have only one or commonly no

    attachments to the cuticle. Visceral muscles serve to move the visceral organs, one of which is the

    reproductive system. Visceral muscles in the insect are myogenic, they commonly have slow

    rhythmic contractions (Orchard and Lange, 1986). Contractions can also be neurogenic, these

    contraction are initiated by the nervous system enable fine control of visceral processes (Orchard

    and Lange, 1986).

    The reproductive system of the adult female R. prolixus is made of myogenic visceral

    muscle and has been well described by Sedra and Lange 2014. The terminal filament is made up

    of a thick muscular structure. The ovary itself is encircled with a network of muscle fibers. Each

    ovariole is surrounded with a criss-cross network of muscle fibers. The lateral oviducts are

    surrounded with first a layer of longitudinal and then circular muscle fibers. Thicker circular

    muscle fibers also found at the common oviduct and the spermatheca. Thick longitudinal muscles

    arranged in a chevron make up the bursa. The cement gland is largely non-muscular except at the

    proximal end of the gland.

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    Figure 2. The anatomical structures of the adult female reproductive system of R. prolixus.

    Illustration created by Paul Hong.

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    Central nervous system innervation to the reproductive system

    The CNS of R. prolixus is made of a dorsal brain connected to a ventral suboesophageal

    ganglion (SOG) located in the narrow head region (Tsang and Orchard, 1991). The SOG is

    connected to the prothoracic ganglion (PRO) which is then connected to the mesothoracic

    ganglionic mass (MTGM) (Tsang and Orchard, 1991). The MTGM is a large ganglion because it

    houses the fused mesothoracic ganglion, metathoracic ganglion and abdominal ganglion. The

    MTGM sends nerve fibers that innervate regions in the insect’s abdomen (Insausti, 1994). The

    reproductive system is innervated by the trunk nerve (Chiang and O’Donnell, 2009; Insausti, 1994;

    Sedra and Lange, 2014). Various neuroactive chemicals are known to innervate the reproductive

    system of R. prolixus. Immunoreactivity to FMRFamide-like peptides was detected in process the

    ovaries, oviducts, spermatheca and the bursa. In D. melanogaster, octopamine and tyramine

    innervate the peritoneal sheaths in the ovary, oviducts, spermatheca and the uterus (Middleton et

    al., 2006; Rodriguez-Valentin et al., 2006).

    Reproductive processes


    As previously stated, hemipterans have meriostic teleotrophic type ovarioles (Huebner and

    Anderson, 1972). Meriostic type ovarioles are characterized by having nurse cells, nutritive cells,

    and germ cells that contribute to the nourishment of the developing oocyte (Huebner and

    Anderson, 1972). Telotrophic type, a subgroup of meriostic ovarioles, are characterized by having

    nurse cells restricted to the apex of the ovariole and provide nutrients to the developing oocyte by

    a nutritive cord (Wigglesworth, 1972). These ovarioles are subdivided into four main regions: the

    terminal filament, the germarium, the vitellarium and the ovariole stalk (Nunes-da-fonseca et al.,

    2017). The germarium region is located below the terminal fiber that attaches the ovariole. The

    germarium is composed of undifferentiated oogonia (germline cells) and nurse cells

    (Wigglesworth, 1972). The oogonia differentiate into an oocytes and nurse cells. The developing

    oocyte, nourished by nurse cells via the nutritive cord and the surrounding follicular cells, moves

    down the ovariole into the vitellarium (Bonhag, 1955). The vitellarium is where vitellogenesis

    occurs. Vitellogenin, egg yolk, is made in the fat body and is deposited into the hemolymph

    (Davey, 1981). Vitellogenin in the hemolymph is transferred to the oocyte via gaps between the

  • 13

    follicular cells. Vitellogenin is also synthesized in the follicular cells and directly deposited into

    the oocyte (Davey, 1981). Nurse cells also provide vitellogenin via the nutritive cord. After the

    developing egg enlarges, the follicular gaps close and vitellogenin uptake ends (Patchin and

    Davey, 1968). The follicular cells secrete an elastic vitelline membrane and then form the chorion

    (Patchin and Davey, 1968).


    After the formation of the chorion, the follicular cells that surround the mature egg

    degenerate. This leaves the egg free to move and in direct contact with the peritoneal sheath.

    Various hormones circulating in the hemolymph and neurochemicals such as myotropins secreted

    by the CNS stimulate contractions in the ovary and oviducts (Davey, 1967). Contractions in the

    ovary are synchronized with relaxation of the lateral oviducts (Hana and Lange, 2017; Middleton

    et al., 2006). This coordination between the ovary and the lateral oviducts allows the movement of

    eggs from the ovary to the lateral oviducts. Peristaltic contractions aided with lumen secretions in

    the lateral oviducts allows the movement of ovulated eggs into the common oviduct (Masetti et

    al., 1994; Sun and Spradling, 2013). Once the eggs are ovulated, they are immediately fertilized

    and laid (Kriger and Davey, 1982).

    Fertilization and oviposition

    Before the process of fertilization of eggs, spermatozoa must be first taken up and stored

    in the spermatheca (Davey, 1958). The spermatophore, containing spermatozoa, is deposited into

    the bursa of the female during copulation (Davey, 1958). Male accessory gland secretions leads to

    contractions in the common oviduct leading to the movement of the spermatozoa to the

    spermatheca (Davey, 1958). The spermatozoa does not play an active role in the migration (Davey,

    1958). When the egg arrives at the common oviduct, contractions in the spermatheca cause the

    release of spermatozoa onto the chorion coated egg. The spermatozoa fertilizes the egg via narrow

    passages within the chorion known as micropyles (Okasha et al., 1970). The fertilized egg moves

    to the bursa via contractions in the common oviduct. Secretions from the cement gland coats the

    egg and the egg is then deposited onto a substrate by strong phasic bursal contractions (Lococo

    and Huebner, 1980).

  • 14

    Neuroactive chemicals control reproduction in females

    Rhodnius prolixus, like all blood-feeding insects, require blood meals for reproductive

    maturity. Despite having a fully functioning reproductive system, female adults must generally be

    fed in order to mate (Buxton, 1930). Once they are fed, they can synthesize and lay viable eggs.

    Mating introduces male factors that accelerate reproductive processes in females (Davey, 1965).

    At the germarium, an oocyte’s growth is directly regulated by its genome and the content

    of its species-specific information is known as euplasm; the euplasm is synthesized in the nurse

    cells (Chapman, 2013). At the vitellarium, yolk uptake supresses DNA transcription and nuclear

    processes. Juvenile hormone (JH) secreted from the corpus allatum acts on the fat body to

    synthesize vitellogenin and leads to the formation of gaps between follicular cells (patency)

    (Davey, 2007; Davey et al., 1974). These follicular gaps are needed for vitellogenin uptake by the

    oocyte (Davey et al., 1974). The synthesis and release of JH is under the control of allatotropins

    and allatostatins in the brain (Davey, 1987; Teal, 2002). The brain, acting via neurosecretory cells,

    can signal for JH release when mating and feeding have occurred (Davey, 2007). Antigonadotropin

    released from neurosecretory cells in the abdomen counteract the effects of JH on follicle cells and

    prevent the formation of gaps between follicular cells (decrease patency) (Davey and Kuster,

    1981). Recently, it was shown that injected RhoprShortNPF (NNRSPQLRLRFamide),

    RhoprFMRFa (GNDNFMRFamide) and RhoprFIRFa (AKDNFIRFamide) increases the number

    of eggs produced, i.e. increases oogenesis (Sedra and Lange, 2016). In contrast, injections of

    RhoprMS (pQDIDHVFMRFamide) and RhoprAST-2 (LPVYNFGLamide) reduced egg

    production (Sedra and Lange, 2016). Therefore, FMRFamide-like peptides (FLPs) are important

    for controlling the rate of oogenesis. The mechanisms where this occurs and not known.

    Ecdysteroids, produced from the ovary, do not affect vitellogenin content in the hemolymph and

    do not increase egg production (Davey, 2007).

    At the end of vitellogenesis, ecdysteroids synthesized from the follicular cells are thought

    to be essential for ovulation (Chapman, 2013). Circulating ecdysteroids elicit the release of a

    myotropic ovulation hormone from the corpus cardiacum of the brain (Ruegg et al., 1981). A

    myotropin was found to be synthesized from ten neurosecretory cells in the pars intercerebralis

    (Ruegg et al., 1981). This myotropin leads to an increase in muscle contractions in the ovary and

    thereby increases the rate of ovulation (Davey, 1967; Ruegg et al., 1981). A FLP has been

    suggested to the ten neurosecretory cells (Sevala et al., 1992). The peak of FLP release, five days

  • 15

    post-feeding, parallels the peak of myotropin release in the gonadotrophic cycle (Sevala et al.,

    1992). Therefore, the myotropin is thought to be related to FLPs (Sevala et al., 1992). Furthermore,

    other neuropeptides and biogenic amines can modulate ovulation by controlling lateral oviduct

    contractions. For example RhoprFIRFa and RhoprFMRFa have been shown to increase ovariole

    and lateral oviduct contractions (Sedra and Lange, 2014). The myoinhibitors, RhoprAST-2 and

    RhoprMIP-4, inhibited oviduct contractions (Sedra et al., 2015). Octopamine’s role in oviduct

    relaxation has been shown in other insects. In D. melanogaster, octopamine stimulated peritoneal

    sheath contractions and relaxed the oviducts (Middleton et al., 2006; Rodriguez-Valentin et al.,

    2006). In Locusta migratoria, serotonin, acting as a neuromodulator, elicits an increase in

    amplitude of oviduct contractions (Lange, 2004). After ovulation, the eggs are moved through the

    oviducts by peristaltic and phasic contractions. For fertilization to occur, the spermatheca must

    contract to release the sperm. Tyramine and octopamine cause an increase in the amplitude and

    frequency of spermathecal contractions in the locust, L. migratoria (da Silva and Lange, 2008). In

    R. prolixus, RhoprFIRFa and RhoprFMRFa have also been shown to cause strong contractions in

    the bursa, thereby playing a role in oviposition. Proctolin has also been shown to increase the tone

    of bursal contractions in R. prolixus (Chiang et al., 2010). Therefore, a cocktail of neuroactive

    chemicals acting as neurotransmitters, neurohormones and neuromodulators are important for the

    movement of eggs in the reproductive tract.


    As stated earlier, R. prolixus is one of the primary vectors of Chagas disease. Millions of

    people are diagnosed with Chagas disease in Latin America. Chagas disease does not only cripple

    the health and wellbeing of those infected, but also causes economic losses due to vector control

    initiatives. It is known that a mated, regularly fed kissing bug can lay up to 600 eggs in it’s life

    span of 1.5 years (WHO, 2002). This impressive reproductive capability translates to a massive

    number of nymphs arising from a few females. Therefore, it is very critical to control the

    population of the vector to eradicate Chagas disease in epidemic regions. Octopamine has been

    shown to be an important neurochemical associated with the reproduction and the laying of viable

    eggs. Disruption of octopamine signaling leads to reproductive sterility. The role of octopamine

    and tyramine has not been elucidated yet in R. prolixus. Investigating basic physiology of the

    reproductive system will provide information on the role of octopamine and tyramine signaling

    pathways, while studying molecular components will provide possible targets for octopamine and

  • 16

    tyramine signaling disruption. Perhaps the octopamine and tyramine GPCRs could be used for

    developing novel, species-specific and biostable insecticides targeting kissing bugs

    Thesis objectives

    Octopamine and less so tyramine have been implicated in the regulation of reproductive

    processes in many insects such as D. melanogaster, L. migratoria, Stomoxy calcitrans,

    Leucophaea maderae, Gryllus biamaculatus, Nilaparvata lugens, Periplaneta americana. Most of

    the studies available have focused on octopamine’s ability to modulate contractions of visceral

    reproductive muscles. Recently, molecular tools have enabled the discovery of octopamine

    receptors in the female reproductive system of D. melanogaster and N. lugens. These receptors

    were critical for egg-laying. Interestingly, it has been shown that flies lacking octopamine are

    reproductively sterile and retain eggs in the ovary. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the

    role of octopamine and tyramine in modulating the reproductive system of the adult female R.

    prolixus. This will be investigated by first examining the effects of octopamine and tyramine on

    the reproductive musculature and second utilizing the recently sequenced genome to identify and

    functionally characterize octopamine and tyramine GPCRs in the reproductive system. The aims

    of the physiological and molecular approaches are listed below:

    Physiological approach

    □ Decipher the effects of octopamine and tyramine on the rhythmic contractions of the

    oviducts and the bursa.

    □ Determine the mode of action of octopamine and tyramine at the oviducts and the bursa.

    □ Analyze the effects of injected octopamine and tyramine on egg-laying.

    Molecular approach

    □ Isolate and clone octopamine and tyramine GPCRs involved in signaling reproductive


    □ Using online tools, analyze and predict the structural characteristics of the octopamine and

    tyramine receptors.

    □ Deorphan the octopamine and the tyramine receptors through a functional receptor assay.

  • 17

    □ Analyze the spatial expression of octopamine and tyramine receptor transcripts in the CNS

    and in specific reproductive tissues.

  • 18


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  • 23

    Chapter 2: Octopamine and tyramine regulate the activity of reproductive

    visceral muscles in the adult female blood-feeding bug, Rhodnius prolixus

    Sam Hana, Angela B. Lange

    University of Toronto Mississauga, Department of Biology, Mississauga, ON, Canada L5L1C6.

    * Correspondence:

    Sam Hana

    [email protected]

    Keywords: Oviducts, bursa, inhibition, contractions, cyclic AMP

    *** The proceeding chapter is reproduced/adapted with permission from the Journal of

    Experimental Biology.

    Octopamine and tyramine regulate the activity of reproductive visceral muscles in the adult

    female blood-feeding bug, Rhodnius prolixus.

    Hana, S., and Lange, A. B. (2017).

    The Journal of Experimental Biology 220, 1830–1836.


  • 24


    The role of octopamine and tyramine in regulating spontaneous contractions of

    reproductive tissues was examined in the female Rhodnius prolixus. Octopamine decreased the

    amplitude of spontaneous contractions of the oviducts and reduced RhoprFIRFa-induced

    contractions in a dose-dependent manner, whereas tyramine only reduced the RhoprFIRFa-

    induced contractions. Both octopamine and tyramine decreased the frequency of spontaneous

    bursal contractions and completely abolished the contractions at 5×10−7 mol l−1 and above.

    Phentolamine, an octopamine receptor antagonist, attenuated the inhibition induced by octopamine

    on the oviducts and the bursa. Octopamine also increased the levels of cAMP in the oviducts, and

    this effect was blocked by phentolamine. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP mimicked the effects of

    octopamine by reducing the frequency of bursal contractions, suggesting that the octopamine

    receptor may act by an Octβ receptor. The tyramine receptor antagonist yohimbine failed to block

    the inhibition of contractions induced by tyramine on the bursa, suggesting that tyramine may be

    acting on the Octβ receptor in the bursa.

  • 25


    The biogenic amine octopamine acts as a neurotransmitter, neuromodulator and

    neurohormone in invertebrates (Orchard, 1982). Octopamine and its precursor tyramine are both

    derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine, and octopamine and tyramine are believed to function

    analogously to adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) in vertebrates

    (Roeder, 2005). Thus, tyramine is now considered to be a neuroactive chemical in its own right,

    independent of octopamine (Kononenko et al., 2009; Lange, 2009). Octopamine and tyramine

    regulate diverse physiological and behavioural processes such as courtship, locomotion, learning

    and memory, and reproduction (Avila et al., 2012; Huang et al., 2016; Roeder, 1999; Selcho et al.,

    2012). Female Drosophila melanogaster with mutated tyrosine decarboxylase show reproductive

    sterility due to the lack of octopamine (Cole et al., 2005). In tyrosine decarboxylase mutant flies,

    supplementation with octopamine restored reproductive viability (Cole et al., 2005). Similarly,

    tyramine β-hydroxylase mutant flies that are found to only lack octopamine are also reproductively

    sterile (Monastirioti, 2003; Monastirioti et al., 1996). Octopamine and tyramine signal via G-

    protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), leading to changes in second messenger levels. The recently

    updated receptor classification (Farooqui, 2012) divides the receptors into Octα-R, Octβ-Rs

    (Octβ1-R, Octβ2-R, Octβ3-R), TYR1-R and TYR2-R. In general, Octβ-Rs lead to elevation of

    cAMP while Octα-R and TYR-Rs lead to an increase in Ca2+ (Farooqui, 2012).

    The movement of eggs in the reproductive system of Rhodnius prolixus starts at the ovaries,

    the site of egg maturation. Upon ovulation, mature eggs are released into the oviducts

    (Wigglesworth, 1942). Eggs are then guided, via oviductal peristaltic and phasic contractions, to

    the common oviduct, where spermatozoa are released through spermathecal contractions, leading

    to fertilization (Davey, 1958). Fertilized eggs are coated with secretions from the cement gland

    (Lococo and Huebner, 1980). The bursa deposits the fertilized eggs via strong phasic contractions.

    These activities are under the direct control of the central nervous system (CNS) and branches of

    the trunk nerves innervate the reproductive tissues of R. prolixus (Insausti, 1994). The lateral

    oviducts are made up of two layers of visceral muscle, an inner circular and an outer longitudinal

    layer, whilst the bursa is made up of thicker muscle fibres arranged longitudinally (Sedra and

    Lange, 2014). The oviducts and the bursa spontaneously contract (Sedra and Lange, 2014) but the

    site of the intrinsic pacemaker(s) in the reproductive system has not been identified.

  • 26

    Octopamine and tyramine modulate the myogenic activity of a variety of visceral muscles

    in insects, including tissues of the reproductive system. Octopamine decreases the basal tonus, and

    reduces the amplitude and frequency of neurally evoked contractions of the lateral oviducts of the

    locust Locusta migratoria (Lange and Orchard, 1986). Also, octopamine has been shown to

    decrease the amplitude of proctolin-induced contractions in a dose-dependent manner (Lange and

    Orchard, 1986; Nykamp and Lange, 2000). These effects appear to be mediated by an Oct/Tyr

    receptor shown to be expressed in the oviducts of locusts (Molaei et al., 2005). In Drosophila and

    the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans, octopamine reduces the amplitude and frequency of

    contractions, and reduces basal tonus of the oviducts in a dose-dependent manner (Cook and

    Wagner, 1992; Middleton et al., 2006; Rodríguez-Valentín et al., 2006). These physiological

    effects could be linked to two receptors: the octopamine receptor in the mushroom bodies (OAMB)

    and Octβ2-R, which have been shown in Drosophila to be expressed in the epithelial and muscle

    cells of the oviducts (Lee et al., 2003; Li et al., 2015; Lim et al., 2014). These receptors are involved

    in ovulation and fertilization of eggs, whereby mutant constructs of these receptors show

    reproductive sterility in females, accumulation of eggs in the ovary and reduction in the number

    of eggs laid (Lee et al., 2003; Li et al., 2015; Lim et al., 2014). In contrast, octopamine has also

    been shown to increase the frequency and the amplitude of myogenic contractions in the lateral

    oviducts of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Tamashiro and Yoshino, 2014). In the cockroach

    Leucophaea maderae, the action of octopamine and tyramine is unclear; both stimulated oviduct

    contractions in some preparations but inhibited oviduct contractions in other preparations (Cook

    et al., 1984). Tyramine decreases the basal tonus and attenuates proctolin-induced contractions in

    locusts (Donini and Lange, 2004); however, tyramine has no effect on the amplitude of

    contractions or basal tonus of the oviducts in D. melanogaster (Middleton et al., 2006).

    The purpose of this study was to determine the role of octopamine and tyramine in

    modulating myogenic contractions of the oviducts and the bursa of the adult female R. prolixus

    and to investigate the mechanism by which octopamine and tyramine mediate these effects.

    Materials and Methods


    Adult R. prolixus Stål 1859 were maintained on a 12 h:12 h light:dark cycle at

    approximately 50% humidity and 28°C. Rhodnius prolixus were fed defibrinated rabbit's blood

  • 27

    (Hemostat Laboratories, Dixon, CA, USA; supplied by Cedarlane Laboratories Inc., Burlington,

    ON, Canada) once in every instar. Four- to five-week-old unfed adult females were used for all



    D,L-Octopamine hydrochloride and tyramine hydrochloride were made as 10−2 mol l−1

    stocks and stored at −20°C. Phentolamine hydrochloride and dibutyryl cAMP were freshly made

    in physiological saline prior to use. Aliquots of AKDNFIRFamide (RhoprFIRFa, 10−3 mol l−1;

    GenScript USA, Inc., Piscataqay, NJ, USA) were stored at −20°C. Stock solution of yohimbine

    was prepared in 95% ethanol; the final percentage of ethanol in the experimental treatments was

    ≤0.1%. Physiological saline (NaCl 150 mmol l−1, KCl 8.6 mmol l−1, CaCl2 2 mmol l−1, NaHCO3 4

    mmol l−1, glucose 34 mmol l−1, MgCl2 8.5 mmol l−1, Hepes 5 mmol l−1, pH 7.2) was prepared in

    double distilled water and used to dilute all chemicals. All chemicals were obtained from Sigma

    Aldrich (Oakville, ON, Canada) unless otherwise stated.

    Contraction assays

    Oviduct bioassay

    The wings were cut off and the dorsal cuticle along with the gut of a female adult R.

    prolixus were removed to expose the reproductive system. Using a fine silk thread, a double knot

    was tied at the posterior end of the common oviduct and the other end of the silk was double

    knotted onto the hook of the force displacement signal transducer (Aksjeselskapet Mikro-

    elektronikk, Horten, Norway). The oviducts (lateral and common) were dissected out and placed

    in a Sylgard-coated dish filled with 200 µl of physiological saline at room temperature. The

    anterior end of each lateral oviduct was pinned to the dish with minutien pins. The signal generated

    was amplified, converted into a digital signal by Picoscope 2200 (Pico Technology, St Neots, UK)

    and analysed by the PicoLog program (Pico Technology).

    To examine the effects of octopamine and tyramine on contraction of the oviducts, 100 µl

    of the bath saline was removed and replaced with 100 µl of 2×10−8 mol l−1 to 2×10−3 mol l−1

    octopamine/tyramine. A final volume of 200 µl was maintained at all times. The tissue was washed

    between amine applications. For the inhibitor assays, phentolamine or yohimbine was mixed with

    octopamine or tyramine before application. The amplitude of three to four contractions (over ∼2

  • 28

    min) was averaged and presented as a percentage relative to contractions of the tissue in saline

    (control). To examine the effects of octopamine or tyramine on a peptide-induced contraction, 10−6

    mol l−1 RhoprFIRFa was used. RhoprFIRFa produced a standard change in basal tonus which was

    then compared with the change in basal tonus produced when the peptide was applied with the


    Bursa bioassay

    The dorsal cuticle was removed followed by the gut, exposing the reproductive system.

    Using a fine silk thread, a double knot was made at the junction of the bursa and the oviducts. A

    cut was made above the double knot and the bursa was left attached to the ventral cuticle and the

    fine silk thread was attached to the force transducer. The bursa was secured in place by pinning

    the ventral cuticle to the Sylgard-coated dish. The amplitude and the frequency of three to four

    contractions were averaged (over ∼2 min) and presented as a percentage relative to contractions

    of the bursa in saline (control). Amines were added to the preparations as described above for the

    oviduct bioassay.

    cAMP determination assay

    cAMP content in the oviducts of 4- to 6-week-old adult female R. prolixus was measured.

    A total of 50 oviducts were dissected and placed in a dish containing saline. Two oviducts were

    pooled and placed in Eppendorf tubes containing saline. Using a dispensing pipette, 10 µl of

    5×10−3 mol l−1 3-isobutyl-1-methylaxanthine (IBMX) was added to all tubes followed by the

    addition of either octopamine or phentolamine, or both. The tubes were gently mixed and left to

    incubate for 10 min. The reaction was stopped by adding 400 µl boiling ELISA buffer (Cyclic

    AMP ELISA Kit, Cayman Chemical, Ann Arbor, MI, USA). The tubes were boiled for 10 min

    and sonicated for 15 s at output 3 and constant duty cycle with a Branson Sonifier 250 (VWR,

    Mississauga, ON, Canada). The homogenates were centrifuged for 15 min at 13,000 rpm. Two 50

    µl samples of supernatant from each tube were assayed for cAMP with the Cyclic AMP ELISA

    Kit (Cayman Chemical) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The pellets were dissolved

    in 100 µl of 1 mol l−1 sodium hydroxide and boiled for 10 min. The resulting solution was used

    for protein determination using Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific,

    Waltham, MA, USA).

  • 29

    Statistical analysis

    GraphPad Prism version 5.03 (www.graphpad.com) was used to create and statistically analyse all

    graphs in this paper.


    Effect of octopamine and tyramine on lateral oviduct contractions

    The lateral oviducts contracted spontaneously in vitro as a result of the myogenic activity

    of the reproductive musculature (Sedra and Lange, 2014). A strong phasic contraction was initiated

    by one lateral oviduct and was shortly followed by contraction of the other lateral oviduct. Both

    oviducts then relaxed concurrently, causing a single burst (Fig. 1A,B). Twin or triple peaks in the

    trace were observed when the two lateral oviducts were not in sync with each other. Stable

    rhythmic activity was maintained for a few hours in physiological saline. Octopamine reduced the

    amplitude of the oviductal contractions in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 1C). The amplitude

    started to decrease between 10−7 and 10−6 mol l−1 octopamine, with a significant decrease in

    amplitude at 10−5 mol l−1 octopamine (one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett's multiple

    comparison test compared with the saline group at 100%, P

  • 30

    induced contraction (one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple comparisons test, P

  • 31

    10−5 mol l−1 also antagonized the effect of 10−5 mol l−1 tyramine in the bursa and restored the

    amplitude of contractions to 102.3±6.3% relative to the saline control.

    Yohimbine does not inhibit the effects of tyramine on bursal contractions

    Yohimbine is an α2-adrenergic receptor antagonist known to block tyramine receptors

    (Broeck et al., 1995; Saudou et al., 1990). Yohimbine did not alter the amplitude of contractions

    when applied on its own and did not inhibit the effects of tyramine on bursal contractions (Fig. 6).

    Yohimbine at 10−5 mol l−1 failed to restore bursal contractions abolished by 10−5 mol l−1


  • 32

    Figure. 1. The effects of octopamine and tyramine on rhythmic contractions of the oviducts of an

    adult female Rhodnius prolixus. (A) Application of octopamine (OA, 10−4 mol l−1) inhibits of the

    amplitude of contractions. (B) Tyramine (TA, 10−4 mol l−1) does not affect contractions. The black

    bar indicates the period of application of the neurochemical and the white bar indicates the wash

    period. (C) Dose–response curve for the effects of octopamine and tyramine relative to the

    amplitude of contractions in saline prior to the addition of neurochemicals. Octopamine inhibits

    the amplitude of contractions, while tyramine does not affect contraction amplitude (one-way

    ANOVA followed by Dunnett's multiple comparison test; *P

  • 33

  • 34

    Figure. 2. Octopamine and tyramine effectively antagonize AKDNFIRFamide (RhoprFIRFa)-

    induced contraction of the oviducts of R. prolixus. (A) Octopamine (10−4 mol l−1) significantly

    reduces the amplitude of the RhoprFIRFa (10−6 mol l−1)-induced contraction. (B) Tyramine (10−4

    mol l−1) significantly reduces the RhoprFIRFa (10−6 mol l−1)-induced contraction. The black bar

    indicates the period of application of the neurochemical and the white bar indicates the wash

    period. (C) Inhibition of RhoprFIRFa-induced contraction by octopamine and tyramine is dose

    dependent (one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple comparisons test; *P

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  • 36

    Figure. 3. Octopamine and tyramine abolish the rhythmic contractions of the bursa in R. prolixus.

    (A–D) Application of 10−6 mol l−1 octopamine (A) or tyramine (B) abolishes contractions of the

    bursa. Note that contractions are unchanged at 10−7 mol l−1 octopamine (C) and tyramine (D). The

    black bar indicates the period of application of the neurochemical and the white bar indicates the

    wash period. (E) Dose–response curve showing the sudden abolishment of rhythmic contractions

    at concentrations greater than 5×10−7 mol l−1 neurochemical (n=5–9). (F) Octopamine and

    tyramine both significantly decrease the burst frequency relative to the saline control. (G)

    Dibutyryl cAMP reduces the frequency of contractions significantly at 10−2 mol l−1 relative to the

    saline control. (F and G: one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett's multiple comparison test;


  • 37

  • 38

    Figure. 4. Phentolamine blocks the inhibitory effect of octopamine on rhythmic contractions of

    the oviducts. (A) Octopamine (10−4 mol l−1) reduces the amplitude of spontaneous contraction. (B)

    The effect of octopamine (10−4 mol l−1) is inhibited by application of phentolamine (10−7 mol l−1,

    Phen). The black bar indicates the period of application of the neurochemical and the white bar

    indicates the wash period. (C) Phentolamine alone does not affect the amplitude of contraction.

    Phentolamine is capable of reversing the inhibition of oviduct contraction by octopamine. (D)

    Phentolamine attenuates the octopamine-induced rise in cAMP levels in the oviducts.

    Concentrations in C and D are mol l−1. (C and D: one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple

    comparisons test; *P

  • 39

  • 40

    Figure. 5. Phentolamine blocks abolishment of rhythmic contractions in the bursa by octopamine.

    (A) Octopamine abolishes bursal contractions at 10−5 mol l−1. (B) Phentolamine (10−5 mol l−1)

    blocks the inhibition induced by octopamine (10−5 mol l−1) on bursal contraction. The black bar

    indicates the period of application of the neurochemical and the white bar indicates the wash

    period. (C) Phentolamine at 10−5 mol l−1 does not significantly increase the amplitude of bursal

    contractions when compared with saline. Phentolamine significantly blocks the inhibitory effect

    of octopamine on bursal contractions (concentrations are mol l−1; one-way ANOVA followed by

    Tukey multiple comparisons test; ***P

  • 41

  • 42

    Figure. 6. Yohimbine fails to block tyramine inhibition of rhythmic contractions of the bursa. (A)

    Tyramine (10−5 mol l−1) inhibits bursa contractions. (B) Yohimbine (Yhm, 10−5 mol l−1) does not

    block the inhibitory effect of tyramine on bursal contractions. The black bar indicates the period

    of application of the neurochemical and the white bar indicates the wash period. (C) Yohimbine at

    10−5 mol l−1 does not block the inhibitory effect of tyramine on the amplitude of bursal contractions

    (one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple comparisons test; not significant, P>0.05).

    Concentrations are mol l−1; means±s.e.m. of n samples noted at the bottom of each bar; for 10−5

    mol l−1 TA, n=4.

  • 43

  • 44


    Octopamine reduced the amplitude of spontaneous rhythmic contractions in R. prolixus

    oviducts. This phenomenon is consistent with results previously obtained in L. migratoria, D.

    melanogaster and S. calcitrans (Cook and Wagner, 1992; Lange and Orchard, 1986; Middleton et

    al., 2006; Rodríguez-Valentín et al., 2006): octopamine reduced the amplitude of contractions in

    S. calcitrans and L. migratoria and reduced neurally evoked contractions of L. migratoria oviducts

    (Cook and Wagner, 1992; Lange and Orchard, 1986). In R. prolixus, there was no change in

    frequency of the oviductal contractions whereas in L. migratoria and S. calcitrans, octopamine led

    to a decrease in basal tonus and frequency in oviduct contractions. In contrast, in G. bimaculatus,

    octopamine increased the amplitude and frequency of rhythmic contractions in a dose-dependent

    manner despite L. migratoria and G. bimaculatus belonging to the order Orthoptera (Tamashiro

    and Yoshino, 2014). In addition, octopamine decreased the amplitude of the RhoprFIRFa-induced

    contraction of R. prolixus oviducts, confirming it as an inhibitor of oviduct contractions. In locusts,

    it was also shown that octopamine reduces proctolin-induced contractions in the oviducts (Nykamp

    and Lange, 2000). Proctolin was also shown to reduce octopamine-induced cAMP levels in

    oviducts, suggesting that the components of octopamine and proctolin signalling pathways interact

    to modulate oviduct contraction (Nykamp and Lange, 2000). The interaction of RhoprFIRFa and

    octopamine is not known, although it is not likely that octopamine interacts with the RhoprFIRFa

    signalling pathway according to a recent study in Drosophila (Milakovic et al., 2014). Milakovic

    et al. (2014) found that FMRFamide-induced muscle contraction is independent of the well-known

    intracellular players such as calmodulin kinase II, IP3, cAMP, etc.; however, we do not know the

    pathway used by RhoprFIRFa in this preparation.

    Phentolamine, an α-adrenergic receptor antagonist, is an effective OctβR antagonist in the

    L. migratoria oviduct (Lange and Orchard, 1986; Orchard and Lange, 1986). Thus, the ability of

    phentolamine to block the effects of octopamine on R. prolixus oviducts suggests that octopamine

    is working via an OctβR. This is supported by the fact that octopamine increases cAMP levels (a

    characteristic of OctβRs) in the oviducts, an effect also blocked by phentolamine (Lange and

    Orchard, 1986; Orchard and Lange, 1986). The physiological implications of these findings in R.

    prolixus are that octopamine plays an essential role in the process of ovulation. Relaxation of the

    oviducts would allow the ovary to release more eggs into the oviducts. In D. melanogaster,

    octopamine was found to increase the contractions of the peritoneal sheath, a contractile meshwork

  • 45

    that surrounds the ovary, and to relax the oviducts, thereby enabling the release of eggs into the

    oviducts (Middleton et al., 2006). Moreover, Octβ2R and OAMB have been found to be the

    receptors associated with the process of ovulation and fertilization in Drosophila (Lee et al., 2003;

    Li et al., 2015; Lim et al., 2014). Deletions in the oamb locus and mutant constructs of Octβ2R

    resulted in accumulation of eggs in the ovary and a significant decrease in the number of eggs laid

    (Lee et al., 2003; Li et al., 2015; Lim et al., 2014). Similarly, in R. prolixus, octopamine reduced

    the amplitude of oviduct contractions, probably by binding to OctβR, leading to an elevation in

    cAMP levels and muscle relaxation.

    The process by which tyramine regulates the oviducts seems more modulatory. Tyramine,

    when applied to the oviducts at a wide range of doses did not elicit any changes in spontaneous

    contractions; however, tyramine inhibited RhoprFIRFa-induced contractions in a dose-dependent

    manner. This is not the case in L. migratoria, where tyramine mimicked octopamine and decreased

    the basal tonus and attenuated proctolin-induced contractions (Donini and Lange, 2004). A

    possible explanation for this phenomena in R. prolixus is that tyramine is co-released with

    octopamine; octopamine works on the oviducts to reduce the amplitude of spontaneous

    contractions induced by a pacemaker, whereas octopamine and tyramine modify the effects of

    myogenic stimulators such as RhoprFIRFa.

    The effects of octopamine and tyramine on the bursa are similar. Both biogenic amines

    completely abolish contractions of the bursa at high concentrations. In addition, octopamine and

    tyramine at low concentrations decrease the frequency of contractions. These effects seem to be

    mediated by cAMP, as application of the membrane-permeable cAMP analogue dibutyryl cAMP

    decreased the frequency of contractions. Phentolamine antagonized the effects of octopamine and

    tyramine, suggesting that both are likely to work via an OctβR. Yohimbine did not antagonize the

    effects of tyramine and octopamine on the bursa. This suggests that tyramine acts via the OctβR at

    high concentrations, as shown in the locust oviducts and foregut (Britain, 1990; Donini and Lange,

    2004). Further studies are needed to understand why the contractions are abolished with no

