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The role of Social Partners in Promoting Sustainable Growth and Inclusive Growth and Development

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The role of Social Partners in Promoting Sustainable Growth and Inclusive Growth and Development. Sound Partners for Sustainable Growth and Inclusive Development LO Skolen, Elsinore, 7-9 May 2012 Hjördis D’Agostino Ogendo, Development and Cooperation DG, European Commission. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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The role of Social Partners in Promoting Sustainable Growth and Inclusive Growth and Development Sound Partners for Sustainable Growth and Inclusive Development LO Skolen, Elsinore, 7-9 May 2012 Hjördis D’Agostino Ogendo, Development and Cooperation DG, European Commission 1
Page 1: The role of Social Partners in Promoting Sustainable Growth and Inclusive Growth and Development

The role of Social Partners in Promoting Sustainable Growth and Inclusive Growth and Development

Sound Partners for Sustainable Growth and Inclusive DevelopmentLO Skolen, Elsinore, 7-9 May 2012

Hjördis D’Agostino Ogendo, Development and Cooperation DG, European Commission


Page 2: The role of Social Partners in Promoting Sustainable Growth and Inclusive Growth and Development

• 1. EC/EU responses – policy framework

• 2. Role of social partners in inclusive growth

• 3. EU support

• 4. Challenges for supporting social partners and social dialogue


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EU Policy Responses


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EU: policy framework I

• 2011 Communication by European • Commission on ”Increasing the Impact of EU

development policy: An Agenda for Change

• Eradicate poverty is the primary objective of development policy

• Continuing support of MDGs – essential but not sufficient

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Agenda for change - continues

EU Development policy and aid should be spent efficient, delivers the best results – greatest impact should concentrate aid to:

Human rights, democracy and other elements of good governance

Inclusive and sustainable growth for human development


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Agenda for change - continues

• Differentiation

• Coordinated EU action

• Improved policy coherence


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Agenda for Change - some challenges

• High economic growth had not lead to sufficiently poverty reduction (fulfill MDG 1?) and decent work creation

• High and Increasing income inequality

• Low share in formal employment; mostly self-employment either in agriculture or informal economy

• New jobs created mostly in the informal economy: • – low wages, poor working conditions, no or limited social protection

coverage and no or low degree of social dialogue (social partners); mainly women and young people

• Main issue is not unemployment but absence of decent jobs•


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Inclusive and sustainable growth for human development

• So rate of economic growth per se not sufficient but economic patterns are equally important for long term poverty reduction

• We need ”inclusive economic growth” or pro-poor growth

”people’s ability to participate in [contribute to] and benefit from wealth and job creation” – promotion of decent work

Support sectors that build foundations for growth ie education, health and social protection

Target to reach 20% of EU aid on “social inclusion and human development”


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EU Responses: policy framework II

o 2005 European Consensus for Developmento 2006 Communication and Council

Conclusions on ‘Promoting Decent Work for all

o 2007 Staff working paper on “Promoting Employment through EU Development Cooperation” and Council conclusions


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• EC/EU committed and endorse decent work agenda - according to policy documents

• In practice:

• In current programming period?

• In future programming period?


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The Role of Social Partners


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Role of social partners

1. EU level – Treaty of Lisbon (art 152)

”The Union is committed to promoting the role of European social partners and facilitating the dialogue between social partners respecting their autonomy”



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Role of social partners2. EU development cooperation

A number of policy documents that gives a clear mandate:

Agenda for change:”civil society and local authorities – EU should strengthen links with civil society organisations, social partners and local authorities”Stronger CSR at international and national levelSupport to the decent work agenda...reaffirmed!


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The EU support


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Role of social partners in EU development cooperation

1. Consultation and ”Structured Dialogue”

Most recently in prep of 2 Communications

to be adopted by the EC in September 2012:

1.Social protection in EU development cooperation

2.Civil Society Organisations in Development Cooperation


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The Role of Social Partners

2. Thematic programmes:Supplementary instrument to EUs support through country programmes

”Funding possibilities for... ”social partners” ”– Non State Actors and local authorities in development– EIHDR – European instrument for democracy and human rights

– Investing in people


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3. Geographical programmes/cooperation

• ie cooperation with our partner countries

Support at EU Delegations level

•Social dialogue is missing in the CSP/NIP

•How to strengthen and support social dialogue? What can EU do?


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Investing in people – thematic programme

2007-2013 around €1 Billion

Good health for all 56%

Education and skills 12%

Other aspects of human and social development21%

Gender equality 5%


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2011-2013 Investing in people – thematic programme

other aspects of human and social development divided in

1.Social cohesion, employment and decent work

2.Children and youth



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Investing in people – thematic programme

Promoting social cohesion, employment and decent work - total € 38 M (2011-2013)

1…”strengthen rights, representation, participation, employability and access to social protection for informal workers”

2. Awareness raising on the global level for basic level of social protection to all


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3. ”Capacity building and exchange of best practices among ..”social partners” aiming at strengthening social dialogue for development and implementation of inclusive national employment policies”

Preparation of Annual Action Programme 2013 – to be adopted in 2012 or early 2013


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EC on-going ”feasibility study” on ”how to strengthen social dialogue in EU development cooperation”

Main objectives: •To address ways on strengthening social dialogue; •Provide recommendations on how future actions could be designed ...in view of the 2013 Annual Action Programme of investing in people


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Seminar on 25 May in Bruxelles

•The draft report of the study will be presented

•The discussion will feed in not only into the report but also ”ideas” / proposals for ”future EU actions in AAP 2013 of the Investing in People


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Challenges include:

High and growing informal economy in our partner countries

Limited and weak capacity of trade unions and employer’s organisation

Political and lack of respect of human rights and labour rights of social partners /trade unions to engage in social dialogue


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•EU is committed to strengthen the role of social partners and social dialogue in EU development cooperation (politically...)


How can we do more and better?


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Thank you for your attention

