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The Rotary Club of KENTHURST INC. 2012 - 2013 · PDF file2 OFFICE BEARERS AND COMMITTEES...

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1 The Rotary Club of KENTHURST INC. Chartered 6th November 1973 2012 - 2013 KENTHURST Club President: David Gadiel R.I. President: Sakuji Tanaka 9680 District Governor: John Dodd Visit our website… www.rotaryclubofkenthurst.org.au/ Correspondence can be sent to: The Secretary, Rotary Club of KENTHURST PO Box 13, KENTHURST, NSW 2156 AUSTRALIA Rotary Grace……. For Good Food, Good Fellowship and the Opportunity to give Service through Rotary, we give Thanks! Monday December 3rd 2012
Page 1: The Rotary Club of KENTHURST INC. 2012 - 2013 · PDF file2 OFFICE BEARERS AND COMMITTEES 2012-2013 President – DAVID GADIEL Board Members: Vice President – BYRON TRETHOWAN Directors:


The Rotary Club of KENTHURST INC. Chartered 6th November 1973

2012 - 2013

KENTHURST Club President: David Gadiel

R.I. President: Sakuji Tanaka

9680 District Governor: John Dodd

Visit our website… www.rotaryclubofkenthurst.org.au/

Correspondence can be sent to: The Secretary,


Rotary Grace…….

For Good Food, Good Fellowship and the Opportunity to give Service through Rotary, we give Thanks!

Monday December 3rd 2012

Page 2: The Rotary Club of KENTHURST INC. 2012 - 2013 · PDF file2 OFFICE BEARERS AND COMMITTEES 2012-2013 President – DAVID GADIEL Board Members: Vice President – BYRON TRETHOWAN Directors:



President – DAVID GADIEL

Board Members: Vice President – BYRON TRETHOWAN Directors: PETER BRAY, PAUL RAPP,


Secretary – GIL KOMMER Treasurer – BARRY STUART

Immediate Past President – ROB O’NEILL

Club Service Committee - Director – BYRON TRETHOWAN;

Sergeant at Arms – John Benyon; Program – Kay Leonard & Bill van der Heyen; Kenthurst Klar-

ion -Sue O’Neill; Almoner – Geoff Hamilton; Club Social Meetings – Col Chaloner; Bar Attend-

ants – Bill van der Heyden, John Curry; Attendance – Geoff Hamilton; Rotary Park– John Ben-

yon,; Twin Club Ambassador – Neville Smerdon; Historian – Gil Kommer; Emergencies – Geoff

Hamilton; Property Officers – Graham Webb, John Benyon; KFC Inc – Rob O’Neill, RI Founda-

tion – Peter Bray; Risk Management & Legal – Rob O’Neill


Members: John Benyon, Col Chaloner. Barry Stuart, Keith Baker John Fomiatti, Albert Pols, Bill van

der Heyden, Kay Leonard. Responsible for general Community service and fundraising.


Members: Gil Kommer, Geoff Hamilton, Harry Dutton, David Marlow, John Curry, Vicki Powers;

Responsible for Pride of Workmanship Awards, employer visits and occupational information.


Members: Neville Smerdon, Keith McGill, Terry Birss, , Phil Bishop

Responsible for RYLA, youth exchange, RYDA and youth projects.


Members: Karo Haltmeier, John Loughlin, Sue O’Neill, Rob O’Neill, Graham Webb, Cheryl Duffy.

Responsible for RAWCS and ROMAC


Responsible for Club media, community public relations and news bulletins.


Responsible for Recruiting New Members, meeting attendance


The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

The areas of focus are; Peace and conflict prevention/resolution

Disease prevention and treatment

Water and sanitation

Maternal and child health

Basic education and literacy

Economic and community development

Rotary Clubs serve communities around the world. Rotarians have continually adapted and improved the way they respond to those needs, taking on a broad range of service projects. The most successful and sustainable International Projects fall into 1 of the 6 area’s of Focus.

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Tonight: Monday 3rd December 2012

Paul Rapp "'Carols in the Park', preparation & briefing" Fellowship: Kay Leonard

Announcing Special Guest at Kenthurst Rotary

“Carols in the Park”

We are fortunate to have Mike McClellan the Song and Dance-man performing at “Carols in the Park” on December 7th.

Mike’s songs have earned him an honoured place within the his-tory of Australian music.

You’ll still hear Song and Danceman, The One I Love and Rock’n Roll Lady on radio, along with several others from his back cata-logue, but for the last 25 years or so his creative energies have been poured into his work for clients in the marketing and adver-

tising industries and his concert performances have been limited. Now, that’s about to change and we are thrilled he has agreed to perform at our Carols.

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President's Report

On behalf of the Club I should like to record our thanks and apprecia-tion to Gil Kommer and his staff at All Metal Products for the time they devoted to making our factory visit on Monday, 26 November, 2012 such a valuable and instructive experience. Staff who remained on the job after 6.00 PM worked a special shift to operate machinery to demonstrate manufacturing processes. This brought the factory to life and made our visit an especially memorable one. Thank you, Gil and members of your staff for hosting a wonderful evening. To conclude the occasion we enjoyed a traditional Dutch meal (including pea soup, sau-erkraut and rookworst) at the nearby Rembrandt Club which was opened especially for our Club’s visit to the Dunheved Industrial Estate.

To-night it will my great pleasure to formally induct Dino Belfanti into our Club - our fourth new member for 2013-13. Welcome, Dino! David Gadiel

Monday 19th November 2012

Vern Sotter The local heritage and significance of Fagan Park Vern Sotter is a member of the 'Friends of Fagan Park'. This is a volunteer group with a particular interest in maintaining the herit-age area of Netherby Historical Homestead (the Park Museum) and its associated outbuildings, including the blacksmith's shop and its regular blacksmithing demonstrations. Fagan Park is situ-

ated on 55 hectares on Arcadia Road, Galston and was gifted as a local recreational and cultural amenity by the Fagan family to the NSW Department of Lands with Hornsby Council as trustee. Vern spoke to us about his vol-untary work as Assistant Curator at Netherby, the original Fagan Family Home.

Below: round the room - 19.11.12

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Linen for Vanimo Hospital Karo and her sons (below) picking up linen from Hospital Linen services. We are able to collect

hospital linen that would otherwise be discarded to include on our container for Vanimo. The lin-

en which consists of towels, sheets, hospital gowns, drapes and surgical scrubs will be sent to

Vanimo to apprecia-

tive nurses and pa-

tients who would

otherwise struggle

with limited supplies.

Left L to R: Lyn Thorpe

who assists us in locat-

ing items for our con-

tainers, Karo and work-

er at the linen services

lending a hand.

Far Left: Karo and her

sons packing linen

During the week we had the opportunity to meet with the Hon Peter O’Neill,

Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea and Charles Abel, the PNG Minister for

National Planning. Both politicians were visiting Sydney to outline the opportu-

nities and challenges facing PNG as the country conditions itself to compete in the broader Asian

community. Both Peter O’Neill and Charles Abel are strong supporters of Rotary and Charles is

very keen that our Club become involved in assisting his Milne Bay electorate.

A 20 foot container has been purchased for shipment of goods to Vanimo during January. The

container will be donated to the Vanimo General Hospital for storage of goods. The container will

be loaded at Karo Haltmeier’s home on Saturday 19th

January 2013. Many people/organisations

have provided goods for the container including John Hunter hospital, Crossroads Disability Ser-

vices, local schools, Barker college, CWA, Inner Wheel, Kathy Bray and various Rotary groups.

Similarly a container of educational and medical equipment will be loaded in Gosford in March

for Madang. A 20 foot container has already been purchased for this shipment.

Graham Taylor

Director Internatiional Service

Left: Our Club Public Relations

Director, Sue O’Neill with her

namesake Peter O’Neill, the

Prime Minister of Papua New


Right: PNG’s Minister for Na-

tional Planning – Charles Abel

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Rotary Club of KENTHURST

has 88 Facebook Friends!

Thank You

To President David, Graham Taylor and

photographer Bill van der Heyden

for contributions to the Klarion.

Visit our WEBSITE!! www.rotaryclubofkenthurst.org.au

Subject: News from BanyuBening Hospital Dear Graham, Hope this finds you in good health. I would like, once again, thank you very much for your support to our hospital by providing USG ma-

chine. This is really very helpful. The machine has been functioning well and used regularly. We have soft-launched program "USG Untuk Semua" (USG for All). Community was very enthusiastic

with this program. Please find attached a brief information on this event. We will do official launching of this program on 2nd of January 2013 that will be led by Head of District

Health Office. I will keep you informed on this. As you informed in the earlier email and brochure, I

would like to request other equipment i.e. two units

of vital sign monitor for emergency room. Best regards, Edi RSI BanyuBening (BanyuBening Hospital) Jln Raya Waduk Cengklik, Desa Ngargorejo, Kec.

Ngemplak, Boyolali Jawa Tengah, INDONESIA FB: BanyuBening.Hospital

BanyuBening Hospital (BBH) has launched a pro-

gram called “USG Untuk Semua” (USG for All) on

Thursday 22nd November 2012. USG machine dona-

tion from Rotary club of Kenthurst (Australia) has

made this possible. The objective of this program is

to make USG examination accessible for everybody.

As a part of this event, BBH has also delivered regu-

lar health education for patients and family in the

waiting room while waiting for USG examination.

Pregnant women and their couples from 4 villages

were invited. Community was informed that mass

USG examination for pregnant will be done every

Thursday, while individual examination can be ac-

cessed everyday.

“I am very thankful with this program, I am very

lucky that in my 7-month of pregnancy I received

this health education on bonding before birth. I also

thank for this USG machine free service. May BBH is

always more success”, Mrs Hasti.

Mr. Edi (BBH) delivered health promotion “Bonding Before

Birth” for clients while waiting for USG exams.

Dr Nur Alaydrus, Sp.OG (Obstetrician) examined pregnant

woman with USG machine in BBH

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Future Events…..

Members are reminded that the Club will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 10th December, 2012. The substantive business of the AGM will be to approve Minutes of the AGM held on 12th Decem-ber, 2011; to accept the Financial Statements for 2011-12; and to accept nominations for, and to elect office bearers for 2013-14. Minutes of the meeting held on 12th December, 2011 together with the Agen-da for this year’s meeting are available under the ‘Speakers’ list on the Club web site…. (http://www.clubrunner.ca/portal/Speakers/SpeakersList.aspx?accountid=7905&eid=0&tid=4#358615).

Access to the audited Financial Statements is restricted to Club members. They may be downloaded from the ‘Site Pages’ by logging into the web site (with your username and password). I’m nevertheless happy to provide hard copy (or an electronic PDF) to any member unable to access any of these documents on the web.

Questions about the Financial Statements will be taken on notice and must be lodged with me or the Treasurer no later 5th December, 2012.

The Club is indebted to Graham Webb for arranging this year’s timely audit through his accountant, Frank Larosa.

David Gadiel

Friday December 7th - Carols in the Park

6:30 for BBQ and 7:30 for carols

Invite partners, friends and guests to Rotary. Remember everyone is always welcome!!

If you are an apology or bringing a guest contact Heidi

on 9676 2885 or email [email protected]

(A non-apology will result in a charge equal to the cost of a meal)

Bunnings BBQ….

December 22nd

Home Meetings…. January 7th January 14th January 21st

Monday December 17th Club Chrissy Party Join our Christmas Party at the Allegro. The cost will be $45.00 per per-

son for a three-course meal, including tea or coffee. Beverages will be

available at bar prices. The Robbers Dog Jazz Band will entertain us.

They are an acoustic Trad / Dixieland jazz quartet with a vocal accom-

panist (who also play each Sunday afternoon at the Fortune of War Ho-

tel in the Rocks). Dancing will be available after dinner.

There will also be a fundraiser auction.

February 25th 2013 Youth Night March 18th 2013 Pride of Workmanship

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Past Office Bearers


1973-74 Gordon Rowe Ferg Ferguson David Bennett

1974-75 Doug Cornish Arthur Pamment Bill Howard

1975-76 Ferg Ferguson Bill Howard Ray Rothenbury

1976-77 David Bennett Neville Smerdon Dick Hogarth

1977-78 Eddie Dale Dick Hogarth Ferg Ferguson

1978-79 Neville Smerdon Bill Burnham Doug Cornish

1979-80 Bob Davies Peter van Raalte Les Smith

1980-81 Jim Hunt Peter van Raalte Les Smith

1981-82 John Tunks Ken Hoyle Dick Hogarth

1982-83 Burt Stuut Ken Hoyle Gordon Rowe

1983-84 Howard Bradley John Tunks Gordon Rowe

1984-85 Paul Spina John Tunks Charles Reid

1985-86 Peter van Raalte Charles Reid Bob Thorne

1986-87 Richard Byrne Barry Thomas Chris Keay

1987-88 Charles Reid Barry Thomas Ken Hoyle

1988-89 Chris Keay Gerry Healy Malcolm Watson

1989-90 Geoff Hamilton Gerry Healy Dick Hogarth

1990-91 Keith McCorkell John Reid Greg Kemmis

1991-92 Gerry Healy Michael v Heeswijk Ed Yates

1992-93 John Reid Charles Reid Greg Smith

1993-94 Neville Motley Col Chaloner Hans v Chrismah

1994-95 Keith McGill Don Giugni Rudi Keller

1995-96 Doug Rose Dennis Trickett Rudi Keller

1996-97 Michael v Heeswijk Harry Heald Terry Birss

1997-98 Gil Kommer Terry Birss Rob O’Neill

1998-99 Ken Hoyle Graham Webb Albert Pols

1999-00 Sam Cali John Benyon Greg Kemmis

2000-01 Bill Loxton Keith McGill Harry Heald

2001-02 Byron Trethowan Peter v Raalte Ken Hoyle

2002-03 Rob O’Neill Hans Fischer Chris Keay

2003-04 Terry Birss Neil Casalis Harry Dutton

2004-05 Cliff Hoare, T Birss Rob O'Neill Harry Dutton

2005-06 Hans Fischer Graham Webb Gil Kommer

2006-07 Harry Dutton Graham Webb Chris Keay

2007-08 Peter Bray Keith McGill Graham Taylor

2008-09 Bob Thorne David Gadiel Harry Dutton

2009-10 Tony Goode Rob O’Neill Bob Thorne

2010-11 Sue O’Neill Graham Taylor Harry Dutton

2011-12 Rob O’Neill Graham Taylor Graham Webb

What is Rotary

Rotary is a worldwide

network of inspired indi-

viduals who translate

their passions into rele-

vant social causes to

positively change lives

in communities.

The motto of Rotary Inter-

national is "Service

Above Self". While the

club provides a venue for

both business and social

networking, the primary

focus is on local and inter-

national service projects.

There are over 34,000

clubs, over 1.2 million

members in 200 coun-

tries worldwide.

The Four Way Test 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all con-

cerned? 3. Will it build goodwill

and better friend-ship?

4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
