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The royal code

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This is information on the years 1510-1580
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THE ROYAL CODE January 1520-1580 Buy a slave! Here are ways how. Most of them are from foreign countries. Make Gunpowder at home! All you need is charcoal, potassium nitrate and sulfur. OUR PAST HEROES WITH DEEP THOUGHTS ON LIFE MARTIN LUTHER When digging into Martin Luther’s life we found out the reasons why we have a Love/ Hate relationship for him. Other than being religious he has a dark side. On his deathbed he was asked about trusting god and his... Continued on Page 3 COPERNICUS Nicolaus Copernicus is known as a scholar and a great mathematician. Some say he had to go to more that 5 schools and got... Continued on Page 2 LEONARDO DA VINCI We know him as the artist who painted the small town girl Mona Lisa. What people do not know is that Leonardo had his own opinions on life and people. We mostly know him as... Continued on Page 2 FACT: We called our money in England by pounds, shillings then pence. Also the is a common coin known as a threepence Issue No. Seventeen Diana Medici Originated in Florence, Italy Any accidents are not from this magazine TELEPHONE (123) 456-7890 FACSIMILE (123) 456-7891 Women's latest fashion, buy now before sold out! The Latest entertainment AVOID THIS PERSON
Page 1: The royal code

THE ROYAL CODEJanuary 1520-1580

Buy a slave! Here are ways how.

Most of them are from foreign


Make Gunpowder at home!All you need is charcoal, potassium nitrate and sulfur.


MARTIN LUTHERWhen digging into Martin Luther’s life we found out the reasons why we have a Love/Hate relationship for him. Other than being religious he has a dark side. On his deathbed he was asked about trusting god and his...

Continued on Page 3

COPERNICUSNicolaus Copernicus is known as a scholar and a great mathematician. Some say he had to go to more that 5 schools and got...

Continued on Page 2

LEONARDO DA VINCIWe know him as the artist who painted the small town girl Mona Lisa. What people do not know is that Leonardo had his own opinions on life and people. We mostly know him as...

Continued on Page 2

FACT: We called our money in England by pounds, shillings then pence. Also the

is a common coin known as a threepence

Issue No. Seventeen Diana Medici

O r i g i n a t e d i n F l o r e n c e , I t a l yA n y a c c i d e n t s a r e n o t f r o m t h i s

m a g a z i n eT E L E P H O N E(123) 456-7890 F A C S I M I L E(123) 456-7891

Women's latest fashion, buy now before sold out!

The Latest entertainment AVOID THIS PERSON

Page 2: The royal code


LEONARDO DA VINCI We know him as the artist who painted the small town girl Lisa Gherardini. What people do not know is that Leonardo had his own opinions on life and people. We mostly know him as an artist or an inventor. We just recently found an interview of Leo where he explains the story behind “Mona Lisa” He called this portrait Mona Lisa because the word “Mona” means Madam in a way to address a lady. When in the painting Leonardo did not paint the ring that Lisa was wearing. This would may put off people by thinking that Lisa is a courtesan and cheating on her husband.

Back to Leonardo he was also known as a great inventor. He created the musical instrument called viola organista. This is obviously his own because, in his old journals it shows the designs and plans of the instrument. 20 people believe that Leonardo built this instrument. Instead it was a german instrument builder known as Hans Heyden.

Leonardo had assistants and/or pupils for his artworks. Salaì meant “The Devil” for being a thief and a scoundrel to Leonardo. Then for the next 30 years Salaì

worked with Leonardo. Leonardo da Vinci died in the year 1519 at the age of 67, this marks 61 years for leaving us Leo.

COPERNICUSNicolaus Copernicus is known as a scholar and a great mathematician. Some say he had to go to more that 5 schools and got kicked out. But in our magazine we say the truth and only the truth. Copernicus is part Polish and part Italian. Copernicus spoke Latin and German fluently. This list includes Polish, Greek and Italian. When Copernicus was younger, his maternal uncle took him under his wing and gave copernicus an education also a career. Copernicus completed his studies in Italy. He returned to Warmia. Copernicus was s t i l l w r i t i n g a b o o k c a l l e d “ D e revolut ionibus orbium coeles t ium” Copernicus was still uncertain if the book was going to be published. Before he died, Copernicus was given the last few pages of his book. Copernicus was in a stroke-induces coma and when he woke he saw his book then he finally died peacefully. Magazine worker are still finding proof on his death. Copernicus died on the year 1543 at the age of 70. this marks his 17 year death anniversary.

These people are the ones that us

royals respect and the poor to look

up to when it comes to

intelligence and beauty.

Leonardo Da Vinci and artwork Copernicus

Page 3: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

Catharine de’ MediciThis person is on the lose

right now so stay away! Why you may ask? Well Catharine de’ Medici is on the lose! Lets go to the past and learn the reason why we should hate her. We know that she is the q u e e n o f F r a n c e , b y marriage. She married Henry the seconded from France. 10 years later she had her first child. Now lets skip later to the future. 1572 Catharine h a d l e d t h e S t . Bartholomew’s day Massacre which had killed thousands of p e o p l e s u c h a s t h e Huguenots. If you live under a rock then you would know t h a t t h e y a r e F r e n c h protestants. we just hope she stays out of trouble for now.

MARTIN LUTHERMartin Luther was an infamous man who was a German monk and a catholic priest. He did not like the Jewish and was planing to destroy their homes. Luther died on the year 1546. His last words were “Yes”

because he was asking a question. The question he was answering was “Are you ready to die trusting in your Lord Jesus Christ and to confess the doctrine which you have taught in his name?” I find that we have a love/hate relationship for Martin Luther. But why should we still hate him? Well he hates everybody especially the Jews. Martin even tried to murder every jew he has ever met.

These are the people that you

should avoid and remember for their horrible actions. For all cost AVOID


The people you should avoid now before you are in danger!

The Bad Guys

Page 4: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

How to make your own gunpowder at home!REMEMBER THIS IS YOUR FAULT IF YOU DIE

Ingredients Gunpowder complete

To make gunpowder you have to be accurate, careful and smart. In the 16th century there were many weapons to use for combat. The most commonly used weapon is gunpowder and handguns. Gunpowder was used in China but also common in the european region. To make gunpowder is very easy but very dangerous. This will make a VERY big bang when you light it up. All you need to make Gunpowder is sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate. You crush all these ingredients and mix it together. This originally came from china but now you can buy it in your local store! The Gunpowder 2 will come out by next week

Page 5: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

Buy your own Graphite pencil!

With an amazing

writing effect

You can get your own free beer

Check out more on the next page!

Page 6: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

This is a new writing utensil that came out in the year 1560 in Cumbria, England. Graphite was found in the Grey Knotts. You stick the Graphite lead into the wood which make a pencil. Now you don’t need those disastrous ink spills on those records and documents. Now using those feathers won’t ruffle up in your face. That is not the end but it will come into many other colors such as Blood red, midnight blue, and the most royal color l ike Purple.

That is not just it with the graphite pencil but now you can get your own bottled beer! Beer is originated in London and it is the first alcoholic drink known to mankind and history in general. But now since the creators of bottled beer and graphite pencils to make a new idea where you but a graphite pencil for 57 pounds and you get a bottled beer for 7 pounds extra what an amazing deal!

The New graphite Pencil! By LeadbymeTHE NAME HAS NO COPYRIGHT




Page 7: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

GERMAN PHEASANTS REVOLTThe uprising of the poor is now in session. This is what the German’s call the “Deutscher Bauernkrieg” this fight is spreading and the rich who are reading this magazine are getting tiered of it. WE WANT OUR SLAVES BACK. “They are only used to serve us.” said a merchant. They do have also a right in life because they are also human. Yet this is a magazine with cold hard facts. I am legally obligated to say that there are certain places in Germany that you should avoid on your trips due to the pheasants revolt.

More information on the revolt. Well, many of the poor started to destroy records and public monuments. There are many of our soldiers who are trying to stop the attack of the poor.

The Image shows where is the revolt and other information.

THE FOREVER WARWho hates war, everyone does. This is one of the longest wars ever. Why you may ask? Well this war started in the year 1568. My belief is that it would be called the never ending war. What is actually interesting is that this war is supposed to be called the 80

year war because they want a war to be that memorable.

To get down to details, the war started between spain and the netherlands. The Dutch hated their rules and took a stand. It also started by the Beeldenstorm where hundreds of churched were taken down of statuary and other religious reasons.

WHY DO WARS START?Wars are the worst thing to see. Many

people dying of arrows, cuts or poison. They can also start from only one thing, hate.

They normally start with a courtesan by dating one ruler the the other. This starts with arguments. Then a meeting with physical fights. Then one of the opposing rulers they charge in the other rulers home and then the wars begin.

Most injuries occur by physical assaults like arrows, cannons, gunpowder and maybe something nasty.

These are never ending wars or

horrible times of our lives.

We hope this ends now or it

will go on forever.

The Pheasants Revolt

The forever war (80 year war)

Page 8: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

Buy your own slave now worth only free!

Only from the war

Type to enter text

Get them now before they run away from us!

Page 9: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

Dresses in Holland, Belgium and Flanders, now are part of the Empire. Retained a high, belted waistline. Italian gowns were fitted to the waist, with full skirts below. The French gown of the first part of the century. This was loosely fitted on the body and it flared from the hips. The neckline was square and might reveal the kirtle and chemise beneath. Cuffed sleeves were wide at the wrist and it goes wider at the end. This was an early made gown for all those fancy people.

The women overview of style would be long hand dresses. In France and England they would have in their clothes the high waistline which was used in spanish fashion. Normally you can find these types of shipped clothing in Florence or Milan. These types of clothing would have a V shape. The spanish were known for their hoop skirts that had appeared in the 15th century. This trend went from Madrid to London then to Paris for the next few decades. Come and Join this interesting trend!

The other trend of corsets made an appearance in this period of time. You can only buy these fashionable clothing in France, England, Italy and Spain.

**Remember these are tailor made

The new and cool thing to wear is in

stores now. We have the new and cool trends that you can show to

your friends

These are no street market

finds but they are tailor made.

Woman’s Latest Fashion

The current women’s fashion

Page 10: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork


• Wear a hat• Wear a barrette• Make your hat a halo

• Stay in style with King Henry VIII

• Buy a flat hat made for your hair• Make sure you have a feather• Wear long narrow silhouette that

grew longer at the ends• Have emphasis on your clothing• Wear wide revers• Wear wide collars• Wear wide sleeves


• Wear a hat that was in the dump• Wear a sack• Cut the ends of the rim of an hat

• Think that a women is right when staying with the trend

• Buy a hat that is fluffy and Goofy• have a heart or a brown stain• Wear flower patterns

• Have less imagination when it comes to clothes

• wear narrow revers• Wear narrow collars• Wear narrow, thin sleeves

Page 11: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

Now all we are waiting for is new entertainment, but what should we do?

Well the royal code has compiled few fun things to do when you are bored.

MUSICWell music is in the air and this is the

best way to enjoy your passing time.

You can listen to the sweet sound of execution or the fire sizzling fresh meat.

But now we have a new way to listen to music by, hiring a professional player or

play an instrument yourself. The

punishment for playing it without practice can cause you

an execution. So more entertainment for us!

EXECUTIONWho does not like

seeing a jouster getting his head cut off by the k i n g. We l l n o o n e because it is the new thing! 10 slaves are chopped up for our entertainment.

How to get into the a c t ? We l l , m a k e a movement that the king will not approve and then you are making a child smile.

The next biggest execution will actually begin when the next wife of King Henry due to not having a son but always getting a son. The better thing is that we will have a double execution for the child.

MAGICWitchcraf t can be

scary but also partly beauty. This can also be used in the a r t o f t h e a t e r. L i k e Shakespeare said “to be or not to be”

The new idea of entertainment!


Page 12: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

Watch Shakespeare now !!!!!!!!!

Now at the Globe

Preforming plays that can

break your heart like Romeo and Juliet

Come before all the courtesans take your

spot. Get the best spots with your own seat! and come now before you are a


Page 13: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

WANT TO IMPRESS THE KINGAll the women out here are wanting to be a royal bride the best way to win a man’s heart is through his stomach! Not physically but by feeding a nice hot meal. To do that you need to make Armored Hen from Spain. You roast a hen then rub the hen in egg yolk. You burn this through the fire and then you will hear the king say “I wish I had a wife that can cook like that!”

This must be one good meal because all of the reporters tried this meal and loved it.

MEAL FOR YOU AND FRIENDSThis meal comes from the Germans where there a special meat known as Sausage.

To make this meal you need 10 pounds of beef and 5 pounds of pork. Cut these kinds of meet in to very small pieces. These sausages should be stuffed. They should be put into normal shaped sausage and keep turning the sausage turned down for two days. Wrap this in a cloth and leave it in a box.

This must be the early meat made because I have no clue what will be next invention of meat. I wonder if there is a

circular shaped meat that is grilled in the near future

GIVE YOUR CHILDREN A HEALTHY MEALOur kids need to be healthy for any disaster and in general. The next meal can prove that your child can be the new leader of any nation and/or conquerer of an unknown area.

This is a healthy meal from Barcelona. The original recipe was written in an old form of spanish.

To make this meal you need to clean your spinach and boil it in water and a dash of salt. Fry this in bacon fat then put it in a pot on fire. Add goat milk to make it creamy. Cut bacon in the size of fingers. Cook this and add to the spinach and you are done with your meal that you can serve to your kids.

This can be healthy because you have some green and meat which is supposed to be good for your life. This must be important due to the lack of health for children

These are foods you can make for feasts so you can

please all the people around


NOTE: If you do not clean your hands your life

and others are on line

FOOD Make people smile

Page 14: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

• C o f f e e a p p e a r s i n Europe in the year 1515

• Music was printed for the very first time in 1516

• M a r t i n L u t h e r t r a n s l a t e s t h e N e w Testament into German

• The Great Bible was published for public use in the year 1539

• T h e p o t a t o w a s brought into Europe in the year 1540

• King Henry VIII was now known as king of Ireland in the year 1541

• Ivan IV crowned emperor of russia in the year in the year 1547

• The Baretta Family starts to make the early gun in the year 1550

• Q u e e n E l i z a b e t h established to a church in the year 1558

• First pencil made in England on the year 1565

• Christopher Saxton publishes the first atlas w i t h m a p s o f 3 7 countries in the year 1573

• Plans drawn for a submarine in the year 1578

• Gregorian Calendar adopted in the year 1582

• Francis Drake finishes the circumnavigation of earth in the year 1580

Learn something new if you have not learned anything in your life time


Inventions and investigations King Henry VII

Page 15: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

Thinking back on this century and timeMY REFLECTION ON LIFE IN OUR TIME

Most of our alphabet Queen Elizabeth

What I feel about our time in life is that we had many ups and downs. The ups were only meant for the great things that happened in the 16th century. The greatest thing in my opinion was the “Pencil” if you still do not know what this object is then you are not connected to the news. Well this is a writing utensil that is way better than ink blots. The down times of our time period was the “Pheasants Revolt” now I want to say “How dare they revolt against our rules!” This was unpleasant for both of us because Many of the poor died for rebelling and us royal people. This was unpleasant for us because we had to do work by ourselves.

Now this is my last issue of this magazine due to the pheasants revolt.

-Diana Medici

Page 16: The royal code


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork


"Catherine De' Medici." Wikipedia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Wikipedia. Web. 13 May 2014.


Did You Know. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2014. <http://didyouknow.org/history/


Feast of the Centuries. Caroline Theme, 13 Dec. 2013. Web. 27 May 2014. <https://


"Leonardo Da Vinci." Wikipedia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Wikipedia. Web. 13 May 2014. <http://


"Martin Luther." Wikipedia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Wikipedia. Web. 13 May 2014. <http://


"Nicolaus Copernicus." Wikipedia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Wikipedia. Web. 13 May 2014.

