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THE RUACH HA KODESH - AND SHA’VU’OT Spirit... · Web viewIn Luke 11:13 we read: “If you then,...

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THE SPIRIT OF YAHUWEH AND YOU “Ruach ha Kodesh” is Hebrew for the “Set-Apart Spirit” of Yahuweh—Elohim (God) of the Scriptures. Yahuweh (Yahweh with the breath sound in it) is the Father’s Name--given to us in Exodus 3:14-15, which means: “I AM the eternal existing One who breathes”. He is the Living Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thus the Ruach Yahuweh is Yahuweh’s own Spirit. Sha’vu’ot is Hebrew for “groups of sevens—groups of weeks”. In Greek the word is “Pentecost”--meaning “Fifty”. Seven weeks were counted from the Festival of First Fruits during Passover week. First Fruits was always on “the first day of the week” (Sunday)—Leviticus 23:10-11, 15-16, putting Sha’vu’ot always on the first Sunday after the seventh Sabbath. The festival of First Fruits, during Passover week, pictures the resurrection of Messiah, Yahushua (Hebrew: Yahuweh is Salvation), from the dead—I Corinthians 15:10, 23. He is the “first fruits” – giving us promise of our own resurrection to eternal life. “Passover” is from Exodus 12 regarding the death of the lamb, whose blood caused the death angel to “pass over” the children of Israel, but who killed the first born of the Egyptians. I Corinthians 5:7-8, we read that Messiah is our Passover Lamb. These are eternal festivals that will continue on throughout the millennial reign of Messiah, and into eternity. Yahushua/Yahshua is “THE LAMB OF ELOHIM”. His blood causes eternal death to pass over us, so that we can have eternal life. John 1:29 Fifty days after the children of Ya’cob (Jacob)--whose name was changed to “Israel”--crossed the Red Sea (Exodus 14), they came to Sinai. Thus “the children of Israel”, or Ya’cob, were set free, as Pharaoh and His army drowned. It was at Sinai that the nation of Israel first experienced an outpouring of the Spirit of Yahuweh—the Ruach Yahuweh--as He gave the terms of the marriage covenant between the Father and His People, and the instructions of the Kingdom
Page 1: THE RUACH HA KODESH - AND SHA’VU’OT Spirit... · Web viewIn Luke 11:13 we read: “If you then, being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall


“Ruach ha Kodesh” is Hebrew for the “Set-Apart Spirit” of Yahuweh—Elohim (God) of the Scriptures. Yahuweh (Yahweh with the breath sound in it) is the Father’s Name--given to us in Exodus 3:14-15, which means: “I AM the eternal existing One who breathes”. He is the Living Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thus the Ruach Yahuweh is Yahuweh’s own Spirit.Sha’vu’ot is Hebrew for “groups of sevens—groups of weeks”. In Greek the word is “Pentecost”--meaning “Fifty”. Seven weeks were counted from the Festival of First Fruits during Passover week. First Fruits was always on “the first day of the week” (Sunday)—Leviticus 23:10-11, 15-16, putting Sha’vu’ot always on the first Sunday after the seventh Sabbath. The festival of First Fruits, during Passover week, pictures the resurrection of Messiah, Yahushua (Hebrew: Yahuweh is Salvation), from the dead—I Corinthians 15:10, 23. He is the “first fruits” – giving us promise of our own resurrection to eternal life. “Passover” is from Exodus 12 regarding the death of the lamb, whose blood caused the death angel to “pass over” the children of Israel, but who killed the first born of the Egyptians.I Corinthians 5:7-8, we read that Messiah is our Passover Lamb. These are eternal festivals that will continue on throughout the millennial reign of Messiah, and into eternity. Yahushua/Yahshua is “THE LAMB OF ELOHIM”. His blood causes eternal death to pass over us, so that we can have eternal life. John 1:29Fifty days after the children of Ya’cob (Jacob)--whose name was changed to “Israel”--crossed the Red Sea (Exodus 14), they came to Sinai. Thus “the children of Israel”, or Ya’cob, were set free, as Pharaoh and His army drowned. It was at Sinai that the nation of Israel first experienced an outpouring of the Spirit of Yahuweh—the Ruach Yahuweh--as He gave the terms of the marriage covenant between the Father and His People, and the instructions of the Kingdom of heaven to be carried out on earth. Exodus 32: When His people fashioned the golden calf and showed their rebellious heart, choosing other gods alongside of Him, He had to institute the “ceremonial laws of animal sacrifice”, which was incorporated into the Torah. It was these laws of animal sacrifice that Messiah Yahushua (misnamed “Iesous” by Greeks, “Jesus” in English) fulfilled, paying the eternal price of death for our sin (II Corinthians

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5:21). Yahuweh’s Word is eternal. He did not do away with His Torah--His teachings and instructions for citizens in the Kingdom of heaven”. In fact, in Matthew 5:17-18 Messiah expands the Torah into the

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realm of the heart. Messiah, the Word made flesh, is the living Torah—the living teachings of Yahuweh.This great festival celebrates the coming of the Torah--the instructions and the teachings of the Kingdom of heaven that bring the right-rulings of heaven down to earth so that man walks in the balance and peace and quality of life that was intended for him by the Creator. Isn’t that different than what the Romans substituted in their Latin Vulgate Bible as “Law”? Even the Greek word for Torah, “nomos”, means “to teach—to graze (feed) animals”. (John 21:16)The negative concept of “the law of the Jews” or the “Law of Moses” was part of the Roman Catholic Church’s Replacement Theology, which purposely put a wedge between the Elohim or Israel and His Torah and the Jewishness of the Savior, and the theology and laws of the Church, relegating the good wisdom and right-ruling of Yahuweh’s Kingdom instructions to legalistic bondage and religious ritual to appease the angry “God of the Jews”. It was/is absolutely a satanic scheme to separate us from the Covenant of righteousness that the Set-Apart Spirit of our Father came to bring us. From Jeremiah 31:31-34: “See, the days are coming when I shall make a renewed covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah…For this is the covenant I shall make with the house of Israel after those days declares Yahuweh: `I shall put My Torah in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts. And I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people’”.The word is “renewed” not “new” as opposed to “old”. The word used, both in Hebrew in Jeremiah 31:31, and in Greek in Matthew 26:28 is the same word used for a “new moon” each month. It is not “new”, it is renewed, it is refreshed, it is brought to us again. Following the renewed marriage covenant that Messiah gave us through His own blood with the house of Judah (southern 3 tribes) and the house of Israel (northern 10 tribes—also called “house of Ephraim” or “house of Joseph”), the Spirit came on mankind in Jerusalem on the Feast of Sha’vu’ot to empower the disciples of Messiah to carry on His work and to change them into the image of Messiah. Messiah says in Matthew 15:24 that He only came to the “lost sheep of the House of Israel” – the twelve tribes, to re-unite them once again. [Please refer to: “Who Are the Ten?” and “Are You a Gentile?”] No one

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in Messiah is a gentile—barbarian, pagan, heathen. Therefore, the beginning of the fulfillment of Acts 2 and Joel 2 was the coming of the Spirit on Sinai (Mt. Horeb in Midian). In Acts 2 He came to write the Torah on our heart, to prepare His people, and especially His Bride, for the reign of Messiah on the earth. He also came to give power and authority from Yahuweh to those

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disciples who were born again and moving out to perform His will in the earth.Acts 1:8--Messiah’s promise at His ascension into heaven: “But you shall receive power when the Set-Apart Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”.Fifty days after they crossed the Red Sea at today’s Nuweba, Egypt Peninsula (Exodus 14) the Hebrew people (Israelites) came to Mt. Sinai (Mt. Horeb), in what is now Saudi Arabia. The Arabs call it Jabel al Lawz (the mountain of the Law). In Exodus 19 they are told to prepare for 3 days, for the coming of the Ruach Yahuweh. In Exodus 20, Moses receives the Ten Commandments--the terms of Yahushua’s marriage Covenant. He receives also instructions regarding the building of the tabernacle, after the pattern shown him of the one in heaven.Moses received detailed instructions regarding how the people were to carry out the terms of the marriage covenant. He received details about Shabbat-- the eternal covenant sign between Yahuweh and His people--instructions about how the seven Festivals of Yahuweh were to be celebrated each year, as rehearsals for their fulfillment in Yahushua, about what to eat and not to eat to remain healthy. He gave instructions as to how the people were to conduct themselves toward Him, and toward each other. He wanted to create His Kingdom on earth.Man in the Garden of Eden had failed because man refused to obey Yahuweh’s good instructions. But, the Israelites on their wilderness journey also rejected His Torah and so had terrible consequences. Today, man is trying to get rid of Yahuweh and His Torah and all who practice it and know Him off of planet earth, so that His enemy Lucifer can rule and reign. But, in the Kingdom of Messiah, His good Torah will be the rule of order and righteousness. “It has delighted Yahuweh, for the sake of His righteousness, to make the Torah great and esteemed”. Isaiah 42:21 The reason why He has to judge mankind is for breaking His Torah—

Page 3breaking His will, His right-rulings on earth, therefore rejecting Him and His right to rule over the earth. “Sin is the transgression of the Torah”. (I John 3:4) In Acts 2:1 and following: “When the day of Pentecost had fully come”, at 9:00AM, the Ruach again descended on the people of Elohim and empowered them and equipped them to go forward as His mighty warriors, taking the good news of the Kingdom to all the House of Israel scattered throughout the world. The coming of the Ruach was prophesied throughout the Tenach (acronym for Torah, Prophets and Writings--miscalled the “Old Testament”). Yahushua spoke much

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about Him. These 120 Torah-observant believers in the “upper room” in the Temple, who had been born again by their faith in the final Lamb of Elohim, Yahushua, were “baptized or immersed by the Messiah Himself--immersed into the Ruach ha Kodesh. In Luke 3:16, we read that Messiah would baptize His people in the Ruach Yahuweh: “John answered saying to them all `I indeed baptize you in water, but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal straps I am not worthy to loosen. He shall immerse you in the Set-Apart Spirit and fire’”. When Messiah immerses us into the “Set-Apart Spirit”, the fire that purifies and cleanses burns with us, and we hate sin—and love righteousness! Romans 6 is a powerful chapter to study. In John 15:26 we read Messiah’s words: “And when the Helper (Comforter) comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth who comes from the Father, He shall bear witness of Me”. (Italics mine)No new “church” system was born on that day, but an assembly, a congregation, came together for the first time of Torah-observant believers in Messiah, who came out publicly with the good news of the resurrected Savior, to extend to all the salvation of Yahuweh. Yahuweh had His assembly (congregation) in the wilderness under Moses. The martyr Stephen tells us this in Acts 7:38.Let us look a moment at the deacon Stephen. From Acts 6:1-5, we see that there was grumbling within the assembly by the Greek believers against the Hebrew believers. The Apostles assembled the people and said: “It is not pleasing for us leave the Word of Elohim and serve tables. Therefore, brothers, seek out from among you seven men who are known to be filled with the Set-Apart Spirit and wisdom, whom we shall appoint for this duty, but we shall give ourselves continually to prayer and to serving

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the Word. And the word pleased the entire group. And they chose Stephen, a man filled with faith and the Set-Apart Spirit, and Philip, and Prochoros, and Nikanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nikoloas…” How important is it to be filled with the Set-Apart Spirit? It is of prime importance for those serving the Master Yahuweh to have Him inside of us directing us with wisdom and faith. Messiah was filled with the Set-Apart Spirit, leaving us an example. Note: “The word “church” was inserted into the King James Version for the first time, forsaking the valid Greek word “ecclesia” which means

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“assembly” or “congregation”. “Church” was taken from a German name for the daughter of the sun god Helios—Circe--who supposedly turned men into pigs. From “Circe” we get “circle, circumference, circus and church”. On the day of Pentecost the renewed covenant in the blood of Messiah was sealed to the believers on their heart—in fulfillment of Jeremiah 31:33-34. The Ruach Yahuweh on that day brought forward the terms of the eternal marriage covenant from Sinai into the age of Messiah Yahushua. The coming of the Ruach on the day of Pentecost was to establish Yahuweh’s Kingdom among men, to empower His people, to bring the nature of Yahuweh into His people, changing them “from glory to glory”, and make a way to enter into the spirit of the re-born, so that Yahuweh could directly communicate with all of His set-apart children from within their inner being. It was when they were in “one accord”--in unity--as per Psalm 133—that the Spirit descended on the Apostles and disciples. How important is it for us to walk in love and unity with our brothers and sisters in the faith? The prayer of Messiah in John 17 has yet to be filled, that we are one as They are One. Yet, when we come together in obedience to Him, He is in our midst. In I Corinthians 12:13, we find that one of the 40 things that the Ruach does when a person is born-again is to baptize them into Messiah. Yes, the Ruach does at least 40 things instantly as He brings a repentant and humble person into the Covenant of Yahuweh, by their faith in Messiah Yahushua. But, as per Luke 3:16, and other passages, it is the Messiah who baptizes the born-again ones into the Ruach ha Kodesh. These are separate…yet they interlock. One is for justification—sealing of

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salvation as the repentant one is brought into the Covenant of Yahuweh. Messiah’s baptism is for the indwelling of the Spirit of Yahuweh (as per John 17) so that we are changed into His image and become like our heavenly Father. II Corinthians 3:17-18 reveals to us that the Ruach is Yahuweh Himself interacting with His people: “Now Yahuweh is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of Yahuweh is there is freedom. And we all, as with unveiled face see as in a mirror the esteem of Yahuweh, and are being transformed into the same likeness from esteem to esteem, as from Yahuweh the Spirit.”John 4:23-24: Our Father is Spirit, and His Spirit is He who transforms us into the likeness of our Father. “Elohim is Spirit and those who

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worship Him need to worship in spirit and truth”. We worship Him from our re-born spirit.In Luke 11:13 we read: “If you then, being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father in heaven give the Set-Apart Spirit to those asking Him!”As per Acts 8:14-17 and 9:17 and 19:1-6, the Father has used me to pray for hundreds of people in Africa, in America, and in other countries to receive the power of the Ruach Yahuweh. When He comes upon us and into the re-born spirit, He brings His power, His presence, His Person, His gifts and manifestations. Through His presence we can become the dearest of friends and intimately in love with Yahuweh and Yahushua (John 17). If Enoch could walk with the Father and be taken unto Him, and if Abraham and Moses could be called “the friend of Elohim”, cannot we also know Him like these men did? Through the presence of the Spirit of Yahuweh within us, we can interact in intimacy and communion with Him like Adam experienced before he put the rebelled. “For the eyes of Yahuweh diligently search throughout all the earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards Him”. (II Chronicles 16:9) It was the Ruach Yahuweh that led the children of Israel through the wilderness. It was His Spirit who placed the “set apart seed” into the body of Miriam. (Luke 1:35) It was the Ruach who led Simeon into the Temple at the exact time that Miriam and Yosef brought the baby Yahushua to be circumcised. (Luke 2:25-27) It is the Ruach who leads us step by step into His to-the-second appointments, so that we fulfill His will daily. On Sinai, it was the Ruach that burned the top of the mountain and

Page 6shook it so hard that it terrified the people. Jewish tradition says that He spoke the Torah from Sinai in the 70 known languages of the earth. Interesting tradition, since on the “day of Pentecost” in Acts 2, the Spirit speaks in all the languages of the people present so that all could understand. In Genesis 1:2, the Ruach was “moving on the face of the waters”. In Job 26:13 Job says: “By His Spirit He adorned the heavens”—literally: “put the glitter on the galaxies”. He is the one who breathed into Adam, the breath of life. He is the one who brings a sinner to Yahushua for salvation. Without Him, no one can come to Messiah for salvation. John 6:44: “No one is able to come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws Him”.The Ruach does not come to the world except to convict the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment (John 16:8-9). Without

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repentance there can be no salvation. Without cutting loose ties to Satan’s world, no one can enter the Covenant of Yahuweh and His Kingdom. Yahushua says in John 16:7 that it is good for Him to go away, so that the Set-Apart Spirit can come to those who are in covenant with Him. As an example: I had woman who grew up in the Catholic Church tell me that she couldn’t receive the “Holy Spirit”. I asked her what she was trusting in for her salvation. She said she trusted her water baptism by the church when she was a baby. I taught her about Scriptural salvation. When she truly put her faith in the Savior as her only hope, then immediately the Ruach Yahweh came upon her in great joy. I’ve had this happen in Africa several times. The Ruach Yahuweh only comes upon and in those who are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Genesis 6:3: “And Yahuweh said: `My Spirit shall not strive with man forever in his going astray. He is flesh and his days shall be one hundred and twenty years”. Jews realize that this is talking about “Jubilee years”. A Jubilee year is 50 years. 120X50=6,000 years. My friends we are inside the 7th millennium by a very few years—but we have passed the time of His “striving” with man. It is “high time” to repent and turn to Yahuweh, for His wrath is soon to come! (Romans 13:11) Yahuweh says in Leviticus 11, 19, and 20 and in I Peter 1:16: “Be set-apart as I am set-apart”. We cannot be set-apart--“sanctified” and “holy”--without the working of the Ruach within our own spirit. Hebrews 12:14b: “Follow peace with all men, and set-apartness—without which no man shall see Yahuweh”.He is the one who changes us from esteem to esteem – or “glory to

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glory”—so that we conform to the image of Messiah. II Corinthians 3:18: “And we all, as with unveiled face, see as in a mirror the esteem of Yahuweh , are being transformed into the same likeness from esteem to esteem, as from Yahuweh, the Spirit”. John 16:13—Messiah says: “But when He comes, the Spirit of Truth, He shall guide you into all truth… He will show you things to come”. Many now are beginning to be afraid. They see what is coming on the earth and knowing much is very wrong, but most people, because they do not study the Prophets nor Revelation with the Author—the Ruach Yahuweh—do not know what is coming on the earth.Amos 3:7: “For the Master Yahuweh does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets”. When the

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Ruach speaks to His servants, it is with “revelation knowledge”—His secrets—and He reveals them within our re-born spirit. Daniel knew Yahuweh’s secrets and revealed them to Nebuchadnezzar.Daniel 2:22: “He reveals deep and secret matters. He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him”. Daniel had skill in interpreting and receiving dreams and visions. Joseph received instruction in a dream about Herod’s plot to kill the baby Yahushua. My friends, miracles, dreams, visions, hearing His voice, and personal interaction with Him was known to His people from the earliest of times. King David said in Psalm 51:10-12 in his prayer of repentance: “Create in me a clean heart O Elohim, and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Set-Apart Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me, Noble Spirit!”II Peter 1:20-21: “…knowing first that no prophecy of Scripture came to be of one’s own interpretation, for prophecy ever came by the desire of man, but men of Elohim spoke, being moved by the Set-Apart Spirit”. The writers of Scripture heard His voice—either outside or inside of them. He gives His Spirit to those who desire Him. He speaks His “rhema” (Greek for the “spoken word”) within the spirit of those who love truth and seek it from Him. This is what I mean when I continually say to study the “logos” (Greek for the “written word”) with the Author as Teacher--because as we study the logos, He teaches us with the rhema. Today, we must not speak for Yahuweh without the direct intervention

Page 8of the Set-Apart Spirit. For the Ruach Yahuweh is the Spirit of Truth, and without Him speaking through us by His anointing we will mix truth with error. He is the only one who gives us pure absolute truth—directly to our spirit, and confirmed by man who is also hearing from Him.I John 2:27: “But the anointing which you have received from Him stays in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as the same anointing does teach you concerning all, and is true, and is no lie, and even as it (the anointing) has taught you, you stay in Him”. (Italics mine)The word “anointing” means: “a smearing of grease”. The anointing of Yahuweh’s Spirit breaks every bondage off of our lives so that we are free. Isaiah 10:27: “And in that day it shall be that his (the Assyrian ruler--enemy of Israel) burden is removed from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.” (Italics mine) The Hebrew picture here

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is of an ox with a yoke. The neck of the ox is so greased that the yoke cannot stay on – but falls off. When our lives are so “greased”, or anointed, with the presence and the power of the Ruach Yahuweh, the things of the enemy sent to bind us, will simply slip off--cannot stay on our necks. Messiah says in Matthew 11:29-30: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your soul. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light”.“Messiah” means “the anointed One”. Messiah was the Anointed One by the Ruach Yahuweh. (Luke 4:1) Luke 4:1: “And Yahushua, being filled with the Set-Apart Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.” There He was tempted by Satan and overcame Satan by the Words of Yahuweh from Deuteronomy, three times. This same privilege of being filled with the Spirit for overcoming the Devil is extended to us who love Messiah Yahushua.Luke 4:14: “And Yahushua returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee…” Luke 4:18, Messiah says: “The Spirit of Yahuweh is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to bring the good news to the poor…” If Messiah Yahushua was filled with the Ruach Yahuweh, isn’t it wise that we be too?My friends, we are in a time when the pit has been opened

Page 9(Revelation 9) and the most powerful demons that have been chained since the time of the flood are coming upon the earth to deceive and destroy. We must also be anointed by the Ruach Yahuweh with power in order to properly do spiritual warfare against demonic forces: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. (Ephesians 6:12)Ezekiel was filled with the Set-Apart Spirit. Ezekiel 2:2: “And the Spirit entered into me when He spoke to me, and set me on my feet. And I heard Him who was speaking to me”. Exodus 31:3: “I have filled him with the Spirit of Elohim in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge…”—speaking of Bezaleel, who was the craftsman of many things in the tabernacle. Many rulers and prophets and priests in the Tenach knew the power of the Set-Apart Spirit upon them. When He says in Romans 11:26 “all Israel will be saved”, He is speaking of the day of Messiah’s return when all twelve tribes of Israel (Jacob’s name was changed to “Israel”) see Him, and know Him as their “Suffering Servant” who died for them. (Zechariah 12:10)

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Joel 2:28-29 and Isaiah 59:19-20 speak of the future time when the Ruach Yahuweh will be poured out upon all of His people. On the day of Pentecost, as Peter said, the beginning of the fulfillment of these prophecies began—as the Ruach came upon and into His reborn people. (John 3:3-8) In Micah 3:8, Micah says of himself: “But truly I am filled with power and the Spirit of Yahuweh, and with right-rulings and with might, to declare to Jacob his transgression and to Israel his sin”. How could Micah say that, or Ezekiel be “filled” with the Spirit if they were not born again? By many passages of Scripture we see that no “church” with a new gospel was birthed at Pentecost, but a renewed covenant brought the people the ability to receive the Ruach Yahuweh for themselves, and so walk in “newness of life”. The oil used in the tabernacle and temple was called “anointing oil” as in Exodus 25:6. This anointing comes with the manifested presence of the Ruach Yahuweh. He is our Teacher. (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13) He is the Spirit of Truth. Jeremiah 31:34 speaking of the renewed covenant and the outpouring of the Spirit of Yahuweh to write Torah on the hearts of His people: “`And no longer shall they teach each one his neighbor

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and each one his brother saying “Know Yahuweh”, for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them’, declares Yahuweh”… It is the Set-Apart Spirit that causes us to know Father and Son. It is the Spirit who goes forth to bring the Bride to Yahushua. He is the one who draws and teaches and comforts and guides the Bride to her Bridegroom. It is the Bride and the Set-Apart Spirit who call: “Come Messiah Yahushua Come!” (Revelation 22:17)In Genesis 24 we have a beautiful picture of Abraham, the father, sending out his dearest friend, his servant, to find a Bride for Isaac. The servant goes to the house of Abraham’s brother and brings Isaac a bride from among his cousins—his relatives. So Yahushua will have a Bride from among the tribes of Jacob. As Eve (Hawah) was taken from the side of Adam and formed into a woman, so the Bride of Messiah is taken from the wounded side of Messiah and fashioned into a Bride who will exclusively love Him alone. She will have “no other gods (lovers) besides Him”. (Italics mine)The Ten Commandments are what the Bridegroom wants in His Bride. In the ancient Jewish wedding ceremony, the man takes the terms of the wedding covenant to the father of the woman he wants to marry. These are the things he wants in his bride. If the father agrees to the desires of the young man, he calls in the girl and tells her. If she

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agrees to the terms, then they drink wine to seal the engagement. This is what “communion” is all about—drinking the wine to show that we are in agreement with His Covenant. Then the young man goes back to his father’s house and begins to build a house onto it for his bride. This may take two yeas. But, with great fanfare he comes to receive her as his wife when the house is prepared. The engagement is as strong a covenant as marriage, so during his absence, she prepares herself to be a good wife to him. It is the Ruach Yahuweh who helps the Bride of Messiah to prepare for His coming. The Ruach is the one who raised Messiah from the dead. Romans 8:11: “And if the Spirit of Him who raised Yahushua from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Messiah from the dead shall also give life to your mortal bodies through the Spirit dwelling in you”.He seals us—Ephesians 1:13-14: “…in whom you also, having heard the word of truth--the good news of your deliverance--in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Set-

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Apart Spirit of promise, who is the “earnest” of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of His esteem”. He is the “down-payment” on our eternal life. People used to say that a “down-payment” on something, like on a house for example, was “earnest money”. Ephesians 4:30: “Do not grieve the Set-Apart Spirit of Elohim by Whom you have been sealed for the day of redemption”. If you do not know the Set-Apart Spirit of Yahuweh, how do you know if you are grieving Him or not? You must know His heart in order to know what pleases Him or grieves Him!In this article I will share with you a few of multitudes of experiences I have had over the years in knowing the Ruach Yahuweh. Don’t let your intellectual theological denominational mind, filled with the opinioned teachings of man and your own opinions, keep you from seeing the greatness of the Ruach Yahuweh and what relationship with Him can mean to you. I want you to know Him like the early Apostles and disciples of Yahushua knew Him. He leads those submitted to Him into the most fantastic life possible on this earth! I need no study notes to write about my most intimate life’s companion. He came to me when I was 4, and wrapped me around in a bubble that I felt go around me, and told me “You don’t belong here anymore”. I was in my parent’s car going down to Huntington Beach in California. As I looked out the window of the car after He said that, there was a difference – I felt detached

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and no longer a part of the world I was seeing go by me. From that point, He began to manifest Himself to me. I did not know at that point that my dear Friend was Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel, but I knew He was Elohim. He has been my dear companion all of my life. He has spoken to me in at least 39 ways, and I daily depend on Him for all sorts of things. He comforts me with His peace when I am upset. He shows me reality through “word of knowledge” as opposed to the lies and deceptions that the demonic world wants to show me. He convicts us of sin. Our nature should be sensitive to His conviction. The Messiah speaks to us by the Ruach to our spirit. How can we hear His voice – the voice of the Father’s Spirit—if we are comfortable with our sin?Because of lawlessness—many people have been taught that the Kingdom instructions of Yahuweh are not-applicable for today—believers have little standards of right and wrong. I am grieved, as He

Page 12is, that many “Christians”--so-called “believers” of all labels--have no conviction of sin. They hurt other people--crush them, use them, slander them, judge them, criticize them, undermine them, and do all sorts of evil against their own brothers and sisters in the faith-, and many are doing other sins, yet coldly wrapping their religious robes about them and justify themselves with no conviction of any wrong-doing. Many are hiding their sin, hoping no one will find out. It is He who empowers the “witnesses” of the good news, and gives His manifested presence in power for miracles, healings, deliverances, for prophecy, for direction, teaching, guidance, and personal relationship with Him. In the days to come—the days of horror that Messiah told us about—He said that we would be brought before rulers and authorities, and to not be afraid. Mark 13:11: “And when they lead you away and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand what you are to say. But whatsoever is given to you in that hour, speak that, for it is not you who is speaking, but the Set-Apart Spirit”.

My friends, if we don’t know His voice through intimate interaction with Him now, how can we 1) not worry, and 2) know what to speak, when our minds are in panic? Today, right now, begin to pray that you will hear His voice. He speaks to us in at least 40 ways, so I’ve discovered. The main way He speaks when we study His Word. The second main way is to hear His voice in our spirit, or receive His words by impression on our spirit. It is time we learned to trust Him for everything.

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The tribes of Israel knew Him early-on. He spoke to them at Sinai. The rabbis say that He spoke with “tongues of fire” in the 70 languages of the earth, when He gave the Torah. Thus, at the Feast of the first Sha’vu’ot after Messiah’s ascension into heaven, the Jews in Jerusalem understood, once they realized the 120 were not drunk at 9:00AM.He is the One who led them through the wilderness. Yet, they “vexed” Him with their unbelief--tormented Him. They tested Him, angered Him, and He went forth against them in wrath. Psalm 63:8b-10: “…He was their Savior. In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of His presence saved them; in His love and in His pity He redeemed them; and He bare them, and carried them all the days of old. But they rebelled and vexed His Set-Apart Spirit: therefore He was turned to be their

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enemy, and He fought against them”. My friends, I know His anger and wrath—one thing we do not want to do is to anger our Father. I have felt the Ruach’s anger and it is frightening. We do not want to make Elohim our enemy! He warns us to get out of the path of His wrath…especially we who dwell with the “daughter of Babel” (Zechariah 2:7). In these end-times, historically and actually, America is Babylon. Yahuweh says to us in Revelation 18:4: “Come out of her (the whore of Babylon/Babel) My people, lest you partake of her sins, and lest you partake of her plagues”. (Italics mine) This is repeated in other chapters referring to end-time Babylon (America), which carries Nimrod’s ideals of a world government, a world economic system, and a world religion. (Genesis 11) [Please refer to: “End Time Babylon” for an in-depth Scripture study] The Ruach Yahuweh has a wonderful personality. I’ve laughed at His dry sense of humor, cried at His sweetness, cuddled up in His comfort, and felt His excitement when He was showing me something dear to His heart. I have reveled in His gifts, His anointing, His power, and His gentleness, His teaching, His love, and His graciousness. I have moved in His power to perform miracles, healings, and prophesy with boldness. I have moved in His power to set others free from demonic spirits. He has set me free and healed me many times.I’ve felt his heat and His vibrations as He was healing me. I have felt His presence so strong that I could not stand up at times, but had to kneel on the ground. At the dedication of Solomon’s Temple, the priests could not stand up because the power of the Ruach was so strong. (I Kings 8 ff) But, He is very sensitive. He often comes to me to share something, or to ask me to come into His presence. If I tell Him that I have to finish the dishes, or call someone on the phone, or in general put Him off—

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He quietly withdraws His presence, and I feel empty, alone, and sad. I am learning. When He wants to show me something in the Word, or talk to me, or fellowship about something, or give me a “word of knowledge” or “word of wisdom” regarding something, if I am smart, I forget the mundane—I go and do as He requests, and I am never sorry. He wants to interact with you in that way too. I could tell you the most amazing stories of my travels with Him, and my times of ministering with Him. He has the most wonderful personality! I do fear Him. I fear losing the relationship that I’ve gained with Him!When we are His friend, we have to be “on call” 24/7. He has

Page 14awakened me in the middle of the night to pray when one of my children was about to be in a car wreck, or harmed in some way. He shows me a vision of the situation and then I pray correctly. He has awakened me in the middle of the night to pray for people who were being attacked seriously by the enemy. I have heard the stories of how my children almost got in an accident right when He awakened me to pray with urgency. As one example: One night in Kenya, He woke me up with an urgent knowledge that someone was coming to slit out throats. I began to do “spiritual warfare” against the demons and the person who was almost at our door, so He showed me. After a while, the urgency subsided and I went back to sleep. I learned the next morning that the brother of the man who was staying with us (a student who had been born again) was demon possessed. He had come to kill us and slit our throats so he cursed at our door. The born-again student heard his brother at the door, and realized the danger and would not open the door. HalleluYah! He sometimes awakens me after He gives me a dream, because upon awakening, He gives the interpretation. Why does He sometimes awaken us earlier on Shabbat morning? (He answers questions—so I ask them. He answers question—so you, please ask.) He said that He waited long enough--as a Bridegroom waits impatiently--for me to awaken so that we could have more time together. He speaks more on Shabbat than any other day—so I’ve discovered, and especially He speaks early in the morning. Read the Song of Songs. See the characteristics of the Bridegroom—and you will understand Yahushua the Bridegroom much better. You will understand that I am not some unique person who is more “spiritual” than someone else. I just have a passion for Him. It was our passion for Him that was robbed from us when Adam and Hawah chose to know other things. Now mankind is so lustful for the knowledge of good and evil that instead of spending time with Him, mankind in general spends time watching TV, on Internet, playing video games, watching movies, and in general tuning Him out.

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It is the Ruach who is preparing the Bride to receive Yahushua! It is sad that few allow Him to change them into His image. It takes set-apart time to know Him. That’s the secret of any relationship—spending time with a person. He won’t stay around if He’s not wanted, or if He’s put off by our schedules, our agendas, our programs. He backs away from sin, lawlessness, rebellion, and disobedience to the Torah.

Page 15And then again, so few know Him because they have relegated Him to an impersonal force, or the one who gives “goose bumps” in Pentecostal meetings. Because of religious radicals have the wrong spirit the “Holy Spirit” is given a bad reputation. In some “Charismatic” meetings people roll on the floor, bark like dogs, paw like bulls, scream, rant and rave, and do all kinds of things and call it the manifestation of the “Holy Spirit”. The nature of the Ruach is the nature of Yahuweh, for the Spirit (Ruach) IS Yahuweh. Yahuweh doesn’t bark like a dog, etc. But, demonic spirits want to make His creation look stupid – to bring His creation down to the level of an animal. The fruit that someone is filled with the Ruach Yahuweh is that they walk in love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, faithfulness, patience and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) Galatians 5:24-25 says: “And those who are of Messiah have impaled the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit”. Walking in Yahuweh’s righteousness is a witness that we are Spirit-filled. Obeying His Set-Apart Covenant is our witness…not going nuts in a meeting. We are to walk in peace, kindness towards our brothers and sisters, minding our own business—not slandering and gossiping. My friends—the fruit that is manifested in those filled with Yahuweh’s Spirit is far different than those filled with themselves, or with some deceptive or demonic spirit. It is amazing that there is so much divorce in the Charismatic church. The Ruach does not set people free to be controlling, overbearing, pushy, and self-seeking. He sets us free to eat of the “tree of life”—and come into submission to Yahuweh.The Ruach is often relegated to the sensational. He is controlled in many church services. Rather than receiving His conviction of sin, He is often used as a means of getting ecstatic experiences. This is occult mysticism in a Christian package. Many say that “He said this, and He said that”, yet He has not spoken. False prophets abound, and so religious people who think that everything that enters their head is a word from God. (Ezekiel 13)

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He speaks in our re-born spirit, and when He speaks there is great peace. Only those who truly know His Word and His nature can distinguish His voice.Oftentimes He is put into a theological/doctrinal mold that He does not fit into. Yahuweh has nothing to do with man’s religions, so when man is in control, the Ruach backs off. If we are in control, He cannot help

Page 16us. We have to submit to Him and become trusting like a little child—for He is the eternal Elohim—Yahuweh—and He does not enter into the intellectual or emotional attitudes of man. He deals through individuals to bring them into a place of Truth, but He is not part of the religion of Christianity or Judaism—He never was. He is not part of any religion. He is Yahuweh. The Apostle John is a picture of the Bride of Messiah. In John 13:23-26, Peter has to ask John what Messiah is talking about. John has his head resting on Yahushua’s chest. Peter is sitting next to John. The Bride has her head to His heart. She enters into the “fellowship of His sufferings”. She enters into His joys. She enjoys intimacy with Him—exclusivity. That’s the Bride’s characteristic—she is exclusive. That is what the first four commandments are about—having no other lovers except Him.When my daughter Debbie didn’t come home from Middle School one day, and the bus driver had not seen her, and her friends had not seen her, this mom was in panic. He has always cut through my fears like water putting out fire, and intervened in my emotions that are taking me in the wrong direction. It has been part of our relationship since I was a child. He always gives me overwhelming peace when in the natural I am falling apart. He showed me a vision of Debbie sitting on the school steps. He said, “She’s at school; go get her”. I went there, and there she sat, waiting on me. The school had been locked and she had missed the bus. What if I had not had the Ruach to tell me where she was that day? What would have happened to her? It was a very bad neighborhood. I would have called the police and they would have searched for her. The Ruach always saves us emotional and mental stress by telling us His words of comfort and by relaxing our minds. I don’t have to depend on man to tell me what I should believe is truth and what is error. He lets us know if something is not right—if we love truth. His presence in us is like having our own lie detector inside. However, most believers, like the world’s people, depend on a trusted person for their instruction in what they should believe or do. The question is: Who do we consult first regarding our situation? Yes, I know that the Father, many times, gives us information from human sources. He uses human beings to confirm

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things to us that the Spirit has said to us. We just must make sure that what our human source is saying agrees with our Father. It is also so wonderful to fellowship together and compare “notes” as to what the Father has said to us. It is good to get information when

Page 17making decisions also—for the Word says: “In a multitude of counselors there is safety”. (Proverbs 11:14) Yet, we must seek Him first—for this can save us a lot of time and trouble.The word “baptism” means to immerse totally. When we are born-again, it is important to be water-baptized. It is a witness of our new birth to others. But, it is more than a symbol. In Romans 6 we see that it is our burial with Him, and our resurrection with Him. It is an outward prophetic demonstration of what is happening in our spirit. It is our prophetic action, showing that we are immersed into Messiah. I Corinthians 12:13: “For indeed by One Spirit we were all immersed into one body, whether Jew or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink into One Spirit”. In the same way, if you are not immersed totally 100% into the Ruach, how can He take up residence in your body? When you put a glass into a dishpan of water it initially floats. You must push the glass under so that the water fills all inside the glass. The glass must be totally immersed. Thus we can have the Ruach around us after we are born again, but unless Messiah puts us completely under, we cannot be filled with the Ruach. But take note: There is a major difference in the ministry and lives of those who know the Ruach and those who don’t. Those who love Yahuweh are filled by His Ruach with love for His Word, because He is the Author. The Word is what works in our soul (mind, will, emotions) to change us. The genuine “Spirit-filled” believer is not self-seeking, not pushy or loud, or demanding, bombastic, prideful, or haughty-- drawing attention to themselves. Nor are they judgmental and critical, or gossips, nor do they seek to build giant kingdom ministries to honor their own names. They are not out to push their own selfish agendas and ambitions, don’t beg for money, and are not worldly and out to get for themselves. They are servants. Those who have Yahuweh’s Spirit exemplify the characteristics of Yahuweh/Yahushua!—Simple as that. Water is a symbol of the Word and also of the Ruach. The Ruach is also symbolized by the wind, by wine, and by oil.“Be not be drunk with wine, in which is loose behavior, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to each other in Psalms and songs of praise and spiritual songs, singing and striking the strings to your heart to the Master…” Ephesians 5:18-19 The Festival of Sha’vu’ot among the Jews is celebrated as the coming

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Page 18of the Torah and the coming of the Ruach ha Kodesh down on His people. The wind, the fire and the tongues were known to be manifestations of the Ruach by the Jews from the time of Mt. Sinai. One Sha’vu’ot I was in a house in Beit Shemesh (Israel). I was on the second floor, and beneath me was a new synagogue. I could look inside the synagogue. I heard the people singing. I saw them praying. They read the Torah portion from Exodus 19 to 20. I stood at the window overlooking the synagogue and read Acts 2. Acts 2:1-4: “And when the day of the Festival of Weeks (Pentecost) had fully come, they were all with one mind in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from the heavens, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And their appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and settled on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Set-Apart Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them to speak.” They were celebrating the terms of the marriage covenant given to their people at Sinai. His appearance in the cloud was well known for 40 years, as He led them in the cloud and in the fire. I have seen that cloud with my own eyes. The wife of the Mayor of Ariel, Israel, saw the cloud when a Spirit-filled pastor was speaking to the IDF about Elohim. She was a secular Jew—not religious. She grabbed one of the camera people very excited, because she said she saw the cloud coming into the room, and she said, “it’s the Holy Spirit”. Now how did she know that? Jews know about the Ruach! Also, His speaking through people in other languages is not strange to them. I was at a synagogue several years ago for the first time, in Ft. Worth, Texas, with a Jewish friend—it was at a Bar Mitzvah. The Rabbi began speaking in Hebrew. I don’t remember ever hearing Hebrew before. I noticed many words in the main tongue that the Ruach Yahuweh had given to me years before. I turned to my Jewish friend and said that I spoke in a language by the Holy Spirit and that the Rabbi was speaking words from that language. She leaned over and said: “Well then you probably know more Hebrew than I do”. The religious Jews know that the Word was written from His mouth. They know that He is the “finger of Elohim” who wrote the Ten Commandments on the tablets of stone. Yahushua says that the finger of Elohim is the Ruach! (Luke 11:20) Interesting note: The Brazos River of Texas was originally called “the finger of God”, from Indian days.

Page 19The Ruach Yahuweh is not up for theological debate discussion by Western Christians. He is not up for debate period. Either He is

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desired and received as He is, or He just moves on. He will not be manipulated by religious agendas, by Pastors, “praise and worship” leaders, by choir directors, or other controlling people who relegate Him to their box of when He can manifest and when He has to shut up so that the Pastor can preach, or the announcements can be given. And Please: He is NOT a force as in Darth Vader and Star Wars. “The force be with you” does not apply to Him. Daniel 11:38 (KJV) says that anti-messiah will worship the god of forces. The New Age pagans worship gods of forces—like nature and spirits, “ascended masters” and ancient gods of war. In the ancient trinities of deities, the “holy spirit” was acknowledged as a force that was associated with the Queen of Heaven—the mother goddess. He is a Person—He is Yahuweh. He takes form when He wants to, and touches, and holds, and speaks, laughs, cries, is angry, is joyful, gets excited, communicates, and in all ways has personality. He gets so joyful that He leaps in my spirit at times like a baby in the womb.In Luke 1:41 He filled Elizabeth’s spirit, causing the unborn John the Immerser to leap: “And it came to be, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the baby leapt in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Set-Apart Spirit”. Sometimes He fills me with great joy. Sometimes He fills me with great grief. Sometimes He gives me both—at the same time. One day The presence of the Ruach changes people’s lives. Did you notice how the Ruach’s entrance into Simon Peter changed his whole personality and caused him to speak with great power? Do you noticed that mixed up Peter who had so many questions and so much confusion all of a sudden got it all together and became unconfused? It was the entrance of the Spirit that did that. When the Ruach fills us He gives us “weapons of warfare” that are not “carnal”--II Corinthians 10:4-5--that give us boldness in spiritual warfare, in prayer and intercession, and in ministry, in preaching, teaching, and to build up ourselves in Him. (Romans 8:26-27; Ephesians 6:18; Jude 20)Romans 8:23-24a, 26-27: “…we ourselves who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, we ourselves groan within ourselves eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of the body. For in this expectation we are saved…And in the same way the Spirit does help in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we

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should pray for, but the Spirit Himself pleads our case for us with groaning unutterable. And He who searches the heart knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes

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intercession for the set-apart ones according to the will of Elohim”. Ephesians 6:18: “…praying at all times, with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, watching in all perseverance and supplications for all the set-apart ones…”Jude 1:19-20: “These are ones who cause divisions, not having the Spirit. But you, beloved ones, building yourselves up on your most set-apart belief, praying in the Set-Apart Spirit”. The term “praying in the Set-Apart Spirit” has to do with using the language of heaven that He gives us, if we will allow Him to, when He enters our body. This “prayer language”, which is personal, is available for all who receive Him with child-like faith. We must not usurp His authority. I Corinthians 13:1: The fruit of the re-born spirit (Galatians 5:22-24) must control the gifts—or the gifts are devoid of His presence. In the assembly, we must only speak in a “tongue” if there is an interpreter (I Corinthians 14). Within His guidelines things are done in His order--for His glory. He builds up our faith, helps us intercede, and helps our inability to know how to pray, by giving us a tongue of heaven, that the devil can’t penetrate. When we allow Him to speak through us, either in a “tongue” of angels or when teaching or preaching or ministering to others, we relinquish our own right to our own tongue, so that He can take control. Ya’cob/Jacob (misnamed “James” by the KJV) says that no man can rule the tongue. But, the Spirit can rule it. (Ya’cob 3:8) If no one can rule their own tongue, then there must be someway that He can rule it—and He does when we yield it to Him—either to speak in our own language as we teach or preach or minister, or to speak in a foreign language to win souls, or to speak in a heavenly language to shut out the devil. Satan can’t duplicate or understand the language of “angels”.Yes, the devil is a counterfeiter, but not a good one. The devil tries to duplicate “tongues”—and it is awful—the sound of the tongue of a demon is recognizable to one who knows the Father. The manifestations of the demonic and the manifestations of the Spirit are sometimes only discerned by those who are experienced in knowing

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Him--and knowing the tactics of the enemy.In Africa, I helped many to be born again, and to be freed from demonic powers from their witchcraft past, to be healed, and to receive the baptism into the Spirit of Yahuweh. Oftentimes, as the

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Spirit would come down on these people, the demons would scream and act out and finally the people set totally free. These things were common in the early assemblies. The Jews had no problems with the Ruach, miracles, supernatural manifestations—because they read the Tenach and they saw Messiah for 3 ½ years. I’m a “what you see is what you get” person--no hidden agendas. I talk to the Father openly. He’s taken all the religious spirits out of me. One day I was in great pain in my back. I have lived in different degrees of pain daily since I was ten, due to flexible vertebrae and joint areas that move around a lot and come loose and pinch nerves, etc. I was trying to work—typing a letter for a pastor the church office in his home. He was not there. The pain reached the point where I couldn’t concentrate. I had been trying to build up my faith in His healing for my back. (The whole story behind this is so powerful that when I told it in a church in Mexico, people were being healed all over the audience. He was teaching me not to feel my left leg—which had been numb since my teens, to determine whether I was healed or not. When I stopped going by what I felt—He healed me. I hope to be able to tell that story to you sometime, because it contains a powerful faith-principle. Faith overrides the five senses—that is why most people do not experience the interaction of the Ruach in their lives. We are called upon to walk by faith, not by sight (II Corinthians 5:7). But, that day I got up from the typewriter and went into the living room. I stood there and said to the Father: “I wish I could trust you to take away this pain. But, in the bathroom are Tylenol and I know that if I take them the pain will subside in about 20 minutes. I’d love to trust You but the pain is too great, and at this point You are too slow”. (Yes, I said that—I am not religious). All of a sudden, within a split second, I felt hot heat—very hot heat—hit the lower part of my spine. I stood frozen in place as the heat moved slowly up my spine to the top of my neck. As it moved, the pain instantly went away. I stood there shocked. I said: “I’m sorry Sir; I’m sorry Sir; I’m sorry Sir”. From that point, He took me into training to trust Him. It changed my life forever! You don’t get to know someone by being a fake. He appreciates our honesty—after all, He knows us thoroughly anyway, and we can’t fool Him.Religion also relegates the Person of Yahuweh – the Spirit of Yahuweh

Page 22– to a “third person of a trinity”. The “trinity” concept goes back to Nimrod—and is in all cultures—and is pagan to the core. There is a Father, Yahuweh, and there is a Son, Yahushua. There is no umbilical cord that was severed so that the Ruach could be a “third person”. Back as far as the religion of Nimrod, the “Holy Spirit” was symbolized as a dove, and romanticized in relationship to the Queen of Heaven—Nimrod’s wife, Semaramis.

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PLEASE DO NOT CALL HIM AN “IT”! My Abba is NOT an “it”. He is Yahuweh--not a “ghost” or force—that’s mystical occult teaching also. An “it” has no form, nor does an “it” talk, nor does an “it” have a personality.Corrie Ten Boom, in her later years, wrote a book of instructions for the “end time battle”. She knew the Nazi concentration camps, and she knew they would return. Yes, they are now returning in full force. She said that unless a person was baptized into the Holy Spirit, and spoke in clear “tongues”—the prayer language of the Ruach—they would not be able to stand in the last days. I know that to be true. When the mental pressure and emotional panic and fear hits so hard in the days to come, the only prayer that can escape from our lips, when our mind has shut down, is the prayer of the spirit. I know—I’ve been there many times already—through almost dying of malaria and from events that shut down my mind in trauma. When the mind shuts down, only what is in our Spirit—the Word, the Spirit—will see us through. The prayer of the Ruach cuts through the power of the enemy in men and devils, and breaks through for victory when nothing else can. In the days to come, without the power and presence of the Ruach we cannot overcome. He will lead us by the hand and guide our steps. He can keep us at peace. The prayer language literally breaks through the enemy lines and brings deliverance. Please note: In I Corinthians 12:7-11 we have a list of nine “gifts” that the Ruach gives to us to use to the Father’s glory. They are the “word of wisdom”, the “word of knowledge”, special “faith” for miracles, gifts of healings (plural), gifts of miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, different kinds of tongues (of men and of angels), and the interpretation of those tongues. I have experienced all nine manifestations (gifts). Because I move in the prophetic realm (in teaching and prophecy) the “word of knowledge” and the “word of wisdom”, prophecy and the discernment of spirits are my strongest gifts. The “word” of wisdom or knowledge lets us tap into His mind—to receive what He has to say directly to us for the moment. The

Page 23“word” of knowledge gives us the present reality. Most of my dreams and visions are in this realm. The “word” of wisdom gives us His mind on how to deal with the present and future realities. I have lived these nine gifts literally, and yet I stay within the Scriptural guidelines of how to use the gifts. Without staying in the boundaries laid forth in Scripture, there is confusion and the enemy can counterfeit. But, many confuse the gifts, or manifestations for the assembly with what every believer can do by the Spirit. All can prophesy edification, exhortation and comfort, as per I Corinthians 14—but under

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guidelines. (See I Corinthians 14:26-33). Sha’ul (misnamed “Paul”) says we should seek this gift. (I Corinthians 14:1)In I Corinthians 12--“tongues” and “the interpretation of tongues” equals prophecy. And in the assembly, if one speaks in a tongue, they had better either do their own interpreting or know that an accurate interpreter is nearby. The prayer language without interpretation is not for the assembly—it is for personal prayer or prayer with individuals outside of the assembly. Tongues and prophecy used in the assembly must be under the scrutiny of other prophets—to “judge” their rightness or wrongness. The assembly is not to be a free-for-all, but ordered so that all can participate. Remember, the “assemblies” were in homes, or small meeting places—not in “churches” established by the Romans. Yet, be aware that the “order” of the Ruach takes many forms. It is not the order of western civilization, or the order of a denomination, or the order of a pastor or elder—it is His order. Order to the Ruach can include more than one thing going on at once, especially when He’s dealing with several individuals at the same time. Yet, in His “order” no matter how it is, there is peace, tremendous beauty and peace. I am well aware that the devil counterfeits. But, there are a lot of counterfeit bills floating around the U.S. for example, yet I don’t know any American who has given us spending dollars for fear of a counterfeit bill. “Tongues”, healing, and more can be counterfeited. People can fool people. But, my friends if you know the Ruach and His Word, then deception will be hard pressed to overcome you. You will see what is of Him, and what is counterfeit. But, the only way you’ll be able to spot counterfeits is if you know the genuine well enough. The “tongues are of the devil” bunch are a sad group. Get to know the real—and enjoy His presence!Getting back to our need to be “filled with the Ruach Yahuweh”, here

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is the testimony of a famous missionary to China, Jonathan Goforth. Yes his last name was Goforth. He and his wife went to China at the calling of the Father. They ministered for a long time, with little to no results. They had not won one person to the Savior after several years of hardship. Jonathan was particularly discouraged. He had been given a book about Charles Finny, the great Evangelist in America. Jonathan wanted to know what Finny’s secret was that caused him to have such power, that all he had to do was to walk into a factory, and people would begin to cry, and sob, and repent, and turn their lives over to the Savior, without Finny having to say one word. So Jonathan told his wife that he was going to shut himself up in his room alone, until he found what Finny had found in the Holy Spirit. His wife was

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worried about him. He was in the room for about 2 weeks. Then he came out, his face glowing with joy, and told his wife, “I’ve found Finny’s secret—it is the baptism into the Holy Spirit”. Jonathan went to out to preach, gathering several hundred together to hear him for his first sermon since the radical change in his life. That first time that he preached with the power of the Holy Spirit, hundreds were born again. That’s what Acts 1:8 is all about. I will give you here my testimony. I told you about the age four experience. May 13th, 1951, Mother’s Day, at age 6 1/2, I made my public profession of faith in the evening service of a Baptist church in La Habra, California. I walked the aisle to the front of the church. My mother said I skipped. A deacon came to bring me a “decision card” to sign. I told him I didn’t want to sign a decision card, I wanted to go in the prayer room and pray to receive Jesus. By age 9 I was ministering to children in a Mexican Baptist Church in La Habra. I was winning souls to Him by age 6, and had a passion for the gospel from that age. I was very serious about truth. If I heard my pastor or youth director or someone else talk what I knew was not Scriptural, I was in the defense of the Word in their face many times. At age 17, He called me to China, and to the world. I studied to be a missionary at BIOLA University—an Evangelical University in California. My whole life has been dedicated to ministering. But, of course, I was taught the Christianese language, and Christian thinking. Some of it I rejected because I found out it wasn’t true. It was after BIOLA that He had to begin the process of radically getting religion out of me. I always saw in black and white—what was right, and what was wrong. Things bothered me early on, that now I have answers for. My pastor said that the things of the book of Acts were done away with. I knew he was lying, but I didn’t know how to find out the truth. I lived in a

Page 25Baptist denominational world. I stood up to many things that were not right in the church. Once our youth group went to our Baptist Seminary. The man leading our class told us how the Bible was myth and stories. I went to the Director of the Seminary, and they fired that man. I would tell the children in the church, who were writing notes and talking, even while sitting right next to their parents, to be quiet and listen.I saw things others did not see. I still do. And then, as now, when I would tell people what I saw, many labeled me as a critical person, a judgmental unloving person, because the spirit of the world was alive and well in my church. Like my dad, I grew up with the Ruach as my only close companion. My dad taught me about the Holy Spirit. He had a strong devotion and love for the Holy Spirit, and for Israel. When

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people love Israel, you know that the Ruach is working in their eternal spirit. He is drawing them “home” to His Land. Here is my personal testimony as to how my dear Friend, the Ruach Yahuweh, enlarged my life beyond anything I could have asked or thought.I was preaching and doing evangelism on the streets of Los Angeles one night in November of 1966, after I had graduated from College. Since the 1950’s I’d been watching programs on T.V. where people were being born again, but also being healed by the power of Elohim, and I knew that what the church said had died out almost 2,000 years ago had never died out—but that His power to impact our lives continued. Some of the students and even professors at BIOLA mocked the healing and delivering power of Elohim. That made me angry because I knew in my spirit that He was the same—“yesterday, today, and forever”. That night in November a precious quiet-natured couple approached me. They were going home to their dorm at Life Bible College nearby. They asked me if I had ever been baptized into the Holy Spirit. I said, “NO”. They invited me up to their apartment for prayer if I’d like to receive the Holy Spirit. The next week I went with them. I was a little Baptist girl who had a head full of knowledge of the Word. I was a straight A student in Bible. I could preach, and teach people from preschoolers to adults. I had been on the mission field in Mexico and the Navajo Indian reservation. I had a personal relationship with the Ruach—Someone I knew by experience, but I did not really know Him as Yahuweh, the Elohim of Israel—that came later. I knew what He could do from the book of Acts, but not experientially.

Page 26I knelt down by their couch. I put my head in my hands and prayed “Holy Spirit I want you—but Please do not scare me”. Yes, I said it just like that with the emphasis on “Please”. I pray no religious prayers! The young woman laid her hands on my back. I don’t even remember her praying, though I am sure she was praying in tongues, but I heard nothing. All of a sudden, I felt terribly hot all over—just burning up, especially on my forehead. Then my body began this soft vibrating all over. I was irritated and thought: “What is she doing, shaking me like that?” But, as soon as the thought went through my head, I realized that she was not shaking me, but it was the Holy Spirit. I heard two strange words in my head, and that’s all. Then we talked a little, and I went home. I knew something had happened, but I didn’t know what it was. I felt different. That night, I had a dream from the Father. In the dream, Satan was coming to kill me. I used those two new words, and he back off. But, he tired a second time, and I used those two words, and he backed off again. The third time he came very strongly. I picked up those two words, which became a spear in my hands, and I ran at him with those

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words in the form of a weapon, and he ran away in fear. The next morning, I had joy like I have never had it in my life. I had to begin to re-read the whole Bible without my Baptist glasses on. The whole Word became fresh and new to me. But, also the fruit of the reborn spirit increased. The presence of the Ruach intensified to the point where He began showing me things and talking to me like never before. I had visits from Satan’s forces and powerful manifestations of the Ruach against them. I began to manifest the gifts of I Corinthians 12: 4-11. I was transformed from a shy intellectual Baptist into someone who was passionately in love with my Elohim, with a boldness that I had never known before. He began training me Himself as Yahushua trained the disciples to imitate Him. A short while later, I was troubled because all I had received were two words from my immersion into Him. I was lying on the bed reading a classic of the 1960’s on the baptism into the Holy Spirit. All of a sudden His presence came on me, and I sat up on the edge of the bed like I had been hit by a bolt of lightening, and I began fluently speaking in a prayer language--clearly and perfectly. He has given me several languages, but this one I received that day has been with me ever since. Satan cannot understand the Ruach’s prayer language, the “tongues of

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angels”. He is angry because he can’t block the Ruach’s prayers through us. That’s why he raises so much mockery over this special “gift”. I realize that “tongues” is the only gift of the Ruach not talked about as such in the Tenach, yet it is described perfectly in Isaiah 28:11-12. It is indeed “the refreshing that causes the weary to rest”. I feel very sorry for the skeptics because they are left to their own natural reasoning and the theology that they get from listening to others and derive from their own opinions. They do not know Him; they don’t know His voice; and they miss out on the beauty of His presence in their lives. I Corinthians 2:12-14: “And we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from Elohim, in order to know what Elohim has favorable given to us, which we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches, comparing spiritual matters with spiritual matters. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of Elohim for they are foolishness to him, and he is unable to know them because they are spiritually discerned”.But, I also feel sorry for the naïve gullible believers who are walking outside of His Covenant and thus don’t know Him either. Many, not all, as in the suspicious “Charismatic renewal” of the 1960’s, I believe got

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“psyched” into an emotional experience and got nothing, or were fooled into getting something but not something from the Father. The fruit in the lives of people is what shows who is in control. Many Catholics, for example, after supposedly receiving the “Holy Spirit” went back to their Mary-worship and became more Catholic. Know this: The Ruach separates us from what is defiled before Yahuweh. He leads us OUT of what is lawless and pagan. If a person has truly received the Ruach, they cannot stay in what is not of the Father! If a person is anxious, controlling, frustrated, greedy, ambitious, and pushing their own agenda, including being religious, you know that the Ruach Yahuweh is not in control—they are. When the Ruach indeed fills us, then we have peace. Acts 4:29-31: The prayer of disciples who were under persecution: “`And now Yahuweh, look on their threats, and give to Your servants all boldness to speak Your Word by stretching our Your hand for healing and signs and wonders to take place through the Name of Your set-apart Servant Yahushua’. And when they had prayed, the place where they came together was shaken. And they were all filled with the Set-Apart Spirit, and they spoke the Word of Elohim with boldness”.

Page 28This is the fruit of those truly filled with His Spirit. Their prayer is that they might speak His Word and move in His behalf. Those who truly are filled and anointed with Yahuweh’s Spirit are passionately in love with His Word—they obey it, they study it, they embrace it, and they defend it. So many, I know, say they “have the Holy Ghost” and yet their lives are full of turmoil and their personality is filled with self. When He is in control there is peace. We have these admonitions: “Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh”. (Galatians 5:16) “Do not be led astray: Elohim is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. Because he who sows to his own flesh shall reap corruption from the flesh, but he who sows to the Spirit shall reap everlasting life from the Spirit”. (Galatians 6:7-8) How do we know we are in Messiah? Romans 8:14-16: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of Elohim, these are the sons of Elohim. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by Whom we cry out `Abba, Father’. The Spirit bears witness with out spirit that we are children of Elohim.” If you don’t have the inner witness of the Spirit, what is your assurance of eternal life? He is the One who walks with those who are redeemed—as the “Helper”—the “paraclete” (Greek: “the One who walks along side to help”).

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In late November of 1966, I was on the streets of Los Angles’ skid row about 2:00AM and very pregnant with my oldest daughter. After receiving the power of the Spirit, my boldness in preaching on the streets of Los Angeles was so fearless. That night a gang of men surround me, and ask me “lady what are you on?” They meant: what drugs are you taking? They told me my eyes were glowing. I told them: “I’m high on Jesus”. And they said in wonderment: “We’ve heard of that”. I’ve been right in the middle of biker gangs preaching, and if anyone tried to hurt me, they’d defend me. That was downtown Long Beach, California. I had Hell’s angels actually protecting me. Later on I became friends with quite a few born-again ones from the Hell’s Angels. One in particular had been so vicious that the Los Angeles police were afraid of him. After Teddy Medina was born again and filled with the Spirit, he became meek as a lamb. When Gary Dix was born again and filled with the Spirit, he came off of a very heavy drug addiction instantly. His wife, Sharon, had thirteen children from several fathers. She was so violent that the State of California took

Page 29her children away from her. When she was born again and filled with the Ruach Yahuweh, the State gave them all back to her because of her exemplary life as a “new creation” in Messiah. I remember visiting her and seeing she was baking bread. It was early in the morning. I asked her why she was up cooking so early. She said that she’d wasted so much time serving the devil, and now she wanted to make a real home for her children. We don’t realize how powerful our Father’s love is towards those who are helpless without Him.I’ve seen Him multiply food, in Kenya. I was staying with a missionary in Kisumu. One morning she had told the cook to fix four pieces of tilapia, salad, a bowl of corn, and some rolls for the four of us for dinner. Then we went out. Later that day, she invited fifteen, including the pastor and his wife. So, she called the cook back and he had already left for home. The nineteen of us stood in front of food for four. They asked me to pray. I prayed that Abba would multiply the food. I watched as all of us got seconds and thirds, and still there was food left! Interesting: The main course He multiplied in Kenya was Tilapia. Tilapia was the fish believed to have been cooked by Yahushua after His resurrection (John 21) for it is abundant in the Sea of Galilee. Therefore, I figure, He already had practice in multiplying Tilapia. (smile) Messiah Yahushua has not changed! Only man’s faith has changed. If you have first-century faith my friends, you’ll get first century miracles!I’ve seen creative miracles. One happen to me or I wouldn’t be walking today. The Ruach continues to move today in answer to faith. I felt vibrations going all through my left leg, and He literally turned my hip outward and my legs outward, so that I could walk straight, and lie on

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my stomach with my legs straight out behind me for the first time in my life. We don’t see Him as Elohim if we see Him through theological eyes. People who knew me before just would stand and stare and marvel. We must not limit Him. John 11:40: Before Lazarus is raised from the dead Yahushua says to Martha: “Did I not say to you that if you believe, you shall see the glory of Elohim?” Jeremiah 32:17 and 27: “Ah Master Yahuweh! See, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You”. “See, I am Yahuweh, the Elohim of all flesh. Is there anything to hard for Me?” Yahuweh limits Himself by His Word. In living by faith one principle is most necessary: Unless He speaks His will to us, for us, we must not

Page 30presume that something is ours, simply because we want it. Faith is based solely on what He has said in His Word first, as interpreted by Him, not us, and to us personally in our re-born spirit. He speaks to us in our re-born spirit, not in our volatile soul—the mind, emotions, that contact the natural world only by the five senses, which is the seat of the sin-prone nature, and fleshly lusts.Yahuweh is not associated with the “blab it and grab it” movement. He’s not going to honor someone quoting a Bible verse 100 times to get what they want. He answers us when we are yielded and obedient to Him, with the attitude always, “Your will be done”. There is a big difference between presumption and faith. When the Father tells me something is mine then I can proclaim: “It’s mine”. Then He brings the answer. Many with greedy hearts and idolatrous hearts are blabbing and trying to grab, and are getting off into New Age teaching—called the “prosperity message”. This is no more than a disguised version of the “I am god” thinking.This is where we clearly need the gift of “the discernment of spirits!” By this gift we learn to discern between the Father’s voice, the spirit of man and the spirit of the demonic. If we go by our reason, the enemy, who is so subtle, can deceive us. We might think we’re doing right, but we’re being beguiled into lies. The classic example is in Genesis 3--the seducing of Eve’s mind. She was so cleverly led down the path to disaster because SHE DID NOT DISCERN THE REBELLIOUS NATURE OF THE ONE WHO WAS SPEAKING TO HER! Think about that. She thought he looked so great—the “angel of light”—and because she trusted his beauty and splendor, she was beguiled into destruction. This is typical of naïve people who go by what looks good, sounds good, and feels good. They do not discern who is speaking to them, and so are now being led into Luciferic doctrines that will destroy them.

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Right now the deceptions and lies of demons are on the earth to such a high degree that without the Ruach telling us what is right or wrong, we have a high chance of falling into deception, even the “great deception” that will cause mass apostasy--II Thessalonians 2:8-12.He must be received by faith. It is a child-like faith that causes Him to come. He won’t dwell with intellectual pride, a person who wants to analyze and argue, and understand everything with their mind before they allow Him to come in. He is not a beggar. He doesn’t beg us to please let Him in. He will not be controlled by man!He leads the Bride to the Bridegroom. Therefore, on Shabbat, He brings the two together for their “date” on their special day. From

Page 31Friday night to Saturday night, the Ruach draws the Bride and Bridegroom together. The Ruach trains and prepares the Bride. He is also very protective of the Bride. Without total dependence on Him, the Bride cannot be ready to meet her Bridegroom!! In the days to come, unless a person has an intimate relationship with Yahuweh through His Ruach, there is little hope of survival or enduring. Those who “overcome” shall be delivered. There is no way of enduring or overcoming without the direction and power of the Ruach ha Kodesh. Do your own study on Revelation 2 and 3. Seven times He says: “Hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies”. How does the Ruach Yahuweh speak to the assemblies? He speaks through His Apostles and Prophets, His people who hear from Him—the teachers who are in His Word and presence—the pastors who know Him—the evangelist who knows Him. He wants to speak to the assemblies of today! He wants to speak to you!When I was in Tanzania the first time, I was in a Pastor’s home, dying of malaria. I had entered the final stages before death, having thirteen of the fifteen symptoms. I had come with my African Director of my Corporation to preach 25 meetings. Yet, I could not think of my own name. In that state, however, I felt His presence over me, and from my spirit, I could quote Scriptures. The people were so afraid I’d die. They were fasting and praying for me. In the final stages of the disease, I was so weak I could not sit up for a second. But, I asked to be taken to the church, propped up and allowed to preach. I could not sit up for even 30 seconds, and could not formulate one sentence by myself. Yet, for 3 separate meetings, over 2 days, I preached 2 hours each meeting. The way I did it was the Ruach told me from my spirit what to say. I said it, and the Pastor translated. It worked so fast, that I was “rapid-fire” preaching without even being able to concentrate on my own name. The people and the pastors were astonished that this dying white woman could preach with such authority without the Bible, without notes. But, it was His authority.

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Again, another time, while I was speaking on a subject, the Ruach began speaking in my spirit. He gave me revelation knowledge on the subject that my mind would never have thought about. I did not stop the teaching, but listened with “the mind of the spirit”. Our re-born spirit has a mind that is separate from the soul’s mind. I then proceeded without stopping to repeat the revelation that the Ruach had put in my spirit. The people went wild with excitement. Those are just two examples, to show you that without the Ruach in

Page 32your spirit, when your mind shuts down, you cannot hear from Him. And if you are distracted, and He is not in your spirit, how can He overcome your distraction—mental or emotional? My youngest daughter was born again and baptized into the Ruach when she was 5. She began to be powerful in spiritual warfare against the devil. By the time she was 8 she was leading many of her friends to salvation. When she was 11, we went to minister in Saltillo, Mexico. She was leading people to salvation, but also moving in miracles and healings. One boy had been in a car accident, leaving him crippled and with a hole in his lung. He gasped for air. First Darlena prayed for his mother as she received salvation. Then she prayed for the boy. About fifteen minutes later, the missionary with excitement told me that he had taken the boy out in the parking lot after Darlena’s prayer and the boy ran around totally healed in all ways. It was amazing to see the long line in front of Darlena, as parents brought their children to her for prayer. My son also began moving powerfully in spiritual warfare after being baptized in the Ruach ha Kodesh. One night I had a vicious migraine headache. I had a history of migraines so bad that I’d always have to go to the hospital emergency room for drugs, which never helped me anyway. But, my son went into spiritual warfare against the enemy over me. I felt about 4-5 long, thin claws pulling straight out of the top of my head. Heat from the Ruach went all through me. I came off of that bed totally healed and I’ve never had a migraine headache since.A few years ago, I had a vertebrae out in my back, which was pinching nerves behind my left eye and I was in terrible pain throughout my head. I said: “Holy Spirit, help me. If You don’t help me I’ll have to go to the emergency room at the hospital”. Immediately I saw a man’s hand—almost translucent—coming towards my head. As the hand passed through the left side of my head, the pain was instantly gone. My friends, please know that He is personal! When we are born again, we receive “a measure of faith”. (Romans 12:3). But, as per I Corinthians 12:9, we see that one of the gifts of the Ruach is “special faith”. This powerful gift overrides the logic and reasoning of the mind. When it comes on a person, a miracle is about to happen. I’ve had this come on me for the miraculous in healing. It

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must acted upon without any thought, otherwise the special faith leaves. In Mark 5, the ruler of the synagogue comes to Messiah. He asks Messiah to come to his house because his daughter is dying. Messiah

Page 33starts towards his house, but in the meantime He heals a woman that has been sick for many years. As they continue on to his house, his servant comes and tells the ruler that his daughter is dead. Now, the natural mind would shut down—it would lose faith and think all was over…too late. But, Messiah makes a most awesome statement in Mark 5:36: “Do not be afraid—only believe”. Messiah went to the man’s house and raised his daughter from the dead. This is why Messiah tells us that we must become like a little child to enter the Kingdom. The Ruach loves to interact with us. But, He expects us to receive Him in simple child-like faith. I heard evangelist Joyce Still, a lady who prayed for me when I had a dramatic healing in my back, telling a story that I will relate to you. Her friend’s daughter was dying of leukemia. She had a “word” from the Father that her daughter would live. She asked Joyce to stand in prayer with her for her daughter’s complete healing. Joyce said she would. Then Joyce got a phone call. Her friend said, “Joyce do you still believe that my daughter will be healed? Are you still standing with me?” Of course, Joyce said, “Yes”. Then her friend said, “My daughter just died 20 minutes ago”. She asked Joyce to come to the hospital. Together they joined in prayer, reminding the Father that He had said the girl would live. By this time, the girl had been dead well over an hour. But, as they prayed, she sat up—totally healed. Do you want to know this wonderful Ruach who is Yahuweh? Do you want to know the Messiah who died and rose again so that we might have Him within us? Both can be received--by faith. Messiah came to justify us before the Father. The Spirit came to set us apart unto the Father. Smith Wigglesworth, the famous evangelist who moved in healing miracles, would do the miraculous under this special gift of faith, mentioned in I Corinthians 12. One time he threw a crippled child who had never walked across the room because the power of that faith came upon him. The child hit the ground running. This is not the kind of faith that we live with on a daily basis, but in times to come, in times of crisis, this gift will see us through to victory.Note: We must always be aware that we have NO authority to do anything or say anything to do with His will, His Word, His ways, or to intervene in anyone’s life unless He gives us His authority. We must not take authority unto ourselves, for we could be walking on very

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dangerous waters—being illegal. We must only operate in all that we do in humility, submission and obedience to His authority! If

Page 34someone tried to do what Smith Wigglesworth did without His authority, that little boy would have been more crippled or dead. One time they brought a man to him who was having a heart attack. Smith doubled up his fist and jammed it in under the man’s heart. The man sat up healed. But, Smith was operating in “special faith” and not in his own power--otherwise he would have probably killed the man outright.Messiah said: “Truly, truly I say unto you, `He that believes on Me, the works that I do shall he do also--and greater works than these shall he do because I go to the Father’”-John 14:12 The works of the Apostles and up into our day have been greater in number but also greater in the miraculous. The raising of the dead after the person has been dead many days has occurred over and over in the last few years. People with no eyeballs have received eyes and sight, the deaf hear, and the lame walk. I will never forget praying for a deaf woman in Africa. I prayed with her, and then went to sit on the platform, since I was speaking. I watched her. The expression on her face was one of amazement. She began hearing. Then she ran up and threw herself across my lap crying. Can life be any better than this?The Ruach is not a sensationalist. Yet, when He manifested, as in raising Lazarus from the dead, His authority and power were very visible through the command of Messiah. Because Messiah only did what the Father told Him to do, the Father’s authority backed Him all the time—and His Spirit operated to do the jobs that the Father deemed important. In these last days, the Ruach is empowering a small remnant of set-apart ones with authority to do the miraculous. This is because He has trained this small remnant to be absolutely obedient to Him, so that He can trust His servants not to show-out and draw attention to themselves. Above all things, we must not draw attention to ourselves if at all possible—but always glorify Him only. Messiah healed by the power of the Ruach, cast our demons, raised the dead. The Ruach raised Messiah from the dead, so why not others? He never stopped because the church said He stopped. Yet, I know that there are shysters out there—fakes—those operating in demonic power, doing some miracles too, and raking in “mega bucks”. I know that miracles and signs and wonders must not be chased after. Many are doing that—chasing after men who are sensationalists. We thank Him for His miracles, healings, deliverances, signs and wonders. But, we don’t live by them. We live by faith. Faith is the lifestyle of

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the believer. Faith is not given to us so that we can always be getting for ourselves—but is for stepping out and following the Lamb wherever He goes (Revelation 14). It is for knowing Him. Revelation 13 tells us that the false prophet will fool the world with “signs and wonders”. Yet, their fruit reveals their heart. However, the Ruach has not stopped His manifestations just because the devil tries to counterfeit Him. Did Moses shut down because the magicians counterfeited Yahuweh’s miracles? Of course not… Like I said, the skeptics are losing out. The naïve are being deceived. Know the Word, and His nature, and you’ll have discernment. A Colonial in the Air Force had a shriveled leg. It was several inches shorter than the other leg, and he wore an “elevator shoe”. He came to our prayer class in Ft. Worth. I watched as his leg grew out to match the good leg. He walked out of there with one shoe on and one shoe off. He returned the next week to tell us that for the first time in nine years he could hike and walk normal and he came to give praise to Elohim.In the plagues of Egypt, we see that the magicians could duplicate the miracles of Yahuweh up to a point, and then the magicians said: “It is the finger of Elohim”. (Exodus 8:18-19) The devil can counterfeit healings and even some miracles. But, the fruit of the healing or miracle is not the same as the results from the miracles of Yahuweh. Note: The devil’s healing doesn’t last long—it lasts just long enough for the person to be beguiled and seduced into the devil’s kingdom.One day I got angry that a friend of mine had a crossed eye and every time he would get tired it would move to the center. Under “special faith” which came on me, I grabbed his head between my hands and commanded the eye to return to the center and never cross again—and I watched the eye move to the center, and it never crossed again. My friends, in the days of horror to come—the days of panic—the days of such fear that many will commit suicide—without knowing the ability of the Ruach and His power, a person will be only left to their reason, and believe me, in trauma the reason shuts down. We must learn to hear Him in our spirit. What a glorious festival is Sha’vu’ot! I love to be at the Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem for the opening and closing of this Festival. The people dance, shout, and sing, and call for Messiah and for the Holy Spirit to come. I like to be with them and call for Messiah Yahushua to come.In Acts 2, the same Ruach in Exodus 19 and 20 Who wrote the Torah with His finger on tables of stone (Exodus 31:18), came

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Page 35: THE RUACH HA KODESH - AND SHA’VU’OT Spirit... · Web viewIn Luke 11:13 we read: “If you then, being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall

On Sha’vu’ot morning at 9:00AM, the Jews gather at the symbolic “tomb of David”, because they say that King David was born and died on Sha’vu’ot. So, when the day of Pentecost has fully come in modern days, they still are dancing, rejoicing, shouting, proclaiming the Word, and calling for the Ruach ha Kodesh to come, and for Messiah to come.Sha’vu’ot pictures also the restoration of the “tabernacle of David” (Amos 9:11 and Acts 15:15-17). I’ve been where this “tabernacle” stood on the real Mount Zion in Jerusalem. It is just behind the palace of David. The “tabernacle” or dwelling place of the Ark of the Covenant, the place where worship went on 24/7 for forty years in the City of David, was more of a pavilion, not a tabernacle as Moses’ tabernacle in the wilderness. That area is now in ruins, but Abba promises to restore the “ruins”. In Psalm 102, the Psalmist says that His servants love the dust of those ruins. This place of praise pictures the Kingdom in which the “Ark” of His presence (Messiah) will be with His people. Sha’vu’ot opens for us the most multi-faceted revelation of Yahuweh. The Spirit is given to us for this time period—between Messiah’s death and resurrection and His coming to Tabernacle with us forever. It is the time-period in which Yahuweh reveals Himself to His people through His Spirit. Sha’vu’ot is the 4th of the Festivals of Yahuweh (Leviticus 23). The story of Ruth takes place between the barley harvest at Passover and the wheat harvest at Sha’vu’ot. Sha’vu’ot pictures also the harvest of souls that would come into the Kingdom because of Yahushua’s death and resurrection. John 4:35: “Do not say `There are still four months, and the harvest comes’. See, I say to you `Lift up your eyes and see the fields for they are white for harvest—already!’” When He said this, the wheat harvest of Sha’vu’ot was over. Sha’vu’ot comes in the Hebrew month of Sivan—the Roman May or June. From June to Tishre (the Roman September/October), when the next harvest would come--grain and fruit--was four months. In these four months of summer, the people laid on their roofs at night—it was hot. There was no sowing or reaping. Messiah tells them that it is not

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time to lie down on your roof. Look! See lost souls that need harvesting for salvation! The Ruach Yahuweh is the “Master of the Harvest”! It is by the wooing of the Ruach ha Kodesh that people are drawn to salvation.

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Without His wooing a person, convicting them of sin, and leading them to Yahushua, no one can be saved. Our very eternal life depends on Him.“And when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth, who comes from the Father, He shall bear witness of Me”. (John 15:26) “No one is able to come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws Him”. The Father woos us by His Spirit. The spirit convicts the sinner that he needs salvation. (John 6:44) Ask the Ruach to fill you to overflowing! If you have never had Him come inside of you, ask Him--invite Him, and hold nothing back--no intellectual religious prideful hang-ups allowed.The Bride is “all glorious within”, because she’s been changed “from glory to glory” by the Ruach. (Psalm 45:13 and I Corinthians 3:17-18)The Bridegroom is passionately jealous for His Bride. He says so in the Scriptures. Yahushua was a Jew and Levite in the flesh. Are Jewish people passionate? Is the Pope Catholic? (smile) Messiah is coming soon! The requirements for our set-apartness unto Him are increasing. (Revelation 22:11) His passion is increasing—towards His Beloved and towards His enemies. His timing is to-the-nano second perfect. If we want to be ready for His coming, and walk in His timing, as Noah did before the flood, then we’ll have to re-arrange our lives perhaps to fit His agenda. If our agenda is in the way of knowing Him, it has to go. He is our protector and defender. Speaking of the promise of Messiah’s coming, but applicable now: “So shall they fear the Name of Yahuweh from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood the Spirit of Yahuweh shall lift up a standard against him”. The “threefold cord” for us cannot be broken: 1) The Name of Yahuweh 2) The Word of Yahuweh 3) The Spirit of Yahuweh. Blessings to you with His joy and love,YedidahMay 18, 2004, revised and edited June 1, 2006, edited May 21, 2007, edited again December 17, 2011

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