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The Sacred Geometry and Patterns of Duality and Unity

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  • 8/13/2019 The Sacred Geometry and Patterns of Duality and Unity


    The Sacred Geometry and Patterns

    of Duality and Unityby Nathan Martin & Aline Van Meer

    Each person, regardless of gender, is comprised of both masculine and feminine energies

    within, and these two energies each have two poles, a positive (+) and negative (-) pole.

    These four energetic poles are also related to the pattern of how each person asks and

    answers questions, and the pattern of where the answers are coming from. Here is an

    excerpt from our article, The Power of Questions, that explains this process in more detail:

    Each energy has two poles like a battery or circuit, the masculines heart is his

    negative (-) pole, while his genitals are his positive (+) pole, and the feminines genitals

    are her negative (-) pole, while her heart is her positive (+) pole. The four poles united

    together in harmony create a toroidal field, much like the free energy generators

    described in the movie Thrive (found on YouTube), and only those who are fullySelf-realized actually connect in this way. Mostly though, within our reality, people

    connect and relate to each person based only on one of their four poles, making them

    only 1/4th of their full capacity in relation to others, at any given moment. What a

    powerless and frustrating life, no wonder humanity is never satisfied with what they

    have, theyre missing 3/4ths of their ability to relate to people that is a huge energy


    The fourpoles also directlyrelate to the questions we ask and the answers we receive.

    The positive (+) pole holds the answer vibration and the negative (-) pole holds thequestion vibration, and without asking questions (-), solutions (+) cannot be provided.

    The masculine heart (-) asks "why, who, and what questions to the Universe, which

    pulls in specific solutions and answers through his feminines heart (+) pole via her

    connection to the Divine, while the feminines genital pole (-) asks "how, when, and

    where questions to the material world, which pulls in specific actions, solutions, and

    answers through her masculines genital pole (+) via his connection to the earth. When

    a question is asked intensely enough, with a desire for its fulfilment, it pulls in all of the

    necessary answers.


    With this foundation laid, lets look at the geometry of how relationships work in both duality

    and unity and although the two may look similar on the surface, the pattern of each is vastly

    different from the other. In both patterns, the masculine and feminine connect, but the dualistic

    version does so in a partial way, allowing for only one pole set to connect to the same person

    or energy at any given moment. The masculine and feminine heart poles can either connect

    together, or the two root poles can connect together, but both sets of poles cannot connect to


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    the same person at the same time (see figure 1).

    When examining this energy pattern, it can be seen that the receiving pole is consuming while

    the giving pole is being consumed, thus there is tremendous energy loss occurring within thisdynamic. With each person being a battery for the other, it puts tremendous strain on all

    relationships, between individuals, between the people and the government, and between

    humanity and the environment. Some may attempt to lessen their footprint of consumption,

    however, this is just an attempt to minimize the damage of the pattern, because the pattern is

    there and people are stuck in it, they do not know how to get out.

    However, in unity, both the heart and root poles are all four connected and flowing as One,

    where both the masculine and feminine are able to give and receive to one another in a

    harmonious flow without energy loss (see figure 2).

    Since this is a pattern, there is also a geometric formation that can be used to show what

    each relationship looks like, as well as how they relate to others with the same geometric


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    patterns. The masculine and feminine currently relate to each other in a vesica piscis

    geometric model (non toroidal), where each circle has two poles, and either the heart or root

    poles overlap in connection, leaving the opposite poles disconnected and open for both the

    masculine and feminine.

    The pattern in figure

    3 is found within

    each person still

    repeating the duality

    model of relating,

    which is therefore

    reflected in their



    romantic or

    otherwise. Thisopening is a

    vacuum that will

    attempt to pull in an

    opposite polarity

    attachment to

    connect to it a

    vacuum will always

    seek to be filled,

    like air into a brokenvacuum tube.

    As stated, the open poles are always seeking to be filled, they are an open wound desiring

    completion, and as such, are prone to compete with other similar open polarities in order to

    stop the suffering that stems from their lack of fulfillment and wholeness. This competition

    opens the way to bend the rules, a stop the suffering at any cost mentality, which makes

    people vulnerable to both manipulation and deceit. Understanding the psychology of these

    open poles, along with their vulnerabilities, is how governments, the entertainment industry,

    advertising companies, and corporations sell their products and mold their countries, but it

    can also be the first step to letting go of the pattern, to implement a new geometric model that

    lacks the vacuum and susceptibilities.

    Connecting to others is a part of life, however, when doing so from an open wound and a lack

    of wholeness, this connection to another is enmeshed and codependent, this is what it is to

    unite with others in this dualistic dimension.


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    A whole person within duality is someone who has found a somewhat stable connection for

    both their heart and root poles, see figure 4 and notice how the person in the middle is the

    only one that gets to feel complete and whole, but it is an illusion, as their partners/connections

    are noticeably lacking completion. With this susceptibility and energy pattern, it is easy to

    understand why love triangles are continually occurring within relationships.

    Acceptable ways for this love triangle to manifest are to fill the vacancy with work, business,

    hobbies, sports, and entertainment, while unacceptable ways for this love triangle to manifestare with addictions, affairs, a mistress, and emotional incest with children (leaning on children

    to fulfill an adults emotional needs). To see how this unity relates with the vesica piscis

    model of the masculine and feminine connecting, see figure 5.


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    As you may already see, this type of unity is also an energy flow pattern, energy flowing from

    the person that is the least

    dominant and towards the person

    that is the most dominant. When

    you take the vesica piscis energy

    distribution pattern and put it into a

    pyramid, you can see how the

    current system is setup to feed

    those at the top of the food chain,

    as in figure 6, while those at the

    bottom are the batteries and food

    source of the top parasites.

    Equality is a dualistic attempt at

    leveraging the burden of energy

    flow and making each person

    carry the same load,

    unfortunately, no amount of

    regulation and laws can fix the


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    energy distribution of a pattern that is built with such a large, gaping vulnerability in it.

    Additionally, this pyramid of control is an external boundary (geometry) placed over the top of

    those that are within it, causing those trapped to continually look outside to each other for

    relief through competition, domination, submission, and attempts at equal distribution of the

    burden. There are good masters and there are also bad masters, and there are willing

    slaves, but also rebellious and resistant slaves, and somehow a balance is always

    maintained, keeping this old and tired system/game in working order.


    Images are the primary tool used to fill the open energetic vacuum that the dualistic pattern

    creates, and as such, the physical manifestation of the wound, and how to manipulate the

    wound, is the reptilian brain that all mammals possess. Images are the means in which the

    reptilian brain processes information, and because of this, it is the way to manipulate others to

    get what is wanted from them. Images of both greed and lust are pumped into people via

    symbolism on TV, commercials, movies, magazines, the government, and more, becausepeople are lacking the truth that the reptilian brain is filtering from them.

    Lust is externalized creativity and is sought by the masculine because it is external to him,

    while greed is externalized abundance and is sought by the feminine because it is external to

    her and both energies are currently experienced as our reptilian (first) brain's instinctual

    tendency to externalize creativity and abundance. While both of the outside-in manifestations

    of lust and greed are found in each individuals masculine and feminine energy patterns, they

    play out externally in romantic, interpersonal, and all other relationship types. When this

    outside-in pattern of externalizing is overcome, greed and lust are transformed into theinside-out pattern of creativity and abundance, giving an individual back their personal power.

    Greed and lust as an "image" can be used to secure the lacking other the dualistic masculine

    uses his greedy image of security to lure in a feminine to satisfy his lusts, while the dualistic

    feminine will use her image of lust to lure in a masculine to satisfy her greed. A person or

    energy can only be manipulated with something that they are lacking, not with something that

    they already have put another way, the masculine uses what he has and the feminine is

    lacking, to lure her in and dominate her, while the feminine uses what she has and the

    masculine doesnt have, to lure him in and dominate him...the masculine uses greed to

    dominate the feminine, and the feminine uses lust to dominate the masculine.

    Simply put, the masculine domination system is the masculine manipulating the feminine with

    greed, while the feminine domination system is the feminine manipulating the masculine with

    lust. Both are manipulating the other with an illusion though, trading one falsehood for another,

    but to get out of this pattern, the feminine must become one (connect) with her masculine's

    greed (she is lacking a connection to abundance within), while the masculine must become


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    one (connect) with his feminine's lust (he is lacking a connection to creativity within). When the

    connection is made to that which is lacking, it is transformed from the lacking versions of lust

    and greed, and into the wholeness of creativity and abundance. Breaking through the reptilian

    brain's preprogrammed pattern of externalizing creativity and abundance, and handing the

    task off to the uniquely human third brain, the neocortex, is the only way to regain an

    individual's personal power this is best done through Jungian shadow work, anima/animas

    (anima/animas work is the process of changing the pattern of relating between the masculine

    and feminine within a person) work, and the individuation process.


    Does a parasite and a host have a connection? Yes, albeit a very dysfunctional and

    sympathetic one.

    "Buddha says if you have compassion without awareness, your compassion will be

    harmful. Do-gooders are the most mischievous people in the world. They dont know

    what they are doing, but they are always doing something or other to help people."~Osho

    Awareness provides the structure, while compassion provides the connection, and one

    without the other is severely lacking. Empathy is compassion with awareness, while sympathy

    is compassion without awareness. Feminine sympathy is connecting from the wound and

    allowing a parasite to leach off of you, while masculine sympathy is avoiding connection from

    the wound and trying to offer structure to fix or distract from the problem. Enmeshment is the

    support and unity that is experienced within the duality pattern, and if you are not willing to

    connect to a person from their wound, you will not connect very well with them, if at all.

    The parasite is feminine in polarity, she is the polarity that enmeshes and feeds off of other

    feminine beings and polarities, but she cannot feed off of a different unique energy, only off of

    the same energy frequency (note: gender is not being spoken of here, as this is internal

    energies, but it can play out in external gender roles). The parasite wants to feed off of this

    enmeshed support, she has become comfortable leaching off of her sister food sources. The

    feminine craves and wants this enmeshment too, either to feed of off, or to distribute the

    burden of pain, but once she is locked in this pattern, the thought of giving it up is scary, as it

    is self-preservation to continue enmeshing.

    The feminine cannot receive true support from her masculine until she has cleared her

    susceptibility to giving and receiving this enmeshed support with other feminine energies.

    Enmeshment is what our feminine does to compensate for the pain that is felt when the

    images mentioned earlier fill the vacuum of the open poles, it is a way to disperse the burden

    among one or more other feminine energies. This is what happens when women get together

    to complain about the structure and outside-in images that are placed upon them in their lives,


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    experiencing the powerlessness of the open wound, the vacuum and pain of the open

    energetic poles, but anything that attempts equality from this state will miss the boat and turn

    into more of the same within a generation or two, if not a year or two, or even a moment or

    two. Humanity currently connects to one another from these open wounds, which in psychology

    is called enmeshment and codependency fairness and equality is uniting from this wound.

    Equality is a frustrated response to all of the inequality that is witnessed and experienced in

    the world, when you clear your powerless feelings surrounding inequality, there is no longer a

    need for its dualistic opposite, equality. With those two opposites neutralized, uniqueness of

    being and purpose springs forth.

    Equality is a measurement, a cost benefit analysis, and is thus a mind/ego trap win, lose, or

    draw, as well as dominant, submissive, or equal old game, old rules. It is time to leave the

    immature, protective ego paradigm behind and experience the game of unity, to have a

    mature and fully individuated and unique personality, where the One supports the One. To say

    that humanity can be both equal and unique is to say that they can be both enmeshed andindividuated at the same time, for uniting from the wound is the old game, while uniting from

    full individuation is the new game their rules do not mix well, because theyre two different

    games. Of course there is a bridge that must be built, and that is what the shadow work,

    anima/animas work, and individuation is meant to create, a bridge from dualistic, enmeshed

    unity to a fully individuated, boundaried unity.

    Equality is a shallow answer to a shallow question ask a deeper, more conscious

    question, and you'll receive a deeper and more satisfying answer.


    Whereas the dualistic geometric model is

    based on a vesica piscis, where connection

    (intimacy) between the masculine and

    feminine only happens between one pole

    each, leaving an open wound for other

    systems to connect into, in unity, all four

    poles are connected to each other in a

    closed system, not leaving a vulnerability to

    any outside interference. As shown in figure

    2 earlier, the unity pattern between the

    masculine and feminine might look externally

    as a monogamous pairing, although we

    prefer to call it unity consciousness or the

    divine marriage, it can be summed up as a

    yin/yang symbol, see figure 7a.


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    When this couple fully experiences this pattern of

    divine union, they create a toroidal field together,

    where the masculine pulls in grounded answers from

    the earth, and passes them, mixed with his own

    answers, to his feminines how questions, where they

    again mingle and pass back into the earth, as well as

    into his feminines heart. The feminine in this union

    pulls in heavenly answers from divine source, mixes

    them with her own answers, and passes them on to

    her masculines why questions, where they again

    intersect with the divines questions, and pass on to

    his root pole, as well as back to the divine, see figure


    This pattern continues on, sustaining itself andgenerating more than enough energy to evolve and

    spiral out indefinitely without

    external stimulus or intervention.

    See figure 8 for the geometric

    model of how each individual can

    connect in unity with both the

    divine and the material plane in

    this way.

    Additionally, heaven can be

    likened to the infinite potential of

    the light, while the earth and

    manifested world can be likened

    to the darkness, as we explained

    in our article Light and Dark

    Infinite Potential and Matter

    Feminine & Masculine:

    Looking at the concepts of

    light and dark, you can say

    that the light is the

    unmanifested world, being

    the space of infinite

    possibilities to manifest, while the darkness is the manifested/material world. It is

    through a union of these two worlds that all things are created, so with every new


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    manifestation you have a merging, similar if not exactly like a sexual merger, in which

    the unmanifested meets the manifested world and brings forth a new creation.


    Individuation breaks a person free from societal sameness and conditioning and into their

    own unique and special functions within the greater societal whole this is much like the

    different unique parts and functions within a tree the roots, trunk, branches, and leaves are

    all unique functions one is not exalted, better, or dominant over another, but they are all one

    through the support that they synergistically give to one another within the overall tree system.

    If any of the various unique functions were to compete with each other for preeminence, to

    forsake their own unique role and then attempt to take on a role that is not their own, trying to

    do another unique function better than the one currently fulfilling the role, there would be

    extremely dysfunctional trees, forests, and ecosystem. How silly would it be then, if in an

    attempt to stop the squabbling of the inter-tree siblings, that there would be a push to make

    things fair, so that the roots, trunk, branches, and leaves were forced to be, and considered,the same?

    Sameness is not

    harmonious or in

    unity, but is instead a

    lack of

    Self-awareness of a

    persons own

    specific, honed, andunique role and

    tasking in life.

    However, harmony is

    the many unique roles

    coming together to

    support one another

    as a unit which is

    Oneness. Awakening

    is the complete

    understanding of a persons unique role within the mosaic of the greater whole, it is a total

    surrender to fulfill their special function in support of the One for in unity, the One supports

    the One. Competition is also absent within Unity relating, as energy is only prone to compete

    when there is an opening and void that needs to be filled from an external source, and

    because unity is a complete and whole pattern, the result is supportive instead of competitive.

    This unity flow of the One supporting the One takes on the geometric pattern of the Flower of

    Life, as seen in the cross-section in figures 9 and 10.


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    communication, time travel, flying, super human strength, creativity, instant manifestation,

    perfectly harmonious relationships, joy, peace, and absolute personal power. The fullness of

    these abilities and personal powers cannot coexist with the disconnected, dualistic fruits of

    masculine lust and feminine greed though, if any traces or footprint of them remain within, no

    matter how big or small, it will be a counterfeit. Within duality, only those willing to go into lust

    and greed the most are capable of experiencing a shade of personal power, especially

    supernatural abilities, and although unfortunate, its the current reality.

    We appreciate humanity's desire for change, but without transforming the foundational

    patterns within the Self, a new house cannot be built. Thus we ask you this question, would

    you rather have a fair life and be one in your woundedness and sameness, always susceptible

    and on guard to lies, deceit, and manipulations while chasing greed or lust, or do you choose

    to be One in your wholeness in support of the One, and supported by the One?

    Both options are available to you for the former, continue protecting your wounds with greed

    and lust, while competing for energy, for the latter, you must inquire within.

    I am not your equal, and you are not mine, for we are each uniquely One.


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    * * * * *

    For more articles on Unity Consciousness and the Divine Marriage, please see the following

    blog posts:

    Individuation, Enmeshment, & Oneness


    Were Uniquely One


    For more on Questions and Answers, and their importance to the four poles, please see the

    following blog posts:

    The Power of Questions


    Your Answers are Within


    The Secret to a Powerful Life


    Questions and Answers


    * * * * *

    We welcome donations of all amounts at the Divine Pollination Hive. Connecting, loving,

    and empowering people is our job and we are supported by the generous donations of

    those we inspire. Receiving your financial support is how we can continue to provide

    sessions, workshops, and blog posts at little to no charge to all who are ready to deepen

    their awareness. If you are unsure of how much youd like to gift to us, ask your higher-self

    and listen, the first amount that comes into your awareness is usually the one that is in

    universal flow.

    If so led, please donate at the following link: http://DivinePollination.com/donate


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