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The Salami Merchant - w8wky.orgw8wky.org/wp-content/uploads/salami-merchant/March_2013_Salami... ·...

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The Salami Merchant Newsletter of the Silvercreek Amateur Radio Association www.w8wky.org Monthly Meeting: 3rd Satur- day of the month. Place: Buehler’s Resturant Wadsworth, Ohio Time: 7:30am All are welcome! Current Officers: President: WB0IQK Mark Gilger Vice President: K8PQ Ray Irwin Secretary: AI8P Dennis Conklin Treasurer: KI8B Barry Youmans Trustees: Debbie Conklin KD8DEB Bob Bohn W8IJG Willard Houston W8WDH Barry Youmans KI8B The Association operates two open repeat- ers: 147.390 +600 PL 114.8 442.275 +5M PL 110.9 Nets are every morning except Sunday at 7:25 am and Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm. VEC Exams are given quarterly by the club. Usually the time is 9:15am at the Rittman Library. Be sure to bring a photo id or some other positive form of identification and the present examination fee. If you are licensed be sure to bring a copy of your license. See the web page (www. w8wky.org) for details. . . 1 INFORMAL 10 METER GROUP An informal group meets with some degree of regularity nightly on 10M at 28.410. The group usually starts at 7:30 pm and runs until 8:00. There are usually only 3 participants AB8GO, KI8B, and W8WDH. More participants are sought. Sometimes N8OGK and WB0IQK show up. If you hear no one after 7:35 it is because no one showed up or only one person showed up. If you hear no activity before 7:35, announce yourself. Someone may be lurking out there. The Barometer Net operates Monday thru Saturday starting at 7:25am. This and the Tuesday night net are run by Ron, KD8CVS The Barometer Net goes until all have signed out. Ron says that there have been numbers pushing 20 joining the net with participants coming and going as their time permits. The Tuesday night net is a controlled net. When checking in give your call, name, location., and whether or not you have traffic for the net. Speak slowly and clearly so Ron has enough time to write down your information.
Page 1: The Salami Merchant - w8wky.orgw8wky.org/wp-content/uploads/salami-merchant/March_2013_Salami... · The Salami Merchant ... Debbie Conklin KD8DEB ... If you hear no one after 7:35

The Salami Merchant

Newsletter of the Silvercreek Amateur Radio Association www.w8wky.org

Monthly Meeting: 3rd Satur-day of the month. Place: Buehler’s Resturant Wadsworth, Ohio Time: 7:30am All are welcome!

Current Officers: President: WB0IQK Mark Gilger Vice President: K8PQ Ray Irwin Secretary: AI8P Dennis Conklin Treasurer: KI8B Barry Youmans

Trustees: Debbie Conklin KD8DEB Bob Bohn W8IJG Willard Houston W8WDH Barry Youmans KI8B

The Association operates two open repeat-


147.390 +600 PL 114.8

442.275 +5M PL 110.9

Nets are every morning except Sunday at

7:25 am and Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm.

VEC Exams are given quarterly by the club.

Usually the time is 9:15am at the Rittman


Be sure to bring a photo id or some other

positive form of identification and the

present examination fee.

If you are licensed be sure to bring a copy

of your license. See the web page (www.

w8wky.org) for details.

. .



An informal group meets with some degree of

regularity nightly on 10M at 28.410.

The group usually starts at 7:30 pm and runs

until 8:00.

There are usually only 3 participants AB8GO,

KI8B, and W8WDH. More participants are

sought. Sometimes N8OGK and WB0IQK show


If you hear no one after 7:35 it is because no

one showed up or only one person showed up.

If you hear no activity before 7:35, announce

yourself. Someone may be lurking out there.

The Barometer Net operates Monday thru

Saturday starting at 7:25am. This and the

Tuesday night net are run by Ron,


The Barometer Net goes until all have

signed out. Ron says that there have been

numbers pushing 20 joining the net with

participants coming and going as their time


The Tuesday night net is a controlled net.

When checking in give your call, name,

location., and whether or not you have

traffic for the net. Speak slowly and clearly

so Ron has enough time to write down your


Page 2: The Salami Merchant - w8wky.orgw8wky.org/wp-content/uploads/salami-merchant/March_2013_Salami... · The Salami Merchant ... Debbie Conklin KD8DEB ... If you hear no one after 7:35

Local hams meet every Saturday morning at Buehler’s in Wadsworth. Everyone is invited to meet with us. We usually meet at about 7:30, gab, order, eat, and gab some more. Join us if you can.

Other nets or news that might be of interest to the membership? Other links that might be interesting to the group? Send me the informa-tion and I will try to get it into subsequent SALAMI MECHANT


Willard Houston W8WDH [email protected]

Something to sell?, put it in the SALAMI MERCHANT.


Next Edition Apr. 15. Submissions should be sent by Apr. 1. Send to [email protected] .

Send me a picture of your shack. Preferably with a picture of you at the “controls”. I will choose the shack that I think is the “most impressive” or “neatest” or “ interesting” or “something” and feature it each month. The shack that that I think is the “best” each quarter will be entitled to a breakfast at Buehler’s in Wadsworth on a Saturday morning at my expense. You will be limited to the “Special” which includes hash browns, eggs, meat, and coffee. Any substitutions are at your expense.

The decision of the judge (me) is fi-nal. No appeal and no whining.

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TUESDAY (Drake Antique Tube Net) 3.865 8:00 PM

WEDNESDAY (Scars Swap) 7.251 10:00 AM

WEDNESDAY (Ecars Swap) 7.255 11:00 AM

WEDNESDAY (Swap) 3.938 8:00 PM

FRIDAY (Texas Traders) 3.870 8:30 PM

SATURDAY (Old Gear) 7.275 10:00 AM

SATURDAY (Swap Net) 3.938 8:00 PM

SATURDAY (Marconi Net) 3.872 9:30 PM

SUNDAY (Georgia Traders) 7.275 10:00 AM

SUNDAY (Texas Traders) 7.245 11:30 AM

SUNDAY (Ontario Swap) 3.755 7:00 PM

SUNDAY (Continental Traders) 3.922 7:30 PM


VHF Swap Net

VHF swap net 147.015 +. Tuesday nights at 7:30 Newberry Repeater

VHF Trivia Net: Each day at 9:00 am 146.940 - 110.9 tone Chardon Repeater

Page 4: The Salami Merchant - w8wky.orgw8wky.org/wp-content/uploads/salami-merchant/March_2013_Salami... · The Salami Merchant ... Debbie Conklin KD8DEB ... If you hear no one after 7:35

If you have any nets to add to the list, send them to me and I will try to include them in the next edition of the SALAMI MERCHANT. ([email protected])


AWA SSB Net Sunday 7.237mhz @ 1600z AWA SSB Net Sunday 1.945mhz @ 8pm Eastern AWA AM Net Sunday 3.870mhz @ 1300z AWA SSB Net Wednesday 14.274 @ 1130z Brothers Net Daily 7.191mhz @ 9pm Eastern Collins Net Tuesday 3.805mhz @ 9pm Eastern Collins Net Thursday 3.805mhz @ 9pm Eastern Collins Net Sunday 14.263mhz @ 2000z Drake Net Sunday 7.238mhz @ 2000z Drake Net Tuesday 3.865 @ 8:00pm Kenwood Hybrid Saturday 7.235mhz @ 3:30pm Eastern Kenwood Hybrid Sunday 14.316 @ 1800z Hallicrafters Net Saturday 7.280 @ 1pm Eastern Swan Technical Net Saturday 7.235mhz @ 2 pm Eastern Swan Technical Net Monday 14.230mhz @ 2300z Swan Users Net Sunday 14.250mhz @ 2100z Heathkit Sunday 14.275mhz @ 2200z DX-60 Net (AM) Sunday 3.880mhz @ 8:00am Icom Sunday 14.316mhz @ 1700z 14305 DX Net M-F 14.305mhz @1300z ECARS Daily 7.255mhz @ 7:30am – 2pm SCARS Daily 7.251mhz @ 8:00am – 2pm MCARS Daily 7.258mhz @ 8:30am – 2 pm ARUFON (UFO) Saturday 3.9777mhz @ 8:00 pm ARUFON (UFO) Tuesday 3.9777mhz @ 8:00 pm CFARC Monday 28.360 mhz@9:30 pm



Pioneer Amateur Radio Fellowship: Monday 7:00 pm 147.135 + 110.9 tone Summit Co. ARES: Monday 7:30 pm 444.50 + 131.8 tone PARC Net, Ravenna Repeater Monday 8:00 pm 145.39 - CFARC Net Monday 8:00 pm 147.270 + 110.9 tone SARA Barometer Net Everyday except Sunday at 7:25 am VHF Repeater SARA Net Tuesday at 8:00 pm VHF Repeater VHF Trivia Net: Each day at 9:00 am 146.940 - 110.9 tone Chardon Repeater

Net Millersburg Repeater Tuesday Night 9:00 pm 146.670– 71.9 tone 6 M Net Sunday Nights 7:00 pm 53.170 pl 107.2, 136.5, 110.9 and 123.0

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Swap and Shop

There appear to be no local hams listed as SK’s in the March

Issue of QST.


How things change in a short time. Thanks to Gary, AA8CS.

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2013 Local Hamfest

04/13/2013 | 59th Annual Hamfest

Location: Cuyahoga Falls, OH

Type: ARRL Hamfest

Sponsor: Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club

Website: http://www.cfarc.org/hamfest2013.html

5/17 – 5-19/2013 Dayton Hamvention

Location: Dayton, OH

Type: ARRL Hamfest

Sponsor: Dara Amateur Radio Club

Website: www.haracomplex.com

07/28/2013 | Portage Hamfair

Location: Randolph, OH

Type: ARRL Hamfest

Sponsor: Portage Amateur Radio Club

Website: http://Hamfair.com

09/08/2013 | Findlay Hamfest

Location: Findlay, OH

Type: ARRL Hamfest

Sponsor: Findlay Radio Club

Website: http://w8ft.org

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AmateurLogic While I was investigating some new channels on my Roku box I ran across the AmateurLogic channel. Devoted to Amateur Radio there are at present 48 programs available. No Roku box? Check out: http://www.amateurlogic.tv/blog/. The channel is hosted by 3 hams-2 from the US and 1 from new Zealand. There are some interesting programs there. No Roku? Check your WiFi TV or its equivalent.

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The Finalists for First Quarter

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Page 12: The Salami Merchant - w8wky.orgw8wky.org/wp-content/uploads/salami-merchant/March_2013_Salami... · The Salami Merchant ... Debbie Conklin KD8DEB ... If you hear no one after 7:35




Congratulations Mark!

Let me know when you want to collect your prize so I can borrow the money from my wife.

Page 13: The Salami Merchant - w8wky.orgw8wky.org/wp-content/uploads/salami-merchant/March_2013_Salami... · The Salami Merchant ... Debbie Conklin KD8DEB ... If you hear no one after 7:35




2 METERS 146.400, 146.415, 146.430, 146.445, 146.460, 146.475, 146.490, 146.505, 146.535, 146.550, 146.565, 146.580, 146.595, 147.405, 147.420, 147.435, 147.450, 147.465, 147.480, 147.495, 147.510, 147.525, 147.540, 147.555,

147.570, 147.585

SIX METER FREQUENCIES 50.06-50.09 Beacons

50.0-50.1 CW 50.090 CW Calling Freq

50.06 QRP CW Calling Freq 50.7 RTTY Calling Frequency

50.100 to 50.130 DX Window (USB) 50.110 DX Calling Frequency (USB) Usually Non-USA Stations Call Here.

50.115 DXpeditions Frequently operate CW and SSB here

51.0-51.1 Pacific DX Calling WIndow 50.125 USA National SSB Simplex Frequency (USB) Lots Of USA Hams Call Here For Local and Across

Country 50.1-50.6 Weak Signal, AM

50.260 is the WSJT Meteor Scatter calling frequency in the USA 50.270 FSK Meteorscatter

50.300 FM Simplex Calling Frequency (West Coast) 50.385 USB PSK31

50.4 National AM Simplex Frequency 50.885 QRP SSB Calling Freq 51.910 FM Internet Linking

52.525 National FM Simplex Calling Frequency

6 Meter Simplex Frequencies --51.500 51.520 51.540 51.560 51.580 51.600 52.020 52.490 52.510 52.525* 52.540 (Secondary Calling Freq.) 52.550 52.570 52.590

70 CM 445.9125 445.9250 445.9375 445.9500 445.9625 445.9750 445.9875 446.0000 * 446.0125 446.0250 446.0375 446.0500 446.0625 446.0750 446.0875 446.1000

446.1125 446.1250 446.1375 446.1500 446.1625 446.1750 * 446.000 is the National FM Voice Simplex Calling Frequency

The above information is from Bob, W8IJG and is compiled from various sources. Thanks Bob!


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Ron, KD8CVS receiving the Channel 8 proclamation from Fred KD8GYS.

Ron has faithfully fulfilled the roles held in the past by Dorothy, Tom, and others in ages past. Thanks again Ron!

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S.A.R.A. Minutes

Minutes of SARA Meeting 2013 Jan 19 Secretary Minutes of the Previous meeting were accepted as emailed Treasurer Current balance: $481.57 Old business: None New Business: None

Meeting Minutes for February 16, 2013 Secretary Minutes approved as emailed Treasurer Current balance: $481.57 (unchanged) Club Dues are due in March New Business Ron received a letter of congratulations for the Barometer Net from TV8 Weatherman Andre Bernier. The TV show "Last Man Standing" will have a ham-radio centered episode this month. Old Business Annual Elections of Officers will be held at the April meeting. Nominations for officers will be accepted at the March meeting. NOTE: Secretary AI8P will not be present at the March 16 meeting, so another officer will need to record the minutes and any nominations.


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The station picture contest is still on. Submit to: [email protected]

I already have 3 entries from last quarter. I need at least one more so I can have the station of the month for April, May, and June and July.

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See you next month!

