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The San Juan islander (Friday Harbor, Wash.) 1911-04-07 [p ]

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LOPEZ r\ >\u25a0 McNallie left on Saturday for Alberta to work during the dimmer. , V , '\u25a0\u25a0" ;- o- --> r X ilbsrg came back from be- \u2666titbn Monday with his household alt"i" He has rented Mrs. Blake's goods. 11V- h°Mrs Cregg. of Bellingham, and Mrs Howard, Graham, of Richard- s/visited Mrs. Grahams parents Jr.' and Mrs. Standley, the last of the week. ,• Ms Willis, deaconess of the M. E. churcii, is holding revival services this week. ; ; '\u25a0\u25a0 :% Mrs Irene Weeks was called to Bellinhgam last week to see her son Ed who is very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Priest were at the county seat on Tuesday. \u25a0 Mr and Mrs. Hussey have rented their farm to M.Christain and have moved to Port Townsend where they will make their home., Ihos. Blake was doing business with the Commissioners on Tuesday. Mrs. W. P. Cadwell was at .; the Harbor on Monday to see Dr. Reed. Mrs. Carpenter, of Seattle, is car- ing for Mrs. Hunter, who is quite sick. ' -.'-'. The Ladies Guild will meet, with jlrs. Muscott, on Thursday after- noon, April 13. Mr. Haman has sold his farm to Percy Towell and is living at Port Stanley. Mr. Johnson, of Seattle, has bought the Kalberg farm. He came down on Wednesday to take posses- sion. ' '\u25a0 :,: - : I New York Dentists I f rrrg^mßWWUHLMSOammi 11l II \u25a0!\u25a0\u25a0 II - \ I SEATTLE & BELLINGHAM 5 # Have the only completely -; *[ i equipped offices on the coast ',:• :\u25a0- 9 a where painless dentistry/'-V \u25a0' # \ perform«-d. Expert licensed f dentists at each chair. ...-/.... .5 } Written Guarantee on All Workl * $ FOit TKN VK.IRS ? # -\u25a0 \u25a0 . '.' . ,\ V ff at W X JTmjJ (I \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0, \u25a0' \u25a0 ' l) Painless Extracting ... ;....!.ffOc # \ Silver or Cement Killings ..50c A " Gold or Porcelain Fiilings....^l up \ # Gold Alloy or Plalin**Fi1....5l up 0 Porcelain Crowns...^:! SO to ?5.00 a Gold Crowns ?S.OO nnd $«.OO \ Full Setsof Tet*tti...#3 OO to $N.©o \ Examination and Estimates Free I New York Dental Parlors {' Incorporated \ Sunset Block w Cor. Elk and Holly Sts., Bellingham ; f ye. east of Totem Pole, Seattle !J. S. GROLLI 1 HHH^BHBHHB!99R&I9HIIHHIH . |— I I Contractor and * I Builder :: i # Estimates on All Classes of Work j? f Chperfully Furnished > I Friday Harbor, Washington I $ '\u25a0 - \u25a0.t . \u25a0 v-t v *^..fe^*jas**afe 1 DENTAL WORK ! =-— 1 I May cost too much or be too cheap to *j| I carry quality, We make . a moderate », M $ charge for strictly first-class service; our » §j operations are as nearly painless as a per I: | | feet equipment and modern methods can' i § make them, and we guarantee the work \u25a0 » absolutely. \u25a0 \u0084(; ,-• .: ;,' ft, I HIGH ,^. $ 7.00 I 1 PL^T^ (^; 'pioo.;.1 I Painless extracting „$ .50 .- | I Gold fillings $1.00 up | I Bridge work... .. „;.„.„. $5.00 up I 122 pt.gold crowns, $5.00 $6.00 :;,.: | | K NATION FKEK OF CHAJBOkS I WHATCOM DENTAL I I PARLORS | I EXCHANGE BLOCK 1 i BELLIXGHAM, - WASH. | Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers's at the Sugar Bowl. m a 7 F? R SALE~One Percheron 1 7^'iK years old next June- Weight 3*.;° lbs-,, Sound and true. Also one 1 /on F ?u Belgian colt- Wei«ht AS «s< Never had collar on. Addre ss H. T, Cayou, Deer Harbor, San jfuati Areas 4 Sq. Miles Miss Sweeney will visit friends in Seattle next week. The Friday Harbor schools will close today for a week's vacation. County Attorney R. E. Morris went to Rosario Tuesday evening on legal business. , —See the fine Eiler piano at Hold- ings. Mrs. Thos. Paxson went to West Sound Tuesday for a short visit with her daughters, Mrs. John Boede and Mrs. Conrad Boede. —SHOES—You can do better, at Murray & Baker's. Hon. John S. McMillin was^ a passenger on the Rosalie Wednesday morning en route from Seattle to Roche Harbor. —Singer and New Home Sewing machines at Holdings. James King Jr., called upon Dr. Capron luesday for an X-ray ex- amination and treatment for a finger badly punctured by a wood sliver. —Edison and victor talking ma- chines at Holdings. The revenue cutter Arcata was in port Monday, bringing the chief engineer of the service on the Sound over to inspect the Guard. —We carry a full line of Notions, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, Boys Caps, Embroideries and Laces at lowest prices. Call and be con- vinced. Todd & Hicks. Lieut. L. 1. Cutter, of the reve- nue cutter service, now in the east who was stationed here a few years ago, has been elected vice-president of the alumni association of the ser- vice. —If you are looking for a nicely furnished and well ventilated room you can find it at the Maple House. The San Juan Lumber Company shipped 2,300,000 shingles to San Pedro, California, last Saturday on the steamship Mayfair, which also took quite a large quantity from West Sound. —Call and Hear the Victrola at Holdings. Mrs. R. C. Smith and two children arrived Wednesday from their home near Vancouver B. C, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guard, and her brother, sisters and many friends here. —WOOD FOR SALE—First class, sound, old growth fir in, 16 or 18 inch lengths. Jas. A. King. Mrs. VanCromphaut, of Orcas, and her nephew, Vander Moulen, were in town Thursday. Mr. Mou- len leaves today to visit his old home in Belgium, where he expects to spend three months or more. —Churchill has the finest line of Easter and Birthday cards in Friday Harbor. Call and see them. There will be public worship in the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday next as follows: Bible school at 10 a. m., Preaching service 11 a. m., Epworth League at 7 p. m.. Preaching 7:30. A welcome to everybody everytime. For nicely furnished rooms go to the Maple House: Prices reasonable. Senior Captain F. M. Dunwoody, in charge of the revenue cutter ser- vice on the Sound, has been assigned to command the Bering sea- patrol fleet this year, making his head- quarters at Unalaska. While still a lieutenant in* the service Captain Dunwoody was stationed here for a short time in charge of the Guard. —Sheet music and records at Holdings. The tug Monitor, formerly the steamer Lydia Thompson, was in port Sunday with three large scows of brick in tow, two for Vancouver and one for Pender isjand. She* returned from Vancouver Tuesday and cleared for Sidney with the scow for Pender. Capt. J. J. Doyle is master of the Monitor and Frank Doyle is mate. There is so much building in progress in Vancouver that brick manufacturers over there cannot supply the demands and as* a consequence hundreds of thousands of brick are imported from this side. The Canadian duty on brick is twenty per cent. —Many are taking advantage of the opportunity to buy fine Rugs at the March sale at Mr. Waldron's store on Elk street (near Holly) Bellingham, where the assortment is large and prices are made at- tractive. Island Pop. 1,500 Mrs. H. E. Sargent went to Se- attle the first of the week. Messrs. Sargent and Williams painters and decorators, have been engaged to tint the walls of the office rooms and court room of the court house. County Treasurer Nash went to Seattle yesterday expecting to re- turn Monday or Tuesday. Society Chocolares, Stokes Ice Cream and Home Made Candies at the Sugar Bowl. The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Herman Dightman on Friday afternoon of next week. Foster Randies, who had been em- ployed in the creamery, is now clerk- ing in Paxson & Cadwell's grocery. —FOR SALE. Gent's Bicycle equipped with coaster brake in good condition. Wm. Matheseus, Orcas. Elbert Blancett, who had worked a few weeks in Paxson & Cad well's store, is now employed in Glenn Tulloch's grocery. —Call and see our line of Em- broideries, allovers and laces, before buying elsewhere. We have them at lowest prices. Todd & Hicks. —Just received a fine line of ladies and childrens hose. We are selling them at 15c per pair 2 for 25c both tan and black. Todd & Hicks. The pupils of school district No. 22 will give an entertainment Sat- urday evening, April 22. Look for the program in next week's Isl- ander. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Rudow return- ed Monday from a their wedding trip and are now at home in their cottage on Harrison street, recently purchased from J. A. Gould. Rev. S. G. Jones will leave on Monday morning to attend the Dis- trict Ministerial Association at Bell- ingham, which meets April 10-12 at the First M. E. Church. W. F. Bolton, of Richardson, came to the city Tuesday to consult Dr. Reed about a nervous trouble seri- ously affecting one of his feet. Ihe doctor took Mr. Bolton to Dr. Capron for electrical treatment. A. F. Ackley bought a twelve-disc Hoosier seeder from the San Juan Agricultural Co. luesday and E. W. Walberg bought a ten-disc one of the same make from them Wednes- day. Mr. McKenzie says his firm is selling lots of farm machinery this spring. —FOR SALE—Choice bull calf sired by my registered Ayrshire bull. Norman Frazier, Argyle, Wash. —FOR SALE—6 h. p. Racine Gas engine.; 21 in. propeller; shaft and accessories—complete ready to run —A snap at $90.00. Coffelt Bros. Friday Harbor. —FOR SALE—Launch "Sea Gull," 26 feet long, 6 ft.B in. beam. Will be sole 1 with or without en- gine. Has just oeen overhauled and is in fine shape. Address Oscar Weeks, Lopez, Wash. A Good Place to Eat If you are looking for a place to eat, where first class cooking com- bined with the best of service pre vails, its the Pioneer Cafe you want. The best" the market affords at common sense prices. S. J. Todd, Proprietor. Ihe Presbyterian Sunday school is practicing an Easter program. The Grange has rented the sec- ond floor k of the Jensen building for use as a nail. —FOR SALE OR LEASE—My Blacksmith Shop, Stock and tools; also my Livery Barn. A. D. Con way, Friday Harbor. The Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian church "ffarde Times Soshul" has been indefinitely postponed. —HAY $14 per ton. See E. Enckson, Friday Harbor. In five- ton lots only $13 a Jlou. Timothy and clover mixed. Wm. Fowle says he is fast closing out his large stock of goods, some lines having been entirely disposed of.- There is still a large variety, however, to select from and save money. Ibe San Juan Lumber Company is now getting from its bored well nearly enough water for the opera- tion of the mill and light plant. A three inch pipe has replaced the one half as large formerly used and a 2| inch cylinder operating inside of the pipe lifts ten gallons of water per minute. The company intends building a large storage tank in which to store up a reserve supply. DEER HARBOR Mr. and Mrs. D. Murray were visitors at Orcas Sunday. Mrs. Norton and daughter Alice were visitors at the Cadwell's at Lopez Sunday. Miss Carrie Loos returned Sunday from a visit With Lopez friends. William and Gertie Norton were Friday Harbor visitors Sunday. Quite a number of people from here attended and greatly enjoyed the entertainment at Friday Harbor Saturday evening. Hector Bromley returned home Wednesday from a visit in Seattle. Oberlin and Louise Loos were visitors at Friday Harbor Wednes- day. A number of people from here attended the silver medal contest at West Sound Wednesday night. Don't fail to attend the basket at the Deer Harbor school house Saturday night April 8. Ladies please bring baskets. —FOR SALE CHEAP—Launch Merry Widow, 21 ft. long; speed model; runs 13 miles an hour. Geo. Agutter, Roche Harbor. DOLPHIN BAY Miss Delores Pearmain, of Deer Harbur, returned home Tuedsay after a week's visit with Miss Em- ma Krumdiack. W. D. Sen-muck made a business trip to Friday Harbor Saturday. Leslie Kipper, of Eatonville, is visiting friends and relatives here. The Dolphin Social Club met Thursday with Miss Emma Krum- diack. Mrs. Robert Bull and son Willie of Crow valley, are visiting at the lotte home. Quite a number of people from | here attended the silver medal con- test at West Sound Wednesday night. Joseph lotte and A\ill Jones have been spraying a number of orchards this week. Fred Krumdiack and son Henry towed some wharf piles over to Rosario Wednesday. Mrs. T. C. Engleson was quite sick the first of the week but is able to be about again. \u2666-»\u25a0\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666\u2666»\u2666»\u2666»»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 MtMtXt4^»HM»»MMM \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666< 1 CLOSING OPT AT COST I > _^._ . ../ ",* -.1 ~. \u25a0> t \u25a0 . ,- \u25a0' - - " 1 t \u25a0 : i We are offering our Entire Stock of .".< t Dry goods, Clothing, Ladies' « I . and Men's Furnishings « J, '' \u25a0 it/ ' \u25a0''\u25a0 'm- *\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0•--'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0*; \u25a0"\u25a0 '^^^ : •\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0•"\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 |«» \u25a0' \u25a0 m' «> "\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 *^- \u25a0' \u25a0-' " '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-" V 1. 1.- 1. ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :• \u25a0 \u25a0 I and Shoes for Men, ; I Women and : t Children < j AT COST j i: TO CLOSE OUT DURING THE NEXT 80 DATS ' IS:--' SWEENEY & ALLEN •\u25a0;-.-;^ \u25a0;\u25a0 | Jensen Bldg. Friday flarfeor : Not Sisters s:=:s^^ Now and again you see two women pats- Ap ing Sown die street who look like sister*. fjf -.^»ji:«Amy '- You are astonished to learn t^j^;^lß^#/|t^HHMߣ#^\^ : v mother and daughter, and you, realize , that IB \A V\^H H' \V a woman at forty or forty-five ought to be In [ V \m -at her finest and fairest. Why isn't it so P I A -*V^V'!?M W 11 The general health of woman it so in- 111 C \/t*'- -'"\u25a0'--^| »4S|l 11 timately associated with the local health x V ss".5 s". ; *^m ; \U of the essentially feminine organs that Vlk C^^ \*~ V.. IM there can be no red cheeks and round V\ A : •-. X'" -'^^ form where there is female weakness. VL m£aP&&*r^*^/W ' > Women who hare suffered from v>Ss^Bw?'^ S^r *? ' , this trouble hare found prompt v \u25a0 \u25a0 v^^^^»'.-':' "<: relief and cure in die use iof Dr. " \u25a0 r; t'"' Pieree's Favorite Pre»cripdon. It gives tigor and vitality to the organs ,of womanhood. clt clears die complexion, brightens die 'Jh •yes and reddens die cheeks. •.* , ,',/.' ' *!' i ! No alcohol, or habit-forming drugs is contained in "Favorite Prescription.*' Any sick woman: may consult Dr. Pierce ; by,; letter, }free. Every letter *b V; held as sacredly confidential,''*and answered in a plain envelope. Address s^ World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N.Y. (\ THE SIGN OF THE TIMES I Is to be Satisfied Only With the Best i BBanaaHßaajr--—« The Best and in Fact the Only Com- ] plete Line of \ j WINDOWS, DOORS j Shelf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Tarnishes, Iron ; and Brass, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Electric i Goods, Granite and Tinware, Edge Tools, Wire | Fencing, etc. -----. ; this is; a hardware store j Ross Tfllloch's Hardware The Man Behind the Goods ': Ross Block, Friday Harbor, Washington Just Received A FRESH SHIPMENT OF . SCHILLING'S and FOLGER'S FAMOUS TEAS and COFFEE Fresh Vegetables Every Saturday TULLOCH'S. THE UP-TO-DATE STORE* Ross Block Friday Harbor ;;i*^-. \u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0 ' Express Co. ," I'IXLERTON * UKIGUS ' / suT c r TAKU AND CONCQRDIA \u25a0\u25a0% FRIDAY HARBOR-ANACORTES ROUTE : , > : LAUNCH TAKU > %; r \u25a0.;'\u25a0/-v-;-'/•'\u25a0. ' eRAes Waldron';-daily-except Sunday \u25a0ti.....:.V..'..J..:.... .......11.^........ 63oa.'m- > \u25a0 eav«BFriday Harbor/at.::..^.::v; . v:.............-.•\u25a0: -v; \u25a0\u25a0/; .7=3oa.m :- L, *."vt« Arpcortes.-daily except 5uuday5at..:............"\u25a0....•...-•• \u25a0 •• 2:00 p.m. ; .. , r *cuching at Lopez; Port Stanley, Thatcher and I>-t.»Ui'octh ways ;\u25a0\u25a0';, \u25a0.\u25a0....•'\u25a0•.. ;:u CONCOROIA Open for charter for General Passenger Service to all points. Regu- lar weekly trips to.Waldron island and western Orcas lime works every : Saturday, leay- / C,--ng Friday Harbor at 10 a. in.*'-'.'-"-."-"-'.;."' I;''.-:':'..-'. 1?;:'^ f ?>-';- :<';*V->%-"-*;:''.-; \u25a0'';'; i:H'f' \u25a0'': ':; *'."'>•''- \:i"\' i N. E. Churchill i t ** ' \u25a0 : f * Dealer in \u25a0• \u25a0 , !;. General Merchandise | I * •\u25a0 : : i>|i; PlPfi , ( Sole Agent in Friday Harbor for . ..\u25a0 ,;; I THE DAYTON SHOE "Jj I The Best Workingmen's Shoe Made. Fine line of Staple and Fancy j J Groceries, Dry Goods, SHelf Hardware, Farm Tools Plain Paiflts, « *'' . - . - , Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. . «- \ % M,»»n.M*»**w»«*«wm*»»w*WH 11 »»»\u2666»! I\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 »**»^ Subscribe for The Islander ana Get the News Come or Send Here for Your PRINTING, STATIONERY or OFFICE SUPPLIES , —:—r4^=^^==^^=^£^=^=:=====^^^^^^^^~T \u25a0>\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0i-. Aetna Insurance Co. The Uad'ngTirb INSURANCE company of ambiiic* CASH CAPI+AU •*,•••.••*.•* 0 : M. ?Cult r^ResideiitAg^nt; \u25a0: Friday Harbor, yt^h


r\ >\u25a0 McNallie left on Saturday

for Alberta to work during the

dimmer. ,• V , '\u25a0\u25a0" ;-o---> r X ilbsrg came back from be-

\u2666titbn Monday with his householdalt"i" He has rented Mrs. Blake'sgoods. 11V-

h°Mrs Cregg. of Bellingham, and

Mrs Howard, Graham, of Richard-

s/visited Mrs. Grahams parents

Jr.' and Mrs. Standley, the last of

the week. ,•

Ms Willis, deaconess of the M. E.

churcii, is holding revival services

this week. ; ; '\u25a0\u25a0 :%Mrs Irene Weeks was called to

Bellinhgam last week to see her son

Ed who is very sick.

Mr. and Mrs. Priest were at thecounty seat on Tuesday. \u25a0

Mr and Mrs. Hussey have rentedtheir farm to M.Christain and have

moved to Port Townsend where they

will make their home.,

Ihos. Blake was doing businesswith the Commissioners on Tuesday.

Mrs. W. P. Cadwell was at .; the

Harbor on Monday to see Dr. Reed.

Mrs. Carpenter, of Seattle, is car-ing for Mrs. Hunter, who is quite


-.'-'.The Ladies Guild will meet, with

jlrs. Muscott, on Thursday after-noon, April 13.

Mr. Haman has sold his farm toPercy Towell and is living at PortStanley.

Mr. Johnson, of Seattle, hasbought the Kalberg farm. He came

down on Wednesday to take posses-sion. ' '\u25a0 :,: - :

I New York Dentists If rrrg^mßWWUHLMSOammi 11l II\u25a0!\u25a0\u25a0 II - \I SEATTLE & BELLINGHAM 5# Have the only completely -; *[i equipped offices on the coast ',:• :\u25a0- 9a where painless dentistry/'-V \u25a0' #\ perform«-d. Expert licensed •f dentists at each chair. ...-/.... .5} Written Guarantee on All Workl *$ FOit TKN VK.IRS ?# -\u25a0

\u25a0 • . '.' . ,\ V

ff at W X JTmjJ(I \u25a0-\u25a0


\u25a0' \u25a0 '

l) Painless Extracting ... ;....!.ffOc #\ Silver or Cement Killings ..50c A

" Gold or Porcelain Fiilings....^l up \# Gold Alloyor Plalin**Fi1....5l up0 Porcelain Crowns...^:! SO to ?5.00a Gold Crowns ?S.OO nnd $«.OO\ Full Setsof Tet*tti...#3 OO to $N.©o\ Examination and Estimates Free

I New York Dental Parlors{' Incorporated

\ Sunset Blockw Cor. Elk and HollySts., Bellingham ;f ye. east of Totem Pole, Seattle


I Contractor and *I Builder :: i# Estimates on All Classes of Work j?f Chperfully Furnished >

I Friday Harbor, Washington I$ '\u25a0 - \u25a0.t . \u25a0 v-t v *^..fe^*jas**afe

1DENTAL WORK! =-— 1I May cost too much or be too cheap to *j|I carry quality, We make . a moderate », M$ charge for strictly first-class service; our »§j operations are as nearly painless as a per I:|| feet equipment and modern methods can' i§ make them, and we guarantee the work \u25a0» absolutely. \u25a0 \u0084(; ,-• .: ;,' ft,

I HIGH ,^. $ 7.00 I1 PL^T^ (^; 'pioo.;.1

I Painless extracting „$ .50 .- |I Gold fillings $1.00 up |I Bridge work... .. „;.„.„.$5.00 up I122 pt.gold crowns, $5.00 $6.00 • :;,.: |



Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers'sat the Sugar Bowl.

m a7F? R SALE~One Percheron1 7^'iKyears old next June- Weight3*.;° lbs-,, Sound and true. Also one1 /on F ?u Belgian colt- Wei«htAS «s< Never had collar on.Addre ss H. T, Cayou, Deer Harbor,

San jfuatiAreas 4Sq. Miles

Miss Sweeney will visit friendsin Seattle next week.

The Friday Harbor schools willclose today for a week's vacation.

County Attorney R. E. Morriswent to Rosario Tuesday evening onlegal business. ,

—See the fine Eiler piano at Hold-ings.

Mrs. Thos. Paxson went to WestSound Tuesday for a short visitwith her daughters, Mrs. John Boedeand Mrs. Conrad Boede.

—SHOES—You can do better, atMurray & Baker's.

Hon. John S. McMillin was^ apassenger on the Rosalie Wednesdaymorning en route from Seattle toRoche Harbor.

—Singer and New Home Sewingmachines at Holdings.

James King Jr., called upon Dr.Capron luesday for an X-ray ex-amination and treatment for a fingerbadly punctured by a wood sliver.

—Edison and victor talking ma-chines at Holdings.

The revenue cutter Arcata was inport Monday, bringing the chiefengineer of the service on the Soundover to inspect the Guard.

—We carry a full line of Notions,Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear,Boys Caps, Embroideries and Lacesat lowest prices. Call and be con-vinced. Todd & Hicks.

Lieut. L. 1. Cutter, of the reve-nue cutter service, now in the eastwho was stationed here a few yearsago, has been elected vice-presidentof the alumni association of the ser-vice.

—If you are looking for a nicelyfurnished and well ventilated roomyou can find it at the Maple House.

The San Juan Lumber Companyshipped 2,300,000 shingles to SanPedro, California, last Saturday onthe steamship Mayfair, which alsotook quite a large quantity fromWest Sound.

—Call and Hear the Victrola atHoldings.

Mrs. R. C. Smith and two childrenarrived Wednesday from their homenear Vancouver B. C, to visit herparents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guard,and her brother, sisters and manyfriends here.

—WOOD FOR SALE—First class,sound, old growth fir in, 16 or 18inch lengths. Jas. A. King.

Mrs. VanCromphaut, of Orcas,and her nephew, Vander Moulen,were in town Thursday. Mr. Mou-len leaves today to visit his old homein Belgium, where he expects tospend three months or more.

—Churchill has the finest line ofEaster and Birthday cards in FridayHarbor. Call and see them.

There will be public worship inthe Methodist Episcopal church onSunday next as follows: Bible schoolat 10 a. m., Preaching service 11a. m., Epworth League at 7 p. m..Preaching 7:30. A welcome toeverybody everytime.

For nicely furnished rooms go tothe Maple House: Prices reasonable.

Senior Captain F. M. Dunwoody,in charge of the revenue cutter ser-vice on the Sound, has been assignedto command the Bering sea- patrolfleet this year, making his head-quarters at Unalaska. While still alieutenant in* the service CaptainDunwoody was stationed here fora short time in charge of the Guard.

—Sheet music and records atHoldings.

The tug Monitor, formerly thesteamer Lydia Thompson, was inport Sunday with three large scowsof brick in tow, two for Vancouverand one for Pender isjand. She*returned from Vancouver Tuesdayand cleared for Sidney with the scowfor Pender. Capt. J. J. Doyle ismaster of the Monitor and FrankDoyle is mate. There is so muchbuilding in progress in Vancouverthat brick manufacturers over therecannot supply the demands and as* aconsequence hundreds of thousandsof brick are imported from thisside. The Canadian duty on brickis twenty per cent.

—Many are taking advantage ofthe opportunity to buy fine Rugs atthe March sale at Mr. Waldron'sstore on Elk street (near Holly)Bellingham, where the assortmentis large and prices are made at-tractive.

IslandPop. 1,500

Mrs. H. E. Sargent went to Se-attle the first of the week.

Messrs. Sargent and Williamspainters and decorators, have beenengaged to tint the walls of the

office rooms and court room of the

court house.

County Treasurer Nash went to

Seattle yesterday expecting to re-turn Monday or Tuesday.

Society Chocolares, Stokes IceCream and Home Made Candies atthe Sugar Bowl.

The Ladies Aid Society will meetwith Mrs. Herman Dightman onFriday afternoon of next week.

Foster Randies, who had been em-ployed in the creamery, is now clerk-ing in Paxson & Cadwell's grocery.

—FOR SALE. Gent's Bicycleequipped with coaster brake in goodcondition. Wm. Matheseus, Orcas.

Elbert Blancett, who had workeda few weeks in Paxson & Cad well'sstore, is now employed in GlennTulloch's grocery.

—Call and see our line of Em-broideries, allovers and laces, beforebuying elsewhere. We have themat lowest prices. Todd & Hicks.

—Just received a fine line ofladies and childrens hose. We areselling them at 15c per pair 2 for 25cboth tan and black. Todd &Hicks.

The pupils of school district No.22 will give an entertainment Sat-urday evening, April 22. Lookfor the program in next week's Isl-ander.

Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Rudow return-ed Monday from a their weddingtrip and are now at home in theircottage on Harrison street, recentlypurchased from J. A. Gould.

Rev. S. G. Jones will leave onMonday morning to attend the Dis-trict Ministerial Association at Bell-ingham, which meets April 10-12at the First M. E. Church.

W. F. Bolton, ofRichardson, cameto the city Tuesday to consult Dr.Reed about a nervous trouble seri-ously affecting one of his feet. Ihedoctor took Mr. Bolton to Dr.Capron for electrical treatment.

A. F. Ackley bought a twelve-discHoosier seeder from the San JuanAgricultural Co. luesday and E. W.Walberg bought a ten-disc one ofthe same make from them Wednes-day. Mr. McKenzie says his firmis selling lots of farm machinerythis spring.

—FOR SALE—Choice bull calfsired by my registered Ayrshirebull.

Norman Frazier, Argyle, Wash.

—FOR SALE—6 h. p. Racine Gasengine.; 21 in. propeller; shaft andaccessories—complete ready to run—A snap at $90.00.

Coffelt Bros. Friday Harbor.

—FOR SALE—Launch "SeaGull," 26 feet long, 6 ft.B in. beam.Will be sole 1 with or without en-gine. Has just oeen overhauled andis in fine shape. Address OscarWeeks, Lopez, Wash.

A Good Place to EatIfyou are looking for a place to

eat, where first class cooking com-bined with the best of service prevails, its the Pioneer Cafe you want.The best" the market affords atcommon sense prices.

S. J. Todd, Proprietor.

Ihe Presbyterian Sunday school ispracticing an Easter program.

The Grange has rented the sec-ond floor k of the Jensen buildingfor use as a nail.

—FOR SALE OR LEASE—MyBlacksmith Shop, Stock and tools;also my Livery Barn.

A. D. Con way, Friday Harbor.

The Christian Endeavor Societyof the Presbyterian church "ffardeTimes Soshul" has been indefinitelypostponed.

—HAY $14 per ton. See E.Enckson, Friday Harbor. In five-ton lots only $13 a Jlou. Timothyand clover mixed.

Wm. Fowle says he is fast closingout his large stock of goods, somelines having been entirely disposedof.- There is still a large variety,however, to select from and savemoney.

Ibe San Juan Lumber Companyis now getting from its bored wellnearly enough water for the opera-tion of the mill and light plant. Athree inch pipe has replaced the onehalf as large formerly used and a2| inch cylinder operating inside ofthe pipe lifts ten gallons of waterper minute. The company intendsbuilding a large storage tank inwhich to store up a reserve supply.


Mr. and Mrs. D. Murray werevisitors at Orcas Sunday.

Mrs. Norton and daughter Alicewere visitors at the Cadwell's atLopez Sunday.

Miss Carrie Loos returned Sundayfrom a visit With Lopez friends.

William and Gertie Norton wereFriday Harbor visitors Sunday.

Quite a number of people fromhere attended and greatly enjoyedthe entertainment at Friday HarborSaturday evening.

Hector Bromley returned homeWednesday from a visit in Seattle.

Oberlin and Louise Loos werevisitors at Friday Harbor Wednes-day.

A number of people from hereattended the silver medal contest atWest Sound Wednesday night.

Don't fail to attend the basket

at the Deer Harbor school houseSaturday night April 8. Ladiesplease bring baskets.

—FOR SALE CHEAP—LaunchMerry Widow, 21 ft. long; speedmodel; runs 13 miles an hour. Geo.Agutter, Roche Harbor.


Miss Delores Pearmain, of DeerHarbur, returned home Tuedsayafter a week's visit with Miss Em-ma Krumdiack.

W. D. Sen-muck made a businesstrip to Friday Harbor Saturday.

Leslie Kipper, of Eatonville, isvisiting friends and relatives here.

The Dolphin Social Club metThursday with Miss Emma Krum-diack.

Mrs. Robert Bull and son Willieof Crow valley, are visiting at thelotte home.

Quite a number of people from| here attended the silver medal con-test at West Sound Wednesday night.

Joseph lotte and A\ill Jones havebeen spraying a number of orchardsthis week.

Fred Krumdiack and son Henrytowed some wharf piles over toRosario Wednesday.

Mrs. T. C. Engleson was quitesick the first of the week but is ableto be about again.

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1 CLOSING OPT AT COST I> _^._ . ../ ",* -.1 ~. \u25a0>

t\u25a0 . ,- \u25a0' - - " 1

t \u25a0 :

i We are offering our Entire Stock of.".<t Dry goods, Clothing, Ladies' «

I . and Men's Furnishings «J, '' \u25a0 it/ ' \u25a0''\u25a0 'm- *\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0•--'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0*; \u25a0"\u25a0

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I and Shoes for Men, ;I Women and :t Children <


IS:--' SWEENEY & ALLEN •\u25a0;-.-;^ \u25a0;\u25a0| Jensen Bldg. Friday flarfeor :

Not Sisters s:=:s^^Now and again you see two women pats- Aping Sown die street who look like sister*. fjf -.^»ji:«Amy

'- You are astonished to learn t^j^;^lß^#/|t^HHMߣ#^\^: v mother and daughter, and you,realize ,that IB \A V\^H H' \Va woman at forty or forty-five ought to be In [ V \m-at her finest and fairest. Why isn't it so P I A-*V^V'!?M W 11The general health of woman it so in- 111 C \/t*'- -'"\u25a0'--^| »4S|l 11

timately associated with the local health xI» V ss".5s". ; *^m ; \Uof the essentially feminine organs that Vlk C^^ \*~ V.. IMthere can be no red cheeks and round V\ A

: •-. X'" -'^^form where there is female weakness. VL m£aP&&*r^*^/W '

> Women who hare suffered from v>Ss^Bw?'^ S^r *?

' , this trouble hare found prompt v \u25a0 \u25a0 v^^^^»'.-':' "<:relief and cure in die use iof Dr. — " \u25a0 r;

t'"'Pieree's Favorite Pre»cripdon. It gives tigor and vitality to theorgans ,of womanhood. clt clears die complexion, brightens die 'Jh•yes and reddens die cheeks. •.* , ,',/.' ' *!' i !No alcohol, or habit-forming drugs is contained in "Favorite Prescription.*'Any sick woman: may consult Dr. Pierce ;by,; letter, }free. Every letter*b V;

held as sacredly confidential,''*and answered in a plain envelope. Address s^World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N.Y. (\

THE SIGN OF THE TIMES IIs to be Satisfied Only With the Best i


The Best and in Fact the Only Com- ]plete Line of \ j

WINDOWS, DOORS jShelf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Tarnishes, Iron ;and Brass, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Electric iGoods, Granite and Tinware, Edge Tools, Wire |Fencing, etc. -----. ;

this is; a hardware store j

Ross Tfllloch's HardwareThe Man Behind the Goods

': Ross Block, Friday Harbor, Washington



TEAS and COFFEEFresh Vegetables Every Saturday

TULLOCH'S. THE UP-TO-DATE STORE*Ross Block Friday Harbor

;;i*^-. \u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0 ' Express Co.," I'IXLERTON* UKIGUS '


: , > : LAUNCH TAKU > %; r\u25a0.;'\u25a0/-v-;-'/•'\u25a0.

' eRAes Waldron';-daily-except Sunday \u25a0ti.....:.V..'..J..:.... .......11.^........ 63oa.'m->

\u25a0 eav«BFriday Harbor/at.::..^.::v; . v:.............-.•\u25a0: -v; \u25a0\u25a0/; .7=3oa.m:- L, *."vt« Arpcortes.-daily except 5uuday5at..:............"\u25a0....•...-•• \u25a0 •• • 2:00p.m.; .. „, r *cuching at Lopez; Port Stanley, Thatcher and I>-t.»Ui'octh ways ;\u25a0\u25a0';, \u25a0.\u25a0....•'\u25a0•.. ;:u

CONCOROIA Open for charter for General Passenger Service to all points. Regu-

lar weekly trips to.Waldron island and western Orcas lime works every : Saturday, leay- /

C,--ng Friday Harbor at 10 a. in.*'-'.'-"-."-"-'.;."' I;''.-:':'..-'. 1?;:'^ f ?>-';-:<';*V->%-"-*;:''.-; \u25a0'';'; i:H'f' \u25a0'': ':; *'."'>•''- \:i"\'

i N. E. Churchill it ** ' \u25a0 :f * Dealer in • • \u25a0• \u25a0 ,

!;. General Merchandise |I *

• • •\u25a0 : :i>|i; PlPfi , (

Sole Agent in Friday Harbor for . ..\u25a0 ,;;

I THE DAYTON SHOE "JjI The Best Workingmen's Shoe Made. Fine line of Staple and Fancy j•J Groceries, Dry Goods, SHelf Hardware, Farm Tools Plain Paiflts, «

*'' . - • . - ,• Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. . «- \

% M,»»n.M*»**w»«*«wm*»»w*WH 11 »»»\u2666»! I\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 »**»^

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Aetna Insurance Co.The Uad'ngTirb INSURANCE company of ambiiic*

CASH CAPI+AU •*,•••.••*.•*


M. ?Cult r^ResideiitAg^nt; \u25a0:Friday Harbor, yt^h
