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THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE - Ambergris …October 6, 2005 Visitor Guide Page 3 Birds of San...

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October 6, 2005 October 6, 2005 October 6, 2005 October 6, 2005 October 6, 2005 The Island Newspaper The Island Newspaper The Island Newspaper The Island Newspaper The Island Newspaper Amber Amber Amber Amber Ambergris Caye, Belize gris Caye, Belize gris Caye, Belize gris Caye, Belize gris Caye, Belize Central America Central America Central America Central America Central America The Airline of Belize Reservations: 501-226-2012 Fax: 501-226-2338 Email: [email protected] www.tropicair.com FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE THE SAN PEDRO SUN THE SAN PEDRO SUN THE SAN PEDRO SUN THE SAN PEDRO SUN THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE VISITOR GUIDE VISITOR GUIDE VISITOR GUIDE VISITOR GUIDE THE SAN PEDRO SUN THE SAN PEDRO SUN THE SAN PEDRO SUN THE SAN PEDRO SUN THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE VISITOR GUIDE VISITOR GUIDE VISITOR GUIDE VISITOR GUIDE From the birdwatching perch at Caribbean Villas, one can catch a glimpse of numerous birds and get a panoramic view of the Caribbean Sea! The Brown Pelican is the only non-white pelican in the world and can be found around San Pedro. Birdwatching at Caribbean Villas - breathtaking views & beautiful birds Bubba, Chico & Elbert - Barstool Birdwatching is fun! Christopher Columbus - Explorer & Discoverer of the Americas Can you guess the names of these ships? Do you know who led their expeditions? Turn to Page 6 to find out if you were right!
Page 1: THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE - Ambergris …October 6, 2005 Visitor Guide Page 3 Birds of San Pedro – wonders of the sky Everyone knows that San Pedro offers great diving, snorkeling

Visitor Guide Page 1October 6, 2005

October 6, 2005October 6, 2005October 6, 2005October 6, 2005October 6, 2005

The Island NewspaperThe Island NewspaperThe Island NewspaperThe Island NewspaperThe Island NewspaperAmberAmberAmberAmberAmbergris Caye, Belizegris Caye, Belizegris Caye, Belizegris Caye, Belizegris Caye, Belize

Central AmericaCentral AmericaCentral AmericaCentral AmericaCentral America

The Airline of Belize

Reservations: 501-226-2012Fax: 501-226-2338Email: [email protected]






From the birdwatching perch at Caribbean Villas, one can catch a glimpse of numerous birds and geta panoramic view of the Caribbean Sea!

The Brown Pelican is the only non-white pelican in theworld and can be found around San Pedro.

Birdwatching at CaribbeanVillas - breathtaking views& beautiful birdsBubba, Chico & Elbert -Barstool Birdwatching isfun!Christopher Columbus -Explorer & Discoverer ofthe Americas

Can you guess the names of these ships? Do you know who led their expeditions? Turn to Page 6to find out if you were right!

Page 2: THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE - Ambergris …October 6, 2005 Visitor Guide Page 3 Birds of San Pedro – wonders of the sky Everyone knows that San Pedro offers great diving, snorkeling

Page 2 Visitor Guide October 6, 2005

Publisher The San Pedro Sun Ltd.Editor Ron Sniffin [email protected] Tamara Sniffin [email protected] Editor Kainie Manuel [email protected] Writer Maria Novelo [email protected] Writer/ Mary Gonzalez [email protected] DesignOffice Assistant Nathalie Manuel [email protected] The San Pedro Sun,

P.O. Box 35,San Pedro TownAmbergris Caye, Belize

Telephone 011-501-226-2070US Telephone (307) 460-4456Fax 011-501-226-2905E-Mail [email protected]/WEB www.sanpedrosun.netMain Office #1 Fire Coral Street, San Pedro

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More foreign subscribers than any newspaper in Belize!



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On behalf of the people of SanPedro Town, I extend a warm wel-come to all visitors arriving to ourshores. I assure you that your tripto “La Isla Bonita” will be no or-dinary vacation. Our island is fa-mous for its rich cultural diversity,where Mestizos, Creole andGarinagu blend to form a uniqueencounter. While here, I encour-age you to explore the CaribbeanSea and find Belize’s abundanttreasures. Hol Chan Marine Re-serve and Shark-Ray Alley are justtwo of the many spots where youcan enjoy our coral reef forma-tion and abundant and breathtak-ing sea life. San Pedro is alsohome to world-class fishing andscuba diving. For the more adventurous, “LaIsla Bonita” offers a wide arrayof water sports and for those look-ing to get a glimpse of the mysti-cal world of the Maya, these his-torical ruins are just a short expe-dition away. You will also be ableto discover Belize’s vast cave sys-tems and many natural sanctuar-

ies that are home to our country’sunique flora and fauna. Whether you are spending yourhoneymoon at an exclusive resortor looking for an adventurous, yetromantic escape, San Pedro is surelythe place to be. I invite you to ex-plore our home and see the manywonders it has to offer. We welcome you with open arms.Bienvenidos a San Pedro!

Elsa Paz, Mayor,San Pedro Town

Greetings to my visiting friends




the weekly paper – Wordsof the Week. This week, wewill present a few commonphrases in English and giveyou their Spanish & Creole

translations. We would like to thankSylvana Woods for all her assis-tance with the Creole translations.Enjoy!!!

Language can link uswith other cultures, nomatter how foreign thetongue may be. In aneffort to share thisform of communica-tion with our audience,The San Pedro Sun proudlypresents its newest addition to

U ku tel mi if wahn bos stap deh kloas?¿Hay un terminal de autobús cerca?Is there a bus stop nearby?

Yu ku shoa mi how fu geh da maakit?¿Me pudieras enseñar el camino al Mercado?Can you show me the way to the market?

How faar di yaapoat deh fahn ya?¿Que lejos esta el aeropuerto?How far is the airport?

Where did you read your San Pedro Sun?

Photos taken in unique and unusual places arepreferred. Be sure to identify who is in the photoand where the photo was taken. Don’t forget toinclude your names and what you were doing.

Pictured is Leisa Bailey of Yankton,South Dakota with her copy of TheSan Pedro Sun at Mt. Rushmore,South Dakota!

Where did you take your San Pedro Sun & VisitorGuide? Take a photo of you and the paper and send it

to us at: [email protected].

Page 3: THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE - Ambergris …October 6, 2005 Visitor Guide Page 3 Birds of San Pedro – wonders of the sky Everyone knows that San Pedro offers great diving, snorkeling

Visitor Guide Page 3October 6, 2005

Birds of San Pedro – wonders of the sky Everyone knows that San Pedrooffers great diving, snorkeling andother watersports. With all thegreat physical sports available, oneparticularly fun and relaxing ac-tivity that is often overlooked isbird watching. From the only birdperch in San Pedro, located atCaribbean Villas, one can take inbreathtaking views of the abundantfoliage on the resort’s grounds,plus a 360 degree view of sur-rounding San Pedro. The Caribbean Villas is a des-tination worthy of a visit, it hasone of the most spectacular views,as well as a host of endemic birdsand other animals that call this re-sort their home. Watching birdsin this area, while seemingly slowand time consuming, can ultimatelybe rewarding to the most patientof bird watchers. The thick veg-etation of Caribbean Villas, andthe typical, quick, seemingly ran-dom movements of many birds,makes them often difficult to see.Early morning and late afternoonare excellent times to bird watch,as most bird species are feedingor moving to new locations. Man-ager, Beth Rogers stated, “amongour amenities and excellent ser-vice, we try to keep our guestswanting more and the perch is justa treat to them.” She further stated

that at any given instance, bird en-thusiasts get a chance to watch anaverage of six to seven differentspecies in one visit. Visitors to the bird perch willbe fascinated by the hustle andbustle of activities taking placearound them. Bird watching is anactivity as old as humanity and forgood reason! Birds are a beautifuland diverse group of animals of-ten easier to view compared toother creatures. While a “rarebird” may be an exciting discov-ery, watching the behavior of themost common birds can also befascinating and informative. Afterall, birds common to one regionmay be considered rare in another.Careful observational skills arenecessary to be accurate when try-ing to identify a bird. The way thebird flies or acts may be as impor-tant as noticing the color of thefeathers. The size and shape of thebirds’ body, wings, head, feet, andbeak are very important. Thesounds you hear the bird make andthe location in which you see itare also important. The habitat inwhich a bird is found and the timeof year can give you importantclues when trying to solve the mys-tery of the unidentified flying crea-

Climbing up the stairways to the lofty perch at Caribbean Villas leads to someamazing views and great sightings. Continued on Page 4

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Page 4 Visitor Guide October 6, 2005

ture. The Caribbean Villas has al-ways had a strong collection ofbird species, from parrots andmacaws, to herons and sparrows,to near shore birds, including theever popular seagulls. There is ahealthy population of warblers inthis location, they take the skiestogether and survive together. Atany given time, an unpredictablenumber of species can be spotted.Other exciting and endangered spe-cies of birds that can be seen atthis location include; the olive spar-row, fly catchers, brown jays,

hummingbirds, orioles, kiskadeesand robins. These species all shareone thing in common, the natural,lush, thick vegetation that is filledwith food and nesting areas. Otherinteresting and/or threatened spe-cies include the Roseate Spoonbill,the great egret and sandpipers. Ifyou are lucky, you can get a firsthand look at the Black Catbird.This makes for a wonderful mo-ment as this specie is rare. Thespecies of hummingbirds that in-habit the area are gorgeous; it isalways fascinating to observe thetiniest of birds with wing beats of

A pair of Roseate Spoonbills search through waters up north. The peace andtranquility found up north means even more birds to see!

Birds of San PedroContinued from Page 3

more than 60 beats per second andflight speeds of up to 71mph.Watching the some of the tiniestbirds and their speed can be quiteexciting. Typically, over 100 species canbe spotted in a few days. Both ca-sual and serious birders will appre-ciate bird watching from the top ofthe bird perch. Bird watching is thevery best kind of fun, it’s easy, in-expensive, healthful and satisfying.Whether you are new to bird watch-ing or a seasoned pro, rest assuredthat during your trip, you will get aglimpse of these winged wondersthat live in our backyards. Why nottake a moment right now and addthis activity to the top of your “to-do-list” and be sure to visit the Car-ibbean Villas for a bird’s eye view

The abundant foliage presents a chal-lenge to avid birdwatchers, but a nicehiding spot for birds at the CaribbeanVillas’ ‘backyard’.

of the island, while getting a close-up of the magnificent flying crea-tures that call this resort their home.

Explore the great wooded trails at Caribbean Villas. Just being in the greeneryand amongst the various species of birds is a great experience.

Page 5: THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE - Ambergris …October 6, 2005 Visitor Guide Page 3 Birds of San Pedro – wonders of the sky Everyone knows that San Pedro offers great diving, snorkeling

Visitor Guide Page 5October 6, 2005

www.ambergriscaye.com/birdsbelize by Elbert Greer

I first discovered bird watching froma barstool, and ever so often, I find my-self back on that stool gazing over theCaribbean. Chico is my favorite bartender on theisland, partly because he makes excel-lent conch ceviche and partly because

Barstool Bird Watching

Try watching some birds from your favorite perch, the barstool! Now you haveno excuse!

A Royal Tern is a large, crow-sized bird with a long, heavy, yellow-orange toorange-red bill, black cap, wispy crest, white forehead, and pale gray back andwings. The tail is moderately forked. The Royal Tern breeds in large, densecolonies. Nests are sometimes washed away by storm tides, but the birds usuallymake a second attempt, often at a new location. This bird has fewer young thanother terns, but maintains its numbers wherever it has protection from distur-bance. It feeds almost entirely on small fish, rather than the crustaceans andinsects taken by most other terns.

of his tolerance of my antics. One af-ternoon while warming the stool, heasked me how I found the time to birdwatch enough in order to write myweekly column on birds. I explained how bird watching forsome is not a planned event and that

birds are always around us. We merelyhave to stop time and look!He looked at me strange and asked if Iwould like another beer. I could tell he did not fully under-stand bird watching, so I enticed himinto a round of “barstool bird watch-ing” with a challenge, “I can identifymore birds than you without leaving mystool!” I knew from watching Chico playdominos that he enjoyed gaming, so Ibet a round of drinks for the bar. Luck-ily, “Tequila Steve” had left us withsome binoculars, and the afternoon wasyoung. Chico washed his chopping block inthe bar’s sink and began to sharpen hisknife, peering out the windows over-looking the shoreline. “I see frigates,”he said, “... five of them! Flying aroundthe fishing boats.” I explained how each species onlycounted for one sighting, and the score

was Chico - 1, Elbert - 0, Bubba - 0.After a few other declarations of therules, Chico agreed to include Bubba’ssightings if he barks first. Chico began to chop a large, whiteonion. Two little ground doves were bob-bing for sand flies just off the veranda.“Doves!” he yelled, “That’s two forme!” “What kind of doves,” I asked.“Little doves!” he responded. We talked a while about the rules stat-ing “species.” He opened me anotherbeer, and I conceded his score of “littledoves”.Chico - 2, Elbert - 0, Bubba - 0. Chico had just settled down andstarted chopping the conch into bite sizedcubes when Bubba suddenly jumped upfrom his nap in the doorway, ran acrossthe lobby and barked across the streetat the breadfruit tree, startling twowhite-winged doves to fly away.Chico - 2, Elbert - 0, Bubba - 1. Before I could swivel around in thebar stool to face the shoreline again,Chico had Peterson’s Field Guide in hishand and was yelling, “MagnificentFrigate and the Great Frigate. If Bubbacan count two kinds of dove, I can countthe Great Frigate. That’s three for me,one for Bubba, and you don’t have zip!” As fast as I could rattle them off, Itook the lead with “Royal Tern, BrownPelican, Yellow-headed Pelican andNeo-tropical Commorant.” The game’s momentum was inter-rupted by Chico’s calling foul on mycommorant sighting. “It’s underwater,”I explained. After a few minutes ofstudying the surface of the waters aroundthe dock, a commorant surfaced its headwith a wiggling eel in its beak and be-gan swallowing. “You’re lucky,” Chicosaid in a low voice, “That’s four foryou…”Chico - 3, Elbert - 4, Bubba - 1. Chico opened me another beer and

Continued on Page 6

Page 6: THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE - Ambergris …October 6, 2005 Visitor Guide Page 3 Birds of San Pedro – wonders of the sky Everyone knows that San Pedro offers great diving, snorkeling

Page 6 Visitor Guide October 6, 2005

Columbus Day is a holiday cel-ebrated in many countries in theAmericas, commemorating the dateof Christopher Columbus’s arrival inthe New World in 1492. In fourteen hundred ninety-two(1492), Columbus sailed the ocean

blue and history knows him best forthis voyage when he landed in theCaribbean and discovered the NewWorld. Columbus was convinced thathe had landed in the Far East. How-ever, he had bumped into Americaand as such, secured a spot for him-self into history books for the rest oftime. Christopher Columbus was bornin Genoa, Italy somewhere betweenAugust and October of 1451.Columbus’s father, Domenico, wasa weaver and also somewhat involvedin local politics in Genoa. Columbushad four younger siblings and be-came close friends with his youngerbrother Bartolomeo. Columbus’s edu-cation may not have been very thor-ough, but he did learn to read andwrite. As a young boy, Columbus startedout working with his father in weav-ing, but soon turned to sailing. Genoais a seaport in Italy so Columbus grew

Christopher Columbus – Admiral ofthe open seas

San Pedro Roman CatholicSchool – Brightening the minds ofSan Pedro’s youth. ContactPrincipal Roxanni Kay – 226-2550, [email protected]

Green Reef – A non-profitorganization dedicated to thepromotion of sustainable use andconservation of Belize’s marine andcoastal resources. [email protected]

Lions Club of San Pedro – Relieson income from its Friday andSaturday Night BBQ to supportthe needy community. Help a greatcause. Contact President IselaGraniel – 226-2064.

Donate to these worthy San Pedro organizations!Saga Society – A non-profit “hu-mane society” to address the straycat and dog population in SanPedro. Contact 226-3266.

Alcanzando a los inalcanzables– Helping the youth of San Pedroagainst the battle with drug addic-tion. Contact Virgina Wallace at226-3018.

San Pedro High School – Helpingstudents “Anchor in Success.”Contact Principal Angel Nuñez orChairperson Mrs. MarthaGuerrero at 226-2045/2010/2043.

SP AIDS Commission -A non-profit organization that helpseducate and inform the society in

ways to help AIDS victims andtheir families.

San Pedro Public Library - Apublic service that helps promotethe importance of literacy andeducation for the betterment oflives and the community. 206-2028.

The Governor General’sMusic in Schools Program,San Pedro Chapter - c/o SanPedro Town Council, P.O. Box54, 226-2198,[email protected] organization created to de-velop and promote the love ofmusic and the practice of the artsthroughout Belize.

began to chop habanero peppers. We hadnot noticed Bubba slip out to the end ofthe dock until he barked in the air at asoaring osprey; prancing back up thedock, Bubba pointed his nose up againat a black-headed gull and gave a short,cocky bark. I could tell he was in a moodto show off. He leaped from the docklanding in the middle of six sandpiperswith his third bark, then walking to theveranda, he stopped to give a “woof”into the hibiscus, giving notice to the Cin-namon Hummingbirds. He honestlylooked smug as he plopped down in hisfavorite spot at the bar.Chico - 3, Elbert - 4, Bubba - 5. The ceviche was ready! Chico wasputting it in cups with small forks. Hehanded me a cup, and at the same timeheld up a fresh, cold beer. I reachedout with both hands and took hold ofthe two. “Thanks, Chico.” Chicopaused, and then asked with a smile,“We forgot to decide how this gameends.” After a few bites I began to sweatthe pepper with a flush to my face. Iexplained, “The game never reallyends; you just pause awhile and timerestarts itself.” Chico always looks atme strange when I talk like that. Heoffered me another beer, and I drankit like water. Chico pointed out thatthe sun was going down and encour-aged me to take my boat home beforedark. Just one more point and it would bea tie. I asked Chico if he had ever beenbeaten by a dog before, and he said,“It ain’t over until the fat lady sings;good night, bye, so long, you and yourdog get out of my bar!” Walking to my boat, I noticed themoon and tide had exposed theturtlegrass beds beside the dock, andhunting in the middle of the bed was a

The Brown Pelican is a very large, stocky bird with a dark brown bodyand a long flat bill, and is the only non-white pelican in the world. Adultshave a whitish head, with dark brown on the hind neck during breedingseason. Young birds have dark brown head and whitish bellies. Thesesocial colonial birds fly in single file, low over the water. When sightingprey they plunge with wings half-folded, from heights of up to 50 feet (15meters), surfacing to drain water from their bills before swallowing thefish. Unlike its larger white relative, the Brown Pelican seldom soars.Around waterfronts and marinas individual birds become quite tame, tak-ing fish offered them by humans.

Barstool Bird WatchingContinued from Page 5

Continued on Page 7

Yellow-Crowned Night Heron. Iopened my mouth to yell to Chico, butbefore I could utter a word, there wasa soft “woof” from my side ... howhumiliating.Chico - 3, Elbert - 4, Bubba - 6.

Christopher Columbus was an explorer who, in his quest to find the Far Eastunwittingly discovered the Americas.

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Visitor Guide Page 7October 6, 2005

up by the sea and among many sail-ors. He spent his teenage years firstas a cabin boy then as a sailor; learn-ing much about sailing, astronomy,and geography through his voyages.During his twenties, Columbus settleddown in Lisbon with his brotherBartolomeo where he helped him inhis map-making business. During thistime, Columbus also captained shipsfor Italian merchants. In 1478, Columbus met and mar-ried a young woman named Felipawho came from a relatively respectedfamily. He then moved with her familyto Porto and there Felipa gave birthto a son, whom they named Diego.Soon after Diego was born, Felipadied. The years following Felipa’sdeath were filled with ocean voyages.Columbus moved to Portugal wherehe had connections with the Portu-

guese court through Felipa’s family.It was during these years that Co-lumbus began to develop the idea thathe could reach the Far East by sail-ing west. Through his study of ge-ography and his knowledge gainedin map-making, Columbus began tobelieve that the earth was round. Heread about Marco Polo’s trip over tothe Far East, and the spices andriches there. Columbus began to be-lieve he could reach the Far East bysailing west. Convincing someone to providefor such a voyage across the Atlanticwas not very easy. Columbus usedhis connections into the Portuguesecourt to ask King John II to providefor his trip across the Atlantic. How-ever, King John rejected his request.Both France and England also re-fused to provide for his voyage. Co-

Continued on Page 10

These statues portray a 15th-century meeting between Christopher Columbus ofGenoa and King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. Gardens surround theAlcazar palace in Seville, a favored residence of Spanish monarchs for centuries.

Christopher ColumbusContinued from Page 6

lumbus then made the decision tomove with his son to Spain. Colum-bus was known to be a dedicatedChristian and in Spain he formedconnections with monks, who werescholars. Through his connections heeventually met Fray Juan Perez,Queen Isabella’s confessor withwhom he had many discussions.Perez eventually introduced Colum-bus to King Ferdinand and QueenIsabella and after a few years andmany petitions, Columbus got patron-age for his voyage from Ferdinandand Isabella. Columbus was given three ships,the Niña, the Pinta, and the SantaMaria. Recruiting a crew courageousenough to sail across the Atlantic wasdifficult but was managed. On Au-gust 3rd, 1492, three ships left Spainto find the Far East. His first voyagebegan from Spain, and on October

11th, 1492, they landed on an islandthey called Guanahani, but Colum-bus later renamed it San Salvador.While exploring the islands in the areaand looking for gold to loot, Colum-bus’ men traveled to the islands ofHispaniola, Cuba and many othersmaller islands. On his second, larger expeditionfrom September 25th, 1493 to June11th, 1496, Columbus sailed with 17ships and 1,200 to 1,500 men to findgold and capture Indians as slaves inthe ‘Indies’. Columbus established abase in Hispaniola and sailed aroundHispaniola and along the length of

Some endemic populations view Columbus as a man who brought famine, diseaseand disruption to the Natives of the Americas.

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Page 8 Visitor Guide October 6, 2005


Oil Nut (English)Ricino, Higuera (Spanish)Xcoch (Maya)

Scientific Name: Ricinus communis L.

Plant Family: Euphorbiaceae

Description: Erect shrub or smalltree to six meters tall; trunk to fourcentimeters in diameter; leavesdeeply lobed, 10-60 centimetersacross; flowers in a spike, purplebrown in color; fruits brown, 1.5-2.5centimeters long; seeds black ormottled brown-creme, each 10-17millimeters long.

Habitat: Old fields, roadsides, edgeof forest, gardens.

Traditional Uses: Seeds and leaves have been used since ancient timesas a purgative and emollient. Boil halfof a leaf, plus five dried seeds in twocups water for five minutes and drinkwarm as a purgative. Use half leafplus two seeds in same manner as alaxative. Crush fresh leaves into pasteto apply to cuts, sores and swellingsto improve healing time. For pain,heat a large leaf in oil and apply to

area as a poultice overnight. Forheadaches and sinus congestion, ap-ply small amount of “Vicks” to fore-head; wrap with castor leaf; tie withcloth and lie down for one hour or useat bedtime. Boil five large leaves intwo gallons water for ten minutes tobathe children with measles (allevi-ates itching and prevents scarring).Steam from boiled leaves is used as

a vaginal treatment for female dis-orders (e.g., vaginal tract infectionsand post childbirth pains). For fevers,heat leaf in oil; rub over body andwrap up warm overnight.

Research Results: The seeds, andto some extent the foliage, are poi-sonous, containing the compound rich(Kingsbury 1964). Ricin is said tohave “many of the poisonous char-acteristics of a bacterial toxin”(p.194) and pure ricin is one of themost poisonous compounds known.Heat inactivates the ricin (a protein)contained in the seeds (Farnsworth1993). An ethanol-water (1:1) extractof the leaf showed antiviral activityat a concentration of 50 mcg/mlagainst Vaccinia virus (Dhar et al.1968). An ethanol (95%) extract ofthe leaf showed galactagogue effectat a dose of 3.75 ml/person (Gilfillan1862).This column is NOT intended to be aguide for self-treatment of a medicalproblem or as a substitute for quali-fied medical advice. As with anyhealth problem, a qualified physicianshould be consulted before taking anymedication. The intent of this columnis to give an overview of the pharma-cological properties of Belizeanplants. Articles re-printed by permis-sion of the author.

The Castor Bean plant is used very effectively as a purgative, emollient, laxa-tive, and to treat cuts, sores, swellings, to prevent scarring from measles, andfor common women’s problems.

Page 9: THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE - Ambergris …October 6, 2005 Visitor Guide Page 3 Birds of San Pedro – wonders of the sky Everyone knows that San Pedro offers great diving, snorkeling

Visitor Guide Page 9October 6, 2005

Panades – Corn turnovers stuffed with beef, chicken, refried bean orfish, deep fried and garnished with spiced shredded cabbage.

The San Pedro Sun Virtual Taste Trip

Ingredients:Corn Mixture:*1 lb ground corn*1/2 small round recado*2 tbsp waterFish Mixture:*8 oz. cooked fish flaked and checkedfor bones*2 small onions (finely chopped)*1 tsp salt*1/2 tsp dried oregano*1/2 tsp thyme*2tbsp margarine

Method:*Prepare corn by dissolving recadoin water.

*Add to ground corn. Mix with cleanhands.*Take small pieces and make insmall balls about 1-1/2" to 2" in size.*Flatten balls on a piece of clear plas-tic (Plastic from bread bag is suit-able).*Add about a teaspoon of fish filling.Fold over corn (as if making patties).*Seal edges well. Fry in deep, hotfat. Turn once.*Once cooked, take out and drainwell on paper towels.*Serve with diced cabbage, spicedwith lime juice, salt and pepper totaste.

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Page 10: THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE - Ambergris …October 6, 2005 Visitor Guide Page 3 Birds of San Pedro – wonders of the sky Everyone knows that San Pedro offers great diving, snorkeling

Page 10 Visitor Guide October 6, 2005

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Mollusks have been the proud own-ers of seashells for 600 million yearswhen bacteria, protozoans, and organicdebris facilitated the development ofmarine invertebrates. Humans have en-joyed the economic and aesthetics ben-efits of shells for ages often withoutquestioning their creation. Malacology,the study of mollusks helps explain thecomplex development of thisorganism’s fashionable armor. Mollusks possess many diverseforms of pigment in both body and shell.Colors and patterns are formed accord-ing to the animal’s diet. The nutrientsfrom the food eaten are broken downas they travel through the bloodstreamtowards the mantle, where they aretransformed into highly concentratedcells. The mollusk uses these cells forthe colouration and pigmentation of thestructural layers of its shell. Indigo, blue, red, and yellow shellcolors are common because of the ba-sic pigments, melanins and porphyrins.These pigments build up intermittentlyalong the mantle edges and are respon-sible for dashed, dotted, clustered, andstriped designs. Colouration is affectedby changing water conditions and in-creases in salinity or pollution. The organic composition of seashellsincludes several layers of crystallinecalcium compounds. These layers areprotected by an outer sheath frequentlycalled the periostracum. Theperiostracum often helps with camou-flage and is made possible by thechemical content of the animal’s blood.The mantle concentrates calcium by anosmotic process and crystallization

Dressing a MolluskBy Green Reef Peace Corps Volunteer Nicki Vassak

takes place immediately between theexisting shell layer and namtle cavity,creating a prismatic structure. Seasonal growth is observed by linesand breaks on body whorls. Duringactive growth periods the mollusk dis-solves unwanted spines or projectionswhich might hinder feeding or move-ment. Shells develop rapidly in tropi-cal areas, thickening with age, but re-main unchanged once the animal issexually mature. Abnormally large

shells therefore imply a severe para-sitic infestation, where the mollusks’sexual organs have been destroyed andso shell growth has not been inhibited.The great diversity of shapes and col-ors in seashells indicates natural selec-tion, and an attempt to increase chancesof survival.TURTLE UPDATE: The total numberof turtle nests recorded this seasonequaled thirty-eight, only five of whichwere false crawls.

southern Cuba. He spotted andnamed the island of Dominica on No-vember 3rd, 1493. On a third expedition that tookplace between May 30th, 1498 to Oc-tober 1500, Columbus sailed farthersouth to Trinidad and Venezuela. Hisfourth and last expedition took placeon between May 9th, 1502 to No-vember 7th, 1504; Columbus sailedto Mexico, Honduras and Panama. At the end of his days, Colum-bus had made many great discov-eries and done many great things.However, he lost all of his titles.Although he did die rich, he wasnever given full credit for all hehad done in the Caribbean. OnMay 20th, 1506, he died in the cityof Valladolid of a disease he hadcaught in the Caribbean. Eventhough Columbus did not get ev-erything he should have, he intro-duced the Old World to a NewWorld. He himself never knew theextent of his discovery, but nowthat it is known he has receivedcredit. The legendary voyage madein 1492 created new lives for manyas they came to America. Columbus Day, is a holidaycommemorating ChristopherColumbus’s discovery of America.It has been traditionally celebratedon October 12th throughout mostof the United States, parts ofCanada, and in several of the LatinAmerican republics, including Be-lize. On behalf of The San PedroSun, we wish all a happy and safeColumbus Day!

ChristopherColumbusContinued from Page 7

A cross-section of a mollusk, showing the various parts that allow us to comecloser to understanding this fascinating underwater creature.

The shells of the mollusks are often beautiful and multicolored, and the emptyshells are sought after by shell enthusiasts worldwide.

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Visitor Guide Page 11October 6, 2005

byDennis Wolfe

Wolfe’s Woofers

SamePicture Her


Trivia Tidbits *The number 4 is the only number, in the English language, that has thesame number of letters in its name as its meaning. *Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand. *It takes as much heat to turn one ounce of snow to water as it does tomake an ounce of soup boil at room temperature. *The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards. *The process of a snake shedding its skin or a crustacean casting off itsouter shell is called ecdysis. *A crocodile can’t stick out its tongue. *A mosquito, engorged on blood, is able to fly carrying a load twice itsown weight. * Darker green lettuce leaves are more nutritious than lighter green leaves. *“Almost” is the longest word in the English language with all the lettersin alphabetical order. *Water is so scarce in the arid regions of China that, in the grasslands,the people never take baths, and sometimes must wash their faces in yak’smilk. *The US produces 19 percent of the world’s trash. The annual contribu-tion includes 20 billion disposable diapers, 2 billion razors, and 1.7 billionpens.

“Hey, Chuck, what happened to your head?”

Chuck looked into his drink glass and mumbled something.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t catch that. Boy, that is one nasty lookingbruise you have on your forehead.”

“I got it from not paying attention,” Chuck said.

“Oh. You ran into something?”

“In a way. I guess you could say that.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Valerie read about this seminar that was being held at a resort inCayo. It was for married couples to strengthen their marriage or somesuch crap. I told her right up front that I didn’t want to go. People whohave been married as long as we have don’t need to strengthen anythingexcept their patience.”

“Yeah,” I said. “Dulce made me go to one of those things one time,too.

How was it?”

“I hated it,” Chuck said. “I was sitting there so bored I was worriedabout going to sleep and falling out of the chair.”

“You fell out of the chair? Is that how you got that lump on yourhead.”

“No, I didn’t fall out of the chair,” Chuck said. “I was daydreamingabout something when the guy giving the seminar was asking the men inthe group questions to find out how sensitive they were to their wife’slikes and dislikes. Next thing I know this guy asks me if I know whatValerie’s favorite flower is. I turned to her and said, ‘Isn’t it PillsburyBake-Rite?’ That’s when I got this bruise.”

DEVELOPED PROPERTIESBanana Beach Resort: Condos and Suites with 2 Pools, beach, restaurant and

bars. All Banana Beach properties have guaranteed rental incomes! 3 bed beach condos $290,000. 2 bed beach condos $242,500. 1 bed beach condos $165,00 -195,000. 1 bed courtyard suites $123,500. 1 bed balcony suites $57,500.

Villa del Mar – new custom built beachfront home, 1 ac, pier, 3 bedroom$975,000.

The Villa Turquesa at Mata Grande designer 3 bedroom beach home withpier and optional adjoining beach lot $975,000.

Casa Grande – Palmeros Point Beach Club. New 3 bedroom 3 ½ bathroombeach home fully furnished and self sufficient $675,000.

Caye Villas – Beach villas with pool. 2 Bed 2 bath fully furnished $394,000. 2 bed 3 bath fully furnished $395,000.

Villa Aurora – custom built ocean view home. 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom. Pool- $675,000.

Tres Cocos Garden Home 2 bedrooms with caretaker quarters. Location!$275,000.

Ocean view 3 bed/2 bath concrete home with roof top deck. $210,000.San Pablo canal home w/ 200ft water frontage, 2 boat slips, ramp, fully

fenced, 2 storey duplex 2bed/1bath up 1bed/1bath down. $295,000.San Pablo home – Flamboyant Park area. 2 bed, 1 bath home $165,000.Duplex home close to the Yacht Club $ 125,000. Reduced to only $110,000.Mi Casa. Rental suites with spacious top floor owner’s quarters and loft apt.

$650,000.Casa Flores income producing triplex on double lot. $350,000.The Castle 10 apt complex $525,000.Drastically reduced: $400,000.

UNDEVELOPED PROPERTIESIn town beach lot! Commercial or residential. $490,000.Playa Blanca beach lot 60 x 105 ft w/dock $210,000Mexico Rocks area 2 80 ft x 400ft beach lots $280,000 eachBoca Ciega 4.5 acres 170ft beach front. $350,000.Near Mexico Rocks 178ft beach front 2.4 acres $534,000 - SoldRocky Point 2 x 1250ft 80 acre beach front parcels - $2.75 M-under contractBuena Vista Point ocean view 75ft x 150ft $79,000 each.Buena Vista Point ocean view 75ft x 150ft $89,000 each.Laguna Estates ocean view lots from $20,000.Laguna Estates commercial tracts & islands Inquire!Caribbean Coves 200ft ocean front $ 150,000 – under contractSan Marcos 2 adjoining 50’ X 100’ lots - $35,000 each2 adjoining Alta Mar 100ft x 100ft lots $65,000 each.

All prices are in US dollars and subject to change without notice. Forfurther details on these properties and much more call your


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Page 12: THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE - Ambergris …October 6, 2005 Visitor Guide Page 3 Birds of San Pedro – wonders of the sky Everyone knows that San Pedro offers great diving, snorkeling

Page 12 Visitor Guide October 6, 2005

ORANGEGallery - Gift Shop

and more!

toystoystoystoystoys drums




Mayan carvings

slate carvings


wood turningswood turningswood turningswood turningswood turningssculptures


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San Pedro’s Largest Gift Shop

We at Southwind Properties specialize in the listing & sale of fine islandproperties - Homes, Condos, Hotels, Commercial, Income-ProducingProperties & Land for homes or large parcels for development. Be sure tomeet with Marianne, Lori or Claudio to discuss your particular needs.Southwind Properties prides itself in being there full-time for full serviceand full disclosure for all your real estate needs. Call 226-2005/2060 orE-mail [email protected] for more information.

Serving San PServing San PServing San PServing San PServing San Pedredredredredrooooosince 1980!since 1980!since 1980!since 1980!since 1980!

Condos/Homes & Commercial PropertyBelize Yacht Club (K14) Upper & lower beachfront units! Each condo is 1 bdrm/1 bathand fully furnished. Priced at $350,000US.Caribe Island Resort (M56) Junior Suite – one bed/one bath, ocean front, secondlevel. Private veranda with a grand view of the Caribbean. Excellent price at $185,000US.Exotic Caye Resort – Located 1 mile south of town center, this resort is situated on agorgeous stretch beach. Thatched roof buildings gives you that “tropical” feel. Condosstart at $100,000US.Secluded piece of Paradise 2.6 acres with more than 435’ of beachfront and another458’ of lagoon water frontage on the western coast of Ambergris Caye. Price $400,000US.Beachfront Home (A10) 1st level- 6 apts. 1 bdrm/1bath each; 2nd level-3 bdrm/1-1/2bath; 3rd level-2 bdrm/1 bath penthouse apt. Enjoy your view of the reef & the oceanbreezes from your own palapa or snorkel & sun off your 100’ dock. $825,000US.Back Street Home (R35) 2 story, wooden home. Lower level-2bdrms, 1 bath, openliving, kitchen & dining area. Upper level-3brms, 2 baths & 2 kitchens. $250,000US.

Raw LandAmbergris Bay (G30) 65’ of beach front and 150’ depth on the west coast of AmbergrisCaye. Price $60,000US.Palm Bay Club (C41) Lot #111 – 4th row lot, 100’ x 100’. Only $18,000US.Corozal Town Center (R31) 7½ Acres of prime real-estate, road accessible on 3sides, beautiful mature trees, cleared & ready to develop all amenities available.$100,000US.San Marcos (R29) 50 X 90 – Price is Right at $38,000US.Eden Isle (R27) Caye Caulker Lot #407 - 75’ x 90’ – 4th row lot, but only 285’ offBoca Del Rio (P42) 3 connecting lots located on the waterway just before you crossthe river cut. $210,000US.Robles (S54) Lot 14a – Drive your boat up to your doorstep to this beautiful beachfrontlot, lush with vegetation. Lot measures 80’ x 204’ and is priced to sell at $160,000US.Robles (D17) Lot 31A measuring 75’ of beach front x 300’ & 31B measuring 150’ x300’. Terms available. Asking price for both lots only $149,000US.

contact the san pedrosun at phone: 226-2070fax: 226-2905 & email:

[email protected] visit us at


Page 13: THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE - Ambergris …October 6, 2005 Visitor Guide Page 3 Birds of San Pedro – wonders of the sky Everyone knows that San Pedro offers great diving, snorkeling

Visitor Guide Page 13October 6, 2005


Belize Tourism Board - 223-1910.

Belize Tourism IndustryAssociation (BTIA) - 227-5717.

San Pedro Tourist GuideAssociation 226-2391.

Church ServicesSan Pedro Roman Catholic ChurchSun. Mass: 9 a.m. English; 11 a.m.Children’s; 7:30 p.m. Spanish; Sat.:Confessions 5-7 p.m; Mass or Com-munion Service every night at 7:30p.m.Living Word Church Service Sun.10:45 a.m. Bible study Mon. 7:30 p.m.We do Christian charity work. 226-2950.Assembly of God Church onAngel Coral St. T-W-Sat.-Sun. at 7:30p.m. Christian RadioFM 101.3.

The Lions Club of San Pedro relieson income from its Friday and Sat-urday Night BBQ to support the needycommunity. Help a great cause -havedinner with us!

Green Reef A non-profit organiza-tion dedicated to the promotion of sus-tainable use and conservation ofBelize’s marine and coastal re-sources. [email protected]

San Pedro AA - 226 4464, 600 9061

Saga Society A non-profit “humanesociety” to address the stray cat anddog population in San Pedro. Phone226-3266.

Tourist Information


Map Sponsored byMonchos

Golf Cart Rental226-3262 or 226-4490

Emergency 911Crimestoppers 800 922-TIPSPolice 226-2022Fire 226-2372Wings of Hope - Medical emergencyair ambulance. Phone: 223-3292.Lions Health Clinic - 226-4052; emer-gencies 600-9071 or Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8am to 8pm; Sat., 8am - noon.Los Pinos Clinic 602-6383 and 226-2686.San Pedro Chiropractic Clinic 226-4695Hyperbaric Chamber - 226-2851, Dr.Otto Rodriguez - 600-0287 or 226-2854.Antonia Guerrero - 600-5475 or 206-2152. Eleazar Portillo - 610-4560 or226-3195.San Pedro Polyclinic II - 226-2536.8-12 and 2-5, Mon. to Fri. Emergen-cies 226-2555/2918 or 606-3864.Ambergris Hopes Clinic - 226-2660,Emergencies: 606-2316US Embassy - 227-7161Canadian Consulate - 223-1060Mexican Embassy - 223-0193Guatemalan Embassy - 223-3150Honduran Embassy - 224-5889


Journey’s End

Papi’s Diner

Travel North of the cut to:


THE HOLIDAY HOTEL - Wednesdays’ live music and fabu-lous Beach Barbeque postponed from September 21st to Oc-tober 26th.

PIER LOUNGE - Home of the “World Famous Chicken Drop”every Wednesday night. Daily drink specials and two-for-one happyhour. Located beachfront in the Spindrift Hotel. Phone 226-2002.

THE TACKLE BOX - come rock da box out over the water! EveryTuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday (starting @ 9:00PM)we have amazing live bands ranging from Reggae to Punta to oldschool Rock-n-Roll. We’ll have prizes, specials and always thatbreath-taking Tackle Box ocean view! Located off the San PedroWater Taxi Pier at the end of Black Coral St. 226-4313.

SPORTS BAR AT PEDRO’S INN – Saturday nights watchEnglish premier league games on satellite TV. Cricket, poolcompetitions, ½ price cocktails on Tues. and Thurs. Indianfood by reservation on Tues. and Wed. Drinkers play FREEpool; get FREE Internet and FREE US phone calls!

Real Estate...SEASIDE REAL ESTATE – Many listings, from raw land tobeautiful beachfront homes. We can help you own a piece of para-dise. Call 226-4545 or E-mail [email protected] REALTY - Land, homes, businesses, condos and in-vestment properties. Call 226-3737, fax 226-3379 or E-mail:[email protected] CAYO REAL ESTATE - Serving Belize from the moun-tains to the reef. Phone 226-2791. www.casacayo real estate.netSOUTHWIND PROPERTIES - For all your Real Estate needs.Call 226-2005 or 226-2060 for information or E-mail:[email protected] for current listings.PELICAN PROPERTIES LTD. - Fine properties on AmbergrisCaye. E-mail: [email protected] or phone 226-3234.

BELIZE REALTY & BUILDING SERVICES - From rawland to dream home - we’re there every step of the way!

ISLAND FERRY SERVICE & WATER TAXI – Scheduled ferryservice & water taxi for Ambergris Caye. Phone 226-3231.MONCHO’S GOLF CART RENTALS - Four & Six seater golfcarts available. Open daily 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. We deliver to yourroom. 226-3262 or 226-4490.CRYSTAL AUTO RENTAL – Largest fleet in Belize. Offices atInternational Airport and Belize City. 223-1600, 0-800-777-7777

SEARIOUS ADVENTURES – Up for some adventure? Mayanruins, manatee watching and more tours available. Make your res-ervations today. 226-4127.SAILSPORTS BELIZE – Windsurfing, kite sailing and sailing.The latest equipment and expert instruction makes it easy to learn.226-4488 [email protected] – River cave tubing, manatee watch, Robles BeachBBQ, Mayan ruins and more adventures. 226-2254.SEADUCTION SAILING – First class Day Cruises to CayeCaulker or Mexico Rocks. Beach BBQ or Sunset Cruise. Char-ters also available. Phone Seaduced at 226-2254.ALUX ECO TOURS - Personalized jungle tours to Mayan ruinsthroughout Belize. 623-3148, 223-2130, [email protected]

Water, Sports & Tours


KRYSTAL SHIPPING CO./MASH CO. - We deliver con-struction supplies all the way to Robles Point! Phone 226-2089or E-mail: [email protected]’S HARDWARE - Storm supplies, electronics,household appliances, tools, home repair items and a wide va-riety of paints, stains and varnishes. Pescador Drive. Phone226-2302.THE SAN PEDRO SUN & VISITOR GUIDE - Specializingin marketing and promotion of San Pedro and Belize businesses.The island’s oldest and largest newspaper with the largest cir-culation. Ambergris Caye’s number one newspaper. 226-2070,[email protected].


Capt.SharksWet Willies



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ISLAND MINI GOLF & ICE CREAM - Sea GrapeDrive (1 block W of Barefoot Iguana). Open Mon.–Thurs. 12 – 9 p.m.; Fri. – Sun. 12 – 10 p.m.

SAN PEDRO FAMILY FITNESS CLUB – Offer-ing air conditioned gym, tennis courts, lap and fam-ily pool, aqua, toning and pilates classes. Open daily6:00 am – 8:00 pm. Daily and contract rates. 226-2683

CAYE COFFEE – Take a taste of our locally roastedfresh coffee back home. A wonderful cup of coffeemakes such a great difference in your day. Try itand ask for more. 226-3568.

WINE de VINE - Fine imported wines and cheeses.Olive oils, vinegars and specialty items. Located inthe Vilma Linda Plaza on Tarpon St. Phone 226-3430.

OSCAR’S GYM - Free-weights, Pilates, basicYoga, Balance Ball, Tae Bo and more. Affordabledaily, weekly and monthly fees. Located in Boca delRio 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily 226-2239.

BIG TREE PRODUCE – Fresh Local & ImportedFruits & Vegetables. Seafood, meats, juices & milkshakes. Pescador Dr. 226-2322.

JUBILAND GIFTS & PARTY SHOP – Party Fa-vors, Invitations, Piñatas, Holiday Decorations &

MATA CHICA - Mambo Cuisine - for foodlovers. Homemade pasta, shrimp paté, bruschetta,charbroiled seafood and much more! Call 220-5010/5011. CLOSED until October 3rd.

ROJO LOUNGE - Enjoy tropical lounge cui-sine in one of the most beautiful beachfront set-tings in all of Belize - Azul Resort. 226-4012.CLOSED September.

ELVI’S KITCHEN - serving the finest food since1977. Located in the heart of San Pedro Townon Pescador Drive. Daily Lunch and Dinner Spe-cials. Terrific Key Lime Pie. Caribbean Nighton Thursday with Wil & Dale. Mayan Fiestaevery Friday-come try our Maya Buffet whilelistening to Mayan music. Open Monday – Sat-urday. Lunch: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Dinner:5:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Call us for group reser-vations. Ph 226-2404/2176 “Where somethinggood is always cooking!”

CELI’S RESTAURANT ON THE BEACH atthe San Pedro Holiday Hotel, serves Great


Dining Out...Fajitas, salads and local dishes for LUNCH. DELECTABLE SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES fordinner. OUTDOOR & INDOOR DINING11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Beach barbeque every Wednesday night withlive music. CLOSED until October 3rd.

LILY’S TREASURE CHEST RESTAURANT- On the beach behind Lily’s Hotel. Join us for acool breeze and the best seafood or USDA beefon our veranda by the sea. 226-2650.

RAMON’S VILLAGE - Enjoy breakfast, lunchand dinner in a Mayan atmosphere or on theveranda overlooking the Caribbean Sea. Coco-nut Drive. Phone 226-2071.

LUNA at Journey’s End Resort - Experiencefine dining on the beach north of San Pedro.Visit our tropical bar featuring karaoke, danceand fun music. Phone 226-2173. CLOSED un-til October 11th.


Unique Offerings...

unique dining experience on the beach at Ban-yan Bay. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinnerdaily. Phone 226-3739 ext. 135.

PAPI’S DINER – The place for fine food atdiner prices. Taste the Caribbean. Call 226-2047.

MICKEY’S PLACE - Open daily 6:30 a.m. -10 a.m. for breakfast, 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.for lunch and 6 - 10 p.m. for dinner. Burritos onWednesdays. Pescador Drive. Call 226-2223.

BLUE WATER GRILL – Island cuisine with atwist! Wood-fired Oven Pizzas, Sushi & more!Open daily. Happy Hour 4 to 6 p.m. 226-3347.

EL DIVINO RESTAURANT at BANANABEACH - Serving breakfast, lunch and dinnerfrom 6 a.m - 10 p.m. Book your party or ban-quet today! Phone 226-2444.

PORTOFINO’S own “LE BISTRO” - One ofthe newest & most talked about restaurants onthe island. Meet our boat at 6:30 p.m. at Fido’sDock for a complimentary ride to one of the bestculinary experiences you will have while in para-dise. For reservations, call 220-5096.

RENDEZVOUS RESTAURANT AND BAR- The most romantic spot in town featuringaward winning chefs. Thai and French cuisineblended to make paradise taste like heaven, orso our customers say. Free Rendezvous Winetasting from 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fer-mented, blended and bottled here on theproperty. Open for lunch and dinner. Call 2263426 for reservations and transport options.

VICTORIA HOUSE - International and Island-Style cuisine by Executive Chef Amy Knox.Open for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Reserva-tions recommended, call 226-2067.

CASA PICASSO TAPAS + MARTINIS -Small plates, big pastas and fantastic desserts!“Hippest martini spot”-Frommer’s. Nightly5:30pm, closed Sundays. reservations 226-4507.

THE TACKLE BOX BAR & GRILL - whetherit’s a little break from the beach or a wholenight out the Tackle Box is just the place. Thekitchen serves a wide array of affordable freshcomfort foods ranging from our big TackleBox Burgers, special fried chicken, to some ofour more local fare and seafoods. And what abetter place to enjoy our dishes, than our backporch out over the water.

The San Pedro Sun

Visitor Guide

Contact the San Pedro Sun for more [email protected]

(501) 226-2070www.sanpedrosun.net

EVERY WEEK we print a new editioncovering the “good news” about

San Pedro and Belize!

More! Barrier Reef Drive – Phone 226-3400.

THE GREENHOUSE - Fresh Produce & Seafood.Belizean and imported speciality. Fresh herbs, coldcuts, chilled goods plus an exciting selection of gro-ceries. A/C local on Barrier Reef Dr. 226-2084.

THE SAUSAGE FACTORY - Largest selection ofsmoked meats and sausage on the island. One milesouth of town. 226-2655.

CAYE INTERNATIONAL BANK - Offering De-mand Deposit Accounts, Loans, Savings Accounts,etc. [email protected] or phone 226-2388.

PROVIDENT BANK & TRUST - Offering a fullrange of International Banking Services. phone 223-5698 services@prov identbank.bz

GRANIEL’S DREAMLAND - Locally made furni-ture & accessories from all Belizean exotic hard-woods & Mahogany. On Pescador Drive, oppositeRock’s, Call 226-2632, ext. 18 or 226-2938. OpenMon-Sat 8:30-12:00 noon & 1:00 to 9:00 p.m. & Sun10-12 noon.

BAREFOOT BOOKS - Features a huge selection ofnew and used books. Gorgeous greeting cards andgift items. Located at the southern end of MiddleStreet (Pescador Drive) across the courtyard fromMickey’s. 206-2577.

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