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The SCALP The SCALP & & Cranial Meninges Cranial Meninges done by : C.W.T done by : C.W.T
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Cranial Meninges Cranial Meninges

done by : C.W.Tdone by : C.W.T

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The skin & subcutaneous tissue that covers the cranial vault


sup. Nuchal lines (post.)

Supraorbital margins (ant.)

Zygomatic arches (lat.)

5 layer:

indicated by its letters

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S: Skin

thin except?? “Occipital part”

many hair follicles & ? “sabaeceous glands “

rich in bld. Supply

C: Connective tissue

thick, dens C.T. septa

& fat lobules

rich in bld. Supply

* Bld. Vessels of scalp are running within this layer

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A: Aponeurosis (flat tendon)

Epicranial aponeurosis

Galea Aponeurotica

strong tendinous sheet

provides attachment for:

occipitofrontalis m.

& ?? Laterally

“To the temporal fascia”

*1st 3 layers move together as one unit & called:

Scalp proper

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L: Loose C.T.

has many potential spaces

sponge like layer

* allows free movement of scalp proper over bone.

P: Periosteumouter C.T. layer that surrounds the bones of calvaria

firmly attached to the bone

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Innervations to The ScalpInnervations to The ScalpAnt.:

Supratrochlear & Supraorbital n.

(from ??) “ophthalmic n. (v1)”


Zygomaticotemporal n. (from?)

“ maxillary n. (v2)”

Auriculotemporal n. (from?)

“ maxillary n. (v2)”


lesser occipital n.

(C2, ant. ramus)

Greater occipital n.

(C2, post. ramus)

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Arteries of The ScalpArteries of The ScalpIn Which Layer?In Which Layer?

Ant.:Supratrochlear &

Supraorbital a. (ICA)

Lat.:Superficial temporal a.(ECA)

Post.:Post. Auricular a.Occipital a.(ECA)

* Scalp is an area of anastomosis between branches of ICA & ECA

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Clinical: Injuries to The ScalpClinical: Injuries to The Scalp

* The scalp is one of the richest areas of bld. Supply in the body.

2 Sources: ECA & ICA

Small inj. to the scalp can result in sever prolonged bleeding

Due to:

1. rich blood supply

2. separation of vessel ends

by C.T. Septa & the aponeurosis

Rx.: suturing the injury

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Scalp InfectionsScalp Infections

- Pus or blood spreads easily in The loose connective tissue layer of SCALP (Danger area of scalp)

- Infection or fluid in this layer (pus or bld.) cannot pass posteriorly or laterally, WHY??Post.: “nuchal lines” Lat.: “temporal lines”

- instead, Infection or fluid in this layer (pus or bld.) can spread either:anteriorly eyelids & root of nose black eye or Ecchymosis

into the cranial cavity through emissary veins meninges

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The Cranial MeningesThe Cranial Meninges

3 layers of C.T., that:

1. protect the brain

2. provide supporting framework for a. & v.

3. enclose fluid-filled cavity (CSF)

3 layers:Dura materArachnoid materPia mater

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Dura Mater

most external part

double layered membrane

2 layers:

ext. periosteal layer

(periosteum of calvarian bones)

Int. meningeal layer

- tough, thick fibrous membrane

continues at F. magnum to SC

* Brain Venous Sinuses are located between periosteal & meningeal layers of dura

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Dural ReflectionsDural Reflections

Foldings of internal meningeal layer between brain compartments (septa) to restrict the rotatory displacement of the brain (fxn.)

4 main reflections:

falx cerebri

falx cerebelli

tentorium cerebelli

sellar diaphragm

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Arachnoid MaterArachnoid Mater

Thin, intermediate layer that attaches to pia mater through web-like arachnoid trabeculae

Avascular layer

Held against dura by pressure of CSF

Subarachnoid space:

between arachnoid & pia

contains: arachnoid trabeculae & Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

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Pia MaterPia Mater

Very thin & delicate membrane that is highly vascularized

Adheres to brain surface & follows its contours

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Meningeal SpacesMeningeal Spaces

Epidural Space:

between dura & bone

not present normally

happens pathologically

(as hemorrhage)

Subdural Space:

between ? “arachnoid mater and dura mater”

not present normally

Subarachnoid Space:

a real space

contains CSF

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Arterial Supply to Meninges Arterial Supply to Meninges (Dura & Calvaria)(Dura & Calvaria)

Middle Meningeal a. & Accessory Meningeal a.:

Main meningeal artery

From??” it is the third branch of the first part (retromandibular part) of themaxillary artery , the largest branche and one of the two terminal branches of the external carotid artery ”

Pass through?? “foramen spinosum”

2 Anterior meningeal a.:

From ethmoidal a. from ?? “from the ethmoidal artery which is also come from the theobthalamic a. which is branch of ICC”

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4 Post. Meningeal a.:

2 from ascending pharyngeal a.

Pass through ?? one pass through 1.hypoglossal canal and the other from the 2.ugular (at the lower part of petrous part of temporal bone).

& 2 smaller branches from??one from the vertebral a.pass through 3.foramen magnum and the fourth post meningeal a. from the occipital a. which pass through the 4.mastoid foramen.

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Clinical: Epidural HemorrhageClinical: Epidural Hemorrhage

Due to injury to a meningeal artery

middle meningeal a. (pterion)

Bld. Collects between:bones of clavaria & periosteal layeror periosteum & meningeal layers

Complications: bld. Mass compress the brain loss of consciousness & coma

Rx.: draining bld. & closure of the artery (ligation)

Read the clinical note in your textbook “Intracranial Hemorrhage”

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Dural Venous SinusesDural Venous Sinuses

Blood filled spaces within dura matter that lined with endothelium and drain all bld. from brain and meninges.

Location: Between the periosteal and meningeal layers of dura,where dural infoldings attach.

Main :Sup. Sgittal sinusInf. Sagittal sinusStraight sinusTransverse sinus (2)Sigmoid sinus (2) IJV Cavernous sinus (2):venous plexus lat. to sella turcicaReceives sup. & inf. Ophthalmic v.From the orbit
