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The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 24

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I know, another one already! So welcome to the Science of a Legacy, Chapter Twenty-Four, and let's all pray for sunshine as we read, I'm so bored of the rain here. Anyways, last time we had a bunch of happy weddings as Generation Five settled back home after university, and Generation Six started to make an appearance. Let's get right back on it, shall we? Up up and away! To the right! 18 th August 2008
Page 1: The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 24

I know, another one already! So welcome to the Science of a Legacy, Chapter Twenty-Four, and

let's all pray for sunshine as we read, I'm so bored of the rain here.

Anyways, last time we had a bunch of happy weddings as Generation Five settled back home

after university, and Generation Six started to make an appearance. Let's get right back on it,

shall we? Up up and away! To the right!

18th August 2008

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"Sammy baby, stop it!"

"Aw, come on Sully! It was a long plane journey back from Twikki Island, I'm bored.." said

Samantha Bauchman, as she stood outside her home.

"Though I'm so glad we went away after graduation, that vacation was anything but boring!" she


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"That's true." smiled her fiancé, Sullivan Phillips.

"So you ready to meet my Mother?" Sam asked. "Things seem to have changed a lot around

here since I left, though.. We used to live in a tiny bungalow, Mum must be doing really well as

Education Minister."

"As long as she's good at welcoming future sons-in-law too." he sighed.

"Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine. Come on, I can't wait to see her!"

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The two young lovebirds had barely walked through the door when Sam heard Lisa's voice from

the study. She dragged Sulliavn after her and hurried in, anxious to see her mother again.

"Mum! I'm back! Oh wow, it's so good to see you and the house looks awesome! And my

vacation was amazing, I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it beforehand, but-"

"Samantha." Lisa cut in. "We shall discuss your deviant behaviour later, it was not becoming of

you in the slightest. But first, may I ask, who is this slovenly looking youth you have brought into

my home?"

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Sullivan stepped forward, keen to make a good impression.

"I'm Sullivan Phillips, m'am. It's a pleasure to meet you and I'm looking forward to being a part of

your family. Sammy is a wonderful kiddo!"


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Lisa pushed Sullivan's hand away and dragged her adopted daughter to one side. Sullivan

rubbed his hand. That woman had a strong grip, alright.

"Samantha. Darling. What is this fool talking about?" Lisa said in as calm a voice as she could


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"Surprise Mother! Look, I'm engaged. See? Isn't it lovely?" Sam said, showing off a sparkling

ring. "Sully and I met at LFT, he's so wonderful Mum, you'll really like him. He's kind and

thoughtful, and gorgeous, and.. hardworking."

Lisa was dumbfounded. She wasn't quite sure what to say to her daughter, but eventually

managed to stutter

"So-so, he has a decent job then? That can support you in, I daresay."

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"Oh no, not yet. He wants to make it in the Music biz, but he's going to have to start right from

the bottom. But that's ok, I've already got my Journalism internship lined up." Sam said with a

big smile on her face.

"Internship? Samantha, I thought you were ready to enter as an editor?" Lisa said, a little more

coldly that she usually would to Sam. She'd been expecting her daughter to come back as she'd

been when she left, and was 'mildly' disappointed at the young woman who stood before her.

"I thought it'd be more fun to start from the bottom and work my way up as Sully does! We could

do it together. But that doesn't matter Mother, first we need to get married. We were thinking just

a small ceremony, maybe even this afternoon."

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"Oh no, we can't be having that." Lisa said. "I can hardly say it was my plan for you to travel after

university and then return engaged, but what is done cannot be undone I fear. But we shall

make the best of it, shan't we? A high profile wedding is an excellent way to keep the Bauchman

name in the papers! I shall arrange it all Samantha, for Saturday - that is the traditional day for

weddings, after all."

And most of those in high society will be able to attend then.. she thought to herself.

"You run along and explore the new house, I'll see to it the media is informed." Lisa smiled. She

was determined to make the most of the situation, and the few kinks could always be worked out

along the way, she reckoned.

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As Sam scurried off, Lisa turned to Sullivan.

"And as for you.. I'll deal with you when I return from office."

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In the end, Lisa decided to take the afternoon off to start preparations and was therefore home

before either Sam or Sullivan. Her first port of call was to make sure everyone in the

neighbourhood would be informed of the upcoming nuptials.

"Strangetown Gazette? Yes, it's Lisa Bauchman speaking. .. Yes, that Lisa Bauchman. Now I

want the biggest page spread you can must, for my daughters upcoming marriage this Saturday.

Big and bold, if you please."

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"Yes, of course I'm sure this Saturday. .. No, no mistake. Look, be quiet and just run the damn

thing! Do as I say!"

She scowled and hung up the phone.

"Damn interns.. Can't even do their jobs properly. Samantha shall not be entering in such a

position, believe you me."

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Lisa later retired to the study, where Sullivan found her as he returned from work that evening.

He sighed, but thinking of Sam put on a brave face.

"Good evening Mrs. Bauchman.." he sighed as he stepped over the threshold of the study.

"Sullivan, darling, do come and sit by me. I think we should have a little chat." Lisa said sweetly,

with a little smile on her face.

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Sullivan took a seat on the far side of the sofa, and inched as far into the arm as he could. No

matter how many times she'd call him 'darling', he still felt the ice. Lisa decided to break it.

"So, you understand that I could have you arrested for kidnapping my daughter, and then forcing

marriage upon her? Clearly none of this is Samantha's idea, but as I am a kind soul I shall let

this go ahead, and obviously that is what makes her happy. We must all think of Samantha at a

time like this."

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"And we both know that her happiness is paramount, correct?"

"Well yeah, but just for the record this was all Sammy's idea! She did the proposing, she

suggested the vacation - it was amazing. She's so spirited, it's one of the things I love most

about her." he smiled.

"Well that's hardly true! Your clothes, that dirty rag in your hair.. You are clearly not a member of

the upper classes and so therefore very unsuited to my daughter. And lying as well! She would

never do any of those things. You're even worse than I thought. But then, why I expected

anything more of a man.." Lisa snarled.

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"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Sullivan had a bit of a short temper, which probably didn't

bode well for living with Lisa.

"You're behaving like a mad woman. How dare you judge me like that? Sammy and I are very

much in love, and we love each other because of who we are! Do you even know your own

daughter, Lisa? I really don't think you do, and oh - the things she's told me about you.. She may

love you, and I thank you for giving her a life she may not have had, but that does not mean I am

going cater to your ridiculous whims and fancies. And I am not going to leave the woman that I

love, just because you say so."

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"Well of all the nerve.." Lisa was clearly offended by his outburst. "How dare you, in my own


"Look.. Lisa." Sullivan was fighting to regain his composure. He breathed deeply.

"I love Samantha. She loves you. But she also loves me. That means that we have to get along,

because I know that that is what she would want."

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Sullivan got up to leave the room, still breathing in and out deeply to try and stay calm.

"Come back here!" Lisa shrieked after him. "We're not done yet!"

"Oh yes Lisa. I think we are."

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He crawled up the stairs and flopped onto the bed next to his fiancée. Sam was wearing a big

smiled on her face, and he didn't want to disappoint her.

"So!" she said brightly, "How'd it go with Mother? I'm sorry if she.. Well, if she.. She's sometimes

not so nice to new people."

"Sammy.. I know how much you love her. And I will try my very best to make it work with her, for

you. But please, don't expect us to always see eye to eye. Your mother seems a bit.. of a strong-

willed woman."

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"Thanks Sully, you're the best." Sam smiled, and cuddled up to him.

"No my Sammy Princess, that would be you."

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The next morning, Lisa rushed out of bed to collect the morning's paper. Without bothering to

read the headlines, she flipped straight to page 2 where she knew her announcement would be.

She smiled at the result.

"That's excellent! Just as I asked. Looks like there are some people at those offices who do

know what's important."

She flung the paper down triumphantly and went to find her daughter.

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"Samantha! Oh, Samantha! Darling, we need to get you fitted for a dress!

We can't have you looking fat and you're getting a bit pudgy, dear."

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"Ooooh, me blinkin' bobsicles!"

Happy announcements are rife in Strangetown this week!

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"Oh goodness, she's being rather loud isn't she?" worried Ocean.

"Oh sweetie, it's like that for everyone - don't you remember?" sighed Menidia, as they watched

their vampire-daughter in law give birth for the second time.

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Everyone, meet Vauxia. He's another little boy, with brown hair and green eyes, and skin.. two?

One? Two I think.

Following my mini-theme, Vauxia is another Cambrian era fossil that can be found in the

Burgess Shale, but this time it's a sponge. A squishy squishy sponge. But not when it's a fossil I


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And everyone is rightly chuffed at his arrival!

"Wahey! Well done Cadence, he looks lovely." cheered Menidia.

"'Ee does, dun'ee? 'Ere, 'old 'im for a minute, it's been ages since my last grilled cheese.." she

said, and passed Vauxia to his grandmother.

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In the early morning, Gadus was overjoyed at finding out his second son had been born. But he

wasn't going to forget his first - little Sidneyia.

"Morning Sport! You feeling big and strong today?"

"For bonking?" asked the confused toddler.

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"Nah, not quite yet, little one." Gadus smiled. "Let's stick to the blocks and rabbit head, shall


"'k.. Blocks nummy."

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But then our heir got right on to getting to know Vauxia. He may be a Romance Sim, but he

adored being a father far more than I, and probably he, expected! He couldn't help smiling as he

fed his son.

"I can't wait to get to know you better, little one. You're so cute and squishy!" he grinned.

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Cadence decided to take this week to get to know the family, especially as she was sharing

every night with them.

"'Ello, nice to meet'cha, Oi'm Cadence."

"BOO! That's great, but why don't we have bowling alley anymore?"

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"Evenin' Mr. Repens! 'Ow you doin'?"

"Not so good. Tell my sons to come over more, I miss them and have been told they won't be

joining me in the afterlife!"

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But sometimes they still took her by surprise.

"Ahahaha! It's true, you're fun. It gives me Pleasure!"

"Argh! Mr. Atrica, I fought you ain't able to come inside?"

"I wasn't, but now I think I died of starvation and I can to raid the fridge. Cool, huh?"

..No. But it nice to see him more. I haven't been able to fix that short of bringing him back and re-

killing him, which I don't fancy doing because it would make me sad! I can't bp shift click his

grave into old age, but can to other deaths. *shrug* I think it happened when I installed Bon

Voyage, which is a shame.

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We're also starting this generations bid to a) get into the Garden Club, b) get a wishing well, and

then c) kick their asses.

I've read that thriving trees give high scores and we haven't had any growable plants since

Menidia was born, so thought I'd give them a go again. And guess who gets to earn the badge?

"Athletic hasn't come up yet! Plus the kids'll love the juice. And.. I've heard you can make beauty

cocktails. They sound fun! I'm sure I can wean Cadence off of cheese for just one night with

them, mmhm."

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And Menidia and Ocean spent the week doing what they do best.

"Meni, Meni! We have to stop!"


"..Because I can't stop laughing and don't want to create a new death!"

"Oh, alright then. Come on, I got a whole new bag of kindling for us to light the fires with today!"

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But sure as salmons, Saturday rolled around.

Lisa had been preparing all week, and the garden was looking spectacular. She was sure it

would impress the guests beyond belief - who wouldn't be blown over by such a get up?

"There. Everything is just perfect.."

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"If only I'd been able to have a wedding like this.." she scowled.

"Just as well Samantha has me to sort all this out for her, she doesn't know how lucky she is


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Back inside, the bridge and groom were putting the finishing touched to their wedding day get-


"Sully! What's happened to your bandana? You know I think it's so sexy on you.. Not that you

don't look gorgeous, because you always do, just.. not like you."

"It's the one of the many things Lisa insisted on." he sighed. "But don't worry, it's safe hidden

under some socks upstairs. But you look so beautiful Sammy, but there's something missing on

you too.."

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"mm.. Much better.."

"SAMANTHA!" Lisa was loud enough that it didn't matter she was halfway down the garden, the

whole of the town could probably hear her.

"Shoot, I guess we'd better go. Come on kiddo."

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"It's kind of quiet.." Sam said as they started to go outside. "Where is everyone?"

But she just shrugged, and they went over to Lisa who was still standing under the arch.

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"Mum, you do realise.." she started.

"Hush Samantha, and do sit down. They'll be here. Everyone will be here.

Just you wait, they're on their way.

Right now."

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"Is this it?"

"Dunno, I thought it used to be a tiny house."

"Maybe it got bigger?"

"Er, why are we all here again?"



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"Late late late.. Oh my fishness, why am I always so late?!"

Confused? Let us backtrack slightly.

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After a rather messy affair of a bachelor challenge involving kidnapping, rule breaking, man

maids, beetle pancakes and far too many bad jokes, my Simself 'decided' that she wanted to

marry Spider Jerusalem here, all official-like in Strangetown.

Spider Jerusalem Vetinari is a poor tortured soul of a Reaper child from DrSupremeNerd's

superbly wonderful Vetinari Dualegacy, and now one of the most well-known Sims floating about

the Boolprop Legacy circuit. I'd always wanted to breed my Simself, and I want to see him happy

for a change. (And he's very very hot.) So hey! Why not have a wedding? Knowledge Sim triple

bolty goodness.

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"Mine! Finally all mine! Mine mine mine!"

..Only in Strangetown, deary. You'll just have to keep up your stalking elsewhere, cause it ain't

gonna happen nowhere else!

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But anyway, let the inappropriate party begin!

"Hmm.. Should I write my essays or legacy chapters when I go back to university?" Jamie, the

Simself of DocGirlP and writer of the awesome Bohemian Legacy was pondering.

"Hey, wanna inappropriately flirt?"

"Corvus like the blonde Simself!"

That would be SimNerd, DrSupremeNerd's Simself who we all know is a Romance Sim in


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"Di! So good to see you, hug?"

"Uh, no thank you Gin. I fear that your dress is slightly too revealing, it would not to proper to

have that much flesh pressed against me."

This would be Di, the Simself of Dicreasy who writes the nummily good Victorian Legacy. She

has morals, donchaknow.

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"But it's desiiigner!"

"Well that doesn't matter to me! Where's your delightful bonnet, dear Gin? That would have been

a much better choice. And don't slouch."

"..Sorry Di."

I think Angela, the Simself of thepiepers5 who writes the spectacular Tha' Simple Life, was just

laughing at all of this, I didn't buy her dancing for one minute.

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"Where are we going?"

"I don't know, there's too many Sims in the way!"

"Why'd she have to invite, like, EVERYONE?"

To some of you, this may not look like a big party. For me, this is the biggest party I've ever

thrown. This isn't even all the guests, oh my.

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"Ooh, Angela's pretty.."

"I still don't have a cape like Billy's, it's not fair!"

"Move, I can't see the crazy Simself."

"Why're we here?!"

Which meant that it was also the noisiest I've ever seen!

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"Shut up and sit down everyone!

Right, now, let's start. Ooh, this is so exciting. Ok, er, how do we start?"

"Vows Gin, we do the vows."

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"Oh right.

Um, thank you for not running away, and thank you SupremeNerd for not eating me, and thank

you everyone for coming, and.. er.. I love you because you're so awesome?"

"Well done. I love you too due to triple bolty Knowledge Sim goodness, and it's really nice to live

with someone who doesn't just want to use me in evil schemes and has ACR to boot. So this

better not be an evil scheme, and Gilbert better not call around too often, because that is not


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"No schemes, promise. But someone has to do the cleaning.."

"Why won't Angela sit down.."

"When's the barbeque?"

"Who's that random townie in the back?"

"Why's that guy got blue hair?"

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Happy Spider. Happy Gin.

Happy days! Happy wedding.

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Happy many many guests!

Well, those who managed to make their way to the ceremony anyway. Some people decided

they didn't even need to break out the formal wear.

"Well Gin should download more than three dresses then!"

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"Is the blonde one taken?"

Alas yes, Cassidy. Though SimNerd seems to be looking on intently, I can promise you that he

is perfectly happy running around and flirting with all the male townies whenever I open a


But this thought seems to worry Angela slightly.

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"Are your friends ever quite?" Spider asked.

"No, not really. But it wouldn't be a party if they were! Plus, something always seems to be going

on around here, you'll get used to it. And if not, you can always just visit our wine cellar!"

"We have a wine cellar?"

"Well yeah! I don't approve of cellar's, unless they're for holding wine. But we don't have to worry

about that yet, and I think everyone's beginning to clamour for cake."

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"What's up? Don't you want any cake?" Gin asked when they'd gone inside.

"Nothing, just not entirely sure I trust you with a knife..

"Oh come on! I'm not Circe or anything!"

Circe, the Simself of hbcirce who writes the 'rocking' Geoglacy (aren't I clever?), can sometimes

have anger issues. But she's safe really, I promise.

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"I mean, she'd have just taken this cake away to test whether it had been tampered with. I think

we should actually get to eat it!" the Simself laughed.

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"Ok, ow.." Spider Jerusalem had to rub his jaw a bit.

"Gin! Cake got caterpillar?" asked Arvi.

"No, but I put aside a special salad for you in the fridge."


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"Circe, what exactly are you doing?" asked SimNerd.

"Hiding from Gentry. Gotta go undercover if we're going to find out what the TNLT are really up


"Oh yeah, because cake is such a brilliant disguise.."

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Angela's busy making new friends.

"Chester! That's such a dapper shirt your wearing. And may I- may I stroke your moustache? I'm

sure Edward wouldn't mind.."

"Oh Miss. Piepers! Why, I do seem to be the centre of attention tonight, don't I?" mused Chester

Gieke, who got an Ara's Aesthetics makeover some time ago and for some reason decided to

come, even though I'm sure he wasn't invited.

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He was quite a show stopper, so who can blame him for turning up?

But the cake was snapped up fast, and it was time for the obligatory group smustle in different

directions, and also out of step.

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"Thanks Nerd, for being so nice about me doing this."

"Hey, I just like to see him happy. Just as long as you know it's a one time thing!"

"Aye aye, SupremeNerd! Now please - stop trying to make out with my heir, k?"


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"Er, Uncle Corvus? What are you doing?" asked Norris.

"Corvus doing the stair smustle! Come join, the view's great! You'll see."

The werewolf shrugged and joined his Great Uncle.

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"Oh you so weren't kidding!"

"..I feel I'm missing out on something good." thought Gadus.

"I should really move, shouldn't I?" said Di.

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Happy happy happy times!

Cassidy is Spider's brother in Vetinari, and basically brought him up. But then it all went a bit

wrong, and they don't get to do the hugs anymore. We like the hugs! Why am I even trying to

explain the Vetinaris? If you don't know - just go read NOW!

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"He really does have shiny hair, doesn't he.." thought Jamie.

"Oh yes, and I got to laugh at him falling off a dance sphere once!" said Circe. "Good times,

good times.."

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"..so you know there's a way that you can actually become human again? It's really rather

simple, I can tell you all about the endocrine pathways involved if you want, it's amazing! And

did you know that-"

"No no no! My head hurts! I just want to go home and cuddle my Granddaughter some more."

Poor Allozyme, he doesn't like parties as much as he used to in college.

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Alas alas, he would get his wish as the party was winding down. It was a bit of a squish to fit out

the door. And so much footstomping, giving up and then returning to the smustle ensued. But a

lucky few made it through the doorway of, er, doom?

"Cass. Want to head downtown and do some heartfarting?"

"Love to!"

"Corvus doesn't want the blonde Simself to leave.."

"Angela is wanting to get away from here she is - argh, help me! As if I wasn't already coping

with enough drama."

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Several hours later..

"Face it Lisa, no one's coming!" snapped Sullivan. "Sammy and I have already had to put our

coats on we've gotten so cold waiting. Let's just do this, please?"

"No no, they'll be here." Lisa was still standing expectantly, looking up and down the street.

Sullivan ignored her.

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"That's is! If you don't mind, Sammy girl."

"Of course not!" she smiled. "I've been waiting all day to get married, I just want to be with you

Sully - forget this party!"

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The two of them got up and walked toward the arch. This made Lisa snap up and pay attention

pretty quick.

"Samantha Bauchman! Don't you dare! We have to wait, no one's here to see this yet!" she

shrieked at her daughter.

"Mum, that doesn't matter.."

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"..We just want to get married."

Lisa just stood at the end of the aisle with a scowl on her face, deciding which insult to throw

next. How dare her own daughter defy her like this? It must be the influence of that horrible

loutish boy. He was ruining everything she'd planned!

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But Sam didn't notice, she was just thrilled to be finally getting on with things.

"We are so doing this right here! Right now!" she grinned. "Sully, I love you for so many reasons

that it would take too long to mention, so-"

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"Well, we have had all day!" he smiled.

"True. I love you Sullivan Phillips and I think we're going to have some amazing adventures

together, no doubt."

"I love you too, my Sammy girl. Bring it!"

They grinned at each other like kippers in a hammock, and exchanged rings with eyes for only

each other. They really couldn't have cared less if they were the only two in the world at the


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After the confetti stopped falling, Sam turned expectantly to where Lisa was standing.

"Mother, wasn't that so wonderful? Don't you think?" she asked.

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"Wonderful? Wonderful! How the hell can that be wonderful, Samantha?

What were you thinking pulling this 'shotgun wedding' on me?"

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"Mum, it wasn't-"

"Now you listen to me, young lady. I adopted you, out of the goodness of my heart, gave

everything I had to you - and this is how you repay me? By behaving so selfishly after all I've

done for you!" Lisa snapped. "You really have no idea what you've done, do you?"

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"But Mum, it's my wedding, it's my day! It's all about me and how-"

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"It was never about you!" Lisa screamed.

"Never! This wedding would have given me the chance to really be someone in this town again,

to have the respect that I deserve. To show everyone that the Bauchman name still means

something! But you've spoiled it all you selfish child, you didn't even think about what this

wedding meant for me. You and that poor excuse of a man over there. I didn't think I could see

worse than that thing I married, but apparently I was wrong."

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"That is my husband you are talking about, Mother." Sam scowled, and crossed her arms

defiantly. "Maybe you would get some respect, if you actually showed some to someone else for

a change."

"How dare you, you little-"

"You know I never wanted to believe Norris?" Sam continued.

"I always tried to think that he was wrong, and that you loved us both the same. Turns out I was

right, you do love us the same, just not in the way I thought. And I think deep down I always

knew, but didn't want to believe it. And.. and.."

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But Sam couldn't finish, it was getting to be all too much and she just broke down and into tears.

Sullivan had yanked his suit off and his bandana on as soon as he'd had the chance, and came

storming back down the aisle.

"I knew it.." he growled, "I just knew it.."

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"I knew you were no good Lisa. I would have tried for Sammy's sake, but I think we're beyond

that now. Look what you've done, on her wedding day!" he glowered.

"I haven't done anything!" Lisa said coldly. "She ruined this all on her own.."

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But Sullivan wasn't paying the least bit of attention to her, he just spun Sam round and grabbed

her shoulders.

"Hey Sammy, hey my little Princess! Look at me, come on, that's it. It's ok!" he said, shaking her

a little. "It's all going to be ok! We're married, and that is what is important about today. Not her,

not what she thinks, just us. And it's going to be ok Sammy, for now on it's really going to be ok!"

But it didn't help.

"Sully, I know.. And thank you. But, but-

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- there's someone I really need to talk to.."

She put her head in her hands and ran down the aisle and into the road, leaving her husband

and mother arguing under the wedding arch.

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It didn't take her long to reach her destination, and she tried to stop her sniffles as she climbed

the porch steps and knocked on the door.

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Inside and unawares of the drama, two Sims were unwinding after the afternoon party at Gin's.

"Wow, that was exhausting.." said Norris, stretching his neck in the sunroom.

"Tell me about it.." replied Nihm.

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"There was just so many new Sims to meet!" she continued. "It was amazing, wasn't it! And the

cake, and the dancing, and-"

"And the woohoo?" Norris smiled.

"Well yes, but that's a given at any party isn't it? Though the day is still young, Ysabelle's asleep

and your Dad's out.."

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No one had answered, so Sam slowly opened the door.

"Norris?" she tried again.

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"Aw, shoot. I think that was the door. I'll send them on their way.." Norris winked.

He got up and made his way to the hall.

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"Sam? Is that you?" he said we surprise. But happy surprise.

"I didn't know you were back already, how come you didn't stop by? You look beautiful by the

way, were you at Gin's? I didn't see you, but then I was a bit busy and.."

He stopped when he saw his sister's face close up.

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"Sam? What's happened?"

She took a big sniff before starting again.

"Oh Norris, you were right. You were always right. I'm so sorry, I really am! She's horrible, she's

the nastiest woman I've ever met.. I hate her!" Sam gulped through her tears.

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"You mean Lisa? Oh Sam, what's she done now?" Norris said, full of concern for his little sister.

He knew better than anyone just how bad Lisa could be when she wanted.

"It was my wedding today, and she wanted to make a huge deal out of it. And I didn't care, I just

wanted to be with Sully, but when no one showed up she said that it was never about me and,

oh - Norris. I don't think she ever really cared about either of us! Us, and your Dad.. She just

tries to use people for her own glory, and when that doesn't work she.. she.."

Sam started full out howling again. Norris tried his best to calm her down, and eventually

managed to get her to be quiet again. Or at least, semi-quiet.

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"I know Sam. You know I do." he said. "But things are different now. We're grown-ups, hey? We

can change things. You think I'm the mayor of Strangetown for no reason? We've been working

to stop her, The Watch and I. And we're so close Sam."

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"We're so close now! With the Laws I've passed she can easily be arrested for what she did in

the past, and Vole's about to replace her as Education Minister. We're fighting back, Sam! She's

not going to hurt either of us again, or anyone else for that matter."

"You, you mean it?" Sam said, wiping her eyes.

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"Yup. Believe me, no one wants to see her fall as much as I do." Norris smiled.

"..Except maybe me." Sam smiled back.

"Now go be with your husband, and leave Lisa to me. It's only a matter of time now."

They hugged, and Sam began the walk back feeling much better. Lisa wouldn't be able to hurt

her like that again! She was sure. Norris would look after her.

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As soon as his adoptive sister had left, Norris went straight for the phone.

Lisa had crossed a line today. He'd always known she was a piece of work, but Norris had been

sure she'd never hurt Sam. Apparently he'd been wrong..

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Yeah, not so good actually. Please tell me you were promoted today? .. Oh Vole, don't do this to

me.. .. You're pregnant again? Vole! This is getting ridiculous! .. Ok ok, you don't need to shout. I

know it's something that only a Family Sim can do. Just please, hurry ok? Lisa's getting out of

control. .. I will, thanks Voley-o."

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I think it's only best that we move on from that. And what better way than celebrating the birthday

of little Sid? A new week was dawning in the Tegenaria household, and they wanted to start it

with a bang!

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And a bang of cuteness it is!

"A-ay. 'Sup?"

Only your awesome-ness. I think it's fair to say Sid grew up rather well, and thankfully for the

moment he seems to have forgotten about bonking. That's rather good, don't you think?

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To make matters even better, it's a double birthday!

I said better, guys.

"Oh no, not more cake.." sighed Gadus. "We only just stuffed down the last one!"

"I think I'm going to be sick!" moaned Menidia.

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It's Cadence's turn to have a spin, so she does the honours for Vauxia.

..But I'm not quite sure if that's the right way to hold a baby.

"Eet's 'ow we did it back in me day! Through the arm and on the bum."

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Well it seems to work!

"'Ee's gorgeous, 'ee is! Snooky, come see!"

Gadus didn't need a second invite, but wisely decided that his son might be in need of some hair

and whisked him off.

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Much better!

So this is wee Vauxia Tegenaria, and being a Gemini with a personality of 3/9/10/4/9, he'll be

running the 100m faster than Usain Bolt and blowing sloppy kisses as he goes.

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With the kid's birthdays out the way, their parents retired to the upstairs bedroom for a well

needed lie down.

"So.. Cadence. I was thinking that you're looking especially beautiful this evening. The colour of

cheddar, I might even go as far as to say. So I as thinking tha-"

"You want sprog number free, innit?" the Contessa jumped in.

"Not necessarily, I just think you're beautiful.." he said bashfully.

"Oow, you're so sweet muffin! Well then, let's give it a go!"

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Love was in the air it seemed, because Sid was rather rudely woken the next morning.

"Eeew!" he said, rubbing his eyes. "Grammy and Grandpa, why are you doing that he-eere?"

"And why aren't you making yourself breakfast? Scat!" Menidia laughed as her Grandson ran

away as quickly as possible.

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"Da-ayng.. This is much harder than it looks. I'll go and see in Cheesey Mum left anything out for


He threw the muffin over the divide and into the playpen, and ran off into the kitchen laughing in

search of leftovers!

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Though baking may not be one of them at the moment, over time Sid proved that he was very

talented in other areas.

While other kids loved their SSX, Sidneyia became quite taken with playing the violin.

"A weirdo with a tail dropped it off the other day and asked me if I wanted to stroke his whiskers.

Grammy laughed, but I think he was mental. But whatever, this was an awesome present!"

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"..And Sidneyia Tegenaria takes another solo! The crowd is hushed, and.. They go wild! Whooo!

Thank you, thank you. Donations of candy taken at the door."

I love this little guy. He makes the world all sunny, even when it's raining in the middle of

summer - gaah!

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But not to be left out, Vauxia takes every opportunity to sing the nursery rhyme that Gadus

taught him.

"Lady with a hat,

We can get with that!

Dead or alive, bob or beehive

You go get her, tiger cat!"

Isn't that.. sweet?

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Oh my - can this be? A job in Athletics finally came up? Gadus - you can become permaplat if

you nail this one!

"But that wouldn't be as good as last night when I n-"

No! Stop! Just.. go to work! You have the skills, you're in a great mood, you can do this. Please?

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..You didn't do it, did you?

"No, but that doesn't matter. Look what I get to come home to!"

"Da-ad, you really need a shower.. You stink!"

Apparently the hug was a little close for Sidneyia.

"Oops, sorry kid! I'll go get cleaned up in the shower. Say, your mother doesn't happen to be

having one of her sunny days, is she?"

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She wasn't, but that meant that there was all the more time for 'guy' stuff. Which today meant

Gadus teaching Sid all about the noble art of goal keeping.

"That's great son! I love the way you're using your head to stop the ball!" he shouted. "Now, kick

it back as hard as you can, I'm ready for it. Bring it on kid!"

So Sid booted the ball, which promptly hid Gadus square in the face and knocked him

backwards over the wall of the cowplant pen. Lesson well learnt!

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Luckily for both of them, Cadence eventually was able to make an appearance and look after

her boys while they still had all their limbs.

"Sidneyia! You is all bruised up, I don't fink I like you and your farfer playin' so rough.." she


"Mu-um, you stress too much!"

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"Now I can I please have something for dinner that's NOT grilled cheese!"

"Ow, I'm afraid not Sidneyia. It's your farfer's favourite. And mine too, fancy that!" Cadence


"But you're my best friend! And I want some sala-ad!" Sid whined.

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"At least you're spared from the cheese for a little longer, little V." Gadus said, picking up Vauxia

to give him his goodnight cuddle. "It's not that bad really, and you're such a sweet little guy I'm

sure you'll just smile for your Mum."

"Always cheese?" Vauxia wondered.

"I'm afraid so! But you get used to it.." he said, and popped his son in the crib for the night.

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But we are getting there, sort of. This is sandwich number fifty! So that's a quarter of 'em down,

and everyone other than the Contessa is getting a bit bored now..

They sometimes manage to sneak some salad or chilli in over lunch, so everyone wins!

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"Ow my! Muffin, turns out we are 'aving a fird sprog!" Cadence shouted to Gadus in the nursery.

"In't that well good? But we've run out of cheese, which ain't too good. Would you mind ge'tin'

me some more in the mornin'?"

"Sure thing, honey!" came the call back. "I'm going to head to bed now, but I'll have it all laid out

for you in by tomorrow evening."

"Oow, you is such a poppet!" she said, and rubbed her belly.

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Not wanting to disappoint, Gadus was up bright and early to head down to the Harold and

Merkins food store, who now not only sell clothes and toys, but food and pets too! ..It's quite

handy having an all purpose shop in Strangetown, says I.

"Ok, I've got four blocks of Cadence's favourite cheeses, and some lollies for the boys. That'll be

a treat for little V's birthday tonight!" he smiled as he left the shop, and began to head for home.

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Stay right where you are.

"Huh? Who said that? Stay where?"

Gadus spun round trying to see where that weird voice had come from. But he couldn't see


"Root? Root, is that you?" he said, a little nervously. Gadus had never liked practical jokes


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You really thought you could get away with it?

"With what? Hello? I-is someone talking to me? Root, stop it! This isn't funny, I've got to get


You really thought you could grow up, fall in love, and we wouldn't notice? That we wouldn't do

something about it? We're not going to take this situation lightly, you know.

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"Please! Please stop it! I-I'm a bit scared.." he stammered, still searching around to try and work

out where the voice was coming from. He knew he was right on the edge of town, in middle of

nowhere and the edge of the desert. There wasn't anyone around to help him and that worried

the heir.

And you rightly should be scared. Because this stops now! This was never supposed to happen,

and you're coming with us. You are right to be afraid.

"But I don't want to go anywhere! Who are you? Where are you? I just want to go home! I jus-"

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Out of nowhere a stone statue flew across the sand and straight towards Gadus. He didn't have

time to duck, he hardly even saw the thing coming.

But it was big, and it was heavy, and it hit him hard.

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One way or another, this charade ends now.

Oh my, this doesn't look good.

You can come with us now..

Really not good.

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But it's also fine if you never go anywhere again.


- - - - -

.. This ends the chapter, though I wish it didn't. I really really do.

Thank you to everyone for reading, to all the awesome CC creators who's work I use, and to

those people from the wonderful boolprop.com forums who have let me use and abuse their

Simselves and Legacy characters! I loves ya.

This has been Gin, who.. needs a hug!

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"Where is 'ee, it's been hours!

Oow, I do 'ope me muppet is alright..

I don't 'alf love 'im."
