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The Science of Pain

Date post: 04-Nov-2015
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 The science of pain. How the body and mind manage pain. Having one arm heated to a painful temperature, while the other arm is plunged into an icy cold  bath, would be an unpleasant experience for most of us. But as Israeli researchers discovered in a recent experiment, it didn’t much bother people accustomed to enduring discomfort.  In the study, published in the journal Pain in 2013, elite triathletes who were subjected to the hot-and-cold treatment reported that they experienced pain, just as a control group o f casual exercisers did. But the triathletes, who were accustomed to pushing themselves to extremes in their training and in competitions, rated the pain as lower in intensity and were able to tolerate it longer.  Not only that   they had greater ability than ordinary people to control their reaction to one discomfort while they experienced another. Why were the triathletes able to shrug off such an unpleasant experience? Had they hardened their bodies through their intense training, or conditioned their minds not to fear pain? The researchers believed that it was a combination of mind and body, working together. As Tel Aviv University physical therapy professor Ruth Defrin explained: "It is very difficult to separate ph ysiology and psychology." For centuries, philosophers debated about whether your mind and consciousness are part of your  body, or whether the two are separate entities. But today, thanks to science, we know that the  brain, the organ where your perceptions and thoughts take place, in many ways functions as a unit with the rest of your bod y. In navigating the daunting complexities of the physical world, your brain and body generally work together pretty effectively. But they don’t alwa ys tell the truth to each other. Your brain, which utilizes an array of shortcuts to keep its work load manageable, is capable of deceiving the body into feeling and reacting to things that aren’t there. Similarly, your body is capable of pla ying tricks upon your brain. In this article, we’ll look at  how this continual game of mutual deception works.
  • The science of pain.

    How the body and mind manage pain.

    Having one arm heated to a painful temperature, while the other arm is plunged into an icy cold

    bath, would be an unpleasant experience for most of us. But as Israeli researchers discovered in a

    recent experiment, it didnt much bother people accustomed to enduring discomfort.

    In the study, published in the journal Pain in 2013, elite triathletes who were subjected to the

    hot-and-cold treatment reported that they experienced pain, just as a control group of casual

    exercisers did. But the triathletes, who were accustomed to pushing themselves to extremes in

    their training and in competitions, rated the pain as lower in intensity and were able to tolerate it


    Not only thatthey had greater ability than ordinary people to control their reaction to one discomfort while they experienced another.

    Why were the triathletes able to shrug off such an unpleasant experience? Had they hardened

    their bodies through their intense training, or conditioned their minds not to fear pain? The

    researchers believed that it was a combination of mind and body, working together. As Tel Aviv

    University physical therapy professor

    Ruth Defrin explained: "It is very difficult to separate physiology and psychology."

    For centuries, philosophers debated about whether your mind and consciousness are part of your

    body, or whether the two are separate entities. But today, thanks to science, we know that the

    brain, the organ where your perceptions and thoughts take place, in many ways functions as a

    unit with the rest of your body. In navigating the daunting complexities of the physical world,

    your brain and body generally work together pretty effectively. But they dont always tell the truth to each other. Your brain, which utilizes an array of shortcuts to keep its work load

    manageable, is capable of deceiving the body into feeling and reacting to things that arent there. Similarly, your body is capable of playing tricks upon your brain. In this article, well look at

    how this continual game of mutual deception works.

  • Your Body and Brain Work Together Most of the Time

    Mind and body are so closely intertwined, in fact, that they often seemingly operate in unison. In

    an experiment published in Psychological Science in 2010, for example, University of Waterloo

    researchers had 15 volunteers read a passage from a book on a computer screen, while a sensor

    tracked their eye movements. At random intervals, the computer beeped, and the subjects

    reported whether they were paying attention to what they were reading, or whether their minds

    were wandering.

    The researchers discovered an intriguing phenomenon. When the subjects minds drifted from the task, they also blinked at a higher rate. "When you start to mind-wander, you start to gate the

    information even at the sensory endingsyou basically close your eyelid so there's less inf

    ormation coming into the brain," explained cognitive neuroscientist Daniel Smilek, one of the

    studys authors.

    Your brain, of course, is in control most of the time,

    but picture it as a driver who finds his or her way by studying a roadmapin this case, mental maps of the body and its various systems, which it uses to govern movement, sensation and

    perception. The brain takes in the information provided by your senses, evaluates it, and tells

    your body what to do.

    Most of that decision-making takes place in the prefrontal cortex, or PFC, one of the most

    highly-evolved parts of our brain. In the course of a day, it makes countless decisions, large and

    small, from what to eat at lunchtime to whe you should step off the curb into the street.

    Psychologists theorize that to make all those decisions manageable, your brain actually has two

    decision-making systems, which are separate but closely intertwined. System 1 is a sort of

    autopilot, which will take in information about a situation and act, based upon a set of rules that

    are formulated by System 2, the ruminating part of your decision apparatus. System 2 monitors

    system 1 and can override it if necessary, if System 2 detects that youre about to make a dangerous mistake. The

    process works so smoothly and seamlessly that we dont even notice it is running most of the time.

  • Your brain, amazingly, ac tually can tinker with itself and make adjustments in order to be able

    to perform a physical action more deftly. Harvard University medical researchers have

    discovered, for example, that subjects who practiced a piano exercise over a five-day period

    actually began to utilize a greater amount of their motor cortex, the area of the brains frontal lobe that controls movement.

    In turn, theres evidence that the rest of your body actually helps your brain to work more

    effectively. A study by U.S. and Chinese researchers, for example, found that elderly Chinese

    who practiced Tai Chi, a martial art converted into a slow, gentle exercise regimen, three times a

    week show ed increases in brain volume and performed better in tests of memory and thinking,

    compared to a control group.

    A study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience in 2013 found that subjects who rode

    bicycles four times per week performed better at divergent and convergent thinkingtwo mental processes

    involved in creativitythan did subjects who didnt exercise.

    But your brain and body dont always work together smoothly. Your brain, as weve mentioned previously, relies heavily upon ingenious shortcuts to deal with the continual onslaught of

    sensory data that it has to process. Facial recognition, for example, is an activity thats long been a crucial part of human existence, and your brain has an entire area, the fusiform gyrus in the

  • temporal lobe, thats assigned to identifying faces. You r fusiform gyrus does this efficiently by breaking down a persons face into individual parts and then analyzing them. But to save time, your brain doesnt bother looking at how each part relates to the other parts. Thats why, in experiments, subjects who are shown an upside-down picture of recognized figures will identify

    them without noticing that their eyes and mouth have been rearranged, so that theyre actually right-side up.

    When your hands have to do unfamiliar, opposite taskssuch

    as making a gun gesture with your left hand and a hitchhiking sign with your right, and then

    switchingyour overloaded brain may opt not to do both simultaneously. Instead, it will shut down on hands movements for a moment in order to perform the other. This phenomenon is called bimanual interference, and youve got to put in a lot of practice repetitions to overcome it so that you can play the piano or type on a keyboard. Eventually, though, all those repetitions

    will deepen your neural pathways, enabling you to routinely perform feats that once would have

    seemed frustratingly impossible.

    How Your Brain Can Be Duplicitous

    Your brain has enough power over your body to make it react to things that arent actually real. The amygdala, your brains early warning system for detecting potential danger, and hypothalamus, a brain area which directs the pituitary and adrenal glands to release of chemicals

    into your body to arouse the fight-or-flight response, also can give you false alarms. If youre suddenly confronted by a harmless statue of a six-foot-tall snowmana scenario youll actually see in the "Mind Your Body episode of Brain Gamesits likely that your amygdala and hypothalamus will fire up the danger response and your body will unleash all of the physical

    reactions that you would use to escape a real threat.

    Your brain even can create feelings that might not even be generated by your senses, and trick

    you into believing that they are real. Itchiness, for example, is triggered by a specialized neuron

    that detects faint stimuli, such as a bug crawling on your leg. But that information actually is

    interpreted in your brain. If you simply think about a bug crawling on your leg, youll feel

    an itch and the urge to scratch it.

  • And as we noted at the start of this article, your brain can influence your body to reduce the

    intensity of pain. In a study published in 2011 in the journal Anesthesiology, Stanford University

    researchers found that subjects who trained themselves to think distracting thoughts or those who

    re-evaluated their pain in positive terms reported significantly less discomfort. Brain scans

    revealed that the subjects utilizing distraction showed increased activity in parts of the brain

    associated with higher-level thinking, while the others had increased activity in the deep brain

    structures that process emotion.

    Your brain apparently even can influence your reproductive system. In a 2011 study published in

    the journal Fertility and Sterility, researchers found that in-vitro fertilization patients who

    learned relaxation and other stress-reduction techniques had a significantly higher pregnancy rate

    (52 percent) than those who didnt (20 percent).

    Your Body Has a Few Tricks of Its Own

    Even though your brain is powerfully persuasive, its not as if your body always just goes helplessly along for the ride. Studies of rodents, for example, have revealed that bacteria in the

    gut can influence neural development, brain chemistry and a wide range of behaviors, including

    emotions, pain perception and how the brain responds to stress. An imbalance between beneficial

    and disease-causing bacteria can cause an animals behavior to change, making

    it either bolder or more anxious.

    Scientists also have discovered that the bodys position and actions can alter a persons mood. After experimental subjects were asked to hold a pencil between their lips in a way that

    compelled them to smile, they actually became happier, suggesting that the facial muscles

    directly influence emotion. And in a 2003 study by Ohio State University researchers,

    individuals who were asked to either nod their heads in agreement or shake them in disagreement

    reported that it influenced their opinions. And a 2012 study by San Francisco State University

    behavioral scientist Eric Peper found that skipping significantly increased subjects energy levels, while walking in a slumped posturelike Charlie Brown on a bad daydepressed their energy levels.

  • Its also possible for the bodys sensory systems to trick the mind and rewrite its mental maps. In a study published in PLOS ONE in 2011, Dutch researchers rigged subjects with virtual reality

    gear that gave them the sensation of having either a giant body or a doll-sized one. The illusion

    was so effective that subjects actually perceived objects as being different in size and distance

    from realityeither larger and more distant or smaller and nearer, depending upon whether they were Barbie or Shrek-sized.

    And as a 2008 article in Brain Research Bulletin detailed, if you cross your fingers and touch

    your nose, your fingers can trick your brain into thinking that its feeling two separate noses.

    War and Peace

    Four steps to help you push through a challenging moment.

    In the "Lets Get Physical" episode of Brain Games, you learned that your mind is capable of fooling your body, and vice-versa. In particular, as athletes and their coaches have known for a

    long time, its possible to train your mind and body to endure considerable amounts of physical discomfort. A 2013 study, for example, found that triathletes who were subjected to extremes of

    hot and cold actually reported feeling less pain, as well as tolerating it better than a control

    group. The ability to withstand pain is a skill that could come in handy, whether youre struggling to reach the finish line or trying to deal with a migraine headache. Here are a few tips

    from the experts on how to teach yourself to hurt less.

  • Laugh at the pain. A 2013 Swiss study found that people who watched a humorous film could hold their hands in

    ice water better than a control group that wasnt amused, and that the pain tolerance lasted for 20 minutes after the chuckles subside. Researchers suspect that laughter is a potent analgesic

    because it releases endorphins and eases muscle tension.

    Breathe and talk to yourself. Doing breathing exercises to relax your body and giving yourself encouraging feedback both

    have been shown in studies to reduce discomfort, as Womens Health writer Camille Noe Pagan explained in a 2011 article. If youre trying to make it through a session in the dentists chair or endure a business meeting while suffering through a headache, inhale through your nose for 10

    seconds, while repeating a positive mantra such as "it will get better soon." When you exhale,

    imagine that youre pushing the pain out your nostrils.

  • Eat Right. As a 2011 article from AARP: The Magazine notes, a diet rich in foods such as red grapes and

    cherries, fish, soy products, and herbs and spices such as ginger and turmeric can help protect

    you against pain. Red grapes, for example, contain resveratrol, a compound that blocks enzymes

    that contribute to tissue degeneration, including cartilage damage that causes back pain.

    Play a sport. A 2012 meta-analysis of pain studies found that while athletes generally have higher pain

    tolerance than sedentary people, the amount of pain tolerance varies. Athletes in endurance

    sports had a fairly consistent moderate tolerance for pain, the most stoic jocks were the ones who

    played "game" sports. If youve ever made the winning shot in a pickup basketball game on a twisted ankle, you know how firing up the competitive urge can help you to block out

