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the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must beBut all ...

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Jesus said to His disciples: “Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” (John 6:70) Did Jesus literally meant this or was it just a figure of speech? A possible answer to this question opens up a door to a world of hidden mysteries. The of www.apublicviewing.com Excerpts taken from an unpublished book called: “A Breathtaking View Inside the Corporate World of GOD.” …Judas overheard Jesus speaking to the eleven disciples in the garden; strangely, as though it was loud, clear and directed to him saying: “Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be...But all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled .” (Matthew 26:53-56) This blew Judas’ mind. He began regretfully thinking: Did the scripture somehow prophesy that I was to betray Jesus? Did He know my every move and was He aware on what I was to do to him? Beside this, He had a “perfect” alibi to explain to Jesus and the eleven disciples later why he was “forced” to do what he did. (Additionally, to set up Jesus’ Kingdom, He needed a “little push” too.) Then strangely , he remembered what Jesus said in John 13:18-30 and the events which occurred. This was exactly the same time Satan caused him not to pay attention and entered his body causing him to forget. (John 13:27) Judas was a thief and a traitor which opened a doorway for Satan to enter his body. (John 6:16, 12:4-6) When Jesus said, “Whom seek ye?” “They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he.” (Exodus 3:14) “As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he…” (John 18:4-6) a sudden powerful force knocked down all of them including Judas. All of them (the chief priests, elders and soldiers) fell backwards and their weapons crashed to the ground sliding away from them. Because Judas fell along with them, his mentally intended alibi scheme fell apart. In his mind he sensed then that he was no longer a part of the twelve because his dirty little secret was known. He was thinking that he should not have been knocked down along with the soldiers. This caused Judas to be even more disillusioned. A behind the scene story of Judas Iscariot’s fate. The demonic episodes mentioned are not found in scripture, but mysteriously came to mind as this section was being written. “What was that?” the soldiers all said. Judas then began shaking a bit thinking that he may have made a grave miscalculated mistake. He turned around and saw everyone on the ground except Jesus and the eleven disciples. Judas knew what just had actually happened; without any doubt, he “knew!” Jesus had great powers and was the Son of
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Jesus said to His disciples: “Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a

devil?” (John 6:70) Did Jesus literally meant this or was it just a figure of speech? A possible answer to

this question opens up a door to a world of hidden mysteries.




Excerpts taken from an unpublished book called:

“A Breathtaking View Inside the Corporate

World of GOD.” …Judas overheard Jesus speaking to

the eleven disciples in the garden; strangely,

as though it was loud, clear and directed to him saying: “Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be...But all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.” (Matthew 26:53-56) This blew Judas’ mind. He began regretfully thinking: Did the scripture somehow prophesy that I was to betray Jesus? Did He know my every move and was He aware on what I was to do to him? Beside this, He had a “perfect” alibi to explain to Jesus and the eleven disciples later why he was “forced” to do what he did. (Additionally, to set up Jesus’ Kingdom, He needed a “little push” too.) Then strangely, he remembered what Jesus said in John 13:18-30 and the events which occurred. This was exactly the same time Satan caused him not to pay attention and entered his body causing him to forget. (John 13:27) Judas was a thief and a traitor which opened a doorway for Satan to enter his body. (John 6:16, 12:4-6)

When Jesus said, “Whom seek ye?” “They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he.” (Exodus 3:14) “As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he…” (John 18:4-6) a sudden powerful force knocked down all of them including Judas. All of them (the chief priests, elders and soldiers) fell backwards and their weapons crashed to the ground sliding away from them. Because Judas fell along with them, his mentally intended alibi scheme fell apart. In his mind he sensed then that he was no longer a part of the twelve because his dirty little secret was known. He was thinking that he should not have been knocked down along with the soldiers. This caused Judas to be even more disillusioned.

A behind the scene story of Judas Iscariot’s fate.

The demonic episodes mentioned are not found in scripture, but

mysteriously came to mind as this section was being written.

“What was that?” the soldiers all said. Judas then began shaking a bit thinking that he may have made a grave miscalculated mistake. He turned around and saw everyone on the ground except Jesus and the eleven disciples. Judas knew what just had actually happened; without any doubt, he “knew!” Jesus had great powers and was the Son of

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God. The soldiers quickly got up puzzled, not knowing what had just occurred. Because neither of them was injured, they regained their arrogant attitudes, picked up their weapons and arrested Jesus.

Malchus, whose ear was cut off and restored, (John 18:10) was in deep thoughts and returned with the soldiers but at a great distance behind them.

Judas got up but was in deep thoughts and just watched the scene (like it played out in slow motion) as they took Jesus by force. The other disciples scattered and disappeared into the dark night. Judas then followed the band of men at a “psychologically shattered distance” behind the soldiers and Malchus to the high priest residence. Hopefully he thought, Jesus will fight back by seeking help from His Father or from the army of angels He mentioned earlier. It was somewhat frightening because along the way, the soldiers were not easy but very rough with handling Him; he heard the loud cursing and cruel handling in the distance.

He began noticing from a distance something disturbingly different he had never seen before: Jesus appear to be groaning in pain from the rough handling. His falling to the ground with hands tied affected Judas’ conscience. He began seriously regretting what he had done by accepting the bounty; all of it just to save one of his companies from failing. (Besides this, it was failing because of all the miracles Jesus was doing.) Deep within his conscience, it began to become mentally painful to watch what he had caused. According to very wealthy and powerful Jews, in just over three short years, Israel entire financial economy erupted because of Jesus and the miracles He did. Numerous of them said, “Imagine, another three years, their entire amass of wealth would disappear.” Many of them who were physicians, undertakers, owners of “care taking inns” (hospitals) went out of business and their business failures trickled down affecting many others.

Judas began to see where his betrayal was leading too because Jesus would not defend or protect Himself; neither would He fight back. He was thinking Jesus would have gotten away as He did before (Luke 4:28-30, John 8:58-59) and he would have kept the

money that was paid to him for helping to capture Him. Judas was carelessly aware that many of the leaders wanted to kill Him but strangely overlooked this fact.

Judas watched and listened from the back behind the large gathering present on how the interrogation was going. In his mind the worse that could happen was that these leaders would place Jesus in prison for a while which would give him plenty of time to plan a rescue mission if Jesus did not do it Himself. Besides this, as regretful thoughts raced back and forth with a possible explanation of why no defense, this may have also been prophesied to start Jesus’ conquering mission to become King of all nations. These “foreign” thoughts brought about a little comfort to his nagging conscience.

Unfortunately, to Judas shocking surprise, the interrogation went dangerously wrong. The leaders whom he trusted wanted Him dead for no lawful or logical reason. Their illegal proceedings were fast tacked to the final verdict and sentencing of death. Judas was “blown away.” His entire rescue mission idea fell apart with absolutely no way of saving Him. This was not in the arrangement he made with the leaders to capture Jesus, he thought. Furthermore, it would take days to put a rescue mission together but the execution of death was only hours away. With all the soldiers present, to try it then was suicidal because, at that time, he (Judas) was alone and fearful.

Later, a small army of soldiers quickly took Jesus away to Pontius Pilot who sometime later commanded that they take Him to the torture chamber to be scourged and brought back to try and appease the religious leaders. In Pilot’s mind a “little” threatening and persuasion after a serious beating usually resolve the problem and prevent any further disruption among the people. This Pilot thought to himself not knowing what barbaric beating was about to take place.

Certainly, the elements (or rules) of perfection for a sinless person did not allow any bones to be broken. This was not an “element of perfection” component included in the sacrifice that was set aside. Additionally, it was not that Lucifer and his warlords avoided trying to break

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his bones with all the force inflected; His bones just will not break. They could not be broken; they only came out of joint. (Ex. 12:46, Nu. 9:12, Psalm 34:20, John 19:36) However though, the impacts from the beating were far beyond the capacity to maintain unbroken bones which was why they just came out of joint. (Ps. 22:14) Naturally, all His bones should have been broken during the course of the intense beating. On another note, when the scripture said that they will “put him to death” (Luke 18:33) meaning, they will “condemn Him to death” by executing the death sentence; only when Jesus gave up the ghost was when He died and not before and not by man.

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For the question on why Jesus (God in human flesh) asked, “whether this cup can be taken away,” read the document called, “Evidence of Jesus (God) being conceived human with zero wisdom, knowledge and understanding,” found at: www.apublicviewing.com.

The First scourging! A small army of soldiers quickly took

Jesus away to Pontius Pilot who sometime later commanded that they take Him to the torture chamber to be scourged and brought back to try and appease the religious leaders. In Pilot’s mind a little threatening and persuasion after a serious beating usually resolve the problem and prevent any further disruption among the people. This Pilot thought to himself not knowing what barbaric beating was about to later take place.

So, they beat Jesus with many strips; whip marks where all over His body. They platted a crown of thorns and placed it on His head symbolizing Exodus 28:36-38. The soldiers untied His hands and placed a scarlet robe on Him. When it got dirty with blood stains and whip marks, they replaced it with a purple robe; this robe was taken off and replaced with His own clothes when He was led to be crucified. (The purple robe hid most of the beating scars.) They mocked Him, spat on Him and hit Him on His head with a reed. He gave His back to the smiters, and His cheeks to them that plucked off His hair: He hid not His face from shame and spitting. (Isaiah 50:6)

Several of them punched Him in His face, chest, stomach and groin area. He fell to the ground with pain from each of these physical impacts. They stood there and laughed at Him then dragged Him again before Pilot. Pilot tried to convince the leaders of the people to release Him but was unsuccessful. He nevertheless, released Him to them to be crucified.

After this “first scourging,” and Pilot released Him to the Chief Priest and elders of the people, following instructions from one of them, the soldiers moved with hast and took Him to a special section of the jail house that was not very far away from Pilot’s judgment hall.

WHAT? A Second wave of beating? (Ex. 17:6, Numbers 20:11, 1 Cor. 10:1-4)

When did this second wave of beating occurred? It is not clearly found in scripture.

Moses striking of the rock twice caused Jesus (God) a second wave of beating.

What? A second wave of beating?

When did this second scourging occurred? It is not clearly found in scripture! So, when did Jesus’ facial and physical form that was agonizingly, severely and unrecognizably damaged, according to Isaiah 52:14, occurred? It had to have happened before the cross. It could not have happened prior to Him reappearing before Pilot after the first scourging. This was because Pilot may have had great! pity on Him. It may have resulted with Him not going to the cross. Pilot may have been grief-stricken if he had seen His damaged face and body; and may have then release (free) Him as a result.

Further proof of what Pilot would have done if he had seen Jesus’ damaged face and body was his strong willingness to release Jesus at Luke 23:1-24. After examining his response to the religious leader’s demands, if he had seen Jesus’ miraculously-alive damaged-body-appearance, it would have

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been heart-brokenly too much for him (Pilot) to bear: He would have release Jesus.

Let us now examine some of the components involved to show Jesus’ body after the intense suffering from being beaten (scourged). First of all, Isaiah 52:14, 53:2 said, “…his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men…he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.” At Calvary, there were only nails driven in His hands, feet and a sword into His side which did not disfigured His face neither the rest of His body. As a result, the intense beating to seriously deface and deformed Him had to have occurred sometime just after His arrest and before He went to the cross.

The Bible vaguely used the word “scourged” in Matt 20:19, 27:26, Mark 10:34, 15:15 Luke 18:33, John 19:1 but very modestly and intentionally not provide any details of what actually took place. If Jesus was so heavily disfigured, then the soldiers had to have sickeningly beaten him mercilessly. Visage referred to His facial appearance, countenance or proportion of facial features; His form referred to the rest of His human body (His natural body shape and looks); marred means to injure, damage, disfigure, etc. Both face and body were heavily marred more than any human; past, present and future. Isaiah was very clear on the status of his appearance after the slaughter (scourging). We can therefore comprehend this by looking at several verses written after His resurrection later in the following section called, “Jesus was unrecognizable.” For more information on Jesus’ beating episode, read below. Also, read the documents called: “What’s wrong with this picture?” and “The judgment of Judas Iscariot,” both found at: www.apublicviewing.com.

After the first “scourging,” and Pilot

released Jesus to the Chief Priest and elders of the people (following instructions from one of them), the soldiers moved with hast and took Him to a special section of the jail house that was not very far away from Pilot’s judgment hall.

The beginning of the day was already too long with lots of back and forth movement: to the high priest residence, then at the leaders of the people judgment hall, to Pontius Pilot, to Herod (who was at Jerusalem at the time) and back to Pilot again all rather quickly. Judas was under lots of fatigue, depression, stress and a nagging, regretting conscience on his involvement that caused all of this drama. He painfully regret it and wish he could reverse what he had done hours earlier; nevertheless, his conscience kept echoing, “it’s too late, fool!”

He wanted desperately to get a glimpse on what they were really doing to Jesus and therefore made his way to where they took Him. Upon his arrival to the area where Jesus was, the soldiers guarding the hallway entrance to the torture chambers recognized Judas as he approached them hoping he would be allowed in. “We finally got that deceiver and giving Him his due kingdom rewards. He is truly a king; a king of crying.” They all started laughing.

Judas was emotionless and just asked to see what was going on or just to peep on the progress of the situation. The soldiers knew he had gotten a large pay out to help them capture Jesus and therefore in their minds, seeing Him suffer should be apart of the reward package; there was no harm in seeing “the purchased merchandise.” In the soldiers’ mind, were it not for him, we would not have been able to capture Jesus and therefore they consider it as no harm to let him in; besides the solders who were administering the punishment would understand. They were all apart of the team of armed men who arrested Jesus.

So, they let Judas in and said, “He is in the room at the end of this partway.” Judas quickly walked down a long hallway with several turns and jail cells on both side of the partway. The torture chamber was at the end of the hallway with a heavy door facing the hallway part. As he approached the room, he surprisingly noticed blood dripping from underneath the door, between the small gap of the door and the floor. He had never heard Jesus scream out in pain and therefore did not recognize the voice beyond the door that was

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crying out in terror. Maybe it was someone else hollering because Jesus never did anything to deserve punishment that causes such great “scream of terror.”

He thought and hesitated somewhat to open the door but finally, he took a deep breathe and did it. When he opened it, blood poured out like a water fall completely covering Judas’ sandals; a thick bloody, fleshy object also came out and stationed itself on them. He was stunned as he looked down at his sandals. All of this caused him to shout out loud saying, “Ahhhh!” which got the attention of all of the executioners.

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At this time, Lucifer was beating Jesus mercilessly and mightily using one of the executioner’s body whom he had possessed. Jesus’ entire body was facing the torture chamber door with His head forward but hanging downwards. When the door swung open, Lucifer had just whipped Jesus and He hollowed out.

When Judas raised his head from looking downwards and saw Jesus’ body completely covered with blood and His mouth wide open, crying out in “terror,” he froze. (He saw an entire bloody mess with wide and deep wounds so deep His bones were exposed from the strike that was just administered.) Quickly, looking at the bloody facial damage and Jesus’ bloodied body, he almost collapsed. (His body was close to the door and at that moment it appeared as though Jesus lifted His head somewhat and stared at Judas but with His eyes closed tight screaming out in pain.) Judas raised his hand towards Jesus, painfully horrified, and cried out loud that echoed saying, “Oh God, Noooo!”

Like the “click, click,” sound of a camera, the frozen in time picture scene occurred here! Lucifer and his warlords did not know their nasty scheme was to be exposed in an awkwardly weird and very unusual way centuries later. Judas’ eyes on what he saw, represented the eyes of the world and what it NOW sees and know of Lucifer’s dirty little secret.

(Read, “A Public Viewing of Jesus’ Body During The Beating,” below.) The world can now get a glimpse of what went on behind closed doors; in the ugly torture chamber of what Lucifer covered up for centuries. (Mark 4:22, Luke 8:17)

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The few seconds of witnessing the

barbaric beating, he saw when the whip came across Jesus’ face and then across the lower rib cage area causing flesh and muscle tissues to rip out of place, hanging open and leaving deep wounds moments before blood began pouring out and covering the area…

Praise God for His awesome love and humility! He could have ended us and started something new. (He was sorry for creating man. Gen. 6:5-7) But instead, He decided to leave His glorious home, entered this sinful sewer, extend His open loving arms to reach out to those of us who want deliverance out of this filthy doom place. Which one of us would have entered our sewer or septic tank, searching for a penny that fell to the bottom of this awfully stink and filthy pit, filled, over our heads, with feces, scavenger insects (like cockroaches)

and eating bacteria? Think of what GOD had to do when comparing man with this vast universe He created.

Jesus Was Unrecognizable

After reading the section called, “What?

A second wave of beating?” earlier, there are five places in scripture (maybe more) to prove Jesus was unrecognizable. Because He was so heavily disfigured, He was only recognizable by the following:

(a) By His voice: No one else called Mary the way Jesus did. When He said, “Mary!” she immediately recognized that voice. “…when…she turned herself back and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus…Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.” (John 20:14-16)

(b) By appearing in their midst when all the doors were locked: Because of fear of the Jews, the disciples locked all the doors (locked themselves up) and everyone knew all those who were present. Suddenly, from nowhere and in the midst of them, Jesus appeared and said, “Peace be unto you!” The disciples, no-doubt, almost wet their clothes and jumped out of their skins so to speak because of the sudden appearance. Even though this was sufficient evidence that He was alive, to further prove Himself, He quickly showed them his hands and side where He was pierce. After they saw these wounds, “…Then were the disciples glad…” Notice the word, “then.” (John 20:19)

(c) By showing His hands and side (John 20:19-20): Thomas, not recognizing Him had to hold His hands and examine them; also thrust his finger into Jesus’ side before he believed He was Jesus. (John 20:27)

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(d) by performing a miracle: (John 21:4-7 and John 21:12 said, “…none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? Knowing that it was the Lord.”) Because of the miracle just performed, one that was only performed by Jesus which He did before, none of them were bold enough to ask Him, “who art thou?” They were convinced by the miracle that He had to have been Jesus because this very same miracle was performed by Him before. Thus, the statement in the text said, “…knowing that it was the Lord;” this simply meant that it had to have been Jesus because no one else can perform such a miracle.

(e) By mannerism, unique gesture or body language and habits (Luke 24:13-29, 30-31): Because they did not recognize Him on the road to Emmaus by His appearance, and because Jesus hid His mannerism, uniqueness and disguised His voice, they did not recognize Him until He did what He did in verse 30: “…he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them.” They immediately recognized this gesture; they had seen it before. The Bible used the statement, “their eyes were opened,” meaning, their hearts, minds and understanding were open and not the actual eyes because they were always open as they travel. They then recognized Him because (and not until) He allowed His mannerism, unique gesture or body language and habit to be unveiled before them. (Later, He also proved He was no ghost by showing them that He was physical like they were: Luke 24:39)

…One of the soldiers shouted out and

said, “How did he get in here? Get him out of here and close that door!” (They all were completely possessed by evil spirits and did not recognize Judas. Obviously, these unclean spirits were not with the mob that arrested Jesus. They were specially picked by Lucifer from his band of fearless! warlords; foolish and fearless of taking on, God! They beat Jesus mercilessly. They were very evil and were not afraid of any

repercussion to administer the intense punishment on Jesus.)

Two of them draw their swords and went toward Judas. He turned around and ran away from the room as fast as his feet can take him slamming the door behind him; he did this hoping that it would slow down the soldiers who started to come after him. Losing his sandals, Judas ran bare feet thinking that if they caught him, they may kill him to avoid exposing their dirty little secret of the barbaric beating in progress.

The soldiers at the hallway entrance did not know what had happen and so they were unprepared to tackle Judas; but puzzlingly let him run away as he burst through the hallway entrance door. Judas was weeping bitterly as he ran for his dear life.

Shortly afterwards, Judas went to the Temple where the chief priests and elders were, approaching them, “Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that.” (Matthew 27:4) Judas shouted at them and said, “The bloody barbaric beating was not apart of the arrangement!” He then cast down the pieces of silver (tossing down and scattering it on the floor near them) in the Temple and departed, storming out in bitter tears. Some of them were puzzled as to what Judas meant by “bloody barbaric beating” and gave council regarding the silver pieces he threw on the floor at them.

Earlier, when Judas departed from the torture chamber, a dark and ugly monster (Lucifer) with a chilling voice turned to one of his evil warlords named “Suicide” and said, “Get rid of him! We no longer need him.” Suicide quickly went after Judas and soon after he left the religious leaders, at just the right mentally traumatic moment, he made a dreadful loud outburst that Judas terrifyingly heard and entered his body.

Judas quickly recognized what was happening after witnessing Jesus casting out many demons and began putting up a mental fight for his life. Judas began using the “exorcise technique” he learnt during Jesus’ ministry of how to cast out devils but it was not working. It worked, he quickly thought during the ministry but now when he seriously needed

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it to work, it didn’t. This was no ordinary physical fight but a fight for total body and mind control.

Judas was on the ground spinning over and over fighting for his life; holding his head with both hands; grabbing and tearing his facial skin and pulling out his own hair from the intense battle that was raging in his head. Suicide said to him, “I’m going to kill you fool; stop putting up a fight!” Then with a loud “howl” along with a massive amount of mental strength, Judas lost the mental battle and his body invaded.

Judas put up a ferocious battle but was over powered after an intense struggle that caused blood to ruptured from his mouth and nose; his eyes rolled over and were all white. This invasion was so intense that Judas hand clawed and ripped a small but extremely deep opening wound in his lower abdomen below his navel area that started a lot of bleeding.

Just before this dirty, unclean invasion, Judas hesitantly screamed out, “Jesus, help me!” the only person he knew could help him but there was no answer or response.

His face was all clawed up during the mental battle and he was screaming at the top of his voice. His body was invaded by a harmfully and very dangerously powerful unclean spirit that was ugly, very stink, very loud (he was one of Lucifer’s right-hand demons) and painfully evil. Judas was very conscious of what was happening around him but lost all body function to the invaded foe. He also lost his vision and was not exactly aware of what this demon was intending to do to him. He was also unaware this strong demon’s name was Suicide.

Judas raced down the side streets as a maniac. His hands were swinging over his head and down to his hips and his head, left to right and right to left repeatedly; they all were swinging back and forth as he went; laughing and shouting out loud, blaspheming and cursing everyone and everything in site. People who saw him scream and ran away from him because of how frightening his appearance looked. His entire face was changed to a very angry look; his eyes were all white with no pupil (the eye balls rolled over during Judas’ battle with Suicide). His teeth

were visible as though they would bite and mutilate anyone caught on the spot because blood was around and dripping from his mouth.

There were many wounds and bruises on his face and body he inflected on himself from battling with Suicide; and from running into building, trees and falling by tripping over the uneven surface terrain. Even though this caused more cuts, bruises and deep wounds each time he banged into something, he made a loud outburst of laughing. His fingers were clawing at everything he cursed and swear at. Everyone who saw him from a distance knew immediately something was wrong with him and quickly fled in another direction.

Judas was unsure where Suicide was taking him but felt all his body movements and heard the screaming from people who were near him. He somehow felt his body grab something that felt like ropes while running up a slope. His body’s energy level had supernaturally enhanced which was working beyond its capacity. His body finally stopped and began contouring the rope with his hands. Even though he felt the rope placed around his neck, he was still uncertain what Suicide was going to do.

Suicide configured a long rope, one end as a noose and left the other end loose. He tied the loose end to a tree about six feet away from the edge of a steep cliff or the brow of a hill above ground level; (For proof it was on a hill, a cliff or the “brow of a hill,” see the word “headlong” in both verses at Luke 4:29 and Acts 1:18 and consider why it was used.) the configured noose end was placed correctly positioned and lightly tightened around Judas’ neck. Suicide (using Judas’ body) went about 50 feet backwards, then ran as fast as he could with supernaturally enhanced speed towards the cliff’s edge. Judas’ body dived with all his might and speed into the open air as though he was diving into a lake below him.

With such force along with his body weight as he soared and began descending into the open sky, the rope slackness straightened out and tightened which immediately broke his neck. Judas’ body abruptly stopped in mid air and swing in the opposite direction: His head remained in the

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forward direction but the rest of his body made an abrupt 180 degree turn just before slamming onto the cliff’s lower parts.

Because of his combined body weight, velocity and force, when his body abruptly stopped in mid air, a stream of blood gushed through his ears, nose and mouth. The force created, caused his entire mid section internal organs (stomach, small and large intestine, etc.) to all burst through the small deep wound created when battling Suicide. It all happened so fast, by the time the body slammed into the cliff lower parts, his entire mid section had shoot out like a bullet into the open air.

Judas’ small intestine was so long, one end was still attached to his body but the other end was hanging towards the ground below as the body hung, swinging on the rope. Both his head and lower body (from the shoulders to his toes) hang in the direction facing the ground. All of Judas’ mid section came out hanging towards the ground with blood all over his legs. Judas died a horrible and painful death with his eyes and mouth wide open. (Acts 1:16-20)

Fractions of a second after making that dive, Suicide left Judas’ body causing him to regain consciousness and his eye sight was restored. Judas was again fully in control of his own body and saw his surroundings seconds before he died; he was feeling intense pain at that instant from the ordeal. However, to his horror as he suddenly recognized what was about to instantly happen, the only thing he had time to do was scream; it all occurred very (and too) fast. The moment he screamed and the rope tightened around his neck, his tongue burst through his mouth along with lots of blood and hung down his chest and stomach area like a long necktie. His dive came to an abrupt stop and his body slammed into the side of the cliff. His tongue hung from his mouth dripping blood as Judas body swing on the rope.

Suicide stood in shock from all of this and laughed at how Judas’ mid body internal parts burst through his lower abdomen. He had never destroyed anyone like that before. He bragged to himself on the stunt and vowed to try it again with another one of his victims. To achieve this stunt again he thought, he would have to cause a deep wound in victim’s lower

abdomen. Nevertheless, to him, the outcome was awesome!

Suicide loudly cursed him and shouted out and said, “This is for your stupid defiance you fool!” as Judas’ spirit began descending into the earth.” He then laughed out loud while leaving Judas’ body hanging. By the time Suicide returned to Lucifer where Jesus was, they had already nailed Him to the cross...

When Judas died, his story became history. His name took on a new meaning; after which no one dared naming their sons by this name. The name ended up being one of the most despised and feared name for centuries. No one even dared naming their pets by his name fearing as a result, the animal may someday turn on them.

What happened to

Lazarus Whom Jesus Raised From the Dead?

1That night following the day Jesus died,

there was a loud banging on Lazarus’ door. He restlessly got up out of bed (from a painfully difficult day) to see who his desperate night guests were. When his door was unlocked, it burst opened with force by soldiers who were outside. They stormed into his home, violently arrested him and quickly took him away. By the time Mary and Martha readied themselves to see who their loud and night visitors were, the soldiers had already taken their brother away and they never saw him again.

The soldiers took Lazarus to an isolated area, stripped him of his clothes, stabbed him in the chest, (piercing his heart), then beheaded him. His naked body was thrown over a very steep cliff and the head was taken to another location and thrown among garbage pile where lots of wild animals frequently visit. His clothes were taken to another location.

Lazarus had caused many to believe on Jesus because he was well known in Jerusalem. Many Jews from Jerusalem attended his funeral and burial procession. As

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a result, the chief priest and leaders of the people ordered his demise by instructing the soldiers to kill him and make certain his body is never found.

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1The above story is not found in scripture, but mysteriously came to mind as this section was being written.

Imagine Judas Standing before the ONE whom he

betrayed Judas Iscariot burst through a very stink

odor filled cloud fuming from his mouth and screaming at the top of his voice. Not only was he screaming but tearing and clawing at anything he can get his hands on. His hands had contoured to the claws of an animal from the amount of grabbing he was doing, hoping that it may ease the intense pain felt in Hell’s dark abyss. (Hell was bottomless and completely engulf with fire where its occupants continue falling in darkness with no hope of getting out; darkness that was felt.) This caused him to become like a clawing, addictive maniac who lost his mind and posture.

Even though he somehow recognized his surrounding had changed, the screaming continued for quite awhile before gradually stopping. During all of this, there was a very stink odor that filled the atmosphere where we all were. (There was no need for breathing with our spiritual bodies; nevertheless, our nose smelt the stink odor.) The stench was so stink and strong until there was an appalling sensation in our nostrils; this odor was coming from Judas who was now laid flat on a special pavement that was specifically created for him; he was laid on it and weeping bitterly. This was the first time he had seen Jesus whom he had betrayed since his suicidal death the day He was crucified.

It was long before Judas stopped and began focusing on what was before him. He started his crying again in horror when he saw the black inferno: the black fiery world called The Lake of Fire to God’s upper left which

brought to his remembrance everything he had done.

Judas took a considerable amount of time before composing himself and began begging, pleading and crying to God for mercy; however, God was silent! His red fiery eyes just stared intensely at Judas without a sound. He just stared and stared and stared! During the staring, Judas cried and cried begging for mercy but not a word came from God; not even a sound. God’s fearsome fiery red eyes continued to stare at Judas. Everyone present looked at God and marveled at the mysterious staring and the dreadful silence. But God continued for sometime, just silently and dangerously staring at Judas.

There was a frightening angry look on His face along with His extremely bright red fiery eyes (like a type of laser beam) that made everyone nervous. Judas practically empted himself of tears to the extent where he almost couldn’t cry anymore. However, with a look of regret at this point, he began asking God to say something; but to no avail, God remain dangerously silent.

As Judas continued to beg Him to speak, God just sat there on His throne staring intensely at him. Frighteningly, God was silent like a serious calm before a massive storm. We all began feeling an enormous powerful force emanating from God’s throne but yet He was mysteriously silent.

During the silence as Judas continue to beg, occasionally, God would turn His head from side to side and upwards, scanning, looking at all of us who were seated in the audience. When this happened, we all slowly and reverently bowed our heads downwards as His very bright red fiery eyes beamed into our direction. When they pass us, we all slowly began raising our heads looking upwards at Him and Judas again. His hands at times folded, then unfolded and laid on His Throne’s hand rest. Sometimes, His hand held His chin and as it returns to the hand rest, He would stare at the long stretched nail hole on it; then on the other before returning both to the rest position. During all of this maneuvering, He was puzzlingly silent…

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Judas’ Fate Continues …After spending centuries in Hell

screaming and clawing at everything he can get his hands on, he was finally summoned to stand and appear before God whom he betrayed to be judged. Everything Judas did in both worlds was brought to his memory. (On earth he had no access to any prior knowledge: he was conceived with zero wisdom, knowledge and understanding and came with his betrayal “baggage,” so to speak.)

God calmly said after a mysterious and frighten long silence, “What do you say for yourself Judas?” Judas responded with tears saying, “LORD what can I say; what can I do; what will undo what I have done? I have greatly sin. No one sin is as great as mine. I lived, walked, talked, partake with you and betrayed you both times and in both worlds just so that I can feed my lustful and greedy desire.”

“During your redemption period when I could have been forgiven, I rejected it. LORD, are you still the most forgiving, compassionate, most loving one I know? Is your forgiveness still possible, now? How can I escape my eternal doom in the Lake of Fire? Is there a way LORD? Is there something I can do to appease your wrath now? If there is, please reveal it to your humble servant? Are you the God of forgiveness? Is your forgiveness able or powerful enough to reach out to me now in my condition?”

Judas used a little tactful psychology here by requesting from God another way possible; knowing fully well, that God never lies; He is always truthful; He is all-knowing and if there was another way, according to His own Word, He would have been somewhat obligated (especially at this occasion) to revealed it. Nevertheless, God knew his subtle heart desire and responded accordingly with great wisdom.

An Illustration of False

promises resulting from fear

This writer knows a woman who went on a trip by plane to another country. The plane got into very bad weather and began rocking, almost out of control. Most of the people on board began crying; some of them even screaming including this woman. For fear of death from a possible plane crash, she began praying to God with all of her might; begging and pleading with Him to save her and the plane. She went as far as making lots of vows and promises to Him. If He would save the plane and her life, she would turn over a new chapter in her life and begin serving Him. The plane was presumably doomed and everyone would have died because of the way the plane was maneuvering.

This promise was loudly repeated over and over again as she wept. Fate had it that the pilots miraculously managed to maintain control of the airplane and land it safely at the airport. The woman practically kissed the ground when she exited the plane and went about her usually self. That night she had quickly forgotten all of her promises (the things she prayed to God for) and continued her vile and partying lifestyle. She returned to her old natural self, forgetting all of the promises and vows made to God of turning over a “new leaf.” She was a parting girl but instead of slowly retracting from hard party lifestyle, she appeared to have gotten worse.

This woman heart was not sincere. She only made these promises out of fear and not out of true love for God. Her crying emotional drama created the false emotional facade or mask made to God; but when the element of fear was removed, she simple abundant all of these commitments and returned to her natural self and more.

The truth of the matter is that if God demanded an authoritarian type of relationship of submission or suffer and die, many of us would have sooner or later, tried in secret to do the things we wanted to do and disobey the things God wanted us to do. If this was not

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possible without God knowing about it, we then would have always been complaining to ourselves on why is God controlling our lives and not allowing us to control our own lives. We would have eventually complained to Him that we want to do what we wish, not what He wants us to do. This attitude was clearly seen throughout the Old Testament scripture.

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For more on this, read the document called: “Why then did Jesus not clearly, plainly and publicly say He was God?” found at: www.apublicviewing.com.

God said: “All of this would not have

happened without your false analytical observation announcement with Lucifer of routine activities in My Courts. All of the rebellious angels (a type of the soldiers who arrested Me on earth) waited to hear from both you and Lucifer on where My strength and power lies. Like Samson who was slim built but had massive strength, because I chose to maintained a size and form like you, when your wisdom was poisoned (by your own choice and will) by corrupting yourself with the “heroin drug” of pride, lust and greed, you then believed I could not have been the absolute source of power that kept the entire universe together. You rejected the fact that I held it in the palm of My hands. How could this be you thought; someone who looks just like me? What manner of “angel-God” is this? He commands the entire universe and it obeys Him? You searched for wisdom and knowledge (Job 28:12-28) thinking you can be like Me.” (This spiritual ‘drug’ brought about the sin of pride, lust and greed; the physical ‘drug’ on the other hand, does the complete opposite. It breaks the will down and takes pride, lust and greed away; but then, like the spiritual drug, it destroys you.)

Let’s look at Samson for a moment

(Judges Chapters 13 to 16) From all indications, he had to have

been a very slim built person. This was why his enemies could not figure out where his

strength came from. If he had very large body mass like bulky body builders today, there would be no questions as to where his massive strength came from. But notice carefully, the Philistines could not figure it out. Nevertheless, when God wanted him to perform a mighty task that would require an enormous amount of strength and energy, the Spirit came upon him; now when the task was completed, the Spirit left him.

“After this, for quite awhile you watched

My every move. Your eyes examined carefully everything I touched and did. In My Courts you followed Me just about everywhere I want and watch intensely. (Didn’t this remind you of something: your walk with Me when you were on earth?) I knew what you were up to but allowed you to continue your surveillance of Me. (Psalm 38:12-14) You were not aware then of all of My many powerful attributes: Immensity, Immutable, Omnipotent, Omniscient and others.” For more on this, read the section called, “Imagine experiencing the uprising war in Heaven,” found in the document called, “So then, why did God choose Himself to come to the earth…” at: www.apublicviewing.com.

“Finally you believed you had found the possible link to My power. You somewhat thought you had figured it out and past the information over to Lucifer and his co-conspirators. After this, Lucifer along with other rebellious angels started their plot. He was thinking that I would become powerless and in a helpless state to be attacked and destroyed so that, (as he said) “a new universal order would be declared.” Lucifer got you, Judas, to do his dirty job after convincing you (like he did to Eve in the Garden of Eden on earth) to partake the forbidden element (drugs) of Pride, Lust and Greed which also brought about great pleasure, power, wisdom and knowledge to be like the Most High, according to him.

Judas, because of your high office in heaven, you had to proceed with doing this first before Lucifer summoned all of his followers to battle. The rebel angels all proceeded then and tried with their wicked intensions to destroy Me; the One who was always their best friend;

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whose loves and was extremely good to all of them.

During My illegal trial on earth, Lucifer was a type of the Pharisees, Sadducees, chief priests, scribes and elders of the people. The rebellious angels were a type of the soldiers who arrested Me and participated in My suffering and Crucifixion. On earth (like you were in heaven), you were exactly what you became (a critical piece to the plot): a follower of Me; a disciple in the inner circle who followed Me everywhere I went. Lucifer could not have pulled this off by himself; he needed to hear your critical observation before making his move. He did not make his move without hearing from you. You were closer to Me than him. Lucifer was the poisoning ring leader and made his move after speaking with you.

From the beginning you were unaware that I knew I was the prey and you were the hunter; desperately searching and watching Me closely for where My great and mighty power lied; you were like Delilah who pressed Samson daily for where his “great strength lieth.” Though you did not want your wicked intentions known, you searched and followed Me everywhere possible. If you were convinced you had certainly found the mirth of what you were looking for, you would have used it for your own selfish gain and destroyed Me if it was possible; but because you were a little doubtful, as a result, you passed this information on to Lucifer, stepping back and allowing him to do the dirty job. However, Lucifer was the mastermind behind all of it.

During the upraising, you did not participate like all the other angels but remain stealth as though you were not apart of the insurrection. You knew if the angels succeeded, you were going to be rewarded and recognized greatly for your efforts. Therefore you remained covertly calm just in case the plan failed; you would be safe and all the others would be dealt with accordingly. You knew I was overly forgiving because of My extremely humble, very loving, kind and compassionate; you did not believe or suspect there would be a serious repercussion or serious consequences if the plan failed. You

did not know then that I was a God of wrath; a characteristic of Me you never saw.

Had it not been for you the entire cause and turn of events in heaven would have not occurred the way it did. Lucifer would have continued his objective if you were not involved, but the results would not have turned out as great as it did. You along with Lucifer destroyed a very large portion of My creation and brought about this intense punishment upon yourselves. And besides all of this, how could I let you get away with this if multitudes of other angels (persons) were already cast into the Lake of Fire? Because of your high office (in heaven and on earth) and what you did, your sins are far greater than many of them combined.

Yes, Judas, My forgiving power and love is truly greater than you can ever imagine; greater to the extent that I am willing to even forgive you now for all that you did to Me; embracing you and allowing you to go free. Nevertheless, I am JUST! I am FAIR! I cannot allow sin to go unpunished. If I did, I would cease being God; and that can never happen; I am The Eternal God. I had to become human and pay dearly for your sins. That was enough and all that was required to forgive you. You rejected My offer; My ‘Pardon Agreement’ and died in your sins.

Also besides all of this, if you was forgiven and given another chance, you would sooner or later try again to destroy Me if it was possible and if evil was not removed from My creation. That will never change; it will always be there lurking and waiting for another opportunity. You, along with Lucifer and the others, choose to infect yourselves with the heroin drug of sin: pride, lust and greed. From these three came all the other sins; they were long lasting ecstasy; they were intensely sweet to the soul.

Judas, you have chosen from the very beginning by your own choice to become a manifestation of pride, lust and greed; you became pride; you became lust; you became greed, thinking it will cause you to become like Me; and as a result you will never change. You foreknew this change (drugs) was going to transform you forever. When you had the chance to turn away before infecting yourself,

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you abandon all doubts and consumed the sin disease. You desperately wanted to be like Me: God. As a result, Judas, you will never in eternity change back to your original self. Besides this, even though I will completely remove evil from My creation, if I didn’t, I can see a great distance down through the tunnel of eternity that you will once again try your stunt to destroy My creation and accuse Me but in an extremely different and subtle manner. For humanity, all evil (sinful) deeds were paid off in full. You nevertheless, rejected My pardon and therefore I certainly will not apply this pardon to you…”

The Irony of Judas Being

Among the Twelve

This is an indication (the probability) that all Christian enterprises that require people, Judas or a Judas spirit is always present, among or in the midst. None of their projects are exempted; everything a sinful race put their hands to do for God, Lucifer and his wicked angels attack all.

They (the Judas or the Judas spirit) are very stealth and camouflaged, deep within the mission administration. Many of them know but yet some are unaware of themselves to be Judas or operating with a Judas spirit. This is because they display self righteous behaviors; everyone is below them; everyone else is always wrong; they have all the answers (Proverbs 14:12); they create problems when there is none. They love drama and stir up one when there is none. They know Bible verses and can quote them very well. They appear to know the thoughts of others many times as though secrets are revealed to them not knowing that demons are revealing the other person’s agenda. (Many carnal Christians are carried away because of this common stunt.) Like professional lawyers, they are smart, subtle and can master the communication language.

As the irony of Lucifer plunging the world into sin, who was then used as a puppet to cause and administrate the suffering of

Christ (that ultimately reversed the situation which saved it), the Judas’ presence many time “short circuit” and reverse damages done that ultimately enhanced and work in God’s favor to bring out the best for His honor and glory.

If Judas was not among the twelve, most of God’s work on earth afterwards may have been successfully attacked due to the lack of knowledge relating to Lucifer’s subtle destructive tactics. As a result of Judas’ presence among the twelve, seasoned Christians are wide awake on this possibility and are cautious and careful about some of the person(s) who surround them; this is even when there is nothing to be cautious and careful about. “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication...let your requests be made known unto God.” (Philippians 4:6) Be careful! Judas or the Judas spirit is seriously among all, today; in books, music, plays, movies, games, colleagues, organization associations, etc. Again, I say be careful!!

THE BIG SURPRISE One of my close female friends on earth

who I greatly admired and respected because of her devotion to God, His church, her children, friends and her very unfaithful, ungrateful and abusive husband. I could not understand how on earth she could earnestly pray for his salvation (many in her church sometimes joined her too) so that her “hell” on earth with him would turn around and become more meaningful and fulfilling. During her lifetime, God did not answer her prayers; but just before his death, he trusted Christ as his savior and LORD.

When she stood before God she told me that after going through the Judgment Seat of Christ, at the end of it all, she reverently and very humbly ask God a very sobering question that God seem not to have addressed during His judicial time with her. This was a very interesting oversight by God she thought but she was very desperate for an answer from Him.

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What she did not know was that God intentionally ignored the stream of prayers that came up to heaven from her and her church family. God knew her heart and that she was hesitating on leaving until she heard from Him on why He refused her many prayers which were bathed in tears. Apparently, God had not said anything about the brutal abused from her husband; for so many years; it did not come up at all before Him. With tears, she was very curious about God complete silence on the matter.

She then built up courage (in her weak state, the courageous strength actually came from God) to ask God her ultimate question. It went something like this: “LORD, God! My wonderful and precious Savior, I thank you for the grace you bestowed on me and for your precious blood you shed for me. LORD! I prayed and prayed; the records showed; over and repeatedly for my husband to get save and that you fix his stubborn and rebellious attitude toward you and all the very painful things he did to me. LORD! I begged you with all my heart and strength and the many days of painfully crying to you about the matter; somehow you brought me comfort but did not save him until long after my death. You had said in your words, ask and it shall be given; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be open unto you. I thank you LORD because all of it made me stronger and obedient to you even though I did not understand it all.”

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She ended her very subtle question there without actually asking God, “why?” However, our wise God knew what she was asking and as she was speaking, there was a wonderful smile on His face. As she was talking, she did not understand why He was smiling. God’s smiling helped the words to come out smoothly and more meaningful but it was somewhat mysterious. The smile from God became very noticeable when her comments were completed, but she humbly waited for a response from Him.

God smilingly spoke after a very puzzling moment of silence: “Cynthia my child, turn around!” When she turned around, her mouth dropped open; her eyes opened wide; her hands held both sides of her head; she screamed with joy. (If she was in her physical body, the massive blast of unspeakable joy from what she saw would have overloaded her body’s capacity which would have sent her to her grave; it would have been too much on the human body.) As she stood there frozen with the joy of what she saw, (the wonders and beauty of it all) God said to her, “the reason why I

did not completely answered that prayer was because I wanted you to have all of what you are now looking at. If I had answered it, you would have lost a lot of what you see now. Cynthia, all of it is yours forever! Well done my good and faithful child, this gift to you is from me with love and it’s yours for all eternity. Thank you so much for the work you did for me during your lifetime on earth. Now go and enjoy the fruits of your labor.”

She quickly walked away from God’s presence; a walking that turned into running; slightly bent forward, with her hands still glued to both sides of her head with a facial expression of unspeakable joy, running, jumping, screaming and crying as she went. She shouted these words as she went: Oh! Thank you Father; thank you so much; I love you so much! I thank you my God and my LORD! Her rewards were enormous; indescribably magnificent and overwhelmingly stunning.

I was so happy for her even though I had lost greatly due to my greedy passion in God’s church. Cynthia was so greatly rewarded, she shined “as the stars” in heaven, forever. (Daniel 12:3)

In this story, change Cynthia’s name to yours. Be patient because God may be doing the same thing for you.

Return soon for the continuation of Judas’ story. Judas’ early years & how he

became one of Jesus’ disciples

The story is not found in scripture, but mysteriously came to mind as

this section was being written.

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