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The Secret Heritage, 1935

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H o H o t

" B r c a t i

S h i s* e a t ♦ ♦ ♦

Until you have deliberated and real -

ized that within this booklet a mes-

sage of importance awaits you. This

booklet is not for the idly curious

and i ts contents have been sealed for

a pu rpose . W he n you ha ve b roke n

the sea l— do n ot proceed un t il you

have read the n ext pa ge. If a le t ter

accom pan ies this booklet , read i t  fir st . 

To open , sl it outside edge of page.

0 •

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You Have Broken Th e Seal!

Your quest has opened these pages!

The reading of the book may be the turning point in your life!

It may prove to be the most vital factor in your future career!

Thousands, in many lands, have lilted their hands and voices in tribute to

the Light that sheds its rays from these pages.

The unsealed Booklet, with its open Path, is before you!

An Admonishment

 R ead Carefu lly Each Page, Each Paragraph

Place yourself in a quiet, restful mood, alone if possible, and permit the

author to reveal to you the picture, the plan, the purpose leading to attain'

m ent, power, success, and— Illum ination. Th e value of this booklet cannot

be obtained by skimming over the pages.

Th is Booklet is gladly given to you. It carr ies w ith it the cord ial in vita'

tion to attune yourself with The Invincible Empire and conquer.

Start w ith th e first page and, w ithou t missing or passing a w ord or line,

in ord erly progression follow the d evelopment ot its uniqu e message— and

think as you read.

You are a privileged seeker, indeed, and th e A M O R C welcomes you

within its private domains.

— P R O F U N D IS X III .

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W he n the m ighty continen t and civil ization of Lemu ria sank beneath the roaring w aves of the Pacific, centur ies ago. Above is

a famous ar tist’s concep tion o f this great catastr oph e. Science, today , has at last determin ed the vast extent o f this contin ent.

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Ef ) e  H o s t C g t a te

A S M A N lost the great knowledge which he once

possessed, and which enabled him to be the master of 

his own life and the ruler of the universe around him?

Is man today a victim of circumstances and con'

ditions because he has lost the high estate in whichhe once lived as the most powerful creature on earth?

According to all of the ancient legends and historical records

there was a time when man was mighty in knowledge, and

when men and women had attained the highest degree of 

mental, physical, and spiritual unfoldment, and possessed all

of the wealth of happiness, material blessings, and mystical

powers ever dreamed of in the hearts of human beings.

In these ancient legends and records we discover that once

in various parts of the world there existed great cities in the

center of greater empires with magnificent buildings, marvel'

ous architecture, beautiful homes, gorgeous parks, boulevards,

museums, theatr es, and p laces of en joym ent and recreation . To

such great heights did men and women attain cultural, mental,

and mystical unfoldment that they were able to control theforces of nature, to direct the laws of the universe, to bring

into their personal affairs all of the prosperity, health, happiness,

and goodness that God intended every human being to possess.

W h a t happ ened in the centu ries gone by to separate men

and women from this great heritage, this great estate, power,

and wisdom?

According to the historical writings of Plato and Solon, we

are led to believe that the most fascinating forms of civilization

once existed, and that there was a real  fall of m an when manlost all the ad vantages he had attained. From P lato in an cient

times to Francis Bacon in the Elizabethan

period the world’s greatest thinkers have triedto solve this problem, and have tried to dis*

cover why man lost what he once possessed,

and how he may attain it again.

Throughout the Middle Ages there came

into the heart of Europe, from the mystery

lands of the East, marvelous revelations of 

T h e R o s i c r u c ia n s— an au g u s t f ra t e r n itywhose doctr ines, hintedat by the earliest philos-ophers, are still a mys-tery to the unwor thy .I do not blame them forthei r d iscre t ion .— L o rd    E d w ar d B u lw er Ly t t on . (A Rosicru cian .)

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Wh en n a tu r e ’ s man ymysterious activities areunderstood, man is ableto conquer the socalled“evil influences” which

beset his path in l ife.— R e v . G eor ge Bann -ing. (A Rosicrucian .)

superior knowledge that had been preserved, and the leading

thinkers of Europe delved deeply into these mysteries to revive

man’s knowledge, and to assist again in bringing him up the

mountainside of civilization to the highest attainments.

Various mystery schools and organizations were established

for this purpose, and Francis Bacon, the great philosophical

leader, attempted to unify all mystical knowledge, and to en

courage the search for ancient writings, buried manuscripts,secret doctrines, and concealed truths that man might have

these rich possessions again.

T he Lost Con tinen ts of A tlan tis and Lem uria

All of the ancient records that have been consulted by un

biased investigators plainly indicate that at various periods in

the past man had attained sublime heights in personal power,

and marvelous wisdom. A ll throug h the d arkest ages of ancienttraditions runs the story of man’s masterful achievements, and

then the great disaster  that took away from him the great her-

itage wh ich h e had en joyed.

Th e story of the lost con tinen t of Atlan tis is ju st as fascinat

ing as the story of the lost contin en t of Lemu ria. On e was in

the eastern oceans, and one was in the western, and yet each

in its time had become the center of higher civilization, and the

controlling pow er of the world. Even in these modern times

newspapers and magazines with special articles refer to the

scientific explorations that are made to determine the size andthe nature of the continents that lie beneath the Atlantic and

the Pacific Oceans.

For an exam ple, F. A . MitchellHed ges, famou s explorer,

archaeologist, and member of the Maya Committee of the

British Museum, said recently in an exclusive newspaper inter

view, “A highly cultured civilization existed b efore th e flood.

The flood wiped out all but vestiges of this early civilization.

Th e flood— dim a ccou nts of w hich exist in th e folk lore of the

races of all peoples, and which is described in the Bible story

of N oah — actua lly occu rred , bu t no t as a flood in th e sense in

w hich we norm ally use the world . It w as, in fact, caused by a

cataclysm of the earth’s surface by colossal

and devastating changes, by the sinking of 

rich and pop ulous areas— probably continen -

tal in extent— to the bottom of the sea. A

m yth, many have contended . Bu t it was a

myth common to widely separated peoples—

and is as persistent as the legend of the

flood.[ 4 ]

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“An impossibility, others have argued; first, because the cata'

clysmic geological changes of a magnitude such as 'rewrote'

the earth 's land and w ater map occur red too long ago. Second,

mankind— if existing before— could n ot have survived the chaosaccompanying the disappearance of continents. Bu t I have

returned lately from an area in which there is to be found

conclusive p roof tha t such a cataclysm actually occurr ed . Apart of that evidence has been read by scientists, more of it,

however, I have unearthed by hacking through scores of miles

of sweltering jungles.

l'My two definite conclusions are: first, that at some remote

time a great land area stretching eastward from Central Amer

ica, sank and w as engu lfed by the sea. Second , during this

gigantic geological adjustment, a portion of what had been sea

bed was heaved up ward to become land— even up lands— within

the area we now know as Central Am erica. A great and cul 'tured ra ce of men w as destroyed by this holocaust. A few

fleeing to the mountain tops and uplands of what very probablywas the Atlantis of legend, others perhaps reaching mainlands

to establish new races and n ew cultu re.”

Each new fact that is discovered proves that the peoples of 

these ancient continents were greatly advanced in scientific

knowledge, in the arts, in architecture, and in the mystical

principles that have been wilfully and deliberately concealedfrom man in these mod ern days. Th ink of the m agnificent cities

that must lie at the bottom of these oceans w'ith their ruined

temples, great museums, institutions of scientific research, li-braries of rare wisdom, machinery and scientific instruments of 

marv elous usefulness. It is no t an idle dream to believe in thesethings, for we have evidences in every part of the world that

at the time of the height of power of the continent of Atlantis

marvelous things had been accomplished by man through the

knowledge that had been passed on to him from century to

centu ry and from age to age as a secret heritage. Th er e is no

mystery about the fact that these ancient peoples did possess

unusual knowledge, but the mystery surrounds the source of 

that knowledge and the passing of it on to other races and

St range W isdom

W h en ce came this great knowledge? Tr a c'

ing man's development in the arts and sci'

ences, and especially in the mystical wisdom

that made him a master of his own life, we

find that from the most primitive times therewere men among men, leaders among leaders,


In our sanctuary al l

the h idden Myster iesa re p r e s e r v e d in t act ,they have never beenprofaned . . . . Our sci -

ence is the inheritancepromised to the Elect.— Co n n c t ll o r Vo n  Ed{ hartshausen. (A Rosicrucian .)

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Seek not too eagerlyaf ter the grace of de -

votion, sensible sweet-ness, and tears; but let

thy ch ief care be to re -main inwardly uni ted

to God by good will inthe intellectual part of  

the Soul. —  A lb er t u s   M agn u s. (A Rosicruc ian .)

and secret schools among the many others that possessed this

knowledge, preserved it, cared for it, and devoted time and

money to the continuance of the knowledge as a heritage to bepassed on to future generations and future races.

From ancient documents that have been translated, from

carvings on stone, and secret writings preserved in metals and

on jewels, it is evident that this great knowledge was given

to only a few in each century, and in each country came as a

Divine revelation, or as the bud ding flow er, or consciousness, in

the hearts and souls of selected individuals who were to becometh e avatars, m ystic leaders, and saviours of their time. Such

knowledge was not given to all human beings, and even today

the great wisdom that constitutes the real power in life, and the

real purpose of our existence, is not shared by all human beingsbut limited only to those who seek it, and who make their lives

deserving and worthy.

The destructive influence of storms and strife among men,and destructive powers of the elements, earthquakes, floods,

tidal waves, and great Cosmic cataclysms have never destroyed

or taken from m an this an cient w isdom. It has been carried

dow n throu gh th e ages as Go d ’s greatest gift to man. It has

been revised and amended by continued revelations and humanexperiences. It has been tested and tr ied and found sufficient

to m eet all of man ’s requirements. It has been used to rebuild

cities and nations and empires, and it has served to enable man

to reconstruct cities and countries that have been destroyed.

It has aided man in developing his abilities to design, construct,invent, and discover the great implements of peace and power

that contribute to man’s achievement.

T he First Egypt ian Civilization

When we attempt to trace the history of one of the world’s

greatest countries, we find that along the banks of the Nile in

what is now known as Egypt there rose in olden times a nation

of people who seemed to possess the greatest knowledge everrevealed to man . For man y ages the valley of the N ile was

primitive in its civilization, and ignorant of even the essential

fund am ental tru th s of life. Its people lived in

enclosed places beneath the ground like the

w ildest of animals. Th eir living stru ctures

were devoid of any type of architecture, andthey had no appreciation of the value of 

hygienic necessities, nor even of the most

commonplace requirements for peace and con'

tentment. The desire for kn ow ledge had not

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Build ing the Great Pyramid of Gizeh . On e hund red thousand men were employed twenty yearsto crect it . Instead of a great tom b, it is discovered to have been a temple of learning o f a secretbro therhood whose wisdom we today are jus t beginning to ap precia te . Did the surv ivors of  

ancient Lemuria or Atlantis hold their convocations here?

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T he C o s m i c in flu -ences are invisible, but

th ey ac t u p o n man .H eat and l igh t are in -tangib le and incorpo -real; nevertheless, theyac t u p o n man , an d th e

same is true of otherinvisible influences. —Paracelsus. (A Rosicru

c ian .)

been awakened, and the first steps toward civilization had notbeen taken . Th en , sud denly, there came into the history of this

land a strange and unu sual awakening! H istory, upon suchau tho rity as Jam es Breasted , eminen t archaeologist, reveals that

within a period of a hundred years the whole of that Egyptian

territory was changed in its physical, material, mental, and

spiritual aspect. Ma gn ificent stru ctur es of stup endou s size and

marvelous beauty were built, as in the twinkling of an eye.Mechanical and engineering problems that we have not beenable to equal even today were suddenly worked out under

inspiring instructions of some great wisdom that came to them.They developed art, music, the rhythm of dancing, ritualism of 

religious ceremonies. They discovered the existence of heavenly

deities. The y found that th ere was a soul w ithin them, and a

mind tha t could be trained. Th ey developed personal powers

and attributes that made them the leading mental powers of 

the world . Th ey d ug canals, and built dams. The y learned to

make instrum ents, and carvings in stone. Th ey discovered pig-ments for p aint. Th ey fou nd artificial w ays of creating light

to use in th e d arkest recesses of their temples and grottos. Theydiscovered rare jew els. Th ey found the secret of agricultu re.

The mysteries of the heavens became known to them; astron-

omy, astrology, chemistry, and physics, and all of the funda-mental principles of the presentday sciences became known to

them in the short span of a few years. Going back over all the

ancient records of Egypt it would seem as though the whole

valley of the Nile was transformed over night from the most

primitive condition to the most modern and superb to be foundanyw here in the w orld. H ow came this sudd en change, and

w hat was the cause of it? O u r only answer is the fact th at just

prior to this great and revolutionary change in Egypt the con-

tinent of At lantis had disapp eared. A ll that man achieved in

the valley of the Nile had already been achieved on the con-

tinent of Atlantis, and as the continent began to disappear

ben eath th e wa ters of the ocean, its people w ent in all directions

seeking new continents and safer lands for their rising genera-

tions. W ith them w ent the great heritage of secret \ nowledge 

and wisdom.

The Great Hegira

Some of the Atlanteans reached the shores

of a country now known as Yucatan inM exico. Oth ers w ent Eastw ard , and, reach-

ing what is now known as the Mediter-

ranean, arrived at the northern shores of 

Africa and journeyed up the Valley of 

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Arising out of the deserts of Syria are stupendous rock cli t is, appalling in their size; but mostmystifying and impressive is the city, partially in ruins, hewn entirely out of solid rock by anearly, un know n civilization. Th e labor and patience required to execute such work is compara bleto that requ ired in building the great temp les of the Nile Valley. Th ese a ncient builders aided in

perpetuat ing the secre t her i tage of wisdom.

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The E t e rna l Tru t hsa r e r ev e ale d t h ro u g hspiri tual m editat ion, andmake a l l men who re ce ive them the Magi of  the i r t ime . — Si r  E d -

ward Kel ly . (A Rosic ruc ian . )

the Nile. In regard to this great hegira migration, George C.

Heye, director of an archaeological and historical foundation,

in a recent interview, said, “These people left behind imperish

able objects of their own handicraft, from which many parts

of their life story m ay be ded uced. Thou san d s o f such relics

have been recovered and presented to the Museum of theAm erican Ind ian, H eye Fou nd ation, N ew Yor k, and the British

Mu seum in Lond on. It w as a civilization infinitely old er thanthat of the Maya, who, I am convinced, had developed a cul-

ture more advanced than that of any Aryan peoples—of the

‘old w orld’— w ho w ere their contemp oraries.

“ W h er e was the 'crad le of civilization’ after all? N ot , ap

parently, in the light of these findings, in the valley of the

Eup hra tes. Is it n ot p ossible th at th e light o f civilization

traveled not Westward but Eastward, from what was thought

to be a legend ary land , know n as A tlan tis? I hesitate to esti

mate the antiquity of this civilization, but there exist certain

bases for computation, which lead me to believe that this

civilization flourished certainly not later than 15,000 B. C. or

that it possibly dates beyond  25,000 B. C. Perhaps they were

th e pred ecessors of the early races in th e N ile region.”

These people then found conditions favorable for the use of 

the great knowledge they had preserved, and in a hundredyears they transformed the primitive, barren valley of Egypt

into the magnificent empire that remained for thousands of 

years, and is still today the marvel of man’s power, and a

monument to God, because it was in this land that the knowl-edge of the existence of a one ever4iving God was spread

throughout  the darkened world.

The Mystery Cities

In both Yucatan and the valley of the Nile, today, we see

remnants of the magnificent structures which these former

Atlanteans had built in their own land, and which their knowl-

edge enabled others to build in oth er land s. Some of the temples,

pyramids, and buildings in the country of the Mayans and the

Yu catan s are old er than most of the oldest structures in Egypt,

and ye t are of sim ilar natu re and design. Be

neath the soil of Central America, explorers

have found hidden cities thousands of years

old, and y et laid ou t in magnificent boulevards

and streets, and having every evid ence of being

populated by people of astonishing wisdom.

In each o f these cou ntr ies the g reat heritage

of arcane and secret wisdom was taught to

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preserve it for the futu re. Th e Gr eat Pyram id at Gizeh, Egyp t,

was built solely for the purpose of preserving in stone, in carv-

ings symbolic and hieroglyphic, in lines and symbols, in forms

and pictures, all of the great knowledge that had gone down

through the ages, and which might be lost to the future if it

were not preserved in this m anner. A n d ou t of Egyp t came to

all the countries of Europe the teachers and instructors in the

secret schools who carried the secret teachings to Athens and

Rome and to other places, and enabled man to achieve the

marvelous conquests of the obstacles of life, and to build civile

zation more gloriously than in the past.

Continued Cataclysms

Yet from time to time these new nations and new empires

would allow selfishness, debauchery, intoxication from wealth

and political ambitions to destroy them by dominating their

thinking and poisoning the spiritua l view p oin t of life. So these

newer nations fell beneath the cataclysmic changes of the Cos

mic laws, just as the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria had

closed their glorious chapters with the passing of the waters

over them . Da rk ages followed ages of great illum ination and

pow er. From time to time, as in a cha rt of cycles, this old

earth of ours has found its people and its countries submitting

to the material weaknesses of life and losing the advantages of 

the pow er tha t might have remained w ith them. But in all of 

these changes the secret schools, the mystic brotherhoods, the

invisible empire of inspired leaders and followers kept alive thesp irit of the secret heritage, pr eserved th e teaching s, and carried

on the spirit of the great w ork.

These great leaders in all the ages of the past constituted

the Gr eat W h ite Brotherho od of man. In the archives of this

Great White Brotherhood have been preserved all of the

ancient documents and writings made by the hand of man,

and in their hearts they have preserved the spiritual revelations

that can be transmitted only by word of mouth, and by Cosmic

attun em ent w ith the Brotherh ood . In secret grottos, in well'fortified temples, in carefully built vaults in the hearts of pyra'

mids and tombs, they have concealed and preserved transla'

tions of the ancient writings, and newly'made

tablets of wisdom.

T he Great W h it e Brotherhood 

It h as been the privilege of the Grea t W h ite

Brotherhood in all ages to transmit from cen

tury to century and from race to race the

T h e A d e p t o n l y co nverses at his best withth e Ad ep t . A r o u n d h imis a sacred circle, andw ith in i t on ly the Electare a l lowed to en ter .Th e B r o th e r h o o d o f  Consecra ted Lives ad -

mits all wh o are w orthy,and a l l who are exclud -ed exclude themselves.—"F ra ."  E lber t H u b-

bard. ( A R o s icr u c ian . )

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God's wisdom is forthose who would reach

up to receive i t , andwi th o thers preparethemselves to be worthyof i t .— P e t ru s d e A b an o .  (A Ros ic ruc ia n . )

secret heritage, the ancient wisdom, the glorious knowledge

that God and Nature have revealed to man from time to time.

Here, all of the human experiences of life, all of the secret

methods of unfolding the spiritual and physical personality

of individual beings, all of the rituals, laws, principles, and

methods of mastering the obstacles of life, of solving its mys

terious problems, of discovering the great truths, have been

fostered and taught to the few.Always the few in every land, in every race, and in every

time, hav e been the p rotectors of the great heritage. The se

few have been known by various names such as the Essenes,

the Therapeutae, the Knights of the Temple, the Rosicrucians,

the Hermetic Brothers, the Alchemists, and the Martinists.

They have formed secret lodges where they have taught their

classes of humble students under various names and various

symbols. Th e w ork of the Grea t W h ite Brotherhood hasbeen carried on, even up to this very hour, without regard

to the individual’s social or material standing, but mindful onlyof his worthiness and sincerity, along with his ability to help

carry the heritage on into the future.

Every history of civilization reveals the powerful good ac

complished by these secret schools, that have been tolerant intheir religious views, kindly and merciful in their political

attitude, free from entangling situations, and always devoted

to the service of mankind for the greater glory of God.

For Those W h o A re Prepared 

God has given each individual the right to choose for himself 

his course in life. Born in un equa l social and ph ysical cond i-

tions; born in unequal political and national classifications;

bom un equal in ev ery other sense, bu t a spiritual one, mankind

throughout the world represents a complex mass difficult to

understand and comprehend until one tours the world and

con tacts it personally. Bu t w ithin the soul of each ind ividu al

there is the power and the urge to choose that which is uplift-

ing, constructive, and that which is beneficial to all and glori-fying to th e d ivine schem e. Th ose w ho choose to give of their

tim e and service to th e glory of a bette r civili-

zation, and to d o the carrying ou t of the great

Divine h eritage, qu alify them selves to become

participants in the great wisdom, and share-

hold ers in the inh eritan ce of th e p ast. Each

man and each woman who so desires may

qualify himself to be one of the fortunate

members of the inner circle and the recipients[ 1 2 ]

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of the secret wisdom. To those who seek the kingdom of God

within and then seek to bring on earth the kingdom of Heaven,

and to help their fellowmen in rising to the sublime heights of 

Divine mastership and spiritual perfection, every opportunity

is offered for them to share in the secret wisdom possessed bythe Great W h ite Brotherhood , and d istributed through its

various channels and organizations.

It requires no special intellect, no special collegiate or aca-

demic training, no special social or political position, no special

amount of wealth to be among those who are favored by the

Brotherhood . It requires only sincerity of pu rpose, a hu mble-

ness of spirit, and a freedom from selfish desires. Th os e w ho

feel the ambition to rise out of the commonplace positions in

life, and those who feel the urge to make a success of their

careers, and attain personal power that may be used to assistothers, and to assist civilization in its onward march, are wel-

comed into the Brotherh ood as th e typ e of individu al deserving

of its assistance and qualified to carry on the secret heritage

of the past.

The Rosicrucian Brotherhood has been, through all the ages

since the beginning of the secret schools, the most devoted and

most sincere channel for the development of man’s achievement

to the highest station s of life. A s on e of the secret schools

teaching consistently, and in elaborate courses of personal guid-

ance, it has been the foremost of all the brotherhood organi-

zations among men.

Tod ay , the Rosicru cian Brotherh ood extend s its secret circlearound the world with its colleges and schools, its temples, its

reading rooms and chapters, its students, and its followers in

every civilised comm u nity or in every progressive na tion. It has

always kept itself free from religious creeds and dogmas, from

class d istinctions, and political activities. It is concern ed on ly

with the individual development within man of the Divineheritage which has come to him as a living image of God and

the most Supreme Being on earth.

He who knows mostgrieves most for wastedtime.— D an t e. (A Rosicrucian .)

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The Rosicrucians and Their


G od ope ra t e s by H i swork; in heaven byAngels , and on ea r thby me n .— El iphas Lev i . (A Ros ic ruc ia n . )

Since the dawn of civilization there have been secret schoolsof philosophy and private movements sponsored by the leaders

of personal evolution, and these schools and movements havehad various names in various countries.

According to traditions, amplified and supported later by

tangible, historical records, the earliest of the mystical philo-

sophical schools and movem ents of a definite form w as the Ro si-

crucian . In all ages the Rosicru cian s have been d istinguished

from the various secret, religious sects, but have cooperated

with every concerted effort on the part of human beings to

advance the cultural power and attainments of the individual.Tradition traces the ancestry of the Rosicrucian movement

to Egypt and the mystery schools that flourished at the height

of the great wisdom cycle of Egyp tian p ower. Certa in it is

that in the ritualism, secret teachings, symbolism, and strange

revelations of great truths there are to be found many ear-

marks of the m agnificent Egyp tian knowledge that made Egyp t

and its m ystery schools the cen ter of the w or ld s culture.

In the Middle Ages we find the Rosicrucian Order flourish-

ing in many lands with a very wide membership representing

th e most progressive classifications of hu man a ctivity. Becauseof the very secret nature of our arts and the exclusive nature

of ou r organization, erroneous a ccoun ts appeared in m any ency-

clopedias and reference books regarding them, even up to the

middle of the tw entieth centu ry. U n til a few d ecades ago it

was commonly believed that the Rosicrucian organization had

its origin in Germany in the beginning of the seventeenth cen-

tury, but records carefully preserved in the leading archives of 

Europ e and in th e principal libraries, reveal that w ha t app eared

to be the origin of the organization in Germany was but the

rebirth of its older activities th ere and in other lands. Th ehistory and activities of the organization have always been

surrounded with a glamor of romance and

mystery and we find eminent writers such

as Dumas, Lord Bulwer Lytton, and others

using the intriguing ideals and fascinating

achievements of the organization as the

basis for many romantic novels and stories, 

while on the other hand the writers of 

philosophical and scientific manuscripts un-

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stintingly praised the achievements of the Rosicrucians in every

field of important research.

'Western World  Rosicru cians

The first Rosicrucians to come to the Western World were

those who came in a specially arranged pilgrimage from the

Old Country to what is now known as Philadelphia, Pennsyl'vania, in 1694; and the early history of the United States is

illumined with impressive incidents of valued contributions

made to the cultural development, the scientific unfoldment,

and masterly advancement of many o f the principal American


Throughout the world today the Rosicrucian movement is

guided and directed by an international council having its

representatives and activities in twenty or more civilized lands

and holding national and international congresses from year to

year and spreading its w ork into every comm un ity. It is u n'questionably one of the largest philosophical'scientific move"ments in the world devoted to individual, personal unfoldment

and evolution of a practical and tangible nature, free from any

superstitions or any indulgences in the socalled black arts or

theoretical practices such as fortune telling, necromancy, spir

itualism, and similar subjects.

Th e organization is str ictly N O T a REL IG IO U S organiza'

tion, though it has within its ranks those who are active officers

not only in the Rosicrucian movement but in the leading re'

ligious movements of the world, as well as those devout fol'lowers of every religious sect. It is non political, noncomm er'

dal, and tolerant of all the human efforts that tend toward

the advancement of man’s best interests, while maintaining a

strict and exclusive system of cultural education and develop'

ment uniquely its own.

 D emonst rable Tru ths

Through the activities of this great movement there has been

carried down to the present time and through all of the changeing ages and periods of civilization the great heritage of know!'

edge that was once possessed and cherished

by the few in the lands and countries now

almost forgotten. It has adhered rigidly to

the preservation and perpetuation of certainforms of wisdom, knowledge, and understand'

ing which might have become lost, hidden, or

cast into oblivion by the advancement of the

materialistic sciences, the d evelopment of ar bi'

Be persuaded first toapply thyse l f to theEt e rna l Mi nd , e n t re a t -i ng H i m t o g ra n t t he eu n d e r s t a n d i n g ; t h e nseek knowledge withdil igenceand thou sha l tn ev er r e p e n t h avin gtaken so laudable a res-olution. — Francis Bar-

rett, F. R. C. (A Rosi

c ruc ian . )

[ m

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A]] that happenstime has in H ime t e r n a l p rin cip le. A lber iu s M ag n u s, i

Rosicrucian .)

trary theories, and the creating of a great superstructure of 

unsound knowledge which constitutes the general wisdom of 

the present period.

The teachers, the instructors, the workers in the labora-

tories, and the advisers associated with this great movement

have never been influenced in any of the past ages by the

vacillating, flu ctuatin g artificialities of hu man thou gh t. Th ey

have found in the Rosicrucian teachings those truths whichthey have been able to demonstrate easily and conveniently as

being un qu estionably sound and Cosm ically precise. Up on the

foundation of this wisdom and knowledge the Rosicrucians

have carried out their multitudinous researches and expansive

investigations, adding to the wisdom and knowledge and bene-

fiting by the human experience resulting therefrom.

The Rosicrucians have proved through the years of their

past existence that the duality of man makes possible the un

fold m ent of tw o ind ividuals in one— the inner man , and the

ou ter man. Th e Rosicru cian s have proved tha t each of thesebeings within the one body has its respective powers, abilities,

ad van tages, and p ossibilities. Th e Rosicru cian s show , even in

their early and primary forms of instruction, that all of the

other systems of schools and academic education are centeredupon the development and unfoldment of the mental and physi-

cal possibilities of the outer self, while the greatest powers and

latent faculties of the inner self remain dormant, undeveloped,

unused, and even unsuspected by the average human being.

T he M astery of Life

The student of Rosicrucianism learns very quickly through

his first contacts with the secret teachings that there is resident

within him a mind with attributes and faculties that can exert

an almost unlimited power for the discernment of the truths

in of life.

The mastery of life is not dependent evclusively upon the

a development of those faculties of the brain which give man a

wide or general knowledge of the mundane and material things

of life, but upon those inner, special faculties which distinguishone ind ividu al from an other. For this reason th e Rosicru cian s

teach the student stepping upon the Path,

that he must seek to develop his own person-

ality and unfold his own unique and distinct

faculties which will make him a living, vital

power in the affairs of life and enable him

to fill his own special mission and attain

his own contented and masterful position

in life.

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A modern pen picture of Sir Francis Bacon, one t ime Imperator of the Rosicrucians.

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For a full appreciation of the mes'  

sage that follow s in Part T w o, it is 

necessary that Part One be carefully  

read and u n derstood. Just as you are 

a dual being with an outer physical 

self and inner mental and emotional  

self, so, too, the strange story and facts  

of this boo\ are in tw o parts — the 

inn er and m ore im portan t cont ent s 

m ust be approached by beginn ing from  

w ithout . If you violate this order of  

arrangement, the value of the book, 

to you will be depreciated, just as when you violate the order of your  

nature, life loses its fascination for  

 you . W h en y ou hav e com plet ed read'  

ing Part One, carefully slit the edge 

of this page and slowly and deliber-

ately read the m essage that follow s.

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From a rare pain t ing by Rembrandt

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P a r t II

 j f  tnbtng H our $la ce 3n I Liit 

O SU C C EED in life the ad ult discovers sooner or later

that it is the individual personality which he possesses

th at d istingu ishes him from all oth ers. Likew ise, he will

discover in due time that his success and happiness in life de

pend upon the finding of the right place, the right groove, and

the right career. Regard less of our comp lex talents and abilities

which are awakened and quickened in our schools and colleges

and which make every man and woman capable of doing many

things in his contribution toward the necessities of life and in

support of his or her own requirements, each individual hasspecial aptitudes, special qualifications, special abilities, and

special powers which fit him to fill some unique position in life

wherein he will attain success with greater rapidity, find happi-

ness with less effort, become successful in every material sense

with less selfishness, and at the same time find that great con

tentment that brings the immeasurable peace that the happy

and successful person desires most of all.

Unless the individual is so situated that he fills the place

which is most suitable for him and is doing the things in behalf 

of humanity and himself that contribute most abundantly to hisrequirements, he is drifting along the course of life and can

never attain success and happiness in any field of activity.

Ninety per cent of the human beings in the world are

occu p ying m ediocre, comm onplace p ositions in life, and a large

majority of these are far below the classification of being happy

and conten ted . Being trained for some arbitrar ily selected p ro

fession, or having developed some ability in some trade or

occupation, simply qualifies an individual to labor and share

w ith others only a p ortion o f the blessings of life. Beyon d this

great majority we find the few who have discovered their realplaces in life, who are busy at their real missions, and who, as

real masters of their careers, are controlling

their destinies, creating their fate, and master

ing their lives in every sense.

U nique A ssistance

Th e Rosicru cian s have d eveloped w ays and

means of enabling their associates in this great

Life is a mission.Every other definitionof life is false, and leadsall wh o accept i t astray.Religion, science, phi-losophy, though sti l l atv a r i a n c e u pon m an ypoints, all agree in this,that every existence iean aim.— M az z in i. (A  

Rosicrucian .)

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The one remains , them a n y c h a n g e a ndpass;

Heaven ' s l ight forevershines; earth’s shad'ows fly.

— Shelley. (A Rosicru*cian.)

work to discover the individual possibilities that lie before them.

Accompanying the general instructions for the awakening anddevelopment of the special aptitudes of the individual are in

structions given from time to time to the sincere seeker and

student to enable him to change the course of his life, to avoid

the pitfalls and obstacles th at are holding him b ack. H e will

find paths and byways that lead pleasantly to individual at-

tainm ent and happ iness. Th e Rosicrucians seek con stantly tomake each one of their members an outstanding example of 

individual attainment.

Review ing th e p ast history of the organization and th e many

biographies and records of eminent characters who have been

leaders in the Rosicrucian work or contributors to its vast

storehouse of knowledge, we find thousands of men and women

who have been, in their period of time and in their country

and nation, leading citizens in various lines of thought and

activity and who are examples of individual unfoldment.

 H ow Kn owledge M ay Become Pow er 

Knowledge is power, but only when it is applied and when

the knowledge is of a specific nature to fit the requirements of 

the ind ividual. Th e assimilation or memorizing of a vast am ount

of scholastic or acad emic knowledge, n o m atter how diversified

and general it may be, in itself cannot make a man or woman

mighty and successful in m eeting th e problems o f life. It is the

special knowledge required by the individual, selected to meet

his inner and outer faculties and unique capabilities, that en-

ables a man or woman to step out of the mass of human beings

and be an individualized citizen of the world, as well as apersonal representative of Cosmic u nfold m ent and d evelopment.

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A Personal Message To MenC en tu r i e s ag o th e an c ien t So p h i s ts o f Gr ee ce d ec la r ed , “M an i s th e m easu r e o f a l l th in g s .” I n m o d er n

t imes th i s an c ien t ad ag e h as b een co n s t r u ed to m ean , “A s a m an th in k e th , so h e i s.” B u t mer e ly th in k -ing ourse lves w hat we are no t , i s no t suf f ic ien t . Th e creat ive pow er of th ou ght does no t consis t o f m erelyvisual iz ing , bu t a lso br ing ing th e ideas in to m ater ia l iza t ion or in to con cre te form . Successfu l m en, whetherin b u s in ess o r th e g a in in g o f kn o w led g e , a r e th o se wh o h av e acq u i r ed th e m e th o d o f co n v e r t in g th e i r i n -t an g ib le id eas in to w o r k ab le , d em o n s t r ab le f act s . Th e R o s icr u c ian s h av e t ak en th e e l em en t s o f lu ck ,guess , and h un ch out of th is method and redu ced i t to a r a t ion al , s im ple system, w hich a l l can use , basedo n n a t u r a l l a w a n d p h e n o m e n a .

g T H E Y O U N G M A N — T H E   

 L E A D E R O F T O M O R R O W .

M an y y o u n g m en s t rik e b ack a t t h et imes by declar ing that the fu ture ho ldsl it t le for them because o f “ the machine

age.” Yet th ey are responsib le , for theycompete wi th the machine . You cann otcompete with a machine either in regul a r ity o r in fa l lib il it y , b u t YO U C A N g obeyond it . You can create, master , design,and f ind new channels for the expressionof your spccial talents by which you can

rise to the heights. Let the Rosicruciansdisclose what your special talents are.

g FO R T H E M A N I N T H E B U S IN E S S   O R P R O F ES S IO N A L W O R L D .

There arc four ages which mark the

course of a man 's life! Th e first , from infancy to twentyone, the age of visualizing;the second, from twentyone to thir tyf ive,

is the age of dominat ion ; the th i rd , f romthir tyf ive to f if ty, is the age of accomp-l ishment ; the four th is the age of reward .

The Rosicrucians, by d i rec t ing your menta lpowers , can help you in each or any of  these four ages.

g FO R T H E M A N W IT H A N   


The d is t inct ion which man has as a su -

perior being is not found in the fact thathe l ives , bu t tha t he has a mind by whichhe can f ind the answer to the ancien tq u e r y , “W h y am I h e r e an d wh en ce cameI?" For those who f ind joy in thoug ht andseek knowledge, no t a lone for i t s monetary

value but for the sa t isfac t ion i t b r ings

to them, the Rosicrucian teachings will be

inspir ing and beneficial .

g FO R T H E M A N W H O S EE K S   T H E U T M O S T IN L IFE .

A man n eed no t be a sc ien t is t to inves-t iga te the fundamenta l laws of cause andeffect. Every intell igen t man eventu ally

reaches a t ime in l ife when his interestsbecome partly, at least , disassociated fromself ; a t ime when h is mind begins to in -qu ire in to the wor ld about h im. He is no tmerely conten t wi th l iv ing like a hu manmachine , bu t in knowing the reason why.H e seeks the u tm ost from l ife . For h im theRosicrucians will open the door to thesp lendor of Cosmic myster ies .

FO R W O M EN — Wo m en , a l so , wh e th e r in ho me o r b u s in ess , fin d th a t t h eseteachings br ing them a more abundant l i fe . (See subjects on page 26 .)

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1. Genera l A dm in is t ra t ion Bu i ld ing .

2 . A m e n h o t e p M e m o r i a l P y l o n a n d T e m p l e .3 . F ranc is Bacon Audi to r ium and Conven t ion Ha l l .

4 . Or ien ta l Museum and Egyp t ian Rooms.5 . P lane ta r ium and As t ronomica l Museum.

6 . Sc ience Lec tu re Ha l l and Labora to r ies .

7 . T h e F o u n t a in i n C e n t e r o f t h e C a m p u i .

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The Rosicrucians Offer You

Personal, Private M embership

Wherever you may live and whatever may be your situation

in life, the Rosicrucians reach out with a kind offering andinvite you to share in their fascinating work.

Men and women, regardless of age and regardless of any

religious, social, or business connections, will find the private,personal membership the most satisfactory at the very start.

If you live where you can receive mail regularly each week,

and if you are so situated that you can give a little spare timeto private, personal reading without any effort of study and

without any effort of memorizing, you will find that you havethe very best opportunity to take advantage of this personal,

private membership.

The Rosicrucian system of instruction, guidance, and unfoldment is not solely a matter of systematized knowledge ap

plicable to all, nor is it solely a course of study in the fascinating

fields of the mysteries of life, but all of t his com bined  with the

individual guidance and instruction of a very personal nature.

For this reason, the course of study that is given gradually to

every member who is associated with the organization is ar-

ranged to bring forth in the consciousness of the member arevelation and understanding of his own requirements and his

ow n possibilities. Every encou ragem ent is given for individu al

speculation and investigation of the distinctive faculties that

make each individual different from all others.

The instructions and teachings are given in a form which

the student can study conveniently at home without any at-

tempt at memorizing, without difficulty in absorbing the facts,

and without any stress or strain in comprehending their real

significance.In the privacy of his or her own home, unknown to his or

her friends or acquaintances, the individual, regardless of age,may p ursu e his course o f Rosicru cian develop-

ment, study, unfoldment and attainment, at-

tracting no attention to his fascinating inter-

ests until by his own advancement and his

greater security and happiness he reveals to

others that he has made something of his

life that is quite definite and exceedingly


I n o u r Mo n as te r y l i -brary the sacred, secretm a n u s c r ip t s of th eRosicrucians furn ish anever fa i l ing supply of  

rare k n o w l e d g e ; th esupply seems to be in -

exhaustible in i ts r ich-ness of i l lumination.—

Friar D u dley Ev ersleigh. ( A R o s ic r u c ian . )

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Fascinating M ethod of  Study

As this plan of private instruction at home is so unique, and

so new to this country, it must be explained so that it will not

be comp ared w ith th e socalled “correspond ence cou rses” issued

by correspondence schools in America, or the mere issuance

of pamphlet lessons.

First of all, it was recognized at once that such lessons as

w ere to be sent to nationwide students C O U LD N O T BE

P R IN TE D IN BOO KS, for two excellent reasons; first , the

timehonored injunction against any of the lessons of the Order

in any land being issued in book form; secondly, the continued

changes, improvements, amendments, and modern adaptions

of the teachings would prevent their preparation in textbook 

or printed form of any  perm an en t  nature.

It is comm on for a correspon d ence school to send its stud ents

a set of textbooks, accompanied by monthly printed reading

lessons analyzing the variou s chap ters o f the textbooks. Year

after year, the same instructions, the same books and pamphlets

are sent to the thou sand s o f stud ents. Th is is possible in p re-

senting such subjects as Law, English, Mathematics, History,

or some of the sciences. It w ould n ot do, could no t do, in

presenting the teachings of the Rosicrucians, for such teach-

ings are continually improving in subject matter, application

to human affairs, and relation to recent discoveries by the

Masters of the instruction.

 H ow the Lessons A re Prepared 

W e n o w c o m e to t h e

know ledge of ourse lves ,w hi ther we a re d i rectedby the ancients, which

merits a c loser exami 'na t ion, s ince the know l -

e dge o f   him se lf i s toman the end and t imeof the sciences, o f wh ichn a t u r e o n l y f o r m s aport ion. — Sir Francis  

 B acon . ( Im p e r a t o r o f  the Rosic ruc ians . )

The first principle insisted upon by the Imperator of the

Order (the Supreme officer of the Order) was that the lessons

to be sent to the homestudy members must be specially made

and prepared from time to time to keep them up to the minute

with the findings and elaborate experiments made by the mostlearned w orkers in th e Ord er in this coun try and in oth er lands.

That means extensive work, great cost, and a staff of master

teachers continually working upon the lessons.It is because the Order is able to keep its members informed

in advance of important matters, and give

knowledge which outsiders cannot obtain,

that it enables them to overcome obstacles,

meet oncoming conditions, and prepare for

futu re circum stances. Th e world outsid e of 

the Order is just now trying to discover and

evolve certain princip les regarding health, d is-

ease, and the prolonging of life which Rosi

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crucians have known and p racticed for centur ies. Th e same

can be said regarding new “discoveries” in the various methods

of using the mind to attain success in life.

A Unique Plan

Therefore, the Imperator appointed a staff to prepare and

issue the private lessons for those members who would beadmitted to the Home Study Classes.

A plan w as finally adop ted, based up on an old system used

by the early Rosicrucians, whereby such members arranged to

use one p art of some room— u sually a sleeping room— as their

“stud y corn er” or personal “Lodge corn er.” By the use of 

private instructions in typewritten, personal form, the members

prep are for the first surp rising lessons. Th e many thousand s

in America today who have used these instructions—men and

women in all walks of life from the highest positions in the

countr y to humble w orkers in the home— have found thelessons, explanations, simple experiments, and practical testsmore fascinating and alluring each week than the best drama

or works of fiction.

 H elpfu ln ess of the Lessons

Such lessons are not mere speculative statements or points

of philosophy, but carefully written and edited explanations of 

laws, beginning with the fundamental and simple ones, worded

in language which any can understand, and illustrated byanalogies, examples, common references, and everyday experi-

ences. Th en several experimen ts are given to be p racticed at

convenient times throug hou t the w eek. In this w ay, week afterweek, month after month, special lessons, always being revised

and amended, are sent to each member, and these cover the

whole system of private Rosicrucian teachings, developing

faculties and powers the members never realized they possessed.

 A rran ged in Easy S teps

The lessons are arranged in Grades or Degrees, like classes

or grades in a school. Th ere is no better w ay to spend an

evening than by reading these fascinating

lectu res, lessons, and explan ations. Th ey

are sent to the student weekly in a sealed,

p rivate envelope. It is like having the heart

I'ownTTi ~.r and Sou l o f th e R EA L mysteries of life

u T onvTi' i opened to you in a picturesque, intriguing


There is a transcen

d en t p o wer th a t co mes

t o th e h u m a n m indwhen it f inds joy in at

t u n e m e n t w i t h t h eCosmic wisdom .— Friar   R og er B acon . ( A R o s i-crucian .)

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There is no chance, nodestiny, no fate

C an c i r c u m v e n t , o rh inder or contro l

The f irm resolve of adetermined soul.

 — E lla W h ee ler W il co x . 

(A Rosicrucian .)

A t th e end o f each d egree there is a selfexamination to be

sent to the Ma ster of the class. H e may thu s see wh erein you

have succeeded or failed to grasp a clear understanding of each

point and will send you such additional information as you

need. The se examinations are n ot at all difficult if the lessons

have been properly read. Th ey do no t require laborious stud y.

A  Lodge at H om e

Members are asked to reserve part of one night of the week 

to be their “Lodge night” at home. W h eth er i t be every W ed '

nesday night, every Thursday night, or every Friday night,

thousands of other members will be studying, practicing, and

experim enting in attunem ent with you. W e p refer th at each

member select an early or late p art o f Thu rsd ay evening for his

or her Lodge night at home, for this is the Rosicrucian night

throughout the world and it means greater power through the

m ultitud es w ho are thu s attun ed. A n y other evening will

do, however, should you find it necessary to temporarily change

your selected weekly Lodge night.

Time Required for Study

As stated above, we recommend that each member select

one evening of the w eek for a definite stud y evening. O n tha t

evening, one hour to one hour and thirty minutes is sufficient

time for reading of the new lesson, the testing of the newprinciple, and a complete understanding of the work for the

week. Th en th rou gh ou t the follow ing days in spare moments

while resting, walking, riding, or even during the busy hours of 

work, the member can test the new principles in connection

with the many incidents of daily life and the solving of serious

personal problems. In this w ay th e old principles of the p re'

vious week, and the new ones, are constantly applied and used

and mad e more fam iliar. Such testing and ap p lication o f the

principles and laws do not interfere with any of your daily

affairs but actually help you to make the day more successfuland profitable in whatever you are trying to accomplish.

T he S pirit of Brotherhood 

Letters and telegrams come daily to Head'

quarters from students to their teachers here,

asking for immediate and special help in ill'

ness, or for guidance in matters connected

w ith the stud ies. Su ch personal help sent at

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once is one of the immediate aids rendered by the Order to its

members, and without any fees for such service.

In this way the “National Lodge” permits men and women

in all walks of life, and with just ordinary school education,

to have the full advantage of Rosicrucian membership regard'

less of where they live.

7\ [o College Education J\ [ecessary

These interesting lessons begin with the very fundamentals

of Nature’s laws as they relate to man and the universe, and

make plain all man’s secret powers, possibilities, and potential

activities. Th e lessons are care fu lly grad ed. N o college, aca

demic, or even high school ed u cation is necessary to un d erstand

them, for they hav e been p repared b y some of the best edu cators

in various lands for the purpose of meeting the general mind.

They are simply but effectively worded and easily understood.

 J\ [o M emorizin g R equ ired 

Various educational boards have said that the system em

ployed by the Rosicrucians in teaching and instructing is the

ideal system for it does no t require memorizing. Thr ou gh ex-amples, illustrations, and experiments, the student comprehends

and remembers w ithou t conscious effort. Con centration u pon

words you read, and a few moments meditation upon each

principle or law, makes them stand out in the mind and con

sciousness for all time.

For T hose W h o See\ Peace and Conten tm en t 

This, then, is your opportunity to decide at the crossroads

whether you will continue to live in the manner and along the

path of least resistance, accepting conditions as they come, or

whether you will turn to the right on the newer and higher

path that leads to definite mastership, peace, and contentment.

You alone can decide this matter, and no argument from anyother individual can serve to do more than present the possi-

bilities. If you decide to u nite with those who, throu gh m any

ages and in many countries and in all walks

and positions of life, have found the Rosi

crucian system unusually helpful and very

definitely efficient, then your next step should

be to test the new path and give it an

opportunity to serve you and guide you.

G o d is a N u m b e r e n -

d o w e d w i t h m o t i o n ,which is fel t but notd emon st ra ted .—  B alz ac.  (A Ros ic ruc ia n . )

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Top ics of Tru thSubjects of the Rosicrucian Teachings

One may read the personal specula t ions and theor ies of an indiv idual for years only

even tual ly to find them un found ed in fact . I t is far w iser to devote on e’s search for

knowledge to tha t accumula ted wisdom which has been tes ted and t r i ed throughout theyears. Th e Ros icru c ian t eachings a re not specula t ive ; they are not the p rod u ct of one

mind nor a re they colored by the opin ions and in te rpre ta t ions of any one personal i ty .

Most of the knowledge presented by the Ros icruc ians today has been taught for decades

and found by thousands of men and women throughout the wor ld to be not only ra t ion

al bu t ap p l icable to the affairs of the ir lives. Year ly, da i ly, the teachings are au gm ented

by the latest f indings of science and the most profound thoughts of Rosicrucian meta

ph ysicians and p hi losophers . H ow ever , all su bjects are presented s imp ly, forceful ly,

and in a fasc ina t ing manner .

I t i s not p ossible within the confines of this book let to give a comp lete ind ex o f all

the subjects of the teachings, but below is a par t ial l is t of the many subjects included

in the var ious Rosicrucian degrees. W h e n e v e r t h e p h ras e, " s ecr et h e r i t a g e a p p e a r s  

below , this indicates that th e su bject is one of the arcane R osicru cian teachin gs which

the Or d er cher ishes as a golden gem of know ledg e to be careful ly p reserved an d t rans

nu t ted to the sincere seeker and mem ber. Ob viously, the real name of the top ic canno t

be publ icly divulged.


T h e M y s t e r ie s o f T i m e a n d S p a c eT h e F i v e S e n s e s o f M a nT h e H u m a n C o n s ci ou s n e ssT h e T r i n i t y o f M e t a p h y s i c a l P o i n t sC h a n g e — D e a thT h e U n r e a l it y o f M a t t e rS E C R E T H E R IT A G ET h e D e v e l op m e n t o f th e I n n e r S e lf  T h e P r i n c i p l e s o f t h e M y s t ic a l La w s

P o w e r s a n d F a cu l t i e s o f t h e I n n e r M a nP r o p e r P r i n c i p l e s f o r C o n c e n t r a t i o nD e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e W i ll P o w e rM y s t e r y o f M a t t e r — C o h e s i o n , A d h e s i o n , M a g n e t i smT r u e M e a n i n g o f A n c i e n t S y m b o l i s mA t t a i n i n g C o s m i c C o n s c i o u s n e s sF u n d a m e n t a ls o f M e n t a l A t t u n e m e n tT h e P r i m a r y P r i n c i p l e s Ba c k o f C r e a t i o nS EC R E T H E R IT A G EW h a t t h e M a s te r s o f t h e O r i e n t T a u g h tH u m a n A u r a a n d I t s V i b r a t o r y E f fe c tT h e P r o c es s o f T r u e V i s u a l iz a t i o nM e t a p h y s i ca l H e a l i n g , A S e c r e t A r tC o s m i c P o w e r s a n d F o r ce s — A D a i l y H e l pE x p e r im e n t s i n P r o d u c in g V i t a l i t y a n d P e r s o n a l M a g n e t is m


P e r f e c t i n g t h e P h y s i c a l B o d y

T h e V i t a l L i fe F o r c e o f t h e C e l l a n d H o w t o U s e I tA n c ie n t M y s t ic s a n d A n c i e n t Sy m b o l sT h e P e r f e c ti o n o f C o n c e n t r a t io nI n t u it io n T h r o u g h C o s m i c A t t u n e m e n tT r u t h A b o u t V i b r a t io n s a n d T h e i r E ff e c t U p o n U sF o r m a t i o n o f M a t t e r — A t o m s , E le c t r o n s , M o l e cu l e sR e l a t i o n s h i p o f P s y c h i c P o w e r s o f M a n t o S o u lH o w t o O p e r a t e t h e P o w e r s o f M i n d a t W i ll

T h e S y m p a t h e t i c a n d P h y s i ca l N e r v o u s Sy s t em sL i g h t , C o l o r , a n d S o u n d a n d T h e i r E ff e c t U p o n M i n dS EC R E T H E R IT A G ER e g en e r a ti on — H e a l th a n d A d d i n g Y e a r s t o Y o u r L if eT h e So u l a n d I t s P r o c e s s o f Ev o l u t i o nP r a c t ic e s o f t h e A n c i e n t A l ch e m i s tsM e t h o d t o D e v e l o p t h e M e n t a l A b i l i t i e sM e t h o d s f o r Q u i ck e n i n g t h e I n n e r C o n s ci o u s n e s sS EC R E T H E R IT A G E


R o s i c r u c i a n M y s t i c s a n d t h e C r e a t i v e P o w e r o f M i n dE x p e r i m e n t s o n T h o u g h t T r a n s m i ss io nM a t e r i a l i st i c S c i e n c e a n d M e t a p h y s i c a l L a w sD i s co u r s e o n E x p e r i m e n t s i n C r e a t in g L i fe o u t o f N o n L i v in g M a i le rS EC R E T H E R IT A G EI m p o r t a n t D i s c o v e r i e s i n R o s i cr u c i a n C h e m i s t r y a n d P h y s i csS e c r e t T e a c h i n g s o f t h e R o s i c r u c i a n sM i n d ’ s I n f l u e n c e O v e r M a t t e rT h e C r e a t iv e P o w e r , t h e C o s m i c M i n dR o s ic r u c i a n V i e w p o i n t o f L i f eE x p e r i m e n t s w i t h C o l o r , T h o u g h t V i b r a t i o n s , So u n d , an d L i g h tS EC R E T H E R IT A G EU s e o f D o r m a n t F a cu l t ie s o f M a nT h e G e o m e t r ic a l L aw o f M a t t e r ’s A s s e m b l yL if e — C a u s e s — Be g in n i n g sS EC R E T H E R IT A G ET h e A n c i e n t P h i l o s o p h i e s a n d t h e M y s t e r y S c h o o l sT h e L a w s a n d C y c l e s o f R e in c a r n a t i o nP e r i o d i ci t y o f t h e S o u l ’s R e b i r t h

T h e S o u l ’s E n t i t y o n t h e D i v in e P l a n eH u m a n E m o t i o n s a n d I n s t i n c t s , T h e i r R e l a t io n s t o P e r s o n a l it yT h e M y s t ic a l P r i n c ip l e s o f P r o p e r B r e a t h i n gC o s m i c T r a n s m i ss i o n s o f P i ct u r e s a n d I m p r e s s i o n sS E C R E T H E R IT A G EC o s m o g o n y — S tu d y o f U n i v e r se ’s Be g in n i n gH o w t o I m p r o v e t h e A f f a i r s o f D a i l y L i f*A c q u i r in g H a r m o n y o f t h e B o d y an d M i n d — H a p p i n e ss



' T o Know is Com m on, But to Know W hat  

One Should Knoiv, Is U n com m on — V a l i d v a r .

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The i l lustrat ions above show the interior and exterior of the weekly lesson sent to

each stud ent . In add it ion to personal letters— as m any as are needed to answ er your

qu est ions per taining to the stud ies— the lessons are accomp anied by al l necessary charts

and d iagrams to fur the r explain and m ake perfect ly clear the interest ing sub jects. You

are a lso g iv en ce rt a in ex p er im en t s an d t es ts wh ereb y y ou can P RO V E an d D EM O N '

ST R A T E to you rself the efficacy of the p rinciples and teachings. Th e lessons are

printed in large typ ew riter style typ e, easy to read, and grad ed so as to adv ance you

step by step.

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Inviting You To Become

A Mem ber

Good always flows inthe chann els i t has onceselected. — L. C. de Sa in t M art i n . (A Rosi



W hat M em bership W ill M ean to Y ou

Membership in the Rosicrucian Brotherhood means all that

is included in most other fraternities, plus many features not

offered by any other.

Fraternal membership has so many values that it has beenpop ular for ages. Both men and women of the present day are

rapidly filling the ranks of hundreds of associations solely be

cause of the p ersonal, direct, and ind irect benefits to be derived.Perhaps this desire for alliance and association with others of  

li\ e mind  is born of the human tendency toward the formation

of clans, a tendency responsible for the building of hamlets,

towns, cities, countries, and nations.

Membership in the Rosicrucian Brotherhood means that

each member is affiliated with a large and increasing body of 

progressive men and women whose sole purpose in life centers

around the desire to advance, succeed, and become unusually

contented with the building and enjoyment of a better life.

Each member is part of the great wor\ . The work is to

master the obstacles in life and make the world better for the

individ ual. Each member, therefore, is kept in con tact w ith

all the progressive methods for bringing about such results.

In other words, each member is kept informed of all the in

formation, advice, and help that the Order possesses which will

help him in his personal affairs. Thro u gh correspon d ence,

through the monthly magazine, T he R osicrucian D igest, and

through contact with members, unusual help is offered by those

who have had all kinds of experiences in life and are ready tohelp others to master similar ones.

T he Free Instructions and Lessons

In addition to all the other benefits, the

Rosicrucian Brotherhood offers its members

the special help of graded instru ction s. Th e

Rosicrucian Brotherhood is n ot  a correspond

dence school. Its lessons and p rivate instr u c'

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tions are n ot for sale on an y basis. Th ey are given freely to

those who desire to ad vance on the p ath o f personal attainm ent.

 Every act iv e m em ber is en t it led to the com plet e in st ru ct ion s.

 A cceptin g Our In v itation

Those to whom this booklet is sent usually receive letters

inviting them to become  M em bers of the O rd er. No one is

invited to become a mere student of the course of instruction.

A s a member  of the Order you are entitled to every benefit

of  any \ ind   the Order has to confer and which it may add

in the future.

By filling ou t th e enclosed ap p lication form — w hich should

accomp any this book— you accep t ou r invitation to apply for

the opp ortu nity of u niting w ith us. Th a t app lication w ill be

exam ined by a comm ittee and passed upon. If for any reasonyou can n ot be accepted you w ill be notified. Oth erw ise, you

will be accepted and a formal notice sent to you.

W h at the S tu den t Receives

When an application proves acceptable, it is first given toone of the Class Masters and Secretaries for personal attention.

The procedure thereafter is as follows:

FIRST: The chosen candidate is immediately notified of the

acceptance and is sent, without delay, the preliminary Secret

Mandamus Number One, which contains valuable information,

enabling the applicant immediately to attune himself and relate

himself with certain fundamental principles of the organization.

While the applicant is studying the very important, privatedocuments, the Master of his class and certain scribes of the

Order make further investigations to deter-

mine how best to proceed with the applicant

in order to give him or her the very best

instru ction and personal help. Th is results in

a Second Mandamus sent to the applicant

the second week, and other similar private

documents are sent each week for six weeks,

thereby giving the new member an excellent

Men who are devoidof the power of sp i r i t -ua l percept ion arc un -

able to recognizc theexis tence of anyth ingth at c a n n o t be seenex te r n a l ly . Paracelsus. 

( A R o s ic r u c ian . )

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In proportion as you

d e t a c h y o u r sel f fr omt h i n g s , i n t h a t s a m e

propor t ion , no t one de -gree more or less, will

God enter in with a ll

that is His.— E c\ har t  (A Rosicru c ian . )

foundation for personal development and experience with im

portant laws and Cosmic principles.

SEC O N D : Th e chosen candidate also receives a Member-

ship Identification Card number; and certain signs and words

as he advances, whereby he becomes recognized as an initiatedmember of the organization.

T H IR D : The rea fter he receives, weekly, the specially pre-

pared private instructions, monographs, and lessons, with dailyand weekly experiments and exercises which enable him tomaster each step easily and prop erly. Th e lessons and m ono-

graphs each week require a part of one evening of the week for

stud y or reading (ther e being nothing to memorize— everything

remains in the mind through the unique methods used by the

Rosicrucians to teach their law s), and the exercises and experi-

ments require only a few minu tes each night, m orning, or noon-

time, at the mem ber's conven ience. These exercises and exper i-

ments develop certain faculties from the very first lessons.

FO U R TH : T h e lessons relate to life's immediate problemsas well as the futu re needs of the members. Th ey help th e mem-

bers to master the obstacles and overcome adverse conditionsfrom th e very start. N o vague theories, no speculation abou t

conditions in the “ethereal realm" that have no bearing upon

our present life, but laws and principles that men and women

must use here and now in practical ways.

FIF TH : Th e m onthly p rivate magazine, called “ Th e Rosi

crucian Digest," is sent to every member each month without

add itional fee. It con tains special instru ctions and lessons on

general life problems, and the questions and answers relatingto new principles as well as reports from members, and articlesby leading persons in the country on what the Rosicrucian

Or d er is doing for them . It also contain s a beau tifu l pictorial

section of rare mystical pictures.

SIX T H : Each m ember, regardless of the stud y cour se, is

entitled to the many departmental services of the Order, which

include help by correspondence and through our metaphysical

methods, as well as additional information by mail on points in

the monographs, aid in health matters, without additional fees.

SEV EN TH : Th e p rivilege of meeting withother members in the same locality as soon

as a certain stage of the wor k is reached wh ere

members can assemble weekly in our own

Temples in various cities, or in special placesfor mutual discussion and help.

The graded, systematic lessons and experi-

ments continue weekly, with special helps to

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make each member proficient, until the first degree is completed.

From this point onward the member may proceed with the

higher lessons, throu gh all the degrees o f the W or k , hav ing

the satisfying knowledge that under the tutelage of the wisest

fraternity of the centuries, he or she is remaking himself or

herself into a newer and finer personality, building toward the

Perfection we seek in Man and Woman.

Fees and Dues

The Order is strictly a brotherhood, operating in that sense as

do other fraternities. Mem bership in the Rosicrucian Broth er-

hood carries with it the many benefits distinct to all fraternities  

and many others quite unique. As in fraternities, there are

membership dues, payable monthly, and a nominal "registrar  

tion fee."  This fee and monthly dues of small amount are thecontributions on the part of members to the general operating 

 fu n ds of the Order, and take care of its propaganda expenses,

its building funds, national and international humanitarian

activities, and donations to many scientific expeditions and

methods of research and investigation.

In addition to these general activities of the Order, the

Rosicrucians conduct the courses mentioned on previous pages.

These courses of study are given  fr eely and without charge

or fees of any kind to members of the O rd er. Ther efore, we

wish you to keep in mind that the study and instruction work is a separate and distinct feature of the Order, not found in 

any other fraternal organization, and for which, in reality, our

members do not pay.

The Supreme Council has purposely made the “Registration

Fee " very nom inal. It is five d ollars, payab le w ith ap p lication.

Monthly dues are two dollars, payable on the first of each

month. These fees include all the benefits of the Order's ac'  

tiv ities. T here are n o other fees or assessments, or boo\ s 

which must be purchased in order to study, and no limitations  

to t he degree of advancem en t that m em bers may m a\ e in their  studies. The monthly magazine, “The Rosicrucian Digest,” is

also given free to all members taking the

course of study by correspondence from the

Grand Lodge.

T h e mon thly dues are to be paid by m em'  

bers only as lon g as t hey are activ e m em bers 

of t he Brot herh ood sharing in all its m anifold  


True ha pp i ne s s c on -s is t s not in the know l -edge of good th ings , but

in good l ife; not inu n d e r st a n d in g b u t i n

l iv ing unders tandingly .N ei ther i s i t grea t lea rn -

ing but good wi l l tha t jo in s m en to G od . —

Corne l iu s A grippa. (ARos i c ruc i a n . )

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Final Instructions

Ignorance i s the t rueoriginal sin. Men areb a n k r u p t m o r a l l y b e cause they do not knowthe gold mine that isin them .— B ri cr ly . (ARosicrucian.)


There are several ways in which this booklet may have

come into you r hand s. It is intend ed for carefu l and discreet

distribution only to those who seem worthy of admission into

the Order.It m ay have been hand ed to you by someone w ho w ishes you

to realize that there is something vital in life that may answer

you r desires and end y ou r quest. It m ay have been p assed along

to you by a friend or acqua intance wh o feels th at it will arouse

an inqu iry in you r m ind. Ther efore, th ere may be no ap plication

blank or letter of invitation enclosed. In th at case, if you feel in

terested, write at once to the Grand Secretary and ask for anapp lication form . If you r inqu iry appears to be sincere the

Secretary will invite you to file an application with him.

You may have written to Headquarters for this booklet andit may have come to you accompanied by a letter and Appli

cation Blank . It is a d irect inv itation for you to become a mem-

ber, issued after your request had been properly considered.

 H ow to Proceed 

F IR ST : Carefu lly fill ou t the Ap p lication Blank. Th e an-

swer to each question is important and will be treated as strictly


SEC O N D : H aving answered all the questions in the Ap p li-cation Blan k, sign it accura tely. Enclose w ith it the Registra -

tion Fee of Five Dollars.

TH IR D : M ail your Ap plication Blank and Registration Fee

prom ptly to the Gran d Secretary. Register your letter if it

contains cash, and if you send a check or money order make it

p ay ab le t o A M O R C F U N D S .

Acknowledgement should reach you within ten days or less.

If you do not hear from the Secretary in that time, write to

him in detail. If you r ap p lication is rejected for any reason

whatsoever your Registration Fee will be returned to you witha frank explanation.

Address all mail to

R O S IC R U C I A N BR O T H E R H O O D( A M O R C )


Long Dis tance Te lephones : Ba l la rd 8295, 8296

( R em em ber , the R osicru cians are N O T a R eligiou s O rganization)

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The documents shown above are the official de-crees admitt ing and acknowledging the affi l ia t ionof A M O RC w i th ' 'F U D O S I , '' F ede ra t ion U mverselle des Ordres et Societes Initiatiques, of Europe . A M O RC is the only Rosic ruc ian m ove -ment in North and South America recognized by

F U D O S I .

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Th e  In tern ational N am e

The Order uses the same ancient name that is found in the

oldest records . Th at nam e in comp lete Lat in form is : Ant iqu us

A rcanu s Ord o Rosae Rubeae et Au reae Cruc is . In Am er ica

and other English speaking countries the name is shortened to

An cient , Myst ical O rd er Rosae Cru cis . Th e Lat in w ords Rosae

Cru cis mean “o f the Rosy C ross ." For the sake of brevi ty , the

init ials are used th u s: A . M . O . R . C.

T he T ru e Organization

There are certain characteristics that determine at once the

authent ic i ty of any organizat ion cla iming Rosicrucian authori ty .

The t rue Rosicrucian Organizat ion for every jur isdict ion of theworld is represented at all International Rosicrucian Congresses

he ld in Europe . In N or th and South Am er ica tha t Organ iza t ion

is th e A . M . O . R. C . and has a U nited States p atent on the

name of the Or d er and its t rue symbol . I t never uses the name

o f   R osicru cian S oc ict y or Rosicrucian Fel low ship or Center . Th e

initials A , M . O . R. C. ap p ear on all o f its li teratu re, on i ts a n -

nouncements, and are associated with all of i ts outer activit ies.

 It s T ru e Symbol

The official true symbol of the Order is a gold cross with a

single, red rose in t h e center. Th e cross has no religious sig-

nificance, as it was used as an ancient symbol before Christianity.

I ts t rue meaning is the mater ia l body of man with arms out -

stretched in salu tation. Th e rose rep resents m an's soul confined in

the body unfolding as i t receives more l ight and unders tanding.

(Th e Ros ic ru cian O rd er is N O T a relig ious organ iza tion .)

 Directors of the S taff 

Th e fol low ing are the s taff directors of the N orth and South

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The matter contained in this booklet is

official ly issued through the Supreme

C ou n cil o f A M O R C . T h e A n cie nt

Name and Symbols of the Rosicrucian

Order are Regis tered and Protected by

The Uni ted Sta tes Paten t Off i ce

exclusively in the name of AMORC.
