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The Selli Level of the Gargano Promontory, Apulia, southern Italy: foraminiferal and calcareous...

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  • 8/14/2019 The Selli Level of the Gargano Promontory, Apulia, southern Italy: foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil data


    Cretaceous Research (1999) 20, 255269Article No. cres.1999.0155, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

    The Selli Level of the Gargano Promontory,Apulia, southern Italy: foraminiferal andcalcareous nannofossil data

    *Miriam Cobianchi, Valeria Luciani and Alessandra Menegatti

    *Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universita degli Studi di Pavia, via Ferrata, 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy

    Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Paleontologiche, Universita degli Studi di Ferrara, Corso Ercole Io dEste, 32,

    44100 Ferrara, Italy

    Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Paleontologiche, Universita degli Studi di Ferrara, Corso Ercole Io dEste, 32,

    44100 Ferrara, Italy; current address: Department of Geology & Petroleum Geology, Meston Building,

    Kings College, Aberdeen University, Aberdeen AB9 2UE, Scotland, UK

    Revised manuscript accepted 17 November 1998

    Two Aptian pelagic stratigraphic sections from the northern Gargano Promontory, Apulia, southern Italy, were investigated

    on the basis of foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. The successions are characterized by cyclically arranged marls and

    marly/cherty limestones and can be referred to the Scisti a Fucoidi Formation. In the lower portion of this unit a thin black

    shale segment was recognized. Planktonic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic data enable the level to be

    attributed to the upper part of the Globigerinelloides blowiand Chiastozygus litterariusZones of late Early Aptian age. These data

    suggest that the black shale is equivalent to the Selli Level of the Umbria-Marche Basin, which is considered to be the

    sedimentary expression of the global oceanic anoxic event OAE 1a. A perturbation of the biotic signal occurs across the Selli

    Level. A crisis of Globigerinelloidids and nannoconids precedes and follows the anoxic episode, and a marked increase in the

    eutrophic indicators (hedbergellids, Zygodiscus erectus, Biscutum constans, radiolaria) was observed. These critical conditionsassociated to the OAE1a are widely documented and generally related to a high fertility episode of surface water. However,

    with respect to the Gorgo a Cerbara section (Umbria-Marche Basin), the Selli Level from the Gargano is not completelybarren of calcareous plankton, probably suggesting slightly less fertile conditions in the surface water or a shallower

    environment. Moreover, the occurrence of the benthonic genus Spirillina indicates local dysaerobic conditions versus

    complete anoxia on the sea floor. 1999 Academic Press

    K W: Early Cretaceous; oceanic anoxic event; Selli Level; planktonic foraminifera; calcareous nannofossils;

    integrated biostratigraphy; Gargano Promontory; southern Italy.

    1. Introduction

    The slope and basinal Cretaceous deposits of the

    Gargano Promontory (Apulia, southern Italy) have

    recently been investigated in detail (Luperto Sinni

    & Masse, 1987; Coccioni & Luperto Sinni, 1989;

    Luciani, 1993; Luciani & Cobianchi, 1994; Luperto

    Sinni & Borgomano, 1994; Neri & Luciani, 1994;

    Cobianchi et al., 1997). In the Lower Cretaceous

    three formations have been recognized: the Maiolica,

    the Mattinata and the Scisti a Fucoidi (Marne a

    Fucoidi auct.). The last unit is considered to be the

    equivalent of the Scisti a Fucoidi in the Umbria-

    Marche Basin and similar units in the Southern Alps

    of northern Italy (Scaglia Variegata Formation). The

    Aptian-Albian Scisti a Fucoidi Formation consists

    of a pelagic cyclic sequence of marls and marly

    limestones. The correlation with the Umbria-Marche

    unit is supported by various types of evidence besides

    lithological similarity. The Umbria-Marche Basin and

    the Gargano Basin border the same platform (the

    Apulia Platform). Moreover, the Cretaceous pelagic

    successions recognizable in the two areas are similar:

    Maiolica Formation, Scisti a Fucoidi and Scaglia,

    from the base upwards respectively. Furthermore,

    both successions are characterized by anoxic episodes

    documented by black shales that are correlatable in

    the two basins (Urbino and Amadeus levels;

    01956671/99/030255+15 $30.00/0 1999 Academic Press

  • 8/14/2019 The Selli Level of the Gargano Promontory, Apulia, southern Italy: foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil data


    Cobianchi et al ., 1997). Therefore, the classic

    Cretaceous successions of the Umbria-Marche Basin

    can be extended farther to the south in the Gargano

    Promontory (Cobianchiet al., 1997). The occurrence

    in the Gargano succession of gravity-displaced

    deposits, which laterally substitutes the Maiolica

    Formation (Mattinata Formation locally), testifies

    that this sector was closer to the margin of the

    platform than the Umbria-Marche region.

    A further black shale was recognized in the lower

    portion of the Scisti a Fucoidi in two stratigraphic

    sections near Vieste (Coppitella and Le Batterie,

    northern Gargano). The aim of the study presented

    here is the chronostratigraphical attribution of this

    level on the basis of an integrated biostratigraphic

    analysis (planktonic foraminifera and calcareous

    nannofossils). The stratigraphic position of the black

    shale suggests, however, that it could be equivalent to

    the Selli Level in the Umbria-Marche Basin, which is

    considered to be the sedimentary expression of the

    global oceanic anoxic event OAE 1a (Schlanger &

    Jenkyns, 1976;Arthur et al., 1990).

    2. Geological setting and stratigraphical


    The transition between a Jurassic-Cretaceous

    carbonate platform and basin is well exposed in the

    Gargano Promontory (Figure 1). The slope, base-of-

    slope and basin deposits are confined to the

    north-eastern part of the promontory, while the

    shallow-water carbonates, belonging to the Apulia

    Platform, are represented in the western sector.

    The Apulia Platform is part of the stable and

    relatively undeformed foreland of the Apennine thrust

    belt (Ricchetti et al., 1987). Its shallow water

    carbonates pass eastwards and northwards into thinly-

    bedded cherty pelagic mudstones, which can be

    attributed to the Maiolica (Valanginian-Early Aptian),

    Scisti a Fucoidi (Early Aptian- Late Albian) and

    Scaglia (Late Cretaceous) Formations. The basinal

    fringe of the platform, which is characterized by the

    common occurrence of gravity-displaced deposits

    such as turbidites, breccias and megabreccias, is

    represented by the Mattinata Formation

    Figure 1. Simplified geological map of the northern Gargano Promontory showing the location of the sections studied(modified fromCobianchi et al., 1997).

    256 M. Cobianchi et al.

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    (Hauterivian-Late Albian), the Monte S. Angelo

    Megabreccia (Late Albian-Cenomanian) and the

    Monte Acuto Formation (Late Cretaceous) (Luperto

    Sinni & Masse, 1987; Coccioni & Luperto Sinni,

    1989; Luciani, 1993; Luciani & Cobianchi, 1994;

    Luperto Sinni & Borgomano, 1994; Neri & Luciani,1994; Cobianchi et al., 1997).

    According toBoselliniet al. (1993),the Cretaceous

    succession can be subdivided in two depositional

    sequences (respectively Early and Late Cretaceous in

    age), separated by a sequence boundary recognizable

    at the base of the Monte S. Angelo Megabreccia. The

    age and relative stratigraphic position of the basin and

    slope deposits were controlled by the depositional

    dynamics of the Apulia Platform. In the Early

    Cretaceous, during periods of relative highstands, the

    platform margin prograded basinwards, and clastic

    deposits (Mattinata Formation) overlie the basinal

    sediments of the Maiolica and Scisti a Fucoidi.

    During transgressions, the platform retreated, its

    margin drowned, and the export of clastics was

    temporarily interrupted. The interval of Scisti a

    Fucoidi represented in the two sections near Vieste

    does not contain resedimented episodes. The onset of

    deposition of the Scisti a Fucoidi in the basin, which

    contains levels that indicate anoxia, is coeval with a

    drowning of the Apulia Platform margin, related to

    a transgression which was probably eustatically con-

    trolled. Although precise relationships between a rise

    in sea level and oxygen depleted waters is still prob-

    lematic, according to Jenkyns (1991), the temporarydemise of carbonate sedimentation may have also

    been related to a particularly thick column of deoxy-

    genated water (Boselliniet al., in press).

    3. Materials and methods

    For a preliminary analysis aimed at a biostratigraphic

    calibration of the successions and of the black shales,

    34 samples from both sections were analyzed for their

    calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal content.

    Samples were collected from different lithologies

    (marlstone, limestone, silicified limestone, black

    shale) as indicated in the stratigraphic columns of

    Figures 2and5.

    The nannofossil study was carried out by observing

    300 fields of view (FOV) in random traverses of each

    smear slide under a polarizing light microscope at a

    magnification of 1250. Calcareous nannofossil

    species abundances were semiquantitatively estimated

    as reported inFigures 4and7.

    For the foraminiferal analysis, the marly samples

    were disaggregated using Desogen and washed

    through a >38m-mesh sieve. The indurated samples

    (limestone and silicified limestone) were analysed in

    thin section. The range of the species identified are

    plotted onFigures 3 and6 together with the state of

    preservation of planktonic foraminiferal fauna, total

    planktonic foraminiferal abundance and radiolarian


    4. Coppitella section

    The Coppitella section extends along the State Road

    N. 89 Garganica, from 104 km to 105 km, south-

    west of the town of Vieste. It is 22.5 m thick (Figures

    1,2). The outcropping sediments consist of cyclically

    arranged couplets of bioturbated grey marlstones and

    off-white marly limestones (sometimes silicified) with

    black chert in nodules. The thickness of couplets is

    c. 20 cm. This alternation shows a major hierarchical

    arrangement in bundles (about 1 m thick) made up of

    5 couplets. This unit is attributed to the Scisti a

    Fucoidi Formation. The lower and upper boundaries

    are not exposed here; the total thickness of the

    formation can be estimated from other localities as

    100120 m.

    The disappearance of black chert in the Cretaceous

    pelagic sediments has been used to define the bound-

    ary between Maiolica and Scisti a Fucoidi Formations

    in the Umbria-Marche Basin (Coccioniet al., 1987).

    In the Gargano Promontory, the black chert occurs up

    to the top of the Scisti a Fucoidi; thus, this character

    is not useful here to separate the two formations.

    According to Cobianchi et al. (1997), the boundarycorresponds to the major lithological change from

    a limestone unit (Maiolica) to a bioturbated

    (Chondrites=Fucoidi) mainly marlstone unit. On the

    other hand, the chert colour is a diagenetic feature

    which can vary in different areas, whereas a marked

    lithological change reflects primary conditions and can

    therefore be used for wider correlations.Erba (1994)

    also recognized the general similarity between the

    Scisti a Fucoidi of the Umbria Marche Basin and

    the marly sediments above the micritic deposits of the

    Biancone Formation in the Southern Alps (Cismon

    section, northern Italy).

    About 14 m above the base, three thin (2 cm each)

    black bituminous shales were observed. Sixteen

    samples were collected from this section.

    The nannofossil and foraminiferal content was

    examined for each sample. The main results are

    discussed in the following paragraphs.

    4.1. Planktonic foraminifera

    Planktonic foraminifera from the Coppitella section

    were analysed in both thin sections and washed

    Planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils from the Selli Level 257

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    residues. Their abundance and state of preservation

    varies throughout the section (Figure 3). The samples

    (mainly thin sections) yielding abundant radiolaria

    generally contained the most poorly preserved fauna

    and most impoverished assemblages. Calcispheres

    are sometimes abundant (sample 13). Specific and

    generic identification of planktonic foraminifera

    was sometimes difficult, particularly in thin section,

    owing to both the small size of the tests and the

    recrystallization of the walls of the specimens.

    The most important bioevent recognized in the

    Coppitella section is the first occurrences of

    Leupoldina cabri. On the basis of this event, the

    Globigerinelloides blowi and the L. cabri Zones of the

    standard low-latitude biostratigraphic schemes have

    been identified (e.g.,Caron, 1985;Sliter, 1989,1992;

    Robaszynsky & Caron, 1995).

    The basal part of the section (15 m) can be

    attributed to part of the Globigerinelloides blowi Zone,

    which spans the interval from the FO of the zonal

    marker to the FO ofL. cabri, according to the original

    definition ofMoullade (1974)(Figure 2). The base of

    the zone was not recognized; in fact,G. blowioccurs in

    the lowermost sample examined. Besides the zonal

    marker, the planktonic assemblages also contain other

    Globigerinelloides (G. gottisi, G. duboisi, G. saundersi),

    clavihedbergellids and hedbergellids. The last group,

    together with favusellids, constitutes the bulk of

    the planktonic foraminiferal faunas. The species

    Leupoldina pustulanswas recorded only from sample 9.

    The upper part of the zone contains the black shale;

    across this level, globigerinelloids are temporarily

    absent. They reappear at the base of the overlying

    zone. AGlobigerinelloidescrisis was recorded at the top

    of the Globigerinelloides blowi Zone by Coccioni &

    Premoli Silva (1994, Spain) and called the

    Globigerinelloides eclipse. An eclipse of this genus

    also occurs in the Ischitella section from northern

    Gargano (Cobianchi et al., 1997), and a similar

    critical interval was observed below the Selli Level in

    the Umbria-Marche Basin (Coccioniet al. 1992).

    The black shale of the Coppitella section contains

    only sporadic, very small hedbergellids (Hedbergella


    Figure 2. Stratigraphic column of the Coppitella section with sample numbers alongside, calcareous nannofossil-planktonicforaminiferal biostratigraphic data, and main changes in microfossil assemblages. The dark shading across the Selli Levelillustrates the critical interval with pronounced faunal variations.

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    In the G. blowi Zone, small, rare specimens of

    Guembelitria have been encountered. They are

    probably attributable to two different species. They

    resemble those illustrated from the Albian Vico del

    Gargano section by Cobianchi et al. (1997, fig. 18,

    specimens 810).

    The species L. cabriappears in sample 17, indicat-

    ing the base of the L. cabri Zone (total range zone,

    according to the original definition of Bolli, 1959).

    This zone is characterized by common clavate forms.

    The top of the zone was not observed, as L. cabristill

    occurs at the top of the section.

    Over the whole interval, planktonic foraminifera re-

    main small (mainly

  • 8/14/2019 The Selli Level of the Gargano Promontory, Apulia, southern Italy: foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil data


    The Chiastozygus litterarius Zone has been defined

    byThierstein (1973)as the stratigraphic interval fromthe FOs ofRucinolithus irregularis and/orChiastozygus

    litterariusand the last occurrence (LO) of Nannoconus

    colomii to the FOs of Eprolithus floralis and/or

    Rhagodiscus angustus. The species R. irregularis was

    recorded from the bottom of the interval upwards.

    According to many authors (Mutterlose, 1992;

    Braloweret al., 1993;Erba, 1994) and to our data, the

    FO of E. floralis postdates that of R. angustus. The

    nannofloras are characterized by frequent to abundant

    species of the genusWatznaueriaand rare to common

    other species, where the most abundant and consist-

    ently recorded are Assipetra infracretacea, Biscutum

    constans, Cyclagelosphaera margerelii, Lithraphidites

    carniolensis, Manivitella pemmatoidea, Reinhardtites

    fenestratus, Rhagodiscus asper, R. embergeri, R.

    splendens, Rucinolithus terebrodentarius and Zygodiscus

    erectus. Rare to frequent nannoconids are represented

    by Nannoconus bucheri, N. globulus, N. kamptneri,

    N. minutusand N. truittii.

    The Parhabdolithus angustus Zone has been defined

    byThierstein (1973) as the stratigraphic interval from

    the FO ofEprolithus floralis to the FO ofPrediscosphaera

    columnata. The top of the zone was not recorded in the

    interval studied. The assemblages are characterized by

    the same species as those listed above; the nannoconidsare rare and poorly diversified.

    Abundance and assemblage composition fluctuate

    widely throughout the succession. From the bottom of

    the section to sample 14 nannoconids are rare but

    morphologically diverse, while in sample 15 the nan-

    noconid crisis (Erba, 1994) is recorded; above this

    level an interval in which nannoconids are very scarce

    is documented. From the base of the Upper Aptian

    (sample 18) nannoconids reappear, but their return is

    marked by a decrease in diversity and abundance.

    As pointed out by previous authors (e.g., Coccioni

    et al., 1992), Zygodiscus erectus is consistently present

    throughout the interval studied, but abundance peaks

    occur both a little below and above the black shale.

    The black shale contains a small nannofossil assem-

    blage of low diversity. The nannoflora is represented

    by frequentWatznaueria barnesaeand rareRhagodiscus

    splendens, Rucinolithus terebrodentarius and Zygodiscus

    erectus.Erba (1992)pointed out that an abundance of

    W. barnesae (more than 40% of the total nannoflora),

    low numbers of nannofossils, low species diversity,

    and no or very little micarb indicate primary

    dissolution at the sediment/water interface.

    Figure 4. Nannofossil species distribution and events in the Coppitella section.

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    Finally, in the lower portion of the section (from

    samples 813) and in the stratigraphic interval

    immediately above the black shale (from samples 17

    20), the assemblages record a considerable increase in

    abundance of bothLithraphidites carniolensisand Rha-

    godiscus asper. These species are regarded as indicators

    of moderate fertility and warmer waters (Erba, 1992).

    5. Le Batterie section

    This section is located about 1 km from the Coppitella

    section, south of the town of Vieste (Figure 1). It is

    28.5 m thick and presents the same lithological charac-

    ters as those of the Coppitella section. A thin black shale

    interval (68 cm) was observed at about 10 m above the

    base. The lithostratigraphical unit outcropping in this

    section is entirely referable to the Scisti a Fucoidi Forma-

    tion; the base and top of the formation are not exposed.

    The planktonic foraminiferal and nannofossil distri-

    butions are discussed below for the 18 samples analyzed.

    5.1. Planktonic foraminifera

    The study of planktonic foraminifera from the Le

    Batterie section was carried out mainly in thin section.

    Figure 5. Stratigraphic column of the Le Batterie section with sample numbers alongside, calcareous nannofossil-planktonicforaminiferal biostratigraphic data, and main changes in microfossil assemblages. The dark shading across the Selli Levelillustrates the critical intervals with pronounced faunal variations. The cross-bars indicate covered parts of the section.The occurrence of theGlobigerinelloides ferreolensisandG. algerianusZones in the upper covered part is presumed; a hiatuscannot be excluded in this stratigraphic interval.

    Planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils from the Selli Level 261

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    Planktonic faunas are in a variable state of preser-

    vation and are unevenly distributed throughout the

    section, with variations in percentages generally out of

    phase with radiolarian abundances.

    Planktonic assemblages from the lower 11.2 m of

    the section were referred to the Globigerinelloides blowi

    Zone. The foraminiferal faunas are similar to those of

    the Coppitella section; some differences can be related

    to different preservation. The black shale occurs at

    the top of this zone; it contains only very rare speci-

    mens of Clavihedbergella eocretacea in a fair state

    of preservation. The interval in which specimens of

    Globigerinelloides are virtually absent precedes and

    overlies this level (Globigerinelloides eclipse). Slightly

    above, the marker of the overlying zone, Leupoldina

    cabri, occurs for the first time (sample 43B,Figure 6).

    Planktonic foraminiferal tests are small, mainly

  • 8/14/2019 The Selli Level of the Gargano Promontory, Apulia, southern Italy: foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil data


    algerianus to the FO of T. bejaouaensis. This zone

    corresponds to the Hedbergella gorbachikae Zone of

    Caron (1985) and Sliter (1989). More recently,

    the same stratigraphic interval has been named the

    Planomalina cheniourensis Zone by Robaszynski &

    Caron (1995).

    The Globigerinelloides ferreolensis and G. algerianus

    Zones, located between the Leupoldina cabri and

    Hedbergella trocoideaZones in the standard Cretaceous

    low-latitude zonations mentioned above, are probably

    included in the covered tract. A hiatus in this interval

    cannot, however, be excluded.

    5.2. Calcareous nannofossils

    Nannofossil numbers fluctuate from scarce to com-

    mon, and the state of preservation is generally fair

    (Figure 7). The black shale yields a more diverse and

    abundant assemblage of calcareous nannofossils than

    the Coppitella section. In sample 44 Eprolithus floralis

    appears for the first time; the lower 12.8 m of the

    section can therefore be correlated to part of the

    Chiastozygus litterarius Zone, while the upper 15.8 m

    corresponds to part of the Rhagodiscus angustus Zone

    of Thierstein (1973).

    The most abundant species recorded in the interval

    studied are Assipetra infracretacea, Cyclagelosphaera

    margerelii, Flabellites oblongus, Lithraphidites carnio-

    lensis, Rhagodiscus asper, R. embergeri, Watznaueria

    barnesae, W. aff. manivitae and Zygodiscus erectus.

    Nannoconids are common only in the lowermost part

    of the section and are represented by Nannoconus

    bucheri, N. globulus, N. kamptneri, N. minutus and N.

    truittii. As in the Coppitella section, considerably

    below the black shale (sample 42) the nannoconids

    record a time-interval of crisis. They reappear in the

    Upper Aptian (sample 45) where Nannoconus truittii

    becomes the dominant species. This stratigraphic

    interval can probably be correlated with the N. truittii

    Acme Zone of Mutterlose (1991).

    In this section the Z. erectus and L. carniolensis - P.

    asper peaks are recorded in the same stratigraphic

    intervals as those in the Coppitella section. Finally,

    the calcareous nannofossil assemblage of the black

    Figure 7. Nannofossil species distribution and events in the Le Batterie section.

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    shale is characterized by the occurrence of common

    Watznaueria barnesae and W. aff. W. manivitae, fre-

    quent Cyclagelosphaera margerelii and W. biporta, and

    rare Assipetra infracretacea,Cretarhabdus angustiforatus,

    Rhagodiscus asper, R. embergeri, R. splendens, Rucino-

    lithus irregularis, R. terebrodentarius, W. britannica, W.communis and Zygodiscus erectus.

    6. Other fossil groups

    Ammonites and other macrofossils are absent in the

    sections studied. Among microfossil groups, ostracods

    and calcispheres are rare and their record is


    Radiolaria are generally frequent, but are unevenly

    distributed throughout the two sections. Marked

    increases in abundance correspond to a reduction in

    number of planktonic foraminifera, and vice versa.

    This group is almost the only component of

    planktonic fauna that occurs in the black shales. A

    qualitative observation of Gargano radiolarian faunas

    analyzed here shows that, by comparison with the rest

    of the section, less diverse assemblages, apparently

    dominated by spumellarians, coincide with the black

    shale. Recent studies (Erbacheret al., 1996;Erbacher

    & Thurow, 1997) have emphasized the relationship

    between extinction and radiation events of radiolaria

    in the Early Cretaceous and the oceanic anoxic

    events. Specialist study and more closely spaced

    sampling are, however, necessary to evaluate the

    ecological and evolutionary changes in radiolarianassemblages in the Coppitella and Le Batterie


    Benthonic foraminifera are generally a minor

    component of the microfossil assemblages. In some

    samples they apparently increase in abundance with

    respect to the planktonic foraminifera, probably in

    relation to the decrease of the latter group as a

    result of dissolution. Genera represented are mainly

    hyaline forms, such as Dentalinoides, Gavelinella,

    Gyroidinoides, Lagena, Marginulina and Nodosaria,

    together with agglutinating forms (Clavulinoides,

    Dorothia, Marssonella). These assemblages are gener-

    ally considered to be deep-water, bathyal indicators

    (e.g., Sikora & Olsson, 1991; Coccioni & Galeotti

    1993; Premoli Silva & Sliter, 1994). The benthonic

    fauna records a drastic decrease in abundance and

    change in composition through the black shale

    analyzed here; only rare, small forms belonging to the

    flattened, planispiral genusSpirillina were observed.

    In recent years, Cretaceous benthonic micro-

    foraminifera have been investigated as indicators of

    aerobic, dysaerobic and anaerobic conditions. These

    conditions on the sea floor, in both recent and fossil

    assemblages, have been documented on the basis of

    variations in size, dominance and composition of the

    benthonic populations (e.g., Koutsoukos & Hart,

    1990; Koutsoukos et al., 1990; Coccioni & Galeotti

    1993; Lamolda & Peryt, 1995). According to these

    studies, the assemblages indicating oxygenated con-ditions on the sea-floor are those containing diversi-

    fied fauna, with convex epifaunal forms represented

    (such asGyroidinoides). This kind of assemblage char-

    acterizes the samples investigated in this study with

    the exception of a critical interval across the black

    shale. Low diversity, small size and a predominance of

    flattened morphologies have been frequently observed

    in deposits that accumulated when oxygen levels were

    low, particularly in Mesozoic shales (Bernhard, 1986).

    This is probably related to the higher area/volume

    ratio of these forms by comparison with the inflated

    specimens. In fact, flattened specimens can simul-

    taneously oppose sinking within a sediment (where

    less oxygen occurs), maximize oxygen uptake, and

    probably also benefit from increased food supply.

    Small tests can also help to maximize relative surface

    area (Bernhard, 1986).

    The dysaerobic conditions on the sea floor, sug-

    gested by the exclusive occurrence of small Spirillina

    among the benthonic fauna, span an interval of about

    34 m across the black shale.

    7. The Selli Level of the Gargano Promontory

    Our integrated biostratigraphic analyses allow the

    Scisti a Fucoidi Formation, exposed in the Coppitella

    (Figure 8) and Le Batterie sections, to be assigned to

    the foraminiferal Globigerinelloides blowi-Hedbergella

    trocoidea Zones p.p. and nannofossil Chiastozygus

    litteriariusParhabdolithus angustusZonesp.p.This cor-

    relation between the nannofossil and foraminiferal

    biozones confirms that reported in previous integrated

    biostratigraphic schemes (e.g., Coccioni et al., 1992;

    Coccioni & Galeotti, 1993; Bralower et al., 1995).

    The age of the analysed sections spans the late Early

    Aptian to the early Late Aptian, according to the

    correlations generally in use between the biozones and

    the standard stages (e.g.,Bralower et al., 1995).

    The two thin black intervals (Figure 9) observed in

    these sections are correlatable, and both fall within the

    upper part of the G. blowi (planktonic foraminiferal)

    and C. litterarius (calcareous nannofossil) Zones, thus

    suggesting that they correlate with the Selli Level

    in the Umbria-Marche Basin and Southern Alps

    (Bersezio 1992, 1993; Erba, 1994). This level is

    considered to be the sedimentary expression of

    oceanic anoxic event OAE 1a ofArthur et al. (1990).

    264 M. Cobianchi et al.

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    It is well known that the Barremian-Aptian interval

    is characterized by the occurrence of widespread

    anoxic deposits. In particular the Selli Level, ident-

    ified and named for the first time by Coccioni et al.

    (1987,1989), appears to be the best and most widely

    documented. It correlates as well with global event

    OAE1a, although its sedimentological and geo-

    chemical features and thickness vary in different


    A detailed biostratigraphical and palaeoecological

    study, based on quantitative analyses of planktonic

    foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils, was carried

    out by Coccioni et al. (1992) for the Barremian-

    Aptian interval in the Umbria-Marche region of

    central Italy. In this region the interval corresponding

    to the Selli Level is about 2 m thick, and consists of an

    alternation of black shales with radiolarian silty/sandy

    layers. Even though our study is preliminary, and

    hence less detailed, it indicates similar major events

    across the Selli Level highlighted by these authors.

    Our data confirm that a crisis of globigerinelloids

    and nannoconids, documented by their temporary

    absence, precedes and follows the Selli Level, thus

    attesting that these forms are the most oligotrophic

    indicators through this stratigraphic interval (Caron &

    Homewood, 1983;Leckie, 1987,1989;Premoli Silva

    et al., 1989; Coccioni et al., 1992; Erba, 1994).Moreover across the Selli Level, an increase in

    numbers of hedbergellids, Zygodiscus erectus and

    Biscutum constans, considered to be eutrophic groups,

    was recorded. The eutrophic radiolarians are also very

    abundant in this interval, but the composition and

    abundance of the assemblages varies widely through-

    out the sections, and is generally out of phase with

    planktonic foraminifera. The same biotic variations of

    the nannofossil assemblages have been documented

    by Erba (1994) for the Selli Level in the Cismon

    section (Southern Alps). The distribution and com-

    position of microfossil faunas of the Selli Level from

    the Gorgo Cerbara section induced Coccioni et al.

    (1992)to interpret this level as being related to a very

    high-fertility event. In the Umbria-Marche Basin,

    the black shale is completely barren of benthos and

    calcareous plankton, and enriched in radiolarians

    and Corg.

    The temporary absence of calcareous plankton,

    often recorded in correspondence with black shales,

    has been related to different causes, possibly in com-

    bination; for example, a rise in the carbonate compen-

    sation depth (CCD) for a short period of time, or

    highly corrosive waters associated with the degra-

    dation of large amounts of organic material on the seafloor or during early diagenesis (Braloweret al., 1994).

    A further explanation for the absence of calcareous

    plankton is high productivity associated with oxygen

    deficiency. In present-day oceans, nannoplankton

    become less competitive with respect to diatoms and

    dinoflagellates in highly eutrophic conditions, while

    planktonic foraminifera are intolerant of oxygen

    deficiency. There is still widespread debate about the

    causes of deposition of Cretaceous Corg-rich sedi-

    ments. In case of organic matter of marine origin, they

    are interpreted as a result of high primary productivity

    or conditions favouring the preservation of the organic

    material produced (e.g.,Dean et al., 1986;Schlanger

    et al., 1987; Premoli Silva et al., 1989; Bralower &

    Thierstein, 1984, Bralower et al., 1994). The black

    shales of the OAE1a are, however, generally related to

    a high productivity event.

    The variations in planktonic assemblages below and

    above the Selli Level in the northern Gargano sections

    record critical conditions, similar to those in the

    Umbria-Marche Basin, for some groups that are in-

    terpreted as more specialized, oligotrophic forms. At

    the same time, an increase in eutrophic forms occurs.

    Figure 8. Typical marlstone-limestone couplets of theScisti a Fucoidi Formation in the Coppitella section.

    Figure 9. The Selli Level in the Coppitella section.

    Planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils from the Selli Level 265

  • 8/14/2019 The Selli Level of the Gargano Promontory, Apulia, southern Italy: foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil data


    This suggests a high fertility episode of superficial

    water. A more detailed analysis involving geochemical

    data and a wider stratigraphic interval would, how-

    ever, be necessary to relate more precisely eutrophy

    to preservation of organic matter and quantitative

    variations in fossil assemblages. In fact, levelsshowing peak abundances of radiolaria or hedbergel-

    lids are not necessarily associated with the preser-

    vation of large quantities of organic matter in black


    Various differences exist, however, between the

    Umbria-Marche and Gargano areas. In fact, the Selli

    Level of the Gargano Promontory, which is notably

    thinner, is not completely devoid of calcareous plank-

    ton; this probably indicates slightly lower eutrophy.

    Benthonic foraminifera are also present in this level,

    although they record a notable change in the compos-

    ition and size of the assemblages. In particular, diverse

    faunas are substituted by an assemblage characterized

    by the genus Spirillina. The occurrence of benthonic

    fauna in the Selli Level of the Gargano Promontory

    therefore indicates local dysaerobic conditions on

    the sea-floor in contrast with the complete anoxia

    recorded in the Umbria-Marche Basin.

    The onset of critical conditions in marine environ-

    ments during the late Early Aptian (OAE 1a), are

    widely documented by an evident perturbation in

    the biotic signal. However the crisis for calcareous

    plankton was not so dramatic as that related to OAE 2

    at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (CTBE of

    Arthuret al., 1987), which led to the extinction of thedeeper-dwelling specialized rotaliporids. In fact, the

    interval of crisis related to OAE 1a during the late

    Early Aptian is followed by a recovery of calcareous

    planktonic communities without any major extinction

    events. As far as the foraminifera are concerned, this is

    probably because of their lower state of specialization

    at this time, when they had not yet colonized the

    deepest habitats (Bralower et al., 1994).

    8. Summary and conclusions

    The classical Cretaceous succession of the Umbria-

    Marche Basin (Maiolica, Scisti a Fucoidi and Scaglia)

    can be recognized further to the south, in the Gargano

    Promontory, as recently pointed out by Cobianchi

    et al. (1997). The similarity between the two succes-

    sion is also supported by the occurrence of anoxic

    episodes of Albian age which are correlatable in the

    two areas. In this study, an integrated biostratigraphic

    analysis (planktonic foraminifera and calcareous

    nannofossils) of two sections exposed near Vieste

    (northern Gargano), suggests that the black shale

    newly recognized in the lower portion of the Scisti

    a Fucoidi is equivalent to the Selli Level in the

    Umbria-Marche Basin.

    The most important results of this study can be

    summarized as follows:

    (1) Our biostratigraphical data enable the Scisti a

    Fucoidi Formation, outcropping in the Coppitellaand Le Batterie sections, to be assigned to the

    foraminiferal Globigerinelloides blowiHedbergella

    trocoidea p.p. and nannofossil Chiastozygus litterarius

    Parhabdolithus angustus p.p. Zones. The correlation

    between nannofossils and foraminiferal events ob-

    served for the Gargano promontory confirms that of

    previous integrated biostratigraphic schemes (e.g.,

    Coccioni et al., 1992; Coccioni & Galeotti, 1993;

    Bralower et al., 1995).

    (2) The genusGuembelitria (probably represented by

    two species) was found in northern Gargano in levels

    of Early Aptian age (upper part of the G. blowiand C.

    litterarius Zones). This datum represents the oldest

    known occurrence of the genus, previously reported

    from the Upper Aptian of northeastern Brazil

    (Koutsoukos, 1994).

    (3) The black shale recorded in the lower portion of

    the Scisti a Fucoidi can be attributed to the upper part

    of theG. blowiand C. litterariusZones, suggesting that

    it can be correlated with the Selli Level, recognized in

    the Umbria Marche Basin and the Southern Alps. It

    is considered to be the sedimentary expression of

    oceanic anoxic event OAE 1a ofArthuret al. (1990).

    (4) The microfossil distribution patterns across the

    Selli Level present some major variations. A crisis ofGlobigerinelloides and nannoconids preceded and fol-

    lowed the anoxic episode, while the black shale con-

    tains evidence of a marked increase in hedbergellids,

    Zygodiscus erectus and Biscutum constans. Radiolaria,

    which are considered to be eutrophic indicators, are

    also very frequent and of low diversity in the Selli

    Level, although their abundance fluctuates consider-

    ably throughout the sections. Nevertheless some dif-

    ferences exist between the Umbria-Marche and

    Gargano areas. The Selli Level in northern Gargano,

    in contrast to the black level in the Gorgo a Cerbara

    section, but in common with the Cismon section

    (Erba, 1994) is not completely barren of calcareous

    plankton; this may well suggest slightly less fertile

    surface water or a shallower environment. Moreover,

    the occurrence in the Gargano Selli Level of the

    benthonic genusSpirillina indicates local dysaerobic

    conditions versus complete anoxia on the sea floor.


    The authors are indebted to A. Bosellini and M.

    Morsilli for suggesting that these sections should be

    analysed, and for their help in the field. This paper is

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    financially supported by the Italian MURST (ex 60%

    grant, V. Luciani), CNR (A. Bosellini) and FAR (G.

    Brambilla) grants. We thank D. J. Batten, J. Jeremiah

    and an anomymous referee for critically reviewing the

    manuscript and useful comments.


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    List of cited species with author attributions and dates

    Planktonic foraminifera

    Clavihedbergella eocretacea Neagu, 1975C. semielongata (Longoria, 1974)Globigerinelloides aptiense Longoria, 1974G. barri(Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan, 1957)G. blowi(Bolli, 1959)G. cepedai(Obregon, 1959)G. duboisi(Chevalier, 1961)

    G. ferreolensis (Moullade, 1966)G. gottisi(Chevalier, 1961)G. saundersi(Bolli, 1959)Guembelitria sp. 1Guembelitria sp. 2Hedbergella aptiana Bartenstein, 1965H. aptica (Agalarova, 1951)H. delrioensis (Carsey, 1962)H. excelsa Longoria, 1974H. gorbachikae Longoria, 1974H. kuhryiLongoria, 1974H. kuznetsovae (Banner & Desai, 1988)H. malaskovae Longoria, 1974H. planispira (Tappan, 1940)H. sigaliMoullade, 1966H. similis Longoria, 1974H. simplex (Morrow, 1934)

    H. trocoidea (Gandolfi, 1942)Leupoldina cabri(Sigal, 1952)L. pustulans (Bolli, 1957)Ticinella bejaouaensis transitoria Longoria, 1974

    Calcareous nannofossils

    Assipetra infracretacea (Thierstein, 1973) Roth, 1973Biscutum constans (Gorka, 1957) Black, 1967Braarudosphaera regularis Black, 1973Chiastozygus litterarius (Gorka, 1957) Manivit, 1971Conusphaera mexicana Trejo, 1969Cretarhabdus angustiforatus (Black, 1971) Bukry, 1973C. conicus Bramlette & Martini, 1964C. surirellus (Deflandre, 1954) Reinhardt, 1970Cyclagelosphaera margereliiNoel, 1965Diazomatolithus lehmaniiNoel, 1965

    Discorhabdus rotatorius (Bukry, 1969) Thierstein, 1973Eprolithus floralis (Stradner, 1962) Stover, 1966Flabellites oblongus (Thierstein, 1973) Crux, 1982Lithraphidites alatus magnus Covington & Wise, 1987L. carniolensis Deflandre, 1963Manivitella pemmatoidea (Deflandre in Manivit, 1965) Thierstein,

    1971Markalius circumradiatus (Stover, 1966) Perch-Nielsen, 1968Micrantholithus hoschulzii(Reinhardt, 1966) Thierstein, 1971Microstaurus chiastus (Worsley, 1971) Grun in Grun & Alleman,

    1975Nannoconus bucheriBronnimann, 1955N. globulus Bronnimann, 1955N. kamptneriBronnimann, 1955N. minutus Bronnimann, 1955

    268 M. Cobianchi et al.

  • 8/14/2019 The Selli Level of the Gargano Promontory, Apulia, southern Italy: foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil data


    N. steinmanniiKamptner, 1931N. truittiiBronnimann, 1955Parhabdolithus angustus (Stradner, 1963) StradnerP. asper(Stradner, 1963) Manivit, 1971P. embergeri(Noel, 1958) Stradner, 1963P. pseudoangustus Bralower et al. in Covington & Wise, 1987P. splendens (Deflandre, 1953) Noel, 1969

    Reinhardtites fenestratus (Worsley, 1971) Thierstein in Roth &Thierstein, 1972

    Rucinolithus irregularis Thierstein in Roth & Thierstein, 1972

    R. terebrodentarius Applegate, Bralower, Covington & Wise, 1987Vagalapilla stradneri(Rood, Hay & Barnard, 1971) Thierstein, 1973Watznaueria barnesae (Black, 1959) Perch-Nielsen, 1968W. biporta Bukry, 1969W. britannica (Stradner, 1963) Reinhardt, 1964W. communis Reinhardt, 1964W. aff. W. manivitae Bukry, 1973

    W. ovata Bukry, 1969Zygodiscus diplogrammus (Deflandre in Deflandre & Fert, 1954)Z. erectus(Deflandre, 1954) Bralower, Monechi & Thierstein, 1989

    Planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils from the Selli Level 269
