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The Shattered Stars A Post DS-9 Campaign Setting Beyond the Final Frontier Edition
Page 1: The Shattered Stars - Patrick Goodmanstrpg.patrickgoodman.org/documents/adventures/Shattered-Stars-N… · created, and steps are taken to accelerate research into technologies brought

The Shattered Stars

A Post DS-9 Campaign Setting

Beyond the Final Frontier Edition

Page 2: The Shattered Stars - Patrick Goodmanstrpg.patrickgoodman.org/documents/adventures/Shattered-Stars-N… · created, and steps are taken to accelerate research into technologies brought

Written By Roger L. Taylor II

Illustrated by: Roger Taylor, Rex Rouviere, Andrew Hodges, John D. Lees, and TFAndrews

Special Thanks To:

Play-testers:Rex, Justin, and Jeremy Rouviere,

Erin Ruston, Russell Boltz, Jed Smith,the U.S.S. Retributor,

( http://www.ussretributor.com )and

the Seventh Star Fleet( http://www.SeventhFleet.org )

Time line Data was taken from the Path to 2409, part of the Star Trek Online MMORPG.

Star Trek © Paramount Pictures, Star Trek The Role playing Game © Decipher, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Page 3: The Shattered Stars - Patrick Goodmanstrpg.patrickgoodman.org/documents/adventures/Shattered-Stars-N… · created, and steps are taken to accelerate research into technologies brought

Introduction The “Shattered Stars” is a campaign setting for use with the Star Trek: Role playing Game by Decipher. This campaign setting is set near the Federation/Romulan border beginning in the year 2388. As a convenience, this booklet includes game stats for the Starship Sakarya and her principle characters. Narrators should feel free to substitute their own vessel and characters as needed.

Campaign Synopsis In the wake of the destruction of the Romulan homeworld, Starfleet Command has surged every available starship into the areas surrounding the Romulan Neutral Zone to provide security and humanitarian relief. The heroes and their respective starships are assigned to the Otorin Sector to aid in relief and peacekeeping duties along that section of the border. The Shattered Stars a “Fleet-level” campaign, designed to allow several starships and crews to uncover corresponding pieces of the overall campaign arc and add to the tapestry of the campaign as a whole. The information available to each starship crew regarding these events should largely (though not exclusively) depend upon the reports submitted by the individual ship commanders. The data contained in this manual are intended for Narrators and contain the most complete data available on the ships, places, and individuals mentioned in the campaign. There are two primary story arcs in the Shattered Stars campaign, outlined below. Additional and stand-alone story arcs can be created at the Narrator's discretion.

Arc One- Providing humanitarian aid and assistance (and political stability) to the Romulans. The Romulan military and political hierarchies have been decimated by the loss of the home worlds, and factional in-fighting is growing pronounced. The Romulan colony worlds the fleet approaches may or may not accept the aid the Federation is offering. Additionally, rogue (or not) military

forces and pirates are preying upon the relief convoys. Matters come to a head (and a fleet level stand-off) when the civil unrest in Romulan space threatens to pour across the Neutral Zone into Federation space.

Arc Two- Investigate and eliminate the Toren metagenic and isolytic weapons programs and put a stop to their reconstruction efforts by interdicting military supplies and suppliers.

Recommended Date/ Season/Stardate: 2389/Voyager 19th Season/ 66000 to 66999

Setting: The Otorin Sector lies along the Federation’s spinward border with the Romulan Empire. The sector has historically been quiet, although military altercations and incursions have taken place in nearby sectors. Although the Neutral Zone perimeters have been thoroughly charted (mostly to defend against Romulan incursion), the sector generally remains unexplored. The Otorin Sector lies relatively close to both the Ferengi and the Romulan Empire, and is home to one of the few “safe passage” lanes between the Romulan Empire and United Federation of Planets. As the Otorin Region is also home to a number of “non-aligned powers”, the sector sees a fair amount of merchant traffic conducting legitimate and less-than-legitimate trade. Additional (and more detailed information about the sector can be found under Otorin Sector Overview, below.


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Political Climate

Following the end of the Dominion War, the alliance between the three great Alpha Quadrant powers has weakened considerably.

The Romulan Empire The destruction of the Romulan homeworlds -and loss of the economic and governmental heart of the Empire- has turned Romulan attention inward and left them divided and ineffective on the galactic stage. For the time being, the Romulans have withdrawn back inside their borders to begin rebuilding their fleets and political and economic infrastructure.

The Klingon Empire The Klingons are stretched thin to their commitments (economic, political, and military) on a number of fronts. In addition to governing occupied Cardassian worlds, the Klingons are currently engaged in an undeclared “brush war” against the Gorn Hegemony. In addition, Klingon rebuilding efforts in the wake of the war have lagged far behind those of the Federation.

The Cardassians The former Cardassian Union is in economic and political ruin, having suffered hundreds of millions dead and entire worlds devastated during the final hours of the Dominion War. The Cardassian fleet is a shadow of its former glory and the Obsidian Order either exterminated or in hiding. The Reconstruction Committee works closely with Federation relief forces providing humanitarian relief and assistance in rebuilding, The Federation advisers work closely with the Committee and local governments, but crime, disease, and want are rampant- and a thriving underground has developed. Thirty-five Cardassian worlds are classified as “protectorates” under direct Klingon authority, and held by occupying troops. Federation relief efforts are allowed in to assist the populace, but reconstruction efforts on Klingon-held worlds lag far behind those elsewhere. The Klingons are conquerors, not builders. The situation is somewhat better on the dozen Cardassian worlds held by the Romulans. The people of these worlds fared

somewhat better materially- the Romulans were careful to seize these worlds intact, but much of what they produced was sent to the Empire as tribute, rather than to Cardassia Prime. With the destruction of the Romulan homeworlds, most of these worlds have been abandoned by the Romulans, and local Cardassian authorities are struggling to fill the sudden void.

The Dominion With the exception of a small (Vorta-only) diplomatic legation at Deep Space 9, the Dominion has withdrawn all of its forces to the far side of the Bajoran Wormhole, and has ceased attacks on Federation and Bajoran settlements in the Gamma quadrant. Unfortunately, not all of the Jem'Hadar and Vorta have received- or obeyed- the recall orders. Small Jem'Hadar bands still conduct hit-and-run raids against targets throughout the Alpha Quadrant. Starfleet and the Klingon Empire have attempted to hunt down and eliminate these bands with mixed success. Starfleet Intelligence believes that the Dominion defeat in the Alpha Quadrant triggered several small revolts in the Gamma Quadrant- revolts that were brutally suppressed. Despite the end of the War, the Dominion's overall expansionist nature does not appear to have changed, nor have their long-tern goals been clarified.

Other Powers The Breen were soundly defeated during the Dominion War, but much of their fleet survived and power base survived intact. Following the Armistice, Orion and Ferengi opportunists have moved into areas destabilized during the War, and have set themselves up as strong men and crime bosses in lightly patrolled areas. Smuggling, gun-running, slavery, and piracy are at an all-time high in Cardassian space, prompting Starfleet and the Klingon Empire to step up patrols.


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Shattered Stars Time line

The year is 2389 and the post-Dominion War environment is chaotic and unstable.

2379-2380: In the wake of the assassination of the Romulan Senate and the death of Shinzon, Tal'aura becomes the leader and praetor of the Romulan Empire. Repaired and refitted, the U.S.S. Enterprise resumes her exploratory mission with a new crew. The female Changeling is tried for war crimes and imprisoned at a maximum security facility on Ananke Alpha. Reconstruction efforts on Cardassia Prime are opposed by conservative, xenophobic, and religious groups, but enjoy the support of the Reconstruction Committee.

2381: Praetor Tal’aura struggles to reunite the Empire while Romulan and Reman military forces skirmish with one another.

Commander Donatra of the Valdore and a cadre of disaffected military officers take advantage of the turmoil and capture several key agricultural worlds. Donatra declares herself Empress of the break-away Romulan Imperial State. An increase in Borg activity led Federation researchers and planners to believe that a new Queen has been created, and steps are taken to accelerate research into technologies brought back by the U.S.S. Voyager. When no new threat emerges by 2385,and with little progress made, those measures are canceled.

2382: With Donatra's Romulan Imperial State holding firm control of a number of key agricultural worlds, the Romulan Empire itself faces hunger. As her people face starvation, Praetor Tal’aura reluctantly accepts Federation humanitarian relief. Tal’aura begins a number of government reforms, weakening the power of many of the old hard-line families and creating a number of new enemies. Spock and the Unificationists use the opportunity to push for further reforms and greater liberalization.

The Klingons take advantage of the turmoil and seize several disputed worlds. Ro Laren- completes her penal colony sentence for desertion and treason- and

returns to Bajor, where she takes up the duties as Chief of Security on Deep Space Nine.

2383: The forces of the Romulan Empire and the Romulan Imperial State begin skirmishing openly, while the Klingons take advantage of the turmoil through cross-border raids. Federation-Klingon relations are severely strained by Klingon aggression against the Romulans.

2384: As conflict with the Romulan Imperial State becomes more heated, Praetor Tal’aura reluctantly enters into negotiations between the two powers, but is assassinated shortly thereafter. The Klingons close down relations with the Gorn following an unprovoked (and apparently unsanctioned) attack on a Klingon starship.

2385: At the request of the Federation president, Jean-Luc Picard resigns his commission and takes up the post of Federation Ambassador to Vulcan. Working with the Soong Foundation and the Daystrom Institute, Geordi La Forge manages to reactivate the “Data Matrix”, restoring Commander Data by overwriting the B-4 personality. Worf again resigns from Starfleet to work towards easing the tensions between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Starfleet Command- believing the Borg threat to be minimal following the damage done by the Enterprise-E and Voyager, disbands its Borg Task Force. An agreement between the Romulan Empire and Romulan Imperial State reunifies the two powers. Senator Chulan is chosen as the new Praetor, but much of the military power remains with Commander Donatra.

2386: Chairman Rehaek of the Tal Shiar determines that Praetor Tal’aura was assassinated by a cabal of Romulan noble families whose power was broken by Tal’aura’s reforms. The finding results in a blood feud between Rehaek and Proconsul Sela, and culminates in the death of the Chairman and his family. Sela is sentenced


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to die for the violence, but Donatra arranges that she be exiled instead. Klingon-Gorn relations continue to worsen and shots are fired between the warships of either side. The Klingons attack and occupy the Gorn colony of Gila IV. The Federation and Cardassia sign a treaty making the Federation responsible for Cardassian military security, allowing the Union to disband its standing military forces and devote its resources to the reconstruction effort. Odo, acting as Dominion ambassador, meets with the leader of the Alpha Quadrant Jem’Hadar and requests they return to the Gamma Quadrant, but is denounced and the request is refused.

2387: Romulan scientists note the instability of the Hobus star and Spock appears before the Romulan Senate to warn of the danger of a supernova. Spock asks the Senate to work with the Vulcan Science Academy on the issue, but the request is denied. Spock then meets with Ambassador Picard and the two men request the assistance of the Vulcan Science Academy, but are rebuffed. With additional reports of dangerous instability in the Hobus Star, the Romulan Senate finally authorizes a full evacuation and every available vessel is recalled to ferry residents off-world. The evacuation is expected to take six weeks. The star explodes seventy-two hours later. Starfleet immediately dispatches all available vessels to provide humanitarian aid, but billions are dead and many millions displaced. After a number of unauthorized Romulan attacks against Klingon vessels, Chancellor Martok orders a fleet under General Worf into Romulan space. Ambassador Spock, using a secretly developed decalithium compound called “red matter” manages to contain the supernova with a limited duration singularity, but is lost in the process.

2388: Following the destruction of the economic and political heart of the Empire, the Romulans are in disarray. The

leadership council of Rator III declares itself the new Senate and Rator II the new capitol, but is quickly challenged by leaders of Achenar Prime and Abraxas V.

Admiral Taris emerges as a possible leader, but decides to concentrate her efforts on marshaling the remnants of the Romulan Fleet. Federation attempts to provide aid are stymied by Romulan suspicion and mistrust of Federation motives and actions and by the political chaos. While most Federation allies also act to provide support, the Klingons bluntly refuse. General Martok states that, “The Klingons will offer no treaty, no aid, and no hand that is not holding a blade.” Cross-border raids by Klingons accelerate. The 7th Fleet is deployed to the Otorin Sector, taking up a temporary homeport at Starbase 153, and coordinating their efforts through Admiral Thol. Cross-border raids by Romulan and Orion pirate forces plague the area, as do the military ambitions of the Toren Autonomy. Rumors reach Starfleet Intelligence that the Toren are attempting to develop metagenic weapons- weapons capable of destroying all life on a planet. Towards the end of 2388, illicit arms sales from Cardassian renegades allow the Toren to bolster their fighting capability.

2389: Infighting continues between various Romulan colonial governors and the military chain of command remains chaotic. Throughout the year, five candidates attempt to seize the Imperial throne, more than two dozen declare themselves Praetor, and at least a dozen more claim to be the Supreme Commander of the Romulan military. Most are assassinated in short order.


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Otorin Sector Overview The Otorin Sector lies along the Federation’s spinward border with the Romulan Empire. The sector has historically been quiet, although military altercations and incursions have taken place in nearby sectors. Although the Neutral Zone perimeters have been thoroughly charted (mostly to defend against Romulan incursion), the sector generally remains unexplored.

Speed 1 LY Speed 1 LY

Standard Orbit 112,499 years Warp 7 13.37 hours

Full Impulse 4.00 years Warp 8 8.56 hours

Warp 1 1.00 years Warp 9 5.78 hours

Warp 2 36.53 days Warp 9.2 5.32 hours

Warp 3 9.37 days Warp 9.6 4.59 hours

Warp 4 3.58 days Warp 9.9 2.87 hours

Warp 5 1.71 days Warp 9.99 1.11 hours

Warp 6 22.37 hours Warp 9.9999 2.64 minutes


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Acheron A Romulan mining colony that played out and was abandoned in the late 2280's. Starfleet Intelligence believes some weapons testing and training (mostly space-to-ground bombardments) were conducted there prior to 2330, but no definitive information is available. Sometime in the last five centuries, Acheron was struck by either a comet or asteroid which left a smoldering crater some 350 km wide and 8 km deep.

Class MGravity 1.3 GSystem Data 3rd planet, extensive dust/asteroid

planetary ringClimate Warm and Humid, with extensive

table and polder land. Standard Atmosphere, 54% hydrosphere, 223 days / 29.1 hrs

Demographics Unknown.Civilization None known. Abandoned

Romulan mining colony TL 7/8 technologyResources None. Places of Note Abandoned mining complexes,

North Crater.

Akki An unexplored system. Eleven planets orbiting a Type G4V star. Planet III is Class M, and home to a pre-warp flight industrial society. No contact permitted per Prime Directive restrictions.

Anaret An independent, but Federation-allied world, Anaret is home to a humanoid civilization believed to have been seeded by the Preservers. The Anaret colonized Gamma Otorin IV (a Class L moon) and later conquered Gamma Otorin V, fully incorporating the population into the Imperium. Anaret is ruled by a controlled hereditary monarchy, the Anaret Imperium, with power divided between the Imperium (which acts as the supreme executive and judicial authority) and the Counts, who act (collectively) as the Imperial legislature and (individually) as territorial executive and judiciary authorities. The arrangement is not dissimilar to the Romulan practice, a likeness which the Romulans have not yet been able to exploit. Anaret's location on the Neutral Zone has made it a sticking point in negotiations with

the Romulans, and by treaty, no Federation military or intelligence forces can be based there, though a mutual defense pact does exist. Despite this agreement, a Federation consulate and trade legation exist, and Imperial officers have attended Starfleet Academy and various post-graduate schools,and a small number of Anaret serve with Starfleet. Federation surplus vessels have been purchased for the Imperial Navy, including the elderly Princess Corinne (ex-Alora). Further information regarding the Anaret can be found under Species Profiles below, and in the adventure “Oathbound”. Adventure Seeds: Starfleet Intelligence

learns that someone is acquiring boronite from the Otorin Sector in order to create an Omega device.Class MGravity 1.1 GSystem Data 6th planet, 1 Class L moonClimate Warm and Humid, with extensive

table and polder land. Standard Atmosphere, 77% hydrosphere, 481 days / 22.8 hrs

Demographics 183 million.Civilization Controlled monarchy, one native

sapient species. TL 7/8 technology Resources Duranium and galicite mining.

Boronite. Pharmaceutical production.Places of Note Imperial palace, Anaret Prime

(Capital city).

Anâth A comparatively new Romulan colony, Anâth was originally founded in 2341 to take advantage of extensive mineral deposits. As a result, the world became home to a large number of Reman expatriates. About a decade after Anâth was founded, the “easily”

accessible veins began to run out and it was determined that deep-mining of the crust

would be difficult, at best. Since that time, Anâth has seen a number of innovative mining techniques developed and tested, but worker safety (and fatalities) remain the worst (and highest) in the Empire. Because the planet is unwelcoming and hostile, many of the “colonists”- particularly those who not engaged directly in the mining lived in a large orbital city in a stationary orbit over the planet. With the collapse of the Romulan government, riots broke out in the mining camps, and the violence boiled over


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into the orbital city, rendering it uninhabitable. Anâth today is in chaos, with the few remaining Imperial overseers holding onto power through guile, barter, and even brute force. A once-orderly (if repressive) world has degenerated into the kind of chaos that enveloped the failed Tarkana IV settlement in the Federation. Adventure Seeds: The heroes might be sent

to Khôral on a humanitarian mission, to restore order, in pursuit of a renegade trader or smuggler, or even to acquire a rare and much-needed product of the planet's mines. Class HGravity 1.85 GSystem Data 7th planet, 3 Class D moonsClimate Extremely hot and dry. Active

geothermal fissures. Extremely thin atmosphere, 2% hydrosphere, 981 days / 34.4 hrs

Demographics 18,000 (73% Reman, 27% Romulan)

Civilization Romulan colony, no native sapient species. TL 7/8 technology

Resources Extensive mineral and chemical salts, abundant geothermal energy.

Places of Note Orbital City

Asaran 404 An unremarkable Class D/F world in an unremarkable system. Ignored even by the Romulans, Asaran 404 is the crash site of the U.S.S. Celerity. The Celerity hulk was scuttled in 2388. The Asaran system and the wreck of the Starship Celerity appear in the stand-alone adventure “Ascendancy”.

Bathân A former Romulan penal colony, Bathân was the dumping ground for petty thieves and political dissidents until the turn of the century. The descendents of those unfortunates inhabit the planet today, but like their ancestors, suffered from official neglect and unofficial hostility from the Romulan government, leading to deliberate dependency upon the homeworlds for technical and mechanical support. The discovery of extensive veins of magnasite brought (comparative) wealth to the colony,but little independence, and poverty and subsistence-level labor remain common. In 2341, the harsh planetary governor died (some say the death was suspicious) and

brought in a more sympathetic regime under Governor J'Tal, who instituted major social reforms and continues to wield executive power. Since the collapse of the Romulan government, Bathân has suffered serious shortages of basic parts and supplies leading to unrest and the idling of their magnasite industry. Unrest, crime, and violence (both political and social) are on the rise. Nearly all of the inhabitants of Bathân own a stake in the magnasite mines or work in the various support industries. Many “owe their soul to the company store”, but lost their only customer when the homeworlds were destroyed. While hosting a Federation humanitarian relief effort in 2389, Bathân was the site of a terrorist attack which resulted in more than a hundred Romulan civilians and Federation personnel dead or wounded. Despite the lack of conclusive evidence, Romulan government officials accused Captain S'Val of the U.S.S. T'Varan of a coverup and resulted in the expulsion of the convoy from Romulan space and the temporary suspension of Federation relief efforts within the Romulan Empire. Adventure Seeds: Bâthan is a poor world

headed for anarchy and disaster, and is considered one of the most likely to break away from the Romulan Empire. In reality, this rumor is based solely upon prejudice against the “unreliable” nature of the Bâthan citizens. Even if the Bâthan colonists were to entertain the notion (which they don't), the remnants of the Romulan military would not hesitate to punish such a revolt. Despite this, Starfleet or Section 31 might not be averse to sending in the heroes to assess or even subvert the world. Class MGravity 1.1 GSystem Data 3rd planet, 1 Class D moonClimate Warm and Humid, with extensive

mountain ranges. Standard Atmosphere, 67% hydrosphere, 411 days / 21.1 hrs

Demographics 291 million.Civilization Romulan colony, no native

sapient species. TL 7/8 technology Resources Magnasite mining. Possible

Duranium veins. Places of Note Bathân (Capital city)

Capori IV


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An old, stable Federation colony world, Capori specialized in production of duranium, zienite, and verterium cortenide. The colony is small, self-sufficient, and profitable.

Class MGravity 1.004 GSystem Data 4th planet, 2 Class D moonsClimate Warm and Humid, with extensive

table and polder land. Standard Atmosphere, 81% hydrosphere, 372 days / 22.8 hrs

Demographics 6 million.Civilization Federation colony, no native

sapient species. TL 7/8 technology Resources Duranium, zienite, and verterium

cortenide mining. Some crystal production.

Places of Note 3 orbiting cargo stations, out-system comm relay station.

The Daeran System An unremarkable system with few resources and no habitable worlds, The Daeran primary is a very dim Type D8 VI red dwarf star with three planets and an asteroid belt, and is occasionally used by Starfleet for training and tactical exercises. The system is off-limits to civilian traffic. The Daeran primary puts out (relatively) little in the way of heat or light, but does have a glowing corona, and frequently emits high levels of dangerous radiation. Approaches of less than 1 million kilometers are not advised.

Daeran I is a Class F world- barren, with no atmosphere, and lakes of molten lead on it's surface.

Daeran II is a Class K world- with day time highs in the 400OF range, and a verythin atmosphere. A survey team was landed in 2244 to look for possible mineral or other resources, but was withdrawn by 2249.

The Daeran Belt is a medium density collection of rock, dust, and other debris left over from the creation of the system. It poses a considerable hazard to navigation, but has been deemed marginally passable under controlled conditions.

Daeran III is an unusual Class Y giant with an unusually active magnetosphere. Upper atmosphere winds often exceed Mach 1 and usually contain reactive chemicals or


Devari Nebula A large Class E (Gamma Eridani type) nebula, the ionized particle cloud interferes with electronics, particularly subspacecommunications. The nebula has a variable border and is approximately six light years long, two light years wide and two light years deep. The Devari Nebula is theorized to be comprised of seven zones of variable activity (and shifting borders), becoming progressively worse the deeper one penetrates into the nebula perimeter. Zone 1, the area of lightest activity, forms an outer “ring” approximately ½ light year deep. No probe has survived or returned deeper than Zone 3, and no manned missions have been authorized due to the nebula's position inside the Romulan Neutral Zone. The nebula is known to contain protostars and massive debris fields, and is considered a Type 3 stellar nursery. Radiation spikes and plasma flares interfere with sensors and navigation, and pose a significant risk to ships and personnel. The nebula is considered impassible and is avoided by both military and all civilian shipping. The Devari Nebula appears in the adventure “The Tomb Raiders”. Adventure Seeds: The heroes are assigned

to answer a distress call from a priority courier on a classified mission- and to safeguard her secrets and cargo at all costs. The trail for the lost starship leads them deep into the Devari Nebula.

- The heroes are tasked with investigating spurious/anomalous signals in a dangerous nebula. The nebula interferes with ship's sensors, and degrades all of the ship's systems- but worse, is corrosive/destructive to the hull and engines. Specific instances of breakdowns and hull breaches occur- but are their natural events, sabotage, or something else at work? *The ship is invaded by a non-corporeal life-form native to the nebula which doesn't realize its actions are harmful.

Earth Outposts 27, 28, 29,34, and 42 These Earth Outposts were established in the 2170’s following the Earth-Romulan War.


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They have been updated and modernized periodically since then. The Outposts are generally similar, usually tunneled a kilometer deep in nickel-iron asteroids. Crew complements vary, but average about one hundred officers and men. Several such outposts were destroyed during the Romulan incursion of 2268.

Edoran A “forgotten” world in the Neutral Zone, Edoran is an Orion colony world with apopulation of more than two million. Edoran is not officially aligned with any major interstellar power, and guards that neutrality cagily. Rumors abound of pirate activity originating from Edoran, but given that the presence of Starfleet patrol forces on one side and the Romulans (and their somewhat final method of dealing with pirates) on the other, the Edorans are very careful in how they operate. Edoran appears in the adventure “Fracture Lines”. Adventure Seeds: Edoran is a marketplace

where any number of deals can be hatched and run. Certain Cardassian strongmen a/o Federation traitors may be hiding out on Edoran. After the events in “Fracture Lines”, Edoran is home to a joint Federation-Romulan research station investigating what are believed to be Iconian or proto-Iconian ruins in the northern hemisphere. This facility and the research taking place there are ripe opportunities for intrigue, espionage, and scientific missions- especially should their experiments go awry.

Etarin Nebula Roughly 82 AUs in diameter, the Etarin Nebula is the remnant of the system after the Etarin Primary went nova approximately twelve thousand years ago. A faint Type D white dwarf is believed to lie at the heart of this nebula. Conflicting rumors persist which suggest that the Etarin system was destroyed by a sun-killer bomb during one of the previous Orion “Empires” (some suggest the second, some the fifth) and claim the system contains ruined worlds covered with the ruins (and treasures) of the “lost Etarin Demesne”- a supposedly

technologically advanced and fabulously wealthy society. To date, no historical evidence has surfaced to suggest that this “lost” civilization even existed. Adventure Seeds- with the chaos in the

Romulan Empire, one or more adventurersmight be persuaded to risk life and limb in exchange for fabulous riches. What they find is left to the individual Narrator's discretion.

Hoslund An unexplored system. Seventeen planets orbiting a Type F2III star. Planets VI and VII are Class M, as is one moon of Planet XIII. No known sapient lifeforms.

Iaba An associate member of the Federation, Iaba maintains a high degree of independence over its trade operations in the face of interstellar politics. Iaba routinely trades with the Romulans, Ferengi, Breen, Toren Autonomy and a half dozen others whose relations with the Federation proper are strained at best. Starfleet Command and the Federation look the other way over these arrangements for two reasons: first, Iaba serves as a “last bridge” to these otherwise hostile powers, and second, no evidence has surfaced indicating that Iaba directly supports the war machines of these powers. The people of Iaba are somewhat unusual- although outwardly identical to humans, they posses copper-based blood (like the people of Sarpeidon). There has been some speculation that might have been a “lost colony” of that doomed world, but no evidence exists to corroborate the theories. One of the main attractions of Iaba is the Bazaar, a kilometers-wide flea market with hundreds of thousands of stalls, vendors, and merchandise of every sort on display and sale. It is said that nearly anything that can be desired can be found in the Iaba Bazaar. Iaba suffered a fusion explosion in a notoriously violent section of the Bazaar, which vaporized six square city blocks and cost a dozen lives. Local authorities believe the explosion was the result of a conflict between rival gangs of weapons smugglers. Adventure Seeds: Iaba is a crossroads

marketplace where any number of deals can be hatched and run. The heroes could


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be sent here for a meeting or to conduct all sorts of business possible nowhere else in the Federation.

- The heroes make port over Iaba towing a disabled freighter and a cargo of refugees. Ferengi and Breen representatives get very antsy as they are preparing for an illegal arms sale, and have bought off the portmaster. Other possible items involved in the sale might include slaves, narcotics, or even an organism that causes tissue regeneration/cloning.Class MGravity 1.021 GSystem Data 5th planet, 1 Class D moonClimate Warm and Humid, with extensive

table and polder land. Standard Atmosphere, 81% hydrosphere, 372 days / 22.8 hrs

Demographics 6 million.Civilization Federation colony, no native

sapient species. TL 7/8 technology Resources Heavy trade in manufactured goods,

luxury items and works of art. Places of Note Main space port, Iaba

Bazaar, orbiting cargo stations.

Illyrica Nine A small civilian station, Illyrica Nine serves as a trading hub on the far east side of the sector, and boasts a variety of clientele- many of whom will not venture to Starbase 153 or Station K-12 for fear of the authorities there. Nobody really knows who owns the station, as the ownership trail dead ends in a number of Orion and Ferengi corporate holdings. I-9 offers decent maintenance facilities with fairly skilled shipwrights and asks few questions. Although the station is technically within Federation jurisdiction, the outpost's extra-territorial ownership and allegiance ensure that the Federation keeps a hands-off stance (and a sharp eye on who comes and goes...) One of the busiest establishments on I-9 is the Spider's Webb, owned by a former Starfleet crewman (retired as an E-5) named Samuel Webb. Especially when compares to the bright lights, cleanliness, and precision of a Federation starbase, Illyrica Nine is a warm- almost homey- environment. The lighting is dimmer (though generally still adequate) and the bulkheads are painted a warm, organic brown or rust-orange. Archways and supports lend a closed-in, cozy air to the environment.

Of course, those who let their guards too far down are only asking for trouble. Adventure Seeds: Illyrica Nine is Courd's

stronghold and the center of his web. The heroes may come here for information, illicit transport, illegal services, to make contact with certain other persons, or even to be kidnapped.

Kaimo An unexplored system. Nine planets orbiting a Type A4IV star. Planets IV is Class M, planet V is Class L and VI are Class H. No known sapient lifeforms.

Khôral The Romulan sector capital bordering the Otorin Sector, Khôral is one of the larger Romulan colony worlds. Originally founded in 2297, Khôral suffered from a lack of central planning and controlled development early in its development. Originally a lush and fertile world with a number of “young” mountain ranges, the world is now divided into two basic categories: rocky, untamed wilderness and polluted urban sprawl. Nearly all of the cities exist on the coastlines, and the population density in these areas is just over twenty thousand people per square mile. Serving as an administrative center and government hub, Khôral conducted a great deal of trade with other Romulan colony worlds, trading consumer electronics and other services for food- but since the destruction of the Romulan homeworlds and attendant collapse of the Romulan economy, has had trouble feeding itself. Major efforts are underway to expand the fisheries and sea-farming plants, but unless drastic action is taken, these will result in over-fishing and permanent harm to the planet's ecology. Adventure Seeds: As a Romulan

megalopolis, Khôral is a city of extremes, home to both a thriving underworld and criminal element, and to the remnants of political power within the Empire. Almost by default, Khôral would be the scene of major political conference regarding the fate and future of the Romulan government. Class MGravity 1.1 GSystem Data 4th planet, 6 large rings


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Climate Cool and wet, with numerous “platform” cities along the coast line. Standard Atmosphere, 87% hydrosphere, 391 days / 29.1 hrs

Demographics 682 million.Civilization Romulan colony, no native

sapient species. TL 7/8 technology Resources Limited surface mining and

manufacturing, extensive fishing and sea farming. Orbital mining of the planetary rings.

Places of Note Edokei (Capital city)

Mirja Nine planets orbiting a Type B1V star. Planet V is Class M and home to a pre-warp flight industrial society. No contact permitted per Prime Directive restrictions.

Okori I A high security Federation outpost, the installation is highly restricted, subject to intense security procedures and houses extremely sensitive data and material. Okori I has been designed specifically for the analysis of Borg artifacts and technology, and testing anti-Borg strategies and weaponry. Although the world is Class M, an extremely energetic ionosphere wreaks havoc on electronics and electronic devices on the surface. Subspace transmissions, transporters, and even simple radio cannot penetrate the thick atmospheric interference. Personnel and cargo transfers take place from orbiting starships via shuttlecraft and a heavy battery of orbiting defense platforms ensures security. Starship traffic in and out of the system is strictly controlled. The research facility consists of a heavily shielded garrison on the surface and a series of underground bunkers tunneled several hundred meters deep into the bedrock. The laboratory areas are surrounded be eight layers of meter-thick duranium, hfredium, diburnium-osmium, and magnesite sheeting. Each lab is fitted with multiple layers of security, including isolated, independent power, life support, and computer systems. The labs are fitted with reactor coolant sprays, stasis field generators, and electromagnetic pulse generators to contain and, if necessary, destroy anything within the laboratories. Laboratory walls are three-meter thick bulkheads of alternating layers of reinforced duranium and forced-matrix cobalt-yttrium-

polyduranide. Low-level Structural Integrity Fields provide additional reinforcement and electromechanical isolation. Laboratory access is electromechanically isolated- there are no controls to allow exit from inside. Ingress and egress are controlled at several security checkpoints equipped with deadman switches. The entire facility is fitted with automatic destruct packages designed to detect certain levels of environmental change outside the laboratories. Finally, facility computer protocols are protected by a fractal encryption code and by biometric monitors which compare physical profiles against the operators making the request, If the monitors detect either Borg nanoprobes or too great a variance between the operator’s condition and the profile on record, the system will physically lock down preventing access. Since 2385 (and the dismantling of the Federation's anti-Borg task force), the facility has acted more as a warehouse for dangerous artifacts than as an active research facility. Adventure Seeds: A great many secrets are

harbored in Okori I's labs and dungeons. The heroes may come here for special equipment or information, or to clean up the mess if something breaks loose.

Acquisition- For the last decade and a half, Otorin III has been at the forefront of developing anti-Borg technologies on behalf of Starfleet and the Federation. Many of these technologies are dangerous in the extreme, and Starfleet Command has ordered the destruction of many of the most dangerous samples. Starfleet has also decided that the safest means of destroying the technologies is to load them aboard a transport and plunge that ship into the Otorin sun. To ensure that this operation goes off without a hitch, Starfleet Command has assigned the heroes to oversee the destruction and ensure that containment protocols are carried out exactly. Unfortunately for both Starfleet and the heroes, Section 31 and one of the researchers have other plans for some of the technologies involved. Class MGravity 1.001 GSystem Data 3rd planet


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Climate Cool and breezy, with extensive mountain ranges and foot hills, 61% hydrosphere, 348 days / 23.1 hrs

Demographics 1,500.Civilization Federation research colony, no

native sapient species. TL 7/8 technology Resources None. Places of Note Federation Research Colony,

orbital defense platforms

Osireon IV-B The second moon of the gas giant Osireon IV is Class M, lush, dark, and fertile. Predominantly jungle, Osireon is an unremarkable world deep inside Romulan space. It is home to a small garrison of the Praetorian Guard. Osireon IV-B features prominently in the adventure “Ascendancy”.

Class MGravity 1.051 GSystem Data 2nd moon of planet four.Climate Warm, dark, and humid. 78%

hydrosphere, 195 days / 27.3 hrsDemographics 250.Civilization Praetorian Guard Military garrison,

no native sapient species. TL 7/8 technology

Resources Deep crystal and metal deposits.Places of Note Praetorian Guard garrison.

Outpost K-12 An older K-Type outpost, K-12 serves as a general trading hub and as a port of call for vessels transiting to and from the Romulan Star Empire. K-12 is rumored to have a thriving black market despite the best efforts of Starfleet security. Adventure Seeds: K-12 likes to present itself

as a cosmopolitan and somewhat dangerous place- and deals and quiet contacts can indeed be made here- but the plain truth is that all of the really under-the-table activity takes place at Illyrica Nine, Iaba, or Edoran. Still, the players might pick up on secret deals, minor smuggling, or even a transient spy or two.

Outpost Otorin II Small, but centrally located, Otorin Two is the primary Romulan military center in the western Otorin Sector- and comparable in function (if not size) to Starbase 153. Otorin Two consists of an outpost orbiting a Class D planetoid along with two space docks The larger dock can support vessels up to size 10,

the smaller size 6.

Outpost Otorin III A small, carefully maintained outpost, Otorin III is used primarily as an inspection station and port of call for vessels entering and exiting the Romulan Empire.

Rockall Also known as the Rockall Massif, this is a rogue Class D world and a small collection of asteroids sitting by themselves in deep space. Rockall is a cold, airless, pitiless world (much like Earth's moon). Rockall is a mystery- associated with no known star, the world is scorched, barren, and covered with basaltic glass, ash, and soot.

Romulan Outposts 21 –30 These monitoring outposts were established in the 2170’s to counter those placed along the Federation side of the Neutral Zone.

Romulan Outposts 26 The site of a recent battle between the Klingon cruiser noD'wi and four Romulan vessels, this outpost is now a shattered hulk. How- precisely- the U.S.S. Retributor was involved in this battle remains classified- but several heated diplomatic communiques were dispatched to the Federation by the Romulan Empire.

Savot II A fairly well established Romulan colony, Savot II was founded in 2238 and specializes in small electronics production for Romulan civilian use and in basic electronic components for later installation in military applications. The colony is self-sufficient for its populaces basic needs, but must import nearly thirty percent of the raw materials needed to continue production.

Class MGravity 1.12 GSystem Data 3rd planet, 1 Class D moonClimate Warm and Humid, with extensive

table and polder land. Standard Atmosphere, 81% hydrosphere, 372 days / 22.8 hrs

Demographics 6 million.Civilization Romulan colony, no native

sapient species. TL 7/8 technology Resources Civilian application electronics,

some agriculture.


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Places of Note 2 orbiting cargo and communications stations. Imperial garrison.

Safe Transit Corridor Established by treaty, this corridor (1/2 light year in width) accommodates vessels with legitimate business traveling between the Romulan Star Empire and the United Federation of Planets. Vessels transiting the corridor are required to stop at both Station K-12 and Outpost Otorin III for inspection. Government vessels and those with diplomatic immunity are not required to stop.

Shal'ti An Federation-allied Andorian colony world established in 2335 in order to exploit a particularly rich vein of dilithium. Dilithium production on Shal'ti peaked at 50 tons per year in 2351, but has since declined to an average of 21 tons per annum. Various other crystals, ores, and a particularly rich sarium vein have taken up the slack production, leaving Shal'ti relatively prosperous. The primary colony site is Shal'ti Prime, built largely on and under a tall mountain peak. The colony's primary spaceport lies at the foot of the mountain, but the civilian, trade,and visitor quarters of the city are built into beautifully sculpted,airy, glassed-in terraces on the mountain side. The Shal'ti terraces are considered both a sector landmark and a work of art. The primary colony is home to just over a quarter of a million inhabitants (mostly Andorian), but there are four other large mine/colony sites on the world, as well as several hundred lesser mines operated by independent prospectors. An orbital transfer station (in geosynchronous orbit over Shal'ti Prime) accommodates vessels too large to land on the planet's surface. Shal'ti's single moon is home to I'kanos, a religious retreat home to roughly 2000 pilgrims. Essentially a “back-to-basics” movement, the I'Kanos colony adhere to both a very strict interpretation of the Andorian dueling code and to a strict code of hospitality- so long as they do no real harm, visitors are welcome for so long as they feel the need to stay. The I'Kanos colonists are extremely self-disciplined, even by Andorian standards. Adventure Seeds: Shal'ti is the home port

for one of the local pirate bands. Shal'ti might also serve as the site of a major diplomatic or trade conference. Class MGravity 1.19 GSystem Data 3rd planet, 1 large Class L moon, 1

small rock-and-dust beltClimate Cold and arid, with extensive high

mountain ranges. Standard (but somewhatthin) Atmosphere, 73% hydrosphere, 488 days / 18.1 hrs

Demographics 300,000.Civilization Federation colony, no native

sapient species. TL 7/8 technology Resources Dilithium, other crystal, and

sarium production. Extensive trade in machine tools and parts, luxury items, and food stuffs.

Places of Note Shal'ti Prime (main colony site), Orbital transfer station.

Starbase 153- The primary Starfleet administrative and logistics facility in the Otorin Sector, Starbase 153 hosts three large dockyards and coordinates Starfleet activity over three sectors. Starbase 153 is home to Starfleet Security Rapid Response Teams 5&7 and is the first responder for Okori I. As of 2388, the station is commanded by Vice Admiral Thol. The Starbase 153 dockyards can accommodate up to seven starships Size 6 or larger. Modeled after Earth's Spacedock (Starbase 1) Starbase 153 is a massive deep-space facility, and incorporates not only the main station, but three smaller “orbital office” complexes built nearby. The starbase has every sort of amenity that the heroes could want, and a market place that sells every sort of (legal) commodity they might want. The Promenade deck is actually an “open air” market and exchange some eight levels high and crowded with potted greenery and a small artificial lake. The general rule seems to be that the lower one travels in the Promenade, the seedier the shops and the rougher the clientele- but Starfleet security maintains a prominent presence on each level. The upper levels of the Promenade contain shops of every description, upper-end transient quarters and hotels, the officers and enlisted clubs, mess halls, cafes and coffee bars, consulates for several Federation worlds, a


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Catholic mission, an inter-denominational chapel, and a variety of ethnic and cultural restaurants (notably, Vulcan, Klingon, and Ferengi). The lower levels contain shipping brokers, public-access infirmaries, stock and commodity exchanges, and a number of less-mainstream (but still carefully regulated) shops- including a homeopathic apothecary. These levels are also replete with rental storage units, inexpensive transient quarters (including a tube-hotel), communications exchanges, night clubs, and spacer-bars.

T'Kar A blistering, desolate world, T'Kar is Class M, but bears many resemblances to Vulcan- but is warm even compared to that desert world. T'Kar has only a 40% hydrosphere, mostly concentrated in highland lakes in the upper latitudes and broad, shallow seas near the equatorial band. In particularly warm, dry years, many of these seas (each roughly comparable to Earth's Mediterranean Sea in size) can disappear almost completely- forming vast, stinking mudflats as far as the eye can see. T'Kar is tectonically active (especially near its equator) and the world's main attractions are the equatorial salt-flats ( which produce a staggering variety of chemical and metal salts) and the Vulcan monastery (P'Kar) in the northern highlands. A small geological research station (Hell's Gate Station) occupies the eastern continent, and overlooks a deep cataract that extends almost three kilometers into the planet's mantle. The station was built largely to study the plate tectonics of this young, untamed world, but despite scientific curiosity and unique opportunities for research, duty at Hell's Gate Station is classified as hazardous and is not at all popular. Adventure Seeds: T'Kar is a brutal, nasty

world and off the beaten path- as such, it might make a good hiding place for pirates and other ne'er-do-wells. The heroesmight need to tap into the esoteric wisdom to be gleaned from the Vulcan monastery, need special materials obtained from one of

the salt-flat processing stations, or even conduct a rescue for some wayward scientists at Hell's Gate Station.

Devil in the Deep- Research scientists and

other personnel at the Hell's Gate station are disappearing or dying in an unusual number of accidents, and Starfleet Security suspects sabotage. The heroes are sent to investigate. Is the threat something similar to a Horta, or something more esoteric?Class MGravity 1.003 GSystem Data 5th planet, 1 Class D moonsClimate Mild and Temperate with extensive

broad plains and a few ranges of high,old mountains. Standard Atmosphere, 79% hydrosphere, 281 days / 24.2 hrs

Demographics 15,000 (43% human, 41% Vulcan, 8% Andorian, 6% Tellarite, 2% other).

Civilization Federation colony, no native sapient species. TL 7/8 technology

Resources Extensive mineral and chemical salts, abundant geothermal energy.

Places of Note P'Kar Monastery, Salt Flat processing stations, Hell's Gate Station

Theta Marroquin Named for the astronomer who first charted the system, Theta Marroquin is an A3 VI white dwarf prone to flares and ion storms. Too unstable to produce planets, the star is surrounded by an extensive asteroid belt extends out to roughly the five AU mark.

Type A stars tend to be metal rich, suggesting that the asteroids will likewise be rich in metals and other useful compounds, and was leased to the Kyril Island Mining Consortium for survey and mineral exploration. The lease was abruptly canceled in early 2388 and the system quarantined by Starfleet order following an industrial accident which killed three people and destroyed the mining consortium's base of operations. Adventure Seeds: A unique compound with

properties similar to the Omega particle was discovered in this system. Who knows what other elements remain to be found- or what factions will attempt to exploit them? Starfleet detects a series of subspace anomalies emanating from this system and dispatches a starship to investigate. Upon arrival, the heroes discover a species of space-borne lifeforms (not terribly different than mini Doomsday Devices) busily eating away at the inner system- and preparing to look for greener pastures.

The heroes are tasked with investigating reports that the abandoned mining station


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has been reactivated. When the heroes arrive, the entire solar system is being flooded with energy- essentially a massive, system-wide thunderstorm. The heroes are trapped on the station until the storm passes, but the EM storm causes psychological imbalances, causing the heroes to see things and become increasingly paranoid.

Toreth T'lok A former military garrison and research center, Toreth T'Lok is named for the twohabitable worlds in the system. The larger of the two is Toreth, a balmy class M world with a population of 50 million. The smaller of the two is T'lok, a Class M moon in orbit around the larger world, has a population of just under 4 million. Both worlds share nearly identical gravity due to T'Lok's much denser core. Toreth is young and heavily mountainous (and therefore unsuitable for large scale agriculture), and appears to have entered a period of seismic quiescence. Industry on Toreth focuses largely around small scale mining and sea-farming. T'lok is a former Romulan military test-site and garrison, and most industry on T'lok was centered around supporting the now-defunct garrison and deep-core mining, and much of the labor force was imported from Remus. When the garrison was withdrawn, most of the developed facilities were turned over to commercial manufacturing interests- which have suffered since the destruction of the homeworlds. As the world already had a large Reman population, T'lok received a large influx of Reman ex-expatriates and much of the world's infrastructure and management was left in their hands as part of Praetor Tal'aura's reforms. Adventure Seeds: T'lok has become a

Reman power base, and has considerable potential to become a major powerhouse within the reformed Romulan Empire- making it a potential source for both political intrigue and espionage, as well as a staging facility for military expeditions. When the quantum singularity reactor there destabilizes, it threatens not onlyfour million Reman (and Romulan) lives, but threatens to further destabilize the political and power structures of the

already chaotic Romulan Empire. Numerous factions- from the Romulans and Remans themselves to the Klingon Empire and Section 31 have a vested interest in how this situation is resolved.Class MGravity 1.12 GSystem Data 3rd planet of seven, 1 Class M

moonClimate Warm and Humid, with extensive

mountain ranges. Sea-farming and small-scale mining. Standard Atmosphere, 81% hydrosphere, 352 days / 23.3 hrs

Demographics 54 million between both worlds.

Civilization Romulan colonies, no native sapient species. TL 7/8 technology

Resources Civilian application electronics, some agriculture.

Places of Note 2 large orbital shipyards, orbiting cargo and communications stations. Former Imperial garrison, experimental quantum singularity reactor.

Toren Autonomy The Toren Autonomy is a small, militant, autocratic power which seized or colonized four planets and three moons in three star systems. A backwards military power, the Autonomy is socially and technology limited and isolated, possessing Tech level 6 or early Tech level 7 starships and military citadels. The vast majority of the population lives in TL 4/5 hovels. The Autonomy attempted to engage the Federation in military action roughly seventy years ago and were soundly beaten. Four Federation starships were able to route the cream of the Autonomy fleet, and after hostilities ended, the Federation ambassador advised the Toren they could come out and play after they grew up a little. Unfortunately, the Autonomy has grown more recalcitrant rather than less. Starfleet Intelligence believes that the Autonomy has been receiving technical and military assistance from Dominion, and possibly Cardassian sources since the end of the Dominion War, largely in exchange for foodstuffs and agricultural equipment. Further information regarding the Toren can be found under Species Profiles below, and in the adventure “At What Price Peace?”.


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Vakaris A mild, comfortable world, Vakaris has extensive ranges of arable land and broad forests and heaths. The bread basket of the sector, Vakaris exports a variety of bulk food stuffs and special products including tea, coffee, fresh fruits, and medicinal herbs and plants. The east continent town of New Baltimore is home to a budding artistic community- mostly of avaunt-garde writers.

Class MGravity 1.003 GSystem Data 5th planet, 1 Class D moonsClimate Mild and Temperate with extensive

broad plains and a few ranges of high,oldmountains. Standard Atmosphere, 79% hydrosphere, 281 days / 24.2 hrs

Demographics 1.4 million (43% human, 41% Vulcan, 8% Andorian, 6% Tellarite, 2% other).

Civilization Federation colony, no native sapient species. TL 7/8 technology

Resources Extensive agriculture, special agricultural products (medicines, tea, and coffee). Some metal, crystal, and hardwood production.

Places of Note New Glasgow (capital), 1 solar observatory, out-system comm relay station.

Varain Cluster Deep within Romulan space, the Varain Cluster is a group of five stars which orbit within each others' heliopause. The resulting cloud of planetary debris, dust, and radiometric interference severely hampers both sensors and warp envelope creation. Hazardous to navigate but interesting to behold, most vessels avoid it as much as possible.


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Otorin Sector Reserve Fleet Profiles The Otorin Sector Reserve Fleet is a collection of older Starfleet vessels kept in inactive reserve- normally unmanned, and are reactivated only in times of war or other extreme emergency, and with the permission of Commander, Starfleet. When mobilized, Reserve Fleet vessels are usually “combat-manned”: normal crew complements for Command, Tactical, Operations, and Engineering departments and skeleton crews for Medical, Science and other departments.

USS Hiei


Production Data Origin: United Federation of Planets Class and Type: Excelsior Class

Cruiser Year Launched: 2292Hull Data Structure: 35 Size: 7, 30 decks Length: 470m Crew: 770 Cargo Capacity: 70 Atmospheric Capable: NoOperational Data Transporters: 3 ea pers., cargo,emerg. Sensor Systems Class 2 (+2/C) Operations Systems Class 4 (E) Life Support Class 2 (C) Tractor Beams: 1av, 1ad Separation System: (Emergency Only) Shuttlebays: 1 aft Shuttles: 7 size worth Propulsion Data Impulse Engines: RSV (D) (.7c) Warp Drive: LN-72 Mod 1 (D) (Warp 6.5/ 8 / 9.7)Tactical Phaser Banks Type VIII (x5)(C) Photon Torpedoes MK 22 DF (x6/D)

Penetration 6 / 5 / 5 / 0 / 0 Photon Penetration 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 Deflector Shields CIDSS-2 (C)

Protection/Threshold 14/4Miscellaneous Maneuver Modifiers +1 C, +2 H, +2 T Traits: Outdated- Because of the age and condition of her systems, Hiei suffers a -2 to all

Helm maneuvers.

Hiei was commissioned in 2291 and served with distinction through 2360. She was scheduled for a Service-Life Extension Program refit in 2362, but the Battle of Beniil Prime intervened. Hiei was one of seven Federation starships which intercepted a twelve-ship Cardassian attack force headed for Starbase 19, and was able to repel the invaders. Unfortunately, in the final moment of the engagement, the Hiei was rammed amidships by the Cardassian flagship, destroying much of her engineering hull and breaking her keel. Hiei was repaired at Starbase 153, but major modifications were deemed uneconomical and the ship was placed in reserve. Hiei was reactivated for the Dominion War, but served only in second-line duty and did not see action. Although structural repairs were completed after the collision, repeated surveys by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers show extensive stress damage to all of her remaining main structural members. She is rated as “space-worthy”, but many members of Starfleet consider her hull to be suspect.


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Remora ClassEscorts

Production Data Origin: United Federation of Planets Class and Type: Remora class Escort Year Launched: 2262 Refit: 2274Hull Data Structure: 40Size/Decks: 6/16 decks Length/Beam/Height: 210/170/60 m Complement: 162Operational Data Transporters: 3 ea Cargo Units: 70 Shuttlebay: 1 aft Shuttlecraft: 6 size worth Tractor Beams: 1FV, 1AV Separation System: No Sensor System: Class 2 (+2/C) Operations System: Class 3 (D) Life Support: Class 3 (D)Propulsion Data Impulse System: RSM (.75c) (D) Warp System: PB-16 (Warp 4.5 / 5 / 6.5) (C)Tactical Data Phaser Banks: Type VI (x4/B) Photon Torpedoes: Mk 6 DF (x2/C) Penetration: 4/4/4/0/0 Penetration: 3/3/3/3/3 Deflector Shield: PFF 2a (B)

Protection/Threshold: 13/3Miscellaneous Data Maneuvering: +0C +2H +3T

Traits: NoneNotes: The Remora class escort was designed as a quick-to-build short-range escort vessel for

protection of shipping mission. Originally launched in 2262, the Remora received a refit in 2274 that included the addition of a Mk 6 DF torpedo system.

U.S.S. Vorek NCC-2445 was commissioned in 2277, and saw service in the Federation Core. Named for a Tellarite starship captain killed during the Four Years War, Vorek served with an all-Tellarite crew. The ship was decommissioned in 2296 and placed in reserve.

U.S.S. Ward NCC-2446 was commissioned in 2277, and saw service along the Klingon border. Escorting a convoy during the skirmishes which followed the Khitomer Accords, the Ward was torpedoes by a Klingon Bird of Prey near the Athos system, but was able to drive off the attacker and get her convoy safely to port. Ward was declared surplus to the needs of the Fleet and placed in reserve in 2302.

U.S.S. Talus NCC-2447 was commissioned in 2277, and saw service along the Klingon border. During the military draw down following the Khitomer Accords, the Talus was declared surplus to the needs of the Fleet and placed in reserve in 2294.

U.S.S. Greer NCC-2454 was commissioned in 2276, and saw service along the Klingon border. During the border skirmishes which preceded and followed the Khitomer Accords, the Greer gained a reputation as “the ship where danger was not”. The sectors and patrol stations were invariably quiet- until the ship left, at which point trouble usually followed. After the signing of the Khitomer Accords, Greer was declared surplus to the needs of the Fleet and placed in reserve in 2294.


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Species Profiles

The Anaret An independent, but Federation-allied world, Anaret is home to a humanoid civilization believed to have been seeded by the Preservers. The Anaret colonized Gamma Otorin IV (a Class L moon) and later conquered Gamma Otorin V, fully incorporating the population into the Imperium.

Physiology Nearly identical to terrestrial humans, the Anaret tend to be stockier and more muscular (and more physically fit) than human norm. Skin and hair colors run the same gamut as Terran human, but tend toward dusky olive or tan. Most Anaret are slightly stronger and hardier than terrestrial humans, if not quite as agile.

Personality The Anaret tend to run the same gamut of personalities as humans, though there are some surprising similarities with the Klingons and Romulans- notably their focus on both physical health and honor. The Anaret focus on honor centers around one's oaths and conduct as much as upon one's family name. As a general rule among the Anaret, the given word is kept- or the swearer dies (often with help). An Anaret makes various oaths of loyalty, fidelity, and obedience and is expected to honor those oaths at nearly all costs. Known oath-breakers become social pariahs and outcasts. As a result, the Anaret are slow to give formal oaths, but will do almost anything to keep them. Like the Klingons, the Anaret also pride themselves on physical strength and physical fitness. They have little patience or tolerance for the weak and the infirm, though the advancement of medical science has softened their stance over the last few generations.

Homeworld The Anaret are native to Gamma Otorin III, but the lack of both evolutionary fore-bearers and indigenous ruins suggests that the species did not evolve there. Gamma Otorin III is locked in an unusual elliptical orbit which brings the planet much closer to (and conversely, much farther away) from its primary than Earth. The result is severe climactic shifts occurring roughly every five years, in addition to normal seasonal variations. (Gamma Otorin III's distance from

its primary varies by +/- 15 million kilometers, compared to +/- 6 million kilometers for Earth). As a result, the planet is an extraordinarily hostile and unforgiving world with harsh climates and terrain, severe seasonal variations, and ferocious predators- and little margin for survival. A great deal of the perennial native ecology is actually toxic to humans. Harsh conditions have forced the Anaret to be harsh in turn. Gamma Otorin V is also Class M, and is far more pastoral, and now serves as the breadbasket of the Imperium.

Societal Structure At a fundamental level, Anaret society and is geared towards the survival of the species. Those who contribute the most toward the pack's survival- the strongest, the smartest, and the most clever- were rewarded. Those who could not be relied upon were quickly “culled from the herd”. As the Anaret learned to tame and control their environment, these evolutionary pressures eased- but left an indelible mark on the Anaret psyche. Being able to rely upon one another is not simply a virtue, it is the keystone of their survival. Anaret society was originally divided along clan lines, with various tribes warring among themselves for the resources needed for survival. As the tribes learned to cooperate in order to conquer and adapt their environment to their needs, territorial boundaries replaced clan loyalties- and keeping one's given word became the cement that held these alliances together. As war-fighting technologies developed, the consequences of these conflicts became more and more dire. A territory devastated by chemical or even conventional war could not support a population- and was of no value to either the defenders or the would-be conquerors. Roughly five hundred years ago (right around the Victorian Era on Earth), a warlord named


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Anari managed to conquer or unite the various nation states under his banner, creating the Imperium. Anaret legend suggests parallels between the Anari of legend and Joseph of Egypt, in that he managed to increase and stockpile his territories' resources while his neighbors warred. In the midst of orbital winter, Anari then bought his rivals' allegiance with a few bags of grain as their populations faced starvation. Legend or not, the Imperium has survived to the present day despite the occasional civil war.

Government Structure Anaret is ruled by a controlled hereditary monarchy, the Anaret Imperium, with power divided between the Emperor or Empress (who acts as the supreme executive and judicial authority) and Imperial Councilors, who act (collectively) as the Imperial legislature and (individually) as territorial executive and judiciary authorities. Each Councilor wields supreme executive and judicial authority within his territory (subject to review both by the Emperor and the Imperial Council). Councilors generally gain their position through inheritance (father to son) but may also be appointed by the Emperor (subject to confirmation by the existing Councilors). Various Imperial ministries (such as Defense and Interior) are appointed and staffed by the Imperium, but most local affairs- including trade and infrastructure are handled on a district-by-district basis. Anaret justice systems vary from territory to territory- but tend to be both harsh and final. The most heinous punishments (reserved for the worst offenders) are exile and death- usually by exposure.

The arrangement is not terribly dissimilar to the Romulan practice, a likeness which the Romulans have not yet been able to exploit.

Interstellar Relations Anaret's location on the Neutral Zone has made it a sticking point in negotiations with the Romulans, and by treaty, no Federation military or intelligence forces can be based there, though a mutual defense pact does exist. Despite this agreement, a Federation consulate and trade legation exist, and Imperial officers have attended Starfleet Academy and various post-graduate schools,and a small number of Anaret serve with Starfleet. Federation surplus vessels have been purchased for the Imperial Navy, including the elderly cruiser Princess Corinne (ex-Alora).

Technological Summary Anaret technological is Tech Level 6/7- comparable to Federation standard in most respects.

Projections: Starfleet Intelligence and the Federation Diplomatic Corps expect little change in Federation-Anaret relations over the short term. All offers of membership and alliance between the two powers are opposed by the Romulans and have been summarily rejected by the Anaret. Starfleet Intelligence is concerned about possible unrest upon the death of the reigning Emperor. Tarsat is nearing eighty years of age and is in failing health, but his heir is only seven years old- and no where near ready or able to hold the reigns of power. The Anaret political hierarchy are oath-bound to the Emperor, but it is unknown how they will respond to a regency government.

Notes The Anaret first appeared in the adventure “Oath-Bound” and are available for use as Player Characters.

Favored Profession Scientist, Starship Officer, or Soldier. The Anaret can take up almost any profession, but the heroes will encounter them most often in one of these roles.

Species Adjustment+1 STR, +1 VIT

Species Abilities:Honorable: Anaret may add their Renown bonus (for good or ill) to interaction tests with other Anaret (or- at the Narrator's discretion- with others who share a similar reverence for


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honor and integrity).Oath-bound: Like the Klingons, the Anaret place great stock in their honor, and would rather die than break their given word (and often receive outside assistance toward that end). In order to willingly break a sworn oath, the character must spend a Courage point (without any immediate benefit). Anaret characters who flagrantly violate their oaths may (at the Narrator's discretion) earn the Dark Secret or Species Enmity (Anaret) flaw. Only The Strong Survive: The harsh environment of Gamma Otorin III has honed Anaret pragmatism almost to the point of ruthlessness. Those who cannot keep up or contribute (mentally or physically) are seldom tolerated for long and are swiftly “culled from the pack”. Mercy killings are not unheard of (and were once common place). When confronted with someone who is obviously physically or mentally unable to “carry their own weight”, an Anaret character suffers a -2 penalty to all Social tests. The Anaret are neither bullies nor without compassion- but survival of the fittest is deeply ingrained in their psyche.Physically Fit: The demands of survival and psychology drives the Anaret to push themselves to the peak of physical condition. When making a Strength, Vitality, or Athletics test, the character doubles the key attribute modifier. The character also gains a +1 Stamina at character creation.Skilled: Like most other humans, the Anaret tend to draw on a broad range of experiences, and as a result, receive two additional skill picks during Character Creation.


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I.A.S. Princess Corinne

Production Data Origin: United Federation of Planets Class and Type: Andor Class

"Missile" Cruiser Year Launched: 2274 Refit: 2376Hull Data Structure: 35 Size/Decks: 6/16 decks Length/Beam/Height: 260/130/60 m Complement: 240Operational Data Transporters: 6 standard, 6 emergency, 6 cargo Cargo Units: 65 Shuttlebay: 1 stardrive aft Shuttlecraft: 6 size worth Tractor Beams: 1F, 1AV Separation System: No Sensor System: Class 3 (+3/D) Operations System: Class 3 (D) Life Support: Class 3 (D)Propulsion Data Impulse System: RSM (.75c) (D) Warp System: PB-32 Mod 3 (Warp 5 / 6 / 6.5) (D)Tactical Data Phaser Banks: Type VII (B) Photon Torpedoes: Mk 75 DF (x3/B)

Penetration: 3/3/2/0/0 Photon Penetration: 5/5/5/5/5 Deflector Shield: PFF 3 (B) Quantum Penetration: 6/6/6/6/6

Protection/Threshold: 14/4Miscellaneous Data Maneuvering: +1C -1H +4T Traits: Enhanced System (shields), Hardened System (Propulsion), Outdated (-2 Command)

Notes: The Andor class was a rarity for the 23rd-Century Starfleet- a purely military vessel, with little of the traditional multi-mission capabilities that most cruisers include. Designed in the face of the Federation's belief that the Organians had lost interest in preventing Federation-Klingon conflict, the Andor class was built to support fleet actions. Using a withering volley of torpedo fire to decimate enemy formations from a distance, the Andor was built to reduce enemy fleets with torpedo barrages before the combatants closed to phaser ranges. The Andor class was one of three Andorian designs in Starfleet service and all were named for Andorian military leaders. Most were crewed almost entirely by Andorians, and formed the core of what was affectionately termed the "Blue Fleet." The Alora was the eleventh Andor class commissioned and served until 2296, when she was decommissioned. Alora then served as a training vessel with the Andorian Reserve Fleet, and was moth-balled in 2294. Alora was reactivated for service during the Cardassian War and served to defend the Andor Sector until the cease-fire. The ship was given a modified weapons fit in 2374, and sold to the Anaret Imperium where she serves as the Imperial flagship Princess Corinne.


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The Toren AutonomyAuthor: Devoras Ral, Federation Undersecretary for Interspecies Relations

The Toren Autonomy is a small, militant, autocratic power which seized or colonized four planets and three moons in three star systems. A backwards military power, the Autonomy is socially and technology limited and isolated, possessing Tech level 6 or early Tech level 7 starships and military citadels. The vast majority of the population, on the other hand, lives in TL 4/5 hovels. The Autonomy attempted to engage the Federation in military action roughly seventy years ago and was soundly beaten. Four Federation starships were able to route the cream of the Autonomy fleet, and after hostilities ended, the Federation ambassador advised the Toren they could come out and play after they grew up a little. Unfortunately, the Autonomy has grown more recalcitrant rather than less.

Physiology The Toren are humanoid, with a less than 15% variation from the humanoid archetype discovered in 2369. The Toren bear prominent cranial ridges on their temples, and jawlines, with large, dark, and deep set eyes. Skin tones range from grey to dark brown, and many Toren are covered with an extremely short, fine fur.

Societal Structure Toren society is divided into two castes: a commoner/civilian caste and a military/priesthood class. Service to the State is the primary religion in the Toren Autonomy- and the state tolerates no other loyalties. All power and prestige on Toren results from service to the State. The topmost leaders are venerates as learned elders, but are not deified. Commoners and civilians have no political authority, but are protected by a loosely codified body of verbal law which protects basic property rights (and assumes that all wealth must be consecrated to the State).. Rank and prestige among the commoners derives from wealth and economic power, but is always subservient to the military, which holds supreme executive, military, and political authority.

Government Structure The Toren Autonomy is comprised of an Imperial troika (three leaders entrusted with full executive power) and a “senate” comprised of fifty military and political strongmen. This structure is apparently traditional, having evolved from an elders/council of clans structure late in Toren history. Most Toren citizens are ruled with an iron-fist, are subjected to crushing taxes, and are little better

than serfs. Those in military service fair somewhat better, having the opportunity to be promoted to greater rank and political power. The only hopes of upward mobility available to the average Toren citizen is the military, which accepts only males. Recruitment examinations occur annually, at which any adult Toren male can vie for admittance. Examination subjects include physical conditioning, intelligence, and cunning- but not general education (which the service will provide). Only the top three percent of candidates are accepted and inducted into the service. The term of service is “for life”, or until discharged due to infirmity or executed for disobedience or misconduct. Those discharged from service due to infirmity or injury are afforded a small pension (which roughly equates to ¼ their last pay rate). Most Toren pensioners enter into private business or politics- but even honorable and decorated veterans take a back seat to active personnel in terms of power (at least publicly). Those guilty of disobedience, treachery, or other disloyalty are outcasts within Toren society, and most are simply executed. A handful of these unfortunates are instead offered “mercy” by their commanders and are discharged to die in disgrace. The majority of these unfortunates commit suicide, but many are killed by their former military brethren or by the common citizen- an act which is not considered murder. The military is organized into three basic corps, each loyal to one of the three “autarchs” who govern Toren society. Promotion within each corp depends upon ability, merit, political power, and cunning- and in theory at


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least, a private soldier born in poverty could eventually earn sufficient rank, power, and recognition to succeed the autarch to whom he is sworn.

Interstellar Relations The Toren have limited trade relations, mostly with the Ferengi and the Orions. They have consistently refused overtures from the Federation, and take the occasional pot-shot at passing Federation starships. The Toren have been observed to conduct limited trade with the Romulans, but this appears to be irregular and specific in nature (the Romulan Ambassador to the Federation has reportedly commented that the Toren are too backward to be worth the trouble). The Toren had comparatively close ties to the Cardassians prior to the Dominion War, but the collapse of the Dominion and Central Command has rendered all such trade irregular in the extreme. Starfleet Intelligence believes a number of ex-Obsidian Order personnel may be hiding in the Autonomy, but have not been able to confirm this. They also report a handful of sightings of Breen agents on the Toren homeworld Aliens and outworlders are generally treated with suspicion by the Toren Autonomy, but a handful of off-world (predominantly Cardassian) technical advisers, merchants, and support personnel do live on the homeworld- nearly all of them in government employ.

Technological Summary: Toren spaceflight technology is late-Level 6 or perhaps early Level 7. They have antimatter

powered spacecraft, beam and torpedo weaponry, and basic defensive shields, but lack transporter technology and advanced artificial intelligence computers. This level of technology is roughly comparable to Earth at the launch of the NX-01 Enterprise. Toren defensive systems are believed to be vulnerable to polaron and certain tetryon-based weaponry (neither of which are employed by Starfleet). Starfleet Intelligence reports that the Toren have had quality control problems in creating refined anti-deuterium, and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers suspects that this has led to verteron poisoning issues in both shore and space-based military power plants. If this is true, Toren starships would be unable to transit the Bajoran wormhole without reconfiguring their shields a/o power systems.

Projections Starfleet Intelligence and the Federation Diplomatic Corps expect little improvement in Federation-Toren relations over the short term. All overtures toward the normalization of relations between the two powers have been summarily rejected by the Toren. Toren military commanders continue to push various research and development projects among their civilian populace, but these are not expected to produce significant developments in the near future. Toren relations with others in the galaxy remain strained, and no Alpha Quadrant power seems inclined to aid them in advancing the state of their military.1

Notes The Toren first appeared in the adventure “At What Price Peace? “ and are not available for use as Player Characters.

1 Unbeknownst to Federation Intelligence, Cardassian dissidents have begun secretly arming the Toren with surplus Cardassian warships, including Galor class cruisers and a single Kelden class battleship.


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Worlds of the Toren AutonomyAidus System Aidus II and III are both Class M worlds. The “southernmost” system in the Toren Autonomy, the Aidus system is home to the third largest operating base of the Toren military. Aidus III is ringed by small orbiting military stations and three orbital shipyards. Aidus VI is Class K (like Venus) and is uninhabited. The only “permanent” structure is an armored surface station used to monitor Toren weapons testing. Aidus XIII-b is Class G (covered covered with methane ice/sludge), and is home to an automated subspace monitoring station which tracks Federation shipping and communications. Adventure Seeds: The heroes may be tasked

with infiltrating the Aidus system to gather intelligence or sabotage/plant disinformation in the monitoring station's computers.

Dolan System Dolan III-a and III-b are Class M moons, the only habitable points in the system. Both colonies were established in 2340, and have a somewhat tenuous grip on otherwise untamed worlds. Dolan III-a is rumored to be a jungle world

rich in plants and species which can be harvested and processed into pharmaceuticals. Adventure Seeds: The heroes may be tasked

with visiting the Dolan system (with or without permission from the Autonomy) to acquire desperately needed medicines or biological samples.

Marus Station Centrally located within the Toren Autonomy, Marus Station serves as a central logistics and communications hub for vessels and operations throughout the Autonomy. With four shipyards orbiting the central station, Marus Station is a concentration of military power second only to the Toren homeworld. As the Toren take custody of war-surplus Cardassian vessels, the ships are brought here for refit and modification. A large contingent of Cardassian contract workers are assigned to the station to train the Toren engineers and crews in care and operation of the larger, more advanced starships. Adventure Seeds: The heroes may be

tasked with infiltrating Marus Station or the nearby shipyards in order to cripple or destroy the new Toren vessels.

Oglat Station


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Comparatively remote and isolated from the rest of the Autonomy, Oglat Station is a cross between Diego Garcia and Rura Penthe. The station is surrounded by several extensive asteroid belts which the Toren mine for dilithium, verterium, and a dozen other valuable metals and minerals. Oglat Station serves as the central support hub for the smaller mines, and as a way station for the convict laborers assigned there. Unusual for Toren society, even military duty at Oglat Station is considered undesirable- but perversely, the Autonomy necessarily maintains a large garrison at the station in order to protect the mines and valuable shipments from pirates and smugglers. Adventure Seeds: The heroes may be tasked

with infiltrating Oglat Station in order to retrieve a valuable prisoner currently out of favor with the Toren government or to collect information about one or more of the pirate groups operating in the Otorin Sector.

Toren System Home system and seat of power of the Toren Autonomy. Toren III is Class M, and the seat of power (and home to the bulk of the population). Toren IV-b is is a Class M moon orbiting a Class J gas giant. Adventure Seeds: As the hearth-world of the

Toren Autonomy, this system will likely be the focus of diplomatic, intelligence-gathering, or covert missions.

- A very small number of prominent Cardassian citizens (less than a dozen, mainly former Obsidian Order and/or wanted war criminals and their families) have taken refuge with the Toren. Starfleet Intelligence and a variety of law enforcement agencies would be interested in their current whereabouts and activities- and perhaps even in a swift “unsanctioned extradition”.

V'Rat System Of the thirteen worlds in this system, only V'Rat IV is Class M. The V'Rat colony was established in 2291, and provides roughly 30% of the home world’s food stuffs. The planet has several orbital transfer stations which service the freighters running to and from the homeworld. Given the planet's strategic importance, the

Toren maintain a large garrison to protect against both internal encroachment and internal unrest. V'Rat XIII-b is Class D, and is home to an automated subspace monitoring station which tracks Federation shipping and communications. Adventure Seeds: V'Rat IV is also home to a

top-secret laboratory being used to develop metagenic weapons. The heroes will likely be assigned to destroy this lab in order to prevent the Toren from obtaining this terrifying weaponry.


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Fearless Leader Class Patrol Craft

Production DataHull DataOrigin: Toren Autonomy Class and Type:Fearless Leader Class Patrol Craft Structure: 25 Size: 5, 5 decks Year Launched: 2369 Length: 180m Crew: 128 Atmospheric Capable: Yes Separation Systems: NoneOperational Data Transporters: None Cargo Capacity: 50 Tractor Beams: 1a Sensor Systems Class 2 (+2/C) Operations Systems Class 2 (C) Life Support Class 2 (C) Propulsion Data Impulse Engines: Class 5 (.95c) (E) Warp Drive: TN-5 (Warp 5 / 7 / 8) (C)Tactical Phaser Cannon 3 x TDM-2 (B) Torpedoes 3 x Tk2IDF

Penetration 4 / 3 / 3 / 0 / 0 Penetration 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 0 Deflector Shields CIDSS-3(C)

Protection/Threshold 13/3Miscellaneous Maneuver Modifiers +1 C, +3 H, +1 T Traits Particle Vulnerability (Verterons).

The Fearless Leader Class Patrol craft is a destroyer-sized warship built for the Toren Autonomy starting in the year 2369. The vessel is the result of an intensive research and development effort, of some Ferengi (and Romulan) technical assistance but of little real-world experience. Starfleet Intelligence reports the top observed speed of a Fearless Leader Class at Warp eight. The Starfleet Corp of Engineers Development office also suggests that the M/AM reaction assembly being used by the Toren might be susceptible to verteron poisoning from contaminated fuels. Long range scans conducted by Starfleet report the Fearless Leader Class are being built in three separate construction yards throughout the Toren Autonomy, at a combined rate of 5 per year. 29 are confirmed to be in service.


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Dramatis PersonaeAriil– Beautiful, dangerous, and deadly, Ariil is a green Orion woman currently in the employ

of the Ferengi Courd. A trained courtesan and intelligence agent, Ariil knows how to use her beauty and talents to make men more pliable- and which blackmail to use to keep them that way. Courage: 3 Advancements: 13 Renown: 3Str 6(+0) Agl 11(+2)* Int 8(+1) Vit 9(+1) Prs 10(+2)* Per 6 (+0) Quickness +2 Savvy +3* Stamina +1 Willpower +1 Defense: 9Skills: Armed Combat ( Simple Weapons ) +7, Conceal +2, Enterprise: Streetwise +6,

Entertain: Dance +6, Forgery +5, Gaming +6, Influence (Seduce, Intimidate ) +9, Inquire +5 Investigate +5, Knowledge: Culture (Orion) +4, Knowledge: History (Orion) +1, Knowledge: Politics (Orion) +2, Knowledge: Specific World (Iaba) +2,

Language- Klingon +3, Language-Orion +4, Observe (Spot) +5, Persuade +7,Ranged Combat: Energy +6, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth ( Stealthy Movement ) +4,

Unarmed Combat ( Brawling ) +5 Professional Abilities: Scoundrel’s Fortune (Influence), Gather Intelligence, InfiltrationSpecies Abilities: Seasoned, Ultraviolet EnduranceEdges/ Flaws: Skill Focus: Furtive

Batra- Owner and Master of the Freighter Gorada. Batra is a Tellarite ship master, who trades between Starbase 153, Illyrica Nine, K-12, and on both sides of the Neutral Zone. Batra is generally loud, obnoxious, and genial, and has a rough matronly air about her. She is gruff, but fair and likes to complain about the various impositions the Universe has inflicted on her, but is a loyal and steadfast friend who gives without thought. She's also developed a fondness for potato stew.

Boden- General, Toren cruiser Belerast. General Boden is a militant and aggressive officer who advocates for immediate and escalated conflict with the Federation. The man is a hawk, not a peace-maker, and is eager to demonstrate the growing might of the Toren military. There are rumors that Boden precipitated the Covington Incident.

Boras, Kalo- Logistics coordinator for the Red Hand Orion Pirates guild. Captured by the U.S.S.Brandt, and was held at Outpost K-12. Three Orion vessels attempted to free Boras while he was being transferred to Starbase 153. FRT 7-1 and the U.S.S. The heroes were able to drive off and destroy all three vessels.

Braden, Richard- Captain, Federation-registered transport Bellissimo. Braden is gruff, independent, and slightly belligerent. If asked, he'll frankly admit that he's had run-inswith “Starfleet bureaucrats” before, and doesn't like the idea of “stuffed-shirts” interfering in how he runs his ship. Braden will play by Starfleet's rules right up until the moment he thinks he knows better- and then all bets are off. Braden and Captain Nemak of the J'run have an ongoing feud- the result of a collision several years ago.

Castillo- “Castillo” is the codename for the Section 31 operative currently working the OtorinSector. Castillo is a striking woman with dark hair, dark eyes, and a dusky complexion, and of few morals or scruples. She is very sharp, occasionally brilliant, and utterly, completely, bloodlessly ruthless. Castillo would be dangerous enough operating solely for profit, but her patriotism and zeal make her far more dangerous- for she can wrap her most heinous deeds in the flag. As with any “holy warrior” Castillo sees anyone who opposes her aims as fighting against the Federation itself, and therefore deserving of her utter contempt and of whatever fate she can arrange for them. Castillo usually operates independently (but not autonomously) and is not above using other force as a “stalking horse” to accomplish her goals.

Charis- Subcommander, I.R.V. Ceres. The Executive Officer of the Ceres, Subcommander Charis is believed to be a loyal Romulan officer, though a political moderate, favoring improved


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relations with the Federation and supporting Admiral Tarius in his bid to restore order within the Empire. In 2389, Subcommander Charis was assigned to screen Federation liberty parties on the Romulan world of Bathân, and was later tasked with investigating the terrorist bombing which resulted in in more than a hundred Romulan civilians and Federation personnel dead or wounded. Unable to reconcile certain sensor and transporter anomalies, Subcommander Charis was reluctantly forced to accuse Captain S'Val of the U.S.S. T'Varan of deception and cover-up, which resulted in the expulsion of the Federation convoy from Romulan space, a major diplomatic incident, and a halt to Federation relief efforts in Romulan space.

Clarke, Hammond- Chief Petty Officer. One of a handful of survivors of the ill-fated U.S.S. Dawnspring, Chief Petty Officer Clarke served as her Main Propulsion Assistant until the vessel was lost over the Orion colony of Edoran in 2389. Clarke and a handful of other survivors were on shore-leave when the vessel was lost under mysterious circumstances. Chief Clarke is a former Starfleet brat who opted to enlist and ship out almost immediately rather than spend four years in classrooms. Since his earliest youth, Chief Clarke has been filled with romantic dreams of adventure in deep space, and was somewhat disappointed with his career- which consisted largely of one engine room after another and poor little adventure. A veteran spacer, Chief Clarke is a talented engineer with an instinctive love for things mechanical. He also believes that as a Chief Petty Officer, it’s his duty to keep the officers from getting in over their heads. While respectful and professional, Clarke’s not above offering a polite “suggestion” now and then.

Conacian- Minister, Edoran Colony. A slight, unimposing man- Minister Conacian is a small greying man of Orion stock who looks remarkably like Ayelborne from TOS: Errand of Mercy. Conacian is fond of heavy and ornate clothing, and radiates an air of genuine concern and sharp attentiveness. Conacian is a wealthy businessman in his own right, and controls a considerable portion of land on Edoran. In 2389, Conacian was chosen to serve as the liaison to Federation investigators following the loss of the U.S.S. Dawnspring under mysterious circumstances. The Dawnspring had been in orbit of Edoran in order to conduct shore leave. While the details of the Dawnspring's loss remain classified, the Federation Council issued a formal protest and letter of censure against the Edoran government due to the subsequent cover-up and interference in the recovery of the Dawnspring survivors.

Courd- A Ferengi shipping contractor out of Illyrica Nine, Courd is a man of considerable power, influence, and wealth- all of which he prefers (unusually) to keep understated. He can most often be contacted at a dark cantina called The Spider's Webb at Illyrica Nine. He normally conducts business throughout the day, but seems to prefer the evenings for dealing with clients. In addition to being a shrewd business man, Courd is a premier intelligence specialist and analyst. Much of his fortune (which is considerable) has been made by knowing just a little bit more than everyone else and by being brave (or crazy) enough to capitalize on that information. Courd is quiet and genteel, listens more than he speaks, and cannot be bought. His agenda is his own, though he will occasionally do favors for others- with the full expectation that the debt be paid back (usually in the form of information).

Cutler, Edward- Master and Commander, “Privateer” Defiance. A former Starfleet Captain, Edward Cutler was admonished by a Starfleet Board of Inquiry and stripped of his command just prior to the Dominion War. He was charged with giving aid and comfort to the enemy- specifically the Maquis., Following actions along the Demilitarized Zone, Cutler was charged by his officers with dilatory conduct in failing to prosecute Maquis border raiders who were harassing Cardassian and neutral shipping. Cutler was stripped of his command


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and reassigned to a shore post on the far side of Federation space- at which point he abruptly resigned his commission and disappeared. He was believed to have commanded the Maquis blockade runner Alabama, which was destroyed just prior to the Dominion War. Cutler's name began surfacing in Starfleet Intelligence reports eighteen months ago, linked with a self-proclaimed “privateer” called the Defiance. The Defiance is believed to be either Starfleet surplus or Orion built- though reports conflict. Starfleet Intelligence believes that the Defiance has been raiding Federation (and non- aligned) shipping in the Otorin and Kevali sectors, and may have a base of operations in the latter.

Diamant, Grim- Brigadier General, 4th Starfleet Marines. Brigadier General Diamant is a former MarDet Commander and is responsible for all of the Marines operating in the Otorin, Kevali, Maeryth, and Theta Omicron sectors.

Goss- Ferengi Daimon. Goss is rumored to be the Master and Commander of a Daimon Torr Class “Corsair” which conducted predations in the neutral Zûra system. Goss has been implicated in a series of attacks in the same system on the Federation runabout U.S.S. San Rafael and the Federation-registered medical ship Scanlon. Goss is a young and ambitious commander with a keen ship and an appetite for wealth and success. He and his crew are essentially contracted pirates on a speculative cruise. Whether their wealth is earned through legal means or pillage is of no import so long as the cruise returns a profit to Goss' backers.

Girak- Lieutenant Commander, Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Vorek Girak is a middle-aged Tellarite officer who served during the Dominion War, and who has been recalled to active duty. Her service record is singularly bland- routine promotions at the usual intervals, and good (if unremarkable) fitness reports. Despite the usual Tellarite bluster and stubbornness, Girak is a professional and a team player.

Groth- Commander, Starbase 153 Intermediate Maintenance Activity. Groth is the dockmasterand master shipwright at Starbase 153, and is responsible for all repair work that takes place at that Starbase. He is reputed to be tough, but genial (for a Tellarite) and delights in puzzles, technical challenges, and solid workmanship. His own repair work has been described as “genius somewhere to the left of black magic”, and ships fight to get repair time at Starbase 153. On the hand, Groth is both somewhat vain and wholly suspicious of flattery, and is the wrong man to cross- able to use Starfleet's bureaucracy to either help or hinder the captains seeking his services.Groth has a weakness for both Romulan ale and good sea-stories.

Haro, Darz- Captain, U.S.S. Vincennes . Captain Haro is one of the first Bolians to make command grade in Starfleet. Haro is reported to be a gifted starship commander, but a lousy stratagema player. In early 2388, Vincennes was ambushed by a four-ship pirate group while answering a distress signal near the Devari Nebula. When Vincennes dropped her shields to board the “damaged” starship, it exploded, damaging the starship's shield grid and warp drive The pirates attacked immediately, causing moderate damage to the Vincennes before she was able to destroy one and drive off the survivors.

Henderson, R.M.- Captain, Federation-registered transport Calliope. Captain Henderson is a calm and capable shipmaster, with a particularly difficult responsibility. The Calliope carries refined deuterium- an unusually hazardous and extremely valuable cargo. Under the right (or wrong) conditions, the Calliope can be destroyed in an instant. He is therefore very, very cautious and deliberative in all of his actions.

ir' Idrani, Garan- Thin, slight, and slightly stooped, the elderly Garan ir' Idrani is a renowned dueling master and religious leader. He is also a very distant relation to Admiral Thol,


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the Otorin Sector commander). Garan founded a religious retreat on I'Kanos (Shal'ti's single moon) which is home to about 2,000 Andorian religious pilgrims. Garan ir'Idrani has been described as a cross between Mahatma Ghandi and a feudal Japanese samurai. He is supremely self-disciplined and dedicated to a strict code of honor. He is (largely) a man of peace who also knows the uses of violence when needed. As an Andorian “Weaponmaster”, Garan serves as a peace officer, pseudo-cleric, and a paragon of the Andorian dueling culture- sort of a cross of Caine from “Kung Fu” and the Long Ranger.

ir'Kor, Imarin- Commander, Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Thalev ir'Aldin. Captain ir'Kor has the honor of commanding one of a handful of all-Andorian starships in Federation service. She is noted as a stalwart explorer and a gifted diplomat with a somewhat aloof manner and “quirky” sense of humor.

ir'Redari, Odan- Commander, C.O., U.S.S. Chatham. A relatively new appointee to the post of Captain, Commander Odan is a young and aggressive Andorian hot-shot. Commander Odan has a reputation as being capable, but aggressive almost to the point of recklessness. Odan and the Chatham have been largely assigned to the Beta Quadrant, with long (largely uneventful) patrols along the Klingon border. In 2389, Commander Odan and Chatham joined the starships Sakarya, The heroes and Corona to repel a Reman task force in the Salecia Sector.

J'Tal- Governor, Romulan Colony of Bathân. Governor J'Tal is believed to be a political moderate, favoring improved relations with the Federation and supporting both Senator Vecian and Admiral Tarius in his bid to restore order within the Empire. In 2389, a terrorist bombing took place, which resulted in more than a hundred Romulan civilians and Federation personnel dead or wounded. Because of security considerations (both internal and external), Governor J'Tal was unable to reconcile certain sensor and transporter anomalies, and was reluctantly forced to accuse Captain S'Val of the U.S.S. T'Varan of deception and cover-up, and expel the Federation relief convoy from Romulan space. This resulted in a major diplomatic incident and embarrassment to Admiral Tarius and his coalition, and further resulted in a halt to Federation relief efforts in Romulan space.

Kinsey, Reginald- Special Assistant to the Federation Undersecretary for Humanitarian Relief. Mr. Kinsey is the special Charge d'Affairs responsible for coordinating Federation relief efforts in the Otorin Sector, reporting directly to Federation Undersecretary Tollis. Young, dashing, and handsome, Kinsey is a consummate politician, and has his eye on higher political office. Kinsey was the senior Federation diplomatic official present during the terrorist incident over Bathân, and took the failure of the diplomatic mission personally, and very vocally blamed the fiasco on Captain Rouviere of the The heroes and Captain S'Val of the T'Varan and their “lack of cooperation” with Romulan authorities.

Kirad, son of Bakra- General, Commander of the Klingon cruiser noD'wi. Kirad, of the House ofKirad, was the last of his line- a warrior's warrior and a proud Klingon leader. He and his House fought bravely and well during the Dominion War, and were always in the thick of the fight- until only the General himself remained. With the last heir dead, it looked as though the line would end there as well- until Kirad took a new bride- young and startlingly beautiful. It was thought that Kirad was too old to sire another heir, but the union produced a son in less than a year. Kirad began making arrangements to safeguard his son and his House in the event he died before the boy was of age- only to have his hope's taken from him. Returning from battle, Kirad found his home burned, his new


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bride murdered and his son dead- or so he thought. Rumors reached Kirad that the son lives, stolen by Ra'ta- an old enemy though long-since dead. The autopsy showed that Kirad's young bride had been poisoned before she died- and that the the boy in the ashes was NOT Kirad's son. With the aid of Lieutenant Kronk of the U.S.S. The heroes, Kirad was able to trace Kronk to the Toren Autonomy and then into Romulan space- where they finally cornered the traitor on a Romulan Outpost. Engaged in mortal combat, Kronk struck down Ra'ta in honorable combat, ending a sordid chapter in Klingon history. Unfortunately, General Kirad died of injuries sustained in battle, his son and heir being placed in the care of his cha'Dich, the Dahar Master Qo'vaD.

LeCourt, James- Captain, U.S.S. Garibaldi. Captain LeCourt commands the Constellation Classstarship Garibaldi which is assigned to explore the nearby Takao Sector. Although not officially attached to the 7th Fleet, the Garibaldi is receiving logistical support from Starbase 153, and Ticonderoga was recently assigned a support mission to assist Garibaldi. Captain LeCourt is something of a legend- in Starfleet- taking command of the Garibaldi and serving with the 11th, 14th, and 8th fleets during the Dominion War, Following the Armistice, Garibaldi was assigned patrol duties along the demilitarized zones, and was finally assigned to conduct a deep space survey of the Takao Sector. Garibaldi is noted in the fleet as a happy ship with a tough, capable commander- and the majority of her senior officers and staff have remained aboard since the ship's recommissioning in 2374. LeCourt is a dedicated and capable Starfleet officer and a brilliant starship captain known for his dedication to his people and his mission. He is reputed to have little patience with bureaucracies (an assignment far from Starfleet Command is a blessing) and far less still with bullies.

Lovak- Commander, Imperial Warbird Gauntlet. Commander Lovak is a veteran Romulan officerassigned to the Hera Sector. Lovak, citing Federation humanitarian aid to Savot II, forgave the Ticonderoga's accidental trespass into Romulan space, allowed the ship time to repair and escorted the starship back to the Neutral Zone.

Nelson, Dana- Commander, U.S.S. Dawnspring. The commanding officer of the ill-fated U.S.S. Dawnspring, Commander Nelson served with Admiral Thol aboard the U.S.S. Kel'ran during the Dominion War, and spent three months in a Dominion internment camp before the Armistice. She returned to active duty aboard the U.S.S. Lexington, and later as Chief Science Officer aboard the U.S.S. Vincennes. Upon her promotion to Lieutenant Commander, Admiral Thol recommended Nelson for command of the Dawnspring, then refitting at Starbase 153. Commander Nelson successfully shepherded Dawnspring through a nineteen month, in-depth planetary survey of the remote Ilôchâr Sector, but was killed in 2389 when the Dawnspring was lost over the independent world of Edoran.

Nemak- Captain, Federation-registered transport J'run. Captain Nemak of the J'run, is a gruff,veteran shipmaster who does not back down from a confrontation. Stubborn, defensive, and even defiant, Nemak is a sloppy shipmaster who tries valiantly to ignore the minor details and rigamarole. Nemak is also extremely resourceful and brave, and dearly loves his rattletrap freighter. Despite the poor condition of the J'run, Captain Nemak is a daring shipmaster likely to throw caution to the wind and put it all on the line to aid another vessel in need. Captain Nemak and Captain Braden of the Bellissimo have a violent history- five years ago, the J'run and Braden's previous command ( the Logan) were involved in a collision near Starbase 227. There was minor damage to both vessels- followed by a massive brawl at a shore-side pub later that night. Starfleet cited and fined both captains, but neither is willing to back down, and a future confrontation is likely.


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Patterson, Emil- Federation Security Operative. Patterson is a tall, thin human with thinning hair and a relaxed, confident air (much like Federation Undersecretary Nilz Baris without the agitation and perpetually aggrieved air). He speaks with the casual authority of a man accustomed to being obeyed, and gives out information only as necessary. Patterson is part of a counter-intelligence “Special Projects Office” which works hand-in-glove with Starfleet Intelligence, but he's a high-powered mover-and-shaker (and an absolute foe of Section 31). Unless he's got a specific mission in-line for them, few people – in or out of Starfleet- know Patterson, or what he does. Unlike other behind-the-scenes power-brokers, Patterson is smart enough to listen to the commanders and officers in the field, and trusts what they have to say over the “over-processed” reports that most bureaucrats provide.

Prentiss, Mimsey- Owner and operator Prentiss Shipping and Transport. Mimsey Prentiss is aformer Starfleet officer (retired as Exec of the starship Eastwich with the rank of Commander) to take over her family's shipping business. Prentiss owns and operates the transport ships Lucinda, Belinda, CarolAnne, and Bob. All four vessels are currently operating under Federation charter to transport relief supplies from Vakaris to Station K-12. Negotiations are underway between Prentiss and Kinsey to handle transport into the Romulan Empire proper.

Ra'ta- a disgraced Klingon researcher and biological weapons expert. Ra'ta was an expert in thecreation (and subversion) of protein sequences. Fancying himself a pioneer and a genius, Ra'ta considered himself above such things as contemporary honor (though he did enjoy using it as a weapon), political (or species) loyalties, and contemporary medical ethics. According to rumor, Ra'ta spent the early part of the war looking for ways to produce ketracel white (and more potent variants of it) within the Alpha Quadrant, then spent the last year of the war working on the production of an enzyme complex which would turn ketracel white protein compounds into a fatal neurotoxin. Denounced by the Klingon Empire (and with a price on his head), Ra'ta spent the last years of his life on the run- a number of them in the Toren Autonomy- before being discovered by Lieutenant Kronk of the U,S,S, The heroes. In addition to the various official/governmental charges laid against his head, Ra'ta poisoned the young bride of Klingon General Kirad and having kidnapped the General's son his son. Ra'ta was killed aboard a Romulan monitoring outpost by Lieutenant Kronk of the U.S.S. The heroes- though what Kronk was doing there- or even how he arrived there- remains classified.

S'Val- Captain, U.S.S. T'Varan. Captain S'Val commands the only Federation hospital ship in the Otorin Sector, and has been engaged in humanitarian relief operations on both sides of the Neutral Zone. Despite his reputation for dedication to duty and personal integrity, Captain S'Val was accused of complicity and coverup involving a terrorist attack on the Romulan world of Bathân in 2389. Despite the lack of evidence and classified testimony by both Captain Rouviere and Emil Patterson, considerable political pressure was brought to bear in an attempt to relieve Captain S'Val of his command- an effort which ultimately failed, but has nonetheless left a cloud over this officer's career.

S'Var-, Captain, Federation freighter Sorok. Captain S'Var is calm, logical, and reserved- for all intents and purposes, a typical Vulcan. He is a capable, professional shipmaster who runs his vessel in an orderly, business-like fashion.

Selek- Starfleet Admiral, Retired. Formerly a Starfleet Officer of nearly one-hundred-and-thirtyyears of service, Selek of Vulcan served in the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, Starfleet Intelligence (Romulan Desk) and commanded the starships Essex, Lexington, and


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Alliance. In 2314, then-Admiral Selek served as Special Ambassador to the Toren Autonomy following that power's defeat at the hands of Starfleet, and reprised the role in 2388, and assisted in the recovery of the U.S.S. Covington. Following the Covington Incident, Ambassador Selek returned to semi-retirement on Vulcan.

Serat- Romulan Senator. A minor, but influential power broker within the wounded Romulan Empire. Serat has been actively courted by both Admirals Tarius and Tevis. She is considered a political moderate with somewhat conservative tendencies, and favors both a strong Empire and close ties to the Federation. The fact that she's sent her nephew (a serving line officer) to the conference by the Vulcan Solan suggests that Serat (and others within the Empire) are very interested in what Solan has to say.

Sevar- Vulcan Kolinahr Master. Sevar is just past his hundred and eighty seventh birthday,and isone of the foremost Vulcan scholars on the T’Vel era and the skills available Sevar interacted with elements of the 7th Fleet while recovering a number of proto-Vulcan artifacts from the nearby Ancient, serene, and supremely disciplined, Sevar maintains a glacial calm in nearly every situation. Even given his age and his wisdom, there is something uncanny about the Vulcan master. A major diplomatic incident was triggered during Sevar's stay aboard the U.S.S. Ticonderoga, but the details remain classified.

Shub- Self-styled “Baron” of Orius VI. Baron Shub is (for a Ferengi) tall and powerfully built, with quick, thoughtful eyes and a rapacious grin. Well-dressed and well-groomed, Shub is gracious, charming- and utterly unconvincing in his role as genial host. Whereas most Ferengi tend to be smarmy and crafty (paying more attention to sucking up to whomever is in charge), Shub is proud, confident, and in command (at least until he's cornered and out of options). Like most bullies, Shub is a coward at heart and will sacrifice anyone and anything to save his own hide.

Solan- A noted Vulcan philosopher and sociologist, Solan is considered an expert on pre-Exilic Vulcan (Vulcan before the Romulans left and Surak's reforms took hold). 187 years old, frail, and weak, Solan has come to Illyrica to lecture about the prospects of a lasting peace between the Romulans and the Federation and to call for a new approach to the problem. Solan is convinced that the Federation's current approach of containment and limited humanitarian aid is doomed to failure, and advocates declaring the Romulan Empire a failed state and offering Federation protectorate status (and the protection of Starfleet) to any world within the Romulan sphere of influence which requests it. Needless to say, this approach is controversial, and leads to heated debates on both sides of the border.

Sopok- Lieutenant Commander, U.S.S. Dawnspring. One of a handful of survivors of the ill-fated U.S.S. Dawnspring, Commander Sopok was also the senior surviving officer, and took charge of the remnants of the crew. Sopok is a seventeen year veteran of Star Fleet and graduated from the Academy with high marks for tactical and strategic excellence. Sopok was noted for a methodical and occasionally ruthless approach to tactical exercises- including very precise use of overwhelming (excessive?) force to defuse a situation. Sopok invariably justified his actions as “logical” and as necessary to establish control of the tactical situation- and as “saving a good deal of grief” afterward. Sopok's first duty station was the U.S.S. Intrepid , with her all-Vulcan crew. After a somewhat rocky start, Sopok settled into his duty and role, and was consistently decorated for both dedication to duty and valor under fire.


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Squibby– A “retired” Denobulan arms smuggler, “Squibby” used to run guns between theFederation, Orion space and the Klingon Empire. Squibby is reported to be living hand-to-mouth on Iaba running a tavern/hotel-cum-courier and information service in the Five Corners district of the Bazaar.

Sybil- Sybil is a tall, very striking El Aurian woman, lost (for the most part) like the rest of her race. Again like most of her race, she hides a secret wound deep within her. Sybil serves Shub as an adviser and would-be prophetess- though she claims no such gifts, Shub has found it both wise and profitable to heed her advice. Sybil is both extraordinarily beautiful and moves with a grace that draws the eye towards her- a useful distraction during certain negotiations. Despite the fact that she is in Shub's employ, Sybil is a woman of compassion who will try to help others- especially children- wherever she can.

Tar'azad- Jem'Hadar First. Tar'azad is the leader of a small detachment of Jem'Hadar troopers who survived the end of the Dominion War. In early 2389, Tar'azad and his men seized the I'Kanos colony on Shal'ti's single moon and demanded supplies of a lichen which grew on that moon. When a Federation starship arrived to deal with the situation, Tar'azad demanded a Starfleet medical officer to process the lichen into a supply of ketracel white. Starfleet Intelligence theorizes that Tar'azad and his troopers were assigned to guard a small (and forgotten) Dominion supply cache which either missed or ignored the recall order that ended the Dominion War. Now, running out of ketracel white, the Jem'Hadar are growing desperate. Apparently, the Vorta in charge of this detachment was prepared to purchase the needed supplies as a crashed shuttle containing both her body and a healthy supply of latinum was discovered nearby. Lacking leadership, and depending upon how much ketracel white the Jem'Hadar were able to manufacture, additional confrontations with Tar'azad and his men are likely.

Tarius- A legend in the Romulan military, Admiral Tarius was commander of several starships and was believed to have commanded the Praetorian Guard. One of the Federation’s most dangerous foes, Tarius wielded considerable political and military power as a member of the Romulan Senate, and through family ties. During the power struggles which (ultimately) led to the coronation of the last Romulan Empress, Tarius went into a self-imposed exile on Osireon IV-B, trading political “disgrace” for stability within the Empire. En route, he and his guards rescued the survivors of the U.S.S. Celerity, all but one of whom eventually succumbed to their injuries. Tarius and the last survivor, Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Foster soon fell in love, and passed a decade and a half in peace- until the destruction of the homeworlds spurred a renewed power struggle. Seeing Tarius as a threat to his bid for power, Wing Commander (Admiral) Tevis attempts to assassinate Tarius. Tarius- one of the few legitimate heirs to the Romulan throne- has been working to consolidate his political power and bring unity to the Romulan people- with (thus far) mixed results. Tarius has no personal interest in the Romulan throne- but may be willing to play “king-maker” to those who do...

Tevis- Wing Commander, Romulan Starfleet. The eldest son and heir to a sizable district on Romulus, Tevis and his family had diversified their interests in the years prior to the destruction of the Romulan homeworlds- allowing them to retain a considerable power base despite the economic and political chaos now gripping the Empire. As part of his own bid for power, Tevis is planning an abortive invasion of the Otorin Sector as a means to unite the Romulan people against a common foe (and under his


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banner). Knowing that Admiral Tarius was an obstacle to his bid for power, Tevis is planning on having the crown prince assassinated (and the Federation implicated in the crime). Tevis is also working behind the scenes with the more militant elements of the Romulan fleet and with disaffected Reman interests. Tevis plans to use the Remans as both a stalking horse against the Federation and as his own elite forces to seize the Romulan throne.

Thalos- Commander, I.R.V. Ceres. Despite his comparative youth, Thalos was a veteran starship commander and an unabashed Romulan patriot. He was cunning and clever, but wasn't afraid to resort to violence to achieve his end. Thalos commanded the Romulan task force which attempted to pursue the Klingon cruiser noD'wi into Federation space, but was turned back by Rouviere and The heroes. Thalos was polite and professional in his dealings with the heroes, but his dislike and resentment were fairly obvious. In 2389, Thalos and the Ceres escorted a Federation-relief convoy to the Romulan world of Bathân. During a diplomatic reception on the evening of their arrival, Commander Thalos attempted to goad both Captain Rouviere and Lieutenant Kronk with accusations regarding the earlier incident at the neutral Zone. Thalos was eventually ordered to drop the matter by Governor J'Tal, and left the reception. Later that evening, Bathân was the site of a terrorist attack which resulted in more than a hundred Romulan civilians and Federation personnel dead or wounded, and Commander Thalos threatened to open fire on the T'Varan when her Commanding Officer refused to break off rescue efforts. Despite the fact that the incident was resolved peacefully, the attack and its aftermath severely strained Federation-Romulan relations. The terrorist attack on Bathân was later linked to Thalos and the Ceres, which was operating in conjunction with Rapid Response Team 13 and elements of Section 31. Thalos was killed (and the Ceres destroyed) while providing material support to the pirate base destroyed in Section V-8 of the Neutral Zone.

Thol ir'Idrani- Vice Admiral, Commander, Starbase 153. VADM Thol is an experienced war-time commander who saw service with the 11th Fleet during the Dominion War, commanding the Akira Class cruiser Kel'ran. Thol is noted for hit-and-fade attacks and precision firepower fighters, shuttles, and (of course) starships. During the War, Thol and the Kel'ran were forced to fire on the Andorian colony world of A'than (Thol's homeworld), and leveled the capital and much of the colony in order to deny it to Dominion forces who'd seized control and begun either relocating or executing the populace. It is rumored that one of Thol's wives was in the capital when the attack took place, but this has never been confirmed. Thol keeps a mourning shrine in a corner of his office, nonetheless. In 2375, the Kel'ran was lost covering the withdrawal of Task Force 11.24 from the Avari system. The task force had been seriously mauled by a superior Dominion strike-group, and thirteen ships (nearly half the task force) were unable to escape the system when the recall order came. Kel'ran had sustained moderate damage, but was still combat worthy, and with a Dominion strike wing bearing down on the stragglers, Thol and the Kel'ran disregarded the evacuation order and executed a risky micro-warp into the strike wing's path. “Thol's Charge” pinned down the Dominion forces long enough for Task force 11.24 to repair and pull out eleven of the thirteen stragglers (either under their own power or under tractor beam). The Kel'ran was reported lost with all hands, but Thol and his survivors spent three months in a Dominion internment camp before the end of the War. Admiral Thol is considered a hard, disciplined man- cool, regal, and a cast-iron sonovabitch when crossed.

Tolon- Sub-Commander, I.R.V. Vigilant. Tolon is a proud, aristocratic Romulan from a high-


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born family. He is also a competent starship commander and an implacable foe of the Federation- which he views as an obstacle to Romulan domination of the galaxy. Despite his comparative youth, Tolon is a remarkably “old-school” Romulan. Honorable by his own lights, Tolon is not completely ruthless- but will do what is necessary to get the job done. In 2389, Tolon and the Vigilant crossed the Neutral Zone to investigate subspace emissions that were later linked to the loss of the U.S.S. Dawnspring under mysterious circumstances. While Tolon did not interfere with the recovery of the Dawnspring wreckage or survivors, his presence and alleged brinkmanship considerably complicated an already tense situation.

Torek- Sub-Commander, I.R.V. Sunstorm. The nephew and heir-apparent of Senator Serat. Torek is his aunt's “right-hand man” and serves as her eyes and ears in the Romulan fleet and beyond. The fact that Serat dispatched Torek (a serving line officer) to the conference given by the Vulcan Solan suggests that Serat (and others within the Empire) are very interested in the political picture within the Federation. Following Solan's explosive remarks, Torek confronted Captain Rouviere to determine whether the latter supported Solan's remarks or not.

Vecian- A Romulan Senator and political moderate, Vecian was the subject of a blackmail attempt by Admiral Tevis and remnants of the Tal Shiar. In order to ensure his political independence, Vecian smuggled his family out of the Empire (and was granted asylum in the Federation). Vecian returned quietly to Romulan space two months later, smuggled to the Romulan colony of Bathân aboard the U.S.S. The heroes and aided in his return by FRT 7-1. Unfortunately, his return coincided with a terrorist attack by elements of RRT-13, and led, ultimately, to a major diplomatic incident when Captain S'Val of the U.S.S. T'Varan was accused of complicity and cover-up in the subsequent investigation.

Vog- Captain of the Ferengi transport Amethyst. Vog is a typical Ferengi- rapacious, greedy, and always on the lookout for profit- but a comparatively decent fellow nonetheless. Vog works for Courd, running cargo throughout the Alpha Quadrant. The arrangement has been profitable enough that Vog has developed a surprising measure of respect and loyalty for his employer. Vog assisted Ticonderoga in dealing with Baron Shub while she was in the Orius system seeking ryetalin.

Webb, Samuel- A former Starfleet crewman, Webb is a human male in his middle fifties who'sgone soft around the edges. He serves drinks, cleans, the bar, and keeps things running smoothly in his place- and also has an ear for the gossip that flows around him like a lazy river. Rumors persist that Webb is in the pay of Starfleet Intelligence (partially true- he does feed them information), but Webb himself claims to be an independent saloon keeper (false- he's owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Ferengi Courd). Webb is usually good for a good drink, a tall tale, and a helping of rumor or innuendo.


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Suggested Campaign ChronologyMission By Arc/Event

Arc One: Providing humanitarian aid and assistance (and political support) to the Romulans. The Federation and Starfleet Command are engaging in frantic diplomatic efforts to stave off the impending crisis, but other forces are working to counter them. Section 31 is intent on provoking an all-out civil war within the weakened Romulan Empire (with the aim of either destroying or balkanizing the Empire as an interstellar power) and is using Team13 to do their dirty work. The heroes must break Team 13 once and for all, and expose/blackmail Section 31 into backing off. Wing Commander Tevis is trying to unite several factions around his claim to be the legitimate Emperor and Proconsul, and has made a number of political promises to the Remans (which he has no real intent of keeping). Unfortunately, Tevis believes that the Empire can only be saved by an era of bold conquest- much as re-militarization spurred and re-energized of the German economy in the early 1930's. Retired Admiral Tarius actually has a better claim to the throne, but has been living in a secluded semi-exile. His own policies (were they to be enacted) are more progressive and less expansionist- perhaps the result of his human paramour. The arc centers on a Romulan military build-up (as a prelude to war) and then the internecine struggles. Tarius emerges triumphant (for now), but Tevis breaks away with a sizable force of Reman supporters, who immediately begin a guerrilla war against both Romulan and Federation interests. The factionalization and sniping are ended with the near-destruction of Toreth T'Lok (saved by Federation personnel) and the death of Tevis.

Mission 1 -1 Ascendancy - The heroes are tasked with entering neutral space in order to investigate the loss of the U.S.S. Celerity. The trail leads them deep into Romulan space- and to a deposed Romulan prince.

Mission 1-2 Border Run- One of the heroes are called on the carpet in Admiral Thol's office- Thol and Emil Patterson are curious to know why a coded transmission from a very sensitive source in Romulan space is demanding to meet with the hero- and the hero only. While Patterson cannot order the hero to go, Thol can- and does. The hero is given a small spaceship (a runabout or the like) and is dispatched to a near-forgotten piece of flotsam deep on the wrong side of the Romulan Neutral Zone. There, he finds a notable (and powerful) Romulan official attempting to smuggle his family (and fortune) out of the Empire one hop ahead of Tal Shiar agents who wish to use him to further destabilize the Romulan interim government.

Mission 1-3 The Return- The heroes are tasked with quietly returning Senator Vecian to the Romulan Empire under the guise of a relief convoy to the Romulan world of Bathân. Limited liberty parties are authorized in specific areas of the city, allowing the natives and the relief crews to mingle. As a The heroes team spirits Vecian to the surface via low-powered transporter, the team members spot a RRT-13 team member (disguised in a Starfleet uniform) among one of the liberty parties moments before a bomb is detonated, killing both Starfleet personnel and Romulan civilians. As the fragile truce begins to unravel, the heroes must decide how to return peace to Bathân and bring the malefactors to justice.

Mission 1-4 Punitive Measures- In the wake of the massacre aboard the starship Tillman, Starfleet Command “takes the gloves off” and authorizes a series of military strikes against pirate operations all along the Neutral Zone. The heroes are tasked with taking out the main pirate base in a section of the Neutral Zone, only to discover that the pirates are being supported by both the Remans and Tevius' faction of the Romulan Empire.

Mission 1-5 Diplomatic Maneuvers- The heroes are tasked with escorting a Federation legation


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to a diplomatic conference deep in Romulan space. Also attending is Emil Patterson, who asks the heroes to meet with a/o retrieve an informant who has been providing the information with excellent information about the inside workings of the Romulan political environment. Once inside, the heroes discover and must thwart yet another assassination attempt against Admiral/Crown Prince Tarius.

Mission 1-6 The Gauntlet- The heroes must escort a relief convoy into Romulan space- having received permission to do so from the area commander and the colony in question- but dissident elements in the military threaten to fire upon any Federation vessels making the transit. Gunboat diplomacy and brinkmanship.

Mission 1-6 Outbreak- Wing Commander Tevis and his troops break with the Empire and go on a rampage. Starfleet and (loyal) Romulan forces must thwart the offensive and break Tevis' power once and for all.

Mission 1-7 XXXXX-Mission 1-8 XXXXX-Mission 1-9 Cold Fire- The heroes are tasked with escorting a relief convoy to a Romulan

industrial moon called Toreth T'Lok when word comes that the artificial quantum singularity used to power nearly all of their complex has ruptured and is threatening to destroy the moon (shades of Praxis). The heroes must find a way to “patch” the growing subspace tear while millions of lives hang in the balance.

Arc Two: Investigate and eliminate the Toren metagenic and isolytic weapons programs and puta stop to their reconstruction efforts by interdicting military supplies and suppliers. Subspace weapons are banned by treaty between nearly all of the Alpha Quadrant powers- but the Toren are not signatories to the Khitomer Accords. In their quest to become a galactic power, the Toren have begun playing with isolytic weapons. Between the shock of the Hobus supernova, the innate instability of the Devari Nebula and the Toren testing, the fabric of subspace within the Otorin Sector is badly stressed and threatens to rupture. When the Toren test in episode 3-5 goes wildly out of control, Starfleet's worst fears are confirmed- a massive subspace tear and eruption- culminating in a sector-wide Gabriel type storm.

Mission 2-1 Unauthorized Entry- The heroes are tasked with inspecting-and if necessary, destroying- a shipment of suspected metagenic weaponry bound for the Toren homeworld.

Mission 2-2 Troubled Waters- the PC's starship is assigned to escort Federation convoy O7.21 to Outpost Hayworth in a neighboring sector. En route, she encounters a Toren minefield and the severely damaged Erimo Maru drifting into Toren space. The heroes must balance the needs of their convoy against rescuing the crippled freighter and must do so without exacerbating tensions between the Federation and the Toren Autonomy.

Mission 2-3 At What Price Peace?- The U.S.S. The heroes are tasked with escorting aFederation ambassador into Toren space in order to liberate the crew of the U.S.S. Covington.

Mission 2-4 Sins Darker Than Night- The heroes are tasked with infiltrating Toren space and contacting an informant on one of the subsidiary worlds in order to locate the main Toren research facility. With that information in hand, the are required to take out the facility before the weapon can be deployed. Unfortunately, the most expeditious means of doing so is to fake a fatal “accident”.

Mission 2-5 Title Unknown- The heroes are tasked with very, very quietly launching a series of surveillance drones into Toren space when she notices X. Do the heroes abandon their mission in pursuit of larger quarry?

Mission 2-6 Indiscretions- Starfleet Intelligence is growing concerned over a possible alliance between the Toren Autonomy and dissident elements of the Romulan Empire. Learning that a Romulan diplomatic courier is aboard a Cardassian-built, Toren-owned freighter, Starfleet Command dispatches the The heroes to investigate- and learn the courier's mission and intentions.


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Mission 2-7 Suspicions- Starfleet Intelligence is growing concerned over a radical drop in chatter on the Toren subspace bands (a possible prelude to war), and dispatches the heroes to investigate.

Mission 2-8 Tapestry- Starfleet Intelligence has learned that the Toren are preparing to conduct a test of a major new weapons system, and the the heroes are tasked with infiltrating Toren space and monitoring the tests. The hyper-alert Toren forces make approaching the test-site difficult, at best. Worse, the test site- while within Toren space- threatens a nearby Class M world. When detonated, the device works as designed- but instead of simply collapsing, the device creates a massive subspace distortion wave- a wave that quickly generates sympathetic reactions from subspace anomalies throughout the sector. It appears that this entire region is rife with subspace instabilities in the wake of the Hobus supernova.

Mission 2-9 Shadow world- Section 31 has determined that the Toren isolytic weapon is powered by trilithium resin, which is currently beyond the Toren ability to manufacture. The heroes are assigned to determine where and how they are acquiring it- which leads them to Courd, and then to a black-market trade station set deep in neutral space. The heroes track the lines of purchase back through a Yridian freighter captain, a Ferengi arms dealer, and finally, a Klingon strong-man named V'Rakt. Rather than simply cutting off the flow, Section 31 wants to make sure they're the only customer.

Mission 2-10 Business Measures- The heroes are assigned to travel to a Klingon moon to deal with the strongman V'Rakt. Starfleet Command wants the heroes to put an end to the Klingon's illicit weapons dealing. As he is protected by his allegiance to one of the Klingon High Houses (and Federation-Klingon relations are strained), their methods will have to be....”non-traditional”.

Mission 2-11 The Coming Storm- Concerned with the growing number of subspace anomaliesoccurring in and around the Otorin Sector, Starfleet Command has ordered all starships in the area to conduct updated scans of the subspace topography. One of the most threatening is the anomaly at Section C-18 (and creeping slowly towards D-14. While attempting to conduct their survey, the ship is harassed by Toren raiders.

Mission 2-12 Title Unknown - Manned by a human crew and operating by the “Stockholm Astrographical Society”, the freighter Douda is behaving suspiciously- trawling back and forth near the Toren Autonomy. Confronted, she claims to be doing detailed astrometric surveys. What she's really doing is laying subspace mines. The question is- why?

Mission 2-13 Interdiction- As a conventional military confrontation with the Toren grows more likely, Section 31 tasks the heroes with slipping them a mickey- covertly crippling or destroying their new Kelden class battlecruiser. The heroes are authorized to inflict maximum possible on Toren military shipping while maintaining full Federation deniability.

Mission 2-14 Conflagration- Starfleet Intelligence learns that the Toren are preparing to conduct a test of a second, more powerful isolytic weapon. The heroes are tasked with putting an end to the Toren isolytic testing- permanently. This ends in a race to detonate or stop the device- and the heroes come up just a few seconds too late.

Mission 2-15 Caldera- The Toren test in episode 2-15 has gone wildly out of control, resulting in a massive subspace tear and eruption, and culminating in a sector-wide subspace storm. Even as Starfleet seals the Toren subspace tear, the C-18 anomaly ruptures and begins carving a path of destruction towards the Devari Nebula the increasing difficulty of warp travel,

Stand Alone Adventure SeedsMission Seed Dust To Dust- The heroes are tasked with visiting a small archaeological dig site for

a routine cargo and check-up visit. Upon arrival, the heroes are ambushed by an band of Orion pirates, looking for a fabled treasure. While looking for the lost loot, the Orions activate an ancient booby trap which threatens them all.

Mission Seed Ghosts of Tillman 's Past - The PC's starship travels to the Orius Sector to investigate


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supplies stolen from the doomed starship. After meeting with a Ferengi arms dealer on Shub's world, the heroes travel to a neutral world and ferret out a near-hidden pirate base- which they must eliminate in a military strike, freeing prisoners and recovering stolen goods.

Mission Seed Retribution - While conducting a routine patrol, the crew discovers a derelict vessel that has obviously (and recently) been hit by raiders. There are no survivors (the remaining passengers and crew are dead) and much of the ship’s equipment has been smashed. Given the damage and debris, it’s obvious that the transport put up quite a fight before succumbing. Several life pods are missing, unaccounted for, as are several passengers and a fairish chunk of cargo. The nearest port is a Federation trading post, but there’s also a non-aligned (Orion) world nearby (but outside Federation space). There is no local “authority” on this world and the Federation has no real jurisdiction, but the attack cannot go unpunished, either. Several female passengers were taken to be sold into slavery, and the villain in this attack is the local Orion chieftain and his three-ship raider group.

Mission Seed Ti tle Unknown - While on patrol near the Neutral Zone, the heroes discover a Romulan starship crossing the Neutral Zone border. When confronted, the Romulans claim to be looking for the raiders who attacked one of their colonies. The two starships must join forces to bring the renegades to justice once and for all.

Mission Seed Fragments of a Shattered Empire- While on patrol, a Federation starship encounters and intercepts a poorly equipped expedition to the Etarin star system- in violation of both Romulan space and a half-dozen treaties. The party is led by someone influential from the heroes past. In attempting to justify themselves, the conspirators offer up an artifact, ostensibly part of a larger weapon, which has the potential to alter the balance of power between the Romulan and Klingon Empires and the Federation. Evidence suggests that rival expeditions have already set out for the ruined system- but the Federation Science Council and Starfleet Command remain unconvinced. Can the heroes take the chance of letting the Federation fall behind? Or can they violate the treaty on what might be a pipe dream? Is the artifact genuine, or part of an elaborate trap?

Mission Seed Title Unknown- Starfleet desperately needs the cooperation of a powerful local governor- an Andorian of some note- but his cooperation comes at a price: a duel to the death over the loss of his youngest son (killed while serving on a pirate raider). The duel pits Rouviere The Younger against a deadly clan champion. Alternate: a potentially lethal mountain race/duel to the death.

Mission Seed The Exiled- a disgraced and fugitive Starfleet officer is being held/ sheltered/ detained on a "nuetral" third-party planet. He wants to come home but his "hosts" are reluctant to let him go.

Mission Seed Title Unknown-The heroes are tasked with returning the mortal remains of the fallen son of a proud Starfleet family. Allegations of cowardice surrounding the officer's death are made. The heroes must discover the truth, and decide how to proceed.

Mission Seed Extradition With Extreme Prejudice- The heroes are tasked with conducting a swift, covert raid into Toren space to retrieve Gul Anemek, a Cardassian arms dealer and criminal strongman. Starfleet Intelligence wants to question Anemek regarding his former associates and smuggler's routes in and out of Cardassian territory.

Missions Taking Place in the Otorin Sector:AscendancyUnauthorized EntryAt What Price Peace?Ring of FireThe Tomb Raiders


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USS SakaryaNCC-52143

“...Sound once more a daring note of hope and will...”

Production Data Origin: United Federation of Planets Class and Type: Steamrunner Class Heavy

Frigate Year Launched: 2369Hull Data Size: 6, 18 decks, Length: 356/263/77 meters* Structure: 40 (5 ablative ) Crew: 200 Cargo Capacity: 60 Atmospheric Capable: NoOperational Data Transporters: 3 ea personnel, cargo,

emergency Sensor Systems Class 4 (+4/E) Operations Systems Class 3 (D) Life Support Class 4 (E) Masking System: Monoreflective Plating (14) Shuttlebays: 1 aft saucer Shuttles: 6 size worth Tractor Beams: 1 fd, 1av, 1adPropulsion Data Impulse Engines: FIG-5 (.92c) (D) Warp Drive: LF-41 (wf 6/9.2/9.6) (D)Tactical Phaser Banks Type IX (x4/D) Photon Torpedoes Mk 95 (x1/C)

Penetration 6 / 5 / 5 / 0 / 0 Photon Penetration 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4Quantum Penetration 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5

Deflector Shields FSR (E) Protection/Threshold 17 / 4

Miscellaneous Maneuver Modifiers +2 C, +1 H, +1 T Traits: Ablative Armor (+5 Structure) , Monorefractive Plating

The second of the Perimeter Defense Directive ships, the Steamrunner-class heavy frigate was designed with relatively specific mission profiles in mind, including perimeter patrol and defense, long-range threat response, covert operations, and combat support. It's also the first Starfleet vessel to mount mono-reflective plating. U.S.S. Sakarya is named in honor of the Turkish submarines which commemorated the Battle of Sakarya in the Greco-Turkish War (1919–1922) and Turkish War of Independence. She is also the first starship to bear the name.

Sakarya is currently carrying the following small craft:U.S.S. Tarsus NCC-76410 Danube Class RunaboutLake Tuz NCC-52143-1 Type 12 ShuttlecraftLake Van NCC-52143-2 Type 8 shuttlecraft

* Hull dimensions are derived from comparisons done at Ex Astris Scientia.(http://www.ex-astris- scientia.org/articles/akira-size.htm)


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USS Sakarya Senior Staff Position Name Species Rank Commanding Officer Aydin ab Reis Human CaptainExecutive Officer Victoria Loch Human CommanderTactical Actions Officer Prin Ajan “A.J.” Bajoran Lt. CommanderChief Engineer Choda Tellarite LieutenantChief Science/Ops Officer T'Var Vulcan LieutenantConn Officer Thrax Denobulan Lieutenant, JGChief Medical Officer Dr. Paul Featherstone Human Lieutenant

Captain Aydın ab ReisC.O., U.S.S. Sakarya- a captain of eight years experience, ab Reis is still a young and enterprising officer, but is also highly self-disciplined. He carries himself with both reserve and dignity- not with arrogance at his lofty position, but with a keen awareness of the duties and responsibilities he bears. His code of honor can be best described as noblesse oblige- “noble ancestry constrains to honorable behavior; privilege entails to responsibility". Captain ab Reis adheres to a strict philosophy of personal austerity and personal honor- he has chosen the hard, disciplined road- and maintains his footing through sheer immovable integrity and iron will. Aydin ab Reis does not make close friends easily, but is loyal to such friends unto death. Aydin ab Reis is descended from nobility on his home colony (hence the ab Reis honorific) and grew up with rigid standards of honor and conduct. On the one hand, ab Reis is plain spoken and sometimes blunt, preferring the unvarnished truth to diplomatic equivocation. On the other, he seldom shares his mind with others and plays his cards very close to the vest. He can be very warm and approving when he chooses to be- and conversely, does not need words to make his disapproval and disappointment plain. He demands the very best from his officers- and they work hard not to disappoint his trust in them. Of all his officers, Captain ab Reis is closest to Commander Loch- he knows her and trusts her- and knows he can depend upon her more than anyone else aboard. Tall, thin, handsome, and dark, ab Reis moves with quiet, contained power and determination. He is a man to be rekoned with and wastes neither words nor actions. Captain ab Reis and the Sakarya have spent the last three years patrolling the Cardassian Demilitarized Zone, and are experienced in dealing with smugglers, pirates, and the like.Renown: 26 (-5) TN: 10 Note: ab Reis is noted as being formal, even stand-offish, and occasionally arrogant.

Commander Victoria LochX.O., U.S.S. Sakarya- Commander Victoria Loch is- hands down- one of the brightest individuals aboard the Sakarya- a fact not lost on her captain. Loch came up in Operations, and has an Eidetic memory. She also has a keen sense of spatial awareness and can keep track of a thousand tiny details- an essential talent in operating and managing a starship. Loch's job as Executive Officer is to keep the ship and crew operating at peak capacity in order to allow the Captain to concentrate on the mission at hand. If she were permitted, Loch would be both quiet and introspective- luxuries her duties do not normally permit her. Loch trusts Captain ab Reis completely- though she occasionally curses his name for keeping his own counsel and “drafting” her as his Executive Officer.

Lieutenant Commander Prin AjanTactical Actions Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya. The ship's chief weapons officer and head of security, Lieutenant Commander Prin grew up on the Bajoran colony world of Cosas III. Remote and isolated in the Gamma Quadrant, Cosas III was settled- without authorization- by a group of Bajoran militants- which turned out to be something of a blessing as the colony was beset both by natural predators and occasionally by the Jem'Hadar and other Gamma Quadrant predators.


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Although he saw little fighting of his own, Ajan “A.J.” learned watchful wariness, self-reliance, and a deep suspicions of outsiders at his elders' knees. At age 14, Ajan shipped out with one of the few traders who supplied Cosas III- though he turned out to be more pirate and mercenary than merchant. After several trips running the blockades between Cardassian Space, Deep Space Nine, and the Gamma Quadrant, their luck finally ran out- Prin and his shipmates were brought down by a Jem'Hadar patrol in 237X and rescued by the U.S.S. Copeland. As Prin's injuries healed, the Copeland's CO saw potential in the young man and sponsored him for Starfleet Academy.

Lieutenant ChodaChief Engineering Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya. Short, portly, cheerful, loud, and occasionally obnoxious, Choda runs her engineroom with clock-work regularity and precision. Despite being a perfectionist and occasionally a driven taskmaster, Choda loves puzzles and equipment and despises the unknown with a passion. While Choda can be argumentative on a point of engineering process and procedure, she is more prone to loud and friendly banter than to serious disagreement.

Lieutenant T'VarChief Science Officer/Ops Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya. T'Var is a typical Vulcan- calm, rational, logical, and dedicated. Believing that her scientific career lacked diversity and field experience, the logical course of action was clear. T'Var joined Starfleet and after commissioning shipped out on the Starship Ilan Ramon. After her second deep-space tour, Captain ab Reis tapped her to become his Chief of Operations aboard the Sakarya. Even absent her Vulcan conditioning, T'Var tends to be quiet and introspective- especially when working to solve a scientific puzzle. According to ship's legend, Thrax timed T'Var and discovered that she did not say a word to a single person for 56.4 hours straight. T'Var herself has no comment, save that “idle banter is illogical”. Despite her stoic exterior, T'Var is deeply devoted both to Starfleet and her shipmates. If pressed, T'Var will, of course, deny any emotional connection whatsoever- but she has turned down three transfer offers- including a position with the Daystrom Institute.

Lieutenant Junior Grade ThraxConn Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya. Thrax is Sakarya's resident “space cadet”. Young, cheerful, gregarious, and enthusiastic, he is governed by an unbridled enthusiasm and curiosity. As the youngest member of Sakarya's bridge crew, he often feels like the center of attention- that everyone is watching- and as a result, takes his job very, very seriously. Off duty, Thrax is obsessed with companionship of every variety- insecure in isolation, he seeks to surround himself with friends and acquaintances. He is interested in a wide variety of sports and physical activities, but is more dilettante than devotee- he lacks the devotion and discipline needed to truly excel at any given sport.

Doctor Paul FeatherstoneChief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya. Tall, rail-thin, slightly fussy, and undoubtedly brilliant, Doctor Featherstone is, at heart, a researcher. He much prefers tissue cultures and biological samples to people, and much prefers a quiet laboratory all to himself. Featherstone would have gotten his way, too, had he not insulted and humiliated his last C.O. over what was (ultimately) a minor difference of opinion. In a fit of pique, Featherstone reprogrammed the station's computers to bombard his superior with irritating and infuriating messages and visuals. This might have been overlooked had the incident not coincided with an inspection by the Chief of Starfleet Medical. Deciding that Featherstone was “unmilitary, unprofessional, and entirely too cosseted, Admiral Blackburn assigned the good doctor the first deep-space assignment available- the Starship Sakarya. Featherstone is not a bad man, nor even a bad doctor- merely a pampered prima donna who loves to hear his praises spoken (a lot like the Voyager EMH).


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Starfleet Bureau of PersonnelStarfleet Command

Aydin ab ReisAge: 42 Gender: MaleSpecies Human Eyes: GreyHomeworld: Antalya Colony Hair: Black

Rank: CaptainCurrent Assignment:

Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya, NCC-52143

Profile/History: Aydin ab Reis is a young and enterprising captain of eight years experience. He is highly self-disciplined and carries himself with a keen awareness of his duties and responsibilities. Aydin ab Reis is descended from nobility on his home colony (hence the ab Reis honorific) and grew up with a keen sense of noblesse oblige- “noble ancestry constrains to honorable behavior; privilege entails to responsibility". Tall, thin, handsome, and dark, ab Reis moves with quiet power and determination. He is a man to be rekoned with and wastes neither words nor actions. Captain ab Reis and the Sakarya have spent the last three years patrolling the Cardassian Demilitarized Zone, and are experienced in dealing with smugglers, pirates, and the like.

Psychological Profile: Captain ab Reis adheres to a strict philosophy of personal austerity and honor- he has chosen a hard, disciplined road- and maintains his footing through sheer immovable integrity and iron will. Aydin ab Reis does not make close friends easily, but is loyal to such friends unto death. Aydin ab Reis is usually plain spoken and sometimes blunt, preferring the unvarnished truth to diplomatic equivocation. On the other hand, he seldom shares his mind with others and plays his cards very close to the vest. He can be very warm and approving when he chooses- and conversely, does not need words to make his disapproval and disappointment plain. He demands the very best from his officers- and they work hard not to disappoint his trust in them. Of all his officers, Captain ab Reis is closest to Commander Loch- he knows her and trusts her- and knows he can depend upon her more than anyone else aboard.

AttributesStr 7 (+0) Agl 7 (+0) Int 10 (+2)* Vit 10 (+2) Prs 9(+1)* Per 7 (+0)

Quickness +0 Savvy +1 Stamina +2 Willpower +4* Miscellaneous Scores Defense: 7

Courage: 4 Health: 10 Renown: 25 Advancements: 25 Initiative: +0Skills:

Skill Name Attr Mod Level Misc Total Specializations

Armed Combat-Simple Wpns AGL +0 +7 +7

Athletics STR +0 +6 +6 ( Ride Horses )

Computer Use INT +2 +7 +9 ( Retrieve)

Enterprise-Administration INT +2 +7 +9 ( Federation )

First Aid INT +2 +3 +5

Inquire PRS +1 +5 +6 ( Research )

Investigate PER +0 +4 +4


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Knowledge:Culture INT +2 +5 +7 ( Human )

Knowledge:History INT +2 +5 +7 ( Federation )

Knowledge:Politics INT +2 +4 +6 ( Antalya Tribal Politics )

Knowledge:Specific World INT +2 +5 +6 ( Antalya IV, Earth )

Language- Arabic INT +2 +4 +6

Language- Fed Standard INT +2 +4 +6

Negotiate INT +2 +5 +7

Observe PER +0 +4 +4

Persuade PRS +1 +5 +6

Ranged Combat:Energy AGL +0 +7 +7 ( Phaser, Phaser Rifle )

Repair INT +2 +5 +7

Social Science INT +2 +4 +6

Survival PER +0 +6 +6 ( Desert )

System Operation INT +2 +7 +9 ( Command, Ops, Tactical )

Tactics INT +2 +7 +9 ( Cardassian, Orion, Romulan, Space )

Unarmed Combat AGL +0 +6 +6 ( Starfleet Martial Arts )

Professional Abilities: Commanding Presence: Commanding officers stick to their guns in tense situations. When making

a Willpower reaction test, Captain ab Reis rolls an extra die (3d6) and keeps the higher of the two rolls.

Fighting Captain: If Captain ab Reis is on the bridge during combat, Sakarya receives a +2 to all Command Maneuvers.

Fire Control Officer: If Captain ab Reis is in command, acting as Exec, or at Tactical during combat, Sakarya receives a +2 to all Tactical Maneuvers

Starship Duty: Captain ab Reis meets all the prerequisites for his post aboard Sakarya.Starship/Starbase Protocols: Long experience has taught Captain ab Reis how best to navigate the

Starfleet bureaucracy. Captain ab Reis receives a +4 bonus to Administration (Starfleet) tests.Will To Survive: When Captain ab Reis makes a Survival test on a planetary surface, he gains a +3

bonus (equal to ½ his Athletics skill level).

Species Abilities:Adaptable: Humans thrive in even the harshest conditions and climes. Human adaptability has

given Captain ab Reis a +2 bonus to his Willpower reaction. Human Spirit: The humans of Earth are a driven, vital, and versatile species. Human characters

begin the game with 4 courage points (instead of the usual 3).Skilled: Humans tend to draw on a broad range of experiences, and as a result, receive two

additional skill picks during Character Creation.Edges/ Flaws:

Ally (Antalya Royal Family: In dire circumstances, Captain ab Reis can ask his family for assistance (subject to a Negotiate,Influence, Persuade, or Inquire test and the Narrator's discretion).

Bold: When Captain ab Reis spends a Courage point on a Physical test, he gains +5 bonus instead of the usual +3.

Command 2: Captain ab Reis is fully qualified for command of a starship. Competitive: Captain ab Reis gains a +1 to all opposed tests. Promotion 5: Aydin ab Reis holds the rank of Captain in Starfleet.


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Starfleet Bureau of PersonnelStarfleet Command

Victoria LochAge: 38Species HumanHomeworld: EarthGender: FemaleEyes: GreenHair: Blonde

Rank: CommanderCurrent Assignment:

Executive Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya, NCC-52143

Profile/History: Commander Victoria Loch is- hands down- one of the brightest individuals aboard the Sakarya- a fact not lost on her captain. Loch came up in Operations, and has an eidetic memory. She also has a keen sense of situationial awareness and can keep track of a thousand tiny details- an essential talent in operating and managing a starship. Loch's job as Executive Officer is to keep the ship and crew operating at peak capacity in order to allow the Captain to concentrate on the mission at hand.

Psychological Profile: If she were permitted, Loch would be both quiet and introspective- luxuries her duties do not normally permit her. In order to keep the crew functioning efficiently, Loch must be involved and engaged, projecting just the right mix of encouragement, discipline, and scolding to get the job done. Loch trusts Captain ab Reis completely- though she occasionally curses his name for keeping his own counsel and “drafting” her as his Executive Officer.

AttributesStr 6 (+0) Agl 7 (+0)* Int 12 (+3) Vit 9 (+1) Prs 7(+0)* Per 11 (+2)*

Quickness +4 Savvy +2* Stamina +0 Willpower +3 Miscellaneous Scores Defense: 7

Courage: 4 Health: 9 Renown: 16 Advancements: 20 Initiative: +4

Skills:Skill Name Attr Mod Level Misc Total Specializations

Athletics STR +0 +3 +3

Computer Use INT +3 +7 +10 ( Retrieve )

Enterprise-Administration INT +3 +5 +8 ( Federation )

First Aid INT +3 +4 +7

Inquire PRS +0 +5 +5 ( Research )

Knowledge:Culture INT +3 +4 +7 ( Human )

Knowledge:History INT +3 +5 +8 ( Federation )

Knowledge:Specific World INT +3 +4 +7 ( Earth )

Knowledge:Trivia INT +3 +5 +8 ( Terran Poetry )

Language- Fed Standard INT +3 +5 +8

Language- Vulcan INT +3 +4 +7


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Negotiate INT +3 +5 +8

Observe PER +2 +5 +7

Persuade PRS +3 +6 +9

Ranged Combat:Energy AGL +0 +5 +5

Repair INT +3 +6 +9

System Engineering INT +3 +7 +10 (ElectroPlasma Systems)

System Operation INT +3 +7 +10 ( Operations Management )

Tactics INT +3 +5 +8 ( Space )

Unarmed Combat AGL +0 +7 +7 ( Starfleet Martial Arts )

Professional Abilities: Command: Commander Loch may coordinate the efforts of her crew and increase their efficiency

by making a TN 15 Persuade check (TN is 15 +1 per officer affected). A success doubles the contribution made by supporting characters in combined tests.

Cross-Trained: When performing the professional skill of another officer, Victoria may add +3 (her Intellect modifier) to the test. For Intellect-based tests, this amounts to doubling the modifier.

Level Headed: When performing any professional skill at her shipboard station, Loch ignores alltest penalties from distraction.

Starship Duty: Commander Loch meets all the prerequisites for her post aboard Sakarya.Starship/Starbase Protocols: Long experience has taught Commander Loch how best to navigate

the Starfleet bureaucracy. Commander Loch receives a +4 bonus to Administration (Starfleet) tests.

Station Proficiency: Commander Loch has trained ruthlessly to qualify with every bridge system.Once per game session, Victoria may reroll one System Operation skill test and keep the better of the two results.

Systems Technician: Commander Loch knows her duty station inside and out. When making System Engineering tests to repair her console, Victoria gains a +4 affinity bonus (half her Computer Use skill level).

Species Abilities:Adaptable: Humans thrive in even the harshest conditions and climes. Human adaptability has

given Commander Loch a +2 bonus to her Quickness reaction. Human Spirit: The humans of Earth are a driven, vital, and versatile species. Human characters

begin the game with 4 courage points (instead of the usual 3).Skilled: Humans tend to draw on a broad range of experiences, and as a result, receive two

additional skill picks during Character Creation.Edges/ Flaws:

Command 2: Loch is assigned as the Executive Officer of a starship, and is fully qualified for command.

Coordinator: Victoria has a natural affinity for organizing groups and harnessing them to her goals. She doubles the bonus for additional participants when leading combined tests. This edge stacks with Command Professional Ability, above.

Eidetic Memory: In academic tests with a TN greater than 5, Victoria receives a +2 bonus. Multitasking: Victoria has learned to handle several problems at once- and may perform full-round

actions as two actions instead (allowing additional actions at the standard -5 penalty).Promotion 4: Loch holds the rank of Commander in Starfleet. Zero-G Trained: Victoria has been trained for work in zero gravity, and ignores any penalties from

operating in zero-g.


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Starfleet Bureau of PersonnelStarfleet Command

Prin Ajan “A.J.”Age: 28Species BajoranHomeworld: Casos III ColonyGender: MaleEyes: HazelHair: Brown

Rank: Lieutenant CommanderCurrent Assignment:

Tactical Actions Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya, NCC-52143

Profile/History: The ship's chief weapons officer and head of security, Lieutenant Commander Prin grew up on the Bajoran colony world of Cosas III. Remote and isolated in the Gamma Quadrant, Cosas III was settled- without authorization- by a group of Bajoran militants- which turned out to be something of a blessing as the colony was beset both by natural predators and occasionally by the Jem'Hadar and other Gamma Quadrant predators. Although he saw little fighting of his own, Ajan “A.J.” learned watchful wariness, self-reliance, and a deep suspicions of outsiders at his elders' knees. At age 14, Ajan shipped out with one of the few traders who supplied Cosas III- though he turned out to be more pirate and mercenary than merchant. After several trips running the blockades between Cardassian Space, Deep Space Nine, and the Gamma Quadrant, their luck finally ran out- Prin and his shipmates were brought down by a Jem'Hadar patrol in 2375 and rescued by the U.S.S. Copeland. As Prin's injuries healed, the Copeland's CO saw potential in the young man and sponsored him for Starfleet Academy.

Psychological Profile: Prin projects a friendly and easy-going manner- a velvet glove over a core of steel. He is both proud of his accomplishments and his origins- though is more than a little reticent to discuss his youth or his tenure as a blockade runner. Although by no measure a scholar, Prin is a quietly religious man who seeks to harmonize the will of the Prophets with his Starfleet duties. He is by no means a pacificist and will kill swiftly and efficiently if his duties require it. Prin tends to watch everyone and everything carefully. He prefers to wait and watch- and watch some more. Prin know that people will reveal their true thoughts and intentions more often in subtle ways than with their words.

AttributesStr 6 (+0) Agl 8 (+1) Int 10 (+2)* Vit 9 (+1) Prs 7(+0) Per 10 (+2)*

Quickness +1* Savvy +2 Stamina +2 Willpower +2 Miscellaneous Scores Defense: 8

Courage: 4 Health: 9 Renown: 12 Advancements: 12 Initiative: +3

Skills:Skill Name Attr Mod Level Misc Total Specializations

Appraise INT +2 +1 +3

Athletics STR +0 +4 +1 +5

Computer Use INT +2 +5 +7 ( Retrieve)


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Craft INT +2 +2 +1 +5

Enterprise- Streetwise INT +2 +4 +6

Influence PRS +0 +3 +3

Inquire PRS +0 +3 +3

Investigate PER +2 +6 +1 +9

Knowledge: Politics INT +2 +2 +4

Knowledge: Religion INT +2 +2 +4 ( Path of the Prophets )

Knowledge: Culture INT +2 +5 +7 ( Bajoran )

Knowledge: History INT +2 +3 +5 ( Bajoran )

Knowledge: Specific World INT +2 +3 +5 ( Cosas III )

Language- Fed Standard INT +2 +4 +6

Language- Bajoran INT +2 +3 +5

Observe PER +2 +5 +1 +8

Ranged Combat:Energy AGL +1 +7 +1 +9 ( Phaser )

Repair INT +2 +5 +1 +8

Sleight of Hand AGL +1 +1 +1 +3

System Operation INT +2 +7 +1 +10 ( Tactical )

Tactics INT +2 +3 +5 ( Space )

Unarmed Combat AGL +1 +7 +1 +9 ( Starfleet Martial Arts )

Professional Abilities: Fire Control Officer: If “A.J.” is in command, acting as Exec, or at Tactical during combat, Sakarya

receives a +2 to all Tactical ManeuversPhysically Fit: Prin has driven himself to the peak of human physical perfection- whenever he

makes a Strength or Vitality attribute test or an Athletics skill test, he doubles the bonus conferred by the key attribute (to +4). When he received this ability, Prin also increased his Stamina reaction by +1.

Responsive: Prin has learned to respond faster than normal officers to various threats- during combat actions, he may take one additional combat action per turn (a total of three actions) without suffering the multiple action penalties.

Starship Duty: Lieutenant Commander Prin meets all the prerequisites for his post aboard Sakarya.

Species Abilities:Artistic: Bajorans are generally artistic and gain a +1 Craft skill at character creationFaithful: Religion permeates Bajoran society, and every Bajoran gains a +2 Knowledge- Religion at

character creation.Pagh: So long as they are living the path of the Prophets, Bajorans gain a +1 Courage.

Edges/ Flaws: Alert: Prin has schooled himself to be alert for- and to react quickly to- danger. He gains a +2 to

all Initiative tests. Command 1: Prin is assigned as a Department Head aboard the Sakarya. Promotion 3: Prin holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander in Starfleet. Fit: Prin is in great physical shape and receives a +1 to all Physical tests.Suit Trained: Prin has spent a great deal of time in environmental suits, and no longer suffers the

-2 penalty they impose. Zero-G Trained: Prin has been trained for work in zero gravity, and ignores any penalties from

operating in zero-g.


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Starfleet Bureau of PersonnelStarfleet Command

ChodaAge: 39Species TellariteHomeworld: TellarGender: FemaleEyes: BlackHair: Orange-Brown

Rank: LieutenantCurrent Assignment:

Chief Engineering Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya, NCC-52143

Profile/History: Short, portly, cheerful, loud, and occasionally obnoxious, Choda runs her engineroom with clock-work regularity and precision. She is, at heart, a craftsman, an artist, a perfectionist, and occasionally a driven taskmaster. Choda has longed to serve in Starfleet since her earliest memories, and cut her teeth on a variety of engineering projects throughout the Alpha Quadrant. She has no ambition to be anywhere but the engineroom of a starship.

Psychological Profile: Choda loves puzzles and equipment and has a hard time fighting the impulse to tinker, tweak, and adjust any machine that isn't quite “right”- whether or not that equipment belongs to her. Choda despises the unknown with a passion- one of her favorite mantras is “What you don't understand can kill you.” While Choda can be argumentative on a point of engineering process and procedure, she is more prone to loud and friendly banter than to serious disagreement. Off duty, Choda enjoys complex games such as kal-toh and has developed a fondness for a variety of ethanol products. She fancies herself quite the connoisier, though always in moderation.

AttributesStr 9 (+1) Agl 8 (+1) Int 10 (+2)* Vit 8 (+1) Prs 10(+2)* Per 5 (+0)

Quickness +1 Savvy +2 Stamina +1* Willpower +2 Miscellaneous Scores Defense: 8

Courage: 3 Health: 9 Renown: 10 Advancements: 14 Initiative: +1

Skills:Skill Name Attr Mod Level Misc Total Specializations

Athletics STR +1 +1 +2

Computer Use INT +2 +6 +1 +9 ( Electronic )

Construct INT +2 +5 +2 +9 ( Research )

Demolitions INT +2 +6 +8

Gaming INT +2 +4 +6

Knowledge: Culture INT +2 +3 +1 +6 ( Tellarite )

Knowledge: History INT +2 +5 +1 +8 ( Federation )

Knowledge: Specific World INT +2 +3 +1 +6 ( Earth, Rigel IV )

Knowledge: Trivia INT +2 +2 +1 +5 ( Alcoholic Beverages )

Language- Fed Standard INT +2 +3 +1 +6


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Language- Tellarite INT +2 +4 +1 +7

Language- Vulcan INT +2 +3 +1 +6

Observe PER +0 +5 +5

Physical Science INT +2 +5 +1 +8 ( Physics, Mathematics )

Propulsion Engineering INT +2 +7 +1 +10 ( Warp Drive )

Ranged Combat:Energy AGL +1 +6 +7 ( Phaser )

Repair INT +2 +6 +1 +9

Structural Engineering PRS +2 +6 +1 +9 (Spaceframes )

Survival PER +0 +3 +3

System Engineering INT +2 +7 +1 +10 (EPS Grid, Transporter )

System Operation INT +2 +6 +8

Unarmed Combat AGL +1 +4 +5 ( Starfleet Martial Arts )

Professional Abilities: Engineering Certification: Lieutenant Choda may use all of the Engineering group skills untrained. Fix-It: Having spent many hours tearing apart the Skarya's systems, Choda has learned how to

repair them as well. She now knows all of the Repair skill specializations. Miracle Worker- Propulsion Engineering: When making a Propulsion Engineering check (including

Extended tests) Choda may take the action in half the base time. Starship Duty: Lieutenant Choda meets all the prerequisites for her post aboard Sakarya.

Species Abilities:Bonus Edge: Exceptional Fortitude: Tellarites suffer Fatigue-related test penalties as though they

were one level less fatigued then they actually are. Bonus Edge: Meticulous: Tellarites gain a cumulative +1 per round in extended tests. Bonus Edge: Skill Focus (Exhaustive): Tellarites gain a +2 species bonus to Inquire and Persuade

(Debate) tests. Pig-Headed: Tellarites single-mindedness often makes them seem indifferent or difficult. They

suffer a -2 to Influence tests. Poison Resistance: Tellarites gain a +4 Stamina reaction to resist the effects of poisons. Stubborn: Tellarites tend to be single-minded to a fault. A Tellarite who enters an argument

favoring a particular position must spend a Courage point to back down from that position.

Edges/ Flaws: Command 1: Choda is assigned as a department head aboard the starship Sakarya.Multitasking: Choda has learned to handle several problems at once- and may perform full-round

actions as two actions instead (allowing additional actions at the standard -5 penalty).Promotion 2: Choda holds the rank of Lieutenant in Starfleet. Skill Focus (Craftsman): Choda gains +1 each to Construct and Repair tests. Suit Trained: Choda has spent a great deal of time in environmental suits, and no longer suffers the

-2 penalty they impose. Thinker: Choda receives a +1 to all Academic tests.Zero-G Trained: Choda has been trained for work in zero gravity, and ignores any penalties from

operating in zero-g.


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Starfleet Bureau of PersonnelStarfleet Command

T'VarAge: 40Species VulcanHomeworld: VulcanGender: FemaleEyes: BrownHair: Black

Rank: LieutenantCurrent Assignment:

Chief Operations/Science Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya, NCC-52143

Profile/History: T'Var spent ten researchs as a researcher with the Vulcan Science Academy. Believing that her scientific career lacked diversity and field experience, the logical course of action was clear. T'Var joined Starfleet and after commissioning, shipped out on the U.S.S. Ilan Ramon. After her second deep-space tour, Captain ab Reis tapped her to become his Chief of Operations aboard the Sakarya.

Psychological Profile: T'Var is a typical Vulcan- calm, rational, logical, and dedicated. Even absent her Vulcan conditioning, T'Var tends to be quiet and introspective- especially when working to solve a scientific puzzle. According to ship's legend, Thrax timed T'Var and discovered that she did not say a word to a single person for 56.4 hours straight. T'Var herself has no comment, save that “idle banter is illogical”. Despite her stoic exterior, T'Var is deeply devoted both to Starfleet and her shipmates. If pressed, T'Var will, of course, deny any emotional connection whatsoever- but she has turned down three transfer offers- including a position with the Daystrom Institute.

AttributesStr 8 (+1) Agl 7 (+0) Int 11 (+2)* Vit 9 (+1) Prs 7(+0) Per 10 (+2) Psi 4 (+0)*

Quickness +2 Savvy +2 Stamina +1* Willpower +2 Miscellaneous Scores Defense: 7

Courage: 3 Health: 10 Renown: 10 Advancements: 15 Initiative: +2

Skills:Skill Name Attr Mod Level Misc Total Specializations

Athletics STR +1 +3 +1 +5 ( Climbing )

Computer Use INT +2 +5 +1 +8 ( Retrieve)

Enterprise-Administration INT +2 +3 +1 +6 ( Starbase )

Influence PRS +2 +3 +5

Investigate PER +2 +5 +1 +8

Knowledge: Culture INT +2 +4 +1 +7 ( Vulcan )

Knowledge: History INT +2 +4 +1 +7 ( Vulcan )

Knowledge: Religion INT +2 +2 +1 +5 ( Vulcan )

Knowledge: Specific World INT +2 +3 +1 +6 ( Earth, Vulcan )

Language- Fed Standard INT +2 +3 +1 +6


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Language- Vulcan INT +2 +4 +1 +7

Life Science INT +2 +5 +1 +8 ( Biology )

Mind Meld PSI +0 +4 +4

Negotiate INT +2 +2 +4

Observe PER +2 +3 +1 +6 ( Listen )

Persuade PRS +0 +3 +3

Physical Science INT +2 +5 +1 +8 ( Physics )

Planetary Science INT +2 +5 +1 +8 ( Geology )

Ranged Combat:Energy AGL +1 +5 +1 +7 ( Phaser )

Repair INT +2 +5 +1 +8

Space Science INT +2 +6 +1 +9 ( Astrophysics )

System Engineering INT +2 +4 +1 +7 ( EPS Grid )

System Operation INT +2 +6 +1 +9 ( Ops, Sensors )

Unarmed Combat AGL +1 +3 +1 +5 ( Starfleet Martial Arts )

Professional Abilities: Cross-Trained: When performing the professional skill of another officer, T'Var may add +2 (her

Intellect modifier) to the test. For Intellect-based tests, this amounts to doubling the modifier. Journeyman:Lieutenant T'Var can use all the Science group skills untrained. Field Research: When making an Investigate test to explore a new phenomenon, T'Var gains an

affinity bonus equal to ½ her level in the appropriate skill level.Level Headed: When performing any professional skill at her shipboard station, T'Var ignores all

test penalties from distraction. Ops Manager: When acting as Operations Officer at the beginning of a session, T'Var may

designate one system as “mission critical”. All System Operation tests made on that specialization receive a +1 bonus for the duration of the session.

Scientific Protocols: T'Var has been trained in how to investigate scientific phenomenon safely. Whenever an Observe or Investigate test will endanger either herself or the crew directly, she may automatically make a TN 10 test against the appropriate Science skill to realize the danger.

Starship Duty: T'Var meets all the prerequisites for her post aboard Sakarya.Station Proficiency: Lieutenant T'Var has trained ruthlessly to qualify with every bridge system.

Once per game session, T'Var may reroll one System Operation skill test and keep the better of the two results.

Species Abilities:Enhanced Rapid Healing: Once per day, T'Var may enter a healing trance (pg 49), and recover a

number of wound points equal to her Vitality modifier,Mind Meld: With physical contact, T'Var has the ability to telepathically join her mind to another. Nerve Pinch: T'Var may stun an opponent for 2d6 rounds by making an Unarmed Combat skill

test. If the victim knows what she is attempting, T'Var suffers a -5 penalty to the test.Psionic: T'Var has telepathic mental abilities. Skill Focus (Keen Hearing): T'Var receives a +4 bonus to Observe (Listen) tests.

Edges/ Flaws: Command 1: T'Var is assigned as a department head aboard the Sakarya. Coordinator: T'Var has a natural affinity for organizing groups and harnessing them to her goals.

She doubles the bonus for additional participants when leading combined tests. Fit: T'Var is in great physical shape and receives a +1 to all Physical tests.Promotion 2: T'Var holds the rank of Lieutenant in Starfleet. Thinker: T'Var receives a +1 to all Academic tests.


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Starfleet Bureau of PersonnelStarfleet Command

ThraxAge: 28Species HumanHomeworld: EarthGender: MaleEyes: GreyHair: Salt and Pepper ( Grey and Black )

Rank: Lieutenant, Junior GradeCurrent Assignment:

Conn Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya, NCC-52143

Profile/History: Lieutenant Junior Grade Thrax is a Starfleet officer on his first deep-space posting. His previous assignment was a customs enforcment patrol out of Deep Space Five. Thrax spent his youth bumming around on his family's tramp freighter, learning the ins and outs of the Alpha Quadrant and getting a lot of hands-on experience in a variety of ships, vehicles, and small craft.

Psychological Profile: Thrax is Sakarya's resident “space cadet”. Young, cheerful, gregarious, and enthusiastic, he is governed by an unbridled enthusiasm and curiosity. As the youngest member of Sakarya's bridge crew, he often feels like the center of attention- that everyone is watching- and overcompensates by taking his job very, very seriously. Off duty, Thrax is obsessed with companionship of every variety- insecure in isolation, he seeks to surround himself with friends and acquaintances. He is interested in a wide variety of sports and physical activities, but is more dilettante than devotee- he lacks the devotion and discipline needed to truly excel at any given sport.

AttributesStr 7 (+0) Agl 10 (+2)* Int 10 (+2)* Vit 8 (+1) Prs 8(+1) Per 9 (+1)

Quickness +2* Savvy +1 Stamina +1 Willpower +2 Miscellaneous Scores Defense: 9

Courage: 3 Health: 8 Renown: 5 Advancements: 7 Initiative: +2

Skills:Skill Name Attr Mod Level Misc Total Specializations

Appraise INT +2 +1 +3

Athletics STR +0 +3 +1 +4

Computer Use INT +2 +4 +6 ( Retrieve)

Knowledge: Culture INT +2 +3 +5 ( Denobulan )

Knowledge: History INT +2 +3 +5 ( Federation )

Knowledge: Specific World INT +2 +6 +8 ( Rigel IV )

Language- Denobulan INT +2 +3 +5

Language- Fed Standard INT +2 +3 +5

Language- Orion INT +2 +2 +4

Operate Veh.- Arch. Aircraft INT +2 +3 +1 +6


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Operate Vehicle- Motorcraft INT +2 +2 +1 +5

Operate Vehicle- Sailcraft INT +2 +2 +1 +5

Persuade PRS +2 +2 +4

Ranged Combat:Energy AGL +1 +4 +1 +6 ( Phaser )

Repair INT +2 +4 +1 +7

Space Science INT +2 +9 +11 ( Astrogation )

Survival PER +1 +2 +1 +4

System Engineering INT +2 +2 +1 +5 ( Flight Control )

System Operation INT +2 +5 +1 +8 ( Flight Control )

Unarmed Combat AGL +1 +4 +1 +6 ( Starfleet Martial Arts )

Professional Abilities: Dogfighter: If Thrax is at the helm during combat, the ship receives a +2 to all Helm maneuvers. Starship Duty: Lieutenant Thrax meets all the prerequisites for his post aboard Sakarya.Surfing Space-Time: By making a TN 20 Space Science (Astrogation) test, Thrax can plot an

exceptionally tight course which allows Sakarya to arrive at her destination as though she had been travelling at maxium speed- without exceeding her sustainable maximum speed.

Species Abilities:Excellent Climb: Denobulans gain +4 species bonus to Athletics (Climb) tests and can climb up to

five meters per round.Hallucinations: In extremely stressful situations, a Denobulan may experience hallucinations.

However, such experiences are considered to be safe and natural ways of releasing nervous energy.

Hibernation: Unlike most species, Denobulans do not sleep as a part of their daily cycle. Instead, they hibernate for a full six days per year, although some can reduce this period time by various degrees. A Denobulan sleep period is handled similarly to the Fatigue rules found on pages 95-96 of the Narrator’s Guide.

Resistance: Denobulans gain a +2 to Stamina tests to resist illness, disease, and radiations. Some technology, like Borg nanoprobes, also has a delayed effect on them.

Edges/ Flaws: Command 1: Thrax is assigned as a department head aboard the Sakarya. Cultural Flexibility: Thrax has been nearly everywhere and alien customs and mores seldom

surprise him. He gains +2 to Social tests involving species other than his own.Fit: Thrax receives a +1 to all Physical tests.Promotion 1: Thrax holds the rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade in Starfleet.


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Starfleet Bureau of PersonnelStarfleet Command

Paul Featherstone, MDAge: 39 Gender: MaleSpecies Human Eyes: GreyHomeworld: Earth Hair: Salt and Pepper ( Grey and Black )

Rank: LieutenantCurrent Assignment:

Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Sakarya, NCC-52143

Profile/History: Tall, rail-thin, slightly fussy, and undoubtedly brilliant, Doctor Featherstone is, at heart, a researcher. He much prefers tissue cultures and biological samples to people, and much prefers a quiet laboratory all to himself. Featherstone would have gotten his way, too, had he not insulted and humiliated his last C.O. over what was (ultimately) a minor difference of opinion. In a fit of pique, Featherstone reprogrammed the station's computers to bombard his superior with irritating and infuriating messages and visuals. This might have been overlooked had the incident not coincided with an inspection by the Chief of Starfleet Medical. Deciding that Featherstone was “unmilitary, unprofessional, and entirely too cosseted, Admiral Blackburn assigned the good doctor the first deep-space assignment available- the Starship Sakarya.

Psychological Profile: Featherstone is brilliant- a gifted and prolific researcher- but he has poor people skills and can be stubborn, rude, petulant, childish, and even insubordinate. He is almost critically underweight because research is more enthralling than eating. Featherstone is leery of Captain ab Reis and Lieutenant Prin (his career lies in the Captain's hands while Lieutenant Prin might... hurt him). Conversely, Featherstone has a love/hate relationship with Commander Loch- she is unquestionably brilliant and beautiful, but she's also continually interrupting his research to make sure sick bay is run correctly (and not merely left in the hands of his nurses and other doctors). Featherstone deeply respects T'Var's intellectual discipline (and research background)- but most of the remaining officers and crew are tolerated, at best. Featherstone is not a bad man, nor even a bad doctor- merely a pampered prima donna who loves to hear his praises spoken (a lot like the Voyager EMH).

AttributesStr 7 (+0) Agl 8 (+1) Int 10 (+2)* Vit 9 (+1) Prs 6(+0) Per 10 (+2)*

Quickness +2 Savvy +2 Stamina +1* Willpower +2 Miscellaneous Scores Defense: 8

Courage: 4 Health: 9 Renown: 10 Advancements: 15 Initiative: +2

Skills:Skill Name Attr Mod Level Misc Total Specializations

Computer Use INT +2 +6 ( Retrieve)

Construct INT +2 +4

First Aid INT +2 +6

Knowledge: Culture INT +2 +4 ( Human )

Knowledge: History INT +2 +5 ( Federation )


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Knowledge: Law INT +2 +2 ( Medical Ethics )

Knowledge: Specific World INT +2 +4 ( Earth )

Language- Fed Standard INT +2 +5

Language- Vulcan INT +2 +4

Life Science INT +2 +7 ( Biology, Exobiology, Biotechnology )

Medicine INT +2 +8 +2

Observe PER +2 +3

Persuade PRS +2 +4

Physical Science INT +2 +7 ( Chemistry )

Ranged Combat:Energy AGL +1 +3 ( Phaser )

Repair INT +2 +4

System Engineering INT +2 +2

System Operation INT +2 +5 ( Command )

Professional Abilities: Computer Whiz: Doctor Featherstone knows his way around computer systems, performing

System Operation or Computer Use skills (including Extended tests) in half the base time.Diagnosis: Doctor Featherstone has received special training in diagnosing alien diseases and

toxins. Whenever Featherstone makes a Medicine test to identify an alien pathogen or disease, he gains an affinity bonus equal to half his Investigate skill (rounded up). If successful, Medicine tests to treat the disease receive a bonus based on the degree of success of the diagnosis roll.

Focus: Doctor Featherstone knows how to concentrate on the task at hand- and may ignore all circumstance penalties from distractions.

General Medicine: Doctor Featherstone has studied a great many medical procedures prior to being posted to Sakarya. Whenever Featherstone makes a Medicine test, he receives a +2 bonus to the result.

Immunization: After diagnosing an illness or pathogen, the Doctor may attempt a Medicine (Research) test . If successful, the doctor can produce 1d6 doses of a counter agent per hour spent in the lab. While the counter agent may be used as a cure, it may only be used as an innoculant for 2d6 hours.

Lab Work: Whenever Doctor Featherstone makes a Physical Science (Chemistry) test, he adds +4 to the result.

Secretive: Doctor Featherstone is very secretive about his work. He may add his Intellect modifier to any Willpower test, doubling the modifier when asked about his current project or mission.

Starship Duty: Doctor Featherstone meets all the prerequisites for his post aboard Sakarya.

Species Abilities:Adaptable: Humans thrive in even the harshest conditions and climes. Human adaptability has

given Doctor Featherstone a +2 bonus to his Stamina reaction. Human Spirit: The humans of Earth are a driven, vital, and versatile species. Human characters

begin the game with 4 courage points (instead of the usual 3).Skilled: Humans tend to draw on a broad range of experiences, and as a result, receive two

additional skill picks during Character Creation.Edges/ Flaws:

Command 1: Featherstone is assigned as a department head aboard the Sakarya. Promotion 2: Doctor Featherstone holds the rank of Lieutenant in Starfleet. Meticulous: Doctor Featherstone gains a cumulative +1 per round in extended tests.

