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The Skeletal System - Chp 8 Joints

Date post: 10-Jan-2016
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  • JointsJoints (articulations), the sites where two or more bones meet, have two fundamental functions:Give skeleton mobilityHold skeleton together Joints are classified by structure & function: Structure: focused on the material that binds the bones together & whether a joint cavity is presentFunction: Based on the amount of movement allowed at the joint.

  • Joints: Structural ClassificationFocuses on material binding joint and whether or not a joint cavity is presentThree structural categories:Fibrous: joined by fibrous tissue, no joint cavity, generally immovable or only slightly movable (based on length of connective tissue fibers)Sutures, Syndemoses & GomphosesCartilaginous: articulating bones are united by cartilage, lack a joint cavitySynchondroses or SymphysesSynovial: articulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint cavity, substantial freedom of movementmajority of joints fit into this category including all limb joints

  • Fibrous JointsSutures (seams) Only between bones of skullCompletely filled with short connective tissue to prevent movement but allow growthOssifies at middle age and become synostoses (bony junctions) Syndesmoses Connected by a ligament, length can vary and determine mvmntEx) tibia/fibula (some give) v. radius/ulna (rotation permitted)Gomphosespeg-in-socketOnly example is teeth in bony alveolar socketFibrous connection is short periodontal ligament

  • Cartilaginous JointsSynchondroses:Bar or plate of hyaline cartilage unites bonesEx) ephipheseal plates in long bones of children (eventually become synostoses) and immovable joint of 1st rib costal cartilage to manubrium

    Symphyses: (growing together)Articular surfaces covered with articular hyaline cartilage which is fused to pad or plate of fibrocartilageFibrocartilage acts as a shock absorber and permits limited movement, for strength and flexibilityEx) Intervertebral disks and pubis symphysis

  • The Synovial JointFive Distinct FeaturesArticular cartilageJoint (synovial) cavityArticular capsuleSynovial fluidReinforcing ligaments

  • Structures Associated with the Synovial JointBursae flattened fibrous sacsLined with synovial membranesFilled with synovial fluidNot actually part of the jointTendon sheathElongated bursa that wraps around a tendon

  • Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape I

  • Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape II

  • Movements Allowed by Synovial Joints

  • Joints: Functional ClassificationBased on amount of movement allowed in the jointThree functional categories:Synarthroses: immovable majority of fibroussome cartilaginousAmphiarthroses: slightly movable some cartilaginousDiarthroses: freely movable All synovial

  • Joint InjuriesSprains: ligaments reinforcing a joint are stretched or torn; common in lumbar region of spine, the ankle & the kneeCartilaginous injuries: overuse damage to articular cartilage or tearing of knee menisci, usually due to intense athletic use; often hear snap & pop noiseDislocations: bones are forced out of alignment; usually accompanied by sprains, inflammations & joint immoblilization; Usually the result of a serious fall or contact injury

  • Inflammatory & Degenerative ConditionsBursitis: inflammation of bursa; usually due to a physical blow or friction

    Tendonitis: inflammation of tendon sheaths; usually due to overuse

    Arthritis: broad term applying to >100 types of inflammatory/degenerative diseases that damage joints; combined it is the most widespread, crippling disease in the U.S.

  • ArthritisOsteoarthritis (OA): most common chronic arthritis; wear & tear arthritis; develops in ~85% of Americans; probably related to normal aging process, believed that normal joint use promotes the release of metalloproteinase enzymes that break down articular cartilage

    Rheumatoid Arthritics (RA): Autoimmune disease, immune system attacks bodily tissue; Initial trigger unknown, may be linked to streptococcus bacterium, affects ~1% of Americans will be affected; starts off with joint tenderness and stiffness, onset is usually bilateral; periods of flare-ups & remissions

    Gouty Arthritis: Increase in uric acid in blood sometimes results in needle-like urate crystals in the soft tissues of joints; this triggers an inflammatory response or a gout attack; typically affects one joint, usually base of the big toe

