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The South Lyon Herald - Imagine the Possibilities · Hen Battery for 80 lIens Electric Chick...

Date post: 18-May-2018
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J,LGASE DEALER ROGER WM. CHRISTENSEN 39640 Nbe.Mile Road Northville, Mich Telephouc 7145F13 ON HAND AT PRESENT: 1 New 6-ft. Combine 2 New I-row Corn Pickers COAL SITUATION is just as tough as over. Dishing it out in ton lots gives everyone U headache connected with it. FEED is about the same, We do have a Iittl 9 oil men! on hand now though. Govern- ment Wheat is stjlt out of the j$cture but we do expect one more Car sometime Soon. We -- have a good supply of Poul. try Masheiônhand:now~~ Now is the time to order your FERTILIZER becnuse the supply will be limited this year. , We had a pleasant visit with Gene Valentine from Mich. Feed and Grain, who tells us that they have a good turkey, mash to offer, The Gang was •ver~ glad to see their old friend and a for. mer employee 0 f the Co.Ops, Lewis Eulmon, who was home . on furlough. Art Chapman is back on the jobnfter .o~fewdays’ ill. ness. Humpty Dimipty gave somebody a handkershief the ~. other ~da)~and found out too late that it belonged to Mary. Nowhe’s trying to fix it up. ChIld Labor Ban Only 14 states prohibit employ. rnent under 16 during school hours. Stoker. Oil Burners WOODLAND HEATING CO. 2621 Hacker Rd., North end of Woodland Lake ALL MAKES of FURNACES INSTALLED 500 Flavor Many home . grown herbs add greatly to the ilavor o~ low-cost meat cuts. Sage, bay leaf, sweet marjoram, dill leaves, thyme, win- Icr and summer savory and basil supply their own characteristic fin- vors, but sh 9 üld be used sparingly. Onions, tomatoes, green peppers, horseradish and parsley niso make appetizing combinations with meat. Auction CAP SMITH; AUCTIONEER Phone South Lyon 4385 Address New Hudson, MIcII. FIVE ROOMS OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned will sell at Pub- Bc Auction on the premises located at 492 East Shore Drive, Wiutmore Lake, on SAL JAN. 27 Commencing at 12:30 p. m. sharp: Piano, s liaR ii, api ni t , W ii I riII t II isis II, ~s’ith Bench Pictures .Mi’hoguny Gate-Leg i’~ib~e ‘trite—lone Cabinet it:~cIit~ Mirrors Occ~Lsl(}ntrl Chair Stands Ironing Board liand-Carved Mahogany liovker Dishes Child’s Study Desk 9x15 Oriental itug with Ozite Pnd Pans Pu reli Furniture ‘lilt-Back Chair with Ottoiiian to match Floor and ‘l’aL:ie Lamps Dining Suite, ihodcrn (‘l’iii,Ie, Buf- let, 2 I-lost and 4 I)ining Chairs) Modern l3cdrooia Suite, walnut (Bed, Springs, 1nncrs~irlng Mat— tress, Chest of I)rawers, Vanity Bench and Bedside Stand) 4-Poster Bed and Springs Youth fled, Springs :ii:d Mattress, about 6 feetlong Dog house Folding Rollaway Bed P1:11cc. Auto Radio Curtains All White Glider with nltnost new cushions ~ Fireless Cooker 1 White, 1 Red and White Steel ~-Tubu1arChairs~, ~ Metal Stand aad• 1 Smoking Stand White Reed Clothes 1-laruper ICerosene Cook Stove - Fireplace Coal Grate Garden Tools Electric Washer Electric Ironer Set Double Tubs Eicctric Steam Iron 50 Ft. Rubber Lawn hose Lawn Mowei- - Sewing Machine Electric Royal Sweeper Boy’s Junior 2-Wheel-Balloon-tire Bicycle - Girl’s Balloon-tire Bk’ycle And Many Other Articles too nu- nserous to mention, TERMS OF SALE—CASH! AUCTION! CAP SMITH, Auctioneer Phone South Lyon 43135 Address New Hudson, Mid.. On account of ill health, I have de- cided to sell my small farm 2~ miles east of Plymouth, at 37886 Plym. outi, Rd., also ! all my personal property listed below, at Public Auction, on-”- SAT., lED. 3 Commencdng at 12:30 sharp: 4-ROOM HOUSE 3-ACRE ORCHARD 3 acre, of’ huh! and house with four roi,Iiis iiiil bath. Orchard l3li peach trees, 8 itpl)le trees, 16 pear trees, 4 ~luiis trees, four cherry trees and 2 tI0I~Ce trees. ‘l’wo’ciir gariLge 20x31i ft.; chicken house, 20x70 ft. (3 stoves in chicken house) gas and electricity U, roughout. Good well water, All fruit trees in A-i condition and have heen well taken care of. (At 37886 Plymouth Road.) 3 Acres and Buildings will be offer- -- ed for Sale at 2:00 p. m CHICKENS 76 Barred Rock Hei,s, all laying Hen Battery for 80 lIens Electric Chick Brooder Oil Chick Brooder 20 Metal Nests in 3 sectIons 2 Large hoppers for feed - TOOLS Slnipliel~yGorden Tractor & plow aad equi~)Iilent, like new Surni, pump ~ - Axes, Saws Wheelbarrow sprayer 3 Water fountains for chickens 15 Chick feeders, all sizes 3 Oil cans - Oil drum 2 Pairs rubber boots Stove zinc ~ Metal table top Fruit jars Several baskets Lawn mower on rubber Large ventilator for chicken houée 50 Ft. garden hose Shovels, rakes, hoes, picks Many other small articles too nu- merous to mention. - HOUSEHOLD GOODS - Small table - - - Pay bed - 2 Radios in good condition - 3-Piece wicker set - Writing desk Hall tree Gas stove with upright oven Kitchen table 6 Chairs - 9x12 Rug -Some dishes 4-Room oil heater flollaway Bed a Electric Lamps Iron bed with springs and mattress Chest of drawers Vanity dresser - White dresser Some canned fruit Baby buggy TERMS OF SALE—CASH! --Brooks Shelton Restore Nap - Restore the fluffy nap of velvet and similar fabrics by steaming (hold in front of teakettle spout) and brushing with soft brush when WAN’i’ED—Married man to work 160-acre farm near New Hudson. \%‘ill pay salary or share crop. \v rite Carl E. Slieppa rti, 6 I 2 Glyno Court, Detroit 2, Mid,. 4t6pd WANTED Typist for work In Govt office. Good wages and nice surroundings. See Geo. A. liartill- ton, Gov’t Housing Mgr. at ()ov- ernment Trailer Camp, south of Michigan Seamless plant. Forty- eight hour week. 3pd FOR SALE—Wash tanks for dairy or laundry, Single and double units, South Lyon implement Sales, phone 498i. 8tfc DOUBLE APARTMENT HOUSE to TRADE for FARM near South Lyon. House has Ii rooms, mod- em, Matt W’lnkler, 440 E. Lake, Phone South Lyon 5911 after 4~3O,or oa Sundays. 4’öpd WANT TO RENT—25, 60 os’ 75 acres of pod pasture for 1945 season. Must be ,vell fenced, with water and some shade. Will pay cash rent in advaaee if price is reasonable. Sam Pickard, 330 Eaton Drive, Northvllle. 4t6pd FOR SALE—Fresh eggs daily, F. Schoaps, 480 South St., between Stryker St. and Mill St. S2pd ltfc AUTO REPAIR and Motor Over~ hauling a Specialty. Wayne Morton, 60046 11-Mile Rd., one- half mile east of Pontiac Trail. Phone 2345, 4-6c BALED STRAW For Sale. Phone 2553 . ~ ~N ~ FOR SALE—Rolled-top solid oak desk, Will sell cheap. Especially suited for business place. See Mrs. C. J. Howard, ii~ ‘N. Lake St., South Lyon, or phone 2401. WANT GOOD CLEAN FIJRNI- TURE for CASH or TRADE. \Vlll call in South Lyon one day each month. Shortage of gas and tires. . 857 l’eaniwan Ave., Plym- outh, phone 203. Harry C. Rob- inson, Owner; Jesse Hake, Mgr. tiulyi4sp WE GIVE a very generous dis- count for orders placed in Janu- ny for “Chicks of-Known Breedk ing”. Order your chicks now. SàhiiTh Hatchery; The Poultry ~-ServiceT-Station,—phoae-52It2,-Sa- line, Mieh. ~ 3’-4c WASHING MACHINE REPAIR, also Voc, Cleaners, all makes, 15 years’ experience. ALSO buy Used Washers and ~‘ac. Cleaners. Call Whltmnye i,alce 27R1 Fleph Electric Appliance, 8525 M-aa. 4stfe -FOR SALE—Chester White stock hog. C. I-I, Lloyd, 2506fi Sn:ith Rd., South Lyon, ~ 4pd - FOR SALE—White raincoat, size lO~ sheeimkisi-llned - jacket, size 10; ~vIne plaid jacket, size 12. Wn, V. tlrenner, 515 S. Michiga,i Ave., Howell, or phone Howell 382M. ltc STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Tank wagon delivery. Fuel oils, - kerosene, gasoline, motor oils and greases. Immediate delivery. F. J. Treganowan, phone 8113, S2tfc DANCING SCHOOL Dancing taught by appointment by the Dancing Baileys. ‘1~achçrs ~. of Ballroom ~ancing. Your Iir’it les- son FREE. It will be worth yoo~ while to gi~c tss an Interview. . t,ucated at 1132 Randolph St., ‘~ Northville. Phone Northvllte 3M, .WAN’rEl) Riders to Detroit. Leaving at 7 a. rn from South Lyon or New Hudson, Phone South Lyon 2477, - SUe WANTED Refined middle aged housekeeper. Write Box 51, South Lyon Herald, giving age, experience and salary expected, t 4tfc \VANTED—Pin boys.~ tpply South Lyon Recreation. 4c FOR SALE—NEW HOMES. City of Plymouth—433 and 481 Au- burn; 650 and 675 Sunset. Only 4 1-IOMES left out of 49. Homes- open daily. Office in basement at 796 North Harvey or Phone Mr. Moon, Plymouth 1230. 2-Sc WANTED—Someoae th plow 30- acres (10 opeaaad 20 sod) in tisise for spring planting of oats. ‘1’. K Huhtala, 89950 \Vest Ten- Mile Rd. -at—Saijth Lyon city liii,- its. ~ apd FOR $AtE—~l3aledbean pods, $17 toil; baled wheat straw, $17 ton; Oats, UOc, bu.; loose alfalfa hay,, ia barn, $23 per ton. Can dehiv- er Harold Icrause, 10621 Buno- road, Brighton, 3 mi. east of U523. Phone 6776. 4ttpd SKATES SHARPENED, SAWS guairned, flied and fitted at Ban- aermaa’s, 126 Sibley St., Wixom. LOW OVERHEAD—no agents— al- lows us to serve you at a mini- mum of cost See u.s and save. Milford Granite Co., Home of the $26 Marker. - - - otfe- -WANTED—Beef hides and red fox. skins, bought at top market pric- es. Guntzvliler Taxidermy, cot- - ner 10-Mile and- Taft lid,, North- yule. - - 4t5c FOR SALE—3-Year-old Jersey anà Guernsey heifer, due to freshen- in April. . L. Peevey, 65070 EIght Mile Rd. - 4c GREENINGS NUI1SgRY, Monroe -—Mich,-——Represeated by~Geo E .-—--~ Bench, \VlIitmore Lake. Phone 3582, ur a card will bring a call- - - l3pd FOR SALE-—Hens, HOc- lb. Do not come after 5 p. m. \Vm. Peters~,. phone 2055. Stfe FOR SALE—Used furniture, Two- - Piece living room suite; 5-pc. din— ette; 0-pc, bedroom set- including ~prlngs and mattress; ,c.~trabed springs aad mattress; kitchen table, Silcox Farm, Dixboro Rd,, - South Lyoa Phoae 8947. 4tSc THE DEMAND for ‘early broilers- is very good. We are hatching thou~andsof “Chicks of Known - 13ii&liii~” per week and have thousands of tlwm on l,and start- ed in our starting batteries, They wilt make a handsome profit to finish for broilers. Saline- Hatch- cry, ‘l’he Poultry Service Stiition, Phone 59R2, Saline, Mid,. 3-4c FOIL SALE—Thoroughbred 0. 1. C. male hog, and well bred bull. A, F. Everett, phone 3485. itt War Fund Campaign Opens On March 1 Mrs. Walter Miller Is Chairman In Lyon Township Farm Group Discusses R!OWflfht --. —----Regulations’ - Now In,~ Effect 7, Outdoor sign lighting limited specifird exceptions. Detroit Edison Statement On Strike Vote - “We believe our customers and employcs should be informed that a dispute exists between Local 223, UWOC-CIO and the Detroit Edison Company with regard to the re- newnl of a contract covering more than 900 power plant en.ployes. The Union has filed a request for a strike vote which may be taken January 31. While such action does not necessarily mean a strike, It obviously creates a situation In which the~plant en.ployes might vote to place -in the hands of the national officers of the Union at New York to jeopardize electric service in the Detroit area. ~ “i’he recent strike in Cleveland where the generating plants were forced to shut down service to war industries In that important intlus— trial community shows the grave lack of responsibilIty- exhibited by those who would bring -about an interruption of electric service In war tiaie. ~vere held under the guidance of a Federal Conciliator, ‘l’he next prnp- er step is a hearing before a War Labor Board panel. No suci, hear- ing has yet been held. “\Ve are deeply concerned by dny -threat -tointerruIltelectrics~rVi~ in this area. Those ihvoNcd ‘shhuld, We believe, weigh. carefully the long and continuing reco rd of this Coin- ,)any intl Its eniploycs for fair -deal— ing and good service, ‘[hey shi,uld recognize in advance the conse- qtiences in interrupted war produc- tion, in the disruption of the life of the community, In the breaking- of the no-strike clause, and In the Union responsibility for the inter- ruption of electric power. ‘Such a threat to J)etroit, of all places, cannot but tid the enemy’s mu role, . Kiwani;ins will entertain the Scouts at next ,Monday iii eet in g. ‘l’li e ~vilt serve the speaker will be of Ann Arbor, voluntary leader in has served ten years as Scout cx- ea’utlve for the ~~~ 5 htcaaw-L1vIngs ton Council and l,iis written for Scout i,iagazines -and other periothi- cals. I Ic is the author of “Glla.pses into ‘I’ovland”, ‘Fetch, log U 1 ) Fred” and “George Wash- ington, Real Boy”. —~C-—lt. Bradley will.intruduce the speaker. Sponsor of the prograhli Is the Buys’ and Girls’ Cointijittee C I an (IC- ‘l’app. chairm an ; I I ii gli Arms and Rev, E. M. McGehec, —0~ - . The President s Budget Message President ltonset’elt’, in his budget niessilge to the 79th Congress, set forth estimated receipts of 411 bil- lion dollars and expenditures of Sn billion dollars for the fisenl year 19-16, which begins July 1, 19-15 The President, who has never opt crated the Federal government without a deficit, lnihiciite(l it deficit of 411 billion dollars in - the fiscal year 1946 and a national debt of 292 bIllion dollars by June 30, 1946. ‘fhie deficit history, with the fiscal years - 1945 and 1946 estimate(l, followsi ‘~ -Year ---- ---- ~~Deficit~ 193-1 ~— S 3,065;99l,6ss 19&5 1_ , 3,575,357,963 1937 2,707,347,110 1938 t l,38-t,l60,93i 1939 3,542,267,95-1 19-111 3,611,056,036 1941 5,167,678,417 10-12 19,692,245,776 1943 55,900,705,931 ~‘ -4p,5o5,987~°O~ - 53,182,623,3-10 1946 41,275,667,5-15 Unless the Presidcnt succeeds In balancing the budget In his fifth terni, It now- appears that lie wiil .aOt_cxperience-i4- singiesurPlus-dlur- ing his long tenure of office. War conditiOns,. which no” sCeIi~ certain to continue into I 9-5 7, ptirtend a continuation of deficit years. . On the basis of the President’s budget estltiiatcs, you r pe~ capita share of the national debt will he .72,118 on June 30, 1946; an average family’s share will be in excess of $8,472. - War Costs Exceed 282 Billion By June 30, 1945, the United States will have spent more thin,, 282 billion dollars in four - years’ ~vitr expeadituresi Year Wnr Costs 1942 $28,300,000,000 1943 75,100,000,000 1944 89,700,000,000 1945 _ 89,000,000,000 ‘i’he President’s budget estimates 69 billion dollars for war ictivities in the fiscal year 19-16. Interest on tie nation I dcht amounted to ~i’2,608,000,00() in the fiscal year , v,’hicli ended Julie 30, 1944; interest for the fiscal ,year 1945 will total 33,750,00ti,000 I ant! it is now estitiated that $4,500,000,” 000 will be needed ti meet interest costs in the asciI year I 9-16, Not iii of this is attributable to war borrowing as the national debt was multiplied several times in pre-war years by continued deficit spending. Salem Farmers clih meets at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant. Cur- ne, Wednesday, Feb. 7, it 12 3(i. -M.-—E - -Atchison— Is- the —program cl:airm an ; the roll call “SVI,at Is - ~‘nur Bobbie?”. Mrs. M. E. -Atchi- Son and Mrs. ~A, Everett are tl,e dinner committee, 0— License Plates A to I lcensc ;,lit rs ( ft II sear and il!lf year) arc on sic at the local h ri n cli of t he See eta ry of St ate’s Office—I). W. ‘i’ttie’s Store Bring the title of ~‘our dir st’ith, s~,,, ,— ——-—- a-——- - HAVE YOU A HEATING PROBLEM? Aid Society New Hudson Maccabees On W’ednesdsy ‘sling (iii Cheer ‘rent llivt’ if I ii,’ M tint’s i ‘I it ailed the toll, i w’ i ag I fYi ‘c N ft the ensoing year: Commander, Fr a k W’ei ni,,,rgi’r. I.t. Commander, ti ~ .1 ,,‘ I )i s’is, Past Coinitiande r, M a, I ):iv,’ ‘is’— br, Record Keeper, tI rs, Cliriet Ward. Mistress.At—Arlllt, )il fl. ‘:, a Taylor ~ -. Sergeaat, Mrs. Fr k W’eiril,urg- Chaplain. Mrs. I”rid k Sanders. First Guard, Joe I ha-is. Second Guard, Mrs. .-~!. Stou’e, Deboroh, Mrs. ( )ru - h<t’ddic, .1 u d a s Maci’rdi’is, l’U,ii,, Kinley. Sentinel-Picket, Al. St,~ve, The ceremony IOU c~’e,i ii eo-p— erative supper. - 14 rs. I ),r, N son of 1)etroit art i’d a .s i nt dli og officer, M rs. Joe .I );L vi’~ u-i S great mistress—at—arms Ii I i M rs, 1 .:‘zie Pettengill was cli i 1 ri ii. —Ii——-— ~ - Farm Bureau Drive In -Salem .T~wnsMp - Lyon Township To hold No Primary Election Only One Candidate Files Petition For Each Office fir eric!, ;lel ition iii prihi ry i’lt’L’’ l”i,hIia hg ‘ri’ lilt-il. ‘l’ii’ir Only tin” t’t,iiliil:tte t,,~viish,i~, :iiic,~ lift’,! Is’,,,, tO~’ilSh,lb),5,, iU’ thin ,i,’ed he iit’lih, tiit’ e,tu,,iiiliitt’s ~s-hi,, hhlhhhlt’s ~~-ilt go ‘‘ii the b~il’t at t I, April ‘2 election: Sthier~’isor, Roy l)ine:t,, ‘l’reiisiirt’r, I .~‘,)ii Sh,u,,,;ipi, (‘lerk, li:izt’l I), ~t,rkiii, .1 tist ices ,,f l’etce, titris, t’,,g~er i,iii,i .%lf, ‘l’ravls, - lIo:i rtt di f Iteview, Beech,- r Mr,t’k— e.s-_ and David ‘t’iivi,,r. IN MEMORIAM In iii(’hiii’r~’of lit-ut, \\‘iiiiiii, ‘I’. i’h,iliips. killed ii, flight ii~ ti,’ Chiii::,—Bur,,,t iret l’,’b ,. 5, I 1 1 Freedoiui lives‘‘ ,,::tl tI,r,igi it or -lives. - - -- l)ad and Sylvia. - IN APPRECIATION We are very grateful to tie e~ew of the fire de;:arti,tent, a,,,! ti ,ieigl,hi’rs “Ii:, hehpett Ill! i,lit tl,t~ lire it our lioliie Sunday. Mr. intl ~iI rs. Fri,iii.r Deer. 2nd Lleut. George W. lull, 25, hii,s arrived at Anay A i r J”,,rccs -ltctiist ributiuii Station Ni. 2 iii M iaii,i Beach, Fla. for reassign- iiieiit ~ after c,,ii~iltrting a toor of duty outside I lie ciiitiii- entol United States,~i1,’ ilied cx— iiiiinations ,iiti chassiiie,ti,n, titer— vie ws at this ost, pioneer o f sever— ~a i retiist ri ii u t I o ii stit ion S C I ii c ratcii by the Ai\ I” l’v rson nd 1)istrl hit ‘in Co,iitiiantl for AAI” ret, rice i ff1— t’ers t,itleniistetl ,ien——ssill —chEer— mine his new assignment. I hr ~c’iIi remain at the redistributin n st ation ahoat - two - ~eeks, - i,,uciiof_~v luck will be clev,,ted to rest- i,:,i r,’i’rtr. itti,)ii, Lleuten,iiit I ialI iit’ss’ t wi ituissi,i,l5 as b’,uiiiar,iler up, it 11—21 lAberitor h,eas’y bouuuh,cr hi I 1’o roblean theater of I pc ratl,,,is. I-ic hits teen awi,rtie,i ~ ut, l’urlihe I icitrt for woonds received in coin— ~Fhe dri ye - for— I i4~iti ii a rid I p - I it - the 11 ichigan Far,,i I! ii ri ii his I,ecn a great success this fri r, it was an- notunced by Honor Martin, cl,,tir— in in of the groui r i ii Salem town’ sliii’. The goal set 1’ r I he tow u.sMp by tl,e county o flit-i:N hits already been exceeded, qf(i the drive - is still ,iiaklng progress. - Coda Savery, 7310 lhro,kville road, was -stie,’essfui In urgit,iizing a new grill p i hi Canto ii tuwnshlp, and it is rtit’iiirtted that the farm— ers of W’:uyrle county will .snl’n have ~ ‘11w MR iligrin Far,, l3,,reau which Is it pu rt of ~ the Nittiunil Far:: li,ir.’rt%i Federati,n, ‘ne if the largest ii 0 1 - iaost s,it’c’cssf,il faruil dirgitilirilt ions In the ,‘c,iintry, is gainIng ir’:oilcrsllil) ittid influence rapidly in this rca. I)eslste tIe weather, tire ftraiers have t’nterecl enthusiastitili hy into the job of or— ganl’i.ln g t iii r neighbors, intl re- ports - fr,,?, ,t liar parts of the country in! - sUite indIcate t itt the dri~’e Its lit’,’, equally s,iei’e.ssfiil elsest’lieri’, ,‘ - Sgt. Radtke Missing In Action M r, iii ~iI rs, Fred ii,dtke of \Vhitnior,’ I ,rlor have leirneci fr,, the War, l)l’ilrlrlaient thud their sin: Sgt. Fred, ri k .1 . Rndtke, has lice n hissing hi ill-i 0 since .Thn, 2. Overseas Si II ta July, 1 943, ltadtke an ~ 1 jfr,ntryillrill, is believed to have Ijeen iii (h’r,nrlny %c’hen he lisab,— 1 w,,red in lrr t tie. ‘l’he 21—year—iJltl c,,a,hr,t soiiiie r, In service for three years, fought with the 79th inf,tn- t ry ~h1 visill II ,,i was in one of tie first Ii nits ! V ter liberated Paris, Wildlife Sees A U ILL,SIV ‘.‘~L~W ~ ~ ~ I ). 1’. 1 till, 3 1 2 \Vest I .1 h,ert y St., S,,,ith t,yoii, lli~s ~~‘ife,Jotilse, hIve.s (‘Ii lt,,,ite 3, l.~,,,hlu,gtu,li, Mhci,, .4’ - ~Ilft’_(rlryton_G_l3yingti,n_I,as_re_~ ti rued -fr,,,, t I,e S,,ntiwt’st b’;,itht’ -I,,, f,,rl,lig!i~ ,,iiil irris’etl it ltl,rt Shiericl,un, Ill, lust ~‘t’,’kt’,,cl ~ to reaching iiis nine. * i,,..t, 1),,,,i,h,l C. Selit,,iclt, si,,, of Chntrles S,’i,nui,ht, is i:lav in ( h’r— ruby. lie i,s wit!, lic Mnrtiir dlvi— au,,, of thu luifintry. I to has ice,, ,,ver,se,us .liciit a tu,ontli. 4’ -- Bill St nidley, Sea,,,an I st CIa ss ‘I. li,’ - hi ‘i ic_fr,. I, I—0 rca t_I ak irs_f, uutb,,r we,k,n,l. 11111 is w,urking in thur -Bakery- -thier 4’ l’(,r,,,:,tti, lt,n,laiI is ii ‘i’cr,tius, ii, trIlillilIg in tie 1 \iu 1 ,Iit,i,,,is (~,iris, i’rivi,t,’ iui,,ir lb. I,utter,,,,,ser, \\‘,,l,r,,,’,s ~\rio’ Cr115, f,,ri,u’riv if New I l,dsi,,:. iris ,,tivecl it \Vilhl— url 1t,ri,,i,,lil,t (ii’,i,rr,l lli,splt,,h, l’~l I’,’~, ‘lix,, ~ ~‘lhi it croci the 5,!,,,! f,,r ~!,,ctii’r,h i)i’particenl. ‘l’,rt’I,,riclr,,s. ‘il,, ,lr,gi,t,rr if ~ilrs. .-‘. l,,,ttrrln,lser, SIP! (r,,,,,h Ri~’— cr, h’riv,t,r l,i,tt,’r,,lii,s,’r e,,t,’r,’tl tic’ service Oct. 211, it I)c’t roiL I ‘ii’,,, rr,r,i,Ii’ticin cf her c,,clrstr, 1 ,,rt if ii r,ree,,th” ina,,gurat’,,i j,rogrll,,, tic train - li,ilre thur 8,1db \k’,\t~S fir sirreitir ~ith the -~i ri’>’ ~tc’,hlril l),r— ,rrti,lt’nt, l’rivi,t,r !,litterr,lr,s,r ~‘ili lie ctc,:thifitr,I fur tir,t:i- i.S a terl,icic’lar, in c,,ccr if tI,r ,~rl,ly’s (10 ge,irril Iios 1 ,ittls in tills ,cr,:ctr~’, \l r.~. lii,, ~ilu,,u, Sr. ~i’It, (i’ll id l,Lltu’ijiilti, -l”ir,, r,’t’c’,it iy iii! l,rt,ki, ii iii cii,’ti ‘I’til’-stii:i- ,i1zit ill \I,urrt-li ~l,’,,,,irij,! ii,s 1 iiti ri I ,;kt’ir,rtl, Slit’ ‘iris i~-t‘t’rlrs ‘ii. N tLlrtiler par— tlc’,I;,rs iiiui,’,’ lct’,’ri it’r,ri,i’ii it tilt lull,- .iir,’r tIiiiii tint tic’ l,lil~,’ still ii,’ hriingiit ti, S 1 ,,,ti~ Is-in fur irr— tt’ riic’it ui \%‘ ilker t’eriit’tt’ry. —0 Mail For Prisoners Of War In Germany I,, 1111 t’Iust. sl,,uh,h ‘‘hi cure of I,- t,’riir,ti,rcjih btc’ch (‘nuts l)ir,’t’tcry St’r”it’t’, (ieuic’~’ri, Sssiiz,’ri,ciih,’’ cc’ 511,010 Is dirt if I i,cr icl,tr,ss i,f nail fi,r lirisuln,’rs hf w’rir iii (ide— oilily ~c-li,’ii tit’ ‘ri~~I t’llhlihu li wI,l,’li ticc- pris,,,i,’r Is ,‘,ciiiii’iI is ils,, shist’,, ill the ul,ir,’,ss. ,-\ls,, ,ic,til ,,liitr,rs’ ic’rsun,i,’b is iti’lc-lr,hiy reliuirte,i Its ~risuiclc’r&—411 ~‘‘r,r, ht’lui hc~- tie ,‘hit’clly, ni miii is tui• ic ,,itlressecl ti, iii’,, In dirt— if liitt’r,iiutionil itc’tl (‘ross i)iri’t’t,iry Scrv ice, Ueiuev a. S AGAIN we are getting HATS and NECKTIES Dry Cleaned! Twice a wáek service. This is the time of year to give your SHOES a look-over. Later may be too late! RACE’S SHOE SHOP. tfc ,lcis,’ 1 chu \%‘ei,,l,crgt’r, Seuu,ciui I st (huts h,’i,’pbo’rn’it lit ~ in J)etrcuit friui, Now York, Suit:,ht~’, to say lit. was back safely f ron, anicthce r cot,— vay l-1P. k,n i,,-~n ‘an •iuu ,\Fln,f Ills tress’ its ‘‘cit sui},ncnrine to i red l I, Sc’. in ii ci \Vc’i cc Ii ci rgc’ r tIc,,,., c’,c,vucy duty sic.’.’ Oi’i i ills sli;’ is it iritrcih frigatc’. \\‘lcu’c, I,,’ rcrr,,’lr,h Nist’ ‘,‘,~rk Ice !iriii IU 1,1— _tcrs_i~,cl_s~ser,i_~iitck:tges_iiw~tlt ihg ciii,, l’rccc’st ‘Jb,i,,lilsuihi, A slit ‘In lUcy— SI iii’ 1 st Chits is sonic— I ic l’r,iiiicr, I is a rec’trcit ‘5- rid hr th,ut lie ~s’,is un dry ,‘xtic’i’teii ~ to In, ,ic,viuig - * p~’t, }lar,,i,l 13,,nch hits h,r,r,i I ruin— f,’rr,’,l ~ lit hOg Spring, ‘lu-si-s. lIlt) nile.s friri mr 5 ,,,,th fec,,,, lilt f’,rii,c’r -hiaatinn~—slrs—h;oodl—an,l—hhiihic—ire lis’ir,giherë tic,. ---- -*-- - lvi, (hirui,i, I harris, fnr,,c,rhy of Sioti, l.yi’ir, lc’ft N,’s~ ‘-‘iS irk lust st-c’,’it for ,,“.‘rstrJls s,’rs’it’dr. I he is in th,r hnf,,,t rv. !)c,ccr!,i Shil,r,gh,, -S,’r,ri,cu 2nt) (~h,u,s.s is cu, tiii- ,-\ulu,,ir,htv lsl;uu,hs in tIn’ h’niiiu’, I hi’ lift Brisior’, ,&us— I rruhi,, (‘insulIns ,,,u,rc,irg, ruciul was in Nc’s’ ( cii ,,,‘:L t\%’~l w’c’.’ks I,crfore g,i’cg ti, I l,r hsiiin,hs. 4’ Membership Drive Is A Success Throughout County __-\t th,is tiui,’ tie I”rir,, Iltrer,,, clris’r hits resiiitt’ti iii _e$4’r -.~)t~ ~,,ruitl ,,,‘ru,h,,’rslii’s it, Oiiklu,id ‘.‘r’iniiuty, cccii s,’s’,’ril tounsi,ips h,:u~’c- nit - yet - rt’in~rt,rcl. lIcE nrc’s let iu,,t t’,iui,jileie but ii,,’ fiuhliuwiccg shuc,~vs l,uisc’. tites’ str,iu,i at prt’s”nt .%vnn, Si. I I ighuhanil, -19. I ills’, -1.1, -- ur”~- cloud, 38, - Milf,’rul, 37, - \Vh,iie like. 3-1, - Ni’s-i, tit;. Rose, 23. %i,uru ret ,i rot ire t’sIuvt’tt’dl for ,iu-x.t__s~:ucrk’s liter, O,hr’ h,un,lrt’ui iiuitl fifty ;cerso.s juiti’uuiit•ii tl,t’ iuustriut’tiul,i utt’eti:ig --- Work Begins On, New Theatre- For South Lyon \\‘nrk,,en has’,’ started ex,’avat’ lug fc,r suuccic’ if the fotiti,:gs ,,f Ed.. C ‘rirr,iIv’S t,riii,cirt,ch ,iew theatre on i,l~chuts ,i’xt ti the i,luus,,nic Ihuildl— i hg ‘III ~\‘esE I ike 5! reet. b’hjt,,s i’ahl fir tic. thieat re to oc— u’cIIll’ ci hi l’,ts~i,n which foruiuerly stl,,,cl th,~ i’hiilhips anti hlruyton hi Ii I hell,, ~ts, :sl ri 1)cii, lt,’a,I ins ret’eiv,’,i wc,rii •IIcit. her h,rotluer, (pl. George I,. l-liuyu-s, 25, was kIlled iii ,icti,,n in hIt’igiOu,, lIe.’. I 9, . ‘43,5 a para- t cc,, i i er ~s’i t hi the ii Airborne ,Dlvision, intl had been’ oversens --a-~-~ea*r--flG-4R-sant~-lw- lilt ~t’lfe (iii Detroit) lilt sister and’ I st-cu l,r,,tJuu’rs ,. i~hlcr cif tlietii——-’t’—S I,vi,i,ir, 5, I htyt’s-—beiucg I,, ltuh~’, -— 0--—- Lieu t-Wiseman-~-----~----- -- and Edna DeWoif Marry In Missouri At the ),u,rs,,nuugur of the .- Baptist t’liuureIi ii, Xe~tesvihhe, i’,lis, last Scit ii r,l iy Rev. %V h,itc,ide read the c’ereii,c,r,y whIch ,uniteti in ncarrlag” I ,i,—,ut, Othehl ~Vhsein,,n utah 1~chnii l)u,’~A’cuhf. chutuighiter of ~l r, toil Mrs .1 iin,rs I)e\V,,hf of I iaii,liuirg, ‘l’Icei r~uittendantswerehishrnihc~ Pr cccl sIster—In—how, l’vt,- ~rucl Mrs. \\‘rlyclcr \Vls,’uuu,i,i - of Il,iuuui’rteiicl ~ l”hccricluu; -a-li,, s5’t’rt’ c,circiui,’ I,, ~Il,h— i~~iu,u din fiurhucuildi. lIar hrl,ic’ ~s’c,rtr a hrt,wti silk suit; her attendant I‘~‘° ~‘ h,lack, —‘ ftc r I Ice yen’ ,,ucmy, the gentle— - ,,lc,l’s sister, ~trs. l)iiu Sruuitcus, 5irr~’— .rc! ii ~c’,’,hu!ing dinner itt icr Iiu:iuuc in )YIII rc’t’li,u,’, ~.ti,, ‘Phiry are ,s~c:rrithing it f,,sv ,hjis.s u’ithc r,’latives I,, the ,‘n,iuhilliiiiii,’, iu,il lie exp,rd’ts to leave S,u,itlas- f,,r lhi,t’,t ltat,,ui, l”lnrh,hut sc’h,,,re he Is stiiticu,,ecl, I Ils I,rhde 1 ih,is to he ~‘htI, lch,,u there after thie first ,uf March,. - THE SOUTH LYON HERALD, SOUTH LYON, MICH,, THURSDAY, JAN, 25, 1045---- Dr. J. R. Ritchie ADS Brighton, Michigan Veterinarian —Phone 6955— oil -Producer California is the second largest il producing state. Wixom Co-Op NEWS- 317 N. LAFAYETTE Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work Telephone 3071 South Lyon DEAD OR ALIVE FREE SERVICE - Farm Animals Removed Promptly THE SOUTH LYON HERALD Phone Collect To , Ann Arbor 2-2244 CENTRAL DEAD STOCK CO. F.A. Lamoreaux VoIuin~ 65 SOUTH LYON, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1945 Number M.D. DR. F. P. LAMQREAUX Office Hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to S p. m. and 7 to 9 p- m. , Sunday by appointment only Office closed Wednesday afternoon aad evening Telephone 2361 Detroit Pastor ~ Kiwanis Club - Meets At Woostei’s Kiwanis Speaker Entertains - Boy About 70 pcrsons attended the _‘ ‘VIe Ladies’ Au! 5 li’i - t y I ,f ti,, l’reshi>’teriiin chtir,’i ~-lii nit ii Kiwanis di,snt’r tnt! ladles’ night meeting in Quick Hall, flotaay Scouts Monday Miller will r,,~,ist I ii, ‘slim lice tattle of i,lrs. l”i,ad \~‘,si,-r ii,, Wednesday. Feb; 7, ri 2 :3!, M n night, and heart! guest speaker, Dr. Ii’ rederic Alert of the Fi rst J’reshy— l)evi,tiiins will be in c Ir a rr-‘i’il’ Miss ~ encitughi for yarn ‘ru rcrg-~i ii hri,,g Scout Executive Muititl Greatly. All ~s’ I ri’ II win , I, ,si’ tenon clii eel,, l)et roit, speck din - “rhe Post \%‘ar World’’. An added From Ann Arbor steel crochet ho,,ks I N,’. 2 I hirgi’ feature to the program was music Sec~S As Speaker I~ hem to thus caeel i ci g. ,-\ Ii si, tie II and singing by the 32 member Girls’ I of tue thu reh are i ,i sit cc Glee club of South Lyon and their ~ director, Mrs. Russell Richards. .1. H. vanuerVen was program night’s chairman for the evening. Methodist wu,hluen 0 - di n tier, a od t lie Waiter Macl’cek - OPTOMETR1ST -~ OFFICE HOURS: South Lyon, 10 a. m. to 12 m. - Mrs John Mtmn, Sr ~ Farm Bureau Dies hi Florida Mich. 2 p. m. to S p. m, 7 P. m to S p. Dl, NO- OFFICE HOURS All day Wednesday, nor Friday aights WELDHG ----and CUTTING - Memberships - Number 500 Dr. L.A. Griswold JOHN RIDGE COMPANY - SOUTH LYON PLANT Telephone 2671 - WIXOM- PLANT OSTEOPATHIC C. 0. Rudderham, Oakland Cnn,,- - -- - ty American Red Cross War Fund chairman, announces that the cutic’ paiga for ‘War Fund, which opens March 1, is well under way, With the assistance of Mrs. ‘I’. W. dick- son, township chairman for the drive, the county workers are being organized to raise the $415,100 which National Red Cross is ask- lag from Oakland county. Town- ship chairmen have beea appoint- ed and sectional meetings are being held to acquaint them with proced- ures for the drive. - Each year General Motors cor- poration makes a gift to the chap- - ter. In previous years this has been allocated to the townships. The townships, basing their quotas din -——those of last year, will set the amount they aim- to raise. - “A. definite tlme• schedule has been set for the campaign” sulys Mr Rudderhaas, “to speed the work so all solicitations may be completed by March 15. During the week of Febraary 19, pre-ca,ipalgp neet- Infl will be held In various sections of the county.” Every war fund worker will be espected to attend the meeting nearest his community so he cots-v carry the latest word from Atherican lied Cross to each contributor. Dates and places ol meetings will be announced next week. - \Var Fund chairman for L yoa township. is Mrs. Walter Miller, scoating since 1 920, anti a profes- ~ional in scouting since 1925. He Install Officers ARC & ACETYLENE 51-4pd PROPRIETOR Physician mid Surgeon - - -- -WlXOM~--------- - -- - - -—- (A ~P~RATIV - - - - GENERAL PRAaICE-- - - PROPRIETOR ~-—~~--~-‘ _~i __________ - -- - .-- FloydKehrlClerk CITY & COUNTRY CALLS -. IeiepitonewaiIecLaKe giy~ - C. L. ANDERSON SARRR—c Miia Pnr4. cnn, i vnn F. C. RIECKIIOFF - OPTOMETRIST--~- - will be—at—TUTTLE’S—Drug—Store I’—— Cr FOR FR!DAY _& SATURDAY - ORANGES FLORIDA, No. ~- Organizing ___ - The South _~i~~çommuaity ~ - Farm Bureau held its regular - monthly meeting Thursday, Jan.25, at the home of Mr and Mrs William - ‘\ .1. Ritchie, 9291 North territorial ---- road, In spite of a heavy anow- storm which !na,de the roads almost THE - SEll VICE PARADE - Without Rationing Order “A strike would break a solemn contract betsveen the employes anti the Company. That contract has a -no-strike clause because of the re- cognition by th,e Company and ti:e -Union--of-—the —vital-_importance-- of electric supply to the coniniunity. To call thIs strike cannot be justi— fled as ct last resort. The legal miieans for briflging about a sëttlëiiiëEt have not been exl,:tusted~‘[lie Guy- ernment has established a: ad, inery for the peaceable settlet,ient of lit—, bor disputes. Many nieetings have been held by the Union and the Company to effect a renewal of this —-——I ,,-,,,—,.i ~ -216.Sweet, Juicy, per doz Office Hours: .10 to 12 a, m- - FRI JAN —- 26 2:00 to S p. n., 7 to 9 p. m ~? ,~ Dial 4161 EVENING ONLY--ito 10 or later. - - In my office at Howell all day. 320 N. Lafayette South Lyon LOCATION: Doorwast otLh’ingston hoteL t’bone nowelflssr ~-~BUY -NOW WhIte ‘Available CORN HUSKERS and SHELLERS HA Y MOWERS and WINDROWERS - ( Windrows while . mowing) - SWEEP or BUCK RAKES SPRING. TOO TH HARROWS “Turbin Type” SHALLOW and DEEP- WELL Motor-Driven PUMPS and WATER SYSTEMS, (Direct drive, no belts, no trouble) WATER BOWLS ______ a c A ~ _‘-% -“ ~ pL 1- - - POTATO DIGGERS 29c “pa— “.“-~~-‘“~ -‘ enthusiastic attendance. - The group participated In a gen- crab discussion of organization problems, and reports on the curS rent membership drIve were made by Mrs. Homer Martin, Grant Cur- = ne,- Coda-Sayery, - Bert_Ryder,- \Vll- Ham Ritchie and tIle chairman of .5 the drive, Homer Martin. The discussion was folbo~s’ed by an hour of recreation, led by Pet- er Fallot, recreation ieader, and refreshments ss’ere served by Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. John I-hansen and Mrs. Troy Roddenberry. 19-IS Si ii IT S,’rgc’rii:t 1 ic’nrv \%‘,tgner ii,,,! (‘nrliuuri,l I,t’o \\‘aguler were i,otl lou,,e it, I I’,lris’rt’ f:rbongh,s rude,, t hy. St. 0’ Sgi , - I I ‘ii r5 ~% Ig- 11cr, sslcu, Is lii tIc, ,-\lr t’iirIi~, left ~lu’:,cliy iul,,rluillg to r,lcirui tci!Mc,ri— _________ 0111111, l’h,,ritli,, I li,s h,r,,th,er, Cpl. l~”c’ \Vi,guier. ‘si,’, Is will, the 11th! - ,-% rtI h hi’ ry, left l,ust ‘Ili n rs.h iy to cc- rot er - tuir,, ii, Guilt) lIi,iai, ‘texas. 1-fe ,‘x— - ‘~ - 1111,4 ,iverseas 5er~’it’it ,‘tiiI)ui. ‘l’hue - - l,ri,th,ers lund nu,t stilt cult’!, ,,th,er j’jt~r~~ I_I~on Read shtn’e—l,e,,—w,is I,i,htic’leil ii: Ihie— Sir— -~ ___________ -—— ~it’,, three and it- l,ulf ~‘,‘rtrs ij(’l, - - ~_~g~Ls~ ~ Killed In Action si,,,, lshuoiil, -- STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS - SMITH BROS. GASOLINE—-MOTOR OILS—FUEL OILS PHONE 4649 NEW HUDSO?&, MICH. CHARMIN TISSUE SWIfl PREM - 4 for 25c -.- 12 Oz. Can 32c WH!ATIES PER BOX - lOc ~ ~toe 4 çce . D E PA P ‘1 M E NT PUMPKh4 No. 21 /s size - 1 Sc Head Lettuce . . . . bc Carrots, 2 bunches 19c Begas 4c lb. - BIRDSEYE - FROZEN FOODS -/ - TOMATOES (20 p1:) 15c APPLES 14k lb.. No. 4 Celery ....- 17c Yams, lb lOc PILLSUURY’S FLOUR 5 lb. 32c Full Line .BEACHaNUT BABY FOOD Cahhage, lb lOc Lemons, lb 13c Onions, 10 lbs 45c L IDAHO POtATo S ‘~‘ ~ HEiNZ CATSUP No. I - 10 Ib, 55~ 14 oz. 23c (30 Øs,) BARN EQUIPMENT MILKING MACHINES SALT CUPS C I nil ii i, ,c’hrr,r ii ti t ,r ice 1111111 hint sill,’:’ . Dead and Disabled HORSES and CATTLE HOGS, -CALVES and - SHEEP REMOVED FREE ~-- - ~PHONEDARLUtG’SCDnEcI - Howell 450; Detroit Vi. 1-9400 “\\‘e will continue to do all we can to obtain a speedy intl fiul settlen,ent of the itiatte rs Involve,!, In an orderly manner, anti to n:aia- tam uninterrupted electric service, “The Co:nptriy assures Its eiisto— fliers that It will take every Preen Il— tion and will use every reasonalile means to avoid an interruption of electric service and will nmako the necessary appeal to the Government to prevent it.” - - C.. C NO’i’E—Since the above article sitns written, en,pboyees in four Dc- troit Edison power stations voted to allow their union heads to call a strike, Pre-NuptialEvents Combination-ORCHARD and ~R~ii~TCROPSPRAYERS ~ - CROP DUSTERS HAY TRACK and CARRIERS BINDER and BALER TWINE LAWN and GARDEN HOSE PLOWSHARES . . . Cultivator STEELS $4.95 \Var reiiuirenients haire created a- shortage In the supply of coal and other fuels, Because of this short- age the War production Board has --- -;._ required the Detroit Edison Co. to notify its patrons of the issuance --- --- of Utilities Order U-9 prohibiting certain cuses of electricity. The -4 purpose of the Order is to save scarce fuels used in the generation of electrIcity as a part of the over~ all war ticue fuel conservation pro— gram of the United States Govern- nuent. The uses of electricity which are prohibited are: 1. Outdoor advertisIng and out- door promotional lighting. 2. Outdoor display lighting cx- cept where necessary for the con- duct of the business of outdoor es- tahilshments, - 3. Outdoor decorative and out- door ornamental lighting. - ~-4._Showwindow lighting ~ where necessary for Interior illu- mhnation, 5 ,Marqhiee lighting in excess of 60 watts for each marquee. 6. WhIte way street lighting in excess of the anion of determmcd by local public rijithority to - be nc- cessar? for pcihliO sri fety- DARLING & COMPANY (lAS, OILS, GREASES For Cars or Tractor 5 Gallons OIL in Gasoline Cans PHONE 2651 Farmers Club Honor - LoeatGfri AtCurrie’s on 7th HUGH ARMS M rs, Robert Eckert out! sister Miss Pat A rn’s entertah ned fi fteeo -guests—at—a—linen sh,ower—last---1”ritiliy- night, at the forne r’s home, hon or— Ing Miss Hazel Harding. White elm rysanthien: unis intl a tud olr,t:i re bride anti grooni cente red ti,o tulle, . 5 5 SOUTH LYON 29 Years Ford Cars_TrucksTraCtor$ Phone 4241 Flexible Farming Headquarters FORSALE NEW -ELECTRIC STOVES, WATER SOFTENERS, OIL HEATERS, SHALLOW and DEEP-WELL PUMPS, FROZEN FOQD C4BINETS ~ - and NEW WESTINGHOUSE MILK COOLERS. OPEN EVENINGS CLOSED ALL DAY Wednesday FISCH ELECTRIC APPLIANCE and FARM MACHINERY 8525 9 MILE ROAD Or M 36 I Mile West of US23 Whitmore Lake PHONE 3081 South Lyon Miss II a r d i n g ‘Cr’s the guest of honor at a nI Isceilane,,u with sl,nwer Stturdty ,,igit, gi~’t’ll hy her cousin Mrs. Owen Cox (tice . former Kathleen 1-lI rding) in If the ‘War Prod,: ‘turn Boa rd tie— Itosetlrile l’~ rk , Vu Icr n II rr ,, (IPCI) ra- terniincs that any person is ii sing finns it-cc n tctl ti,e f,’sti va event. electricit i 0 si cci at iii!: I) f t ire order, Re fresh: Fir cots we re served. it tnrty direct the elertric scuppi icr Miss I It nfl ,ig i s t ii her-u rile t Hr se~rs-ing such persrio Ill tiiSrlloli”(l irride if l.ircit, l)r,nalrI (lii’ in tin, service ii cci preseri he t ic rood it I co s -nea r f::ti: cc. Ii odor v,’lnieh se rvire ni ay ire rerali - netted. To addition, lily person ~ ~ ‘i0’~ Can: ret l”rc’e iiirrrltll rlr or s”hio ,‘.‘ilf::llv ~‘iu,irntesany ;nrc,s’isirnn ~ , . _! Irl,cnjlrltiicn l,iflcrcclr,hilnO uittnn:t cx— ~°,! !hiqnrdrr ,‘r ~t0 in connection I ~ --- eç• ec s ~ ~ - or cinligatinin hy jnlcccoiow tsith this artier ss’,lfcrlly e:inreniIs a . ‘~‘‘i,?’~ Ills- Ire, I !vn,ac,tii 111511, or material frlrt or fn:rnisinrs friar in’ Its tI~ffieers F ‘iylcrr 4834111, \Vr niiil y:clir neigilcirn fc,rcnialinn iii ann’ cirpnrtnlrnt or .- ~inure and lie iikrni icIr s”crk-. Sic rugenC~- if the initril Slates is rcrri - , ~tr-~.1,cin’ar,I Bacirns u’aa i,u;stess F nt-ill yin,, Rlll,til IcisIul;ltillni (‘oS, ty of a crime antI nlplin rnnvirticnfl -i lJrsli;F- Iii the Merry MrrL-crrs -iii ,- l)rirnit, ady. rnn,~’.- hr :nc:nislnrnl hs fine icr I,,,’ -‘ tic,iiorici.s cin,rkc,n innrtlrll’k din- ~ prisontnrrnt. 1~t,e effective :irnie if mr n’jls r,ers’,li rlt 0(1110, ~ g.Il,ler the order Is Frin. I- ~rrln~rrcrr’ Piriliflell by tile licstess NOTICE! - --—--a-—--— “i’s lirlIril rfl,3llyi,tl. l)ljri:rg ihr F l)c:r. to drafting of their 1mm) bUrr , 1,th M-~rri i, irinI of ~clHh:vliil I business s,-ssilla tint f{,il:nc’ing aOl- ! tile ,-\rrncd Fnirecs, Ii ow nrd FL Bill) ~ilv,-rell r rIVl-tert’tl (,r,r’rnnsi’s’ . 0. 0. F. DANCE rers were rrriectr’d to srrvr ,,nath- ~Farms are ferret! tn itch their “in- t ii Our b’,lLrw farni Monday. Oddfellaws’ 1),,nre ihis Friday 1 rr tern,: l’rrs., Mrs . I. F. Birder- tire slink (If 120(111 l’~r,gii-sh \ki,ii,-i night, Feb. 2, Reservations n,crsl hr ~ stadt; Vicc-Pres., Mrs I-I, i-I. Bee-. Leghorn thoroughbred It, 0. P. m ade a I a nrc, .1 ones I) rd g SI a re ‘“ In,: See -‘1’ r”Il5~ M rs. I Sc rt ( l Ill k , i in :1 Pal horn n, tested laying hens, Don Tnpp’s Service Station or Mc- A gnft of $-~ writ cited to the local ~ptuiIrts and r~bleks. Sec ,rlt-rrtlsc’ Ia foil, Srr”icr. adv I I wary fur honks, II~ r 0 t II0 ~8 Re A. )4:,riir’’’Sgt- \‘irgiili:u ,-\ rn’s Miller :urriv,t,i Ill lii,’ 11111,1,! tif or rLriilts hint. \Viseicl,cl r,’torned frotu, SIr, 11,1 ~)rs. I’,. Is, i\rIns, ~lll,)tili~,’, i’,rc,pt: lust spring ~t’here lie h,oi dyc 12:cliii’S’ ilUun’i’, Si,,, irOHI’ fr,,mrl t’lclllhiiirii’ll :10 lionihii,ng ,ulissi,ios lit’— Silo l)o’g’i, ( riiif. II Ills il,’d!n a er ,‘rl,’,liy icrritd,rv as ii t:oi,lbartiier yt’ur sun (‘irs ion ‘vhs h,.ic,,i’, ti,~ ~ li—I I flying f,crtress. lie was ~ (l.’,’uirrl ~ cd tt’ltI th,c, Curl’s lbrroar,h (rush, lfl, Silo tif Pi)’ii)g (‘ross. Charhi’s ‘l’lc,:rst,,n Cash “is a Ilcetil— ——————‘——‘u . - Severe ‘~‘inter nile 1”rtrley, tic,, is in th~ Qun~r— ~ il;ril~lh~;s,~l ad~~i~n l;~rl~s:in;tir)n ~., ,~ .~. 0 \II h n tl lc:r:,l,istl’r ( urIs i,, ilelgl,icci hi,s bit -trudy -\lr Iirl,I nt-ar ( ‘nli,u::llciis, ~~aruen i i ee \‘s,lrll,fe Ill ‘~ C ittan S or I ia:! hilt rating ,civ:inrrtl fr,,~cc ‘I--I ~ -‘- -‘ ~‘ ~ J? ~) , I l9-l~. tIe re— co,iatrs I” I ~ieriencing the tacist iii 1 I. (rcpziuiic sit II, thi r:li,k cif ~ ~.h~~SIII, i~ r~’sI~u,ig; Of It I lying rigc,rnllsw;ltrrwlthintiie tnen:ory Sergeant), ~ ~ ()0it:vr : 1 urclnqc 1 cc,inttniei,t Is a)”iigb:t Is reater In 45 nil ot ~ nnini rI I Roy Semis n Etc to ~ ~ flit L rl i_Eli,— \ rlll)~ ~I rh~rfe~ ____________________________________ aI,a River list rict ga,ne_ rc,llllager. . SIrs. I’~i,irt ( in,i’iu’y r,’ee,s’ecl a I’ —0. Ci,! , rnic’rc,tl !h,11t training ‘~~,,~ neet! fur victory gardens this Sn,itt Ill nil, vary cr,ns,elrr tl,lv (.i ri, I,, site il I sI neck frciccc hc r ii I iblrlu:lr~ of I st ti ,r Intl it ,,;nri:ig md s::nlnier will lie is gr, it (it. r tin’ rl;lJ:l r peninscullu hieing tin. ~Otl, St if SI rg’ rn I rflnk ( i!t k, ~ it nch,cl Us rug ~e l,rccch’. it treadia ~ nit greater thin in lOll states Ii litest dIll ill’’ .socith side tntl chirp— ‘Iii,’ v’rli,il rru,rs clii h<,’e’Iis gcnal I’ ic,rlqirt nrc! %1,,nnigri,rcrrs’. -tI,,,, lii,’ Cr,lini’,’ Agricultural Agent Karl D. est nI!dl,lg tin’ ~i,i,ke Siupericur shore. ti:init, fIr, his IzrJlcllJrliilln cit lice rldt’anreih i~hlhi~’ who urges Onikha,nth ‘aunts’ ‘l’iit’re’ is rniroi:t twr, feet if snIcts’ ~. flying sc-hod ,c,rrrr (,,l,ur:,i,is, ~,1iss— folk to start making plans now for ov,’r tire n-i-nt rn 1 part rif the rang’n )‘vt , mci Mrs. Wayne W’is,’,,lrl:l ~ g:lrt!ei,s that will ,tecnrttely lit the st-itt, lictirtils Ill to four fret in tue nrrivcrcl frir,, Mis ~.. Ic!, Sl:”chiy in * - fu,,luly needs, - (lc,sicn,, iistrich fl i\hger clillInt>’. sine’nci lire retr,riiflilIit fist- chris-s if Irs l)rriin,s I”il’it’ill’r If ti .0—C - of tIn’ G,,rdeoers 5110,1111 profit fr,c,n !,ast l)c’,—r ii ri, in .sw’anips liter cumin fllrinlilgi, Ii ll,,’ir il.:lrr htrri’, ‘111eV ~S,’nsin-c’s ts’ii, tins Inera silincliog hum s’c’;~r’s t’xperlt’tncts, toil :vlli,l grost— hf It,. lnq’’r ~rnilis,ilit. bid rpl’iil a fin’ cir,ys nt-ill: r,’hi$iv,-s fi, rii,cnrln n~iI ii iris c,,lltI,,-r .\irs, lIes— ing crops that (lit1 nut ciceas,ire up ItisicIg tl’I,lp’r;ttlires intl hiss snnoa- ~ ~‘irlrc’lrii,n,’, ~fr,, cnr,,l:ti’ fru,nr F —‘~~‘ l”il’tt’llcr, Ness’ I i:r,isrn:l, iris left to the family tastes. It is good gar— - ,l’-,’r linrIst 1)1 tin: h,,st’,’r ,,‘,nnsi,irc ~l,lr:l,’strnili, l”ircric)--, ‘ccitt , ro i-r, ~— f,cr lilt nra in liino:ie islr,,i,l shine,’ tir:nicnr ,‘ither to ciiot tbit’,c, ,rntircls leer rnIt:gr, ic’, easing e,,n:hil,,cns ~ ~ r:grli,, 5cccini;’ fir l-’ir,rl:Ir,. ‘lilly ~i Pit iii Cli~1 rt fir f,lrlllrr nr,he-rs, in his .. veir’s pirlc,r4 ic e::t then:i fir nviinititi’ ‘I icr~ foot deel snnlw’ is -~ ~,, it-r-nirnlll:l,Iii’ri hr~’ lit lirrilirlr. ~ I lit i,rlltil,r 01k 1’ieti’iicr Sra,,cao ulnts’n to what ti~, fi:,cih~n’ihl use. iigili rrnlci unify inch :bu,cr.s cult hru,,’ ~ find. 0~111 \ \‘i-,f’l:i ‘in, OhIo hr,a ! 9-c’. i’~ fl ~ 0 In I,. S. ‘I’. so,,,e~ 15cr bore v,’gc’trcbllr.I are neees— Fir ii,: n: 1 n:’,rni’nt of ,le’,rr rl)lliri’— ~ ‘- tIlt’flhiiliL’ II. lipriorgi, in :%hi,’i’ nclrrri’ Ill .~ur,lnti l’rirrflr’. 5qr\’, rs,ni,cirillv frir t’rlnnh:ng, if no— Clililit’. - - shIn ~t Inert’ I ri-Or, , ul;lrrllli, IOu 0 * tritic:rIll l,n,lnni’e is t,c Inc rilrlintrlifl— I), p rUin t ç~il~:r ni—ui ~ It It is Stni ill In, I it rllrw S IndI r r,fl of %tr (i I aiii It Krllnr, %licin,giin ‘,iate tci,ic irrld>’ tip indict ilO\~ tt ,i:iilft. ~ _~, F 11111 ~1r.s.1-’rcik S,lcn,i,r~ it .ttn:ti(no— rcciic’ge exiitrsii,n garden specialist, ‘vi ~ 4 I UI lie nit_li tIce ntI~I 1 tr:~ HI it~ ~ r Oil liu itlifli ( i If r II ii aflir ~I rr Li Icr,, ii ci in lii g,i:ml at prea Ct%IOCLJ. El, it ‘t \ilchlgin ‘,t-ztr \ :c tim nIll: in I I Lifl S rio UI I hi - riir I’— till- frriir:airrc: ~ c-nit. ~ ticrv (inlrth’’n pragrrnill stirves’ res’e,il— iinnr,,iw tin,- rnn,l. n,nei,’r if lii,: slrri~ll’l. 1 F~-’. 1 1~1 ,,’ 11~ in: LI (ilrcllni,n - ,llLlriLlr ~ -*— ,‘il ti-s-s tiocn -tii~i,of the fataihies in ELKOS’ FJ&RI~1GETS ~ ~ Lrr Iii I in ci,ia Ii It ~ liip,r~ ~~ ~~carl, I), k,:i ri \ ‘1 .3 ( ~~i 1 :,~,r;’~f ~ per REGISTERED BULL F tl:nr :: ~ ~rL ~ ~ ~ I rI ~ ~J~4_iIi ii:~ ~I ~ rn~~’~tr icnrci\tr’.lO ~~; ~:rt~~t l:,~;,t 1 ,i.;.t;,~l; 1 ? ~ ii: hurL, ~ , l~~l i LP nil iiir rintint \l, ~ f ci \ a I Inn 1 on II ‘s iii ice LI iii r tinning rtstnrtlons, (ci niake ln,iil ~rinki: fr,, r,~in1cic he in, nuns’ recInt’’ ~,, (n’:Ic’rLLl ~~r,inrl,’lnant’l~ it %t,ncci~iInis - ~, tic’ ~.s to I IS quarts each person - , . I ran. fnnr il~ pr - - nerds ‘rca,, It tiii I cicl,’ii htaleni tlrnerrii - ~ hcopitLli 0 l’~nviLInli. His ward s,,r- ~ - - ,,,,~ CIGARETTE LIGHTERS! Just grain, t nit. Iii-nrv Ihrnidf,irri Mr,r- l),ilc- hat1, .\t. NI. ~if .3-c. ~s ~ what you have h,oen wsiting for. nc of ),iLi,-svillr, CLI,. says i’fc. Bcur’ sinrniiicuc 1 hiLly i’nrillLte U iti, h,n !hone Northviils 106 for Free See Roger. Jewelers cdv. oa page grr’s ss’oi,nnl is 1,11 iiiig rn’pl,hiy antI pLi rrnls ‘il r, LI nIl ~i1 rs. Annierson Estimates on asulating your hems, 5, ad,, ic all! ret ‘~ rn tc~c ,hiuty soon. iiatlr. Booth Insulation Co~Detroit. aJ _i_ ~:: - :~ ~ ~ :. ~ ~I~L ~ _.~ : LL:-ra~ ~-: .~,-:L:::. —~-—iiI .-~:- ~.;-~ :- .-_:: ., •_;.Lt~L~~.L;~ L.: 1 ~, ~a 1 Ln a5~r~t~ LS~~? ~ ~: IL_a.:: .~ -~. : .-:-: -.~.-. -.: - -~~-1;~-.:-.. ~ ~Lra-.~ ~ ._~. ~. ~<. ~.L:i L_.;.- _.i
Page 1: The South Lyon Herald - Imagine the Possibilities · Hen Battery for 80 lIens Electric Chick Brooder ... Stove zinc ~ Metal table top Fruit jars Several baskets ... \VANTED—Pin



Northville, Mich

Telephouc 7145F13

ON HAND AT PRESENT:1 New 6-ft. Combine

2 New I -row Corn Pickers

COAL SITUATION is justas tough as over. Dishing itout in ton lots gives everyoneU headache connected with it.

FEED is about the same,We do have a Iittl

9oil men!

on hand now though. Govern-ment Wheat is stjlt out of thej$cture but we do expect onemore Car sometime Soon. We-- have a good supply of Poul.try Masheiônhand:now~~

Now is the time to orderyour FERTILIZER becnusethe supply will be limited thisyear. ,

We had a pleasant visitwith Gene Valentine fromMich. Feed and Grain, whotells us that they have a goodturkey, mash to offer,

The Gang was •ver~glad tosee their old friend and a for.mer employee

0f the Co.Ops,

Lewis Eulmon, who was home. on furlough.

Art Chapman is back onthe jobnfter .o~fewdays’ ill.ness.

Humpty Dimipty gavesomebody a handkershief the

~. other ~da)~and found out toolate that it belonged to Mary.Nowhe’s trying to fix it up.

ChIld Labor BanOnly 14 states prohibit employ.

rnent under 16 during schoolhours.

Stoker. Oil Burners



2621 Hacker Rd., North endof Woodland Lake


500 FlavorMany home . grown herbs add

greatly to the ilavor o~ low-costmeat cuts. Sage, bay leaf, sweetmarjoram, dill leaves, thyme, win-Icr and summer savory and basilsupply their own characteristicfin-vors, but sh

9üld be used sparingly.

Onions, tomatoes, green peppers,horseradish and parsley niso makeappetizing combinations with meat.


Phone South Lyon 4385

Address New Hudson, MIcII.



The undersigned will sell at Pub-Bc Auction on the premises locatedat 492 East Shore Drive, Wiutmore

Lake, on

SAL JAN. 27Commencing at 12:30 p. m. sharp:Piano, s liaR ii, apini t , W iiI ri II t II isisII,

~s’ith Bench Pictures.Mi’hoguny Gate-Leg i’~ib~e‘trite—lone Cabinet it:~cIit~Mirrors Occ~Lsl(}ntrlChairStands Ironing Boardliand-Carved Mahogany liovkerDishes Child’s Study Desk9x15 Oriental itug with Ozite PndPans Pu reli Furniture‘lilt-Back Chair with Ottoiiian to

match Floor and ‘l’aL:ie LampsDining Suite, ihodcrn (‘l’iii,Ie, Buf-

let, 2 I-lost and 4 I)ining Chairs)Modern l3cdrooia Suite, walnut

(Bed, Springs, 1nncrs~irlng• Mat—tress, Chest of I)rawers, VanityBench and Bedside Stand)

4-Poster Bed and SpringsYouth fled, Springs :ii:d Mattress,

about 6 feetlong • Dog houseFolding Rollaway BedP1:11cc. Auto Radio CurtainsAll White Glider with nltnost new

cushions ~ Fireless Cooker1 White, 1 Red and White Steel~-Tubu1arChairs~, ~

Metal Stand aad• 1 Smoking StandWhite Reed Clothes 1-laruperICerosene Cook Stove -

Fireplace Coal GrateGarden Tools Electric WasherElectric Ironer Set Double TubsEicctric Steam Iron50 Ft. Rubber Lawn hoseLawn Mowei- - Sewing MachineElectric Royal SweeperBoy’s Junior 2-Wheel-Balloon-tire

Bicycle -

Girl’s Balloon-tire Bk’ycleAnd Many Other Articles too nu-

nserous to mention,



Phone South Lyon 43135Address New Hudson, Mid..

On account of ill health, I have de-cided to sell my small farm 2~mileseast of Plymouth, at 37886 Plym.outi, Rd., also ! all my personalproperty listed below, at Public

Auction, on-”-

SAT., lED. 3Commencdng at 12:30 sharp:


3 acre, of’ huh! and house with fourroi,Iiis iiiil bath. Orchard — l3lipeach trees, 8 itpl)le trees, 16 peartrees, 4 ~luiis trees, four cherrytrees and 2 tI0I~Cetrees. ‘l’wo’ciirgariLge 20x31i ft.; chicken house,20x70 ft. (3 stoves in chicken house)gas and electricity U, roughout.Good well water, All fruit trees inA-i condition and have heen welltaken care of. (At 37886 PlymouthRoad.)3 Acres and Buildings will be offer--- ed for Sale at 2:00 p. m

CHICKENS76 Barred Rock Hei,s, all layingHen Battery for 80 lIensElectric Chick BrooderOil Chick Brooder20 Metal Nests in 3 sectIons2 Large hoppers for feed

- TOOLSSlnipliel~yGorden Tractor & plow

aad equi~)Iilent,like newSurni, pump ~ - Axes, SawsWheelbarrow sprayer3 Water fountains for chickens15 Chick feeders, all sizes3 Oil cans - Oil drum2 Pairs rubber bootsStove zinc ~ Metal table topFruit jars Several basketsLawn mower on rubberLarge ventilator for chicken houée50 Ft. garden hoseShovels, rakes, hoes, picksMany other small articles too nu-

merous to mention.- HOUSEHOLD GOODS -

Small table - - - Pay bed -

2 Radios in good condition -

3-Piece wicker set -Writing desk Hall treeGas stove with upright ovenKitchen table 6 Chairs -

9x12 Rug • -Some dishes4-Room oil heaterflollaway Bed a Electric LampsIron bed with springs and mattressChest of drawersVanity dresser - White dresserSome canned fruit Baby buggy


--Brooks Shelton

Restore Nap -

Restore the fluffy nap of velvetand similar fabrics by steaming(hold in front of teakettle spout)and brushing with soft brush when

WAN’i’ED—Married man to work160-acre farm near New Hudson.\%‘ill pay salary or share crop.\v rite Carl E. Slieppa rti, 6 I2Glyno Court, Detroit 2, Mid,.


WANTED — Typist for work InGovt office. Good wages and nicesurroundings. See Geo. A. liartill-ton, Gov’t Housing Mgr. at ()ov-ernment Trailer Camp, south ofMichigan Seamless plant. Forty-eight hour week. 3pd

FOR SALE—Wash tanks for dairyor laundry, Single and doubleunits, South Lyon implementSales, phone 498i. 8tfc

DOUBLE APARTMENT HOUSEto TRADE for FARM near SouthLyon. House has Ii rooms, mod-em, Matt W’lnkler, 440 E. Lake,Phone South Lyon 5911 after4~3O,or oa Sundays. 4’öpd

WANT TO RENT—25, 60 os’ 75acres of pod pasture for 1945season.Must be ,vell fenced, withwater and some shade. Will paycash rent in advaaee if price isreasonable. Sam Pickard, 330Eaton Drive, Northvllle. 4t6pd

FOR SALE—Fresh eggs daily, F.Schoaps, 480 South St., betweenStryker St. and Mill St.

S2pd ltfc

AUTO REPAIR and Motor Over~hauling a Specialty. WayneMorton, 60046 11-Mile Rd., one-half mile east of Pontiac Trail.Phone 2345, 4-6c

BALED STRAW For Sale. Phone2553 . ~ ~N ~

FOR SALE—Rolled-top solid oakdesk, Will sell cheap. Especiallysuited for business place. SeeMrs. C. J. Howard, ii~ ‘N. LakeSt., South Lyon, or phone 2401.

WANT GOOD CLEAN FIJRNI-TURE for CASH or TRADE.\Vlll call in South Lyon one dayeach month. Shortage of gas andtires. . 857 l’eaniwan Ave., Plym-outh, phone 203. Harry C. Rob-inson, Owner; Jesse Hake, Mgr.


WE GIVE a very generous dis-count for orders placed in Janu-ny for “Chicks of-Known Breedking”. Order your chicks now.SàhiiTh Hatchery; The Poultry

~-ServiceT-Station,—phoae-52It2,-Sa-line, Mieh. ~ 3’-4c

WASHING MACHINE REPAIR,also Voc, Cleaners, all makes, 15years’ experience. ALSO buyUsed Washers and ~‘ac. Cleaners.Call Whltmnye i,alce 27R1 FlephElectric Appliance, 8525 M-aa.


-FOR SALE—Chester White stockhog. C. I-I, Lloyd, 2506fi Sn:ithRd., South Lyon, ~ 4pd -

FOR SALE—White raincoat, sizelO~ sheeimkisi-llned - jacket, size10; ~vIne plaid jacket, size 12.Wn, V. tlrenner, 515 S. Michiga,iAve., Howell, or phone Howell382M. ‘ ltc


Tank wagon delivery. Fuel oils,- kerosene, gasoline, motor oils and

greases. Immediate delivery. F. J.Treganowan, phone 8113, S2tfc

DANCING SCHOOL — Dancingtaught by appointment by theDancing Baileys. ‘1~achçrs~.ofBallroom ~ancing. Your Iir’it les-son FREE. It will be worth yoo~while to gi~c tss an Interview. .t,ucated at 1132 Randolph St., ‘~Northville. Phone Northvllte 3M,

.WAN’rEl) — Riders to Detroit.Leaving at 7 a. rn from SouthLyon or New Hudson, ‘ PhoneSouth Lyon 2477, - SUe

WANTED — Refined middle agedhousekeeper. Write Box 51,South Lyon Herald, giving age,experience and salary expected,

t 4tfc

\VANTED—Pin boys.~ tpply SouthLyon Recreation. 4c

FOR SALE—NEW HOMES. Cityof Plymouth—433 and 481 Au-burn; 650 and 675 Sunset. Only4 1-IOMES left out of 49. Homes-open daily. Office in basement at796 North Harvey or Phone Mr.Moon, Plymouth 1230. 2-Sc

WANTED—Someoae th plow 30-acres (10 opeaaad 20 sod) intisise for spring planting of oats.‘1’. K Huhtala, 89950 \Vest Ten-Mile Rd. -at—Saijth Lyon city liii,-its. ~ apd

FOR $AtE—~l3aledbean pods, $17toil; baled wheat straw, $17 ton;Oats, UOc, bu.; loose alfalfa hay,,ia barn, $23 per ton. Can dehiv-er Harold Icrause, 10621 Buno-road, Brighton, 3 mi. east ofU523. Phone 6776. 4ttpd

SKATES SHARPENED, SAWSguairned, flied and fitted at Ban-aermaa’s, 126 Sibley St., Wixom.

LOW OVERHEAD—no agents— al-lows us to serve you at a mini-mum of cost See u.s and save.Milford Granite Co., Home ofthe $26 Marker. - - - otfe-

-WANTED—Beef hides and red fox.skins, bought at top market pric-es. Guntzvliler Taxidermy, cot-

- ner 10-Mile and- Taft lid,, North-yule. - - 4t5c

FOR SALE—3-Year-old Jersey anàGuernsey heifer, due to freshen-in April. . L. Peevey, 65070 EIghtMile Rd. - 4c

GREENINGS NUI1SgRY, Monroe-—Mich,-——Represeated by~Geo E .-—--~

Bench, \VlIitmore Lake. Phone3582, ur a card will bring a call- -

- l3pd

FOR SALE-—Hens, HOc- lb. Do notcome after 5 p. m. \Vm. Peters~,.phone 2055. Stfe

FOR SALE—Used furniture, Two- -

Piece living room suite; 5-pc. din—ette; 0-pc, bedroom set- including~prlngs and mattress; ,c.~trabedsprings aad mattress; kitchentable, Silcox Farm, Dixboro Rd,, -

South Lyoa Phoae 8947. 4tSc

THE DEMAND for ‘early broilers-is very good. We are hatchingthou~andsof “Chicks of Known

- 13ii&liii~” per week and havethousands of tlwm on l,and start-ed in our starting batteries, Theywilt make a handsome profit tofinish for broilers. Saline- Hatch-cry, ‘l’he Poultry Service Stiition,Phone 59R2, Saline, Mid,. 3-4c

FOIL SALE—Thoroughbred 0. 1. C.male hog, and well bred bull.A, F. Everett, phone 3485. itt

War FundCampaign OpensOn March 1

Mrs. Walter MillerIs Chairman InLyon Township

Farm GroupDiscusses


--. —----Regulations’— - Now In,~Effect

7, Outdoor sign lightinglimited specifird exceptions.

Detroit EdisonStatementOnStrike Vote

- “We believe our customers andemploycs should be informed thata dispute exists between Local 223,UWOC-CIO and the Detroit EdisonCompany with regard to the re-newnl of a contract covering morethan 900 power plant en.ployes.The Union has filed a request fora strike vote which may be takenJanuary 31. While such action doesnot necessarily mean a strike, Itobviously creates a situation Inwhich the~plant en.ployes mightvote to place -in the hands of thenational officers of the Union atNew York to jeopardize electricservice in the Detroit area. ~

“i’he recent strike in Clevelandwhere the generating plants wereforced to shut down service to warindustries In that important intlus—trial community shows the gravelack of responsibilIty- exhibited bythose who would bring -about aninterruption of electric service Inwar tiaie.

~vereheld under the guidance of aFederal Conciliator, ‘l’he next prnp-er step is a hearing before a WarLabor Board panel. No suci, hear-ing has yet been held.

“\Ve are deeply concerned by dny-threat -tointerruIltelectrics~rVi~in this area. Those ihvoNcd ‘shhuld,We believe, weigh. carefully the longand continuing reco rd of this Coin-,)any intl Its eniploycs for fair -deal—ing and good service, ‘[hey shi,uldrecognize in advance the conse-qtiences in interrupted war produc-tion, in the disruption of the life ofthe community, In the breaking- ofthe no-strike clause, and In theUnion responsibility for the inter-ruption of electric power.

‘Such a threat to J)etroit, of allplaces, cannot but tid the enemy’smurole,

. Kiwani;ins will entertain the

Scouts at next ,Mondayiii eet in g. ‘l’li e~vilt serve thespeaker will beof Ann Arbor, voluntary leader in

has served ten years as Scout cx-ea’utlve for the ~~~


ton Council and l,iis written forScout i,iagazines -and other periothi-cals. I Ic is the author of“Glla.pses into ‘I’ovland”, ‘Fetch,log U

1) Fred” and “George Wash-

ington, Real Boy”.—~C-—lt. Bradley will.intruduce thespeaker. Sponsor of the prograhliIs the Buys’ and Girls’ CointijitteeC I an (IC- ‘l’app. chairman ; I I ii gliArms and Rev, E. M. McGehec,

—0~ -.

The PresidentsBudget Message

President ltonset’elt’, in his budgetniessilge to the 79th Congress, setforth estimated receipts of 411 bil-lion dollars and expenditures ofSn billion dollars for the fisenlyear 19-16, which begins July 1, 19-15

The President, who has never optcrated the Federal governmentwithout a deficit, lnihiciite(l it deficitof 411 billion dollars in - the fiscalyear 1946 and ‘ a national debt of292 bIllion dollars by June 30, 1946.‘fhie deficit history, with the fiscalyears - 1945 and 1946 estimate(l,followsi ‘~

-Year ---- —---- ~~Deficit~193-1 ~— S 3,065;99l,6ss19&5 1_ , 3,575,357,963

1937 2,707,347,1101938 t l,38-t,l60,93i1939 3,542,267,95-119-111 3,611,056,0361941 5,167,678,41710-12 19,692,245,7761943 55,900,705,931~‘ -4p,5o5,987~°O~

- 53,182,623,3-101946 41,275,667,5-15

Unless the Presidcnt succeeds Inbalancing the budget In his fifthterni, It now- appears that lie wiil.aOt_cxperience-i4- singiesurPlus-dlur-ing his long tenure of office. WarconditiOns,. which no” sCeIi~certainto continue into I 9-57, ptirtend acontinuation of deficit years.

. On the basis of the President’sbudget estltiiatcs, you r pe~capitashare of the national debt will he.72,118 on June 30, 1946; an averagefamily’s share will be in excess of$8,472. -

War Costs Exceed 282 BillionBy June 30, 1945, the United

States will have spent more thin,,282 billion dollars in four - years’~vitr expeadituresiYear Wnr Costs1942 $28,300,000,0001943 75,100,000,0001944 89,700,000,0001945 _ 89,000,000,000

‘i’he President’s budget estimates69 billion dollars for war ictivitiesin the fiscal year 19-16.

Interest on tie nation I dchtamounted to ~i’2,608,000,00()in thefiscal year , v,’hicli ended Julie 30,1944; interest for the fiscal ,year1945 will total 33,750,00ti,000 I ant!it is now estitiated that $4,500,000,”000 will be needed ti meet interestcosts in the asciI year I 9-16, Notiii of this is attributable to warborrowing as the national debt wasmultiplied several times in pre-waryears by continued deficit spending.

Salem Farmers clih meets at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Grant. Cur-ne, Wednesday, Feb. 7, it 12 3(i.

-M.-—E --Atchison— Is- the —programcl:airm an ; the roll call “SVI,at Is -

~‘nur Bobbie?”. Mrs. M. E. -Atchi-Son and Mrs. ~A, Everett are tl,edinner committee,


LicensePlatesA to I lcensc ;,lit rs ( ft II sear and

il!lf year) arc on sic at the localhri n cli of t he See eta ry of State’sOffice—I). W. ‘i’ttie’s Store Bringthe title of ~‘our dir st’ith, s~,,,

,— ——-—- a-——- ‘ -


Aid Society

New HudsonMaccabees

On W’ednesdsy ‘sling (iiiCheer ‘rent llivt’ if I ii,’ M tint’si ‘I it ailed the toll, iw’ i ag I fYi ‘c N ftthe ensoing year:

Commander, Fr a k W’ei ni,,,rgi’r.I .t. Commander, ti ~ .1 ,,‘ I)i s’is,Past Coinitiande r, M a, I ):iv,’ ‘is’—

br,Record Keeper, tI rs, Cliriet

Ward.Mistress.At—Arlllt, )il fl. ‘:, a

Taylor ~ -.

Sergeaat, Mrs. Fr k W’eiril,urg-

Chaplain. Mrs. I”rid k Sanders.First Guard, Joe I ha-is.Second Guard, Mrs. .-~!. Stou’e,Deboroh, Mrs. ( )ru -h<t’ddic,.1 u d a s Maci’rdi’is, l’U,ii,,

Kinley.Sentinel-Picket, Al. St,~ve,The ceremony IOU c~’e,i ii eo-p—

erative supper. - 14 rs. I ),r, Nson of 1)etroit art i’d a .s int dliogofficer, M rs. Joe . I );L vi’~ u-i S greatmistress—at—arms Ii I i M rs, 1 .:‘ziePettengill was cli i

1ri ii.

—Ii——-— ~ -

Farm BureauDrive In -Salem.T~wnsMp-

Lyon TownshipTo hold NoPrimary Election

Only One CandidateFiles Petition ForEach Office

fir eric!,;lel ition iii

prihi ry i’lt’L’’l”i,hIia hg ‘ri’

lilt-il. ‘l’ii’ir

Only tin” t’t,iiliil:ttet,,~viish,i~,:iiic,~ lift’,!Is’,,,, tO~’ilSh,lb),5,, iU’thin ,i,’ed he iit’lih,tiit’ e,tu,,iiiliitt’s ~s-hi,,hhlhhhlt’s ~~-iltgo ‘‘ii the b~il’t at t I,April ‘2 election:

Sthier~’isor,Roy l)ine:t,,‘l’reiisiirt’r, I .~‘,)ii Sh,u,,,;ipi,(‘lerk, li:izt’l I), ~t,rkiii,

— .1 tist ices ,,f l’etce, titris, t’,,g~eri,iii,i .%lf, ‘l’ravls,- lIo:i rtt di f Iteview, Beech,- r Mr,t’k—

e.s-_ and David ‘t’iivi,,r.

IN MEMORIAMIn iii(’hiii’r~’of lit-ut, \\‘iiiiiii, ‘I’.

i’h,iliips. killed ii, flight ii~ti,’Chiii::,—Bur,,,t iret l’,’b ,. 5, I 1 1

Freedoiui lives‘‘ ,,::tl tI,r,igi it or

-lives.- - - - l)ad and Sylvia.


We are very grateful to tie e~ewof the fire de;:arti,tent, a,,,! ti,ieigl,hi’rs “Ii:, hehpett Ill! i,lit tl,t~lire it our lioliie Sunday.

Mr. intl ~iIrs. Fri,iii.r Deer.

2nd Lleut. George W. lull, 25,hii,s arrived at Anay A i r J”,,rccs-ltctiistributiuii Station Ni. 2 iiiM iaii,i Beach, Fla. for reassign-iiieiit ~ after c,,ii~iltrtinga toor of duty outside I lie ciiitiii-entol United States,~i1,’ilied cx—iiiiinations ,iiti chassiiie,ti,n, titer—views at this ost, pioneer o f sever—

~ai retiist ri iiut I o ii stit ion S C Iii c ratciiby the Ai\ I” l’v rson nd 1)istrl hit ‘inCo,iitiiantl for AAI” ret, rice i ff1—t’ers t,itleniistetl ,ien——ssill —chEer—mine his new assignment. I hr ~c’iIiremain at the redistributin n st ationahoat - two - ~eeks, -i,,uciiof_~vluckwill be clev,,ted to rest- i,:,i r,’i’rtr.itti,)ii, Lleuten,iiit I ialI iit’ss’ t wiituissi,i,l5 as b’,uiiiar,iler up, it 11—21lAberitor h,eas’y bouuuh,cr hi I1’o roblean theater of I pcratl,,,is.

I-ic hits teen awi,rtie,i ~ut, l’urliheI icitrt for woonds received in coin—

~Fhe — driye -for— Ii4~itiiiarid I p - I it - the11 ichigan Far,,i I! iiri ii his I,ecn agreat success this fri r, it was an-notunced by Honor Martin, cl,,tir—in in of the groui r i ii Salem town’sliii’. The goal set 1’ r I he tow u.sMpby tl,e county o flit-i:N hits alreadybeen exceeded, qf(i the drive - is still,iiaklng progress. -

Coda Savery, 7310 lhro,kvilleroad, was -stie,’essfui In urgit,iizinga new grill p ihi Canto ii tuwnshlp,and it is rtit’iiirtted that the farm—ers of W’:uyrle county will .snl’n have~

‘11w MR iligrin Far,, l3,,reauwhich Is it pu rt of ~ the NittiunilFar:: li,ir.’rt%i Federati,n, ‘ne ifthe largest ii0 1 - iaost s,it’c’cssf,ilfaruil dirgitilirilt ions In the ,‘c,iintry,is gainIng ir’:oilcrsllil) ittid influencerapidly in this rca. I)eslste tIeweather, tire ftraiers have t’ntereclenthusiastitili hy into the job of or—ganl’i.ln g t iii r neighbors, intl re-ports - fr,,?, ,t liar parts of thecountry in! - sUite indIcate t itt thedri~’e Its lit’,’, equally s,iei’e.ssfiilelsest’lieri’, ,‘ -

Sgt. RadtkeMissing In Action

M r, iii ~iIrs, Fred ii,dtke of\Vhitnior,’ I ,rlor have leirneci fr,,the War, l)l’ilrlrlaient thud their sin:Sgt. Fred, ri k .1 . Rndtke, has lice nhissing hi ill-i 0 since .Thn, 2.

Overseas Si II ta July, 1943, ltadtkean ~

1jfr,ntryillrill, is believed to have

Ijeen iii (h’r,nrlny %c’hen he lisab,—

1w,,red in lrr t tie. ‘l’he 21—year—iJltl

c,,a,hr,t soiiiie r, In service for threeyears, fought with the 79th inf,tn-t ry ~h1visill II,,i was in one of tiefirst Iinits ! ‘ V ter liberated Paris,

Wildlife SeesA

U ILL,SIV ‘.‘~L~W ~ ~ ~

I ). 1’. 1 till, 3 1 2 \Vest I .1h,ert y St.,S,,,ith t,yoii, lli~s~~‘ife,Jotilse, hIve.s(‘Ii lt,,,ite 3, l.~,,,hlu,gtu,li,Mhci,,

.4’ -

~Ilft’_(rlryton_G_l3yingti,n_I,as_re_~ti rued -fr,,,, t I,e S,,ntiwt’st b’;,itht’-I,,, f,,rl,lig!i~ ,,iiil irris’etl it ltl,rtShiericl,un, Ill, lust ~‘t’,’kt’,,cl ~ toreaching iiis nine.

*i,,..t, 1),,,,i,h,l C. Selit,,iclt, si,,, of

Chntrles S,’i,nui,ht, is i:lav in ( h’r—ruby. lie i,s wit!, lic Mnrtiir dlvi—au,,, of thu luifintry. I to has ice,,,,ver,se,us .liciit a tu,ontli.

4’ --

Bill St nidley, Sea,,,an I st CIa ss‘I. li,’ - hi ‘i ic_fr,. I, I—0rca t_I ak irs_f, uutb,,rwe,k,n,l. 11111 is w,urking in thur-Bakery- -thier

4’l’(,r,,,:,tti, lt,n,laiI is ii ‘i’cr,tius, ii,

trIlillilIg in tie1


,Iit,i,,,is (~,iris,

i’rivi,t,’ iui,,ir lb. I,utter,,,,,ser,\\‘,,l,r,,,’,s ~\rio’ Cr115, f,,ri,u’riv ifNew I l,dsi,,:. iris ,,tivecl it \Vilhl—url 1t,ri,,i,,lil,t (ii’,i,rr,l lli,splt,,h,l’~lI’,’~,‘lix,, ~ ~‘lhi it crocithe 5,!,,,! f,,r ~!,,ctii’r,hi)i’particenl.‘l’,rt’I,,riclr,,s. ‘il,, ,lr,gi,t,rr if ~ilrs..-‘. l,,,ttrrln,lser, SIP! (r,,,,,h Ri~’—cr, h’riv,t,r l,i,tt,’r,,lii,s,’r e,,t,’r,’tl tic’service Oct. 211, it I)c’t roiL I ‘ii’,,,rr,r,i,Ii’ticin cf her c,,clrstr,

1,,rt if ii

r,ree,,th” ina,,gurat’,,i j,rogrll,,, tictrain - li,ilre thur 8,1db \k’,\t~Sfirsirreitir ~ith the -~iri’>’ ~tc’,hlril l),r—,rrti,lt’nt, l’rivi,t,r !,litterr,lr,s,r ~‘ili

lie ctc,:thifitr,I fur tir,t:i- i.S a terl,icic’lar,in c,,ccr if tI,r ,~rl,ly’s (10 ge,irrilIios

1,ittls in tills ,cr,:ctr~’,

\l r.~. lii,, ~ilu,,u, Sr. ~i’It, (i’ll idl,Lltu’ijiilti, -l”ir,, r,’t’c’,it iy iii! l,rt,ki, ii

iii cii,’ti ‘I’til’-stii:i- ,i1zit ill \I,urrt-li

~l,’,,,,irij,! ii,s1

iiti ri I ,;kt’ir,rtl, Slit’‘iris i~-t‘t’rlrs ‘ii. N tLlrtiler par—

tlc’,I;,rs iiiui,’,’ lct’,’ri it’r,ri,i’ii it tiltlull,- .iir,’r tIiiiii tint tic’ l,lil~,’ stillii,’ hriingiit ti, S

1,,,ti~ Is-in fur irr—

tt’ riic’it ui \%‘ ilker t’eriit’tt’ry.—0

Mail ForPrisonersOf WarIn Germany

I,, 1111 t’Iust. sl,,uh,h ‘‘hi cure of I,-t,’riir,ti,rcjih btc’ch (‘nuts l)ir,’t’tcrySt’r”it’t’, (ieuic’~’ri, Sssiiz,’ri,ciih,’’ cc’511,010 Is dirt if I i,cr icl,tr,ss i,fnail fi,r lirisuln,’rs hf w’rir iii (ide—oilily ~c-li,’ii tit’ ‘ri~~I t’llhlihu liwI,l,’li ticc- pris,,,i,’r Is ,‘,ciiiii’iI isils,, shist’,, ill the ul,ir,’,ss.

,-\ls,, ,ic,til ,,liitr,rs’ ic’rsun,i,’b isiti’lc-lr,hiy reliuirte,i Its ~risuiclc’r&— 411~‘‘r,r, ht’lui hc~- tie ,‘hit’clly, ni miii istui• ic ,,itlressecl ti, iii’,, In dirt— ifliitt’r,iiutionil itc’tl (‘ross i)iri’t’t,iryScrv ice, Ueiuev a.

S AGAIN we are getting HATSand NECKTIES Dry Cleaned!Twice a wáek service. This is thetime of year to give your SHOESa look-over. Later may be too late!RACE’S SHOE SHOP. tfc


chu \%‘ei,,l,crgt’r, Seuu,ciui I st(huts h,’i,’pbo’rn’it lit ~ in J)etrcuitfriui, Now York, Suit:,ht~’,to say lit.was back safely f ron, anicthce r cot,—vay l-1P. k,n i,,-~n‘an •iuu ,\Fln,fIlls tress’ its ‘‘cit sui},ncnrine to i

red l I , Sc’. in ii ci \Vc’i cc Ii ci rgc’rtIc,,,., c’,c,vucy duty sic.’.’ Oi’i i illssli;’ is it iritrcih frigatc’. \\‘lcu’c, I,,’rcrr,,’lr,h Nist’ ‘,‘,~rk Ice !iriii IU 1,1—


l’rccc’st ‘Jb,i,,lilsuihi, A slit ‘In lUcy—SI iii’ 1 st Chits is sonic—

I ic l’r,iiiicr, I is a rec’trcit‘5- rid hr th,ut lie ~s’,isun dry,‘xtic’i’teii ~to In, ,ic,viuig

- *p~’t, }lar,,i,l 13,,nch hits h,r,r,i I ruin—

f,’rr,’,l ~lit hOg Spring, ‘lu-si-s. lIlt)nile.s friri mr

5,,,,th fec,,,, lilt f’,rii,c’r

-hiaatinn~—slrs—h;oodl—an,l—hhiihic—irelis’ir,giherë tic,.

---- -*-- -

lvi, (hirui,i, I harris, fnr,,c,rhy ofSioti, l.yi’ir, lc’ft N,’s~‘-‘iS irk lustst-c’,’it for ,,“.‘rstrJls s,’rs’it’dr. I he is inth,r hnf,,,t rv.

!)c,ccr!,i Shil,r,gh,, -S,’r,ri,cu 2nt)(~h,u,s.s is cu, tiii- ,-\ulu,,ir,htv lsl;uu,hs intIn’ h’niiiu’, I hi’ lift Brisior’, ,&us—I rruhi,, (‘insulIns ,,,u,rc,irg, ruciul wasin Nc’s’ ( cii ,,,‘:L t\%’~l w’c’.’ks I,crforeg,i’cg ti, I l,r hsiiin,hs.


Membership DriveIs A SuccessThroughout County

__-\t th,is tiui,’ tie I”rir,, Iltrer,,,clris’r hits resiiitt’ti iii _e$4’r -.~)t~~,,ruitl,,,‘ru,h,,’rslii’s it, Oiiklu,id ‘.‘r’iniiuty,cccii s,’s’,’ril tounsi,ips h,:u~’c-nit - yet -

rt’in~rt,rcl.lIcE nrc’s let iu,,t t’,iui,jileiebut ii,,’ fiuhliuwiccg shuc,~vs l,uisc’. tites’str,iu,i at prt’s”nt

.%vnn, Si.I I ighuhanil, -19.I ills’, -1.1,

-- ur”~-cloud, 38, -

Milf,’rul, 37, -\Vh,iie like. 3-1, -

Ni’s-i, tit;.Rose, 23.

%i,uru ret ,i rot ire t’sIuvt’tt’dl for,iu-x.t__s~:ucrk’s liter,

O,hr’ h,un,lrt’ui iiuitl fifty ;cerso.sjuiti’uuiit•ii tl,t’ iuustriut’tiul,i utt’eti:ig


Work BeginsOn, New Theatre-For South Lyon

\\‘nrk,,en has’,’ started ex,’avat’lug fc,r suuccic’ if the fotiti,:gs ,,f Ed..

C ‘rirr,iIv’S t,riii,cirt,ch ,iew theatre oni,l~chuts ,i’xt ti the i,luus,,nic Ihuildl—ihg ‘III ~\‘esEI ike 5! reet.

b’hjt,,s i’ahl fir tic. thieat re to oc—u’cIIll’ ci hi l’,ts~i,n which foruiuerlystl,,,cl th,~ i’hiilhips anti hlruytonhi Ii I hell,,~ts,

:sl ri 1)cii, lt,’a,I ins ret’eiv,’,i wc,rii•IIcit. her h,rotluer, (pl. George I,.l-liuyu-s, 25, was kIlled iii ,icti,,n inhIt’igiOu,, lIe.’. I 9, . ‘43,5 a para-t cc,, i i er ~s’it hi the ii Airborne

,Dlvision, intl had been’ oversens--a-~-~ea*r--flG-4R-sant~-lw-lilt ~t’lfe (iii Detroit) lilt sister and’I st-cu l,r,,tJuu’rs,. i~hlcr cif tlietii——-’t’—SI,vi,i,ir, 5, I htyt’s-—beiucg I,, ltuh~’,

-— 0--—-


and EdnaDeWoifMarry In Missouri

At the ),u,rs,,nuugur of the . - Baptistt’liuureIi ii, Xe~tesvihhe,i’,lis, lastScit ii r,l iy Rev. %V h,itc,ide read thec’ereii,c,r,y whIch ,uniteti in ncarrlag”I ,i,—,ut, Othehl ~Vhsein,,n utah 1~chniil)u,’~A’cuhf. chutuighiter of ~l r, toil Mrs.1 iin,rs I)e\V,,hf of I iaii,liuirg,

‘l’Icei r~uittendantswerehishrnihc~Pr cccl sIster—In—how, l’vt,- ~ruclMrs.\\‘rlyclcr \Vls,’uuu,i,i - of Il,iuuui’rteiicl ~l”hccricluu; -a-li,, s5’t’rt’ c,circiui,’ I,, ~Il,h—i~~iu,udin fiurhucuildi. lIar hrl,ic’ ~s’c,rtra ‘ hrt,wti silk suit; her attendant

I ‘~‘°~‘ h,lack,

—‘ ftc r I Ice yen’,,ucmy, the gentle— -

,,lc,l’s sister, ~trs. l)iiu Sruuitcus, 5irr~’—.rc! ii ~c’,’,hu!ingdinner itt icr Iiu:iuuc in)YIII rc’t’li,u,’, ~.ti,, ‘Phiry are ,s~c:rrithingit f,,sv ,hjis.s u’ithc r,’latives I,, the,‘n,iuhilliiiiii,’, iu,il lie exp,rd’ts to leaveS,u,itlas- f,,r lhi,t’,t ltat,,ui, l”lnrh,hutsc’h,,,re he Is stiiticu,,ecl, I Ils I,rhde

1ih,is to he ~‘htI,lch,,u there after thie

first ,uf March,. -


Dr. J. R. Ritchie


Brighton, Michigan


—Phone 6955—oil -Producer

California is the second largestil producing state.

Wixom Co-Op



Air ConditioningSheet Metal Work

Telephone 3071

South Lyon


- Farm Animals Removed Promptly


Phone Collect To , Ann Arbor 2-2244


F.A. Lamoreaux



DR. F. P.LAMQREAUXOffice Hours,

10 to 12 a. m., 2 to S p. m.and 7 to 9 p- m. ,

Sunday by appointment onlyOffice closed Wednesday

afternoon aad eveningTelephone 2361

Detroit Pastor ~Kiwanis Club -

MeetsAt Woostei’sKiwanis Speaker Entertains - BoyAbout 70 pcrsons attended the _‘ ‘VIe Ladies’ Au! 5 li’i -t y I,f ti,,

l’reshi>’teriiin chtir,’i ~-lii nit iiKiwanis di,snt’r tnt! ladles’ nightmeeting in Quick Hall, flotaay Scouts Monday Miller will r,,~,ist I ii, ‘slim

lice tattle of i,lrs. l”i,ad \~‘,si,-r ii,,Wednesday. Feb; 7, ri 2 :3!, M nnight, and heart! guest speaker, Dr.Ii’ rederic Alert of the First J’reshy— l)evi,tiiins will be in c Ir a rr-‘i’il’ Miss

~encitughi for yarn ‘ru rcrg-~i ii hri,,gScout Executive Muititl Greatly. All ~s’‘ I ri’ II win , I, ,si’tenon clii eel,, l)et roit, speck din -“rhe Post \%‘ar World’’. An added From Ann Arbor steel crochet ho,,ks I N,’. 2 I hirgi’feature to the program was music Sec~SAs Speaker I~hem to thus caeel i cig. ,-\ Ii si, tie II

and singing by the 32 member Girls’ I of tue thu reh are i ,i sit ccGlee club of South Lyon and their ~director, Mrs. Russell Richards.

.1. H. vanuerVen was program night’schairman for the evening. Methodist wu,hluen

0 - din tier, a od t lieWaiter Macl’cek



South Lyon,

10 a. m. to 12 m. -

Mrs JohnMtmn, Sr~Farm BureauDies hi Florida


2 p. m. to S p. m,7 P. m to S p. Dl,

NO- OFFICE HOURS All dayWednesday, nor Friday aights


Memberships -

Number 500

Dr. L.A. Griswold



Telephone 2671



C. 0. Rudderham, Oakland Cnn,,-- -- - ty American Red Cross War Fund

chairman, announces that the cutic’paiga for ‘War Fund, which opensMarch 1, is well under way, Withthe assistance of Mrs. ‘I’. W. dick-son, township chairman for thedrive, the county workers are beingorganized to raise the $415,100which National Red Cross is ask-lag from Oakland county. Town-ship chairmen have beea appoint-ed and sectional meetings are beingheld to acquaint them with proced-ures for the drive. -

Each year General Motors cor-poration makes a gift to the chap-

- ter. In previous years this has beenallocated to the townships. Thetownships, basing their quotas din

-——those of last year, will set theamount they aim- to raise. -

“A. definite tlme• schedule hasbeen set for the campaign” sulys MrRudderhaas, “to speed the work soall solicitations may be completedby March 15. During the week ofFebraary 19, pre-ca,ipalgp neet-Infl will be held In various sectionsof the county.” Every war fundworker will be espected to attendthe meeting nearest his communityso he cots-v carry the latest wordfrom Atherican lied Cross to eachcontributor. Dates and places olmeetings will be announced nextweek. -

\Var Fund chairman for L y o a— township. is Mrs. Walter Miller,

scoating since 1 920, anti a profes-~ional in scouting since 1925. He Install Officers




Physician mid Surgeon -- -- -WlXOM~--------- -

-- - - -—- (A ~P~RATIV- - - - GENERAL PRAaICE-- - - PROPRIETOR~-—~~--~-‘ _~i __________ - -- - .-- FloydKehrlClerkCITY & COUNTRY CALLS

-. IeiepitonewaiIecLaKe giy~

- C. L. ANDERSONSARRR—c Miia Pnr4. ‘ cnn, i vnn


will be—at—TUTTLE’S—Drug—Store





~- Organizing ___- The South _~i~~çommuaity

~ - Farm Bureau held its regular- monthly meeting Thursday, Jan.25,

at the home of Mr and Mrs William- ‘\ .1. Ritchie, 9291 North territorial

---- road, In spite of a heavy anow-storm which !na,de the roads almost


- Without Rationing Order

“A strike would break a solemncontract betsveen the employes antithe Company. That contract has a-no-strike clause because of the re-cognition by th,e Company and ti:e-Union--of-—the —vital-_importance-- ofelectric supply to the coniniunity.To call thIs strike cannot be justi—fled as ct last resort. The legal miieansfor briflging about a sëttlëiiiëEthave not been exl,:tusted~‘[lie Guy-ernment has established a: ad, ineryfor the peaceable settlet,ient of lit—,bor disputes. Many nieetings havebeen held by the Union and theCompany to effect a renewal of this—-——I ,,-,,,—,.i ~

-216.Sweet,Juicy, per doz

Office Hours: .10 to 12 a, m- - FRI JAN —- 262:00 to S p. n., 7 to 9 p. m ~? ,~

Dial 4161 EVENING ONLY--ito 10 or later.- - In my office at Howell all day.

320 N. Lafayette South Lyon LOCATION: Doorwast otLh’ing’ston hoteL t’bone nowelflssr

~-~BUY-NOWWhIte ‘Available


- ( Windrows while . mowing)- SWEEPor BUCK RAKESSPRING.TOOTH HARROWS

“Turbin Type” SHALLOW and DEEP-WELL Motor-Driven PUMPS andWATER SYSTEMS,

(Direct drive, no belts,no trouble)


______ a c A ~ _‘-% -“ ~ pL 1-



“pa— “.“-~~-‘“~ -‘

enthusiastic attendance. -

The group participated In a gen-crab discussion of organizationproblems, and reports on the curSrent membership drIve were madeby Mrs. Homer Martin, Grant Cur-

= ne,- Coda-Sayery, -Bert_Ryder,- \Vll-Ham Ritchie and tIle chairman of

.5 the drive, Homer Martin.The discussion was folbo~s’ed by

an hour of recreation, led by Pet-er Fallot, recreation ieader, andrefreshments ss’ere served by Mrs.Ritchie, Mrs. John I-hansen andMrs. Troy Roddenberry.


Si ii IT S,’rgc’rii:t 1 ic’nrv \%‘,tgnerii,,,! (‘nrliuuri,l I,t’o \\‘aguler werei,otl lou,,e it, I I’,lris’rt’ f:rbongh,srude,, t hy. St.0’ Sgi , - I I ‘iir5 ~%Ig-11cr, sslcu, Is lii tIc, ,-\lr t’iirIi~, left~lu’:,cliy iul,,rluillg to r,lcirui tci!Mc,ri— _________

0111111, l’h,,ritli,, I li,s h,r,,th,er, Cpl.l~”c’ \Vi,guier. ‘si,’, Is will, the 11th! -

,-% rtI h hi’ ry, left l,ust ‘Ili n rs.h iy to cc- rot er -

tuir,, ii, Guilt) lIi,iai, ‘texas. 1-fe ,‘x— - ‘~ -

1111,4 ,iverseas 5er~’it’it ,‘tiiI)ui. ‘l’hue - -

l,ri,th,ers lund nu,t stilt cult’!, ,,th,er j’jt~r~~I_I~on Readshtn’e—l,e,,—w,is I,i,htic’leil ii: Ihie— Sir— -~ ___________ -——

~it’,, three and it- l,ulf ~‘,‘rtrs ij(’l, • - • -

~_~g~Ls~ ~ Killed In Actionsi,,,, lshuoiil, --





- 4 for 25c -.- 12 Oz. Can 32c



lOc ~

~toe4çce .


No. 21/s size


1 ScHead Lettuce. . . . bc

Carrots,2 bunches19c

Begas 4c lb. -



-/ -


(20 p1:) 15cAPPLES 14k lb..

No. 4 Celery....- 17c

Yams, lb lOc


5 lb. 32c


Cahhage, lb lOc

Lemons, lb 13c

Onions, 10 lbs 45c

L ID AHO POtATo S ‘~‘ ~ HEiNZ ‘ CATSUPNo. I - 10 Ib, 55~ 14 oz. 23c (30 Øs,)




I nil ii i,,c’hrr,r iiti t ,r ice

1111111 hintsill,’:’

. Dead and DisabledHORSES and CATTLE



Howell 450; Detroit Vi. 1-9400

“\\‘e will continue to do all wecan to obtain a speedy intl fiulsettlen,ent of the itiatte rs Involve,!,In an orderly manner, anti to n:aia-tam uninterrupted electric service,

“The Co:nptriy assures Its eiisto—fliers that It will take every Preen Il—tion and will use every reasonalilemeans to avoid an interruption ofelectric service and will nmako thenecessary appeal to the Governmentto prevent it.” -

- C.. C

NO’i’E—Since the above articlesitns written, en,pboyees in four Dc-troit Edison power stations votedto allow their union heads to call astrike,


Combination-ORCHARDand~R~ii~TCROPSPRAYERS ~-




\Var reiiuirenients haire createda- shortage In the supply of coal andother fuels, Because of this short-age the War production Board has

--- -;._ required the Detroit Edison Co. tonotify its patrons of the issuance

--- --- of Utilities Order U-9 prohibitingcertain cuses of electricity. The

-4 purpose of the Order is to savescarce fuels used in the generationof electrIcity as a part of the over~all war ticue fuel conservation pro—gram of the United States Govern-nuent.

The uses of electricity which areprohibited are:

1. Outdoor advertisIng and out-door promotional lighting.

2. Outdoor display lighting cx-cept where necessary for the con-duct of the business of outdoor es-tahilshments, -

3. Outdoor decorative and out-door ornamental lighting.

- ~-4._Showwindow lighting ~where necessary for Interior illu-mhnation,

5 ,Marqhiee lighting in excess of60 watts for each marquee.

6. WhIte way street lighting inexcess of the anion of determmcdby local public rijithority to -be nc-cessar? for pcihliO sri fety-


(lAS, OILS, GREASESFor Cars or Tractor

5 Gallons OIL in GasolineCans

PHONE 2651

FarmersClubHonor - LoeatGfri AtCurrie’s on 7th


M rs, Robert Eckert out! sisterMiss Pat A rn’s entertah ned fi fteeo

-guests—at—a—linen sh,ower—last---1”ritiliy-night, at the forne r’s home, hon or—Ing Miss Hazel Harding. Whiteelm rysanthien:unis intl a tud olr,t:i rebride anti grooni cente red ti,o tulle,

. 5 5


29 Years Ford Cars_TrucksTraCtor$

Phone 4241

Flexible Farming Headquarters






8525 9 MILE ROAD Or M 36I Mile West of US23

Whitmore Lake PHONE 3081South Lyon

Miss II a r d i n g ‘Cr’s theguest of honor at a nIIsceilane,,u

with sl,nwer Stturdty ,,igit, gi~’t’ll hyher cousin Mrs. Owen Cox (tice

. former Kathleen 1-lI rding) inIf the ‘War Prod,: ‘turn Boa rd tie— Itosetlrile l’~rk , Vu Icrn I I rr ,, (IPCI) ra-

terniincs that any person is iising finns it-cc ntctl ti,e f,’sti v a event.electricit “ i0 sicci at iii!: I) f t ire order, Re fresh: Fir cots we re served.it tnrty direct the elertric scuppi icr Miss I It nfl ,ig i s t ii her-u rile t Hrse~rs-ing such persrio Ill tiiSrlloli”(l irride if l.ircit, l)r,nalrI (lii’ in tin,service ii cci preseri he t ic rood it I co s -near f::ti: cc.Ii odor v,’lnieh servire ni ay ire rerali -

netted. To addition, lily person ~ ~ ‘i0’~ Can: ret l”rc’e iiirrrltll rlr ors”hio ,‘.‘ilf::llv ~‘iu,irntesany ;nrc,s’isirnn ~ , . _! Irl,cnjlrltiicn l,iflcrcclr,hilnO uittnn:t cx—

~°,! !hiqnrdrr ,‘r ~t0 in connection I ~ --- eç• ec s ~ ~ - or cinligatinin hy jnlcccoiowtsith this artier ss’,lfcrlly e:inreniIs a . ‘~‘‘i,?’~ Ills- Ire, I !vn,ac,tii 111511, ormaterial frlrt or fn:rnisinrs friar in’ Its tI~ffieers F ‘iylcrr 4834111, \Vr niiil y:clir neigilcirnfc,rcnialinn iii ann’ cirpnrtnlrnt or .- ~inure and lie iikrni icIr s”crk-. SicrugenC~- if the initril Slates is rcrri - , ~tr-~.1,cin’ar,I Bacirns u’aa i,u;stess Fnt-ill yin,, Rlll,til IcisIul;ltillni (‘oS,ty of a crime antI nlplin rnnvirticnfl - i lJrsli;F- Iii the Merry MrrL-crrs -iii ,- l)rirnit, ady.rnn,~’.- hr :nc:nislnrnl hs fine icr I,,,’ -‘ tic,iiorici.s cin,rkc,n innrtlrll’k din- ~prisontnrrnt. 1~t,e effective :irnie if mr n’jls r,ers’,li rlt 0(1110 , ~ g.Il,lerthe order Is Frin. I- ~rrln~rrcrr’ Piriliflell by tile licstess NOTICE!

- — --—--a-—--— “i’s lirlIril rfl,3llyi,tl. l)ljri:rg ihr F l)c:r. to drafting of their 1mm) bUrr , 1,th M-~rri i, irinI of ~clHh:vliil

I business s,-ssilla tint f{,il:nc’ing aOl- ! tile ,-\rrncd Fnirecs, Iiow nrd FL Bill) ~ilv,-rell r rIVl-tert’tl (,r,r’rnnsi’s’. 0. 0. F. DANCE rers were rrriectr’d to srrvr ,,nath- ~Farms are ferret! tn itch their “in- t ii Our b’,lLrw farni Monday.

Oddfellaws’ 1),,nre ihis Friday1

rr tern,: l’rrs., Mrs . I. F. Birder- tire slink (If 120(111 l’~r,gii-sh \ki,ii,-inight, Feb. 2, Reservations n,crsl hr ~stadt; Vicc-Pres., Mrs I-I, i-I. Bee-. Leghorn thoroughbred It, 0. P.m ade aI a nrc, .1ones I) rd g SIa re ‘“ In,: See -‘1’r”Il5~ M rs. I Scrt ( l Ill k , i in :1 Pal horn n, tested laying hens,Don Tnpp’s Service Station or Mc- A gnft of $-~ writ cited to the local ~ptuiIrts and r~bleks. Sec ,rlt-rrtlsc’Ia foil, Srr”icr. adv I I wary fur honks, II~r 0 t II0 ~8 Re A.

)4:,riir’’’Sgt- \‘irgiili:u ,-\ rn’s Miller:urriv,t,i Ill lii,’ 11111,1,! tif or rLriilts hint. \Viseicl,cl r,’torned frotu,SIr, 11,1 ~)rs. I’,. Is, i\rIns, ~lll,)tili~,’, i’,rc,pt: lust spring ~t’here lie h,oidyc 12:cliii’S’ ilUun’i’, Si,,, irOHI’ fr,,mrl t’lclllhiiirii’ll :10 lionihii,ng ,ulissi,ios lit’—

Silo l)o’g’i, ( riiif. II Ills il,’d!n a er ,‘rl,’,liy icrritd,rv as ii t:oi,lbartiieryt’ur sun(‘irs ion ‘vhs h,.ic,,i’, ti,~ ~ li—I I flying f,crtress. lie was

~ (l.’,’uirrl ~cd tt’ltI th,c,

Curl’s lbrroar,h (rush, lfl, Silo tif Pi)’ii)g (‘ross.Charhi’s ‘l’lc,:rst,,n Cash “is ‘a Ilcetil— ——————‘——‘u . -

Severe‘~‘inter nile 1”rtrley, tic,, is in th~Qun~r— ~ il;ril~lh~;s,~lad~~i~nl;~rl~s:in;tir)n~., ,~ .~.0 ‘ ‘ \II h ‘ n tl lc:r:,l,istl’r ( urIs i,, ilelgl,icci hi,s bit -trudy -\lr Iirl,I nt-ar ( ‘nli,u::llciis, ~~arueni i ee

\‘s,lrll,fe Ill ‘~ C ittan S or I ia:! hilt rating ,civ:inrrtl fr,,~cc ‘I--I ~ -‘- -‘ ~‘ ~ J? ~), I l9-l~. tIe re—co,iatrs I” I ~ieriencing the tacist iii 1 I. (rcpziuiic sit II, thi r:li,k cif ~ ~.h~~SIII, i~r~’sI~u,ig;Of It I lyingrigc,rnllsw;ltrrwlthintiie tnen:ory Sergeant), ~ ~ ()0it:vr :


1cc,inttniei,t Is a)”iigb:t Is reater In 45

nil ot ~nnini rI‘ I Roy Semis n Etc to ~ ~ flit Lrl i_Eli,— \ rlll)~ ~I rh~rfe~ ____________________________________aI,a River list rict ga,ne_ rc,llllager. . SIrs. I’~i,irt ( in,i’iu’y r,’ee,s’ecl a I’ —0. Ci,! , rnic’rc,tl !h,11t training ‘~~,,~neet! fur victory gardens this

Sn,itt Ill nil, vary cr,ns,elrr tl,lv (.i ri, I,, site il I sI neck frciccc hc r ii I iblrlu:lr~ of I st ti ,r Intl it ,,;nri:ig md s::nlnier will lie is gr, it(it. r tin’ rl;lJ:l r peninscullu hieing tin. ~Otl, St if SI rg’ rn I rflnk ( i!t k, ~ it nch,cl Us rug ~el,rccch’. it treadia ~ nit greater thin in lOll statesIi litest dIll ill’’ .socith side tntl chirp— ‘Iii,’ v’rli,il rru,rs clii h<,’e’Iis gcnal I’ ic,rlqirt nrc! %1,,nnigri,rcrrs’. -tI,,,, lii,’ Cr,lini’,’ Agricultural Agent Karl D.est nI!dl,lg tin’ ~i,i,ke Siupericur shore. ti:init, fIr, his IzrJlcllJrliilln cit lice rldt’anreih i~hlhi~’who urges Onikha,nth ‘aunts’‘l’iit’re’ is rniroi:t twr, feet if snIcts’ ~. flying sc-hod ,c,rrrr (,,l,ur:,i,is, ~,1iss—folk to start making plans now forov,’r tire n-i-nt rn

1part rif the rang’n )‘vt ,mci Mrs. Wayne W’is,’,,lrl:l ~ ‘ g:lrt!ei,s that will ,tecnrttely lit the

st-itt, lictirtils Ill to four fret in tue nrrivcrcl frir,, Mis~.. Ic!, Sl:”chiy in ‘ ‘ * - fu,,luly needs,- (lc,sicn,, iistrich fl i\hger clillInt>’. sine’nci lire retr,riiflilIit fist- chris-s if Irs l)rriin,s I”il’it’ill’r If ti .0—C - of tIn’ G,,rdeoers 5110,1111 profit fr,c,n !,ast

l)c’,—r ii ri, in .sw’anips liter cumin fllrinlilgi, Ii ll,,’ir il.:lrr htrri’, ‘111eV ~S,’nsin-c’s ts’ii, tins Inera silincliog hum s’c’;~r’st’xperlt’tncts, toil :vlli,l grost—hf It,. lnq’’r ~rnilis,ilit. bid rpl’iil a fin’ cir,ys nt-ill: r,’hi$iv,-s fi, rii,cnrln n~iIii iris c,,lltI,,-r .\irs, lIes— ing crops that (lit1 nut ciceas,ire up

ItisicIg tl’I,lp’r;ttlires intl hiss snnoa- ~ ~‘irlrc’lrii,n,’, ~fr,, cnr,,l:ti’ fru,nr F—‘~~‘ l”il’tt’llcr, Ness’ I i:r,isrn:l, iris left to the family tastes. It is good gar— -

,l’-,’r linrIst 1)1 tin: h,,st’,’r ,,‘,nnsi,irc ~l,lr:l,’strnili, l”ircric)--, ‘ccitt , ro i-r, ~— f,cr lilt nra in liino:ie islr,,i,l shine,’ tir:nicnr ,‘ither to ciiot tbit’,c, ,rntirclsleer rnIt:gr, ic’, easing e,,n:hil,,cns ~ ~ r:grli,, 5cccini;’ fir l-’ir,rl:Ir,. ‘lilly ~i Pit iii Cli~1rt fir f,lrlllrr nr,he-rs, in his .. veir’s pirlc,r4 ic e::t then:ifir nviinititi’ ‘I icr~ foot deel snnlw’ is - ~ ~,, it-r-nirnlll:l,Iii’ri hr~’ lit lirrilirlr. ~I lit i,rlltil,r 01k 1’ieti’iicr Sra,,cao ulnts’n to what ti~, fi:,cih~n’ihl use.iigili rrnlci unify inch :bu,cr.s cult hru,,’ ~find. 0~111 \ \‘i-,f’l:i ‘in, OhIo hr,a ! 9-c’. i’~ fl ~ 0 In I,. S. ‘I’. so,,,e~ 15cr bore v,’gc’trcbllr.I are neees—Fir ii,: n:

1n:’,rni’nt of ,le’,rr rl)lliri’— ~ ‘- tIlt’flhiiliL’ II. lipriorgi, in :%hi,’i’ nclrrri’ Ill .~ur,lnti l’rirrflr’. 5qr\’, rs,ni,cirillv frir t’rlnnh:ng, if no—

Clililit’. - - shIn ~t Inert’ Iri-Or, , ul;lrrllli, IOu 0 * tritic:rIll l,n,lnni’e is t,c Inc rilrlintrlifl—

I), p rUin t ç~il~:rni—ui ~ It It is Stni ill In, I it rllrw S IndI r r,fl of %tr ‘ (i I aiii It Krllnr, %licin,giin ‘,iatetci,ic irrld>’ tip indict ilO\~ tt ,i:iilft. ~ _~, F11111 ~1r.s.1-’rcik S,lcn,i,r~ it .ttn:ti(no— rcciic’ge exiitrsii,n garden specialist,‘vi ~ 4 I UI lie nit_li tIce ntI~I

1tr:~HI it~ ~ r Oil liu itlifli ( i If r II ii aflir ~I r r Li Icr,, ii ci in lii g,i:ml at prea Ct%IOCLJ. El, it ‘t \ilchlgin ‘,t-ztr \ :c

tim nIll: in I I Lifl S rio UI I hi - riir I’— till- frriir:airrc: ~ c-nit. ~ ticrv (inlrth’’n pragrrnill stirves’ res’e,il—iinnr,,iw tin,- rnn,l.n,nei,’r if lii,: slrri~ll’l. ‘1F~-’.11~1,,’11~in: LI (ilrcllni,n - ,llLlriLlr ~ -*— ,‘il ti-s-s tiocn -tii~i,of the fataihies in

ELKOS’ FJ&RI~1 GETS ~~ Lrr Iii I in ci,ia Ii It ~ liip,r~ ~ ~ ~ ~carl, I), k,:i ri \ ‘1 .3 ( ~~i1

:,~,r;’~f ~ per

REGISTERED BULL F tl:nr :: ~ ~rL ~ ~ ~ I rI ~ ~J~4_iIiii:~ ~ I ~ rn~~’~tricnrci\tr’.lO ~~;~:rt~~t l:,~;,t1


?~ii: hurL, ~ , l~~l i L P nil iiir rintint \l, ~ f ci \ a I Inn

1on II ‘s iii ice LI iii r tinning rtstnrtlons, (ci niake

ln,iil ~rinki: fr,, r,~in1cic he in, nuns’ recInt’’ ~,, (n’:Ic’rLLl ~~r,inrl,’lnant’l~ it %t,ncci~iInis- ~, tic’ ~.sto I IS quarts each person‘ - , . ‘ I ran. fnnr il~ pr - - nerds

‘rca,, It tiii I cicl,’ii htaleni tlrnerrii ‘ -~hcopitLli 0 l’~nviLInli. His ward s,,r- ~ - ‘ - ,,,,~

CIGARETTE LIGHTERS! Just grain, t nit. Iii-nrv Ihrnidf,irri Mr,r- l),ilc- hat1, .\t. NI. ~if.3-c. ~s ~what you have h,oen wsiting for. nc of ),iLi,-svillr, CLI,. says i’fc. Bcur’ sinrniiicuc 1 hiLly i’nrillLte U iti, h,n !hone Northviils 106 for FreeSee Roger. Jewelers cdv. oa page grr’s ss’oi,nnl is 1,11 iiiig rn’pl,hiy antI pLi rrnls ‘il r, LI nIl ~i1rs. Annierson Estimates on asulating your hems,5, ad,, ic all! ret ‘~rn tc~c ,hiuty soon. iiatlr. Booth Insulation Co~Detroit. aJ

_i_ ~:: - :~ ~ ~ :. ~ ~I~L~ _.~: LL:-ra~ ~-:.~,-:L:::.—~-—iiI.-~:-~.;-~:- .-_::., •_;.Lt~L~~.L;~L.:1~,~a

1Lna5~r~t~LS~~? ~~:IL_a.:: .~-~.: .-:-: - .~. -. -.: - -~~-1;~-.:-..~ ~Lra-.~ ~ ._~. ~. ~<. ~.L:i L_.;.-_.i
