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The southern aegis, and Harford County …...ABRAHAM JARRETT, mh22-6t Administrator. EXECUTOR’S...

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Martha V. YodSl In the Circuit Court for vs. V Harford County, as a I Jeremiah Young. J Court of Equity. THE object of thiff suit is to procure a decree divorcing the complainant H from the defendant,- a vinculo malrmonii. ¦ The bill states that the complainant and I defendant were married on or about the I month of November, in the year eight- I teen hundred and fifty-seven, at the city of K Baltimore, and that they lived together as I man and wife for the space of one year, I when the defendant abandoned the cora- [ plainant, and removed beyond the limits I of the State of Maryland. The bill fur- [ ther states that the abandonment of the complainant by the- defendant has ccntin- ! ued uninterruptedly for more than three years, and that the separation of the par- ties is deliberate and final, and beyond any reasonable hope of reconciliation; and that the defendant abandoned the complainant without any cause—that the complainant is uninformed of the whereabouts of the defendant, never having heard from him, or of him, for more than three and that he is still absent from the State of Maryland. The bill then prays an order of publication against the said defendant, warning and commanding him to appear in person or by solicitor, in this Honorable Court, on some certain day to be therein named, and answer the premises, and abide by and perform such order and decree as may be passed therein, and that on the failure of the said defendant to appear and answer the said bill, that then the said bill of complaint may be taken pro confesso , and that a decree may be passed divorcing the complainant from the defendant, a vin- culo matrimonii , and for such other and further relief as the complainant’s case may require. It is thereupon, this seventh day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, adjudged and ORDERED, That the com- plainant, by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper printed and published in Harford County, once in each week, for four successive weeks three months before the fourth day of August next, give notice to the said non-resident defendant of the object and substance of the bill, and warn him to appear in this court in person or by solicitor, on or be- fore the first Monday in August next, and shew cause, if any he has, why the pray- er of the complainant should not be grant- ed; otherwise the bill may be taken pro confesso against him. . WM. GALLOWAY,CIerk. True copy Test, WM. GALLO WAY, Clerk. apl2-4t ROAD NOTICE. To all tohom it may concern: NOTICE is hereby given, that thirty days from the date hereof, application will be made, by petition, to the County Commissioners of Harford County, to al- ter the location of that part of the old YORK ROAD, commencing at A. A. Gil- bert’s barn and ending at Benjamin F. Ayres. April 12th, 1862. apl2-4t “notice: - The COUNTY COMMISSIONERS for Harford County will meet at their office in Bel Air on TUESDAY, Ist of April, and every Tuesday and Wednesday during the months of April and May, for the purpose of making transfers and abate- ments. and such other business as may come before them. All persons desiring transfers or abatements, will attend, as no attention will be paid the alienation books, with regard to deeds, and no abatements will be allowed after May. By order, JOHN T. SPICER, mh22 t Clerk. EXECUTRIX’ NOTICeT '"THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub- -1 scriber has obtained from the Register of Wills of Harford county, Md., Letters Testament- ary pn the personal estate of OLIVER GALLOP, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav- ing claims against said deceased are hereby noti- fied to exhibit the same, with the legal vouchers thereof, on or before the 2 d day of April, 1863, or they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are request- ed to make immediate payment. Given under my hand and seal this 2d day of April, 1862. CATHERINE GALLOP, aps-Ct Executrix. * VALUABLE FARM FOR BALB. THE Subscriber offers at Private Sale his Farm, called “Hunting Neck,” situated 2 miles from Perrymansville, containing aio ACRES, MOBE OR LESS. % This Farm is in a high state of culti- vation, and is well timbered and well wa- tered. The improvements consist of a TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE ln good repair, and all the OUT-BUILD- INGS necessary to a well appointed Farm. Persons desiring to view the premises, will call on the subscriber, G. H. NELSON, Perrymansville, Harford Co. Md. mb29-6t SLAVES WANTED TTTB are at all times {yirchasing SLAVES, VV paying the highest cash prices. Persons wishing to sell will please call at No. 285 Pintt street. Communications addressed to ju4-ly 11. M. & W. L. CAMPBELL. Wx, E. POTBET, , , _ , vg In the Circuit Court for Har- Sarah A. Potkbt, ®“rd Coußt y- 88 a Court of t His Wife. Chancery. THE object of the Bill filed in thie case is to obtain a decree divorcing the | complainant from the defendant, a vinculo i matrimonii. The Bill states that the cotn- . plainant was married to the defendant about the- -day of June, in the year 1867. That they lived together until some time in the month of September, 1857, ever since which time he has been residing in the State of Maryland, and she has been residing in the State of Ohio. The Bill further charges, that since their marriage the said defendant has been guilty of adul- tery, and prays for a divorce, and that no- tice, by publication, may be given to her of the object and substance of the bill. It is thereupon ordered, this 25th day of March, 1862, that the complainant, by publication of a copy of this order in some newspaper printed in Harford Counity, once a week for four successive weeks, before the first day of May next, give no- tice to the said defendant to appear in this Court, in person or by solicitor, on or be- fore the fourth day of August next, and shew cause, if any she has, why the pray- er of the said complainant should not be granted; otherwise, the Bill may be taken pro confesso against her. WM. GALLOWAY, Clerk. True Copy, Test, WM. GALLOWAY, Clerk. mh29-4t NOTICE- rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the sub- l scriber has obtained from the Register of Wills of Harford county, Md., Letters of Admin- istration on the personal estate of HANNAH NELSON, late of said county, deceased. | All persons hav- ing claims against said deceased are hereby noti- fied to exhibit the sara n , with the legal vouchers thereof, on or before the 24 1h day of March, 1863, or they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are request- ed to make immediate payment. Given under my hand and seal this 24th day of March, 1862. GEORGE H. NELSON, mh29-6t ' Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICeT” f pHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the sub- sCrihcr has obtained from the Register of Wills of Harford county, Md,, Letters of Admin- tration on the personal estate of ' JULIA A. JARRETT, ate of Harford County, dec’d. All persons hav- ing claims against said deceased are hereby noti- fied to exhibit the same, with the legal vouchers thereof, on or before the 1 Ith day of March, 1863, or they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are request- ed to make immediate payment. Given under my hand and seal this 17th day of March, 1862. ABRAHAM JARRETT, mh22-6t Administrator. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE- THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the sub- scribers have obtained from the Register of Wills of Harford county, Md., Letters Testament- ary on the personal estate of RALPH S. LEE, late of Harford County, dec’d. All persons hav- ing claims against said deceased are hereby noti- fied to exhibit the same, with the legal vouchers thereof, on or before the \§th day of March, 1863, or they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are request- ed to make immediate payment. Given under my hand and seal this 19th day of March, 1862. DAVID LEE, JOSHUA WILSON, _mh-22 Executors. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE~ rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that thesubscri- JL her has obtained from the Register of Wills of Harford County, Md., Letters Testamentary on the personal estate of JOHN KELLY STUMP, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against said deceased, are hereby noti- fied to exhibit the same, with the legal vouch- ' ers thereof, on or before the IU& day of March. 1863, or they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are request- ed to make immediate payment. Given under my hand and seal this 11th day of March, 1862. WILLIAM HENRY STUMP, Marls Administrator. William Watkins and Sephrohia his wife, cl al. In the Circuit Court vs. for Harfotd couu- Wit. Strektt and Mary J. ty—in Equity, his wife, etal. J / ORDERED, this twelfth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, that the sales made and reported by Archer H. Jarred, Trustee in the above case, be rati- fied and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 12th day of May next, provided a copy of this Order be inserted in some. newspaper printed in Harford County, once in each of three successive wjpeks before the said 12th day of May next. The report states the amount of sales to be $5,312 50. WM. GALLOWAY, Cferk. True Copy, Test, WM. GALLOWAY, Clerk. apl9 NEW GOODS. THE Subscriber has juet received from the city a fine assortment of MER- ' CHANDJSE, which will be sold CHEAT for cash. His stock consists of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Dry ¦ Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Cedar Ware, Hol- low Ware, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready-made Clothing, and every article usually kept in a country store. JAMES HERRON, Cor. Main st. and Port Deposit avenue; mhß9-tf Bel Ain, Md. PUBLIC SALE OF VALVAILS HORSES AND CATTLE. THE undersigned will offer at Public Sale, on THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, at 11 A. M. j AT TUB GENERAL WAYNE STABLES, IN BALTIMORE CITY, The thorough-bred Stallion MARS, five years old; two roadster Stallions, five years old, bred in Vermont; two Perche- ron entire Colts, three and two years old; a very promising three-year old entire Colt by Paul Clifford ; a pair of half Per- cheron Fillies, five years old, good travel- lers, and several other Horses. ALSO, The Devon Bull UNCAS, Jersey Bull J RELIEF, and other DEVON, JERSEY i and GRADE CATTLE, the PROPERTY OF MR. J. H. MoHENRY, OF BALTIMORE COUNTY, From whom or from the undersigned, or ; at the office of the Southern Alois, I may be- obtained a Detailed Cata- l looue of all the animals to be offered. SAMUEL H. COVER, Auctioneer, apl9 84 Baltimore street, Baltimore, i IraisaiTl IN PURSUANCE of a Decree of the j Circuit Court for Harford County, j silting in 'Equity, the subscribers, as ; Trustees, will offer at public sale at the Court House door in the town of Bel Air, On Tuesday , the 13 th | Day of May, 1862, at 11 o’clock, A. M., I all that TRACT OR PARCEL OF : Situate in Harford County, called “Con- elusion,” containing 1121 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, Being the same land conveyed by Mary | Johnson, Executrix, to Robert Amoss and 1 others, by deed recorded in Liber W. G., I No. 10, folio 261. The improvements consist of a large I and convenient JUyiA-a DWELLING | Msißft tawvsab Barn, Stabling, and other Out-Buildings, i The land is well fenced and well water- | ed, and has on it very large PBAGH A APPUBRgjI | ORCHARDS, In full bearing. About 80 acres is clear- i ed, and balance HEAVILY TIMBERED. } The soil is of the best quality. It lies on 1 the road leading from the Brick Baptist i Church to Pleasantville, and adjoins the land of, Washington Han way. It is con- i venient to churches, schools and mills. * TERMS OF SALE Prescribed by the Decree are:—One- j third Cash on the day of sale; one-third j in six months, and the balance in twelve ; months, credit payments to bear interest I from the day of sale, and to be secured by notes, with surety to be approved by the Trustees. On payment of the whole of the purchase money the Trustees will ex- ecute a deed to purchaser. ARCHER H. JARRETT, WM. A. WILSON, j apl9-ts Trustees. TRUSTEE’S SALE. T) r VIRTUE of a Decree of the Circuit Court H for Harford County, sitting as a Court of Equity, the subscriber, as Trustee, will expose at public sale, at the Court House door in Bel Air, at 12 o’clock M. on Tuesday, the 22d day of April , ; 1862, all that H mil, ; Lying in Harford County, composed of two con* tiguous tracts called “Tricks and Things,’’ and . “Colegate’s Last Shift,” containing 64 Acres, More or Less. This Land is situated immediately on the road leading from Bel Air to La Grange Iron Works, and particularly described in a deed from Wil- liam B. Bond, Trustee, to Samuel M. Ady, in Liber W. Q., No. 9, folio 414. The improvements are a COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE and other Out l Build- ings. The land is of good quality and in a good state of cultivation, and the whole is under good fencing. ¦ j The Terms of Sale as prescribed by the Decree are—that one-third of the purchase money shall be paid in cash on the day of sale, one-third in six, and the residue in twelve months thereafter, the purchaser giving note for the credit payments, bearing interest, with surety to be approved by the trustee. DAN. SCOTT, mh29-ts Trustee. EVERY DESCRIPTION OP job B3RX3srTnsrci' Executed at this office, Cheap for Cash. XTOTZOS TO Merchants, Traders A Others. ALL PERSONS and bodies corporate or poli- tic, in Harford County, who are or shall be exercising or pursuing any business, or shall be doing any act or thing, or shall be in the occu- pation of any house or place for any purpose for which a license is made necessary by the Laws of Maryland, are hereby warned to obtain a Li- ' cense, or renew the same, j - j Between the and KM day of May ensuing, nnder the penalties prescribed by said laws for the infraction thereof. Those interested are notified of tbs following requirements of the License Law: Traders' Licenses. —The amount to be paid by traders for a license, (the amount of stock at the principal season of sale to be given uuder oath,) is as follows; If the applicant’s stock in trade does not exceed SI,OOO, $ 12 Over 1,000 and not over $1,500, -- - 15 1,500 2,500, - - - 18 2,500 4,000, - - - 22 4,000 6,000, - - -30 1 6,000 8,000, - - - 40 8,000 10,000, --- * BO I 10,000 15,000, --- 65 I 15,600 20,000, --- 80 20,000 30,000, - - - 100 30,000 40,000, -- - 125 40,000 - 150 1 The applicant must either make oath, as here- tofore, before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county where be is engaged in business, of ; the amount of goods kept on bahd at the priam- ; pal season of sale; or the oath may be admimj- i Wred by a Justice of the Peace, when the person I wanting the license applies through an agent.— ; If the latter course be adopted, the following form I will be deemed a sufficient compliance with the j act; I Harford County, to wit; 1 On this day of 1862, before the sub- scriber, a Justice of the Peace of the State of Ma- ; ryland, in and for said county, personally ap- i peared , and declared that he intends to apply for a trader’s license, under the 2d section j of the Act of January session, 1858, to the Clerk | of the Circuit Court for Harford county, and j j made oath that the amount of the stock of goods j generally kept on hand by him, (or by the con- -1 cern in which he is engaged, in case it is a part- nership,) at the principal season of sale, (or if ; the applicant has not previously engaged in such , trade,) that the amount of the stock of goods which he expects to keep, Ac., does not (or will | not) exceed $ . Sworn before ! If the oath be administered before a Justice of , the Peace out of the county in which the appli- j cation is made, there must be attached the certi- | ficate of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the I county in which the Justice resides. Persons may sell salt to cure fish in March, Apriland May without license. Venders of cakes ; and venders of beer and cider, who are the makers j of such beer aud cider, (lager beer excepted,) j are not required to pay license. Licenses to Ordinaries and Tavern Keepers. | The licenses to ordinaries and tavern keepers to I sell spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer ! j in quantities less than a pint, at any one time, j are as follows: Provided that the applicant shall i first he recommended to the Clerk by two res- ! pectable freeholders of his immediate vicinity, ! and shall make cath before said Clerk that he has 1 bona fide (and without intending to evade the | requirements of this article,) provided and ex- pects to maintain six good beds, with sufficient i covering therefor—and three rooms more than j sufficient for the {private use of said ordinary I keeper, with stabling and provender for five I horses at least; and if said applicant resides in ¦ the city of Baltimore, that he has provided and I expects to maintain twelve good beds with cov- ' ering as aforesaid, and six rooms. The said applicant is also to make oath before | the Clerk as to the rate of rent or annual value I of the house at or in which the business to be ; authorized by the license may be done, orintend- ed to be done. 1 If the rental or annual Value is not | Over SIOO, $25 i 100 and not over S2OO, -- - - 40 I 200 300, -- - - 50 i 300 400, -- - - 60 ( 400 500, -- -- 75 500 750, - - - - 90 i 750 1000, -- -- 100 i 1000 2000, -- - - 150 i " 2000 3000, -- -- 180 3000 " 3000, -- - - 250 | 5000 10000, .... 400 | 10000 450 1 Licenses to Retailers of Spirituous or Fermented ! Liquors or Lager Beer.— The amounts of license | to be paid by retailers of spirituous and ferment- ed liquors or lager beer are as follows: Ifthe va- { lue of the stock in trade he SSOO or less, - $ 18 j Over 500, 35 i From 1,000 to $2,000, go 2,000 to 4,000, 75 4,000 to 6,000, 100 6,000 to 10,000, 120 10,000 to 20,600, 130 20,000 to 30,000, 140 Over 30,000, ---- 150 No license shall be granted to sell spirituous : and fermented liquors or lager beer, unless quan- tities than a pint, for the sura of eighteen dollars, unless the person applying therefor shall also ob- tain a license to sell goods, chattels, wares and merchandise,, paying therefor the sum herein be- fore prescribed according to the amount of his stock in trade. , Oyster and Eating Houses.— The license to be paid by the keepers of oyster and eating houses is S6O throughout the State. Females vending millinery and other small ar- ticles, whose stock in trade is not over $560, pav a license of $6 only ; but if over that amount, ; they are required to pay the same license as other I persons—oath to be made as to the amount of ; stock at the principal season of the year. The Clerk shall not issue license to any person to sell spirituous or fermented liquors from whom the grand jury has recommended a license to be withheld, or to a person whose license has been 1 suppressed by the court, without the special or- der of the court. 1 .1 The 86th section of the code, which required an applicant for license to open oyster or eating houses, to procure the recommendation of two neighboring freeholders, and also to make oath before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of his ooun- ' ty, Ac., as to the annual value of his house, is re- pealed. j, The above licenses to retailers and oyster and eating houses go into effect the Ist of Iter OHAS. D. BOULDIN, Sheriff N. B.—By instructions received from the Trea- sury Department at the Clerk’s Office, all persons applying for a License of any kind, (except mar- rlw;e licenses, which are the same as heretofore) will hereafter have to pay the fee of fifty cents for issuing the came, which fee heretofore has been charged to the State. ap6 CBAS. D. BOULDIN, Sheriff. NEGROES! NEGROES I NEGROES,! lAM at all times purchasing SLAVES, paying the highest cash prices. lam also prepared to receive negroes for safe keeping, having erected a comfortable and secure plafee Tr that*™**, on Green street, near Baltimore, immediately on- poeite the Western Police Station. Communica- tions addressed to HENRY FAIRBANKS, Gn. Wayne Hotel, Baltimore. 1 I"- 1 JUPltl, L ...... H. DORSET GOUGH, as Mm Office with O. Scott, Esq. Bel Air , Md. N. B. —Can be seen every Saturday at the United States or Hopper’s Hotel, Havre-de- Grace. 1 JOSEPH M. STREETT, AVVOBUT if IAV Bel Air , Md. Office adjoining Dallam’s Hotel. s!6 GEO. Y MAYNADIER, Avveun at uv, Office in Jamil Building , Bel Air , Md. J. RICHARDSON, ATTOEKST AT LAW, Jarrett Buildings, au!4 Bel Air, Md. A. W. BATEMAN, ATSDaurST AS SAW. Bel Air, Harford County , Md. PATRICK H. RUTLEDGE, as saw* Office formerly occupied by Wm. 6. Bond, BEL AIR. Md. HERMAN STUMP, JR., ASS&&&&S AS SAW* Office in Bel Air, under the Odd Fellows’ Hall. FOR SALE A full assortment of I RON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, .Vo. 13 W IRE, for Baling Hay, HARDWARE, ! Agricultural Implements, &.c., &.c., LOW FOR CASH, Or on a reasonable credit for approved pa- per. Also, PERUVIAN, CALIFORNIAN, MEXI- CAN AND OTHER GUANOS, And a superior article of FINE BONE OUST FOB CASH, Which will be paid for Wheat, Corn and Oats, at Market price, on delivery, by R. I. JACKSON, jy23-ly near Darlington, Md. CHORCHVILLE HOTEL. " ItHE SUBSCRIBER, having taken this well known establishment, long known as “Han- na’s Hotel,” is prepared to accommodate his friends and the public. THE ACCOMMODATION STAGE Running between Churehville and Perrymans- viile leaves the Hotel daily at 8} o’clock A. If., returning, leaves Perrymnnsville at 12 M., and arrives at Churehville at 2 P. M. JB#-0n the last Saturday of each month, at 2 o’clock P. M., a PUBLIC SALE will come oH at which all kinds of Stock, Carriages, Wagons, Farming Implements, Ac., Ac., will be offered. fe!2-y PHILIP DbSWAN, Proprietor. B. IP. MOORE, JR r BEL AIR, Mo. HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW SPRING GOODS, TNCLUDING DRY GOODS, in grea J. variety, which he is prepared to offer at"prices for the most part as low as ever. His stock is now as complete in all its departments, as-he has ever been able to present, by the most assiduous attention to the minutiae of the public demands. np!3-3t to*, h. QimrziAar, DEALER nr ' GRAIN, SEEDS, FEED, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. ALSO, GUANO' LIME, BONE-DUST. And all kinds of fertilisers. WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. CIGARS, Ac. 149 NORTH GAY STREET, BALTIMORE. (Two doors South of Exeter street.) aps-y Db. william l. morse, DBNIZSf, (Late of BatUmoT* City,) FT AVINO located himself near JARRETTS- -11 VILLE, HARFORD GO., where be intends devoting a portion of bis time to his profession, will be nappy to wait upon those requiring bis services in the treatment of all diseases arising from decayed teeth, and in the various branches of Operative and Mechanical Dentistry. Entire satisfaction gotirantied, or no charge will bs dekli.y TO THE FARMERS OF HARFORD, f I >HE UNDERSIGNED has taken and fitted up J. in a comfortable manner that well known hotel known as the fianimn mar, Comer of High and HUlen trmtt, Where he will be happy to receive a call from his Harford friends. Every effort win be mode to render his patrons comfortable. nol3 THOMAS T. RUTLEDGE. : . ! LAPIDUM ON HAND. ALSO a fresh supply of LUMBER, making up theoanal assortment, at the old stand. Thankful for past favors, I beg to call the at- tention of former customers to the above font, and hope to see them als6 on hand at UpfflbS. with their teams and tin.” - KBR- QVVAN ISLAND GUANO, One of the best for- O Winers known, just received and for sale at Upfdum, by B. P. HEATH. : —<<wi -**¦— r - m *™- .. . :

Martha V. YodSl In the Circuit Court forvs. V Harford County, as a

IJeremiah Young. J Court of Equity.

THE object of thiff suit is to procure adecree divorcing the complainant

H from the defendant,- a vinculo malrmonii.¦ The bill states that the complainant andI defendant were married on or about theI month of November, in the year eight-I teen hundred and fifty-seven, at the city ofK Baltimore, and that they lived together asI man and wife for the space of one year,I when the defendant abandoned the cora-[ plainant, and removed beyond the limitsI of the State of Maryland. The bill fur-[ ther states that the abandonment of the

complainant by the- defendant has ccntin-! ued uninterruptedly for more than three

years, and that the separation of the par-ties is deliberate and final, and beyond anyreasonable hope of reconciliation; and thatthe defendant abandoned the complainantwithout any cause—that the complainantis uninformed of the whereabouts of thedefendant, never having heard from him,or of him, for more than three andthat he is still absent from the State ofMaryland. The bill then prays an orderof publication against the said defendant,warning and commanding him to appear inperson or by solicitor, in this HonorableCourt, on some certain day to be thereinnamed, and answer the premises, and abideby and perform such order and decree asmay be passed therein, and that on thefailure of the said defendant to appear andanswer the said bill, that then the said billof complaint may be taken pro confesso ,

and that a decree may be passed divorcingthe complainant from the defendant, a vin-culo matrimonii, and for such other andfurther relief as the complainant’s casemay require.

It is thereupon, this seventh day ofApril, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,adjudged and ORDERED, That the com-plainant, by causing a copy of this orderto be inserted in some newspaper printedand published in Harford County, once ineach week, for four successive weeks threemonths before the fourth day of Augustnext, give notice to the said non-residentdefendant of the object and substance ofthe bill, and warn him to appear in thiscourt in person or by solicitor, on or be-fore the first Monday in August next, andshew cause, if any he has, why the pray-er of the complainant should not be grant-ed; otherwise the bill may be taken proconfesso against him. .

WM. GALLOWAY,CIerk.True copy Test,

WM. GALLOWAY, Clerk.apl2-4t

ROAD NOTICE.To all tohom it may concern:

NOTICE is hereby given, that thirtydays from the date hereof, application

will be made, by petition, to the CountyCommissioners of Harford County, to al-ter the location of that part of the oldYORK ROAD, commencing at A. A. Gil-bert’s barn and ending at Benjamin F.Ayres.

April 12th, 1862. apl2-4t“notice:


The COUNTY COMMISSIONERSfor Harford County willmeet at their

office in Bel Air on TUESDAY, Ist ofApril, and every Tuesday and Wednesdayduring the months of April and May, forthe purpose of making transfers and abate-ments. and such other business as maycome before them. All persons desiringtransfers or abatements, will attend, as noattention will be paid the alienation books,with regard to deeds, and no abatementswillbe allowed after May.

By order,JOHN T. SPICER,

mh22t Clerk.


-1 scriber has obtained from the Register ofWills ofHarford county, Md., Letters Testament-ary pn the personal estate of

OLIVER GALLOP,late of said county, deceased. All persons hav-ing claims against said deceased are hereby noti-fied to exhibit the same, with the legal vouchersthereof, on or before the

2d day of April, 1863,or they may otherwise by law be excluded fromall benefit of said estate.

Allpersons indebted to said estate are request-ed to make immediate payment.

Given under my hand and seal this 2d dayof April, 1862.

CATHERINE GALLOP,aps-Ct Executrix. *


THE Subscriber offers at Private Salehis Farm, called “Hunting Neck,”

situated 2 miles from Perrymansville,containing


This Farm is in a high state of culti-vation, and is well timbered and well wa-tered.

The improvements consist of a

TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSEln good repair, and all the OUT-BUILD-INGS necessary to a well appointedFarm.

Persons desiring to view the premises,will call on the subscriber,

G. H. NELSON,Perrymansville, Harford Co. Md.


SLAVES WANTEDTTTB are at all times {yirchasing SLAVES,VV paying the highest cash prices. Persons

wishing to sell willplease call at No. 285 Pinttstreet. Communications addressed to

ju4-ly 11. M. & W. L. CAMPBELL.

Wx, E. POTBET, , , _

, vg’ In the Circuit Court for Har-

Sarah A. Potkbt, ®“rd Coußt y- 88 a Court of

t His Wife. Chancery.

THE object of the Bill filed in thie caseis to obtain a decree divorcing the

| complainant from the defendant, a vinculoi matrimonii. The Bill states that the cotn-

. plainant was married to the defendant aboutthe- -day of June, in the year 1867.That they lived together until some timein the month of September, 1857, eversince which time he has been residing inthe State of Maryland, and she has beenresiding in the State of Ohio. The Billfurther charges, that since their marriagethe said defendant has been guilty of adul-tery, and prays for a divorce, and that no-tice, by publication, may be given to herof the object and substance of the bill.

It is thereupon ordered, this 25th dayof March, 1862, that the complainant, bypublication of a copy of this order in somenewspaper printed in Harford Counity,once a week for four successive weeks,before the first day of May next, give no-tice to the said defendant to appear in thisCourt, in person or by solicitor, on or be-fore the fourth day of August next, andshew cause, if any she has, why the pray-er of the said complainant should not begranted; otherwise, the Bill may be takenpro confesso against her.

WM. GALLOWAY, Clerk.True Copy, Test,

WM. GALLOWAY, Clerk.mh29-4t

NOTICE-rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the sub-l scriber has obtained from the Register of

Wills ofHarford county, Md., Letters of Admin-istration on the personal estate of

HANNAH NELSON,late of said county, deceased. | All persons hav-ing claims against said deceased are hereby noti-fied to exhibit the sara n, with the legal vouchersthereof, on or before the

24 1 h day of March, 1863,or they may otherwise by law be excluded fromall benefit of said estate.

All persons indebted to said estate are request-ed to make immediate payment.

Given under my hand and seal this 24th dayof March, 1862.

GEORGE H. NELSON,mh29-6t ' Administrator.


sCrihcr has obtained from the Register ofWills of Harford county, Md,, Letters ofAdmin-tration on the personal estate of

' JULIA A. JARRETT,ate of Harford County, dec’d. Allpersons hav-ing claims against said deceased are hereby noti-fied to exhibit the same, with the legal vouchersthereof, on or before the

1 Ith day of March, 1863,or they may otherwise by law be excluded fromall benefit of said estate.

All persons indebted to said estate are request-ed to make immediate payment.

Given under my hand and seal this 17th day ofMarch, 1862.

ABRAHAM JARRETT,mh22-6t Administrator.


scribers have obtained from the Register ofWills of Harford county, Md., Letters Testament-ary on the personal estate of

RALPH S. LEE,late of Harford County, dec’d. All persons hav-ing claims against said deceased are hereby noti-fied to exhibit the same, with the legal vouchersthereof, on or before the

\§th day of March, 1863,‘ or they may otherwise by law be excluded from

all benefit of said estate.Allpersons indebted to said estate are request-

ed to make immediate payment.Given under my hand and seal this 19th day of


_mh-22 Executors.


JL her has obtained from the Register ofWillsof Harford County, Md., Letters Testamentaryon the personal estate of

JOHN KELLY STUMP,late of said county, deceased. Allpersons havingclaims against said deceased, are hereby noti-fied to exhibit the same, with the legal vouch-

' ers thereof, on or before theIU& day of March. 1863,

or they may otherwise by law be excluded fromall benefit of said estate.

Allpersons indebted to said estate are request-ed to make immediate payment.

Given under my hand and seal this 11th dayof March, 1862.

WILLIAM HENRY STUMP,Marls Administrator.William Watkins and

Sephrohia his wife, cl al. In the Circuit Courtvs. for Harfotd couu-

Wit. Strektt and Mary J. ty—in Equity,his wife, etal. J /

ORDERED, this twelfth day of April,eighteen hundred and sixty-two, that

the sales made and reported by Archer H.Jarred, Trustee in the above case, be rati-fied and confirmed, unless cause to thecontrary be shown on or before the 12thday of May next, provided a copy of thisOrder be inserted in some. newspaperprinted in Harford County, once in eachof three successive wjpeks before the said12th day of May next.

The report states the amount of salesto be $5,312 50.

WM. GALLOWAY, Cferk.True Copy, Test,

WM. GALLOWAY, Clerk.apl9


THE Subscriber has juet received fromthe city a fine assortment of MER- '

CHANDJSE, which will be sold CHEATfor cash. His stock consists of Ladies’Dress Goods, Dry ¦ Goods, Groceries,Hardware, Queens ware, Cedar Ware, Hol-low Ware, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Hatsand Caps, Ready-made Clothing, and everyarticle usually kept in a country store.

JAMES HERRON,Cor. Main st. and Port Deposit avenue;mhß9-tf Bel Ain, Md.




THE undersigned will offer at PublicSale, on

THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, at 11 A. M. jAT TUB


The thorough-bred Stallion MARS, fiveyears old; two roadster Stallions, fiveyears old, bred in Vermont; two Perche-ron entire Colts, three and two years old;a very promising three-year old entireColt by Paul Clifford ; a pair of half Per-cheron Fillies, five years old, good travel-lers, and several other Horses.



From whom or from the undersigned, or ;at the office of the Southern Alois, Imay be- obtained a Detailed Cata- llooue of all the animals to be offered.

SAMUEL H. COVER,Auctioneer,

apl9 84 Baltimore street, Baltimore, i

IraisaiTlIN PURSUANCE of a Decree of the jCircuit Court for Harford County, jsilting in 'Equity, the subscribers, as ;Trustees, will offer at public sale at theCourt House door in the town of Bel Air,

On Tuesday , the 13th |Day of May, 1862, at 11 o’clock, A. M., I


Situate in Harford County, called “Con- •elusion,” containing


Being the same land conveyed by Mary |Johnson, Executrix, to Robert Amoss and 1others, by deed recorded in Liber W. G., INo. 10, folio 261.

The improvements consist of a large Iand convenient

JUyiA-a DWELLING |Msißft tawvsabBarn, Stabling, and other Out-Buildings, i

The land is well fenced and well water- |ed, and has on it very large


In full bearing. About 80 acres is clear- ied, and balance HEAVILY TIMBERED. }The soil is of the best quality. It lies on 1the road leading from the Brick Baptist iChurch to Pleasantville, and adjoins theland of, Washington Han way. It is con- ivenient to churches, schools and mills.*

TERMS OF SALEPrescribed by the Decree are:—One- jthird Cash on the day of sale; one-third jin six months, and the balance in twelve ;months, credit payments to bear interest Ifrom the day of sale, and to be secured bynotes, with surety to be approved by theTrustees. On payment of the whole ofthe purchase money the Trustees will ex-ecute a deed to purchaser.


apl9-ts Trustees.

TRUSTEE’S SALE.T)r VIRTUE of a Decree of the Circuit CourtH for Harford County, sitting as a Court of

Equity, the subscriber, as Trustee, will expose atpublic sale, at the Court House door in Bel Air,at 12 o’clock M. on

Tuesday, the 22d day of April, ;1862, all that

H mil, ;Lying in Harford County, composed of two con*tiguous tracts called “Tricks and Things,’’ and .“Colegate’s Last Shift,” containing

64 Acres, More or Less.This Land is situated immediately on the road

leading from Bel Air to La Grange Iron Works,and particularly described in a deed from Wil-liam B. Bond, Trustee, to Samuel M. Ady, inLiber W. Q., No. 9, folio 414.

The improvements are a COMFORTABLEDWELLING HOUSE and other Out l Build-ings.

The land is of good quality and in a goodstate ofcultivation, and the whole is under goodfencing. ¦

j The Terms of Sale as prescribed by the Decreeare—that one-third of the purchase money shallbe paid in cash on the day of sale, one-third insix, and the residue in twelve months thereafter,the purchaser giving note for the credit payments,bearing interest, with surety to be approved bythe trustee.

DAN. SCOTT,mh29-ts Trustee.


job B3RX3srTnsrci'Executed at this office, Cheap for Cash.


Merchants, Traders A Others.ALL PERSONS and bodies corporate or poli-

tic, in Harford County, who are or shall beexercising or pursuing any business, or shall bedoing any act or thing, or shall be in the occu-pation of any house or place for any purpose forwhich a license is made necessary by the Laws ofMaryland, are hereby warned to obtain a Li-

' cense, or renew the same,j -

j Between the and KM day of Mayensuing,

nnder the penalties prescribed by said laws forthe infraction thereof.

Those interested are notified of tbs followingrequirements of the License Law:

Traders' Licenses. —The amount to be paid bytraders for a license, (the amount of stock at theprincipal season of sale to be given uuder oath,)is as follows; If the applicant’s stock in tradedoes not exceed SI,OOO, $ 12Over 1,000 and not over $1,500, - -

- 15“

1,500“ “ 2,500, - - - 18

“ 2,500 “ “ 4,000, - -- 22

4,000 “ “ 6,000, - - -301 “

6,000 “ “ 8,000, - - - 40“ 8,000 “ “

10,000, ---


BOI “ 10,000 “ “ 15,000, --- 65I “ 15,600 “ “ 20,000, --- 80

’“ 20,000 “ “

30,000, - - - 100“

30,000 “ “

40,000, -- - 12540,000 - 150

1 The applicant must either make oath, as here-tofore, before the Clerk of the Circuit Court ofthe county where be is engaged in business, of

; the amount of goods kept on bahd at the priam-; pal season of sale; or the oath may be admimj-

i Wred by a Justice of the Peace, when the person

I wanting the license applies through an agent.—; Ifthe latter course be adopted, the following form

I will be deemed a sufficient compliance with thej act;

I Harford County, to wit;

1 On this day of 1862, before the sub-scriber, a Justice of the Peace of the State of Ma-

; ryland, in and for said county, personally ap-i peared , and declared that he intends toapply for a trader’s license, under the 2d section

jof the Act of January session, 1858, to the Clerk| of the Circuit Court for Harford county, and jj made oath that the amount of the stock of goodsj generally kept on hand by him, (or by the con-

-1 cern in which he is engaged, in case it is a part-nership,) at the principal season of sale, (or if

; the applicant has not previously engaged in such, trade,) that the amount of the stock of goodswhich he expects to keep, Ac., does not (or will

| not) exceed $—


Sworn before! If the oath be administered before a Justice of, the Peace out of the county in which the appli-j cation is made, there must be attached the certi-

| ficate of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of theI county in which the Justice resides.

Persons may sell salt to cure fish in March,Apriland May without license. Venders ofcakes

; and venders ofbeer and cider, who are the makersj of such beer aud cider, (lager beer excepted,)j are not required to pay license.

Licenses to Ordinaries and Tavern Keepers. —

| The licenses to ordinaries and tavern keepers to

I sell spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer !j in quantities less than a pint, at any one time, jare as follows: Provided that the applicant shall

i first he recommended to the Clerk by two res-! pectable freeholders of his immediate vicinity,! and shall make cath before said Clerk that he has

1 bona fide (and without intending to evade the| requirements of this article,) provided and ex-pects to maintain six good beds, with sufficient

i covering therefor—and three rooms more thanj sufficient for the {private use of said ordinary

I keeper, with stabling and provender for fiveI horses at least; and if said applicant resides in¦ the city of Baltimore, that he has provided andI expects to maintain twelve good beds with cov-' ering as aforesaid, and six rooms.

The said applicant is also to make oath before| the Clerk as to the rate ofrent or annual valueI of the house at or in which the business to be; authorized by the license may be done, orintend-

ed to be done.1 Ifthe rental or annual Value is not| Over SIOO, $25i “

100 and not over S2OO, - -- - 40I “ 200 “ “ 300, -- - - 50


300 “ “ 400, -- -- 60

( “ 400 “ “

500, -- - - 75“

500 “ “ 750, -- -

- 90i “ 750 “ “ 1000, --

- - 100i “ 1000 “ “ 2000, --

-- 150

i " 2000 “ “ 3000, -- - - 180“ 3000 " “

3000, - -- - 250


5000 “ “ 10000, .... 400|

” 10000 450

1 Licenses to Retailers of Spirituous or Fermented! Liquors or Lager Beer.— The amounts of license| to be paid by retailers of spirituous and ferment-

ed liquors or lager beer are as follows: Ifthe va-{ lue of the stock in trade he SSOO or less, - $ 18j Over 500, 35

i From 1,000 to $2,000, go“ 2,000 to 4,000, 75“ 4,000 to 6,000, 100“

6,000 to 10,000, 120“

10,000 to 20,600, 130“20,000 to 30,000, 140

Over 30,000, ---- 150No license shall be granted to sell spirituous

: and fermented liquors or lager beer, unless quan-tities than a pint, for the sura ofeighteen dollars,unless the person applying therefor shall also ob-tain a license to sell goods, chattels, wares andmerchandise,, paying therefor the sum herein be-fore prescribed according to the amount of hisstock in trade.

, Oyster and Eating Houses.— The license to bepaid by the keepers of oyster and eating housesis S6O throughout the State.

Females vending millineryand other small ar-ticles, whose stock in trade is not over $560, pava license of $6 only ; but if over that amount,

; they are required to pay the same license as otherI persons—oath to be made as to the amount of; stock at the principal season of the year.

The Clerk shall not issue license to any personto sell spirituous or fermented liquors from whomthe grand jury has recommended a license to bewithheld, or to a person whose license has been

1 suppressed by the court, without the special or-der of the court.

1 .1 The 86th section of the code, which requiredan applicant for license to open oyster or eatinghouses, to procure the recommendation of twoneighboring freeholders, and also to make oathbefore the Clerk of the Circuit Court of his ooun-' ty, Ac., as to the annual value of his house, is re-pealed.j,The above licenses to retailers and oyster and

eating houses go into effect the Ist ofIterOHAS. D. BOULDIN, Sheriff

N. B.—By instructions received from the Trea-sury Department at the Clerk’s Office, all personsapplying for a License ofany kind, (except mar-rlw;e licenses, which are the same as heretofore)will hereafter have to pay the fee of fiftycents forissuing the came, which fee heretofore has beencharged to the State.

ap6 CBAS. D. BOULDIN, Sheriff.

NEGROES! NEGROES I NEGROES,!lAMat all times purchasing SLAVES, paying

the highest cash prices. lam also preparedto receive negroes for safe keeping, having erecteda comfortable and secure plafee Tr that*™**,on Green street, near Baltimore, immediately on-poeite the Western Police Station. Communica-tions addressed to

HENRY FAIRBANKS,Gn. Wayne Hotel, Baltimore.

1 I"- 1 JUPltl, L

...... H. DORSET GOUGH,as Mm

Office with O. Scott, Esq.Bel Air, Md.

N. B. —Can be seen every Saturday atthe United States or Hopper’s Hotel,Havre-de- Grace.


Bel Air, Md.Office adjoining Dallam’s Hotel. s!6

GEO. Y MAYNADIER,Avveun at uv,

Office in Jamil Building, Bel Air, Md.


Jarrett Buildings,au!4 Bel Air, Md.


Bel Air, Harford County , Md.


Office formerly occupied by Wm. 6. Bond,BEL AIR. Md.


Office in Bel Air, under the Odd Fellows’Hall.

FOR SALEA full assortment ofIRON,

STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES,.Vo. 13 W IRE, for Baling Hay,

HARDWARE,! Agricultural Implements, &.c., &.c.,

LOW FOR CASH,Or on a reasonable credit for approved pa-



GUANOS,And a superior article of

FINE BONE OUST FOB CASH,Which will be paid for Wheat, Cornand Oats, at Market price, on delivery, by

R. I. JACKSON,jy23-ly near Darlington, Md.


ItHE SUBSCRIBER, having taken this wellknown establishment, long known as “Han-

na’s Hotel,” is prepared to accommodate hisfriends and the public.

THE ACCOMMODATION STAGERunning between Churehville and Perrymans-viile leaves the Hotel daily at 8} o’clock A. If.,returning, leaves Perrymnnsville at 12 M., andarrives at Churehville at 2 P. M.

JB#-0n the last Saturday of each month, at 2o’clock P. M., a PUBLIC SALE will come oHat which all kinds of Stock, Carriages, Wagons,Farming Implements, Ac., Ac., willbe offered.fe!2-y PHILIP DbSWAN, Proprietor.



SPRING GOODS,TNCLUDING DRY GOODS, in greaJ. variety, which he is prepared to offerat"prices for the most part as low as ever.

His stock is now as complete in all itsdepartments, as-he has ever been able topresent, by the most assiduous attentionto the minutiae of the public demands.


to*, h. QimrziAar,DEALER nr '



GUANO' LIME, BONE-DUST.And all kinds of fertilisers.



(Two doors South of Exeter street.) aps-y

Db. william l. morse,DBNIZSf,

(Late of BatUmoT* City,)FT AVINO located himself near JARRETTS--11 VILLE, HARFORD GO., where be intendsdevoting a portion of bis time to his profession,will be nappy to wait upon those requiring bisservices in the treatment of all diseases arisingfrom decayed teeth, and in the various branchesof Operative and Mechanical Dentistry. Entiresatisfaction gotirantied, or no charge will bs


f I >HE UNDERSIGNED has taken and fitted upJ. in a comfortable manner that well known

hotel known as thefianimn mar,

Comer of High and HUlen trmtt,Where he willbe happy to receive a call from hisHarford friends. Every effort win be mode torender his patrons comfortable.


ALSO a fresh supply ofLUMBER, making uptheoanal assortment, at the oldstand.

Thankful for past favors, I beg to call the at-tention of former customers to the above font,and hope to see them als6 on hand at UpfflbS.with their teams and “tin.”

- KBR-QVVAN ISLAND GUANO, One of the best for-O Winers known, just received and for sale atUpfdum, by B. P. HEATH.

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