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The southern enterprise (Greenville, S.C.).(Greenville, S...

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.. rum i. < a III ' .i. The New Slate. Sec my (Into I I dot it naic, Cos 1 b'oke tbo otbor, Put my 'ittlo fool right froo, , Kuuiitn' after mother. I tan in alio you Iota 'o singa, a Fuss da you can toll 'cm, T'u and B't and big 0 ring*. Ouly I tan'l spell 'em. 1 ton mnko a funny pig Wld bia turly tail ly, 'Ittle ay»s, and snout so big Pokiu' in a pai! y. I tan make « elephant, Wld bis trunk a bnngln'} An' a boy.wbo says I lan't ?. * Wid his dun a bangio*. * . An* tlio smoke a tuminin* out (\Tid my t'uuib I do it, T ' * llubbin' all the white nbout,) Sparks n llyia ; firoo it. - « -' .V - -5 1 tan mnko a pretty house W id trco behind it, An' a little mousy-mouse Kunniu' round to find it. yotfYAI Jt"V I tnu put my band oat flat On the slate, and draw it (Tieklin' is tbo worst cf that!) Did you ever saw it? I tan draw mo runnin' 'bont. ( Mania's 'ittlo posset (Slate's so dusty, rubbin' out Does oo'd better wass k.) Now, then, s'all T make a tree Wid a birdie in it ? All my pirsurs you s'all seo If you'll wait a minute. No, I dess 1*11 innko n man Juss like Uncle Holly, Pec it tummin' fas's it tan ! Hot my sluto is jolly I [CVhcuimjti Gazette. What the Farmer Must Know .The fitrmer, like (he bnsineef inan, must know wlmt ho isdoin<;: lie must have 8omc pretty decid cd ideas of what lie is to accom jilish.in fact lie must accomplish it beforehand. Ho must know his soil.that o1 each to; not only the top, but the sub soil. 11(1 ir* net I'nAtw---' «« uwo onvn TV UCll ^ I illll illll. grasses arc adapted to each. lie must know when is the besl time to work them, whether, the) need siimmer fallowing. lie must know the condition in which ground must bo when plow ed, so that it be not too wet or toe dry. lie must know that some graini require earlier sowing than others and what those grains are. lie must know how to put their in. lie must know that it pays tc have machinery to help him at well as muscle lie must know about stocks ami manures, and the cultivation ot trees and small fruits, and man) other things ; in a word, he musl know what experienced, observing farmers know, to be sure of sue cess. Then h e will not guesswill not run such risks. An actress, who is a roputec chatter-box, the other day sent foi her doctor with all speed. Slu declared herself ill, and wantoc him to write'the requisite certiii cate. - i uo not know tliat there h anything the matter," was the re ply ; u let me feol your pulse.juei so.a little quiet will sot yon t< rights very soon." ,l But I assure yen, doctor, 1 mi ill; look at my tongue." Ihe doctor looked. 11 Well, I sec, my dear Miss it is like you; ft little quiet will d< it good." . Mr. Boynton, the person wh< lias saved so many lives at Capi May this season, was ottered fiftj cents by one gentleman, after lu had been dragged safely ashore Mr. Boynton handed him bad forty-nine cents in change, remark ing that ho didn't wish to nccep more tl an his life was worth. Like the generality of kings ant conqucrers, Frederick the Grea had ft most philosophical in differ cncc to death.in others. In on* of his battles, a battalion ot vote inns having taken to their heels lie galloped after them, bftwlinj out: " Why do you run away, yoi old vagabonds 1 Do you want t< livo forever i" A physician, on being inquire* of concerning a friend, replied tha he brut been arrested for takinj what did not belong to him, an* what he had no business to med die with# " liy whom was he arrested an* what aid he take ?" " Ho was arrested by Death fo taking the typhus lever." w " Dm. wants to know \ you'll please pay this bdl now.wOld gentleman looks at the item and replies: "Tell Dr. 1* pay hiin for his medicine and r< turn hia visits." WtaL. gg- LL.i__i_ggaaB f SHERIFF'S SAIJEST^ By virtue of auudry wrlU of TicJ'i Taoimt to ton directed, I will sell, before tkl Court »IIouSe.doar/ on (taleednjr in February next, between the hoars of iO o'clock in th« forenoon and 3 o'clock in tfce afternoon, One Tract of Land, known as tbo Fowler or Milos Place, on waters of Mash Creek, containing 310J acres, mora or less, adjoining lauds of A. A, Menves, Mrs. M. Taylor and uiuurs. lionea on as mo property or Jnmes N. Taylor, at the suits of J. 11. Morris, W. D. Diokoy, William Choice anil otheir; retold at tbo risk or the former purchaser. Alto one Tract of Land, containing 40 ucrct, more or Iless, adjoining lands of William and Tboinas Barton.levied «d ii theproperty of Peter Uosnell, Ktocutor </e ton fashit tbo salt of Jobo Dili, bearer. Also, one Truot of Land, containing 350 acres, more or Ices, homestead to l>e set off to defendant befoio day of sale, adjoining lands of II 8 Gibson, W D Berry, V Mclloe, dccoascd and others. Levied on as the property of R. J. Foster, at the suit Ql J. Wlnsinitb. Also one Tract of Land* home place, containing 354 acres, more or less. Homestead to lib set off to tbo defendant before day o( sale, adjoining lands cl E 11 Bates, G \V McCarroll, K Powell, and others. Also, all dofendant's right, title and interest in law and equity in one Tract of Land known as tha " Saluda plaec," containing 200 acros, more or less, adjoining lands of J II Cleveland, Wm Cox, and others. Levied on as the properly of WllHam West, at the suit of A Blythe, Executor. Also ene Tract of Laud, containing 800 acres, more or less, homestead to be set off to defendant before day of eale, adjoining lands of WlUintn K liightower, 11 Morgan and others.Levied on as the property vf Benjamin F Posey, at the suit of John Forrest and ethers. Also one Tract of Land, containing 300 acres, more or less, homestead to be set off to defendant before day of sale, adjoining lands of David Betne, I) D Davenport, and others. Levied on as the property of Irvine Cox, at tho suit of A Illy the, Executor. Also one Tract of Land, containing 188 acres, more or less, homestead to be set off to defendant before day of sale. Levied on as tho properly of Mrs Mnrtha A Charles, Kxeeutrix, at the suit of T L Jledrick, hearer. Also one Tract of Land, containing 208 acres, mere or less, homestead to be set off to defendant before day of sale. Levied on as tho property of O \V Garrison, at (he suit ol Sarah A Hawkins, Administratrix. Also, one Tract of Land, containing 420 acrc^ more or less, homestead to be set off to defendant before day of sale. Lovied on as tho property of D M Fcdcn, at the suit Of A i Blythe, Kxccator. Alii one Tract of Land, containing 525 . acres, more or less, homestead to be set off to defendant before day of sale, adjoining lands of J T Bennett, Mrs Woodsidvs, and others, i Levied on as the property of T C Harrison, at me suiioi a uiyuie, KxucuUr. Also ono- Track of Land, containing 400 acres, more or leas, udjoiuing lauds of Moses I llutsun, 0 C Montgomery, 8 Marebbanks, and others. Levied on as tbo property of Dr J , 1* llill house, at tlio suit of A Blytbo, lixccut tor. ) Also ono Trnet of Land, containing 100 acres, more or less, homestead to be act off to defendant before day of sale, adjoining lands I of Alfred Ward, deceased, B i' Posey, and others. Levied on as the property of John Ward, at the suits of John Forrest, t Also one Tract of Land, containing 150 acres, more or less, homestead to be set off to dorcndnnt before day of sale, Wounded by lands of W I) Tally, ft Holder, and others. Levied I on as the pro|>erty of Joseph Harden, at the auit of David Blytbe. Also one Tract of Land, containing 525 > ncrcs, more or lefts, homestead to be set oflf defendant before day of sale, a<Uoiuing lands of William Goldsmith, J L Westmoreland, Sr., i and others. Levied on as tho property ol Qoorg4 Tilninn Ilughos, at tbo salt of J E ' Green, W P Vaughn and others Also tho undivided iutcrcst, being one-half, I in a vacant lot,, on Buncombe Street, in th« city of Greenville, containing three-fourths ol an ncre, tnoro less, bounded by lots of J 0 > Meredith, estate of D Long, deceased, and es« I tate of General Owons, deceased. Also, vacant Lot No. 8, hounded on tho west by Wainul Street, on the south by State Street, and on the east by Lot No. 0 ; containing one and a hall c acres, more or less. Also, Lot No. 0, bounded on the south byStnto Street; on tbo west by r Lot No 8, and on tbo cast by Cbcsnut Street >_ containing one and ono fourth aercs, more oi less. Also, Lot No. 10, bounded on tho casl [ by Lot No. II, on the south by State Street, . and on tho west by Chcsnut Street; containing one and three sevenths acres, more or less. Also, Lot No. 1), bounded on the west by Lol No. 10, on the east by Lot No. 12, on th« south by State Street; containing one and [ inrccecvenms acre*, more or less. Abo, Lol No. 12, bounded on the west, by Lot No. 11, '' on tbe south by Stuto Street, and on the ens! > by Pearl Street; containing one and seven| eighths acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of the estate of Randall Croft, de ceased, at tho suit of John M. Crook, Executor, assigned to 8. Stradley. Also one Tract of Land, Home Place, con taining .106 acres, btoca or less, adjoining landc of W. A. Pepper, J. II. Rico and others. . homestead to bo set off to the defendant be1 fore da/-of sale. Also one Traet of Land, ) (Jrovo Place, containing 308 aerer, more oi less, adjoining lands of 11. Charles, 0. W Harrison and othors. Also one Tract ol 1 Lund, Saluda Place, containing 267 aeres, more or less, adjoining lands of J. 1>. Sullivan, Elijah Kskew and A. M. Hamilton. Also the defendant's lifetime interest in the (larrisoe f PUcc, eontaining 238 acres, more or less, ad> joining lands of the estate of Lemuel Waddill deceased. Q W Richardson and others Levioc on as the property of John Charles, at the sun of A M Hamilton, and others. , Also on Tract of Land,oontaiaing 760 acres more or leas, homestead to be set off to defend 3 ant before day of sale, adjoining lands ol R 1 Whilden, J W Cuningham, and others. Lev ied on as tbe property ot Hllsa J Prince, » the sulttof Alex. NoKianep.1 t Also, one Tract of Lnnd, homo p'nee, contain ing 101 aeres, more or less, adjoining landa o J M licneon, J Wynn, Win Choice, and others - Also, ono Tract of Land, Saludit plaeo, eontaln t ing 300 aerer, more or less, aiRoining lands o Mrs E Qibson, J M Hutching, Martin Hunt end others. Levied on as the property o James.M. Farr, at tho suit of James M. Ren ] soo, Executor. . Also, one Tract of Land, home ptnfte, con taining 636 aeres, more or less, homestead t< be set off to defaadant before day of aale, id a joining lands of Benj V Posey, JI Morgai and others. Alao, ono Traet of land, Danis I- Higbtower place, eontaining 360 aeres, more o less, adjoining lands ofT II Allep, C Hoi ' com be, and others. Levied on as the proper ? ty of Win K High tower, at the suits ol W 1 Shumate for another, and John Forrest. Also, ono Tract of Land, eontaining 26' aeres, more or less, adjoining lands of Wm 0 Lee, Moses Fowler, and others. Levied on a tho property of Barker and Prioe, at the sal ui %i \j iiiui|(iwu, AQBiuivimivr. I Alao, one Traet of Lend, borne pltM, eon d talning >00 aeree, more or lea*, homeaUad t ,t be aet off lo defendant before day of eale, ad joining Unda of Col. John V Kern, 0 W Oar J rieoa, and other*. Alao, all defendant'* right d title and Internet in law and eqaity in on [. Traet of Land, on Grove Creek, conlainini 07 acre*, more or lee*, adjoining land* of Mr M A Cbnrle*. W A Pepper and John Cbarlei [| Levied on a* the property of liarkedal* Cbarlei at tbe auit of A M UamiUou, and other*, ei Jdhn Char!**, Darkadal* Oharle* and R 1 r Alexander. Term* ea*b. rnrebaeer* to pay for *taa*| and paper*. it A. B. VTCKKRS, B. 0. 0. Jan 10 I> » * piT The RUtrprite lioa a goo B. circulation in tho upper part c Sontti Carolina. "'I' M nw"iw ! " '1 'i!" N E S i 9 T 1 1 1 Columbia Advertisements. WM. GLAZE, Dealer in Watohee, Cloeks, Jewelry and Silver Ware, MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, 8. C. JUST nhtrntd from the Northern market* with a New Stock of elegant and ehoteo Good*, comprising Ladles' and Gent's fine Gold and Silver Watches, handsome solid Coin Silver Ware, Triple Plated Ware, and fine Jewelry of every pattern, together with a hand omo aeaortment of Cloeks. I take plea en re in inviting the attention of my friends and the public to the same. My stock of Speotaoles are well-eeleoted, and enitabla for all agea. Ilalr Jewelry manufactured to order at low prloee, and Watches, Clocks and Jewelry aklL felly repaired and warranted. t Besides the above, I have a tne assortment or Engllali Uuna of Uie best maker*. Examine my atook and prioea. WM. ULAZ&, Columbia, 8. C. Nor U 17 Sm» : MARBLE CilTTlNC. MOW 10 cV SPEOWIi, COLUMBIA, S. C., CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL. WORK In all Ha branehea, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN r MARBLE. Sept 8 18 tf Baltimore Advertisements. CUSHIN6S & BAILEY BOOK SELLERS ARB STATIONERS, 262 Bailiraora-at., Baltimore, Md. T1I1E Largest and Beat Aaaorled Stock in tha City, of SCHOOL. LAW, DENTAL, MEDICAL, CLASSICAL and MISCELLANEOUS General Bank and Counting-Hnnac Stationery of all kinda. Blank Hooka made to order, in any atyie, of binding anderuling. Aug 26 14 Sin* Greenville A Columbia Railroad. OaarnAtr SrraRixTasDEXT's Office, ) i Columbia, January 16th, 18T0. J ON AND AFTER WEDNB8DAY, January lOtb, the following Sohedulo will f be rnu daily, Sunday excepted, connecting with Night Train on South Carolina Road, up and dowDr and with Night Train on Charlotte, Columbia and Auguata Road going South : Leave Columbia.. 1 CO in r " Alston, 8 40 in \ " Newberry 10 10 in Arrivo Abbeville 3 00 p m ( " Anderson 4 20 p m t " Greenville.... . ..... 6 00 p m Leave Qrecnrille & 45 a m r " Anderson 0 20 am *' " Abbeville S 00 am " Newberry ......12 85 p m " Alston 2 10 p ma Arrive Columbia...... 3 45 p in The Train will return from Bolton to Anderson on Monday and Friday mornings. JAMES 0. MEREDITH, General Superintendent. [ Charlotte* Columbia A Augusta E. R. I Genera} Freight and Tickot Office, ) Columbia, S. C., Dteembe 23, 1800.- J THE following Passenger Schedule will go Into effect on and after sunday uojci; i 20/A imtant s Going North. Leave Augusta at 4 00 a m " Columbia, at 0 40 am " Wionsboro, at .11 40 am " Chester, at....*. 1 40 p ns Arrive at Charlotte, N C 4 20 pm Making cioee Tonneetions with Trains of P North Carolina Road for for ail points North ' and East. j. Going South. , Leave Charlotte, N C, at Iff 80 a m " Chester, at 1 25 p as " Winnshoro, at 2 57 p se " Columbia, at C 07 pm Arrive at Angosta, at.................. 0 50 pm Making eloae connections with Traias of [ Central and Georgia Railroads for Savannah, t and all points in Florida, Mason, Columbus, Montgomery, Mobiles New Orleans, Belto a, Chattanooga, Memptale, Nashville, Loniavllle, [ Cincinnati, St. Lonis, and all points South and f W"': raiace Bleeping vara on nil night Train*. Through Ticket* fold, and Baggnga checked to nil principal point*. /ttr°~Pfu»engers by thin route going North, hare choice of thrtt diffrrtnt rontei. 0. BOUKNIGHT. Superintendent. E. R. Donsar, General Freight and Ticket Agent. Sontia Carolina Railroad Co. General Superintendent'* Offlee,) September lft, IMI. ) TIIR following Schedule for Pa**enger Train* will l>e obwrred from thi* date s Day Patttngrr Train. Learlng Columbia at ....7 49 a a Arriving at Columbia at .4 4ft p at Night Krprtit Train. Learlng Colombia at ....ft 4ft p a Arriving at Colombia at..... M*i 4ft a a Th* Camdtn Train Will contiane to ran the following *oh*dul*> TH- W.kif. (Monday*, Wednesday* and Saturday*.) » Arrive at Columbia 11 00 am. -Leave 149 pa Daily (Sunday Earepitd.) ' r.... Att. _ i.vi.^.iiua 1 - KlngtrillallftpMi. Ar Camdan «0» p m ' H. T. PKAKR. Oenoral SupcrloUadani. , TUTT'S VEGETABLE mnraa ipint.it. (| Cure* diMUM of Ik# Llrtr n4 8tomaah. TUTT8 EXPECTORANT A plaaaant ««r« fur Cough*, Col da, As. . TUTT'S 8ARSAPAR1LLA AND QUEEN'S ri DRLIOHT lh« graat AlUrailre nd IHood Purifier. TUTTB IMPROVED HAIR ,f DTK, Warraalad tka boat dya la Ma. Throa land curd proparalioaa ara for aala by Drag* ' flat aaarywhrra. Oat A-ljr. * *-» BBSS g t Charleston . 1 Advertisements. L J, DANIEL H. SILCOX'S FURNITURE WARSROOM8, 175,177 ft 179, King Street P.14ARI FRTON ft. n. -4^ Bstaimihkd in 1838.^2529 JMM Koeps constantly on hand J7 Jf| ill a woll selected Stock of reMMra ! I Ij rTJHITITTJM, |ijw v Which ho offers at REASONABLE Vv PRICES. N. B..GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED FOB SHIPPING. No* 34 33 ly* baugits" RAW BONEI SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. I AM sow receiving my supplies of thia Manure, and planters can rely upon getting an article fully up to standard, aa per analysis. All bought from myself or au'horised agents,I will guarantee ; as every cargo so sold is anal* yted on arrival here, and the high character of I tho Manure (ally kept up. J. N. ROBSON, Sole Agent for South Carolina. Noe. 1 and 3, A tlantio Wharf, Charleston, S. C. David Ac Strodley, Agents for Greenville Connty. Prof. Sbepard says of analysis made October 10th, 18001 w A valuable Manure, and de-> oidedly superior to the article of last year." Experiment made by M. C. M. Hammond, of Beech Island, S. C.: No manure.887 lbs seed cotton per acre. 173 lbs Peruvian Guano^.1338 lbs seodootton per acre. 175 lbs BaugVs.1489 lbs seed ootton per acre. Dee 33 81 Sm FARMERS! Inertat* Your Crop* antl Imprint Your Land*, bp uriny PIHENIX GUANO, Imported bp « direct from the Pkctnix Ittandi, South Pacific Ocean. Wilcox, Gibbs 8c Co.'s MANIPULATED GUANO, Prepared al Sauannak, Oa., and Cknriceton, S. O., tekiek kae proved in Ike coil the beet MANURE IK USE. Guano, Salt and Plaster Compound, PREPARED AT SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. For Sale for Cash or on Time, by WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN eoAROs. tW Por ftflMher information, address at above for circular, or subscribe to Southern Agriculturist, published by W. 0. Maomurphy A Co., at Augusta and Savaonab, Oa., at 15c. per annum. DAVID A STRADLEY, Agents, Greenville, S. 0. Dec IB 20 4m ALnXANIIRR M'Lor. J. W. RICK. M'LOY A RICE, 270 Kin*, * 67 Haul-St, S. 0.p WHOLE8ALE AND . P. 3 TAIL DSALAP.O p FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MM mm®, CARPETS, RUGS, MATTING, &c., &c. CARPETS FROM 2SI CENTS PER YARD TO THE FINEST FABRIC. SSAVY ALL-"S700L A Speciality at 11.00 Per YardOUR STOCK IS VKRT COMPLETE IN titty department, which addition* *" being made by trwy Staamer arriving. call U reapeetfclly auUelted. NcLoy & Kicc. njt 14 __ 17 8m* I'i* Pe JOIVESf AwwdoiaaraYr AW MW, JAi> SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. will m*cTtcm ait COURTS OF THIS STATE a Lao. IN TIIE UNITED STATES COURTS Office Sroofirllio 0. H., I. 0. July 7 ly» +. X. DAiur. «. «. vim XAtLBY.* WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, QRXBMVILLB, 8. 0, T>R ACTION In tbe Court, of tho 0U4# 004 A of the United ItUlii, tad (In NpiaUl ttontlon Ia (U0 Is Banhrnptey. JnoeIt t WATCHES, CIXK7K8, Jewelry, Feriaoepie Speetaeles,Ao jflLo WILL order M uti* srilel, TF_fWmtm nay ysnoa. Ipuhl.tttw. Hon will bo (Ires to SIPAIL jSS&ilflPlNO tie Wntcbe. of eeery don rriptiou. Beat reference# (iron. JANES G. BLACK. June M 6 tl T E R P R I S CHARLESTON AD THE " CAROLINA FERTILIZER" la made pronounced by various chemists, one of the 'lusno in its fortilixeng properties. These Phosp imals, and possess qualities of the greatest valu Professor Sbepard: L*»oi»*ronr or Analysis of CAROLTXA FERTILIZER, pcrs Moisture expelled at 212° F., Organic Matter, with somo water of combination Fixed Ingredients, ... Ammonia, s ... Phospborie Acid.Soluble, - 6 9ft .nsoluble, - ft 17 13 13 Sulphuric Acid, 11 01 8ulpliate of Potash, ... Sulphate of Soda, » Sand, On the strength of these results, I am glad t FERTILIZER, examined. Wo will furnish this excellent FERTILIZER I Geo. W. Willian DAVID & STKADLEY, WILLIAMS & WI1ITMI Jan 13 ETIWA3V SOLUBLE MANURES, J MANUFACTURED UNDER the direction of Dr. N. A. PRATT Phosphate Company. SOLUBLE PHOSPHORIC ACID. In the f< or DISSOLVED RONE PHOSPHATE, fe «h valuable in the ratio of Soluble Phosphoric A< Tho immense deposit* of Phorpbatic Onanoi olina, by Dr. PRATT, consists mainly of Insa able aa a Fertiliser by being ground to powder dition aa to make ita insoluble phosphate sole taken up by growing plants. The insoluble P of no more value to the plant than the orlgina of this Soluble Phoaphato which any Fortilizei Acre, and eonseqnently tho cheapeat Fertilizer Soluble Phosphate. Impressed with these truths, tho SUT.PIIUI PANY have erected at Charleston the first oxt are able to offer to planters the Ili>jhe*t per ctt any market. Their Fertilizers aro offered under two formi 1. ET1WAN NO. 1. .Pure Solu cent, of Dissolved Bone Phosphate of Lime, $ 2. ETIWAN NO. 2. .Pcruvlai per cent, of Dissolved Bono Phosphate, and 1 addition of Peruvian Guano to adapt it to al cash. WE ALf DI880LVED BOHE, of high grade, for pli into any other compost, and we suggest that faeturers to transport tho Sulphurio Acid con rata for each par eentago. WTWa Ca V NO. 14 ADGI DAVID & STRADLEY, December 20 PANKNIN'S HWTIC BITTERS, THET OUHE DYSPEPSIA, An au Mim or in STOMACH AMD LIVER. tm nan ami uoomnn nm'. U^piOAL TAOUtTV. HEGEMAN Sc CO., JLOMim, tfKW YORK. Itonfactnred by OF. PANKHIfl, uaimiT A*D APoraacAxr, OH AULEUTON, B.O. ^Tob >4 ^ 40 lJ a n n t it if VAifVfl '# an iUlrUAUl, IVOItr V 111, IMPORTERS ADD DEALERS IK MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, 8 T HIN O 8, *«., Ac. A grata of WM. KXABK A CO.'S PIANOS, MA80N A HAMLIXS MKLODEON8, Steinwajr A Son'a and J. B. Dunham'* PI ANOKS TILTON'S PATENT GUITAR. KEPAIRINO PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. m king nmi, CHARLE8TON, 8. C. " FERDINAND ROOD A CM, New York. HKMUY YOUNO, O. L. M'CLRN AHAN, CharUeton, 8. 0. Hot U *1 «« If 6 a VfeRTlSKMENTS. * r ZZ HTa p 1 m %EhS 8 fylS r,. a .-J c I p Kn^B n SMUHhSHH * from tlio Phosphates of South Carolina, and if ^ best Manures known, only inferior lo Peruvian hntca ere tho remains of extinet land end sea an- ' ) to the Agriculturist. We annex the analysis of the Medical College or Soi'tn Carolina. m anally selected : m 1# 70 J expelled at a low red heat, - 10 50 60 80 * - -2 60 Equivalent to 11 27 Soluble Phosphate of Lime. Equivalent to 18 48 lusolublo (bone.) 24 78 Phosphate of Lime. Equivalent to 28 65 Sulphate of Limo. 80 3 50 * 11 06 o certify to the superiority of the CAROLINA U. U. HllKl'AKU, JR. 0 planter* and others at $60 per tun of 2,000 lb*. as & Co., Factors, , Charleston, 8. C. RE j Agents for Greenville. J4 4m r m «i« », AT CHARLESTON, ?, Chemist for the Sulphuric Acid and Supor.rm of SOLUBLE FIIOSPIIATK OF LIMB, e basis of nil good Fertilisers, and these are sld which is in them. 1 which wcro discovered in 1RR7 in South Cardublo Fhosphato of Lime, which is made avail, and reduced by Sulphuric Acid to such a condyle in water, and thus made copablo of being hosphato found in any commercial Fertiliier i* I Fhosphato rock. The greater the proportion I r contains, tho less the qunnilty required per is that containing the highest per ccntage of tTC ACID AND SUPER-PII08PHATE COMensivo Acid Chnmbcrs south of Baliimoro, and ^ itayt of Soluble I'/io'phute of Lime known in bio Phosphate, guaranteed to contain 24 per ( 160 per ton, 10 per cent, discount for cash. > Super-Phosphate, guaranteed to contain 20 J to 2 per cent, of Ammonia, with a sufficient 1 Crops, $70 per ton, 10 per cent, discount for . 10 OFFER i inters or manufacturers, who may desire to mix this is tho best and cheapest method for maou* tained in the mixture. Will be sold at a fixed 33 aft. AUENT8. SR'S WIIARF. Agents, Greenville, S. C. 32 3m XfTchevreux; AND ARCHITECT, mairibiis W©»ES, Corner Meeting-St and Horlbeck'a Alloy, 03i4i»Si^Lass0a3, ©, PLANS MADE TO ORDER, AND FREE OF CHARGE. WHEN WORK DONE BT ME. Dm 8 29 ly c. etamni. ^ a. wi1tii. CLACIUS & WITTE, NORTH EAST CORNER OF ERASER'S WHARF ON CUSTOM HOUSE SQUARE, . CHARLESTON, S. O. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Wholesale Dealers In GROCERIES, LIQUORS, AC., AC. C..~» Oft ift U«|>« mm AW iO" SAMUEL C. BLACK, STOCK AND BOND BROKER, NO. 2S BROAD ST.. OffA RLB8T0N. "13ARTICULAR attention given parX chare and uli of SECURITIES on CommlMioo. Information given cheerfully. bkfcm to Rav. K. T. BITIST, J C. BAILEY, THOfl STEKN. September #1, 1869. 10.ti MILLPOND bhd (BIHIATIHI8IL ©YS1P18IES. SUPPLIED in quantlUee to *uit porch*** era. Order* from all part* of the interior olieited. Addrao* The*. lloCradj, Agent, P. O. Bob Ml, Charleston, R* 0. Refereneee .Jaonee Adger A Co., Hon. J. B Campbell, Dr. RL J. Ravenel, David Jennine*. MeCrady k Son, W. O. Dingle, John 8. Ryan. Nov 17 t ft It »' 1 1 M . * mm *9* -n .V-, it .\ t *'% M | II II- > Charleston Advertisements. > * == JAMES ALLAN, M7 KINO STREET, OSA.HLBSTOXT, 8. a., DEALER IN JA TCHES, CL OCA'S, IF. WEL R Y, ECTACLES *0 rLATS0 WARE, WotobcJ Ml to »/ port of (ho ooootry. tLVKR HtJllTnte WATCIIK8 FROM VTVTDVM TAATT ABfl AMV\ 1,1)W AUTA M JLM A, MBMmJn WAiUAfW /1A1V V* TW Aft MS. Q*Kt8 old Hunting Watebos from 990 and Upward* LADTE8 old Hunti&g tfstehes from $&9 and Upward/ AMERICAN WATCHES OF ALL fclNUS. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Sept 29 19 29 KINSMAN'S 279 KINO STREET, CHAP.LBDTOIT, 0. O. "VUR ASSORTED CANDY la pdt dp itf / SI A and AO Pound Boxer, suitable tot ountrjr Trade. WARRANTED orfectly Pore and W2®AtfDWB»WEERAW2SIfi>rf oing frco from Terra Alba or Marble Dual/ nd Manufactured solely from CRUSHED SUGAR. Discount U made for all Orders of &09poAn<£s, Jf9- Send for Circular. Sept 29 19 2(1 oaks goldsmith. aid an am a. goldsmith. 10SES GOLDSMITH & SON, Nos. 4, « and 8 VENDUE RANOE, GSARLB0TO2T, 0. O. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IRON METALS, RAGS, AND ALL KINDS OE PAPER STOCK. HIDES, WOOL, saxasss, Tmias* <&<m. A Suitable Stock of Hear, ud Light HIDEO A27D SZXXXT0 for Tanners uses Always on Hand, and will be Sold Low for Sept 29 19 28* i. nisncorr. o. wolbckk. J. b. riarair. [IENRY BISHCOFF k CO., OXLOOJEIRS, AND DEALERS I If TIT T AT TPCr »r AIM XiO, LIQUORS, SUGARS; TOBACCO, 197 EAST BAY. CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 20 10 20* GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BAR. SAPARILI-A. GEO, W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU. TIIE3E CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS, originally introduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under the patronage of tb« medical faculty, have been eo long extensively used by physicians and others, that hey are generally known for their intrinsic value, and can be relied on aa being most valuable remedies in all caeea where ^nreaparilla or Bnchu are applicable, and cannot be loo highly PMOnnaadtd. They are prepared in a highly concentrated form, so as to render the dose small and convenient Orders by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER, I1EN3ZEY A CO., Wholesale Chemical Warehouse, No. 787 Market-street, Philadelphia. DOWIE A MOI3E, Wholesale Agenta, Charleston, 8. C. Nor 17 28 . ly A. B. MULLIGAN, AND GENERAL CQMHiSSIOl NISCH&VT Bccoh)h)o^iioi| dDW^lrf, CHARLESTON. S. C. HAVING ample mean* for conducting ' my bueinces, I am at all time* prepared to make liberal advance* on Gottoa. July 28 10 ly P. P. TOALE, oiHAiRiLafiwcDsar, o. Manufacturer of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS. jUL. ' )riuijr. HAVINO the Itrgwt lid moil complete factory in the Southern States. and keeping always on band a large and most complete stock of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, Seah Doors, Store Doors, Shutters, Mouldings, Ac., Ac., I am enabled to sell low and at manufacturers' prices. N. B.Strict attention paid to sh'pping In good order. July 11 tf

.. rum i. < a III



The New Slate.Sec my (Into I I dot it naic,

Cos 1 b'oke tbo otbor,Put my 'ittlo fool right froo, ,

Kuuiitn' after mother.

I tan in alio you Iota 'o singa, a

Fuss da you can toll 'cm,T'u and B't and big 0 ring*. .»

Ouly I tan'l spell 'em.

1 ton mnko a funny pigWld bia turly tail ly,

'Ittle ay»s, and snout so bigPokiu' in a pai! y.

I tan make « elephant,Wld bis trunk a bnngln'}

An' a boy.wbo says I lan't ?.* Wid his dun a bangio*. *


An* tlio smoke a tuminin* out

(\Tid my t'uuib I do it, T ' *

llubbin' all the white nbout,)Sparks n llyia ; firoo it.

- « -' .V - -51 tan mnko a pretty houseW id trco behind it,

An' a little mousy-mouseKunniu' round to find it.

yotfYAI Jt"VI tnu put my band oat flatOn the slate, and draw it

(Tieklin' is tbo worst cf that!)Did you ever saw it?

I tan draw mo runnin' 'bont.(

Mania's 'ittlo posset(Slate's so dusty, rubbin' outDoes oo'd better wass k.)

Now, then, s'all T make a treeWid a birdie in it ?

All my pirsurs you s'all seoIf you'll wait a minute.

No, I dess 1*11 innko n manJuss like Uncle Holly,

Pec it tummin' fas's it tan !Hot my sluto is jolly I

[CVhcuimjti Gazette.

What the Farmer Must Know.The fitrmer, like (he bnsineefinan, must know wlmt ho isdoin<;:lie must have 8omc pretty decidcd ideas of what lie is to accomjilish.in fact lie must accomplishit beforehand.Ho must know his soil.that o1

each to; not only the top, but thesub soil.

11(1 ir* net I'nAtw---'«« uwo onvn TV UCll ^ I illll illll.

grasses arc adapted to each.lie must know when is the besl

time to work them, whether, the)need siimmer fallowing.lie must know the condition in

which ground must bo when plowed, so that it be not too wet or toedry.

lie must know that some grainirequire earlier sowing than othersand what those grains are.

lie must know how to put theirin.

lie must know that it pays tchave machinery to help him atwell as muscle

lie must know about stocks amimanures, and the cultivation ottrees and small fruits, and man)other things ; in a word, he muslknow what experienced, observingfarmers know, to be sure of suecess. Then h e will not guesswillnot run such risks.An actress, who is a roputecchatter-box, the other day sent foi

her doctor with all speed. Sludeclared herself ill, and wantochim to write'the requisite certiiicate.

- i uo not know tliat there hanything the matter," was the reply ; u let me feol your pulse.jueiso.a little quiet will sot yon t<rights very soon."

,l But I assure yen, doctor, 1 miill; look at my tongue."Ihe doctor looked.

11 Well, I sec, my dear Missit is like you; ft little quiet will d<it good."


Mr. Boynton, the person wh<lias saved so many lives at CapiMay this season, was ottered fiftjcents by one gentleman, after luhad been dragged safely ashoreMr. Boynton handed him badforty-nine cents in change, remarking that ho didn't wish to nccepmore tl an his life was worth.

Like the generality of kings antconqucrers, Frederick the Greahad ft most philosophical indiffercncc to death.in others. In on*of his battles, a battalion ot voteinns having taken to their heelslie galloped after them, bftwlinjout:

" Why do you run away, yoiold vagabonds 1 Do you want t<livo forever i"A physician, on being inquire*of concerning a friend, replied tha

he brut been arrested for takinjwhat did not belong to him, an*what he had no business to meddie with#

" liy whom was he arrested an*what aid he take ?"

" Ho was arrested by Death fotaking the typhus lever." w

" Dm. wants to know \you'll please pay this bdl now.wOldgentleman looks at the itemand replies: "Tell Dr. 1*pay hiin for his medicine and r<turn hia visits."


gg- LL.i__i_ggaaB


By virtue of auudry wrlU of TicJ'i Taoimtto ton directed, I will sell, before tkl

Court »IIouSe.doar/ on (taleednjr in Februarynext, between the hoars of iO o'clock in th«forenoon and 3 o'clock in tfce afternoon,One Tract of Land, known as tbo Fowleror Milos Place, on waters of Mash Creek,containing 310J acres, mora or less, adjoininglauds of A. A, Menves, Mrs. M. Taylor anduiuurs. lionea on as mo property or JnmesN. Taylor, at the suits of J. 11. Morris, W. D.Diokoy, William Choice anil otheir; retold attbo risk or the former purchaser.

Alto one Tract of Land, containing 40ucrct, more or Iless, adjoining lands of Williamand Tboinas Barton.levied «d ii thepropertyof Peter Uosnell, Ktocutor </e ton fashit tbosalt of Jobo Dili, bearer.

Also, one Truot of Land, containing 350acres, more or Ices, homestead to l>e set off todefendant befoio day of sale, adjoining landsof II 8 Gibson, W D Berry, V Mclloe, dccoascdand others. Levied on as the propertyof R. J. Foster, at the suit Ql J. Wlnsinitb.Also one Tract of Land* home place, containing354 acres, more or less. Homestead tolib set off to tbo defendant before day o( sale,adjoining lands cl E 11 Bates, G \V McCarroll,K Powell, and others. Also, all dofendant'sright, title and interest in law and equityin one Tract of Land known as tha " Saluda

plaec," containing 200 acros, more or less, adjoininglands of J II Cleveland, Wm Cox, andothers. Levied on as the properly of WllHamWest, at the suit of A Blythe, Executor.Also ene Tract of Laud, containing 800

acres, more or less, homestead to be set off todefendant before day of eale, adjoining landsof WlUintn K liightower, 11 Morgan andothers.Levied on as the property vf BenjaminF Posey, at the suit of John Forrest andethers.

Also one Tract of Land, containing 300acres, more or less, homestead to be set off todefendant before day of sale, adjoining landsof David Betne, I) D Davenport, and others.Levied on as the property of Irvine Cox, attho suit of A Illy the, Executor.

Also one Tract of Land, containing 188acres, more or less, homestead to be set off todefendant before day of sale. Levied on astho properly of Mrs Mnrtha A Charles, Kxeeutrix,at the suit of T L Jledrick, hearer.

Also one Tract of Land, containing 208acres, mere or less, homestead to be set off todefendant before day of sale. Levied on astho property of O \V Garrison, at (he suit olSarah A Hawkins, Administratrix.

Also, one Tract of Land, containing 420acrc^ more or less, homestead to be set off todefendant before day of sale. Lovied on astho property of D M Fcdcn, at the suit Of A

i Blythe, Kxccator.Alii one Tract of Land, containing 525

. acres, more or less, homestead to be set off todefendant before day of sale, adjoining landsof J T Bennett, Mrs Woodsidvs, and others,i Levied on as the property of T C Harrison, atme suiioi a uiyuie, KxucuUr.

Also ono- Track of Land, containing 400acres, more or leas, udjoiuing lauds of Moses

I llutsun, 0 C Montgomery, 8 Marebbanks, andothers. Levied on as tbo property of Dr J

, 1* llill house, at tlio suit of A Blytbo, lixccuttor.) Also ono Trnet of Land, containing 100

acres, more or less, homestead to be act off todefendant before day of sale, adjoining landsI of Alfred Ward, deceased, B i' Posey, andothers. Levied on as the property of JohnWard, at the suits of John Forrest,t Also one Tract of Land, containing 150acres, more or less, homestead to be set off todorcndnnt before day of sale, Wounded by landsof W I) Tally, ft Holder, and others. Levied

I on as the pro|>erty of Joseph Harden, at theauit of David Blytbe.

Also one Tract of Land, containing 525> ncrcs, more or lefts, homestead to be set oflf t«

defendant before day of sale, a<Uoiuing landsof William Goldsmith, J L Westmoreland, Sr.,i and others. Levied on as tho property olQoorg4 Tilninn Ilughos, at tbo salt of J E' Green, W P Vaughn and others

Also tho undivided iutcrcst, being one-half,I in a vacant lot,, on Buncombe Street, in th«

city of Greenville, containing three-fourths olan ncre, tnoro less, bounded by lots of J 0

> Meredith, estate of D Long, deceased, and es«

I tate of General Owons, deceased. Also, vacantLot No. 8, hounded on tho west by WainulStreet, on the south by State Street, and on theeast by Lot No. 0 ; containing one and a hall

c acres, more or less. Also, Lot No. 0, boundedon the south byStnto Street; on tbo west byr Lot No 8, and on tbo cast by Cbcsnut Street

>_ containing one and ono fourth aercs, more oiless. Also, Lot No. 10, bounded on tho casl[ by Lot No. II, on the south by State Street,

. and on tho west by Chcsnut Street; containingone and three sevenths acres, more or less.Also, Lot No. 1), bounded on the west by LolNo. 10, on the east by Lot No. 12, on th«south by State Street; containing one and

[ inrccecvenms acre*, more or less. Abo, LolNo. 12, bounded on the west, by Lot No. 11,'' on tbe south by Stuto Street, and on the ens!

> by Pearl Street; containing one and seven|eighths acres, more or less. Levied on as theproperty of the estate of Randall Croft, deceased, at tho suit of John M. Crook, Executor,assigned to 8. Stradley.

Also one Tract of Land, Home Place, containing .106 acres, btoca or less, adjoining landcof W. A. Pepper, J. II. Rico and others.

. homestead to bo set off to the defendant be1fore da/-of sale. Also one Traet of Land,) (Jrovo Place, containing 308 aerer, more oi

less, adjoining lands of 11. Charles, 0. WHarrison and othors. Also one Tract ol

1 Lund, Saluda Place, containing 267 aeres, moreor less, adjoining lands of J. 1>. Sullivan, ElijahKskew and A. M. Hamilton. Also the defendant'slifetime interest in the (larrisoe

f PUcc, eontaining 238 acres, more or less, ad>joining lands of the estate of Lemuel Waddilldeceased. Q W Richardson and others Leviocon as the property of John Charles, at the sunof A M Hamilton, and others.

, Also on Tract of Land,oontaiaing 760 acresmore or leas, homestead to be set off to defend

3 ant before day of sale, adjoining lands ol R 1Whilden, J W Cuningham, and others. Levied on as tbe property ot Hllsa J Prince, »the sulttof Alex. NoKianep.1 t

Also, one Tract of Lnnd, homo p'nee, containing 101 aeres, more or less, adjoining landa oJ M licneon, J Wynn, Win Choice, and others

- Also, ono Tract of Land, Saludit plaeo, eontalnt ing 300 aerer, more or less, aiRoining lands o

Mrs E Qibson, J M Hutching, Martin Huntend others. Levied on as the property oJames.M. Farr, at tho suit of James M. Ren

] soo, Executor.. Also, one Tract of Land, home ptnfte, con

taining 636 aeres, more or less, homestead t<be set off to defaadant before day of aale, id

a joining lands of Benj V Posey, JI Morgaiand others. Alao, ono Traet of land, Danis

I- Higbtower place, eontaining 360 aeres, more o

less, adjoining lands ofT II Allep, C Hoi' com be, and others. Levied on as the proper? ty of Win K High tower, at the suits ol W 1

Shumate for another, and John Forrest.Also, ono Tract of Land, eontaining 26'

aeres, more or less, adjoining lands of Wm0 Lee, Moses Fowler, and others. Levied on a

tho property of Barker and Prioe, at the salui %i \j iiiui|(iwu, AQBiuivimivr.

I Alao, one Traet of Lend, borne pltM, eond talning >00 aeree, more or lea*, homeaUad t,t be aet off lo defendant before day of eale, ad

joining Unda of Col. John V Kern, 0 W OarJ rieoa, and other*. Alao, all defendant'* rightd title and Internet in law and eqaity in on

[. Traet of Land, on Grove Creek, conlainini07 acre*, more or lee*, adjoining land* of MrM A Cbnrle*. W A Pepper and John Cbarlei

[| Levied on a* the property of liarkedal* Cbarleiat tbe auit of A M UamiUou, and other*, ei

Jdhn Char!**, Darkadal* Oharle* and R 1r Alexander.

Term* ea*b. rnrebaeer* to pay for *taa*|and paper*.

it A. B. VTCKKRS, B. 0. 0.Jan 10 I>»

* piT The RUtrprite lioa a gooB. circulation in tho upper part c

Sontti Carolina.

"'I' M nw"iw ! " '1 'i!"

N E S i 9 T1 1 1


WM. GLAZE,Dealer in Watohee, Cloeks, Jewelry

and Silver Ware,MAIN STREET,


JUST nhtrntd from the Northern market*with a New Stock of elegant and ehoteo

Good*, comprising Ladles' and Gent's fineGold and Silver Watches, handsome solid CoinSilver Ware, Triple Plated Ware, and fineJewelry of every pattern, together with a hand

omoaeaortment of Cloeks. I take pleaenrein inviting the attention of my friends andthe public to the same.My stock of Speotaoles are well-eeleoted,and enitabla for all agea.Ilalr Jewelry manufactured to order at low

prloee, and Watches, Clocks and Jewelry aklLfelly repaired and warranted. t

Besides the above, I have a tne assortmentor Engllali Uuna of Uie best maker*.Examine my atook and prioea.

WM. ULAZ&, Columbia, 8. C.Nor U 17 Sm»




In all Ha branehea, ofITALIAN AND AMERICAN

r MARBLE.Sept 8 18tf



T1I1E Largest and Beat Aaaorled Stockin tha City, of


General Bank and Counting-Hnnac Stationeryof all kinda. Blank Hooka made toorder, in any atyie, of binding anderuling.Aug 26 14 Sin*

Greenville A Columbia Railroad.OaarnAtr SrraRixTasDEXT's Office, )

i Columbia, January 16th, 18T0. J

ON AND AFTER WEDNB8DAY, JanuarylOtb, the following Sohedulo willf be rnu daily, Sunday excepted, connecting

with Night Train on South Carolina Road, upand dowDr and with Night Train on Charlotte,Columbia and Auguata Road going South :Leave Columbia.. 1 CO in

r " Alston, 8 40 in\ " Newberry 10 10 in

Arrivo Abbeville 3 00 p m( " Anderson 4 20 p mt " Greenville.... . ..... 6 00 p m

Leave Qrecnrille & 45 a mr " Anderson 0 20 am

*' " Abbeville S 00 am" Newberry ......12 85 p m" Alston 2 10 p ma

Arrive Columbia...... 3 45 p in

The Train will return from Bolton to Andersonon Monday and Friday mornings.JAMES 0. MEREDITH,

General Superintendent.

[ Charlotte* ColumbiaAAugusta E. R.I Genera} Freight and Tickot Office, )

Columbia, S. C., Dteembe 23, 1800.- JTHE following Passenger Schedule will goInto effect on and after sunday uojci;

i 20/A imtant s

Going North.Leave Augusta at 4 00 a m" Columbia, at 0 40 am" Wionsboro, at .11 40 am" Chester, at....*. 1 40 p ns

Arrive at Charlotte, N C 4 20 pmMaking cioee Tonneetions with Trains ofP North Carolina Road for for ail points North' and East.

j. Going South., Leave Charlotte, N C, at Iff 80 a m

" Chester, at 1 25 p as" Winnshoro, at 2 57 p se" Columbia, at C 07 pmArrive at Angosta, at.................. 0 50 pmMaking eloae connections with Traias of

[ Central and Georgia Railroads for Savannah,t and all points in Florida, Mason, Columbus,

Montgomery, Mobiles New Orleans, Belto a,Chattanooga, Memptale, Nashville, Loniavllle,[ Cincinnati, St. Lonis, and all points South and

f W"':raiace Bleeping vara on nil night Train*.

Through Ticket* fold, and Baggnga checkedto nil principal point*.

/ttr°~Pfu»engers by thin route going North,hare choice of thrtt diffrrtnt rontei.0. BOUKNIGHT. Superintendent.

E. R. Donsar, General Freight and TicketAgent.

Sontia Carolina Railroad Co.General Superintendent'* Offlee,)

September lft, IMI. )TIIR following Schedule for Pa**enger

Train* will l>e obwrred from thi* date s

Day Patttngrr Train.Learlng Columbia at ....7 49 a aArriving at Columbia at .4 4ft p at

Night Krprtit Train.Learlng Colombia at ....ft 4ft p aArriving at Colombia at..... M*i 4ft a a

Th* Camdtn TrainWill contiane to ran the following *oh*dul*>

TH- W.kif.(Monday*, Wednesday* and Saturday*.)

» Arrive at Columbia 11 00 am. -Leave 149 paDaily (Sunday Earepitd.)'

r.... Att. _ i.vi.^.iiua

1 - KlngtrillallftpMi. Ar Camdan «0» p m' H. T. PKAKR.Oenoral SupcrloUadani. ,

TUTT'S VEGETABLEmnraa ipint.it.

(| Cure* diMUM of Ik# Llrtr n4 8tomaah.TUTT8 EXPECTORANT

A plaaaant ««r« fur Cough*, Colda, As.. TUTT'S 8ARSAPAR1LLA AND QUEEN'Sri DRLIOHT lh« graat AlUrailre nd IHood

Purifier. TUTTB IMPROVED HAIR,f DTK, Warraalad tka boat dya la Ma. Throa

landcurd proparalioaa ara for aala by Drag*' flat aaarywhrra. Oat A-ljr.

* *-»

BBSS g tCharleston



Advertisements.L J,


175,177 ft 179, King StreetP.14ARI FRTON ft. n.

-4^ Bstaimihkd in 1838.^2529JMM Koeps constantly on hand J7Jf| ill a woll selected Stock of reMMra

! I Ij rTJHITITTJM,|ijw v Which ho offers at


FOB SHIPPING.No* 34 33ly*

baugits"RAW BONEI


LIME.I AM sow receiving my supplies of thia Manure,and planters can rely upon gettingan article fully up to standard, aa per analysis.All bought from myselfor au'horised agents,Iwill guarantee ; as every cargo so sold is anal*yted on arrival here, and the high character of Itho Manure (ally kept up.

J. N. ROBSON,Sole Agent for South Carolina.Noe. 1 and 3, A tlantio Wharf, Charleston, S. C.

David Ac Strodley,Agents for Greenville Connty.Prof. Sbepard says of analysis made October10th, 18001 w A valuable Manure, and de->

oidedly superior to the article of last year."Experiment made by M. C. M. Hammond,of Beech Island, S. C.:No manure.887 lbs seed cotton per acre.173 lbs Peruvian Guano^.1338 lbs seodoottonper acre.175 lbs BaugVs.1489 lbs seed ootton per

acre.Dee 33 81Sm

FARMERS!Inertat* Your Crop* antl Imprint Your Land*,


Imported bp « direct from the Pkctnix Ittandi,South Pacific Ocean.

Wilcox, Gibbs 8c Co.'s

MANIPULATED GUANO,Prepared al Sauannak, Oa., and Cknriceton, S.

O., tekiek kae proved in Ike coil the beetMANURE IK USE.

Guano, Salt and PlasterCompound,PREPARED AT SAVANNAH AND

CHARLESTON.For Sale for Cash or on Time, by


eoAROs.tW Por ftflMher information, address at

above for circular, or subscribe to SouthernAgriculturist, published by W. 0. MaomurphyA Co., at Augusta and Savaonab, Oa.,at 15c. per annum.

DAVID A STRADLEY,Agents, Greenville, S. 0.

Dec IB 204m


M'LOY A RICE,270 Kin*, * 67 Haul-St,









titty department, t« which addition**" being made by trwy Staamer arriving.call U reapeetfclly auUelted.

NcLoy & Kicc.njt 14



will m*cTtcm n» ait


IN TIIE UNITED STATES COURTSOffice Sroofirllio 0. H., I. 0.

July 7 ly»

+. X. DAiur. «. «. vim

XAtLBY.* WELLS,Attorneys and Counsellors at LawAND IN EQUITY,

QRXBMVILLB, 8. 0,T>R ACTION In tbe Court, of tho 0U4# 004A of the United ItUlii, tad (In NpiaUlttontlon Ia (U0 Is Banhrnptey.JnoeIt t

WATCHES, CIXK7K8,Jewelry, Feriaoepie Speetaeles,AojflLo WILL order M uti* srilel,TF_fWmtm nay ysnoa. Ipuhl.tttw.

Hon will bo (Ires to SIPAILjSS&ilflPlNO tie Wntcbe. of eeery donrriptiou. Beat reference# (iron.




THE " CAROLINA FERTILIZER" la madepronounced by various chemists, one of the

'lusno in its fortilixeng properties. These Phospimals, and possess qualities of the greatest valuProfessor Sbepard:

L*»oi»*ronr orAnalysis of CAROLTXA FERTILIZER, pcrsMoisture expelled at 212° F.,

Organic Matter, with somo water of combinationFixed Ingredients, ...

Ammonia, s ...

Phospborie Acid.Soluble, - 6 9ft.nsoluble, - ft 17

13 13Sulphuric Acid, 11 018ulpliate of Potash, ...

Sulphate of Soda, »

Sand,On the strength of these results, I am glad t

FERTILIZER, examined.Wo will furnish this excellent FERTILIZER I

Geo. W. Willian


Jan 13



UNDER the direction of Dr. N. A. PRATTPhosphate Company.

SOLUBLE PHOSPHORIC ACID. In the f<or DISSOLVED RONE PHOSPHATE, fe «hvaluable in the ratio of Soluble Phosphoric A<Tho immense deposit* of Phorpbatic Onanoi

olina, by Dr. PRATT, consists mainly of Insaable aa a Fertiliser by being ground to powderdition aa to make ita insoluble phosphate soletaken up by growing plants. The insoluble Pof no more value to the plant than the orlginaof this Soluble Phoaphato which any FortilizeiAcre, and eonseqnently tho cheapeat FertilizerSoluble Phosphate.

Impressed with these truths, tho SUT.PIIUIPANY have erected at Charleston the first oxtare able to offer to planters the Ili>jhe*t per cttany market.

Their Fertilizers aro offered under two formi1. ET1WAN NO. 1..Pure Solu

cent, of Dissolved Bone Phosphate of Lime, $2. ETIWAN NO. 2..Pcruvlai

per cent, of Dissolved Bono Phosphate, and 1addition of Peruvian Guano to adapt it to alcash.

WE ALfDI880LVED BOHE, of high grade, for pliinto any other compost, and we suggest that

faeturers to transport tho Sulphurio Acid conrata for each par eentago.WTWa Ca V


December 20


An au Mim or in


nan ami uoomnn nm'.U^piOAL TAOUtTV.


Itonfactnred by OF. PANKHIfl,uaimiT A*D APoraacAxr,


^Tob >4^

40lJa n n t it if VAifVfl '# an




Steinwajr A Son'a and J. B. Dunham'*PIANOKS




New York.

HKMUY YOUNO, O. L. M'CLRNAHAN,CharUeton, 8. 0.

Hot U *1««If

6 a


r ZZ

HTap 1 m

%EhS 8

fylS r,. a

.-J c

I p


from tlio Phosphates of South Carolina, and if^

best Manures known, only inferior lo Peruvianhntca ere tho remains of extinet land end sea an- '

) to the Agriculturist. We annex the analysis of the

Medical College or Soi'tn Carolina. m

anally selected : m

1# 70 Jexpelled at a low red heat, - 10 50

60 80* - -2 60

Equivalent to 11 27 Soluble Phosphate of Lime.Equivalent to 18 48 lusolublo (bone.)

24 78 Phosphate of Lime.Equivalent to 28 65 Sulphate of Limo.

803 50 *

11 06o certify to the superiority of the CAROLINA

U. U. HllKl'AKU, JR.0 planter* and others at $60 per tun of 2,000 lb*.

as & Co., Factors, ,

Charleston, 8. C.RE j Agents for Greenville.J4 4m r


?, Chemist for the Sulphuric Acid and Supor.rmof SOLUBLE FIIOSPIIATK OF LIMB,

e basis of nil good Fertilisers, and these aresld which is in them.1 which wcro discovered in 1RR7 in South CardubloFhosphato of Lime, which is made avail,and reduced by Sulphuric Acid to such a condylein water, and thus made copablo of beinghosphato found in any commercial Fertiliier i*I Fhosphato rock. The greater the proportion Ir contains, tho less the qunnilty required peris that containing the highest per ccntage of

tTC ACID AND SUPER-PII08PHATE COMensivoAcid Chnmbcrs south of Baliimoro, and ^itayt of Soluble I'/io'phute of Lime known in

bio Phosphate, guaranteed to contain 24 per (160 per ton, 10 per cent, discount for cash.> Super-Phosphate, guaranteed to contain 20J to 2 per cent, of Ammonia, with a sufficient1 Crops, $70 per ton, 10 per cent, discount for


10 OFFER iinters or manufacturers, who may desire to mixthis is tho best and cheapest method for maou*tained in the mixture. Will be sold at a fixed

33 aft. AUENT8.SR'S WIIARF.Agents, Greenville, S. C.32 3m


ARCHITECT,mairibiis W©»ES,

Corner Meeting-St and Horlbeck'a Alloy,

03i4i»Si^Lass0a3, s« ©,PLANS MADE TO ORDER,


c. etamni. ^ a. wi1tii.




And Wholesale Dealers InGROCERIES, LIQUORS, AC., AC.

C..~» Oft iftU«|>« mm AWiO"


"13ARTICULAR attention given t« parXchare and uli of SECURITIES onCommlMioo. Information given cheerfully.

bkfcm toRav. K. T. BITIST,J C. BAILEY,THOfl STEKN.

September #1, 1869. 10.ti


(BIHIATIHI8IL ©YS1P18IES.SUPPLIED in quantlUee to *uit porch***

era. Order* from all part* of the interiorolieited. Addrao* The*. lloCradj, Agent,P. O. Bob Ml, Charleston, R* 0.Refereneee .Jaonee Adger A Co., Hon. J.B Campbell, Dr. RL J. Ravenel, David Jennine*.MeCrady k Son, W. O. Dingle, John

8. Ryan.Nov 17 t ftIt

»' 11

M. * mm *9* -n

.V-, it .\ t *« *'%M | II II- >


> * ==



rLATS0 WARE,WotobcJ Ml to »/ port of (ho ooootry.tLVKR HtJllTnte WATCIIK8 FROMVTVTDVM TAATT ABfl AMV\ 1,1)W AUTAM JLM A, MBMmJn WAiUAfW /1A1V V* TW Aft MS.

Q*Kt8old Hunting Watebos from 990 and Upward*

LADTE8old Hunti&g tfstehes from $&9 and Upward/AMERICAN WATCHES




279 KINO STREET,CHAP.LBDTOIT, 0. O."VUR ASSORTED CANDY la pdt dp itf/ SIA and AO Pound Boxer, suitable tot

ountrjr Trade.WARRANTED

orfectly Pore andW2®AtfDWB»WEERAW2SIfi>rf

oing frco from Terra Alba or Marble Dual/nd Manufactured solely from

CRUSHED SUGAR.Discount U made for all Orders of &09poAn<£s,Jf9- Send for Circular.Sept 29 192(1

oaks goldsmith. aid an am a. goldsmith.




PAPER STOCK. HIDES, WOOL,saxasss, Tmias* <&<m.

A Suitable Stock of Hear, ud LightHIDEO A27D SZXXXT0

for Tanners uses Always on Hand, and willbe Sold Low for

Sept 29 1928*

i. nisncorr. o. wolbckk. J. b. riarair.





CHARLESTON, S. C.Sept 20 1020*



COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU.TIIE3E CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS,originally introduced by Geo.W. Carpenter, under the patronage of tb«medical faculty, have been eo long extensivelyused by physicians and others, thathey are generally known for their intrinsicvalue, and can be relied on aa beingmost valuable remedies in all caeea where^nreaparilla or Bnchu are applicable, andcannot be loo highly PMOnnaadtd. Theyare prepared in a highly concentrated form,so as to render the dose small and convenientOrders by mail or otherwise will receiveprompt attention.GEO. W. CARPENTER, I1EN3ZEY A CO.,

Wholesale Chemical Warehouse,No. 787 Market-street, Philadelphia.DOWIE A MOI3E, Wholesale Agenta,

Charleston, 8. C.Nor 17 28

. ly



CQMHiSSIOl NISCH&VTBccoh)h)o^iioi| dDW^lrf,


HAVING ample mean* for conducting'

my bueinces, I am at all time* preparedto make liberal advance* on Gottoa.July 28 10ly

P. P. TOALE,oiHAiRiLafiwcDsar, o.

Manufacturer of


jUL.' )riuijr.

HAVINO the Itrgwt lid moil completefactory in the Southern States. and

keeping always on band a large and mostcomplete stock of DOORS, SASHES,BLINDS, Seah Doors, Store Doors, Shutters,Mouldings, Ac., Ac., I am enabled to sell lowand at manufacturers' prices.

N. B.Strict attention paid to sh'ppingIn good order.July 11 tf
