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The Southern provinces almanac, directory, diary and year...

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f th l. Regulations now in force in the Province of Canterbury for the sale lett ing disposal ad ' o e' aste Lands of the Crown are hereby repealed. ) J J n occupation 2. All such waste lands shall, from and after the day on which these Regulat ' 0 h II . sold, let , disposed of,. nnd to these Regulations, and not us s 3 come tnto force, be . 3. Every A<:t which the Superintendeut IS hereby authorised or required to f b In, accordance with the advice of his Executive Council for the time being and hPerd opn, bhe ll s all perform solely minutes of the Council . ' sue n n ee 5 a be recorded on tho H .-Tn::. WASTE LA.NDS :lOA RD. . 4. There shall be established a Board, to be called the '''aste Lands Board t' . . stoner, and of not less than two nor more than five other Commissioners all ' a consult of one Chief Commis, appointed to act as Treasurer ) shall be appointed and be removable by wht m such one shall be 5: One member of the waste Lands Board shall also be tbe Treasurer nt'l , er fe a dn 0 J the Superintendent, app oint ed and removable by the Governor. ereor, an sue 1 member shall be 6. rhe Waste Lands Board shall sit at the principal Land om f th P , , , determmed by the Superinte ndent and shall also sit for ! ecial 0 e r ovicce, at cer-tain stated times to be Superin tendent shall direct; of which due notice be th t S pch g lR?es and at such times as the one or more newspapers published in the Province ... In e ravinciai GOL'ernmcn t Gazette and 7. The Chief Commissioner, when prese nt , Rl;d in his absence then s b aBny meetmg of tbe Board, sbllll preside thereat and shall have a casting ll er selected by present at oard, In a questi ons coming befor e tho 8. All corning before the Board shall be decided b a maior' . . 9. All meeh!'l's.of tbe Board shall be at tcnded by at least Col of the C0'd", sslOners prescnt thereat. 10. All applications for Land and for Pasture e and for Timb an shall be open t o tbe public. necessaq , be determined by the Board at some sittf ng thereof. er icen ses shall. after hearing evidence. when , 11. The Board shall have power to hear and determine all dis ute bt Licenses respecting tbe boundaries of runs and districts and hPII h e .... the holders of Paaturape and Timber lawfully had a.. nd exercised by a.ny Commission er of Cro'wn u d ve thD all the powers which mny be nance, Sess. X., No .. 1 j the U Crown Lands Ex tension See rss of the" Crown Lands Ordi- 12. All the routme business of the Land Department shall be t ' . ., J. o. t, such regulations as may be made by the Board in that behalf. ransacted by the Chief Commissioner, subject to 13. .A book, to be called the " Application Book " shall be k t duri which the name of every person desirin to make a Ii . ep open urmg office hours at the Land Offlce in or any duly authorised on his j and the shall be. written in order by him;elf , and deternune all applications in tbe order in which they shall appea drmfl the sttttng of the Board, consider person .shallnot appear bimself, or by some person dnly autborised r1 h · beh Itt Book : Provided that if any turn. his application shall be dismissed until his name shall appea r on .IS. e th b e the Board when called in his two or more persons shall apply at the same time t it h f" III e 00 In order: Provided also that if sioner shall bracket their names, an d shall initi al names III the Book, the Chief Commie, Boaj/ determine tbe priority of right to be beard by lot'. b S before tbe Beard, tbe app ca Ion except such as shall be made in accordance with th:s TIe ulatio e a or the Board to hear any H. The Board shall keep true and detailed minutes of II l' , n. and of all sums of money paid to the Treasurer and app rcat iona made to the Board. and all decisions shall be signed by all the Commissioners 'resentgefe rally of the proceedings of thE' Board · and l!1spechon .of all persons desiring to inspect the sam! at a.lla any j and such minutes shall be op'ento IhIllIng! and Buyence for every such inspection. ' reasonn e ours, on payment of the sum of two I II . -5URY'EYS. 15. There shall be a Cbief Surveyor who shallbe a .td d Superin tendent, and 3S many Assis tant Sun -e ors as e an removable by warrant under the hand of the Superintendent, upon the recommendation ol the Cbief Snrven,::, :.ssary, who shall be appointcd and remonble by the shall 1:;;r :;;:'surveys sball be conducted in sucb manner as the h oard, by any regulations to be made in tbat bebalf, IT .-TRB LAND RBVBNUlI. I I,. All payments to be made in respect of land shall b d t lind tbe Treasurer shall tbereupon I(i.e rcceipts f :r the Treasurer of the Board during the sitting . y.t!>e 62nd clanse of the Constitntiou Act th G : . r;;venll' from the disposal of the waste lands 0/ If I and required to pay out of the e co ectIOn, and receipt thereof' and a1 t own a e charges, and expenses incident to urd er cel'tam other provisions therein out of th f shld such sums as shall become cOhinl: into bis bands under t oard sball, tberefore, a sue persons as the Governor shall direct. rea o, e·nllmed purposes, V.-PVlILIC llllSllRl'llS , 19. Reserves for the nses of the Provincial G v bon the Provincial Council, be made b tbe and for other public pnrposes may, upon the recommenda- . C ODlp ete desenphon of every such reserve and of th& D 38 The season for seed sowing is now so far advanced that the chief gardening duties of the present month will be the care rather of those crops we have sown, than of the few we can still successfully commit to the ground ; for, although such as peas and beans may be sown, yet the crops they arc likely to produce will not be quite equal to those sown last and previous months; and although they produce equally well, yet a considerable portion of the pods arc liable to be destroyed by a caterpillar abounding at this season. Fren ch beans and scarlet run ners may be planted, and addi tional sowings of radishes, lettuces, cress and mustard, may be continued ; but the chief crops which claim at tention thi s month are turnip s, a large breadth of which should now be sown for winter use. The yellow Swede, for use as a vegetable, should be sown as early as possible in December, and the yellow and white garden varieties about the end of the present and beginning of the ensuing month. The earlier part of the present month is usually characterised by frequ ent showers, of which advantage sh ould be ta ken to plan t out cabbages, cauliflowers, savoys, Brussels sprouts, and flowering broccolis, all of which ought now to be extens ively plante d ; for upon the exer tions made at this season th e limit ed or plen- tiful supply of winter vegetables will entirely dep end. Fl ower borders should now be exhibiting a profusion of roses, fuchsias, geraniums, pinks, carnations, sto cks, and sweet-williams, with many sorts of flowerin g bulbs and numerous varieties of lovely annuals; and th ough at Christmas we can neither suspend " mistletoe boughs " from the ceiling of our dwellings, nor display bun ches of holly-berries, yet by th e tim e of its arrival we shall be able to pile our tables with delicious stra wberries, and revel amid the fragr anc e and bea uty of wreaths of blooming roses-luxuries which the noblest and wealthiest of England' s aristocracy cannot at this season obtain. Greenhouse plants which have done blooming may now be removed to a cold frame, or placed under the shade of a wall or fence having a southerly aspect. 'l'he removal of these from th e shelves of the hous e will afford room for th e int roduetion from the melon and cucumber frame of such handsome flowering tendcr and other annual s, in pots, as balsams, cockscombs, globe amaran th s, whit e and purple plants, phlox, dru mmondii, hu mea elegans, gallardia picta, blue nemophila, coreopsis drumrnondii, sensitive plant, and other similarly ornamental and int eresting varieties, all of which will add gr eatly to the attrac tions of the grcenhouse, and aid materially in maintaining its contin ued gaiety throughout the whole of the summer and some of the months of autumn. Vineries in which the grapes arc fully set may now receive ail' much more freely, and fire heat oug ht to be entirely suspended, unless early grapes arc desired, for the fruit, from this stage of its growth, will swell to a larger size under the genial influences of a well-regul ated temperature produced by sun-h eat onl y. Air freely, therefore, every fine morning as soon as the sunshine sensibly raises the tempera ture of the hou se; scorched foliage-a too frequ ent defect-will thus be avoided, which results only from neglected morning ventilation. . As soon as th e grapes have attained to a size similar to very small pens, commence slightly raising an d the shoulders of the bunches; aft er whi ch thin ou t with a pail' of grap e-thinning scissors a full two-thirds of th e un equ al sized berri es, thus leaving those which remain full room to swell to a l argesize; for the free usc of the thinning scissors is an inevitabl e necessity when large well-coloured fruit is desired. Close in the vinery early every afternoon, syringing freely overhead, thus securing a warm humid atmosphere, highly favourable to the health of the vine s, and very Im'gely conduci,e to the production of fine fruit. Ornamental hedges bounding grass lawns and shrubberies will now ha,e made growth sufficiently long to require close trimming in, for all such screens, which are intended not merely for shelter bnt also for ornament, ought to be neatly trimmed at least twice every ycar. The h edge ,vill thus very soon acquire a desirable density and neatness of appearance, thereby blending both the advantages of improYed shelter and greater ornament, two yery desirable acquisitions, both of which tend greatly to increase the enjoy- ment derivable from ornamental gardening. REGULATIONS :lOR rna DISPOSAL, SALE, LETTIXG. AND OCCUPATION OF THE WASTE LANDS THE CROWN IN THE PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. OF

f thl. ,~ Regula tions now in force in the Pr ovince of Canterbury for the sale lett ing disposal ad '

o e' aste Lands of the Crown are hereby repealed. ) J J n occupation2. All such waste lands shall, from and after the day on which these Regulat '0 h II .

sold, let , disposed of,. nnd occupie~ nccordin~ to these Regulations, and not olherwis~. us s 3 come tnt o force, be. 3. Every A<:t which the Superintendeut IS hereby authorised or required to f bIn, accordance with the advice of his Executive Council for the time being and hPerd opn, bhell

sall perform solely

minutes of the Council . ' sue n n ee 5 a be recorded on tho


. 4. There shall be established a Board, to be called the '''aste Lands Board t' . .stoner, and of not less than two nor mor e than five other Commissioners all ' a consult of one Chief Commis,appointed to act as Treasurer) shall be appointed and be removable by warr~nt o~whtt

m ~e:r~ep} such one ~s shall be5: One member of the waste Lands Board shall also be tbe Treasurernt'l, er f e adn 0 Jthe Superintendent,

app oint ed and removable by the Governor. er eor, an sue 1 member shall be6. rhe Waste Lands Board shall sit at the principal Land om f th P , , ,

determmed by the Superinte ndent and shall also sit for ! ecia l c~ 0 e rovicce, at cer-tain stated t imes to beSuperin tendent shall direct; of which sitti ~gs due notice sh~ll be ~t~~~s.es tht Spch g lR?es and at such times as theone or more newspapers publi shed in the Province ... In e ravinciai GOL'ernmcn t Gazette and

7. The Chief Commissioner, when present , Rl;d in his absence then s b •aBny meetmg of tbe Board, sbllll preside thereat and shall have a casting o,~re~em ller selected by t1~ose present at

oard, • In a questi ons coming befor e tho8. All qnes~ions corning before the Board shall be decided b a maior' . .9. All meeh!'l's.of tbe Board shall be at tcnded by at least th~ee Col l~y of the C0'd",sslOners prescnt thereat.10. All applications for Land and for Pasture e and for Timb mL~sS1oners , an shall be open to tbe public.

necessaq , be determined by the Board at some sittfng thereof. er icenses shall. after hear ing evidence. when, 11. The Board shall have power to hear and determine all dis ute b t

Licenses respecting tbe boundaries of runs and districts and hPII h e ....e~n the holders of Paaturape and Timberlawfully had a..nd exercised by a.ny Commissioner of Cro'wnLa~d: u dve

thD exe:~lse all the powers which mny benance, Sess. X., No .. 1 j an~ the U Crown Lands Ex tension Ordina~cen Seerss XtroNslol~s of the" Crown Lands Ordi-

12. All the routme business of the Land Department shall be t ' . ., J. o . t ,such regulations as may be made by the Board in that behalf. ransacted by the Chief Commissioner, subject to

13. .A book, to be called the " Application Book " shall be k t duriwhich the name of every person desirin to make a~ a Ii . ep open urmg office hours at the Land Offlce inor any pers~n duly authorised on his be~lilf j and theYCor:!:~i:sti~:e:~ the Boar~ shall be. written in order by him;elf,and deternune all applications in tbe order in which they shall appea s~a~~ drmfl the sttt tng of the Board, considerperson .shallnot appear bimself, or by some person dnly autborised r 1h· beh Itt bC~hon Book : Provided that if anyturn. his application shall be dismissed until his name shall appear on .IS. eth b e k.~e the Board when called in histwo or more persons shall apply at the same time t it h f" agan~ III e 00 In order: Provided also that ifsioner shall bracket their names, an d shall initi al ~h:~:c~e:~r names III the Ap~ication Book, the Chief Commie,Boaj/ ~,?-all determine tbe priority of right to be beard by lot'. :~~ i't"~h~ll t::~[bS t~J.1.ear before tbe Beard, tbeapp ca Ion except such as shall be made in accordance with th:s TIe ulatio e a or the Board to hear any

H. The Board shall keep true and detailed minutes of II l' , n.thereo~, and of all sums of money paid to the Treasurer and app rcat iona made to the Board. and all decisions8UC~ nllnut~s shall be signe d by all the Commissioners 'resentgeferally of ~ll the proceedings of thE' Board · andth~ l!1spechon .of all persons desiring to inspect the sam! at a.lla any bte~ng j and such minutes shall be op'entoIhIllIng! and Buyence for every such inspection. ' reasonn e ours, on payment of the sum of two


15. There shall be a Cbief Surveyor who shall be a . t d dSuperin tendent, and 3S many Assis tant Sun-e ors as shillPb~n e an removable by warrant under the hand of theSuperintendent, upon the recommendation ol the Cbief Snrven,::,:.ssary, who shall be appointcd and remonble by theshall1:;;r:;;:'surveys sball be conducted in sucb manner as the h oard, by any regulations to be made in tbat bebalf,


I I,. All payments to be made in respect of land shall b dt ler!~f, lind tbe Treasurer shall tbereupon I(i.e rcceipts f:r'f~e ~a:'e the Treasurer of the Board during the sitting

. y.t!>e 62nd clanse of the Constitntiou Act th G : .r;;venll' a~1Slng from the disposal of the waste lands 0/theOC~rnor IfI ~hthon.ed and required to pay out of the

e co ectIOn, mau~gement, and receipt thereof' and a1 t own a e co~ts. charges, and expenses incident toayabl~ urd er ce l'tam other provisions therein c~ntainedSo ;h~a~ out of thfshld ~venues such sums as shall become

l;~n~h ~a~~e~h::d~ds cOhinl: into bis bands under tbe~e Regnl::i~":sr~ll~u~he.~.::tfoL~hds toardsball, tberefore,

a sue persons as the Governor shall direct. rea o, e·nllmed purposes ,

V.-PVlILIC llllSllRl'llS

, 19. Reserves for the nses of the Provincial G v •bon o~ the Provincial Council, be made b tbe S~ ~rnment, and for other public pnrposes may, upon the recommenda-

t~ti;~ckt~~e1. ;~blicbR~~e;~~=~{, t~t1f~::~dehJr::t~~\b~ld;:o~~sf~~ ~:f ~~e~::do~r~het~e~~~~\ti~~~:!:.bi;: .CODlp ete desenphon of every such reserve and of th&



The season for seed sowing is now so far advanced that the chief gardening duties of the presentmonth will be the care rather of those crops we have sown, than of the few we can still successfully committo th e gr ound ; for, alt hough such as peas and bean s may be sown, yet th e crops th ey arc likely to prod ucewill not be qui te equal to those sown last and previous months; and although they produce equally well,yet a considerable port ion of the pods arc liabl e to be destroyed by a cate rp illar aboun din g at this season.

French beans and scarlet run ners may be plan ted , an d addi tional sowings of radishes, let tu ces, cressand mustard, may be continued ; but th e chief crops which claim at ten tion thi s month are turnips, a lar gebreadth of which should now be sown for win ter use. T he yellow Swede, for use as a vegetabl e, should besown as early as possible in December, and the yellow and white garden varieties about th e end of thepresent and beginning of the ensuin g month.

Th e earlier par t of the presen t mon th is usually characterised by frequ ent showers, of which advantagesh ould be taken to plan t out cabbages, cauliflowers, savoys, Brussels sprouts, and flowering broccolis, all ofwhich ought now to be extens ively plante d ; for up on the exer tions made at thi s season th e limit ed or plen­tiful supply of winter vege tables will ent irely depend.

Flower borders should now be exhibit ing a profusion of roses, fuchsias, geraniums, pink s, carn ations,stocks, and sweet-williams, with ma ny sorts of flowerin g bulbs and numerou s vari eti es of lovely annuals;and th ough at Chri stmas we can neith er suspend " mistletoe boughs " from th e ceiling of our dwellings,nor display bun ches of holly-berries, yet by th e tim e of its arrival we shall be able to pile our tables withdelicious stra wberries, and revel amid the fragr ance and beauty of wreaths of bloomi ng roses-luxurieswhich th e noble st and wealthiest of England's ar istocracy cannot at thi s season obtain.

Gre enhouse plants which ha ve done blooming may now be removed to a cold frame, or plac ed underthe shade of a wall or fence ha ving a sou therly aspect . 'l'he removal of th ese from th e shelves of th e hous ewill afford room for th e introduetion from the melon and cucumber frame of such handsome floweringt endcr and other annuals, in pots, as balsam s, cockscombs, globe amaranth s, whit e and purple e~g plan ts,phlox, drummondii , hu mea elegans, gallardia picta, blue nemophila, coreopsis drumrnondii, sensitive plan t,and other similarly ornamental and interesting variet ies, all of which will add greatly to the attractions ofthe grcenhouse, and aid mat erially in maint aining its contin ued gaiety throughout th e whole of th e summerand some of the months of autumn.

Vineries in which th e grapes arc fully set ma y now receive ai l' much more freely, and fire heat oughtto be entirely suspended, unl ess early grapes ar c desired, for the fruit, from this stage of its growth, willswell to a larger size under th e genial influences of a well-regulated temperatur e pro duced by sun-heatonly. Air freely, th erefore, every fine morning as soon as th e sunshine sensibly raises the tempera ture ofthe hou se; scorched foliage-a too frequ ent defect-will thus be avoided, whi ch results only from neglectedmorning ventilati on. .

As soon as th e grapes have att ained to a size similar to very small pens, commence slightly raising an dsupportin~ th e shoulders of th e bunches; after whi ch thin ou t with a pail' of grape-thinning scissors a fulltwo-thirds of th e un equ al sized berri es, thus leaving th ose which remain full room to swell to a large size;for th e free usc of th e thinning scissors is an ine vitabl e necessity when large well-coloured fruit is desired.

Close in th e vinery early every afternoon, syringin g freely overhead, th us securing a warm humidatmosphere, highly favourable to the health of the vine s, and very Im'gely conduci,e to the production offine fruit.

Ornamental hedges bounding grass lawns and shrubberies will now ha,e made growth sufficientlylong to require close trimming in, for all such screens, which are intended not merely for shelter bnt alsofor ornament, ought to be neatly trimmed at least twice every ycar. The hedge ,vill thus very soon acquirea desirable density and neatness of appearance, thereby blending both the advantages of improYed shelterand greater ornament, two yery desirable acquisitions, both of which tend greatly to increase the enjoy­ment derivable from ornamental gardening.






purposes t o which i t shall h ave been d<:dicated shall, so soon BS possible a.fter it shall ~aTe been made, be publi~hedin the Gocertunent Gazette of the Province, and set forth on the authenticated ma ps 10 the L and Office: Providedthat the Snp er intend en t may, if th e Provincial Coun cil be not then sitting, tem porarily re serve land for snchp urposes until the ne xt sessi on of such Council.

20. Reserves for p ub lic hi ghways, br-idle-paths, and foot- pa th s shall be made by th e Sup er int end ent, and sh allb e set forth on th e authenticated maps in the L an d Office. Th e Superintendent and the Provincial Council ma y,by Ordinance, alte r the line of any such highways, bridle-pa ths , and foothpaths, and dispose of th e land th er etofor e

us ed for the same .21. The Superintendent may tem por arily re serv e an y land for the preserTat ion or sale of th e timber th ereon;but suc h laud mav at any time cease so t o b e r eserved upon a. res olution of the Proin eial Council.

22. The Supe rinten dent may I upon th e recommendati on of the Provincial Council, by proclamation in th eGorerJi ment Gazette, reserv e from the ope ration of th ese Regulati ons any tract of country in which th e preciousm et als ma y b e foun d to exist ; and the land within su ch t ract of country shall be disposed of according to Regu ­lati ons hereafter to b . issued and pu blished in that be ha lf, in the sam c mann er a nd under the same authority asthese present Regulation s.

't"I.-:-TOW'S L A.XD S.

23. Th e si te s of Towns sha ll be determined by the Sup eri nt cnd ent, upon the r ecommendation of the Pro­vincial Coun cil, an d sha ll b e no ti fied by proclamation in the Gor:er1l1tJell t Ga:ette of the Province.

2.1. Town lands shall be Bold by public au ction , in sec tions, the size and up set price of which sh all be det erminedby th e Super int end en t and th e Prcvin cinl Council; an d having been so determined for eac h town severally, sh all not

ag ain b e a lt er ed.25. Th e tim e and place of every auction sale sha ll be fixed by thc Snp erintendent , and shall be notified in theGOI.:en tment Gazett e, and oue or marc newsp ap ers of the Province, at leas t thir ty days b efor e such sale sh all take

plac~6 . No such notifi cation of any sale of t own lands sh all be publish ed until a map of th e t own, signe d by theChi ef Survey or, sha ll have b een laid open for public insp ecti on in th e Land Otli ce ; and such map shall se t forth,accur a tely d elineat ed, all th e tow n sections numbered consecu tively, so far as la id out , sh owing th e sections t o b eSUbmitte d for sale, an d th e public reserves in connec t ion with th em .

27. Town sec tions may be put up to au ction, eit he r by order of th e Supe r inten de nt , or up on the applicati on ofsome pers on who sh all , at the tim e of making Buch ap plication, deposit t ell pe r cen t. of t he up set pr ice with th e'l'rea sur er of th e 'Yast e Land s Doard. Such dep osit shall, if no dep osit on th e up set priee be made, be cOllsideredas t he dep osit up on the sa le at suc h public auc ti on.

23. If anv sectio n shall be purchased by other th an the ori ginal applicant, the dep osit money sha ll be for thwith

r etu rued on dem:mJ.29. Ten day s at lcast befor e any suc h au cti on sale , a li st of all the sections about to be offerc d for salc sha ll bop ublis hed in th e Gocer wne/lt Ga;etl e, Hlltl onc or m ore uewspll.per s of th e Pro'·;iuce.

3D, E \"ery auction sale of land sha ll be held by the Commiss ioners iu ope n cour t , as h er einbefore provided .31. T he person who shull be declared the high est bidd er a.t such a uctio n shall im mediat ely pay a deposit of ten

per cent. of th e p urch ase money t o the Treasurer, an d, in default thereof, the sect ion ~hal1 be again ilUDlelli atcly

1)ut up t o auc tio n.3~ . 'The rem:1inder of th e purchase money shall b e pa id t o t he Treasurer in full wit hin one week afte r th e uay ofsale; and, in default thereof, th e p urcha ser sha ll forfcit his dep osit money, and also all right or title to th e land;und the section Ulay be sold to any person aPl'lying for the sam e for t he price at wh ich it was kn ocked down at theauction ; an d if not so sold, th e sec tio n may b e ag ain put up t o auct ion at any fut ure sale .

33. Upon payment of the pu rchase money in full, t he pur ch aser shall receive fr om the Comm is.:iiouers a H L icenset o Occupy," in tne form set forth in Schedule A. to the Waste Lauds Regula.tioDs, and su ch license shall be re sto redt o th e Comnlissioners upon the receip t of a Crown Grant of t he la nd pllrcha:icd .


3.1. _\Ulands no t inclnded in any of th e foregoing Hegul ations sh all be op cn for sale a. ruralll\ud, at a uniformpr ice of fort )· shillings per ac re .

3;:). Sa ve as hereinafter pr ovided, 110 section of rural land Sh i.1ll he sold containin g les9 than tw('nty acres;b ut any sec tion so limit ed b )' frontage lines or priYate lan ds as t o contain less than t wenty acre s may be sold by a uct iona t the upset pri ce of forty shillings per acre j the time ~nd place of sale and th e mo de of sale a nd paym ent ofpurc basemoney to be -as nearly as may be in accordance ,...-ith the Regulations h er ein contai ned applicabl e t o th e sale of TownLand: Provid ed, ne\"erth elesB, that if any secti on so limited sha ll be included in a. pa sturage lice nse with pre-em ptiv er ight, the h older of such Li cens e shall be entitled to exer cise such prc-emptive right unuer th esc Regulations up onpayment of th e sum of for ty pounds for such section.

36. Ev ery sect ion of rural land sh all be in one block, and , except as hereinafter pron ded, or a rectangularfor m, and, if bounded by a frontage lin e, shall be of a dcpth of h alf " mile (or furty chains) from such frontage."

37. \Vhere, from the frontage not being a st raight line, or from the interfercnceJ of other fr ontage lines, natural! e!1ture3, or th e boundaries of pri\oate lands, the above rules in r espect of form C1.unot be accurately ob sen'cd, th eform of the section sha.ll be determined as nearly in acco rdance with thei:lc rules as, in the judgUl~nt of th e Board,circumstances will admit.3S. Iu sections of land not adja cent to or bounded by a frontage line, all the sides may be equal j hut one SIden1ay not be less th an one~third of the other , an d such section sh ali llot be less than haU· a mile distant from a. frontage

linc.39. An)" per son \)ossesslng a section of land may at any time select ano the r adjacent the reto, of suc h form thatthe t wo togethe r , b eUlg consiclcl'cd as one section, ahall be ill the form req uired for a single sec tion u uder the fore~go :ug r ules'iO. I mmediat ely Oil the p o.)'·ment of th e purch as e mo ney , the purch aser shall receil'"c fr om the Commissioncrs a.U L;cense to Occupy" in th e form set forth in the Sched ule n her eunto annexed j and as soo n t hereafte r as cou~,"enientl.r ma y be, the lan d shu.ll be laid oft·by a. Government Surve)·o r as nea rly in accordance with the descr ip tiongiven by th e p urchaser in his application as th ese Hegul ati ons will ad mit: ProTided that \'\"h en ever th e lands selectedlie without the su rveyed dist ricts, th e expense of the su rvey, an d of connecting such su rveys \'I"i th the e:dsting surn'J8,shall be borne by the purchaser, who shall at th e t ime of pu rchase dQ-posit the am ou nt of th e eslimated cost of suchsu rveys wit h th e Treasurer of the \ Vast-e Lan ds Boar d , which sh all be }TIMea.s soon a~ pract icabl e by order of the

.. .A.. fronta~e line sh all be taken t o mean the boundary of ,8 ro ad, r iYer , or public reserve, or 3ny stream or~atercourBe which . hall ha ve bJ en de elarel by no tification in the Gartm lll f nt Gazftt . to cons titute a frontage fort he p ur pose of sele ction,


~hit"f Surveyor : Provid ed alway s th at sh ould any section, when surceved '.int end ed by the purcha ser, th e Government will not be resp onsibl e for an 'I p.~o,"e .to dIffer .III a ny ~{,l:Jp ('et from thatmay expe rience, no r WI ll th e purcha se money be ret urned. Provid d y O::iS or.lUeOn\~ eD1ellCe winch t he purchuserwhole.extent of lan d in the selected locality f~Us short. of th~ qUllntit ~\dofithrat If the Sur veyor shal~ find t hat t here-pay so much of the pur ch ase ni onev as exceeds th e price of the 1 YIPt b 0 by th e f.urchaser, th e 'I'r -eus u ror- shallshall, in any case , be :im~nded by t he"'Commissioners in accord, nc:n~'thothe conveyed. 1'he" License to Oceup~" "Grant shall be made out In accordance therewit h . an d t he II Li~ s \~ ! h llebreport of th e Surveyor, and the Cr o\\"I1the Crow n Grant shall b~ issued. ' en e s n e retu rned to th e C(>tU1l1issiollcrs when

41. Any person maklllg a d itc h and bank fence to lands adi oinin'"such \~-aste la.nd s .half the land re quired for the ditch and ba{ll"' 1? \~::iti Itndd

of th e Crown, nla)r take out ofth an SlX feet in wid th . ... r ovi eot. t at no ditch or ban k shall be more


·.1.2. tv hercas it is desirable that pnva1.:-' persons should be en bl d t . .for pri ~-at eolands taken fo r roa ds or for oth er public pu rp oaes : If nen 0 reC('H"C portions ~f waste land in exchan .....epe~sa t lOn m reJpeet of any lan d which shall have been t aken for th e ~fer~o~ shall be entt t.letl to receive any CO I~ ­or In resp,:"ct <?t any d :\I l1 ape~ done to his p roperty by the t ukinc of s~chPl::iei ~f a ro ad or of any other publie work,up o.ll application to. th e \\ uste Lau ds Board , be entitled to a '~mt of r ant for .such pU~I)Qse.8 , such I H.'1"80 11 shallsubj ect to the cO~Idll1oons as to for-m and frontu ge in t hese Re.~ulationlt cura~ ola nd In such stt uat.ion as h e sha ll ~('lee t :tw o pounds st erling ot th e amo unt of compensation which th b r ontnined, to th e exte nt of one acr-e for ever •lan d ~ake~l for such purpos('s , or in re~pec t of such damage a: :l~I;~~I~rdt shall be entitled to receive in re spect of th~

43. ! l any per;iC?1l shall contract WIth the Super intendent to mak , . " .road, lIn d.ge, or drain, or any par t of anv suc h road br-ld..-e o r II . ; e and co mplete within a g iven t ime an y publicm.r{ r:qlllr~ fur the due complet ion of such contra'ct, an~1 'shall r:~i'~c~urlll~lllgsu ch security as th e SUJlcri .it endentlH lll ", to accept bv way of payment or eo mpeusation or b w f sue portron of rural laud as he shal l boshall lie lawful for "the Sup eloiritend ent to rese r\'~ suc h portron ;~. ~ Plr~'parment. or co~pen3ntion for such ~,'t'~rk i tlonger ; and such person sha ll, on tho complet ion of such contn tnb tOt~ rubltc sale lor such givcn tim e but 'nomuch the reo f a'l th? Board shall adj udge , not exceed ing one I\cr~cf~r \ C ~l ! I t ~d to It free gr:lUt of such l an~l , or 80

te ndent shall cer t ify to th e \Va.ste La.ndti Boa rd. to be the [,o//.(; fid: vc~[ 1\\0, ponnds sterhn~ which the Supe r in­nccoI:umg to the pr lcos fur work and matcrillis a t t he t ime of lert' o. ne ot the work so llone In" lo;uch H'ri:lon

. Eyerr such re~l'rvat i on of land from public si.1le sh all be}} lIr?hl,llt~g Stch contract cu rrent in the~d i st r ictl ,d1rec~ed III clause 10 :Jf th ese n eg ulation s. u 1::1 c< 111 t Ie GocerllJ1l(mt Ga zell e of the l'rO\- i~ce, U!:J

. 1\ ~ snch reservatIo n sha ll continue ill force for a.I .whlc.I:It sha ll,haYe bee!l Jl1rt.de . an ger pCrIo d than twe h'e ca lenda r month s fr om the date OU

. ~ o land lIlclu dNl m n Pa st ura ge License with re -em th- ' .l"1 ?~t., -tet=' rej E.'n-e d or gran ted until he shall haY~b een ~no:'ed~lht. 8IlnI~' as ~,gall1st th~ h older of such prc- pmptin~pl e:sc ~l et m c alU~es 64 an d 66 to t hese Regu lations. e op ,1On 0 pll rchas mg' suc h land in th e mann er

..N 0 greater am ouut of land than 250 acr es shall un 1 • h .. . .Cuypeilson under auy Buch cont ract, unl ess iu paymJnt ~/~~r~ y.~O\lhoOIS o~ thi Sl clause, be rescn·t.>d or gra nt ed t ooun 9 . .. r W 1C 1 a \ ote las been pas sed by the IJr uyillcial

~ 0 gr~ater am oun t of land th an 1000 acr es in the ('I' ('I' •

t-he lp~n.~ldo ~Js 0lt"th is cla usc, without the spec·ial sa.ncti~I~~~t:'~~e i~ all .lD ~tl'Ycone y.ea r be resen-ed o~· grant ed und erIo n eu 8 ways, that (Ivery parcel of h~nd s e rOVlDCI8 OUll Ctl .

~~~~~afhallsb:~~c:~i;:1 1~~~e'rO~\~ i~~1:~s~~ej,eutl~h~~I~~i~~~ s~~~V~I~d':.~~~c:h~tt~~h~p~I:::~tig~d;~~0I1:s:Stl::~0~~~le~n~~be of less ext ent th an twentv ncres of land the pe her~' tlIJ am ount of compensat:on awarded by th e Do u h \1other applicants, for the purchase of r'ur ai lan ds ~~~I~I~~h~s~ R~~~hit:i~n~~e ualance in c<l'Sh, U)lvll the same ~~r~~ ~s


4. t " hereas thc Snpe ri nten dcnt d th P . .de sir ou s to aid in JU 'lki 1 • • an e r OY1UClal Cou ncil, a nd ot he r th e · h b·tbe discharg ed as unfit ;o~ f.~~th:~O~efo~ th e. ma in te nance of such persons of her )I 'lj:~:r~s ia~dts ~ Ca~~t ("l"1JU ry , nre

ith Russia an d also f t h . nIce, lD consequence of wounu s or 10 8 5 of h~o1th· ' dB. sea. orce.; us JU"yoAny sU~b operson ~; wfd~:t ~I~~Sl~~;o~f:~~l~~~~~~"": ~f th ose \~-ho may be kille;i in ;~~hr\~~r :~ th e present War

;!~St~;:oi!~:i1~~~;~7j~i::::~{£~~::~~~f:~\i:~it~~ls~i~~~~~~r;::~t~~;;~t~oi~r~~~itl~'1Y:r:,~:~~;P~:1~c;i~~a~f1l 0ard uy such person or widO\~ in perso~ within th~~~aJ: s . tha t

fsuc h appl!cation shall be ma de to the 'V as~~IL . a~d

, } ears a te r such dIsch arge or death. t: an s

.. • X. -P..lSTGRA..GB .

£ 4a. Until sold, granted, or re served for public u' . 0

or P4~sh1age purposes 'iy.per9O(]s holding licenses lfr;I~O:h:J'~~l\~~:rr.n srB'lue.d, the waste land d may b e occ upiede:xten 0 f ny per son nFPJomg for a pastura~e licens e shall st'lt , .tU< g o~Id. to occupy th e same.

Plae:;t~T~~:h~:;:,~P\~:h i n ~~,'~l~~(~;:::th~f~o~ :h~d(1~~~C~it:~;lr1:~~~'~t~~kn~ilii:hoh~r~0~:e~~~~~'eo~l~~ito~~~:~;~k~(~~and h~ent ex en 0 run allowed to eac h applicant shall be at thn,ge., t f i)

~attle , hor;e:c~~ll ;~ every head of small ~attle. 'l'he worus If ~e:t ~a~tl 1,--:0 acres to every heau of gr eat catt le,smnU catt le'.. shnn'b:n;o~:~~~ (Jllt le and ft.·male), wit h th eir OJ~~pIing aboeve ~?;l;n~~tfonstrued to nl E.'an hor ne d

48. E very pnsturagoe ru n sh~~ll bO l~cnll shcbelP (male an d fema le) , wit h'their ' \'ean ed oft~s ?f age; an d tho word.lie front 1 ,e In aile ock 'md as r:lr . . . ::!pIll1g.

49. Tlf:f~~n~;b~l~~~idnC:r c~rcu{nsta nce8, shall J;o't b~ ~rc;ter~i1~~'~~~1_i:l~:l}c~h w~l a:1mit, of a rectangular furm :

acres twent Itom ~ or 10 ICl?nse sha ll he at the follo"dn 0, t F e ep 1.per ~rc for~he ~r:tg:h~~s~'~I~I:Ya~dnit~:~~':::~'; ;,et": eve? run co~,t',;i'~;'~lOt~lI~~::~~d':,~tl~~~il~~:;;'~·~ot~an 1000enll\.o;e~':~~:f~:ontai~il1g 5000 ac res or np \n~(I~:~l1~rf~;~I~rnae~:r'~: addition . ' \I opence

~rov1det.l that th e J:fi~~~ ,~~~~.dshIW bfo~Irth yea r::!; thr ee. farthings gelr a~~:~o~o~h~h~ghst :Yl(~ ~ec? '1<l )'P3r~, one--halfday of May next followoin,:: a. e a en to be the tUlle clupsiug from the date of th aD< . ~ \ el·\ /ubseqnent .rear :

50. No pa~tnr[l ge licell·se .shall b e orlgllla leeUBe to the fir::; t51. The fee shall be pa id t o tl Tgrantcd for a less annual fee th an .c.' l Os

• 1e reasu rer of the " "atit e Lands n oard; eve ; .,' .year. ill advan ce " ,_or the first year


on the issu e of th e license, aud for th e second and every subsequent year on !,uy sitting day of the Board bet weerathe 20th day of April nnd th e Ist day of ~1 :l.Y inclusive; and every pasturage license not ren ewed by par~ent ~f thereq uir ed fee on or befor e th e lst day of May shall, unless good cause to the contrary be shown t o th e satiefsction 01the w aste La uth Board, be considered as abandoned . . .. .

52. Eve rv pasturage license shall be in the form set forth 10 th e Schedule C to the" uste Lands Regulations,and shall be transferalnc bv endo rsement in the form set forth in such schedule, and such transfer shall be deem edt o be complet e up on notice th er eof being- du ly gi~en !o the 'Vaste Lands Board, and n ot . befor e. ~ pasturagelic en se shall enti tle t he holder th ereof to the exclusiv e r ight of pastur8~e over th e la nd specified therein up on. thet erms abo ve stated. Such license shall be ren ewed by endor:; eme~t from yenr t o year-, unt~l the land sp ecifiedthere in sha ll be purchased, g-rant ed , or reserved und er the~e Regulation ,S j and ~he fee t o he paid 10 resp t::ct of suchlic ense shall not be alte red unt il the 1st ::\lay ,18iO. Such license shall give no right to th e soil or to the ti mbe r ,. andshall imm ediutelv det ermin e over nov lan d which may b e purchased, granted, or res erved under these Regul ati ons .....'\. r easonable r ight- of. wny sha ll be allo wed throug h all past.Drag e rUDs. . .

53. I f at any time duri ng the firs t four yea rs .afte r th e issue of th e first Iicense tb~ qu antity of stock for !h e runsha ll be less t han th at originally required, or during th e next three years less than twice that am oun t, or during ~nysubse quent period lese than three ti mes that am oun! , th e ' Vaste L and s Board f!lay decla~e th e whole or a po~tlOUof suc h ru n to be forfeit ed : Provided ulwavs th at with reg ard to runs granted prIOr to the issue of th e-se Regulations,su ch first-peri od of fou r ye urs shall commence from. th~ ~late on which th ese Regul ati ons shall com~ int o operation :P rovided t hat one or mor e r un s held by th e same individual or firm may) for the purposes of this clause, be con ..sidered as on e r-un. .

51. In nny case in which 3 runholder can prove to th e sat isfact ion t?f t hc " caste Lands Board .th at he ~spreclu~edbv arrangements en te red in to previou s to th e pas sing of th ese Regulations fr om actually, for 3. giveu per iod, pl~cl~ghl e stock 0 11 his own ruu, it shall be su flloient if he pr ove to th e sat isfaction of the Board that he po~ges~es ~nthlllthe Provinc e th e requisit e 1\II\0l1llt of stock, and will under tak e to place the sam e on the run at the expiration ofsuch p eri od . . '

55, Every h old er of a licen se sha lt , at any time, upon": written or~l~r from th.e W aste Lands .Board to thateffec t, make no t ru e und compl ete return of ~\1l th e ~tock on hIS ru~ j .and It he sh all wl~fulIy and k nowingly make anyfals e re turn th e " ·a 3te Lands Board Sh :1 11 IInmedlat.ely declare hiS h cense t o be forfelteu .

50, EYe~·y run or porti on thereof which shall hav e been forfeited, as above provide d, sh all bo put np by th o"raste I..:uul; ll oard t o public aur tioll , aft er an ady ertisemcut in th e Governme.nt G:a::ett e, .and on e or mo re llewsr upersin th e !lrovinc .e, A licens e O' mnted nt'ter forfeiture shall be de eme d to b e an ol'lgmal h censa. Up on nPllea fr omany p er son whoiJe run has h~en lin·feit ed within ~ixt.r d.llYS from the d~te of such forf~itul"e, it shall Le lawful for the­Superintendent t o reserv c or susp:.'nd such forfClture eIther wholly or 111 part.

57. E "el'y per son taking' ou t a license for a run whi~h is n ot. st ock eq , will be :equi~ed to deposit wi~h theTreasurer th e sum of teu 8h illi llg:i 'lil l" every hunured acr es Illclud ed III th e. hcense, whlc:h ~Ylll lJC retu r~led wlt~outintere~t as soon as he shall have fulfilled th e cond it ions in r C"spect to stoc kmg' the run wlthln the preSCrIbed penod;and if su ch co nd ition;; be not fulfill ed , such dep os its sh all be forfeit ed .

5S. Th e above ru les in respect t o ~tocki ng a run, an d t o the lodgment of dep osi t mo ney with the Trea surer,sh all not ap ply t o runs cont aini ng less th an 5000 ac res . .

59. E..-ery"h older of II l icense may be req uired at any tim e t o p ay for the act ual cost of the su n-ey of hi S r un, ata r ate n ot excecdin;.;t wenty shillings fC! r e,ery thousalui acres: . .

U0. E \·en· hold.:r of a pnstUl·Hg'~ hcense :shall, upo n apphc ah on to the ' Vaste L and3 Board, b e enti tle d to a.pre-emptive i·ight over p/)~tions of hi~ .rt.m , as fol.lows ::-F or a rll1~ of not less than 1000 acre~ , 1l~J. U?t more thanl:iUOO aere5 , over a block 01 bUll C jmprlsmg and clrcunIJ:lcent to IllS home3~ead , to the .e:~:tent of ~ pel ~ent. of t~eavera ge of the r Ull ; for a rUIl of .jt)()O acres an d upwards, O\'er 250 ac rp,s o t land compr~slllg and cll'cumJacent t? hlsh omest ead or p rincipal 8tati01~ ; and for all runs o..e ~· an l~n tls occ llpH.'d by !,ny b Ulldm g ;;, enclo.iurc 5, planta! l? lls )cu1t i~atious , or any such othe r ImprO \-emell.t" as shallm the Jutl.g~nent ofth~ " a~te Lands Board bedeemedsu f~lC1entfor the pnrpose3 of thi s clau~(", t ogeth er With fifty ac res comprlsmg and cl re llmJu,cent to th e lands so occupIed or

imp~~~· l:"1.!he liccns ('e sll.lll at tlI t:' tim2 of his appli ca tion to the Board , give a sufficient description of the land s O'ferwhi ch he cb ims such prc:emp ti\"e ri~h t , to the satisfaction of the Chi ef Surn 'y or j and the same sha ll he marked otr'0 11 th e authenticated maps in th e Land Oflice.

62, The land:; inclu ded in sUl,h pre-emptin~ ri gh t m:lY h e of . such form ns the applican t sh all choose; but anyland purchased b)" him in the cxerc:i3e of such ri ght , s!laU be subJdct t o the Heg-ulah ons as t o form and fr ont ngf:th er ein contaillNl.

63. Tho ,ru5te Lands B uanI ghall not reee iYe or entertain any.applicatio~ to pu.rcha se fr om .anv per son othe rthan th e runholde r t1J. e afo l·...sai d blol'1i:around the h omest ead or prlnClpal s ta tio n whi ch does not lu clude th e wholeof snch block . . .

6~ . Th e right of pre-emp t ion her('1.n~ gh'en :;ha ll he exercised within one week for all lands within twenty mIle~ ofthe Land Olliee at Christchurch, .md \\:ithiu oue month for all lands at a gr eater distance . ther efr om; such hmebein~ ri"c!i:on ed fr om the date ufsenicc of a wri tt en notic.e fr~m the \Ynste L~nds Board, set hng .for th a copy of th eapp licat ion for any of th e lnulls i lll~hllletl in th e pre-emptive r ight. Such noh~e may b e ser\'~d either pergoll~lly. ont he rlluho1<ler, or by lCilvin ~ the sa me a t- his la st known pInee of ab ode wlthm the Pronnce, or at th e prmclpalh omestead 0 1' sta tio n un th p run.

G;). The applicant for nny r UI""l land included in any pr e-emptivo r i{;ht shnll d€'posit with th~ l'reasllrer of th e",Yaste Lund :; Board a sum equ al to four sh illings per acr e of th e purc~ase mone~".and th e relDam~ler h e shall pa~within one weel~ from th e llato of his ap plication being' granted, or f?rfel~ such depo~lt . S~eh dep~sl.t , ho\~e\-er, shabe immeclia tely l'cturnetl 0 11 dem and , if th e holder of the pr e-emptive r igh t shall give notice of hiS In.tentIon. to pur-cha se any p ortion of th e land applieu for, nud pay the requi sit e d€'p~:)f~i t., .

66. if th e holtler of th t> pr c-t'mptiYe right decide up on purch~slll~ finy po.rt~on of th e land appllC'-d for, h e shal~forthwith P<lY to lhe 'I'I'e:Istlr t'r or th e ' Ya:ite L ands Board a deposlt ot four slnlhngs per ac re of the pu rchase moneyof su ch por tIon ; an d, if he Hha ll not within six weeks th ereafter ha ve paid the remainder of th e purchase mon ey,.he shall ft)l·rci t sllc h deposit , togelh er with all rig-h t or titlo to the lands. .

If the holder o f any pr e-elUpti\'e r iuht ot he r th an those created by clause 60 of the ' Vast e Lands Regulationssh allncgleet or refuse ' t.o pu rf'ha ~e anYl)~rtion of ~he land applied .for, sueh po rtion shall, from and imm ediatelyafter su ch neglect or refll:ml, he relea ::ied fr om all rJght of pre -empttOl~, and open to purchase on the te rms of these­Uegulat ions, us ifth.e sump 11:\(1 Hot ueen i ~lclll~ed iJ.13uy pre-~mpt1~'e rig ht .

ti7. !)n!itur age h eenses WI th pr e-t'mphve rJght III connec hon With purchased lands, whf'th er under th e Canter·bury .Associa tion or the Crown, shall, frum and aft er th e 1st clay of April,.1856, ~e taken and d~£"me~l to be pnsturageli censes ove r the lnnds int'1l1lh."d th efl-in , UpOll the te rm s of the se Regulahons, With a pr e.emphy e r Ight oyer all suchl and , to be exercised 5uhjt"C"t t u th{'sc Regulations as r rogards notice of applicati on, payment of drp osit, purchase


enoney, price ,?fland, and size and shape of blocks . If th c land covered hy such pre-emptive right hall he inclu d edwithin the Iimits of a run held by .hcenee. under clauses .50 and 53, th e holder th ere of, in paying rent for th e same')may take credit for the amonn~ paid by ~Im In respect o! lau?s covered by such pre-emprive right.

68. H olders of pa sturage licenses without pre-empnve ripht shall be entitled to hold such li cens es or to havethem renewed upon the t erms of th eir contract with the Canterbury Associa tion or th e Crown as th e case may be .but if any pers.on hold ing ~ licen~e un .... er the Canterbury As.sociation or th e Cr own shall yolunt:lri ly re sign t he sam e:he shall be entitled to receive a. licens e under these Regul ati ons, and shall fro m the dat e of suc h exchange hold h isr un at the rate and on th e condi t ions specified in th ese Regulations .

69. I f allY pers on exchanging his license sh:--llfor any peri od includ ed in the new license have p aid r ent at ahigher ra t e than would be payable under such licens e, such over-pay men t shall he adjusted at th e next pay ment ofrent. .

·70. In th e even t of improvem ents having been .err:ected by th e Iicensee of a run on auy lan d which shall hereserved by th e General Government ~1" by the Provin cia l Government und er t hese Re gulat ions . the licensee shallreceive payment of the value of such Improvem ents, such valu e to be deci ded by ar bitration u nder direct ion of theWaste Lnnds Board, and t o be prcid by the Treasurer of' the W aste La nde Bonrd out of tile Land F und .

71. .-\11 payment s on acco unt of pasturage runs sha ll in fut ure he ma de on or be fore th e 1st day of ~raY inaccordance with clause 51, nt th e Land Office, at Christ church, a nd the " "nste L auds Board shall sit at th at pl~cefor th e Treasurer to receiv e th e snme.

72. All paym~nts to be made o? account of p asturage runs befo re t.lle l at day of J.fay ne xt ensuing' sha ll be mad efor the por tion of th e year only wh ich sha ll elapse betwe en such ay of paym ent and lhe said 1st day of )1"" ,

73. I~ calcula ti ng- th e nmouu t. of th e licen se fee and the stoc k requi red to be on th e r un, th e year coriHllellci n~-on the said 1st day of MllY shall he deemed t o he the same year as that for which such par t-pa yment shall have beenmade.

74. NOhf!th stnn(lin ~ any~hing cont ained in , th ~se Regulations, it sha ll lJC lawful for HlL' Governor, up on therecommendation of th e Super-intende nt and Provincial Coun cil, at llllY tune an d from t ime to ti me IJ" proclnmut .ioni n th~ GOL'cl'~lll1ellt Gazet~e of th e .Proyince, t o reser \"c for th e purpo;e~ hereinafter mentione d uny lunch within th ePrOYlllCe, a.dJace nt t o or III th e nelghb Gmrbood of nny t flwn, now or wInch may h er eaf'tC'1" he for med · au d to declaret h at on a~cl from a dlly to be nametl in such proclam .t!ion, lll~ dep n.sturing l,icen ses i.ssue£! unclel"t hes~ UC"gnlat ions inres peet a t snch reserv ed laud s shall cC'ase and be of no eilect ; 0 11 and Irom wh ich day all such lic cnses ~hnlI a!r elilpects snch Jand ~, C.C'Il!!lO and ~e of !10 efIect a '·cordingly) and it sha ll ?~ lawful fur th e Goycrn ol' tl. t any dillet herea fter, bJ: UegulatlOlls to ~e Issued In that beh~ lf,. nccord tnH to tho pronslOlls of th e " "aste Lands Act , upon tht\.n(' •...11...· 1rl:" ~1.\ '.1 of f h~ S uperll1t~nd~nt and P rounClal Councd, to regulate th e occupatiou of the ' Vaste L auds of

the Cr O\\ 11 \~ n lllu 8uch reserved dist r H.'ts.

TB r n BR.

~5. I f ~ny tract of la nd sh all ha '\'"e been reserved for th e sal e of tim1 er thereon such timber mav be sold bvpublIc auction at an up set p.ric~, and 511"?jec.t to con ditions to ~e fixed by th e Supednt~ndellt , and the pu"rcha ser ~hall8~ree to re.nlOve t.he same wlt hlll 1\ certal1l tIme ; an d all t he timber not remo~ed wit hin such t ime rna)" be aO'ain pntup to pubhe uuchon . /:). 76. "X? pcr80 n shall, \f"it hout a. lic ens e, cut or l'omm'e any timber fr om any w;lste lands of th e Cr own (exceptbm~er which he sha ll h ave purchas~d unde~ th e last clau se): an d .any per son so cutting' or rcm oying t imb er shall~:~~~ble to pay the cost of suc h hcense for one year, t ogeth er With the costs of r ecoveri ng th e :l.lnount of the

77. E very ]ic.ense for cutt ing or removing timber sh.lll! be iSSllf"d for o~e mon th , or for one veal' , at the reque st ofthe p er son ap plYlllg for th e same ; and a fee of te n shilhn ....s sball be paul up on eyerv month)y lic en c: e an d of fi\""t~p ounds upon every year ly license . 0 .. - ,

78, .A. license shall ent it le no one but the per son named therein t o cu t down th e st andin O' ti mb er lmt i t willauthor ise him to e!1lploy any nu mber of per:;ons, during th e term I f the l icens c, to saw, split,;'r l'cmov~ th e t imbereo cut j and suc h h cense shall not be transferab le .

~9 . .A license to cut timuer shall exten d ooh · to the district named therein80. If any p~rson dl~ly .lic?ose11 shall hav a e5.ta lJ~ ished n. sawpit for th~ purpose of sawing tim ber , no other

pers~n shall c~t. t lDluer wlth lll hfl.y J:ard s of sn.ch pJt Without th e concent of the person firs t occul?:dng su ch sawpit :P ron ded ~hat It th e per~.on estabhs hm g.such pIt !hall not use th e samf' , llnd shall not cut timber \n thin such dist anceas afor esaid fr om th e lllt f Of. twenty.eJ~ht consecuti~-e daJ R, i t shall be lawful to any ot her holder of a license toen t er the~eupon, an d to cut ti mbe r as th ough snch Pit ha d not been establishe d .

81. If liny p er son shall , f<:»r the purpose .of r emovillg tim~er, have mnu8 a road upon land b ping the wastelands.? f.the Cr own, and not be.mg a Inghway'.It sha.ll.no t be }a w!ul for nn~- other person to use t he samp. without thep erJU;Itislo of th e p.er son ma~m g' th e same fIrst obtamecl : I rovlded th nt If such road sh all not ue used at allY t imefor mnety consec uti ve uay~, It sh~ be l8,:fu1 for any hOlder of a hcense at any time th ereafter to use th e Same.

.82. If any peraon holdml; a hml!er h eense ~hall b e pro ved hefore t he IVaste Land. ll oar J to h"y e olfendedagall~st any }{egu.1ahons.h~ em contalll~d r esp ect lllg t llub er, or .to have wilfully or lIegligently injured or desh 'o)·ed,by fhe. ~r otherwJ~e, an) tJmbe r IJe!on.glllg' ~o th~ Cr own, suc h hce~se shall . he, and shall b,: immediately declared t oLe forfelted, and It shull he at the dIscr etI on of th e Board to re fuse t u Issue another tuubel' license t o th e same'pe r son .

APl'ltxlnX.'Ihe f"Uowing Aet , to alter and am end th e for c!i";" g R?gulatiou., was pa ss,,1 ,11ll'ing the Session of the Assembly ill

1866, allll,s dat,,1 Octo her 8.

~:P~~~i~~~v~fsCper~ons who hayc held or n ow bold li censes to depnsture sto~k up on wast e Lands of the Cr own inthe lands com . ad . rburh~~Te sold or transferred to ot he r per sons their r ight to depa stu re stock over portions orst ock oyer suJl~I~~rt)i~:~I~f IChnjeS danr,whbreas it is expe dien t ~hat th e person~ ~o whom th e r ight t o depasturop er sons claimin d sue an::l l ,\S een ~o sold or transf erred by the on glllal hold er s of such lic enses orh ave issued to tge un er them. or to whom snch rIghts may he hereafter sold or tran sferred sho uld be enabled top or ti ons of the sakIsjepaJate lic enh·s ,roh th.e ' Vaste Lands BOl-rd of the sa id l>rovin cp.to depa~ture stoc k up on thetransfer red as aforesatdn s~IPlnhY Ie ! ~ nght ~o depn stllre sto ck already ha s bee n or hereafter mav be sold andin towns withdrawn fro';' t heD< wldejjreladSl.t ISthexpe?d'"pnt t~at further provision be made for r egulatiug the sale of land

go e S 111 e sal r onnce.



Be it therefore enacted bv the General Assemblvof Xew Zealand in Parl iament assembled and bv the authorityof th e same us foll ows- ~. .

1. The Short Title of this Act shall be "The Canterbury Waste Lauus Act, ISGG."

2. 'whenever it shall be made to appear to the satis fact ion of the Commi ssion ers of the 'Yaste La nds Board orthe Province of Cant erbury that the or iginal h older of an)· licens e to depasture st ock up on wast e lands of theCr own in th e said Province or any pers on claiming under such ori ginal holder shall hav e sold or tran sferred hi.right to depasture stock up on an)" p ortion or p ortions of th e land comprised in such licens e to any other person orpersons it shall be lawful for th e said Commissioners to ~rant to eac h per son to whom th e right t o despaature stockup on any portion of the lnnds compr ised in such original license shall bnee been so sold or transferred a sepa rateIiceese un der the hands of th e said Commission er s for the p ort ion of the sa id lands to which such ~erson shall beentitled in lik e manner as if such licen se were issu ed as an ori ginal license and th ereupon the portion ot th e said landsfor which su ch new license shall be issued shall be and b e deem ed to he a separate run and sh all be number ed assu ch in the hooks of the said Com missi oners and als o on th e public maps of the said Province an d a fre sh licenseshall be issued to th e per son or p ersons claiming th e residue of suc h run und er th e original li cense .

3. "~henever it shall be m ade to app ear to the satisfaction of the Commissioners of theWa~te Lands Board ofthe Province of Canterbury that th e ori gin:ll h old ers of any Iic ens es to depn sture st ock up on adj oin ing porti ons ofth e waste lands of the Crown or any p er sons claiming under nny such original holders resp ectively sha ll hav eexcbun eed th eir right to dern,ture stock upon any portion or p ort ions of th e lands comprised in such lic enses wit heach other it shall 1)(> la wfu for th e anid Commissioners to grant to each of su ch person a fresh licen se und er thehands of the said Comm issioners which lic ense shall issue in lik e murmer ns if the sume were au orijrinnl Iiconse nndsuch lic en se shall omi t the portions of th e said lund s which such person shall have pur-ted wit h and shall include suchot her portions as such persons may have received in exchange together wit h the lands compriaed in the originallicense excepting such porti on omitt ed as aforesaid .

4.. " "IHmevcr it shall he m ad e to appear to th e sa tisfa ction of the Cnrumisaioners of th e Waste Lands Boar dof the P rovince of Canter bu ry on the application of any person being the or iginal hol de r of two or more lice nses tod epasturc stock upon adjoining waste lnnds of the Cro wn in th e suid P rovince or any person claiming under suchor iginal holder that it would he desirable that t he lands comprised in such two or more licenses should be comprisedin on e it sha ll h e lawful for the said Commiss ion ers to g-rant to such person u fr esh license which shall issue m lik emanner as i f the Same were au orig-inal license and. shall comprise the Iands included in such two or more licensesuud such new license shall have such number given to it as to the said Commi ssioners shall seem fit.

5. Every application for a new or separate licen se sh all b e in writing and shall be signed b'Vth e applicant or byhis Agent or solicitor nnd shall sta te the nam es of th e per son or per 50US to whom the orig inal Iicenee or licenses wasor were granted and also th e nam es of th e persons th en entitled to th e di tlercnt p ortions of the lands comprised insuch license or licens es and 8h:\11 he accompanied by a plan of th e land s showing th ereon the b oundaries of thedifferent p or ti ons for which separate or new licenses are required.

6. Every such applicati on ns afor esa id sha ll he lodged in th e office of the Chief Corumi seioner of the said , r asteL ands Board at leas t eigh t weeks previous t o the day up on whi ch such applicat ion sh all be heard a nd noti ce of suchapplicat ion sh all he gin'n h)" the Ohi ef Commissioner by ad vertiseme nt in at least one ne ...yspaper published in thesuid Pro...inc e once every week for suc h period as aforesaid and the expens e of su ch notice sh all be b orne by theapplicant .

i. The 'Yast e Lands Board m ny r equire the sa id land s t o b e re-sur-reyed and the re upo n th e applicant sllalldeposit wit h th e Treasur er of the Board th e esti mated cos t of such re-survey. Th e Chief Surveyor sh all as soo n asp r uct ienbl e ma ke such re-sur vC'r and the divis ion or divi sion s in ea ch case r esp ectiv ely sha ll be mad e and mar-ked b'l.the Chi ef Surveyor on the public map s in his charge and sha ll be bindin g and concl usive up on all parties co nce rne •

s. K othi ng in th is Act containe d sha ll hp deemed or tak en or cons t rued to give to the person or pe rsons to whomsu ch ne....... liCP Il SC'S :;h811 be iss ued po wer t o take up UDy ad di tion al pre-em ptive rig-ht s beyond such as th e holder orh older s of th e ori gin al licens e or licenses would have been ent itled to take up und er such license or licenses.

9. Th ere sha ll h e paid t o the R eceiver of Land R evenu e for th e snid Province for each l icense issu ed und er th eauthor ity of this Act the sum of one p ounu such sum to be paid by th e p er son t o whom :mch license is issued.

10. "--h enen 'l' an y land \r ithin a proclaimed t ownship in the Pro\-inr e of Cantorb ury her et ofor e has b een orher ea fter sh all be witlulrnwn from any g'oldfield for th e purpose of sule it shall be la wful for the Supe r inte ndentnp on the r C'comm endation of th e Provincial Council to declare b.'· proclamnt;on in the Pro\;ncial GoverJl l1untG.(z eti c tha t any pa lt of such lund which shaH at the tim e of suc h withdrawal be lawfu lly occup ied a nd have up on itlJllil Ji ngs of the .... l\lue of no t lsss thn n twenty-fi....e pound s Hhall be o lle- reel fo r sale to th e per son in la ...yful occupationof such land at a H'3:etl price and upon th c like r ecommend ati on to tix th e price at wh ich suc h lnnd.sh3ll be so olle redI f sU('h oiler he acc("pte rl in wr it ing within tw'O month s aft er a not ice th er eof Hh all have b een pu blish ed ill th o Pro·vincinl GfJl."e)·nment Gazelle it sh n11 be lawful for t he \\~1l 5tc L:md s Uoarll t o sl:'ll ,'HIch land to such p er son at suchfixed p ric e. l) rovitlcd that every suc h sa le sha ll except as rpgnrds th e pr ice t ak e jlluce up on th e condi ti ons in1.efer encc to the sn lc of town lands pr cscriherl in th ~ ,V aste Lun d Reg-ulati ons of t le said Pro'rin ce nnd if suchol1er as aforesnid b" not so acct'pted within SUC'l l p eri od such lan d ~hnn t-C'sold by nucti on in th e ol'diuaQ· mannerpres cribed in ~uch l'C'gnlnt ion s Rnd at 8uch upset p rice ns ma~r it } eac h <':15(' 1,(' d C' t€'rmiu ed b.y th e Superinten~C'D t andr-r oTincinl Cou nc:11 - -

During t he:Se~s ion of th e General Asse-mhly just p assed a Dm wac;b rou ght in alt eri ng th e R egulationg, in so far nsfencing or impro'rcment pre~C'mpti ,"c rights are conce-rncd . All right 'l of this description grant ed prior t o thep~ssing of the Act are declared Yalid, but none will he granted for the future .




F. E . Stewart (P resident), J. S. Williams, B. wu.kin, and George H ar t.P RonNCaL SECRETARY' S DEP.~RTYBlfT .

SeCl·etm·y-F. E . Stewart.Under-S ecrctarp-r-X , F . N. Blakiston.Clel·ks-T. B. Ambrose and C. Will iams


Seel'etary-F. E. Stewart.Chi~f ou-i-:«. Turn er..Assistallt Clel'k- \V . J ameson.


Tr eas1l1·e;o-F. E. Ste wart.ou-»-«. P. Thompson.


A uditOI·-J. Ollivier,Dep nty A uditol'-H. E . Alport.


Solicitor-Mr. J . S. Williams.WEST CANTERBURY GOLD F IELDS.

Secl'etm'y-James Alexander Bonar.Under-Secrctarp-r- G, S. Sale.W'm·dells-W. H . Revell, C. C. Shaw, G. G.

FitzGerald, Justin Aylmer, M. Price, and~L Keogh.

Commissionel'" Clerk-F. Eaton .W'al.dens' Clel'h-F. Guinness, C. W . H. Bowen,

P . A. Birch, A. B. Bloxham, C. G. H allidav,A. E. Tennan t, and F. Matthias. •


Chief COllll1lissionCl·-W. G. Brittan.Commissionel·s- R . Packer, F . E . Stewart, G. S.

Sale, C. Dav ie, 'I' . \ V. ~raude.

R eceiver of L and R evenue-T. W . Maude.Chief Clel'k-G. A. Reade.Second Olrrk-G. Dunnage.MessenfJer-J. B. Stan sell.


Ra ilway E nfJ i'leer-E. Dobson (E ng ineer to theLyttelton and Christc hurch Railwa.y.

Ellgillee>- alld Inspector of Roads-G. Thorn ton.Clerk of TVOI·ks-F. Lockyear. •MessenfJer-B. B. Leathwick. .


D istrict En,qinee>-- James Rochford.Assistant En.qineCl·-T. C. Frew.Drallg!ltsl1wn-E. G. Mainwaring.Accountant-F. Robin son.




OMif Sllrveyor-C. Davie.D istr ict S llrveyors-C. H . Shaw, C. Ff. Pemberton,

R. Townsend, J. Rochfort, J ames Boys, E. P .Sealy .

.Assistant Surveyors-G. Harston, L. Smith, G.Chamier .

R oad Surveyor- W . KitsonOMef Drallgl!tsman-J . \Vill iams.D raufJlttsme1l-H. J . Lewis, J. Fussell, A. Jarman,

J . F . M'Cardell, H . S. Ke lly, E . S. Leversedge,C. M. Wakefield, G. R. Barn es.


Sllr veyol' ·j n Oliarge.- J . C. Days.Dra1tghtsmen.-A . Cooper, G. H . Markham.lVr itinfJ Olerks- J. Davis, J. Rowley.


CMef District S"rveyor.-~L F raser.D istri ct Surveyors .-J. S. Browning, R. P. Bain,

G. Mueller .A ssistant Surveyors.- W . Cooper, R. Tuke, W.Hay.D rallghtsmen.-T. P erh am, E . Barnes, C. 'Welbeck,

J . Browne, .


P ort Ojfi'rm·-F. D. Gibson.H arbour Master, L y tt clton-A... Sproul.

Akaroa-R. Greaves.Timal·u-\ V. C. Beswick .Hokitika-T. Turnbull.


H ead. Station- Canterbury Depot, Armagh-streeteast. Commissioner' s Office, Herefordstreet.

Commissioner-Robert Clarke Shearman.Oink-Henry Walsh.I nspectol·s-!' . Pender, Christchurch; T. Droham,

Hokitika ; \ Yilliam H enry James, Greymouth ;and Alfred Bu ckley, Timm·u.

One Sergeant·major, 9 first -class sergeants, 8 second.class sergeants, 12 third class-sergeants, 30 first ·class constables, 12 second-dass constables, 9thi rd ·class conslables, 2 female searchers, and6 detectives .


Gaoler- Jam es R eston.Chief Wa1'der-Thomas Toppin..Assistant TVarder.-E. Cotter.Matron-Mrs. Toppin.


Gaolel '- James Reston.Ohief Wm·der-J. Arn old.



Inspector of P ost Offiees-W·. Gray.Controll er 'If Mo neg Ord ers an d Savillgs B an lt:s-

' V. PaganChief Clcrk-R. Mac alist er .D ead L ettel' C101·k-M. " Tarburton.Clerks-E..Bodley, J. B . BealeM essm gel·-H. Curry .Travelling Mail Agents -W. Gray, 111. ' V. Eliott,

It J. Goodman.


Mill istel' f or Colon ial D ej'C/lce-lIon. Colonel T.11. Haultain.

Ullder-Seeretar.y-Captain J. lIolt .Chiej' Clerk-F. StevensClerks-H. Hartwright, T. W. Lewi s, J . B . Carr,

'V. J . lIIorpeth, A. Bough ton.M essengel·-J. Casey .


J . E . FitzGerald .


.A.,oditOi· of P ublic A reo,m ts-Charles Knight, M.D.Chiej' ou-s-:». RJlIC101·ks-C. H . Snow, J. G. Anderson, .las. Davis,"T.H arris on, R. E. E. P limp ton, O. " 'akefield,

G. M. Nation, R. O'C onn er, L . R oskrugc, M.Kilgour.

M esscllger-J. Cole.


Secretarp for Crow" L mods- Hon. Alfred Domett.Olerks-ll. J. Masters, ,,-alter Grey, II. E. Leadam,

O. Samuels.DI·aughtsmall- J . W . A. Marchant,Assistant lJralt.qhtsmOl,-G. Fannin .M essellgei·- J . H uett.


Commiss ioner OrCl/s tolns-Hon. J . C. Richmond.S ecreta l'y- W iIliam Seed.Clerks- W. France, H . W. 'Villiams, J . lIaIse.


R egistrOl' Gmera l- J . B . Benn ett.D ep " ty R egistrar asui Chiej' CIC/·k - W . E . Teague.Cler ks-E. J . Von D adelzen, G. Allen .

R eq istrar General of L and an d D eeds, also LandClai ms CommissionC/', mod Secretarpfor CrownLands-lIon . Alfred Domett,

S ecretaru , also R eg istra,' of D eeds at W elling ton­J. E. Smith .

ou-i-:«. G. Wilkipson.


M arine E llgineer- James M . Balfour.




GOVel'nor's Private SeCl'etal'y- Rev . Freder ickTha tcher

D espatch. Clerk-A. lIL Smith . . .A ide-de-Camp -lIIajor W . Grey, Mili tary Tr amM essenger-" ·. WiddopN ati ve Orderly-Hod Kerei


The Honourables Edward W illiam Stafford, Th eo­dore Mi net Haultain, W illiam Eit zhorbert,J ohn Ilull, James Crowe R ichm ond, John Lar ­kins Cheese Richardson

Cl erk of tho COImcil-Foster. ~oring .Secretary to th o Cabinet-Wilham Gisbome


Colonial Secretary-Hon. E . W . StaffordUnder-Secretarp-«'Villiam GisborneChiej' Clerk-A. C. P. MacdonaldCle,·ks-H. J . H. Eliot t, E . F . Norris, W . J .

K enny

Confidentia l. Clerk to P"ime Minist ei·-E. Wake­field.

Chiej' M essenger O7"l H ousekeeper-D. K eefe.M essenger-J . FItzgerald .


Colonial. Treas!o·er-Hon. W . Filzherbe rt .A ssistant Treas ltr01'-Jonas Woodward.A ceo'm ta" t- C. T. Batkin.Chiej' Clerk and Cashier-W . Best.F irst Clerk, A ccoun tan t'« Offiee-J. C. Gavin.Clel·ks-W . V. Stevens, J . H . Gillard, T. T. Cut-

bush, 'V. ;\Inson, J. :MeGowan, W. G. Holds.worth.

M es. enger-J. C. Cole.


A tt orn ey- Gcneral-James P rendergast .A s. istant Law Officer-Robert H art.


Cldef Clerk- R. G. Fo unta in .Clerk-C. J . A. Haselden .Mes. enge'·-J esse Huett.

NATIVll DE!'AR TllE lf T.

Under-S ee>'etary - W illiam Rolleston ,A'sistant S ecretary-H . HalseT ransla tor- 'Valt er Puekey .Clerks- To E . Yo ung, S. C. G. Vickers, Me ti

P ene Tau e.


P ostma.ter Gm eral-Hon. J olm H all.& cretary;-G. Eliott Eli ott.


District: Ro ad B OO7'ds-Ashburton, Avon, Cour ­ten ay, Cust, Ell esmere, Ger aldine, H eathcote,Halswell, Kowai, Linc oln , Little River, TheL evels, Malvern, Mount Cook, Oxford, Okain'sBay Pigeon Bay, P ort Levy, Port Victoria,R akaia, Mandeville and Hangiora, Rieearton,Spreydon, Springs, Templeton, Town of Ak a­roa and Waianui District, Warmate, Waipara .


Chiej'Insp ector-P. B. Boult on .I n6pectors-llenry Scarv ell, Andrew P aters on, R,

Holderness, W. P alfrey .OTIIER OP EICE RS.

Pro"i" cial Geologist-Jul ius Haast, F.R.S., &e.M eteorolo/lieal Offi eer-R. L. H olmes. .K eep er of' Public Records- A. F . N. Blakiston ,Edueati"" Commiss io"ers-Hon . H . J . Tancred

(chairman), J oseph Brittan, G. Gould, T. W .Mau de, 'Vm Mon tgomery .

H ealt h o.ffieer for the Port of Lyttelt on (un derthe Quarantine Regu lations, 1864)- W illiamDona ld, R. M. The Board consists of theHealth Officer, one or more Justices of thePeace, and the superior Officer of Cus toms atthe Port.

H ealth Officer f or H ok it ika-G. Lemming.D eputy H ealt h Officer-ToTurnbull.Inspector of S c1100Is-J. P . Rcstell ,Administrator of Charitable Aid-R. R. Armstrong.Inspector of Weight s and Measu res-R . Brunsden,R egi strar of Brands- G . Turner. .Revish'g Commissioner of the Ratepayer.' R olls

for the Road D ist" icts- J oseph Bes wick.Poultdkecpers -Christchurch, Charles Allison, jun. ;

Kaiapoi, M. Lyn skey ; R angiora, J . W . Heath ;Ab roa, R. Williams; 'I'imaru , J . Melton ; Ash­burton, ' V. Turton; Leeston, J . Car ston ; Lyt­telton, J. Illingsworth; Templeton , R . Haw­k ins.

L ibrarian-R. L . Holmes.M essenger-R. Whish.B Olli ekeep er-MIs. P otton.


Oxford (I) -G. L. Lee.Papanui (2)-T. S. Duncan, F. E. Stewart.PO/·t Victoria (2)- T. H . Potts, .A.. Hornbrook .Rakaia (1)-.1. Hall.Ranqiora (I)-J. E. Brown. .Riccarton. (2)- F . W . Delamain, H. D. J ohn stone.S eadouni (l)--A . K. Matson.Sefton. (2)-.1. H . Moore , W. M . Maskell.S elw.yn ( I) - E. J ollie.Ti mar" (I )-H. Belfield.W aimate (I) - G. Bu ckley .W ain ui (I)-H. Buchanan .W aip ara (l)-J. W . Malloek.W aitan.qi (I)-E. Gray.W e.tland (2)-E. Barff, C. H oos.


A ssistant lVal'ders-Daniel F ryen, Samuel Rout.ledge, E. T . W oodhead, J . Reston, F.Dog~erty,C. J . Fox, T. Mercer, J. McCabe, W . W Ilson,w . Foley and J. Read.

Overseer 'If H ard LabOlll' Gang- ' V . P . J ones.M atron-Mrs Reston.


Gaoler-William Dale.CMej' Wardcr-J ohn Kidd.


Commissioners-W. Donald, R . R . Armstrong, J .T. Rouse, F. D. Gib son.

Chiej' Officel·-R. R. Armstrong.A ssistant Officer-David M . Mackay.Cl e"k-John Ed win March.Tm miqrat ion. A.'1ent at T imarlt- W . C. Beswick.Barrack Master and Matron at Christchurch-

Arth ur and ~Irs. Smith.Barrack lJIaster and Matron at Qltarantin~ S ta ­

tion, Cump Bay-John and Mrs . Galbra ith .


V isiting P h.ysician- J. S. Tl~l"I1bull, M. D.Visitin.q SU1'!lco,,-ll. H . Prins, M. R.C .S.H onse Su rgeo"-L. Powell, M .R.C.S.lJispens01·-R. Cook.M atron-Mrs. R Cook.S U"geon to P oli ce, I mmi,qration Barracks, atlCl

Gaol-J. W . S. Coward.


M edical Officer.<-Drs. Donal d and Rouse.Matron-Mrs. M . Edmiston .


M cdica l OjJicer-J. W. S. Coward.S teward-E. W. Seager .Matro,,-Mrs. Seager.

A karoa (I)-C. J. Waeckerle .A shburtoi (I)-W. C. Walker.H av s (i)-R. ll. Rh odes.Chr istchurch «t) -F. J. Garrick, J . G. H awk es, H .

W . Williams, W. ·Wilson .Gel'aldinc (I)-A. Orm sby.Grcpmnuth (1) - .1. A. W hall .H eat hcote (3)-W. Mon tgomery, J . S. Williams,

W . T. L. Travers.H ok itika (2)- .1. A. Bonar, M . Cassius.Kaiapoi (1)- .1. W ylde.Eincol n. (2)-H. .1. Taner ed, A. C. Knight.Lyttelton p.) - D. D avis, E. A. Hargreaves, H. P.

lI1urr ay-Ayn sley, J. G. Fy fe.M andeville (2)-C. Hi llya rd, M. Di xon.M Ott/,t Cook (I) -J. n. Sheath.

8peaker-H. J . Tanered.Chai"man qf Committees- J . W ylde.Clerk-H. B. Quin.

48 49




Cant erbury-W. T. L. Travers.Otago-A. W . Smith.SoutWand-T. xr. Macdo nald .



Otago Goldfields- Henry J . Cope.

COlfSULS .~ lfD COliSULAR AGENTS.France-Achille Hubault, Consular Agent, Auck­

land.Portu~al-Edmund Quick, Consular Agent, D une ­

din ,United States of Amer ica-F . Leavenworth, Consu l,

Bay of Islands ; Henry Dr iver, Consular Agent,Dunedin.

Denmark-Louis Bucholz, Consul, Auckland; E d­mund Quick, Vice Consul, Du nedin.

Belgium-Ernest Louis B ucholz, Consul. Auckland .Hans 'I'owns-s-H cnry Houghto n, Consul, Dunedin .


Sweden and Nor way-Edmund Quick, OonsularAgent, Dunedin.

Italy-M. Guieseppe Biagi, Consul General, )1el.bournej Ernest Louis Bucholz, Consular Agent,Auckland; F . Thompson, Consular Agent,Christchurch; E . B. Cargill, Consular Agent,D unedin.

Netherlands-J. 'V. P . 'an Amstel, Consu lGeneral, Melbourne.

H amburg-h-Otto ' Viesenhavern, Consul, Nelson;F. E . C. A. Nehse, Acting Consul, Nelson.

Chili- James Burtt, Consul, Auckland ; EdmundQuick, Consular Agent, Dunedin.


Auckland-H is Honor John Williamson.Taranaki-H is Honor Henry Hobert Richmond,H awke's Bay-His Honor Donald McLean.Wellington-His Honor Isaac Earl Featherston.Nelson-His lIonor Oswald Curtis.Ma rlborough-His Hono r William Henry EyesCanterbury-TIis Honor William Sefton Moorho use.Otago-llis Honor J ames Macandrew.SoutWand-IIis IlonaI' John Parkin- '1'aylor;.

Lioutenants-1867: David Davis (No.1, Lyttelton),.12th April; Albert Cull' (No. 2 L)'ttelton) ,17th IIIay; Alfred George Horton (Timaru),isu, April.

Second Lieutenants-lSI37 : George Tayler (No. 1,Lytle!ton), 12th April; John Ring (Timaru) ,ISth April.

H onorary Assistant Surgeon-1S67 : Edward Buller(Timaru), 18th April.

E~GINEER VOLUliTERRS.Captain-lS67: Alexander Lean, 4th )[ay.Lieutenant-1SI37: Edward Dobson, 7th June.Second Lieutenant-IS67 : Francis Pavitt, 4th ~Iay.

Assistant Surgeon-1S66: Joseph ravid Frankish,:M.D., 213th Juno,

RIFLE VOLUNTEERS.Captains-1S6t : Crosbie 'Yard (No .1 Company,

1st Battalion), 26th October. lS136 : J osephBeswick (No.5 Company Ist Battalion), 15th·F ebruary ; Gcorgo Holmes (No. S Company1st Battalion), 13th Juno; Richard JnmosStrachan Harman (No.2 Company I st Bat ­talion), 7th Juno; William 1Ifiles Mas kell(No .3 Kawai Company). 10th October; Philip1Villiam Fendall (No.7 'I'unnru Company),22ml November. lS137: Charles Sale (Xo. 10Oxford Company), 15th April; Henry Hinge(No.9 Woodend Company), 30th lIIa,Y; JamesGeorge IIawkes (No.6 Company), 25th June ;James Poole (No. ·t Rangiora Company),22ndJuly.



L ieutenan t -Colonel- 1S67 : IIenry ElmhirstReader, Sth J uno,

Major-1S66: George Packe (Rille Volunteors),12th April.

Adjutant-1S66 : Charles Cecil Rookes (Captain),9th April.

Surgeon-1S66 : Courtney Nedwill, )I.D:, 20lhAugust.


Captains- l S64 : John Cracroft Wilson, C.B., 26thOctober. lS65: 'Villiam Sefton Moorhouse, 30thJ anuary.

Lieu tenants-ISM : Colin Campbell Aikman, 27thOctober. l S66 : Henry W illiam Packer, 4thSeptember ; Frederick Strouts, I fith -Scp tembor.

Cornets- 18613 : Henry Slator, 14th Septcmbcr ;F rank Slce, 15th September; George D uncanLockhart, 17th September,

Surgeon- 1SBB l Henry lIorsford Prins, HthSeptomber.

Veterinary Surgeon- 181313: Thomas H ill, UelSeptember.

ARTILLERY VOLr;""TEERS.Captains-1 S66: William IIenry Harg-rea,es

(Lyttelton), 113th J uly ; Thomas Ritchie,(No.2, Lytlelton), 7th September. 18137 :Edward Cardalo (Timaru), I Sth April.


Auck land-R. F . PorterTaranaki-W. S. Atkinson.IIawke's Bay-P. Bourke.We llington-W. R. E . Brown.Nelson and Marlborough-c-R. Pollock.Can terbury-J. E. Graham.Otago-George B rodie.Southfand-F. Nutter.


Auckland-A. Boardman.WellinO'ton-'W. R. E. Brown.Hawk.!s Bay-G. E . G. Richardson.Nelson and Mnrlborougli-e-Robert Pollock.Canterbury H . H. de Bourbel.W estland-E. W . J ones.

JlIdgel-JohnRogan,~. A. ~. Monro, F. ~. :MAn.ning, T. H. Smith, WIl son B. WhIte, W.Lyon .

T ,·<t/ula to,·-C. )faxwell.Ohi".! Olel"7c-A. J. Dickey.Olerl.:- W Bridson,Messe>lgel·- J . Macnamarn.


Auckland-e-T, Beckham .W ellington, W ang-anui, H awke's Bay, and Marl ·

borough-C. D. R. Ward.Otago Goldfields-W ilson Grey ,W estland-E dward Clarke .


Auckl and-F . M. P . Brookfield.Taranaki-T. Standish .W ellinO'tou-C. B. Izard.Napier::"J. N. Wilson.Nelson-H. Adams.Canterbury-e-'I', S. DuncanOtaeo-e-B. C. H aggi tt.Southl and-I'. M. Macdonald.W cstland-J. H. O'Loughlin.


Christchureh- J. 'V. S. Coward.Ashburton-A. C. Croft.H okit ika-S. Beswick.H avelcck-W. II. Pilliet.R aiapoi-C. Dudley.Timaru-B. ' Voolleombe.Dunedin-c-T. xr. Hocken.Waikouaiti-J. W . Murdock.I nvercargill-J. F . D eck.Clutha-J. G. Smith.Arrow- J . Douglas'l'okomairiro-J. Dewe.

I Clyde-H. W . Robinson .Oamaru-T. ' V. Parker.'I'uapeka-E. Croker.Brighton-C. Broad.West Taicri- J. Fulton.Queenstown-e-P. Beetham.Port Chalmers-D. O'Donoghue.Hamilton and Naseby-John Nugent Wood.Swilzers-H. A. Stratford.

Ohief J udge-F rancis Dart Fenton.

Au ckland-H an. D . Pollen.Hawke's Bay-His Honor D. )feLean.

SUPREME COURT.Oldej'J,tStice-Hon. Sir Georg-e Alfred Arney, Knt.,

Auckland and Taranaki Districts.Actillg Judge-ilia Honor Joseph Schrode r

Moore .rursxn JUDGES.

H is H onor Alexander John Johnston, Wellingtonand Napier Districts.

H is Honor IIemy Barnes Gresson, CanterburyDistrict .

His Honor Christopher Will iam Richmond, Nelsonand Westlaml districts.

His Honor Henry Samuel Chapman, Otago andSouthland Districts.


Canterbury- SoJ . Stedman.Otago -:;\I, Chapman.


Inspector of S teamers aad S autical .d.sseSIOl"­Robert J ohnson.

I Il.•ipector of S teamers aad Ellgilleel" S IIl""cgOl'­.Joseph Na ncarrow.


Oo",missiona-Hon. .J. C. R ichmond. .8 ocl"etal"g and Dep ltty Commissioner-C. 1'. Batkin..d.ccoltlltant-R. S. F. Parsons.S tamp er-R. Macalistcr, jun.


T elegl"apli Ellgillw'-Alfre<l Sheath.G enera t Jfanagcl"- C. Lemon..d.ccOlmtallt-A. B. Sheath.Clel"7cs-H. Postlethwaite, u.xr. ) 1oseley, G . Gra y,

F . Maynard.Electrician-I'. Varley.M ecllanician-II. Smith, Assistant, De Sortet.S torekeep er-i- Ii: Kent.


D il'octor-James Hector, M.D.Cl81·7c-R. B. Gore.Drauqhtsman, efc.- J . Bu chanan.L aboratory As sista nt- W . SkcyMessm ge,' ami JIltse,w. A ssistant-r-1V. Rayer,


Govol"llment P";llt81 '-George D idsbury.Ovel"seer-James Costall .S" b-Overseer - J . Burna.B eailel"-, V. Keleway.P rinter of Stamps-J. Davies.L itllOgrap hcr - J. Earle.Govel,,.,,,ellt Siorekeeper-e-L. J . Chcrritt.


O"orsee,~R. H . Huntley.


Cam lryAr till eryE ngineersInfan try



L ieu tenan ts-1866 : J oshua P or ter (No . 5 KaiapoiCompany 1st Battalion), 15th F ebruary ;Charles Pember ton (No .3 Kowai Company),22nd November ; Stanley B riscoe Seymour(No. 7 Timaru Company), 22nd Noyember.1867 : Charles Trem tt (No. 10 Oxford Com­pany) , 15th April ; W illiam D eTroy (No . 1Company 1st Battalion), 2nd Apr il ; N athanielW olfe, (Ko. 6 Company), 25th June; CharlesL ezard (No. 9 Woodend Company) , 30t h)fay ; Aug ustus Frederick N oel Blakiston(N o. 2 Company), 21st Aug ust.

E nsigns - 1865: George Crawford Black (No . 5Company 1st Battalion). 9th J anuary. 1866:Samuel Denning Glyde (No.6 Compa ny) , 5thApril; George Fitzmaurice (No .8 Company1st Battalion), 6th June; John Thomson (No. 4.Rangiora Company), 27th October; 'Wil liam'Whitwell Beswick (No . 7 'I'imaru Compa ny),19th December. 1867 : Walter Ry de (No .10 Ox ­ford Company), 15th April; Cha rles Allison(No.1 Company 1st Battalion), 2nd April;Alfred Maskell (No. 3 Company), 12th June;William Langley P owell (No. 9 ' VoodendComp any.)

8urgeon-1862: J ohn Thomas Rouse, 22nd March.Assistant Surgeons-1866: William Borrowdale

Tr ipe (No. ,1 Company), 27th September ;Matthew Morris (No . 3 Kowai Company),19th October; Charles ,,'elch (No.9 W oodendCompany), 5th November ; 1867 : HowardRees (Ko . 10 Oxford Company), 10th June.

Li eutenan t- Colonel, 1; Major, 1. Captains-Ca.valry, 2; Artillery. 3; Engineers, 1 ; Infantry,10 ; Staff, 1. Lieutennnts-e-Cnvglrv, 3; Artil·lery, 3 ; Engineers, 1; Infantry, 10. Ensigns,Second Lieutenants, and Coruets-e-Cavalry, 3 ;Ar tIllery, 3; Engineers, 1; I nfantry , 10.Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons-Cavalry, 1;Artillery, 2; Eng-ineers, 1; Infantry, 4. Totalofficers of all ranks, 61. Hank and File:-

Sergeants Privates9 55

12 1504 61

40 600



H onorary L ieutenant Colonel-1865 : J ohn LarkinsCheese Ri chardson, 1st September .

Li eut enan t Colonel-1866 : J ohn Cargill, 26thJune.

Maj or-1866: J ohn Bathg ate (1st Battalion), 26thJune.

Adjutant-186u : John James Atkinson, 29thJ anuary.

Surgeon-1866 : E dwarde Hulme, M.D., 26th June.


Captain-1866 : And rew McFarlan d (Dunedin), 20thApril.

Lieutenant-1867: Archibald Hill Jack (Dunedin),7t h June.

Surgeon-1865: Charles H enry Hardy, M.D.,8th March.


Cap tains-1865: Frederick J oseph Moss (No. I,City Guards 1st Battalion) , 2nd August; Al­fred J ones (Bruce Company), 26th December;J ohn Borton ("Waika,i Company 1st Battalion),28th December; Richard Seward Can trel(Sout h District Rangers 1st Battalion), 29t hD ecember; Art hur J ohn Burns (North Dune­din Company 1st Battalion), 30th December.1866: W illiam Alexander Tolmie (No . 2, Com­pany 1st Battalion), 15th August; J ames Ful.ton (Wes t Tnieri Company), 14th Nove mber .

Li eut enants-e-Ibfl-l: \\Tilliam Kirkeal"y (No. 2,Dunedin Scottish 1st Battalion), ~5th October.1865: William Shand (South Di-trict R an gers1st Battalion), 30th March ; Dav id Mann,High School Cadets, 1st Battalion}, 28thAu gu st ; H enry Hurroway (N orth D une dinCompany 1st Battalion) , 26t h December;R ichard Longfield Da vis (No . I City Guards1st Batt alion), 28t h December ; J mnos Foth er­ingham (Oamaru Company), 30t h December;T homas Shand (East Taieri Company), 30thD ecember. 1866: William N . Robert son(Waikari Company 1st Battalion) , 21th June ;Edward P etit (Bruce Company), 2·1Ih Decem­ber. 1867: " Tilliam M uray (West TaieriCompany), 8th J anuary. .

E ns igns- 1865 : J ohn Jamieson (No . 2 D unedinScottish 1st Battalion) , 29th December; J ohnMcKella r (North Dunedin Company Ist Bat ­talion) , 29th December; Nathaniel Youn gArmstrong ' Vales (Xo, 1 City Guards 1stBattalion), 30th December; John Locke(Oamarn Company), 30lh December; J ohnTough (Waikari Rangers Ist Battalion),30thDecember; J ohn And rews (East Taieri Com­pany), 30t h December. 1866 : Jo hn Dewe(Bruce Company), 24th Dec ember.


Cap tains-1866: W ill iam Thompson (Port Chal­mers Company), 7th July. 1867 : 'ViUiamStavely (D unedin Company), 1Mh Feb r uary.

Lieut enan ts-1866: J ames Blain Robertson, (P ortChalmers Cam pnny), 7th .Iuly,

Sub .•Lieut euan ts-1866: W illiam Goldie (PortChalme rs Comp any, 7th July. 1867: WilliamSt ewart (Dunedin Company) , 8th April.

Surgeon-18B5: Thomas Morelan d H ooken, \lthMarch.



Captain-1865: "Iat thew I nstone (R iverto n), 18thOctOber.

Acland, J ohn Ba rto n Arundel, Mount Peel, Can-terbury

Adam, J ames, Tokomarir o, Ot agoAllen, J ohn , Onmaru, OtngoAyns ley, H ugh P ercy ::IIurmy, Riverlaw, Canter­

buryArchibald, Thomas Barto n, ::IIount Bengel' Gold-

fields, Ota goArmstrong, H arry, Winton, Sout hlandAylmer, Just in, Ross, '"estland

Back, Alexander, Ch ristchurchBaldwin, W illiam, ' Vaitahu na, OtagoBealey, Samuel, Christch urc hBeetham, Richmond, ' Vakatipu, OtagoBell, Francis D illon , D uned inBelfield, H erb er t, Timaru, CanterburyBeswick, 'Villiam Cocker ill, 'l'imaru, CanterburyBirch, Josiah, K niapoi, Can terburyBlakiston, Charles Robert, Christch ur chBlacklock, J ohn , I n ver cargi llBorton, J ohn, W akar i, OtagoBowen, Charl es Christopher, Ch rist ch urchBonar, James Alexan der, lIokit ikaBoys, J ohn Cowell, Ramriora, CanterburyBr nigan, St. J ohn, D uned inBrittan, J oseph , ChristchurchBrittan, 'Villiam Guise, Hn lswell, CanterburyBroad, Lowth er , Arrowtown, OtagoBrodi e, George, DunedinBrown, J ohn Thomas, Mount Brown , Can terburyBuchanan , Andrew, lIamilton's D iggings, Ot agoBurns, Ar thu r J ohn, DunedinBradshaw, J ames Bonn, Queensto wn, Otago

Calder, W illiam Henderson, InvereargillCampbell, Michae l Scott, 'I'imaru, Can terburyCampbell, Hobert . jun ., Lindis, Ota goCarew, W alt er J ohn. Lincoln road, CanterburyCargill, J ohn, D unedinCargill, E dward Bowes, D unedinCass, Thom as, Christc hurchChalmers, Nat haniel, InvercargillChalmers, Gerit Alexander, Miller's Flat, OtazoChapman, Robert, Dunedin "Clapeott, H enry, D unedinCookson, Isaac Thomas , Chris tchurchCowan, Cuthbert, Ilokannni , SouthlandCox, Alfred, Tal bot Forest" 'I'imaru, CnnterburyCroker, Edward, Lawren ce, OtagoCunningham, Andrew Hunter, Rangiora, CanterburyCuthbertson, John Hobert. ' Vaiau, SoutWandCutten, William H enry, Dunedin

Deane, Robert, H eathcote, CanterburyDewe, John, 'l'ok omai riro, OtagoDick, Thomas, DunedinDonald, William LytteltonDudley, Charles, Kai apoi, CanterburyDundas, John Franci s, InvereargillDouglas, James, F rankton, Otago

E lles, Andrew J '.'mieson, I nverear gillEnys, J ohn Danes, We st Coast Road, Canterbury

Fenwick, Fairfax, Otepopo, Otaz oF enwi ck, George Thomas, Otep.;'po, OtagoF illeul, W illiam Gabriel, Oam ar u, OtarroFitz Gerald, Gerard George, H okitika "Fullert on, Blair, Pl easan t River, Ot ac oFulton, J ames, W est Tai eri, Ot ago eF cra nd , J ean Desire, Clyde, Ota go

Gib son, Frederick D enham, LytteltonGilli es, J ohn , DunedinGilli es, J ohn Lill ie, 'I'okomariroGraham, J ames Edwin, Christchur chGr ay, E rnes t, Tim aru, Can terburyGr ey, Wilson, DunedinGr eaves, Rob ert, Akaroa, CanterburyGr eenstr eet, Charl es .Hawkin, Ashburton, Canter -

buryGrigg, J ohn, Chri stchurchGilchrist, J ohn Campbell, Oam aru, Otag oGle eson, .Michae l Sherlock, Hampden, Otago

Haggit, Bryan Cecil, DunedinHall, George 'Villiamson, 'I'imaru, Can terburyH all, J ohn, ChristchurchH all, Thomas " Tilliamson, Timaru, Can ter buryHamilton, W illiam J ohn \\' arbu rton, LytteltonHamilton, James, Hamilton 's, OtagoHankinson, Donald, Te Anau, OtagoIIarm an , Richard J ames Stracha n, Christch urchH arris, J ohn H yde, D unedinHassel, J ames, Oamaru , OtagoH aughton, Charles Edward, Arrowtown, Otazo­Hickson, J ohn Smith, Dunstau Creek, Otago"H ig gins, Robert Luke, Cust Valley, CanterburyH odgkinson , Sam uel, R iver ton, SouthlandH olmes, Matthew, Southland

J ohnston, \\'illiam, DunedinJohnston, David, GreymouthJollie, Francis, 'l'ima ru, CanterburyJones, J ohn Richard , Matanik a, ' l aikouaiti, OtazoJ ollie, Edward, Christchurch e

Ke ogh, Michael, W estlaud, Can terbury

Lance, James Du P re, Ri ccarton, CanterburyLatter, Edward Circui t, Ak aron, CanterburyLawlor, Daniel Shea, Ri" er ton, SoutWandLean, Ale" and er, Christehu rehLee, Edward, W est 'l'aieri, Otag' )Lee, George Leslie, Hangiora , CanterburyLee, Edward James, Leeston, CanterburyL?we, 'Villiam And erson, l\Ianuherikia, OtagoLlghtband, Georg e William Wales, Twelve·Mile-

Township, CanterburyLloyd, George, Gr een I sland, Otago

Macdonald, William Kenneth, Orai'i, Cantcrbur,


Til E following is a summary of the provisions of the Staill p Duties Act :-'I.'bere arc four Schedules to the Act . Th e first contains th e duties on deeds and o~hcr instr umen ts

r elliting- to transactions between living perso!,s; the second.. the duties on proba tes of WIlls and I" t ter s 0:lulwillislra tion ; the th ird, the du ties on legae~es and sucees.slOns to personal eS,tate llI'.der any testamental',)di spo, ition or upon intestncy ; the fourth, dulles on successio ns to real and per.ollR l estate.

BIR TIIS-The birth of every chi ld mu st he regis~ered by tho parents! or .some l'ersol~ acting in th eirIf . hi ··t . two days includinz th e day of birth. Aft er the expiration of the sixty-t wo days, a

be~d • w rt bill SIX. ~ . cd on ;ome persgn who was present at the bir th making a solemn declaration to thech~ f%~s ~/~~~ ~~O\:'ledge of th e particulars r equire d to be registered, and payil~g. a ~ee ?f l Os. ea.be, t ho ld b t f tile colonv and being under eighteen months old on arnvmg in It, may beA C lorn ou 0 "' , .registered within six months after such arrival, ' "

:M.\RRHGEs.-~[arriages are to be solemnised with op-en ~oors b; tween elghtl~ the 1110rDlng ~.nd. h ft iu the presence of tw o or more witnesses, I ersons who object to be m arried

four lU tea ernoon, iste r may be married at th e office, and in th e presence of a reg-istrnr. Personsby :, clerg.yma~ or mm~ d ~ust in the first instance gi ve notice to the reg ist rar of their district, anddesll"ou~ of t~e~ngGdmarrled tile r~aistrar will give th e;" a cert ificate that they have complied with thePay a rce 0 zs. ., an" . h' f' . t i t l r f it '11. . . . of the Act. If they ta ke thi s cort iflcate at ,t 0 time 0 gtnng no Ice, ie ~ ee 01: I . ~Ibeq.~~ t c n~e~t ~f the do not desir e it un til aft er tho lapse ot fourteen clear days f,:0111 the tune of gtn."g

e 7 " ' . u '11 Yt Iy o's The fee for marr yinff is £3. An, person mak inc a false aflirma t iononce It WI COS 011 . .L 11 "' . ~ . . .n d ' 1 ti . connect ion with a marriage an any person who sha ll forbid the issue of th eor ec ara l Oll In . (. ' . 'I f . dl'eg istra r's cert ificate hy making a false deelaration, IS g~, t.y 0 ~ nus emeanor. .

DEATils.-The occupier of a hou se .01' ten~m~llt w~thlU which a death has taken place, IS. ~ound toin form the registmr of the district th ereof wif.hin thi r ty -one day.s from the dea th . . Oil re~el"ng suchin formation tlte reg istra r mu st issue ~ ~ertI fieat~ of the same.WIthout fee or rewaI~ : Any ~c~so ,!- whoh II b ' r m any funera l or rebgIOus service for th e bu rial of l\ dead bodv, or III an r " a) dispose

8 a ury 01' per, or . . . f h • I ' I . h II tf I 'l' b I -it houc a cer tificate of a r ealstr ar , a coroner, or a just ice 0 t e peace , ant w to s a no,

o a near O( y W I " . I di . . I' bl t It f . '10wit hin two months th ereof, gi"e notice to th e regi stra r of tie ist rict, IS ia e 0 a pena yo .., .

SCllEDtiLE 1.

Agrcement , or minute or memorandum of an ag reement , under hand only where the mat ter th ereofsh all be of the vlIlue of £~O or upward s- I s.

Bills of exchange (inLmd ), for every £ 50, 01'fractional part of £50-ls.Dills of exchar-ge drawn out of th e colony , but endorsed or neg otiat ed within th e colony, the same

-duty as on an in land bill of the same amoun t and tenor. .F oreig-n bills, if drawn singly or otherwise than iu a set of two or more, the sam e duty as on an

inland bill.If drawn in sets of two, 6d., 01' if in sets of three, 4<1., for every £ 50 01' frac tional part of £50.

Promissory notes (other than payable on demand) not excee ding £25-Gd; e"c eeding £25 and no texe eeeling £ 50-1s ; and so on, I s. for every £50 and frac tional par t of £50.

P romissor.r notcs (payable on demand), issued by any Bl!nk in N ew Zealand, arc exem pt from theseduties, Blinks heing othe rwise chargeable. .

Dills of lad ing, or receipt in lieu thereof, from th e mastel', mate, or agent of an y "I""C ssel for goods e8l"licdbeyond the eolony-ls.

Con..eyanees of any kind, except transfer expressly pr ovided for by th e Act , for e,ery £ 50 or fractiona.part of £ 30 of the purchase money-5s.

. Crown grants and certificates of tiHe granted und er th e hand of the Rog istrar.General p ursu ant tothe Land Hegist ry Act, 1860, are exempt from the se duties.

Deed~ or instruments of any kind whate,cr not otherwise charged in this schedule-lOs.


Heid, Rober t Caldwell, Okarito, CanterburyR obert son, J ames l f illiam, D unstan , OtagoRogers, H enry, Orepuki, SouthlandRogers, J ames Dowling, H inds, Cant erb uryRogers, J oseph , GIenquoich, Southl andR ookes, Char les Cecil, ChristchurchR oss, George Ar thu r .iEmilius, Christ churchRussell, J ohn Charles Walt s, Rie car ton, Canter.


Sale, Geor ge Samu el, H oki tikaSehaw, Charl es Cockburn, H okitikaScott , H;enry Arthur, Lake Coleridg-e, CanterburyShand, Archibald ' Vatson, Lytt eltonSha w, J ohn, Clutha Ferry, OtagoShearman, Hobert Clarke, Chris tchurchSimms, W illiam Henry, Leithfield, Cant erburySimpso n, " ' illimn Lawr ence, Mount Benger,

OtagoSlack, Will iam Up ton, 'V-oodside, Orar i, Canter-

burySmith , James, TokomairiroSteele, David Pike, East Taieri, Otnc oStericker, Edward Glaves, 'I'imaru, Can terb uryStewart, Fr anci s Edward , Chri stch urchStodd art, Mark P ringle, Lytt eltonSt ra tford, H enry Aldb orough, Cromwell, Ot agoStr ode, Alfr ed Roland Chetham, D unedinStu ar t, Robert, )1atanraSt udholme, .Tohn, Chri stchurchStudhulmc, Mi chael, ,,-aimnte, Canterbury

Tancred, lIenry J ohn , Chris tchurch'I.'aylor, J ohn P arkin, I n vereargillTeschemnke r, William H enry , Wai tangi, Otago'I.'homson, Campbell, W est 'I.aieri, OtagoThomson, Archibald Me:llurdo, Northcote, Canter.

bury'I.'homp son, ""illiam, P ort Chalme rs, OtagoTi zard , E dward Faweon er, Okarita, Cant erb ur y'I.'odd, Andrew, E ast Tai eri, Otaao.'I.'osswill, ' Yilliam Br owning, Templeton, Canter-

bur,Townsend, R ober t, Akaroa, CanterburyTu rn bull , George, Dtmedin

Yalp y, W illiam IIcury, Forbury , Otag o

" Takefield, Edward Jernin gham , Chr istchurchW alker, Lancelot, Hieearton, CanterburyWard, Crosbie. Christchurch .' 'Vatson, J ohn, Aka roa, Canter bury' Vatt, I saac Newton , Campbelltown, SouthlandW ayn e, Frederick , Waikoumti, Ota go'Veld, Frederick Aloysius, Br aekenfield, Can ter-

bury"Tentworth, F itzwill iam, Southland'Veston, 'William, Akaroa, Cant erburyWhit<>, Thomas ' Voollaston, Timaru, Canterb uryWilkin, l{obert, Chri stchurchWill is, Alexander J ames, Dunedin" Tilson, John Cmeroft, C.B., Cashmere, Canter-

buryW ood, J ohn Nugent, N okomai, OtagoW oollcombe, Bel field, Timaru, Can terbury'Vorsley, Sept imus Lancelot, Christchurch

Youn g, IIenry, Sout hland

Mackenzie, F rancis 'Wallaee, In..ereargillMain, Da vid Forsyt h, ) 1anuherikia, Otago:Mait land, J ames, Balclu th a, OtagoM ansford , Thomas Aynstey, P or t ChalmersM ason, W illiam, DunedinM aude, Thomas ' Villiam, Chr istch urch1>1'Arthur, D uncan, I nvercargill.M'Culloch, Henry, In..ercargillM'Glashan , Edward, H oki tika~1'Rellar, Petcr, )Iataura , Southland1>1'Lean, J ohn, Oamaru, OtagoM'Nab, Alexander, Knaprlalc, SouthlandM'Neil, Alexander, ~1a t aura, SouthlandM 'Neil, Alexander, Arrllussa, SouthlandM 'l\1aster, Alexander, ' Vaitangi1>f'Pherson, .iEneas ~1'Intu,h, Ornri, Can terburyM enzi es, J ames Alexander R obert son, Inver-

carg ill:Moorhouse, 'William Sefton, Christchur ch1>loorh onse, Benjamin MIChael, Rangitata , Cant er .

bury •Moss, F rederick -Ioseph, D unedin1>1urdoeh, J ohn " "allaee, H awkesbury, Otago:Murison, James, Lin burn , OtagoMur ison, ' 'ViIliam D ick, Lin burn, Otago

N eilson, Thomson Bona r, Moun t Royal, Palmerston,Otago

N urse, Hugh, Riv er ton, Southl andNutter, Frederick , I nverea rgill

Olli vier, J ohn , Chri stchurch-Orbell, J ohn, Hawkesbury, Otago

Parker, George Babington, W aitangi River'P ro:ker, H enr y, ' Vaitangi Ri ..crPacker, Hichar d, ChristchurchPalmer, J osepb, ChristchurchPark, Rubert , Ashbn rton, Canterb ur yP arker, Tho mas ' Vindle, Oamar u, o ta gol'auli, ' Villiam Berjew, Kaiapoi, CanterburyP earson , ' ValleI' H enry, I nvercargi llPeter, ' Villiam Spence, Asbburton, CanterburyP hillip s, ITcnry, Rockwood, CanterbnryPillans, Francis Scott, I nch CJutha, Otago

. P otts, Thomas IIcnry, Governor's Bay, Canter·bury

Price, l\[att hcw, Okarita , CanterburyPurdic, 'Villimn , Du ncdin .Purnell, W illiam Kirk, Timaru, Canterb uryP~'ke, Vincen t, Dunedin

R eader, H enr y E lmh irst . CanterburyR ees, William Gilbert., OtagoR ee,es, 'Villiam. ChristchurchRe,ell, William H ort on, Greymouth, CanterburyR eyn olds, William Hunter, Du nedinRhodes, Rober t IIeaton, Papanui R oad, Canter.

bury .Rich, Francis Dyer, Bu shey P ark, Palmerston,

OtagoRich, E dwin , Waipu, OtagoRi char dson, J ohn Larkins Cheese, Pnarana,

OtagoRubinson, H enry 'Virg man, CIJ'de, OtagoR oehfort, J ohn , Chr istchurchReid , Donald, :li'or th Taieri, OtagoRolfe, Daniel, P ort Chal mers

58 59


Anchors ; anvils ; blacksmiths' bellows ; bottl es of all kinds, cmpty; cabin fur niture and effects, which

have been in usc, and not imported for sale ; carriage springs, mountings, and trimmings; cham cables

and shackles oyer i of an inch diameter ; churns; cotton waste ; copper and composition rod, bolts,

sheathing, and nails; corn sieves and riddles ; crab win ches, cranes, capstans, and windlasses; drainage

pipes and tiles; felt, for sheathing; filters; fire engines an d hose; fish oil, in bulk ; forges; gas pipes and

machin ery, and all material which may be spec ially imp or ted for the constru ction of gas works; iron

bridges, and all material which may be specially imp orted for th e cons truc tion of bridges, wharves, jetties

or patent slips ; iron - rod, bolt, bar, hoop, and pig ; iron lamp posts ; iron tanks; iron plates, rivets

bolts, nuts, screws, and castings for ships ; iron weigh bridges for carts; machinery for agr icultural pur.

poses ; ma chincry for boring, brick an d :tile making, planing, punching, sawing, shear ing, tu rning, and

quar tz-crushing ; machinery for mills and looms; machinery for steam vessels ; machinery for wool and

hay pr essing; machine saws ; maps and charts; organs, harmoniums, bells, and furniture, specially im­

ported for places of public worship; passengers' baggage; printing machinery, pr esses, type, and

materials, printing ink , and paper; printed books, pap ers, and mu sic; ploughs and harrows ; pumps and

othcr apparatus for raising wat er; railway plant, and all materials which may be_specially import ed for

the construction of railways and tramways; rope above th ree inches in circumference; sail cloth; sewing

machines; ships' blocks; ship chandlery not otherwise described; school books, states, and apparatus; soda

ash and caustic soda ; soda water machines; steam engines and parts of steam engines; tarpaulins;water pipes, not otherwise described; and all mat erial which may be specially imported for the purpose of

constructing water works, and all other articles not otherwise described.


Pipes, tobaccoPitchPlate, gold and silverPlated warePork, saltedPortmanteaus

Raspberry vinegarRiceDitto, groundResinRugs, woollen, cotton, or opossum

SaddlerySad ironsSafes, ironSago, in bulk ...D itto, in bottlc or canisterSaltpetreSaucesSashes, windowScrim cloth .. , .Shirts, na,'y, serge and Scotch twill .Ditto, white, Regatta, OrimeanShotSilk man ufactures .. .SnuffSo. 1', common ...Ditto scented aud fancy .D itto' powder and washing powder: .Soda, crystals.. . .: . •••. ...Spices, cassia, cinnamon, cloves;' glDger, mace, nutmegs, mixed and~ound spices. .. .. . .. . . "f

Spirits, and strong waters .of every kind, sweetened or othe~wlse, 0any strength not exceeding the st rength of proof by Sykes hydro­meter, and so on in proport ion for any greater strength than thcstrength of proof .. .

Spirits of tarStarch and blue .. .Stationery and account booksStcel ."Sugar , treacle, and molassesSulphurSwordsSyru ps

TacksTapioc~ , in bulk . ... .Di tto, III bottle s, Jar s or tinsTar .. .Tart aric acidTeal'iuwareTimber, sawn • ...Ditto, shinglcs and lathsDi tto, palingsD itto, postsDi tto, railsTobacco .. . .•. ...Di tto, for sheepwash, subject to its. be~g rendered ~n~t lor human

consumptio n, and to such regulations as the Commissioner of Cus­toms shall from time to time prescribe in that behalf

Tools, carpe nters' and others, not otherwise describedToys and fancy goods, not otherwise described

the cubic footthe barrel

for every £100 valuethe lb.

the cwt.the cubic foot

the'~wtthe cubic foot

the cwtthe cubic foot

the cubic footth e cwt

tho cubic footthe pair

the cubic foot

the'~wtthe cubic foot

the Ibthe cwt

the cubic foot


the lb

the gallonthe gallon

the cwtthe cubic foot

the cwt .the lb.the cwt

eachthe cubic foot

the cwt,

the cubic footthe barre l

the lb

the'~wtthe 100 ft . supl.

the 1000the 100

the'~wtthe cubic foot


£0 2 00 1 0

10 0 00 (I 30 2 00 1 0

0 " 6~

0 e 00 2 60 ~ 00 :3 0

0 2 00 1 00 4, 00 ~ 00 2 60 2 00 2 60 1 00 1 00 3 00 5 0010 00 5 00 5 00 2 G0 2 60 0 60 1 0

0 0 3

0 12 00 0 (;

0 2 00 1 00 1 00 0 10 1 00 6 00 2 G

0 4 00 2 00 2 60 1 00 0 10 0 60 4 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 2 6

0 0 30 4- 0D 1 0


Trousers, molcskin and cordTwineTubs, of woodTurpent ine

Umbrellas and parasols


Weighing machines .. .Whips and walking sticksWhiting and chalk ... ...Wine, in wood and bottle, containing less than 25 pCI' cent of alcohol,

of a specific grav ity of .825, at the temperature of 60 degrees ofFahrenhcit's thermometer, the gallon; or for six reputed quart bottl es,or twelve repu ted pint bottles .. .

Woollcn manufactures, not othe rwise cnumerated, and all articles ma'ci~of wool mixed with any other materi als

Zinc sheets, tiles, ridging guttering, piping, and rollDitto manufactures, not otherwise described


the cubic foot £0 3 0the cwt 0 2 0the nest 0 2 0

the gallon 0 0 6

the cubic foot 0 6 0

th e gallon 0 0 ethe cubic foot 0 2 6

the ga llon 0 0 6

the ewe 0 4- 0the cubic foot 0 1 0

th e cwt 0 1 0

the gallon 0 4 0

th e cubic foot 0 6 0

the cwt 0 1 0

" 0 0 4


GENERAL GOVERN:a-IENT ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.1. F orm OFTELEGRA~s.-All telegrams should be written on th e printed forms sup plied at the sta tions ~

but telen-rams written on plain paper will be receiv ed under th e following condition s :-They must belegibly ,:.'ti lt en in ink, contain a proper address, and bear a genuine signatur e in th e usual handwritingof the sender. All words mu st be wri tten in full; and it is rec ommended to writ e numbers in words.

2. TRAXS~I SSIOY OT TELEGRA-~s.-Ordinary t elegrams will be transmitted in th e order in wh ich th eyare received by the officers of th o depar tment , but if several ar e pr esented for transmission ab out th e samet ime, the office r is not bound to t ran smit more than two hundred words of anyone of such telegramsbefore the other telegrams hav e been transmitted. Offieial telegrams tak e pr ecedence of others. .

3. TELEGRA:llS IX CYrIIER.-Telegrams may be transmitted in eypher, which will be counted aceordingto the following scale :-Separate eyphers count as one word; g-roup s of five cyphers, or fraetional parts offive eyph crs, eount as one word. Groups exceeding five eyphers ar e counted at th e ra te of five eyph ers toth e ,,:ord. Any frac tional portion remaining to be counted as a word . N ote.-'Where eyphers are used,th e sende r is recommended to pay for th e repetition of the telegra~, to insure aeeumey in the transmission.

4. CA-XCELJ.INGTELEGRA){s.-If th ere should be gr eat delay in the transmission of a telegr am so as todestroy its value, notice will be sent to th e sender of such telegram, should his address be known, and homay appl y in writing to have th e telegram cancelled and the payment for it returned.


For the Trausmission of Telegrams on the Lines of Electric Telegraph belonging to th e GeRCraJGovernment of New Zealand.

I 00. ~

~ ~ ~ I~ ~_~ d d ~ j J ~ -d~...: ~ ' ·S ~ ~ ..; .§ r:: g ~ d ::i ;:j = ~ '2 .z8 ~ § A .5 \P .9 r~ ca ':9 .~ ~ ;a ] ;.g 0 9 ..=! ~ ••~ ~ ~ § ~ ~ t .5 ~ d ~ § 5 '2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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~---..-.--~ - 2 1212 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 GIG 6 6 6 7H a' clock ... .. , 2 - 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 GPieton ... .. ' 2 2 - 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6Blcnheim... 2 2 1 - 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 (; 5 5 5 6 6 6W cllin n- ton... 3 3 2 2 - 3 4 4 4 ,1 ,1 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6K aiko.:'ra 3 3 3 3 3 - 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6Cheviot 4 3 3 3 <I. 2 - I 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5Kaiapoi 4 4 4. 3 4. 2 2 , - 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 ,1 4 ,1 5 5Chri stchur ch ·1 4 I 4 4 4 3 2 1 - 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 ,1 4 5 5IIcatheote... 4 4 I 4 4 4 3 2 1 1 - 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5L yttelton 4 4 oj, 4 4 3 2 1 1 1 - 3 3 4 4 ,1 4 ,1 5 5Timaru 5 5 ' 4 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 - 2 3 3 3 3 3 4, 4Oamaru 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 - 2 2 2 3 3 4. 4W aikouaiti... 6 I) 5 5 I) 4 4. ,1 4 4 4 3 2 - 2 2 2 2 3 4Dunedin ... 6 5 I) 5 6 5 4. ,1 4 4 4 3 2 2 - 1 2 2 3 3,Port Chalmers 6 6 5 5 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 1 - - 2 2 3 3'l'okomairiro 6 6 6 5 6 5 4 4 4 4 '1 3 3 2 2 2 - 1 3 3Ralclutha 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 4, 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 - 2 3Invercargill ... 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 - 1,mull' ... 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 -

5. DELI'I"ERY OF TEI.IlGRAys.-Telegrams will be delivered frce of charge within one mile of the stationto which th ey may be addressed and transmittcd . Reyond that distance, cab or omnibus fare, or horsohire, will be charg ed as neeessary. Telegrams whieh are required to be delivere d on ship board, or aoross ,the water , will bc eharged the boat expenses ineurred.

6. All telegrams must be pre -paid .

7. The repetition of a telegr'am will be charged at half-rate.

8. All telegrams will be held as strietly eonfiden tial.




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As half.pen~e. are not admitted in the accounts, the full pcnny"iIl be charged in all eases where a half.penny­may occur. :Mmunum charge, 10 " ord•.






0 0 ~ o l~ to ~ g'"~ til ~ ~ "'g ~ "" -.... .E ~""tjc.-. I ~"t::Je..-. §",,'iI'" != 0 =0

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0 ':) S:: lo C o "I'l "" ~:;: . ~ ~ .~ ,Q I'l

P '+l <: .-------s. d. s. d. s. d. s , d. s, d. s. d.

Swnmons ... ... 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0Summons to witness ... ... 1 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0Service of sum mons, if within one mile fr om the Court-house... 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0For every extra mile, one way ... ... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0Hearing... .. . ... 2 0 4 0 6 0 6 0 8 0 10 0Adjournment of hearing on application either of plaintiff or

defendant ... ... 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 4, 0Swearing witne sses, excceding three witnesses on cither side... 1 0 1 o 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 0Entering up judgment ... ... 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 { I 5 0 6 0Writ of execution against g-oods ... ... 2 0 4 0 6 0 6 0 8 0 10 0Writ of execution against person ... .. . 2 0 4 0 6 0 6 0 8 0 10 0Executing any writ of execution belond one milo from th c

Court-house-for cvery extr a mile, one way .. . 1 0 1 0 1 0 J 0 1 0 1 0Poundage on sum levied or received under distress, or for

which the body is tak cn in exccution-for every pound... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0Forkeeping possession, per diem, any sum not exceeding ... 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0Forevery mile, one.way ... .. . 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0Auctioneers' commiesion on goods sold, not.exceeding 5 per centAdvertising, not exceeding 3s. per inch, and proportional

rates for additional linesBailiff's fee for cxecutmg any writ of execution ... 5 0 5 0 5 0 7 o 10 0 15 0For every search ... ... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0For eve~ocumentrequirediriproceeding-s,andnot enumerated

in t . schedule, not exceeding two folios of 90 words each 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0For livery complete folio of ninety words above two ... 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8


SCALE 1. 2 3 4 ,5 6 7

'" ~ '" ~ ~ '" '"'"'" "'"-e "" ...... ... .... ;... f5 Ej f:; 6 6 E8 ;...~0 '" 0

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W ords. '" .... ....... .... u3 ..a.... aj ~ ...."

"" "" ."" ~ ] 03 ] §I'l ~ 3 " I'l <=>§:;:l :;:l :;:l :;:l

~~ ~ ~ :=l ~ ~

£ s, d . £ s, d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ B. d. £ s. d.

10 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 011 0 1 0

20 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 0 1 6 0 1 8 0 1 10 0 2 0

30 0 1 6 0 1 9 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 2 6 0 2 9 0 3 0

40 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 4 0 3 8 0 4 0

50 0 2 6 0 211 0 3 4 0 3 9 0 4 0 0 4 7 0 5 0

60 0 3 0 0 3 (5 0 4 0 0 4 6 0 5 0 0 5 6 0 6 0

70 0 3 (5 0 4 1 0 4 8 0 5 3 0 5 10 0 6 5 0 7 0

80 0 4 0 0 4 3 0 5 4 0 6 0 0 6 8 0 7 4 0 8 0

90 0 4 6 0 5 8 0 6 0 0 6 9 0 7 6 0 8 3 0 6 0

100 0 5 0 0 510 0 6 8 0 7 6 0 8 4 0 9 2 0 10 0

'200 0 10 0 0 11 8 0 13 4 0 15 0 0 16 8 0 18 4 1 0 0

300 0 15 0 0 16 6 0 18 0 1 2 6 1 5 0 1 7 6 1 10 0

400 1 0 0 1 3 4 1 G 8 1 10 0 1 13 4 1 16 8 2 0 0

600 1 5 0 1 9 2 1 13 4 1 17 6 2 1 8 2 5 10 210 0

600 1 10 0 1 15 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 2 10 0 2 15 0 3 0 0

700 1 15 0 2 0 10 2 6 8 2 12 6 2 18 4 3 4 2 3 10 0800 2 0 0 2 6 8 2 13 4 3 0 0 3 6 8 3 13 4 4 0 0

900 2 5 0 2 12 6 3 0 0 3 7 6 3 15 0 4 2 6 4 10 0

1000 I 2 10 0 2 18 4 3 6 8 3 15 0 4 3 4 4 11 18 5 0 0


Minimum charge, 10 words. By" Press Telegram " is meant intelligence transmitted for bon,. fidepublication in the regular newspapers and journals.




N wnb er of Miles Distances. Per 10 Per Word. Numbcr Per 100 P er 10of Scale. WOl·ds. of Scale. Words. Words.

s, d. s, d. s. d. s. d.1 Under 25 miles ... 0 10 0 1 1 5 o 0 62 25 and und er 100 miles ... 1 3 0 Ii- 2 5 10 0 73 100 and und er 200 " .. 1 8 0 2 3 6 8 0 84 200 and under 350 " ... 2 1 0 2i 4 7 6 0 95 350 and under 500 " .. , 2 6 6 3 5 8 4 0 106 500 and under 700 " ... 2 11 0 3i- G ~ 2 0 117 700 and over ... ... 3 4 0 4 7 10 0 1 0


j t 1~ ~ d ~ ~::i ::i .3 .5 '0 ~ ..::l ~ d ~ ~ § ~ !::i~ ~ ] ~ .~ ] ~ ~ .~ ~ § ~ . .=z ~ ~ e ~ Q ~ H ~ 0 A ~ ~ ~-- --1-----------------------IDs. :>Ils. ills. ills.lMls. MIs. Mls.IMls ::>Il s. MIs. :>IIshIls. ::>Ils. IMIs.

60 80 14{)\276 288 392 296 3921

452 532, 568 682 70~60 ... 20 80 216 228 232 236 332 392 4i 2 508 622 64280 20... 60\ 196 208 212 216 312



372 4-52' ·1-88 602 622140 80 60 .. . 256 268 272 276 372 432 512 518 662 6822i6 216 196 256 ... 12 16 20 1161 176 256 292 406 426288 228 208 268 12 .. . 4 8 l ill 164 21.1 280 394 414<292 232 212 2721 16 4< ... 4 108: 168 248 284 3981[418296 236 216 2761 20 8 4 ... 1121172 252 288 4·02 422392 332 312 372

1116 101 108 112 ... 60 140 176 290 310

... 452 392 372 432 176 16,1 168 172 60.. . 80 116 230 250

... 532 472 452 512: 256 24:1, 248 252 140: 80 ... I 36 150 170

.. . I 568 508 488 548 292 280 28·1 288 176 116 36.. . 1141134

... 682 622 602 662: 406 394 398 402 2901

230 150' 11-1 .. . 20... I702 642 622 6821

426 ,114 418 422 3101

250 170; 134 20 ...

GG 67




Oldef Postmasterfor the P,·ovince- F. E. Wright .Ohief Cle,·k- T . Turrell,Cle?·ks-D. N . I nwood, J . Schrader, G . Bull, I.

Shrimpton, "'. n. Allwright, Henry Uaddison,G. J . W hitehead, C. A. Blake.

L etter Oar,·ien- W . ) 1001'e, John H . 'I'ovey, M .' V. Baynes.

M essenge,'-Thomas ITolden .


CllRISTClIURClI-Ste. en's, J aeombs', Suthe rland's,Cooke's , Dix' s,

P illar R eceicers-e-Cottxet of Cambridge Terr aceand H ereford st ree t, and Ra ilway Stati on gate.


CIlRISTCIIURCII-A. T. w. Bradwell, S. A. P ope,A. J . Stevens, - J acombs, R Robinson, J . C.Br ooke and Co., C. J . Reader .


P osimast er-s-Y, T. W. W ilkin.ou-u-:». Back, J ohn Gr ubb .E etter Cm'rie?' and ] [esse11ge?·- -W . F . Day .R eceiving OjJice,·-E. :\l ills.Pilla" R eceivers-Norwich Quay an d Dublin street .


P ostmaster-s-A . J . Stevenson ,


P ostmaster-s-T, F . :\lcBeth.


P ostmaste"-John W. " ilkin.Clerk- W . 'V. Beswick.

K.H .lPOI OFPICE.Postmaste,~James Alexander.Letter Carrier-e-S: L. Wilson .

AKAROA OFFICE.Pos tmaste r-s-C. B,·idge.


ADDINGTON- Jo hn Rankin .AROWIIENUA-T. Paterson.ASIIBURTON F ORKs-Anthony Thompson.ASIIBURTOJ;-'Vm. Turt on.BE ALEy-J. M. Mu nce.CABS R I"I"ER--­COURTElf..l.T- Charl es White.COAL 'l;RAcK-George Bedford .D UVAUCIIELLR'S BAT-John n. E. Taylor.E TREToN.- W m. Cox.FERRY R OAD-J. H. IIopkins.GOVERNOR'S BAT- Wm. Blatchford .HUEWOOD R OAD-JOhn Taylor.

IIEATIICOTE VALLET- W m. Sinclair.HE ATIICOTE RAILWATST.UION-Geo.Fitzm auricl.'.IICRuNUI-John H as tie. •K OWAl (Leit hfield)- J . S. W oodh onse.K OWAI P ,t SS (West Coast Road) -SinIon McRae.LEEsToN-Jas. Carsten.LI TTLE R I"I"ER-Wm. Coup.LITTLE AKALoA-Geo. Boleyn .L AKE TEKAPO - - -MOERAKI Dowxs-s-Johu )1 cssen t.M ALVERN Hrr.r.s-s-George Grain ger.ORAm-Thos. Wadawor th.OKAIN'S BAT- Geo. Bishop.OXFORD-Thos. W oodfield.PIGEON Bay-s-Jus. Pitcaithley.PLEASAJ;T P OINT-D. C. K ee.PREBDLEToN- James Blyth.PORT LEVy- J ames H arris.

·P APANUI- F . 1'. Haskins.HAKAlA-1'hoB. H etherin gton.RAIWIOR.l-Henry Blackett.HANGITATA-Robt . Ra e.RI CCARTolf-Frank Slee,Ror.r.nsrox-c-Patrick Gilmore .SALTWATER CREEK-D. Camer on.ST. ALBAlI's-Daniel Pine.SELWTJ;- A. Me.Don ald.SELWDI FORKs-Edward Derr ett.SJ;OWDoN-John Mar ch.SPRDWSTOJ;- ' V. J . Sercombe,TEMPLETON-Alfred Blackburn.TDlUK ..l.-Julius !lIendelson.' VAI:llATE-J. Manchester .W AITAJ;GI- D . Brown.'VOODEXD-Thos. Booth .WIlfDWIIISrLE HOUSE- B. Bu lmer.W .uIII- Chas. Bishop.W EKA P Ass-Thos R oss.




D ep ut!J Commiss ioner of Customs aud Collectorfo r Pmvince of Canterb",'!J, Comp tro ller ofCusto ms and N avigat ion L aws, R egistral' ofBrit ish Sldpping under I mperial Act of P ar ­liament, also A"ms Licensing Officer, atL .ytt elton-W illiam Mills.

L anding Snrve!Jo,' and Chief L anding lVaiter f orL !Jtt elton and Chr ist clucrch, and Imllligl'ationOfficer-Henry F . Andrews.

Oltief and Stati stical Cle"k-Doug ald l\I 'K ellar.lVal'eJlOuse I( eep 81'- f'harles W ard.P int L anding W aiter-William Town send.L anqroom Clerk and Cashie?'-Londing lVait ,,,.-Joseph Carder.Cler k- John Mill s.Pi"st L ocker-J. A. P limmer.Second L ocker-Ti de S"rve.'!or-Charles Wade.Sen ior T ide l Va it er- P eter H eddel.Tide Wa it ers-David Day, an d Alfr ed Wtlliam



Fi"st L anding Waiter - Cha rles J ames H odge .Clerk and Acting lV" r ehollse K eep e,'-Laudiug lVaite?'s-John Death and "Wilson H eaps.F irst Locker-Atkinson M'Dowell.Second Locke?'-James H enry Fysh.

Collection of Ligh t Dues, and D uties of ShippingMas ter at Lyttelton, perfo rmed by Customs Depart.ment at Lyttclton and Chris tchurch.


Locke?'- George F reeman Hewlin gs.


Sub -Collector and Arms L ice?,si1lg Office", andH arbour Maste?'- Robert Greaves,

PORT OF T.:ll ARu .

S ub-Col lector and Emmiqration. QUice,' unde" theT nip eria l. P asseuger A cts, 1855 an d 1863, andA rms L icensing Officer - Charles EdwardCooper .

Cl e,·k-A. Hart .



J udge-H is H onor H enry Barn es Gresson.J Udge's Sec,·etar.'!-Silas J ames Ste dma n .R egist"aJ'- E dward S. " ' i1eocks.CMef Ole"k-Richard D avis.S econd Cle?'k -Helll'Y Wood.T hird Olerk- W illiam Vig ersSh eriff-Alexander Back.Orow,. Solicitor-i-T, S. Duncan .M esse?tge?'-James Molloy.


Jud-'!e-liis H onor Chri stopher William Richmond.R egIstrar-Robert Abbott.Clerk-W. R. Hasleden .Sh e"iff- George S. Sale.Crown Solicitor-James H enry O'Loughlin.


C HRIBTCIIURcII- B urrell Parkerson. D ep ut.'!: T.W . Maude.

IiYTTBLTON-James Townsend .ARAROA-D. " 'atkins.TIM..l.RU-B. W oolcombe, R .M. D eputy: Herbert

Belfield.AAIAPOI-Charles Dudley, J .P.RANGIORA-W. B. Tripe.YOUNT GRET-~f. Morri s.AHURI-Hugh lIfcIlmith.AAIKORAS-C. R. Keene.()XFoBD-James Boys.

GERALDIJ;E-L. L . Br own.ASllBURTON-'V-. S. P eter.'VHSrLAND- E dward P att en .


CorouCt's- Christchureh, J . " '. S. Coward . Lyttel­ton , W . Donald. Timaru, B. ' Yooleombe.K aiapoi, C. Dudley. Ashburton, A. C. Croft .Hokitika, S. Beswick.

Oonveyancing C01l11sel"nder L aud R eg istry Act­C. J . Foster, L .L.D .

N ati ve DepaJ°tme?,t-MedicalOmcer (Banks' Peni n­sula), vacant. K ainpoi, C. D udley.

N at ive A ssessors-H aeana H uri of R aupaki .Paora Taki, of Port Lev y. '

R egist ra i' of Deeds and J oint S tock Oompanies­G. Bowron . F ir'st Clerk, George Denham.Second Clerk , A. Pinwell. Third Clerk , W .Parker .

R eceiver of L and R e,'enue-' V . J. W.Hamilton .

S"b.Treasure,·-Christehurch, 'V.J. W . Hamil ton .

I nspectors under D iseased Catt le Act 1861-Thomas Hill, JlLRC.Y.S., A. Spro ul: II. Bel .field, T. W. Hall, )1. St udho lme, rr, W ilson,H . P ark er, G. B . P ark er, n. Jl1'Murd o, 1'. B .Boult on, It. Greaves.

Mercan t ile Asse ssm's under D ebtors and CreditorsA ct-George Bu ckley , J. D . Macpherson, rhos.Ritchie, William Day.

Medical Offi ce,'s under the VaccinatiOlt Act 1863- Christchurch dist rict, L . P owell. Akaroadistri ct, D . Watkins. Kaiapoi district, Chas .Dudley . Lytt elton district, J. 1'. Rouse.Moun t Grey district, lIf. Morris. Rangioruan d Oxford dist ricts, , Yo B. Tr ipe. Timarudistrict, E. Butler.



Comprising th e Electora l Di stricts of Chr ist.church, H eathc ote, and Avou : Th e Surgeon for thetime being of th e Chr istchur ch H ospital.

LTTTELTOJ;,Comprising th e Electoral Distr icts of Lytte lton

and P ort Victo ria : J . T. R ouse, E sq .RAJ;GIORA ..l.J;D OXFORD,

'V. B. Trip e, E sq.


Charles Dudley, E sq., ~I.D .


:Matthew Morris, E sq.


Comprising the El ectoral D istricts of TinIaru andGeraldin e: E dward Butler, Esq. °


Comprising th e E lect oral Districts of Akaroll andthe Bays : .D. W atkins, Esq.

68 69


Officer in Chm-ge- J . A. H utt on.CBllnter Clerk-L. J ohnston. ..dssistants-J. Durgan, L. M. Shr unp ton, J. G.



JII.d~e-E. ClarkeClerk-E. HardcastleB ailiff-T. Kenr ick


R esident Mag istrates -Christchw'ch, C. C. Bo.wen ;Lyttelton, W. Donald ; Ak aroa and PigeonBay, J. W atson; Timaru, B. 'Woo!lcombe)North Can terbury dist rict , 1"". B. Pauli; IIokI­t ika, Gerald G. Fi tzGerald ; Greymout~,Wi lliom H orton Rev ell : 'I'otara, JustinAylm9r; Okari ta, ~I. Pricc.

Clerks to the B ench-Chri st church, T. B. Bain;Lyttelton, J . Townscnd; Kai apoi, F . G. H ew­ling .; Akaroa, Cyprian Brook; Timaru , H.Simmonds ; Lcithflcld and Rangiora, E. Sim­mons ; IIokitika, F . de C. Malet ; Greymouth,H enry Kenric k; Totara, J ames Simp son.

B ail ijfs-Christchurch, W. E. Burko , Lyttelton,H. Brooks ; H okitika, 'I'homas K enri ck andThos. Christian; Timaru, E . D ull'; Kaiapoi,)1. Lynskey.

'Interpreter to Com·ts-Rev. J . W . Stack.


The an nual meeting to revise the J ury List isheld on the 1st F ebruary in each year.

The annual meeting to grant Slaughter-houselicenses is held on th e 31st of August in each year.

The annu al Public House Licensing Mectingbegin s on the first Tuesday in )Iay.

Thc Quar terly P u1 1ic House Licensing Meetingsare held on the first Tuesdays in March , Septe mber,and December,

Mectp,gs for transfcrring licenses are held on anyday.

Debt cases, und er £2 0, are heard every Tuesdayand Thursday; th ose over £2 0, e,ery 1Vcdnesday ;summary proceedings, assaults, &c., e,ery Thursday ;IlDdPohce cases e,ery day.

ELECTORAL OFFICERS.Principal Retllrni..!! Officer (for the election of

Superintendent); William Donald. Dep1,tyditto; William Wilson

Retllj'nin,q Officers in Canterbll1'Y (for Members ofth e House of Reprcsentativcs, in the districtssct opposit e th eir names,) vis :- City of Christ­church, Avon, Heathcote, Kaillpoi, Town ofLyttelton, Mount Herbert, Thomas William)faude ; Wesdand, G. S. Sale; G.1adstone and

Timnru, B. W oollcombe ; Cheviot, J. Birch ;Ashley, W. B. ~auli; Akaroa, J. Watson ;Selwyn and Coleridge, E . J. :roee.

R etllrning Officers (for the Election of Mem~ers ofth e P rovincial Council of Canterbury, m thedistri cts set opposite th eir names) :-City ofChristchu rch, Papanui, Ri ccart on, Heathcote,Town of Lyttelton, Lincoln, Town of K aiapoiScfton, Oxford, Rang iora, P ort Victoria, Wai.para , Mandeville, William D onald; Town ofAkaroa, Wainui, and the Bays, E . C. Lat ter ;Rakaia an d Selwyn , E. J. Lee ; Ashburton,C. P. Cox : Geraldine, Town of Timaru, W ai.tangi, 'Vaimat e, and Seadown, B. Wo ollcombe ;Mount Cook, F . W. Teschmak er; Town ofH okitika, Town of Gr eymouth, and.Westland,G. S. Sale.


CIIIUSTCJIURCH-Town Hall.LYTTELTo~-Town HIlII.ltIccARTolf-School.house, Riccarton ,A'ON-School-house, Riccart on.

School-house, P apanu i,P APANUI-School.h ousc, Papanui.H EATIICoTE-Road Board Office, F erry road.

School-house, Lincoln road.KU.HoI-Resident ~ragistrate's Office.R UwIORA-Resirlen t :Magistrate' s Office.:1>IA~DEvILLE-School-house, K aiapoi Is land.

School-house, W oodend.OXFORD-Sur>ey Office, Oxford .SEFTo~-Road Board Office, Sefton .Lrxcor.x-c-School-house, Prebbleton,P ORT Yrcronr .a-e-Residence of C. Vigers, E sq.,

Governo r's Bay.AKARoA- Resident Magistra te's Offlce,W J.INUI-School.houst', Duv auchelle's Bay.THE BAYs- School.h ouse, Okain's Bay.

School-house, P igeon Bay.SELwYN- Roa d Board Office, Leesion.

G. A. E. Ross' 1Voolshed, Bealcy Track.R.A.KAU.-Ford's 1,,"00Ished, Selwyn F orks.

Rh odcs' 1Voolshed, Racecourse IIill.ASHDURTO~-T. Moorhouse's W oolshed.TDIARu-l~esident Magistrate's Court.GERALDI~E-nesident MaGistrate's Office, AI·ow.

henua; and Mr. Cox' s \Voolshed, Orari.WAIPJ.RA-G. Moore's W oolshed.WAITANul-Sheath 's W oolshed, Te Ngawai.

H. Mcyer's 'Voolshcd.If. Jollie's Wool shed.

MOUNT CooK-Teschmaker's Woolshed.' VJ.DuTE-Studholme's Woolshed.SEADowN-Level's 1Voolshed.HOKlTlKA-1Varden's Court.GRBYMOUTII-Warden's Court.WESTLA:fD-Warden's Court, Hokitika.

Warden's Court, Greymouth.'Yarden's Court, W!Ilmea.

WESTLAlfD-Waden's Court, Kanieri.Warden's Court, Ross.Warden's Cour t, Okarita.


AT 6.30 a.m, on Friday, the 2.!th May, 1867, commu nication was established between th e two dr ives in th otunnel, by the miners on the P ort side breaking in to a drill hole sun k some days previously in the face of"the H eathcote drive, After a few minutes spent in enlarg ing the opening, an iron rod was passed throughfrom drive to drive, the distance between th e two fact's bcing fourteen fect. The alignment and the levelswere thus pr oved to have been perfectly corr ect, and the tu nnel was practically complet ed .

To write an intelligible account of the Moorhouse Tu nnel, it is necessary to go back to the earliestrecords in th e history of Canterbury . F or, out of the geographical difficulty of communication between thsP ort and the Pl ains which met the first settlers on their landing, and which has ever since seriously impededthe progress of the province, arose the conception of the grcat work which may now be said to be virt uallycompleted. There are many still among us who can recall the feelings of dismay and disappointment withwhich th e lofty hills surrounding Lyttelton were first regarded . Beyond, lay an almost interminable pla in,which, even to thc unpractised eye of th e new comer, (l'ave promise of full return for the labo ur that mightbe expen ded up on it. Bu t before this could be reached a barrier of form idable dimen sions inte rposed in t heshap e of lofty abrupt hills, and no available means existed of overcoming th e difficulty . It must havorequired all the courage and resolution with which the early settlers were so amply endo wed, to have facedthis serious and un expected difficulty. The records of th at date prove that it was universally felt to be theone drawback to the propl'ess of the settlement , and that it caused great anxi ety and disappointment to allthe settlers , Many of the earliest pilgrims had been led to believe that th ey would find 1\ practicable roa dlea(ling to th e plains; and th eir chagr in was proportiona tely great on flnding the ir anti cipations incorre ct,From the first , then, we find one of th e chief subjec ts of publi c int erest to have bcen, the discussion of th obest means of communication between th e Port and the Pl ain s.

W'hen th e first ships arriv ed with settlers there were bu t two ways of reaching the pla ins . One byscrambling oyer the hill, either by th e line of th e pr esen t brielle path or by Cass' Bay to Rivor law, the other­by tak ing boat and going round by Sumn er and up th e Avon to the Bricks Wharf, nearly opposite theCemetery , At that time the H eath cote was considered not to be nnvigable. A line of road via Sumner had,ind eed been sun-eyed by Capt 'I'homas, but it was found impossible to proceed with it for want of fun ds.The incomers, as a ru le, footed the hill whil e their goods went roun d by Sumner, an d not unfrequentlycam e to gric f, for at that timc the bar was imp erfectly known, and decked river crafts were hardly to beobtaineel. In a short tim e a tolerable bridle path over thc hill was finished, which has been widenedand imp roved from time to time, and is st ill the principal medium of commu nication for foot and horsepassengers. The completion of a cart road from th e foot of the hill on the H eathcote side to the river, thoesta blishmen t of a ferry there, and the construction of a road to Christchurch, followed within tho first year,and greatly promoted th e convenie nce of travellers. About thc same ti me the H eathcote was found to bonavi gable, and Christchurch quay on the new road was opened . But th e grand desideratum of a cart roadto the plains was not yet to be accomplished . In December, 1851, a meetin g of the Society of land purchaserswas held to consider the report of a select committee of thei r body upon th e best means of communication.The report recommended that a sum of £30,000 should be borrowed to carry out the Sumn er road . Publicmeet ings were held both in Lyttclton and ChrIstchurch, endorsing th e views of the Society . It is curiousto observe that so far back as th is the subject of a railway tu nnel was discussed, and only put aside asbein g considered premature. Apparently it was easier in those days to pass a resolution in favour ofborrowing than to obtain the money, for nothing appears to have bcen done towar ds pu shing on the Sumnerroad till the first Provincial Government took up th e subject, and appointed a Commission, cousistiug ofMessrs. Bray, Cridland, Dobson, H arman, and J ollie, to repor t on the several modes of communicationbetween the P ort and th e Pl ains. These gent lemen issued a report in April, 1854, in which th eyrecommended the Govern ment to make a railway via Sumner, with a tunn cl below Evans' Pass to Gollan'sBay, or , if tha t scheme proved beyon d the resources of th e province, to construct a cart road vi" Sumnerwith a tunnel through the top of Evan s' Pas s. 'I'his work was to be accompanied with certain improvemen tsto th e bar at Sumner, The presen t line of tunnel and railway was considered in the report, and thou~h

the cost was estimated only at £ 155,000, th e scheme was considered by th e Commissioners to be beyond th eresow'ces of the province. Anoth er line was point ed out as worthy of consideration, in which th e road wasmade to wind up the spurs at th e back of Lyttelton to a tunnel GOOyar ds in leng th at th e head of th e gully,descending into D ampier's Bay at an elevation of 520 fect above th e sea.

The Govcrnmellt dccided upon the road, and about a year aft er th e dat e of the report referred to, thework of making th e Sumner road commenced . On the 24th August, 1859 the road was formallyopened by the Superintendent, MI'. FitzGc~ald, who dl'o~e a dog-cart 0 t and arrived in LJtteltonwithout damage, to th e surprise of mally of those ",ho doubted its capabilities for traffic. It was some tim9after this before th e road was opened for the heavy cart traffic, which from th e tillIe it commenced has goneon gradually increasing to the pres ent date.

'While the Sumner Road was under (liscussion and in course of construction, various efforts were bcingmade to improve th e river navigation. It is a singular fact that in th ose days th e idea gf using theHeathcote rivcr for the purposes of traffic was strongly oppost'd by some of the Ly tt elton mer chants. Onthe 18th December, 185~, Captain Drury, of II.M .S. Pandora, reported upon the condition and capabilities.of thc Sumner Bar. The general ten or of the report was ad,erse to making any attempt to impro,e the
