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·l Jasketball Tournament Dec. 3 Vol, 49 The SpeCtator Vacation Begins · Tuesday · McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, November 20; 1964 No.11 Macollege To Offer Eight Night Classes Model UN Religion And Science Seminar To Be Offered Starting next semester Mc- Pherson College will orrer eight night closses. Monday even.Jng three cluscs '"' planned. From· 7 lo 9 p.m. lhero will t,e a one hour course "S<mlnor oo Relliton and Sci· rnce.'' This will meet on aUt r· a1te wttk.L Tuesday from 7: 00 to 9:00 with credit rrom one to t wo and will be Liughl by Mr. Gor- don Zahradnik, instnictor in cer· amit>S. To Begin Sat. A new course entitled Seminar on Religion a nd Science is being orlered lor the first lime next semester. It wtu moot on alter- nnlo Monday evenings for iwo hou( periods, nnd will carry ono semester hour or upper • le\'el credit. stern, assistant prot.,_ ot Jlll!:- JNOpb7 and ttl J&Joa; Dr . w ... le7 DeCoune;r, prof- 11 cbemlatry; Dr. Gil!onl Ikenber- ry, profffaor ot bloloo: •• d Dr. John Burklioldar, pnfeaor A Seminar on Lnlln America \rill be offered from 7 to 9:30 pm: on Monday nights. It ls a three hoilr course nnd " i ll be ,by Dr. Rnymond Flory, professor or history. Robert Kelm, asslst..nt or sociology. •1U of.fer a three hour cl.,. on the FamlJy on Monday nigh! ll"om 7:25 to 9: 50. Introduction to, nnd Adv:in00. Cor?rniCS will be orlorod on Thursday will • l o rt a 4:50 ,,..,.., lo Laodscap. log Gardening which wUI be !aught by Dr. Wai=<!, professor of agriculture. At 7: 4.S tht.re will be a three hour coarse _taught by Dr. Wesley D.Coursey, professor ol chemistry, on Ge· oiogy . From 7:!S to 9:0S M iss Mary Alln Roblnsoa, assist.tot professor of art, will guldC a two hour course In Christian Educallon of Youlh and Adults. These evenin.: classes will de- pend on how mony student.. on· roll. II not enough enroll for a certain clnss, the class ,.;u not materialize. AU ·boys who Uved on second noor Metde.r l11t )'ear wUl t r<'o.tnize this huse bunk of Turker belnc be.Id br Dick Welch, Wall MlUer, a nd Charlie Homer. Tbat Turkey w11 one of the four UUle fo wl that followed p ick around cl·eq . momlnt for utr clsc and kept cvrryone ,,, the floor awake all nJcbt with t hrir constant cobbllnc. Pei r:urkey Becomes Thanksgiving Feast · By Roa Cassldeote necessary to put it away. W hat started out ns a pa- Four turkeys remained. and lernal project on the part or !hey were promptly shipped oil D'ck w 1 h D 1 1 to Carleton, Neb., where Char- 1 c · ph • Jnd., and )io Horner' s father look over the Chnrhc Horner, Cnrlcton_ , Neb.,/. job or raising them. has ended up us .11 cooked gooscq Lillie was heard from any or on the part or ·Thanksgilfog gob· the growing turkeys .until last bier. wookond when Charlie a n d Tho entire gobbler caper start· Dick wont to Corleton lo view <d last year h"o wooks before the crop. . Easter when Chnrlic Horner All lour or the tro\'elmg lur- and other or 0 Poul· keys found to be hoal'!'Y try Husbandry class were gi\'· an\l happy, and one or the big· en five baby turkeys. gest wa_s '.""'pped !or Approximolely !orly student.., representing eleven countries will toke port In the first scs· sion or the model UN tomorrow beginning nt 9:30 n.m. . The topic for the first debate is the admis.sion o r Rod China to lbe UN, formally sl<ltod as: Restoration or the la,.1uJ right.. or the people's Republic ol Chi· na in the United Nations. All interested students and faculty members ore in\'lled lo attend during the session. Officers l or the General As- sembly arc: President • Terry Convocationa Calemlar Tucsda,y l\ovember U - Dr. Mulln Franlz wUI be Ill chug._ No Fricb,y URmblJ' because ol Tbanksgivlng vacaUoa. Church Even ts Morning Worship 110:05 a.m.> Nol·ember !!: "The Art of Being Thankful," Rev. Lordi Weiss, (llHl.mlDlsler l\o\'tmber Z9: "Is Smoklng Really Worth llf" Pastoe Bom- berger . E\'ealnc Worshrp 17:30 p.m.> Nonmbcr 1:22: School of So. clal C oncerns Nol·e.mbcr 22: "What Should Our Church Be Doing About Local economic and Wetrare Problems'" Robert M o h 1 e r. Chairman. Attractions From Surroumling cOJJ cges Friday, Nov. 20-21 - The sen· ior play "Our Town" to be pre· sented by Abilene lllgh School in the school ndditorlum al 8:00 p.m. Nov. 2ll - "My Thr ee Angels", junior closs play to be pr esonlod al Topeka High School. Friday No\', 2ll - ''The Man Who Come to Dinner," 8: 00 p.m. Duhli:r lligh School. Friday, Nov. 20-21 - " The r\liraclc Worker ," senior class pin)' to be given al the Dickin· son County Community If i g h school in Chapmon, Kansas. Monday, Nov. . 23, ,24, 25 - "Our Town" will be presented ,by tho junior class or Olathe High School al Olalbe, Kansas. Wednesday, l\ov. 25-Art Ex· hibil. David Ha ll . Fort Hays Kansas St ole College. Hays. Kan· CJ , shfppmg Uhl$ lime m a. gunny iarhe nnd Dick wore tho only sncl and brought bock to Moc. sas. t ll'o. lellows in Mett l er who ronl· Since this turkey was to grace Monday, Nov. 3G-"No Moth· ly hkod turkeys, so they took on the Welch dinner table , on er to Guide Her : or Moro lo be Che unending job or mo· Thanksgivi ng. Dick decided · to . Pitied than Censured," wilt be lher and fnthcr to thorn. .' bavo il butchered and cleaned presented•by the Junfo_r_ and seTho !h'e Uttfe .ones took to ·tho hero in Mac before he il ior cla"".es '. Couacd Gro"o Metzler · like old •• h , · · .. Rural High Scliool ot CQuncil Pros, and soon one could see CW:nhal>pily . turkoy1 att, hot Cro\ e, Ka nsasbaby turkeys noislty following processed ln McPhenen-. on Dick or lo the showers . • weekend, and since lhe turlf ey Dc Conrsoy Att e nding The hectic iue or n college wns oow t oci ·big to s iay :even dorm proved to be too much · one night in •t.wor, the boys 01e mis try ,Confe rence for one of the Utile wrkeys, nod found they hod to dross' ff lhom' De. Wesloy DoCoursoy, pro- onc morning Dick roona It lying sel\'es, . . fessor or 11 nttendiog beside· 1111 box. with n broken Since Charlie hod IM?come the ·Kansas City soctlon or the leg .. After many nttompts. the qulto nttached to his turkey Amorlc:in Chomlcnl' Sockty's nn- lwo firct -alden found It Jmpos- friend, Walt Miiier, 'Scott City, nual Midwest Chomfstr1 Co• sible to proper ly splint a tur - was .asked to help Dick "ith ferenoo In Kansas City, Mo., key's leg , and llOOD It 'bocnme . the last "tos" being held No\', 1 9-2ll. Secretary • general· Ali Kherbek: Porlfnmootarion- John Treadwell : Socrol<l ry • Kathy Pnrks. The ngondn or tho dny's . .. tMtics follows: 9:30 a.m.-Rtgislralloa 10:00 a .m.-Or1ealatlon ses- sion, fltttloa ol &1Rmhl7 and steerin.c commlllee oroctt. lor nut year. 10:30 a .m • Oponlng remarks by the Pre•ldcal ol the Modfl United Nations. Speech by cues! speaker. II :30 n.m.-Rocess 1: 15 p.m ..S.allllg ol delcga. tloas 1: 30 p.m.-G011eral AssemblJ' 3: 15 p.m.·Reeess 3: 30 p.m.·Rtsame debate p.m.-Ad)ourn 8: 00 p.m.·Reoepllon al t be studenl union basement. Coming ••• . Friday, Nov. !O - Dress-up night lor Slipper. lllgh ichoo1 presents "Mr. PYelideat" In Brown Auditorium. Satuni.y, l\ov. ZI - Flaa! pcrform 'iiiCo ot I.be hlJb lcbool play. Skating Party. TutSdl!J', Nov. u - Thankl- gl\'l.ng recess begins at S: OO p.m. Tbu,.ctay, l\o\'. 26-H- Brelh- ren Student ChrJ1Uau · Confer· eoce at Junlat.. College. ?Uoad.lr)', Nov, 30 - 'J'hanks.. gh'lllg reces tDCb 7:45 a.m. Choirs To GiYe Concert Dec. 4 The format for the meellngs will CODllst ol dloc:aosloo ..._ studenla and lacul l7 ot an or- lanlud _ ..... ol topics ..... Jallng lo the aalure ot ldeecc and rdlgloa and the ttlaUoo- lhlps between tbtm. Prepara- Uon for the dJICUIS.lou will COD· 1111 or tt•di!ll from selected rel- errnce1. Addition or this course to the curriculum Is on outgro\\1h of the inlOrosl Of SC\' Orol pl'Oles- sors in pro\'ldlng an opportun- ily !or students nnd lacully who ore conc<!rned with the relation- ship between religion nod science to lnqulro Into the mntter t o- gether. Prol ouort who wut participate Ill lhe aeml.nar and dlrecl II are Dr. Wa,yne asaoctate pro- fessor or speech, pbilosopey and religion: ProCetaor David Eiler, uslst..ot protessor or and tt111too: Prol c<sor Irven Thanksgivi .n g Recess To .Begin Tuesday A li\'c.<Jny roocss has boon schodulo,<f for this Thanksgiving. The recess will begin nt 5: 00 P .M. of Tuesday, Nov. 24, and will end U1e following Monday, Nov. 30, al 7:45 A.M. Food Comm. To Hold Preference Survey Food Committee o! the stu- dent Council will conduct a Food Preference Sun·ey on Mon- day, Nov. 30. Food Preference Surveys de>- termlno, through I.BM process· Jng, nn ncco11tnbility roling for or hloloo. ', Students Interested In t he cour se must make · application for penn!Jslon to enroll. Appll· ·cation forms mny be oblaiDed from tho Sctt«ary to Uie Deon. Selection or participants f r o m nmong tho oppllcanls will be bnsed on t i) the •J>!llltm gen. uinoncss or their lnlttest in de- voloplng or dccpooing an un- derstanding or the na ture or re- ligion and science and the rela- tionships between them 12! a scholnsllc nblily that will make ii possible !or thorn to do tho rending• required nod be able to contribute to tho discussion or thorn. · Spec Editor Applications Due Dec. 4 Anyone fnt crostod in becom- ing cnmpus editor or 'l1le Spec- tntor ls llSkod to tum in appll· cations by Dec. 4. , , Tho ffnn l scleclion w i 11 be mode by the Student Councll' lrom the nppllcants passed by the Donrd or Publications. Tho new campus editor will be nam· ed before tho Christmas vaca- tion. lie will be ln\'Olved in edillng The Spcdator !or three sem ... ters. Tho lint semester the atu· dent ls In charge ol the report- ers, as campW editor. During tho second semester, the editor writes headlines nnd copy-edits all the stories. The third so- mester duly Is tobe responsible !or the overall work of the staff. · A Coppella ond Chapel Choir will present Joseph Haydn's "Third Moss <Lord Nelson>, " Doc. 4, al 8:00 p.m. in Drown Audiloriurn. Exropl ror tho opening "Kyrie cl cs.ion, " the choirs will perform tho Mass in on Englim trans· JDUon. various food lloms and cnlc- · A s al ary or $150' ls pnid to gorics. tho monnglng edit or, and the Haydn's "Nelson Moss" con· siste. ntly reaches a Jc\'cl of in- spirat ion which I• perhaps above and beyond lhnl or his best in· strumcntnl music. The survey will be used by odltor-ln·chicl receives n salary Sloter Food service 'in detcnn- or $100. In addition Uie edilor- ining content lor future in-<:hicr Is oliglblo !or a $100 The food commillee has set bonus, ff tho paper -shows a Dec. 10. as tho date for the pr o!lt. WPA Week This Week · Christmas Durret. O!f Appllcnllons 111ay be subrnit- studenlS nnd faculty member s led to Jackie Raymond, are lnvfled· to attend. The price lncully advisor, or to J erry Bar· will be $1.00 lor udulls und $.50 rows, chnlrmnn ol t he Board !or children under fi\'e, or Publicalions. By Doug Rapp This wccl: is W.P .A. week on C.lmpu.s, ns every male prob- Food Comm. Seeks Opinio;ns ably knows by now, and there One or tho most important or· brc two more night s to tnkc ganiz.ationa on cng,pus. from the ad\':intago or II. . sludenls' viewpoint. is tho Foods As C\ 'Cnts hn\ 1 c gone so far, · Mondny night wns a st\!.dY dole, · Committee. This Is a commillce Tuesday night, coke date: Wed· or studenfs lrom !b• ne>daY night, tho S. U.'s special college which hos tho duty of on snooker: Thursday, Ku Ku con\'eying tho student..' SOflli· night: Frldny night. a pitia SUP. meni. concerning the lood or per: and tomorrow night the the oaretcrin to the mnnager U.N. Dance to ths.u. base- or the caleterla. Ross Woodard. menl "'iih decorations and re- Ally -.plainla the llDdeata !reshments olong the interna· bave aboat lbetr lood slloald be tionnl the me. broqhl lo lhe Foodo .Commit.. W.P.A. moans "women pny tee ao acUOD can beo taken. Thia all" bul rrom the looks of things commlltee - also like lo they're not Pll)'ing , too much. hear ol aiv lmprovemeat.. Latest stali st U :a show that tho 1111icb m!PI be belplal, and whole week's actMUes amounts abolil the llkH ;.. well u the to upwards or 99c; not bad. clllllkes ot ' I.be afudeals, The.Foods Committee oonsista or Larry Dowmon, senlor, Quin· ter, chairman: Morty Mohler, Junior, Warrensburg, Mo., · sec:- rel nry : John Long, junior, Quin· t or ; and Larry. Bierwirth, Jun· ior, Dnrtonville, Ill. T1>e Fooclo . Comm!Uee meeta t"1ee a -Ill lo - special meals and tlber c:al'eleria pol- l<les, as, nli ao lood tmpnye- meala CurrenUy tho· Foods €ommll· too, to conjunction with S'.aler Food Ser/Ice, ls conducting a Food Prelereice Survey on cam- pus. The purjiose or the survey or the ahidcnts is to rocoinlu tho studenl1' wants, and aid In. menl piannhti. -
Page 1: The SpeCtator Vacationarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v49-11r.pdf · AU ·boys w ho Uved on second noor Metde.r l 11t )'ear wUl t r

· l



Dec. 3

Vol, 49

The SpeCtator Vacation

Begins · Tuesday

· McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, November 20; 1964 No.11

Macollege To Offer

Eight Night Classes Model UN Religion And Science

Seminar To Be Offered Starting next semester Mc­

Pherson College will orrer eight night closses.

Monday even.Jng three cluscs

'"' planned. From· 7 lo 9 p.m. lhero will t,e a one hour course

"S<mlnor oo Relliton and Sci· rnce.' ' This will meet on aUt r· a1te wttk.L

Tuesday from 7:00 to 9:00 with credit rrom one to two 1iou~ and will be Liughl by Mr. Gor­don Zahradnik, instnictor in cer· amit>S.

To Begin Sat. A new course entitled Seminar on Religion a nd Science is being orlered lor the first lime next semester. It wtu moot on alter­nnlo Monday evenings for iwo hou( periods, nnd will carry ono semester hour or upper • le\'el credit.

stern, assistant prot.,_ ot Jlll!:­JNOpb7 and ttlJ&Joa; Dr. w ... le7 DeCoune;r, prof- 11 cbemlatry; Dr. Gil!onl Ikenber­ry, profffaor ot bloloo: •• d Dr. John Burklioldar, pnfeaor

A Seminar on Lnlln America \rill be offered from 7 to 9:30 pm: on Monday nights. It ls a

three hoilr course nnd " i ll be louglj~ ,by Dr. Rnymond Flory, professor or history.

~It. Robert Kelm, asslst..nt professo~ or sociology. •1U of.fer

a three hour cl.,. on the FamlJy on Monday nigh! ll"om 7:25 to 9:50.

Introduction to, nnd Adv:inc· 00. Cor?rniCS will be orlorod on

Thursday will • l o rt a 4:50 th~hour ,,..,.., lo Laodscap. log Gardening which wUI be !aught by Dr. Wai=<!, professor of agriculture. At 7:4.S tht.re

will be a three hour coarse

_taught by Dr. Wesley D.Coursey, professor ol chemistry, on Ge· oiogy. From 7:!S to 9:0S Miss

Mary Alln Roblnsoa, assist.tot professor of art, will guldC a

two hour course In Christian Educallon of Youlh and Adults.

These evenin.: classes will de­pend on how mony student.. on· roll. II not enough enroll for a certain clnss, the class ,.;u not materialize.

AU ·boys who Uved on second noor Metde.r l11t )'ear wUl

t r<'o.tnize this huse bunk of Turker belnc be.Id br Dick Welch,

Wall MlUer, and Charlie Homer. Tbat Turkey w11 one of the

four UUle fowl that followed p ick around cl·eq . momlnt for

utrclsc and kept cvrryone ,,, the floor awake all nJcbt with

thrir constant cobbllnc.

Pei r:urkey Becomes

Thanksgiving Feast· By Roa Cassldeote necessary to put it away.

What started out ns a pa- Four turkeys remained. and

lernal project on the part or !hey were promptly shipped oil

D'ck w 1 h D 1 1 to Ca rleton, Neb., where Char-

• 1

• • c · • ph • Jnd., and )io Horner's father look over the

Chnrhc Horner, Cnrlcton_, Neb.,/. job or raising them.

has ended up us .11 cooked gooscq Lillie was heard from any or

on the part or ·Thanksgilfog gob· the growing turkeys .until last

bier. wookond when Charlie a n d

Tho entire gobbler caper start· Dick wont to Corleton lo view

<d last year h"o wooks before the crop. . Easter when Chnrlic Horner All lour or the tro\'elmg lur­

and other rnembe~ or 0 Poul· keys "~re found to be hoal'!'Y

try Husba ndry class were gi\'· an\l happy, and one or the big·

en five baby turkeys. gest ~nes wa_s o~aln '.""'pped !or

Approximolely !orly student.., representing eleven countries will toke port In the first scs· sion or the model UN tomorrow beginning nt 9:30 n.m.

. The topic for the first debate is the admis.sion o r Rod China

to lbe UN, formally sl<ltod as: Restoration or the la,.1uJ right.. or the people's Republic ol Chi· na in the United Nations. All interested students and faculty members ore in\'lled lo attend during the session.

Officers lor the General As­sembly arc: President • Terry

Convocationa Calemlar Tucsda,y l\ovember U - Dr.

Mulln Franlz wUI be Ill chug._ No Fricb,y URmblJ' because

ol Tbanksgivlng vacaUoa.

Church Events Morning Worship

110:05 a.m.> Nol·ember !!: "The Art of

Being Thankful," Rev. Lordi Weiss, (llHl.mlDlsler

l\o\'tmber Z9: "Is Smoklng Really Worth llf" Pastoe Bom­berger .

E\'ealnc Worshrp 17:30 p.m.>

Nonmbcr 1:22: School of So. clal Concerns

Nol·e.mbcr 22: "What Should Our Church Be Doing About Local economic and Wetrare Problems'" Robert M o h 1 e r. Chairman.

Attractions From

Surroumling cOJJcges

Friday, Nov. 20-21 - The sen· ior play " Our Town" to be pre· sented by Abilene lllgh School in the school ndditorlum al 8:00

p.m. ~·riday, Nov. 2ll - " My Three

Angels", junior closs play to be presonlod al Topeka High School.

Friday No\', 2ll - ''The Man Who Come to Dinner," 8:00 p.m. Duhli:r lligh School.

Friday, Nov. 20-21 - " The r\liraclc Worker," senior class pin)' to be given al the Dickin· son County Community If i g h school in Chapmon, Kansas.

Monday, Nov . . 23, ,24, 25 -

"Our Town" will be presented ,by tho junior class or Olathe High School al Olalbe, Kansas.

Wednesday, l\ov. 25-Art Ex·

hibil. David Hall. Fort Hays Kansas Stole College. Hays. Kan·

CJ • , shfppmg Uhl$ lime m a. gunny iarhe nnd Dick wore tho only sncl and brought bock to Moc. sas.

t ll'o. lellows in Mett ler who ronl· Since this turkey was to grace Monday, Nov. 3G-"No Moth·

ly hkod turkeys, so they took on the Welch dinner table , on er to Guide Her : or Moro lo be

• Che unending job or plnyi~g mo· Thanksgiving. Dick decided · to . Pitied than Censured," wilt be

lher and fnthcr to thorn. .' bavo il butchered and cleaned presented• by the Junfo_r_ and sen·

Tho !h'e Uttfe .ones took to ·tho hero in Mac before he took~ il ior cla"".es o~ '. Couacd Gro"o

Metzler +ooi~ · like old •• h , · · .. Rural High Scliool ot CQuncil

Pros, and soon one could see CW:nhal>pily. turkoy1 att, hot Cro\•e, Kansas.·

baby turkeys noislty following processed ln McPhenen-. on

Dick or Charil~ lo the showers . • weekend, and since lhe turlfey D c Conrsoy Atte nding

The hectic iue or n college wns oow toci ·big to s iay :even dorm proved to be too much ·one night in •t.wor, the boys 01e mis try ,Confe rence

for one of the Utile wrkeys, nod found they hod to dross' ff lhom' De. Wesloy DoCoursoy, pro­

onc morning Dick roona It lying sel\'es, . . fessor or ch~mlstry,, 11 nttendiog

beside· 1111 box . with n broken Since Char lie hod IM?come the ·Kansas City soctlon or the

leg .. After many nttompts. the qulto nttached to his turkey Amorlc:in Chomlcnl' Sockty's nn­

lwo firct-alden found It Jmpos- friend, Walt Miiier, 'Scott City, nual Midwest Chomfstr1 Con·

• sible to properly splint a tur- was .asked to help Dick "ith ferenoo In Kansas City, Mo.,

key's leg, and llOOD It 'bocnme .the last "tos" being held No\', 19-2ll.

Summe~: Secretary • general· Ali Kherbek: Porlfnmootarion­John Treadwell : Socrol<lry • Kathy Pnrks.

The ngondn or tho dny's . .. tMtics follows:

9:30 a.m.-Rtgislralloa 10:00 a .m.-Or1ealatlon ses-

sion, fltttloa ol &1Rmhl7 and steerin.c commlllee oroctt. lor nut year.

10:30 a .m • Oponlng remarks by the Pre•ldcal ol the Modfl

United Nations. Speech by cues! speaker.

II :30 n.m.-Rocess

1: 15 p.m . .S.allllg ol delcga. tloas

1:30 p.m.-G011eral AssemblJ' 3:15 p.m.·Reeess

3:30 p.m.·Rtsame debate

4:~5 p.m.-Ad)ourn

8:00 p.m.·Reoepllon al t be

studenl union basement.

Coming ••• . Friday, Nov. !O - Dress-up

night lor Slipper. lllgh ichoo1

presents "Mr. PYelideat" In Brown Auditorium.

Satuni.y, l\ov. ZI - Flaa! pcrform'iiiCo ot I.be hlJb lcbool play. Skating Party.

TutSdl!J', Nov. u - Thankl­gl\'l.ng recess begins at S:OO p.m.

Tbu,.ctay, l\o\'. 26-H-Brelh­

ren Student ChrJ1Uau · Confer· eoce a t Junlat.. College.

?Uoad.lr)', Nov, 30 - 'J'hanks.. gh'lllg reces tDCb 7:45 a.m.

Choirs To GiYe Concert Dec. 4

The format for the meellngs will CODllst ol dloc:aosloo ..._ studenla and lacull7 ot an or­lanlud _..... ol topics .....

Jallng lo the aalure ot ldeecc and rdlgloa and the ttlaUoo­lhlps between tbtm. Prepara­Uon for the dJICUIS.lou will COD·

1111 or tt•di!ll from selected rel­errnce1.

Addition or this course to the curriculum Is on outgro\\1h of the inlOrosl Of SC\'Orol pl'Oles­sors in pro\'ldlng an opportun­ily !or s tudents nnd lacully who ore conc<!rned with the relation­ship between relig ion nod science to lnqulro Into the mntter to­gether.

Prolouort who wut participate Ill lhe aeml.nar and dlrecl II are

Dr. Wa,yne ~Uiler, asaoctate pro­

fessor or speech, pbilosopey and religion: ProCetaor David Eiler, uslst..ot protessor or ~hllosopby and tt111too: Prolc<sor Irven

Thanksgivi.n g Recess To .Begin Tuesday

A li\'c.<Jny roocss has boon schodulo,<f for this Thanksgiving. The recess will begin nt 5:00 P .M. of Tuesday, Nov. 24, and will end U1e following Monday, Nov. 30, al 7:45 A.M.

Food Comm. To Hold Preference Survey

Food Committee o! the stu­dent Council will conduct a Food Preference Sun·ey on Mon­day, Nov. 30.

Food Preference Surveys de>­termlno, through I.BM process· Jng, nn ncco11tnbility roling for

or hloloo. ',

Students Interested In t he course must make · application for penn!Jslon to enroll. Appll·

·cation forms mny be oblaiDed from tho Sctt«ary to Uie Deon. Selection or participants f r o m nmong tho oppllcanls will be bnsed on t i) the •J>!llltm gen. uinoncss or their lnlttest in de­voloplng or dccpooing an un­derstanding or the nature or re­ligion and science and the rela­tionships between them 12! a scholnsllc nblily that will make ii possible !or thorn to do tho rending• required nod be able to contribute to tho discussion or thorn. ·

Spec Editor Applications Due Dec. 4

Anyone fntcrostod in becom­ing cnmpus editor or 'l1le Spec­tntor ls llSkod to tum in appll· cations by ~dny. Dec. 4. , ,

Tho ffnnl scleclion w i 11 be mode by the Student Councll' lrom the nppllcants passed by the Donrd or Publications. Tho new campus editor will be nam· ed before tho Christmas vaca­tion.

lie will be ln\'Olved in edillng The Spcdator !or three sem ... ters. Tho lint semester the atu· dent ls In charge ol the report­ers, as campW editor. During tho second semester, the editor writes headlines nnd copy-edits all the stories. The third so­mester duly Is to• be responsible !or the overall work of the staff. ·

A Coppella ond Chapel Choir will present Joseph Haydn's "Third Moss <Lord Nelson>," Doc. 4, al 8:00 p.m. in Drown Audiloriurn.

Exropl ror tho opening "Kyrie cl cs.ion," the choirs will perform tho Mass in on Englim trans· JDUon.

various food lloms and cnlc- · A s alary or $150' ls pnid to

gorics. tho monnglng editor, and the

Haydn's "Nelson Moss" con· siste.ntly reaches a Jc\'cl of in­spiration which I• perhaps above and beyond lhnl or his best in· strumcntnl music.

The survey will be used by odltor-ln·chicl receives n salary

Sloter Food service 'in detcnn- or $100. In addition Uie edilor­

ining content lor future ~nus. in-<:hicr Is oliglblo !or a $100

The food commillee has set bonus, ff tho paper -shows a Dec. 10. as tho date for the pro!lt.

WPA Week This Week ·

Christmas Durret. O!f campus~ Appllcnllons 111ay be subrnit­

s tudenlS nnd faculty members led to M~. J ackie Raymond,

are lnvfled· to attend. The price lncully advisor, or to J erry Bar·

will be $1.00 lor udulls und $.50 rows, chnlrmnn ol the Board

!or children under fi\'e, or Publicalions.

By Doug Rapp This wccl: is W.P .A. week on

C.lmpu.s, ns every male prob­

Food Comm. Seeks

S~udents' Opinio;ns ably knows by now, and there One or tho most important or·

brc two more nights to tnkc ganiz.ationa on cng,pus. from the

ad\':intago or II. . sludenls' viewpoint. is tho Foods As C\'Cnts hn\1c gone so far, ·

Mondny night wns a st\!.dY dole, · Committee. This Is a commillce

Tuesday night, coke date: Wed· comPo~ or studenfs lrom !b• ne>daY night, tho S.U.'s special college which hos tho duty of

on snooker: Thursday, Ku Ku con\'eying tho student..' SOflli·

night: Frldny night. a pitia SUP. meni. concerning the lood or

per: and tomorrow night the the oaretcrin to the mnnager

U.N. Dance to the · s.u. base- or the caleterla. Ross Woodard.

menl "' iih decorations and re- Ally -.plainla the llDdeata

!reshments olong the interna· bave aboat lbetr lood slloald be

tionnl theme. broqhl lo lhe Foodo .Commit..

W.P.A. moans "women pny tee ao acUOD can beo taken. Thia

all" bul rrom the looks of things commlltee - also like lo

they're not Pll)'ing , too much. h ear ol aiv lmprovemeat..

Latest stalistU:a show that tho 1111icb m!PI be belplal, and

whole week's actMUes amounts abolil the llkH ;.. well u the

to upwards or :ibou~ 99c; not bad. clllllkes ot ' I.be afudeals,

The.Foods Committee oonsista or Larry Dowmon, senlor, Quin· ter , chairman: Morty Mohler, Junior, Warrensburg, Mo., ·sec:­relnry: J ohn Long, junior, Quin· tor; and Larry. Bierwirth, Jun· ior, Dnrtonville, Ill.

T1>e Fooclo . Comm!Uee meeta

t"1ee a -Ill lo - special meals and tlber c:al'eleria pol­

l<les, as, nli ao lood tmpnye­meala

CurrenUy tho · Foods €ommll· too, to conjunction with S'.aler Food Ser/Ice, ls conducting a Food Prelereice Survey on cam­pus. The purjiose or the survey or the ahidcnts is to rocoinlu tho s tudenl1' wants, and aid In. menl piannhti.


Page 2: The SpeCtator Vacationarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v49-11r.pdf · AU ·boys w ho Uved on second noor Metde.r l 11t )'ear wUl t r

The Spectator; Page 2 ' . 1

Macollege Ofle/.s· A Challenge The Commentator Yoder Gives Pllly Reviews An4 CutlU.lgs

By Keo D-. toking the minimwn nnd prob-Lif Is N A PI d

Mrs. Una Yoder, iitslructor

e Ot ay!!rOUD in spc«b a t McPherson Coll~.

c:ism which shows th~ pos&ibili- , 0 is ngnln engaged in giving play

!! seems to ·me that studcilts llbiy not hal'e much dUficulty

often crlUclu! belore thinking. obtaining a degree. It Is also

Sµch criticism many times lcav- possible !or many students to

ea people in rather embarrass· lead extremely limited social

Jn predlcnments. I am not re- lives. Dul is this the rnu!r or

!erring strictly to publlsbcd the college? l would lay tile

statements: I nm referring to tlamc ii blame is to be loi<l,

the small tnlk and day to 'd01 mootly on Ille studenl;J>Ody.

remarks that arc heard across I W'nnld hasten to la,, that In

ties !or improl'emcr.t. BJ C. L. Dadisman • ructing tx.llcls, trqditions, and rcl'icws and play cultin&S.

s...- '-' - ·i>e wetp. In the past few issues. 1 have personalities. lhcn the process Her play reviews cooalst ol

cd carclull,y before one crltlcltts stated my opinions as to what ol learning has taken • shllt to acting out parts oC plays which

tbe.m. 11 we cu pohil out ·~ the reverse gcnr. have or arc now uppcarlog on

clhc IDJtanccs where lmPTOve- Is needed or lacking on this 1 also bcllovc thal when such D.rondwuy. These re••iews nre

meot can be made, we should campus in' inter-student rcla· barriers do arrive, that tlie peo. acted out by o~e person nnd

o!ler our •uaeaUou. Bal lei'• tlonshlps. I have expressed n pie ln•olvcd lo them """1d face last npproxinu\tcly. 45 minutes.

a\•old t t arlQf down every iMfa· nl!lcaat loult. It appears to' me SU&l:CSlion lo think ol CO)lege each o!Mr ta a alnctre ellorl. / In her repetorie,- Mn. Yoder

campuJ. thlo lnsUlutlotl, regardless or the oome ... hat foolish to go moun· and college Ji!e•as pot n play- to undentud each olher. J MS about a halC doun pla)'S.

taln · cllmblnf on molehills. ground or a summer cam! thoroughly dlsai:ree and loeutUy and this year she has added a

An Id.,. · recenlly broegllt to llnollatl- of taletlJa. .,. the

Ugbl compares McPherson Col· cenlus lnlellcctual abtllly oac

ltce e. • tJUm10« camP-. Tk may . poaeu, l\lcPhenoa c:an

!du -·1 suprbo me u aad a- ol1tt I.bat - a

~ u llloe nmnber of ~e ~tleqe. Alll>ongb, I would

wbo - to •- "1111 ll I lie- polal Mi t.tt tbal thla dial­

u ... that lrMilloa .... IMaPI . Jen'° wtR ... -- Oa!:t at~ c.iJep erlcmd far ~Y - -ta""° are ttady

beyond that whicb mlpt be lo ..,..,.i lbe ~gc ol llfe.

ac:.hlend bi UT ... u m m e r I think this • has bttn called,

I tx.licl'e there ls a challenge where we are . all "buddy· bud- speak out agAlnst any person new play. "NeYer 'l'oo Late."

to think Croely at M.acollege. 1 dy" and where we arc 10

nP- on oae bond tAlklng to t h e Mrs. Yoder performs her re­

lecl each shltient has a time friends of another ·person on l'icws !or many clubs and church

when he m'ust consider bis own pear as complacent zombies. I the other, and telDng them to and civic organizations In Mc·

values and compare bis ideals have also cxprcssod a sugges. keep away Crom this person be- Pherson and 'the surrounding

with tbose or others. lion to be broadminded lndlvid· couse be bu bad boblts. I f .. I areas. She Also expllllMd that

camp." . ~\'Cr, I will admit that it

secma much or tbc oducoUon ot McPherson is on a "tok.,.it .. r­

leave-il" basis. A student may go through Mcl'ber!on College

We Get Letters •.•

on .cc.a'lioll, "maturil.y.11

I agree with Charles Dadis­man when he says thllt crili·

cism is an att. It cannot 1llways be tearin& down-. There must be a positi\'e ;ispect ln crili-,,,

Collegians .Elect Half-Wits

To Student Council

Dear Editor,

Congratu1ations students or

McPherson College. You have

once again elected a bunch or

lulll·wits to U1c sludc.nt council.

Itave you asked youneU Just wbat ' tbe sludenl coancu b.S

done or Is doing for you thla

. ye.arT U •a' about Ume you. dkL

I ba•e j .. t ttlurncd from sit.

llaJ la oa - of lbe most lool· llh mttl..incs th.at I have ever boen"1.

The chnirmnn called the mect­

ingrlo order, the minutes were

read: there was no old busiacss <proving that they hadn't done anything !or the past n i n c weeks>. . • Mn new_.baslaea wu ealJ. edlw,lberiiancUmemi>erwllke

roJ>ols all turned their beads to one member ol lbe counctl wbo prompOy pt1lled out a llst oi

dropped because or lack or in· formation. The man holding the

gavel sparked up and asked !or

a motion for a<lloumment. got It and the council mombors very eagerly . left the boring meeting that bad so rudely lntcrruplod their important volleyball game.

oar slUeal coac11 11 • dJs.

er- Coold -· -ta re­call a mnnbe:r or rncmbcn of

the STUCO! YES. l'ES. The student body should look Into tbia Idea.

Why not come to the next meeting and see Just whnt goos on. ·

All meetings .;ire open to the ' stUdent body, and I ch.allcnge

the entire student body to look in on the next sruco meeting.

They meet in the basement of the student union C\'ery Tues­day evening at 6 p.m.


Beardslee To Lead Conference November 26-29

' buslnes1 that he btknded to "Christ Alone?" will be the

brln( up. Iheme ol the Brethren· St~dcnt

A topic wns brought up nnd Christi.an Conference on Nov.

everyone's eyes automatically 26-29, 19&1. This conference wilt

moved to watch one other mem- . tx. held at J uniata College.

ber of the council. Huntington. Penn. Guest leader

Theac two members continued• will be Rev. Al•·ord Beardslee

to dl1Cau tbe topic durtag tllo chnpl.oin and assoclole prores'.

rest of the meellog bt~pled sor or religion at llollins Col·

lj'equeolly by a gro;u; from tbe lcgc, Vo.

. cbalrman. The Conlcrcncc cost ~ill be

The subject then was finally $25.00. Anyone wantin' oddi­Uonal informDtion mny contact Dr. Wayne Miller.

The Spectator Themes or the speeches "ill

Vol. 01'o. II, 1'ovember :!II, !9&1 include General God nnd the Good Guys, J ewish .Ju•ticc and Dapu Buddha, Zen and the Holy

Splri~ and Christ Crucllled.

Perhaps durloX our cobefe uols, not those or narrow minds that if there ts n problem. one she was booked for perform.

career ts the ttme we really who !nil to understllnd the nc- should talk to the borse whlcb ances well into the spring.

t.abl Ii in•·ol,.cd, not the herd which

.. lab the values by which tlo~ or others. As a summary It runs wi"• we wUI live. ThJs seems to me- "" . ' "'-lo

a sound reason for a <Ollcenl.J I would. like to break each or By speaking or "broad·mind-

tbot each 11ud<al i. enabled tb· .these down to more concise ed indil'idunls who can undcr­

build a ooWMI ~ o1 llfe stalcmcnts and to also define stand other people or differing

that will Raad ap aplaot lhe the interpretation in back ol cultures and habils". I was not

lmocu ol Ille ......w. tCllristlus those opinions. inferring that o person need

med to call Ibis faith.> 'lo saying that •e PorlnlJ participate in octMties oC anotb·

I wowd go one step further youngsten on a plllJ'iround or er person in an crlort to roach

lo say thot II the faculty and at a camp, 1 was reminding an undcr641nding or .the actions

adminislrntion or McPherson Col· us that we are not taking our oC that person.

legc ls to orrer n testimony to college Ufe Jn a l!Crioua attt- As .., example, there is a

lite student body. it is onli• not- tude, that · we ore "' "" com- need to understand those tad~

urot !or tllls tcslimony to take platntng about studies, rcspon. viduals who !eel tho net.'CI t~

the lorm or o atristian ex- slbllWes, penouUUcs, and nre, smoke. Not ool,y are Ibey berd­

amplc. and a Christian philoso- llld nCYer rea11,y tqlnJ to take cd o!f Into restriclcd areas to

phy ol lifr. Jt is left as the stu~ th:u look luto tbe futm-e where · fullfill this nttd, thty an also

dent's pril'ilene to question: ,..e w!U be poshed Into tho com- aba.nned by aome o!Mr •ludenta

I believe, thoutli, that . we pctlttve W'orld of wor1<. wm we because o( ti. Tbli ts no answer

sh"!"'! question wisely, not out be re•llY! I am berfnelog to to the sltuaUon for it only ~~•s­

ol j11Venlle hu~. bul rather with hold my doubts. You wlll receive es those amOktrs to rebel more

conoem. I feel the ~ant beneltta from counes, tic. only and to be oven more consple­

point then la Jell, that .,, -can- II you have a blp PMA <PO&- nous. Such acttoao could also

not turn our bncks on the an- lllve Mental AlUtude) How's bring about a grea~ dlstanee

swer given. your PMA loday!T betftell lbe two COllOJctlng ID:

I belic\'c the challenge before We also portrny campers in divlduals. BJ acceptlng t be

the students ol McPherson Col- thnt the relationship tx.twccn fact 1ba1 1be IDdlvlclaal desires

lcgc is to become indi,.lduals U1c "counselors" and t h c to smok& and thaJ socb Is bJs

who arc nble lo Ice! that each "campers" in a rclntlonshlp ol business, and underst.dtng of

student Is given ample help in ~rent formalities: formalities th•t character 11 being develop.

meeting this chnUengc, i£ he is which could cause some "cnmp. ed.

willing to accept it. Help not crs" to reject the thoughts or Droad . mindedness. in this

· in the sense or protection or the "counselors" nltogcther. sense. refer1 to the understand­

shclterinJ: but more along the When there are barriers ix,. Ing between the individuals o!

line ol "a push in the right tween the teachers and the stu- this S<.'hool. Nothing more, and

direction." dents, barriers caused by con- nothing Jess. •

!Uncollcge Extends

Sympnthy to Cad111n11s McPherson College studcnls

and faculty extend sincere sym­

. patlly to Kathy Cadman. junior,

St. J ohn. and her Camlly. Kii· thy's lather. Robert Cadman,

died or a heart attack Sunday.

Prof, Frederick Composes Songs

Donald Frederick, pro!<SS<>r of

l'OICC and director of cbornl

music al McPherson College,

has reeenUy composed several new sonp for publication.

The names of the two~ songs

that will soon be publlahed are, "Silll: Unto God" and "A Pray­er o! Dedication".

Because ol the many works

that Pro!. Frederick has had published, he was rccenUy elec·

tcd to memtx.rship in the Amer­ican Society or Composers, Au­

thors, and Publishers. ASCP is currently celebrating Its i50tb

y ear as the world's foremost association of composers a n d publishers.

S~Op Running; Face Yourself Can you atand to live with yourself? You'll be find fulfillment through living their lives ' and

living with yourself all your life, so y ou'd b elier be careers .

t h e type o f perso n y o u can gel a lo ng with.

If you \ re. rest1..a.,.. d epressed , frustrated , 'and

s pend .n lot .of time day-c_lrea.ming, YO!\ are pro ba bly

s uffering fro m self-depr1vat1on . You are d e priving

yoursel( of the ful f illme nt of which you are cap able.

By fulf111!11ent, I mean mental growth and d evelop­

ment, w.h1ch comes by being y ourself and developing

your s kills and abilities to the h igh est degree.

. One haa to become complete master of himself

!n o rde r to gl'ow-Jt is not always pleasant· in fllct

it m eans n lot of h ard work, a nd i t m eans ~ cel'tn i~ d egree of lo!1elines.~. This is a road each p erson

must walk himself, by himself .

. Ma'?y ~le, beauue of lac.k of courage or

Just. pla in laz1!1ess, ni:ver deve l op their. abili ies·

the). s pend tlre1r h\·es m a frantic search for satis~ ~acti?n by getting a ll the "kic ks" they can, or by

k e.epmg con~~ntly . bu•y ~o they d on 't have t ime to

~~mk.hor by living through another person exp ecting

e ot e r person t o find fu lfi llment for t hem. •

When they f~i.1 to find aatiafaction, they be­

com., ex!1·enlCly •cr1llcal o f their hus band s a nd begin

dommntmg lheir c hildr en in an attemp t to live

through them. ,

. Each P".raon has to face life hinuelf a nd find

h is own r enl!tr. He c.an n ever hope to have 0 rich

and. rewal'dmg relat1on~hip .wit~ a n other person

u ntil h e has n lr?Od r elationsh1p with himself. When

h e h as found himself he becomes more tolerant of others.

, , ':ulfiU"!ent ~rings confidence and' aelf-reliance.

I he litt!e lh 1ngs m everyday lif e do n ot overwhelm

the folf1ll~d P.el's~n. because he h as over-all purpose

and d1recl1on in hfe.

'Jn addition, the program will Ccoture sever.al oddrcsses by

Rev. Beardslee, small group discussions, worship, meditation

and· BillJe stiidy, ood rccrcntion:

In the aearcb ~or fulfiUment, one' often gras s

fh1t? ~!lrents, ~r fhends, a nd tries to live t hrouih

e1r l\'CS: Girls, especially, who marry and sta ht home find thCIJ!Selves unchallenged by conshuft

. ousework and chng to their husbands hoping to

Fulfilli;ne!'t ji a difficul t road and requires in­

tense self-d11!~ 1pl11~e, but the rewar ds a re many. One

chn truly e'.'JOY hfe when he knows he is making

l e m ost o f 1l. A g~el!t sense .of freedom com es with

self.-master y-;--one is. no lo~ger a slave to impulsive

~es1res a.~d fea rs; disappoint ments and frustrations

t h not bnng t h e all-e n compassing prison of d espair·

e perso~i .no longer drifts about on the' sea of

tothber'sh_o1Hn1ons and society's prejudices He is free o e 1mse lr . ·

~IP run'!ing; atop hiding, and face yourself •

g . 0 r ••

Page 3: The SpeCtator Vacationarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v49-11r.pdf · AU ·boys w ho Uved on second noor Metde.r l 11t )'ear wUl t r

Mae &~es Sterlllig · i6-7 T0> Win Fil,al Game

By nonnle Mwii&q'

McPherson Bulldogs crushed Sltrlin: 26-7 In the last game t1. die sc.uon. 'Ibe Mac Buu. doCS ho,·e ended their seoaon dlis')'<or with a ~ TeCOrd, the bdl rcCord ttiat Mac has had

. for lh<l past two years. Sterling ended l!lclr season this year .-ilh a J-8 record.

s..>rlnf lint for 1be llulldofl • ns Duall< Pope OD a pa.ii JR lk first qorter. Mac oc:ortd

..aPla la U..- ·...-r lo Jin ... 13 polnu bal ;we couldn't Mid Slcrli•K as Ibey traveled 1owerdl Mlle's pal 1.lae IM a •

'''"''· The ecore, al ball • lime •as JS.7 ID Ille llull&tp favor.

Mac's second touchdo•-n, t he extra point was mlHed. 4Ja the

lhlnl qum.r Buddy Taylor •tat S y ard for :taotbcr touc~ . tlown with lht utn POint hfing: • ltfek<d by DeTour. John Cluu>ce 41o, • ., lhrougb lbe line !com 5

Y•rdJ: out for !\lac'1 ln..t touch· dow11 With the extra point ed .

Scoring for Sterling was Al Spotts on a 5 »•rd JlllSS from TUr)> Woodbury. The extro point was • added by Porker Smith. .

!'ilck Petrucci lead the Bull­dogs la the m°'t t1><klca Wilh U, Tom R~n ""'as ~xt wUh JJ . Tom ~ln.ib:.kr-r ir::ot 7, and Ed .Johnson, Dale Prochaska,

and l.aurcl Patrick c:tch had 5 la<kles.

Some or the Ce;1m statistics arc as follo~:

Mac 20

j The 1SJ?ectator, P.age s·

Reazin Elected Bulldogs i~ Meet

Player of year Bethel Dec. J At Moundridge Tom Rc:Wn, 6', l!Ml'ib 'junior ftflh pla<e ~inish represent their

from Lyons, was uamed Pleyer best sensori si&e Rcazln . has

of the Year by the McPheraon been here. but makes the cbnr­

Collcgc rootboll squad. Torr( was acterlstically optimisllc predic·

elected Plnycr o! lhe Weck lol· lion that .. We should have a bet­ter scnson next year thnn we

lowing Ibo Dethnny game. and had this yeor, pro\•lded lhnt

be also won • pair of shoes for o\•erybody woo does not grad· makllll: !be most tackles in lhe · uate comes back next )'eor." Dulklog.s .. opening gnmc. •

Rca21D made i8 t.acktu tbls sc11Son, nearly 9 per game. JUs outs""'4!lng dcfe111h-c ability, bU conslslcut ,coutr:lbuUon to the team ctrort, and his itrcat tn· thuslas~n and. orl the play .. ing field-ma~ him a • ·orthy cboice for U.1.s honor.

Tom's rcOOy wit Ji\'ened Olh· erwisC routine practices, but this same wit was analytical enough for him to cnll dclensive signals

BJ' Tim -,er An important dale for t b e

'l!!""ben of the bulr.elba1L team is""1>cc. a wbon the Bulldop will travel to Moundrldi• to play in the 8Dllual Moundridge TournamcnL

The Cbree ..... - -Pllenon, wbleb bave bffn la-vlted are Belbaa7, Bethel, and Tabor College. Thia J'CDr the McP- ColietJe Pep Bud will hove the honor ol being Cloe ontelal baad for the lounl· am<nl .

dwnplonsblp ~ • 'l'ldleia for tloe - - ..

obtalDed from tire ........ .,._dab---­- price will ... . $1.11.

Coach Smitb ~ed lbat )le expects this to be a v1r7

rough tournanient for the Bull­dogs. Bethel will hnve Ju nuc­leus of Inst year's teem back

nnd Tnbor will also be playln( wllh most ,,i .last year'• team. n eU1nny will come to the lb<lro·

runent with a very tall DDd ex· pcrlcneed team.

Lui 1UJ' 1be BaUdop ,,_

lbe lll""""'1ellt u4 will be "" to clo ti aialD Ibis year. Far

. a t<am lo win Ille co•eled lro-

llcPhcraon •came out the S«·

cod half "ith a lot of fire as Ibo)' l1l4tthed ""1'065 Slerlln;'s io;iJ line once in lbe third and agnin in the fourth quarters to give Mac their 26 points. They held lhe Warriors with no touCll. do•ns in the se<ond ball with me ending seore 211-7.

Sterling First Do~ns . . . . . 1 Passes Attempl t'<I • 17

Passes COmpJeled . . G Passes Jntcrecpled o Ynrds gained . . . . . . 70 Film bl cs . . . . .. . . . . 2 Fumbles Jost ...•... Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Yards lost . . . . . . . . . . 22

JO throughout the year.

On Thursday evening, Dec. 3, McPheeaon will meet Belbel nl 7:00. Tnbor nnd Betball)' will then play at 9:00. On Saturilay evening, the winners ol Thu~· day's gnmee will meet in U1e

pby, ti needs lo wlD Cbe C-... amcal three years ID a rvw. •

Du1ne Pope started the scor. iat for ~tac on a U yard pus ,,.... Bob DeTour. 'Jbe utra point wu added by DeToar. DtTour U... na z:s yarm for

5 Reuln. howc\•cr, 1'1tb aJJ his l many ntlrlbutes, refuses to take McPheraon hai.never won the

lropl\Y; ~tbougb ID 1952 ~ 1953, they came dose by win­

ning the tournament twice In n row. Bethany DDd Bdhel are lhe only teams that have bcell able to win the trophy,

319 hlnueU •-.rloully. True lo form, ·1 be uld be was "really surprts. 1 N" wbe:a hls name was an-

6 nounc~ by Coach SmJth as the Sport News

51 squad's choice. By Wendell Kllhima..

Warner Places Fourth

hi Crass Country Meet Thrl'(l runners from McPher:

son competed in the KCAC eon. lcrcnee cross eountrY meet held on the Friends University cam­JlOS last week.

Lynn w......,.., jmlor from Un­ion, Ohio, llalllMd la f o • r c b place, hlP t.. Ille Nac9Utie <Om!>tU----..p. fmhalaa hem J-. DL, fin. !shod 14th . ud Da Zina, aot~· omorc from B.tas&oa;" Tuai, Ila· lsbod l6th,

A total or rorty runners com­peted wilh lhc live from Soulh­western winning with n low score or 34 points. Ollawn captured second place wilh 39 points, Ster­ling was third wllh 78, Friends lourth \\i lh 92, Jkchel Cilth with 118, 3nd Baker sixth \Cilh 134 points.

·Points are figured with one lor first place, two for second pince, three for third pince und so on down lhe line. ·

Team Elects Tar/or .,,

Player of the _Week Sly. bu! quick, Buddy Taylor

was selected as player or ttic

11"..it by the Bulldogs. He was

chosen for his excelient plnylng

ogalnst Sterling as quarterback.

Buddy 11aDc11 S feet 11 IDcbK on4 rocks the acales llP to · 175 PGunds. lie played football at Tbomu Illp Scbool foe f­Ytars and lettered three years.

Tlib 11 hit llllrd ,_.. "' ·~ • ball for Mae - I••• klltted twice al<e"4r. Be Is a JaDlor from Thomas, Okla.

Aller graduaUng, Buddy plane to leach his major, histoey, and be n conch. He is takio4: First Aid. lllstory or Kansas Amer­ie:in. Diplomatic ~. FoOl.­baU Func!Omentals, Melhods ol Teoching R_ttteational Sport...'; •nd Introduction .to Education.

nu&11 say• ... Ji an tbe JU)'•

lhn1 dou't ..-.iee frOai 11111.

had a re.;i irood learn clforf. Tbe boys tbal are graclaallag th.ls year will burl u.s some, but there were quJte .a rcw boys lllllng on Ille bench '\bat ...W help lake their place.

Jn Euddy:s senior year he

was the quarlcrbock on the

State champion-team in his di·


Ytar'1 team COllle '-I< - ·. Y•ar. we .-d be la the ·1op fh·e leUDJ tl Ille _,_ la lllt flaal ltu4llop. Tbe dll1 ....

•- ID 0... 18".e team -lost Y•ar's team 1ru mallllJ lht dcllre ot Ille team aad ' mo~ tx~ for tloe ..,.;JC.r. lly Of the p1-Jen. I l._i,t "" aw1c11 Tulor


519 N. Main McPbencm Before You Buy, Giye Us A Try

McPhorson·s 4.5 record and Tom Renln ouawn and sOuthwestem

Following Ls a Ust•of the past

Managerl!elps Make The Team

soundly !humped thcir staunch rivals to share the KCAC chnm­pion'1lip.

Oltawn scored twJCC In the f.inal period on , long passes from Ed Buzzell to lop Baker »7, and Soulhweatern crushed Col­

lege or Emporln :12-7. The losers finished In n deadlock for third

tournament winners: 195I·Bethany College 1952-Mcl'heroon Collci:e 19SHlcPherson Colleae 1954-Bethel 1965-llelbel 1956-Bethel 1957-Betbany 1958-Betbany


1.960-MePhCCIOD 196i.aechany 1962-lletbaDy 1963-McPberson

By Jtonnle ~!Juph•Y

Playing football is a lot ·or work but it is not all of lhe work in, making a team. Man­oging and keeping the statistics are also hard work.

Benll)' Steward, football man­ager thl1 year for tbe; BuUdog1, Ls a sophomore plamllag to

Ceaeb lndullrl.ol aria. B e n a y olands 6 feel 1 lacla llDd 'll'dghl

JJS pouack. De ii - North Caroline 111(11 S.- la Dellloe, Md., wllere lie -..,.... u Cbe

mapottt for traCli: bis senior yelr aud sol a JeUer u Dl.,.. ager Ju one year whe.D it usua117 takes two.

Last spring Benny was lho manager lo{ track; he took lhc Cramer Correspondence course for studC!lll trainers last sum­mer.

BC!llny soys, "A manager just about has to be a doctor, senm­stcess, shoe smilh, medlanic, and mosl Important, he has to be a friend to all of the play-ers."

B.....,. 1111n IDllUllal beeaaoe il lels him participate (Jadlttd. I)') ID -" aad becallle be lll<H ......... llDd -. &nlWld the players,

Coach Widrig says, "Benny has n lot ·Of hustle and has C\'Cryt.h in~ in order for t h e gmnes. He Is aroimd when a person needs him and is always on time for the practices one!

in conference stn.ndlnga. the games." "Mana~ing is a MePheraon's 26 • 7 win · over lhunkless job," he continued. Sterling coupled with Bethel's J)enny has aboot as many bou-es ,,. !here are football players. upset or Bethany 14-? ·gave the

A pcnoo has to take a lot when·· .. llulldogs aole )lOISe8SIOll o1 filth

he Ls the student trainer." ~ ~a:"'1Fr~ nz:.:i;::i: Les · Bloom, f ............ , Mid- • the Swedel.

land, Mlcb., u one of Ille met1 Final Slnndlngs In KCAC, lbol keeps lbe 1taU11Jca for the 1964•

Bulldol1. De aUended ' b I I b Southwestern 8-1 school at Rld(eley, w.va., 'll1lere ottawa 11-1

he was llallllldu for lbtte c of E ,.,: yurs. Les t._ recorclo OD the Baker 7,z

numl>er al lacldtS eadi pla1tt McPbersOh 4-S 1eulna1-aadallolbe KWU -U

number ol quarten !lull - .Bethany . u player ""'1• per 1ame. FriOllds 2-7

Chorlie Dadl.smnn, who also Bethel 2·7

Follow the

Bulldogs in the

\ McPhel'80ll

SeriiineJ helps keep slnUsUcs, weighs 165 sfurling 14

pounds and stands 5 feet 9 In· r--------------------­chcs. However, Charlle keeps records. ol every oflenel\'e play in a game. A junior from Ne­,·nda, Iowa, be attended t h e Colorado Community High Sc~ool in Nevnda, !own.

This ts Charil•'• flrll 1•ar ol keeping statlltlca. llowt1ver, be

played basktlbau ID hip school for lour years llDd lettered Cbree ye:ars. Before coml"'., Ill · Mo. Pbe.-, Cbarlle aUeDcled c ... tr.ii College ui Pella, Iowa •

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Page 4: The SpeCtator Vacationarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v49-11r.pdf · AU ·boys w ho Uved on second noor Metde.r l 11t )'ear wUl t r

I . The Spectator, Page 4 -

~ce l'trflc ond Denlllo Dnlea work bani ol .. 111A6 ap Che lllb~ for proclacUoas held . bl Bntwn Aadllo.rium.

Reamng .Course To Be Offered

Science P~of essors A.t Topeka Nov. 14

Three Macollege science pro­fessors. Dr. Wesley D<Coorsey.

prntessor of ch<ytlstrY. Dr. Gil· ' ford D<eni>enY: professor or bl·

starting sea>nd semesler, a ipecia1 Reading Improvement Couise will be olJettd to all Freshmen and Sophomores on 0 trial basis. This course is ology, and Dr: Jahn Burkholder, designed to hclp students over· prole~r ol biology, nllcndcd come dillicullles and problems the conforence sponsored by the they' have in reading. · Kansas Sia~ Teachers Assoc!·

l'his elective course wui be atkJn and National Science ta""'1t by D~1on Rothrock, pro- Foundation in Topeka on Sat· fcuor ol educalloo and· 'PSY· urday Nov. H. cliology, and wiU meet two Principle speaker at the con· hours a ·week: on Mond3)1 and lerenco was Dr: Lee A. Du­Wedncsday ot 10:30 o.m. Sin~ . Bridge, president ol Coll!ornlo lhlJ Is o special course. no cred- Institute ol Technology. It will be ollm!d and the lee will be $15. I

Since lbe biggest per cent of drop outs in college is caused by rending ·dfilcultics. the value ol good reading habits con not be overemphasized. Good read· lni ability is also the best single predictor o! success hi college.

This reading improvement course will emphasize lmprov: Ing reading comprehension and

.speed, the inost import.ant skills needed in doing college work.

A rending test will be gi•·e~ to all !reshmen in their Eng­

lish classes to determine ii they ahould enroll in this course.

Knights Adopt Girl <Mr. and Mrs. James Knight

adopted o daughter, Alice Non, born· Saturday, Oct. SI.

Mrs. Knight. the former Pau­lino Hoss, graduated lrom Mo· college In 1953. She is the dough­ier o! ldauriee A. Hess. former prorcsaor cl English at Maco!· lege from 19111-1957.


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Barry Haldeman


'Colleen Neher

. Da:vi~s, York Lighf Crew

By Doug Rapp

II one were to ask sopho­mores Dennis Da••les. Pandra, Iowa and Bryce York, Ilope,

Kansas. what thef had to say about Sabrino Fair. tbey might be heard to remark, ••11 was n 28,000 watt hour proouction rrom $10.000 worth or equipment." Translated this would mean "A Jot or work."

Dennis and Beyce are I b e lighting crew for all McPherson Colltge drama productions. 'lbty •lso Stt some aen•Jcc on cult­ural series coactrta and other mlscellantous programs.

Io the Sabrlno Fair Produc· tion alone they each spent 3G hours working out the lighting system in the week prior to curtain night. Thill works out to o•·er 7 hours a . day.

Comn1tnUng on the Job Bryce a.aid, 111\'fost people think of tlgbUng ·U Olppbig on • .... 11cb when ,-ou want il and flipping II oll wben you doo't, but there's a lot mo'1' to . It than that!"

Both boys worked wilh light:-­ing systems In their high scitools and' are in their secorul year o! service here nt ~tcPherson.

"I've always btea Interested hi this sort of llul!." Dennis said; Bryce added, "The only

ieaJ reward la the pcl"IOllal sat- ,. lslactloa we get lrom II".

When the Burke family was at Mac, Mr. Burke was vezy enthusiastic . about the lighting techniques used here saying, "They arc bolter ttinn we·ve gollcn !rom many prorcssionai theaters, excluding or C<JUrse New York's Radio City Music Hall." .

"We' re always looking for r~ cruits to help us out:• the boys sold, "there·s plenty ol current

action around here that needs to be.turned on."


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Pe~ple ----'-r---·--· Barbara Streisand Everyqod~· Loves Somebody __ De"an Martin Hard Dny's Night ------· ___ The Beatles Something.New :_------~- The Be ties How Glad 1 Am ----·--- Nnncy Wilson

CRABB'S Town and Country .

Skate P11r1y al Hutch Tomorrow night, Saturday,

Nov. 21 wUI be a skilling party in Hutchinson at Roller City. Evetyone ls invited.

Tbose interested meet in front o! Dol%our at 6: 15 where rides " ill be provided.

Billinger Returns To McPherson Nov. 17

Dr. Desmond W. Dillinger, P resident or McPherson Colloge. who underwent major surgery on..i)cL 9. returned !o McPhcr· son Nov. 17. He is cxpec:ted to be on campus shortly.

. MAC THEATRE Nov. 20·22 Fri.·Sun.


*STARVIEW• Nov. 20-22 Fri.-Sun.

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Ham~urgers Fries Uc Shakes zoo

" Miin-Tburs. II a.m. to II p.m.

f'rl-Sun. JI o.m. lo 12 p .m.

914 E. Kansas

Arnold Hall to Hold Open House Nov. 22

Arnold Hail will bold open house Sunday, Nov. 22. rrom 2:00 lo 3:30.

All studcnta and \•isitors ore invited to attend. Refreshments will be aervod with Boyd Eby, !reshman fyom Dayton, Ohio, in charge.




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