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The St. Louis Republic (St. Louis, Mo). (St. Louis, MO ...March 22. 1901. Notice is hereby gii en...

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It l!". I ! h- M I t M is i r rm. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. RECORD OF BIRTHS. ""KraH and Emma Weber. 3 Menard: boy. Martin and Marie Umbach. "41. Tenth, Kmll and Louise Cnalrr. M. . Joseph and liens UrtnUln. 2230 South fc'eventh; Arthur and Lrna Conrad, IMS South Second: John E. and Margaret Murray. 7700 Lynch: j'n'hn and Katie Keller. 03 Victcr- - plrl. Matthew and Corn llalhert 24l Mcltee; boy. l"red and Gnstrtorf, U" Vol: boy. .1. and II. Kot. 4"ii Callfurnla: l;o. Luke and Margaret Walh. .11 Mound: Fred and Irma n. Harm!. Ml! Olive: girl. l.eoiihard and Emma Stoll. S341 Salena: glr. .lame. K. and Loul mack l lnne: flrl. John II. and Mary Jamei. ist? Michigan: Theodore and Annie Schuls. 1 Merchant: dm. Michael and Julia A. Cronln. 3S3G Lincoln; girl. Jet and Annie Zakus. 2"3 Poplar: slrl II. nrd N. Lesha. 316 South Third: Joseph and Mary Schnebeher. 123 South Third; "caesare and Ma-- 1 Ufa. 3"10 2?f:;t:,,v-- , , i:. X. and ". c. Williams. K02 C ark: George and Dalsi Worrow. 3112 Ashland. girl. Jneph II. and Anna Sandt. U North Ninth. "willlam A. and Ida M. V.. 23:9 Chouteau; Slrl. "MAnni.GE"T.ICEX5ES. V. J- - Hjan ...HIT rnitron(t rthel I. Ean Ilai.ey. iy Ern't S'ewert Monteer. Mo jtmma M"rnninir Monteer. Mo Ceor-- " Kansas rlty. Ka Mirla Scanlin Kansas City. Kas Faramore Scott KOI Theodola lAnna M. 1Iaiman... 272S Rardolph "Jce lla-is- 2712 Lucas B.-d- 'e Tarpe 1437 rranklin Weildlns Hints (Solid Gold). Finest workmanship. $3.00 to CO 00. Mermod tc Jncrard's. Broadway and Locust. niniAL run m its. Charles Dahnke. 72 jears. 2T1S North Taylor; fMarta E. Boclhauf. 1 month. 220. Farrar; ery-- ''Ealblna J. Sterplch, 37 sears. 2S3S St. Vincent: llartara & rintner. 19 jears. 130S Allen; puer- - 'GemsiW. Brush. 20 years, 33XA South Jeffer- son : tuberculoma. narhara Kalai, 38 jears. St. Anthony's Hosp- ital; shock. Michael O'Donncll. CS jears. City Hospital; ac- cident. Jiiidred King. S years. W Scott: septicaemia. Rachel C. Cunningham. 26 years. SIS North Eighteenth: uraemia. Mary Bauer. $7 jej.re. 2134 South .Eighteenth: enlllty. James Bellinger, $1 jears, Insans Asjlum; enlllty. George E. Xolte. 6 gays, 1S2S South Eighth; Inanition. Ueom C. Schmltt, 37 years. Mullanphy Hosp- ital: cancer-Joh- n T. Roberts, t jears, 91 North Taylor: tiemorrhare. No-- a Jietllng. 1 jear, iO) 'Wyoming; convul-lon- s. Johanna VIetmeler, fS jears. 173 St. George: enlllty. John J. Prather. 74 iars, 5S3A Eads: senility. BrICget O'Brien. S9. St. MarTs Infirmary; bronchitis. Thomas Bumberg. (3. tOU Ca.a; heart disease. .lames II. Rnnls. 37, Insane Asylum; asthenia. Henrietta K. Branson. SO ear- -. ISM 'Washing- ton: fatty deceneratton of heart. Jacob wlneby. SS years. City Hospital; peri- tonitis. Theresla Stlens, C years, 5!10 North Fifteenth; tenhrltl... Henrv Drake, U rears. Cllr Uosnltal: senility. Dennis Dlneen, 73 4121 North Broadway; la irrlppt Kllan Barrett. (1 years. Female Hospital: pntnisia. Nicholas Soutla, 44 years. 173 Virginia; Anna Grler. CS years. 441S Maryland; asthenia. Thelma J. Turneller, 1 year, 344 Laclede: men- ingitis. John Vortlein. SO years, lilt South Fourteenth; enlllty. John H. Llppelmann. CS jcirs. Marshall and Sdanchester; naraplecla. Cirinian H. Moglcr. 5S years. 3 South Br"ada'-- : malaria. Elisabeth Meier, ct years. MSI Arsenal; tatty degeneration cf heart. HEAt ESTATE TnAXSFEBS. ABSENAU-C- 1 ft. 7 In., a. s.. beU Morsan-loi- u and Alfred; August Moron to the ulanj Ba.ldins ana lxan Aiociat,un -- w. a I ZOO) ALEC'S M ft., n. s , bet. aicNalr and Aib!turi; Ann AlUn tj Katj tauter sv, ,d t 1,35) ShUAUKAV- -S it. t. s., bet. Ruti,er aid Miller: Atbtrt Landan to Loulrwilc And ivasniil.e Railroad Ccmpanj ,d 1.20J BiioAmuAI-- 50 U, w. e.. 4t. Christian and Ulase: Loulee Voickener to Vaientme rurstieij w. u 2.00J I..j.im A J. 3J tt. In., w. r.. beu Brctwr and Hall's Feny: M. Gahn to vt Cornelia w. a 2.0) Cl'l V ULAjCii All ot lots 47. . ') and 'm, VindrX Rea.ty Company to John iva.m k. d - ; 5.0M Uhl,AIl-- n. fu n. a., bet. Walton and f.uilU: Wilsou Hunt to Anna Hancock 5.&0J Ei.i; isSVli w'tt": Viiaries'liontr to S. McCurm.ck . d - 1I.O)) l.r:vKNTH-- S ft., w. s. let Mown d Lucas; Allle fmoct to Charles Ilontz and i ass; EI,za Uurnes to Joseph Janrred )' CREEM 30ftIj""'"'l""beV. Vandeiente- - ard Prairie: Llndell Real Estate Companj to Oavld Miliar w. d - Si) HI'KCK 3 ft.: Robert Hauser to Sam Ilolllday jtc. d - 10 ECRCK 100 ft.. . s.. beu Vlralnla and 7lh; Sam Holiday to Fred Ho.llday l.M k enne'rLt Vn 'rt.' T i-- i V Yn V ! " '.'.'. j ' UTil tiler and Sarah: John Ka!n to Mn-de- r Realty Companj- - w. d '- - 3,001 l.CLEDE 40 t.. s. s bet. ande enter .ind Spring; Chris. Laumeler to Rlchanl Mln-- ke w. d ...- - 2.2M MORGAN 0 ft., a, p.. bet. Spring and vndcventer: Sam McCormlck to Charles Hontz w. d ;""V."" JIAJIYIAND-- M ft. 3 in . s. s.. bet IVvyle snd Whlttler: Alice Humphrey to Kate VpTieue v. d.. .. tcREF--3S ft., n. . bet. Toner Gre and Manchester: Sarah Metcalfe to Ed- win Me-rl- w. rt - EHENANnOAH ) ft. 10 n . . s.. brt. rth'o a"d Texas: Maria Stiultz to Su'le Josrr w. d - 2.501 SVtAf-t- O tL: V. Furrenfeld to Henry "Wnell-- r v. d v.-;-" Ml B'LT.IVAN 42 ft.. - . b--t. Md and 23d: "re Kratrpe to .lo'eph TH.ld r a..... 6.3M TTCTII 1 ., t. a. bet. ttasKa and Nosho; Ellsa rienu'e to William Slppel w. d BriI.DIG PERMITS. Mary Manning. S545 Clemens: duelling I000. Victor E. Rhodes. SSI1-1- 1 Page. ats; RIW). Francis Goeggel, 437-- 9 Page, fiats; IS.OOO. Way cot t - Andrews Supply Go., - Wgiblnitan Ave. and Second 5t. Contractors'-Tool- . Ccnpen, Btmws, Rcb.Sbcreli, Etc., Eic. Kouih western gents Joaes A Lsiag-tilla'- (Limited) BEAMS. CHAJ1XELS. AXGLES, ETC.. NEW CORPORATIONS. - ILLINOIS. HEFl'BIJC SPECIAL. , bprlngflcld. III.. March 22. Certificates of In- corporation "cte Issued y bj- - Secretari' of Mate Rote, as follows: Tne Jackson County Pubtirhlng Company, Mur- - chjsboro; capital, K.UO0; printing and imbllshlng. Inuorporators l). L. Boucher, AVIIllam Frater And Peter Morris. The Peoria Ssengerrefct Association, rcoria: romotion of music. Incorporators Jacob P. chnellbacber. John M. Mehaus and Charles S. rrnctor. The Blue Island Bartenders' Association. Blue Island: social. Incorporate! s William H. Clarke. Charles A. Mejcrs and Conrad II. Jollier. WOLF WHIPS A PACK OF HOUNDS Vanquished Eighteen Dogs in a Vicious Fight for an' Hour. ' r.EPUBLic special. Mattoon. III.. March S. Details of a thrilling light, in which an enormous tim- ber wolf vanquished a pack of eighteen hounds, reached here y. It occurred on tho Sizemore farm, near Marley, Edgar County, and was witnessed by Slebert Bcott. William Creech and Murk Davidson, who e at work In u sugar camp. They raw the wolf sweeping into victv. followed liy the doy3. The puruued animal was weak from the ions chase, and, seeing the men, ran into n shallow creek. There it turned at bay. The hounds attacked it viciously fc an hour, but retired with silt noses, lacerated flunks and bleeding, bodies. Ths wounded, but victorious wolf."was shot and Vil'.td bj- - Scott as it clambered the oppoaln Lank. STEAWErTRFo DECISION. Inspectors lilame Captain Ward, the Pilot and Engineer. r.npcuLic special. San Francisco. Cat.. March Zl The United States Inspectors of Local and Foreign Steam Vessels to-d- rendered a decision in the matter of the reck of the Pacific Mali ewamshlp City of Kio de Janeiro, find-l- c Captain IVaid to blame for allowing the jllo to leave her anchorage, on the mornlns of tho disaster; Pilot Jorden. much to blame for attempting to bring; the vessel In the harbor, and censuring. Chief Engineer Her-up- p for. being; absent from hiB post. The Inspectors revoked the engineer's license. 2:0 action was taken In the pilot's case, as UiiaUUo(Ic:. - -- ?tVfi - THE REPUBLIC- - SATURDAY. MAKCH 23, 1901. INDEX TO REPUBLIC WANT ADS. Columns. Agents Wanted Blcj'cles 7 Book". Papers. Etc 7 Buelness AVanted 1) Belgian Hares Business for Sale Carpet Cleaning Church Notices Delns. Cleaning and Repairing Dentlatrj Pegs. Cat". I'ets for Sale Dancing Educational Employment Agencies C Exchange and Barter 2 For ban Property 10 Fir Rent Apartment., Flats 10 Fr Rent Business Purposes 10 For Pale Miscellaneous 11 For Sale Suburban Property lit For Sale Cltj Property 10 Fur Sa'e Property Out of fit) ll) General Announcements Gold. SlUer and Nickel Plating 11 Houses. Rooms. Etc.. Wanted 10 Hotels Help and situation W'unted Household Goods 11 Horses and Vehicles Lost and Found Machinery for Rile Medical Money to loan Miscellaneous Wants Mining Interest" Musical Opticians Old Clothing Bought Personal s Fartners Wanted 10 Printing 7 Pens'ons Patent 1) Rubber Stairp. Seals and Stencils.. Rooms for Rent Rooms With Board Rooms and Board Wanted 10 Secret Societies Stockholders' Meetings Storage and Moving For Sale Theatrical Wall Paper. STEAMSHIPS. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS VI JftrRrt-uni- nn Honolulu. Facinc Man s. s. Co.. Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. and Oriental S. S Co. From San .Francisco: Gaelic. March 30; Hong-Kon- g Maru. April 9; China, April 1.. For rates, freight or passage, apply to L. K. Townsley. agent, 431 01l. or J. K. Aglar, agent. 03 Olive. EXCHANGE AXD BARTER. GOLD mining stock paj-ln- now 2 per cent each month. Vhat have jou? C 31. Republic PATENT terrltorj. Illinois only; for best kitchen cabinet made; a o 32, re- public. WILL exchange a good stova for brass or Iron bud. 1415 Pennsylvania aw. TVILL exchanse the most simple, cleanest and best filter made for money: made in St. Louis; over 3,000 references. Aquapura Filter Co . lit Union Market. Morgan st. side. Phone, Main 2C6M. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS. ELECTION NOTICE The annual meeting of the stockholders nf "Publishers: Geo. Kcapp & Companj" for the election ot five directors, to tme durlig the ensuing year, cvlll ba held at the office of the company on Monday. April L IT01 The meeting will t convened at 9 a. m. CHARLES V. KNAPP. President. W. B. Carr. secretary". OFFICE ot St. Louis Last Companj-- . St. Louis. Mo . March 22. 1901. Notice is hereby gii en that a meeting of the stockholders of St. Louis Last Company all be held at the office of the com- pany at No. 1411 N. Nineteenth st. In the city of St. Louis. Mo., on Thursdaj-- . May 23. 1901. at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of otlnc on a proposition then and there to be submitted to Increase the capital stock of said company from 33.0i. its present authorized capital, to 312.600, and for the transaction of such c.ther business as maj come betorc said g. A A. DELANO President. TO A. BAKER. Secretary. J FRET. : FRED DREW. A Majority of the Board of Directors. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-Not-ice is here- by given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Springfield Cral Supoly Co. of St. Louis held at the office or the company. No. 701 s. Garrison ave.. in the city of St. Louis, on March 2. 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., for tho purpose of voting on a resolution then and there to be offered to increase the capital stock of the crmnany from J3.J00 to Jio ooo. and for trach other butlners as may come before them. M. R. H. C. TRIER. ED. McDERMOTT. A Majority of tho Stockholders. LOST AJSD FOUXD. FOUND Where you can find a double scle box calf shoe. 12.95. Harris, ta Pine at. LOST Oa Grand ave.. between Palm and Ft. Louis, a ciilld'a green Jacket. Return to 3H2A N. Grand and receive reward. LOST A small Mack dog. with curl In tall, answering to the name of Chippie. Will pay liberal reward if returned to 1221 Lucas a. LOST Downtown. Thursday afternoon, J55 in billr. wrapped in tl"sue paper. Liberal reward If returned to Wm. Sommerfeld, care Republic. LOST Large St. Bernard dcg. white breast, weighs about 120 nounds; chain attached to col-la- r. Return to SOW Delmar and receive reward. CHCnCII NOTICES. THE ' BOY PREACHER, MM i gj tj9lo: Age 14. and J. Haydn Cooke, the reciting evan-f-llB- t. will hold services ct the Union M. K. Church. Lucas and Garrison avenues, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, nnd earn evenlnx. except Saturdaj's. for two weeks. AH Are welcome. DASC1G. ATTHND the Eclipse Dancing Academy. Uh-rl- Cave; lessons Tuesdays and Frldaj-a- : select parties Wednesday eientng. Sunday afternoon and evening. SELECT tall at Professor and Mrs. Frankel's academy. Mil Chouteau ave.. Saturdiv evening, March : best orchestra: six musicians. THEATRICAL. COSTUMES and wigs for rent and made to or- der: confetti and serpentines for street fairs: wholesale and retail. Fnegers, til Walnut St. IIA6HAGEN'S Theatrical Exchange, 3300 Gas- ton Ave First-clas- s talnt furnished for all oc- casions, music, vaudeville and drama. GEIVEItAL AXAOU.CEMKXTS. JOSEPH C. ICELL7 will not be. responsible for debts contractd by Ms wife, Annie Kellj-.- ' OPTIC1AXS. E. B. STRAUS, eye expert; gold spectacles REt up: complicated cases a specialty: nnest equipped 'suing parlor In city. 705 Locust st. - " Ll' DENTISTRY. BOSTON Steam Dental Roo-n- . 413 K Broad, waj-- . between Locust and St. Charles J10 and 115 sets for V. Doctor Case, proprietor. BOSTON Steam Dental Booms. 415 N. Broa- dwaySeta of teeth, si: pelnls extracting, Kc: bridge work. J3: open Sundays until 1. DOCTOR CORD gives jtju the bct that money can buy for what the chenpet costs. Open dally. TCSH Pine St.. De Sato building DOCTOR A. rribsDR. DentHt. KU Wash- ington Ave. Crown and bridge work a specialty: terms moderate; comultatlon and exam. free. TEETH EXTRACTED ABSOLUTELT WITH- OUT PAIN, by a new preparation. GOLD CROWNS. KILLINGS and PLATES cf ALL KINDS. , Trices moderate. S. E. COR. SIXTH AKD LOCLST ST9. Ir. 3E3. O. X2. DYni.XG. CLCAMXG AXD REPAIRI.W LADIES and gentletrien. have your garments cleaned, djed and lepalred for spring: flrst-cla- work. Paris Djeing & Cleaning o, 133) FianUln. OLD Cl.OTIlIMJ BOUGHT. HIGHEST cash price paid for ladles and cen. tlamin's cast-o- ff clothing. Call or send postal. J. Miller. 605 walnut st. Km. A to. No branches. JOE GELBHR. late of Texas, buys second- hand clothing; rays twice as much as value be. caus I need 'them. 101 Carr. MEDICAL. ALL private dfctases a specialty at FrankUa Avranue Free Dispensary. ia Frsnfclln ave. ItUDBEn STAMPS. SEALS. STEKCILS. ADAMS, the stamp man. tit N. Sixth at., rub- ber stamps, seals, stencils, etc: goo!. I'hup. Quick; writs for tww list. RUBBER stamps, rubber tjpe, sign markers, brufs and aluminum el ecks. at lowest prices. Kasper Stamp and Seal Company, tit Locust at. HOTELS. HOTEL Wyoming. Fifteenth and Chestnut' modern Improvements: rates We and ft par day; weekly iu'.o rcdsceC SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMA- LE. " Three Lines for Five Cents. Each Additional Lies Fir Cents Extra. MILLINER-Xe- w York milliner will trim In famlhea by tho day or take orders at this num- ber: stjllsh, reasonable. Trimmer, S92S Lucas. "WANTEbStenograpnuT portion by lady three jears' experience: 16; single. ke board operator. D 30. Republic. STSJOORAPHER Position by a competent ycung man of two jears' experience; will work for 110 to begin. X 32, Republic STENOGRAPHER Situation by experienced lady stenographer: Oliver or Smith Premier ma- chines; best of references: salary reasonable. X 18. Republic. HELP WANTED-FEMA- LE. Three Lines for Flva Cents. Each Additional Line Five Centa Extra. GenernI Housework. HOUSKGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general housework. W19 Arsenal. "lIOUSEGIRLWANTED-Gl- rl for general house- work. aSllA St. Vincent ave. HOCSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl In small family; good wages. 1834 Russell ave. HOUSEG1RL WANTED German girl for gen- eral housework. 3a" Harper st. HOUSEaiRL WANTED-Gcrm- an girl for gen- eral bounenork. 2HSA Eads ave. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go- od German girl for general houenork. 6163 Morgan. HOUSKGIRL WANTED-Color- ed girl for gen- eral hoiiEenork. 4Q Wagner place. HOUSEGIRL WANTBD-O- irl to cook ard do light housework. 3J1S Llr.dell ave. HOt:SEGIRr7wANTED-Gl- rl for general house- work; permanent place. 42 Oregon ave. "HOUSEGIRL WANTEDGirI for general hou"ework; small lamllj. :S33 Gamble yl. HOUSKGIRL WANTED White girl for gen-ei- hoysework: no washing. 4868 Fountain ave. HOUSKGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general house- work, good wages to right person. 3KS Page ave. " IIOESBGIRLWANTED-GI- r! for general houso-wor- no vathlng. 3524 Victor st., near Grand ave. HOUSEOIRL WANTED-Go- od girl for general housework; nu washing. 1441 Iv. Twenty-firs- t street. "iIOUSEGIRL WANTED-- A girl for general housework. 3t&! Blaine ave.. two blocks toutli cf Park. ltntTsnnirti. WANTED German rlrl for gen eral housework: three in famllj-- . 4016 Caalle-ma- n ave. lirTCVTT5tTT. n'lVTPtl ClnnA German cirl for general housework; small family; good home. 3515 Cook. HOUSEGIRL WANTED German girl for gen eral housework must be German. 10I N. rweirtn st. eral house work: small family; references. 4.33 j: innej- - ave. "HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general houe- - amntl fMmtlt F?nni1 MV. AtlOlv tO 4546A Laclede ave. . ... .,..... .. v.. . .i r.1.1 raral housework: three In family: ijcrman preferred. Kza toi icii?. TiniTSEnini. WANTED Girl for general housework: small family: no washing; good wages. 4511 rjoog. . . -- .n..nnT.n- -- .. rt nt.l -- L... ,-- old to assist with housework; small famllj-- . tali 1107 S. Eleventh st. ....... .,. . ., ,f. Cwn vl h M ....... HVJlJOCulitU HA.li,ir-t.i'i- u riri r peneral housework: small family: refer ence required. 4I03A Page. TinuqEntnr. WANTED Girl for general housework. Applv Mrs. Youngblood, 1516 St. Clair ave.. East Bt. Xvouis. "vrntrcvrsmT. wivrKn- - Cnmnetent girl for general housework: no outside work: four in fam- llj; wages 318. 43CC Laclede. iTfiiTHPfimr. WitiTED. Girl for general houework; none but good cook need applj. 406A Collinsvllle av.. East St. Iuls. HOUSEWOMAN WANTED Woman for gen- eral housework: small family: no washing. Apply 1K0 N. Nineteenth st. Cooks. COOK WANTED FIrFt-clas- s cook, Call Satur- - day at 4191 Delmar boulevard. COOK WANTED Settled woman at ones to cook: good wage?. 3117 Washington. COOK WANTED rirst-clB- cook: no washing or Ironing; wagca $18. Applyat 3(33 Shaw ave. "COOK WANTED", white ciriTo cook and as- sist with the washing and ironing. 1756 Pine st. COOK WANTED Cook and do general house- work: good pay to competent person. 5837 Cates av e. COOK WANTED German or Irish girl: good rook; small family; permanent. 6061 Delmar bou- levard. COOK WANTED-Excell- ent place for good girl who can cook; girl kept for children. 1615 Penn- sylvania ave. COOK WANTED-A- t once, neat colored girl; must understand cooklig. nnd sleep at borne; good wages. 3910 Llndell boulevard. Ilousegirls. GIRL WANTED-Sm-all girl or old lady to help with 1013 Cass ave. GIRLS WANTED Girls on shop coats, bv hand and machine: also girl to learn power ma- chines. S04 N. Broadway, third Boor. HOUSEGIRL WANTED White girl to as'lst in housework. 3936 Waehlngton. HOUSKGIRL WANTED Woman or girl to do light housework. Cill Saturdaj-- , 1129 Washing- ton ave HOUSEGIRL WANTED A good, reliable while girl to assist with housework; good wages. 301. Eads ave. HOUSEGIRL WANTED A steady, rellabl white woman for general housework: no wash- ing. 1613 Missouri ave. HOUSEGIRL WANTED Good girl to assist In housework: aoort home for right rartj-- . Call at once. 419'i N. Eighth st. WOMAN" WANTED Middle-age- d housewoman for chamber work. 2313 Locut st. Xnraea. GIRL WANTED German girl, who can speak English. 13 or 16 jears old. to take care of chil- dren. Call Saturdaj-- . between 10 and 13 a. m. 4443 Cvest. "NURSE WANTED Woman in nure for small children. Applj at 401 N. Taj lor ave. NIjnSE WANTED Nurse with experience. Apply at St. L.iuls Hospital Association, 303 Bell ave. NURSEGIRL WANTED-Color- ed narseglrl. MS Brooklj n. NUR8EGIRL WANTEI-You- nc nurscglrk 2341 S. Compton. Dressmakers nnd Seamstresses. GIRLS WANTED To sew on custom coats, 103 N. Eighth st., third floor. GIRLS WANTED Experienced finishers on ccats. 721 Pine st. room 5 GIRLS WANTED Twenty-fl- v e plrls at once to sew on custom coats. Apply J. W. Losse, E07 N. Sixth at. OIRLS"" WANTED-GI- rls to sew on vests; learners. 13 to 5 per w;ek; experienced, 16 to . Rosenberg, 611 Gever ave. GIRLS "WANTED Exper'enced girls to operate g sewing mnchlnes- - Rawlings faport-In- g Gjcda Co.. tgO Locust st. "tllRLS WANTED Girls on shop costs, ma- chine hands, feller hands and finishers. D. Weln-trau- 4 :i. Broadwaj', fourth floor. HAND sewers on pant': steady work. Mills & A frill. Broadway nnd Pine. HAND SEWERS WANTED Hand and ma- chine stjwers on coats COS Carr st. OVERAL- L- MAKER WANTED Experienced overall maker; good pay. 903 N. Eighth St.. 2d floor. ""PANTS SEWERS WANTED Three good cus- tom pants llnlshers: highest wages paid; ateady emplojmcnt. St. I.oul Tailoring Company. bldg., 70S',4 Pine st. SKIRT HANDS WANTED E. Schwartz, Mer-mo- d . Jaccard bulldlnc rooms SKIRTMAKERS WANTED Twenty-fiv- e expe- rienced sklrtmakers on fine skirts; highest ply and rtrady work. Progress Manufacturing Com- panj-. 3017 Lucas ave. WAIST AND SLEEVE FINISHERS WANTED Experienced waist and sleeve finishers. 3323 Washington ave. Waitresses. DINING-ROO- GIRL WANTED FIrst-cla- s dining-roo- girL Call at once. Maylleld Sani- tarium. Taj'lor and Hell. GIRL WANTED-G- Irl In restaurant. 23a Chou-tta- u ave GIRLS WANTED Dining-roo- girl and kitch- en girl. SC08..North Market. . , WAITRESS WANTED-Go- od. ..willing girl to wait on table and make herself useful about the house; come ready for work. 3105A Olive. Clerks and Salesworaes, LADY WANTED To sell an elegant 'French Imported china dinner set: 102 nieces, for Tl; chance ot lifetime. 1023 Holland bldg. The TraCcs. - -t "LADIES WANTED-- St. - Louis (and every town) to sell best sktu supporter and waist ho'dcr; salary S. Write or call any time; easy 'seller. SU Olive st.. roiai 416. PRESS FEEDERS WANTED Job press ,fed-er- s: experienced only. Buxton : Skinner Co.. tM-to- S N. Fourth at. Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Wholesale busi ness: SrMtU Premier Address. In handwriting, giving experience, af and refer- ences, Q V), Republic HELP WANTED-FEMA- LE. inree wnea for Each Additional Lino Pive Cents Extra. 3Iiacellaneoo.il. CANVASSERS WANTED-La- dy canvassers; a per cent commission; $10 a week easily made. is cv ling. is:i Cass ave. n.KAXER wanted-Gi- rl to do cleaning. In- - qulro at bakery, 925 N. Pendleton DININO-ROO- GIRLS WANTED Five girls for dining-room- ; experience unnecessary, rhu Breltllng. 4U N. Broadway, upstairs. GIRL WANTED Good -- irl. German preferred; good wages. 34J0 Park ave. GIRL WANTED A good white girl; family ot three: flat. KGSA Cabanne ave. -G- 1LLSWANTED-Glrls to learn to make ci- gars; Is eay work anil good vvagfs: will pay from first iay; nice girls, with reference, apply Ukrran Bros.. 3a N. Third st. ""irITneRS WANTED-EJ.perlen- ced shirt Iron-e- steady work. J'uul K. Wolff Shirt Laundry. 40S N. Third st., third floor. . LADY'ranvassersTdon't acept agency until jou get mypartlcular. Nevllng.ll au av liADY WANTED Intelligent joung ladv to stay In r store; call Saturday. t, 719 N. Vnndev enter ave. LADIES devirlng pleasant easy horn.- - work paying handsome income should address with stomp. Standard Remedy Co. flint. Mich. LADIES WANTED-NVat-oppea- ladleB wh.i deslrn etendv emplnsment all the jear around. Call at Room to), Pozronl bullilirg. all Chiatnut street. HEAD Rraham's lmnet. straightforward uffcr In agents' column and write tn thf-ni- hOLUUTOU WANTEDA ladv to Follclt among her friends for ft I.ouls llealtli League, 51 Walnut nt. hOLICITORS WANTED Lady tollcltors; bis pij' for eay work. C13A Pine, room 8. WANTED You to do writing, fold circular-,- , etc., to pay SO per cent of jour tuition. Call on or addrtss Uraughon's Practical i)ulne"s Umlie building, corner Ninth and Olive. "WANTED Ijidre""7o learn l'air!rejng. mani- curing or faiial inifinKe: only four wks by our method of practical experience; rt Instructions, lecturei. etc.: splendid demunl for graduates. Iist veek wu placeil II e girls at 313 weekly: busj- - teanon soon. Call or write for catalogue at orce. Moler College. 1141 Murket st. WOMAN WANTED-Stea- dy womin to do kitchen work at Cot's restaurant, 3; Olive. WRAPPERvVANTED-GIrl- io wrap soap. Call at N. K. Falrbank Co.. ThlrJ anil Convent st3. STOVE REPABRS For all stoves. A. O. Brauer. 'IMIS N. Third at. SITUATIONS WANTED-mT- lE. Three Lines for Five Cents. Each Additional Line Five Csnts Extra. ACCOUNTANT wants pet of books to open complicated aciounts to udjust. Kinloch D MS; "ACCOUNTANT Books opened, examined, and statements made; firms or corpora- tions. J. J. rischer, 310 Temple building. 'aMANUENPIS,-s'crcta- ry and companion to elderly gentleman. In or out of clt-- , by competent man: small salary. R 22, llepubllc. 'itARTENDER-Sltuatl- on as bartender: had ex- perience In small town. Uox 26. Kinloch lark. Mo. BOOKKEEPER-Posltl- on by experienced book- keeper, with large country acquaintance; can give best of references. Address 523 Holland I ulldlnj. BOOKKEEPKR-You- ng man. 22. desires posi- tion as assistant bookkeeper, general ofllce cler'c or collector: flvo jears' experience. II 27, ' LMCKLAYER Position by union bricklayer: out of practice for neven jean; no bad habits; best recommendations. K 23, Republic. "cARPENTERCarpentcr and cabinetmaker wants work, by day or contract. E 31. Republic. CLERK Position as clerk or manager in cigar store by experienced, middle-age- d man; gocd reference. L 36. Republic. CLERK Position a general clerk In a bank, companj 's office or wholesale house: seventeen . j ears experience: age to. i.. cj viu CUiltK Cltuauon OV joung imiuru iiici, m with experience In business clerking and as salesmen: good penman, who Is willing to work at anjtliing: refirence. X 3J, Republic. "COLLECTOR. ETC. Situation as collector nr solicitor for reliable firm; bent of references and bond If required; well acquainted with c!tj X 26. Republic. COOK Situation by meat or pistry cook, coun- try or railroad eating-hous- 31 26. Republic. "ciITTERSItuaTlon by flrst-rla- is custoni cut- ter: cltv or country: 10 years' experience. P 22, Republic DRAFTSMAN Position as tracer and to out-Iln- e. A 29. Republic. MACHINlST-SItuatI- on wanted by flrst-cla- s machinist as machinist or assistant engineer; can do firing. Address J. L. T.. 1903 Belle Glade ave. MAN Situation wanted at house and window rWrJr.lr.g; white man; refcrencts. Hughes, 2027 rranklin ave. MAN Situation by young man. 23 years of sge. having experience In office work and as clerk: also some krowledge In bookkeeping; can speak Gem an: best references. Y 2f. Republic. MANAGER Position as manager In branch of- fice or as traveling rr.nn.in Mlssi'slppI or Louisi- ana; best reference. II 32, Republic. NURSE Position as nurse by gentleman to wait on patients; night or doj-- , or all the time. H 32, Republic. PAINTER-Practl- cal houre painter desires a situation by the day or Job; will work for low paj-- . E 27, Republic. WALL paper to clean: nins years' experience In this work exclusively; send postal: will call. 1. Neal. 231 Marlon'st. IOUNG man wants envelope, circulars, etc. tn addrc: neat and quick work guaranteed. II 32. Republic. HELP WANTED-MA-LE. Threa Lines for Five Cents. Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra. The Trndes. BAKER WANTED Baker on bread and cake; must be strictly Urst-clas- gocd wages to right partj-- . Address D 25, Republic. BArITer'waNTEDA goocTbarber. Call j'. 4437 N. Twentieth st. BARBER WANTED Young man to learn bar- ber trade. 303 Market St. BARBER WANTED First-cla- Saturday anj Sunday barber at J439 Old Manchester. BARBER WANTED-Go- od barber for Situr-da- y and Sunday: 13 guaranteed. liOi Cass av e. BLACKSMITH. ETC., WANTED-IIIacksm- lth and helpers on poles. Moon Bios. Carriage Co., Seventeenth and Morgan. BOOKKEKPlsira, stenographers and others In- terested In c. buslneis education, call or eend for catalogue. Draughon's Practical Business Col- lege, Ernllle bullalng. Ninth and Olive sis. CARPENTERS AND CAR BUILDERS WAST-EU-App- ly 2HC9 lit Kalb St. COATMAKER WANTED A coatmalter at once; sack coats, (6 up. N. Sandler. Cairo, III. COATMAKER WANTED A good coatmaker to go to Jefferson Citj : permanent Job: uteady work; sack coats, it. Applj' Monday morning at 13 IMIkrton building, cltj. COATMAKKRS WANTED Several coatmakers. pantsmakrs and vestmakers, to go to the coun-trj- -. Apply Jos. M. Hajes Woolen Co., Ninth and Locust. COOK WANTED Ooed man cook; must ba steady. 1905 S. Jefferson ave. CCOK WANTED Second and fry cook at tho Brcltllnj Restaurant, ill N. Broadway-- , upstairs. DRAFTING, deilgnlng quickly and accurately executed; special attention given to experimental work. Inventions, etc. It. L. Richard, S71S N. Ninth st. TEEDERS WANTED Job press feeders. Ca'l Saturday morning at Chae. I". Kelly Printing Co.. 118 N. Third st. PAINTER. WANTED A sign and wagon painter; steady Job winter and summer for light man. In upplS'ing state wagea expected and exiierlence. M JJ. Republic. PAINTERS WANTED Carriage painters. M. Ketterer, 1807 Menard st. PANTS FINISHERS WANTED Erperienced pants finl'hers: good prices paid. Goldstein .t Co , 723 Franklin av p, 3d floor. POSITIONS! May deposit .money In nanfc until petition is secured. Superior lntructlon. This college is Indorsed by busings men. Call or send for catalogue. Drauchtnn'a Practical Bn.-nes- s Collegi-- , " uulldlng. cornr Mntb and Cllve sts. SHOEMAKER WANTED-Shocma- ker at 1037 Whlttlcr st.. at 7n. m. SHOEMAKERS WANTED Two heel breasters and two to touch up heels and edge. Friedman Bro. Shoe Co.. ?417 Locust st. "SHOEMAKERS WANTED-Stea- dy emnloj-mo- and first-cla- ray to good men: call or write. McNamara Shoe and La Companj-- . 205 N. Sixth rt. TAILORS WANTED-Go-od coat and pants and vest makers; good prices paid and atcadv work. Inquire 311i N. Sev enth St.. at John C. Zallee & Son's. TOOL AND DIE MAKERS WANTED Expe-- r kneed tool and die makers, accustomed to light manufacture: state experience; permanent posi- tion to right parties. L 28, Republic. UPHOLSTERER WANTED First-cla- car- riage upholsterer: soter; steady place to the right party: send reference. Cnilllcotbe Buggy and Top Co., chllllcothe. Mo. VARNISHER WANTED Furniture factory. Jefferson and Sullivan. WANTED Strictly first-cla- planing mi:i man: must be Addres at once, Mechanics' Planing Mill Co.. Fort Smith. Ark. WANTED Experienced laundry man. one who has wife or daughter who understands the work: must Le sober and reliable: good position to right party: none but experienced, help need ap- plv'. write Montlcello Steam Laundrj'. Montlcello. Aik. WOODTURNER WANTED Practical wood- turner. Frank Schmidt, planing mill, Iowa and .Victor. WOODWORKER WANTED Gocd carriage woodworker; best of wages aud steady position. A. Jlkl, S N. Ninth SL HELP WANTED-MA- LE. Three Llns for rive Cents. Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra. Clerks and .Salesmen. AGENT WANTED loung man agent to sell to small stores. Y 23. Reildlc. A"GENTSWANTED-To"s- tll filter': now is the time to make rnonej-- ; we maks stone filters from 23c to S13. 7o3 Pine t. BUSINESS men strc-:.i- y indorse, for nnd special facilities fur tecurlng posi- tion". Draughon's Piactlial Business College, cor-r- Math and Olive sts. Call cr send fcr cata-icgu- e. CLERK WANTED-- ru vlerk. fctnte's dms store.. 4IC9 Olive st. ENERGETIC siilesman. school supplies; coun- try vsork; 31CC: salary and commissions. It. O Evan3 & Co. Chltago, 111. HUSTLERS WArtTED Willing to travel: to start: nlca. eay pmposltlon and pleasant work. Call 919 Olive st.. room 2. MAN WANTED Good arparance, to repre- sent old hou-- o on road; alirv und expenses to start. Call 919 Olive .t., room 2. MAN WANTED To sdi an elegant Frencli Impornd chin. dlnn"r net: U2 li'ece.. for 31; chance of lifetime. 1022 Holland bldg. 'Man in each prominent city: salary, expenses and extra commission"; refer- ences required. Block Mfg. Co , 901 Olive st , St. Louie. MAN WANTED EnerFetle nnn for twnt.anent position as local or travellrit representative: ex- perience unnec-sar- y: salary and expeases. Evans ft Co.. M4 Olive st. HLK'JIANtVANTEDMu''t be good talk'r nd well atqiclnted: Itejt tropnEltlnn In M. I,iuU; 33.30 iHHy. C10 Holland Lulldln SALESMAN "" WANTED FIrtcl-"s- rciiabl? man to h1I our lubricating oil" and grrasrs; lib- eral ealnrj or romrnls-io- n to 1 good man. The CI amplon Rcimlng Co . Cleveland, O. SALESMAN WANTED-Exprlen- ced traveling salesman acquainted with Mlsrourl dry goo.lv trade: sell for established tmnufacturer; popular brand goods as sld llnp; commission. Address, with reference. I. 27 Republic SALESMEN "wANTEl)-Sale7m- -n tn sell tas and rclTeo In family trade In the city. Apply 1111 Franklin ave. WANTED-M- en to fell cigars; city work; 110 a thouind to cale.men. Anti-Tru- C- igar Co . 103 N. Ninth et. SALESMEN WANTED-Salesm- en of nbillty; must have gooil appearnnce; .alarj-- . 530 3Icr-mo- d & Jaccard building. SALESMEN WANTED If jou arc emplove.l or not and have 13. vou cin nrn "everal dollars dallj-- . Mermod-Jsocar- d building. ""SALESMEN W'ANTBDTv.o salesmen in etch Slate: Jji) pnd exrnvfa: nerminer.t position. Penlckn Tobacco Works Co.. Penlck". Va SALESM ENW:ANTED Live, active salesmen to sell household articles: steady work; rood wages. Room 239 Arcade bldg.. East Ft. Louis. SALESMEN tTArtTED Two good saleemen: wagea every week; reference required. Apply room 241. Arcade building. East St. Louis. 1:1. SALESMEN WANTED To sell fruit tree pro- tection and buggy top dressing to countrv mer- chants and consumers. Hart & Co . 622 Holland bldg. SALESMEN WANTED To sell the Aquapura Filter; made In St. over S.oN) references. 116 Union Market. Morgan st. tide. Phono Main 2426M. SALESMEN For uffice specialtllee. by sam- ple- fine side llne: easy sellers: liberal terms we help jou .tarti; exclusive tec; cat. free. Model Mfc Cr.. Dent. 32. South Bend. Ind SALESMAN WANTED A aale-m- who Is acquainted with the trade In anl arourd Ft. Louis to handle a No. 1 line of ladles' wrap- pers; address, with reference. F. Frank tc Co., 7 St. Charles st , Baltimore. Md. SALESMEN WANTED We want several re- sponsible men for family tea and coffee routes; will paj 8alary and commission and enable you to build up your routes. Address, giving age. experience and references. L 15, Republic. WANTED Wholesale clothing traveling sales- man for N. Mii"ourl. N. Kansas and Southern Illinois, only applicants considered selling at leat 133 Ou, accompanied with references. In- cluding last emplojers; no others considered. Address "Clothing." Box DO.. Cincinnati. O. SALESMEN WANTED Thoroughlv ex- - : perjenced silk salesmen. Apply to J. G. : : 'Nugent of B. Nugent & Bro. Drj- - Goods : : Company. : Boys. BELL BOYS WANTED Bell boys that understand serving urlnks. Apply at 4 p. m .nuniversivy v.iuo. EOY WANTED Small bov. Louis Busch. Ell Pine st. BOY WANTED Errand boj-- . St. Louis But- - ton Co . C20 N. Broadwaj-- . BOY WANTED-- A boy. 16 or 17 vears old. to work around saloon. 303O Marcus ave. BOY WANTED Boy as porter: must have good reference: whlto or colored. 3300 Morgan. BOY WANTED Good boy. who has had expe- rience In frame Joining: must have reference. Lvdlk Art Co.. 1023 Franklin ave. BOY WANTED At once, bright, active toy, 16 jears old; apply after 10 a. m. Star Feather Co , 713 N. Commercial St., near Morgan and Levee-sts- . HOTS WANTED Boys about 13 to work In fac- - torj. ifrown Mig. 1.0.. 4iz . sixtn st. BOYS WANTED NewsBovs: lodging free: all bojs welcome. Apply 20OT Olive st.. rear. "P.OYS WANTED Eojs that are willing to work. Excelsior Box and Mfg. Co., 2SK N. Twelfth st. BQYS WANTED Three small. neatly-drese- d hoys to sell candy. Apply i::30 In Columbia Theater gallery. BOYS WANTED Ten bojs about IS years old to learn trade; tt per week while learning, i" 2SS, P.epubllc. HELPER WANTED T!Iacitmlth helper boy. Address Box SI, Sapplngton. Mo. Cniirossen and Solicitors. AN A. P. A. M. WANTED Exceptional of- fer and good pay to good man. Call at room 41S Burlington building. 83 Olive tt. CANVASSERS-Drea- m book tells your future, business, love, marriage, etc: send 20c for sam- - Reliable Book Co.. 1104 Market at., at. ouls. Mo. MAN WANTED-Go- od man for best Indu- strie and ordlniiy policy written; entirely new; pay times; debit If desired. 901 chemical build- ing. YOUNG man with some experience as a solici- tor: notldn: to sell; salary and commission to right party. M 30, Republic. Miscellaneous. ANY person who will distribute circulars for 13 dally should address Standard Co., 4 Wells, Chicago. Steady position; no canvassing. BE BOSS Immense money made cleaning mon- uments until Decoration; new lightning process; experience unnecessarj'. Write E. Hctzler, Hum- boldt, Tenn -- BRICK WHEELERS AND BRICK HAND- LERS WANTED Brick wheelers and brick hand- lers at No. 6 yard, Oravols road and Chippewa, lijdraulfc Tress .Brick Company. CONCRETE WORKERS WANTED-Saturd- ay morning; new building. O'Fallon and Lewis sts. Columbian Flreprooflng Co. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED-Clrcu- lar distribu- tors; !6 per 1,000: Inclose stamp. Parisian Chem- ical Co.. Newport. Ky. FOREMAN AND HELPERS WANTED-V- est foreman and helpers on fine custom vests; high- est wages; steady employment. E 23, Republic. JANITOR WANTED-Ptn- gle man as night jan- itor In rooming-hous- Doctor Butts, 1503 Wash-Ingto- n MAN WANTED Man to do chores for his board and lodging. C670 rinney av e. MAN WANTED Man With common school education to work in city; gooJ Inducement to good roan. 2T31 Franklin ave. MAN WANTED-- A rr.lddle-ag-- d man to h'lp around Kitchen and saloon; will be a good home for right man. 1401 S. Seventh su MEN WANTED T.v try box-ca- lf shoes; J2.53. Harris, H Shr Man, ;:0 Pino st. PHYSICIAN WANTED Physician between ave of " and CO. de"lrlng hoipltal experience for one jear; must bo e and well recommend- ed. A S3. Republic. POSITIONS! May deposit money in bank unt'l position Is secureit. superior instruction. This ia tndnrsed by businrrs men. Call or send for catalogue. Drauchton's Practical Busi- ness Cclleg?, Emllie building, corner Ninth und .live sts. "REPAIRER WANTED Blcjcle repairer: al-- o boj Knight Cjcle Co. 311 N. Fourteenth st. TEACHERS WANTED Two male teachers of experience: salary $30 per month each. C H, Republic. WANTEeTeVIIRYWHERE Hustlers tn tack sign, distribute circulars, samples, etc.: no can- vassing; sold pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. " WANTED-V- ou to do writing, fold circular", etc., to pay S per cent of your tuition. Call on or address Draughon's Practical Business Col- lege. Emllie building, cor. Ninth and Olive. WANTTD Men to learn barber trade: only eight weeks required. In order to supply demand for our graduatm during spring rush we make special thirty-da- y offer, including board and tiiols with scholarship. Call or write Molcr Barber College, 1141 Market st YARDMAN WANTED Strong joung man for housework. M" in. Jayior. mive si. cars. IfARHES BUSINESS CO LUBE. Public Llnrary bldg.. Ninth and Locust. Com and see;us end get catalogue. POS ITI O N S 2s ". T JKSf ,a position Is ttcured. or wll laccept note 20 p- -r cent discount to city students- - bookkeeping, pen- manship, shorthand, typewriting, : teichers specialists: ccurse Ir.t' ruction and special facili- ties for securing positions strongly Indorsed by business men: best patronized business college In the United Status: three months bookkeeping; with us is equal to six elsewhere; shorthand de- railment second to none: about 23 per cent of our students are graduates of othr buslress col- leges. J. T. Draughcn. president. Is author nf four text bools on bookkeeping that have by far the largest saw. among business men. or any published: catilozue will explain all call nr serd for it. Draughon's Practical Business Cullcgr, St Louis. Emllie building. Ninth and Olive; Nashville. Little Rock. Fort Worth. Calvrston, Sbrcveport. Montgomery and Savannah. HELP WANTED-MA- LE. Thre Lines for rive Cents. Each Addltloral Line Five Cents Extra. Cooks. COOK WANTED-Go-od cook, washer and iron- - er. 3934 Washington ave.- - Conehn.en. COACHMAN WANTED A cbfr coachman: must Wins refereices. Call 145 CirroII -- t. AGENTS WASTED. i AGENTS Call and e our new ticket: best feller In St. Lculs: reba.e on all tickets. Munll). 1314 01Ie st. I "AGENTS WANTED-La- dy cgents to travel and npprilnt agenti; 7 per daj. Call afternoons, iva ! vvasnugioii ave. AGENTS WANTED Tn sell filters: now ! I tl-- 1 time to make morej ; mak; none filters from Kc to II.'. 703 Pin.? st. AGENT?" In Missouri. V. S. H'alth and Accl-dr- Ins. Co.; taplta! "lock SMO.W-- II. J. Chat-terto- n. Supt. of A:s.. Sedan 1. Mo. I AGENTS WANTED Ti rell n- -l elegant imported china olr.ner et. 102 niece", for II. ilinnce of lifetime. 1023 Holland bulldlr-g- . AGENT" WANTED To "sell Frisch'Istet In.praved square vapor bath n'blr'ft. vith door, from J3.3J to Jli). Krljch. 414 N. Eighth st. AGENTS."" Stretmon. Fakers Song book". Jl per 101: hot sellers: deposit on C. O. D. orders. Carttr Buok Co.. 311 S. ""AGENTS With" Haj el's metallic rilbb-- r tire" for rccl.lrir chairs, rnnkr $I'"1 pr munth. -s J. C. Havea, 413 E. St.. Dca Mclne". low 1. "AGENTS WANTED Latest aluminum no.-elt- fVn to everjliody; sompl luc. large pronts. Ojier No. ell j Co. 713 Holland building. AGENTS WANTED We lave the- - latist thing In Bufialo Imttiins; something entirely new in metal; "ample lie. Haskell. Mfr. 61S Pine st., St. liQUlF. AGENTS WANTED Agmt. ma' and female, I for vltj : big pav; quick returns. Call Old Reli- able Star Portrait Company Studio, main offic- io! N. Eleventh st. AGENT:! WANTED To place .treet car tick- et" (Transit r Suburban) within reach of jll: pinr a trip; six hours' work pays agent J3. duj.'ClG Hollard building AGENTS WANTED m gent- -, streetmen. write for catalogue: sea gold and plate wire Jewelrv: firdlngs. streetmen a noveltie". FlEher. 1423 Franklin ave. AGENTS WANTED-Ma- le or female, to se'I and advertise 'Tloor-Shine- " enam-- 1 floor coicr" to private famllls throughout the United States. Address. floor-Hiln- e Co.. St. Louis. Mo- - "AGENTS wanted In every county to sell Studs Rings. Pins; set with diamond, hplenclld profits, onlv- - perfect imitation of genuine dia- mond; terms mailed free. Molssan Diamond Co.. Cincinnati. O. AGENTS on salary or commission: the great- est agents' seller ever produced: every user of pen and Ink bu r.n sight: 200 to 500 per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to $620 in six rtajs: another 132 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co , X 43, La Crosse. Wis. "AGENTS WANTED 123 per day guaranteed In salarj or commission for everj' day you are In our employ. Th's statement I" not exaggerated. We want a general agent for jour territory : our roods sell at sight to every man. woman or child. In everv office, factory and home. A person that can sell anjthlng can make a fortune; every allele patented and never before sold In ycur terrltorv. Exclulve agency granted and a free outfit of samples to start right to work sent you en receipt of jour application. Write at once, ns we only want one good man for jour terri tory, uraliam Co . ll &w. nncinnau. v. - ti!.. .,. n..itM 11IU monev ior anems w- -. ..,-.- Burner for all kerosene lamps; 200 per cent profit; quick sales: no risk; sample outfit free. Write at once. W. W. Luther Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati. O. "EVERY honest man and weman oat ct em- ployment to call at the Murillo Studio. 1314 Olive; permanent work; gocd money made IIYPNOTISM-Syste- for clairvoyants, mes- - m ens is, rnuguci.u ", -- r"vi i sumps. Carter Book Co.. 311 S. B'gar. St. Locte. ri a nr-n- cr v-- t( TT tTTrri Tn I1 ml1 T1- S- .. . . r.I . tr ...... II lis,- - per iron, tur .utpe -- ihjic ijj. sion. United Statet Wall raptr Co . 910 Plneat. PEDDI.ERS and agents will eave money by buying from MorrlB bchimmel- - 101Z - Seventn Bt.. dealer In dry good and notions. -- m V"TyoT" ' a - a Trv warhable enamellnea: no (tia?; don t hid; i.n 1i..( ! fmtmr cneap ranuiv ruiiuii w PRACTICAL minder for all homo grinding; at-t- a el-- s to rnachlne: blp money lor agents eiiner eex. crrii-e- n -- u. -. -- r- rt.i..n.. -. nfPor j.rsAU oinuiiut i nuutsi, fu in aKcntir column .mia wnte iv . .nHnAnn lis T mAw nT trl t ww nanza; biff pay. Room 8 second floor, 613A Pme eireei. T.riTi: .. . .. ..tt. TIlfct7IJ4T. r altera uoia wrm, wim.rii-ini- r noely out; jtample. five 3c starapts. Carter Book Co.. 311 3. Broadway. St. Ioal5. "THREE ffood fraternal tnttirance men wanted for dtr work and foar for field work In III!-no- Apply to Crescent IJfe AMoeiation. Room .1 a.s-ii- . "ia O Til HO, ATVaMia UU1IUHIK. -- - . . . . H. s. ,s .a4.4fta. a nf WAliu Manager in ch cguiuj u -- - sctlptlon book agency: no canvas"tng required; K0 monthlj- - and expenses; commissions extra; ln- - -- - . . n.- - J niAAmlnHnn Til CIU3". PWV v. w. .w...."p.".'. TOU will never get ncn worn ior wmk". let them work for you; 10 cents bring" sample, etc. American Chemlstrj-- . Dept. C, Rochester. N.jr. 10O monthly, new patent metallic bread boards; sample free. H. B. Forshee Co.. Cincinnati. O. JB-Nar- Tailor System, with Illustrated lesson book: big monev for agents. Norman Pat-ter- n Co.. 101 N. Channlng ave.. St. Louis. Mo. R. U. A. BUFFALO? Agents to sell Buffalo Batters; dnxes. e; M. II; 100. 11.9); 600. I; 1,000, JIO; samples. 6c St. Louis Button Co. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. ALL those desiring help or seeking situations rray register with the Free Employment Bureau of the State or Bureau ot Statistics. 835 Cen- tury building. Situations and help furnished fres of c! arge. Tel. Kinloch B 1717. COACHMAN, experienced and with tCO found. National Employment Co., 113 N. Sixth. EIGHT married couples for farms, private places and dairy; hlgbrst wages nnd permanent places. National Employment Co.. 113 N. Sixth. FARM HANDS. ETC., WANTED Farm hands, milkers, gardners. buggy washer, house-na- n man for private place, man for ice wag- on ($3 week). Koerlg's Labor Agency, 612 Wal- nut st. LABORERS. F.TC. WANTED Lahore and tearcrters for new railroads la Iltlnols, Missouri and Indian Territory; free pass. Koenigs Labor Agercy, 612 Walnut St. TEN men for private places, tit found. Na- tional Employment Co., IIS N. Sixth st. THIRTY muleteers and hostlers for our next shipment, Monday. March 33: shipment guaran- teed. National Emploj-men-t Co.. 113 N. Sixth at. THIRTY-FIV- E teamsters, laborers. Choctaw Railroad, 11.75. 32. National Employment Co.. H3 N. Sixth st. TWENTY farm hands, $18. 120; steady work. National Employment Co . 113 N. Sixth st. f WENTY-FIV- E brickyard laborers. J1.40, 3LC3; stead)-- . National Employment Co.. 113 N. Sixth. HORSES AXD VEHICLES. Foi Sale. 1 LL kinds deliv ery wagons, storm buggies, new and secondhand. Young & Co., 142S N. Broadwaj-- . FINE draft horse. In good condition; ); cheap. 1940 North Market st. FINE two-"- runabout, good condition; six-se- surrey. 1C6S Easton av. I'OR Sale Rubber-tire- d buggy; goodas new. 1113 N. Broadway FOR Sale High, rear spring wagon; park wagon; huckster wagon. 2lf Elliot ave. GOOD. bay. chunky horse, weighs 1.3)0. fit for grocer or any kind work: also one gray mare. 133. 10:0 N. Seventh at. HARNESS The best assortment of harness In the city, new and secondhand, at bottom prices, at A. 'mckett's. 1522 and 1534 N. Broadway. HIGH-GRAD- Columbia runabouts, bike wag- ons. Stanhopes, surreys and buggies; we carry a full 11ns of delivery wagons and road wagons; we can build jou most anything In the vehicle line jou may want; our prices will Interest jou. Deeds & Manlev. 303 N. Main st, between WasV lrgton ave. and Vine st. SS head: all kinds aid prices: driv- ing teams and saddlers; also two storm buggies 1204 N. Broadwaj-- . MULES Couple of cheap plug mules. 1020 N? Seventh st. RUNABOUT: cost J100; sell for 3; must sell eight head horses cheap. 1300 N. Broadwaj-- . PORREL mare. 16 3 hands: nice looker and nice hooker: any lady can drive; jou can buy at 163 only: Fagan. 2702 Lucas. STORM buggies, runabouts: also delivery wag- ons; flrst-clas- s. hand-mad- moderate prices ca'l and Investigate. Selzer, i;23-2- 7 N. Founeen'h St., near Cess. TWO new peddler wagons and two secondhand storm buggies; also surrey. A. Juki, 2133 N. Unth at. WE have arid manufacture all kinds business wagena and storm buggies: our wagons equipped with Wlttech patent end gate. 1 it. Seventh st, MUSICAL. BUY the renowned Dunham upright piano (new). $133: worth 5230; guaranteed live years; atool and cov er. Ietter's. 1023 N. Grand ave. "HEAR tne soul of a Kraaauer sing"; to hear It is to buy It. .Sold only by Daniel G. Dunker Piano Co.. Fourteenth and North Market sts. RENT Pianos $1. J2. $3, 4 per month; best stock; lowest prices In town. F. G. Smitn, Mfr.. 1HJ Olive st.. A. C. Whltaker. Mgr, OVERSTOCKED Will sell any piano In the house at a sacrifice for cash. Daniel G. Dunker. piano Co., 1331 N. Market. SPLENDID-TON- E upright piano. In flrst-cla- condition. J12S: fine mahogany upright, all Im-- 1 rov cments, new. $13v: scm nice squares. Hi to $7S; some good organs at $13 to 14". worth twite the money, and are special bargains this week with an elegant assortment of new pianos $30 to $109 cheaper than other stores, at F. G. Smith. Mfr.. lOli Olive st, A. E. Whltaker, Mgr. . -- rSlS5rS'4 - fS PEBSO-A- U. Fifteen Cents Per Llraa. CONFINEMENT cases taten; part pay lo worll If desired; private seclusion, consultation and trial treatment: adopting babies tree: treats Ir- regularities; try mr regulator: best of medical care and nursing: get my terms; written guar- antee tor all cases: call or write: ail mall promptly answered: patients mt at station or boat in my vehicle. Mrs. Dr. Murphj". 2123 and 2133 Olive it. Kinloch phone 831C. "DOCTOR MARY MURPHY give written gar-nnte-- i. board T2.50. S3. 4 per week. 2123 ad 2L5 O'lve st. . TIO v. . t,v- - .T7TtJI-T- T rtir nSv.lrlan l..n B? a confinement home In city having a healthy 1 - r ration: trained nurses: excellent accommodation; care and ct seclu'lon: Irreaiitnrl- - f !." successfully treated or no charge; guj-a- leed teult". Consultation free. 2311 Morgan "t. DR. ELLA ALLEN, female 1? veir-- - U'r5tui n' e; perigee "eciuinn rrnflnerrent: only private, fir reitab'e. to- - enmorated home: only home havlnr a Stat H- - chnrtei- - to prov its rellaWlltr: tho el"ewher Invited: poitlv-l- v the het accommodations and med- ical skill in trili cltj 230S Olive st LADIES My re alitor never fall": " c- - - plete treatment free. Mrs. E. Starr. 33 Frnnmin. LADIES I nosltlvelv guarantee that GbMt Ssni win rolleve the lrnge- - and rrt otilt - cf delived monthlv rerloda without piin. -t tre to five sent secure from 2741 Olive 't. LAD'ES If v--u want th only reat Go'de-Se- -1 Monthlv Rmlator. nrlce SI per box. tht will polt'vcIy relieve in from 3 to ; hour- -, vol must rn tn It only arnt. who hi" It" t! far-rp- bv viz. The Golden Seal Medical Co. 2911 Morgin st. MRS. L. HOTSON. !qrtle prlvi: hr-- ie dn-- 1- absolute nroe"tio-- i and motherly nre: iccsss Hsrnnfei'd or rn ehirges- - In'nnts ei'opted: Id" In tronb1. call n- - w-- I; German nnd French spoke-- i. f2)l and 2203 Ollre. OLD DR. WARr. Ofre. I3!l Wa"hlnrtr- - Ave . Ft Iviiil". Mo Troubl". la(Ie" or certlemen. nnv cans- -, "klllfully treated ravlpg life of v and regret. Call nr write: 30 rears' exper1- - Kuaratiir- - recuivF: periBci "ecrasiijn a"'i priv-i- cv for Iedl": imforts of hom: mobsrli- - ir-- - oulrK re"to-atlo- n tn run and rmplts hT'th and strergth: patients met at train lltii AilHlt RtllLAnLper week- - "confinement reasonabV: written rnirantce In nil case. PnUnKCUCMTC Dr. Annie Newland. 2741 Ollvn bjnrinr.mr.ni0. .;. Established V vear". Prt" vate. secluded. llcfn"ed home for ladles whro jou win be treated honcstlv and well. Written guarantee to that effect. Sklllfd medical at- tention, trained nursing and motherly car. Homes fourd for Infants free. Board 32 p- - week. Part payment taken In work. and confidence- maintained. Irrrsru-lariti- r; guaranteed results or no charge". Sat- isfaction guaranteed In all case" cr money re- funded. Consultation and advice free. Lad'es in trouble, call or write. Patients met at train. For Kidney Troubles. Bright' Disease. Diabetes. Stcne In the Bladder. Brick Dust. Inflammation and Catarrh of the. Bladder, use BUCHU-URS- I. It is a sure cure for those troubles. ST. LOUIS. March S. 1301. Doctor Beauchamp: I have used only two bot- tles ot Buchu-Ur- and have received wonderful benefit therefrom. I am more vigorous and en- tirely free from kidney and urinary trouhle. FRANCIS VALLE. Captain F. Valle Is a notary public. For al at principal drug stores and MofOtt-We- st Drug Company. Price 73c rer bottle. DR. BEAUCHAMP MED. CO . St Louis. Mo. ) AID VARICOCELE tC CURED. A'o Kail; Syrlmf or f .'. Whatever Tour dlseasa trnnhle CALL OR WRITE and get an honest opinion of your case FREE. Send for our Illustrated book- let. Terms reasonable. The BeU Rupture Cure Co. II ,t Tfualxrt.s lit . . It Utds, I. . EDUCATIONAL. BEST Individual instruction; day and even- ing: bookkeeping, shorthand, etc; superior ad- vantages; expert teachera; positions secureo; tui- tion. $3 month. Blddls & Rosenthal. Room 312. Commercial bldg. ' BORGES Spanish School. Suits Union Trust building Classes termed at any time; semi for circular; translations solicited. HARTSOCK & JONES'S Business College. Olivia building. Grand and Windsor Shorthant course. $40; per month, day. $3; night. $5; call. PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting, expert lady teather: lull course. SB. or IS month: positions secured. Barnes. 3t Washington ave. ' BUSINESS FUR SALE. BARBER shop. 2MJ Olive St., J1SS; two chairs: rood stand. Call at lunchroom. 2307 Olive, after 7 p. m. CASH grocer with complete stock: elegant fixtures; dally trade $20; will trade. X 30. Re- publics FIRST-CLAS- S hotel, bar and livery stable. For particulars apply to H. J. Packer. Mascootah. n. FIRST-CLAS- S stock dry goods, furnishings. In good locality; Invoice about $4,501. T 39. Republic. FIVE and 10 cent store; cash business: reason for selling. J. White. 2I Collinsvllle ave.. East St Louis. FOR Sale Restaurant outfit complete; half of Its value. Room 8. 613A Pine St. GOOD saloon and boardlng-hcc- s: centrally lo- cated: owner retiring on account of old age; coed chance for couple that wants to work; capital required, about $600. Inquire SW S. Sixth st,. GROCERT" store, fine stock, all new goods: flrst-clas- s location. Webster ave. a:.! Thomas. MEAT market and grocery; good location: rea- sonable price. G 31. Republic. MEAT market, with large cash trade: must bs sold at once; very cheap. X IS. Republic. RESTAURANT and rooming-hous- e, sdjotnlng car sheds: good cigar and tobacco trace: laun- dry branch In connection; very cheap. X 18. Re- public. TYPEWRITERS. For Sale. A $1 tyrtwrlter ribbon for 50c: postpaid; any machine; guaranteed, s. G. Adams Stamp and Seal Co.. 314 N. Sixth st Everything in sta- tionery. G Densmore. $3): No. 2 Smlthl $30; Bllckensderfer. $15: No. S Rrr'igton. JiL 5t. Louis Typewriter Ex.. Chemical blug. TL M lie. WE have 1.000 typewriters tor rent or sale. Call or mall or telephone your order. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Typewriter Exchange. 20$ N. Ninth st. St. Louis. Ma. BICYCLES. Far Sale. skeSW"hWKeS"MWW. CAESAR. Cleveland. Crescent. Plurro -- . drae. Regal and Tempest St. Lonla Cycle Co.. SS N. Second st See Morgan. Main 04. A71S. SECONDHAND wheels cheap: expert repairing promptly done; singles and tandems for rent. Columbia Bicycle Co.. 3838 Olive. Llndell 1414A. BOOKS, FAFERS. Bt"" esU I WANT to buy law. medical and other good books. John LInahan. bookseller, cth and Market DOGS. CAT". PETS. FOR SALE. DOGS, birds, cats, rabbits, poultry, pigeons: all kinds pet stock bousht sold and exchanged Osbourn's Bird Store. 134J N. Broadwsy. NICE lot Imported canaries, parrots, mock- ers, Japan robins, maltese and angora cats, small pets and dogs, all kinds. Wefarman's. 417 Walnut. PEDIGREED fox terrier puppies;-f- ine prize blood stock. Bishop Kennels, P. O. Box $15. St. Louis, Mo. RABBITS WANTED To buy 600 rabbits: will buy in large or small lots: all colors. Address Wehrman. 417 Walnut st MACHINERY. For Sale. ELECTRIC motors and dynamos to rent from 1 to CO horse power. Hex Electrlo Company. Ml s Third st GASOLINE AND STEAM ENGINES Boilers, steam pumps, steam, gas and water sup- plies, sawmill machinery, belting, hose. etc. FAIRBANKS. MORSE CO.. Bt Louis. BELGIAN' HARES. ANY one wanting to start In the Belgian bare business, call cr write the East Side itabbltry. comer Collinsvllle and Illinois aves.. East Et. Louis. III. FOR $750. three good meat does, ready to breed; let us fill jour order. Elstun Bros.. 17J5 Olive. SIX redigrerit Belgian hare does "stlth young- sters. 37: .stock at your price. Call or write Junior Babbitry. :2 Franklin ave. rRi-vris- BUSINESS cards. $1: billheads, statements, noteheads. $1 W per thu'iaand. A. P. Vltrey. 1C5 N. Twelfth st CRESCENT Printing Company, 907 N. JFourth St Fine commercial Job work; popular prlces. aend for samples. J. W. STEELE & CO.. Book ana Job Printers. IS N. Third st LeTal blanks and briefs a spe- cialty. Tel. Main 1470. l.CO) BIZ CARDS, 30c- - cut-pri- printing. Ben- ton & Co.. N. Fourth st l.oro good envelopes. $1; cards. 0c; noteheads. billheads, f5c: country orders solicited. New Home Printing Co., 407 N. Levee, St Louis. 3IIXI?.G INTERESTS. COPPER MINE. T hate n shnrt nntlnn nn lh !. -- e .. vein of a new. but good shipping and paylna copper mine, not yet 130 feet deep. The owner of the extension gives 3 for working capital. Only a very small amount required to determine Its value. 1 want parties tojoln me. For partic- ulars apply Immediately to George B. Clark.- - 40S Bank Commerce building. r f- t- r- - Ai -- tk,TiSl? Mil a&frfr.iV V
  • It


    I !h-




    isi rrm.


    RECORD OF BIRTHS.""KraH and Emma Weber. 3 Menard: boy.

    Martin and Marie Umbach. "41. Tenth,

    Kmll and Louise Cnalrr. M. .Joseph and liens UrtnUln. 2230 South fc'eventh;

    Arthur and Lrna Conrad, IMS South Second:

    John E. and Margaret Murray. 7700 Lynch:

    j'n'hn and Katie Keller. 03 Victcr- - plrl.Matthew and Corn llalhert 24l Mcltee; boy.l"red and Gnstrtorf, U" Vol: boy..1. and II. Kot. 4"ii Callfurnla: l;o.Luke and Margaret Walh. .11 Mound:Fred and Irma n. Harm!. Ml! Olive: girl.l.eoiihard and Emma Stoll. S341 Salena: glr..lame. K. and Loul mack l lnne: flrl.John II. and Mary Jamei. ist? Michigan:Theodore and Annie Schuls. 1 Merchant: dm.Michael and Julia A. Cronln. 3S3G Lincoln; girl.Jet and Annie Zakus. 2"3 Poplar: slrlII. nrd N. Lesha. 316 South Third:Joseph and Mary Schnebeher. 123 South Third;

    "caesare and Ma-- 1 Ufa. 3"10 2?f:;t:,,v-- , ,i:. X. and ". c. Williams. K02 C ark:George and Dalsi Worrow. 3112 Ashland. girl.Jneph II. and Anna Sandt. U North Ninth.

    "willlam A. and Ida M. V.. 23:9 Chouteau;Slrl.


    V. J- - Hjan ...HIT rnitron(trthel I. Ean Ilai.ey. iyErn't S'ewert Monteer. Mojtmma M"rnninir Monteer. MoCeor-- " Kansas rlty. KaMirla Scanlin Kansas City. KasFaramore Scott KOI TheodolalAnna M. 1Iaiman... 272S Rardolph"Jce lla-is- 2712 LucasB.-d-'e Tarpe 1437 rranklin

    Weildlns Hints (Solid Gold).Finest workmanship. $3.00 to CO 00. Mermodtc Jncrard's. Broadway and Locust.

    niniAL run m its.Charles Dahnke. 72 jears. 2T1S North Taylor;

    fMarta E. Boclhauf. 1 month. 220. Farrar; ery--

    ''Ealblna J. Sterplch, 37 sears. 2S3S St. Vincent:

    llartara & rintner. 19 jears. 130S Allen; puer- -

    'GemsiW. Brush. 20 years, 33XA South Jeffer-son : tuberculoma.

    narhara Kalai, 38 jears. St. Anthony's Hosp-ital; shock.

    Michael O'Donncll. CS jears. City Hospital; ac-cident.

    Jiiidred King. S years. W Scott: septicaemia.Rachel C. Cunningham. 26 years. SIS North

    Eighteenth: uraemia.Mary Bauer. $7 jej.re. 2134 South .Eighteenth:enlllty.James Bellinger, $1 jears, Insans Asjlum;

    enlllty.George E. Xolte. 6 gays, 1S2S South Eighth;

    Inanition.Ueom C. Schmltt, 37 years. Mullanphy Hosp-

    ital: cancer-Joh- nT. Roberts, t jears, 91 North Taylor:

    tiemorrhare.No-- a Jietllng. 1 jear, iO) 'Wyoming; convul-lon- s.

    Johanna VIetmeler, fS jears. 173 St. George:enlllty.John J. Prather. 74 iars, 5S3A Eads: senility.BrICget O'Brien. S9. St. MarTs Infirmary;

    bronchitis.Thomas Bumberg. (3. tOU Ca.a; heart disease..lames II. Rnnls. 37, Insane Asylum; asthenia.Henrietta K. Branson. SO ear--. ISM 'Washing-

    ton: fatty deceneratton of heart.Jacob wlneby. SS years. City Hospital; peri-

    tonitis.Theresla Stlens, C years, 5!10 North Fifteenth;

    tenhrltl...Henrv Drake, U rears. Cllr Uosnltal: senility.Dennis Dlneen, 73 4121 North Broadway;

    la irrlpptKllan Barrett. (1 years. Female Hospital:pntnisia.

    Nicholas Soutla, 44 years. 173 Virginia;

    Anna Grler. CS years. 441S Maryland; asthenia.Thelma J. Turneller, 1 year, 344 Laclede: men-

    ingitis.John Vortlein. SO years, lilt South Fourteenth;

    enlllty.John H. Llppelmann. CS jcirs. Marshall and

    Sdanchester; naraplecla.Cirinian H. Moglcr. 5S years. 3 South

    Br"ada'-- : malaria.Elisabeth Meier, ct years. MSI Arsenal; tatty

    degeneration cf heart.

    HEAt ESTATE TnAXSFEBS.ABSENAU-C- 1 ft. 7 In., a. s.. beU Morsan-loi- u

    and Alfred; August Moron to theulanj Ba.ldins ana lxan Aiociat,un

    -- w. a I ZOO)ALEC'S M ft., n. s , bet. aicNalr and

    Aib!turi; Ann AlUn tj Katj tautersv, ,d t 1,35)

    ShUAUKAV- -S it. t. s., bet. Ruti,eraid Miller: Atbtrt Landan to LoulrwilcAnd ivasniil.e Railroad Ccmpanj , d 1.20J

    BiioAmuAI-- 50 U, w. e.. 4t. Christianand Ulase: Loulee Voickener to Vaientmerurstieij w. u 2.00JI..j.im A J. 3J tt. In., w. r.. beuBrctwr and Hall's Feny: M. Gahn to

    vt Cornelia w. a 2.0)Cl'l V ULAjCii All ot lots 47. . ') and

    'm, VindrX Rea.ty Company to Johniva.m k. d - ; 5.0M

    Uhl,AIl-- n. fu n. a., bet. Walton andf.uilU: Wilsou Hunt to Anna Hancock 5.&0J

    Ei.i; isSVli w'tt": Viiaries'liontr to S.McCurm.ck . d - 1I.O))l.r:vKNTH-- S ft., w. s. let Mown

    d Lucas; Allle fmoct to Charles Ilontz

    andi ass; EI,za Uurnes to Joseph Janrred )'

    CREEM 30ftIj""'"'l""beV. Vandeiente- - ardPrairie: Llndell Real Estate Companj toOavld Miliar w. d - Si)

    HI'KCK 3 ft.: Robert Hauser to SamIlolllday jtc. d - 10ECRCK 100 ft.. . s.. beu Vlralnla and

    7lh; Sam Holiday to Fred Ho.llday l.Mk enne'rLt Vn 'rt.' T i-- i V Yn V !

    "'.'.'. j '

    UTil tiler and Sarah: John Ka!n to Mn-de- rRealty Companj- - w. d '- - 3,001

    l.CLEDE 40 t.. s. s bet. ande enter.ind Spring; Chris. Laumeler to RlchanlMln-- ke w. d ...- - 2.2M

    MORGAN 0 ft., a, p.. bet. Spring andvndcventer: Sam McCormlck to CharlesHontz w. d ;""V.""

    JIAJIYIAND-- M ft. 3 in . s. s.. bet IVvylesnd Whlttler: Alice Humphrey to KateVpTieue v. d.. ..

    tcREF--3S ft., n. . bet. Toner Greand Manchester: Sarah Metcalfe to Ed-win Me-rl- w. rt -

    EHENANnOAH ) ft. 10 n . . s.. brt.rth'o a"d Texas: Maria Stiultz to Su'leJosrr w. d - 2.501

    SVtAf-t-O tL: V. Furrenfeld to Henry"Wnell-- r v. d v.-;-" Ml

    B'LT.IVAN 42 ft.. - . b--t. Md and 23d:"re Kratrpe to .lo'eph TH.ld r a..... 6.3M

    TTCTII 1 ., t. a. bet. ttasKa andNosho; Ellsa rienu'e to William Slppelw. d

    BriI.DIG PERMITS.Mary Manning. S545 Clemens: duelling I000.Victor E. Rhodes. SSI1-1- 1 Page. ats; RIW).Francis Goeggel, 437-- 9 Page, fiats; IS.OOO.

    Way cot t - Andrews Supply Go.,- Wgiblnitan Ave. and Second 5t.

    Contractors'-Tool- .

    Ccnpen, Btmws, Rcb.Sbcreli, Etc., Eic.

    Kouih western gentsJoaes A Lsiag-tilla'- (Limited)




    bprlngflcld. III.. March 22. Certificates of In-corporation "cte Issued y bj-- Secretari' ofMate Rote, as follows:

    Tne Jackson County Pubtirhlng Company, Mur--chjsboro; capital, K.UO0; printing and imbllshlng.Inuorporators l). L. Boucher, AVIIllam FraterAnd Peter Morris.

    The Peoria Ssengerrefct Association, rcoria:romotion of music. Incorporators Jacob P.chnellbacber. John M. Mehaus and Charles S.

    rrnctor.The Blue Island Bartenders' Association. Blue

    Island: social. Incorporate! s William H. Clarke.Charles A. Mejcrs and Conrad II. Jollier.


    Vanquished Eighteen Dogs in aVicious Fight for an' Hour. '

    r.EPUBLic special.Mattoon. III.. March S. Details of a

    thrilling light, in which an enormous tim-ber wolf vanquished a pack of eighteenhounds, reached here y. It occurredon tho Sizemore farm, near Marley, EdgarCounty, and was witnessed by SlebertBcott. William Creech and Murk Davidson,who e at work In u sugar camp. Theyraw the wolf sweeping into victv. followedliy the doy3. The puruued animal was weakfrom the ions chase, and, seeing the men,ran into n shallow creek. There it turnedat bay. The hounds attacked it viciouslyfc an hour, but retired with silt noses,lacerated flunks and bleeding, bodies. Thswounded, but victorious wolf."was shot andVil'.td bj-- Scott as it clambered the oppoalnLank.


    Inspectors lilame Captain Ward,the Pilot and Engineer.

    r.npcuLic special.San Francisco. Cat.. March Zl The United

    States Inspectors of Local and ForeignSteam Vessels to-d- rendered a decision inthe matter of the reck of the Pacific Maliewamshlp City of Kio de Janeiro, find-l-c

    Captain IVaid to blame for allowing thejllo to leave her anchorage, on the mornlnsof tho disaster; Pilot Jorden. much to blamefor attempting to bring; the vessel In theharbor, and censuring. Chief Engineer Her-up- p

    for. being; absent from hiB post. TheInspectors revoked the engineer's license.2:0 action was taken In the pilot's case, asUiiaUUo(Ic:.

    --- ?tVfi -




    Columns.Agents WantedBlcj'cles 7Book". Papers. Etc 7

    Buelness AVanted 1)Belgian HaresBusiness for SaleCarpet CleaningChurch NoticesDelns. Cleaning and RepairingDentlatrjPegs. Cat". I'ets for SaleDancingEducationalEmployment Agencies C

    Exchange and Barter 2

    For ban Property 10

    Fir Rent Apartment., Flats 10Fr Rent Business Purposes 10For Pale Miscellaneous 11

    For Sale Suburban Property litFor Sale Cltj Property 10

    Fur Sa'e Property Out of fit) ll)General AnnouncementsGold. SlUer and Nickel Plating 11

    Houses. Rooms. Etc.. Wanted 10HotelsHelp and situation W'untedHousehold Goods 11Horses and VehiclesLost and FoundMachinery for RileMedicalMoney to loanMiscellaneous WantsMining Interest"MusicalOpticiansOld Clothing BoughtPersonal sFartners Wanted 10Printing 7Pens'ons Patent 1)Rubber Stairp. Seals and Stencils..Rooms for RentRooms With BoardRooms and Board Wanted 10Secret SocietiesStockholders' MeetingsStorage and Moving

    For SaleTheatricalWall Paper.


    PHILIPPINE ISLANDS VIJftrRrt-uni- nn Honolulu. Facinc Man s. s.Co.. Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. and OrientalS. S Co. From San .Francisco: Gaelic. March30; Hong-Kon- g Maru. April 9; China, April 1..For rates, freight or passage, apply to L. K.Townsley. agent, 431 01l. or J. K. Aglar, agent.

    03 Olive.


    GOLD mining stock paj-ln- now 2 per centeach month. Vhat have jou? C 31. Republic

    PATENT terrltorj. Illinois only; for bestkitchen cabinet made; a o 32, re-public.

    WILL exchange a good stova forbrass or Iron bud. 1415 Pennsylvania aw.

    TVILL exchanse the most simple, cleanest andbest filter made for money: made in St. Louis;over 3,000 references. Aquapura Filter Co . litUnion Market. Morgan st. side. Phone, Main2C6M.


    ELECTION NOTICE The annual meeting ofthe stockholders nf "Publishers: Geo. Kcapp &Companj" for the election ot five directors, totme durlig the ensuing year, cvlll ba held atthe office of the company on Monday. April LIT01 The meeting will t convened at 9 a. m.

    CHARLES V. KNAPP. President.W. B. Carr. secretary".OFFICE ot St. Louis Last Companj-- . St. Louis.

    Mo . March 22. 1901. Notice is hereby gii en thata meeting of the stockholders of St. Louis LastCompany all be held at the office of the com-pany at No. 1411 N. Nineteenth st. In the city ofSt. Louis. Mo., on Thursdaj-- . May 23. 1901. at thehour of 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of otlncon a proposition then and there to be submittedto Increase the capital stock of said companyfrom 33.0i. its present authorized capital, to312.600, and for the transaction of such c.therbusiness as maj come betorc said g.

    A A. DELANO President.TO A. BAKER. Secretary.J FRET.

    : FRED DREW.A Majority of the Board of Directors.

    STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-Not-ice is here-by given that there will be a meeting of thestockholders of the Springfield Cral Supoly Co.of St. Louis held at the office or the company.No. 701 s. Garrison ave.. in the city of St. Louis,on March 2. 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., for thopurpose of voting on a resolution then and thereto be offered to increase the capital stock of thecrmnany from J3.J00 to Jio ooo. and for trach otherbutlners as may come before them.


    A Majority of tho Stockholders.


    FOUND Where you can find a double scle boxcalf shoe. 12.95. Harris, ta Pine at.

    LOST Oa Grand ave.. between Palm and Ft.Louis, a ciilld'a green Jacket. Return to 3H2AN. Grand and receive reward.

    LOST A small Mack dog. with curl In tall,answering to the name of Chippie. Will payliberal reward if returned to 1221 Lucas a.

    LOST Downtown. Thursday afternoon, J55 inbillr. wrapped in tl"sue paper. Liberal reward Ifreturned to Wm. Sommerfeld, care Republic.

    LOST Large St. Bernard dcg. white breast,weighs about 120 nounds; chain attached to col-la- r.

    Return to SOW Delmar and receive reward.



    BOY PREACHER,MM i gjtj9lo:

    Age 14. and J. Haydn Cooke, the reciting evan-f-llB- t.will hold services ct the Union M. K.

    Church. Lucas and Garrison avenues, Sundaymorning at 11 o'clock, nnd earn evenlnx. exceptSaturdaj's. for two weeks. AH Are welcome.

    DASC1G.ATTHND the Eclipse Dancing Academy. Uh-rl-

    Cave; lessons Tuesdays and Frldaj-a- : selectparties Wednesday eientng. Sunday afternoonand evening.

    SELECT tall at Professor and Mrs. Frankel'sacademy. Mil Chouteau ave.. Saturdiv evening,March : best orchestra: six musicians.


    COSTUMES and wigs for rent and made to or-der: confetti and serpentines for street fairs:wholesale and retail. Fnegers, til Walnut St.

    IIA6HAGEN'S Theatrical Exchange, 3300 Gas-ton Ave First-clas- s talnt furnished for all oc-casions, music, vaudeville and drama.


    JOSEPH C. ICELL7 will not be. responsiblefor debts contractd by Ms wife, Annie Kellj-.- '


    E. B. STRAUS, eye expert; gold spectacles REtup: complicated cases a specialty: nnest equipped'suing parlor In city. 705 Locust st.- " Ll'


    BOSTON Steam Dental Roo-n- . 413 K Broad,waj-- . between Locust and St. Charles J10 and 115sets for V. Doctor Case, proprietor.

    BOSTON Steam Dental Booms. 415 N. Broa-dwaySeta of teeth, si: pelnls extracting, Kc:bridge work. J3: open Sundays until 1.

    DOCTOR CORD gives jtju the bct that moneycan buy for what the chenpet costs. Open dally.TCSH Pine St.. De Sato building

    DOCTOR A. rribsDR. DentHt. KU Wash-ington Ave. Crown and bridge work a specialty:terms moderate; comultatlon and exam. free.



    , Trices moderate.


    LADIES and gentletrien. have your garmentscleaned, djed and lepalred for spring: flrst-cla-

    work. Paris Djeing & Cleaning o , 133)FianUln.


    HIGHEST cash price paid for ladles and cen.tlamin's cast-o- ff clothing. Call or send postal. J.Miller. 605 walnut st. Km. A to. No branches.

    JOE GELBHR. late of Texas, buys second-hand clothing; rays twice as much as value be.caus I need 'them. 101 Carr.


    ALL private dfctases a specialty at FrankUaAvranue Free Dispensary. ia Frsnfclln ave.ItUDBEn STAMPS. SEALS. STEKCILS.

    ADAMS, the stamp man. tit N. Sixth at., rub-ber stamps, seals, stencils, etc: goo!. I'hup.Quick; writs for tww list.

    RUBBER stamps, rubber tjpe, sign markers,brufs and aluminum el ecks. at lowest prices.Kasper Stamp and Seal Company, tit Locust at.


    HOTEL Wyoming. Fifteenth and Chestnut'modern Improvements: rates We and ft par day;weekly iu'.o rcdsceC

    SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMA- LE." Three Lines for Five Cents.

    Each Additional Lies Fir Cents Extra.MILLINER-Xe- w York milliner will trim In

    famlhea by tho day or take orders at this num-ber: stjllsh, reasonable. Trimmer, S92S Lucas."WANTEbStenograpnuT portion by lady

    three jears' experience: 16; single.ke board operator. D 30. Republic.

    STSJOORAPHER Position by a competentycung man of two jears' experience; will workfor 110 to begin. X 32, Republic

    STENOGRAPHER Situation by experiencedlady stenographer: Oliver or Smith Premier ma-chines; best of references: salary reasonable. X18. Republic.

    HELP WANTED-FEMA- LE.Three Lines for Flva Cents.

    Each Additional Line Five Centa Extra.

    GenernI Housework.HOUSKGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general

    housework. W19 Arsenal."lIOUSEGIRLWANTED-Gl- rl for general house-

    work. aSllA St. Vincent ave.HOCSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl In small family;

    good wages. 1834 Russell ave.HOUSEG1RL WANTED German girl for gen-

    eral housework. 3a" Harper st.HOUSEaiRL WANTED-Gcrm- an girl for gen-

    eral bounenork. 2HSA Eads ave.HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go- od German girl for

    general houenork. 6163 Morgan.HOUSKGIRL WANTED-Color- ed girl for gen-

    eral hoiiEenork. 4Q Wagner place.HOUSEGIRL WANTBD-O- irl to cook ard do

    light housework. 3J1S Llr.dell ave.HOt:SEGIRr7wANTED-Gl- rl for general house-

    work; permanent place. 42 Oregon ave."HOUSEGIRL WANTEDGirI for general

    hou"ework; small lamllj. :S33 Gamble yl.HOUSKGIRL WANTED White girl for gen-ei-

    hoysework: no washing. 4868 Fountain ave.HOUSKGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general house-

    work, good wages to right person. 3KS Page ave."

    IIOESBGIRLWANTED-GI- r! for general houso-wor-no vathlng. 3524 Victor st., near Grand

    ave.HOUSEOIRL WANTED-Go- od girl for general

    housework; nu washing. 1441 Iv. Twenty-firs- tstreet."iIOUSEGIRL WANTED-- A girl for generalhousework. 3t&! Blaine ave.. two blocks toutlicf Park.

    ltntTsnnirti. WANTED German rlrl for general housework: three in famllj-- . 4016 Caalle-ma- n

    ave.lirTCVTT5tTT. n'lVTPtl ClnnA German cirl for

    general housework; small family; good home.3515 Cook.

    HOUSEGIRL WANTED German girl for general housework must be German. 10I N.rweirtn st.

    eral house work: small family; references. 4.33j: innej- - ave."HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general houe- -

    amntl fMmtlt F?nni1 MV. AtlOlv tO 4546ALaclede ave.

    . ... .,..... .. v.. . .i r.1.1 raralhousework: three In family: ijcrman preferred.Kza toi icii?.

    TiniTSEnini. WANTED Girl for generalhousework: small family: no washing; goodwages. 4511 rjoog.

    . .-- .n..nnT.n- -- .. rt nt.l -- L... ,--old to assist with housework; small famllj--

    . tali1107 S. Eleventh st.

    ....... .,. . ., ,f. Cwn vl h M .......HVJlJOCulitU HA.li,ir-t.i'i- uriri r peneral housework: small family: reference required. 4I03A Page.

    TinuqEntnr. WANTED Girl for generalhousework. Applv Mrs. Youngblood, 1516 St.Clair ave.. East Bt. Xvouis."vrntrcvrsmT. wivrKn- -Cnmnetent girl forgeneral housework: no outside work: four in fam-llj; wages 318. 43CC Laclede.

    iTfiiTHPfimr. WitiTED. Girl for generalhouework; none but good cook need applj. 406ACollinsvllle av.. East St. Iuls.

    HOUSEWOMAN WANTED Woman for gen-eral housework: small family: no washing. Apply1K0 N. Nineteenth st.

    Cooks.COOK WANTED FIrFt-clas- s cook, Call Satur- -

    day at 4191 Delmar boulevard.COOK WANTED Settled woman at ones to

    cook: good wage?. 3117 Washington.COOK WANTED rirst-clB- cook: no washing

    or Ironing; wagca $18. Applyat 3(33 Shaw ave."COOK WANTED", white ciriTo cook and as-sist with the washing and ironing. 1756 Pine st.

    COOK WANTED Cook and do general house-work: good pay to competent person. 5837 Catesav e.

    COOK WANTED German or Irish girl: goodrook; small family; permanent. 6061 Delmar bou-levard.

    COOK WANTED-Excell- ent place for good girlwho can cook; girl kept for children. 1615 Penn-sylvania ave.

    COOK WANTED-A- t once, neat colored girl;must understand cooklig. nnd sleep at borne;good wages. 3910 Llndell boulevard.


    GIRL WANTED-Sm-all girl or old lady to helpwith 1013 Cass ave.

    GIRLS WANTED Girls on shop coats, bvhand and machine: also girl to learn power ma-chines. S04 N. Broadway, third Boor.

    HOUSEGIRL WANTED White girl to as'lstin housework. 3936 Waehlngton.

    HOUSKGIRL WANTED Woman or girl to dolight housework. Cill Saturdaj-- , 1129 Washing-ton ave

    HOUSEGIRL WANTED A good, reliable whilegirl to assist with housework; good wages. 301.Eads ave.

    HOUSEGIRL WANTED A steady, rellablwhite woman for general housework: no wash-ing. 1613 Missouri ave.

    HOUSEGIRL WANTED Good girl to assist Inhousework: aoort home for right rartj--

    . Call atonce. 419'i N. Eighth st.

    WOMAN" WANTED Middle-age- d housewomanfor chamber work. 2313 Locut st.


    GIRL WANTED German girl, who can speakEnglish. 13 or 16 jears old. to take care of chil-dren. Call Saturdaj-- . between 10 and 13 a. m.4443 Cvest."NURSE WANTED Woman in nure for smallchildren. Applj at 401 N. Taj lor ave.

    NIjnSE WANTED Nurse with experience.Apply at St. L.iuls Hospital Association, 303Bell ave.

    NURSEGIRL WANTED-Color- ed narseglrl. MSBrooklj n.

    NUR8EGIRL WANTEI-You- nc nurscglrk 2341S. Compton.

    Dressmakers nnd Seamstresses.GIRLS WANTED To sew on custom coats, 103

    N. Eighth st., third floor.

    GIRLS WANTED Experienced finishers onccats. 721 Pine st. room 5

    GIRLS WANTED Twenty-fl- v e plrls at once tosew on custom coats. Apply J. W. Losse, E07 N.Sixth at.

    OIRLS"" WANTED-GI- rls to sew on vests;learners. 13 to 5 per w;ek; experienced, 16 to .Rosenberg, 611 Gever ave.

    GIRLS "WANTED Exper'enced girls to operateg sewing mnchlnes- - Rawlings faport-In-gGjcda Co.. tgO Locust st.

    "tllRLS WANTED Girls on shop costs, ma-chine hands, feller hands and finishers. D. Weln-trau-

    4 :i. Broadwaj', fourth floor.HAND sewers on pant': steady work. Mills &

    A frill. Broadway nnd Pine.HAND SEWERS WANTED Hand and ma-

    chine stjwers on coats COS Carr st.OVERAL-

    L-MAKER WANTED Experienced

    overall maker; good pay. 903 N. Eighth St.. 2dfloor.""PANTS SEWERS WANTED Three good cus-tom pants llnlshers: highest wages paid; ateadyemplojmcnt. St. I.oul Tailoring Company.

    bldg., 70S',4 Pine st.SKIRT HANDS WANTED E. Schwartz, Mer-mo- d

    . Jaccard bulldlnc roomsSKIRTMAKERS WANTED Twenty-fiv- e expe-

    rienced sklrtmakers on fine skirts; highest plyand rtrady work. Progress Manufacturing Com-panj-. 3017 Lucas ave.

    WAIST AND SLEEVE FINISHERS WANTEDExperienced waist and sleeve finishers. 3323

    Washington ave.

    Waitresses.DINING-ROO- GIRL WANTED FIrst-cla- s

    dining-roo- girL Call at once. Maylleld Sani-tarium. Taj'lor and Hell.

    GIRL WANTED-G- Irl In restaurant. 23a Chou-tta- uave

    GIRLS WANTED Dining-roo- girl and kitch-en girl. SC08..North Market. . ,

    WAITRESS WANTED-Go- od. ..willing girl towait on table and make herself useful about thehouse; come ready for work. 3105A Olive.

    Clerks and Salesworaes,LADY WANTED To sell an elegant 'French

    Imported china dinner set: 102 nieces, for Tl;chance ot lifetime. 1023 Holland bldg.

    The TraCcs.- -t


    Louis (and every town)to sell best sktu supporter and waist ho'dcr;salary S. Write or call any time; easy 'seller.SU Olive st.. roiai 416.

    PRESS FEEDERS WANTED Job press ,fed-er- s:experienced only. Buxton : Skinner

    Co.. tM-to- S N. Fourth at.

    Stenographers.STENOGRAPHER WANTED Wholesale busi

    ness: SrMtU Premier Address. Inhandwriting, giving experience, af and refer-ences, Q V), Republic

    HELP WANTED-FEMA- LE.inree wnea for

    Each Additional Lino Pive Cents Extra.

    3Iiacellaneoo.il.CANVASSERS WANTED-La- dy canvassers;a per cent commission; $10 a week easily made.

    is cv ling. is:i Cass ave.n.KAXER wanted-Gi- rl to do cleaning. In- -

    qulro at bakery, 925 N. PendletonDININO-ROO- GIRLS WANTED Five girls

    for dining-room- ; experience unnecessary, rhuBreltllng. 4U N. Broadway, upstairs.

    GIRL WANTED Good -- irl. German preferred;good wages. 34J0 Park ave.

    GIRL WANTED A good white girl; family otthree: flat. KGSA Cabanne ave.-G-

    1LLSWANTED-Glrls to learn to make ci-gars; Is eay work anil good vvagfs: will payfrom first iay; nice girls, with reference, applyUkrran Bros.. 3a N. Third st.""irITneRS WANTED-EJ.perlen- ced shirt Iron-e-

    steady work. J'uul K. Wolff Shirt Laundry.40S N. Third st., third floor. .

    LADY'ranvassersTdon't acept agency until jouget mypartlcular. Nevllng.ll au av

    liADY WANTED Intelligent joung ladv tostay In r store; call Saturday. t,

    719 N. Vnndev enter ave.

    LADIES devirlng pleasant easy horn.- - workpaying handsome income should address withstomp. Standard Remedy Co. flint. Mich.

    LADIES WANTED-NVat-oppea- ladleB wh.ideslrn etendv emplnsment all the jear around.Call at Room to), Pozronl bullilirg. all Chiatnutstreet.

    HEAD Rraham's lmnet. straightforward uffcrIn agents' column and write tn thf-ni-

    hOLUUTOU WANTEDA ladvto Follclt among her friends for ft I.ouls llealtliLeague, 51 Walnut nt.

    hOLICITORS WANTED Lady tollcltors; bispij' for eay work. C13A Pine, room 8.

    WANTED You to do writing, fold circular-,- ,etc., to pay SO per cent of jour tuition. Call onor addrtss Uraughon's Practical i)ulne"s

    Umlie building, corner Ninth and Olive."WANTED Ijidre""7o learn l'air!rejng. mani-curing or faiial inifinKe: only four wks

    by our method of practical experience; rtInstructions, lecturei. etc.: splendid demunl

    for graduates. Iist veek wu placeil II e girls at313 weekly: busj-- teanon soon. Call or write forcatalogue at orce. Moler College. 1141 Murket st.

    WOMAN WANTED-Stea- dy womin to dokitchen work at Cot's restaurant, 3; Olive.

    WRAPPERvVANTED-GIrl- io wrap soap. Callat N. K. Falrbank Co.. ThlrJ anil Convent st3.

    STOVE REPABRSFor all stoves. A. O. Brauer. 'IMIS N. Third at.

    SITUATIONS WANTED-mT- lE.Three Lines for Five Cents.

    Each Additional Line Five Csnts Extra.

    ACCOUNTANT wants pet of books to opencomplicated aciounts to udjust. Kinloch

    D MS;"ACCOUNTANT Books opened, examined,

    and statements made; firms or corpora-tions. J. J. rischer, 310 Temple building.'aMANUENPIS,-s'crcta-

    ryand companion to

    elderly gentleman. In or out of clt--, by competent

    man: small salary. R 22, llepubllc.'itARTENDER-Sltuatl- on as bartender: had ex-

    perience In small town. Uox 26. Kinloch lark.Mo.

    BOOKKEEPER-Posltl- on by experienced book-keeper, with large country acquaintance; cangive best of references. Address 523 HollandI ulldlnj.

    BOOKKEEPKR-You- ng man. 22. desires posi-tion as assistant bookkeeper, general ofllce cler'cor collector: flvo jears' experience. II 27,

    'LMCKLAYER Position by union bricklayer:

    out of practice for neven jean; no bad habits;best recommendations. K 23, Republic."cARPENTERCarpentcr and cabinetmakerwants work, by day or contract. E 31. Republic.

    CLERK Position as clerk or manager in cigarstore by experienced, middle-age- d man; gocdreference. L 36. Republic.

    CLERK Position a general clerk In a bank,companj 's office or wholesale house: seventeen.j ears experience: age to. i.. cj viu

    CUiltK Cltuauon OV joung imiuru iiici, mwith experience In business clerking and assalesmen: good penman, who Is willing to workat anjtliing: refirence. X 3J, Republic."COLLECTOR. ETC. Situation as collector nrsolicitor for reliable firm; bent of references andbond If required; well acquainted with c!tj X26. Republic.

    COOK Situation by meat or pistry cook, coun-try or railroad eating-hous- 31 26. Republic."ciITTERSItuaTlon by flrst-rla- is custoni cut-ter: cltv or country: 10 years' experience. P 22,Republic

    DRAFTSMAN Position as tracer and to out-Iln- e.A 29. Republic.

    MACHINlST-SItuatI- on wanted by flrst-cla- smachinist as machinist or assistant engineer;can do firing. Address J. L. T.. 1903 Belle Gladeave.

    MAN Situation wanted at house and windowrWrJr.lr.g; white man; refcrencts. Hughes, 2027rranklin ave.

    MAN Situation by young man. 23 years ofsge. having experience In office work and asclerk: also some krowledge In bookkeeping; canspeak Gem an: best references. Y 2f. Republic.

    MANAGER Position as manager In branch of-fice or as traveling rr.nn.in Mlssi'slppI or Louisi-ana; best reference. II 32, Republic.

    NURSE Position as nurse by gentleman towait on patients; night or doj-- , or all the time.H 32, Republic.

    PAINTER-Practl- cal houre painter desires asituation by the day or Job; will work for lowpaj--. E 27, Republic.

    WALL paper to clean: nins years' experienceIn this work exclusively; send postal: will call.1. Neal. 231 Marlon'st.

    IOUNG man wants envelope, circulars, etc.tn addrc: neat and quick work guaranteed. II32. Republic.

    HELP WANTED-MA-LE.Threa Lines for Five Cents.

    Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra.

    The Trndes.BAKER WANTED Baker on bread and cake;

    must be strictly Urst-clas- gocd wages to rightpartj--. Address D 25, Republic.

    BArITer'waNTEDA goocTbarber. Call j'.4437 N. Twentieth st.

    BARBER WANTED Young man to learn bar-ber trade. 303 Market St.

    BARBER WANTED First-cla- Saturday anjSunday barber at J439 Old Manchester.

    BARBER WANTED-Go- od barber for Situr-da- yand Sunday: 13 guaranteed. liOi Cass av e.

    BLACKSMITH. ETC., WANTED-IIIacksm- lthand helpers on poles. Moon Bios. Carriage Co.,Seventeenth and Morgan.

    BOOKKEKPlsira, stenographers and others In-terested In c. buslneis education, call or eend forcatalogue. Draughon's Practical Business Col-lege, Ernllle bullalng. Ninth and Olive sis.


    COATMAKER WANTED A coatmalter atonce; sack coats, (6 up. N. Sandler. Cairo, III.

    COATMAKER WANTED A good coatmaker togo to Jefferson Citj : permanent Job: uteadywork; sack coats, it. Applj' Monday morning at13 IMIkrton building, cltj.

    COATMAKKRS WANTED Several coatmakers.pantsmakrs and vestmakers, to go to the coun-trj- -.

    Apply Jos. M. Hajes Woolen Co., Ninth andLocust.

    COOK WANTED Ooed man cook; must basteady. 1905 S. Jefferson ave.

    CCOK WANTED Second and fry cook at thoBrcltllnj Restaurant, ill N. Broadway--, upstairs.

    DRAFTING, deilgnlng quickly and accuratelyexecuted; special attention given to experimentalwork. Inventions, etc. It. L. Richard, S71S N.Ninth st.

    TEEDERS WANTED Job press feeders. Ca'lSaturday morning at Chae. I". Kelly Printing Co..118 N. Third st.

    PAINTER. WANTED A sign and wagonpainter; steady Job winter and summer forlight man. In upplS'ing state wagea expectedand exiierlence. M JJ. Republic.

    PAINTERS WANTED Carriage painters. M.Ketterer, 1807 Menard st.

    PANTS FINISHERS WANTED Erperiencedpants finl'hers: good prices paid. Goldstein .tCo , 723 Franklin av p , 3d floor.

    POSITIONS! May deposit .money In nanfc untilpetition is secured. Superior lntructlon. Thiscollege is Indorsed by busings men. Call orsend for catalogue. Drauchtnn'a Practical Bn.-nes- s

    Collegi-- , " uulldlng. cornr Mntb andCllve sts.

    SHOEMAKER WANTED-Shocma- ker at 1037Whlttlcr st.. at 7n. m.

    SHOEMAKERS WANTED Two heel breastersand two to touch up heels and edge. FriedmanBro. Shoe Co.. ?417 Locust st."SHOEMAKERS WANTED-Stea- dy emnloj-mo-

    and first-cla- ray to good men: call orwrite. McNamara Shoe and La Companj--. 205N. Sixth rt.

    TAILORS WANTED-Go-od coat and pants andvest makers; good prices paid and atcadv work.Inquire 311i N. Sev enth St.. at John C. Zallee &Son's.

    TOOL AND DIE MAKERS WANTED Expe-- rkneed tool and die makers, accustomed to light

    manufacture: state experience; permanent posi-tion to right parties. L 28, Republic.

    UPHOLSTERER WANTED First-cla- car-riage upholsterer: soter; steady place to theright party: send reference. Cnilllcotbe Buggyand Top Co., chllllcothe. Mo.

    VARNISHER WANTED Furniture factory.Jefferson and Sullivan.

    WANTED Strictly first-cla- planingmi:i man: must be Addres at once,Mechanics' Planing Mill Co.. Fort Smith. Ark.

    WANTED Experienced laundry man. one whohas wife or daughter who understands the work:must Le sober and reliable: good position toright party: none but experienced, help need ap-plv'. write Montlcello Steam Laundrj'. Montlcello.Aik.

    WOODTURNER WANTED Practical wood-turner. Frank Schmidt, planing mill, Iowa and.Victor.

    WOODWORKER WANTED Gocd carriagewoodworker; best of wages aud steady position.A. Jlkl, S N. Ninth SL

    HELP WANTED-MA- LE.Three Llns for rive Cents.

    Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra.

    Clerks and .Salesmen.AGENT WANTED loung man agent to sell

    to small stores. Y 23. Reildlc.A"GENTSWANTED-To"s- tll filter': now is the

    time to make rnonej-- ; we maks stone filters from23c to S13. 7o3 Pine t.

    BUSINESS men strc-:.i- y indorse, fornnd special facilities fur tecurlng posi-

    tion". Draughon's Piactlial Business College, cor-r-Math and Olive sts. Call cr send fcr cata-icgu- e.

    CLERK WANTED-- ru vlerk. fctnte's dmsstore.. 4IC9 Olive st.

    ENERGETIC siilesman. school supplies; coun-try vsork; 31CC: salary and commissions. It. OEvan3 & Co. Chltago, 111.

    HUSTLERS WArtTED Willing to travel:to start: nlca. eay pmposltlon and pleasant

    work. Call 919 Olive st.. room 2.MAN WANTED Good arparance, to repre-

    sent old hou-- o on road; alirv und expenses tostart. Call 919 Olive .t., room 2.

    MAN WANTED To sdi an elegant FrencliImpornd chin. dlnn"r net: U2 li'ece.. for 31;chance of lifetime. 1022 Holland bldg.

    'Man in each prominent city:salary, expenses and extra commission"; refer-ences required. Block Mfg. Co , 901 Olive st ,St. Louie.

    MAN WANTED EnerFetle nnn for twnt.anentposition as local or travellrit representative: ex-perience unnec-sar- y: salary and expeases.Evans ft Co.. M4 Olive st.

    HLK'JIANtVANTEDMu''t be good talk'rnd well atqiclnted: Itejt tropnEltlnn In M.

    I,iuU; 33.30 iHHy. C10 Holland LulldlnSALESMAN

    ""WANTED FIrtcl-"s- rciiabl?

    man to h1I our lubricating oil" and grrasrs; lib-eral ealnrj or romrnls-io- n to 1 good man. TheCI amplon Rcimlng Co . Cleveland, O.

    SALESMAN WANTED-Exprlen- ced travelingsalesman acquainted with Mlsrourl dry goo.lvtrade: sell for established tmnufacturer; popularbrand goods as sld llnp; commission. Address,with reference. I. 27 Republic

    SALESMEN "wANTEl)-Sale7m- -n tn sell tasand rclTeo In family trade In the city. Apply1111 Franklin ave.

    WANTED-M- en to fell cigars; citywork; 110 a thouind to cale.men. Anti-Tru- C-igar Co . 103 N. Ninth et.

    SALESMEN WANTED-Salesm- en of nbillty;must have gooil appearnnce; .alarj-- . 530 3Icr-mo- d

    & Jaccard building.SALESMEN WANTED If jou arc emplove.l ornot and have 13. vou cin nrn "everal dollarsdallj-- . Mermod-Jsocar- d building.

    ""SALESMEN W'ANTBDTv.o salesmen in etchSlate: Jji) pnd exrnvfa: nerminer.t position.

    Penlckn Tobacco Works Co.. Penlck". VaSALESM ENW:ANTED Live, active salesmento sell household articles: steady work; roodwages. Room 239 Arcade bldg.. East Ft. Louis.SALESMEN tTArtTED Two good saleemen:wagea every week; reference required. Apply

    room 241. Arcade building. East St. Louis. 1:1.SALESMEN WANTED To sell fruit tree pro-

    tection and buggy top dressing to countrv mer-chants and consumers. Hart & Co . 622 Hollandbldg.

    SALESMEN WANTED To sell the AquapuraFilter; made In St. over S.oN) references.116 Union Market. Morgan st. tide. Phono Main2426M.

    SALESMEN For uffice specialtllee. by sam-ple- fine side llne: easy sellers: liberal terms

    we help jou .tarti; exclusive tec; cat. free.Model Mfc Cr.. Dent. 32. South Bend. Ind

    SALESMAN WANTED A aale-m-who Is acquainted with the trade In anl arourdFt. Louis to handle a No. 1 line of ladles' wrap-pers; address, with reference. F. Frank tc Co.,7 St. Charles st , Baltimore. Md.

    SALESMEN WANTED We want several re-sponsible men for family tea and coffee routes;will paj 8alary and commission and enable youto build up your routes. Address, giving age.experience and references. L 15, Republic.

    WANTED Wholesale clothing traveling sales-man for N. Mii"ourl. N. Kansas and SouthernIllinois, only applicants considered selling atleat 133 Ou, accompanied with references. In-cluding last emplojers; no others considered.Address "Clothing." Box DO.. Cincinnati. O.

    SALESMEN WANTED Thoroughlv ex- -: perjenced silk salesmen. Apply to J. G. :: 'Nugent of B. Nugent & Bro. Drj-- Goods :: Company. :


    BELL BOYS WANTED Bell boys thatunderstand serving urlnks. Apply at 4

    p. m .nuniversivy v.iuo.EOY WANTED Small bov. Louis Busch. Ell

    Pine st.BOY WANTED Errand boj-- . St. Louis But- -

    ton Co . C20 N. Broadwaj-- .

    BOY WANTED-- A boy. 16 or 17 vears old. towork around saloon. 303O Marcus ave.

    BOY WANTED Boy as porter: must have goodreference: whlto or colored. 3300 Morgan.

    BOY WANTED Good boy. who has had expe-rience In frame Joining: must have reference.Lvdlk Art Co.. 1023 Franklin ave.

    BOY WANTED At once, bright, active toy,16 jears old; apply after 10 a. m. Star FeatherCo , 713 N. Commercial St., near Morgan andLevee-sts- .

    HOTS WANTED Boys about 13 to work In fac- -torj. ifrown Mig. 1.0.. 4iz . sixtn st.

    BOYS WANTED NewsBovs: lodging free: allbojs welcome. Apply 20OT Olive st.. rear."P.OYS WANTED Eojs that are willing towork. Excelsior Box and Mfg. Co., 2SK N.Twelfth st.

    BQYS WANTED Three small. neatly-drese- dhoys to sell candy. Apply i::30 In ColumbiaTheater gallery.

    BOYS WANTED Ten bojs about IS years oldto learn trade; tt per week while learning, i"2SS, P.epubllc.

    HELPER WANTED T!Iacitmlth helper boy.Address Box SI, Sapplngton. Mo.

    Cniirossen and Solicitors.AN A. P. A. M. WANTED Exceptional of-

    fer and good pay to good man. Call at room41S Burlington building. 83 Olive tt.

    CANVASSERS-Drea- m book tells your future,business, love, marriage, etc: send 20c for sam- -

    Reliable Book Co.. 1104 Market at., at.ouls. Mo.MAN WANTED-Go- od man for best Indu-

    strie and ordlniiy policy written; entirely new;pay times; debit If desired. 901 chemical build-ing.

    YOUNG man with some experience as a solici-tor: notldn: to sell; salary and commission toright party. M 30, Republic.

    Miscellaneous.ANY person who will distribute circulars for

    13 dally should address Standard Co., 4 Wells,Chicago. Steady position; no canvassing.

    BE BOSS Immense money made cleaning mon-uments until Decoration; new lightning process;experience unnecessarj'. Write E. Hctzler, Hum-boldt, Tenn--

    BRICK WHEELERS AND BRICK HAND-LERS WANTED Brick wheelers and brick hand-lers at No. 6 yard, Oravols road and Chippewa,lijdraulfc Tress .Brick Company.

    CONCRETE WORKERS WANTED-Saturd- aymorning; new building. O'Fallon and Lewis sts.Columbian Flreprooflng Co.

    DISTRIBUTORS WANTED-Clrcu- lar distribu-tors; !6 per 1,000: Inclose stamp. Parisian Chem-ical Co.. Newport. Ky.

    FOREMAN AND HELPERS WANTED-V- estforeman and helpers on fine custom vests; high-est wages; steady employment. E 23, Republic.

    JANITOR WANTED-Ptn- gle man as night jan-itor In rooming-hous- Doctor Butts, 1503 Wash-Ingto- n

    MAN WANTED Man to do chores for hisboard and lodging. C670 rinney av e.

    MAN WANTED Man With common schooleducation to work in city; gooJ Inducement togood roan. 2T31 Franklin ave.

    MAN WANTED-- A rr.lddle-ag-- d man to h'lparound Kitchen and saloon; will be a good homefor right man. 1401 S. Seventh su

    MEN WANTED T.v try box-ca- lfshoes; J2.53. Harris, H Shr Man, ;:0 Pino st.

    PHYSICIAN WANTED Physician between aveof " and CO. de"lrlng hoipltal experience for onejear; must bo e and well recommend-ed. A S3. Republic.

    POSITIONS! May deposit money in bank unt'lposition Is secureit. superior instruction. This

    ia tndnrsed by businrrs men. Call orsend for catalogue. Drauchton's Practical Busi-ness Cclleg?, Emllie building, corner Ninth und.live sts."REPAIRER WANTED Blcjcle repairer: al-- oboj Knight Cjcle Co. 311 N. Fourteenth st.

    TEACHERS WANTED Two male teachers ofexperience: salary $30 per month each. C H,Republic.

    WANTEeTeVIIRYWHERE Hustlers tn tacksign, distribute circulars, samples, etc.: no can-vassing; sold pay. Sun Advertising Bureau.Chicago."


    to do writing, fold circular",etc., to pay S per cent of your tuition. Call onor address Draughon's Practical Business Col-lege. Emllie building, cor. Ninth and Olive.

    WANTTD Men to learn barber trade: onlyeight weeks required. In order to supply demandfor our graduatm during spring rush we makespecial thirty-da- y offer, including board andtiiols with scholarship. Call or writeMolcr Barber College, 1141 Market st

    YARDMAN WANTED Strong joung man forhousework. M" in. Jayior. mive si. cars.

    IfARHES BUSINESS CO LUBE.Public Llnrary bldg.. Ninth and Locust. Comand see;us end get catalogue.

    POS ITI O N S 2s ".T JKSf ,aposition Is ttcured. or wll laccept note 20 p- -rcent discount to city students- - bookkeeping, pen-manship, shorthand, typewriting, : teichersspecialists: ccurse Ir.t' ruction and special facili-ties for securing positions strongly Indorsed bybusiness men: best patronized business collegeIn the United Status: three months bookkeeping;with us is equal to six elsewhere; shorthand de-railment second to none: about 23 per cent ofour students are graduates of othr buslress col-leges. J. T. Draughcn. president. Is author nffour text bools on bookkeeping that have byfar the largest saw. among business men. or anypublished: catilozue will explain all call nr serdfor it. Draughon's Practical Business Cullcgr,St Louis. Emllie building. Ninth and Olive;Nashville. Little Rock. Fort Worth. Calvrston,Sbrcveport. Montgomery and Savannah.

    HELP WANTED-MA- LE.Thre Lines for rive Cents.

    Each Addltloral Line Five Cents Extra.

    Cooks.COOK WANTED-Go-od cook, washer and iron--

    er. 3934 Washington ave.--

    Conehn.en.COACHMAN WANTED A cbfr coachman:

    must Wins refereices. Call 145 CirroII -- t.


    AGENTS Call and e our new ticket: bestfeller In St. Lculs: reba.e on all tickets. Munll).1314 01Ie st. I"AGENTS WANTED-La- dy cgents to travel andnpprilnt agenti; 7 per daj. Call afternoons, iva !vvasnugioii ave.

    AGENTS WANTED Tn sell filters: now !I tl-- 1time to make morej ; mak; none filters fromKc to II.'. 703 Pin.? st.

    AGENT?" In Missouri. V. S. H'alth and Accl-dr-Ins. Co.; taplta! "lock SMO.W-- II. J. Chat-terto- n.

    Supt. of A:s.. Sedan 1. Mo. IAGENTS WANTED Ti rell n- -l elegant

    imported china olr.ner et. 102 niece", for II.ilinnce of lifetime. 1023 Holland bulldlr-g- .

    AGENT" WANTED To "sell Frisch'IstetIn.praved square vapor bath n'blr'ft. vith door,from J3.3J to Jli). Krljch. 414 N. Eighth st.

    AGENTS."" Stretmon. Fakers Song book". Jlper 101: hot sellers: deposit on C. O. D. orders.Carttr Buok Co.. 311 S.""AGENTS With" Haj el's metallic rilbb-- r tire"for rccl.lrir chairs, rnnkr $I'"1 pr munth. -s

    J. C. Havea, 413 E. St.. Dca Mclne".low 1."AGENTS WANTED Latest aluminum

    no.-elt- fVn to everjliody; sompl luc.large pronts. Ojier No. ell j Co. 713 Hollandbuilding.

    AGENTS WANTED We lave the- - latist thingIn Bufialo Imttiins; something entirely new inmetal; "ample lie. Haskell. Mfr. 61S Pine st.,St. liQUlF.

    AGENTS WANTED Agmt. ma' and female, Ifor vltj : big pav; quick returns. Call Old Reli-able Star Portrait Company Studio, main offic-io! N. Eleventh st.

    AGENT:! WANTED To place .treet car tick-et" (Transit r Suburban) within reach of jll:pinr a trip; six hours' work pays agent J3.duj.'ClG Hollard building

    AGENTS WANTED m gent- -, streetmen.write for catalogue: sea gold

    and plate wire Jewelrv: firdlngs. streetmen anoveltie". FlEher. 1423 Franklin ave.

    AGENTS WANTED-Ma- le or female, to se'Iand advertise 'Tloor-Shine- " enam-- 1 floor coicr"to private famllls throughout the United States.Address. floor-Hiln- e Co.. St. Louis. Mo- -"AGENTS wanted In every county to sell StudsRings. Pins; set with diamond, hplenclldprofits, onlv- - perfect imitation of genuine dia-mond; terms mailed free. Molssan Diamond Co..Cincinnati. O.

    AGENTS on salary or commission: the great-est agents' seller ever produced: every user ofpen and Ink bu r.n sight: 200 to 500 per centprofit: one agent's sales amounted to $620 in sixrtajs: another 132 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co ,X 43, La Crosse. Wis."AGENTS WANTED 123 per day guaranteedIn salarj or commission for everj' day you areIn our employ. Th's statement I" not exaggerated.We want a general agent for jour territory : ourroods sell at sight to every man. woman or child.In everv office, factory and home. A person thatcan sell anjthlng can make a fortune; everyallele patented and never before sold In ycurterrltorv. Exclulve agency granted and a freeoutfit of samples to start right to work sent youen receipt of jour application. Write at once,ns we only want one good man for jour territory, uraliam Co . ll &w. nncinnau. v.

    - ti!.. .,. n..itM11IU monev ior anems w- -. ..,-.-Burner for all kerosene lamps; 200 per cent profit;quick sales: no risk; sample outfit free. Write atonce. W. W. Luther Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati. O.

    "EVERY honest man and weman oat ct em-ployment to call at the Murillo Studio. 1314Olive; permanent work; gocd money made

    IIYPNOTISM-Syste- for clairvoyants, mes- -m ens is, rnuguci.u ", -- r"vi isumps. Carter Book Co.. 311 S. B'gar. St. Locte.

    ri a nr-n- cr v-- t( TT tTTrri Tn I1 ml1 T1- S-.. . . r.I. tr ......II lis,- -per iron, tur .utpe -- ihjic ijj.sion. United Statet Wall raptr Co . 910 Plneat.PEDDI.ERS and agents will eave money by

    buying from MorrlB bchimmel- - 101Z - SeventnBt.. dealer In dry good and notions.

    -- m V"TyoT" 'a - aTrv warhable enamellnea: no (tia?; don t hid;i.n 1i..( ! fmtmrcneap ranuiv ruiiuii w

    PRACTICAL minder for all homo grinding; at-t- ael-- s to rnachlne: blp money lor

    agents eiiner eex. crrii-e- n --u. -.-- r- rt.i..n.. -. nfPorj.rsAU oinuiiut i nuutsi, fu

    in aKcntir column .mia wnte iv. .nHnAnn lis T mAw nT trl t ww

    nanza; biff pay. Room 8 second floor, 613A Pmeeireei.

    T.riTi: .. . .. ..tt.TIlfct7IJ4T. r altera uoia wrm, wim.rii-ini- rnoely out; jtample. five 3c starapts. CarterBook Co.. 311 3. Broadway. St. Ioal5."THREE ffood fraternal tnttirance men wantedfor dtr work and foar for field work In III!-no-Apply to Crescent IJfe AMoeiation. Room.1 a.s-ii-. "ia O TilHO, ATVaMia UU1IUHIK. -- -

    . . . .H. s. ,s .a4.4fta. a nfWAliu Manager in ch cguiuj u -- -sctlptlon book agency: no canvas"tng required;K0 monthlj- - and expenses; commissions extra; ln- -

    -- - . . n.-- J niAAmlnHnn TilCIU3". PWV v. w. .w...."p.".'.TOU will never get ncn worn ior wmk".

    let them work for you; 10 cents bring" sample,etc. American Chemlstrj-- . Dept. C, Rochester.N.jr.

    10O monthly, new patent metallic bread boards;sample free. H. B. Forshee Co.. Cincinnati. O.

    JB-Nar- Tailor System, with Illustratedlesson book: big monev for agents. Norman Pat-ter- n

    Co.. 101 N. Channlng ave.. St. Louis. Mo.

    R. U. A. BUFFALO?Agents to sell Buffalo Batters; dnxes. e; M.

    II; 100. 11.9); 600. I; 1,000, JIO; samples. 6c St.Louis Button Co.


    ALL those desiring help or seeking situationsrray register with the Free Employment Bureauof the State or Bureau ot Statistics. 835 Cen-tury building. Situations and help furnished fresof c! arge. Tel. Kinloch B 1717.

    COACHMAN, experienced and withtCO found. National Employment Co., 113 N.Sixth.

    EIGHT married couples for farms, privateplaces and dairy; hlgbrst wages nnd permanentplaces. National Employment Co.. 113 N. Sixth.

    FARM HANDS. ETC., WANTED Farmhands, milkers, gardners. buggy washer, house-na- n

    man for private place, man for ice wag-on ($3 week). Koerlg's Labor Agency, 612 Wal-nut st.

    LABORERS. F.TC. WANTED Lahore andtearcrters for new railroads la Iltlnols, Missouriand Indian Territory; free pass. Koenigs LaborAgercy, 612 Walnut St.

    TEN men for private places, tit found. Na-tional Employment Co., IIS N. Sixth st.

    THIRTY muleteers and hostlers for our nextshipment, Monday. March 33: shipment guaran-teed. National Emploj-men-t Co.. 113 N. Sixth at.

    THIRTY-FIV- E teamsters, laborers. ChoctawRailroad, 11.75. 32. National Employment Co..H3 N. Sixth st.

    TWENTY farm hands, $18. 120; steady work.National Employment Co . 113 N. Sixth st.fWENTY-FIV- E brickyard laborers. J1.40, 3LC3;

    stead)--. National Employment Co.. 113 N. Sixth.


    Foi Sale.1 LL kinds deliv ery wagons, storm buggies, new

    and secondhand. Young & Co., 142S N. Broadwaj-- .

    FINE draft horse. In good condition; );cheap. 1940 North Market st.

    FINE two-"- runabout, good condition;six-se- surrey. 1C6S Easton av.

    I'OR Sale Rubber-tire- d buggy; goodas new.1113 N. Broadway

    FOR Sale High, rear spring wagon; parkwagon; huckster wagon. 2lf Elliot ave.

    GOOD. bay. chunky horse, weighs 1.3)0. fit forgrocer or any kind work: also one gray mare.133. 10:0 N. Seventh at.

    HARNESS The best assortment of harness Inthe city, new and secondhand, at bottom prices,at A. 'mckett's. 1522 and 1534 N. Broadway.

    HIGH-GRAD- Columbia runabouts, bike wag-ons. Stanhopes, surreys and buggies; we carrya full 11ns of delivery wagons and road wagons;we can build jou most anything In the vehicleline jou may want; our prices will Interest jou.Deeds & Manlev. 303 N. Main st, between WasVlrgton ave. and Vine st.

    SS head: all kinds aid prices: driv-ing teams and saddlers; also two storm buggies1204 N. Broadwaj-- .

    MULES Couple of cheap plug mules. 1020 N?Seventh st.

    RUNABOUT: cost J100; sell for 3; must selleight head horses cheap. 1300 N. Broadwaj-- .

    PORREL mare. 16 3 hands: nice looker andnice hooker: any lady can drive; jou can buyat 163 only: Fagan. 2702 Lucas.

    STORM buggies, runabouts: also delivery wag-ons; flrst-clas- s. hand-mad- moderate pricesca'l and Investigate. Selzer, i;23-2- 7 N. Founeen'hSt., near Cess.

    TWO new peddler wagons and two secondhandstorm buggies; also surrey. A. Juki, 2133 N.Unth at.WE have arid manufacture all kinds businesswagena and storm buggies: our wagons equipped

    with Wlttech patent end gate. 1 it. Seventh st,MUSICAL.

    BUY the renowned Dunham upright piano(new). $133: worth 5230; guaranteed live years;atool and cov er. Ietter's. 1023 N. Grand ave.

    "HEAR tne soul of a Kraaauer sing"; to hearIt is to buy It. .Sold only by Daniel G. DunkerPiano Co.. Fourteenth and North Market sts.

    RENT Pianos $1. J2. $3, 4 per month; beststock; lowest prices In town. F. G. Smitn, Mfr..1HJ Olive st.. A. C. Whltaker. Mgr,

    OVERSTOCKED Will sell any piano In thehouse at a sacrifice for cash. Daniel G. Dunker.piano Co., 1331 N. Market.

    SPLENDID-TON- E upright piano. In flrst-cla-condition. J12S: fine mahogany upright, all Im-- 1

    rov cments, new. $13v: scm nice squares.Hi to $7S; some good organs at $13 to 14". worthtwite the money, and are special bargains thisweek with an elegant assortment of new pianos$30 to $109 cheaper than other stores, at F. G.Smith. Mfr.. lOli Olive st, A. E. Whltaker, Mgr.

    . -- rSlS5rS'4 - fS

    PEBSO-A- U.

    Fifteen Cents Per Llraa.

    CONFINEMENT cases taten; part pay lo worllIf desired; private seclusion, consultation andtrial treatment: adopting babies tree: treats Ir-regularities; try mr regulator: best of medicalcare and nursing: get my terms; written guar-antee tor all cases: call or write: ail mallpromptly answered: patients mt at station orboat in my vehicle. Mrs. Dr. Murphj". 2123 and2133 Olive it. Kinloch phone 831C."DOCTOR MARY MURPHY give written gar-nnte-- i.

    board T2.50. S3. 4 per week. 2123 ad 2L5O'lve st. .

    TIO v. . t,v- - .T7TtJI-T- T rtir nSv.lrlan l..n B?a confinement home In city having a healthy 1 - rration: trained nurses: excellent accommodation;

    care and ct seclu'lon: Irreaiitnrl- - f!." successfully treated or no charge; guj-a-leed teult". Consultation free. 2311 Morgan "t.

    DR. ELLA ALLEN, female 1? veir-- -U'r5tui n' e; perigee "eciuinn

    rrnflnerrent: only private, fir reitab'e. to- -enmorated home: only home havlnr a Stat H- -

    chnrtei- - to prov its rellaWlltr: thoel"ewher Invited: poitlv-l- v

    the het accommodations and med-ical skill in trili cltj 230S Olive st

    LADIES My re alitor never fall": " c- - -plete treatment free. Mrs. E. Starr. 33 Frnnmin.

    LADIES I nosltlvelv guarantee that GbMtSsni win rolleve the lrnge- - and rrt otilt- cf delived monthlv rerloda without piin. -ttre to five sent secure from

    2741 Olive 't.LAD'ES If v--u want th only reat Go'de-Se- -1

    Monthlv Rmlator. nrlce SI per box. thtwill polt'vcIy relieve in from 3 to ; hour--, volmust rn tn It only arnt. who hi" It" t!

    far-rp- bv viz. The Golden Seal MedicalCo. 2911 Morgin st.

    MRS. L. HOTSON. !qrtle prlvi: hr-- ie dn-- 1-absolute nroe"tio-- i and

    motherly nre: iccsssHsrnnfei'd or rn ehirges- - In'nnts ei'opted:Id" In tronb1. call n- - w-- I;German nnd French spoke-- i. f2)l and 2203 Ollre.OLD DR. WARr. Ofre. I3!l Wa"hlnrtr- - Ave .Ft Iviiil". Mo Troubl". la(Ie" or certlemen.

    nnv cans- -, "klllfully treated ravlpg life of vand regret. Call nr write: 30 rears' exper1- -

    Kuaratiir- - recuivF: periBci "ecrasiijn a"'ipriv-i- cv for Iedl": imforts of hom: mobsrli- -

    ir-- - oulrK re"to-atlo- n tn run and rmpltshT'th and strergth: patients met at trainlltii AilHlt RtllLAnLper week- - "confinementreasonabV: written rnirantce In nil case.PnUnKCUCMTC Dr. Annie Newland. 2741 Ollvnbjnrinr.mr.ni0. .;. Established V vear". Prt"vate. secluded. llcfn"ed home for ladles whrojou win be treated honcstlv and well. Writtenguarantee to that effect. Sklllfd medical at-tention, trained nursing and motherly car.Homes fourd for Infants free. Board 32 p- -week. Part payment taken In work.

    and confidence- maintained. Irrrsru-lariti- r;guaranteed results or no charge". Sat-

    isfaction guaranteed In all case" cr money re-funded. Consultation and advice free. Lad'es introuble, call or write. Patients met at train.

    For Kidney Troubles.Bright' Disease. Diabetes. Stcne In the Bladder.Brick Dust. Inflammation and Catarrh of the.Bladder, use BUCHU-URS- I. It is a sure cure forthose troubles.

    ST. LOUIS. March S. 1301.Doctor Beauchamp: I have used only two bot-

    tles ot Buchu-Ur- and have received wonderfulbenefit therefrom. I am more vigorous and en-tirely free from kidney and urinary trouhle.

    FRANCIS VALLE.Captain F. Valle Is a notary public.For al at principal drug stores and MofOtt-We- st

    Drug Company. Price 73c rer bottle.DR. BEAUCHAMP MED. CO . St Louis. Mo.


    A'o Kail; Syrlmf orf .'.Whatever Tour dlseasa

    trnnhle CALL OR WRITEand get an honest opinion ofyour case FREE.

    Send for our Illustrated book-let. Terms reasonable.

    The BeU Rupture Cure Co.II ,t Tfualxrt.s lit . . It Utds, I. .


    BEST Individual instruction; day and even-ing: bookkeeping, shorthand, etc; superior ad-vantages; expert teachera; positions secureo; tui-tion. $3 month. Blddls & Rosenthal. Room 312.Commercial bldg. '

    BORGES Spanish School. Suits UnionTrust building Classes termed at any time; semifor circular; translations solicited.

    HARTSOCK & JONES'S Business College.Olivia building. Grand and Windsor Shorthantcourse. $40; per month, day. $3; night. $5; call.

    PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting,expert lady teather: lull course. SB.

    or IS month: positions secured. Barnes. 3tWashington ave. '

    BUSINESS FUR SALE.BARBER shop. 2MJ Olive St., J1SS; two chairs:

    rood stand. Call at lunchroom. 2307 Olive, after7 p. m.

    CASH grocer with complete stock: elegantfixtures; dally trade $20; will trade. X 30. Re-publics

    FIRST-CLAS- S hotel, bar and livery stable. Forparticulars apply to H. J. Packer. Mascootah. n.

    FIRST-CLAS- S stock dry goods, furnishings. Ingood locality; Invoice about $4,501. T 39. Republic.

    FIVE and 10 cent store; cash business: reasonfor selling. J. White. 2I Collinsvllle ave.. EastSt Louis.

    FOR Sale Restaurant outfit complete; half ofIts value. Room 8. 613A Pine St.

    GOOD saloon and boardlng-hcc- s: centrally lo-cated: owner retiring on account of old age; coedchance for couple that wants to work; capitalrequired, about $600. Inquire SW S. Sixth st,.

    GROCERT" store, fine stock, all new goods:flrst-clas- s location. Webster ave. a:.! Thomas.

    MEAT market and grocery; good location: rea-sonable price. G 31. Republic.

    MEAT market, with large cash trade: must bssold at once; very cheap. X IS. Republic.

    RESTAURANT and rooming-hous- e, sdjotnlngcar sheds: good cigar and tobacco trace: laun-dry branch In connection; very cheap. X 18. Re-public.


    For Sale.A $1 tyrtwrlter ribbon for 50c: postpaid; any

    machine; guaranteed, s. G. Adams Stamp andSeal Co.. 314 N. Sixth st Everything in sta-tionery.

    G Densmore. $3): No. 2 Smlthl$30; Bllckensderfer. $15: No. S Rrr'igton. JiL 5t.Louis Typewriter Ex.. Chemical blug. TL M lie.

    WE have 1.000 typewriters tor rent or sale. Callor mall or telephone your order. Satisfactionguaranteed. The Typewriter Exchange. 20$ N.Ninth st. St. Louis. Ma.


    Far Sale.skeSW"hWKeS"MWW.

    CAESAR. Cleveland. Crescent. Plurro -- .drae. Regal and Tempest St. Lonla Cycle Co..SS N. Second st See Morgan. Main 04. A71S.SECONDHAND wheels cheap: expert repairing

    promptly done; singles and tandems for rent.Columbia Bicycle Co.. 3838 Olive. Llndell 1414A.

    BOOKS, FAFERS.Bt"" esUI WANT to buy law. medical and other good

    books. John LInahan. bookseller, cth and Market

    DOGS. CAT". PETS. FOR SALE.DOGS, birds, cats, rabbits, poultry, pigeons:

    all kinds pet stock bousht sold and exchangedOsbourn's Bird Store. 134J N. Broadwsy.

    NICE lot Imported canaries, parrots, mock-ers, Japan robins, maltese and angora cats, smallpets and dogs, all kinds. Wefarman's. 417 Walnut.

    PEDIGREED fox terrier puppies;-f-ine

    prizeblood stock. Bishop Kennels, P. O. Box $15. St.Louis, Mo.

    RABBITS WANTED To buy 600 rabbits: willbuy in large or small lots: all colors. AddressWehrman. 417 Walnut st


    For Sale.ELECTRIC motors and dynamos to rent from

    1 to CO horse power. Hex Electrlo Company. Mls Third st

    GASOLINE AND STEAM ENGINESBoilers, steam pumps, steam, gas and water sup-plies, sawmill machinery, belting, hose. etc.



    ANY one wanting to start In the Belgian barebusiness, call cr write the East Side itabbltry.comer Collinsvllle and Illinois aves.. East Et.Louis. III.

    FOR $750. three good meat does, ready tobreed; let us fill jour order. Elstun Bros.. 17J5Olive.

    SIX redigrerit Belgian hare does "stlth young-sters. 37: .stock at your price. Call or writeJunior Babbitry. :2 Franklin ave.


    BUSINESS cards. $1: billheads, statements,noteheads. $1 W per thu'iaand. A. P. Vltrey. 1C5N. Twelfth st

    CRESCENT Printing Company, 907 N. JFourthSt Fine commercial Job work; popular prlces.aend for samples.

    J. W. STEELE & CO.. Book ana Job Printers.IS N. Third st LeTal blanks and briefs a spe-cialty. Tel. Main 1470.

    l.CO) BIZ CARDS, 30c- - cut-pri- printing. Ben-ton & Co.. N. Fourth st

    l.oro good envelopes. $1; cards. 0c; noteheads.billheads, f5c: country orders solicited. NewHome Printing Co., 407 N. Levee, St Louis.


    COPPER MINE.T hate n shnrt nntlnn nn lh !. -- e ..vein of a new. but good shipping and paylnacopper mine, not yet 130 feet deep. The owner

    of the extension gives 3 for working capital.Only a very small amount required to determineIts value. 1 want parties tojoln me. For partic-ulars apply Immediately to George B. Clark.- -40S Bank Commerce building.

    rf-t- r- -

    Ai --tk,TiSl? Mila&frfr.iV

