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The Stall Co Wilders Co CREOLK - University of...

Date post: 07-Jan-2020
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TXTTT Vol I aOIUlEBPONDENOE We do not hold oursches resnonsible for the opinion of correspondents Our Columns are open to every shade of opinion or party or - x lous accompanied by for iiuf or indecent ami mum uc the name oflhewriter not necessarily lication but as a guarantee of good faith Ed The Independent If W It Castlo was received with open arms by President Olevoland as the Advertisor would havo tho publio believe and Mr Castlo is such a brainy man that cortain ones threatened all manner ofdirecon sequeucoB to thowhools of tho gov ¬ ernment if ho wasuotsontto Wash ¬ ington as bur ropropontative what in the namo of common sense is tho government about borrowing mo noy to soud on to Washington that groat little nothing Mr Hatch Is it not about timo that tho gov ¬ ernment called a halt in this myste ¬ rious penny whistle infantile game of doing nothing sensible fnoUior thing why should W O Smith go to a strango country ostensibly to study land laws which is all rot when he could have taken his outing under tho Stars and Stripes that ho pro ¬ tends to lovo so well Some are cruol enough to hint that ho daro not visit California for fear of get ¬ ting n coat of tar and feathers or something worse from the men ho helped to persecute and oxile Whom tho Gods would dostroy they first make mado Horse Sense Toxas Talk I am the State of Texas Tho great and only Lono Star The biggest in the Firmament of tho Union Onco I was Tho Bully Boy of tho Brazos Tho Rip Suortiug Rooster Of tho Rio Grande And I could lick my weight in wild- cats ¬ And chaw up a steor And use bis horns for toothpicks I could haug a horse thiof In four minulos by ho watch And shoot a town full of holes On seventeen drinks of whiskey But I am not that kind any more I am a changed being My ways aro ways of pleasantness And all my paths aro peace I am a sucking dovo And if anybody wants to kick My tail feathers off I offer myself as a willing Sacrifice I have forsaken tho wild and woolly And shall go to Boston For art culture And the study of tho intellectuals And beans Tho cowbow shall know me no more Forever And tho maverick Shall no longer claim mo as a That is tho kind of a Texas I am And if those prizo fighters Try to pull off a fight In my midst By gravy Somethings going to happen I wont havo it uudor no oiroum- - stances For Ive turned over a now leaf Andthoy dont want to forgot it Thats mol But if they want to lynoh a hoss thief Well In somo particulars I am still tho samo old Toxas I N Y Sun Boom for Col Jay Bnigg It is said that Jay Snigg wishes to be a State Attorney in Illinois Up and greet him Dink Botts Pod Diemuko Abo Slupsky and Bino ICpozer Boston Journal Tho California Food Company havo received a laro invoice of goods by tho S G Wilder Thoy nuote tho lowest prices and tho finest qualities in nil the linos and give full weight Amongst tho lot aro to bo found hay oats rolled barley bran corn oraokod corn oil cake oto Everything is of tho froBhost aud if yqu want to got tho best aud choapost the California Feed Co will hoar from you G5 O J O O i i 220k O O Y K I H APPLIED POK HONOLULU II I MONDAY NOVEMBER 11 1895 The Standard Stall rort CREOLK 21702 Record Chataplon Hawaiian Eocord riKOMlTKltlMOS Hlro of Creole 2tl0 219 Apex O 20 EiikIc rnnnlt Viiller 223U Wales 2 Clilco 221 j iiml of thu of llrll- - llmitiuu iJ17 Vigor 223 UllAUK Dnm of Creole lc 2 19 F T 27J4 buns 15 Eft- - rnMJEiiur175 on2i7iUcisif 2172 and fid others besides 31 sires of CO mid 48 dams of 70280 performer1 UUAIKIU llIllD228if Diuiioi iiigiu iYiy iiiim of rieet 218U Bid lleet 226 nuccANiin 2C5 hlro of llulwer 22CK Flight 229 Shiunroek i 22j mid diimsof Monroo lrlncc22a lnlrosc219 rrou rroul225i Hose dale 1 222 Oolitii 221 iiiDinizjiji eauin nun 221 Shi licet 2204 lleet 218Ji lMAItY2l2 I 11111 itJnlJ Dam of Apex 220 Sterl- ing slro ot 5 In 230 Lctly dam of 3 in 230 qruce lain of Creole 215 215 221 1 2 11IUK HULL QUltN riiAxauiti 8i3i Slrrjof 2 111 list and dams of 9 bolters mid 2 pacers rASlllON Dnin of Iralrlo Bird 21 lOWA CIIIlr 628 SlrOfOf 5 in 230 list TlNSlluY MAII HjAXTAIL 8132 BlrcT of Dan 230i Km prcs82294 and dams of 9 DAUGHTER DESCRIPTION AND TERMS i OltEOIiE is tlio ponipst fastest and host bred stallion that has ever been lm Into tho Hawaiian Islands Ho reducpd Ills record of 2S20 to 218 in Iottilninn al August 21 1801 distancing his wholo Cod In tho first heat then again to 215 in Stockton Cal September 23 lt94 winning tho first heat In 215J fourth heat in 215 and fifth heat in proving that he is a remarkably ganiH as woll as a speedy rare hori o Creolo by Prompter out of Grace hy Burcaneer eliows that he is capable of getting n mark of 210 and is one of the earnest Btallions seen tills year and besides Doing gamo is one of tho best formed and remarkably intelligent Jlreeder and Sports- man ¬ i cpt 25 JS94 He ia 15j hands high and of powerful build throughout His color is glossy black wHi ono white hind Icot His disposition Is all that could be de- sired ¬ and his notion superb He is a snro foal getter TC- Q- TlSRMS 50 with usual return privilege Vlll niako tho season at tho CLUB STABLES GO The Scare is 0er aaBSBBSBSffi Now wo expect to soo tho Ladies and their Families onco moro Wo havo folt lonely without them So to induco thorn to call on us somo moro as tho Schools aro nbout to open wo liavo resolved to rotluco tho Prices for Boys Suits and Outfitting Girls Hats and Dress Material Stockings Etc Etc Etc And everything necccossary to havo the little ones appear in tho Finest and Latest Stylos at tho School opening to such Prices as will dofy comparison Oom ELicidL See Tliem ffl S LEVY - - - - Fort Street Do You Want THEN GO TO 240 on In a 97 lrudcus Good Fmau Sail 8111011 Plain Fanoy Barrels Sc GO Telephone Groceries LEWIS Ill Fort Street SJASK FOE TILTDIR CASH PEIOBS Insurance Company of North America OF PHILADELPHIA PA Founuki - 1792 JAN 1 1895 ASSETS - - iU552599S2 CASH CAPITAL OOoloOOOO Oldtist Firo Insuraiico Company in tho United States Losses PMd Since Organization - - 38143944813 T Policies Issued iKainst Logs by Firo ou All Glasses of Desirsblfc Property at Lowest Ratos M L0SB Mmt tor the Hawaiian Islands ift lni Oceanifi Steamship Co fei Auslraiiau Mail Mm For San Francisco Tho Now and Pino Al Btcel Steamship MONOWAI 01 tho Occanlo Steamship Company will bo iluo at Honolulu from Sydney ami Auckland ou or about 3STOV 1 4tll And will leavo for the above port with Malls and Passungoro on or about that ln0 For Sydney Auckland The Now and Fine Al Steel Bteamshlp U MARIPOSA1 Of the Oceanlo Steamship Company will bo due at Honolulu from San Francisco on or ubpat Nov 2 1 st And will have prompt despatch with Malls and Pasjongors for the above ports Tho undersigned ore now propttrcd to issue Through Tickets to All Points In the United States kVF For further particulars regarding Freight and Passage apply to Wm G IRWIN CO Ld General Agents Oceanic Steamship Co TIME TABLE LOCAL LINE S S -- AUSTRALIA Arrive Honolulu Leavo Honolulu from 8 F for S F Nov 15 Nov 20 DcoO Deo 11 Janll JanO Ian 27 Fob 1 Feb 21 Feb2 March 10 March 21 April 13 April 15 May 1 MayO May 21 t Juno3 Juno 22 June 29 July 17 July 20 Aug 10 4 Aug 15 Septl Beptl Snpt28 Oct 3 Oct 20 Oct 28 Nov 10 Nov 21 Deo 11 Deo 10 THROUGH LINE From San Francisco for Sydney drrire Honolulu Mariposa Nov 21 Mouovvnl Dec 11 Alameda Jan 10 Mariposa Feb 13 Monowal Mar U Alameda Ap- - 0 Mariposa 4 May 7 Monowal Juno 1 Alameda July 2 Mariposa July 30 Monowal Aug 27 Alameda Bopt l Mariposa Oct 22 Monowal Nov 10 Alameda Dpo 17 From Syduoy for San Francisco Leaie Honolulu Monowal Nov 14 Alameda Deo 12 Mariposa Jan Monowal Fobl Alameda Mar5 Mariposa Apr 2 Monowal Apr 10 Alameda May 28 Mariposa Jnno 25 Monowal July 2J Alameda Aug 20 Mariposa Sept 17 Monowal Oct 15 Alameda Nov 12 Mariposa Deo 10 OABU RAILWAY LAND COS TIME T ABL1E3 From and Aftor October SI 1805 oS THAINS He- 0g gg b- - a1 I it g 53 si 93 lit 5 e g t AM AM l M 1MI Uihu llunolulii 010 911 145 610 Leave leiiri City 740 963 228 fi63 Leavo Kwn Mill 810 1019 249 011 Arrho Wnlanuo 10 M 321 049 TRAINS gg Hk ag g ri S3 Is AM AM l H IM Lciwu Wutiuiau 041 132 347 Lcuvo Kwa JUU 719 910 207 422 Leave leurl City 760 918 233 453 Arrive Honolulu 823 1030 311 520 On Sunday train 111 leave Walunao at 317 p m Instead ot 132 p in arriving In Honolulu tit 520 p 111 1rclRiit Trains will curry lnssongor accom modations K C Smith General lussongor Ticket Agont a P Dknison Superintendent Ring up 841 if jou have anything to say to Tub TNnKPFNnBNT No no Wilders Steamship Co TIME TABLE O h WIGHT Pros S B HOSE Sec Capt J A KING Port Supt Stmr KINAU 0LAKKE Commander Will leave Honolulu at 10 a m touching at Lihnlna Maalaea Hay and Makena the samo day Mahukna Kawalhae and Lau- - Bnliofbod the evening following day arriving ot LEAVES HONOLULU ARR1VK8 HONOLULU Friday Nov 8 I Frldav Nov IB Tuesday Nov 10 I Tuesday Nov 20 Friday Nqv 20 Friday Dec 0 Tuesday Dec 10 I Tuesday Doc 17 Friday Dec 20 Friday Dec 2T Itctitrnlng will leavo HHo at 1 oclock v M touching at Laupahoehoo Matin kona and Kawalhae samo day Makcna Maalaea Bay and Lahdlna tho following day arriving at Honolulu the afternoons of TnesdayH and Fridays tVKr No Frolght will bo received after a t on day of sailing Stmr CLAUDINE OAMEKON Commander Will leavo Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r m touching at Lohaina Kahulul Hana Ha moa aud Kipahnln Maul Keturnlng ar ¬ rives at Honolulu Sunday afternoons Will call at Nuu Kaupo on second trip of caoh iuontli J3ST- - No Freight will bo received after 4 p m on day of sailing This Company will reserves the right to make changes in the time of departure and arrival of its Steamers without notice and It will not bo responsible for any conse- quences ¬ arising therefrom Consignees must be at the Landings to icccito meir ireigui mis company wui not hold itself responsible for freight after it has been landed Livo Stock only at owners risk This Company will not be responsible for Money or Valuables of passengers unless placed in the care of Pursers CW Passengers are requested to pnr-rhas- o- Tiokets before embarking Those falling to do 60 will bo subject to art addi- tional ¬ charge of twenty five per cent Businoss Cards 1 ANTONB ROSA Attorney- - at Law Kaahumanu Btrect Honolulu PAUL NEUMANN COUNSELLOII AND ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Merchant Street Honolulu JOHN NOTT Plumbing Tin CorrEn and Siieet Iron Work v King Street Honolulu GONSALVBS CO Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants 225 Queen Street Honolulu E B THOMAS Contractor and Builder Building Matorlals for sale Kstlmatos Furnished HP BERTELMANN Contractor and Builder All kinds of Itepairing and Qonoral Carpen- - try Kstlmotes on Dulldlngs Furnlshed ALLEN ROBINSON Dealers in Lumber and Coal and Building Matziuals or All Kinds I Queen Street Honolulu




We do not hold oursches resnonsible for theopinion of correspondents Our Columns areopen to every shade of opinion or party or

- xlous accompanied byfor iiuf

or indecent ami mum ucthe name oflhewriter not necessarilylication but as a guarantee of good faithEd The Independent

If W It Castlo was received withopen arms by President Olevolandas the Advertisor would havo thopublio believe and Mr Castlo issuch a brainy man that cortain ones

threatened all manner ofdireconsequeucoB to thowhools of tho gov ¬

ernment if ho wasuotsontto Wash ¬

ington as bur ropropontative whatin the namo of common sense is thogovernment about borrowing monoy to soud on to Washington thatgroat little nothing Mr HatchIs it not about timo that tho gov ¬

ernment called a halt in this myste ¬

rious penny whistleinfantile game of doing

nothing sensible fnoUior thingwhy should W O Smith go to astrango country ostensibly to studyland laws which is all rot when hecould have taken his outing undertho Stars and Stripes that ho pro ¬

tends to lovo so well Some arecruol enough to hint that ho daronot visit California for fear of get ¬

ting n coat of tar and feathers orsomething worse from the men hohelped to persecute and oxileWhom tho Gods would dostroy

they first make madoHorse Sense

Toxas Talk

I am the State of TexasTho great and only Lono StarThe biggest in theFirmament of tho UnionOnco I wasTho Bully Boy of tho BrazosTho Rip Suortiug RoosterOf tho Rio GrandeAnd I could lick my weight in wild-


And chaw up a steorAnd use bis horns for toothpicksI could haug a horse thiofIn four minulos by ho watchAnd shoot a town full of holesOn seventeen drinks of whiskeyBut I am not that kind any moreI am a changed beingMy ways aro ways of pleasantnessAnd all my paths aro peaceI am a sucking dovoAnd if anybody wants to kickMy tail feathers offI offer myself as a willingSacrificeI have forsaken tho wild and

woollyAnd shall go to BostonFor art cultureAnd the study of tho intellectualsAnd beansTho cowbow shall know me no moreForeverAnd tho maverickShall no longer claim mo as a

That is tho kind of a TexasI amAnd if those prizo fightersTry to pull off a fightIn my midstBy gravySomethings going to happenI wont havo it uudor no oiroum- -

stancesFor Ive turned over a now leafAndthoy dont want to forgot itThats molBut if they want to lynoh a hoss

thiefWellIn somo particularsI am still tho samo old Toxas I

N Y Sun

Boom for Col Jay Bnigg

It is said that Jay Snigg wishes

to be a State Attorney in IllinoisUp and greet him Dink Botts PodDiemuko Abo Slupsky and BinoICpozer Boston Journal

Tho California Food Companyhavo received a laro invoice ofgoods by tho S G Wilder Thoynuote tho lowest prices and thofinest qualities in nil the linosand give full weight Amongst tholot aro to bo found hay oatsrolled barley bran corn oraokodcorn oil cake oto Everything isof tho froBhost aud if yqu wantto got tho best aud choapost theCalifornia Feed Co will hoar fromyou

1 i





i i



The Standard Stall rort


RecordChataplon Hawaiian Eocord

riKOMlTKltlMOSHlro of Creole 2tl0219 Apex



Viiller 223UWales 2 Clilco 221 j

iiml of thu of llrll- -

llmitiuu iJ17 Vigor 223

UllAUKDnm of Creole

lc 2 19



15 Eft- -


on2i7iUcisif 2172and fid others besides 31sires of CO mid 48 dams of70280 performer1

UUAIKIU llIllD228ifDiuiioi iiigiu iYiy iiiimof rieet 218U Bid lleet226

nuccANiin 2C5hlro of llulwer 22CKFlight 229 Shiunroek i22j mid diimsof Monroolrlncc22a lnlrosc219rrou rroul225i Hosedale 1 222 Oolitii 221iiiDinizjiji eauin nun221 Shi licet 2204lleet 218Ji

lMAItY2l2I 11111 itJnlJ

Dam of Apex 220 Sterl-ing slro ot 5 In 230 Lctlydam of 3 in 230 qrucelain of Creole 215

215221 1 2



riiAxauiti 8i3iSlrrjof 2 111 list and damsof 9 bolters mid 2 pacers

rASlllONDnin of Iralrlo Bird21

lOWA CIIIlr 628SlrOfOf 5 in 230 list


HjAXTAIL 8132BlrcT of Dan 230i Kmprcs82294 and dams of 9



OltEOIiE is tlio ponipst fastest and host bred stallion that has ever been lmInto tho Hawaiian Islands Ho reducpd Ills record of 2S20 to 218 in Iottilninn

al August 21 1801 distancing his wholo Cod In tho first heat then again to 215 inStockton Cal September 23 lt94 winning tho first heat In 215J fourth heat in 215and fifth heat in proving that he is a remarkably ganiH as woll as a speedy rarehori o Creolo by Prompter out of Grace hy Burcaneer eliows that he is capable ofgetting n mark of 210 and is one of the earnest Btallions seen tills year and besidesDoing gamo is one of tho best formed and remarkably intelligent Jlreeder and Sports-man


i cpt 25 JS94 He ia 15j hands high and of powerful build throughout Hiscolor is glossy black wHi ono white hind Icot His disposition Is all that could be de-sired


and his notion superb He is a snro foal getter

TC-Q- TlSRMS 50 with usual return privilege Vlll niako tho season at tho


The Scare is 0er aaBSBBSBSffi

Now wo expect to soo tho Ladies and theirFamilies onco moro Wo havo folt lonelywithout them So to induco thorn to callon us somo moro as tho Schools aro nboutto open wo liavo resolved to rotluco thoPrices for

Boys Suits and OutfittingGirls Hats and Dress Material

Stockings Etc Etc EtcAnd everything necccossary to havo the littleones appear in tho Finest and Latest Stylosat tho School opening to such Prices aswill dofy comparison

Oom ELicidL See Tliemffl S LEVY - - - - Fort Street

Do You Want



on In




Good Fmau Sail 8111011

Plain Fanoy Barrels

Sc GOTelephone


LEWISIll Fort Street


Insurance Company of North AmericaOF PHILADELPHIA PA

Founuki - 1792


Oldtist Firo Insuraiico Company in tho United StatesLosses PMd Since Organization - - 38143944813

T Policies Issued iKainst Logs by Firo ou All Glasses ofDesirsblfc Property at Lowest Ratos

M L0SB Mmt tor the Hawaiian Islandsift lni

Oceanifi Steamship Co


Auslraiiau Mail Mm

For San FranciscoTho Now and Pino Al Btcel Steamship

MONOWAI01 tho Occanlo Steamship Company willbo iluo at Honolulu from Sydney amiAuckland ou or about

3STOV 1 4tllAnd will leavo for the above port withMalls and Passungoro on or about thatln0

For Sydney AucklandThe Now and Fine Al Steel Bteamshlp

U MARIPOSA1Of the Oceanlo Steamship Company willbo due at Honolulu from San Francisco onor ubpat

Nov 2 1 stAnd will have prompt despatch with Mallsand Pasjongors for the above ports

Tho undersigned ore now propttrcdto issue

Through Tickets to All Points In the

United States

kVF For further particulars regardingFreight and Passage apply to

Wm G IRWIN CO LdGeneral Agents

Oceanic Steamship Co



S S --AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leavo Honolulu

from 8 F for S FNov 15 Nov 20DcoO Deo 11Janll JanOIan 27 Fob 1

Feb 21 Feb2March 10 March 21April 13 April 15May 1 MayOMay 21 t Juno3Juno 22 June 29July 17 July 20Aug 10 4 Aug 15Septl BeptlSnpt28 Oct 3Oct 20 Oct 28Nov 10 Nov 21Deo 11 Deo 10

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco

for Sydneydrrire Honolulu

Mariposa Nov 21Mouovvnl Dec 11

Alameda Jan 10Mariposa Feb 13Monowal Mar UAlameda Ap- - 0Mariposa 4 May 7Monowal Juno 1

Alameda July 2Mariposa July 30Monowal Aug 27Alameda Bopt lMariposa Oct 22Monowal Nov 10Alameda Dpo 17

From Syduoy forSan Francisco

Leaie HonoluluMonowal Nov 14Alameda Deo 12Mariposa JanMonowal FoblAlameda Mar5Mariposa Apr 2Monowal Apr 10

Alameda May 28Mariposa Jnno 25Monowal July 2JAlameda Aug 20Mariposa Sept 17Monowal Oct 15Alameda Nov 12Mariposa Deo 10


TIME T ABL1E3From and Aftor October SI 1805


THAINS He- 0g gg b--

a1 I it g

53 si 93 lit5 e g

t AM AM l M 1MI

Uihu llunolulii 010 911 145 610Leave leiiri City 740 963 228 fi63Leavo Kwn Mill 810 1019 249 011Arrho Wnlanuo 10 M 321 049

TRAINS gg Hk ag g

ri S3 IsAM AM l H IM

Lciwu Wutiuiau 041 132 347Lcuvo Kwa JUU 719 910 207 422Leave leurl City 760 918 233 453Arrive Honolulu 823 1030 311 520

On Sunday train 111 leave Walunao at 317p m Instead ot 132 p in arriving In Honolulutit 520 p 111

1rclRiit Trains will curry lnssongor accommodations K C Smith

General lussongor Ticket Agonta P Dknison Superintendent

Ring up 841 if jou have anythingto say to Tub TNnKPFNnBNT

No no

Wilders Steamship Co


O h WIGHT Pros S B HOSE SecCapt J A KING Port Supt

Stmr KINAU0LAKKE Commander

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a m touching atLihnlna Maalaea Hay and Makena thesamo day Mahukna Kawalhae and Lau- -

Bnliofbod theeveningfollowing day arriving ot


Friday Nov 8 I Frldav Nov IBTuesday Nov 10 I Tuesday Nov 20Friday Nqv 20 Friday Dec 0Tuesday Dec 10 I Tuesday Doc 17Friday Dec 20 Friday Dec 2 T

Itctitrnlng will leavo HHo at 1 oclockv M touching at Laupahoehoo Matinkona and Kawalhae samo day MakcnaMaalaea Bay and Lahdlna tho followingday arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof TnesdayH and Fridays

tVKr No Frolght will bo received aftera t on day of sailing


Will leavo Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r mtouching at Lohaina Kahulul Hana Hamoa aud Kipahnln Maul Keturnlng ar¬

rives at Honolulu Sunday afternoonsWill call at Nuu Kaupo on second trip

of caoh iuontliJ3ST- - No Freight will bo received after 4

p m on day of sailing

This Company will reserves the right tomake changes in the time of departure andarrival of its Steamers without notice andIt will not bo responsible for any conse-quences


arising therefromConsignees must be at the Landings to

icccito meir ireigui mis company wuinot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed

Livo Stock only at owners riskThis Company will not be responsible for

Money or Valuables of passengers unlessplaced in the care of Pursers

CW Passengers are requested to pnr-rhas- o-

Tiokets before embarking Thosefalling to do 60 will bo subject to art addi-tional

¬charge of twenty five per cent

Businoss Cards1


Attorney- -at Law

Kaahumanu Btrect Honolulu



Merchant Street Honolulu


Plumbing Tin CorrEn and SiieetIron Work v

King Street Honolulu


Wholesale Grocers and WineMerchants

225 Queen Street Honolulu


Contractor and Builder

Building Matorlals for sale KstlmatosFurnished


Contractor and Builder

All kinds of Itepairing and Qonoral Carpen- -try Kstlmotes on Dulldlngs



Dealers in Lumber and Coal andBuilding Matziuals or

All Kinds

I Queen Street Honolulu

I- - J


V s




Kxcopt 8nnilny

At Brito Hall Konia Stroot

tT Telephone 811 J7Gainst the wrong that needs resilience

For the right that nccdi assistanceFor the future tf the distance

And the aood that we can do

I am in the place whereof I am demundedof conscience to speak the truth and the truthl speak impugn it who so list


Per Month nnywhero In tho Ha-waiian


Islands BO

For Year 0 00Per Year postpnid to Foreign Coun-


8 00

Payablo Invariably in Advanoo

Advertisements unaccompanied by spoclflo Instructions Inserted till ordered out

Advertisements discontinued boforo oxplratlon of specified porlod will bo chargedas If continued for full term

Address nil communications to tho Edi ¬

torial Department to Edmund NorrioBusiness letters should bo addressed tothe Manager

EDMUND NORItlE - EditorGO KENYON - - do EditorF J TESTA - - - Manager

Residing in Honolulu

MONDAY NOV 11 1895


Talking of increased taxation audother plans for raising tho revenuethe Star says

It is notorious that tho troubleis in certain short assessment re-


This fault is just as possiblein any of the plans offered as in theone now used

Bight you aro

Logicians may be Hegelian oroven Kantish in their variety orthey may perhaps side with HerbertSponcor or Schopenhauer Yetwhen noting tho pauoity of designsoffered for the proposed now GreatSeal the Star wroto

The Star suggested that no voryradical departure bo made from thoold stamp There is an almost un-limited Celd for those having aconception of a design

It is impossible to say what thocentral idoa is Is it that tho oldstamp is an unlimited field in itself

The Star is becoming quite akamaaina It has taken to quotingor attempting to quoto HawaiianWriting about a ropflrt of tho failureof the Ouban rebels to kill GeneralOampos with eight bullets throughhis oloak it recommends thosemaohoto boaring gentlomen to pro-


an improved a nana As thisis simply an ordinary pineapple it isdoubtful whether tho Star didntmoan to writo anaana A varietyof ancient Hawaiian sorcory knownin modern days as praying to death

The Vonezuola scare has nowdwindled down to tho followingdimensions

News received through privatechannels from tho United States isnot tho least pneouraging thoughthe Government still persists inpositive assurances of help from theUnited States and that tub fleet isalready coming

And tho fact in that after a CabinetCouncil tho U S Government havodecided not to move till document-ary


ovidonco from their Ministers inHolland and Venezuela is forth-coming


Undo Sam atd John Bulldo not fight At least whon thoy dothoy will know what it is all aboutfirst

Ministor Damon has found a dofondant in Tho Time Wo didntknow that His Excellency is in needof being defended as nobody hasattacked him Tho opposition in

justified in critioising or oven pick ¬

ing to pieces the financial state ¬

ments of tho treasury Nobody hasover said that Mr Damon person-


incurs tho debts on behalf ofthe government because he likoB to

iiiiwii iMumtt mmmiimmi ihtiixL dfa

Tjax ax jHiy

do so or is a gainnr by it Wo elm

ply say Hint tin facts presentedill liin tttnloineuta show thattho Hawaiian government is livingfar above its moans that its debtsaro being increased in a most threat ¬

ening manner aud that noithor thoMinistor or his solf appoiutod de ¬

fender In The Time can bIiovv or atleast heretofore havo shown thocountry tho way out of the financialwoods Wo fully agroo with ThoTime that Minister Damon has

i conducted tho Finance Offico as noman in years has done But wo

ciuiiuu uuuuo uui uuuuau ufjiuiuuthat the Finance Office has neverbuon in a worse condition for yearsthan it is to day Though that is

not chargeable to Mr Damon per-


nor havo wo over said so

Somo littlo while ago the Star wasauxious about tho Government de-


Moro than onco it urged legis-


towards taxing opium andgranting a license to sell tho drugaud theroby raising enough moneyto make both endsraoot in tho Government financial status Now itcomes out aud says

Tho secret of tho unrest is thatsome of tho economists are settledin tho belief that wealth can booroalod by legislation This id anexperiment that sometimes seems topromise abundant fruition but thatalways ends up in diro disaster

Who shall reconcile this with thatAro wo to do it or not to do it Iuthe words of the immortal thoughmelancholy Hamlet To be or notbe that is tho question

Tho unconscious irony of fate wasnever bettor illustrated than whenthe Bulletin came out on Saturdayin praise of its own engravings Itsaid Thoro has been nothing inthe art of printing of Into yearswhore moro progress has been madethan in tho making of engravingsFor instauce it is within easy re-


of old newspaper menwhon a portrait like that of CaptainHitchcock in this issue would havotaken a wood engraver a day ormoro to prepare for tho press Itis possible the Bulletin is right inits remarks but when its readersturned to look at the portrait theirhopes were dashed for the way inwhioh it was punted mado it looklike a cross between an extinctNeandorthaler skull and an inkblotoh mado by a careless school girl

An old toilet reoipo says thatstale beor is good as a wash for thocomplexion Possibly the Bulletinimagines it also to be equally goodto wash its editorial comments with

By and by tho mail stoamer willcome along And war bloodywar between Russia and Englandwill have vanished into thin airwith the rest of the San Francisconewspapers sensational yarns

Tho Bulletins boast of tho completo news of tho town has appa-rently


ended in the ueo of backnumbor boiler plate Neither thepublio nor tho compositors arosatisfied with this attempt to fillspace

On Saturday we noticed a Hawai-


volume published by T P Spencor entitled a work on medicinoand an account of notable eventsOn page 91 of this work we find anaccount of a uotablo ovent in Ha-


history In Kamehamehasearly days a body of rebels assaultedhim and nearly lulled him by blowson tho head from a oanoe paddleAfterwards they wero captured andhe promulgated tho following or-


known as tho MamalahoaKanawai tho law of tho paddleYou aro prisoners of war but you

are pardoned as well as your offenceof wrongfully striking my hoad Ioscapod without serious injury Onpago 95 tho writer goos on to sayThis is a suitable example for

President Dolo in the exorciso ofhis Exeoutivo powers to follow somehalf a century after the promulga-tion


of tho Kanawai Mamalahoa inpardoning tho prisoners of tho insur ¬

rection of January 1895 who aro still


H fciiM ti

kept oonfinpd although tho nationis unanimous iu wishing to soo thfinfrood That tinio was n period ofbarbarism in which Kamohamohacouquorod now wo aro in thonow ago of onlightonmont andeducation Cannot Prosldont Dolopardon tho Hawaiian prisonors andso mako lm nnmo ronownod formercy as widl as that of his govornmont Our translation is notabsolutely literal but it conveys thosense accurately Aud now to daytho Advertiser apparently approv ¬

ingly quolos from tho H F Chroni-cle


referring to the agitation for thorelease of tho remainder of thopolitical prisonors 13 iu all Un-

less wo are much mistakon in Doloscharacter all agitation ovor thiB

question will rosult iu nothingWo do not believe tho Advortisor ortho S F Chronicle is tight in im-


such hardness of heart toPresident Dolo and Iub counsellorsRather do wo thiuk thoy will imitato the uiagnanimity of Kamoha ¬


Unappreciated Morcy

A few days ago a young nativegirl of rather prepossessing appear-ance


victimized the Rev Alex Mack ¬

intosh to tho tune of 5 by tellinghim a pitiful yam about the doathof an alleged grandmother or auntwhich she said had taken place atEwa and on accouut of which acoffin was noodod -

The revereud gentleman alwaysknown for his readiness to helpcame to her assistance and vorynearly went to Ewa personally Helearned however that there was notruth iu the reported death and honotified tho police Tho girl Eliza-beth


Kapahi was apprehended andwheu confronted with Mr Mackin ¬

tosh confessed that she was guiltySho got a lecture aud tho reverendgentleman rofused to prosecute horthinking that his sermon to her waspunishment enough

But his kind words ovidontlydidnt fall into proper soil Eliza-beth


has not reformed a bit but hasdevoted her time to obtaining moromoney and sermons Tho last onoof that kind will bo from JudgePorry

Tho girl who evidently is wellposted in regard to the charitablesentiments of our well known citi ¬

zens this morning at an early hourcalled at tho residence of tho RevEmmanuel Cunha of the CentralUnion at his Waikiki residenceTho venerable gentleman who wasbusy writing a sermon granted thogirl an interview and ho unfoldedanother pitiful tale in regard to adead brother the necessity of a cof-fin


her acquaintance with MrsCuuhas family and hor residing onland adjoining tho Cunha town resi-dence


Mr Cunha was greatly movedand largo tears wore on tho point ofdropping from his pious eyes anddollars from his equally pious pock-ets


when he found that ho had qochange iu Waikiki Ho told thogirl therefore to call at his office btown where coffins etc would boforthcoming

On his way into town ho remombered to have road about tho Mack-intosh


experience When the younggirl appeared at his offico a youngHawaiian was around who recog-nized


the girl as Elizabeth Kapahiand tipped Cunha the wiuk

Tho sermon without tho 5 de ¬

livered bv tho reverend owner of theCentral Union had moro effect thanovou Mackintoshs It startedsomething like now my girl youbettor get to h out of this or

Cunha felt quito happy over hisnarrow escape especially whon hofouud that Elizabeth had bled twoor three other kiud hearted gontletnon on Merchant stroot and ovenstruck tho Marshal for a dollar

But Elizabeths career as a confi ¬

dence girl is ended


HOUSE OF THUEEA Itnoms Parlor ai dinning jiu iiiieiy rcno- - atiiwvoted with Kitchen Pan- - Mtit y Uath Houso and Patt nt Water Closetattached The Tramcars passes the doorsituated at Leleo King street beyond OldBoap Works and within eay ac ¬

cess to tho Hailroad Depot It has a Splen ¬

did Lawn in front For applyat the or to

F J TESTAltn tf 327 King Street


A desirable houseLot at back

of Dickson Promises andWaikiki of tho OhlnesnY




Kapanhl AmxKJlMffiMB

M O A Hall containing un aroa of 3120tsiiuuru icei u nas turee looc paui en ¬

trants each from Kmma llerittmla andFori streets For particulars inaulre of

1 J TESTA103 ti 3il Kins Street



Timely Topics Ed Hoffschlaeger Co

Honolulu Oct SB 1895

It has boon demonstrator ina most sorious mannor during

tho lato opidomic of what vital

importance pure water is to all

human boings While our mo

dical men havo difforod in opi ¬

nion in regard to tho naturo

and treatment of the epidemic

which now fortunately is ended

thoro has only been ono opinion

in rogard to tho imperative

necessity of having an am-



supply of pure wator

for all purposes In Hono-



the wator supply is now

plentiful both for drinking pur-



and for irrigation Tho

samo cannot bo said for tho

country districts In many

places it is necessary for tho in ¬

habitants to carofully save rainwator in tanks especially whoro

artesian wells aro impossible

It has beon a groat holp to

people living in tho countrythat wo havo introduced thocolobratod Aermotor in theseislands Many pooplo havoavailed themselves of tho goldonopportunity to purchase ono ofour calvanizod Aormotors andthoy havo in all instances ex-


thomselvos as highlysatisfied with tho bargain

Tho Aermotor is especiallyappreciated because it runs intho lightest wind Boing goarodback threo to one it starts withonly a third of tho load that thoordinary mill has to contendwith This enables it to startand run in a zephyr so lightthat all competitors stand idlyby Again its lightweight andporfect bearing enablo it to facoup to and got tho full benefit oftho broezo Tho wheel is so

light and its efficiency so groatthat it is an absoluto calm in-


which induces it to standstill

Tho lightweight of tho Aer-


is a strong point in itsfavor Tho weight aflbcts thocost of transportation tho easeof handling and erection thofacility of turning on tho towerto faco the wind for work thoregulation for safety in a highwind tho rocovory of workingposition whon dangof is pasttho sagging of tho tower out ofshapo tho yibration and break-ing


of tho towor in a stormand consequently tho weightstrongth and cost of a towor andfoundations Tho Aormotoronly weighs about two fifths asmuch as tho other mills whichdo tho samo work Tho groatdisparity in weight is in partmudo possible by tho uso ofstool malleablo iron and thovory best materials throughoutand explains why so excellent apiece of work can bo turned outat so low a price

Wo invito farmors and othorswho havo uso for an Aormotorto call in at our stores or writoto us and wo shall ho pleased togive ovory further informationnecessary in rogard to this invaluablo farm implement

Tub Hawaiian Hardware Co Ln

307 Fort StheetOpposite Sprockets Itlonk

M jt T r f f a

King Btrcet opposite CastleCooke

Household Sewing Machine




lines Liquors Beers



Baby Carriages a Specialty

taf Inspect tho Selected Slock of

Ed HOFFSOHLAEQER COKing Street opposlt i Oastlo Cooke

JUST RECEIVEDex Late arrivalsA Now Assortment of

European and American


Also a Number of thoCelebrated

Orescent BicyclesFOR SALE BY


Clans Spreckels Co

Honolulu - H IIssue Bight and Time Bills of Exchange

Also Commercial and Travelers Letters ofCredit on the Principal Farts of the World

Purchase Approved Bills

Mako Iioans on Acceptable SecurityRecolve Deposits on Open Account and

allow Interest on Term DepositsAttend Promptly to Collections

A Qonoral Banking Business Trans-acted



Engines and Launches


They cannot bo surpassed for MotivePower


JOS TI2STKEJKBole Agent Nnnnnn Street

For Yokohama and Hongkoog

tiThe Al Steamship

ASLOUN4000 Tons

Is dao here on or aboutNovember IS 1BBD

And will haye immediate dispatch forabove ports

For particulars of Frelcht or Passago apply to




Particular attention paid to all kinds ofRepairs

Campbell Block Merchant Street



Per Day i 200Per Week ioo


The Best of Attendance the Best Situationnnil lh Klnnl MU In fM llltv




XiOOAIj and general news

Dross Goods regular boautlea at fijfr residence on BeretauiaL B KerrsTho Olaudlno

this morningto

Bedspreads and all sizeat L B Korra

Tho baud willSquaro tonitfhf

roturnod port


play at Emma

J F Haokfold is in town againaftor a trip to Maui

Towols from 50c to 7G0dozen at L B Korra


Tho Robert Lowors Mikaholn Koaubou and Kauai arrived yeatorday

OoiiBul Goneral Ellis Mills liasboon intorviowod in San Francisco

Miss Dorcas F Richardson publiahos an administration notice inthis Issue

Sir Robort Horrou has routed thoBickorton promisqa lately occupiedby Dr Howard

Shootings Pillow Casing andMosquito Note in all widths andquahtios at L B Korra

An tone Rosa celebrated his 38thbirthday at his Kaalawai residenceyesterday entertaining a number ofInonds

Chicken thieves are around againand chiokou owners aro complain ¬

ing over tho impudonco with whichtho coops are raided

Evangelist Yatmau hold clovenservices yestorday and spoko to goodaudiouces Ho will leave for Auck-land


on tho 10th inst

A numbor of foroigners went totho Chinese thoatro and witnessedtho dramatic performance and featsof Lo Fat the acrobat

Thoro is considorablo betting ontho bicycle contest which will takeplaco Wednesday aftornoon betweouAngus King and Sylvoster

Entries in the road raco whichwill take place on tho 16th inst under the auspices of the H A A 0will close on Wednesday afternoon

One of the two lepors who suc-ceeded


in escaping from Molokai awhile ago has been captured andwill bo returned to tho settlement

Tho jury in tho Woodward seduc-tion


case found tho defendant guiltyon Saturday aftornoon two dissent-ing


No sentence has boon rendorodyot

Thero was a jolly birthday some ¬

where on Nuuanu street on Satur-day


night The classical words ofAnnie Rooney rang out till late intho evening

Thanksgiving Day is drawingnear and no time should bo lost insecuring the well fed turkeys whichHenry Davis Co are nursing fortho occasion

Tho cavalry who wont out goathunting in the Waianao mountainshave returned yestorday Tho boyskilled fifty four goats and had ajolly good timo

J J Williams Soeloy Shaw andJaok Low who have all been ser-iously


ill are reported as improvingin health although still confined tothoir respective homes

Judge Magoon and a Hawaiianjury triod a oho fa oaso this morn-ing


and is listening this afternoonto the Stevens liquor case MrAntono Rosa appears for the defease

A very desirable cottage ou Kingstreet at Leleo is offored for rontThe placo is in an excellent condi-tion


and people looking for a nicehomo will do woll to inspect thopremises

It is quito a treat to see Sachsshow windows Tho draping of DrossGoods and Silks is vory uniquo andhas a city appearance Tho latest inWorsted Suitings Silk Waists andjet Trimmings are now exhibited

Rev H H Parker proaohed tholast sermon yostorday iu tho tem-porary


shod which has been used bytho Kawaiahao congregation duringtho repair of tho old stono ohurohwhich will bo re oponed on noxtSunday

Harry Wolch who was drownedat Long Branch on Friday wasburied on Saturday aftornoon fromSt Andrews Cathedral Besidestho manager and omployoos of thoTramway Company a numbor offrionds of tho deceased was present

J M White an American whohad lived fprsomo years horo diedeuddonly at Kikihalo yesterdaymorning He was at one timo intho employ of tho Provisional Qpvornmoutj and is credited by beingsufficiently patriotic to his countrybyvpublioly stating that ho wouldnot shoulder a gun agaiust Ameri ¬

can troops if ordered to do so butwould if nocosBary join and holpbom He was buriod yesterday

lkvjrWU - MioVkiAjLu I

Otto Fettor a Gorman ngod Glyearp who uns ronulun in tlineo isl

streot yostorday afteruoon aftor ashort illness Tho funoral takosplaco this afternoon from tho resi ¬

dence Tho doconsed loaves foursouB and two daughters

Thero was a sorious ntabbinfray yesterday in a Ohineso


hou on Hotol street Woug Lookstanntu a JuinHi boy of iiftconyearp named Ah Yok iu the tomauh with n largo buichor knifeTho wounded boy was Ionvoyed totho hospital whuro ho died thismorning The asaiu lied but waslater on captured near th TongHing Society rooms Intended rob-bery


aeemB to have ben tho motivofor the murderous attaok

Maui Judiciary Again

A correspondent writes to usstating that tho Maui Judiciary isstill up to tho funny businesswhich wo occasionally have com-


on in our columns This timoit sooma that tho virtuous JudgoKalua has provon himself arbitraryand to say tho least injudicious inhis anxiety to show himself a cham-


of widows and tho fair sexgonerslly

Tho caso to which roforonce isgiven occurred iu tho Probate Courtwhoro tho judgo was listoning to apetition by tho widow of tho latoJohn Kalama to bo appointed ad-


of the estate of tho de ¬

ceased who died intestate petitionerwas represented by A N Kepoikai

Two sisters of tho deceased con ¬

tested through their attorney S FOhillingworth

It is understood on Maui that thogallant judge who saw blood in theeyes of the sisters quietly suggestedto tho widow to amend her petitionby adding Chas Copp as

Whether the surmiao is correct or not th result was that tholearned court granted tho petitionreusing to allow the contestants a hear-



As Kalama died without issue thesisters are co heirs with tho widowand are naturally furious over thohigh handed proceeding of tho Cir-


JudgeThoy retired in tears with their

couuboI while tho festive judgo re-


with the widow singing hisfavorito Kahalenoo nnthnm

Our correspondent asks ua if thoGovornment in Honolulu whichtolerates and oven upholds a judgoof the calibor of Kalua is deafdumb blind and without moral docenoy That my dear sir is not forits to say

Practice vs Thoory

Ton out of twelve good and truemen Bitting as a jury found EddieWpodward guilty last Saturday ona criminal charge of seduction Thedefendant graduated this yoar fromPunahou College aud was consid-ered


a special pet of the principalof that school No blamo for theboys action can justly fall on theschool or the teachers We cannothelp smiling in spite of tho serious-ness


of tho situation both to himand his alleged victim when we re-


that his essay at the clos-ing


exercises of Punahou College atUuUVIQl UUIUU VUUIVU UhJ VAA V- J-

rality We do not remember theexact title It seems to us a ratherunfortunate combination of circum ¬

stances because it may lead peopleto ask if tho latest phase of Eddiescareer is a specimen of the moralityof higher education


UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEENTHE appointed Administratrix proloru of the Estato of Thomas WEverettlato of Waikapu gives notlco to all personshaving olaims against said Estate to preBent them with duly verified voucherswithin six months Irom tho date olthesaid appointment September 28 1805 orthey will hn forovwr barred And she alsorequests all persons indebted to said Es ¬

tate to matte immediato settlementDOKOA6 V RICHARDSON

Administratrix pro tern Estate ThomasW Everott

Waikapu Maul Nov 0 1805II 0 4 too w




Famous Seattle BeerICE COLD ON DRAUGHT

EDUAKD HARRYPost Oflleo llox 176


Tiie Rising Sun


403 XClxig StreetOld Holotnna Office

The National Store

oKA3srrClearance Sale


SATURDAY Nov 2 1895

And Continuing During the Month

New Goods New Goods

Prints Mnsllns Ginghams Sheetintra and other Goods too

numorouu to men ¬


Como and see as and wo will clvoyou Bargains 1

Dont Fail to Call on Ua I

Mosks Palau


0 R L Co

Saturdays and Sundays

Trains will leave on Saturdays at0 16 A M and 1 45 p m Arriving in Hono-lulu


at 311 r m and 520 r m

Train will leuvo ou Sundays at 1115Arriving in Honolulu at 520 p m

Round Trip

1st ClassSd Olass


F CGeneral Passenger and Ticket Agent

100 tf








From Pearl HaTbor


H E McINTYRESGrocery Store

Hollister Drug Co



Bruce Waring Co

Real Estate Dealers503 Fort St near King

building lotsHouses and Lots and

lands For sale

e Parties wishing to dispose of theirProperties nrn Invited to mil on im


JOHN PHILLIPSHas removed his numbing llaslnrss Iron

KIdk streot to tho premises on

Hotel 3treetFormerly ocouuled by Woven

Wlr lUIUy


It is the ONLY ONE in Town andWe MOVE PIANOS With It

Wo movo thorn Sakek Quickku and Cheaper tlmn anyono olsoWo will also movo your Furniture nnd Baggago

of whatever description

Trunks to Any Parts of the City

Small Packages to Any Parts of the City

C E Williams SonED A WTLLIAMS Manager

611 Kino Street - KS Telephone 179

WE Are Taking More Orders



This year than in past years ofexperience in Fatting of

For Honolulu Morkot and why Bccausowo know how to Fatten them and



We Have a Big Herd to Select FromHENRY DAVIS CO

52 Fort StreetC E WILLIAMS SON

A-- WILLIAMS Manager

611 King Streot to Arlington

Undertakers and Funeral DirectorsHearses Hacks and Wagonettes Furnished


w EmbalmingUnder Personal Supervision of A Williams F Dgraduated from Clarks School of Perfect Emdalmino inMay

Office TELEPHONES mi -

1 5ZSS1 -- raLULStIOXl






Manufacturers Shoe Co





Dealers in

51G Fort


over our 10




noxt Hotol

En who


179 Res and Call 815




Boots Shoes


Honolulu H I

The Independent 50c per Month




Teiki hone C07 P 0 Hox 321


Carriage Manufactory

128 130 Fort Btrcot

Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRED

Blacksmitbing in all ttu Branches

Orders from tho othtr Islands in BuildingTrimming Painting Ktc Etc

promptly attended to

W W WRIGHT ProprietorSuccessor to G West

T B MURBM321 323 King BtreeU

Tbo Loading

Carriage and

Wagon Manufacturer


Will furnish ovcrything outside steamboats and boilers

No Ball Beating Axles Around This Shop

Kk TKTRPHONE r72 --w

Win S Irwin GoLimited

Wffii G I win President it ManagerClous Spreckels Vice PresidentW M Glflard Secretary TreasurerTlieo G Porter Auditor


Commission AgentsAarNTSop TUB

Oceanic Steamship ConipyOf Snn Krntinlspo Onl

California Hawaiian FrnitAND

PRODUCE COMPANYG Oavanaqii Manager

Opposite 0 11 L Depot on King Street

Groceries and ProvisionsIco Honso GoodsFisb Vegotubles Frozen

Oysters Ktc received by ovcrysteamer from San Frnn- -

cIbco and Vancouver


California Fruit MarketCorner King and Alakea Streets



From San Francisco with

Fresh Fruits OystersSalmon Poultry

Etc Etc Etc

jSl CARDrriHE UNDERSIGNED IS NOT TO BEX soared out of town by choleraHouse Painting and Paper Hnnging arehis specialities and 023 iu telephono num-ber


through which communications can boestablished If you want good work doneby a professional pnintor call around andsatisfaction will ba given


PainterCorner of Deretnnia and Fort Streets


Records Colleotor CopyistTttANSLATOR IN -

English and HawaiianIleal Estate Agent Typewriter Stamp

Dealer Purchasing Commissionand Advertising Agent Ktc

U Office No 827 King htreet tripformor private onio of K II Tlinmnii

Li A -

al tj Erfo M K iU 1 3 1

i 1160 iii UaVIGS u IjOu l I



dfreral MerchandiseAND


Canadian Australian Steamship Line

British Foreign Marine Insurance Co

Northern Assurance Co Fire and Life

Canadian Pacific Railway Co

Pioneer Line of Packet from Liverpool


O E WILLIAMS SONIf you profor to pay HIGHER PRICES for Ohoapor

Goods elsewhere Tbo first instalment of our

New Goods Arrived per AustraliaThoy are sot up and tho prices marked on them But They Aim

So Beautiful that wo Hate To Part With Them But wise folkshave already couiuiouced to Oakjjy TiiEfi Off Call ou

Eel A WTLjILiIAMIS lwariagerOil King Street next to Arlington Hotol

TEHiEFiraO JSTESOffice and Store - - 179 Residence 815

Telephone 92 145



Groceries ProYisions and FeedNow and Fresh Goods received by ovory packet from California Eastern

Btates and European Markets

Standard Grade of Canned Vegetables Fruits and FishCS- - Goods delivered toany part the City -- BJ


Seattle--Draug- ht

Ex 8 S Miowcra

Best Beer in HonoluluTHE

CRITERION SALOONFort near Hotel Streets

0 J McCarthy - Manager

Metropolitan Meat Go


G J Waller - Manaokr

Wholesale andRetail


Navy Contractors

Benson Smith Co



ii illHiwwwiHWii


- -

P O Box

Ru le

W REYNOLDS Proprietor


AbsolutelyGash Basis



utlU UU







Domestic Paper Patterns

Remington Typewriters



Etc Etc Etc Etc

In Dofonco of Cannibal

A dwollor in the quiet Britishtown of Ipswich tho homo ofSamuel Pickwick Mayor NupkinsWollor aud Mary listening to thomembers of tho British Associationat thoir recout mooting thoro urgingtho desecration of grave defendingcannibalism attacking civilizationaud tho efforts of missionaries audadvocating tho teaching of thoclistoms and habits of snvago na ¬

tions in tho schools may havowondered deeply If thoir words woro

not usod in a puroly Pickwiolcinnsonee

Prof Flinders Potriea addressagainst tho levelling and destruc ¬

tive tendencies of our so calledcivilization alroady noticed in ThoSun was a natural protest againstintorforouco with tho materials withwhich his profession deal 6 and in ameasure will meet with sympathyfrom many Wo must all rogrotfor instance the almost total dis ¬

appearance iu Europe of nationalcostume of quaint superstitions midlocal usages of the picturesque indi-


of many towns and dis ¬

tricts swept away by tho coining ofthe railroad aud other inventionsOno nood bo no follower of MrRuskiu to lament the changeHideous ilJ Gttiug black silk gownshavo taken tho place of the gaylycolored Sunday dress of Germauand Italian peosaut women anelevator is to bo put into the Juugfrau Venices cauals aro filled in anasphalt road with electric lightstakes tho place of tin bench atNaplo rack railroads run to thotop of Snowdou of the Rigi ofVesuvius Paris and Londonfashions are adopted iu Jipan allthings that jar ou our senso ofartistic fitness To the anthropologist and tho ethnologist study ¬

ing man as a product of naturetrying to make out what manner ofbeast ho is aud has been in the pastapaft from his pretence to bo lordof creation aud thoNuossonger ofprogress ihe efforts of civilizationare moroly hindrance impairingexisting ovidpueo of developmentA polygamous man eating Africantribe converted to a semblance ofChristianity is a distinct loss toscionco Tho potsherd with whichthe patient patriarch beguiled hisaffliction on hi3 dunghill wouldhavo for the anthropologist no re-


or human or historic interestbut would serve as a starting poiutfrom which to reconstruct thecharacteristics aud degroo of civil-


aud the origin aud develop ¬

ment of the Jewish raceBut the soarch for knowledge has

not before so frankly exposod itselfas to the ideas and deeds with whichit servos the cause of Ecience AnAmerican ethnologist was adoptedas a son by an Indian chief and in-


with the sacred religioussecrets of tho tribe which of courseho made known Ono persou atIpswich proclaimed that ho hadmarried a native wife to enable himto gain efficiency as a missionaryaud to acquire knowledge of theaborigiual tribes of central IndiaProf Flinders Petrio himself incommon with all Egyptologists hasrendered great service to soiohco byviolating tho sepultures of tho doadHo oaruostly urged that as thoJews are a pure race tho old Jowish cemeteries of Europe be rifled inorder to compare tho measurementsof the skulls contained in them withthoso of living Jews Tlfe Indianmounds in ouf own country arolooked upon as tho fair proy of thoothnographor English gravqyardsare ransacked for British and Coltioskulls and ororaation seoms to botho only moans by which tho re ¬

mains of pur poor historio doadmight havo secured thorn from sciontific ciiriosity

Oapt Hiude who has travollod iutho Congo rogion furnished thechief aonsatiou of this notable Congross In reading nu interestingpapor on tho prevalence of cannibal ¬

ism ho said that in tho oouutry oftho Balotola ono sees noithor groyhaired persons halt maimed norblind Even parents aro oatou bytheir children on tho npproaoh oftho least sign of old ago Uudorsuen circumstances tho Balotola aro

WrMmWmSiWTIMafairlirtTlllT11irninLMavi--fir- -

A fiiXist

a splondid raco Tho native campfollowora of his expedition invariablyate up all the dead Iu this way

thoy undoubtedly aavod tho expedi ¬

tion from many an opidomio Intho dismission that followod onomombor thought there waB Bomo

thiug to bo said in favor of canni-



for underlying it was theidea that tho body imbibed thoproperties of that which it atoUpon that idea is founded oue of

the most solotnn of Christian ritoB

Another told n story from thoFrench that tho Oaribs had reachod such dolicaoy of tasto that thoycould toll tho flavor of a French ¬

man a Spaniard or an Englishmanand preferred th6 Frenchman whilestill another scientific onthusiastsaid apparently with rogrot thathad it not beeu for Oapt Hindu hohimself would have been oaten

In tho general discussion of thoevils of civilization Mr Im Thurnwho has spont oightoou years inBritish Guiana asserted that thonative custom of kpuaima which issomething liko a Corsicnu vendettaexercised an almost unlimited inilueueo for good Mr Ling Roth de-


that there is little hope fortho Australian

raborigine becauso

tho missionaries insist that ho woarclothes Tho Ipwioli Philistinemust havo left tho meoting feolingthat the foundstious of law reli-


aud morality as taught tohim wero crumbling aud that per ¬

haps aftor nil authropology audanthropophagy aro tho same thing

N Y Sun

Comor King and Nuuanu Sts

V M Cunninoiiam - - Manager

Headquarters for Mechanics and Laborers


Freancksburg Draught Beer


Solo Agonts for the llonowncd

long LifeANI


forPer Evory Australia

iitv- - Call and bo convinced

Empire SaloonComor Nuuanu and Hotel Sts

0 TDay - - - Manager



Handmade Sour MashA SPECIALTY

rdiaiits ExchangeS I SHAW Proprietor

Corner King and Nuuanu Streets

Choice LiquorsAND



MilOyster Cocktails



Half-and-Ha- lf DraughtMoBRAYBlRS




Enquire of


riMlORi INTERESTED IN TIIEOBOX PHY Visltine Thoosophlsts and nnynot connected with Lodges In Honplulucan obtain Rooks ptc froo of oliargo Iromthe Library of Ham mi lowii t B FostorwImiSuJu btreot on WEDNESDAYEVENINGS from 7 to 8JU HO lni

