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THE STANDARD - digifind-it.com · THE STANDARD .:. ... boardeo· at the J, L. Aiken hom• on South...

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THE UNION CJOU,NTY STANDARD . : . Has the largest circulation of any Weey Newspape r blished in Union County. = VOL . XXI. NO. I WESTFIELD .UNION C OUNTY, N. J., FRIDA, jULY 15, 1904. $£.50 Per Year Single Cy 3c. CAN AEOJ.IANN JJO 1'1' AUAtN·r THIEF WAS· FOOD PRICES HICHER Wonderful Escape. -� ' ''DEE HIVE." ' New Jerses Shoppln• :entre. NEWA. We close at non Saturdays; open Friday nights during July and Aups t. ' July Bar!ain Sale�-Second Waak. Great Re-Enforcements of gꝏds of every desoriptin, pr iced way, wny belw regulm · value. Every department is ready with rgaius iu the very thiugs . Y ou need u�W-Jnerclmndise of the most seasonable and re liable __ char c . ter •. , Importllnt and prominen t f0atn res of the sule · · ' · · upocahontas n '-hlo nl wool' and thruih, non · wool, of fine soft yaru, . . , will not chauge color iu · · . ud blue borders. \1, regular $O.OQ pair; at .; •.. $75. :10. r e g ; f2 25, pair $1. 75. 11-4, reg. $3.00, palt• $2. 25. " Ar�na" White-Firm an� strong, yet eoft and downy, twilled thtough and through , will not shrink when washed: red, pink and blue · borders, 11-, regular 4�.O pair .oo "0ran Union" Whlte-i wꝏl, twilled through and thr oh, red, t•luk and blue borders. 10-4, reg. f3.75, pair, $J.oo. 11-4, reg. f4 25, pair, $J.so. utandard" Oray-l wool; �er- vico•hle fancy bordera. upJaza" White-! wool, non- shrinking, soft and downy, red, blue and pink borders, deep sil bl!ling. 10-4, reg. tt7�. pair, $3 75· 1�-4. r. i�.o, pair h oo . UA. reg. $3.00, pair h.Js. 11-!, reg. $-5.00, pair, $4.0+. The Sale of Sheets and Pillow Casas. Every Housewife Rejoices in this Sale-Sheets and pillow easel all made up, well sewtd a generously hemmed, of tile best makes of maslin, are sold at less than the worth of the ma- terials alone. Summer Seashore Delivery Service-Dally dellverlu from S•a· bri1hl to 5prlng ke an aja"n' terrllory by ur own wagons. No Branch Stores. L� 8. Plaut & Co. 707 to 731 Brd t., Newark, [ail Ord. · I• , .. , llliiJI ' ICIIIIt _Witl' t�l 'lllllllfTriat li.JIIJ ! . If it is uoi, here are some of the re�aous why ie shou ld be: . Dep�sits me before the fon rth of e�ch month dr'w intert from the rst of that month.. . . . . ' 3 per 'cent: hiterest is paid and is �o, . pounded twice a year., 'A Capita!' of t}001000 and a surplus of ,a . l i "e amont,.tgether with a very strong b?arf of -�ire 7 tor . s, mke it the strongest kmd of au JUatlttlon. . ..• ,. ...,. · .. .. . .. . Oפn an account without further delay. : . ' ' ' The rtainfield Trust Co. tlOO,OOO 100,000 1,000,000 TUt.TLE"B . COal Lumber . . . , ,. . . . .. · .. ·. Yar ds- Westfield · ave ue,. IJ&' .�Pring �nd Bad Sts., Westfl�ld. · 'l'l1e Orgunllrludero Will 'J'ncklc We•llleld Tomorro1· Uiaina to be Able to l111t J,ocul 'l'eum Out, QUICKLY CAPTURED. IN THESE · PARTS. 'l'omorrow the Moll an ball w•""' wlu JAM E8 McUA R'l' ¥ ANIJ Ill r, GO I · ' I' J,OCA 1, M t; ll C II AN1'8 S fK 1'0 DE tackle 1he Westfield team at Recreation ON 'I'IIE sct;Nt:. JtEAONAIJJ,t:. Pork, W estell a as never been able to de feat the organ grinder orgaulutiou and Managea · Leuz claims that be will ba\'e a t eam here tomorrow that can surely shut rut the local team, Of course Maneger Denma n thinks differentit aut such a thing beiug possible, but the game wlil tell,the stor1. It's bound to be a corker. If you want a seat iu tba grand stand be there early. Nt\' l••uce� Oil 'c�ttield 'l'cih Hickman bassign•dwith Rhode bland. Buo ke I• not lu condition, sod ſtrst needed strengtheuing._ "Larry" Bat. tam lias been secured take Hickman's place at short. '' Pop" Moorhead will cover secoud an1l Cotter behlud the bat, Rochford going to first. Thiwill �lace us !u line tor the hard games just ahead. W estfiehlllue 1111 for Aeolian game: Cotter, c ; W•ller, p; Bathw, s e; Rochford, tb ; Moorhead, 2b ; Barry, ; �lcMauus, If: l allen, cf ; Con· nolly, rf. Deegan lmd sweet a · evenge on tlie Tnton Y. M. C. A. team ou Wednes- day, wheu in pitching for the Orange A. C. be . ebut them out"b)' the same score o£4-0, Y. M. C. A. having Egner in the box. Shut outs seem to be the oriler of the day in Trent�n. ---- ·- StiCcinl l•'euhne of t11·e ·OJ · Id's J · •uir. iler '1'111 ' 11 �Ian Orer to the l'ulice lllcrca�lng IJillicultr in Obtuiuiug Su1•'IIIel' a New Waller In Aikea•'• K"•tanrant••Mr. Ailee n (;an·c tile Alurm •Nearly Coll& l •ed in litllonllonse. Jim McCarty add Bill Goff captured thief londay morlug. 'heir vic tim was Harr)' Greenwood, a new wai ter In Aiken's Elm street restaurant. It appears that Greenwood was a b oardeo · at the J, L. Aike n hom• on South Eitner etreet, and when he Left the house Monday ouoruiug to go to the restaurant lrs. Ai ken mlased tS. CC In cash and a valuable gold watch. She at once becamd suspicious of her new boarder aud restaurant walter. She hastened to t•ollce beadquarters, whic h place •be reached io a sta te of complet e exhunstiou; she had to rest a few min. utes befote she co u lo·el•te her· storr to officer in ch+rge. Withi n five miu- utes a dozen excited citizens were sconr· iug:tbe towu iu searuh of Greenwood. James McCarty and Bill Goii jumped into a haclt and haste ned up South ave- nue, having been, told that RreeWOU was la£t seen going toward Fanwoo, bnt by North avenue. At the Fanw o oa iiue the two hackmen en Iacross toN avenue and caught up to their mao, who wa's makiug tuc k s as fast be coul for the big woods. cCarty tol d Green· IVood to get In his ri g and ue drii'CD to the lockup. He showed fight, bnt a blow or two from cCarty's strong . right brought the wan to his senses and he was taken West•ld and turn ov er to Chief O'Neill. Gruwood confe•sed to the burglary ac was ' sent to the Elizabeth jail to await the actl01> of the g rand jnry. The plunder was found on his persau, l•lie� of �lel\t� at l·'irst'lland •• J,oml l Ad,·auce on Decf', f:tu., About 5c. a l'onud Since Strike tarted..Con•e· •1uent lncre•ue iao Demnud for Otloer l•'ood Stull< Re�nlh in (�e-neml Il l •· ,,.tud 'cudeuc1· in l1rh;et The tendency of all · food prmjucts is strongly upward . The advance on beef and othar Wda ts naturally increases the demand for bread•tus and vegetables, Local dealers say tbat the o utlook Is serious with tho supply of dressed meats iu first hands not likely to hold out for wore tbun two weeks, el'en at t he famine prices. Alrea1ly tlte advance lo the big citieS has been a·matter of �c. Oc. a pottliu ' · · fmther rt•'seer usc An extraordinary Incident Ia record� ed at Sunderland. A man In a boat leſt it to P•Cl{ UJl some firewood un d erD�llh a 2,000-ton ste ame r about to launched. Finding the ship beginni ng to move he tried to rush back, but was- too Jale. Some one shouted: uLie down," which he promptly d id, an4 was lost to sight unlll the vessel had glided over him Int o the river. To tbe relief of the on looker. he th emerged unacathed.-London Tlt-IBts. I To Restore White Silk. A good way to restore white 1 articles that have become yellow l washing Is to dip them In tepid soft water containing to each quart a _ blespoonful of ammonia water and few drops or bluing, Wring them out and If still yellow a lit tle. more bluing to the - · -, · ,coccc•.·ful l y: restored: · and dry ·· · v?lfi ioo�;wll. hot Iron Tho Prudent i al Insurance Copany of America bas on vi ew at the World's Fair at _St. Louis an exhibit of life In· surance methods and results which Is io advance of auytbiog of its kind attempted by life instlrance com11an!e@, The location of the eshibit is in the Palace o! Education, where the Oom· pauy cccupies a •pace of 30x feet. 'l'be exhibit in c lud e s a large and beauti- ful model of the Prudent ial Howe ' Office building, at Newark, N.J.; a handsome stalued glass reproduct ion of the:Rœk of Gibraltar, illuminat by electricity, ad ·178 charts, diagrams; photograptis, etc .. which explain on a luge scale the l n �•r workings of t he life insurauce business. · Dlerence In the ·arade, Patlont-What Is the matter wlth we. doctor 1 · Tobacco heart 1 Physician· (sniffing the atmo sphere) -Not at all, sir. Cabbage heart.-Cbf. c ; lit s. ' . . . '"}�ire n·�tter lld IJIIIId iu IJockl p' j ·> Saturday night was �; exciting nlght for severa l servant girl� employed lu "cer; . tain Westfield homes. A little· "afr dark" party was wade up aud Galviu'e P•�k. -�':ll.s.sl�'ted. Wit th e yuug ladies of the- kitchou were Jam-es The Russion population represent! 110 nationalities, the three great stoc ia+ Fin+s, Tartars and Slawa. REPORT OF THE DISTRICT CLERK OF School District of Westfield, Co u nty )f Unio n, For the School Year Ending June 30 t h, 1904. lnanclal . eport · RECEIPTS. lnanclal Report EXPENDITURES. field aud Jos•J•h Bright, two linemen boarding at a We!tfield hofel. Tbe party ling�red at the park uotfl the lights went out; thou they r ambl ed toward Westfield, �topping every few minutes to indul ge in a drink or whiskey wilicb one of tho inea had iu a bottle. It was just 2,80 a, w. when Officer Stawets heard the shrill screams of women down on Central avenue. He h urr ie4 to the scenP, thinking pos!ibly horrible crime was iog com- mitted. Windows were flung op en and people stuck t heir heads out to sse wh at •11 the rumpus w about. It took · of . ficer Stawets but a few minut es to de· cide !bat tae entire part y w drunk and be arrested Annie Doe and another STATE AND COUNTY FUNDS. . . STATE AND COUNTY FUNDS. woman , who is a rvant in a Snmit ave . Balance i n hand s of To wnsh i p For Teacher s! Salarie s . .,,., 18,8;1 6 3 n n e ho m e, Jam Canfield _ and G�orge Collector, July tst, I J . ... ;.. ForFuel.;· . ... . . . . . . ,::.. ;::. Bright. These he took tG the Loc kup From S2oo,oꝏ State School Fund For Transportation Pupil s , , , very much wore for wear. The others Appropriation . . . . . . .. . .. . •.. 6 1 5 61 For Tultlo of Pupils -in Ad, : . ; heallow�d go. Sunday morning Jude From State Appropriation .... . . 2.874 56 joini ng Distr i cts ..•. :\, ..• \� :, . ,. Tour•y 'd. ned· the ·qnar�te f5.00 each From Stat e School Tax ..• ; . · 4,852 35 Balance hi·llans•of · Townshlpi i'c ,, aud'tbey were . allow to go oo their From Res erve Fund . . . .. . .. . ::; s _I! Collecto ; 1 .J . unq - t� , l · w•t· Taue it came to pv8 that tbe From lnterestofSulusRevenue · ;_;if:'t: �- . ·i·ladieoio certain Weetſteld homes-' ha d ' to From Re-apportioned Bal ances. . .T. : - ,, ··1; , • : g. otthoir'owo·breakfꜵtSndoymorua'n". otal, ... : .. ,:·, :....... " . . . .. . , . :;:,_ DISTRICT.TAXES;. Total . . ........ · ... . .. . _:\�,851 61 For purchase of Land . . ::.:.: :•' DISTR.ICT TAXES. > · : . For B uildli SChool Hou ses. · Balanctln hands of Custodian,---.· For, En lar gi�g or Repai ring July 1st, 1901 .... .. . . . . .. ... ,. 7 1 School Houses ............. 1;381 35 For Current Expens es . . .... ,. ,19,1 For Ja n i tor s' Sala ries..... .. .. r;9� 4 o o For Bond and Interest . . . . . .. './ . J,o7; P o l D eb t a n d l�tere . st .. . .. : " .: l,07S For Purchase of Land .... .. . . . · . i or Tem.rary Loans : .... :. ; ., i64 ll For Building Sc hool Ho uses . : . . .. ·, . For T e x_� o . o ks, Appa r_ atus ... , . . For En lar ging and Repairing and Supplies. · · · · · ·· • · · ;� · 2,404 94 '' ', � SULTAN HATED BY MOORS Subjec Are Oended bJ Innovation& and Wooli•h btravarance of er. n watcll well,ai 1 Fre ' . ' . I , . . I actorla In. eaL I The gamey ſtavor �f meat Is g l n:b,: tho bteria feedin g upon lt -These d velop Within an, hour arter fd ts e• pooed on ntry shelves, and long b�!pra the flavor I• appreciable to tho senae+ te bacteria that produces them &l abundant . · f Psnoioni In apan. ' - : i The !lly of·� dead Japae soldier' ge as a pens-Ion ' about one:thlrd ortbe. pay bia rank. '�i• would give the widow or a private 5s. a month; ,or.a.ſtrst lieutenant, 25c.;- of a:captain, 30c.,_an4 to the wldo of colone l , £5 a m onth. I man� aad . .Ji. i S b you notice, darllnr. wbal �anllful uure tlata tbe sun lendl the f the ean? , ; HThat . my dear, 11 :the dye !1f of lome of th · cheap bathing d- e•.-Stray Storie&. targt Cinnar Deit. 1 What is considered the largest br' of cinnabar ore in tba world bꜳ fui en uncovered near A, Gunni- 1 county, l. It I• about 2.feet wid carrioo 'lold and Ia about 30 per 1t" quicksilver . dn't ok It. Schoo l Houses.; . . ... �. ' · ' . ,; 1 , zꝏ For Manu�! Trai,n ( ng .. ,., · · ; - H For Manual Tr a inin g ,;', :i:. ;; : ;(i!6 o o For Te a chers' Salari es .. . :�.'. ;.,' 9 ,7 0 ; 12 · . . :;·,-�,, ForFue1.. ..... . .. :"""'"' . · 2,27J . . . . _::};�4;0261 F or Transportation' of Pupils!, ;':t . AD En+ilsb rrespondent's descrl tlon of the suln of Morco's charac· ter mcleotly eplloa the feelings of his subjects, which, according to luro- · pean' real1'�t•. must ault In a gen· er revution that Ia a l re y almot ablaze. The Moors, elates the Cblca· Miss Antique-! can trace my •' 'l'rlbune, naturally hate and acorn oeent for the last blmdred years. I ' · " ' -' · " . : -:':-' ... , For Tuition of Pupils In. Ad··' OTHEIHO,URCE S <,-:>: ; j o i ni n g Dis tricts . . . ... :.'. ;�l�'' 31J 5 1 Balance. In .h ands o �-T o w n h .,. F o r O t her Scho�i E�pe�sF,!i6o' 14 . · Col l ector , July nt, 1Z3 ' " . . J · Balance In hands of Custodian.·',' F rom State for Manuai.Tramlng. '.' 6oo J J o th 1 4 ,.,_ , . : ,, . ·•·>';'-: 4 Pro m Su bscriptions for Manual une ' "", "' ",;,:i;�Trainin g· . . . ····; . . .. ··•·•Tol. 1 •. , ... ;;'.<: ,, !;' ' ;lz4,o42 61 For S t ate Schoo l Libraries� .• so oo OTHER S OURCES.'\ . · ForSubscrl p tlonsund . Entertain: I For Manual Tralnln · ... . . ;;; .. f 0 mn ts to; � chol L1brarles . · · Fo'i'School raiie �:·;·,·;·" ''""i'oa F or ale o. on s ...... , .... .. ,,,. . For SchoolHouses·;,/.':' · Fo. r Temporary Loans ....·• · - �- ' '' • ·' ! F o r Purci1ase'of L n .... For Tuition F e e s ...... . .. . _._��:/·,:;_�1 n F o r O t be(SchooJ Expen se s .. . . •HI 7S For Rent of Schoo l H,�ue : '.• ·•'';' 1 · B a la nce In hands of Tow n s h i p For all other S ou r c e s . ' ; i ·; ., :;: 1 C ol l ect o r, June ' ]oth,-Igof.,, , - . ·-- 1 75 Tu\ ill . . . . ...... . . . . . . . , $11)l 75 ( JdH, J� c9a �; strlct cit1kf .: ! . proclivitlel wherewith lte . Miss Caustlqu&- lon u that!'· e very Musulma n Id ea . You surprl m e . You don't look a Whll� earning their hatred h e hu no t day ov e r 6 0.-St. Paul Pioneer Pre 1 commanded thr fear or respect. j . On- the other haDd, be baa outworn Gingerbread Hint. · the patience o! his European fri ends ln mal<lng gingerbread, I! the m� by bls couutleaa cblldlsb whims. Th! lan es an butter are beat!d togeth uultu'& leanlnge are t o wafds the f o i• before the ot he1· ln g redienta e addet lles and not t he wladom o f the wea t. the cake wil be nl cer.-Houaebol� . Hi& army Is a worthleta rabble. al· I though · regiment afto r re gi me n t hl ovsrnmt rden. i been rai sed, equipפd and drilled b y The United States department ot· Brltiab o cera, ODI to be disba n ded rtculture as declde· · to establlab and tbe bors&l an� equipment sold bpl ant Introduction garden and e11p• low cost t provide mo ney for the sui· ment s tion at Chico, Cal. · ' !1 tan'a Idiotic wblms. Some of these are aul clen t1 1 "elly Cake Riat. ! grotesque to Stamp ,Utlai-Ad•ill·/ Add One-quarter of I cup Of lllq. . . . . , For i nstance, he baa e· water to ay rule for aponge cake . . un autoll; make It· roll eullr · !or . jely' cak••�- thongh tbe· road s of Morocco Ire not Rome 1ournat. t"rhivim a b\cyol!, and of the bt ·:!��i,t?�l�i?:�,.;i·;_: !. . , · :s!:��£�;�if.:�:: w. · H. Trehard�.Pretcrlptlon Dr u ccl•' l r+··f<I·UU,Qimeras and. stock ph o to. " ' ' l · grapic paper worth $Z,ꝃO. H& tak&� , - 1:. · ' ,' > ��;- ..• · f'· · i aoutfouranaPihoteamonth . tbu · · � · ' I ' '' · · , "·' ' lꝏking slaas bedateada and tho I• a lrMd and roapoat ! ltrOIII, Weathld, �/. never�ceaHing procession of . packil l eases from Europe, . ctaini ng trump- er, and g ewgaws, musical xa me· ': : ;: : : : = c a nlo al y s , c a J'&81 gramo p b1 - ··�'· .


Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. �=�====�========��===================================================

VOL. XXI. NO. I WESTFIELD • . UNION COUNTY, N. J., FRIDA\', jULY 15, 1904. $£.50 Per Year Single Copy 3c.


''DEE HIVE."' New Jersey's Shoppln• <::entre. NEWARK. We close at noe�n Saturdays; open Friday nights during July and

Aupst. '

July Bar!ain Sale�-Second Waak. Great Re-Enforcements of goods of every desoripti�>n,

priced way, wny bel�>w regulm· value. Every department is ready

with llllrgaius iu the very thiugs.You need u�W-Jnerclmndise of the most seasonable and reliable __ char�c.ter •. , Importllnt and prominent f0atn res of the sule:_


· ' · ·

upocahontas n '-""hlito __ tl'nl wool' and thrciuih, non·

wool, of fine soft yaru, . . , will not chauge color iu ·


. ud blue borders.

\1-l, regular $O.OQ pair; at .; •.. $.{75. :10�4. reg; f2 25, pair $1. 75. 11-4, reg. $3.00, palt• $2. 25. " Ar�na" White- Firm an�

strong, yet eoft and downy, twilled thtough and through , will not shrink when washed: red, pink and blue · borders, 11--l, regular 4� .iiO pair $6.oo

"0ranll Union" Whlte-i wool, twilled through and through , red, t•luk and blue borders.

10-4, reg. f3.75, pair, $J.oo. 11-4, reg . f4 25, pair, $J.so. u.standard" Oray-l wool; �er­

vico•hle fancy bordera. upJaza" White-! wool, non-shrinking, soft and downy, red, blue

and pink borders, deep sill< blll!ling. 10-4, reg. tt7�. pair, $3 75· 1�-4. reg. i�.r,o, pair h oo.

UA. reg. $3.00, pair h.Js. 11-!, reg. $-5.00, pair, $4.011.

The Sale of Sheets and Pillow Casas.

Every Housewife Rejoices in this Sale-Sheets and pillow easel all made up, well sewtd ami generously hemmed, of tile best makes of maslin, are sold at less than the worth of the ma­terials alone.

Summer Seashore Delivery Service-Dally dellverlu from S•a· bri1hl to 5prlng Lake anti atlja"n' terrllory by e�ur own wagons.

No Branch Stores.

L� 8. Plaut &. Co. 707 to 731 Broad .St., Newark,

l\[ail Ordeu.


I• , .. , llliiJI'ICIIIIt _Witl' t�l 'lllllllfTriat li.JIIJ ! .

If it is uoi, here are some of the re�aous why ie shou ld be:

. Dep�sits made before the fon rth of e�ch month dr'w intere�t from the tirst of that month.. . .

. .

' 3 per 'cent: hiterest is paid and is �oru, . pounded twice a year.,

'A Capita!' of t}001000 and a surplus of ,a. li"e amon!Jt,.t(lgether with a very strong b?arf of -�ire7tor.s, miike it the strongest kmd of au JUatltlltlon. . ..• ,. ... ,. · .. � .........

Open an account without further delay. : . � ' ' '

The rtainfield Trust Co. tlOO,OOO

100,000 1,000,000

TUt.TLE"B . COal !!!! Lumber ... , ,. • . . . .. · .. ·.

Yards-Westfield· averiue,. I.C'NflJ&tA.'V'' .�Pring �nd Broad Sts., Westfl�ld. ·

'l'l1e Orgunllrludero Will 'J'ncklc We•l•

lleld Tomorro11··�Uiaina to be Able to !il111t J,ocul 'l'eum Out,

QUICKLY CAPTURED. IN THESE ·PARTS. 'l'omorrow the Moll an ball w•1'""' wlu JAM E8 M cUA R'l' ¥ ANIJ Ill r.J, GO I·' I' J,OCA 1, M t; ll C II AN1'8 S f:f:K 1'0 DE

tackle 1he Westfield team at Recreation ON 'I'IIE sct;Nt:. JtEA!'IONAIJJ,t:.

Pork, W estlieltllaas never been able to defeat the organ grinder orgaulutiou and Managea· Leuz claims that be will ba\'e a t eam here tomorrow that can surely shut rut the local team, Of course Maneger Denman thinks differentit about such a thing beiug possible, but the game wlil tell,the stor1. It's bound to be a corker. If you want a seat iu tba grand stand be there early.

Nt.!\\' l••uce� Oil \\'c�ttield 'l'clUih

Hickman bassign•dwith Rhode bland. Buo ke I• not lu condition, sod ftrst needed strengtheuing._ "Larry" Bat. tam lias been secured to take Hickman's place at short. '' Pop" Moorhead will cover secoud an1l Cotter behlud the bat, Rochford going to first. Thi• will �lace us !u line tor the hard games just ahead.

W estfiehlllue 1111 for Aeolian game: Cotter, c ; W•ller, p; Bathw, s e; Rochford, tb ; Moorhead, 2b ; Barry,

; �lcMauus, If: lllallen , cf ; Con· nolly, rf.

Deegan lmd sweet a·evenge on tlie Trtinton Y. M. C. A. team ou Wednes­day, wheu in pitching for the Orange A. C. be. ebut them out"b)' the same score o£4-0, Y. M. C. A. having Egner in the box.. Shut outs seem to be the oriler of the day in Trent�n.

----.... ·-

StiCcinl l•'euhne of t11·e \\·OJ·Id's J·•uir.

'filer '1'111'11 �Ian Orer to the l'ulice •• lllcrca�lng IJillicultr in Obtuiuiug Su1•• 'J'IIIel' a New Waller In Aikea•'• K"•• tanrant••Mr!!i. Aileen (;an·c tile Alurm ••Nearly Coll&l••ed in !ilitllonllonse.

Jim McCarty add Bill Goff captured � thief .!tlonday morialug. '!'heir victim was Harr)' Greenwood, a new waiter In Aiken's Elm street restaurant.

It appears that Greenwood was a

boardeo· at the J, L. Aiken hom• on South Eitner etreet, and when he Left the house Monday ouoruiug to go to the restaurant lolrs. Aiken mlased tS.CC In

cash and a valuable gold watch. She at once becamd suspicious of her new boarder aud restaurant walter. She hastened to t•ollce beadquarters, which place •be reached io a stat e of complete exhunstiou; she had to rest a few min. utes befote she coulilo·el•te her· storr to

officer in ch11rge. Within five miu­utes a dozen excited citizens were sconr· iug:tbe towu iu searuh of Greenwood. James McCarty and Bill Goii jumped into a haclt and hastened up South ave­nue, having been, told that RreeCIWCIOU was la£t seen going toward Fanwootl,

bnt by North avenue. At the Fanwooa iiue the two hackmen en Iacross toN avenue and caught up to their mao, who wa's makiug tucks as fast •• be coulil for the big woods. .McCarty told Green· IVood to get In his rig and ue drii'CD to the lockup. He showed fight, bnt a blow or two from .McCarty's strong . right brought the wan to his senses and he was taken to Westli•ld and turned over to Chief O'Neill.

Greeuwood confe•sed to the burglary acil was 'sent to the Elizabeth jail to await the actl01> of the grand jnry. The plunder was found on his persau,

l•lie� of �lel\t� at l·'irst'lland •• J,omll Ad,·auce on Decf', f:tu., About 5c. a l'onud Since Strike l!ltarted .. Con•e·

•1uent lncre•ue iao Demnud for Otloer

l•'ood Stull< Re�nlh in (�e-neml Ill•· ,,.tud 'l'cudeuc1· in l1rh;etr.t The tendency of all· food prmjucts is

strongly upward. The advance on beef and othar Wdats naturally increases the demand for bread•tull's and vegetables, Local dealers say tbat the o utlook Is serious with tho supply of dressed meats iu first hands not likely to hold out for wore tbun two weeks, el'en at the famine prices. Alrea1ly tlte advance • lo the big citieS has been a·matter of �c. Oc. a pottliu ' · · fmther rtS<l•'seerusc

An extraordinary Incident Ia record� ed at Sunderland. A man In a boat left it to P•Cl{ UJl some firewood under• D�llh a 2,000-ton steame r about to be launched. Finding the ship beginning to move he tried to rush back, but was­too Jale. Some one shouted: uLie down," which he promptly did, an4 was lost to sight unlll the vessel had glided over him Into the river. To tbe relief of the on looker. he then emerged unacathed.-London Tlt-IBts. I To Restore White Silk.

A good way to restore white 1U:t articles that have become yellow lot washing Is to dip them In tepid soft water containing to each quart a ta_. blespoonful of ammonia water and • few drops or bluing, Wring them out and If still yellow a little. more bluing to the -.-c:· -.-, ·,coccc•.·• ful ly: restored: ·

and dry ·· · v??'im:nlfiiii'iioo�;wllli. hot Iron

Tho Prudent ial Insurance Cou:pany of America bas on view at the World's Fair at _St. Louis an exhibit of life In· surance methods and results which Is io advance of auytbiog of its kind attempted by life instlrance com11an!e@, The location of the eshibit is in the Palace o! Education, where the Oom· pauy cccupies a •pace of 30x:W feet. 'l'be exhibit includ es a large and beauti­ful model of the Prudent ial Howe' Office building, at Newark, N.J.; a handsome stalued glass reproduct ion of the:Roek of Gibraltar, illuminated by electricity, arid ·178 charts, diagrams; photograptis, etc .. which explain on a luge scale the ln�•r workings of t he life insurauce business. ·

Dllference In the ·arade, Patlont-What Is the matter wlth

we. doctor 1 · Tobacco heart 1 Physician· (sniffing the atmo sphere)

-Not at all, sir. Cabbage heart.-Cbf.

c;� �:::��n N�;;o��lit;�s.'

... '"'·

}�ire n·�tter l\lld IJIIIId iu IJockl� p'j·> Saturday night was �; exciting nlght

for severa l servant girl� employed lu "cer; . tain Westfield homes. A little· "after dark" party was wade up aud Galviu'e P.•�k. -�':ll.s.sl�'ted. Witlt th e yo'uug ladies of the- kitchou were Jam-es

The Russion population represent! 110 nationalities, the three great stoclui lleia11 Fin11s, Tartars and Slawa.


School District of Westfield, Cou nty )f Union,

For the School Year Ending June 30th, 1904.

P'lnanclal.lleport · RECEIPTS.

P'lnanclal Report EXPENDITURES.

field aud Jos•J•h Bright, two linemen boarding at a We!tfield hofel. Tbe party ling�red at the park uotfl the lights went out; thou they rambled toward Westfield, �topping every few minutes to indulge in a drink or whiskey wilicb one of tho inea had iu a bottle.

It was just 2,80 a, w. when Officer Stawets heard the shrill screams of

women down on Central avenue. He hurr ie4 to the scenP, thinking pos!ibly

horrible crime was beiog com­mitted. Windows were flung op en and people stuck their heads out to sse what •11 the rumpus was about. It took ·of. ficer Stawets but a few minutes to de· cide !bat tae entire party was drunk and be arrested Annie Doe and another

STATE AND COUNTY FUNDS. . . STATE AND COUNTY FUNDS. woman, who is a lervant in a Snmit ave. Balance in hand s of Township For Teacher s! Salarie s . .-.,,., 18,8;1 63 nne home, James Canfield _and G�orge

Collector, July tst, I !)OJ . ... ;.. For Fuel.;· . ... . . . . . . ,:: .. ;::. Bright. These he took tG the Lockup From S2oo,ooo State School Fund For Transportation Pupil s , , , • very much wore for wear. The others

Appropriation . . . . . . .. . .. . •.. 615 61 For Tultlo!l of Pupils -in Ad, :.; heallow�d to go. Sunday morning Jud!!e From State Appropriation ....... 2.874 56 joining Distr icts ..••. :\., ..• \� :, . ,. Tour•y 'd. ned· the ·qnar�te f5.00 each From State School Tax ..• ; •. ·;· 4,852 35 Balance hi·llani!s•of· Townshlpi�i i'c ,,,, aud'tbey were. allowed to go oo their From Reserve Fund . . . .. . .. . ::; so9 _I! Collecto;1.J.unq�-t�,l · w•t· Taue it came to p1188 that tbe From lnterestofSurplusRevenue ·

;_;if:'t::.::�- ..,....:.·i·ladieoio certain Weetfteld homes-' had 'to From Re-apportioned Balances.. .T. : - ,, ··1; , • : g. otthoir'owo·breakfaotSilndoymorua'n". otal, ... : .. ,:·, :....... " . . . .. . , . :;:,-,_ --;- DISTRICT.TAXES;,;.

Total. . ........ · .... ... . _:\�,851 61 For purchase of Land . . ::.:.: :•' DISTR.ICT TAXES. >·: . For Buildlilr SChool Hou ses.

· ••

Balanctln hands of Custodian,---.· For, En lar gi�g or Repairing July 1st, 1901 .... .. . . . .. . ... ,. 7 i;1 School Houses ............. 1;381 35

For Current Expenses . . .... ,. ,19,100 ho For Janitors' Salaries......... r;9�4 oo

For Bond and Interest . . . .... './. J,o7; bo Pol Debt and l�tere.st ..... ·.: ".: l,07S oo For Purchase of Land .... .. . .. ·. .- i F:.or Tem?<?.rary Loans : .... :. ; ., i64 ll For Building School Houses.: . ... ·, . For Text;_�o.oks, Appar_atus ... , . . For En lar ging and Repairing and Supplies.· • · · · · · · • · · ;� · 2,404 94


Subject& A.re Olrended bJ Innovation& and Wooli•h btravarance

of :auter.

can watcll well,ai 1

Fr'le ' .' . I � ,. . I

llactorla In. ]/[eaL I The gamey ftavor �f meat Is g�lned:b,.:

tho bacteria feeding upon lt. -These de­velop Within an, hour arter food ts ell• pooed on pa,ntry shelves, and long b�!pra the flavor I• appreciable to tho senae11 t�e bacteria that produces them &I'll abundant. · f

Psnoioni In .Japan. '-: i

The !&mlly of·� dead Japa.ne .. soldier' geta as a pens-Ion 'about one:thlrd ortbe. pay or bia rank. 'l'�i• would give the w idow or a private 5s. a month ; ,or.a.ftrst lieutenant, 25c.;- of a:captain, 30c.,_an4 to the wldo\Y of .vcolonel, £5 a month. I

Boman� aad .... Jit,.. i Sb&-Do you notice, darllnr. wbal

�anllful uure tlata tbe sun lendl � te the bo.O... <>f the ocean? , ;

H&-That. my dear, 11 :the dye 011f of lome of thoae·cheap bathing d­e•.-Stray Storie&.

t.arg.,.t Cinnabar DeJ>Mit. 1 What is considered the largest bodr' of cinnabar ore in tba world baa fu.ti

been uncovered near Apex, Gunni-1 county, Col. It I• about 200.feet wid., carrioo 'lold and Ia about 30 per C811t." quicksilver. •

Didn't Look It. Schoo l Houses.; . .... �. '·'. ,; 1,zoo 00 For Manu�! Trai,n(ng .. ,., -;· ·;-:·H� 00 For Manual Training,;', :i:. ;; : ;(i!6oo bo For Teachers' Salaries .. . :.-'�.'. ;.,'9,70; 12

· . • . .- :;·,-�,, ForFue1 .. ..... ... :"""'"'.· 2,27J • .. . . . ... _.-::};�4;0,$2.-61 For Transportation' of Pupils!, ;':t .

AD En11ilsb correspondent's descrlv­tlon of the sultan of Morocco's charac· ter ttumcleotly ellplilloa the feelings of his subjects, which, according to Jlluro­·pean' real1'.�t•. must reault In a gen· eral revolution that Ia a lready almo.tt ablaze. The Moors, elates the Cblca· Miss Antique-! can trace my II•'

'l'rlbune, naturally hate and acorn oeent for the last blmdred years. I ' · • "' -' ·".:-:':--' ... , For Tuition of Pupils In. Ad··' • OTHEIHO,URCES<,-:>: • ; jo ining Districts . . . ... :.'. ;�l�''c'!' 31J 51 Balance. In .hands o�-Town�hl� .,. For Other Scho�i E�pe�sFs',!!f/z !i6o' 14.

· Col lector , July nt, 1903 '."" • . . J · .- Balance In hands of Custodian.·',' From State for Manuai.Tramlng. '.' 6oo oo J Joth 19o4 ,.,_ ,. : ,,. ·•·>';'-: 4 Pro m Subscriptions for Manual une ' "", "' ",;,:i;�� Trainin g · . ... ····; . .. . ··•·••• Total. 1 •. , ... ;;'.<: ,,!;'.'i';lz4,o42 61

For State Schoo l Libraries� .• • • • so oo OTHER SOURCES.'\.\.· ForSubscrlptlonsund. Entertain: I For Manual Tralnln · ... . . ;;; .. f 000 00 m�nts to; �ch�ol L1brarles. •· · Fo'i'School U!lraiies� �:·�·;·,.·;·" ''""i4(J'oa For ale o. on s ...... , ...... ,,,. . For SchoolHouses·;,/.':'·' · •

Fo.r Temporary Loans .... · • ·-�-':'.'' • ·' ! For Purci1ase'of Lii'nci .... For Tuition Fees ...... . .. . _._��:/·,:;_�1 n For Otbe(SchooJ Expenses ... . •HI 7S For Rent of School H,�u�e�: '.• • ·•'';' 1 · Balance In hands of Townsh ip For all other Sources. •'• ;'< i • ·; .\f, :;: 1 Collector, June']oth,-Igof.,,

,-. ·----

1 75 Tu\ill . . . ....... . . . . . . . , $1109l 75 ( JdH,N, J.� c9a��;Dlstrlct cit1kf .: !

. proclivitlel wherewith lte . Miss Caustlqu&-So lonll u that!'·

every Mu'osulman Idea. You surprl1!9 me. You don't look a Whll� earning their hatred he hu not day over 60.-St. Paul Pioneer Pre&L 1

commanded their fear or respect. • j . On- the other haDd, be baa outworn Gingerbread Hint. ·

the patience o! his European friends ln mal<lng gingerbread, I! the m� by bls couutleaa cblldlsb whims. Th! lanes antl butt.er are beat!d together uult.au'& leanlnge are towafds the foi• before the othe1· lngredienta l\l'e addet lles and not the wladom of the weat. the cake will be nlcer.-Houaebol�. Hi& army Is a worthleta rabble. al· I though ·regiment aftor regiment hall Clovsrnmont Garden. i been raised, equipped and drilled by The United States department ot·I&J Brltiab olftcera, ODIJ' to be disbanded rtculture lias declde·ct· to establlab • and tbe bors&l an� equipment sold be· pl ant Introduction garden and e11perl• low cost t<> provide money for the sui· ment station at Chico, Cal. · ' !1 tan'a Idiotic wblms.

Some of these are aulllclent11 ".Jelly Cake Riat. ! grotesque to Stamp ,'fUtlai-Aild•iii-Jllll·/ Add One-quarter of I cup Of bolllq.

.. . . , For instance, he baa eio:· water to ariy rule for aponge cake lG . . upon.' autoniobllil; make It· roll eullr ·!or . jelly' cak •• �-thongh tbe· roads of Morocco Ire not Rome 1ournat.

rlt"rrihivim a b\cyol!, and of theBe bt ·:!��i,t?),�l�i?:�,.;i·;_: !. . , ��· :���i;s!:���fc£����;�if.:�::

w. ·H. Treri'c)hard�.Pretcrlptlon Druccl•' l r+··f<I·II�U(JU•I(I,Qimeras and. stock of photo. " ' '· ' l · grapilic paper worth $Z,OOO. H& tak&�

, - • • • • 1:. · ' ••• ,' > ��;- ..• · f'·· i ab'outfouranaPihoteamonth. tftbu • · • · � · ' I • ' '' .. · · , "·' ' looking slaas bedateada and thoro I• a lrMd and llroapoat! ltrOIII, Weathld, �� �/. never�ceaHing procession of . packill

eases from Europe,. containing trump­er,. and gewgaws, musical boxa11, me·

':::::::::;::::::::;:::::;;;;.:;:;:;:::::;;;::;::;::;;:;::::;;:::::=::� cllanloal toys, calllfiJ'&81 gramopbOD81 - u4 ··�'"'· .

to par a sum or portion of thIs

merchl\ltli; by


1� for the de>tt·uctloo

ie by the Chinese. Con· wnr cost considerably cannot be described

bargain. To close between China and

B11.1hieu Term, thl• old antiQue," e�ntalme�

the dealer. The prote....,r took otr bl• glaJSea, 'o;n•mUing quizzically, and glancing at hla

\i1 'He to .see If she wa• listening, nld: '_-.�.o�Y dear man, that Is tautological, II It Is ontlque, It ruuot be old." "In the dictionary, ye•," conreded the dealer. "Bttt we carry illfee gradeo

--:an�lqu.,., ne�· antiques and old an-1,lques."-,.:Woman's Home Companion, "�� . : Great Cigar Smoker. 'if't,,,stnce 190'J �1. nuthal, a $!1ealan, has 'been tlhamtJion of the world Ro far u """amoklng rlgar:1 l:i conrerned. On ae\·­

. l'ral•occulon• be bas smoked 11 clgaro ,'ffiln' two hours. and no one !ll'lng, It I• raid. tmo'i:e; as m•ny ci&ar• In 1o rear "'be o;oe•.

The Prudential INSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA. HDme Office, Newark, N. J, ,lll!IX F. llR\'DE:>', Pr.shlent. EDGAR H. \YARIJ,"'' \"lco-Pro•tdent. Ll<.;Sl�IE D. WARD, nce·Pr�shlent. �,ORRE5T F. DR \"Db:S". 3rll Ytce-PfeSI�imt

EDWARD GRAY. Serretarr.

CHAS. E. BALL, Sttit, Room� !J.4 lhnk B:ltlg •• !J. Front St.& Puk P!01lnfteld,X.J, To!: 33l·L·

A Man's replaces the man income producer.

W. EDGAR REEVE, Oeneral Agent,

�Telephone 10 a.


' ' ··No. 144 Broad Street, Westfield, ,"" ; � � . , . . · "

· t;i�form the resident> of Westfield and vicinity &hat • I '�ffic�'at No. 14J Broad street where we will be fonnd



Student. who euter uow.,msy complete_ either the

·sHO-RTHAND or BUSINESS COURSE bi.ror� the clo•e o! the pr.,.ent

. yeRr. Iudiv!ctnal lnstrnction. Cool, well���ntl­late<l d!>Sil room•. Stndents may enter at any time: ·

207-209 Broad Slreel, Elizabeth, N. J. IOCA.IM' ltiiCliC.�'I. Principal.

·aEFORE VACATION make your plaus to enter thlt achool tue I! rot or &ptember for a ShortbBs;cl or

Commo;rclal Conn�e of etudy, C•ll aud talk tbt matter o<er, or at l�.ut 1end for onr new c�talogue. You c.unotal!ord to wl&s the opportnnlti&s offer� by the

UNION BUSINESS COhhEGE. �o8-11o Broad .St., Ellukth, 1'1. J,

Telephone �Oat :o1x Bt1llilln1, F. �. BEitRIMAN, Prla,lpal,

Plain.flel£1 Blu!dnel!IM Colleae. CITY IA.K IUILDI.C. ' . . ' . BOOKKEBPINO

SHORTHAND ENGLISH Call and aee our school.

Weet&e\d car pUHII the door. Oaa tare will tah 1ou·.

AI(T A, C. PHELPS, Ma•ac«.

tuo' '-'�''""''""'"·�"·'"' �,,: ,,.· none str�nget·th_an belief wlll enter Hea1·en in

a better state If they are persol!nlly

clean at the time they are ldlled. Con·

segueutly, lle'rore an expECted battle they pet·fm·m ·l!1elr toilets with scrupulom

care, d!'ess the1lu:clves in clean gar· ments, and put. on the best they hn.-�. This supirEtltion Is not rontlned to the Cossacks nloue, but Is wlcel)' prenlenl in all llrnncl•es of theRmstau army,

Mustard Paste. l'ot' !l mus(ar<\lia,;te .·,tal<e one· half

flour and one-half mustard and !Jientl thoroughly !Hifoie_addlng l1:ater. APtJil' between ' · ·cfoths. When the 11aste

' -, ·, ' :,:· Electrtclly" Ciurled,_'overliuid_�by wtre

some dtsta'nce fs· being· used.'ln· Ore­gon to. pump � water In , Irrigating fo.rms. If the experiment prov.e• suc­CallilfUl, the system will be developed furttier. · · · · ·

· .Tapanese. Fare; Thei Japanese cuisine dO@il 'not Include

butchers' meat, bread, butter and pota­toes. 'ltlre Is not, as commonly oupposed, the dally food or the poor, but can be a!­!C>rded by the well-to-do'only.


School Children 111 Syria.

Mall or Telet)hone Order• Pronaptt,· Fllleta: ALL GOODS DELIVERED FRtE OF CHARGE. SAMPLE!


Open friday Evening. Close Saturday at Noon.

Cool Shirt Waist Suits at Half Price� hot ·weather yet to come we

rtab!e and cool looking, and inci. :�·tcc'::''·g� :·!c·< ;'". -'· .. ti\;O dollars. We made an. irt Waist Suits, that,

1 ot oil sale last n·eek. Lawns, in the

. blue grounds, t figures,

· side plaits


. • . . · ' . �-l

_I siz.�� 32 1 , I

co. I

·•· NElALJtRK, N. J. +

New Small Grand

·f· -�· S.CHia __ . .. · -

� �IANOS1q The New sinidl Grana: ' Is the lat2st a�t product of our manu:acture. Competent j�:lg�s pronounce It The Most Remarkable :Grand Piano ol Its 5iJe Ever Made.· It occucies but a trifle more s?ace than the uprighi and supplies a neei ·

where. economy oi ruom-s;:;ace must be con· sidere-01. 'arid at' the 'sa'n\e' time practically p:Jssess�s all the Tone-power, Sweetness, Purity and Breadth of Melodic Expression that marks the FULL GRAND. "

It is unique in design and satisfies the aesthetic sense of the most exacting. II nl'.IS/ bd seen andh'eal;d to ba appreciated. 164 fiflh Ave. bel., 21st 4l 22d Silo

and 68 Weat 12Sth St.

According to ·a· recent Russian eon­oular report, six yeare'ago 9,1)()0 chll· ������������������������!!"!'� � dren attended the--Russian schools in � Syria. The .number Is now 20,000 .

A.ld. t� DlgMtiou. Plain soda water, taken In modera­

tion, .·often aids' digestion, but soda )"ater , with fruit sl rups Is bad for a weak stomach.-N. Y. Post.

Good Old Bummer, We are now getting around to tbe days

wben . a man really feels more negligee than he loo!;s-,and that's a pteutr.­lndlanapolis News.

Breaking Loooe. "You smoked only ten cigars on your

•eddlng trlp-thlll's one a dar." "NCI-ten on the last day ."-Harpar'a Bazar. ·

Xeepo 0!! Plies. File• will not settle on windows that

have been wuhed In water mixed wit� 11. little kerosene.-Good Literature,

Vulcanl•ed Wood, Timber h now vulcanized ta

land by forcing a bolllni solution BUi&r Into I!Ji pores,

Co•t ot Otrman .ArrnJ', To· keep the whole German army In t.he Deld tor oue week would coat uo,. 000,000. Jl•man Cud-Chewers,

'I'bere are cases on record ot rumi· nation, or cud·cll�winl, 111 llutllao be· 1111•· . -:��.._-; ... .-..,.1...:1---�- . ·

COAL Buy of

THE UNION . COUNTY STANDARD, FRIDAY. JULY 15, 1904. -:::=::======- . .· . · . . . . . . . . . .. . . :Jtrectot!-�tO(eSS�\9R�l.,, ,!�£, .. :-�1-!NP�Y BIBLE .SCHOOL .:.:_.:_------'-'------'-.:..:,--"'·� t���� "ln' tb�atlo�ai Series

Dft. E. T. WHEAtOJI, tor September 4, 1904-"EII· sURGEO!ol DENTIST, jah' Encouraged,"

.ArcantliU Buildln�, \VESTFIELD, N. J. , . (Jir��l.red by the "Highwa)' and By-. · way" Preacher,)

(Copyi'Jght, 1004, by J. M. Edson.)

MOJ'I'ETT Q- L LAW OFFICE, 221 Park Ave., Plainfield, �;J�


140 No"tb &\'enue, SDI.ally Building, • Plaiufleld, N J.


Dr. H, 11. But ler, ·

VITIItiNARY IU IICKON, Residence, Westfield,

7 Downer St. New Jersey, Teltpbone 51-I.

Pet Anlmala a .Spedally.

. . LESSON nJX'r, (1 KirlgH 19:9�18; Mem()ry verees, 15�1&.) 9. And he came thither unto a cave, and Jodgt>d there; and behold the word or

lbe Lord came to 'him, a.r1d he said unto hlm, What doest UJou t.ere Elljuh'l 10. And he aald, J hu.ve bc�n very jeltlous for the Lord GvU of hosts: tor the childre!l O! Jsl'ae) ha\'e f-orsaken Thy CO\'l!DH.Iil1 thrown tlown 'J.'hlne altars, and slaln Thy prophets with the sword; and I , ev1:n I only, am left; and tkley Et!ek my Ute, to take it a.wuy, ·

11. And he anld, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lora. Arid, behold, U1c J ... ord 1lUt!.BCd IJy, and a great and strong wlnd rent the mountains, anrJ brake ln IJiecea the f(JCk.s before the Loril; but the Lord was not in the wind: arul after the wind nn earthquake ; but tht! Lord WaM not In th€! earthquake:

12. And aner the {'arthquake a fire; hut tlle Lord was not In the rtre: urJd aflcr the l()l)jJ(£1 al\� �1\a(\Jf�efl), nr� aA�t�Ill;:�� ::


lc:.hen El ijah heard It,

that he wrap)H':d hill face In his mantle, anrS went DUt, and stood 1n the entering In <lf the cave. And, .llellold, ttn�re cume a. Volte unto·htm, and aald, Wbat ttoest thDu here, Elijah?

1leUgtoue .'Rottcce.

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE-First · Ohurcb . of Christ Scientist. Cranford, New JerMy.

North avenue aod Eutm.an 11treet. 8enicea 10undav 11 A 11.; Wednesdar eventoalo'clock itt�adintc Room open dally, .All are ·weloomti

FIRST JlAP'I'll!T CHURCH, W•tlold, N

J Rev. C. J. G reenwood,·A • .M., Jl&l!tor RNide�ce, 175 Elm Str,ret.

Eomday oorvl-f PnJN llleetlni.IO a. •· r.-hiPIIID:OO a. m. 8UDdi.V l!choo1 1Jo'clcJdl To•llll I'IOplo'o Prayer lileetlnK 7 p, · m, rr-klurfi p. m. Mid woek Pl'l!f•r IIIM&l!lr, WoduOid•� B p. m, Yon a.re <or8Ja.IIJ Invi­to attend all &bMe llllrYICM. .

WESTFIELD PUJlLIC LIBR�RY. lncor· "'>rated Jim. Broad street opJWli!IU" Post r ffl. ·a. Subscription S2 Jler fMar p&)·a.bl• �eml nn 1ally In a•h·ance, hr U cental & wee.� for 1 ch •ook. New books constantly addet . 0Jttl Tu .lsdR)'8 and 'rbursd&)'8 from . to e Sattrda.rs from 9 to ll a. m. : 4 toti anfl 7 to!l ·"'·


WI!:ITI'JJI:LD l'08T O .... l(lJI:, L. M. WBlTAK&K, Poetmuter. . A. K. OAL&, Aoot. and Mun�y Onhr Clerk, WF AI, )J, TOWNLIY, Oeneral Deltverr Ol•r'-· RID ,VUiT&I\1 Olurk. omce opeu from 7 a:-;:-to '1 p. m. elcept 01

�f����·�� t�:U'U t:fno�Y:�r• for �alders o ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF )JAIL!;

From New York, East, South and Soutb l:�kn"J'����� 'l:�lverr at 7:00 and 11:�6 a. m, MAILSOLOSE,

Nror New Yotk, Pblladolpbla, Trenton tbt ��!tb•ut, South, SouthwHt aud way otobow -l•t7:30and lu:l& a.m. I::!.! and 6:1& �. m, ,{7•80r Plalnftold and Eaalou and wa.y ota.tlouo 1 a.. m, &ud f:OO P• m, MOUNTAINI!IIDIJ.

�r=:t�.��.·m�a:s��&�.Pm�· LOcATION OF FIRE ALARM HOXE!

IN WESTFIELD. :�97-Snrnmlt �nd Park street, -Elm street and Kimball avenue �9

9-Brond and :Middlesex streets, 898 -CuF mborland Bt, and Sontb Ave.

""- Ire Department bouse, •.-Center Street, Garwood.

Ut After sending�arm stand neal •.call \)o• .11.11tU "!rival ol app.arat111 .

' ' lt. And ·he said, 1 )lav@ been very jf\alou• ror the Lord God of hoBtl: llecaul!e the �JhJldren of lerael have foreaken Thy co¥­eliitrllt,.thrown do:wn Ttllne altars, a.nd slain 'flly prophets with the sword ; and I , e\·en J only, am left; u.nd tlley seek W)' Ufe,1tu, lake 1t away. .: ' . ·, ·\

lfi. ��� '\he �rll'·•.ald_ unto :him, qo, fe .. � I urn: on ��·y ., .• ,. to:the' :wilderness of Da:­hlasCils: and when Ui'ou comt1�, anolllt Ua�

:J&el 'lo be klnl ovej- S�rla:' , · ·, · ' II. AnciJehu the oon of Nlmohhhalt thou anoint to' �e king over lllfael : and Elisha the aon of Ship hat of Abel-meholah Mhalt thou orJOint tD be proptlet In th)' room.

J7, .An\1 Jt aball �(lme to pall!l, that him� that' esca&)eth the eword Or Hazael shU I I:: Jehu 1lu.Y: and t)lm that eaca'p��h from the;: •w<>rd of Jehu shall Elisha slay, ·

18. Y€!t J have left Me seven thousa.Dd 1n Jeruel, all the knces·whlcb t1ave not bowed unto Baal, and Cwry mouth which hath not kissed 111m.

lY. So he lie.Jarted thence, an() r.aund Elisha the Non ul Sll&llha.t; who wns JJ}o�lriiJ, ·.,ub tw-.:lve yoke of oaen befo;1e h,m, and­he with the lWel fth: afld Elijo.h JlD�_"ed :bY,�� him, and cuMt hht' muntle upon blrri, ·. ':' ;� . GOLDKN· TEX'.l".-"fo,t!ar thoU not, · for-.' 1 am wiUl thtm."-laa, �1 :10, 00��ME.-Ab?�t ro.•·ty das� ,ntt

;er last lcs-

PLAC£.-Mount SlnnJ, or. a11 lt Is often cullt:U, Mount Horeb •. 1 : •

Comparing Scripture with BcrlptUI·e. '!'he Place.-'·came thither: unto "

cave,'' i� J�le . . �ou�t o� . Go9, t��. P��c� .. where God appeared to Moses In the ftamlng bush (Ex. 3: 1·2) and the placo: where Israel had received tbe 'law. (Ex: 19:1-2.) A place hallowed by sacred memol"ies, and yet not the place for Ell· Jab, as God's twice repeated question �nd His comma11d: "Go, return on �hy way,'' prove. Elijah · spent over 40 precious days In getllng alone. with God, when he might have. found .Hi m . In IsraeL May not tho prophet. have,;e�red as the Samal"itan woman''dld'who .sought to en­gage Jesus . ln·,,argmnc·,)c�·about Mount Gerazlm :•�·cthelo�}l��·�liice to Hnd God and to worshlp"U�Jph�;4:2p.:· How many weary da)'s the dlsc·ouraged Christian often spends In" getting a!one wllh God. Elijah n\uile tirih ls'nillid'he would go to Sinal to' meef'Go"<l , "ririd':lhe"Chrlsttan often foolishly fixes place and lime lor meeting God and sp�nds weary days In findlng' lllm . ...:.Acts 17: 27, :Ps: ·14?:18.

It Was the PlilCe of He�rl Search In g. -(1) God Became the'Examlner, Jer, 1 1 : 10. '!'he prayer or the Ps)\lmlstshould he our prayer. Ps. 139:23-24. But we must submit, Jas, 4 : 7.'' '!'hen God will reveal true cdniiltlons to us.:·· Plili. 3: lii, "What doest thou · here,' Elijah'?''·, Is the question God oflen has to a·sl< us.

(2) God BecanJO . the ·.�eac!Jer. The Christian often mal;es a long joumey uf It to God's sehoul. even as did Elijah. But It Is a blessed 1•lace to come, John 14:2�; 16:13; 1 Cor. 2 : 12 . . God sought to turn Elijah's thoughts away from self. It tool; the rocl;-rendlng winds; the mountain-moving earthquake, and ihe He•·ce fire to turn Elijah's thoughts to God. Oh, how hard It Is to bring the ooul to listen to God, How God has to almost strip us naked, and am!ct us sore, before we will tiJrn from self to Him.

It Was the Place of Encourag·ement. -It was humiliating to Elijah to realize that his boast of standing alone for God was 7,000 below the true number, but surely he was rejoiced and encouraged to know how many faithful ones there were. Do you ever feel you sland alone for God1 Get away In His school, and let Him give you the correct census. Alone! NeYer, for Je21us ls ever p1•csent, Matt. 28:20; He Is ever working with us, Mark 16:20; by Hls Holy Spirit, John 16: 1-11.

It Was the Place or Fresh Commission, -When Elijah !led from' Jeiebei he lost his conun!sslon. He needed It · re· newed. 'rhe rUnaway ser,•ant of God generally loses his commission, and It la only as we get alone with God that.we may receive reappolntment ln the Lord'• work. God's first word to Elljah ,was: "Go/

return 'on thr. way." Elijah must be 1) submissive to God's will, '(2) Obedient to· His cominand; God made Elljall retrace his steps, and many a ChrloUan has to do thl• very thing be­fore he can do Qod's"Work. It takes sub· mission ·and consecration and obedience to do'tbla. And when Elijah w11o ready to !O back; when his spirit of self !m· portance had been oubdued ; when he was wholly ·gh·on lo God's will; when be was eager to obey, then God revealed Hla �lans for him,

'l'HE OOLDE:N 'l'EX'l'. 11Fear thou not, for I am with th@e."

lmmanuei-"Oo<l with ue.'' �latt, 1: 23, �larnloua truth, The angels said to the fr!sh lened shepherdi, "Fear not" tor 'Jesua 11 come. Jesus aald to His trombl!ng troubled d!aclpleo, "Fear not" for It Is I your risen Lord, And His mesaue to the· lluman heart Is slfll "Fear not." . Fear n<>t, for He comes to oave, He comes to holfl, He comee Ia bles&, May He who apealtl the message "Fear thou not, for I am WIth tbee," hear faftl1's response from our hearts, "I will fear no evil, for· Thou art ' wtth· me," · · ·


Hahne & Co Our Store will ,be Open

on Friday �venings and C""se at Noon SaturdaJia

until the tirat of Septe m.


Hahne · & Co N EWARK. NEWARK.

Our JULY FURNITURE SALE ·g· ONA FIDE Reductions throughout the Two Acres of

· · . Parlor and Chamber Suits, Library, Dinin '{ Room, Porch

and Lawn Pieces, and everything else in High, Medium and Ordinary grades. ·

The dil!play I• tho most iovitlnsly attractive of all tbe stores-we make no exception wbatever. The·r articles were bought of the same manufacturers, an<l ue tbs same. �rades u those sold In New· York, bat price distinction niakl!l! It profliabJe.to bny bere. Variety and cbolce are jnot as big. Otber New Jereey exhibits and,� redaction• cannot be con•idere<J, for tbev do not m��et ours In aay partlc�lar. This sale Is a sensation witb its blJrh ',' character aod low pricel!, Onr furniture was oot put togetl1er to sell and then go to pieces . Every article in our,

· two acres ls splendid m!lde and eells at a gmt cut-bargain price-tbe price whlcb we m11ke twice • year, Everyone •

will remel!lber tbe rich harveet gleaned at our lllllt Semi·ADD\1111 Furniture S•le. · Note a few sample prieeo :

., Every Parlor Suit baa beeo run through the bargain hopper and reduced. OQr Parlor Suit di•play ie ,

. fam�u! for i� vast�etll! and ��uty, We put this price . as au example of our deep cut ou handsome best made i ' Parlor Soltl! : A fi.piece Parlor .Suit, new frame d .. lgn, fiat mahogany fioish, clloica of covering In damask, ' : tapestry and v�rona v•lour, back of sofa a11d four' chalra richly tufted, front of all seats pleated a�d corded ; sofa; · 1 two armcbain, one eide and one reception cbalr to tbe.suit. Reg alar price f$5. Sale price


Well Made Couches.

Value tlB.IlO, now, . , . . . . , , • . • . 12.00 Value t7.50, uow , . . , , . . . . . , . . , , 6,50 Value .6. 9B, now, . . . . . . , . : . , · . . • 6.oo V•lue $16.00, DOW • • , , . • • • , • • • . 14 .50 Value $20.00, now , , . . , . . . . . ' .,'. , J I!.oo


i Reg. price o:75, to go_ at .. . , . , . . :,s;:;s ' Reg. price !O.oO, ,to'goat. , . . . . . . 9.50

Reg. price 13.25, lo go at; . . . . . , 12.00 : Reg. price 19. 75,' to g�'�t . . ; ; . . . 17,�5 : Reg, price 23 00, 'to g�'M.':� . . : :21,oo ' Reg. price 27.00, to go.at . . . : . . 24.s'o 'Reg, price 35.00, to gci at . . . . , ,JI.SO

Chiffoniers. Regular 6,r,O, DOW , . , '" . . . . . . . , . 5.e5 Regular 8 00, LOW . . , . . , • , , . . , . . . 7.25 Regnlar 9,75, now . . . . . . . . . . . '. ' . . 8.75 ReguiiU' 1 1 . 00, now . . . . . . . . . . . . , 10.00 Regular 20. 00, now . , . . , , • , . . . . . !8.00 Regular 23. 50, now, . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.00 Regular 27.00, now, . '.' : • • . , � . , ,24.25

Folding Couches. Bronzed

Couches : Iroa Frame Foiling

Regular tS.50, down to . . • "" . , . 7· so Regrilar $10.00, down to . . , . .. . . 9.00 Regular $12. 00, down to. , . . , . . 10.50 Regular $16.00, down to . . . , , , , l.f.OO

Chairs and Rockers. ' Chairs and R�Kkera of every ·, m�ke and kiud, suitable for indoor ,'

or outdoor nse, In oak, mabogimy, · white enamel; reed, rattan, cane, hickory, · Prices upwHrd from 57�· ,

· Bedding of every description is included in this sale-Hair Mlit•. ' tress�s. Cotton M•ttresses, Bolst•ro, . Hair and Feather Pillows, Feathen, ·

Springs, CanviiS Upholstered aud Wire Cots and Divans,

Iron Beds.

Regular 3 00, reduced to . . . , , , , . ,2,70 Regular 5.75, reduced to, , , . , . . . ,5.25 Re!lular 6.50, ··�duced to . . . . . . . . ,5.85.,; Reg11lar 9 00, 1 educed to. , . . , , . . . 8. 0�

Regular 10.25, reduced to . . . . . . . . 9.�5 ·

OUR BEAUTIFUL STORE is more beautiful than ever with its wealth of summer· fre&bness In mer· ·

cbaudise and arpointments; Its broad, breeze· swept aisles, and superb decorations, It Is the coolest store, with more cool, refreshing iullueoces thllll BIJY otber in'tbe East, No New York store compares with it for elegance; convenience and variety of choice In home and personal supplies.

I UAU�E & co. , �EWAQ�. UAU�E & co. Prom tbe l!'rencb.

"Dozen" Is from the French douz:t.ine, a collection of articles genera.lly num· bered together. It Is used In the Here­fordshlre poems, 1200, and •bows Frent'h tor the ftrst time encroaching upon Eng­J!sh numerals.

Capitol E:o:tonalons. When the extension now planned

for the nation's capitol . at Washing­ton has been made the edifice, lnclud· lng the works of art which It con­tains, will have. cost nearly •20,000,000.

!larked, "Has ·he shown you any marked at·

tention?"· · · �'Why, yes, ·he left the price tag on

the ring he ·gave me,"-.,Cleveland Pltlln Dealer,

:.;;;,·i'J· .. c ·,In DeaUng Eggs, .:·;:c,To :stlr;tbe yolhs of. eggs Into soup or ·hlifcustard so that they will be smoot II first beat tlu!m and \ben add a teaspoon· ful of cold water.-Household,

, Xeep Him at ·Home.

. .Tap World'• Fair l'oper, The Japanese-American Commerclll[

Weehly is the name of a new•paper published wee�ly In Japanese al the wo:·ld's Jal•·· Hajlma Hosl:l !8 the edllor . . Nine Ja11anese reporters and natl\·e t)'pesetters get out the weekly. The papeJ' was formerly Jlllbllohed ill New York city, but was transferred to the world's · fair for the joint purpose of ' making · an exhibit of a Japanese newspaper plan(' in the palace of 'lib­eral arts �nd reporting the lair,

' De man dat don' ftn' smiles at home. Is mighty apt tuh look fuh 'em roun',: . de cornder.-Aunt Jemlmy, In · Go'od Honselteep!ng.

Helpmeet. When ·a. bache!OJ• has more money'

than he can spend ho should annex a wlfe,-Chlcago Dally New�.

Eas!eJ•, Some men would rather tell agree•

able lies than tho disagreeable IJ•utb. -Cblc&flo . Da!ly News.

lloomet•anged, The New Yol'lt man that lost •50,000

In combining to beat nnothol' man Is now down on swindling,

Planet Bolls Daokwn•·ds, Uranus Is the only one of our system

of planets which rotates haclnvards.­Sclence,

Guatemal�'s Colfee, It Is osllmnte<l thnt G untemnll\'e cor­

rile crop thll YO Ill' will amount to 1,000,001 �'VI!" ..:.J .• : . • . . ;:,_,__ , _ ___:_ .

'"'"" .·w'""•.ls !lOUred over it. It Is .hung over the fire, and In fen minutes the water Is boiling, 'fhe Jiettle can be used eight or ten times. and the cost of It Is about two cent1,

Baked Bean Soup, Take cold baited beans and twice the

quantity o! water and let them simmer until soft. Add all onion cut up and when nearly done add one-halt as much tomato, Hub through a slt'alner, add 111ore water until of the r!Bht consist· oncy. Thicken �·!th butter and Hour rubbed to11ethe•·· Season to taate,­Bo!lon Globe.

Moldy Ones. "De Boose Is nlways telling the

lt&lest old stories about his alleged an­cestors!'

"Yes. I fancy hll family tree muet hftlA been a cllestnut."-<llevelaod PlaJn Dtalor,

Dlggut Dible Claos, The largest Bible class In Great

Bri!AIII Is lhat oonnected with All Saints' church, Shemeld. The average Sunday attendance Is 1,600,

World's Bailroado. It tile world's railroads were equal­

ly dlotrlbuted over the earth's surface no one would be more than se'fen mllea from some line.

Quick Growth of Croll, Cre•• Ia the qulckeot 8rowlng of

Under perfect conditions It will and seed within eight dar• or �'tt.' .

Coal for War In Prance. Fra�ce ha.s kept 200,000 tons of cllll

In Toulon Rlnce 1893, to be r�ady In ca.se war should break out.

Hellrt's Impetus. The heart o! decapitated criminals

been ob•erved to beat 30 houri execution,

Cure tor Sorrow. The best cure for your sorrow Is

ciare for another's.-Chlcago Tribune. :Revolver :Record,

With two points more than "WhOil he won the gold medal at Blsley, Warrant O�cer Raven, of the waroh!p Wildfire, baa made a world's record wllh the re· volver, scoring all bulla at 20 yards, and only getting outside the black once at 60 yard a, a total ol 1�7 points out of a voulble168,

Hard to Answer, A Hfn<loo snake charmer was boast·

lng before a cmwd of boya that there wasn't a thing about snakes that ho dlda't know. "Then, maybe you'll tell me where the body leaves oft and the 11111 begins," piped up an urcbln,-N, Y. Tribune.

Milling Mustard, }'or table use a highly re<ommended

way or preparing muetard Is to mix a teaspoonful or the condiment wilh one

a halt teaspoonh1ls of sugar and a · salt. Pour on boll!ng water and

to � emooth paste,-:vl,'ull).nrtoll , _ , J

"' "' · · .



Kon�grams, Addresses, c;ests and . l'aper That Are the Cor·

rect Thing. · ! 1 1

The conservatl ve woman clings tp . pure white stationery and for her the only novelty !rom season to season Is in the sty le <Jf enYelopes antl s!ze of tb6

paper. The latt<r is now rather small and Square, with oblong enn-]opes show .. ing the Oxford llap. The slw of mono­gram varies, says the Wash ington Star. Some have the monogram In the center of the paper, others have their address· under the mono�;ram, and still a third method calls for the monogram on the ldt side anrl the address on the rlghl A few women who Jll<e to do U:hJgs that teem to stamr1 them as having Individu­ality use the entire name across the 1heet at the top,

Crests are stoadily gaining In favor.· Those who �annot boast of a famiiJ, eoal·of.arms are sparing no money,.� search for one. Those who haVe no �u-:' cestry are-bn t that Is the stationer's se�. ;ret, and he won't tell, lncldcnU.IIy, , crests are done In the original shades of· enamel and are very expensive. '

Summer girls Insist upon somethiDI new In stationery, whEther It Is In en­tirely. good form or not, and the manU• facturers have met this demand wltlt some odd elects. For Instance, there 11 the English twill, white with the nar­rowest edging o! blue all around II. 'rhe flap Is rounded and the lower part o! the envelope Is In two sections, edged wltlr the blue. This comes In paler blue anfl military gray. " ·

Hand-made linen In white, gray· anfl blue has a rough edge, which looku,ll,lf it were torn, not unlike the rough·ed.lled finish ol book pages. The two,toned linen Is almost'a' cream eolor and verr rough. , ,

Archery lln•n has been pla.od on the marl<et for the holiday trade: but some of the summer girls have seen It and are making much of it. It looks lor all the world as If some one had been punch· !ng holes In It with a small-bladed knife. In reality this . !s only the mode of, fln· Ish, and there are no holes In it. It 11 �ot an easy paper upon which to write;. It comes In grean, white and blue. ,

The hemstitched paper and the dotted swiss finish so much In vogue last sum� mer are still on the market, buttho'hiw figure at which they 'are sold suggests' that they are a. bit out or date: · '· ··

The summer girl . who .bas· been Invit­ed to spend a morith with friends at a resort or In the suburbs need have. no anxiety about ordering .cards. Call!ll'g cards are little used In summer, the more 'conventional mode cit oalllng ' ;\ieing dropped during the hot :w'eather . . She will need ca•·da, perhaps;'!f her hosts sholjjd g! ve an entertainment· In her honor, !or which formal invitations are sent out. For this purpose she may have a card smaller:than : her mother's engraved In the old English type. She should .not fall to send P. P. C. cards to her friends l1elore, lea.vlng town.


For Comfort rind Genuine Enjoyment, There Are Much Worse Places ·

Farther Olr . .

In vacation housekeeping, says Good Housekeeping, bear In mind that there ·

Is no place like home, even if !( Is a temporary one. To keep bouse for even a month or two is many times better for comfort, for rest, for bealth, for pure enjoyment, lhan any hotel can possibly be. In one's own house, even·· If It be hired. one has control ovm· all those matters of health antl comfort which I n a boarding house must be left to others. And as for a really wholesome l ife !or children, It can never be obtained at a hotel. There Is only one drawback io sum­mer housel;eeplng, and that Is that the housewife has no rest from her cares. The change which her family ·has she shares only In part. Yet It Is often a question which many a woman de­cides In the affirmative, whether the strenuousness of dress, the social de­mands, and the annoyance of the go&­slp of a large hotel, are .not greater burdens than country housekeeping, In summer, too, the food, milk and water supply . are all Important; and It Is dlmcult to be sure of them In a large hotel, Fresh milk, trults, and vegetables are a common necessity, but 11s the hotels draw their supplies from distant city markets, one call usuaUy be <ertaln that at a hotel these things are from 12 to 48 hours older than could have been obtained in one's ctty apartments; but. after all, people whp go to a summer hotel do not go for their children, or !or their health, and probably have no use for hints on hygiene. The smaller a·nd more )solated hotels and country boarding houses are better, because there one can throw off more or cltJ Hfe, be outdoors more, and become better acquainted with the character or the �ell,. the cow, and the cook. j

Salmon a La Creole. j Scald and JlUt three large tomato01j

to simmer In a very little water unU!• 'tender; chop up very fine a sweet\ Spanish pepper nnd quarter of aa onion; fry these In a little bacon fat; I add the tomato, salt and a I!Uie whitt• pepJler. Simmer unlll reduced to ai pulp. Open a pound-can of salmon; i set the can In a saucepan halt full of, hot water; turn the calmon out ·on a· dish, When It Is qull� hot, pour the' pulp over It, ani! serve. Canned toma-1 toes may he used Instead of fresh to-1 matocs.-Boston Budget, j Cherry Vinegar, " ;

Acid lY, pints o f the best elder vinegar] lo tour pounds of cherries nnd lot stan�J three or lour days, then strain througll l :heese cloth, To every pint of juice add mo pound of sugar, boll 20 minutes In I L preserving ltettle and seal when �old. I -Boslon Glo!Je. "" ..... . .llj

Sm:-· < • .· . . : • Plibllohed ••err Frldsr br We are informed that all lhe bills 'in 'tile Standard Publishing Concern, ' Inc. connection with the G. A. R. Memorial

E. J. WHITEHIAD, Preoident. Day eenicee at Fair•iew ha•·e been met. But we are also Informed tbst to •ettle .ALrREo E. PuHS.ALL. \'ice p,...f�enl,

the accounts you paid out fl 5.00 of your __ a._c_._PIA_•_'_"L_L_,_s._r_r•_•"'_r·_Tr_•_ .. _u_re_r_. _ own money, the public's contribution

Dlt«t'd at the Po!!l't Ot!ice at 'Westfl�ld, New Jener, M H"rond-rla.ss matter. 8&1-CIIJI"ION 1 1 .1!10 ' " ' VI:Afll

PAYABLE 1!1' ADY.!.SCE Mela Offlcr-.5TANDARD Bulldlllf, Wruflrld, N. J.

llra•d• OtflrtJ: NEW l'OR.K, 3 n·illllln .St.; �EWARK, F. N. Somml'r, 1P4 Broad 5t.

.Ad•ortf•ID� Rate• luroished on appi!O&tion.

II yon do with your vaca. · nearer you 11ppro�cl1

. . · :physical indolence the . better; Sleep all you can, Don't

fatigue youree11 with. plellinro seek· ing1 to ge� h11Ck to .. harneoa wore off ihnn yon started. Jns� loaf,

being deficient b)· just that amount. This will not be allowed by the Cit!· zeus of Westfield. when they come to

learn the facto. We are writing to ••k you to withhold

your report from pn�lication until we · let the folks know jnst how the ac· count stand;,

Yours truly. .ED. ST.,NDARD,


·"chi · and

Bighhall, the great racer, brok.e ht. leg aDd was •hot. .

How manr wen have bad their legs brok�n br loeing shot by highballs: --a-

Newark :\Iaglstrate-" Young wan, you 68)" yon re>ide In Plainfield-what I! your occupation T "

Yonng Man-:-" I play on the .Alia ball team. roar booor.11 Newark :'t!Rglstrate-" I shall give yon thirty dars for that alone and ons· pend !ent .. nce on the minor offence. We cannot afford to ba�e onr youlb

oorroptE<l by bad playm." -<>--

The First Campaicu Lie X ailed. There L! aboolntely no trntb in the re­

l!Ort that Judge Parker allows bls grand· son to eat green apples. ·


BY Jcsn� Fmvow:. M\'RT&LL.\. No, yon are wrong. The poem commencing, " Will yon come back to m•. Douglas, Donglu ! • bas no

reference wbate.ver to the tboe mao. -o- ·

YERJ. GR£E.'i. Wben your hosfeu oald " these are sourenlr Ppoont,'' the nl· dentlr ln1�oded to c._nvey the Idea that ther were 54urenira ol rome put lnnc:­tlou. · �a ahoald have lett them on the ta�le. ·

'ercUlill,h- U�tker, The death of Jeretiliah Baker, of

Madison, at his howe there S•turday

morning is monrued in a nmnbsr · of

Westfield borneo.

• Be was born at W eetfie!J, October 9, 1823. Thawllll Baker, his great-great­

grandfather, was the progenitor of his paternal ancestry in this country-an anceotry of ch.racter ood broad ln­

lloeoce. His maternal great-grand.

!lither, Hezekiab Thowpooo, was a

valiant soldier of the Revolution, and

held an important place io the history

of that €\'eutful perio�.

came to Anlerlca as a· French ageur. Thomas Condray:'was a

of a wealthy, , aristocratic rariilly. His beS.Ith failed earh'

and · the irlp to· America il·ti; ad•·lsed

by physicians and llnally 'agreed to by alarmed parents. He rame with the \'few or returning to · France after a rew m'btiths, but a beautiful Cherokee malden Interrupted hi s plans; he paid court to her, married nnd e1·er after­ward lived i n .-\merle& with his Indian wife and children. Through Florida be bad drifted into Georgia, and there met the Cherokee girl, whose blood stlll courses suftlrlently In the ..-elng of · these two St. Louis young women Ia enti tle them to equal rights with the ful l-blood lrlbe•men or to-day.

The ancestry -.·a• traced directly 'by the Dawes commission. and UJlOn their in\'estlgatlon of the alleged ril!'hts or the Misses Hall was established their HUe to the land. They bavo tO(\ acre• oC as uluable land ao ls included In the doman of the ftve tribes. The young women are but one-si>teEnth


JULY 1 5,

· GROVE. :\Irs. J. E. Brewer, of Westfield , bad

charge of the Christiau Endeavor ser·

\'ice Sunday e\·eniug and gave a \'ery in·

tereeting aud helpful talk on the topic,

")lodern !dolo."

The young people are planning an eo·

tertaiowent, to be held the latter part of August.

Miss Florence Earle, of Elizab@tb,

spent Sunday with :\!Iss Edith Darby.

Messrs, Newton Lambert, Harry Dar• by and Victor French, members of Com.

pauy K; left' Saturday for a week iii· Girt;




Shoe For Mea -

The Piker Shoe Co. , ; c ) ", ·



The Westfield Tr�st Company

.-:· ·''oo.ooo.oo . 9,047,15

• • :." . • 324,931 84 ---t4l3,978.99

forget the

lza\l�s,iaa OF THE

Methodist, Congregational, Episcopal S UNDAY SCHOOLS

Next Thursday, July 2t and remem ber•the price of Children's Tickets

has been red uced to 6sc. T RA I N LEAVES W ESTFI ELD 8.30 A. M.

Pai nt That La.st.s

. WE CARRY A FULL LIXE OF Spalding's Base Bal l Goods

And at Spalcllng's New ''ork City Prices, So ,.·hy not buy here ?

nyder's, "Of Course" N ewsdea ler and Stationer,


J . S. I RVI NG CO .. DU LIItl I N

Coat Lumber, iulldlnl Matanals, Mouldlnas and Kindllna wood. Feritllzan l'or Lawn, Cardon and Flald.

Office and Yard---Central Ave. , near R. R. CrossinB, Westfiel� Orden by Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention. !ELEPHONE 19 A.

r�·W.'-.,·'!�N�;;�·���:�_;t;*Ei. . K F'ATF:i! I C K ..J. F"L.A N AGAN, ProprletQr, �Accommodatloas forTranslent Boarders. Board by Wee!<. or Month. �; EXCELLENT STABLE AND SHED ROOJ\1, I Opposite Stand•rd Bulldlnr, Telephone P1y StRtlan, Wtttfldd. N. J. fllit·&i'i'i'�.......... ' '

German :Marriagl Oddity; In 20 per cent. or the marriages In the German empire last year the l>rlde wu older than the groom.

All in a Word, "Debt-death," was the brief but suf·

llclen t explaoatlon left by an Eng]J1h suicide r�ent11··

Yukon Gold of 1903, The value of gold produced in th• Yukon region In 1903 amounted to 113 .

250,000. •

Field for Telephone., In the l:nlted States there are upo 11<'ard of 20.000,0tJ•) families and at least 6,000,000 place; of business, making 1 total of 25,000,000 opportunities tt place telephone!. 01 tbe;e about on�o tlgbtb are now equipped.

Fashionable Bumm@r Oolon. In mlllinen· this season all tbl

Ehades or green are the beigbt of fashion, particularly a ""Y vhid apo ple-�peen. Though flo�·ers are tile f .. verite trimming for the summer-Ume hat. ret fruit is considered extremely smart . particularly ourrantB. Not only are cluste>rs of red currants used, but �reen aud White currants. It Is dl,. tine1ly fashionable this summer to haw (be gown and its erery acceseory

match In rolor. Pon!"' tan Is one of the fnored shades. The lat�st loW; Fhoes are made In this color. and wlt)j. th�m stockings are worn which exact•. ly ma:"<h. !.aces are also dyed ln tblJ; ••me •had e.-Woman·s Home Com·: panlon. :

HarroonT. "Now," •aid thf aroultect, wbo wal

Negro Taku First Prl2e. J)Uttiog the fin!; bing touche;; upon Mr. . A Prize or l l·i•i otrtred annual))· 10 lbe I Nurlch's pa:atlal new home, "what

1tudeot In a Pre>bYtHlan theological I color do you prefEr for the parlor decor• · uminary who pa.ses the best -exam ina• &lion s ? "

' tlon, bas been "·on this year by a negro,

"Oh, they got to be red," repl ied Nu• • stlldent al Llnroln unlnnlly, Penn• rich. "My wife's �;ot a red plllll photo-,

•1.1nn111. graph album that always ••Is on tbt, ---...� t parl()f tabi_!!'-P�II�.�IP!ti.! Prell, _.J


- lllllants a no . ncrs. NOTE-No advortl80ment for 11111 column

Cl�ll be taken for less than ten �nts. -

OTS FOR SAL!£ CHI£AP. Sizes to 1uit. ' L w. JI. abboU, ltl3 North avenue, Pla1Jt.

tit:Jd, }'ilew Jetl!!tY.

RO��d�:! ��t:-d:�d.or two eentl��n.

i"".-oNEY to loan ob Bond and M�rtgap, oo

lT.I, &m(luots from Sl,(Kifaod up. Apply Geo.

H. tCIDbne, Trt-a.s. Fatrview t:emetery.

uURE WA'l'ER-Arteslan well. L. T. Cl,. J. det, RabW&f, N. J.

� � -Elmer W. Aftleck is in the west on


-:-Kr1: William H. DniN and family will spend two weeks at Ocean Gro,e.

-Jtties B011le . Smith Is to epend a montb at Tim Pond, .Maine.

-Thto. 8. Cwo and family are at Southport, Conn., for the summer, -FOR SALE-New Ill room bou ... hard wood,

01�en Jlhlmbln�. Wljll loCftted. t�rrn., rea "'""blc. Add...,., Home, llox il6, �tandard -Harry P. Co�dit is ill with typhoid office. fever ut bls home on Elm etreet, . TO t�ET-Hon!<t', llhtl!t rooms Branch lUlls.

luqnlre D. , ; , Flnk,Lock Box lll�. -Nic Orcbetti of Central avenue is

GIRL Ia tell' landed for housework, Wlllin� very ill,

and obliging. Addre;o llrs. Johnoon, .

-J. J. Schmitt i• enJ'oyiD" the sight• bUl'entrttl a.nmue, Wcstfttdd. 0 at the fAir at St. Louis. LA ��:�h'!����t!c:���

r��f,?·P:�'�, ·���� -The org1n grinders at Weetfield "'"""1 ''''"Iring. E.R. Woodrutf, llacblnlot,

VI Hro1•eetreet. tomorrow, Recreation Park, 4 p. m.

FOR SALE-A lot of thorough br.d fnx llonnd tlU,J!Pi�. F. W. Doring. :l4H Cen·

trul 1wenuf!, \\ eatfleld , N. J.

Twn�1��1���� ��r:�n���l��::_ro��n a�3u�:o1t�·;:· Hoaul. If d611ired ... �tltlr.es,s, :· �t �tandartl oflJc.e, . · ' · ·.·. ·, 1

-The Aeoliall organ·gtinder'• are to be, tbe attraction at Recreation Park tomorrow.


-One'week fr�rn'tomgrrow tbe Weet· l!eld-Aiio series is on

·again The game will be. playe•l at Crescent Oval.

-Aleucder · Hunt and family wni shortly attsod �amp meeting in Con. necticut •

....;Cb�rlee McDougal and family are BpODding tbe summer month• out of ·town. · ·

-Mrs. J. c. Howell of Brooklyn, �pent Sunday at the home o'r Mr. and Ml'f!. C. Frank Taylor at Oakland.

11 h • -E. R. Pearsall and hie oone, Ferris F1�;;t��ufJo�:�,�n �o\�����:UJ:t. ����!:: Raodolpb aud James Fel'tis, are at tral M'tnue. '

Stile Caw·p at sea Girt this we8k. ·

W A�!�.,O-q����t�··.n�"�.��� 0\�W1/�� -A son ar1ived laBt Saturday evening B"''"g. · at the howe of Mr. and Mrs. Fred T0 ���lnd�ar:'oeo�0�:an��� r�:b���.,�!�a�f hu� tbe Jlrlce. Address P. 0. Bnx 4tH, \Vtlolt­lleld.

For .Sale · · . House 6 room( lot' soxi 5�.

: five mintes walk to depot.

Price, 112;000. ABRAMS a. WELCH,





Lccal .�gent lnsuran�e Cc. of North America. Fcnndcd 1792.


Good Property for sale, Some llargains. N OTICETO OREDI'l'ORS

EsrAn: rw CIIAIUJI:s l'"'onst•t:u;· Deceased. !'un\liUJt, to the ordt:r of G�orge '1\ Parrot, Surro�,;htt o •f tbe County of Union, nHlle on the

6Jll1llcnuou or the understgntd, Executrix of Wt.1d dt.!C!lMed, notice is h«JreLy "lven to the creditors of sa.ld deceased to exhibit to the t�llll!-erlber untler oath or atfirmatton their chdms and detna.mls a�alnst tlu� t'Btat6 o£ said tlecel1.8td wltl!Jn olue months from the fourth tlH)' of June, HJ[)f, or tJJtjy wlll be foreterbarretl from Jlros�ctltiail' or J•eco\'erlng the same f\gll.lnst t.he i!tlbflcri!Jer. ,JF.88m 110\VEJ,J, �'Olt8TER.



Et--"l.ATE o t· 'l'IIOMA.S H. Gn•:t:N£1 DeceRSed. s.ir�������:�L�e g�:;t;•r ?'-m�a�r�� tile HflJJiica.tlon of the , eli:ECUtor ofea.id cltceH.sed, notice ts \'en to the Crt'ditors ot' said decel\tietl to t:X I bit to the tmlJe.criber under onth or ttlllrmation their d���:�;e�\11�!. Jt���l:,a::i!�e a������st��u:t�L�

0!e::�� teenth day of )IR)', loot, or the)' \\'111 be fflreYer

�:�:����� tt�o������:�'t.1�r reconrllll: tbt!

Wll,LIAM PALIMA1'H;R, Executor.


Winter of First street.

-Mre. G, B. Wallace of Dndley ave­nue is speo<ling several weeks at Cbnrcb Falls, Va,

-Go to Recreation Park tomorrow and listen to the sweet strains of the Pianola ball J>layers. Game 4 p. m.

-Thurs<lay, July 21, au enjoyable day for all at Ocean Grovf. Methodist, Cou· gregational and Episcopal Sunday school excursion .

-George Laroen is painting Rebert Johnston's bouse on North Broad street. 'He bao just completed painting two houses at Cranfor•l atd one in Elizabeth.

. -Mrs. N. B. Arnold and Miss Arnold sailed on S•lurday last for Glasgow, Scotland, where they will spend the summer.

-E. L. Brittin�:ham of San Francisco has been visiting at the howe of his parents, Mr. and Mrs . Joho E. Brittlng ham, of Cumberland otreet.

-�lr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson ex. peel to spend the 1118� two weeki of July at a prominent summer resort along the New Eugiaud coast. . -Managor Silverwise is entertaining

for two weeks his parento, l\Ir. and l\lro. I. Silverwise, also his sister, l\Iiss Sadie, of New York City.

-Mr. and !\Ire. W, L. Erbeck, of Elm street, left on Tuesday morning for a mouth's shy with Mrs. Erbeck'• sister, 1\lrs. BHxmeyer, at St. Louis,

-Dr. and Ml'B. R, R. Sinclair left on Tuesday last for Maine, where thev will sp.,ud several dayo. Dr. PieJsou is at· tending to Dr. Sinclair's patient• dul'ing hi• aboence.

-The law recently pasoe<l preventing li\·e pigeon shooting io New Jersey is to be tested as to Its con6tltutlonality. Io the meantime there iB no live pigeon slwotiug ut tbe Carteret Gun Club.

-:\11•• Clarice St. John of Pawtucket, R. I i• vloiting relative• on Dudley aveune. Before Mio• St. John retnr�s to her New England home she will vi•it friend• in Plainfield.

l:lressmakers Who Wish to &ucceed. -Rev. JameB Wilson Bixler, D. D., Must Not Be Pressing About of New Loudon, Conn., will occupy the

Their Bills. pulpit of the Congregational church

· A recent laws;t'ln the courts be­tween the president ami vice presi<lenl

v! a smart dressmaltlng establishment bas called attention to a peculiar pha�e VI the dt·essmaking trade-the system ut long credits, entailing n large au \lay" �� ca�ltal.

.. Successful concems have found that

long credit" is not only desirable, but tssentlal to the financial prosperity or th�!r business, While many in the <lressmak!ng business have no hesi­tancy In admitting their profit to be lOO I>er cent., they show coaclus!veiy that their expenses are so enormous that this 100 per cent. diminishes to 50 per cent. and sometimes 25 l>er cent. A woman at the head of one of the •mart establ ishment• says:

next Sunday morning, He will repay thooe who hear biw.

-'l'be excursion event of the Summer uext Thured ty, Joly 21, Oome and brio� the children for a duy at the soaoide-it will refresh you and do you good, Train leave• 8.80 a, m .

-A lawn party will be hehl tomorrow afternoon, fmm 4 to 0 o'clock, on the Preobyterian chnrcb gronmlo, nuder the auspices of the Ladle•' Sewing Society, Cake nu<l ice cream \viii be for snle nml a band will furniob music.

-It is reported that a weal thy J:{ew Yorker bas purchase<l a large tl·oct of laud Lack ou the mountain near Glen• side Park aud will erect a wililon· dollar residence aud eotablioh a game preserve.

-Miss Jessie G. Tics celebratetl her 13tb blrtllday, bv entertaining twenty· seven of her little friends at a Ia wn party, Tnesday afternoon, at h6r howe on Dudley avenue, She received many pretty gifts, After playing games, 1·e· freobrneniB were served, wbou the little folks departed for their bomes, wishing ber many J'etnrns of the da)',

-Mio!l! Miller of New York, is a guest of Mro. Ed win Sheild.

-E. C. Moody left today for a teo days' stay at Spring Lake.

-Mrs. Martin H. Frick is vleiting re Jatives iu Rome, New York.

-Mre. Ev�&rt Piereoa is on the sick Jist. . -C. M. Clark and family will leave

next Friday for two montbe' cMmp life in tbe Adirondack•.

-H. L. Abrams �d family will leave oo Monday for a two weeks' stay at the "Brooklyn," at Ocean Grove.

-N•xt week llr. and Mro. H. R. Forster and family, of Academy place, wi!l leave for ail outing at Gl'l<enport, Long Maud.

-Mr. and !\Irs. Paul Scbladeri•ky of W •inut street, a!'o entertaining Mr. and l\lro. Harry P.Jleteau of Brooklyn.

-Join uo next Thutoday, July 2Jet, tbe excuroiou of tbe sell8on. It will please the children and do you a world of good.

-Mrs. Lizzie Johnson of Hoboken

JU. \'OR t•t;HJUNS flfWUSt:S 'fO Sfi:N W.\HHAN'l'fii,

Coll�idct'J!I tt.r.o Jl.:r IJay 'l'oo Jligl•

lOr J .. aborErlli "'ho J.av CotJIJiel!ltOIU:lH•

llille that have v•••td the road com­mittee of tbe t•>"n council aud awoulit­ing to •boQt 12110.00 have bet;n held up bv Mayor Perkin• wbo bao,refused to sigu the warranto. Several of the bills do uot specify where the worli bu been done and therefore tbe amount ct1unot be asoesoed upon tbe property. One bill in particular amount• to •43. 75 a�d is wade ont to one John DoJ lo, laborer, for paving streets. The rate charged per day ie $4.50, •D amo11nt that Mayor Perkins considers excessive. It ' is learneu that contractor• pay for such labor lu otb"r placeo, but t2 :;o and $2.75 per day for the same class of work. Mayor Perkins refuses to sign Doyles warrant no ti l oowe excellent reason is given him for the excessive cbarge of fMU per day,


and llr, and l\lu. H. M. Brod of New If yon are goin11 to move get Wil· York City have been on a 'isit to Mr•. Iough by's figureo. · Tel. OSB. M. J. Stamtts on Picton otreet. If you want a nice, eaoy stage ride call

-Miss Florence Greenwood, daughter on H. Willoughby, Tel. 688. of Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Greenwood, bas ,If you waut fresh, Jersey milk call H . gone to Liberty, New York, with the Willoughby. H e doesn't boodle storage hope of regaluiug her bealtb: She ex· milk. Tel. OBB. pact• to remain eeveral montho. The most refr""bing drink of soda in . -Edmond P. Watorbary, with Tuttle all Weotfield, ·at Dngbi's, Broad street, 'Broo., who cawe some time ago · to Bread, plea and cakes witb a reputa· Westfield to spy out tbe land, likee the tlon for wbolesomtness are the kinds place wtll enuugb to bring his family tbat come from tlie · Schmitt Bakery. here for perwBnent ruidence. Wise If you want the best you get it at Mr. Waterbury. He could do no better. Schmitt'•·

-F. P. Brown now hao full charge of the trolley . territory from Newark to New Bruns"ick, including Rahway, Sewaren, Perth Amboy, etc. Mr. Brown stat"" that trolley cars now run <lirect from Dunellen to Newark and that Increased facllitieo in other dlrec· tions are also contemplated.

-The union service held In the Motho· di•t cbat·ch on Sunday evening last, under tbe auspice• of W1llard W. C. T. U., wao well attended. A very intereBt­iog an<l able addreBB was glveo by Mre. J. T. Eilio, Supertutendent of LegiBla tion and tJhl'iBiian Citizenship of the National W. c. T. U.

-The meeting• at Camp Woolfe next week are ae follows : Sunday, 4 p. m., il lustrate<) address by Rev, Charles Her· ring, D. D., of Plainfield ; Monday, 8 p. m., oervice led by the Epworth LPague of Fulton strEet M. E. church, Elizabeth; Wednesday, 8 fl. m , oervice led by the Christian Endeavor of Beth. Iehew chapel, Picton ; Fl'iday, 8 p m., service led by the Epworth League of St . • Tame• r.l. E. clmrch, Elizabeth.

-Alfred E. Pearsali wiH attend ao one of tbe delegates of the New York Pre ;o Oiub, the convention of the Intsr· national League of Press Olubi! to be held at Put·in·Bay (Lake Erie) next week. The New York delegation will go out on a spee\al traiu. Mr. Pearoall will be aceompa11ied by bls niece, Miss Hattie, dan11hter of Mr. and MrB, Edgar R. Pearsall, who waB one of Westfield's High School graduates this year.

-Mr. and lllrs. C. C. Dilts have re· turned from their weotern trip. They vi•ited tbe Falls of Niagara aml recalled the observation of the late JamBB S. Burolett, that while It was won•lerfnl to see the water tumbling down it would be far more 1vontlerful. to oee it tcitnb ling Ill'· r.IJ', aud .Mrs. Dill• steppetl over into Canada but c mclude•l that the United States waB· wore to their liking ; eo tl1ey stepped bltck again. AuJ after a good deal of travelling they returned to W eotfieid a• no other place offered equal attractions.


----nor .u . . UtcANmJ.

At the regular meeting of Council held la•t night five new mem bers were addetl to the toll, one . of

whom was advanced to tbe 4th degree.

Supervising De1mty G1·atid � ·

Vnn Vliet was present ant1 ·

the Council a handMome' token of Fil'eoiole's ·

A Schoolboy's Vengeance. Forty years ago a·bo)' was whipped, as

be considered, unJustly, In a country echool In· New York state, He swore vengeance, and when he grew to be a rich man he bought the schoolhouse and demolished it. No ftlrlher proof is need· cd that be deserved the whipping,

An AmeJ•Ican Trick. A Tokio newspaper sold many extru the other day on the hearlline, "Mobil· lr.atlon of the Star!." Purchasers of the extras round that the stall referred

Have yoo noticed the otone display in J.' H. W:ell's jewelry'ivlndow 1 46 Elm street,

At Traynor'o-You will alway• lind • strictly first claee otock of fine groceries. He •uggeots that it is poor economy to save a few pennies at the risk of health. Only the best goods are offered at Traynor's grocery, flour and feed etore.

,F H. Schaefer & Co.-,Green ribbon, tlie bright glaring grliBB llreen can be bad at our store, also every shade ol t•n ;,'Toe grain ribbon lor tie lace�. We sell a opecial quality of black gro• grain for watch fobs. Kimonu all prices, eailor collars, short aa<l long sleeyes.

Mro. J, H. \V ells wishes to announce that slte 11as opened a Stenography and Typewriting BurB!Iu at 46 Elm street wbeJ·eall work iB done in firot class con· ditiou, promptly, confideuti•lly and at reasonable prices. Mrs. Well• is a graduate of Spencerian College, hao had fi�e yt::ars' experience an<l is a recent em­ployee of S1mpson Crawford Co., :l<ew York.

Thsodore l\lieoner, the tailor on Elm street, has a full line of samples of Fall sty le3 and the fawouo fancy brown suits. i\loney Ppent in Ibis place i• money well epent. Drop in for a few word• on the subject.

Fred C. Kreidler, practical carriage painter (formerly with H. L. Fink) iB oow ready to paint and repair carrl1ges of ail kind• at 42 North avenue, West· field, New .Jersey, on his own account,

NO'fll:f•:, On account of making altot•ations

in gao maio the pressure will be ro· dnced on Suuday July 17th between the hours of 2 and 6 p. m.

Cranford Gas Lij(ht Company, H, B. lJi>Eu,, Secretary.

----•-+--­Bulfalo Youth's .t'lnd.

A youth of Bul!alo says he has discov­ered a methrnl for tempering copper­a Joug lost art. It is said he has con· du�cted successful experiments in tem· perlug copper tmd.er the obser\'atlon of

NOW IS THE TIME to make a Stone Selec· tion from 'the exhibition placed in J. H. Wells window, there being Garnets, Sapphires, Rub. ies, Emeralds, Amethysts, Torquoise, etc, also rare Cameos, Emblem Stones, and the Novelty Brazilian Bug Stone for scarf and stick pins.

' "'fhe wives o( our multimillionaires knnw absolutely nothing of the value or J?oney am! never t'ealize that n mo�iste who gowns them may need lhe money they owe to pay her own hills with. Were she to present this

· :act to them she would doubtless Jose

, heir custom and that of their sot,

,The fiat would go t'mth: 'Do not go to So and So.'e. 'fhe:; can 't be any f00<1 an<l can't have much of a irade, or they are always dunning for tlteir rn�ney,' tl

Yon noe•led their money : you lere!o1·e cuuhl not make a smart

&own , and t11ey would go to oome rival estnl�ishment, where they would be �elcomed with open nl lns, aml because


..,E ..,8,1L..,L

..,..,...,..,..,.,! to was thnt or tho paper, which was to ' be increaser! in view or !he great da-� mand for news. � To-morrow at � Doesn't Last Lon g,

8\Jocial work of nil kinds fol' w 1ioh I will furnish tlesigns nnd ostimntea on rcqueat. We nlso make n specialty of Fine Watoh Ropniring, French !IDtl Oockoo Olor.ks along with om jowel!•y work. Om· work CJII'l'ios n qnnii· fletl gnnran too.

ey !Jnd left ihe first nwdlste the �econd would only too gladly give t�em unllmlt••l credit. Th is is one ol 11 • l'easons Why long credit. and good

nmes nre esseullnl nssels of a suc­. �sstuJ dressm�kln� business."

! RECREATION P"'RK, · ! "!.ar.in ess," snld Un!'lo Ehon, "IB ' " whut mnl<es a mnn negloc' h is own gnr·

I Westfield vs. Accllnns. <len patch till he has to hll'o out to som� ! ono elso, an' WOI'It twico ns hnhrl as lte ' Clame·called ar 4 o'clo�k. wm1ld If he'd 'ten tied to


hla own bus!• � .. �..,..,..,..,..,...,...,..,..,.., , ue�a,·"-:-��!!'IJ,l!Jl?,n .S!Il.r• . .

I All Work Done at 46 I:LM STRI:I:T.

DOUBl� SlAIPS Tuellday Morning Schoafer's DOUBLE 8lAIP3

Thur,.ay Mornlnr

Corset Sale .. No. 1 3 1 , Summer Net, straight front, trimmed 39c aach with lace top and bottom .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .

F. H. Schaefer & Co. Broad St.. Westfiel�. N. J.

... , ............................... , ................. , ..... . , � · Skeeter Skoot , ' .

: ][eeps· al/;aJ! ·mosquitoes, ,r;nats, blaclcjties, : e�c. ' •' •

Jl's worl!t !Jyt1zg. · 25c.

� �� Frutchey tc Hathaway, . f � PHARMACISTS. � .� : Br�ad St., corner Elm. Westfield. I

...................................................... � .................... . . . . . Dotted Swiss, . Wash Chiffon, ,,

White Organdie. Silk Lisle and Su.ede Lisle Gloves for Summer ,?! Wear. .. . ;!·:


A . Beautiful • .t\ssortment of

RINGS. · Engagcnieut and Wedding Hings, Je1�elry ancl Silver Ware. A

fine assortment of Gorham Sterling Silver Gootls at Gorham prices: 1847 Roors Bro3. " Sii ver Plate that welra." W �terrn·m's celebrated l!'onn·· tain Pims.. A good assortment in e\'ery line at the lowest pricca;': .. . ·

Fine Watch, Olock, Jewelry and Eye Glass repairing. Good work at reasonable prices.

�· BI-t,UNNEB, . Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler,:

140 Broad Street, Westfield, N. J.

!Dainty and Tastefu l . .. ;


Is the descl'ip;ion given many of our wall papcr�at,t�rris. . Unique and beautiful might also be u�cd in • describing·

I . some more of o!1r patterns . If your J�st·e


· ; ig;cfi�ll . paper cannot be suited here-it can't anywhere • . .

WELCH BD'OS Palntera and Decorators,

�·&&Wt$'&; ?s%:.3'&. �$'$1�:=:�::;::0·

AlbErt E. DeckEr, North Avenue,

Westfield, N. J.

Telephone 66.

Special Accommoda

tioos for Board­

ing Horses,

First Class Rigs.




36th Year at Old Stand. Westfield, N. J. Telephone 24-)I,

Tabla Luxurias of all kinds. Fancy Cheese, Sardlnvs, Cannstl Goods.

E. MULLER Dell�ntelsen Store.

Clam Chowder 1 34



and the Rl11ht Price• at AIKEN'S RESTAURAN


CEO. LARSEN, .11 Sussex Street,

P. 0. Box 006. Wt�tflcld, N, J, -.B.ve

.ry•P•rl.da•y•. •D•R•OA•D•S•T•Rt;•a•TA' BiSl MAHRIAlS, GOOD WOUIANSHIP, . .



AND PUPIL. Lesson That Gave Something of Value to the Pedagogue nnd

His Hopeless Charge.

Julia L. Dumont was a Wt);Hern writer of emlneltt'e back in the '40's, and she was al�o a schoolml�tn:s:s

who, says one who studiPtf under ller, "desures immort:J.litr/' relates Youth's Companion. �ir. Georg� Cary Eggleston, who was one or her pupils, says ln bis life of his brother Edward that her peeullal' gilt In dealing with any boy or girl lay in seeing what ap­peal would, In that psrt!cular cas�; proYe strongest. \\'hen Eggle�ton eame under her care, one ttacber after-an·. other bad att�rupted to teach· him , to write, and had abandoned the ell'ort .in tll<gust. , , < ,

Finally, one wrlting-mastn who·bad been teaching young and old to: hair l!n�s for up strokes. and

TO)i\" PASTOR'S. • .\t Pastor·• Theatre there will appear

ne3t week Watsou, Hutchings aud Ed·

warde pre•entiug "The Yt�udel'i lle Ex· chang�" ; Hathaway aud Waltou, Sulli·

1·an and Pa•qneieua, the Original Three :lladCIIpS, , May . · Traiued Pets, The · au<l

1 1 5- 1 1 1 W. Fro1t St. · PUINFIILD, N, .1,

SATURDAY MORNING we wil l place o n sale

ones for do"·n t!lrokes, an·� to the paper with elaborate·.' ftourlisii'es','li<·I-Oiii'ffi� July Clearing Sale. play 1 ,400 Yards of

The bmineu of the pnst few uays

mony to the !set that tbe1e great ••uu-••u uuu•. men� are regarded with · .


·L<>st .10,000 :Bill �early 15 years agb a mall ent�rt>d the

Firo national bank of Den,·er ano walked Into the odi<e of David H. 11of­fatt. the president of th� ban�. H� hatl 8 bottle in his band that he "'-id c'OD· talnt-d nltrosly�erin. and tbreatent:d to blow up the bank unle;s he was glren a larg.e sum of money. �!r. �loll'att sent ror money and among the bli!s wu · llO,CoOO denomination. Recenlly

i:o\·ernril<ent called In all UO,Ii\10 bill< given by �lr. l!olfatt is the

tharhas .not been prH�ntt::d for .... ,.n,otmu l'o trace of the inan 1\"ho

Ii'Tigation . . W.orks. :n,eo•·varte\··s· of the .Payette an'd Bois tdihO,�. are�' Soon:to

., .. ,v<�•·••• lrrlliation

! lc;;�f,�:;:�i.t,�f·?i�:g,;g��ce��� projeef ' I land. · ·

railed the boy "dunce" and dl•ml,.ed him

�ln. . Dumont · · this, and "'ben. fioatlon, uked· wrltlng . . sbe

.... · "'"'·-'·"•

two Wfeks he wns maS"ter of a plain and leg ible hand, ,·err much like that of �!rs. Dnmont. Then , at her dicta· tlon. he jorouslr wrote this letter to hi$. former teaeher:

"Dear Sir: I am writing this letter at the dictation of my t�acher. )Irs. DumonL �Irs. Dumont thinks . you should b� pleased to see that, after two weeks of instruot !on, I ha,·e learned to write a sensible and legible hand. and that I am not · quite so hopeless a boobY - as you' thought me."

to use the of the Jap-otl\e!aLfroni .who we obt•in this

'infor"l allon, 'that they were "a mere bugaboo.'' It was found that the c·ustiim of tlie'Russ!an goYernruent was to fur· nisb· each Cossack In �!tincburla with a

· fixed' ·sitm for the puroha.e of a borie. One-half of this sum he put Into his pi>eket and purchased the best horse he ·conld \\'lth the' remainder. The moue" gh;en for the ·purchase of fodder wa


·treated in the same way and the horse left to' pick up a !tYing as best he could. .. The re•ult · was sho\\·n in a serious de­terioration In the etl\c!encr of the Cos:

,•acks . . ·. Similar dishonesty wa. pre,·al· ent in the other departments of Ru<iHan army administration. an Illustration of .

Is found In the ·story o! the Rlli· found guiltr of selling Cblne>e and putting 'Bnd

e\·en assert that the dL,;,;; .. h, .. ;,,,.,..,.. .... under the command of

. . j�)rueh tor Ttgei's; The. eowbells uud. ln. Swlturland

bave' .a pe<'Ullar SOUnd, rather mourn· 1tll 1n Its dronln.g prolonptlon • . It bas l>Hn dlsci>veM that tl;!ers fear It, and run 11'hen they hear 11. · Therefore Swiu' row bells have 'be<!D lnt!'OtfUeed Into tte ·Hlmalarae a• a prottoctlon tor catUt • . ·


Engllob Cbeeae J:atera, : . Emi!>irton'tn Eaglaniteoiiiumois,oh:

an anrage, 12� pounds of chee.., per annum. a11d more than half of it Is from ·,.broad.


· _,

.. ,. t.'<:;"··¥�@mru;n·t Printing. . ,Typese{llii)r machlnl!ll were i nitalled in the government printing office at Waablngton ihe other d&)' for the 'tlrft Ume.

InsplraUon Ne<uSI<ry, There ran be no ednrAtlon without

ln•plration.-ch!csgo Tribune.

HAlf Dangtr.

Half o! who< w• call c!l!iculty l! onlr danr�r.-Cbicago Tribuce.

lllust Xllow How, He cannot t-e !O>er�lgn wbo 11'111

nne.-Cb!� Tribuc•.

Kttro;patkln was misrepresented, so that might be made by dra"·ing <�tp·

lor :flctltlous warrior> . . To· make · allo"-ance for contingencies theJaP.. anese'eSUmated the number of.Rusdans they would encounter on the Yalu as ;4MOO in all arid sent 60,000 troops againsUhem. It was fouM In the end that the Rtm!ans had only :!tl.OOO men to oppose the· crossing of the rh·er.

:rhe Sweet Glrl·.Graduate. Father-What Is ,Estelle going t�

wear wheti sh·e graduates! hlother-Oh, just . a . simple > white

gown. <·. "That's sensible. Women .dress alto­

gether too' .x<r,\-agailtlf, to mr mind. I'd like to ·see a 'member of mr Camlly In something !lmple-for once! How much will Estelle's gown �31 !"

"Oh, the 'druimahr says she thinks the can get up something appropriate tor about 115."-Detrolt Fr<e Preu.

Teetot&lers In the Arm:;-. There are now :uil total abstainers

In the army In En�land anc 21,(.:0) In India, whleh, Tilh the hocorary mem· ben, giTM a total of s:.��l-nearlr a

ot the totahtnngtb of the army. noe.thlrd of tb r�<ruiU 'lill the soon after joinlns. ' ·

• ,,�·'""·'··. ' " heaCs tile,i rit'Oill'iuil'at . Twenty�thiro

next week. The Simp· cowmedians, and · many .

acte, ' iriclud.lnR 'tbe Kala

ltechiiOi!<COp<e, which Ibis week bas an Un ·

luu'al supply of novelt)' pictures, The usual Sunday concert is hete continuous froin 1,50 to 11 .

, Swiss Organdies. '

Robert T. Baines a11d Laura Hope Crews, who were •o succe��S!ul at Twenty·third St reet Thealr• last we-1k, will this week tranlller their appearance to the Flftb· A\"eone Theatrt', in Gene­vieve Haiue'a •ketch, • ·Their Boner­

moon , " also plaring at the Hsrlew bouse

Their appearance will be m•de each a f. ternoon and evening sn�:tuent to the perforwaoce of '1 Who'e; BrowD,11 a cle\•tr

comedy of New York life, which has enjoyed a popnl•r run and will be revived next week by the Praetor player� located at this theatrP, In addition to the Baines eketch there are to be a nnw. ber of othPr bigb class feature�.

Robert T. Baines and Laura Hope Crews bead the program at Proctor'• !25th Theatre next \\ eek, appearing here iu coujuuctiou with · their > performance atthe Firth A\·eoue Theatre. 'AU the old favorites will be inclrided:ID the cast; among them .

' ' > ·Jar-

' ·caught on" with the by the great crowds that

""'·I':!. c.••"- each eniniog. The eighth hio•'mo.� .. t• on and not a sign yet of the

tide of favor.

Delicate Flower Designs, usually sold at 25c. per yard for

lOC per yard



None sold hefore,9:e!ctockSaturday merninB. ,/

Also, · Ioo Pare Linen Wal&t Pattern•, fronts and . cnfl's o! embroidery with enou gh linen p • $1 48 : for IIUJ sized waist . . . . , . · " . . . . . . . • . • race, . o ••· Also, China Silk Waist•, at • • • . . . . . . • • • . , , , . . 1 .98 ; ��;: Batt����l�������,a���.h. �l��� .E�l:.


. �:�.a����: .r.e�.' .59C .. : Also, Sample Line of Pompadour, Side ) 0

and Back Combli, valued from 15 to 50c. , at . C �-i'S'-=?r?'i'?C - A ?n?ni''?"G-3*;;,3*,.,?n$'$'$'$'A - 9 - & 9 - J

EifiRiROiiiiSf!tfJ. /60 STYLifS TO s::tr A" WBITC/t&lu.£ SrATIIIIiltriS IIAVI Tlflll.

WOI'lKS CAM DIN -.. J, 28 JOHN ST • • NI'\V \'01'111

P4 oti ce. :>OT!CE I� HEREBY Gl\•E...; that the Coun· cit of the Town of W �tl1elll wiU meet at the Town Hooms ou Yondar e"renlng, AUb"lt:St 1. 1004 at eight ('"doJI!k, to rt:ceh-eand con��ler otr jections tti writin�. If anr, to the work tlone- nod mAterials ,u:'-t."d in the follollillJ;:' improrement.s : 1. The coustruction or - au e1ght IS) loch

�wer and ngpurcenanee5",on HarrtsQn aoeuue as

��'"�������:��<."e So, 9, _pa,�l and adopted :!.. The ma�."allamiziug uf, the !B-Qutbeastt!rly

end of H11ni;;on &t't'Dtte as per S�J Ortlina.nce :So. S. ��land adoptfd :Sorember9th. U�03.

Refrigerators, first elrus article l'ery cheap. Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Sl:reens and Doors, l'c Cream Freezer&, Ha mmiKk!, Enameled Ware, Pn1crving Kettles,

Ca., Plrk avenue and Front Street,


Theo. A. Pope,

Wilcox & Pope, OlRPUTERS & BUILDERS,

3. - PMing of sidewalk on a ��tion of rhe easterly side of Harrl�u avenue as p.:r Sp€"1..�) Ortlinance So. ;, ��� anti' adopted �tot.t>r ·�s;.u-dnr E.xcur"'ion tO .'J auch Chuuk. �����ing. ot SJtlt>�·Blk� and eurbs a.� per ' .There is no mo�e popnla_r __ resq_Z.t Jof a ��n.V:.�t�11�· J�1P

s�ty��-:�� Sacdsy than M.ancb_CbnDk;· and ,to rellch fie-ld.

a\"euue. aud !"ortb a•enue, pa.._� and it entails a dellghtfui rail journey: and adopt .. ! :>ovembertot�i��ii TII0:\!!'5os.

· at Mauch Chunk there is ·a direnity of ,Westfi•t•l, �. J., July �. llrn. Town Clerk.

103 Central Avenue, Weatfleld, N, .1 .

amusements, the cbief or' which li a'ride oYer the Switchback. This journey oc. copies more , than one boor, aud.leads

and around .the mountains .with changing . ecene• at:&rery''t�rn;

Switchback is a gravity· road, and the •veetl attained ,is cl�e to a mile per minute . Another feature is Flagstaff; the summit of which is reached by trot. ley, and from its p!miacie point there Is a ;iejl'. extending .over miles . and mil�s of· beautiful conntr;. Au intere..tlng oPal clo..<e at h;ud is Glen Onoka, uhort distance above :llanch Chunk, and, a! its name implle•. Is a· beautiful glen, with falls, cataract•, mountain paths leading to cool and dell�htfnl · plact>s, On Jnl)' 17th the N•w Jemy Central lito rno a popular excnrsi6c.to Mat1ch Chunk from Wutfield by •pedal train, leaving at 9.!2 a. m. Returning train wlll leare Mancb Chunk at 5.40, and the ronud trip will cost bnt Sl.W. Frequent train �rrlce will be iu effect between Mauch Chunk and Glen Onoko. and train! on the Switchback run every few mlnntf',

.lores of Cantaloupes. Farmers In the Yakima ra!!ey ol

Washington ha,·e planted nearly 1,000 aqe• to cantaloupe• this season. The l ll'llds are Irrigated &nd produce an ex­ceptionally 6ne •pedmen of the sweel cantato'tl'es. The growers estimate that an acre will produce from 30\l · !(•) ,•rates of marketable melons. There Is a market tn the eastern cl\· teo lor ali th>t can be shipped at pricea ranging from fl.SO to f3 a crate. '!'he melons are shipped In spedally toniU'tleted refrigerator cars and ear­rr acrou the couUneut In Cue wn• cllUI)II. •

Ashes and Garbage Collected.

REASONABLE PRICE. N. N ei l sen, Weetfleld.

.\tlnutil- Cit)'', .\nnnal Jlor� Sho\r. For som< year! a leau!og event iu the

life of Atlantic Clty"s Sommer Semon ha• beeo the Annnal BorseSbow. Each year bas brought a greator numb.-r of entrie!. as well a� a more de5irable � lectlon. until now every hor><>man ot note p •n• to eater his hor!<! �t this :\lid· Sommer Carul•al. and the park where the Show I• held It In tvrry w•r titled for the exhibition, and this year's >how, which Is to be held July 19th to 2:3<1, In clu!lve, will be great�r and better than ever before. The New Jm�y Central ope rat� a fut three hour �r•lce between New York City sod Atlantic City, lea\"• log New York al 9.40 a. m. aud HO p. w. Sac days at 9.40 a: m , ,

Estimate• Cheerfully Ful'llllhed. Jobblnc Promptly Attended te

BUILDING in all its Brancber,

•• Repairing BDd JobbiDio , Plans and Estillllliel

!nrnisbed. Per!O!lll enperintendence on roll

• work.

E.C.Winter, Flr•t st.,


Chester Farm Dairy

Produces Pure Milk & Cr111 Ordeu reJpe,tfully solicited


Steam Marble and Granite Worts. fE�CI�G FOR CE�E1'ER\' PLOTS.

IArl• \'arlet)' of Oranlte MonumeaiJ

P•tu•atlc TOG I• lor Ltlttrl•l 1114 �nlll• L. L. MANNING A 10111,

J'reat lt., C.r. C.atnl .&• ... ,UII,IILD, I • .1.


A ,(iood '

Smo·ke you appreciate,sothat's why we say, onc�Jry,ouru :.

'',': · :/�;�+�; .�����t��i���<t ' �� ' 'MY�PcERFECTIOI" .

' "·""' t/·.ff/}· <�".;.-,\ . ;.1i ,.�.; ::-';, cigars":: a!l .day: ,-'

, . .,.;,;.,;;.,,_;'�\� ;�.:�·,!;>..G.','·>.

westfield Cl&ar £mporlum,

QRACE.LANI) Property is becoming more valuatle everylday.

Most Li i nduceme nts \vii fered those who own their own home.

Union County Realty Abr am• & Welch R.epresentatlves, Sta!l�ar<f Building, Westfield, N. J

Tel. 25-B.

JOHN L. M I LLER, (Successor to Joh11 Ingram,)

SANITA.HY PLUMBING, sioam, Hot Water aod Hot Alr HO.ttno



211 Prupeet Street. Weatneld; Telephone &>-B.

.,. ........................ " : HITS · ; Oli ' •

$ HATS, i ' . ! RATS. i I Other things too. ; : - :: i ' CLARK, HATTER. i \. ...................... .��

THE N. J. BUSINESS COLLEOB · J:duC&tSii ·· for bUBtnesa. Seyeral tbouuod1

f!t������s:.=��r:.t: ��snl�J�si��Jso\:: e&tlon, wrltA ror Oatalogo.e. or still better, call aud the President or the Secretarrwlllelplola .evfh� ?!t:i�n Itt very reMOnable •nd m• be &mid monthly, or quart�rly, udestred.. Iryoo. have any doubt of tb11 efftcletcr of this school, consult any of Its aradtlates aoil tNt convinced.

�\!':." ��r��h��!"���rl.�sl?!�t�::,�:�. ·�: otpt��u wish to emplo our eveninas to ..t· van tap, aliter the . nF11ht school, tuition ol "�8�r�O:��h�0� .'t��'i;ril••t•n• c:oll•••· W Bteld ltrHt, New1rk.

c. T. Miller, Pre•ldeat. " · E. A. Newcomer, Sec •• Trea1.

... JilES · ·IOFFm •.. " ' '







WF.I!I'I'I•' I Er.ll t:ot;!il IIOW� DE· J·'Oil Y, �1. C, A, 'I'EA�I.

J•;glter Jfohlfll )Jocah to 'l'wo llil!!, While the 'J'rt.•ntun Dori' l\luke '(1wo

linus 011' Wnller .. Jiecord to llatc : \\'eetfield �. 'l"l'entoJ• 1 . Ray Egner llad till W estfieH batters

at his mercy an� batt them re•JChhtg for his out curve, bittin11 over hio drop, .and looking at his faRt etraight one. The Trenton hu was lu his glory, he having forgotten the two tlefeats that Westfield tad given bii pet.. 3-1 and 5-0 com-'

the tiuul

Young had his batting O\'e with him, he m•kltJg three bits of the oix made by Treutou.

* * *" Kenzie I• a better short stop than some

of the young bloods. He made one of the two bite aud took cars of every thing coming hls way,

* * * * • * Connolly was quite badly burl in slid·

iog to second, Young spiking him in the top of the bead, Ho held hie base, bow· ever, and was relieved by Kenzie. Adler taking hlsplace at first.

* ·-

For g�od, solid knocking, the report of the Ali<-Chatbam game of Saturday last In tbe Monday issue of the Oourier·N awe has tlletu �II beat by a mile; High-priced gold bricks Is oue war they p11t lt. Oold

eld l:a•l, bricks are always high priced. Oet a

team together for the great struggle with · is what they all waul to · see,

Summary Qf g11.me : .

E�orned r.uns-Trenton 1. .T\Vo basebtt-Ron Lert on base5-We!tf\.eld 4, Tr6nton 4:. trir:\t DltSe on errors-Ba.rr.r, Mallen. McCutle, Duke. h�lrst btse on hlllls-Otf W•ller 1. :ootruc't out -By W•llor ;, by Egner 13, WilLI pltoh-W•I· Jer. Time of game -1 hour and !!"i wtnuted. 0�f��t;��11o��eGth fn�run:,aa�� g���n atruck at.

-!(· .. * -?.:• Manager Frank Selee of the Chicago

National L•agno team has been after "Ikey" Van Sant, our old pitcher, but Manager Carney of the Nashua team has refus;ro to let Van go. He is playin11 the outfield iu great shajle.

* -K· * "Matty'' r.lclntyre is making good

with Detroit. "Sporting Life" says lie will have Keeler skinned by ·another year . He can eltber bunt or ·hit thinn out, and his fielding cauuot be beateu.

Bliss, wbo pltcbed for Mttrray Hill •g•inet Westfield, ·is pitching winning b•ll for llloutreal, of the Eastern. League.

up their knocking tbey have a good teaoi,


* •· +:· �· . . heavy.blttlng Murray �Ills, with 'Dnmwy Deegan on the firing lin�, .went

t16wn before the Trenton Y. �1. C. A. team oa Monday ·to tile tune of 4-0. Four wewbers of Ibis' team bave aill'tied

play with Ails-Courtney, Cusick, and Deitrick. Other teams seew

holes iu their bat• as well as whim playing at Trenton,

-K· * * We bope, in their moment. of ·

l(reat jubilation, Trenton rooters will not for· get the 5-0 sbu'.ort bHuded tbeir pets by tbe Weetfteld aggregation. Tennis racquet& would have answered very nicely for bats on that occasion.

it• -K· * it· Oet your wiud instruments ln good

working order · for Saturday. .A little encouragement by bome.rooters helps to win many a game.

* .. * -:\- * G.\MES AREAD,

July 16th-Aeollannt Weellleld. " 23d-AIIs at Plalnlleld; " 30th-AIIs

'at Westfield.

Aug. 6th-Rahway at Westfield.

Colored Giants No Match fot· Oru11�e. Saturday last the Orange A. C. ran up

against easy inarks · in the New York Colored Olanta and defeated them B-1. The game was onlqter< sting · from the start. The colored gentlemen bave de· feated Westfteld twice tbls aeagou.

Cfontluom Shuh Ali• Out Easily, Last Saturday tbe Cbatharu team

oat Alia of PlalniMd 7-0, .and e•pori· anced no difficult)' in doing tbe trick.

Trouble In Alie camp. More good The playing of the Ails team was of the th ings gone wrong. They are world

. rag11ed kind throughout and at rso time

beaters uutil beaten, then cub•. , Lauder, Ia the game Willi there aD.)" danger of the Quenby, Roberts, Bradley aud a host of Plainllelders' scoring. Weatfleld de­others gone, UJW it is rumored thot Me. feated the Chatham teaw wben they Goey, 'Hickmau,. Oauviu aud Patieuc�. visitEd. Westfield not long ago. · ·Protpea Street, Wat8eld, New JerHJ•

Estimates Cheerfully Fur· nished.

The \t'orkmen IJcttmt {.;tuwuod 1\, C, During the absence of the regnlar

lt would pay the Westfield manage· Westfield team from Recreation Park ment to geta goo<l c��cher or two. Ooot( Satnrday the A, 0. U . . W. team of 'tbh

-------------- lively work ou tho coaoh!n�o: lines keeps place defeated the Garwood A. C. boys the fous good natured and helps to wln 6-1. The Workmen's line up lucluded

are to join tile great throng of has been!. AI. Former next ?

* i(· · -!(• -K·

J O HN CO L TRA, Carpenter & Builder.

JOBBING A SPECIALTY. PI��. Furnished If Deaired.

., Beeldenco 1!!1 Pnrk I l!ttreot, W!8'1'rllllLD, NIW ,JJl:R!oiii!Y. Tol. U6 r

• �� D•pirrlat,es caa Be · 'J 'Ciilned 1nd Restored . .

' � . . . . T� .f'll lholrcoriJIOai iHtadiJ ltr aOOa!_

"l ,WOOD, 1"0 Brooodwar (•oth 81rHIIo� M, Y��· rOr one dol�·�-. .8eod b.r. ••It ·. o' · ••· ,,.... · ·naaueneotrpee •••• more ,, .. .,, lae\o'' COPIK8 tbaa •ur :otker 1\Jt.e ••.

games.. •· •· • • three or four of the best of the Aeolian t>layei'IJ. Smiling ''Jiwwio" .Monb'oss

The Trenton Y. &l. C. A. team bas a pitched for the vloltors and Hegewau good hnuch of coachers In McCune, Hor· pitched fot• the Worlcwen, too, Youug aud Hanford • , __

-- ·--.,·r�•·•l

Hone Ileal In Oormanr. Oorman horse butcher!!. are about to

open a restaurant In Berlin to educate the upper claaa In tbe use or horse­fteab.

The Wont of It, "Money len'! everythlng-'-ao' th' worst

11art o' th' 'clrcuiti.otanna hi everytblnl Isn't money."-Chlcago Journal.

llexleo'• Tipple, Pul�ue, tbe national tlpJJie Clf Max·

leo, loolta like buttermilk and 11 aol� lor tnree cents a quart. flola,., · ·

''"" 0/.e oaoiAJm�r wrlteo: "The plloto;rropb (t'OPI Worka Both WaJI • . •f 41P-Iypo)wu received JMttrdtF ....

Conilll!lltlon works both ways, It fi Ia• dollabted;wltll ll; t .. l thot l ... u, ba" slther lhe ll!e or doallt uf' trad·.-Chl· •r •-l ... lidmotber with mo .,.Ia, ,.,. 1 I:�:;:;::=:::;���=.:::.;,;�:,J ! u ''*'lllllotnlr;L·.w, P,, WMblqtoD,�D, o,• ··I CRSII 0�&1 \y , N�W� ... '. :• . . ,


The event scb•ilulod al the Westfield Golf Club .for last Saturday was a Mixed Fouraome at 13 hole.• weilal piNy, whicu brought out rather a small entry list, only JJiue cards beiLg turued in. It was won by .!tliss Hortense Buddl aud llbrshall Whitlatch with � scot·� uf 104. Olh•r scores were ns follow.< : Mrs . .A. E, Kellet· and A. E. Keller, leG �lre. M. \\ hitlutch and W. J. Bugert, ,Jr. , l lO. Miss Maud Kimball and A. D. Tuttle, Jt·. , 112 . Miss Deatrix Bo­dell and R. 1. Townley, 117. Mrs, J. A . Worth and E. B . Pmuiltit, 117. Mrs J. A. J ohnstou and J ohu Platt, In Mrs. W. R. Davis and J. D. Wilsou, 126 and �lr•. R. H. Stern and R. H . Stern, 133.

The standing of the club., In the Cen­tral Jersey Oolf League at present is J.(iven below. 1'ltis shows the cotu�l•· tion of tho first round, with the excep. tion of a pOi!tpon�d tuttch bet1veen Colonil• aud Park, wllirh will be played off in the Fall, when tllo soc,nd round wlll be played.

Won. Westfield . , . , , . . , , . . . . . , . ,3 Cranford , . . , . . . . , . , . . . . . . ,2 Park . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . ·. , , , . ,0

Lon. 0 1 2

Colonia . . . . , , , , . ..

" '!' . , :·� ,Q , An Approaching and Putting compe­

tition for tll.e wom;it ,players was hell] at the Wtstfield Oolf Ciuh on Wednes-

r-- . " · Pour cupfuls of watcr,.two cupfuls or sugar, four cupfuhi or pitted cherries and one-half cupful of cherry pits. Process: Prepare a sirup by boiling;.; water .and sugar together ten ll\inlites; pltthe char:· ri•s, re•ervlng all'- thel]ii!Ce; ;,crack tlJe pits and add 'both:t nd;boil t'en minutes; ru�

,: th��}i :ilti


strain Jlquor�;thr,o.� t�·?· c�eese-clotn; cool �tid free· eralure, .. �j�-� :··�o .-/\ -·

Iowa dru� ,tawprk In ' coal'' ml present plans ot Uie;s • boar( or control, It Is planned to buy.exteri'aivecoal land at the itew . Inebriate hospital, near Knox. vlllo, and put the men senf to . the in­stitution at work to supply al! state in­stitutions with fuel at actual cost . of production. ·

Fruit Sherbet. Boll together for live minutes a· pint of water and a pint of sugar. Cillll,

and when ready to freer.e add two cups or currant juice, hal! a cup :or sweet orange juice, one finely shred­ded pineapple, one bottle m lneral wa­ter and freer.e to a mush. Serve In glas.ses.-Boston Globe.

XBep ¥111t ot Pr8ducts at HomL In the city or. Smrma·theie are. fac­

tories that make thread yaro, calico prlnta lor head wear; boxes,'etc.; there­are tlour. mills, machine shops, carriage and cart factories, and a cigarette fac­tory, None ot the manufactured articles, with the. exception of carpets, Is ex-ported. -

Earthquake Proof. lll place ot glass the Philippine Is­

landers generally use plates made of the shell of & kind ot oyster for win­dows. These admit an agreeable sub­dued llght, and are not so eully dam­aged by earthquakes as those made of glau.

STORY OF CAL-CORA, DIICOtltrld by Dr:-Diwa. Menntdy-Onlr kldur Remedy lal4 Untltr Gu�ran111.

Dr. D•vld Kennedy was born in New Yorlr flity,,but at an early age hi• family mo1·ed &a Roxbury, N.Y. He wns gmduatedial860 · 'rom the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons, He at onre volunteered u a surgeon ancl W"" Msi�ned to the United Stntcs AnnyGenrral Hnst>i�>l in WestPbiJ. 01delphin, nn<l aoon becnme President of the txnmlning llo<1rd llntl Consulting Surgeon. lfter the war, Dr. Kennedy settlo>d in ltnn. jout, City of Ki11gstun, N. Y., where for •

umb<.•r' ol years hu e11joyed a J"rge pra.o. u.i an opt..•rtttiYe •urgL•ou. lie was one

thu Prcsidenti/\1 El�oton of New Yotk Stnte, Mayor of Kin�st111\ for four yeura, ond lieltl m•uy other prufUB8iunal, busine• IW<I political offiet•s,

'l'he l�tcstltchiovement of hi� life WM the diocovery uf CaJ.ouro SoiYent, 11 fJOB!tlve 1uru for ull tUse...,• uf Ibn kiLlney•ancl bl<1d. 'flr, Inst�tmkiug of this remark11blo remed7, " 1!11ltl : "C<�I-•m�• Solveut I• thu crowning chievement of my life. Jt wUI not di., f1fllJitJt,'' .

Your drug�lal will return your money if , .. iol.uur• falla to cure, an<l The Ci•l-ou" Jomp•ny, of Rondout, N, Y., will J••Y the draggl•t . . Col.ou"' Solvent ouro• U�% of oil """"• of Kltluny, Bladdttr ancl l.Jver di .. Ordero. tl.Otl a butllo, Only one i!lze.

. . ' \ �

A l l•embl� Jr rara the ll•••or. Mount Creamerv Iii� 1nd

· Cre111 . .

Promotes Digestion.CJa.>errul­nessandllest.Contaills neiUu Opium,Morpbi.ue nor Millfral NoT NAilcoTJC:.

___._......_ ... -,.., .. 1161/iSJitllllltw.tl

it+' l � .. it�� Apafecl Remedy rorConsllpa­non, sour Stomach,DiarrllliM Worms ,Convulsions ,fewrisll­nrss and Loss or SLIEP.

ASTORIA For Infanta and Childt'eli.

The Kind You Hava Always Bousht ·

Bears the Signature


In Us:a

For Over Th i rty Year:s

__ CASTORIA , ... GIN1'AUR Co••aNV. NIEW YOIII& Olft. t

A Amos H. Van Horn, U&

July Reduction Sale;, It's t o keep things lively in an otherwise dull month ' -deliveries now or later, but make your selections ' now if you'd save mo-'ey now ! ! .

Cash or ckarge ac_count.

, � ,P\K $19,98 Was $Z7.00.

. . ;.

Cherry .Frame Parlor Suit.

$5 89 Co11tlnuous Post • EDameled Beds,


Porch �ockera and Chalr.t.

$7 98 Go�:�.��k,. Tablet, . • 110.00 usually, ·

The "PerfKt" Wlckl .. • Blue ·. Flame 011 .5tove-oo odor, · dlnpr or worry.

$2.98 Golden Oak

'l'ables, I shelf and !ncy shape top. The euo !iDe.

rtATTINOS l ie per yard. up.

Garland Refrigerators $4.98 up ln hardwood only.-Every 11ew improvem111t f

ICE CHESTS too-. $3.49 . UP. AMOS H.VAN HORN, Ltd • .

Be� :�uri) :yollslo 11No. ?3'' and fir at a.amo "A.:WOS11 before ont•riar oUr a tor .. I ��;��:� 7� MAIU(ET ST., NEW�RK,' N. J., , I I!Aif � ll•r Plaao St., Woot of Jlr0..4 St.

PA\'MBJIITS AUtr.tr., ;,.,Off, I•- d-• .

.................. �--�--------·���

J. ·W. Manhattan DEALER IN

All 'Kinds of BLUE STONE. �laldeti� �� Ella Pl-.:1, Plainfield, N. J,

·. Flal[iD[·, · Cur,inll Sills au� CopiDI. ' . . . All work done auder my · pel'lonal aapenielon i&od lltlaran•



.Seed, Oil and Meal 'of S�aple Deinand in Europe-Not Returns frotn.

Exports Last Fiscal Year Enormous. · ·

Cotton exports !rom· ' for th'e. lisdil · · "innount to .. estimates

merce'iuid ·i1ast · · ·

O F SIBERIA. WOAKINO TEAM'S FEED BJLL. lil'fllltzatto•n In tbe Vast Country East It Varies In Dilferent :Parts of. tbe

· of Russia, at Va1·ious Centers .Country, But IJ60 Per Ahltnal-,of .Population. Is an Annual Average; · · ·

R. F. HOHENSTEIN. A G·oo<l Mount.

Some meu are more careful of their wheels thnn Qf their hor;e. A good monut, . whether it bo cycle 0


horse, ltleaus care !llHl attention, Oar h�J·ness and drivers' supplies cnu be dep�i!cled on for style, correct-ness and �ear. :

·. '

Prospect . Street, Telephllna conn ection •

.Just Row Stubborn Jl llllule Is. A story comes from the Eim<lale flood

about a stubborn mule . . He Is said to be

t years has been sent. total exports of cotton manufac­

. tllres · had . never.· rea.cbed as mucll as '$\Q,OOO,OQO.prlor to 1 877. By 1887tlle totill amounted to practically $15,000,000 ; by ·1897 to $21,000,000, and In 1903 to $32,· OllQ,OQO. In the present fts�it year the total wil l probably not exce�d,�5,000,000 111 vatu�. .

'In the nine months ending with MarQh .tile total exportation of cotton inanu­_factures was ,8,000,060 below that ot tn�

· corresponding months of last year and $7,ii00,000 of this reduction was made in tile export& to C!,!na, where domestic 111ariuracture of �otton Is Increasing somewhat and Imports from India and · Jatpan are becoming more compelltlve each year. .'J'bls Is especially true lt> Y!ars or bl�ll Prices, sUch Ill! that Of 190�. T�e shorter staple cottop or India

·11roves acceptable for use In the c laas of goods largely utlll�ed In Cplna.

4-11 Marla Bad to fJci to "�trike an A ttl toad" to .'furll

tbo Trick, '

A ll&llow-complexlonad old l ady, IIC· wmpanled by a Phenomenally unore­pOllse .. lng d"ughter, recently wal ked Into the studio or a north·country photographer, relates London Tll-Bils.

"Be you tb� photographic mu?" she loqulred.

"Yes, ma'lilll," replled the arllat In plate:glas� and chamlc"lij; "can I do anYthing ror you 1''

"No; I'm too far over the border.

Fa�blon In Crime. It's my darter Marla hero tbat I want

.it "auld appear from the report tor took. Can't you touch up tbat oom­'rut year of the pflson commiBslo<Jero , i>lexlon of hers and bui ld up �hat no.ae, tor Scoiland tbat drunkenness In that what was broken by falUn out a. cquntry io yield ing before the superior wl


, . attractions o! burglary. From 1�02 .. ' , think l can, replied the artist. to 1 903 the com tn ltments tor trllliD!I l ve seen fllctures of Jots of our delt·pquencles . felt . from 55,120 to 48,. relations, an' :I've al\era noticed that 966, whereas those for serious otrenseo tbe picture• ftlltter�d em. I know you l'llse from 10,601 to 21,120. Certain kl n

t tnake her l ike Mme. �chel or not,

presumptuous persons have hazarded Jus aa yer please. Can t yer take In , Marla'a ears, too, so sbe won't Jock so the theory that the hl�h pro(mrtlo� ot mur:h like a rabbit?" ol!enders which, In the nortbe rn klflg. "Th Ill b dUll lt 1 th 1 " dom, declined to avai l Itself o! t�e ,. ere w e 00 cu Y n a ..

"option" bad relation to natural char· How about that squint In ber loft eye?" terlstlca, II 1 t wa• not, Indeed, due La "I can touch It u p with lodts.n Ink." tk• fact lhat tbe Scotchman, much a� "You see, the photograph Is lloln' to be dislikes gol ns to prison, dislike! a young fellow what put an a�vertlse· parting with his money mar�. The ment In the paper ror a wit an• commlsslooera now point out that In Marla's wr\tln' to htm."

e, Ireland more than ha lf the lines l m· "I'll do mY best." posed are less than 5s., wblch prob· "Well, all rlgb\, then. Just go ably accounts for 81 per cent. of tbem ahead, ll.nd SQltare them ahoulders being paid. In Scotland, on the other l•ack ju�t a lriHe, and brln� the nose band, wber.e on ly 4& per cent. were down line: <le�troy them frecklea, and paid, more than half are ol i Os. and Ufl• Inn• <lown her earo. An' the halr'-lt

:ward.-J.on<l!ln _Telegraph. won't be red ln the !llctur•, will llT"

O)lera: Bad No Charms . . . Herr Conrle<l, the Impresario, was

told tlie following by a friend at tile opera house a few nights ago,. but h• candl<lly (lonleaKed he doe•n'l believe It:

"One or the bejewelled occupan!11 or a box uald to her escort, 'I cannot con· loleRllously say that I am lu tereHted

"Oh, no: there will be no color shown hut blael(," "Tha t's a oomfnrt, Marla. Ki'n l

stay In !he room ? " '10h, yes." "All ' right. Strike an atlltoorl,

Marla, lhal sulls you best, and we'll hoi>k that young man, as sure as you lin."

But Actor Xans!eld's Last . PeonJ Was (\one and Be Got !loth·

lng to J!at.

Richard Mansfield �as not always a successfu l �ctor. On a recent vlsit\o Chicago he related to a grouno! friends one of his early experiences, says one or

' tho paper� ot that .clty.

"I was ht i.omfou In the middle ofsuin· mer," he said. "Tile theatrical buslnesa was particularly dull, lind bei ldes it was at a (ll!rlod of my career when managefll were not wl ld ly desirous of securing my signature to a contract. In fact, ! waa In such ., state ftnanclal ly that I ba<l but tbt price of one meal left ; after that all wu an�uls)led uncertainty. My c!Qthes were no lie too good , roy aboos were wom from much wearing tramping of the streets, and I waa dodging my old acquaintances.

"Suddenly my arm wao sel?oed by ·., nashlly dressed lndivldual ll'hom I rae· 'l&nlzed as a garrulous friend of better dan ijit a��ed me where I was going, "d then he!ore I had tim• to reply, he 11\Vlted me to drink with �1m. Before I qo_uld decHq� lje' was dragslqg me in th'! direction ol the n�arest bar. 'They serve tbe llnest ale In t,ll Ent�land at this place,' he said. 'YQ!I must try some or it. It, will give you a magnificent appetite -a magnlncent appetite.' ·

"Now, [ d idn't ntffid ',;,1 b�tter edge on my appetite than I slready bad, but as my friend followed up· hi� Invitation to lm­blbo with tbe· rurthor Invitation to.dine with him, I ceased expostulating and ao­companle<l him to the bar. After tbeflrst drink he ordered another. 'You wlll bave a magnlftcent appettte,' be kept re· peatlnl!;. '1'hls ale Is noted for Its quail · Ue'i\ a111 an aPJJettzer.'

"As we flnlshed drloklns he felt lhrougll his t>rn>kola once, tbon a second ti me, more hurriedly, after which be turned to me with an apolo&ellc g�ln. 'Blast the l owk , ·aid chap,' be oai<l, 'hut. I've lefl me money at homo In me other 11lnthes, �ou know. .Just oettle for this, Will you, and I'll ftx lt with you when we Pl&ot again, you know.'

"I i>ald m� last two �hlllln1• fnr tho 111 an<l went out or there with a magnta. rent o.ppetlt



Tbt Klnot •ted l'tpitr. ·"An awlul dream ! " cried the plptr,

Jfltr bla wire had shaken .him by the a boulder and awakened blm •. "An awful d,ream I I gro&nod, dhl 11 n Wll DO 14hlten." , · \

placing one team ahead or another Is often very d lftlcult to have them

work together so th at each will perform Its share of the w<>rk. In a recent Issue (If the Ni>r'·West �·armer Mr. A. 1. Ratan gives the following plan for a ftve-horse equall>.er that wi l l overcom� this dlftlcnlty. He aaya:

· "I have had cousldorable experience In breaking up grub land and ban found that the very be•t resull.!l como

;4-t F'l Vl!l·l!OR�I!: EQUALIZI!llt. frQm a good 3trong H-Inch grub plow. Two men, an ax, brush �qytbe and II ve hors,.' comprise the boot ciutftt tbat call be obtained for any lleld. In order to equalize the combined strength of the ftv� ilorses an evener Is made on tbe plan •howo In tbe I llustration. A plec6 of tJmber three by ftve and 15 lncbe!l long I• selected. An Inch bole Ia bored thre•·ftfths or the dl•tance from the end for the clevis which attaches tbe ti mber to the plow ring. A three-horae attach• ment Ia fa.stened to the short end, a chain Is attached to the lon!J end of tba p\ec� o! timber, running between the two 111f side horB!!S throu11b 'tholr neck• yDIIe ring and attached to a 1\DUb\e· tne clevis for the lead team."

Prloa or Corn anil ·�r. A noted c"tlle ra.l••r ea.J• that the

price ot corn and boer should go to·

getbo't. When corn Is high, beef must be high, or the rariner will go out or tbe cattle raising business. The man referred to declares that th� - large re­ceipts or cattle during the [iast year are due to the steady unloadln� or tilt farmers that do not want to feed high­priced corn to me•Uum·Prlced cattle. It also accounts, he saya, for mariy of the animals arrlvlnl! In a half fat con· dltlon. It ls doubtleae true that lhera ls not a wide enough <lll!erence between corn-Hnlshe<l cattle and cattle that have received almost no ftltlog at all. When every bushel of corn a mt�n plltl \nto his bMf cattle Ia put ln at "' toea, •• Is the case t.hls year, farmors can• 11ot be very enthualaitlc In the finish· IDI! or oat.t.le.-Farmera' Review.

Value of l'arm Anlmala, The aotlng atatlatlolan of the depart•

meut or &�CriCllilllrB haS Completed bll oatlmate or the number and value of farm animals In the United Slates on January l, 1904. Horsea In the United State• are . .vorth fl,l:IB,940,298. The. to. fal1 for the country are lihown In tilt

He told her h Ia dream-In elect tbt ltDry which hal boon embodied Ill tbe

,coucernlnl! hlt1 vial� to .���elln

followlng table: ·

Antmal,, N1,mb1u'. Vllllle .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,1KU611 .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ur.1,9t�

. . . . . . . .. . . . . 17.-I!Uil ,

. In the opera.' •

" 'Indeed! Why not?' lle inquired. " 'Why, whenever I want to B�Y any·

tiling or Importance \o my friend• th� •rohestra always ulays till! l�1111lUL' " '"•H, Y. Her &IlL

. "I am bot �ur�rleed tbat yo� dreain,ed Sun<Jay School 1'eachDr-Yes, .Tolin· shoh a fearKom• tblnl,"'tommented bl8

ny, It rained 40 days aad •o nights. wife. "A man wbo will eat a wbolo

. . . . ; . . . . . . U,A�U� ·� . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . m,o����· . . 1:11.1110, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.0011,a•rr ����.1114 •

Johnny-Whew! What 11 lot or pea· minco pt8 for lunch haloro 1101n� to 111e muKt have sla.r\_e� Ull plolllo$.-N. had mu•t bo eapeotad to· sulfur tro111 lC. Iiu..., ... ,, , , .. · ,, . .. . . . . , . . .. ... . l�lblmt.n,"-Obi�IIIU Tr!Uull8, ' : . . . . ,

A oroa8 oow Ia a dan11erous animal to have �rourul, and Bhould be m11da rat and thlpp6cl · at tile ��atlleat opportual·; I.J, . '

L· � -.. 4- · < , , I �,.,. <

attempting to lead him

·Bail ·in. Germap:r. How great ls th& damage do11e by hal l

In Germany \s shown by tbe.fact that In

Bavaria alone, last year, It amounted to mar., than $o,OOO,OOO. The number of llelds damaged was 70,43$. In southern Bavaria 4Z per cent. o( thi! a.grlcultur· isla sul!ered more or less.

Briton and Boer. Ill the Transvaal and tlte Orange

River colony, If the present. rate Df Intermarriage between Brlton and Boer Is kept UJ>, within 20 years the tw<l racee will be oo welded t»getlter as to be lndlstlngulobable.

J'ewor Botldayo tn ·ausiila. Th8 czar has sanctioned a !'eduction

to the excass!l·e number of holld&JS ob· 1erved 111 RussiL

Bow Man:r Pound• Have Tour The news that a Phi ladelph ia chem­

ist has discovered a · method of pro­ducing radium that will cut the· price from $16,000,000 a · pound to · $5,000,000 a pound m ust be depressing to pres· ant holders of largo stocka.-Philadel· �hla Preos.

Pineapple on ltealr, A freohly·cut oilae of pineapple laid

on beefsteak will, In a comparatively short' time, cau•e softening, swelllniC and partial digestion of tbe meat for a conolderable depth from tho surface. -Boston Bud11ot.

Al'Hala Ia Kaa. Al'llnlc exlsti normally In · 111an and

anlm1.la, In the akin anol tta.appendases, the . lil1rold and mammary Khonds, th brain and the honea. Ia the other or. gao_s lt haa hHn lound ·In Btllhl traces,

.Ja� 17at Pro�r Kethod, Thtt Japane!lll adllreoa lbetr totten the reverse or what we do, wrltin1 the r.ountry ftrst, tbe .. �>ounty next, then the cit�. the alre�t· and number, and the name laat of all.

••al iai:allap. , A fo_rohcn ooserver, after a trip In this counlry, wrot� a maga�ln� artlule In wllloh bo doclarto that Americanft.· are tot.lly wlthuut Mrace, ahd aaka: "How could we expaot to Hod graoe In ·a ooun• try w bar� the m�Jn ohew wbr.ooo Ill� the WlJm8D �m. ?1�.,

� • JJ• .. ,

..... , ..

>Eiward N. Hussay & G�. · . Carpenter and Builder,

We5tfield, N. J,

As it Is 'in ·xisiouri.

Newly Atlianr.ed One-Willie, b/111', woul.d y<>u like to hav• me iQr your �ew, mamma'! .

Little Wllll�>--1 don't ln1ow &bout that ; Just show me !be sl?.e or your "l!p­per.�hlco.go Journal.

New KalUI&li Qrau. A new species of 11ru• now culttnttll

to tile droughty reKlon• of Kansaa.hu roota mucb loogor than tbe llrowt•­above ground , enailllnl! the plant 1»81• and tllrlv8 upon moisture deep dowp Ia the earu,.


. Strength or f,ocomotl"-The aYerqe locomoti ve will d.._w

ROO tons of goods a mile every three mlnuteo. It would take a man and bll team tert tltnes as long to baui' a sla· Bie ton ror ana mile. 1

Doing Paris in Two Day�. Bridegroom-Now, Aurelia, wo mull

have· a !tr&ij!'ht division· of l•bor. You

look at the 'Rlght� and I'll 1.eep mY 8ft . on the guide hook.-Tit-Bits.

Competition of the :Poor. , According to Charles Booth, of tbt

Salvation Al'my, · "the poverty of the poor I� malnly_ .ll1e resr<lt ol tho oom· petition of the 'verY poor." i

Striking llgn. The following sign Ia displayed tn •

book shoti ln Cham ilero street, New York: "Dickens works here all this W91!k for fl.60.'' - I

•arbert In India, . I So l ight Is the touel1 ()( tho oatlfl

tlarber of India that lui can abavt • customsr while asleep without waklDI blm.

Fine Cap Kakert, Til• women of Salnt·Brleua, llrlt·

lany, are colebrated ror the beauty alltl · ' the ttae texture or, their caps,

Kuatard for Toothache. Dry m ualard ls said to be ol!lilado\11•

a (!Jilth�ha cllre.-Household. \ Corn• Bard •

Patience Is t hu perfnl!lll or cru•• .. , loJe.-cblcago 'l't·ibune. 1 , Aotldo�fo;J.;;,, I

1 Vaool11a��,,n; o.I!�1CQ.{tlf= ... , !.il.dl£1.t..�1.11.a�JIIlll. .
