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The state of Open Data in Belgium - Digital Wallonia

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Digital Wallonia Digital Strategy for Wallonia Benoit Hucq Agence du Numérique- Directeur général Open Belgium Conference 2016 February 29th, 2016
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Digital Strategyfor Wallonia

Benoit HucqAgence du Numérique- Directeur général

Open Belgium Conference 2016February 29th, 2016

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Making Wallonia a connected and smart territory,where digital companies are recognized as global leaders

and drivers of a successful industrial transformation,and where digital innovation works for high quality education,

open public services and the well-being of citizens.


We have a vision

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Digital Conference

An innovative process

Digital Board


From March to July 2015, over 240 proposals through a crowdsourcing

website and more than 200 people from 140 organizations or companies,

gathered in 13 thematic working groups.

September 2015. Based on the works ofthe Digital Conference, and with the supportof Roland Berger, the Digital Board presentsa proposal for a Digital Strategy in Walloniato the Minister in charge of Digital.

From January 2016, phaseddeployment of the actions, identification

of stakeholders, definition of the partnerships,budget allocation, implementation of the online

platform, brand communication, ...

December 2015. "Digital Wallonia. Digital strategy for Wallonia “ is adopted by the Walloon Government, with a clear commitment of each Minister to act within the framework of this strategy. Adoption of the first actions.

Walloon GovernmentDigital


Collaborative and bottom up process for the definition, the

adoption and the implementation.

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• Openness. Wallonia's digital policy framework on which different policies must rely.

• Agility. Integration of new measures or adjustment of existing measures to guarantee their alignment with the strategic objectives and their relevancy with the technology innovation.

• Consistency. Collaboration and alignment with other digital policies (Wallonia, Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Federal Government, Europe), but also with private initiatives coming from the digital ecosystem.

• Transparency. Wide communication about the strategy so that every citizen or company can be part of it. Publication of monitoring indicators.


Values of the digital strategy

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Digital business

1 strategy // 5 major topics

Smart & connected territory

Skills and education

Boosting the Walloon economydepends on a strong and

fast increase of digital maturityof our companies.

Smart and connected to broadband networks, our territory must offer an unlimited access to digital innovation and act as a driver for the industrial and economic development.

Each Walloon citizen must become an actor of the digital transformation by acquiring strong technological

skills and adopting an entrepreneurial attitude.

A new generation of open public services, acting transparently and being by themselves an exampleof the digital transformation.

Publics servicesDigitalsector

A strong digital sector and an cutting-edge research, able to

capture and maintain the added value of the digital

transformation on our territory .

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> € 500 million over 4 years

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5 topics / 9 objectives / 23 axes

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Strategic objective 1.1A growth program for the companies ofthe digital sector.

Development axes :

• 1.1.1. Structure, streamline and animate the digital ecosystem.

• 1.1.2. Facilitate access to finance at each stage of the business life cycle

• 1.1.3. Stimulate the growth of startups and SMEs through public action.

• 1.1.4. Strengthen research dedicated to digital technology and facilitate its transmission to businesses.

Find out more : www.digitalwallonia.be/wallonie-numerique-secteur-du-numerique

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• Digital Wallonia Platform. Launch of the collaborative platform with various partners (ICT Clusters & TWIST, MIC, Cetic, Multitel, AWEX, competence centers, ...). Dynamic mapping of the digital ecosystem.www.digitalwallonia.bewww.digitalwallonia.be/secteur-numerique

• W.IN.G by Digital Wallonia. Fund managed by SRIW dedicated to the emergence and growth of digital startups. Officially launched (2016/02/23).www.wing-digitalwallonia.bewww.digitalwallonia.be/wing-by-digital-wallonia


Actions already engaged (1)

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• Digital Wallonia Hub. Global Strategy for research and innovation in the digital sector, to development of the excellence in research teams and their connection with international networks.

• Objectives contracts. The idea is to improve and professionalize the animation of the digital ecosystem and to maximize the impact of its actions, by a better organization and a specialization of the actors of the Walloon digital landscape.


Actions already engaged (2)

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Strategic objective 1.2Development of the digital sector's international dimension.

Development axes :

• 1.2.1. Accelerate the growth of champions in the digital sector abroad.

• 1.2.2. Attract global stakeholders in digital technology to Wallonia.

Find out more : www.digitalwallonia.be/wallonie-numerique-secteur-du-numerique

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• The year of digital for export. The priority sector chosen by AWEX for 2016 is the digital sector. This choice implies the organisation of 25 promotional and international prospecting actions (more than double that of previous years).www.digitalwallonia.be/germany2016www.digitalwallonia.be/mwc2016


Actions already engaged

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13Find out more : www.digitalwallonia.be/wallonie-numerique-economie-par-le-numerique

Strategic objective 2.1Digital transformation of economyand companies.

Development axes :

• 2.1.1. Accelerate the digital transformation of companies through awareness, diagnostics and support.

• 2.1.2. Adapt mechanisms for calls for projects to the specific needs of the digital transformation.

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Strategic objective 2.2Create conditions for competitive Walloone-commerce on a European scale.

Development axes :

• 2.2.1. Put in place regulatory, fiscal and operational tools facilitating e-commerce.

Find out more: www.digitalwallonia.be/wallonie-numerique-economie-par-le-numerique

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• Walloon Construction Federation. The CCW has launched a large sectoral initiative to grow awareness and support the digital transformation of its businesses.

• Connected commerce project. It will support local Walloon retailers to respond effectively to the challenges they face in thecontext of global competition.www.digitalwallonia.be/commerceconnecte

• E-commerce sector dynamic mapping.www.digitalwallonia.be/ecosystemes/secteur-ecommerce


Actions already engaged

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Strategic objective 3.1Accelerate the digitalization and the opennessof the public services

Development axes :

• 3.1.1. Develop the digital expertise of public sector employees.

• 3.1.2. Develop the culture of data and implement a strategy to open public data.

• 3.1.3. Develop a digital administration with high added value, focused on customer’s uses and services.

Find out more : www.digitalwallonia.be/wallonie-numerique-secteurs-publics

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• Open Data. Datasets coming from different levels of public services, with significant inputs from the geoportal and IWEPS.data.digitalwallonia.be

• PSI directive. Transcription by the Walloon Governement is almostdone. Licences // federal model.

• Public innovation. The Hackathon Citizens of Wallonia, dedicated to smart cities, aims to support and enhance projects developing applications, services or interactive data visualisation, reusing or facilitating the reuse of public data.www.digitalwallonia.be/citizens-of-wallonia


Actions already engaged

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Strategic objective 4.1Ambitious digital planning policy across the territory to boost its attractiveness and competitiveness.

Development axes :

• 4.1.1. Implement a transparent and ambitious plan to deploy braodband networks throughout Wallonia.

• 4.1.2. Guarantee confidence in digital technology and ensure cybersecurity.

FInd out more : www.digitalwallonia.be/wallonie-numerique-territoire-connecte-et-intelligent

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Strategic objective 4.2Encourage the cutting-edge digital tools across the Wallonia region.

Development axes :

• 4.2.1. Multiply open places for digital acculturation and experimentation.

• 4.2.2. Push smart cities in a "Smart Region" vision.

• 4.2.3. Structure Wallonia's e-health vision on clear priorities, with the support of the Walloon Health Network (Réseau Santé Walloon).

Find out more : www.digitalwallonia.be/wallonie-numerique-territoire-connecte-et-intelligent

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Strategic objective 5.1Equip schools with modern digital equipmentand infrastructure.

Development axes :

• 5.1.1. Establish an ambitious digital infrastructure deployment plan for the schools.

Find out more : www.digitalwallonia.be/wallonie-numerique-competences-emploi

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• Digital schools. IT equipment in 500 schools per year. Development of Wi-Fi networks and a secure cloud platform.

• Calls for projects. More than 300 prize-winning schools within the scope of 3 specific calls for projects. www.digitalwallonia.be/laureats-ecole-numeriquewww.digitalwallonia.be/ecosystemes/ecole-numerique


Actions already engaged

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Strategic objective 5.2Ensure the development of digital skills of Walloon citizens, at each stage of their privateand professional journeys.

Development axes :

• 5.2.1. Develop digital skills for our next generation of talents.

• 5.2.2. Train and support for teachers (…).

• 5.2.3. Facilitate the creation, exchange and use of digital resources (…).

• 5.2.4. Promote digital jobs (…).

• 5.2.5. Strengthen support in using digital technology.

Find out more: www.digitalwallonia.be/wallonie-numerique-competences-emploi

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• Digital inclusion. 100 additional digital public spaces (EPN, Espaces Publics Numériques) in municipalities.www.digitalwallonia.be/nature/epn


Actions already engaged

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A brand



Wallonia identifies our regionand its political strategy

.be identifies the country andthe international ambition

The URL identifies the website and the onlineplatform, crossroad for all digital initiatives

Digital identifies thepurpose of the brand

DigitalBrandA strong and unifying brand, acting as an amplifier for the

digital transformation of Wallonia.

Similar logic toinitiatives like

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Data Website


Open Data. Unified data. API.Shared agenda. Back-office

and made-to-measure development, …

Communication and monitoring forthe digital strategy. Crossroad for all digital initiatives. Articles and white papers.Dynamic mapping of the digitalecosystem in Wallonia (clusters,companies, schools, labs, …). Agenda. …

Structured around the 5 major topics of thedigital strategy. White papers. Technology watch

(technologies, uses, …). Advice and expertise. Support and companies mapping (missions, ...).

Barometer and indicators...

Branding. Animation and promotion of the digital ecosystem (regional, national and international). Showroom for best practices. Certification and partnerships (events, missions, …). Ambassadors. …

BrandPlateformePlatformCollaborative governance by and

for the digital ecosystem (Clusters, CRA, …).

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2013 20142013 2014

Walloon Geo-portal: http://geoportail.wallonie.be/04/2013

Hackathon eGov Mobility04/2014

Open Data 1st Walloon commitment02/2013

1st Hackathon eGov Wallonia10/2013

Open Data : Historical

Number of datasets: 0

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2015 201503 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Launch of the Spring Digital03/2015

Working Group Public Sector Day 206/2015

Digital Roadmap Proposal (M22)09/2015

Digital Roadmap Adoption12/2015

Hackathon eTourisme - Libramont03/2015

Working Group Public Sector Day 105/2015

Hackxplor - Liège07/2015

Culturehack15 - Marcinelle09/2015

Open Data : Historical

Number of datasets: 50

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Open Data: Walloon Agenda

2016 2016


02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

02/16IWEPS Datasets integration

Walloon transcription of PSI Directive03/16

Hiring of an Open Data Officer04/16

Goal: 400 datasets12/16

Open Data Officer on tour launch06/16

Citizens of Wallonia Hackathon: http://www.citizensofwallonia.be/03/16

Adding geoportal datasets to http://data.digitalwallonia.be04/16

Event : "Demystifying of Open Data"05/16

Number of datasets: 150

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Open Data: Key Points

• Positive background at the Policy level:• Minister For Digital agenda give financial capabilities

through Digital Wallonia (DW) strategy• DW & Marshall Plan offer an ambition in many digitals

fields including Open Data!• Legal milestone achieved

• Specifically for the Open Data• The digital maturity of Walloon's public sector is

growing (ex: IWEPS, AWEX, …)• An Open Data Officer is needed to lead the movement• Recommendation for all new IT Project to come with

open data in mind from the beginning

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Open Data: Key Points

• More datasets to come: • Geo-Portal data integration,• SRWT (TEC group): public transport in Wallonia,• BCED: Exchange node of the authority databases• IMIO: IT mutualization for local administration• SPW: Walloon administration• Digial cities: Smart-Cities in Wallonia• Local government: Namur city, Liège, Tournai, …

• Objective: grab 200 datasets/year

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• Global Websitewww.digitalwallonia.be

• Walloon Digital Strategywww.digitalwallonia.be/wallonienumerique

• Open Datadata.digitalwallonia.be

• Video presentation in englishvimeo.com/155558326


More info

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Digital [email protected]


Benoît [email protected]éphane [email protected]
