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The Step Method in Chess _ Beginchess

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    The Step Method in ChessPosted on July 23, 2009 (http://beginchess.com/2009/07/23/the-step-method-in-chess/) by beginchess (http://beginchess.com/author/beginchess/)

    I stumbled upon a blog post

    (http://chesstrainerphaedrus.blogspot.com/) that mentioned the Step Method inChess, this piqued my interest and I began to research it further. Unfortunately,

    there is not a lot of information on the Internet, so I have tried to compile as much

    as I could find about this chess teaching program.

    The step-by-step method

    (http://www.stappenmethode.nl/stepsmethod/index.html) has been developed by

    Rob Brunia and Cor van Wijgerden to teach children a Step-by-Step Chess Method

    to play chess. A large number of schools and chess clubs in the Netherlands and

    Belgium use this method for their chess lessons. The Step Method is intended to

    take students from the basics all the way to an approximate ELO rating of 1900after the student has mastered step 5, and to an approximate rating of 2100 once

    they master the self-directed 6th step.

    This method consists of six steps.

    Step 1

    Rules of the game and basic skills are covered in step 1.

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    15 lessons:

    1: Board and pieces

    2: Moves of the pieces

    3: Attacking and capturing

    4: The pawn

    5: Defending6: Check and + getting out of check

    7: Mate

    8: Mate

    9: Castling

    10: Profitable exchange

    11: Twofold attack

    12: Draw

    13: Mating with the queen

    14: Taking en passant

    15: The notation

    Step 2

    Tactics and a basic introduction of strategy strategy are covered in step 2. Most

    exercises require 2-4 ply calculation. The student that has mastered step 2 can

    expect to attain a 1100-1200 rating.

    1: Activity of pieces

    2: Double attack: queen (1)

    3: Double attack: queen (2)4: The pin

    5: Elimination of the defence

    6: The 3 golden rules

    7: Mate in two

    8: Double attack: knight

    9: Mating with the rook

    10: Double attack: RBQK

    11: Discovered attack

    12: Defending against mate

    13: The short notation

    Step 3

    Step 3 builds upon the first 2 steps. Strong focus on tactics and the pawn

    endgames are introduced. In this step supporting skills are introduced such as

    thinking ahead. Exercises in this level require 3-6 ply calculation. The student can

    expect to attain a rating of 1300-1400 after completion of this level.

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    1: Finishing the opening

    2: Discovered and double check

    3: Attack on a pinned piece

    4: Mate in two (access)

    5: The square of the pawn6: Eliminating of the defense

    7: Defending against the double attack

    8: Mini plan

    9: Draw

    10: X-ray

    11: The opening

    12: Defending against the pin

    13: Mobility

    14: Key squares (1)

    15: Pinned pieces

    16: Threats

    17: Key squares (2)

    Step 4

    The difficulty level rises in this step. More ply calculations are required to solve the

    exercises in this step. Most exercises in this level require 5-8 ply calculation

    Strategic concepts are introduced via the endgame. This step contains lessons

    about material advantage and endgame strategy as well as weak pawn concepts.

    The student can expect to attain a rating of 1500-1600 after completion of this



    1: Advantage in the opening

    2: Interfering

    3: Luring

    4: Blocking

    5: Thinking ahead

    6: Placing the front and back piece

    7: The passed pawn

    8: Eliminating of the defense

    9: The magnet

    10: Weak pawns

    11: Material advantage

    12: Chasing and aiming

  • 7/24/2019 The Step Method in Chess _ Beginchess


    13: Kings attack

    14: Seventh rank (tactics)

    15: Endgame strategy

    16: Clearing

    17: Queen against pawn

    Step 5

    For step 5 students the positional aspects begin to play more and more important

    role. There are lessons about pawn structure, the seventh rank, strong square and

    open file contain many strategic aspects. Exercises in this level require 7-10 ply

    calculation. Students can expect to attain a rating of 1700-1800 after completion

    of this level.

    Playing according to a plan is important in chess, that is why it is discussed in

    some lessons about the endgame. They show how important the cooperation of

    the pieces is and how relative the value of the pieces can be. The lesson Defense

    pays attention to some aspects which are almost by all the students insufficiently


    Step 6

    Exercises in this step require 9-13 ply calculation and the mastery of this step can

    leave the student at the 2000-2100 rating level.

    It is not a manual for the chess trainer, but a self study book for everyone.

    The difficulty level of the material goes up again. The solutions to the exercises

    are consequently one move deeper. A lot of attention is paid to strategy. Thisoccurs to be and still remains a tough subject for everybody, especially the

    positions in the workbook. The endgame comes also back in some chapters.

    Studying it, is a good way to gain a higher playing strength. Tactics is treated in

    just one chapter.

    Practical Application

    So, how do you implement the steps method in your chess training? Well, you can

    buy the booklets from the official site

    (http://www.stappenmethode.nl/stepsmethod/index.html) or you can use the

    TASC chess training program. A word of warning about the program: it is from1999, and while I have tested in Windows XP, I am not sure if it will work on Vista

    or Windows 7. There is a new version (http://www.chesstutor.eu) slated to come

    out in English in the very near future which you might probably want to wait for.

    More info

    Official Site

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    The Outpost





    General Information


    Good practical info on using the method




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    Exercises (http://beginchess.com/category/exercises/), Improvement

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    improvement (http://beginchess.com/tag/chess-improvement/), Steps Method

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    This article was helpful

    3 people found this article useful

    beginchess has written 145(http://beginchess.com/author/beginchess/) articles

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    Farbror the Guru (http://farbrortheguru.blogspot.com/)





    Farbror the Guru (http://farbrortheguru.blogspot.com/)


    beginchess (http://www.beginchess.com) says:

    5 thoughts on The Step Method in Chess

    Very interesting!

    July 23, 2009 at 8:03 pm (http://beginchess.com/2009/07/23/the-step-


    The English version of the CD appears to be available from here:



    July 25, 2009 at 3:11 am (http://beginchess.com/2009/07/23/the-step-


  • 7/24/2019 The Step Method in Chess _ Beginchess








    hiddenleaf (http://wanderingpawn.blogspot.com) says:

    Im not sure if it is still available, but the ChessHouse is giving away TASC for

    free. You only have to pay for the shipping. This is how I got my version.





    July 25, 2009 at 8:29 am (http://beginchess.com/2009/07/23/the-step-


    @Farbror: That CD is an english version of a new and improved version of

    TASC Chess Tutor, but it covers only Step 01. The original TCT covers Step 1


    If youre looking for the old complete and multilangual version, youre looking

    for TASC Chess CD 2.

    Its the same beginchess refers to.

    October 15, 2009 at 5:10 pm (http://beginchess.com/2009/07/23/the-


  • 7/24/2019 The Step Method in Chess _ Beginchess


    anon says:

    A humble note:

    Dont forget to be always reading games. Exercises are absolutely essential

    but your game can become dislocated if you dont keep up a steady uptake

    of complete chess games.

    June 11, 2010 at 10:18 pm (http://beginchess.com/2009/07/23/the-step-


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