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The Sun. (New York, NY) 1878-11-01 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 15. · wbli It umli'ratoiul tlmt iln'v at"...

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V.l,. Xl.VI.-- NO. f.2. YQHK. ri.mYt NoN I MKl i; 1. PRICK TWO CSm COOPER GAINING DAILY. atti.tr i 01 ihiiimi itrroiir fuom ,ii i ii; cf akm i(t rn. .nilr ll'Halx Ikal I AH BI a Mill Ml I aa.rrlrar Ba Baa rlr H..x Mart. HtS I ara.ly . I. . thr I nl t ti , Murk. ... In Ik l.xlr... k,a B lim Pall ll.HM MJ..i ll 1'ra.ll. I ol 1ln xtitvexx III" btltl I mail) tuna iMlIMM WadBWdai nlaht. Isi Ihii lint ai trtlalaa N had KMlMd, k W If aMIf MfMth uwl th" BBMsaBi "I Hi tupiMrloi of llM toflr'i Ut1 "i"1 baa laMfaaa tilt ilif d Ih TBIBB.BBI Mil) Their aaeiil war butler letter Ink tin"1 "" "nr I'revlnuedav deallnttwlth MHlMl trader hii'I olreulatlna Wpufti Mli (fluted la Ml Mi wigwam. I hut th minhlna-M- wa lOBlBfl aihaWiWa Mr. NtlK Keat- - ... who mil" i ui. i i lit .. Ml thlt i" rt dI work lor John Kelly, ih ,". . . ' luwn. worklug with luoroaaed HllltF Kr Cwit'l ' " ' i'' ' '" " weye more ir.e.V. duriM ttW 4l and evening than on any pri'kli'ii dm alms, th canvas opened. ,rrla.dr wa bubbling over with nlhuilMm (n iviCdi'D The alliiiidanee at the nui , ..i . the drmonetratloue ol applaut . whl'h Ibl pe.'hea ware t ue.l wtr l" k' upon a an omen of at th twite. Tha gentlemen n iik i. ii for th nnrabl nation tlokat ruixirtitl that all of th d lat r let meeting war Itrfxlf attended, ami that thn meetings ot club til Indlvlduai aofltloBa wr- - mnra than utually well iRlroDlaad. Jam O'brltn called In tha afternoon. Ha had juxt Battle at. nr ttir. uth a part ot tha district In win 'h he i running lor Congreae. 11a aald that tli nnili'i"i ir for tho people' ticket aurpntted bll hlghrat Btlons, F.varywhera ha w nat h ti ui.it the poopl determined to over-l- i i .wih'. ana auta l.ownr of Tammanr Hall. Hn had i.artkiimlad In many polltleal an. atif n I hi hr had nnver anno ao many peopl al polm al aarrmblagna aa hava tiaan gatharnU bigai'n r at Ih" .llatnit ratin. atlon roni'tlnira i f llin pi. ii.. t m.mlni'oa. at whli'h hx had apokan fiaaa In waa iioinliiatiMl for Cnngmaa. Ha la an. It I. i.i il. at lift will Ik iilaiiml by an iiiftj. riiy. and that Mr. t'oopxr'a nia- - rrlty will ni t l a ii.uiih law than Tha a.illt1iiil wi.rkra who vlalti'it Mr Ooopari Munut H. Hi ' nini all brought rapoHa "( n. IhtlliaaBt '' th" paoplu'a tbkat. Notwith-itamlih- lba g". il raporta. thrra la to lm no rMauit" n of th" work until Urn v.d baa box n 0. 11ni.il i n almilon dav. Mcntinga ara to la' Ml amy night until Not 5. To night thora III uiua nixi'Siiga In Ht'i'oml ayxtiun bv-'- Tlnrtv a aooM nnd Thirty. third airw'ta. in T"rrH" ilardon. In thn laaaaibi Roomi in rortf-tourt- ti tir w l"iwi n K.gbth and Ninth a"i a In 1. liar.- ni Mum.' Ilnlh aud 1 tli" jumtlon of l;if nnd Vnrb'k alri'ata. Hmallor ni""tlnga wUri"hldal llHth alri-- i t and th" lloul" nr.l In J'ff. raoa Hall; U.V1 Avanim A; In K "xt l. r :. Hull i7A IVnrl "tiiiiit. ami liiiliH'r'a Hall. Tim 0 llx.li) lluiilon i will approv" tha ipl i norUIUiMIt in a luaan iiiii'Ung In Ihu t I i lntitut. I r aum daya thara ba baan mu"!! talk of IhnHayaa npiibll(ant "oniing or to Tain mnin with lo. ni' votca. H"V"rul ui""tinga of iiin who profiaM to ba RapuMlrana ol that trip- haii baan bald to olaotiaa Hint iiitaalloiii An il, a .1. I .i in i ' "X Jmlg" W II in m A. RldnardadD. Uan, John A. rnaiaf, ami olhai ii' i. il' ii . ii who biat pau wxro b ad-ar- t In thr niitl'l 'latum H"Un ll' i ul li 'an irnuiijill..ii wbli It umli'ratoiul tlmt iln'v at" hurtt aupporb'ta of th" i. llabet. ant will rapQllal any a il of inamtifra of that "rganimli 'ii no Ii approM a Taniiuiiiit ti 'k i. Tbaac gi iitl"itn'u mid thai Ibaaa pro tulidad llaym l.tibll ana caiill ! ib'llvar 1.IKMI ibm to any ' anJiilui" ... t than thuau ui llio . 'ilnati'iu. MMTMVMIAM UKRic Aaaiaar Maaalag Haallag la tb KITalk i " vaslaaal UUIrlat. A grand rutllb u'luti iini'tlntf of tlio TlPM tf llit AaMktUy lilatrb t Ib'publli'iin Aaao.'la-tio- i iraa bakl teal "vnlng In l.ln. uln Hall, at HaUi itraat aad Tblrd avatjata. Tba hnii wiu iw.wl 'l iv Ui nnti Tiimmany DmiioTnU and RapuMlnuta Mr. John C. Ollfln prealdad. t'ol. Oaorga b Wauatay road a aai of WduliOBI thn principal faaturo of Vhluh waa ii ratllh'iMlon and bWftf tupporl of Hi" '. int. Ination anil Tammany ti m-- t. and phutglug tlmlr aupport to thalr Con- - Jraaaniiial n imu a, thn Hon. Ivl I. Morton I ihd llrt ap'tak-- r. In rxfnrnng to Mi i i . i w thn nam Maroy, waa Inturruptxd pi ii i yoolferi u. "l ring. T.." II ii .1 i f angiialn aald thut by "I" t Inn il " II n l i t I' Morton tha Klaynnlh ton-grata- l halutetyl I wottlaBOfnavaarapyaMpfa to it Vtaahlnglon who wuld I'auan tin in to uan win. hnina. Th'dr hiat yapyaaantatlva. 1'. in.. i, Wi ,ia. hud MSB til' dund found tat 1 g V (bin ftug" t lb" mwttng, th Hon r M'irton, It. i mi. ii. II. PBnlpa, and ltufua It i iwing inada th"tr anpasranoa In llm hull, and rai grxitad mtii thru" roualnj cbaara, Mr I'll wnN Introduaail, and aald that ha f"lt (ii lud of th" honor (toiiforrad upon hlin by i.j; In iioinuintloii I a "oinhinatloii I'.i I. tim d ' riiilii'd to oti'rthrow "orrupl Taffimany and Ibi ana innn imwr. wbiyavay I - iiii gont ibruuatboul Iba tlip, ba pad mat win. ii" iniivi r.ii ry f " i with Tarn-Ria- and Throw John K"Hy pvaybnayd." Tb Indb'atioai wnra tlmt rletpyf for tha aoiB Mbat i. w ,td r 'ha Mull of licit J'ueaday t'.m i, ib II i. Il fui It f'owlng nait addrn"d U ajantliuf n to thn dl(T"r"iit "audi- - i ii. 'ombinatloo. nnd yrtanatay Mr. fa'- i uajba wu in- lit i waa pro I'haorlng My. Morton, th Congyaa r ni i. hoik . .II that h" waa n t bdad Ipiakaf but that h .it ana a long iy bbd wbyvxy ba had b""n h" aaw thn ti. .. n mUtafcavl'i -- tgna of viator for Mm ant in ni l" f It ' ' nfldant thut Ihu pu '.nui ild biii tr itppbaatlr ateMiM. In t. i.ili I.'. I ni ' i avt ..f th Hiri'btfi laaaiul t'iti i lo l l a inaoting of ratlfloallon Wtba ml ii at n ally tl"kt In K"i"n'-- Hull laa'. avgnipf In.iigta Taylor waa Clialrinan. Ittvng 'lm i i t. hiJi'hh ni l Moyfteylna ani r. r v ' ranat'in, ubaSea Wt, Kiaril A ltan m and Arthur Oilman. Mr. Taylor 4 "lu rd an Hn. g ipAHrb. aa'h inaiitlon of th likii.K i ,i,o-- r ln'iiig graut' d with iiuthu ikj'i' hi i laua' Mr I J Dibboni offuri'd raaolutlona pladat-ngti- r nrganuutlion to Coopar ami tha ii i. i k. i arid bOan. William w. Ararall htyiuun'i b i.n H, wEltyaaa for Aaaafably, bill A' an. I Hrwi for fiiatrb t Aldiriunn. ' ,Ab m ... AvarUl ubipfc'jd WifMti ba waa ll'Mt- - d w.lliioiitiriu'id ph.wra, 11" aaid It w- - na llr-- i , , kk a "andldai". and ha waa glivl In faaka i' ii. tha flgl.t ngamat thn Ml man LWfl I ... rt aking wiut oiiUnuvd until a Tlinr.- ayi.a n n rally of KapiihUi an , ip rif tha Nayi ntwaota litetri t In Iba jl 'ii ih f'l'ln tl. ktr'ot. naar KlghOi yatiu". laatayanlna iiba niteu naaylraH wa imatk, i ..i and iba ifr-ii- "f iba i ... Ian mii.g k. r'hrow ol tha King and Tarn (id I... t. Maaon piaaldad. DlatfU.1 A" . I , . poke n inn llnaii'-la- l ijuaa ' l ' .wing aald that ho UI I in .,i.v. ...i,g th" "iy a gniwriil aap-'- '' ml Ii. al tin tlma Had appjp H P' down lati.ii a.f,y t w'la fi'll llmt l oopnr Would gin-Biap- i t , . ii '. i, ., llm gr alaal loiriil" r 'I id .'Ii lowing ad'h-- r that lib" vaa 1imiii( n I idg'i bi would pflfformfba dutlaa (Hi ' Hldnfll anllf. Tha Idb wild iiiaitrt 'it. i... t nui IVmiing," whinh waa I" aa'JI i kill it ah. n thn King h'.uld ba P'oirthtowri ami nopnr aim-ta- Mayor, I'd "if I' ' ' .aii.g City lodg. and I ' r ,.. , I hi nUMHAMt ABM OOSMU, l ' " i ii l- -r MM I'aWPW a a I la- - Mela Hawaii I Th" f tofrifittijfi (VinimlUM ui llm Infop I ' ' a i daily in iicimani Hull I 4 ii . bud te wntttatll' and aot- - I ' roto aaylr lo Iba BOffillMi I bw uiidmgi I iJ'' '" irg It no- ObaifBiMli and I ' ' I'd '. , arltti lila ajavatlaUia ui- - n I " i ' laforO inn in rutinnallou I l1"" ... mtf, ai d upon prapara- - i up. 1 i m. a an fa llu ihg' 'I I i i bn'ii porit fyoui ah putt-- . wnya I " ratify tbaaxnUldaUrtronapli' I 4 ii appoint ! nil Ho. , B 'tlioyan Hall, bumlar I ti ' ' i.i ni. if. fi i,ii lib I i t wtl'fi m""ilngk wbb'll ari- I"-- I, ' all p..ria ot Ih - iiy. To I if a i.igi partiiul rii mi. A( a In to vai I HtAaa H l ol rug tin in with "p..ak..,a Vlln-i-l- i to IWHl.ly f, bfaa (or P. ntglii an Ui ' mk o ion I I ol In buiit B ti,.-i.- . B aauLl i' .'i" ' kUwidad i I UII-- ., . Hp awjaj u., t nvMgUvtU ta :Uy ua - tlnn day. and to appoint ylgllant liiatwk.'bir to puard th" (Inrnian rot a, A "rr full o voto ha hoar, ........ t i mu ll tarrnr than In llm paat, and ot thlavnln lint l" than bat; n i Ighlha la nbpwotad lo bo anil Tammany Hi'porla from tha varloua dla-tr- la am of tho moat iminiraglng "hnrantnr. DM of lb iniwt ii it no .0 ti iii.an In thn "Itv la Hint of tho houaa own an nnd taipayf rt, It DnRlrote. dlrr-tl- and Indlroiily. thoiiaanda of y..i a. Thlr t'n-tra- l ('oniiiiittna hn rndorand thr oombinatlon t'otinty tl'knl unanimously. In tha Hnvanth tViigrxaaloiml ll'rlit-t- h Tonth. KlnvKiith. nnd Mnnntiuth Warte-- 1 tun K.matnln. tha iiiinblnnilon "andldatn. I nil" Ii) drawing almad of Anthony Kli'khoff. thn nun. in i man Hn la making an antianr dlniy oauyitaa. ami hla aunnnaa raatUM that of thn li.'knl alao. Klnataln i In lua "Igar fii.tory m mi nmn.whoaa anaioiia iklaiMlonnnrnig In hla allow hi Ikopularlty with lham. Hla workman hay navor atruok. nyn at it tluin wlmn llmrn warn fnw olgar inauufiy'toi "a whnrn th limn war not on atrlkn. Tim hiboring '." of th wholn dlalrlat am bolng Mtrnaa for him by th g "d will that hit amplori'n allow fnr him. Tlmr worn ovi i flowing Onrmiin inantlug to yatlfy tha antl Tammany oombliintlo'i ttfkt up town and mi tlm Wl aid" lait night Thl ynlng thn naat aid" will I ally with thnni. and all th Onrman apaaknr whom It hna barn Ixkaalbln to Imprika ara nngagnd for thni. MJt. rOOJXJI ASI IMirHAXCUlMKMKSr. ri.kii,.. PJiiiaHy Agalaai ih rntHal r lb Maalalpal I mkIwIm, Tha Tanitnany n - iiiaotliibT on w. day night In a rnaolutlon that Kdward (Vmpar, who wa on of poOtlVi Tlldvn'a n to dnvlaa a plan for tha gnyornmant of ptla. " darml not algn th report nor inako a protnat. tharnby "onfraaing that h la a tObodp." ylrday Jam Italy. Chairman of th Cam-palg- n t'ommltta of tha 1'nllad Antl Tain many Organlratloua. wrotn to Hldnay la Kay. who wa tha Commte!on' Hivratary. aaaioalaf Ihl rmolutlon and naklng for Mi Coiipnr'a action on Ih adoption of Ita To thl Mr. I) Kay rniilind that at th lnt formal mooting of th Commlaalnn Mr t'oopvr vo'.nd agilnat thn adoptlnn of th re- port, anylng a h did ao. I cannot concur in Una report, and daalrn to ba ao roirdad." Mr. l)n Kay nyi that th whol couranof tha of tbn t'oinmlftalon ahow that Mr. t'oopar' obicUnn to thn report wa banau i It r nmrndad Iba llmltatloa of thn i.r.ragr. that My.Ooopal fought bitterly and tha tilth amilon of th t'oniinlann'a plan, which piop.wnd a nnw artlcl to llm OonaU-lutlo- n providing that all oltliia not worth flOkMi. or paving baa thin 1250 annual rout ahoiild uot volou tin.u. mi Hon and oaad to trlk It from tlm raiMirt; ml tlmt at tlm t'onmiaalon'anloh ol July II. 1H7A. hn aaid thai tlm t'oniuilaalnn did not glvn iiiiiyi raal auffrag a fair "banc, and that, al though aniloua for tha nnd dalrd-rcduiil- on of n,i n 1'itinn" b could not"ona"iitto an ntlniuiil to accompllah It by th uinana in saitlon 5. ItMlda thla oom'lulyo prool of tlm rni orda. thr nrn ninny otlmr cv. dnnoaa thai Mr. C'popnr' action on the t'orot .1- - Ion wa thn rnyer" of that atcrlbod to him by thu Taiuinauy roolutlon. TIIK Itt tALUT PAUTt. Th ""h.. at ikrlr II ..i ia. .no.. Masllng I Mkl. The large hall In the tlm niimln 4 lllltlj BnWH wan packed luat night with worklug-umn- . iniunln ih of tna Ho. lnlli party, who had met lo ratllf thn miiiilnatloiia of their fnPdldbtaa Mr. ipJlMi alter railing th" inaat- - Ing to ordaf, aald th-- y had in togathrr to "h.l'.r" not ao much thn nomination, a Iba principle bpoa whl' h tho nomination had bfajaj inadik. Mi Bob It II. lliirtholcniea wMalcied Thalr- - man. and bafort taking hi bMI I tilled uikio Ih" ableal apaafcer of thn llnpubllcan, Dvmo-cratl- and Omenback partm to com upou Ilia I'latform and entvr Into a fra illcu(lnn of th prlnclplrof Hoclaltem with hlmanlf nnd olhar worklngmcn. Tha vital alamanl of Hocuiiam. ha aald. waa frn .aech. and tlm nppnnanta of ih" pari y might ywM I thai thy would be tmiited Willi "ourti ay. At the chat of i.ch ddrea thla Invitation waa rulterntcl. but It met with no rnapojiaa. I Itlaaa Henry lirury ana th flrat apeaknr Hn naid nlt"inpt had n mad" t rrupt and purchn" nsmbara of th" laiiati" TJaboi parly : n(T"rt war" Inattliitml lo Indura tln in to iibamloii llielr prliiclplaa Tlmv W"r" told that it waa uanleaa to ote for llm nandldal" who a i ii nominator!, baoauaa It would ln im poaaibln to tlo'in. if audi twVflaa waa ad"iind tlmlr MndliMtaa never would ba al.i.t .'l. cltin r nmt Tunkilav or latr Their opponent could mil umbrUi i that lhay kkern vliiig toy an bb a, ami km a lug II lo In- - a right ami omt una. Ho y would aupppyt it foyatray, whvllii.r thi.y failmf or at llm poll. There wai no bargain to Im minln with thn Ho- - ciaiiattc l.aiH.ri ariv anil from tb tlokat wblvh it pronb d there would ba no auyalitblnji, iMi ' n Orury wan nil a- -'i ally ni'plnnd"d. A h aai down a Rivnilyay in tlm body of tlm imil ayoaa ami i My. Chairman, I m that th yaportxr ba aialuilnd," Tin proti- - a.tion wiih i,. "ik".! with inaiked illaupprnval and Ih ' ni Midi lean entertain Bo alien motion a that. air. VV" any or do nothing that wa are aahameil to an prlntnd. Thin la a publlo tiianiiug nnd nobody t!M baaieludad, Aoplauae Tb aacrtdary read n a.-- t of reaotutlon "iii-br- ing thl" Thai Iba Ooverum--i- t of tlm futiiya ttinat ba aqndiintad bi lb" worklngmen iii tlm Int- - of aolnlnrlty. Al"kau'l"r Jooaa Uia Ho"iiilli.' l.atknr "an- diilal" for Mn"i wa thnii Intro. In I ami p- pUMIdad. II" a."k" llit In lo i. ami l in Oayman. (I- - waa proud, Im id. of hi nomlnntl"ii fur Mayor. hoW"i r bopadaaa It iinglii tai " far a- - Itjiaaadfata auaaoaa Waa con aarnadi Uat them t tin lr tr ingth at Iba poll, and ahow Ih-- lr " thai the lium waa not far dlatant wlmn tlm Labor Jmrty would bo In a poaiti'-- to nniku ita powei y, flbanap Honlbayn apok" of ttm , ni aupiK.riliig the bonlaltetlc- - l.ni i Mtty al llm without rogurd lu Ha llulnedlHln au'.'-jea- or failur. Tti" meeting ndjouru"d In a atatn of great inthutiaaiu. tBIUKQ our TO XAMMAVT, i.ihic rrai in iba ui,.. Mak nui r m. Hai-gal- vtllk I .rial lirarnbarksr. I ii, .I., bak" lx'n cur i mil that Tammany had Imught the lirunnhank .rgaiilatloiia. I'aioiiiaiiy iigxuta have intlnnit-xit- , with an air of myalxry, that bofoya Malurday large aaaoclallonk whl h had d- - lan d for Mr op- - r would go ovr to Mr. Hi hull, tin Mon day night Iba lllnlr Conbollf lir'lilick"ra withdrew btapbai II. Ilrugun, tholr City Judge, ami nomlnalm! Oiiniiing H. Iiwlford. Taaiarday altxrmxin W. A. f'araay. Krimk Walma. QooMa John W. f Iruiiip. Kiigeim Heel- -, ami about In Ihi tin- - lolut a i paMn ollmr innn, claiming ('omiiilltno of thx Car any I ruH.p ami t'ioiim"r-'iiii"i- i faatlona of Iba HMloual Qraeubaak party mat m Mr. Crump a OfBoa in Murray tr"t. and i" i.a drawn by My I rump that by th" Mvloa of I'aik l''.mmiai "ii' r om.ver they Would advlae thi'lr (ollowera lo vole th Tammuny tl"ket. an I nil afterward Patrick K- - llly and olhnr mmbyu' ""' Hhup" l .ii .r fJraanbaai pariy painted up 'li the Iraiikpai' in y 'n thn widow ,.t im ir baiTiiuartini t Fourth avium and r irti alma! Ih iianma of all thn lam n ..iiy '.aiiilnlatiix xciipt the noiiilnnn for Itla-I- "t Attorney, l'aer by lln- rixiin Ii I nr ... that Mr, Mmvlb had not yai pai l for the paint i nwmrv for th" ina'ripii .n .f hla nam. Tlm Carany-- l rump feat lob ha baatl a lam nuiiiy oigamifitloii f ra im day. tMial lam many paid (ol II la m.l kn IWB. Thn man who ciiivxrled them I.Jol.ii W I lump, a lammany man wboalpaatha ily part of llm auminer aa devotiid lillnaelf In that Work. A g- - litleman i Orel nl.' k bOtloM lad him Lu join what (iba yneantlr bann bpoWb a th" Mhupo Pal.or ta li" , aaya that Ibolr aonfaraloB ouatTam many about Mi Ki ll v a manug' la in thn dik-lll- - i" who kli'-- th" all' nglh ol then" lira. I- lia k'la in iln'ir 'i' IrMa, waya how v. i iiiiiiiniit ovnr nil thi. "ii" "' Ihi'fn. who hn walehad In ilranlia"k piovonii'lll m Una ally in"- - it .' gnll,Hli that tin ijrgaulutlon whl' h all "Ul t'' Tal, on. I., ill Ii 'I together il- tik-- i IVi k .. a, ' Th"ir I'pJera wi... maih ihirgMin," 1m lit ii. I' !. hunt . poiii-na- l airik- ia for ymra, 'Ih-- y Biaktt Bioaay em, ugh out of raB'lldaPM xv.uy eloOlloB to pii ii (i ii.. in "i nix with', it work for n few n . kk ami 'Iniing Ida real of Ihe y. ar tl m git UP Bib 'iiign I" damaBd work bu lli" on. inployad w m ki'.giimm Tin y old oui Iball a id .i" for Mayj rTyi lit. aid IMar ' In 7. Why, In l'7'J 'h" liid-- of olio of In . yd In lb" 'h Aaai inbly llkHl''l inploy d and paid W.'h Ml ( r'a WOlll-- f M NIBJO pin nd to tlm IH ofi tl' " b ioth. and g"l f"i Mr. (' i.- r yd- - lu Ihu xptlr dilrl"t. I bey am pi .illeal bummer who havn bawC brought Into i, ,i.,rl ly Hn year by thalr dlgru-'"fii- l aata al iiiamd- - rly faw of tlmin n mil how ii. -- . win io '. llmm"lve laifor thyiixt tollio poll on .I. i. mi day, ad ytthyilk .ofjboat uapy iwPm lhay van daliyai to jauildMaa. B1LWM Tl n Tmmnny man added that In hi diwrin-t- i 'ii of tlm atrikerw. Im meant to Includu milv tho HhulMi-Igllo- r and Mia Oarwey tlrumpfailona Mr Mteplicn II. Iliaaii" yentxrday rxpudlnbnl the I: mi t'onnellT pa rt y' ad Ion lu u 11 Hut lug dunning H. BadfoM for hlmanlf, aa a nomlnaa forlhty Ju'tgx, in a latbir In wht.di he realgn lu tevor of li u I'm II. OowlnaT. Tfc T.a..., Blaaa.r Ahawt tl.. narh. Tho oaiiill.lal.v. for Con grew am h ill haul at work. Mot of them am apxaklng at maul- ing nvnrr night. In aapakkoh to a large gather- ing laal night. Uan. Thomaa F, llourk. win I trying hard to dnfnat Nlnholn Mullnr. nallml thnTnmmany llethat hadld mil baeoma a "llly.en until the Ulh id thla month. Ttm Oxnnral aald I hat hi fathnr waa naturalirnd mi tit 8.1. law. and by that act naturalirnd all th member of hi family who wera then under lb year of ng... I have voted alnce 1 I... ....... of age unuunetloned," the Oen- - eral contlnund. "until 11 year, wlmn I wa de- prived of my vote !... I t not ahow my father a paimra. Itv the advice of Judge lialy I got out my paiinr thl ynr that I might noi again lav troubled by In apxctoraof Kleitlon who appeared wlr than thxv are; but tor that roanon only, aa tlm Judge told me that my father' act mad m a e tiaen." Th Oeneral added that hla nltlaen-ahl- waa not uunatloned when Hnerntary Hxward Interfnrxd In lite belialf when h wax lying In an K.ngllali prlaon, tHiudwmuad lo die lor Ilia lov fur Ireland. I -.. I .la Ik rail. Coininlaaloiierx Krhardt and WhWlBf. with Flrat Hsputy Clerk Klpp. vtelted Ueu. Hinllh, who I 111, at hla home, and a meeting of th fo- lic Hoard waa had yaatarday. Meaara. Whaaler ami Krhardt had prepared raaolutlona that re- ferred to th oonduot of tha police In the polltleal oonteat. and ara aald to hava been sweeping and alrlet Rgalnat any Interfer- ence The dtiat upon them waa hot and and no r. ault wa attained. They are to be brought up again Th aonrx of the actio,, that the xharg hae baan ind within th peat few day that th. manhlnary of th Po- lice Department waa to ho made an Important aid to Tammany and tlm King wherever It waa poaelble In the approaching eltxHon. Tka n.uia Several ikota woro madn yoetarrtar In tha M .ti urn. ni llouae. In Union eijuare. Mr. Coop- er waa tho favorite. The proprietor of that hotel ha In hla poaaeeelon I'Jti.mki to bel on Mr. Cnniier'x elxetton. Mr amea Held baa bel with Mr M. T. Davla 1 1"" that ' hi i. n will ha elected by 7 IMNI maior-lly- . t I imi that Cikoper will Im elmted by 'JViaMl inaioitty. nnd tltkl that Fernando Wood will laj olm'tud L) U.tioo majority. Tfc i ... BM la Btraaklrn. Tlm Ih'timiTnt In the Twonty-tlilii- l W'ai.l of Ilrooklyn have nominated Hamilton A. Wood, on of thn proprlnl.ir of thn t'aplpillnn tlroumla fnr Aldrnian. Iinmuel llurrough. tho BS-T-u (Mteatot. I a BipuMIOBB oandl-dnt- lu that ward, who waa endoraed by the llnmooratlii Aaaoclatlon. The committee appointed by the gathering of wealthy taxpayer In tho lliooklyu Anabmy of Mnada, baal on getting the nomination of the beat men for Charity Commlaaloner. have pub-- I lab d an blldfBM to th cIIImii uf king County. Irrimpnctive ..f party, recommending tbem I" xupport tlhnrlx J. Henry and Wlllbim M. Hhlpman. the linmocratl" cnndnlute. They cotitraxt Ih" recei.ttmi of their committee by tho iiepui.iicaiia ami iim Darnoi'rala, having baan ui. 'ernm..nlouly repelled" by Ihe on", ami t"p.a iiulv m..t I.), thn oth"r. It la urged upon Ihe voter. Hint th" beat men ah ll 1. be eleeted I" ih"e ofTlc. that Mr. Klpler Hop" might Im aiiataliixil in hi efTorU to reform an iii.ntuti n w hlch haa Imx ii for au loug a (landing reproach Ui thn coavrr.unltr. Tho li.'iii". r.tlc deadlock in th Fourth DbaWMi of King County over a BOBIb nation wa lat night broken by llm Comnilttee, which renominated. I BPJUM tl. Tlgh". tlm lawyer. Thoiuip fire of the nemoaratl" eanit.algn were made to burn brighter laat night In llr koll lyn. The ii ii ... agreed upon at the otitael that no mud waa to b thrown, having been broken by an attack upon Thmnaa M It. lay. the lixroixiratlc andldat for Hlmriff ordcra war proniulgate.l fiotu the Dun ran.- tieaihiunr- ter yeaterday nio'nlng thai Mr Ja nob Worth li..uld Im hamlbnl withuut glov. A iii,, In hpeaclma that were made i.i. t night mi rort Oraaaa I'Iha I y M. xara. K It I Jiukliig, Jamaa I. t.. ... and otlo-r- aml by Anthony llarn lt. H 1 1. M uria John 0. Jacl. I.udwig Beuilay, and ollmr apaakara obobb. palgu duly man y iiiiplaaiiiil ihiuga ware aald nlaiul Mr Worth, Tlm "aiiipalgn. It la aald by many polili' lnu.. will jw'viiit Inll. rly i ... all' i thl. Th uiina I. " I. . the Orxenback I.nla.r camll, lain In tha K.ighth lilatrbH ol King puLHahca a card w iiTnlrawlng lu favor of John II w tha Darnitoratlq ) di.tnlx, " Mr Mi, v. lain, Mr. Ilouglaa.'a opponi'iit. la a man of thn tin at pronouni'ml view and large weallli ami lathoroiighlr to tl... anpporl of thu pyopi rly QuaJIfl a lion bill, while Mi. Iioiiglnak in w Inxl rmordx.l him. elfin favor of the funda- mental principle of the ii.. lllovuluvllt." al. r.ok.'. l utia, Ua'i an Orwikikik Parly. Tlm Qipviim County Olfewj batik IgtbOf party .' mi le In mnaa meeting at Koch'. Ilroadwny Hall LoBB Ixlaud City, on Wmlnxa-da- ev nliig, to ratify the nomination of flan. Kamuel J. t'rook for fnngrnx for the Flrat lilxtrl 't and John K"' gan for Aaa.-m- ly from the He'.,, ml JHatrbl. ti.-n- . CrooLa wa with "iithuaiaxm and he dallyarad a apee.'b. chiefly upon the flnnm'lnl l.aue of thn en n vnax. Tlm rennha.'k or of ijuenna are con- vinced Hun tha eotiteat will bo batwaan Oau. Crookx and OH, thn Itepublli an lioiinuno. nnd that f'ovxrt will la. lint In Ihe rn'-e- . OfB, t'roo.a a bMOOjl waa a re tew of tha gr""iibii"k l.'glalatii.u. ami loa arcrnwi bit at Pokey HuTieuck" mad" llm tlmon-l.a"k"- laugh. Ainiuig the audlnncn wrx n numhi-- r of l)em-nryat- wlio have ta.li.'d in OBaaquaBca of the iimuiiiullon of Covnrt, .... who aru working hurd lo dfi at Mm. HUH IH 111 III. AMU 1IIIH IIM) A Ma tvllk a ....... a Bkull I ..,.. ..... a l . il ar.i.nr. aa Oealk. f Iflb er I'lilib k BBTOWbII of tlm (Ink atri.d polpM Hat Imi arrn.tixl im 'linnlay a man In Pearl btlBBt whom ho look lo th" pfrllft tfetlftn and locked up. lull who OOUld not give hi naiiiu nor any account of hliuef llefurn Juallc Murray In Ih" ToiuIm Poll" Court tlm man waa arraigned ax John Doe, ami tlm "fllcor awnro that hn "entered anvrul abire In pearl ktrm.t. refuaiug P' leave theui. ami caue.I a crowd of pc.pln to collect by rxeaon of hi di. orderly conduct." Whll In court the man oomplalne.l of hi right b'g paining Mm. mind in a wild aortofway and gave evidence generally of be- ing liitoilcub'.l. Juatlc. Murray aiikpemb.d tha regular order of doing hualrm. to got aom-II- . Ing out of tlm man. but llm officer anb I Im went atinight i.ough until nrrulgtia.l. and in hi opinion thn man wa prlmipally auff.'rlng fi .in hla pola I lol.a ,.tc Mm n.y nl length eoinintlled lilu. for alt ii.oiiltia In default of 7ikll.all ThaJuel tol.llinier llariiw.ll llm man needed Biadftal aid and to aav ao wh"ii ha look him down lo llm e ll. Thla the offlimt fall. id to do. bul Keepeia l.ynch nml IJ'llrlen Who received him .aw tbai !" waanal 'k mini and limy put him In th" hoxpilal ""II, IN ardan I nm aianilued tl man ami a. nt for In Hardy, llm l .ty I'l. yxl .nl. who giiku II aa hla "pinion that tho prlaonui 'a ahull waa frac-lurc- Tlm man waa limn taken l" Uulloyua Hoxpilal. II" dl"d y ali'iday morning "f a frai'tured akull. Hi nam waa I iiiih Ythll" .ml ha Waa a nr Inter living Hi Ilrooklyn. Tlm frn'ture In aald lo havn ten nn large one, and It wa aald lo Ix. li."ompr"h"nnbln win hn could paaa any police offh-e- ol even v iy alight 1'Aperlcllca Without It being ilB""V led All in- - riorwtpMbonu ordered. How tlm man got ll,.. Wound ii"' BnoWB, for Im wi.k nt BO tiim able to apeak f .r hunk "If. ' I waa ""in Im . d yni' lhlng nil' dtlie man. xuld .l.i-l- l- i' MiM, kh l fill Unit renai u pa k pain ulaf pain in etaii.n.li.g Mm. ' I elxieil . . . I lk I MillNla uf Talker. A g "4ty an ll.'ii'u of white Bud colored par-...- . gyaawd tar lia Btratlatl aawa)aBig la bpai Pbayab lael ati n bear Uavlr reaaarlag af bV a yaaiateaf 'Jtatear-'- ! .. ...,... at il a . bavi ii'k'ia aatabbi I atari aa al blat Utah urrferaiaa. i af "IpjUti lb Neabyk Hbw aVkaaarei wa lapfkayaivd I.. Hn.. I la .1 ti ' Batwbj Ma., i bkUarr. Mi I., haul 1 bkWJ IbilA I, g... Kn..... II. .' '"ii I" fm-- ..'4 "i pnPaittli nl ' r r I il J.'k .a Hn '.'.. .... ti M. Klia ... il.. v.i , i y i. - t. u. . ..... u ... p It..-- . Afewlbj Irjey, Ibi iaji I'm I bl I" "...a.. ... Hit " c' to a Y 'lieane fp aj . a. rkprteiaif kj Willi, k'.'.k. r 1'ix i.l. k Aaila lit. ai.,1 r.i.til. I . gun k A a iiia .i..iir et. - i jki u)M, Miim a ., .. I. ........ .I..I Ml II a gait t... I A .i.tr hmlatp ik I. ... il. tfiat.ii- ea. a l. iu, Iik kr1 '.MX l.lMo a at." a- eitua.l II, m til,,, alll. mill .1 al,, wilt, kk Lmix, Oil IkitywliU laikWb kfyiatkHk STUTTERING JACK S MURDER Ol'l I.IMMI W If a lHKM IftMUBMTB il.H l.MiMt . in riM K n.r labtlaaa ta . i..n., . PJialyinB Ba latetv view wllk Praak ll ...... I'ke Ittlrrtl.w Palle l.iln.na, ikal amy i ail ia kr Pavar. HllllKlKlliHT, thrt Hi WlMW Mra. Alog-and- oamo Into Iho cun t room thl morning. I.kfore Ihe ootirl opened, alio eat for aome time reading the morning newaputmra. When tho court waa formally openikd tor hualnaaa, aha dropped thn paper, and carefully watched the proceeding. Chief of Polio Marh waa the drat wllmaie called, and aa hit tikttlmony wa In th main what Atltant City Attorney Holt had teellllotl to yeelorday, alio paid hut lllllo atten- tion to It. The teetlmouy thut fnr addumdon the trial falleto eouneet her with thn .v. mini., alon of tha murder. It ha c.uikiate.1 mainly of her etorlea to olhere about how the crime waa commuted by Itaaaott. aha allelic 1 mo appear- ing In th r.Me of an unwilling wltnoaa. Aa one of the beet criminal lawynra In the Htntn. who haa been In attendance ai the trial, aald to- day: " Tha mate la bringing out In Itatnatl-mon- y an uncommonly atrmig cnae for the de- fence." The Ntntn depende. In order to make her an aceoaeury hi the crime, upon the win ti Ilaaaelt made to Jailer Wnkeman Walla, and lo morrow Htale Attorney Olro-atea- d will make an attempt to introduce thin ootif.-aalo- aatoetlmony. He gave notice to that effect and gar the oouiteel for tha an opportunity to t up autlmrltlea uia n which lo baan an obJactloB, The defence I to Im that Mr. Aloaan.Ur waa an unwilling wltneaato the crime nd not an o'eaaory. In order to cut hr In the beat ram-tlh- l light Wore the Jury before th goe nn the ttand In caaa aha doe to, which la now eonaldered an Improbability counael for Ilia defeno have dou thla: They havn aacured from Chief of Police Marah. Officer Arnold, and City Attorney Holt a atatemant under oath that nvry word ahn ha told thnm In relation to the crime haa, upon Inveetlgutlon. proved to ba true. Till thny conldnr a very ttrong point lu their favor, and will argue ;ha; If ahn told tha whole truth then ahn will tell It mi the wllnnta laud. There I one thing about the Woman that la In her favor, deapltn her It'll ding appearauc. Hhe makea her atateinnnta In euch a rnailuve and atrnlahtforward manner aa In carry oonvlotlon with tl nnd haa a wonderful power of faacinatlon, due. pxrhapa, to the a, inn,' I, a um ol ll :. Ii an I Yll..kOa blood In her veina. In cnae the atntcment made by Ilaatctt to Jailer Well I not admitted to morrow, the will move for the dlachnrge of their client on the ground thai n'm la uot a yet Implicated lu the niurd. r. Tlm llaaantt atatemnut. then, la a vital point in the cn for the Hut". Mra, Al.'kainl"r'a ablllllea a n letter writer waa ah. wn by Ihe n n I"-- i he had written while In jail and whl' h had la.nn retained by Ih Htntn a nil.. rimy and nver delivered. The rending of thoae leUerr, in which there It a trang. blending of religion, palbini.ixmliirneaa. ami vlntllilvenia. created a marked aenaatlon ; and It waa BONOS' able that thny alao 0 anted a 1 1. aide liuprea-tloi- i on tlm jury, Mfaral of thn older men I n tr ff""l"d to tear. Particularly wlmn lm apeak, of the trouble which aim haa undergone, and luiiki. n.p"la mi ill a a heart broken woman only could mak". Mra. ato.. llm roading of Hm Init.ra very well, and only evinced emotion wlmn the one to Imr in.Hher waa rend. In whl' h aim ngpreeaaa adcairet.. aee Imr xiat. r. daughi' tx and friend, If ahn had any left Tlmn Imr chin uuivered. Ih lor In her face unepeBea. and H re.julredall her power ofaelf.contr.il to keep back the tear, whl 'h llnally I. urxt through Imr cloned eyeli.ia In pll.i of hwr alrugglea and trickled Hi 'Kiln rill down her clmdix falling upon her hand, which were oroaaed fri imr i.n 'Dm rat lattar Introduced waa wi ittxn to Siain t Attorney tllmttead. lu which aha tol.imnly protasta bar LnBoeenne, and Imgafnr an oppor- tunity to "x Prank llnaa. tt nn.T pray tn hlin on her knee to tell Ihe truth- - In own that Ma own handa alnn .topped Hi man' breath." " 1 never had the heart." aim cniitlnuea, to an any on auffer, let alone to aend a aoiil unpre- pared t.'fure Ita maker. The aocond letter wat wrtileu lobar niothnr t lmt llad.lain OoBB.. and It aa followa aa.ra.rrcwf I A Ma n-- i 2. layx 1" M,. la. a I t ... Ha .. la.... n ra . ...n kill, ' bal.ava .nr. Km I ia- Aal .a I. a- a I ... !.. ka.l u. . uli tna tx in. I. .ill "Uk! ....I art . I" ua aula kl . line Kkaa u. tnettiar renal I at. Ilirratamxt Willi 'la.lti It I n.r ti.l.l u l.tn. i.n, ... ... aa IA, .ltAi a. , lii 1.1.1a, I In ....... I.,. .ta p. ..... a hat. t a.. i .itMkiu.t.iuW'.i .tai Praak't beej .n.t nut ti.p at ...... i u ,t it ajtraaa . i..k to baa tvlratn h .nr -- 1.. PtM no I...... rob "' K ar . Hilt.. ..wa ant a 1ra.a lu Ml oner b lxr.1 l. n Bate at". a 1" k an. 01 a ti.li lu uar alt all uea I xa. altaatt trai.,1 I wral lo thr alatloll tu.iii. ami la. a 'nil Itartlr ..tar. "1 my lea lata 11" v I id nn wb itutM il I U an arlrvr.t l.. I. are ll i ..... .,.t rebrd .... laat I RaBBkia kltt tin. I l J. l nut lutttai tn, I. ui it ,..la I .a. aultrrni. Igeny "' aillM at a.) I.... ..i ail "Wi. oh aaaaW i.ai truabbi I t.a.r ..m, llu ..i .ti aa.l kept mi aai.av. . Von .In nl kln.w .Nat fetaj r ... . i ptaf ta aa aaw ii. .1,.. at. ti.. t . a. Imi .".-a- I. a.) nelar I .bin I 4 "U. ti.al. .., i.u.il.l ...a in. ii. Ir lulrr I.' at auk mil. aultar lat al..aa lift an.1 art. J bttet l" aikkar a m.uI ..... o i ..a.) ok Bag ataaa aaTwy aw laal tea Hal .baaa a Ink jiMtiwfiil uf n.aa I. a.iiinnir. . ..au a . r .1 to ti.r Jaajiaavat ul Hi al I. what I laal In... I t'tat Irai nl tar lu la.r a.al aitl t.a.r anvrr I. I...I II .rak ...Ire .... I Ire I tu una Ira ok Ir it. In Bt alia. I, a ,. ....... i tin ...... a i trayrit win. m... ....m bran nut lleWe In i tirrka Imi II .tl.l aot la.t I... . a. nt ..... i,, dim t a.., .n t Uki rl,.rti elii.yH.l.n ami . ...il.ra xaal 1.. talk will, van I want t ara y Hilt tt.-- a. rat. a.al tlauia-- at.-- til it lay Iririata it bavt an. Irlt Ii... .,,1 l,.rr. X. ,'ig ... ttt Lrir .or X ... k I ti... ii'.ixi atai ) ...i ...n nave It le pay year way i. ....... ...in will bt k. ii. Una Matt ..'in Ilia tali ..i ah. .Ill Ilia I'. ..I It- Mabel th.' .' ...rt aria t t.) I...- a. I .... I. .hi. nana an. I a. rial lino tl,. I ill. n,a II I rt .... la. I will a. I... in. ant. ..... ot. n.utl.rr a... aaraTk BPrvayaal a.i'l frank a frlklell air all tNlanglllll Mir iii t aaarl I rant t"1 l"l' ' tu ara what tin-- ara .l.iuiu I aai au. ....... la.t bl MM 'I a ...ii al - .ml l.a.a tarn ii.twrll Vil twu an ta Mull.it I auffrr in u.u. .ml 1. all h.r tlta alt.a nl ai.ull.r. ...,l.al. btlM ... that I a. a .1.. a llr.l lu X.I.U'.. Hi,' ate g.a.,r I Ma. ami .1.. ...11 brlla.l tu i u.itr I... k altrr I run axr-- l l.ai.1 tn... II. uaia. y b kill.. I aiyttll I'l .1 taar II. a law ...at. - I ih.la .1" Ilia '(.nl a. nt, liu.urrnl-il.- r. ..i.i..t, lhrku.lv Bul ll ta uul ul ttiaua ,uwar lu f.urt It, a. ill tl.aak ll.rl-- I ll'ifa irank X .11 rap. .. I ol tna trttnt bll '"' la Ir kiaa t" .W'trr ley III.- axa.lu at.rh.a uxit Ainu ft .id. ui.iuruia.ta ltaaaa Anotlmr wa written to Oftf Attorney lloll, diiled O' t. 4. naklng htiu lo BotBa to Imr ..ll with i in'! Marah. or any ..tlmr wiim-ex- and let In r tna Frank llaaantt nnd apeak with on o wllh do. I a halt.." elm aaya,' I will aoflcn Ma heart nnd tin will mil the truth. man. thai hla handa (Frank flax-- . tt'al xtnppnd tlm BIBB a braatli, not mine." Thetliat I. Iter ri Kiilliul In an Interview be- tween Mi. Alckiiinhii ami llnn.ett at llm jail lu the i.roxorjf of Htat.'a Altornoy Omatead .lalloi Wall. Vlilnf of poli .i Maiali.ntnl Iim net .. ia". k" id ami to day Ihe thr o, told ol that interview which. In addition to the letter printed, wax tlm only luipoiLinl femmn of tin. day' Procnedlnga. Thl (utemoW wa .In barlbad aa f..li..wa: Mrx. Ah'iamler wa brought Into the .all of fl. o. and .'."Ii alter llac tt wax In i In. II" loop n teat, ami Mr. IJImxt.'inl aald I" It. in " Itexaett, thla lady haa rcjueatcl the privilege rjfT aoalng mid bilking with you." Itax.ett rapllotlt "I dpnt inoW aa I waul to ana h. r for aiiylltlng." Mho ni" th" converaalloii by aaklug: " Frank, won't you own tin that you did that awful tl wiih youi own bsBiM '" To Ihla llaaxatt repllotl: "Iowa up t" nothing; when 111 proper time come. I will tall the whole truth." Then lm anl "I hiiy m.lhliig lo fear II you Ml llm "'"'' tiuih.' llu nld nothing, and h" beaencl.lngly bald: " Frank. you prof" to love nm, or tlhl at "ii" tune i appenl tn y..u tlirn ugh Hint love, to ..an u. that ynu til l Ihla awful tb ail Willi youi own hamla. ami thai I had nothing Pi tin with It aaarpt whal you mint P"i. urn to do; a., llnil my lolka won't think I did an, ti ti boiilbla ilm d." Fr ink nuawri'd. "I ke got m thlng lo Nil). Win It llm priiufll time coin' I II fell Ilia truth,'1 Thin elm aald. I rai k dTdB'l I nltnonl taint away wlmn I I. "I. I tlm banal fm you to pul llm body In V" adding. " I bay.. I'tiiy. I for you n gfttl maiiv lliimx. ami hall "onilniui to d" an PfBf foy youyatdf, Won't POUl ll'illk lelilti'd. ToU Bawl Ihlll bad em., gh " Baelng llnii aim mad.- no Hit 1.1 .ami. .1. oil hint bba priAWMd OV.'I to wliel" Im aai. thr. ay Imtaelf on her kit"", "roa.eil her nuBda mi In km ", nnd a .libiug mil. nil. b"gg"il of him lo "..life.. Ill" wl.ol" Irb.n any Ing ' Frank, tloit'l mnii'a jodgineiil, It It indnlug OOniparod I' that ol Hod, The r, limit.. h r of tlm . alimony to day to Ihu flmlitig of lb" Ixali nnd tin ltd nil II alt .it of llm i' in ..It, a and th" clothing l.y fi l ndx "I He d." ".tt'id. VetterBey't Plretlahew . Ofll'M Magultu taw em ke utliiig li'.ti. tlm ,i t ill Ni igwey. a ntw bail Hay rrerb t ba Ibi reint ni u. ' t .4 nr. in Pebrearti ix7n iia ttarrbia ibrtiiiiib - t. r.i it ... btfan i.r luaaa ibt brt la lb ,a ..... M..U' ..,'' t l " XI, .... it, ellrtbaklt, fit III I null, -- r I tl i ."' He, 'At ik Ii I .'a' lull I. kl wa, ..at it" ... t, pre laal trtnlag, aial tin atuiithn. aa- - lit .. ' ' lit. I. 'man A I Ullfe a (.1.1... r .a ... ..rv i. r.lll kt ,1 y.l u i.n. .imi x a. a tit. ua areatay ait, '' Bllliap I tklln'.l ..! I len la HM Pair. Tlmr" ana BO dlBllBUllOB Ol tlm rtiah In IbB tn al lair ll, II., laltn.li .. laal .ri.l.,, I a. llllal B' I iktry rrrri.i a' .... I... I aa. ,,, hi I laUBybba ..I a... .H)i. fill ggl U II I i.aau . I.. ....a il. a i .t. at. .'a Brvklii Ira oj t 'ao j ii.i.i t'X la la. I .1,1 I'r "Way" aaaaalaaaaa aaalt Bba.i atl ,..!, l..ti::JB' tj,,aaltt aU MM yitir v.ihk.. rMaaarallaa Ika a, an. Atklvanarf era N i.vui.aai n.iiiia! Way. Ht.vonty-flv- n yoara giro y,H.torda llm Hot. Dr David 1. Field, won of ('apt, Timothy Field of r t auihlforil (now Madlon), Conn , married the daughter ot t'upt Noah lo k mi of H 'tnnra. ami thn young pair aetlllng In lln.ldam. he bocamn paator ol thn church there. Vivaterday the four eurrlv-lu- aona of thla couple. I'm, Dudley Field, Judge Btapben J Flald, Cyrue W. Field, and lr. Henry M. Field, a a memorial to their parent, made a formal prceikntatlun to thn people of th town of two plota of ground, which they had ma... 1.. im laid out na a park. All four of the brolhera went up from the city yeaterday morning, and arriving at Hint. lain at about utxin, wore recnlviid, a ."in in .it by the comprahenalve Inhabitant of the town. N'timnroua pomleroua and couutry wagona, upholatered for tha oiioaalon Willi h iraa blankota, and having nach apalrot enloran. furry home attached, ahtod backed up to the atatlon platform, and thro igh the treca on too of the hill were to Im eoen the red coat of a brnaa hand which waa luetlly playing " Home, Hweet Home." Th" proceaalon formeil. and. moving upward through llm narrow lane which lead Into the town, tha ij.iitnit main atroet waa found to be decorated with bunting of thn neweet and hrlghtoxt. In live minute broad aa It waa. the vehlclna mailed one another e tlmr crowded alowly through It. The hand ahead. Hit proceaalon onme preeently to a gray, wlda-gnble- d farm hmtea. ami juat afterward tn a road- way leading under an evergreen arch, which bore the wnrda. " Field Park: welcome I" Into a wide atretnh of green award, which awnut atlll further tkyward. and which waa rrowud with n nta of gray rock ami evergrtmn tree. Below every thing wa atmmth and charming green, with treat antl well-rolle- made; but above the miniature granite peak gave the plana another aepeet. and hero (he glory lay In the view, lining very high ground, the oy took In the valley of the Connecticut foy mile up and down, granite rocka tnd rolling Lin to the northward, and (toodatined't and F.aat Ha l lam twinkling out of tha fabulou traee to the touthward. Half of tha 'J.INKI peraona. when they roache,. thla point, turned their Imckt on Ihe tcarlet coaled band and ganad anal.und upon tha equnllv gorgeoii anil far flnnr landaenpa. w In thla part of the park a platform hail been erected fir Ihe apnakera, who x arc.. bxik enough time to warrant It. and long tablca. aet out In thn figure of three aldea of a a.juar". were Imheld groaning under tlm weight of the Inviting eatable which they oontalnnd. The band ceaaed, and In n ahml addrcaa Mr. Pnvld Dudley Field eurrendored all thn place lo the I.e. .pin of Had bun Pi tlmin nnd thalr In.Ira and axxlgtia forever. Pr. Ilnnry M. Field alao apoke. nit rcxalng tha hope that In future raara tha children and grandchildren of tlnaae whom he addroaaed would ait there In tho oool twilight of auminer evenlugt and watch the river and the beautiful bllla. The band played nnd the tablet, with tlmlr Made of level, turkey, ciikn nnd tile, were plnannntly npproachavil. All Ha. Idem deviated all the afmrmkon to the MlniiratlnBi end not a at..re or a boupa wnaopen In the village Imlow. ii ii I ..r lltrce hoitra not a pedettrlnn wrvt to In the broad alrcet. At S o eoea the tralne crine along lo enrrr thn vltllora away, ami limn the tadeliratlon cnuielo n ...ae. Among th. mc pfeeeBl war" Mr. Htel.h'tia the Meutellllllt-l- l tvu nor of th" Hint", and Mr It (I. Northrop. Huparlatendent of thn Public Hehooit of Qonnnetlout, nnd ma of tlm inoxt prominent of thoae who of recoil yearn hava giketi ntlonlloli lo thu tubjo-'- l olillagu InipyovamaBl, orrouxu com net lamob W Jr.ar. Mr.l.nnlra Making Ihrlr Vllr,.a rakkfi a Palllleal I ..... Ill tho (I in nd Opera llotieo, Newark, a large mnax BIBBtllH of luixihnulc waa held laat evening, under the nu.plee of the Hat Flnlth-ere- ' Aaaoclatlon of Newark, loproteet again! thn employment by contract of mv let labor In Htato prlxona. Tho agitation waa begun two yenrt ago when it waa proponed lo mnnufiidura hale In thn Htate prltoii In Trenton. Tho Iter Htatn HI.,." ami l.eatlmr Compniiy had bcun given a contra. i pnruilllng them to employ 4RA OOBViOtl In Ih" priaoti llio cmnpaui to pay the Htiiie 42 cant a day for bBOb convict. The coin pan y waa thereby enabled to uuderxcll outaldn iiiaiiufailitrera, and tha latter ware fpfflad lo 'he wngex of tl...r tkilled MBploysag until limy . in i.l m.i BveraM abova 16 to f 10 a waeli I. a.t winter In tlm New J"r"r I.'glnlaturc a bill known ik tint " llnttert' ami Hlio"iuak"ra' bill" waa Introiluci'd by the lb n. William II. Foldlsr of Newark, which wa lo Bbulnb ""ti-v- i t labor III llm Hint" Prlaon, Tlm bill wa da. eatnd, Then a lull wa iBtroduoad bv Mi. F.'ldl. r prohibiting tlm mBBufactUfe of tint In th" prlaon. and it bxcainn a law. A almllar bill the altoemakera waa t .. by tht. Aaa.'in-Idy- . but ii a n. defeataaj In tin- - Hxnnte. The hat-tar- e of County. BUBlbBylBg over t.taai. and tlm ahoarnBBera, about 6,UW, have their agitation again. t COBViei lal.ir ever anp'e. They hav" made it an Ixnim In llm pre, cut pollli nl OBBiBBhlBi ami tha caandldafea ol th" lieiiio rata and II. publican, ye.t'.r.lay i.ub- II. lm.l " ir.la pr.iitilaing If elected, to do nil In th.dr BOWOf to proUMi aklllml lala.r and nl.diah all M 'tlalau. Tlm Hob, William II. Fold. l"r, " Ilia Kallmr "f tlm nalfera' bill." accept.-- I iiu. Dt'tnoeratbi BoniljiaHoB for u . froBi the ThTrd Mairl' t. Newark, yaatarday, by of the hatl.-r- i ii I abo intikcra. Tbauraitd ilpara Rotiaii wa thronged with hatteyB, BlioamBaorB, iowiilleyB. nnd otlmr trinleaiueti la.t night. Tlm no "ling wax nl . o'. io t. Th" Mage wax net with a prlxon ."cue, nml wna crowd'"! with p"lltl"laiia nml o (Tl "ra of w ii.i., ... . - xo"i..ima. J. Iliad ley Itldgo ami Patrick M ,, wax taeyotary A laiter of regret from uov. t linn wna read. Tin. Ilovuiiiot oxpreaai.d rntp;.ihv with the movement. Ml. tltx.rge J. Ferrv of lining .aid that It waa not right Unit men who i. ... I .pent four or five yctirn ax atd'i nl"'". In order 10 ina.ler a calling Unit would givt. tlmm kupixiyt for tlmir familli a. xliould Ix- put In "utiipetitloti with con- tract oonvlot labor. New till k ta n.akliig tl.ikMl n day mil ol prlaon labor, but tin ra nr.. (hou-aaml- x of lialtnia and ahoiimik'TH In tlmt Htatn and Y w .l.iraev who on thai aouounj nrn forced to go boiiix nightly ami ae e ll u tin .lien aulfer for wind of food. Mr. Joxeph linldrlck. tlm Pyealdenl oltha Hat Maknra' Aaaoclatlon ol the Ublli'd Hint". Idler. man Hlaltiaby of Nnwaik. Traaaurer Den. H. tliuyof Newark. JoBPph Atkltiaon. and t.ilmra iin'tiln BpBBflbetl Iii favor tif abiili.Miig COBVlvt lul.ir. and deiuamling that no uiurn cotitrnila ba given out. The followltig waa adopted with chnera: Naaafavg, My ii, i uaetkaBlfial Ibt btateef Naa Jtrtey la ...vaa mttUnl aaar nil, I, ,1 ,1 . ft J, llu.Jlat ua. ..r ll, i,.l...r 1X7. Ilia! xa alll net la thl Intttra aui " r I tal rAtll an. ll au ttial ail I". I .l litt tuiuaall p. uta l..a ...tin. m . an I ...Ir l..r 11..' tlxitltl ... ..I all aklili .1 Mhiir 1. ..... tl.r u .a,. In a ml Ir'.it mat.. I . in .1.' ulna., ul tl. a hlak.. " "u mii.isiiH. Mxl.ialna lu I t.a aallfc I.r. Patkxa-- ... ... II, anaax Ik Hrlalo. i.r a ll.u.i ii. A till AMY. Oct Id On Monday JeBBB Bll Huge call. ..I at llm raaldeae ol Wlllinm llarrla. In Fort F.dward. wlu rn hit ilaughtiir .1 BBOll I mtiiliiig. nml. n ft rn yeyy afTaotloBBta naatlBfl on Ma pati. ysQUBBtBd bay to ret u i ii to bin bona ami k""p Itotian for Iniii. Him yBftlBad, dn.'lar-l- i g that xlm Would BOVar Hkn In thn l.ouao wl.r" b"r mnllmr wa. uiin l"r"d. T all that xlm ah. .old return, or that aim aluuiid Bvah raaumolbu yalBlluriB of n .lauglit.'r to Ii 111 . xlm r ttirimd tloilldad BogatlVOB. and llnally ii'luai'd to l oiivt." with hlin BIOafH In Ih" preset "" of ii third party. On 'I Ueatlar I a lingx aai it 1. for HUaTalti, and a. ui I word to Mx daughter lo remove any ft it lie aim wanted from tho family iniiii-- n n ami to aeud all lull ai... mighi oi.tiii"! to him ifiraettlument. lm. ing iim day Jennis did aa ha proigaM I. tnking th" parlor furilftUUi organ, ami family pi- cture, nml Ihe xidebnr wagon and mualanu apony, Hhe alao left ill the u.0l. the bill, wl.l' ll ihi had Incurred, and tin. lu.ua, bold keya. wltl It aim H'l.ilti '.l ufi. i h r Mother diiUtD. Ne i lux In Ik Hank ll.la.ra 11. ni" Biakaya warn btiay f aBteyday palcli Ii up tin burtit tai la ibt Miiahallaa bapfc't ..mi ai.l 'anipl H rkb ik ai t u itltn ah. nit aa ill, builkl bin! if. I. ,i. a a . u nal A I a ul x ..... wl.ul.ai, all.,.1 tvtrj I" lu .. in- .hull ih. ir il, p. .it. air Uteri ' ni in... p. Haiti Biattt t 'aw a, It i inn a al. l x ill awty I itlara an lealaj tin i tka ...... t.o. .( P I.,,.' Hull a ... Ill . .. i... .1 a U). hut It. a, ,'. I... ....( in. a . W ul p . a.,., at. I'l-- riaiuUnt baa warn yl'xitey ttr avti Bie t tin in her :la. V Iht Irti t ia any thai Hay litre anlll kill Mtlplut tu til' ll..a. atari tin u ,rai i t iiit.art.aa ta. ll. .1 k" taxai a. I... ft a. ..nr. I aa team aa Ilia I.I.., I a aflalra .... I.r at. ..dl... .1 1 lir ...uia, liter ..I in,, t . a in w i tti ..' .. ' a tbwtra wat I ..." ".. n. t tun'.- - I.n' ... I tit . ball aa.l I, I. .1 o I.i .1 l.u . ....i l ia. a. lu.,: Ptilb Kttiiilatr I a t. v. .arm. I in the it a Ml Waallltfatel .at tip k In a ( x iiiuniira agg n lm i.r.t p. Aii a... . raarartail a At Iba baiitlt aua an t ti, at Mr Ijm.'i wuuit laka in,. Ilea IM ralaBua li III in era aula .1..'. ml. nt Wa"'et f ilia atcu tli.x.r le all llunilikaa iiu .lu. p. tha r.4.lara tl.a Itiiural tight i ti no aa.r atlii n.o.ii at, ultkUitly, oiUa ev .... bet lira. US p, IbtU ItuoiB nr Aram thvi blm. WBy aBlaBaaatta naaallae t Rlv Ika Va.rra-avea- t lb Pa.ll,... ik.i Aaak. IxiH.k,kli, (V't. II. Mf. t)Uit,.t .tm. (n xp I. deliveriMl to day at Mhyl, deollnod to glvn the tlovernmnnt the onnDdonco they aakoal on the Afghanlaiau uunallon. and ooanplainait of their withholding aulhorltatlvw lafnrmatlon. Ilevlewlng the Information which wan obtain- able, he ehnwed that the relation wllh Afghan- istan warn eallafaotorr during hla Admlntetra-Hon- , and he juaiift .1 thn dlapleaaura of the Amnar at the Ilrltteh occupation of Qiiattab. He pointed out tha the weak F iowit which a profneaatlly chlyalrnua loveriimeut threatened to punlah for re- ceiving a Itnt-ia- n Kmlkaaay waa laaa cu. palila than the Bander of the F.mbaany. Th entitling of the F.mtvaaay waa apparently a breach of Huaaln'a eugngnmenta to England, but hn fnamd Hitaxla would cite aa niatiflcallon the unfriendly conduct of the Ilrlllah tlovernnmnt Mr. Olndatonc declnrel that to aaddle India wllh the otpenaeeof n defence agalntt Imagi- nary danger would Im an ln)uiitlrva aa mon-alrou- a aa any recorded In the hlttory of the world. Mr. Oladttone. In rvt. clutlon, aakad the peo- ple lo compare the at ate of F.ngland In 173 with that In 1H7H He energetically defendod th Ueneva arbitration, and thought It far better to make a natloa of forty minion, a friend than one of eighty minimi an enemy. What they wero BOW pmieailng agtlntt wa not merely a aerln of falae atepa, but a new ayatom of government by pereonal rweponelbilltr of thn aoverelgn. only too likely to tap the foundation! of mon- archy, Hr FaTaaeBtiao Oct. St. Tha Kofot rejoice over tha delay In the Kngllah operatlona agalnxt Afghaulaian. It aaya aa long aa peace con- tinue Hum! oau give arm aud money to any one. I.0NO011;. Oct SI. -- A Bombay dnepap'h to tha Daau 7lev.ipu eny " Intelllgeuco haa btvon reoelvml her which jullflea th confidence of the Kngllah people III the loyalty of ihnludlan prince. UJTar ot abl are coming from all The native troop are eager to ad- vance on Afghanlttnn. The tone of the praaa la all that oould ba dealrad." vmorotinu a whlw r un T t'ax.a.arala IB I r.lr.alal af th la- - aatrarallaa ay th Plral Praalg.Bt. The nioetlnir In tho Fifth Avontto Hotel laat evening, for the purpoae tti Initiating tha movement for a World'a Fair la New York In 1H89. waa well nttondod. Aa expreeeed by tho can, the ohja .. of the gathering wna: "To contldtr the propriety of auggeatlng to thn Mayor of Nnw York that delegate from all the Htalea bo Invited to aaacmblo In thla nlty on thn Soth of April ueit. being the ninetieth aniilveraarv of th lnuguratlmi ., Waahlngton aa thetlrxt Prealdant of tho T'nlted Hi ate, anil the I of "..nal nut nal govern mnnt. In onlnr that the proieailllou to hold a great BxhlbltlpB of thn Imlutlry of all nation In Ihe clly of Nw Vork. In llm centennial year of that ovum Ittf). nr eoonar, may then be ma- turely conldered. Among tlm tignxrt to Hi call are Alexander T. Hl.'wart A Co.. tlrcatea Cleveland. Tiffany A Co.. Itobblna A Applelou. the (lorham Manu- facturing Company. D. App etou A Co.. Hchulta, Hoiithwlck A ('".. lleiijaii'lii II Hlmrman. Mnn-inti- A Hauler. Ilelamaler A Oo. (Iron work). Thomaa t,'. A"lon lUBnad hint. - Aaaav Offlorj tin. Sinner Mikiiulai tiirlng Conipaiii Hein y V. Hpaiil.ling. Vernillyn A Co.. David I 'owe A Cat.. J. D. Jonoa. John A. Htewarl. K. H. Wlnaton. tl.korge h. (toe. Norvln Qreen, Mitchell. VBOOa A Co. the Murldi'it llrltnin.i.i l oiiiiiattk . Ilrnw-xte- r A Co.. William A. Camp. K. W. Andruwa and Lord A Taylor. t". ne llioaii preaent laat nvettlng were llm ui (Ireeb't Clevntand. Sinclair Touaey Auguitu Hcltell, Wilton (1. Hunt. Klchard Ituller. ami l'roldnnt Clark of the Hlngor Hewing Mnchln Co. Judge Hilton prettdnd. and, after mitu favoring Ihe ptopoaotl tchttinn by hlm-ul- f ami Daniel F. Appletoo. the following waa unanimously adopted: '.ai Thai ttaara taa tpp.4ntad an etaritUva com ailttra or tan. Willi puwar (ua.1,1 Pitlnill in...il.ar win. al.all Uka lain eot.a.tar.tl..n Ilia aut.lrrt (.. i whrVB una inrrliiia waarallr.t. potr Ut inllii- wlirn a Nail. .nal Wurl.l lair attall ta t.al.1 In tl.a ,11. i.r Nrn r.nk and aulli.it llliat aui'll . i.tttnilllra p, Uka aut It a. Pull lu Ilia Dl.llar .8 al.all let .t.i .i ..t.L.tila Judgn II iii. n wa named aa one of the committee. Th" uameanf tlm o Hint BIBB bera will bo annouiioe.1 l, ,' r ALMOST MttUtfD lit I I I'l Th lu."l..... ( rial thai It RraorlMl r, .... a Baaall Paneaylvanla klaaalel. Fi hit Jkhvih. n. v., Oct. n, a otUm per- - hup Without praoadanl It eportod hero to- night from Thotnpaon. PaBB.i a aitiall hainlnt on th J.'fTeraon bfttMh of the Krm llallwny. nltout 70 inlluut front thia town. Tha truxtet' of a tchool junt outaldc the limit. 'if Hi village gathered at the achnol houte for tlmlr rtkgulnr lltn'tllng lu.t Friday evnitlng Tlmru wna mime dlflb'ulty In gfttltig Ihe door MM, but after gnlnlng a.liiilaalou. tho deml b ik of Mixa Alice Keiiunll the young ..., teaclmr, wax found upon tint floor, In her lifclcea baud wna lightly griuap.ut a t of chalk, nml on thu I. i k. I wax writtou a ab.ry alinoxi to., horrible for belief. The I.Hpl.axa girl had tllamiaaed her acludnra that afternoon, and waa putting tin. room In unlet tut the iimntlng ol llm trunttn. wlmn two tram pa tuddiuily entered and bar. Her acreama aould not la. heard, BBdana waa h.'lpli'xa In tlmlr handa. Him inuat have lbn nleiteil llm .iilinlr. li. with ""rlaln lilentifl-nttlon- , f. r, wiih uiinoti Innrndllite aavaifarr, lin k ct.t .ml Imr tongue, and lelt Imr dying on tlm ll 0011 HtlO iTllWltiil t till) it li ' ft i wiUidMporflM Mtrfiitfth wroU Mliflr tho ir- - 'i ol tho '( Dr(lB. n 'in. tlim rtiftniii nt tlm twu men. Tha rMim Don )vmi'm Unit hh- hud nitil't a il. mi-- i tiUi iniiftfli' Th iiuiMiiiHv w.ih nt (in-- (.roiUHtl. fend MftrBn WagUB In rvcry tlir.- - tluii Th nwa may nM(niii Imi If th'-- nn 'Miiuht thlr fun i.n.. i,t will bt .MtAQl nml m i nr.nsits COH THA OlVTHtk H-- M .1. J. Uipr, .1. II. M .,. u4 Mr. mf hi. I mat Utorj. PnthkvnurnjA, Oct, bi. 1, H Byphur, vbon Andeinon olMiiwti ! Mn iiRMavh m hAvititf ImiHiHrnl mi hi in. iil.iiiff with I'.. It. YV.'ti.T. lit th' HhitrniHii lllr, iiiAktM a utAtiMiii'iit In whih hn nny ihAt thu only truth In tho ftflBdftVll Ia whoro Amlnr- - OA Nwonrn that ho lhl imt r Ivt any iii.'iiny f.irhiH vldanoM th IMtnr ComnilttM. Tho n ut Mr. Hyhor iJoiiI m ABiphAtHMltr. W a ii k ttiuii Im i f t,! ,i ti0 ft l'l h'i't '". An (nr (In nUti im nt A K fbrr a..tti fvlnlr tn MA. I hnUA llifin ( l' UIm- An fur m llu t Ulf In olhtrb I I. lit tr Ihi i IiIm' At tlir t,, hall IM' . a ll. ptWf till! IMOI K I. WpIht In kii'iM hhn lilllln ilivha i btiflfit I iiitrr hail nt) t with hon till ltifl lion Iii tlih'Nin tii' my Hit. I dUM'l klliiM J K Kyitlie, t Binht kttoW hltll of lila MtMlltmi Mllli An I. iB.ii. i nt'i't mini A it'h r nil It'll MM' ll (III Ball III lUAftrMUoni Ua iim Whli'h In ,a,i antl tndt il ui) uul n., i Willi Iihm WtjMUtMtnoW, Oot tl Mr. Oltwon, whin likill l'i thin AV'MilliU ilhotlt JnillOA Allil'T- nflhlAvit. nnUi: "Tho HUtti'in-nl- In Ii im Afll'lnvlt ftffwllftfl mo art' fnU'. I novi-- HMira of Iho thl hub nt whl''h In- Hpitukii unlit tln-- uroro rpoHtfa ! III" hy odteiMI, tO Wlmlll All'liTft'iU rMiutitil tnntn, with rucIi Htuh-in- t iitH mn f.n UtftftwUiilt iplml with lliroiilM iimhIh hy Aii'lor- Mi. n tlmt If ho waA noi WiU fill hin Nlf"iio' ho iHillM ; All tin Mi"iioy ho wnntr-'- lrifn th oiht r iii In, l hmi tlouti no wroon mytutit, I hii 'W nt ii wrotlll iloiio hy ullior. I rufllMWl ' ' Miii'Ttain miiv pfoponnfou In any Hhao to toiy I'rutlUtuA m ISwm HlMAIHtwH llMl. ThvrMUltol a oonttollttailon of Ibi lUtnm- - mMH M .ai.iial, ihf Ni t Vrk HoWNMfitlllfl hurpn l ll'.ai Obl. ml Ai m fcuik HlimApMli llttyttll ftlf Wiiiiujm iJ riiil'tn ii, lu hr kim nn i tlm lUhm iMiiiM w fuflNAll l.tal t v' Ml UK ll mil tvtnlAjHf rotii tin bloeki beiinttt! i WiIxIvhIIi lit hibtl ni Mil nt I til la ifl fa .11 r 111 mi I ll-- ttl nil tr n una Tim-- nl ! r tin- la im Ihr imi lii ui il, blufl fruNtlni iM t" "'it'll a nn. nii'l uul m kh'iwn Old li nil ajl in let i nil ih Hm ill hi' 'I m ,i m mi will hiit frniii M NllliM Ml rij "' III u m Ht it ibi in tl wltl. rail it tA lirlfh ml mi'l oil fT'i nii III )! Hial.'llMirlll III W III' ll W It it I nl It It W ill ' I'lllll, nld't, I'll WI "Ill (if (I . aal fo III lilt initNii ..iht ik. Iuaaii niiirwi'iiiini In b(Mitlil triK U ..i iii ii.. I milling Ihi i'i Mini tat fi UllIM WHI Hrhil. '1 t V.'a M f "li IHUaili lAMI Willi MlllW Ol tilt lA'll ttllMN All l Won. i ll i.l lln lit Mr I'l in II alll B, tin I'm .I'll 111 ..f .. .t yl ,. ,fvJ nil A J f a nil' i)ll 14 lln tlliiir IHkJ fflll la ill III WllllH II a A IN li i lAttllAAP lh.i l Mlllltlj $tH Kk ItArtlll "f IliA limi iUl A.I'I'i w f Hlan litre il .. Ih Kill', it a, i i u Mi win.,- w iiiiniii Tyi IM IniuIIi Urvrgf l lAfAl Lid t $ti I " ( llrU fnr M.u.Ur. 1'iiti mi i ihu. Pa. im :i.-T- Iia f.ii.ii. )Mf l.i'tai m Hi 'w uf AiigitBlu r IH.'iti' -I rr hWWH tUrrb O MclMMttf tm f rwrllr i 'iitnir, thargrl With k H It I'liml An Iht nil 1 a1 It at, rr l. ft n rffAMl IhH ibn l MM tn lit (li aih frWN t 1. If Th' lit ll IIiIn t Ml i vill twKMt tv WAll till U tt wi Ulf f nl I.l Alt , NOT THE MAN FOR MAYOR AMMffVI ttWMaVWMPVM M mtytv TM or Mill nit rr.MH Haa IB t al. Tram laaaaaay wa rtaaBaaaaB al b1t.M a.ll. k. wa Artlaaj rreaMaaa iblBSbBVJ Ibe Btaakattaa Itlak wa Bakkat Alinr tb wurthlnBa olrl Irna Bato la Uia Manhattan Raving Hank waa robbed of Hikkiikki ,.n Hun. lay laat. ami Uie roaa nara. leeenaa of th nftlivxr In MntruetlBB tb noab MaBtlOB tn a faiklt a eM lanttor bnoaiTin knowa r tlie oommunlty. tuere were inma iierann wh nipreeeed aati.nlalimool tlmt Mr. Aucualu Bohell. the lnailln man In the manaaynment, ahniili havn ao n'wl.'tteil the Important truat rkinflilikd to him. in .tulnaea olmla. whar tlie t'nlon Truet ('omiiat.y'a defaleatloa and auapenalon are well remenilmre.1. hi the preeunt lntanoa ara oonaldnred to be aharaeterlatlo of tha man. "Uua Huhall," aald a down town banker, y. "bIvo tha lie dlroot lo theoldadam that a man I never too old to loarn. Thla la tha third Institution with wblcb he haa been ooa-nert- In whloh thre haa been eteallDCttiroucb iDOapatile manacement. That Union Truet ai vxrieniv muat havn taushi any other man thaa H"hll a laattni that would have laated allfe. time, it tinman t team to havn tnailetaay lot. prt.tainn nn hint, thouah." The robbery of the Union Truet Company wlilt-- baa Ixien refcrravl tn fronuxntly Dne tha bank buralarr. wa In th fall or 1873. and waa one of the cauix that preoiultat.! thn irroat ,8W Mil before Jy Caioke A 05. ('."'! Praeldnnt Protblnsbam. the head of the t'ompany. ttartx.l fur Kurope. Aucuatns who waa t. became act am l'rxalilanl ami irxnxral innnacer of tha company, t'omniotlnrn Vamlerbllt waa one of tba truat a ami It wat sannrally umUreloiid that he d Mr. Hobell ta oomtilxteiy aa th Kin will havn him In hand If he la made Mayor. On the flrat day of tha panto (tntit. If. 174-wh- an thxtxrlx of Wall xtr.'.-- t failure raMran. ualy rumor affnotlns the aolvonc y of the TruM ( ompany aut tfl nxt. and a run bxenu on the Thla waa on Friday. At nooa on that day rbarlea T. CarlUin. Reoretarr ?' "ia Union Truat Compauy, waa mltaed from hi deck. In tlu nftiirmiitn, aftair the run hail b"n kept up all day. Mr. H, tu.lt aald to a mporter: " There la not the ellahtett doubt aa tn the enlvency ol the oom.iaoy. Our liivaattment ar.t of atifh a "haraett r aa to en- able ua to rxallm raadlly. Every daixaalUir naa bavx hit innnay on apiilvlnti for It. llnyond the Houxral pan Ik I am utterly timiblo to aeoount for the minora afloat affe. tltiit the lilllty of the pompany whli'h hiiaalwnvn dunoa larg aad eonaarvatlva buelnaea." Whll Mr. Hnliell wa talklntt hla iKrnUry. a dt'fnultar to thn atnoiitit of MW.OOOC wa a fugltlvn from jnallne. nmi th nut in irniiiu wlmn a untinn i.r Kiiapunxion was tanked mi Hi" bunk tloorx II wna Inarniul that Prt of tho ' tvtntiirvattvii bualuivaa " of thu bunk wna a "all loan of l,N27,IVta.nil to Vamla-rbllt- , who had rxfut.vl ti. pav ihu monxy on tliiiiiamr Mr Hnhnll wa a uin.li bowlltlxri'il at the tl ar la, of hla ani rxtary nml at hi oiunpnuy'a u.lilna xu.tii'tixlon na he waa on Hundny imu nliiv laal, when ha aaw thn vnipty tin box" nnd the tinhinsnd nfe door ,on the floor oil thn Mauhattan Bank. Mr. rl"hell who on Friday had narrntivd tlm ..lld rharai.ir of the oompany ami thn nature of II in vat meiiiM. aanl mi Iho tollowlna Motulay that It 'li '. n it know tlm compaiiy'H t'omlilion or how inui'li Ii at lx.nn xlolnn nml loal In Wall nl rout by hit at'i'rntnrr. lln thotitrht Hint tho atuul waa lint vi'iy Inrit". A roKaivnr wn appointed for tlm Truat Oom- pany, ami It wax ..am Ixnrni'il Unit Mr. Hnhiill'a ""r"tnr hail epoiit :l7.rt iMbi. lln waa nliaruu.l wiih linn. a" i. Imt .int.lio.ly In thn Imnk hap- - Iauifil to l....k In tbn afx otm day and futiiid that Imil ..."ii nvnrliHikd. Reoelver Wealey waa aaaaa in hit Invaetitca- - tlona how ll wat that Carlton tk.tild hava lakxu MtHi.itHi Inaoahnrt Htlint. Hn rt'iillod : " Tha lBaptloa of hi frnutlulnut prii"tlKo tlatna bank at loatt four yrnr In IM, alum, thn time ha eauin hore. llu ilnoi.lveil llm trualexa tty eavourltlne to them whluh ha aultee-iiuxntl- y uaed In apxculattou luituad of pulling them In the vault." " llui how t'oultl thla hnppea without duteo-tlon?- " wna aaknd. l ' ll."'aiiao the manasmnxnl of thn onmpany's afrnlrx wit untloubt.Hlly vmy looau," waa the DBS Ol the tritxtt." anld afl"r the MBMU hti.l auapnnitnil: "If FrothliiKhnni had only Ixwu hern ami lloraex t, t 'lnrk wera allva n..t a xliiirla .l"iiaaliiir would havu nppllud for hut i in vikin," Thu ulaam.mlliiir Her"turv wa not eaptured. rtltlioutih Mr. Hnhnll tlmuuhl lm would aontl Li a x .in., of thn tnoni'y In. had taken. Hs lu'vxr illil.hiiwuvur.iiml illnd nltronil a few year nail The truxt.."x aot Inaathey nml paid nut of tlmlr own pocket tint lltki.ikki that ut, lasua i"t i.y Ioobb nanaaemeata BBaihaooinpBar resumed litiluex; but tlmre nr" thoau nm DM tlm IrtlBtBai win. will not rota for Mr. Auauktu Mall for Mayor. Mr. AiiKiixtu H'hell waa Tmnaiirer of tha vl mil, ill .it i ml. alt or aavan "re nrn, nnd lunl a book beeper named Jmi".. it wna Mr. Bohalra tliiti Iii look alter tl lull' llnam-o- nml maku of nil money In iriitlx.l to him. Mr. H'hell worn Hi lemur of lln. offlos, nml Lift II ilulms to youtiic Mr. Jom-.- Ax Mr. HkIioII dial I nut feel any rxi',iiixil'lllk. Mr. Jntma tlhl iiol tlxuni It tmeeaaary lo aneuiiie any either, nnd ha MSt ISU.000 ol Ihei'lult Bioaay In Wall atroet. I ho prexent alewnril of tl Inn tayx that bs doesni Ixill.ivtt Hint 1'ill.lkHI trim loal. lie Hunk It mar have baan I'i.lkHtor IS.IIUO, Th" steward then "ilalimtl that under tlm pnaxnl mtnaiie-mn- no t'lnrk or BRiplofaya tvnilil ileal mora II mi OBf ilnr'a raonlpta, " They iiiuel hava ii. .in tfc." tlilTernnt then," Im am " Mr. r. h ll I ("II yui how II wax. II" wna treiaxiirur." I in. Manhaltiin I liih wax rielier llieu than It now la ami Ihe loxx wax Imvrfully UorBe. Mr. H 'hell K'.xa tlmr.. r.'ifiilarly. but In. lolut iiuo ra- - ' tirn.l from the oAas of truaxurur. In all tlm dttMulta nml ilnftih tiiioiiH nlih whloh In. nam" haa b""ii axxii olalod, Mr. H. Itxll'a nwa ' I, I' .xx x llBVa II ll llllhK lie Ixtarx tint liHttua of otlinrx wiih ii calm plilloa ipliy born uf louit iiik tAXMMT iil.it WOMIM Mrir. I k... I nl... Iioo.lr Aro.-- a LOMDOM, OW SI. -- Thu LoBdon oorreepi.udant nl Ibt Mauiiuatrr Baatralka aaia Dial Uu- etil.lik'.n aa Han nir I rt.rl.a. tin la.ui.ua Bttet an.t inaiiaiar, t auaat travr attalrtv Thrr.- It BS BreMtet il hla war a.irar-lu- t iiiiuii lln- alatr aaalu .latin Btlilwm llu. ll,r i a.ln.'t.l F.i aluti rirrna itttn. la aalil In la- aurr.-rii- r alri atu tauvrrty, tit.l a aija al ia l.ttbllaliril n.t lua ri In I Tha tllai aiya thai Mr a., It,, rtl. tltr art..r. ll allffi rlnt In. in a i ni i. arimir It la aalil in i.llivr uiiartrra llial hla ii., .a la Ilia Itmlt til a trtxial tnauaji.xii liiaa sVtl x t.rt r. ........ Tkyra'a Hrlrolkal. Hunt. in. (ti t. 'ti. Altbottfh tbs Kiaa ol Daa mark BM mil niakr lln- I. Imthal ..' tlrr Dstl tl a'titutarr a n.l anil I'rin. rai Tit. ra tunatltlnntl uptm Ilia Ittikr'a tt It. all. ill ..thla a ll a I" II" ta. ul llinuvar, Bt rt- I ail till xtah lo IIU' llaavri I III .1 I.i belrslBsl alni.tiit uiakt it., altrr, ill, .ii iii tlta Itnailly rrlalimiatxl-t- i I'ruaata alal A MHlurlly fur a a AaSraaay. VikHNA Del II, Tlm Auxlrian .1 irallaja I'l. I. .1 I. ..lat i .."'lata lit tlltlUI tlilitk fl.r .1 "if ami Ix.-l.t- llv. ..ri..iiri.a vi 1'nsnl kmlraaay II la aa .. I. .I at Alalia. t x ul ha. r a atlll laii-- lliajtirily Is II. o 'I i... i. . . Tk alklait Tuairnaaaiaal. Iioanow, Nov. I.- - Tlm follitkvluif wi re th a llu- ..ii ti .1 I nt. in llir aalkiti T...lr..aitii-n- tt II li ' Ilk k la. uta In I mill 117 Ill ux it IBM Wiatuta baffi ii. I".- it. uwl. bswaU. ux. UrsaataiMi ...... i, .. I,, i .,,,.. NAai.tta, Oot 11, Tha aruptlon ol Mount V an ui haa n tuiiuui nt il ..in tr. al tl li.ll rat ai,.....! timer lrSlt ilea. Ouailer, eloar, ur imrtly I'loudl wt alhei. li wral- ri xiinia, itatiit bariaarWtr JOTTINOI in .i.vii .kih iiik (ITT. la.Ua la tin. I'ark fbltlrt Tbt tx - rai. tai Ibt Third ttttaibli tHttati t i.r iiu. am r. i,nt. MBit aianiiialtai lltraitnu b xi brut day witi.. "tttrawB" wat en la la ataaeaiy i Matb o BTl'allteaalai Hint li'm Man ha... I. a BBrl n il suwatua ilea aiaua ait-- tsflkrtts a ttvr't twtlbweuai Mi kk It W H. mi ll ant. a 1,, th. Hun A. H n ui tin. an ulna tu tS If Ma II. t. It it... nut a ill. a Ilia tlilllitla ' .i l I tu Mt M. It , iii ,1 al Ilia ti till lal. uj ..... MM . I. Ik.' III. ati.lt M. TbiHiist i iiffii.it ttyi ibal ih" llrtrnbt b laalny i... u ... Hi ."kill. I. .it a n.t a UI..I . . u .. ii..n i tlMtxttlt .' Li ii i. au I th .1 llu i a" ti I t I'lilatl IU IX inn. lain Ilia Hi .nl til i an ItalttVI III lin."l... n I Hi a.. tal n ipii .1 at bur 111 at tt. Ill III Iht l int. Air int.. rtlvatrt tblt tvtalnt M..ltakt alll ttlu Iba btt''uny a . nl ttnin " It...... '. all. I lull.t " In I,' t iMrtiirilltart laf ' I uu 1 i.u atai I tank uu lilt Sk III '.JO . r aa xa. li, rii.l.lri ..i lln- l. . r . i..al i' uu ..- I'.iii ut Hit Hui.a. i. ll .tni t lit" x na I.i ... ii . ... ii in a ..ill a.... aiu. Uu lel i li... a ..it Hit Mi .. ti... tbllliaitt. i.urwh. alii, ii.r yattviai'ri Brrt yirell) ntn'i1 t ' rau-- wiih II... aa....' ltd III tlllall a mi it. tint n iri ariilMllnlt linr tin. ara. i in Ui. A nl. no ut Hunt tut lb. matiiur b tow it. it... .u ...it wltarB I ,.l Mailt,. ha . Ii ail mtdr m.i l. ill II. ua ia ataaia 'ur tin. a i I. .Imam lu Trinity t ,., . H.uka.i I' tut. fa Mailt Br. latary H M i'lrhait mattt.-i- M,.. Iuatablet r llintt. .l.r. ft. itatialilrr ta baaula l......l.n n Tn. waa tl.. fa. in . ..al.l.. r.. i.l ..' Hit tttl b I'.iliak Tl.r t xl. aiuituJ Ibl .' ai.ii xna t. ..... . Ja .J JkUalta laakaiaa m
  • V.l,. Xl.VI.-- NO. f.2. YQHK. ri.mYt NoN I MKl i; 1. PRICK TWO CSmCOOPER GAINING DAILY.

    atti.tr i 01 ihiiimi itrroiir fuom,ii i ii; cf akm i(t rn..nilr ll'Halx Ikal I AH BI a

    Mill Ml I aa.rrlrar Ba Baa rlr H..x Mart.HtS I ara.ly . I. . thr I nl t ti, Murk. ... In Ik l.xlr... k,a B lim

    Pall ll.HM MJ..i ll 1'ra.ll. I ol1ln xtitvexx III" btltl

    I mail) tunaiMlIMM WadBWdai nlaht. Isi Ihii lint

    ai trtlalaa N had KMlMd, kW IfaMIf MfMthuwl th" BBMsaBi "I Hi tupiMrloi of llMtoflr'i Ut1 "i"1 baa laMfaaa tilt ilif d

    Ih TBIBB.BBI Mil) Their aaeiil war butlerletter Ink tin"1 "" "nr I'revlnuedav deallnttwlthMHlMl trader hii'I olreulatlna Wpufti Mli(fluted la Ml Mi wigwam. I hut th minhlna-M-

    wa lOBlBfl aihaWiWa Mr. NtlK Keat- -... who mil" i ui. i i lit ..Ml thlt i" rt dI work lor John Kelly, ih,". . . ' luwn. worklug with luoroaaedHllltF

    Kr Cwit'l ' " ' i'' ' '" " weye moreir.e.V. duriM ttW 4l and evening than onany pri'kli'ii dm alms, th canvas opened.,rrla.dr wa bubbling over with nlhuilMm

    (n iviCdi'D The alliiiidanee at the nui, ..i . the drmonetratloue ol applaut. whl'h Ibl pe.'hea ware t ue.lwtr l" k' upon a an omen of

    at th twite. Tha gentlemenn iik i. ii for th nnrabl nation tlokat

    ruixirtitl that all of th d lat r let meeting warItrfxlf attended, ami that thn meetings ot clubtil Indlvlduai aofltloBa wr- - mnra thanutually well iRlroDlaad. JamO'brltn called In tha afternoon. Ha had juxtBattle at. nr ttir. uth a part ot tha district Inwin 'h he i running lor Congreae. 11a aald thattli nnili'i"i ir for tho people' ticket aurpnttedbll hlghrat Btlons, F.varywhera haw nat h ti ui.it the poopl determined to over-l- i

    i .wih'. ana auta l.ownr of Tammanr Hall.Hn had i.artkiimlad In many polltleal an.atif n I hi hr had nnver anno ao many peoplal polm al aarrmblagna aa hava tiaan gatharnUbigai'n r at Ih" .llatnit ratin. atlon roni'tlnira i fllin pi. ii.. t m.mlni'oa. at whli'h hx had apokanfiaaa In waa iioinliiatiMl for Cnngmaa. Ha laan. It I. i.i il. at lift will Ik iilaiiml by an

    iiiftj. riiy. and that Mr. t'oopxr'a nia- -rrlty will ni t l a ii.uiih law than Tha

    a.illt1iiil wi.rkra who vlalti'it Mr OoopariMunut H. Hi ' nini all brought rapoHa "( n.IhtlliaaBt '' th" paoplu'a tbkat. Notwith-itamlih-lba g". il raporta. thrra la to lm norMauit" n of th" work until Urn v.d baa box n0. 11ni.il i n almilon dav. Mcntinga ara to la'Ml amy night until Not 5. To night thora

    III uiua nixi'Siiga In Ht'i'oml ayxtiunbv-'- Tlnrtv a aooM nnd Thirty. thirdairw'ta. in T"rrH" ilardon. In thn

    laaaaibi Roomi in rortf-tourt- titir w l"iwi n K.gbth and Ninth a"i a In1. liar.- ni Mum.' Ilnlh aud 1 tli" jumtlon ofl;if nnd Vnrb'k alri'ata. Hmallor ni""tlngawUri"hldal llHth alri-- i t and th" lloul" nr.lIn J'ff. raoa Hall; U.V1 Avanim A; In K "xt l. r :.Hull i7A IVnrl "tiiiiit. ami liiiliH'r'a Hall. Tim0 llx.li) lluiilon i will approv" tha

    ipl i norUIUiMIt in a luaan iiiii'Ung In Ihut I i lntitut.

    I r aum daya thara ba baan mu"!! talk ofIhnHayaa npiibll(ant "oniing or to Tainmnin with lo. ni' votca. H"V"rul ui""tinga ofiiin who profiaM to ba RapuMlrana ol thattrip- haii baan bald to olaotiaa Hint iiitaalloiii

    An il, a .1. I .i in i ' "X Jmlg" W II in m A.RldnardadD. Uan, John A. rnaiaf, amiolhai ii' i. il' ii . ii who biat pau wxro b ad-ar- t

    In thr niitl'l 'latum H"Un ll' i ul li 'anirnuiijill..ii wbli It umli'ratoiul tlmt iln'v at"hurtt aupporb'ta of th" i. llabet.ant will rapQllal any a il of inamtifra ofthat "rganimli 'ii no Ii approM a Taniiuiiiitti 'k i. Tbaac gi iitl"itn'u mid thai Ibaaa protulidad llaym l.tibll ana caiill ! ib'llvar 1.IKMI

    ibm to any ' anJiilui" ... t than thuau ui llio. 'ilnati'iu.


    Aaaiaar Maaalag Haallag la tb KITalki " vaslaaal UUIrlat.

    A grand rutllb u'luti iini'tlntf of tlio TlPMtf llit AaMktUy lilatrb t Ib'publli'iin Aaao.'la-tio- i

    iraa bakl teal "vnlng In l.ln. uln Hall, atHaUi itraat aad Tblrd avatjata. Tba hnii wiuiw.wl 'l iv Ui nnti Tiimmany DmiioTnU andRapuMlnuta Mr. John C. Ollfln prealdad. t'ol.Oaorga b Wauatay road a aai ofWduliOBI thn principal faaturo ofVhluh waa ii ratllh'iMlon and bWftftupporl of Hi" '. int. Ination anil Tammanyti m-- t. and phutglug tlmlr aupport to thalr Con- -Jraaaniiial n imu a, thn Hon. Ivl I. MortonI ihd llrt ap'tak-- r. In rxfnrnng toMi i i . i w thn nam Maroy, waa Inturruptxdpi ii i yoolferi u. "l ring.

    T.." II ii .1 i f angiialn aald thut by "I" tInn il " II n l i t I' Morton tha Klaynnlh ton-grata- l

    halutetyl I wottlaBOfnavaarapyaMpfato it Vtaahlnglon who wuld I'auan tin in to

    uan win. hnina. Th'dr hiat yapyaaantatlva.1'. in.. i, Wi ,ia. hud MSB til' dund found

    tat 1 gV (bin ftug" t lb" mwttng, th Hon r

    M'irton, It. i mi. ii. II. PBnlpa, and ltufua Iti iwing inada th"tr anpasranoa In llm hull, andrai grxitad mtii thru" roualnj cbaara, Mr

    I'll wnN Introduaail, and aald that ha f"lt(ii lud of th" honor (toiiforrad upon hlin byi.j; In iioinuintloii I a "oinhinatloiiI'.i I. tim d ' riiilii'd to oti'rthrow "orruplTaffimany and Ibi ana innn imwr. wbiyavayI - iiii gont ibruuatboul Iba tlip, ba pad matwin. ii" iniivi r.ii ry f " i with Tarn-Ria-

    and Throw John K"Hy pvaybnayd."Tb Indb'atioai wnra tlmt rletpyf for tha aoiBMbat i. w ,td r 'ha Mull of licit J'ueadayt'.m i,

    ib II i. Il fui It f'owlng nait addrn"dU ajantliuf n to thn dl(T"r"iit "audi-

    - i ii. 'ombinatloo. nnd yrtanatay Mr.fa'- i uajba wu in- lit i waa pro

    I'haorlng My. Morton, th Congyaar ni i. hoik . .II that h" waa n t

    bdad Ipiakaf but that h .it ana a longiy bbd wbyvxy ba had b""n h" aaw thn

    ti. .. n mUtafcavl'i -- tgna of viator for Mm antinni l" f It ' ' nfldant thut Ihupu '.nui ild biii tr itppbaatlr ateMiM.In t. i.ili I.'. I ni ' i avt ..f th Hiri'btfi

    laaaiul t'iti i lo l l a inaoting of ratlfloallonWtba ml ii at n ally tl"kt In K"i"n'-- Hulllaa'. avgnipf In.iigta Taylor waa Clialrinan.Ittvng 'lm i i t. hiJi'hh ni l Moyfteylnaani r. r v ' ranat'in, ubaSea Wt, KiarilA ltan m and Arthur Oilman. Mr. Taylor4 "lu rd an Hn. g ipAHrb. aa'h inaiitlon of thlikii.K i ,i,o-- r ln'iiig graut' d with iiuthuikj'i' hi i laua'Mr I J Dibboni offuri'd raaolutlona pladat-ngti- r

    nrganuutlion to Coopar ami tha iii. i k. i arid bOan. William w. Ararallhtyiuun'i b i.n H, wEltyaaa for Aaaafably,

    bill A' an. I Hrwi for fiiatrb t Aldiriunn.' ,Ab m ... AvarUl ubipfc'jd WifMti ba waall'Mt- - d w.lliioiitiriu'id ph.wra, 11" aaid It w--na llr-- i , , kk a "andldai". and ha waa glivl

    In faaka i' ii. tha flgl.t ngamat thn Ml manLWfl I ... rt aking wiut oiiUnuvd until a

    Tlinr.- ayi.a n n rally of KapiihUi an, ip rif tha Nayi ntwaota litetri t In Iba

    jl 'ii ih f'l'ln tl. ktr'ot. naar KlghOi yatiu".laatayanlna iiba niteu naaylraH wa imatk,i ..i and iba ifr-ii- "f iba i ...Ian mii.g k. r'hrow ol tha King and Tarn(id I... t. Maaon piaaldad. DlatfU.1A" . I , . poke n inn llnaii'-la- l ijuaa' l ' .wing aald that ho

    UI I in .,i.v. ...i,g th" "iy a gniwriil aap-'- ''ml Ii. al tin tlma Had appjp H P' downlati.ii a.f,y t w'la fi'll llmt l oopnr Would gin-Biap- i

    t , . ii '. i, ., llm gr alaal loiriil" r'I id .'Ii lowing ad'h-- r that lib" vaa1imiii( n I idg'i bi would pflfformfba dutlaa(Hi ' Hldnfll anllf. Tha Idb wild iiiaitrt

    'it. i... t nui IVmiing," whinh waa I"aa'JI i kill it ah. n thn King h'.uld baP'oirthtowri ami nopnr aim-ta- Mayor, I'd "ifI' ' ' .aii.g City lodg. and I' r ,.. ,

    I hi nUMHAMt ABM OOSMU,l ' " i ii l- -r MM I'aWPW a a I la- -

    Mela HawaiiI Th" f tofrifittijfi (VinimlUM ui llm InfopI ' ' a i daily in iicimani HullI 4 ii . bud te wntttatll' and aot- -I ' roto aaylr lo Iba BOffillMiI bw uiidmgiI iJ'' '" irg It no- ObaifBiMli andI ' ' I'd '. , arltti lila ajavatlaUia ui- - nI " i ' laforO inn in rutinnallouI l1"" ... mtf, ai d upon prapara- -

    i up. 1 i m. a an fa llu ihg' 'IIi i bn'ii porit fyoui ah putt-- . wnya

    I " ratify tbaaxnUldaUrtronapli'I 4 ii appoint ! nil Ho., B 'tlioyan Hall, bumlarI ti ' ' i.i ni. if. fi i,ii libI i t wtl'fi m""ilngk wbb'll ari- I"--

    I, ' all p..ria ot Ih - iiy. ToI if a i.igi partiiul rii mi.A( a In to vaiI HtAaa H l ol rug tin in with

    "p..ak..,a Vlln-i-l- i to IWHl.lyf, bfaa (or P. ntglii an Ui

    'mk o ion I I ol In buiitB ti,.-i.- .B aauLl i' .'i" ' kUwidad i I UII--., .Hp awjaj u., t nvMgUvtU ta :Uy ua -

    tlnn day. and to appoint ylgllant liiatwk.'bir topuard th" (Inrnian rot a,

    A "rr full o voto ha hoar, ........ t imu ll tarrnr than In llm paat, and ot thlavnlnlint l" than bat; n i Ighlha la nbpwotad lo boanil Tammany Hi'porla from tha varloua dla-tr-

    la am of tho moat iminiraglng "hnrantnr.DM of lb iniwt ii it no .0 ti iii.an

    In thn "Itv la Hint of tho houaaown an nnd taipayf rt, It DnRlrote. dlrr-tl-and Indlroiily. thoiiaanda of y..i a. Thlr t'n-tra- l('oniiiiittna hn rndorand thr

    oombinatlon t'otinty tl'knl unanimously.In tha Hnvanth tViigrxaaloiml ll'rlit-t- h

    Tonth. KlnvKiith. nnd Mnnntiuth Warte-- 1tun K.matnln. tha iiiinblnnilon "andldatn. Inil" Ii) drawing almad of Anthony Kli'khoff.thn nun. in i man Hn la making an antianrdlniy oauyitaa. ami hla aunnnaa raatUM that ofthn li.'knl alao. Klnataln

    i In lua "Igar fii.tory m mi nmn.whoaaanaioiia iklaiMlonnnrnig In hla allow hiIkopularlty with lham. Hla workman haynavor atruok. nyn at it tluin wlmn llmrn warnfnw olgar inauufiy'toi "a whnrn th limn warnot on atrlkn. Tim hiboring '." of thwholn dlalrlat am bolng Mtrnaa for him by thg "d will that hit amplori'n allow fnr him.

    Tlmr worn ovi i flowing Onrmiin inantlug toyatlfy tha antl Tammany oombliintlo'i ttfktup town and mi tlm Wl aid" lait night Thlynlng thn naat aid" will I ally with thnni.and all th Onrman apaaknr whom It hna barnIxkaalbln to Imprika ara nngagnd for thni.MJt. rOOJXJI ASI IMirHAXCUlMKMKSr.

    ri.kii,.. PJiiiaHy Agalaai ih rntHal r lbMaalalpal I mkIwIm,

    Tha Tanitnany n - iiiaotliibT on w.day night In a rnaolutlon that Kdward(Vmpar, who wa on of poOtlVi Tlldvn'a n

    to dnvlaa a plan for tha gnyornmant ofptla. " darml not algn th report nor inako aprotnat. tharnby "onfraaing that h la a tObodp."ylrday Jam Italy. Chairman of th Cam-palg- n

    t'ommltta of tha 1'nllad Antl Tainmany Organlratloua. wrotn to Hldnay laKay. who wa tha Commte!on' Hivratary.aaaioalaf Ihl rmolutlon and naklng forMi Coiipnr'a action on Ih adoption of Ita

    To thl Mr. I) Kay rniilind that at thlnt formal mooting of th Commlaalnn Mrt'oopvr vo'.nd agilnat thn adoptlnn of th re-port, anylng a h did ao. I cannot concur inUna report, and daalrn to ba ao roirdad." Mr.l)n Kay nyi that th whol couranof tha

    of tbn t'oinmlftalon ahow that Mr.t'oopar' obicUnn to thn report wa banau i Itr nmrndad Iba llmltatloa of thn i.r.ragr.that My.Ooopal fought bitterly andtha tilth amilon of th t'oniinlann'a plan,which piop.wnd a nnw artlcl to llm OonaU-lutlo- n

    providing that all oltliia notworth flOkMi. or paving baa thin 1250annual rout ahoiild uot volou tin.u. miHon and oaad to trlk It from tlm raiMirt;

    ml tlmt at tlm t'onmiaalon'anloh ol July II.1H7A. hn aaid thai tlm t'oniuilaalnn did not glvniiiiiyi raal auffrag a fair "banc, and that, although aniloua for tha nnd dalrd-rcduiil- onof n,i n 1'itinn" b could not"ona"iittoan ntlniuiil to accompllah It by th uinana

    in saitlon 5. ItMlda thla oom'lulyoprool of tlm rni orda. thr nrn ninny otlmr cv.dnnoaa thai Mr. C'popnr' action on the t'orot .1- -

    Ion wa thn rnyer" of that atcrlbod to him bythu Taiuinauy roolutlon.

    TIIK Itt tALUT PAUTt.Th ""h.. at ikrlr II ..i ia. .no.. Masllng

    I Mkl.The large hall In the tlm niimln 4 lllltlj

    BnWH wan packed luat night with worklug-umn- .iniunln ih of tna Ho. lnlli party,

    who had met lo ratllf thn miiiilnatloiia of theirfnPdldbtaa Mr. ipJlMi alter railing th" inaat- -Ing to ordaf, aald th-- y had in togathrr to"h.l'.r" not ao much thn nomination, a Ibaprinciple bpoa whl' h tho nomination hadbfajaj inadik.

    Mi Bob It II. lliirtholcniea wMalcied Thalr- -man. and bafort taking hi bMI I tilled uikioIh" ableal apaafcer of thn llnpubllcan, Dvmo-cratl-

    and Omenback partm to com upou IliaI'latform and entvr Into a fra illcu(lnn of thprlnclplrof Hoclaltem with hlmanlf nnd olharworklngmcn. Tha vital alamanl of Hocuiiam.ha aald. waa frn .aech. and tlm nppnnanta ofih" pari y might ywM I thai thy wouldbe tmiited Willi "ourti ay. At the chat of i.chddrea thla Invitation waa rulterntcl. but Itmet with no rnapojiaa.

    I Itlaaa Henry lirury ana th flrat apeaknrHn naid nlt"inpt had n mad" t rrupt andpurchn" nsmbara of th" laiiati" TJaboiparly : n(T"rt war" Inattliitml lo Indura tln in toiibamloii llielr prliiclplaa Tlmv W"r" told thatit waa uanleaa to ote for llm nandldal" who

    a i ii nominator!, baoauaa It would ln impoaaibln to tlo'in. if audi twVflaa waaad"iind tlmlr MndliMtaa never would baal.i.t .'l. cltin r nmt Tunkilav or latr Theiropponent could mil umbrUi i that lhay kkernvliiig toy an bb a, ami km a lug II lo In- - a rightami omt una. Ho y would aupppyt it foyatray,whvllii.r thi.y failmf or at llm poll.There wai no bargain to Im minln with thn Ho- -ciaiiattc l.aiH.ri ariv anil from tb tlokat wblvhit pronb d there would ba no auyalitblnji,

    iMi ' n Orury wan nil a- -'i ally ni'plnnd"d.A h aai down a Rivnilyay in tlm body of tlmimil ayoaa ami i My. Chairman, I mthat th yaportxr ba aialuilnd," Tin proti- -a.tion wiih i,. "ik".! with inaiked illaupprnvaland Ih ' ni Midi lean entertain Boalien motion a that. air. VV" any or do nothingthat wa are aahameil to an prlntnd. Thin la apubllo tiianiiug nnd nobody t!M baaieludad,AoplauaeTb aacrtdary read n a.-- t of reaotutlon "iii-br-

    ing thl" Thai Iba Ooverum--i- t of tlmfutiiya ttinat ba aqndiintad bi lb" worklngmeniii tlm Int- - of aolnlnrlty.

    Al"kau'l"r Jooaa Uia Ho"iiilli.' l.atknr "an-diilal" for Mn"i wa thnii Intro. In I ami p-pUMIdad. II" a."k" llit In lo i. ami l

    in Oayman. (I- - waa proud, Im id. ofhi nomlnntl"ii fur Mayor. hoW"i r bopadaaa Itiinglii tai " far a- - Itjiaaadfata auaaoaa Waa conaarnadi Uat them t tin lr tr ingth at Ibapoll, and ahow Ih-- lr " thai the liumwaa not far dlatant wlmn tlm LaborJmrty would bo In a poaiti'-- to nniku ita powei

    y, flbanap Honlbayn apok" of ttm ,ni aupiK.riliig the bonlaltetlc- - l.ni i Mtty al llm

    without rogurd lu Ha llulnedlHln au'.'-jea-or failur.

    Tti" meeting ndjouru"d In a atatn of greatinthutiaaiu.

    tBIUKQ our TO XAMMAVT,i.ihic rrai in iba ui,.. Mak nui r m.

    Hai-gal- vtllk I .rial lirarnbarksr.I ii, .I., bak" lx'n cur

    imil that Tammany had Imught the lirunnhank.rgaiilatloiia. I'aioiiiaiiy iigxuta have intlnnit-xit- ,

    with an air of myalxry, that bofoya Malurdaylarge aaaoclallonk whl h had d-- lan d for Mr

    op- - r would go ovr to Mr. Hi hull, tin Monday night Iba lllnlr Conbollf lir'lilick"rawithdrew btapbai II. Ilrugun, tholr

    City Judge, ami nomlnalm!Oiiniiing H. Iiwlford. Taaiarday altxrmxinW. A. f'araay. Krimk Walma. QooMa

    John W. f Iruiiip. Kiigeim Heel- -, ami aboutIn Ihi tin- - loluta ipaMn ollmr innn, claiming

    ('omiiilltno of thx Car any I ruH.p amit'ioiim"r-'iiii"i- i faatlona of Iba HMloualQraeubaak party mat m Mr. Crump a OfBoa inMurray tr"t. and i" i.a drawnby My I rump that by th" Mvloa ofI'aik l''.mmiai "ii' r om.ver they Would advlaethi'lr (ollowera lo vole th Tammuny tl"ket.an I nil afterward Patrick K- - llly and olhnrmmbyu' ""' Hhup" l .ii .r fJraanbaai pariypainted up 'li the Iraiikpai' in y 'n thn widow,.t im ir baiTiiuartini t Fourth avium andr irti alma! Ih iianma of all thn lamn ..iiy '.aiiilnlatiix xciipt the noiiilnnn for Itla-I-

    "t Attorney, l'aer by lln- rixiin Ii I nr ...that Mr, Mmvlb had not yai pai l for the painti nwmrv for th" ina'ripii .n .f hla nam.Tlm Carany-- l rump feat lob ha baatl a lamnuiiiy oigamifitloii f r a im day. tMial lammany paid (ol II la m.l kn IWB. Thn man whociiivxrled them I.Jol.ii W I lump, a lammanyman wboalpaatha ily part of llm auminer

    aa devotiid lillnaelf In that Work. A g- - litlemani Orel nl.' k bOtloM lad him Lu join what

    (iba yneantlr bann bpoWb a th" Mhupo Pal.orta li" , aaya that Ibolr aonfaraloB ouatTammany about

    Mi Ki ll v a manug' la in thn dik-lll- -i" who kli'-- th" all' nglh ol then" lira. I-

    lia k'la in iln'ir 'i' IrMa, waya how v. iiiiiiiiniit ovnr nil thi. "ii" "' Ihi'fn. who hnwalehad In ilranlia"k piovonii'lll m Una ally

    in"- - it .' gnll,Hli that tin ijrgaulutlon whl' hall "Ul t'' Tal, on. I., ill Ii 'I together

    il- tik-- i IVi k .. a, ' Th"ir I'pJera wi... maihihirgMin," 1m lit ii. I' !. hunt . poiii-na- l

    airik- ia for ymra, 'Ih-- y Biaktt Bioaayem, ugh out of raB'lldaPM xv.uy eloOlloB topii ii (i ii.. in "i nix with', it work for n fewn . kk ami 'Iniing Ida real of Ihe y. artl m git UP Bib 'iiign I" damaBd work bu lli"on. inployad w m ki'.giimm Tin y old oui Iball

    a id .i" for Mayj rTyi lit. aid IMar 'In 7. Why, In l'7'J 'h" liid-- of olio of In .

    yd In lb" 'h Aaai inbly llkHl''l inploy dand paid W.'h Ml ( r'a WOlll-- f M NIBJOpin nd to tlm IH ofi tl' " b ioth. and g"l f"i Mr.(' i.- r yd- - lu Ihu xptlr dilrl"t. I bey ampi .illeal bummer who havn bawC brought Intoi, ,i.,rl ly Hn year by thalr dlgru-'"fii- l aata aliiiamd- - rly faw of tlmin n mil howii. -- . win io '. llmm"lve laifor thyiixt tolliopoll on .I. i. mi day, ad ytthyilk .ofjboatuapy iwPm lhay van daliyai to jauildMaa.


    Tl n Tmmnny man added that In hi diwrin-t- i'ii of tlm atrikerw. Im meant to Includu milv

    tho HhulMi-Igllo- r and Mia Oarwey tlrumpfailonaMr Mteplicn II. Iliaaii" yentxrday rxpudlnbnl

    the I: mi t'onnellT pa rt y' ad Ion lu u 11 Hut lugdunning H. BadfoM for hlmanlf, aa a nomlnaaforlhty Ju'tgx, in a latbir In wht.di he realgnlu tevor of li u I'm II. OowlnaT.

    Tfc T.a..., Blaaa.r Ahawt tl.. narh.Tho oaiiill.lal.v. for Con grew am h ill haul

    at work. Mot of them am apxaklng at maul-ing nvnrr night. In aapakkoh to a large gather-ing laal night. Uan. Thomaa F, llourk. win Itrying hard to dnfnat Nlnholn Mullnr. nallmlthnTnmmany llethat hadld mil baeoma a "llly.enuntil the Ulh id thla month. Ttm Oxnnral aaldI hat hi fathnr waa naturalirnd mi tit8.1. law. and by that act naturalirnd allth member of hi family who werathen under lb year of ng... I have votedalnce 1 I... ....... of age unuunetloned," the Oen- -eral contlnund. "until 11 year, wlmn I wa de-prived of my vote !... I t not ahow myfather a paimra. Itv the advice of Judgelialy I got out my paiinr thl ynrthat I might noi again lav troubled by Inapxctoraof Kleitlon who appeared wlr thanthxv are; but tor that roanon only, aa tlmJudge told me that my father' act mad m ae tiaen." Th Oeneral added that hla nltlaen-ahl-

    waa not uunatloned when Hnerntary HxwardInterfnrxd In lite belialf when h wax lying Inan K.ngllali prlaon, tHiudwmuad lo die lor Ilialov fur Ireland.

    I -.. I .la Ik rail.Coininlaaloiierx Krhardt and WhWlBf. with

    Flrat Hsputy Clerk Klpp. vtelted Ueu. Hinllh,who I 111, at hla home, and a meeting of th fo-lic Hoard waa had yaatarday. Meaara. Whaalerami Krhardt had prepared raaolutlona that re-ferred to th oonduot of tha police In the

    polltleal oonteat. and ara aald to havabeen sweeping and alrlet Rgalnat any Interfer-ence The dtiat upon them waa hot and

    and no r. ault wa attained. They are tobe brought up again Th aonrx of theactio,, that the xharg hae baan ind withinth peat few day that th. manhlnary of th Po-lice Department waa to ho made an Importantaid to Tammany and tlm King wherever It waapoaelble In the approaching eltxHon.

    Tka n.uiaSeveral ikota woro madn yoetarrtar In tha

    M .ti urn. ni llouae. In Union eijuare. Mr. Coop-er waa tho favorite. The proprietor of thathotel ha In hla poaaeeelon I'Jti.mki to bel on Mr.Cnniier'x elxetton.

    Mr amea Held baa bel with Mr M. T. Davla1 1"" that ' hi i. n will ha elected by 7 IMNI maior-lly- .

    t I imi that Cikoper will Im elmted by 'JViaMlinaioitty. nnd tltkl that Fernando Wood will lajolm'tud L) U.tioo majority.

    Tfc i ... BM la Btraaklrn.Tlm Ih'timiTnt In the Twonty-tlilii- l W'ai.l

    of Ilrooklyn have nominated Hamilton A.Wood, on of thn proprlnl.ir of thn t'aplpillnntlroumla fnr Aldrnian. Iinmuel llurrough.tho BS-T-u (Mteatot. I a BipuMIOBB oandl-dnt-

    lu that ward, who waa endoraed by thellnmooratlii Aaaoclatlon.

    The committee appointed by the gathering ofwealthy taxpayer In tho lliooklyu Anabmy ofMnada, baal on getting the nomination of thebeat men for Charity Commlaaloner. have pub-- Ilab d an blldfBM to th cIIImii uf king

    County. Irrimpnctive ..f party, recommendingtbem I" xupport tlhnrlx J. Henry and WlllbimM. Hhlpman. the linmocratl" cnndnlute. Theycotitraxt Ih" recei.ttmi of their committee by thoiiepui.iicaiia ami iim Darnoi'rala, having baan

    ui. 'ernm..nlouly repelled" by Ihe on", amit"p.a iiulv m..t I.), thn oth"r. It la urged uponIhe voter. Hint th" beat men ah ll 1. be eleetedI" ih"e ofTlc. that Mr. Klpler Hop" might Imaiiataliixil in hi efTorU to reform an iii.ntuti nw hlch haa Imx ii for au loug a (landing reproachUi thn coavrr.unltr.

    Tho li.'iii". r.tlc deadlock in th FourthDbaWMi of King County over a BOBIb

    nation wa lat night broken by llmComnilttee, which renominated. I BPJUM tl. Tlgh".tlm lawyer.

    Thoiuip fire of the nemoaratl" eanit.algnwere made to burn brighter laat night In llr kolllyn. The ii ii ... agreed upon at the otitaelthat no mud waa to b thrown, having beenbroken by an attack upon Thmnaa M It. lay. thelixroixiratlc andldat for Hlmriff ordcra warproniulgate.l fiotu the Dun ran.- tieaihiunr-ter yeaterday nio'nlng thai Mr Ja nobWorth li..uld Im hamlbnl withuut glov.A iii,, In hpeaclma that were made i.i. tnight mi rort Oraaaa I'Iha I y M. xara. K ItI Jiukliig, Jamaa I. t.. ... and otlo-r- aml byAnthony llarn lt. H 1 1. M uria John 0. Jacl.I.udwig Beuilay, and ollmr apaakara obobb.palgu duly man y iiiiplaaiiiil ihiuga ware aaldnlaiul Mr Worth, Tlm "aiiipalgn. It la aald bymany polili' lnu.. will jw'viiit Inll. rly i ...all' i thl.

    Th uiina I. " I. . the Orxenback I.nla.rcamll, lain In tha K.ighth lilatrbHol King puLHahca a card w iiTnlrawlng lufavor of John II w tha Darnitoratlq )di.tnlx, " Mr Mi, v. lain, Mr. Ilouglaa.'aopponi'iit. la a man of thn tin at pronouni'mlview and large weallli ami lathoroiighlr

    to tl... anpporl of thu pyopi rly QuaJIfl alion bill, while Mi. Iioiiglnak in w Inxl

    rmordx.l him. elfin favor of the funda-mental principle of the ii.. lllovuluvllt."

    al. r.ok.'. l utia,Ua'i an Orwikikik Parly.

    Tlm Qipviim County Olfewj batik IgtbOfparty .'mi le In mnaa meeting at Koch'.Ilroadwny Hall LoBB Ixlaud City, on Wmlnxa-da-

    ev nliig, to ratify the nomination of flan.Kamuel J. t'rook for fnngrnx for theFlrat lilxtrl 't and John K"' gan for Aaa.-m- lyfrom the He'.,, ml JHatrbl. ti.-n- . CrooLa wa

    with "iithuaiaxm and he dallyarad aapee.'b. chiefly upon the flnnm'lnl l.aue of thnen n vnax. Tlm rennha.'k or of ijuenna are con-vinced Hun tha eotiteat will bo batwaan Oau.Crookx and OH, thn Itepublli an lioiinuno. nndthat f'ovxrt will la. lint In Ihe rn'-e- .

    OfB, t'roo.a a bMOOjl waa a re tewof tha gr""iibii"k l.'glalatii.u. ami loa arcrnwibit at Pokey HuTieuck" mad" llm tlmon-l.a"k"-

    laugh.Ainiuig the audlnncn wrx n numhi-- r of l)em-nryat-

    wlio have ta.li.'d in OBaaquaBca of theiimuiiiullon of Covnrt, .... who aru workinghurd lo dfi at Mm.


    A Ma tvllk a ....... a Bkull I ..,.. ..... al . il ar.i.nr. aa Oealk.

    f Iflb er I'lilib k BBTOWbII of tlm (Ink atri.dpolpM Hat Imi arrn.tixl im 'linnlay a man InPearl btlBBt whom ho look lo th" pfrllft tfetlftnand locked up. lull who OOUld not give hi naiiiunor any account of hliuef llefurn JuallcMurray In Ih" ToiuIm Poll" Court tlm man waaarraigned ax John Doe, ami tlm "fllcor awnrothat hn "entered anvrul abire In pearl ktrm.t.refuaiug P' leave theui. ami caue.I a crowd ofpc.pln to collect by rxeaon of hi di.orderlyconduct." Whll In court the man oomplalne.lof hi right b'g paining Mm. mind in a wildaortofway and gave evidence generally of be-ing liitoilcub'.l. Juatlc. Murray aiikpemb.d tharegular order of doing hualrm. to got aom-II- .

    Ing out of tlm man. but llm officer anb I Imwent atinight i.ough until nrrulgtia.l. and inhi opinion thn man wa prlmipally auff.'rlngfi .in hla pola I lol.a ,.tc Mm n.y nl lengtheoinintlled lilu. for alt ii.oiiltia In default of

    7ikll.all ThaJuel tol.llinier llariiw.ll llmman needed Biadftal aid and to aav ao wh"ii halook him down lo llm e ll. Thla the offlimtfall. id to do. bul Keepeia l.ynch nml IJ'llrlenWho received him .aw tbai !" waanal 'k miniand limy put him In th" hoxpilal ""II,

    IN ardan I nm aianilued tl man ami a. nt forIn Hardy, llm l .ty I'l. yxl .nl. who giiku II aahla "pinion that tho prlaonui 'a ahull waa frac-lurc-

    Tlm man waa limn taken l" UulloyuaHoxpilal. II" dl"d y ali'iday morning "f afrai'tured akull. Hi nam waa I iiiih Ythll".ml ha Waa a nr Inter living Hi Ilrooklyn.

    Tlm frn'ture In aald lo havn ten n n large one,and It wa aald lo Ix. li."ompr"h"nnbln win hncould paaa any police offh-e- ol even v i y alight1'Aperlcllca Without It being ilB""V led All in- -riorwtpMbonu ordered. How tlm man got ll,..Wound ii"' BnoWB, for Im wi.k nt BO tiim ableto apeak f .r hunk "If.

    ' I waa ""in Im . d yni' lhlng nil' dtlie man.xuld .l.i-l- l- i' MiM, kh l fill Unit renai u pa kpain ulaf pain in etaii.n.li.g Mm. '

    I elxieil . . . I lk I MillNla uf Talker.A g "4ty an ll.'ii'u of white Bud colored par-...- .

    gyaawd tar lia Btratlatl aawa)aBig la bpaiPbayab lael ati n bear Uavlr reaaarlag af bV ayaaiateaf 'Jtatear-'- ! .. ...,... at il a .bavi ii'k'ia aatabbi Iatari aa al blat Utah urrferaiaa. iaf "IpjUti lb Neabyk Hbw aVkaaarei wa lapfkayaivdI.. Hn.. I la .1 ti ' Batwbj Ma., i bkUarr. MiI., haul 1 bkWJ IbilA I, g... Kn..... II. .' '"ii I"fm-- ..'4 "i pnPaittli nl ' r r Iil J.'k .a Hn '.'.. .... ti M. Klia ... il.. v.i, i y i. - t. u. . ..... u ... p It..-- . AfewlbjIrjey, Ibi iaji I'm I bl I" "...a.. ... Hit " c'to a Y 'lieane fp aj . a. rkprteiaif kjWilli, k'.'.k. r 1'ix i.l. k Aaila lit. ai.,1 r.i.til.I . gun k A a iiia .i..iir et. - i jki u)M,Miim a ., .. I. ........ .I..I Ml II a gaitt... I A .i.tr hmlatp ik I. ... il. tfiat.ii- ea. a

    l. iu, Iik kr1 '.MX l.lMo a at." a- eitua.l II, mtil,,, alll. mill .1 al,, wilt, kk Lmix, Oil IkitywliUlaikWb kfyiatkHk


    Ol'l I.IMMI W If a lHKM IftMUBMTBil.H l.MiMt . in riM K

    n.r labtlaaa ta . i..n., . PJialyinB Ba latetvview wllk Praak ll ...... I'ke Ittlrrtl.wPalle l.iln.na, ikal amy i ail ia kr Pavar.

    HllllKlKlliHT, thrt Hi WlMW Mra. Alog-and-oamo Into Iho cun t room thl morning.

    I.kfore Ihe ootirl opened, alio eat for aome timereading the morning newaputmra. When thocourt waa formally openikd tor hualnaaa, ahadropped thn paper, and carefully watched theproceeding. Chief of Polio Marh waa thedrat wllmaie called, and aa hit tikttlmony wa Inth main what Atltant City Attorney Holt hadteellllotl to yeelorday, alio paid hut lllllo atten-tion to It. The teetlmouy thut fnr addumdonthe trial falleto eouneet her with thn .v. mini.,alon of tha murder. It ha c.uikiate.1 mainly ofher etorlea to olhere about how the crime waacommuted by Itaaaott. aha allelic 1 mo appear-ing In th r.Me of an unwilling wltnoaa.Aa one of the beet criminal lawynra In the Htntn.who haa been In attendance ai the trial, aald to-day: " Tha mate la bringing out In Itatnatl-mon- y

    an uncommonly atrmig cnae for the de-fence." The Ntntn depende. In order to makeher an aceoaeury hi the crime, upon the

    win ti Ilaaaelt made to Jailer WnkemanWalla, and lo morrow Htale Attorney Olro-atea- d

    will make an attempt to introduce thinootif.-aalo- aatoetlmony. He gave notice to thateffect and gar the oouiteel for tha

    an opportunity to t up autlmrltleauia n which lo baan an obJactloB,

    The defence I to Im that Mr. Aloaan.Ur waaan unwilling wltneaato the crime nd not ano'eaaory. In order to cut hr In the beat ram-tlh- llight Wore the Jury before th goe nn

    the ttand In caaa aha doe to, which la noweonaldered an Improbability counael for Iliadefeno have dou thla: They havn aacuredfrom Chief of Police Marah. Officer Arnold, andCity Attorney Holt a atatemant under oath thatnvry word ahn ha told thnm In relation to thecrime haa, upon Inveetlgutlon. proved to ba

    true. Till thny conldnr a very ttrongpoint lu their favor, and will argue ;ha; If ahntold tha whole truth then ahn will tell It mi thewllnnta laud. There I one thing about theWoman that la In her favor, deapltn her It'llding appearauc. Hhe makea her atateinnntaIn euch a rnailuve and atrnlahtforward manneraa In carry oonvlotlon with tl nnd haa awonderful power of faacinatlon, due. pxrhapa,to the a, inn,' I, a um ol ll :. Ii an I Yll..kOablood In her veina.

    In cnae the atntcment made by Ilaatctt toJailer Well I not admitted to morrow, the

    will move for the dlachnrge of their clienton the ground thai n'm la uot a yet Implicatedlu the niurd. r. Tlm llaaantt atatemnut. then, laa vital point in the cn for the Hut".Mra, Al.'kainl"r'a ablllllea a n letter writerwaa ah. wn by Ihe n nI"-- i he had written while In jail and whl' hhad la.nn retained by Ih Htntn a nil.. rimyand nver delivered. The rending of thoaeleUerr, in which there It a trang. blending ofreligion, palbini.ixmliirneaa. ami vlntllilvenia.created a marked aenaatlon ; and It waa BONOS'able that thny alao 0 anted a 1 1. aide liuprea-tloi- i

    on tlm jury, Mfaral of thn older men I n trff""l"d to tear. Particularly wlmn lm apeak,

    of the trouble which aim haa undergone, andluiiki. n.p"la mi ill a a heart broken womanonly could mak". Mra. ato..llm roading of Hm Init.ra very well,and only evinced emotion wlmn the one

    to Imr in.Hher waa rend. In whl' h aimngpreeaaa adcairet.. aee Imr xiat. r. daughi' txand friend, If ahn had any left Tlmn Imr chinuuivered. Ih lor In her face unepeBea. and Hre.julredall her power ofaelf.contr.il to keepback the tear, whl 'h llnally I. urxt through Imrcloned eyeli.ia In pll.i of hwr alrugglea andtrickled Hi 'Kiln rill down her clmdix fallingupon her hand, which were oroaaed fri imr i.n'Dm rat lattar Introduced waa wi ittxn to Siain tAttorney tllmttead. lu which aha tol.imnlyprotasta bar LnBoeenne, and Imgafnr an oppor-tunity to "x Prank llnaa. tt nn.T pray tn hlin onher knee to tell Ihe truth- - In own that Ma ownhanda alnn .topped Hi man' breath." " 1never had the heart." aim cniitlnuea, to anany on auffer, let alone to aend a aoiil unpre-pared t.'fure Ita maker. The aocond letter watwrtileu lobar niothnr t lmt llad.lain OoBB..and It aa followa

    aa.ra.rrcwf I A Ma n-- i 2. layx1" M,. la. a I t ... Ha .. la.... nra . ...n kill, ' bal.ava .nr. Km I ia- Aal .a I. a- a I... !.. ka.l u. . uli tna tx in. I. .ill "Uk! ....I art .

    I" ua aula kl . line Kkaa u. tnettiar renal I at.Ilirratamxt Willi 'la.lti It I n.r ti.l.l u l.tn. i.n, ... ...aa IA, .ltAi a. , lii 1.1.1a, I In ....... I.,. .ta p. ..... a hat. ta.. i .itMkiu.t.iuW'.i .tai Praak't beej .n.t nut ti.p at...... i u ,t it ajtraaa . i..k to baa tvlratn h .nr -- 1..PtM no I...... rob "' K a r . Hilt.. ..wa ant a 1ra.a luMl oner b lxr.1 l. n Bate at". a 1" k an. 01 ati.li lu uar alt all uea I xa. altaatt trai.,1

    I wral lo thr alatloll tu.iii. ami la. a 'nil Itartlr..tar. "1 my lea lata 11" v I id nn wb itutM ilI U an arlrvr.t l.. I. are ll i ..... .,.trebrd .... laat I RaBBkia kltt tin. I l J. l nut lutttai tn,I. ui it ,..la I .a. aultrrni. Igeny "' aillM at a.)I.... ..i ail "Wi. oh aaaaW i.ai truabbi I t.a.r..m, llu ..i .ti aa.l kept mi aai.av. . Von .In nl kln.w.Nat fetaj r ... . i ptaf ta aa aaw ii. .1,.. at. ti.. t .a. Imi .".-a- I. a.) nelar I .bin I 4 "U. ti.al..., i.u.il.l ...a in. ii. Ir lulrr I.' at aukmil. aultar lat al..aa lift an.1 art. J bttet l" aikkar a m.uI..... o i ..a.) ok Bag ataaa aaTwy aw laal tea Hal .baaa a InkjiMtiwfiil uf n.aa I. a.iiinnir. . ..au a . r .1 to ti.r Jaajiaavatul Hi al I. what I laal In... I t'tat Irai nl tar lu la.ra.al aitl t.a.r anvrr I. I...I II .rak ...Ire ....I Ire I tu una Ira ok Ir it. In Bt alia. I, a ,. ....... itin ...... a i trayrit win. m... ....m bran nutlleWe In i tirrka Imi II .tl.l aot la.t I... . a. nt..... i,, dim t a.., .n t Uki rl,.rti elii.yH.l.n ami. ...il.ra xaal 1.. talk will, van I want t ara y Hilttt.-- a. rat. a.al tlauia-- at.-- til it lay Iririata it bavtan. Irlt Ii... .,,1 l,.rr. X. ,'ig ... ttt Lrir .or X ... kI ti... ii'.ixi atai ) ...i ...n nave It le pay year way i. ..........in will bt k. ii. Una Matt ..'in Ilia tali ..iah. .Ill Ilia I'. ..I It- Mabel th.' .' ...rt aria t t.) I...- a. I ....I. .hi. nana an. I a. rial lino tl,. I ill. n,a II I rt ....la. I will a. I... in. ant. ..... ot. n.utl.rr a... aaraTkBPrvayaal a.i'l frank a frlklell air all tNlanglllllMir iii t aaarl I rant t"1 l"l' ' tu arawhat tin-- ara .l.iuiu I aai au. ....... la.t bl

    MM 'I a ...ii al - .ml l.a.a tarn ii.twrllVil twu an ta Mull.it I auffrr in u.u. .ml 1. all h.r

    tlta alt.a nl ai.ull.r. ...,l.al. btlM ... that I a. a .1..a llr.l lu X.I.U'.. Hi,' ate g.a.,r I Ma. ami .1.. ...11

    brlla.l tu i u.itr I... k altrr I run axr-- l l.ai.1 tn...II. uaia. y b kill.. I aiyttll I'l .1 taar II. a law ...at.- I ih.la .1" Ilia '(.nl a. nt, liu.urrnl-il.- r. ..i.i..t,lhrku.lv Bul ll ta uul ul ttiaua ,uwar lu f.urt It, a. illtl.aak ll.rl-- I ll'ifa irank X .11 rap. .. I ol tna trttnt bll '"'la Ir kiaa t" .W'trr ley III.- axa.lu at.rh.a uxit Ainuft .id. ui.iuruia.ta ltaaaa

    Anotlmr wa written to Oftf Attorneylloll, diiled O' t. 4. naklng htiu lo BotBa to Imr..ll with i in'! Marah. or any ..tlmr wiim-ex-

    and let In r tna Frank llaaantt nnd apeak withon o wllh do. I a halt.." elm aaya,' I will

    aoflcn Ma heart nnd tin will mil the truth.man. thai hla handa (Frank flax-- .

    tt'al xtnppnd tlm BIBB a braatli, not mine."Thetliat I. Iter ri Kiilliul In an Interview be-

    tween Mi. Alckiiinhii ami llnn.ett at llm jaillu the i.roxorjf of Htat.'a Altornoy Omatead.lalloi Wall. Vlilnf of poli .i Maiali.ntnl Iimnet .. ia". k" id ami to day Ihe thr o, told olthat interview which. In addition to the letterprinted, wax tlm only luipoiLinl femmn of tin.day' Procnedlnga. Thl (utemoW wa .Inbarlbad aa f..li..wa:

    Mrx. Ah'iamler wa brought Into the .all offl. o. and .'."Ii alter llac tt wax In i In. II" loopn teat, ami Mr. IJImxt.'inl aald I" It. in " Itexaett,thla lady haa rcjueatcl the privilege rjfTaoalngmid bilking with you." Itax.ett rapllotlt "Idpnt inoW aa I waul to ana h. r for aiiylltlng."Mho ni" th" converaalloii by aaklug:" Frank, won't you own tin that you did thatawful tl wiih youi own bsBiM '" To Ihlallaaxatt repllotl: "Iowa up t" nothing; when111 proper time come. I will tall the wholetruth." Then lm anl "I hiiy m.lhliig lofear II you Ml llm "'"'' tiuih.' llunld nothing, and h" beaencl.lngly bald:

    " Frank. you prof" to love nm,or tlhl at "ii" tune i appenl tn y..utlirn ugh Hint love, to ..an u. that ynu til l Ihlaawful tb ail Willi youi own hamla. ami thai I hadnothing Pi tin with It aaarpt whal you mintP"i. urn to do; a., llnil my lolka won't think Idid an, ti ti boiilbla ilm d." Fr ink nuawri'd."I ke got m thlng lo Nil). Win It llm priiuflltime coin' I II fell Ilia truth,'1 Thin elm aald.

    I rai k dTdB'l I nltnonl taint away wlmn I I. "I. Itlm banal fm you to pul llm body In V" adding." I bay.. I'tiiy. I for you n gfttl maiiv lliimx.ami hall "onilniui to d" an PfBf foy youyatdf,Won't POUl ll'illk lelilti'd. ToU Bawl Ihlllbad em., gh " Baelng llnii aim mad.- no Hit1.1 .ami. .1. oil hint bba priAWMd OV.'I to wliel"Im aai. thr. ay Imtaelf on her kit"", "roa.eil hernuBda mi In km ", nnd a .libiug mil. nil.b"gg"il of him lo "..life.. Ill" wl.ol" Irb.n anyIng ' Frank, tloit'l mnii'a jodgineiil, It Itindnlug OOniparod I' that ol Hod,

    The r, limit.. h r of tlm . alimony to dayto Ihu flmlitig of lb" Ixali nnd tin ltd nil

    II alt .it of llm i' in ..It, a and th" clothing l.yfi l ndx "I He d." ".tt'id.

    VetterBey't Plretlahew .Ofll'M Magultu taw em ke utliiig li'.ti. tlm

    ,i t ill Ni igwey. a ntw bail Hay rrerb t ba Ibireint ni u. ' t .4 nr. in Pebrearti ix7n iia ttarrbiaibrtiiiiib - t. r.i it ... btfan i.r luaaa ibt brt la lb ,a..... M..U' ..,'' t l " XI, .... it, ellrtbaklt, fit III I null,

    -- r I tl i."'He, 'At ik Ii I .'a' lull I. klwa, ..at it" ... t, pre laal trtnlag, aial tin atuiithn.aa- - lit .. ' '

    lit. I. 'man A I Ullfe a (.1.1... r .a ... ..rv i. r.lll kt ,1 y.lu i.n. .imi x a. a tit. ua areatay ait, ''

    Bllliap I tklln'.l ..! I len la HM Pair.Tlmr" ana BO dlBllBUllOB Ol tlm rtiah In IbB

    tn al lair ll, II., laltn.li .. laal .ri.l.,, I a. llllal B'I iktry rrrri.i a ' .... I... I aa. ,,, hi I laUBybba..I a... .H)i. fill ggl U II I i.aau . I.. ....a il. ai .t. at. .'a Brvklii Ira oj t 'ao j ii.i.it'X la la. I .1,1

    I'r "Way" aaaaalaaaaa aaaltBba.i atl ,..!, l..ti::JB' tj,,aaltt aU

    MM yitir v.ihk..rMaaarallaa Ika a, an. Atklvanarfera N i.vui.aai n.iiiia! Way.

    Ht.vonty-flv- n yoara giro y,H.torda llm Hot.Dr David 1. Field, won of ('apt, Timothy Fieldof r t auihlforil (now Madlon), Conn ,married the daughter ot t'upt Noah lo k

    mi of H 'tnnra. ami thn young pair aetlllngIn lln.ldam. he bocamn paator ol thnchurch there. Vivaterday the four eurrlv-lu-

    aona of thla couple. I'm, Dudley Field,Judge Btapben J Flald, Cyrue W. Field, and lr.Henry M. Field, a a memorial to their parent,made a formal prceikntatlun to thn people of thtown of two plota of ground, which they had

    ma... 1.. im laid out na a park.All four of the brolhera went up from

    the city yeaterday morning, and arrivingat Hint. lain at about utxin, wore recnlviid,a ."in in .it by the comprahenalve Inhabitantof the town. N'timnroua pomleroua and

    couutry wagona, upholatered for thaoiioaalon Willi h iraa blankota, and having nachapalrot enloran. furry home attached, ahtodbacked up to the atatlon platform, and thro ighthe treca on too of the hill were to Im eoen thered coat of a brnaa hand which waa luetllyplaying " Home, Hweet Home."

    Th" proceaalon formeil. and. moving upwardthrough llm narrow lane which lead Into thetown, tha ij.iitnit main atroet waa found to bedecorated with bunting of thn neweet andhrlghtoxt. In live minute broad aa It waa. thevehlclna mailed one another e tlmr crowdedalowly through It. The hand ahead. Hitproceaalon onme preeently to a gray, wlda-gnble- d

    farm hmtea. ami juat afterward tn a road-way leading under an evergreen arch, whichbore the wnrda. " Field Park: welcome I" Intoa wide atretnh of green award, which awnut atlllfurther tkyward. and which waa rrowud withn nta of gray rock ami evergrtmn tree.Below every thing wa atmmth and charminggreen, with treat antl well-rolle- made; butabove the miniature granite peak gave theplana another aepeet. and hero (he glory lay Inthe view, lining very high ground, the oytook In the valley of the Connecticutfoy mile up and down, granite rockatnd rolling Lin to the northward, and(toodatined't and F.aat Ha l lam twinkling outof tha fabulou traee to the touthward. Half oftha 'J.INKI peraona. when they roache,. thlapoint, turned their Imckt on Ihe tcarlet coaledband and ganad anal.und upon tha equnllvgorgeoii anil far flnnr landaenpa.w In thla part of the park a platform hail beenerected fir Ihe apnakera, who x arc.. bxikenough time to warrant It. and long tablca. aetout In thn figure of three aldea of a a.juar".were Imheld groaning under tlm weight of theInviting eatable which they oontalnnd. Theband ceaaed, and In n ahml addrcaa Mr. PnvldDudley Field eurrendored all thn place lo theI.e. .pin of Had bun Pi tlmin nnd thalrIn.Ira and axxlgtia forever. Pr. Ilnnry M. Fieldalao apoke. nit rcxalng tha hope that In futureraara tha children and grandchildren of tlnaaewhom he addroaaed would ait there In tho oooltwilight of auminer evenlugt and watch theriver and the beautiful bllla. The band playednnd the tablet, with tlmlr Made of level, turkey,ciikn nnd tile, were plnannntly npproachavil.

    All Ha. Idem deviated all the afmrmkon to theMlniiratlnBi end not a at..re or a boupa wnaopenIn the village Imlow. ii ii I ..r lltrce hoitra not apedettrlnn wrvt to In the broad alrcet.At S o eoea the tralne crine along lo enrrr thnvltllora away, ami limn the tadeliratlon cnuielon ...ae. Among th. mc pfeeeBl war" Mr.Htel.h'tia the Meutellllllt-l- l tvu nor of th" Hint",and Mr It (I. Northrop. Huparlatendent of thnPublic Hehooit of Qonnnetlout, nnd ma of tlminoxt prominent of thoae who of recoil yearnhava giketi ntlonlloli lo thu tubjo-'- l olillaguInipyovamaBl,

    orrouxu com net lamobW Jr.ar. Mr.l.nnlra Making Ihrlr Vllr,.a

    rakkfi a Palllleal I .....Ill tho (I in nd Opera llotieo, Newark, a

    large mnax BIBBtllH of luixihnulc waa held laatevening, under the nu.plee of the Hat Flnlth-ere- '

    Aaaoclatlon of Newark, loproteet again!thn employment by contract of mv let labor InHtato prlxona. Tho agitation waa begun twoyenrt ago when it waa proponed lo mnnufiidurahale In thn Htate prltoii In Trenton. Tho IterHtatn HI.,." ami l.eatlmr Compniiy had bcungiven a contra. i pnruilllng them to employ 4RAOOBViOtl In Ih" priaoti llio cmnpaui to pay theHtiiie 42 cant a day for bBOb convict. The coinpan y waa thereby enabled to uuderxcll outaldniiiaiiufailitrera, and tha latter ware fpfflad lo

    'he wngex of tl...r tkilled MBploysag untillimy . in i.l m.i BveraM abova 16 tof10 a waeliI.a.t winter In tlm New J"r"r I.'glnlaturca bill known ik tint " llnttert' ami Hlio"iuak"ra'bill" waa Introiluci'd by the lb n. William II.Foldlsr of Newark, which wa lo Bbulnb ""ti-v- i

    t labor III llm Hint" Prlaon, Tlm bill wa da.eatnd, Then a lull wa iBtroduoad bv Mi.

    F.'ldl. r prohibiting tlm mBBufactUfe of tint Inth" prlaon. and it bxcainn a law. A almllar bill

    the altoemakera waa t .. by tht. Aaa.'in-Idy- .but ii a n. defeataaj In tin- - Hxnnte. The hat-tar- eof County. BUBlbBylBg over t.taai.

    and tlm ahoarnBBera, about 6,UW, havetheir agitation again. t COBViei lal.ir ever

    anp'e. They hav" made it an Ixnim In llm pre,cut pollli nl OBBiBBhlBi ami tha caandldafea olth" lieiiio rata and II. publican, ye.t'.r.lay i.ub-II. lm.l " ir.la pr.iitilaing If elected, to do nil Inth.dr BOWOf to proUMi aklllml lala.r and nl.diahall M 'tlalau. Tlm Hob, William II. Fold.l"r, " Ilia Kallmr "f tlm nalfera' bill." accept.-- Iiiu. Dt'tnoeratbi BoniljiaHoB for u . froBithe ThTrd Mairl' t. Newark, yaatarday, by

    of the hatl.-r- i ii I abo intikcra.Tbauraitd ilpara Rotiaii wa thronged with

    hatteyB, BlioamBaorB, iowiilleyB. nnd otlmrtrinleaiueti la.t night. Tlm no "ling wax

    nl . o'. io t. Th" Mage wax net with aprlxon ."cue, nml wna crowd'"! with p"lltl"laiianml o (Tl "ra of w ii.i., ... . - xo"i..ima. J.Iliad ley Itldgo ami Patrick M ,,wax taeyotary A laiter of regret from uov.

    t linn wna read. Tin. Ilovuiiiot oxpreaai.drntp;.ihv with the movement.Ml. tltx.rge J. Ferrv of lining .aid that It

    waa not right Unit men who i. ... I .pent four orfive yctirn ax atd'i nl"'". In order 10 ina.ler acalling Unit would givt. tlmm kupixiyt for tlmirfamilli a. xliould Ix- put In "utiipetitloti with con-tract oonvlot labor. New till k ta n.akliig tl.ikMln day mil ol prlaon labor, but tin ra nr.. (hou-aaml- x

    of lialtnia and ahoiimik'TH In tlmt Htatnand Y w .l.iraev who on thai aouounj nrn forcedto go boiiix nightly ami ae e ll u tin .lien aulferfor wind of food.

    Mr. Joxeph linldrlck. tlm Pyealdenl oltha HatMaknra' Aaaoclatlon ol the Ublli'd Hint". Idler.man Hlaltiaby of Nnwaik. TraaaurerDen. H. tliuyof Newark. JoBPph Atkltiaon. andt.ilmra iin'tiln BpBBflbetl Iii favor tif abiili.MiigCOBVlvt lul.ir. and deiuamling that no uiurncotitrnila ba given out.

    The followltig waa adopted with chnera:Naaafavg, My ii, i uaetkaBlfial Ibt btateef Naa Jtrtey

    la ...vaa mttUnl aaar nil, I, ,1 ,1 . ft J, llu.Jlatua. ..r ll, i,.l...r 1X7. Ilia! xa alll net la thl Intttra aui" r I tal rAtll an. ll au ttial ail I". I .l litt tuiuaall p. utal..a ...tin. m . an I ...Ir l..r 11..' tlxitltl ... ..I all aklili .1 Mhiir

    1. ..... tl.r u .a,. In a ml Ir'.it mat.. I . in .1.' ulna., ul tl. a hlak..

    " "u mii.isiiH.Mxl.ialna lu I t.a aallfc I.r. Patkxa-- ... ... II,

    anaax Ik Hrlalo. i.r a ll.u.i ii.A till AMY. Oct Id On Monday JeBBB Bll

    Huge call. ..I at llm raaldeae ol Wlllinm llarrla.In Fort F.dward. wlu rn hit ilaughtiir .1 BBOll Imtiiliiig. nml. n ft r n yeyy afTaotloBBta naatlBflon Ma pati. ysQUBBtBd bay to ret u i ii to bin bonaami k""p Itotian for Iniii. Him yBftlBad, dn.'lar-l- i

    g that xlm Would BOVar Hkn In thn l.ouaowl.r" b"r mnllmr wa. uiin l"r"d. T all

    that xlm ah. .old return, or that aimaluuiid Bvah raaumolbu yalBlluriB of n .lauglit.'rto Ii 111 . xlm r ttirimd tloilldad BogatlVOB. andllnally ii'luai'd to l oiivt." with hlin BIOafH InIh" preset "" of ii third party. On 'I Ueatlar I alingx aai it 1. for HUaTalti, and a. ui I word to Mxdaughter lo remove any ft it lie aim wantedfrom tho family iniiii-- n n ami to aeud all lullai... mighi oi.tiii"! to him ifiraettlument. lm.ing iim day Jennis did aa ha proigaM I. tnkingth" parlor furilftUUi organ, ami family pi-cture, nml Ihe xidebnr wagon and mualanuapony, Hhe alao left ill the u.0l. the bill, wl.l' llihi had Incurred, and tin. lu.ua, bold keya.wltl It aim H'l.ilti '.l ufi. i h r Mother diiUtD.

    Ne i lux In Ik Hank ll.la.ra11. ni" Biakaya warn btiay faBteyday palcli

    Ii up tin burtit tai la ibt Miiahallaa bapfc't ..miai.l 'anipl H rkb ik ai t u itltn ah. nit aa ill, builkl bin!if. I. ,i. a a . u nal A I a ul x ..... wl.ul.ai, all.,.1tvtrj I" lu .. in- .hull ih. ir il, p. .it. air Uteri' ni in... p. Haiti Biattt t 'aw a, It i inn a al. lx ill awty I itlara an lealaj tin i tka ...... t.o. .(P I.,,.' Hull a ... Ill . .. i... .1 a U). hut It.a, ,'. I... ....( in. a . W ul p . a.,., at. I'l--riaiuUnt baa warn yl'xitey ttr avti Bie t tin inher :la. V Iht Irti t ia any thai Hay litre anlll killMtlplut tu til' ll..a. atari tin u ,rai i t iiit.art.aa

    ta. ll. .1 k" taxai a. I... ft a. ..nr. I aa team aa IliaI.I.., I a aflalra .... I.r at. ..dl... .1 1 lir ...uia, liter ..Iin,, t . a in w i tti ..' .. ' a tbwtra watI ..." ".. n. t tun'.- - I.n' ... I tit . ball aa.lI, I. .1 o I.i .1 l.u . ....i l ia. a.

    lu.,: Ptilb Kttiiilatr I a t. v. .arm. I in the it aMl Waallltfatel .at tip k In a ( x iiiuniira aggn lm i.r.t p. Aii a... . raarartail a At Iba baiitltaua an t ti, at Mr Ijm.'i wuuit laka in,. Ilea IM ralaBuali III in era

    aula .1..'. ml. nt Wa"'et f ilia atcu tli.x.r le allllunilikaa iiu .lu. p. tha r.4.lara tl.a Itiiural tighti ti no aa.r atlii n.o.ii at, ultkUitly, oiUa ev ....

    bet lira. US p, IbtU ItuoiB

    nr Aram thvi blm.WBy aBlaBaaatta naaallae t Rlv Ika Va.rra-avea- t

    lb Pa.ll,... ik.i Aaak.IxiH.k,kli, (V't. II. Mf. t)Uit,.t .tm. (n

    xp I. deliveriMl to day at Mhyl, deollnod toglvn the tlovernmnnt the onnDdonco they aakoalon the Afghanlaiau uunallon. and ooanplainaitof their withholding aulhorltatlvw lafnrmatlon.Ilevlewlng the Information which wan obtain-able, he ehnwed that the relation wllh Afghan-istan warn eallafaotorr during hla Admlntetra-Hon- ,

    and he juaiift .1 thn dlapleaauraof the Amnar at the Ilrltteh occupation ofQiiattab. He pointed out tha the weakFiowit which a profneaatlly chlyalrnualoveriimeut threatened to punlah for re-ceiving a Itnt-ia- n Kmlkaaay waa laaa cu.palila than the Bander of the F.mbaany. Thentitling of the F.mtvaaay waa apparently abreach of Huaaln'a eugngnmenta to England, buthn fnamd Hitaxla would cite aa niatiflcallon theunfriendly conduct of the Ilrlllah tlovernnmntMr. Olndatonc declnrel that to aaddle Indiawllh the otpenaeeof n defence agalntt Imagi-nary danger would Im an ln)uiitlrva aa mon-alrou- a

    aa any recorded In the hlttory of theworld.

    Mr. Oladttone. In rvt. clutlon, aakad the peo-ple lo compare the at ate of F.ngland In 173with that In 1H7H He energetically defendodth Ueneva arbitration, and thought Itfar better to make a natloa offorty minion, a friend than one ofeighty minimi an enemy. What they weroBOW pmieailng agtlntt wa not merely a aerlnof falae atepa, but a new ayatom of governmentby pereonal rweponelbilltr of thn aoverelgn.only too likely to tap the foundation! of mon-archy,

    Hr FaTaaeBtiao Oct. St. Tha Kofot rejoiceover tha delay In the Kngllah operatlona agalnxtAfghaulaian. It aaya aa long aa peace con-tinue Hum! oau give arm aud money to anyone.

    I.0NO011;. Oct SI. -- A Bombay dnepap'h to thaDaau 7lev.ipu eny " Intelllgeuco haa btvonreoelvml her which jullflea th confidence ofthe Kngllah people III the loyalty of ihnludlanprince. UJTar ot abl are coming from all

    The native troop are eager to ad-vance on Afghanlttnn. The tone of the

    praaa la all that oould ba dealrad."

    vmorotinu a whlw r unT t'ax.a.arala IB I r.lr.alal af th la- -

    aatrarallaa ay th Plral Praalg.Bt.The nioetlnir In tho Fifth Avontto Hotel

    laat evening, for the purpoae tti Initiating thamovement for a World'a Fair la New YorkIn 1H89. waa well nttondod. Aa expreeeedby tho can, the ohja .. of the gatheringwna: "To contldtr the propriety of auggeatlngto thn Mayor of Nnw York that delegate fromall the Htalea bo Invited to aaacmblo In thla nltyon thn Soth of April ueit. being the ninetiethaniilveraarv of th lnuguratlmi ., Waahlngtonaa thetlrxt Prealdant of tho T'nlted Hi ate, anilthe I of "..nal nut nal governmnnt. In onlnr that the proieailllou to hold agreat BxhlbltlpB of thn Imlutlry of all nationIn Ihe clly of Nw Vork. In llm centennial yearof that ovum Ittf). nr eoonar, may then be ma-turely conldered.

    Among tlm tignxrt to Hi call are AlexanderT. Hl.'wart A Co.. tlrcatea Cleveland. Tiffany ACo.. Itobblna A Applelou. the (lorham Manu-facturing Company. D. App etou A Co.. Hchulta,Hoiithwlck A ('".. lleiijaii'lii II Hlmrman. Mnn-inti-

    A Hauler. Ilelamaler A Oo. (Iron work).Thomaa t,'. A"lon lUBnad hint. - Aaaav Offlorjtin. Sinner Mikiiulai tiirlng Conipaiii Hein y V.Hpaiil.ling. Vernillyn A Co.. David I 'owe A Cat..J. D. Jonoa. John A. Htewarl. K. H. Wlnaton.tl.korge h. (toe. Norvln Qreen, Mitchell. VBOOaA Co. the Murldi'it llrltnin.i.i l oiiiiiattk . Ilrnw-xte- r

    A Co.. William A. Camp. K. W. Andruwaand Lord A Taylor.

    t". ne llioaii preaent laat nvettlng werellm ui (Ireeb't Clevntand. Sinclair

    Touaey Auguitu Hcltell, Wilton (1. Hunt.Klchard Ituller. ami l'roldnnt Clark of theHlngor Hewing Mnchln Co.

    Judge Hilton prettdnd. and, after mitufavoring Ihe ptopoaotl tchttinn by hlm-ul- fami Daniel F. Appletoo. the following waa

    unanimously adopted:'.ai Thai ttaara taa tpp.4ntad an etaritUva comailttra or tan. Willi puwar (ua.1,1 Pitlnill in...il.ar win.

    al.all Uka lain eot.a.tar.tl..n Ilia aut.lrrt (.. i whrVB unainrrliiia waarallr.t. potr Ut inllii- wlirn a Nail. .nal Wurl.llair attall ta t.al.1 In tl.a ,11. i.r Nrn r.nk and aulli.itllliat aui'll . i.tttnilllra p, Uka aut It a. Pull lu Ilia Dl.llar .8al.all let .t.i .i ..t.L.tila

    Judgn II iii. n wa named aa one of thecommittee. Th" uameanf tlm o Hint BIBB

    bera will bo annouiioe.1 l, ,' r

    ALMOST MttUtfD lit I I I'lTh lu."l..... ( rial thai It RraorlMl r, ....

    a Baaall Paneaylvanla klaaalel.Fi hit Jkhvih. n. v., Oct. n, a otUm per--

    hup Without praoadanl It eportod hero to-night from Thotnpaon. PaBB.i a aitiallhainlnt on th J.'fTeraon bfttMh of the Krmllallwny. nltout 70 inlluut front thia town. Thatruxtet' of a tchool junt outaldc the limit. 'ifHi village gathered at the achnol houte fortlmlr rtkgulnr lltn'tllng lu.t Friday evnitlngTlmru wna mime dlflb'ulty In gfttltig Ihe doorMM, but after gnlnlng a.liiilaalou. tho demlb ik of Mixa Alice Keiiunll the young ...,teaclmr, wax found upon tint floor, In herlifclcea baud wna lightly griuap.ut a t ofchalk, nml on thu I. i k. I wax writtou aab.ry alinoxi to., horrible for belief.

    The I.Hpl.axa girl had tllamiaaed her acludnrathat afternoon, and waa putting tin. room Inunlet tut the iimntlng ol llm trunttn.wlmn two tram pa tuddiuily entered andbar. Her acreama aould not la. heard, BBdanawaa h.'lpli'xa In tlmlr handa. Him inuat havelbn nleiteil llm .iilinlr. li. with ""rlaln lilentifl-nttlon- ,

    f. r, wiih uiinoti Innrndllite aavaifarr,lin k ct.t .ml Imr tongue, and lelt Imr dying ontlm ll 0011 HtlO iTllWltiil t till) it li ' ft iwiUidMporflM Mtrfiitfth wroU Mliflr tho ir- -

    'i ol tho '( Dr(lB. n 'in.tlim rtiftniii nt tlm twu men. Tha rMim Don)vmi'm Unit hh- hud nitil't a il. mi-- i tiUiiniiftfli'Th iiuiMiiiHv w.ih nt (in-- (.roiUHtl.

    fend MftrBn WagUB In rvcry tlir.- - tluii Th nwamay nM(niii Imi If th'-- nn 'Miiuht thlr funi.n.. i,t will bt .MtAQl nml m

    i nr.nsits COH THA OlVTHtkH-- M .1. J. Uipr, .1. II. M .,. u4 Mr.

    mf hi. I mat Utorj.PnthkvnurnjA, Oct, bi. 1, H Byphur,

    vbon Andeinon olMiiwti ! Mn iiRMavh mhAvititf ImiHiHrnl mi hi in. iil.iiiff with I'.. It.YV.'ti.T. lit th' HhitrniHii lllr,iiiAktM a utAtiMiii'iit In whih hn nny ihAtthu only truth In tho ftflBdftVll Ia whoro Amlnr- -

    OA Nwonrn that ho lhl imt r Ivt any iii.'iinyf.irhiH vldanoM th IMtnr ComnilttM.Tho n ut Mr. Hyhor iJoiiI m ABiphAtHMltr.

    W a ii k ttiuii Im if t,! ,i ti0 ft l'l h'i't '".An (nr (In nUti im nt A K fbrr a..tti fvlnlr tn

    MA. I hnUA llifin ( l' UIm- An fur m llu t Ulf Inolhtrb I I. lit tr Ihi i IiIm' At tlir t,,hall IM' . a ll. ptWf till!IMOI K I. WpIht In kii'iM hhn lilllln ilivhai btiflfit I iiitrr hail nt) t with hon till

    ltifl lion Iii tlih'Nin tii' my Hit.I dUM'l klliiM J K Kyitlie, t Binht kttoW hltll of

    lila MtMlltmi Mllli An I. iB.ii. int'i't mini A it'h r nil It'llMM' ll (III Ball III lUAftrMUoni Ua iim Whli'hIn ,a,i antl tndt il ui) uul n., i Willi Iihm

    WtjMUtMtnoW, Oot tl Mr. Oltwon, whinlikill l'i thin AV'MilliU ilhotlt JnillOA Allil'T-

    nflhlAvit. nnUi: "Tho HUtti'in-nl- In Ii imAfll'lnvlt ftffwllftfl mo art' fnU'. I novi-- HMiraof Iho thl hub nt whl''h In- Hpitukii unlit tln-- urororpoHtfa ! III" hy odteiMI, tO Wlmlll All'liTft'iUrMiutitil tnntn, with rucIi Htuh-in- t iitH mn f.n

    UtftftwUiilt iplml with lliroiilM iimhIh hy Aii'lor-Mi. n tlmt If ho waA noi WiU fill hin Nlf"iio' hoiHillM ; All tin Mi"iioy ho wnntr-'- lrifn thoiht r iii In, l hmi tlouti no wroon mytutit, Ihii 'W nt ii wrotlll iloiio hy ullior. I rufllMWl ' 'Miii'Ttain miiv pfoponnfou In any Hhao to toiy

    I'rutlUtuA m ISwm HlMAIHtwH llMl.ThvrMUltol a oonttollttailon of Ibi lUtnm- -

    mMH M .ai.iial, ihf Ni t Vrk HoWNMfitlllfl hurpn lll'.ai Obl. ml Ai m fcuik HlimApMli llttyttll ftlfWiiiiujm iJ riiil'tn ii, lu hr kim nn i tlm lUhm iMiiiM

    w fuflNAll l.tal t v' Ml UK ll miltvtnlAjHf rotii tin bloeki beiinttt! i WiIxIvhIIi

    lit hibtl ni Mil nt I til la ifl fa .11 r 111 mi I ll-- ttl nil trn una Tim-- nl ! r tin- la im Ihr imi lii ui il, bluflfruNtlni iM t" "'it'll a nn. nii'l uul m kh'iwn Oldli nil ajl in let i nil ih Hm ill hi' 'I m ,i m mi will hiitfrniii M NllliM Ml rij "' III u m Ht it ibiin tl wltl. rail it tA lirlfh ml mi'l oil fT'i niiIII )! Hial.'llMirlll III W III' ll W It it I nl It It W ill' I'lllll, nld't, I'll WI "Ill (if (I . aal fo III liltinitNii ..iht ik. Iuaaii niiirwi'iiiini In b(Mitlil triK

    U ..i iii ii.. I millingIhi i'i Mini tat fi UllIM WHI Hrhil. '1 t V.'a M f"li IHUaili lAMI Willi MlllW Ol tilt lA'll ttllMN All l

    Won. i ll i.l lln lit Mr I'l in II alll B, tin I'm .I'll 111 ..f.. .t yl ,. ,fvJ nil A J f a nil' i)ll14 lln tlliiir IHkJ fflll la ill III WllllH II a A IN

    li i lAttllAAP lh.i l Mlllltlj $tH Kk ItArtlll "f IliAlimi iUl A.I'I'i w f Hlan litre il .. Ih Kill', it

    a, i i u Mi win.,- w iiiiniii Tyi IM IniuIIi Urvrgfl lAfAl Lid t $ti I " (

    llrU fnr M.u.Ur.1'iiti mi i ihu. Pa. im :i.-T- Iia f.ii.ii.

    )Mf l.i'tai m Hi 'w uf AiigitBlu r IH.'iti' -I rrhWWH tUrrb O MclMMttf tm f rwrllr i 'iitnir,thargrl With k H It I'liml An Iht nil 1 a1 It at,rr l. ft n rffAMl IhH ibn l MM tn lit (li aih frWN

    t 1. If Th' lit ll IIiIn t Ml i villtwKMt tv WAll till U tt wi Ulf f nl I.l Alt


    AMMffVI ttWMaVWMPVM M mtytvTM or Mill nit rr.MH

    Haa IB t al. Tram laaaaaay wa rtaaBaaaaBal b1t.M a.ll. k. wa Artlaaj rreaMaaa

    iblBSbBVJ Ibe Btaakattaa Itlak wa BakkatAlinr tb wurthlnBa olrl Irna Bato la Uia

    Manhattan Raving Hank waa robbed ofHikkiikki ,.n Hun. lay laat. ami Uie roaa nara.leeenaa of th nftlivxr In MntruetlBB tb noabMaBtlOB tn a faiklt a eM lanttor bnoaiTin knowa rtlie oommunlty. tuere were inma iierann whnipreeeed aati.nlalimool tlmt Mr. AucualuBohell. the lnailln man In the manaaynment,ahniili havn ao n'wl.'tteil the Important truatrkinflilikd to him. in .tulnaea olmla. whartlie t'nlon Truet ('omiiat.y'a defaleatloa andauapenalon are well remenilmre.1. hi

    the preeunt lntanoa araoonaldnred to be aharaeterlatlo of tha man."Uua Huhall," aald a down town banker, y.

    "bIvo tha lie dlroot lo theoldadamthat a man I never too old to loarn. Thla la thathird Institution with wblcb he haa been ooa-nert-

    In whloh thre haa been eteallDCttiroucbiDOapatile manacement. That Union Truet aivxrieniv muat havn taushi any other man thaaH"hll a laattni that would have laated allfe.time, it tinman t team to havn tnailetaay lot.prt.tainn nn hint, thouah."

    The robbery of the Union Truet Companywlilt-- baa Ixien refcrravl tn fronuxntly Dne thabank buralarr. wa In th fall or 1873. and waaone of the cauix that preoiultat.! thn irroat,8W Mil before Jy Caioke A 05.('."'! Praeldnnt Protblnsbam. the head of thet'ompany. ttartx.l fur Kurope. Aucuatns

    who waa t. became act aml'rxalilanl ami irxnxral innnacer of tha company,t'omniotlnrn Vamlerbllt waa one of tba truat aami It wat sannrally umUreloiid that he d

    Mr. Hobell ta oomtilxteiy aa th Kinwill havn him In hand If he la made Mayor.On the flrat day of tha panto (tntit. If. 174-wh- anthxtxrlx of Wall xtr.'.-- t failure raMran.ualy rumor affnotlns the aolvonc y of the TruM( ompany aut tfl nxt. and a run bxenu on the

    Thla waa on Friday. At nooaon that day rbarlea T. CarlUin. Reoretarr?' "ia Union Truat Compauy, waa mltaedfrom hi deck. In tlu nftiirmiitn, aftairthe run hail b"n kept up all day. Mr. H, tu.ltaald to a mporter: " There la not the ellahtettdoubt aa tn the enlvency ol the oom.iaoy. Ourliivaattment ar.t of atifh a "haraett r aa to en-able ua to rxallm raadlly. Every daixaalUir naabavx hit innnay on apiilvlnti for It. llnyond theHouxral pan Ik I am utterly timiblo to aeoountfor the minora afloat affe. tltiit the lilllty ofthe pompany whli'h hiiaalwnvn dunoa larg aadeonaarvatlva buelnaea." Whll Mr. Hnliell watalklntt hla iKrnUry. a dt'fnultar to thn atnoiititof MW.OOOC wa a fugltlvn from jnallne. nmi thnut in irniiiu wlmn a untinn i.r Kiiapunxion wastanked mi Hi" bunk tloorx II wna Inarniul thatPrt of tho ' tvtntiirvattvii bualuivaa " of thu bunkwna a "all loan of l,N27,IVta.nil to Vamla-rbllt- ,who had rxfut.vl ti. pav ihu monxy on tliiiiiamrMr Hnhnll wa a uin.li bowlltlxri'il at the tl ar la,of hla ani rxtary nml at hi oiunpnuy'a u.lilnaxu.tii'tixlon na he waa on Hundny imu nliiv laal,when ha aaw thn vnipty tin box" nndthe tinhinsnd nfe door ,on the floor oilthn Mauhattan Bank. Mr. rl"hell who onFriday had narrntivd tlm ..lld rharai.irof the oompany ami thn nature of II in vatmeiiiM. aanl mi Iho tollowlna Motulay that It'li '. n it know tlm compaiiy'H t'omlilion or howinui'li Ii at lx.nn xlolnn nml loal In Wall nl rout byhit at'i'rntnrr. lln thotitrht Hint tho atuul waalint vi'iy Inrit".

    A roKaivnr wn appointed for tlm Truat Oom-pany, ami It wax ..am Ixnrni'il Unit Mr. Hnhiill'a""r"tnr hail epoiit :l7.rt iMbi. lln waa nliaruu.l

    wiih linn. a" i. Imt .int.lio.ly In thn Imnk hap- -Iauifil to l....k In tbn afx otm day and futiiidthat Imil ..."ii nvnrliHikd.

    Reoelver Wealey waa aaaaa in hit Invaetitca- -tlona how ll wat that Carlton tk.tild hava lakxuMtHi.itHi Inaoahnrt Htlint. Hn rt'iillod : " ThalBaptloa of hi frnutlulnut prii"tlKo tlatna bankat loatt four yrnr In IM, alum, thn time haeauin hore. llu ilnoi.lveil llm trualexa tty

    eavourltlne to them whluh ha aultee-iiuxntl- yuaed In apxculattou luituad of pulling

    them In the vault."" llui how t'oultl thla hnppea without duteo-tlon?- "wna aaknd. l' ll."'aiiao the manasmnxnl of thn onmpany's

    afrnlrx wit untloubt.Hlly vmy looau," waa theDBS Ol the tritxtt." anld afl"r the MBMUhti.l auapnnitnil: "If FrothliiKhnni had only

    Ixwu hern ami lloraex t, t 'lnrk wera allva n..ta xliiirla .l"iiaaliiir would havu nppllud for huti in vikin,"

    Thu ulaam.mlliiir Her"turv wa not eaptured.rtltlioutih Mr. Hnhnll tlmuuhl lm would aontlLi a x .in., of thn tnoni'y In. had taken. Hslu'vxr illil.hiiwuvur.iiml illnd nltronil a few yearnail The truxt.."x aot Inaathey nml paid nut oftlmlr own pocket tint lltki.ikki that ut, lasuai"t i.y Ioobb nanaaemeata BBaihaooinpBarresumed litiluex; but tlmre nr" thoau nm DMtlm IrtlBtBai win. will not rota for Mr. AuauktuMall for Mayor.

    Mr. AiiKiixtu H'hell waa Tmnaiirer of thavl mil, ill .it i ml. alt or aavan "re nrn, nndlunl a book beeper named Jmi".. it wna Mr.Bohalra tliiti Iii look alter tl lull' llnam-o-nml maku of nil money Iniriitlx.l to him. Mr. H'hell worn Hilemur of lln. offlos, nml Lift II ilulmsto youtiic Mr. Jom-.- Ax Mr. HkIioII dial Inut feel any rxi',iiixil'lllk. Mr. Jntma tlhl iioltlxuni It tmeeaaary lo aneuiiie any either, nnd haMSt ISU.000 ol Ihei'lult Bioaay In Wall atroet.I ho prexent alewnril of tl Inn tayx that bsdoesni Ixill.ivtt Hint 1'ill.lkHI trim loal. lie HunkIt mar have baan I'i.lkHtor IS.IIUO, Th" stewardthen "ilalimtl that under tlm pnaxnl mtnaiie-mn-

    no t'lnrk or BRiplofaya tvnilil ileal moraII mi OBf ilnr'a raonlpta, " They iiiuel havaii. .in tfc." tlilTernnt then," Im am " Mr. r. h ll

    I ("II yui how II wax. II" wna treiaxiirur."I in. Manhaltiin I liih wax rielier llieu than It

    now la ami Ihe loxx wax Imvrfully UorBe. Mr.H 'hell K'.xa tlmr.. r.'ifiilarly. but In. lolut iiuo ra-- 'tirn.l from the oAas of truaxurur.

    In all tlm dttMulta nml ilnftih tiiioiiH nlih whlohIn. nam" haa b""ii axxii olalod, Mr. H. Itxll'a nwa ' I,I' .xx x llBVa II ll llllhK lie Ixtarx tint liHttua ofotlinrx wiih ii calm plilloa ipliy born uf louit

    iiik tAXMMT iil.it WOMIM Mrir.I k... I nl... Iioo.lr Aro.-- a

    LOMDOM, OW SI. -- Thu LoBdon oorreepi.udantnl Ibt Mauiiuatrr Baatralka aaia Dial Uu- etil.lik'.n aaHan nir I rt.rl.a. tin la.ui.ua Bttet an.t inaiiaiar, t auaattravr attalrtv Thrr.- It BS BreMtet il hla war a.irar-lu- t

    iiiiuii lln- alatr aaalu.latin Btlilwm llu. ll,r i a.ln.'t.l F.i aluti rirrna

    itttn. la aalil In la- aurr.-rii- r alri atu tauvrrty, tit.l aaija al ia l.ttbllaliril n.t lua ri In I

    Tha tllai aiya thai Mr a., It,, rtl. tltr art..r. ll allffi rlntIn. in a i ni i. arimir It la aalil in i.llivr uiiartrra llialhla ii., .a la Ilia Itmlt til a trtxial tnauaji.xii liiaasVtl x t.rt

    r. ........ Tkyra'a Hrlrolkal.Hunt. in. (ti t. 'ti. Altbottfh tbs Kiaa ol Daa

    mark BM mil niakr lln- I. Imthal ..' tlrr Dstl tl a'titutarra n.l anil I'rin. rai Tit. ra tunatltlnntl uptm Ilia Ittikr'a ttIt. all. ill ..thla a ll a I" II" ta. ul llinuvar, Bt rt-

    I ail till xtah lo IIU' llaavri I III .1 I.i belrslBslalni.tiit uiakt it., altrr, ill, .ii iii tlta Itnailly rrlalimiatxl-t-

    i I'ruaata alal

    A MHlurlly fur a a AaSraaay.VikHNA Del II, Tlm Auxlrian .1 irallaja

    I'l. I. .1 I. ..lat i .."'lata lit tlltlUI tlilitk fl.r .1 "ifami Ix.-l.t- llv. ..ri..iiri.a vi 1'nsnl kmlraaay II la aa.. I. .I at Alalia. t x ul ha. r a atlll laii-- lliajtirily Is

    II. o 'I i... i. . .

    Tk alklait Tuairnaaaiaal.Iioanow, Nov. I.- - Tlm follitkvluif wi re tha llu- ..ii ti .1 I nt. in llir aalkiti T...lr..aitii-n- ttII li ' Ilk k la. uta In I mill 117 Ill ux it IBM Wiatuta

    baffi ii. I".- it. uwl. bswaU. ux. UrsaataiMi

    ...... i, .. I,, i .,,,..NAai.tta, Oot 11, Tha aruptlon ol Mount V

    an ui haa n tuiiuui nt il ..in tr. al tl li.ll

    rat ai,.....! timer lrSlt ilea.Ouailer, eloar, ur imrtly I'loudl wt alhei. li

    wral- ri xiinia, itatiit bariaarWtr

    JOTTINOI in .i.vii .kih iiik (ITT.la.Ua la tin. I'ark fbltlrtTbt tx - rai. tai Ibt Third ttttaibli tHttati t i.r iiu.am r. i,nt. MBit aianiiialtai lltraitnu b xi brut daywiti.. "tttrawB" wat en la la ataaeaiy i Matb o

    BTl'allteaalai Hint li'm Man ha... I. a BBrl n ilsuwatua ilea aiaua ait-- tsflkrtts a ttvr't twtlbweuaiMi kk It W H. mi ll ant. a 1,, th. Hun A. H n ui

    tin. an ulna tu tS If Ma II. t. It it... nut a ill. a Iliatlilllitla ' .i l I tu Mt M. It , iii ,1 al Ilia ti till lal. uj..... MM . I. Ik.' III. ati.lt

    M. TbiHiist i iiffii.it ttyi ibal ih" llrtrnbt b laalnyi... u ... Hi ."kill. I. .it a n.t a UI..I . . u .. ii..n i tlMtxttlt.' Li ii i. au I th .1 llu i a" ti I t I'lilatl IUIX inn. lain Ilia Hi .nl til i an ItalttVI III lin."l... n I

    Hi a.. tal n ipii .1 at bur 111 at tt. Ill III Iht l int. Airint.. rtlvatrt tblt tvtalnt M..ltakt alll ttlu Iba btt''unya . nl ttnin " It...... '. all. I lull.t " In I,' t iMrtiirilltart laf' I uu 1 i.u atai I tank uu lilt Sk III '.JO . r aa xa.

    li, rii.l.lri ..i lln- l. . r . i..al i' uu ..- I'.iii ut HitHui.a. i. ll .tni t lit" x na I.i ... ii . ... ii in a ..illa.... aiu. Uu lel i li... a ..it Hit Mi .. ti... tbllliaitt.i.urwh. alii, ii.r yattviai'ri Brrt yirell) ntn'i1 t

    ' rau-- wiih II... aa....' ltd III tlllall a mi it. tintn iri ariilMllnlt linr tin. ara. i in Ui. A nl. no ut Hunttut lb. matiiur b tow it. it... .u ...it wltarBI ,.l Mailt,. ha . Ii ail mtdr m.i l. ill II. ua iaataaia 'ur tin. a i I. .Imam

    lu Trinity t ,., . H.uka.i I' tut. fa Mailt Br.latary H M i'lrhait mattt.-i- M,.. Iuatablet r llintt..l.r. ft. itatialilrr ta baaula l......l.n n Tn.waa tl.. fa. in . ..al.l.. r.. i.l ..' Hit tttl b I'.iliak

    Tl.r t xl. aiuituJ Ibl .' ai.ii xna t. ..... . Ja .JJkUalta laakaiaa

