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The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1879-09-02 [p ].€¦ · I TIlE SUN TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2 118m TbL Utt...

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I TIlE SUN TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2 1 18m TbL Utt TUESDAY SnrTKMUKH 2 1879 4tnont Teflap Ylflh An MTIi i r nilmeinf Normtadr CrftM1 slpoe lloune Tli Kcrrj How llavtlfa ThT Mmte llpp- rttfllrr A Illnl UnnlrnComVtkt- lM4l M KM r lni4 M 1 II H Flnaf- ogw rk Aq nrlt iM II I f rinifo- rsflftlranrlx tlU < tr l > nm< l >T n1WI- MIhrxlro C l llil1ll n fliuMClinwdf- rl I rkB rhoMt4 VAuoirirll llnot Advertisement for THE WrxiUiY SU lurdliworrotoiiiornffi > mini be handed in Mi- ttenina before six oclock Icritonnl Journalism A fow days OKO 1 Western Journalist tclo graphed to this oflleo wlmt purported to bo an account of proceedings begun ornbout to bo Instltiitod In court Involving tho per lonnl clinrnctor of two prominent persona Tho World boasted that tho snino intelllj- rcnoo lout bern offered to It and mndo n virtue of not publishing tho now For tho Worl to broi8t of not buying the news Is t n pnuocrbonsllnjr of not wtnrlljbrond- cloth ¬ and milking a Irtuo or rugs Hut tho Herald of Sunday copies and leads tho Worldn article which contains I pitiful anti Impotent lUng at TIlE SUN which tho Herald thereby endorses Now If there bn ono paper on tho surface of this broad earth that would not llllnKly lay n burden to tho weight of 1 hair on tho shoulders of any human bRIng unjustly that paper Is TIn VOKK Sox TIe SUN Is also eminently I peace jour- nal ¬ hut wo never Whit for 1 second Invita- tion ¬ to I light from I foeman worthy of our Btocl In many respects tho present proprietor of tho Herald has preserved ft commendable dignity tho conduct of that journal I his present pretensions could bo explained on tho ground ot remorse at looking over tho long whlto row of headstones which mark tho graves of persons who havo boon driven to suicide or havo been worried t death by tho nbuso of thin Jlcrald it would Boom respectable but why should any jour- nal ¬ attempt to covor by an affectation of sanctimony Its chagrin at defeat in obtain- ing ¬ tho earliest news No journal is perfect Wo frankly confess our own sins of omission aunt hopo to ho forgiven at least by tho editor of tho Her- ald ¬ Wo have printed accounts of victories- at plo received by telegraph while wo accounts of tho escapades of tho samo hero which would have Interested 1 thoy hind not cdilled ono thousand times a many renders Wo have no objection to any man tiring pistols into his own mirrors and breaking thorn although they be of French pinto and cost I thousand dollars apiece But If any man throws stones at us oven over othor mens shoulders wo propose to investigate and find out whether his houso as well as his mirrors IB not made of glass Providing for Gen Grant Two plans have recently been proposed for keeping Gen CHANT out of politics an- dprvldlnj him with an Income for tho re ¬ his llfo Tho first is to make him President of n canal company tho sec- ond ¬ t create the ofllco of CaptainGeneral of tho Army and put him Into It In the latter case ho would rank HIIFJRMAN and would bo at tho head of tho military organ- ization ¬ of the United States I GRANT wants to bo President of n canal company and if the cnnnl company wants him for President wo tin not know that any- body ¬ has n right to object It Is truo that tho canal company is not yet In oxlstenc- eprhopslt will crystallize nftcrOen GRANT btm its President proposition to make Gen GRANT CaptainGeneral of the Army is an old one under I now form It is advanced by I foolish contemporary which says that tho Idea has been quietly canvassed during the recess of Congress among tho Senators anti Representatives nt Saratoga Newport Long Branch and Whlto Sulphur Springs that it hRs been received with great favor specially by Sonthcin members and thnt it will tko shape at the next session in a bill creating tho ofllco fixing bullublo pay and allowances and tendering tho now rank to Gen GHANT in recognition of his patri- otic ¬ services in behalf of tho Union ns wel as to afford him permanent occupation 1 congenial employment tho remainder of his 10- Thore arc several reasons why this plan will not work The army of tho United States Is already only to well stocked with Generals various doscrlptonsDrgndler Generals MajorGenorI orals AdjutantGenorals PaymasterGen ¬ erals besides a plain General who has some inlluenco In the Military Ring and Is said to bo uncommonly Jealous of his posi- tion ¬ at the head of tho organization There seems to bo no room for I CaplainGenet anywhere Moreover who is prepared to say that tho office of CnptnlnGenernl of tho Army would afford congenial employment to Gen t GUT Ho may havo left his military 0 tastes mId habits in tho lied Sea whore PHARAOHS hosts wero drowned Ills oh Ecrvatlons of tho ruins of many ancient nn Lions most of which were drought to destruction by martial ambition may have given his mind n permanent bios in favor of time arts of pence Ills inter- course ¬ with Prlnco KUNO at Pekin his ont 0 btibscriucnt experience ns a unit of extra ofllclnl ambassador to effect compromise n I of tho troubles between China and Japan may have Inclined him to diplomacy Who can confidently assert that Mr GRANT t would not bo very unhappy n CaptainGen ¬ eral of time Army- If i Germ OIT must bo President of sonic thing ami time canal company does not crys- talline ¬ ho ought bo made President of the obelisk which Is to bo Imported from Egypt If ho must bo provided for at tho expense of tho people Ito might bo cieated 1 Chairman I with a liberal salary of n perpetual com- mission i to determine what claim he miiio J than nny other citizen has for pcrmnncut maintenance at tho public cost Sioux antI Zulu Civilization in Houllt Africa is resorting to much the bnmo eellentl as civilization In North America ordlr to extend over bo savages its beneficent sway Strip- ped of etblnge Sir GAIINET WOLHKLCYH strategy scorns to consist chlelly in pitting black moan against blnck precisely as our rimiinanderH In tho far West have learned to him ted men to kill ted I In HID lust hinges of tho war much was Bnld of tho enormous slaughter of llils bj modern llroarnm Tho British publlo I was I regaled with tidings of CKTYWAYOH warrlots- Bluln In wlnrows in heaps at ono battle 1 It was bellovid I or hoped that I thoiiaiKb- livcko wcio killed al another t Unco thou sand or five thousand and so on And for oyory Uioueauu Eulus killed tit YU 1IK9 British loss was only a hundred or perhaps n Acore Ono would suppose that If there wore really n great principle at etnko Blaughto- rngat so cheapII I into would bo contlnued- if f tho Zulus are guilty of n crime so great In defending their land front Invasion their klul from dethronement and t heir nation rom subjugation I It would seem as I If ono liltlsh soldier would be willingly sacrificed for tim patriotic Ivllege of slaying fifty or n hundred Zulus Hut not PO Sir GAUVIT- ToUlEinv flcems to huvo been Instructed to trI ofT his troops some of whom arc nl cady on tho way homo while ten thousand iwarlos are to ho tinned In against tim Zulu tho Amatongns mire to be stirred up hired to go to war with CCTYWAYO amid nlt I tho Kings own brother Is tempted by tin1 offer of 6noO cattle and a chance oi tilt succession to bring in Ills brothers lend With these devices supplemented i by- ho chances of I dreadful famine in Zulu- land produced by < destroying tho seed and iroventlng tho fields flout being sown It is u pcd to continue t tho slaughter of the Zulus with tho strictest economy of life on tho port or thiilUltlsh This cntspaw policy of civilization in South Adcl recalls at once time economical pursued In our own laud Tho titling of friendly Indians against hostile Indians has now for ninny years been prac ised with great success and thoto is 1 landing provision for tho employment of Indian scouts In foot bitter experience has shown that without Indians to engage ndlans time surprise anti slaughter are apt to bo among white troops Clvlltlol In ho mean time can chuckle 1m Ivoo re- Iccllng that whether tho nlly kills tho enemy or tho enemy kills tho ally tho gai- ns in having one savage tho less as fo or friend The Chinese and Russian In Central Aslii According t tho latest despatches tho dispute between Itussln and China which threatened t culminate In war humus been averted by concessions on tho part of the Russian Government For a time tho Czar seemed disposed to retain tho province of Kuldjn hit tho advice of Gen KAXIFMANN and tho formidable military del0lRtrtol of tho Chinese hnvo availed change hil mind I is certaIn that tho collision titus avoided or postponed would have entailed graver consequences than any of tho con lets recently waged In Central Asia Gcti KAUFMANS it is said his lost popu- larity ¬ at St Petorsbuig by Ids earnest advo- cacy ¬ of the ictrocesslou of Kuldjn No doubt tho wish to keep tho district occupied sluice ISCJ found n pretext in tho prayers of ho inhabitants to bo saved from Chinese vengeance hit tho GovernorGeneral at Tashkent probably understood time mater both from tho point of view of equity and expediency better than time unlace favorites Time revolution which In 18G211nll waste tho flourishing provInce o I or Kuldja was n Mohammedan uprising anti tho hituy as tho Buddhist Chinese are called In- Turklstan wero everywhere ruthlessly massacred According to ScHUYLEn this movement engineered by tho mollahs was entirely unjustified and It assuredly had ho most untowaid results Tho rulo of tho mandarins seems to have been lolorant just anti judicious to a degteo very seldom BOOH in Central Asia and It hnd exerted n potent stimulus on Industry anti trade Twenty years ago tho districts of Kaslignr and Kuldja under tho relatively mid and sensible sway of Chinese were dotted with thriving towns traMrsetl by decent roads provided with efficient means of irrigation and they maintained In comfort n population front five to tel times larger than that which now ekes out- a precarious subsistence Their chief cities were places of resort for Itusslnn merchants and it was the interruption of this old trade Intercourse after the expulsion oi tho Chi- nese ¬ by tho saugulnnry feuds between tho Tungan nnd Tarnntchl insurgents which brought about tho Russian occupation of tho northern section of tho country Thcro was no pretence however of conquest at tho time tho BUpiemnev of China over Kuldja or I being distinctly iccognUed nod I pledge bell made of restoration when tho troops of tho Middle Empire should appear In sufficient force to main- tain ¬ order Seven years passed away and tho Russians lund conic t treat tho province as 1 permanent possession when In the autumn of 1876 tho news came that large Chinese nt my recruited for time roost part front tho stalwart soldiery known OH time levies of tho Green Banner had begun operations to the east of Tin fan Such as- thofo wero tho troops whom garrisons of whom in time Tungan rebellion blew them solves up or cut each others throat sooner than surrender tho posts confided to thom aunt trio memory ot their former prowess revived nt their ollmlnary successes north of tho TlnnShnn Within I twelvemonth YAcrnlieg on whom Mussulmans had bo stowed tho title of AthnlikUazi or cham- pion ¬ father mil with whom tho Russians had not greatly cared to meddle was broken like n reed by the Khllay ministers of vengeance No doubt I iiithless chas tlsement was presently inflicted on tho In- habitants ¬ ot tho revolted province but thoso who know nnytimirmg nbomit tho Tungat atrocities In Kashgar will not say it was wholly undeserved Now Gen KAUIMANN was perfectly ac qualnted with these facts and If wo may Judge from Ills own policy in Tutklstan ho would be little disposed to sympathize with tho Moslem population of Kuldja 111 their dtoad of retrlbutol at tho hands of the Chinese hnl governed lila Ylceroyaltj- in niandatln fashion showing himself tol ctrint and kindly enough to obedient sub- jects but hntfli ant implacable toward tho itfinctory No ono knew boiler than ho who has so long shaped tho Russian diplo- macy ¬ in Asia how equitable was tho Chinese datum to Kuldja Ho know too that tho province was not worth n war that wlm Russia wants In Turklstan not moro land hit moro husbandmen to till what land sho line anti niece markets to encourage Ullage It wi take fifty eaR of settled govern aunt n great outlay of capital to tiling up tho aMiiucHof trnnspoit ant tho means of nrtlllclal I Irtlgatlon I In Khiva- Ilokhain and Khokand to tho efficiency nt tallied In foimer times Moreover Gen KAUFMANN was better qualified than tho Czars advisors at St Petersburg to measure tho difficulties of eopllj with time Chinese Tho latter would nearer thellmRo of supplies than would tho HusslllS Time law maiounl fiom which their troops may be recruited Is luoxhaust Ible Tlioro Is no limit to tho quantity of Im- pi lived arms and ammunition attainable at the treaty ports Nor would theio bo any dearth of expel lenced comniandois lur numbers of English officers would probably volunteer to servo In tho Chinese army as they did In tho Taeplng rebellion Undo these clrcumstnnees It Is no wonder thn time GovernorOuneral of Russian Turklstat should have counselled tho surrender o- Kuldja It is probably foitunalo that his JudfilttCltwa8 nut OYWJUM At 8tJPCtM8 and that ho was not loft to bear tho burl Urlnt of I war whoso burdens nnd dangers ho foreshown TrI truth In tho military power which Chinn has exerted In times past and scorns still able to exert on her western frontier Is strangely underrated in Europe It np enrs thnt tho terror of her arms Is trndl thermal In Central and Southern Asia that It trctchcs far beyond the limits of her direct authority and prompts demonstrations of assalnge f apt to justify the pretensions of time Celestial Empire Such was time report irought back by tho FOHHYTH mission to Eastern Turklstan and Col PIIEZWALHKIH observations In Thibet wcio to time sauna effect It Is well known too that In fur nmh tho Clilnaso influence Is ft far stronger anti 1 moro active political forco tlinn is tho British timid time Burmese King who treats English envoys with crazy arrogance is I submissive vassal to his feudal lord In ekln Still moro significant is tho bet dent lately reputed from Nepaul n State contiguous to Hludostan and commonly regarded as n satellite of tho AngloIndian- 2mt lro It seems that nn envoy was de- spatched ¬ some months ago from Nepaul or as the Chinese clllt tho Kingdom of tho Goorklms wih to tho Celestial Emperor a letter from time Nopauloso ruler humbly requesting that ids messen- ger ¬ might be once moro permitted to have an audience Such an act on tho part of I State which should have learned to measure time military resources of tho Calcutta Gov- ernment ¬ attests time widereaching nnd profound respect still entertained for China Whcio tho European eye sees uothlol but slow decay and n foolish wnlt moans tho Aslastio mind is somehow Impressed- with sense of power I A Possibility of Gen Smiths Resigna- tion ¬ Thero is a possibility that lea WIMIA- MSunn p may resign his office as Police Commissioner But not yet Al at ouco tho bravo General looms up n rising sun as a Democratic candi- date ¬ for Governor Should tie bo nominated ho would almost certainly bo elected In that event ho might feel obliged to re- sign ¬ as Police Commissioner for the two offices woullbo Incompatible In fact oven If not In Inw however ho would go out of time Commlsslouorshlp not with tho dis- honor ¬ which It has been meanly attempted t Impost upon him but In a blaze of glory JOHN SHEIUTAN is an old fox and a sly ono Hut foxes older anti elror than ho have brought Ul In the trap nt last Fraud Defender HISCOCK goes to tho Stat Convention in bol company JJ tlic load rind front tho Cnnnl Ring escorts him to Saratoga and Canal King Influence joins with HAYEHS supporters in pualilni him for the Governorship The counts liavo decided that DCLDEN must ofund 337000 which ho filched from tho State through Canal I11 methods Tho people would very cida that thoy wanted no more of HibcocED- ELDEN i Co woru HISCOCK nominated If tho Lone Fisherman of Franklin County liadnt boon n Fraudulent YlcoVruslilont ho might have been utilized br the nnllConxEii brethren in this exigency n a dark horse a dark river horse so to speck Now that TBICKETT has beaten LAYCOCK In Australia tho eagerness for n match between him nnd HANLAN will bo increased It has been Butnested that the accident by which the oars mnn of time Pnrnmattn lost n of the par fnllr of ono hand must so disqualify ax to n race between him miami II AN LAS onoslilnd Hut Ills rMY victory on Friday defeating LortxVK by nIne lengths tolls a different story In the aquatic world there should not bo to cham- pions ¬ each having so good n tllla to time su- prcmncy as Tmuczzrr and IIjmMv without I trial between them Ono dinicultr has boon to determine whether HANLAN should go to Aus- tralia ¬ or TBICKETT comn to Cnnntln Irobnbl it would bo best for duo pecuniary both those rival colonial onrsmcn to row on thu neutral waters of the United States I Is estimated that tho landlords of time great hotels on Conor Island 1 realize 500 net profit this season I II a clear case success deserved nnd moreover New York will be all the richer for It Thousands on thousands of dollars thnt might have boon spent at the distant watering places havo boon kept hero by time commodious houses of enter- tainment ¬ that hare been erected IU ft wore rIght nt our doors andbetter yet untold thou ¬ sands hiuo not boon required to bo spent by the Hoards of Health of tho two uront cities from which Coney Island is so easily reached be- cause ¬ so many of their inhabitants hao been nblo to enjoy relaxation and Invlloelnl sea breezes at trivial cost of either lmo or money By placing light Iron pans under tho road- beds ¬ nenr each stntlon the managers of the ole voted rnllronls have Indicolotllllnvio cheap and thorough method pcdl Irlnns from tailing ashes oil and water along theIr entire routes For ono who osptres so high Jon SHEK MAN has boon unfortunate In his political cam pnlcnlnu Ho wont to Maine with a flourish of trumpets and a series of speeches which wero oxpocted to work havoc amool time Greenback cohorts Jut timings hllan go wrong among tho favorite banks of syndicate and SHEH StAN was telegraphed for whereupon ho let his speeches unspoken and hurried nwny Time extension of Limo having been Granted to tho First National Bank anti time four million dolnI check imavlng boon wlthdrnwn HnEinut to Ohio and begun again his speeches Two ot them wero delivered when syndicate troubles broke out nnow nnd honest JOHN turned toward Washington abandoning hits at- tacks on grecnbacklsm to defend himself from accusations of favoritism toward certain banks and lultnl his relatives Into ofllco nccusa lions bits fair to occupy his attention until after tho Ohio election Oars will bend and tho light racing shells will skim through time water with velocity mol dom soon whoa HANLAN and COUHTNUT moo on the 3J of October for their long exported contest HANIAN Is yet flushed with victories In the Old World whore ho won tint champion- ship mooting no competitor worthy of his musolo In fact COUHTNHY Is the only man who hns pressed HANLAN in n race those two years If tho brush with UIIEY In whlcl HANLAN was hindered by I foul I Is IHNtANad mils that COURTNEY Is tho finest oarsman ho- over DOt I Is ronsonnblo therefore to soy that tho race will bo between the best rocog nlrqd oarsmen In the world Time place chosen Is Chnutnuoua Lake nod the nurso Is to bo six thousand dollars COURTNEY says thatho Is not anxious for this struggle bat ho Is forced Into I It by publlo domnnds for n meeting between him and HANLAN Ho rests under tho Imputation- of IrRulln tho match ot a year ago and ho tho result of this race whether ho- bo successful or not will clenr him from tho ac cusntlons This race will bo tho chief aijuatl event of the season The Lang Ilninrh Pier Company Sited Tho company owning tho Youlhllrol tubu- lar ocenn jmor ot long Ilruncli h 01 hT Job Johnson thf contractor who Itai atUchcd HID tents or tlif company In the Ontrnl National Hank or tlili city He clulrni 7WU nt Mi ilur In mite other hnnil the company declare thittleii thin Jtte duo him set ther hnvctxirnn semi K Unit him In Ih Isum or for daflialet they Ihn to h YO nuircrnt IIFCUUIC ol his 411 1 aultliint Hit n eik uoea hut tuutlum 4 I n Tin nxaiocitATto OUTLOOK Do Oar Jloliln Friends Control the Blitlo Committee aDd wilt They Con trot the ConTentlon f ALnA Sept 1lnco time Democratic State Committee mot nt Niagara Pails to Hx tho rOY and place of time Convention thorn has been n deal of whistling among the faction that was beaten there to kelp Its courngoup Homo lenders nro rcadrtodocliiro in vlblcllhat thoy soo nothing In that mooting but of n drawn bnttlo Thor say that Iloblnsonsr- lcndH woro bent on having the Convention at- lanftocn nnd Unit whoa Hyrnsuso was nerocd on It wits a decided vlgtory for time nntlltoblnson men They reluctantly ndmlt that tho enl Is riot In jiiftlho words that they would em- ployed ¬ If times had IrnmoII but they add that lint Is an In private how- ever tlmestt same lonilrrs make nn pretence to- hnvlnl drawn tho battle nt Niagara Fails Thoy knol that time Tlldcnlloblnson faction called n nucim and thnt eIghteen of tho thlrtythrco members of time State Commlttoo entered that caucus participated in Its proceedings nnd carried out Its procrnmmo to the letter Among ho eighteen worn two who appeared ns subntl- nt for members who hnd voted with tire ant Tfldon faction at time lnlmootnr and ono wont over to tho person without ho convenient Intervention of substitute Th- onnlurnllnlnton of thonntlItobineon moo Is denoulco three ns traitors to the cause hut discretion In title Instance acts ns a restraint to anger Time control of tho Committee nt Niagara Falls was unimportant except so far ns It fore- shadowed ¬ Its control when It meets again Ono cautious man himself 1 pronounced friend ot Joy lloblnson remarked yesterday But orhnpstho Committee will never moot again Them was nn oversight nt limo last mooting which may lend to trouble It hns boon tho cue tom heretofore to adopt a resolution which I it md boon drawn in the usual form this your would have sot forth that tho Committee do now adjourn to meet at the Vnndorbilt Houso In Syracuse on the evening of Sept 9 Now that resolution was not adopted fr8cholslmllym- OIed an adjournment arid it clrrled have called It nn oversight but it may havo been a sharp trick by which tho minority ro solved to outwit tho majority Undor strict rui ¬ Inr the Committee can only meet again on tho call of tho Chairman Mr Purcoll If ho saw nt 10 could wait till noon of tho 18th of September- call tho Convention to order nominate n torn ornry Clialnunn rind declare him elected Then that Chairman could name the Committee on Credentials Rnllho frIends of Oov Robin ¬ son though Convention In tho ba ginning might find forty or fifty of their dole gates ruled out anti themselves reduced to a minority I do not say that this is likely to happen but U Is ono of tho possibilities that ought bo considered Another friend of tho Governor laughed this succcntlon to scorn Ho said Mr Purcell la- n pretty strong partisan but ho is nn honorable man and would never b n party to such 1 game Moreover lie Is a politician by pro- fession ¬ but nn editor and ho knows from his journalistic experience how quickly time public would condemn nn unscrupulous trick hike that Ito Is tho last man In limo party who would abuse life trust In such a way Hut even If tho chairmanship woro In tho hands of such n per- son ¬ as Lnnlue of Buffalo there would bo no dnucor that time Committee would fall to meet Tho majority would simply sign n 01 and servo it on the Chairman and on tho morn bore If they absented themselves I quorum would still bo present and tho business would bo transacted nil time same Tho undue hasto In eleclol an adjournment at Niagara Falls was wholly to time fear of time minority that time majority would crowd through a resolution pledging every member to time support of the candidate of limo Convention The next meeting of time ¬ Cnmmllocnseum- Inl that It will bo held on Is looked lorwnrlio with ureat Interest Ono man who Imvortnlln his political observations < of the Com mltteo Is often equivalent to tho control of the Convention Tho Committee name the tern pornry Chairman rind I thoy select a strong- man who I Is 1 lont in cnrrylol his points ho can almost n > > ° For the time 1 being Ills powr1 0 roeocnlzo whom ho r N time opposing faction hoo t tho Convention Is nil one ty i the committees In which duty n y s orders ho can give Ills frIends n mom ikcided advantage It Is true that In 1877 the HteclowFnlrchlld faction con ¬ trolled the Committee and lost tbo Convention lInt that result was duo less to the strength ol limo opposition titan to tins folly of tho managers They chosoMr Hill ot Chpmunga temporary Chairman anti before ho lund hold tho place half an hour It was clear to everybody that ho lacked time nerve required carry out his part of time prociamme Ho wavered nod tried to conciliate tho opposition and wits lost Thoy took away front him time right to appoint tho committees nnd ho surrendered without oven I show of fight On that occasion ni tho ndvnn- tacoderhed from time possession prclmhllr power wont not to time Cmmilioo t faction that smashed time Committees slate That however was an exception to time rule Such a thing had not occurred before In years and It Is not likely to occur again I may bo accepted ns a general proposition time Con ¬ vention will rolol where the Corcmlttoo lend Tho of Joy Robinson fully ap- preciate ¬ tho Importance of controlling limo Com ¬ mileI antI times are not yet willing to admit they liavo lost It Hald ono lender of the Church movement Lafllnhnu probably gone hock on us sold out to limo other sldo but Mr Ferguson who named Clark the Superintend- ent ¬ of Public Works ns lila substitute simply made n mistake Ho did not appreciate time importance of tho meeting and gave n oq to tho first man who asked him for I Wo assurances from him that ho will present n- tho next meeting In person nnd will nIl with us Ho says that his feelings toward Tllden and Robinson have undergone no chance since last year nail everybody knows that ho was bitter against thorn at thnt tlmo As for Mr Barnard time third member of time Committee who Is charted with defection I think ho wont into the opposing caucus to leo whnt wns going on there lie wi bo back In place nt time next meeting Syracuse Besides there are two or thrco members who nro counted on to act with Robinson friends but who mire con inced that his nomination would bo unwise They refused to bo governed by time clique that wanted time Convention hold nt Saratoga rind they may break with tho caucus altogether at Syracuse When time attention of n strong Robinson man a called to tho o prodlctlons ho promptly ro pled That talk Is all nonsense Wo are moro to hnvo twentytwo members of tho Com mlttoo Syracuse than wo arc to lose nny of time eighteen who acted with us at Niagara Falls Mr Dlrnorl of Oneida was always with us till last felt hurt because ho had boon crowded thoCommlttco tho year before by Inn McQumlo and that Is what mado him vote for Mr Purcell for Chnlrmnn But when ho line given this proof of his Independence ho roo turned to us and ho will not KO oft again Mr Ferguson of Franklin represents n district ttm is overwhelmingly for Robinson but which was temporarily sore last year over time defeat or Judge Sawyer for time Court of Appeals Iu that grievance no lonuor rankles nnll Mr For guson will either act with us or ho will send i substitute In addition to these thorn are sev- eral I others that wo ought to have Thoro is Mr McOuno of Buffalo Ho Is tho manager of thu Oitirfer which line boon steadfast in Its sup- port of time Governor Then there Is Mr Hutphln tt f tho First UUtrletvlio In olna will Tnmmnny Is lnornl time wishes con itltuonts and may bo driven to not with us by a deslro to maintain his Influence nnd popu- larity Then thoro Is Mr Fulton of Niagara Falls at whoso hotel tho first mooting of time Commlttoo was hold Tho delegates from his district who appointed him last year > In ills ab senco did so with time distinct understanding that uu fins a Dtouguuged blend ol day lab1 lon Thor will be apt to have Mmothlnl to say Ifbo d18RIPolnlslhom again eighteen are- as so tar as tho control of thl Committee goes nnd there is n posslbll- ty it thnt tho other sldo will recover their lost round Tho opinion seems to bo very concrally en crtnlncd that the Robinson faction will con tlue to hold tho Committee But If n majority delegates should happen to opposed 1 the to Governors ronomlnatlon his candidate for temporary Chairman would bo ruthlessly set aside mind a fierce fight would follow Judge lurchs friends say tho Convention must con- trol the Commltc next week nnd that tho Commltoo Ihallt control the Convention ELFrATKl JIAZLirAY CHANGES An Explanation or the Vnrk that U GamE an Xrnr Chnlhnm Itqunre I What Is tho explanation of time apparent chaos of elevated railway timings In amid about Hintham square asked a BUN reporter ot Mr Robert Stewart the now Superintendent of time Eastern Division of tho Manhattan Railway yesterday Tho explanation In very simple said Mr Stewart Want Is being done there Is the arrangIng ot tho tracks and stations go that passengers cnn bo carried up town nnd down- town to all points on tho east side without crossing tracks When oven thing is finished ho following will probably bo tho operation of things HlartDR from South Ferry nil through go up tIme now Second a von no line now being constructed anti soon to bo finished Passengers who wish to co up the ThIrd ave- nue ¬ from South Ferry will hnvo to change ears at Chatham square Passengers coming down- town on thn Third avenue If they drslro to co South Ferry must change ears nt Chntlinm- qunru cud go down by time Second avuuua line Passengers down town by the Hocond nvmiue line who wish In KO to City Hall will also change cars at Chatham square Passengers up town starting from City Hall squnrn will keep their slats It the wish to RO UP Third avenue but cars If thy wish toco up Second avenue Thus limo City Hall station will bo tho practical terminus ol all through trains on tho Third avonuv What is the moaning that olnvntod plat form for cars at Chatham square station and ojttondlng up tho flowery I That Is wlmt wo call a pocket station Wo propose to keep trains wallfnc I there to nccnm mandate RI rmssrnccrs who chmango ears nt that station a expect it wilt boomiot time busiest points on time road antI provision must be mndo to carry any number of passengers lIkely to accumulate These pocket stations hao solved ha problem of accommodating travel at the busiest hours ot tho day At nicht when the stream of travel sets up town wo run trains from Ninth strnet anti Franklin squnrn that conic In after tile other telll which start from South Ferry This ihrs nn opportunity for those who get In cars at tlio way stations to lmo seats Thoro Is no necessity for running trains time full loncth of the ronil for passengers who onlrdcsiro to go part of liBway In Ilko manner In time mormtic wo hay nockot stations nt Sixtynovcntli street nnd other points So that tboso wii live In tho central pert of the city may come down town without getting Into cars already crowd When will the now plan of runnlnl trains nt Cbnthnm squnro bo In I That I rnnnot say In n month or so prob- ably ¬ at the furthest If the Second avenue line is not completed soon trains wi be run from City halt to Chatham connect with hn through tralim from tho South Ferry on tho Third nenuo until time Second neuuo line Is nnlnhod Why should your pocket station r Clint ham squaro and on limo Howery bo much llclmr thim the nllolnlnl tracks 1 That Is a crado thoro for the throuch trains wlilln town trains run on n level grade so that timer may stop nnd start easier To carry out time new arrangement part of the track nt Chatham squAre hn boon tnkon IIOWI at thn point whore It joins through Irlck I will be rebuilt stronger nnd wider A uiloo property hAs been bought nt tho junction of Chntham pqiinrn nnd Cnlhnrfnu Irlt si that time Hocond avenue track will Third avniii with graceful swoop VicePresident Oullford issmind a circular yes terdny doslunntlni time Thlnl anti Second eve nun lines ns time Eastern Division with Mr Robert Htownrt ns Superintendent Tho Sixth nnd Ninth nvnnn Hues constitute thn Western Division which Mr M Van Brooklln I Is nn Polntfil Superintendent nnd T T Ondcrdouk Assistant Superintendent How Nominations arc Mnde In Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA Auir stTho only officers to I chon In the cltr 0 the nut election are Sheriff ulirr flSoon and pcriul > iltif72000 ayur Reclotr or VllIi talnry fiodoo sad prrnuKltddifflciiU to com- pute ant City Trcaiurer talarj IOUOO and rquliitcs fIUO A yesr Tire are nlcf pliimf end Irtho old system ftill existed or the Republican voters In each of the 750 election pre- cinct electing a delegate to a city contention coiled to nominate the candidate I would Interfere with the pUni b the hungry In order to prevent any mmIakeo lialf a dozen lenders let together and flx upon the candidates most acceptable- to I them sad then call a convention or a I mew delegates from rich ward to confirm their selection Tliew leaden comely the lon Mlllam I Btoklcj Mayor ot our cly David 11 Lane Recorder James McMnne IOI Oai Tu1 ant William R Leeds ex ShcrllT met list week at summer residence cf ayor Stoklcy at Jon Ilranch and nxed upon tie follonlni ticket lor the N- Jo l Republican elector of Philadelphia to mpj nrt at the November election Sheriff John U Illll Rceiitcr a than Specter Treaemmrer Thomas I Keinble I I is probably the moit dlstaitcCul ticket ever set- up In Philadelphia end will ha defeated by a majorlt or 15UU If tho Democrat stop quarrelling and pined creditable candidates Protest of nv Tammany llemocrnt To Trig EDITOR or Tnr SUSil Allow mo- n a Democrat to enter n protect against such men as E p oal ansi Mnjor julnei iljnlns a petition or addre- to > the Democracy of the State ncsliut the renomlnitlo- nor Oov Rublnion for these reasons They do not rep enl the York any pirticiilar IlI o low o therein nol I a roldent 11 t Jnmalen L I omit has no rlffht to claim a clttgenthlp of our iltv Aol la for Mojor Qulncj It I IH hard to tell w here to reiiceat one time In M blfl street olllhe time In a lintel I In I then New Jirfei ninl I now vrv mint him Picnlmr a cOtton ns a rrprescnutiu i rI try In to rcprpsent the Itcmncriiry of the Ts uiytli fri llistrlct I shoull I lUiMnnik jmiif they nro til i men t- rer rennt thu I Peinocmc oi this city I for one as n Tammany 1 Democrat In faor of none Matin some nisn W ho will Insure sutccM to tie Detnoi racy ul the Stilt met opposed to iqunttcrs nnd jftlce holder milking I ttwntstf C mon ant try UK to lniHi e on the people 0 thl State do heretic I ether a protest aialnst I such men A In soccer That no mon carries In his puckrt Nitv Yeas A tie 3 Our IVtKrr SnitIy To THE EDITOR of Tlc Svtt Stn Isootlm the Commissioner of Iublic Work I hav submitted hi Major Cooper a proportion to run the city itlll lurlhc Into debt to an estimated amount off IfSOuo In older tapthe limits and o much moro lor the Iljrnm lilir with another item ror a re > orolr at Tho font t Is ire hau a plentiful mii ply iloll1IIIJ twenty years If It ikeconomletl Siam wo mind it tit the vast amount of a o < uikc should be ttopixd the fine cure men In Hint department dlKlinnntl nnd the nl Income troni Croton Ie not vrnktiM in lolliiciljib berybut lined to tiny OUt city demo I or elv our airline water rats l lowered J T In Patrick Donnelly awL John Jcl To THE EDITOR or TiE SUNSil How Is It that tile body eta member or a donut Hoclct cannot l Ie Interred In Calvarr tcnomcr when one if the trustee oi t the cemeter I Mr John helh Is a nicmberoi the secret society ol tho Columbian urderofTammaii 1 Hal inirkIosMLiT Tllden but not Ilendrlcka To TiE EDITOR OF THE SUN Sir lam dait to see of Tut SLMI reader In favor om Uncle 8am Tllden for Ireitdcnt But I don think that llendrlcks be oloOIon dldale inr Vlco IrtsMtnt I bccauio h wouh iron his party I tr I shall sote for iitea with all my heart A Dirornn DuoeoA In Defence oflrlshtown To TiE EDITOR or TiE BUNSIr In Til- Sts of the SOtli cut i I mentioned time stealing of Mr flab rocki melons stud the catching of the thieves 10 drill horelsln InMitown Now as a resident Irlhtou I wish to say that tIer U no hauling In which nhoid be classed as a hovol Tile nearest approach to It is a little shanty owned I by Mr Babcock I also wlli I to say thnt the parents of Murphy and Maury or Murely do no iitu iii irtaittowmi Too Slow To THE EDITOR or TiE SUN Sfr I wish t to call mention to the lack ol proper speed In the ferry boats running boon lirositway llrooblyn eel ROOM writ I street New York Since tin Introduction I of steam on oar Imainsburtih I i Rroadnay this relate tins bccoue very popular and I among natty am compi licit locro dally on my wav toand trill business thereby loslmtth Urn by this lorry that I gained1 by the steam cars llKuonru AUK Ji j r jr Tb Cuban Insnrc nta ITAVANA Sept IThl Government tins ro celrcd Information from Jamaica that thu lniurti i chiefs Maceo and Callito hunts still remain there hence the rumor that Ihise chiefs are at tho limit of the InsiirrtcUnnirr movements In the Jurisdiction ol lio sMilnnndhanilrigndoluba nre untrue Tho tirt the r i ii Moo I ma at tile head of the i Insnnlenls i In Banlln n i io Cubs Kho numbur a little our 10 men Tlio elm f ii the iloirimn PUll Is unknown asset mOd that tlio IlluI enl bands are ol small Important uohtlca i RUUICmL Qll 11 mUUll 1 TREXIOXS 1KOV ISDUSTJtr Wire for the Urnokljn llsldtte mid I Float for the OltelUk tram IRJ pt fnEON N J Aim 26Fol n year past lithe mils In this city have boon rllI out nil number of hands hnvo been ockltiu In from the lcs t fortunate purls ol limo thato Upward of 1800 nitn hnvo found cm loyment anti thuir cnrnlncs linvit amountid- o tCOO000 Thin Iron trade wan Introduced into Trenton In 1845 by time venerable Pi tor Cooper whose mill was nt that tlmo tIm largest In tIme Unllet States Thuttorkw which nro now his finally under tho name or tll Now Jersey Steel end Iron Company Mill monc time foremost Iron cMaMlshmcntHof the country Tlm works occupy twelve acres anti are vnlued at 750000 The nlnll cimpacity I Is for 20000 tons of rails and 10000 tons of binras for flooring brldcos Amonc time products or f tint mill 11 ont wrnuuht lion bcnmllnil bars mlrchlnllron nnd Irlnlll rails compiiuy his ummtroi In Ihl United Hlttcn of rlcht to miiknMiirtln undnr n Frntieh tmtiiit Jim rollluu mil us It In usually child fiirnlxhcs eta ploy lo CSO moii mid bus iilways boon rn lard 1 HH nn Important fnrtor In tin1 citys pro When tlm rolllni mill Is runnlnc I fnrBnolnii inireliant Bnldlhuotlu rtliirliusll- ess > cniinot frill hit whon tlm 111 thuts flown v 1 mlulit IH well I down Tlio loii limit for thu flnorliia in tho Nov York Post Ofllco- vor furnished by this company TIme works are flmihelmlmg it contrnot for mils nnd columtiH for tin New York Klmutcd Itnllronil- Thn Now Jiifliy Mmd anil Iron Cmnpnnv unit tiitm Trenton Iron Cnninnny wero formerly ono corporal inmi Uotnn ycim nco th it partmflill was illssolvid and t tlio Tiouton Iron Cnnipnny- rtiilnod time oriclrinl elmrtor dntod 1845 Tho- voiks of this cnmimuy mute sltuiit on tlio- lulnwaro anti Hnrltnii Cinal nnd o oiiiy nn- rct of nbout nlno net on This roinpnnr Is libfly onciiKed In innkliiu Iron and Mi al wire lthouli It linsnlKon lulllnKnlll Tlniitiiiuiil iipaclty of I Imsu rolllnc I mill I is 120UO tons of wli rm rout mmnd 0000 tOuts n f bar I lion Tlm 8 retell Y- of fthnwlro mill i I l Is GOIK1 tomuS II year Tutu who nncos I 111 nlro from IXKIOIloss t I than 1I up i to No- Otho latter buiim llnur than hitlr Its mmctmmim I nonsuroniiuit Is 00073 of nit Inulinnd limo iiiiin her Indicated by 0000 measures 150 of nn Inch In limo mill nro four trains of rolls two tjUnm- laminorn eight Inrun forge urea nnd nlmut see wlro blocks Thocomimny niniitoyHRSOImniK and is fllllnt out n Inruu wntnut for Nn33 wire ortelephono Cal Tlmi Trmmlotm Iron Coinuany- s roprcsuntcd in Now York by tho lion Abram 8 Hewitt Time John A Hoobllnus Sons Company are well known ns mnmifuciuiciH of wire rip and I liolrworkH are its lmmrgtst of timu kind I In t lie United Slates Tlio mills nro adjacont to time Jolnwnro mini Uiiritnn Cnnil ant oi rnbout ten acres here wlro of nil kinds Is produiwl from time honviost wire ropo I that emma ho nmdu- lonn tothiMmv MIIK wlrn thnt Is weave I Into cloth Time JIis rs BoIl log liiivonriMiii7 l a company for maklim this wIre olotn As n poclmon of honvy who thuy turned out bitchy ont ploco 5870 foot long wnlihlnir C2 000- uounds and oostlnu 10540 Five liundrid 1010 ls art on tho pay roll and liio rapidly I ln creasing buslnes will oon diinntid n still larger numbor In irjnnoctlon with time wlm- nlll Is n rolllue mill with a capacity of 250 tons n wools There Itro thrum Pimlin8 uivlne- n mill 350borso power A lure bulldlni 2UU- iy 40 foet fins lioun cineted for gitlvimmiizirmc purposes Lost winter tho works worn imbuing night antI rum > nnd ncru llulil d nt nlulit liv- olBctrleitv Tim imusints was fjlnrlnd In 1819- y the Into John A lloehllni rime eiimss nf worth don I In tills cstnblirhmolit Is Iqiial to nny- n the world us Is shown bv time Niagara Falls and other siiRpon lon brldtos limey lino also time conttact for supplying the wire ropo or time East Itivor Ilrldco Time 1licctilx Iron Company althouch not the arcodt Is rlinp9 tim moit ontft prlMni nf the Trenton companies nnd In point of rant h is ben supplyliu the oldor imllH with tmuhof Heir work Tlio PlimnU lion Cnmiutny l is en iaid lu the foundry uuxiiiHs nnd mue xtnrtoil- on its proBont biu l i In 13G2livti lilt ChnrliS Carr ot tills city It I Ia now iondui led I by n Mok omit pany of vlilch Nolhon U I llnvoii I la rrisl lontnnd TrojiBiiior Tlio foumlrv hns itrapa- uitvof fitly tons udiiy nut tn lnilb miii nee riprcsontt an Invcstmrnt ol 1150000 Ono buii Ired aunt BlMiIho hands un muploroilmid I hut foundry i lie ovirrun with orders Thli roin- pnny will supplv 1SJ ions of nliiniiiaiind t itIt ins for t lIe completion of I tho nhlnutnn I innnu- nont I in NViiKliinuton I city nnd n i lrimiorl of- wrouulit imd mIst I lion to bu umd In trnnsiKirt- nu Irons j> jyptto Now York tin olitll k Ire sontoil i to Hint city i by tho hat o Khedlo I Tnls- oliolisk is ° uoral feet longer than time ono on tho Thumps McKitizlDil Wilkes the American Saw Corn pan and thu other iron companies mire nil run tag on full tlmo nuonler and ICemlntInn In Ilnytl HAYTI Auc 20Time country continues full disorder anti rctolutlon The LlbernU cnptured two uraymfen mall Steamers iamod the Arnln and Ronlllonc on Aim 17 Tliavrro > Ulonnl Ooternmeiv of Tort nu Prince seat troops against the Liberals at Gonaies After a Moody strupRle ronnhc4 toot flre nnd two tnlrdsnf the town h an dp lroud The remainder was ptIUerd Alter hit drleat lit ilnmr llircr llnclal- ullh lil nilheronl i nil lrkct l tie J n ml I n tel I i pronouncrd mills lnnr und where he tiei tim 0 to mike a lund Om Muu point aided bt Ole > iitlonil trooi C from Iort Hirrincehu recaptured tin town ol taic Hn > tien The Liberals hate thin been Coons ul ot their two strongholds In tho north onntM < slim tnic llallen the toiimn I Is in a icnrlul condition nnd Unit only will how low tho htruzclo 5 lll end A tiro broke out rccxnUy at Jacmel w hlch cau cd ImirenaC losses lniinititrlun 1ollllc- VrcxxA Sept 1A caucus of tho German ronstttuU inl party at Llnz at nhlch sixty Dcputleii- w ere present unatilinou l pi < cdn resolution oxpioM Ins apprehensions tar the salct ol fie rnnstituuon omit the Interests of the ilcrmtn u trHm In stow i ol the tvollncnl nitiiallim create bv tiC pleillmn lbs rosemit lion ndocate liit liiitenunrc of rolulmu llcrtx I mo lnr titutions and u reduction of txpuidituic C9Clall > In tho army The Willihull Gold Mine- Fncnrimucgsaunn Yn Sopt 1The fnmous Whitehall cold mine on thin mrrow ciuzc rnllioid near frederlckshurir formerl onneil hj fontrnlore Stock- ton tins icon purchased b Hostin irltallt and rpera liotu 5t lll lv resumil mi Oct I llltu ars tu tlili nil no ndJeJ fUVlii i Ktui inoirhv lllockcil Mde iilk > To TUB EDITOR or Tun Svy flr Cnn you explain tons why It Is OttO the rlrll ileiilers on Catlia non street are niloucd to obstruct trim I on thnt thor ouchfare by hnpclni out their vmc4 in such n niinni- MKlniblUe iKIonki the Ircet lot ot tin im 0 lui- iilklntfthcre ntn ut the o Inlon tint mimic n o liu- prohiblilnc such 1 inxs mimic a Tnilll Lpinin or Till iitaF1c Could tint tin Tom fllitltor remiiM the i titrm tutu nn lrnn l Curd and 1 Ishth aeniie 1tu i sjibwilkt nn I lorketl within r chindUe of nil iltoi in Hi IK Tim nn1 nUi n i tinibi I oh deci > Pd nunlns IUMIS c ill sbcits allied liit i V at icIly liinc Klvc way und berli tilj hurt dUliC pitiijii r t be Teem nuur The Mrcet Vcnilern To voc EDITOR OF THE Sux Kir Thero Is enoiish of misery and poeru in Now Vork nithoiit tli rowmnc out ut wart men null women whose stand a ind trade mire IOIIL been implicitll i inncllToil b the nil thorlllis The epo amour ofklil > 5 title Uiij allow en rydav irsperimilv pi opl to he drlM n lulu iho sue t miisi iieeilH stow tl ur aiilhorlt neil ep Mi their hurt he o tIe lice ID linking loujnr i r ili l to umlic rut Inc Mould be nlllhu to work lor an lio lot lliclllnol A hi AllllZXll A ChallcnKt Accepted To THE rDnon OF Tnn Sus fir I no coot the challuii ol John T allof Sen Vrk city to walk one or two hour M J CjiirntL n title Athletic club Modern Work iif Art Fiom tlit AVip Oh ii Vb unit Tb a elm irummo tlumit ciniios lih a imiknKeof ten Isltssa nurk ul Sit than is tmc > luiu met tii The 1iilcli on the ImiU Political chnnccs and chnn cs- Ilrlnj one Slit inothc i on mop And sometime the npj cr tg i quickly Ischnned to hue I iiiidnmonI rip Ant one ol the crest niter tionj The forliine of polltlo rann Is I roadcloih cnlorc lor n Iclloiv- Miooncc tome a patch on hula pants You hardly woul I think Hint the weighty Could rlo to the surface so soon Or that flesh tothcaurico mortal Would be a benetlcent boon lilt there In his pride on behold him AtUMidlnit no tutu to ille wants or tile brottum me lIt no IHMH nut uncles An I titter and coiiiiiu nnd mints tail many n rem siya the poet The nses if tlio ocean know Full miny a senator Until The streets of New Vork can show Pull miiij n Itnsclu iin lorii- InobscurlH I spouts nml ratitit Full in in 5 it cult pnrtj l iris her lisa once nornn milieu on ifs pants II this could be mule ant I that other II somithliu nllh iinlinuunil I mix If oil could v lth MiUr tilt iiiinutu- If liQuor could urou out ol tricks I11 I tiotu d lire uhuuy that h one ot mitt rortuni most niuutitur eniut lilt tutu nilklit lio 111 nlitt IIIIUMU in lIuo slice noron pitch ii ii ilubluta iso lear tha t llildwln tie Clntiiei of C html ci ant llroadnii l > nilnd to nlniiit itiillt t in tlure in Hu truth Inr nini stun bm u ii 11 IK t iiniL Hu in li u ci in mil loiuidi I Hint mt hitlamum Unli in I mimi chili luii tudililt- Dr I II Ja flea nne MiMiiu t iihtea lie ill iii C hilt Ihnr calmly Ktvr oJ Asut lutiruiltulit ana Uui Utuut Lu tCrLw4tf 5 c 4tVV7llMVA A collection of coiitompornry portraits of Catherine II Is bcliiK mnde at SL reter burit A Chinaman is Limo cntiso of n tllvorco suit between tt white hiHbnnd sal wlfo at 1eorln M- lTho repairs of StrnRsbutff Ciithnlriln- eces ltntcd by tIe w ar art heal Ins their rnnclunit Pilot time groat Oormnii hlstoilcal painter lim Rnlshed a new picture Tlio lait Momi nu- ol the Ulrondls- UVlm > unt TrnfnlRnr oliloat son of Eaij loii i H lately ntsrried He U descended from the rent Lords sl ter- Jnmcs Cameron who hns made somo ro- innrknlitojournes In enuumile Ill Cittis I Isnbout to Iran- io erlnnd toCtnton Ironi 1nkhol rime blx daughters of Peter Slplo of North Ierrietuimruh Vt i0yrTe 217 pounds each alit hut0 tire lanilly of oUht wrkhs I 1702 pmind- jCardlunl Hcijftiiiotlor his boon com ml loiiLd by the liume f submit a multI lor nrrniulnn tin Vatican archives to nmKe thvm Inure ncces tblr Walter W Stowart who has neither nrmsnorleiis tins Ins rmicul thcdniiuhtcr ct the maun of a Ilostoii sldo show In which he Is on exhibition Miss 1oiturof IMrolfnnld u hnckmnn less lliui ho riemainled 511 lie aiwrllv struck her Sht drew a reohi Irom tier ratcliel and suet hi n dead Sniiiuol Nusabuini munloiod lilt wlfo nt limit ruleCu hue attul woe stopped In nn nticnipt to kill himself on the spot but he was tide ruiuineii me die niud las Ittuubimy nccoinpllthul tin Iulirmoe by startntlon Justin McCarthy tho now Homo llulo- membor Is rnrliamiiittry lester writer on tlie London Dally Artth lIe wai born In 1SJO In Cork and btfin- nonspniier liio at a reporter on the Cork Cmmlutr tmltt Mr Maeulre A man was fatally hint by nn nrolilent- ntn North Cutroliti cuinup muucetilu end as licwnsnnln tier tile brethren sirrlul him Into a prayer mcclltvt la- bored realonMv tor lilt concr lon mInt mined a victory Just belore lie died flue expenses of a funeral of nn Englljh soldier In Xuliiluul ito iduit host Cmii ems in iho Inabis lily > ntal Is an txpensho plncc lor a prhita to tie In fur t b tiio unit rnrpintcr tint extol luao completed their I ibor < butt little remnlnii out of a S note A writer In thn August Gentlemans Mag- riibi sas thnt It Is true of nations as of italic IIuai thst sneer it ulmoht as tmpleasnnt t6 liner at n blow and that he Is not cure that Dickens Anicrlcnn Letes dud not do uiore In i strancc tar a time tho twocountrlci thins its Alabama fllfllcult- yIlorr Isaac Llltcufcld a member of the Jon hh community nt Oothn In Ucrnnno expressed wlh In lila vlll that Ills holy Miould bo burnt alter delhi Tho cremation wns i riveted st nonih In the pri cncfl ot a largo niuibcr of persons of various re- tlglons denomlnition- sEniabo said to Walsorfer In a barroom at rrinieton Ind LetS tip glesee for tin U jour Ian drInk otu earth Walserfer the ihut It wisa Joke il- thoiuh they hnd once bicn iiien me nles rnd iiuheil- n tho gia clinked together hut Kambe was In deadly earnest and Initially killed him The exEinpinsfi tuncnlo Sins just pur rhn ed of Huron ScBkluplfcrzhucr the Castle of Hitter lure Upper Klyrla The trout contains IVJ wiolatai stud the bulldinK Is over 441J jcart old She satu baa tie tXKliedle ol Erfjpt as A neighbor It ho succeedtln- bujlni Moritz Von Durtmaim bU Cattle of Wink Tho Widow Cohn of Rapid Creek Mo received an offer of nmrriasc fruit a wealthy Let old Lad ugly man Sue wrote back to lint that within a week- ohio would choov between bccomlm his wife alumI anofitt disposition cf hcrKll lhat she hnd In Mew A little liter he heard thnt she hod attempted to commit suicide Sir Glndstonos writings roust yield a comldcrablo sum ol money wheicai speechmakln brinks nothtnc He hat n very large lamlly alIt Is not wealthiilioniih his wife lea n large propcrt so tint mone > doe not come nml to hunt Ills only marrleJ daughter mn tviu ot thv Mister ol HnitonColeie Two boys In Westphalia ajjed 10 and 13 Ion tlalr parents bj duathnnd wcruro aorras lit that lucy concluded to the too Tlie wrote a will dhpoin- jofthtlr momy nut pintiling Then the eider billet lila brother with a hntnnur alter which he swillowe- dpolon orcned a eln In his wrlU and shot himself through tie head Time forest near Dillon Kan has an un- common ¬ In rmlt In tIle permit of a young nut tint utty woman who lodci In a rude hut eats ccctables and name of her own ccllini and nlll not say n word to per rolls w ho intrude upon her U Is conjectured that sheI- sInaic but aside from her loicly mode of life there U- ncthlns In tier conduct tostintnln tint bend A Congregational church in n rural Ohio ncialiborlioi l fet nlon o cry will without a pastor A 3 hUnt tahitI possessed of titus ilocutionar sklllreadll report of ionic eminent clcreymnns Lirnion every Siirr day ant thin rest of the pastoral work Is done by des cons The annie plan luau been adopted In several other Western places but not with BO munch camels for th Ohio rooter tins the ability to deliver the borrowed se- rmons soil nil time fervor clan original ctTurt Tlio Dresden polite lately mado a de- scent on the house ol the lending Social Democriti that city aunt Mlze a Crest quantity of forbUJen liter lure which rotwlthstnndlni the viillance of tht police I Is bclnc continuillv Kmnztfled tli ronjth the Oernisn Post Oltlce The meat linportiunt uitcoui wasanumttr o- tloturs front Zurklt In which was dlsclond a schema or Iho icor nnlzltlonofthe party ln yb ic cf the cliansr- dcoiCitions under the Inw a for the suppression sxlillsm Allan Dinner was waylaid lu Nevada by- a lithisn a mini who fnrcd the usual nltcnutlve nf lu000Y cur iiie Dincer was mounted but jiunntJ and the robber haul a revolver coe to bums tisd evtrtlr less he wits neal and brave enough totn Mdoni be Move uM really eliot nie amid take the chance oflitn- iiii so Im orT and ho n uned I 15 horse say llcrii that the rite sssa tuurdmv ctuJo able until lie gui oniol- I Acre but his rtnsouln hud tictn correct slut the ro- bber did not fir- efnllota soap mamifnetuicrs tobacco nlts SOul others ronnaonli lure the Saul tilde pIn lorniersin the Uowtri to advertise them on tic lImit Inn the practice lees not extend to time dranittlc tlics Ires of this City In Paris however Ills not uinxiiil fir performers In imnortant IuIys to ml n uito rrcrcvntile- I mills Dnlllj nut tiermnln lril in cto ibtiiuel- ouintttv 0 ol flue linen Irom n i denier on con lition thai tti7 fhould ill the course of a pi i mention tils wire flvo- rnbl Tluey did the l uitlni fur one nlht onJ tltn flip cd 1 hue dealer hits obtained iiiUimiit onlilmit t them for thu value ff time goods on condition imut tIle ild not keep tIle ntract The funoril of IJorlljr a Socialist master turner wns tiio scene cf 1 ui cat oiliih t iliiiiontrAtiii at JJrcMen Suvcral miuiim tint snipiitliiiri Ifuiti the bouhy to the grave but the polkc bout nth intae clJSnvm tune ixninit time fubllc cxhililtiou ol rtpn cnncmbkmitto lorbld tin we ii liT ol puhtictl in ui- No I lunrriil oration was icrhmuitleut And a hen ft outfall ttfpld I forvv rd and poke a mew word an riter i- clvon to nrrest her the executioiui wlncli Si i11 ever rendered impo slblo a tIle ilouu mot lie r evenl wreaths were thrown on tin tiln utu tu i lore tim lice list inlrol on tin nmovalof tIC ICJ silk rilibons with which tluuiy VMM If Alsnco anti Loiiunc hinonoquliod nc ether UnnUif bj their niiiiMtnii to iniiiianv U itt lcat md their taxes lighter Tin arc now m upon to rim > Shill fjiiiiKiLiiJ Ics anmnill thou in lit lieu rule vvliUh makes a ItlTerencc ol oni t mIl lollirstoeviT umimily lUrlU < thl lint tiet i oir- liucn I continmd rnnih territi tln woud li ul- pnv nlirc lilt CI ot time C Oh minImal hfa scull S i tnlUdupoii Truico bv tic w ir I luils Iv tie i ucrli i Con r rninont In f trictid exiniiive ruitun1 tin roiiti iho i evv terrltuo vihuh liiutp wwi l t n prlvntt ciillvl would hive coi lrnclnl I in ui SIll O Ii tlio Flinch do eminent vvuiild not nt UUI if i m Him to chile hnvi Icin fbi my to iuuiulI Awillor in time Utiolut 1imlilCflIOiO to show list Hie collier number ot the imbO niiiiK- IIIIUI hiiihora luvc not bun K ut an imt l aiitiul urntcrant fonUncrn Thin in H- iKcvuitreiilh s 1 Ii I cinuir the mosl prominent nintfiu- of tile JtiHinn litiraiI iii viiiiiiit on si t n Iolc Aitir him c line Irliui I Hi 11111 Tarlnr 0 d ccnt inoiu tIle touiitUM l n r v literature Knrnndn wns ol I utnr i in l n- lincazc The toot iirlbovedol crin in 0 Iromn I Iollh incenor fuiiut Khv Ii i S ai fti- nlnnled ll in n Gcrin in mai rnvi Si II i tu ii suit llirntlntkl writ utao of I li hd i it ff Lcimcnti I lather vns t Moti Inn in li l- lInrtir I Imuly l vnd illi rntlltin e i it w nn Grrmnn niiiiud Cidchi win i In the inlllUil I the tillIn nib iIIIIID n- vvn i h Ill ilit > dercindid multi 11 Alraiu ill Ci i Time discovery of two new intal t i ill nouncid nniiiid suinnrlum ml IHI 01 cat at Itmn Mound to SIK jk ot tin ilnl I u- inxofa thimble lu iinknowii ni lii i lit n Claim or it in 11I i t hiich H tin iia hippciud l In Im Intiiiino 11 fu IK- llrt bCI Ollll klloVV II to M IIIUC l IS II- Innnlrl4 nionu n tic inn It bu luool t citloniit tixi tincc b time Mi n ft How time uni1 j rufilcni l Lnii utlio mom eiiiili iiin inliifril ki s oi MiitiniKiU nu iiuiIniiiit of mil in M li- liriid tin iiwi the Nlitiiuii in H- inu Ii till wlnili hi lint uni iilinlv iitn I ill hue hubs tile to info iii In mum u ir minis o fIb wlilih ItUntvitioiiilii II In I II II tndiiiif lor tile thur new mi til oiknll o imantit slier his lulu ilnn 1- 1Irot nilii IHhll ol tin tlmiu i iii N II nciil hI II111 i nn tillu i mi n Illl Ilu ll ll lunmu II I rIles ci liii m w nu til w white slikhtl mil u Ole hi it we liaiiun- couucr nail luntk ut a JuU ihh tiu I
Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1879-09-02 [p ].€¦ · I TIlE SUN TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2 118m TbL Utt TUESDAY SnrTKMUKH 2 1879 4tnont Teflap Ylflh An MTIi i r nilmeinf Normtadr CrftM1 slpoe



4tnont TeflapYlflh An MTIi i r nilmeinf Normtadr

CrftM1 slpoe lloune Tli Kcrrj How

llavtlfa ThT Mmte llpp-rttfllrr A Illnl UnnlrnComVtkt-lM4l M KM r lni4 M 1 II H Flnaf-ogw rk Aq nrlt iM II I f rinifo-rsflftlranrlx tlU < tr l > nm < l > T n1WI-MIhrxlro C l llil1ll n fliuMClinwdf-

rl I rkB rhoMt4 VAuoirirll llnot

Advertisement for THE WrxiUiY SUlurdliworrotoiiiornffi>

mini be handed in Mi-ttenina before six oclock

Icritonnl JournalismA fow days OKO 1 Western Journalist tclo

graphed to this oflleo wlmt purported to boan account of proceedings begun ornbout tobo Instltiitod In court Involving tho perlonnl clinrnctor of two prominent persona

Tho World boasted that tho snino intelllj-

rcnoo lout bern offered to It and mndo nvirtue of not publishing tho now For tho

Worl to broi8t of not buying the news Ist npnuocrbonsllnjr of not wtnrlljbrond-


and milking a Irtuo or rugsHut tho Herald of Sunday copies and leads

tho Worldn article which contains I pitifulanti Impotent lUng at TIlE SUN which thoHerald thereby endorses

Now If there bn ono paper on tho surfaceof this broad earth that would not llllnKlylay nburden to tho weight of 1 hair on thoshoulders of any human bRIng unjustlythat paper Is TIn VOKK Sox

TIe SUN Is also eminently I peace jour-nal


hut wo never Whit for 1 second Invita-tion


to I light from I foeman worthy of ourBtocl

In many respects tho present proprietorof tho Herald has preserved ft commendabledignity tho conduct of that journal Ihis present pretensions could bo explainedon tho ground ot remorse at looking overtho long whlto row of headstones whichmark tho graves of persons who havo boondriven to suicide or havo been worried tdeath by tho nbuso of thin Jlcrald it wouldBoom respectable but why should any jour-nal


attempt to covor by an affectation ofsanctimony Its chagrin at defeat in obtain-ing


tho earliest newsNo journal is perfect Wo frankly confess

our own sins of omission aunt hopo to hoforgiven at least by tho editor of tho Her-


Wo have printed accounts of victories-at plo received by telegraph while wo

accounts of tho escapades oftho samo hero which would have Interested

1 thoy hind not cdilled ono thousand timesamany renders Wo have no objection toany man tiring pistols into his own mirrorsand breaking thorn although they be ofFrench pinto and cost I thousand dollarsapiece But If any man throws stones atus oven over othor mens shoulders wopropose to investigate and find out whetherhis houso as well as his mirrors IB not madeof glass

Providing for Gen GrantTwo plans have recently been proposed

for keeping Gen CHANT out of politics an-dprvldlnj him with an Income for tho re ¬

his llfo Tho first is to makehim President of ncanal company tho sec-


tcreate the ofllco of CaptainGeneralof tho Army and put him Into It In thelatter case ho would rank HIIFJRMAN andwould bo at tho head of tho military organ-ization


of the United States

IGRANT wants to bo President of ncanalcompany and if the cnnnl company wantshim for President wo tin not know that any-body


has n right to object It Is truo thattho canal company is not yet In oxlstenc-eprhopslt will crystallize nftcrOen GRANT

btm its Presidentproposition to make Gen GRANT

CaptainGeneral of the Army is an old oneunder I now form It is advanced by Ifoolish contemporary which says that thoIdeahas been quietly canvassed during therecess of Congress among tho Senators antiRepresentatives nt Saratoga NewportLong Branch and Whlto Sulphur Springsthat it hRs been received with great favor

specially by Sonthcin members and thntit will tko shape at the next session in abill creating tho ofllco fixing bullublo payand allowances and tendering tho now rankto Gen GHANT in recognition of his patri-otic


services in behalf of tho Union ns welas to afford him permanent occupation 1congenial employment tho remainder ofhis 10-

Thore arc several reasons why this planwill not work The army of tho UnitedStates Is already only towell stocked withGenerals various doscrlptonsDrgndlerGenerals MajorGenorIorals AdjutantGenorals PaymasterGen ¬

erals besides a plain General who hassome inlluenco In the Military Ring and Issaid to bo uncommonly Jealous of his posi-tion


at the head of tho organization Thereseems to bo no room for I CaplainGenetanywhere

Moreover who is prepared to say that thooffice of CnptnlnGenernl of tho Armywould afford congenial employment to Gen

t GUT Ho may havo left his military0 tastes mId habits in tho lied Sea whore

PHARAOHS hosts wero drowned Ills ohEcrvatlons of tho ruins of many ancient nnLions most of which were drought todestruction by martial ambition mayhave given his mind n permanent biosin favor of time arts of pence Ills inter-course


with Prlnco KUNO at Pekin hisont0

btibscriucnt experience ns a unit of extraofllclnl ambassador to effect compromisen

I of tho troubles between China and Japanmay have Inclined him to diplomacy Whocan confidently assert that Mr GRANT

t would not bo very unhappy nCaptainGen ¬

eral of time Army-Ifi Germ OIT must bo President of sonic

thing ami time canal company does not crys-talline


ho ought bo made President of theobelisk which Is to bo Imported from EgyptIf ho must bo provided for at tho expense oftho people Ito might bo cieated1 Chairman

I with a liberal salary of n perpetual com-missioni to determine what claim he miiio

J than nny other citizen has for pcrmnncutmaintenance at tho public cost

Sioux antI ZuluCivilization in Houllt Africa is resorting to

much the bnmo eellentl as civilization In

North America ordlr to extend over bosavages its beneficent sway Strip-

ped of etblnge Sir GAIINET WOLHKLCYHstrategy scorns to consist chlelly in pittingblack moan against blnck precisely as ourrimiinanderH In tho far West have learned tohim ted men to kill ted

IIn HID lust hinges of tho war much was

Bnld of tho enormous slaughter of llils bjmodern llroarnm Tho British publloI was

Iregaled with tidings of CKTYWAYOH warrlots-Bluln In wlnrows in heaps at ono battle 1Itwas bellovidI or hoped that I thoiiaiKb-livcko wcio killed al another tUnco thousand or five thousand and so on And foroyory Uioueauu Eulus killed tit YU 1IK9

British loss was only a hundred or perhaps

nAcoreOno would suppose that If there wore

really ngreat principle at etnko Blaughto-rngat so cheapII I into would bo contlnued-

iff tho Zulus are guilty of n crime so greatIn defending their land front Invasion theirklul from dethronement and t heir nationrom subjugation IIt would seem as IIf ono

liltlsh soldier would be willingly sacrificedfor tim patriotic Ivllege of slaying fifty orn hundred Zulus Hut not PO Sir GAUVIT-

ToUlEinv flcems to huvo been Instructed to

trI ofT his troops some of whom arc nl

cady on tho way homo while ten thousandiwarlos are to ho tinned In against timZulu tho Amatongns mire to be stirred up

hired to go to war with CCTYWAYO amidnlt I tho Kings own brother Is temptedby tin1 offer of 6noO cattle and a chance oi

tilt succession to bring in Ills brotherslend With these devices supplemented iby-

ho chances of I dreadful famine in Zulu-

land produced by <destroying tho seed andiroventlng tho fields flout being sown It isu pcd to continue ttho slaughter of the Zulus

with tho strictest economy of life on thoport or thiilUltlsh

This cntspaw policy of civilization inSouth Adcl recalls at once time economical

pursued In our own laud Thotitling of friendly Indians against hostileIndians has now for ninny years been pracised with great success and thoto is 1landing provision for tho employment ofIndian scouts In foot bitter experience hasshown that without Indians to engagendlans time surprise anti slaughter are aptto bo among white troops Clvlltlol Inho mean time can chuckle 1m Ivoo re-

Iccllng that whether tho nlly kills thoenemy or tho enemy kills tho ally tho gai-ns in having one savage tho less as foorfriend

The Chinese and Russian In CentralAslii

According t tho latest despatches thodispute between Itussln and China whichthreatened t culminate In war humus beenaverted by concessions on tho part of theRussian Government For a time tho Czarseemed disposed to retain tho province ofKuldjn hit tho advice of Gen KAXIFMANN

and tho formidable military del0lRtrtolof tho Chinese hnvo availed change hilmind I is certaIn that tho collision titusavoided or postponed would have entailedgraver consequences than any of tho conlets recently waged In Central Asia

Gcti KAUFMANS it is said his lost popu-larity


at St Petorsbuig by Ids earnest advo-cacy


of the ictrocesslou of Kuldjn Nodoubt tho wish to keep tho district occupiedsluice ISCJ found npretext in tho prayers ofho inhabitants to bo saved from Chinesevengeance hit tho GovernorGeneral atTashkent probably understood time materboth from tho point of view of equity andexpediency better than time unlace favoritesTime revolution which In 18G211nll wastetho flourishing provInce o I or Kuldjawas n Mohammedan uprising anti thohituy as tho Buddhist Chinese are called In-

Turklstan wero everywhere ruthlesslymassacred According to ScHUYLEn thismovement engineered by tho mollahs wasentirely unjustified and It assuredly hadho most untowaid results Tho rulo of thomandarins seems to have been lolorantjust anti judicious to a degteo very seldomBOOH in Central Asia and It hnd exerted npotent stimulus on Industry anti tradeTwenty years ago tho districts of Kaslignrand Kuldja under tho relatively midand sensible sway of Chinesewere dotted with thriving towns traMrsetlby decent roads provided with efficientmeans of irrigation and they maintainedIn comfort n population front five to teltimes larger than that which now ekes out-a precarious subsistence Their chief citieswere places of resort for Itusslnn merchantsand it was the interruption of this old tradeIntercourse after the expulsion oi tho Chi-


by tho saugulnnry feuds between thoTungan nnd Tarnntchl insurgents whichbrought about tho Russian occupation oftho northern section of tho country Thcrowas no pretence however of conquest attho time tho BUpiemnev of China overKuldja or Ibeing distinctly iccognUednod I pledge bell made of restorationwhen tho troops of tho Middle Empireshould appear In sufficient force to main-tain


order Seven years passed awayand tho Russians lund conic t treat thoprovince as 1 permanent possession whenIn the autumn of 1876 tho news came thatlarge Chinese nt my recruited for time roostpart front tho stalwart soldiery known OH

time levies of tho Green Banner had begunoperations to the east of Tin fan Such as-

thofo wero tho troops whom garrisons ofwhom in time Tungan rebellion blew themsolves up or cut each others throatsoonerthan surrender tho posts confided to thomaunt trio memory ot their former prowessrevived nt their ollmlnary successes northof tho TlnnShnn Within I twelvemonthYAcrnlieg on whom Mussulmans had bostowed tho title of AthnlikUazi or cham-pion


father mil with whom tho Russianshad not greatly cared to meddle wasbroken like n reed by the Khllay ministersof vengeance No doubt I iiithless chastlsement was presently inflicted on tho In-


ot tho revolted province butthoso who know nnytimirmg nbomit tho Tungatatrocities In Kashgar will not say it waswholly undeserved

Now Gen KAUIMANN was perfectly acqualnted with these facts and If wo mayJudge from Ills own policy in Tutklstan howould be little disposed to sympathize withtho Moslem population of Kuldja 111 theirdtoad of retrlbutol at tho hands of theChinese hnl governed lila Ylceroyaltj-in niandatln fashion showing himself tolctrint and kindly enough to obedient sub-jects but hntfli ant implacable toward thoitfinctory No ono knew boiler than howho has so long shaped tho Russian diplo-macy


in Asia how equitable was tho Chinesedatum to Kuldja Ho know too that thoprovince was not worth nwar that wlmRussia wants In Turklstan not moro landhit moro husbandmen to till what land sholine anti niece markets to encourage UllageIt wi take fifty eaR of settled govern

aunt n great outlay of capital totiling up tho aMiiucHof trnnspoit ant thomeans of nrtlllclal IIrtlgatlon IIn Khiva-Ilokhain and Khokand to tho efficiency nttallied In foimer times

Moreover Gen KAUFMANN was betterqualified than tho Czars advisors at StPetersburg to measure tho difficulties of

eopllj with time Chinese Tho latter wouldnearer thellmRo of supplies than would

tho HusslllS Time law maiounl fiom whichtheir troops may be recruited Is luoxhaustIble Tlioro Is no limit to tho quantity of Im-

pi lived arms and ammunition attainable atthe treaty ports Nor would theio bo anydearth of expel lenced comniandois lurnumbers of English officers would probablyvolunteer to servo In tho Chinese army asthey did In tho Taeplng rebellion Undothese clrcumstnnees It Is no wonder thntime GovernorOuneral of Russian Turklstatshould have counselled tho surrender o-

Kuldja It is probably foitunalo that hisJudfilttCltwa8 nut OYWJUM At 8tJPCtM8

and that ho was not loft to bear thoburlUrlnt of Iwar whoso burdens nnd dangersho foreshown

TrI truth In tho military power which

Chinnhas exerted In times past and scornsstill able to exert on her western frontier Isstrangely underrated in Europe It np

enrs thnt tho terror of her arms Is trndlthermal In Central and Southern Asia that Ittrctchcs far beyond the limits of her direct

authority and prompts demonstrations ofassalngef apt to justify the pretensions oftime Celestial Empire Such was time reportirought back by tho FOHHYTH mission toEastern Turklstan and Col PIIEZWALHKIH

observations In Thibet wcio to time saunaeffect It Is well known too that In furnmh tho Clilnaso influence Is ft far strongeranti1 moro active political forco tlinn is thoBritish timid time Burmese King who treatsEnglish envoys with crazy arrogance is Isubmissive vassal to his feudal lord In

ekln Still moro significant is tho betdent lately reputed from Nepaul nStatecontiguous to Hludostan and commonlyregarded as nsatellite of tho AngloIndian-2mt lro It seems that nn envoy was de-


some months ago from Nepaul oras the Chinese clllt tho Kingdom of thoGoorklms wih to tho CelestialEmperor a letter from time Nopauloso

ruler humbly requesting that ids messen-ger


might be once moro permitted to havean audience Such an act on tho part of IState which should have learned to measuretime military resources of tho Calcutta Gov-


attests time widereaching nndprofound respect still entertained for ChinaWhcio tho European eye sees uothlol butslow decay and n foolish wnlt moanstho Aslastio mind is somehow Impressed-with sense of powerIA Possibility of Gen Smiths Resigna-


Thero is apossibility that lea WIMIA-MSunnp may resign his office as Police

CommissionerBut not yetAl at ouco tho bravo General looms up

n rising sun as a Democratic candi-date


for GovernorShould tie bo nominated ho would almost

certainly bo electedIn that event ho might feel obliged to re-


as Police Commissioner for the twooffices woullbo Incompatible In fact oven Ifnot In Inw however ho would go outof time Commlsslouorshlp not with tho dis-


which It has been meanly attemptedtImpost upon him but In a blaze of glory

JOHN SHEIUTAN is an old fox and a slyono Hut foxes older anti elror than ho havebrought UlIn the trap nt last

Fraud Defender HISCOCK goes to tho StatConvention in bolcompany J J tlicload rind front tho Cnnnl Ring escorts himto Saratoga and Canal King Influence joinswith HAYEHS supporters in pualilni him forthe Governorship The counts liavo decidedthat DCLDEN must ofund 337000 which hofilched from tho State through Canal I11methods Tho people would verycida that thoy wanted no more of HibcocED-

ELDEN i Co woru HISCOCK nominated

If tho Lone Fisherman of Franklin Countyliadnt boon nFraudulent YlcoVruslilont homight have been utilized br the nnllConxEiibrethren in this exigency na dark horse adark river horse so to speck

Now that TBICKETT has beaten LAYCOCKIn Australia tho eagerness for n match betweenhim nnd HANLAN will bo increased It has beenButnested that the accident by which the oarsmnn of time Pnrnmattn lost n of thepar fnllrof ono hand must so disqualify ax to nrace between him miami II AN LAS onoslilnd HutIlls rMY victory on Friday defeating LortxVKby nIne lengths tolls a different story In theaquatic world there should not bo to cham-pions


each having so good n tllla to time su-prcmncy as Tmuczzrr and IIjmMv without Itrial between them Ono dinicultr has boon todetermine whether HANLAN should go to Aus-tralia


or TBICKETT comn to Cnnntln Irobnblit would bo best for duo pecuniaryboth those rival colonial onrsmcn to row on thuneutral waters of the United States

IIs estimated that tho landlords of timegreat hotels on Conor Island 1 realize

500 net profit this season I II a clearcase success deserved nnd moreover NewYork will be all the richer for It Thousandson thousands of dollars thnt might have boonspent at the distant watering places havo boonkept hero by time commodious houses of enter-tainment


that hare been erected IU ft worerIght nt our doors andbetter yet untold thou ¬

sands hiuo not boon required to bo spent by theHoards of Health of tho two uront cities fromwhich Coney Island is so easily reached be-


so many of their inhabitants hao beennblo to enjoy relaxation and Invlloelnl seabreezes at trivial cost of either lmo or money

By placing light Iron pans under tho road-beds


nenr each stntlon the managers of the olevoted rnllronls have Indicolotllllnvio cheapand thorough method pcdl Irlnnsfrom tailing ashes oil and water along theIrentire routes

For ono who osptres so high Jon SHEKMAN has boon unfortunate In his political campnlcnlnu Ho wont to Maine with a flourish oftrumpets and a series of speeches which werooxpocted to work havoc amool time Greenbackcohorts Jut timings hllan go wrong amongtho favorite banks of syndicate and SHEHStAN was telegraphed for whereupon ho lethis speeches unspoken and hurried nwnyTime extension of Limo having been Granted totho First National Bank anti time four million

dolnI check imavlng boon wlthdrnwn HnEinutto Ohio and begun again his speeches

Two ot them wero delivered when syndicatetroubles broke out nnow nnd honest JOHNturned toward Washington abandoning hits at-

tacks on grecnbacklsm to defend himself fromaccusations of favoritism toward certain banksand lultnl his relatives Into ofllco nccusalions bits fair to occupy his attention untilafter tho Ohio election

Oars will bend and tho light racing shellswill skim through time water with velocity moldom soon whoa HANLAN and COUHTNUT mooon the 3J of October for their long exportedcontest HANIAN Is yet flushed with victoriesIn the Old World whore ho won tint champion-ship mooting no competitor worthy of hismusolo In fact COUHTNHY Is the only man whohns pressed HANLAN in n race those two yearsIf tho brush with UIIEY In whlcl HANLAN washindered by I foul IIs IHNtANadmils that COURTNEY Is tho finest oarsman ho-

over DOt I Is ronsonnblo therefore to soythat tho race will bo between the best rocognlrqd oarsmen In the world Time place chosenIs Chnutnuoua Lake nod the nurso Is to bo sixthousand dollars COURTNEY says thatho Is notanxious for this struggle bat ho Is forced Into IItby publlo domnnds for n meeting between himand HANLAN Ho rests under tho Imputation-of IrRulln tho match ot a year ago and ho

tho result of this race whether ho-bo successful or not will clenr him from tho accusntlons This race will bo tho chief aijuatlevent of the season

The Lang Ilninrh Pier Company SitedTho company owning tho Youlhllrol tubu-

lar ocenn jmor ot long Ilruncli h 01 hT JobJohnson thf contractor who Itai atUchcd HID tents ortlif company In the Ontrnl National Hank or tlili cityHe clulrni 7WU nt Mi ilur In mite other hnnil thecompany declare thittleii thin Jtte duo him setther hnvctxirnn semi K Unit him In Ih Isum orfor daflialet they Ihn to h YO nuircrnt IIFCUUIC ol his4111aultliint Hit n eik uoea hut tuutlum

4 I


Tin nxaiocitATto OUTLOOK

Do Oar Jloliln Friends Control the BlitloCommittee aDd wilt They Con

trot the ConTentlon f

ALnA Sept 1lnco time DemocraticState Committee mot nt Niagara Pails to Hx tho

rOY and place of time Convention thorn has beenn deal of whistling among the faction thatwas beaten there to kelp Its courngoup Homolenders nro rcadrtodocliiro in vlblcllhat thoysoo nothing In that mooting but of

n drawn bnttlo Thor say that Iloblnsonsr-lcndH woro bent on having the Convention at-

lanftocn nnd Unit whoa Hyrnsuso was nerocdon It wits a decided vlgtory for time nntlltoblnsonmen They reluctantly ndmlt that tho enl Isriot In jiiftlho words that they would em-ployed


If times had IrnmoII but they add thatlint Is an In private how-ever tlmestt same lonilrrs make nn pretence to-

hnvlnl drawn tho battle nt Niagara Fails Thoy

knol that time Tlldcnlloblnson faction called nnucim and thnt eIghteen of tho thlrtythrcomembers of time State Commlttoo entered thatcaucus participated in Its proceedings nndcarried out Its procrnmmo to the letter Amongho eighteen worn two who appeared ns subntl-nt for members who hnd voted with tire antTfldon faction at time lnlmootnr and ono

wont over to tho person withoutho convenient Intervention of substitute Th-onnlurnllnlnton of thonntlItobineon moo Is

denoulco three ns traitors to the causehut discretion In title Instance acts ns a restraintto anger

Time control of tho Committee nt Niagara Fallswas unimportant except so far ns It fore-shadowed


Its control when It meets again Onocautious man himself 1 pronounced friend otJoy lloblnson remarked yesterday Butorhnpstho Committee will never moot againThem was nn oversight nt limo last mootingwhich may lend to trouble It hns boon tho cuetom heretofore to adopt a resolution which I itmd boon drawn in the usual form this yourwould have sot forth that tho Committee do nowadjourn to meet at the Vnndorbilt Houso InSyracuse on the evening of Sept 9 Now thatresolution was not adopted fr8cholslmllym-OIed an adjournment arid it clrrledhave called It nn oversight but it may havobeen a sharp trick by which tho minority rosolved to outwit tho majority Undor strict rui ¬

Inr the Committee can only meet again on thocall of tho Chairman Mr Purcoll If ho saw nt10 could wait till noon of tho 18th of September-

call tho Convention to order nominate n tornornry Clialnunn rind declare him electedThen that Chairman could name the Committeeon Credentials Rnllho frIends of Oov Robin ¬

son though Convention In tho baginning might find forty or fifty of their dolegates ruled out anti themselves reduced to aminority I do not say that this is likely tohappen but U Is ono of tho possibilities thatought bo considered

Another friend of tho Governor laughed thissucccntlon to scorn Ho said Mr Purcell la-

n pretty strong partisan but ho is nn honorableman and would never bn party to such 1game Moreover lie Is a politician by pro-fession


but nn editor and ho knows from hisjournalistic experience how quickly time publicwould condemn nn unscrupulous trick hikethat Ito Is tho last man In limo party who wouldabuse life trust In such a way Hut even If thochairmanship woro In tho hands of such n per-son


as Lnnlue of Buffalo there would bo nodnucor that time Committee would fall to meetTho majority would simply sign n01 andservo it on the Chairman and on tho mornbore If they absented themselves I quorumwould still bo present and tho business wouldbo transacted nil time same Tho undue hastoIn eleclol an adjournment at Niagara Fallswas wholly to time fear of time minority thattime majority would crowd through a resolutionpledging every member to time support of thecandidate of limo Convention

The next meeting of time ¬Cnmmllocnseum-Inl that It will bo held on

Is looked lorwnrlio with ureat Interest Onoman who Imvortnlln his politicalobservations < of the Commltteo Is often equivalent to tho control of theConvention Tho Committee name the ternpornry Chairman rind I thoy select a strong-man who IIs 1lont in cnrrylol his points ho canalmost n > > ° For the time 1being Illspowr1 0 roeocnlzo whom hor N time opposing factionhoo t tho Convention Is nilone ty i the committees Inwhich duty n y s orders ho can giveIlls frIends n mom ikcided advantage It Is truethat In 1877 the HteclowFnlrchlld faction con ¬

trolled the Committee and lost tbo ConventionlInt that result was duo less to the strength ollimo opposition titan to tins folly of tho managersThey chosoMr Hill ot Chpmunga temporaryChairman anti before ho lund hold tho placehalf an hour It was clear to everybody that holacked time nerve required carry out his partof time prociamme Ho wavered nod tried toconciliate tho opposition and wits lost Thoytook away front him time right to appoint thocommittees nnd ho surrendered without oven Ishow of fight On that occasion ni tho ndvnn-tacoderhed from time possession prclmhllrpower wont not to time Cmmilioo tfaction that smashed time Committees slateThat however was an exception to time ruleSuch a thing had not occurred before In yearsand It Is not likely to occur again Imay boaccepted ns a general proposition time Con ¬

vention will rololwhere the Corcmlttoo lendTho of Joy Robinson fully ap-


tho Importance of controlling limo Com ¬

mileI antI times are not yet willing to admitthey liavo lost It Hald ono lender of the

Church movement Lafllnhnu probably gonehock on us sold out to limo other sldo but MrFerguson who named Clark the Superintend-ent


of Public Works ns lila substitute simplymade n mistake Ho did not appreciate timeimportance of tho meeting and gave n oqto tho first man who asked him for I Woassurances from him that ho will present n-

tho next meeting In person nnd will nIl withus Ho says that his feelings toward Tlldenand Robinson have undergone no chance sincelast year nail everybody knows that ho wasbitter against thorn at thnt tlmo As for MrBarnard time third member of time Committeewho Is charted with defection I think ho wontinto the opposing caucus to leo whnt wns goingon there lie wibo back In place nt time

next meeting Syracuse Besides there aretwo or thrco members who nro counted on toact with Robinson friends but who mire con

inced that his nomination would bo unwiseThey refused to bo governed by time clique thatwanted time Convention hold nt Saratoga rindthey may break with tho caucus altogether atSyracuse

When time attention of n strong Robinson manacalled to tho o prodlctlons ho promptly ropled That talk Is all nonsense Wo are moro

to hnvo twentytwo members of tho Commlttoo Syracuse than wo arc to lose nny oftime eighteen who acted with us at Niagara FallsMr Dlrnorl of Oneida was always with us tilllast felt hurt because ho had booncrowded thoCommlttco tho year before byInn McQumlo and that Is what mado him votefor Mr Purcell for Chnlrmnn But when ho linegiven this proof of his Independence ho rooturned to us and ho will not KO oft again MrFerguson of Franklin represents n district ttmis overwhelmingly for Robinson but which wastemporarily sore last year over time defeat orJudge Sawyer for time Court of Appeals Iuthat grievance no lonuor rankles nnll Mr Forguson will either act with us or ho will send i

substitute In addition to these thorn are sev-eral

Iothers that wo ought to have Thoro is Mr

McOuno of Buffalo Ho Is tho manager of thuOitirfer which line boon steadfast in Its sup-port of time Governor Then there Is MrHutphln ttf tho First UUtrletvlio In olna willTnmmnny Is lnornl time wishes conitltuonts and may bo driven to not with usby a deslro to maintain his Influence nnd popu-larity Then thoro Is Mr Fulton of NiagaraFalls at whoso hotel tho first mooting of timeCommlttoo was hold Tho delegates from hisdistrict who appointed him last year> In ills absenco did so with time distinct understandingthat uu fins a Dtouguuged blend ol day lab1

lon Thor will be apt to have Mmothlnlto sayIfbo d18RIPolnlslhom again eighteen are-as so tar as tho control of

thl Committee goes nnd there is nposslbll-tyit thnt tho other sldo will recover their lost

roundTho opinion seems to bo very concrally en

crtnlncd that the Robinson faction will con

tlue to hold tho Committee But If n majoritydelegates should happen to opposed 1


Governors ronomlnatlon his candidate fortemporary Chairman would bo ruthlessly setaside mind a fierce fight would follow Judgelurchs friends say tho Convention must con-trol the Commltc next week nnd that thoCommltoo Ihallt control the Convention


An Explanation or the Vnrk that U GamEan Xrnr Chnlhnm Itqunre

IWhat Is tho explanation of time apparentchaos of elevated railway timings In amid aboutHintham square asked a BUN reporter ot MrRobert Stewart the now Superintendent of time

Eastern Division of tho Manhattan Railwayyesterday

Tho explanation In very simple said MrStewart Want Is being done there Is thearrangIng ot tho tracks and stations go thatpassengers cnn bo carried up town nnd down-town to all points on tho east side withoutcrossing tracks When oven thing is finishedho following will probably bo tho operation ofthings

HlartDR from South Ferry nil throughgo up tIme now Second a von no line

now being constructed anti soon to bo finishedPassengers who wish to co up the ThIrd ave-nue


from South Ferry will hnvo to change earsat Chatham square Passengers coming down-town on thn Third avenue If they drslro to coSouth Ferry must change ears nt Chntlinm-qunru cud go down by time Second avuuua line

Passengers down town by the Hocond nvmiueline who wish In KO to City Hall will alsochange cars at Chatham square Passengersup town starting from City Hall squnrn willkeep their slats It the wish to RO UP Thirdavenue but cars If thy wish toco upSecond avenue Thus limo City Hall station willbo tho practical terminus ol all through trainson tho Third avonuv

What is the moaning that olnvntod platform for cars at Chatham square station andojttondlng up tho flowery I

That Is wlmt wo call a pocket station Wopropose to keep trains wallfncI there to nccnmmandate RI rmssrnccrs who chmango ears nt thatstation a expect it wilt boomiot time busiestpoints on time road antI provision must be mndoto carry any number of passengers lIkely toaccumulate These pocket stations hao solvedha problem of accommodating travel at thebusiest hours ot tho day At nicht when thestream of travel sets up town wo run trainsfrom Ninth strnet anti Franklin squnrn thatconic In after tile other telll which start fromSouth Ferry This ihrs nn opportunity forthose who get In cars at tlio waystations to lmo seats Thoro Is no necessityfor running trains time full loncth of the ronilfor passengers who onlrdcsiro to go part ofliBway In Ilko manner In time mormtic wo

hay nockot stations nt Sixtynovcntli streetnnd other points So that tboso wii live In thocentral pert of the city may come down townwithout getting Into cars already crowd

When will the now plan of runnlnl trains ntCbnthnm squnro bo In

I That I rnnnot say In n month or so prob-ably


at the furthest If the Second avenue lineis not completed soon trains wi be run fromCity halt to Chatham connect withhn through tralim from tho South Ferry on thoThird nenuo until time Second neuuo line Isnnlnhod

Why should your pocket station r Clintham squaro and on limo Howery bo muchllclmr thim the nllolnlnl tracks 1

That Is a crado thorofor the throuch trains wlilln town trainsrun on n level grade so that timer may stop nndstart easier

To carry out time new arrangement part of thetrack nt Chatham squAre hnboon tnkon IIOWIat thn point whore It joins through Irlck Iwill be rebuilt stronger nnd wider A uilooproperty hAs been bought nt tho junction ofChntham pqiinrn nnd Cnlhnrfnu Irlt si thattime Hocond avenue track will Thirdavniii with graceful swoop

VicePresident Oullford issmind a circular yesterdny doslunntlni time Thlnl anti Second evenun lines ns time Eastern Division with MrRobert Htownrt ns Superintendent Tho Sixthnnd Ninth nvnnn Hues constitute thn WesternDivision which Mr M Van Brooklln IIs nnPolntfil Superintendent nnd T T OndcrdoukAssistant Superintendent

How Nominations arc Mnde In PhiladelphiaPHILADELPHIA Auir stTho only officers to

Ichon In the cltr 0 the nut election are Sheriffulirr flSoon and pcriul >iltif72000 ayur Reclotror VllIi talnry fiodoo sad prrnuKltddifflciiU to com-pute ant City Trcaiurer talarj IOUOO and rquliitcsfIUO A yesr

Tire are nlcf pliimf end Irtho old system ftill existedor the Republican voters In each of the 750 election pre-cinct electing a delegate to a city contention coiled tonominate the candidate Iwould Interfere with thepUni bthe hungry

In order to prevent any mmIakeo lialf a dozen lenderslet together and flx upon the candidates most acceptable-to


them sad then call a convention or a Imew delegatesfrom rich ward to confirm their selection Tliew leadencomely the lon Mlllam IBtoklcj Mayor ot our clyDavid 11 Lane Recorder James McMnne IOIOai Tu1 ant William R Leeds ex ShcrllT met list weekat summer residence cf ayor Stoklcy at JonIlranch and nxed upon tie follonlni ticket lor the N-

Jol Republican elector of Philadelphia to mpj nrt at theNovember election Sheriff John U Illll Rceiitcr athan Specter Treaemmrer Thomas I Keinble

I Iis probably the moit dlstaitcCul ticket ever set-up In Philadelphia end will ha defeated by a majorlt or15UU If tho Democrat stop quarrelling and pinedcreditable candidates

Protest of nv Tammany llemocrntTo Trig EDITOR or Tnr SUSil Allow mo-

n a Democrat to enter n protect against such men as Ep oal ansi Mnjor julnei iljnlns a petition or addre-to


the Democracy of the State ncsliut the renomlnitlo-norOov Rublnion for these reasons They do not repenl the York any pirticiilarIlIolow otherein nol I a roldent 11t Jnmalen LI omithas no rlffht to claim a clttgenthlp of our iltv Aoll a forMojor Qulncj It IIH hard to tell w here to reiiceat onetime In Mblfl street olllhe time In a lintel IIn

I then New Jirfei ninl Inowvrv mint him Picnlmr a cOtton ns a rrprescnutiui rI tryIn to rcprpsent the Itcmncriiry of the Ts uiytli frillistrlct I shoullI lUiMnnik jmiif they nro tili men t-

rer rennt thuI Peinocmc oi this cityI for one as n Tammany1 Democrat In faor of none

Matin some nisn W ho will Insure sutccM to tie Detnoiracy ul the Stilt met opposed to iqunttcrs nnd jftlceholder milkingI ttwntstf C mon ant tryUK to lniHi e on the people 0thl State do hereticI ethera protest aialnstI such men A In soccer

That no mon carries In his puckrtNitv Yeas A tie 3

Our IVtKrr SnitIyTo THE EDITOR of Tlc Svtt Stn Isootlm

the Commissioner of Iublic Work Ihav submitted hiMajor Cooper a proportion to run the city itlll lurlhcInto debt to an estimated amount off IfSOuo In oldertapthe limits and omuch moro lor the Iljrnm lilirwith another item ror a re >orolr atTho font tIs ire hau a plentiful mii ply iloll1IIIJtwenty years If It ikeconomletl Siam wo mind it titthe vast amount of a o < uikc should be ttopixd the finecure men In Hint department dlKlinnntl nnd the nlIncome troni Croton Ie not vrnktiM in lolliiciljibberybut lined to tiny OUt city demoI or elv ourairline water ratsl lowered J T In

Patrick Donnelly awL John JclTo THE EDITOR or TiE SUNSil How Is Itthat tile body eta member or a donut Hoclct cannot lIeInterred In Calvarr tcnomcr when one if the trusteeoit the cemeterI Mr John helh Is a nicmberoi thesecret society ol tho Columbian urderofTammaii 1 Hal

inirkIosMLiTTllden but not Ilendrlcka

To TiE EDITOR OF THE SUN Sir lam daitto see of Tut SLMI reader In favor om Uncle8am Tllden for Ireitdcnt

But I don think that llendrlcks be oloOIondldale inr Vlco IrtsMtntI bccauio h wouh ironhis party I trI shall sote for iitea with all my heart

A Dirornn DuoeoA

In Defence oflrlshtownTo TiE EDITOR or TiE BUNSIr In Til-

Sts of the SOtli cut iImentioned time stealing of Mr flabrocki melons stud the catching of the thieves 10 drillhorelsln InMitown Now as a resident IrlhtouI wish to say that tIer U no hauling In which nhoidbe classed as a hovol Tile nearest approach to It is alittle shanty owned Iby Mr Babcock I also wlliI to saythnt the parents of Murphy and Maury or Murely do noiitu iii irtaittowmi

Too SlowTo THE EDITOR or TiESUN Sfr I wish tto

call mention to the lack ol proper speed In the ferryboats running boon lirositway llrooblyn eel ROOMwritI street New York Since tin IntroductionI of steamon oar ImainsburtihI i Rroadnay this relate tins bccouevery popular and I among natty am compi licit locrodally on my wav toand trill business thereby loslmtthUrn by this lorry that I gained1 by the steam carsllKuonru AUK Ji jr jr

Tb Cuban Insnrc ntaITAVANA Sept IThl Government tins ro

celrcd Information from Jamaica that thu lniurtiichiefs Maceo and Callito hunts still remain therehence the rumor that Ihise chiefs are at tho limit of theInsiirrtcUnnirr movements In the Jurisdiction ol liosMilnnndhanilrigndoluba nre untrue Tho tirt the r iiiMoo Ima at tile head of the iInsnnlenls iIn Banlln n i ioCubs Kho numbur a little our 10men Tlio elm f iithe iloirimn PUll Is unknown asset mOd that tlioIlluI enl bands are ol small Important uohtlcai

RUUICmL Qll11 mUUll 1


Wire for the Urnokljn llsldtte mid I Floatfor the OltelUk tram IRJ pt

fnEON N J Aim 26Fol nyear pastlithe mils In this city have boon rllI out

nil number of hands hnvo beenockltiu In from the lcs t fortunate purls ol limothato Upward of 1800 nitn hnvo found cmloyment anti thuir cnrnlncs linvit amountid-o tCOO000 Thin Iron trade wan Introducedinto Trenton In 1845 by time venerable Pi torCooper whose mill was nt that tlmo tIm largestIn tIme Unllet States Thuttorkw which nro now

his finally under tho name or tllNow Jersey Steel end Iron Company Millmonc time foremost Iron cMaMlshmcntHof thecountry Tlm works occupy twelve acres antiare vnlued at 750000 The nlnll cimpacity IIsfor 20000 tons of rails and 10000 tons of binrasfor flooring brldcos Amonc time productsorf tint mill 11

ont wrnuuht lion bcnmllnilbars mlrchlnllron nnd Irlnlllrails compiiuy his ummtroiIn Ihl United Hlttcn of rlcht to miiknMiirtln

undnr n Frntieh tmtiiit Jim rollluumil us It In usually child fiirnlxhcs eta ploy

lo CSO moii mid bus iilways boon rnlard 1 HH nn Important fnrtor In tin1 citys pro

When tlm rolllni mill Is runnlncIfnrBnolnii inireliant Bnldlhuotlu rtliirliusll-ess


cniinot frill hit whon tlm 111 thuts flownv1 mlulit IH well I down Tlio loii limit

for thu flnorliia in tho Nov York Post Ofllco-vor furnished by this company TIme works

are flmihelmlmg it contrnot for mils nnd columtiHfor tin New York Klmutcd Itnllronil-

Thn Now Jiifliy Mmd anil Iron Cmnpnnv unittiitm Trenton Iron Cnninnny wero formerly onocorporal inmi Uotnn ycim nco th it partmflillwas illssolvid and ttlio Tiouton Iron Cnnipnny-

rtiilnod time oriclrinl elmrtor dntod 1845 Tho-voiks of this cnmimuy mute sltuiit on tlio-lulnwaro anti Hnrltnii Cinal nnd o oiiiy nn-rct of nbout nlno net on This roinpnnr Is

libfly onciiKed In innkliiu Iron and Mi al wirelthouli It linsnlKon lulllnKnlll Tlniitiiiuiiliipaclty of I Imsu rolllncI millI is 120UO tons of wlirm

rout mmnd 0000 tOuts n f bar Ilion Tlm 8 retell Y-

offthnwlro milli I lIs GOIK1 tomuS II year Tutu whonncos I111 nlro from IXKIOIlosst Ithan 1 I upi to No-Otho latter buiim llnur than hitlr Its mmctmmim I

nonsuroniiuit Is 00073 of nit Inulinnd limo iiiiinher Indicated by 0000 measures 150 of nn InchIn limo mill nro four trains of rolls two tjUnm-laminorn eight Inrun forge urea nnd nlmut see

wlro blocks Thocomimny niniitoyHRSOImniKand is fllllnt out n Inruu wntnut for Nn33 wireortelephono Cal Tlmi Trmmlotm Iron Coinuany-s roprcsuntcd in Now York by tho lion Abram

8 HewittTime John A Hoobllnus Sons Company are

well known ns mnmifuciuiciH of wire rip andI liolrworkH are its lmmrgtst of timu kind IIn tlieUnited Slates Tlio mills nro adjacont to timeJolnwnro mini Uiiritnn Cnnil ant oi rnboutten acres here wlro of nil kinds Is produiwlfrom time honviost wire ropo Ithat emma ho nmdu-lonn tothiMmv MIIK wlrn thnt Is weave I Into

cloth Time JIis rs BoIl log liiivonriMiii7 l acompany for maklim this wIre olotn As npoclmon of honvy who thuy turned out bitchyont ploco 5870 foot long wnlihlnir C2 000-uounds and oostlnu 10540 Five liundrid1010 ls art on tho pay roll and liio rapidly Ilncreasing buslnes will oon diinntid n stilllarger numbor In irjnnoctlon with time wlm-nlll Is n rolllue mill with a capacity of 250

tons n wools There Itro thrum Pimlin8 uivlne-n mill 350borso power A lure bulldlni 2UU-

iy 40 foet fins lioun cineted for gitlvimmiizirmcpurposes Lost winter tho works worn imbuingnight antI rum > nnd ncru llulil d nt nlulit liv-olBctrleitv Tim imusints was fjlnrlnd In 1819-

y the Into John A lloehllni rime eiimss nfworth don IIn tills cstnblirhmolit Is Iqiial to nny-n the world us Is shown bv time Niagara Falls

and other siiRpon lon brldtos limey linoalso time conttact for supplying the wire ropoor time East Itivor Ilrldco

Time 1licctilx Iron Company althouch not thearcodt Is rlinp9 tim moit ontft prlMni nf theTrenton companies nnd In point of rant h isben supplyliu the oldor imllH with tmuhofHeir work Tlio PlimnU lion Cnmiutny lis eniaid lu the foundry uuxiiiHs nnd mue xtnrtoil-on its proBont biu l iIn 13G2livti lilt ChnrliSCarr ot tills city It IIa now iondui led Iby n Mok

omit pany of vlilch Nolhon U IllnvoiiI la rrisllontnnd TrojiBiiior Tlio foumlrv hns itrapa-

uitvof fitly tons udiiy nut tn lnilb miii neeriprcsontt an Invcstmrnt ol 1150000 Ono buiiIred aunt BlMiIho hands un muploroilmid

I hut foundry ilie ovirrun with orders Thli roin-pnny will supplv 1SJ ions of nliiniiiaiindt itIt insfor tlIe completion of Itho nhlnutnnI innnu-nont Iin NViiKliinutonI city nnd n ilrimiorl of-

wrouulit imd mIst Ilion to bu umd In trnnsiKirt-nu Irons j> jyptto Now York tin olitll k Iresontoili to Hint city iby tho hat o KhedloI Tnls-

oliolisk is ° uoral feet longer than time ono ontho Thumps

McKitizlDil Wilkes the American Saw Cornpan and thu other iron companies mire nil runtag on full tlmo

nuonler and ICemlntInn In IlnytlHAYTI Auc 20Time country continues full

disorder anti rctolutlon The LlbernU cnptured twouraymfen mall Steamers iamod the Arnln and Ronllloncon Aim 17 Tliavrro > Ulonnl Ooternmeiv of Tort nuPrince seat troops against the Liberals at GonaiesAfter a Moody strupRle ronnhc4 toot flre nnd twotnlrdsnf the town h an dp lroud The remainder wasptIUerd Alter hit drleat lit ilnmr llircr llnclal-ullh lil nilheronl i nillrkctl tie J n mlI n tel I ipronouncrd mills lnnr und where he tiei tim 0 to mikea lund Om Muu point aided bt Ole > iitlonil trooi C

from Iort Hirrincehu recaptured tin town ol taicHn > tien The Liberals hate thin been Coons ul ot theirtwo strongholds In tho north onntM < slim tnicllallen the toiimn IIs in a icnrlul condition nnd Unitonly will how low tho htruzclo 5 lll end A tiro brokeout rccxnUy at Jacmel w hlch cau cd ImirenaC losses

lniinititrlun 1ollllc-VrcxxA Sept 1A caucus of tho German

ronstttuU inl party at Llnz at nhlch sixty Dcputleii-w ere present unatilinou l pi <cdn resolution oxpioMIns apprehensions tar the salct ol fie rnnstituuon omitthe Interests of the ilcrmtn u trHm In stowi ol thetvollncnl nitiiallim create bv tiC pleillmn lbs rosemitlion ndocate liit liiitenunrc of rolulmu llcrtx Imolnr titutions and u reduction of txpuidituic C9Clall > Intho army

The Willihull Gold Mine-Fncnrimucgsaunn Yn Sopt 1The fnmous

Whitehall cold mine on thin mrrow ciuzc rnllioid nearfrederlckshurir formerl onneil hj fontrnlore Stock-ton tins icon purchased b Hostin irltallt and rperaliotu 5t lll lv resumil mi Oct I llltu ars tu tlilinil no ndJeJ fUVliii Ktui inoirhv

lllockcil Mde iilk >

To TUB EDITOR or Tun Svy flr Cnn youexplain tons why It Is OttO the rlrll ileiilers on Catlianon street are niloucd to obstruct trimI on thnt thorouchfare by hnpclni out their vmc4 in such n niinni-MKlniblUe iKIonki the Ircet lot ot tin im 0 lui-

iilklntfthcre ntn ut the o Inlon tint mimic n o liu-prohiblilnc such 1 inxs mimic a

Tnilll Lpinin or Till iitaF1c Could tint tin Tomfllitltor remiiM the i titrm tutu nn lrnnl Curd and1 Ishth aeniie 1tui sjibwilkt nn Ilorketl within rchindUe of nil iltoi in Hi IK Tim nn1 nUi n i tinibi I ohdeci > Pd nunlns IUMIS c ill sbcits allied liiti V at icIly liincKlvc way und berli tilj hurt dUliC pitiijii r tbe

Teem nuur

The Mrcet VcnilernTo voc EDITOR OF THE Sux Kir Thero Is

enoiish of misery and poeru in Now Vork nithoiittli rowmnc out ut wart men null women whose stand a indtrade mire IOIIL been implicitll i inncllToil b the nilthorlllis The epo amour ofklil > 5 title Uiij allowen rydav irsperimilv pi opl to he drlM n lulu iho sue tmiisi iieeilH stow tl ur aiilhorlt neil ep Mi their hurthe o tIe lice ID linking loujnr i r ili lto umlic rut IncMould be nlllhu to work lor an lio lot lliclllnol

A hi AllllZXllA ChallcnKt Accepted

To THE rDnon OF Tnn Sus fir I nocoot the challuii ol John T allof Sen Vrk city towalk one or two hour

M J CjiirntL n title Athletic club

Modern Work iif ArtFiom tlit AVip Oh ii Vb unit

Tb a elm irummo tlumit ciniios lih a imiknKeof tenIsltssa nurk ul Sit than is tmc > luiu met tii

The 1iilcli on the ImiUPolitical chnnccs and chnn cs-

Ilrlnj one Slit inothci on mop

And sometime the npj cr tgi quicklyIschnned to hue IiiiidnmonI rip

Ant one ol the crest niter tionjThe forliine of polltlo rann

Is Iroadcloih cnlorc lor n Iclloiv-Miooncc tome a patch on hula pants

You hardly woul I think Hint the weightyCould rlo to the surface so soon

Or that flesh tothcaurico mortalWould be a benetlcent boon

lilt there In his pride on behold himAtUMidlnit no tutu to ille wants

or tile brottum me lIt no IHMH nut unclesAn I titter and coiiiiiu nnd mints

tail many n rem siya the poetThe nses if tlio ocean know

Full miny a senator UntilThe streets of New Vork can show

Pull miiij n Itnsclu iin lorii-InobscurlHI spouts nml ratitit

Full in in 5 it cult pnrtjl iris herlisa once nornn milieu on ifs pants

II this could be mule antI that otherII somithliu nllh iinlinuunil I mix

If oil could v lth MiUr tilt iiiinutu-If liQuor could urou out ol tricks

I11I tiotu dlire uhuuy that h one otmitt rortuni most niuutitur eniut

lilt tutu nilklit lio 111 nlitt IIIIUMU inlIuo slice noron pitch ii ii ilubluta

iso lear tha t llildwln tie Clntiiei of C html ci antllroadnii l > nilnd to nlniiit itiillt tin tlure in Hutruth Inr nini stun bm u ii 11 IK t iiniL Hu in li uci in mil loiuidi I Hint mt hitlamum Unli in I mimi chililuii tudililt-

Dr III Ja flea nne MiMiiut iihtea lie ill iii C hilt Ihnrcalmly Ktvr oJ Asut lutiruiltulit ana Uui Utuut LutCrLw4tf



A collection of coiitompornry portraitsof Catherine II Is bcliiK mnde at SL reter burit

A Chinaman is Limo cntiso of n tllvorcosuit between tt white hiHbnnd sal wlfo at 1eorln M-

lTho repairs of StrnRsbutff Ciithnlriln-eces ltntcd by tIe w ar art heal Ins their rnnclunit

Pilot time groat Oormnii hlstoilcalpainter lim Rnlshed a new picture Tlio lait Momi nu-ol the Ulrondls-

UVlm > unt TrnfnlRnr oliloat son of Eaijloii i H lately ntsrried He U descended from therent Lords sl ter-

Jnmcs Cameron who hns made somo ro-innrknlitojournes In enuumile Ill Cittis IIsnbout to Iran-io erlnnd toCtnton Ironi 1nkhol

rime blx daughters of Peter Slplo of NorthIerrietuimruh Vt i0yrTe 217 pounds each alit hut0tire lanilly of oUht wrkhs I1702 pmind-

jCardlunl Hcijftiiiotlor his boon comml loiiLd by the liume f submit a multI lor nrrniulnn tinVatican archives to nmKe thvm Inure ncces tblr

Walter W Stowart who has neithernrmsnorleiis tins Ins rmicul thcdniiuhtcr ct the maunof a Ilostoii sldo show In which he Is on exhibition

Miss 1oiturof IMrolfnnld u hnckmnnless lliui ho riemainled 511 lie aiwrllv struck her Shtdrew a reohi Irom tier ratcliel and suet hi n dead

Sniiiuol Nusabuini munloiod lilt wlfo ntlimit ruleCu hue attul woe stopped In nn nticnipt to killhimself on the spot but he was tide ruiuineii me die niud

las Ittuubimy nccoinpllthul tin Iulirmoe by startntlonJustin McCarthy tho now Homo llulo-

membor Is rnrliamiiittry lester writer on tlie LondonDally Artth lIe wai born In 1SJO In Cork and btfin-nonspniier liio at a reporter on the Cork Cmmlutr tmlttMr Maeulre

A man was fatally hint by nn nrolilent-ntn North Cutroliti cuinup muucetilu end as licwnsnnlntier tile brethren sirrlul him Into a prayer mcclltvt la-

bored realonMv tor lilt concr lon mInt mined a victoryJust belore lie died

flue expenses of a funeral of nn Englljhsoldier In Xuliiluul ito iduit host Cmii ems in ihoInabis lily > ntal Is an txpensho plncc lor a prhitato tie In fur tb tiio unit rnrpintcr tint extol luao

completed their I ibor < butt little remnlnii out of a S noteA writer In thn August Gentlemans Mag-

riibi sas thnt It Is true of nations as of italic IIuai thstsneer it ulmoht as tmpleasnnt t6 liner at n blow and thathe Is not cure that Dickens Anicrlcnn Letes dud notdo uiore In i strancc tar a time tho twocountrlci thins itsAlabama fllfllcult-

yIlorr Isaac Llltcufcld a member of theJon hh community nt Oothn In Ucrnnno expressedwlh In lila vlll that Ills holy Miould bo burnt alterdelhi Tho cremation wns i riveted st nonih In thepri cncfl ot a largo niuibcr of persons of various re-

tlglons denomlnition-sEniabo said to Walsorfer In a barroom

at rrinieton Ind LetS tip glesee for tin U jour IandrInk otu earth Walserfer the ihut It wisa Joke il-

thoiuh they hnd once bicn iiien me nles rnd iiuheil-n tho gia clinked together hut Kambe was In deadlyearnest and Initially killed him

The exEinpinsfi tuncnlo Sins just purrhn ed of Huron ScBkluplfcrzhucr the Castle of Hitterlure Upper Klyrla The trout contains IVJ wiolataistud the bulldinK Is over 441J jcart old She satu baatie tXKliedle ol Erfjpt as A neighbor It ho succeedtln-bujlni Moritz Von Durtmaim bU Cattle of Wink

Tho Widow Cohn of Rapid Creek Moreceived an offer of nmrriasc fruit a wealthy Let old Ladugly man Sue wrote back to lint that within a week-ohio would choov between bccomlm his wife alumI anofittdisposition cf hcrKll lhat she hnd In Mew A little literhe heard thnt she hod attempted to commit suicide

Sir Glndstonos writings roust yield acomldcrablo sum ol money wheicai speechmaklnbrinks nothtnc He hat n very large lamlly alIt Is notwealthiilioniih his wife lea n large propcrt so tintmone > doe not come nml to hunt Ills only marrleJdaughter mn tviu ot thv Mister ol HnitonColeie

Two boys In Westphalia ajjed 10 and 13

Ion tlalr parents bj duathnnd wcruro aorras lit thatlucy concluded to the too Tlie wrote a will dhpoin-jofthtlr momy nut pintiling Then the eider billetlila brother with a hntnnur alter which he swillowe-dpolon orcned a eln In his wrlU and shot himselfthrough tie head

Time forest near Dillon Kan has an un-


In rmlt In tIle permit of a young nut tint uttywoman who lodci In a rude hut eats ccctables andname of her own ccllini and nlll not say n word to per

rolls w ho intrude upon her U Is conjectured that sheI-

sInaic but aside from her loicly mode of life there U-

ncthlns In tier conduct tostintnln tint bendA Congregational church in n rural Ohio

ncialiborlioi l fet nlon o cry will without a pastor A

3 hUnt tahitI possessed of titus ilocutionar sklllreadllreport of ionic eminent clcreymnns Lirnion every Siirrday ant thin rest of the pastoral work Is done by descons The annie plan luau been adopted In several otherWestern places but not with BO munch camels for thOhio rooter tins the ability to deliver the borrowed se-rmons soil nil time fervor clan original ctTurt

Tlio Dresden polite lately mado a de-scent on the house ol the lending Social Democritithat city aunt Mlze a Crest quantity of forbUJen literlure which rotwlthstnndlni the viillance of tht police

IIs bclnc continuillv Kmnztfled tli ronjth the Oernisn PostOltlce The meat linportiunt uitcoui wasanumttr o-tloturs front Zurklt In which was dlsclond a schemaor Iho icor nnlzltlonofthe party ln ybic cf the cliansr-

dcoiCitions under the Inw a for the suppression sxlillsmAllan Dinner was waylaid lu Nevada by-

a lithisn a mini who fnrcd the usual nltcnutlve nflu000Y cur iiie Dincer was mounted but jiunntJ and

the robber haul a revolver coe to bums tisd evtrtlrless he wits neal and brave enough totn Mdoni beMove uM really eliot nie amid take the chance oflitn-iiii so Im orT and ho n unedI 15 horse say llcriithat the rite sssa tuurdmv ctuJo able until lie gui oniol-

IIAcre but his rtnsouln hud tictn correct slut the ro-bber did not fir-

efnllota soap mamifnetuicrs tobacconlts SOul others ronnaonli lure the Saul tilde pIn

lorniersin the Uowtri to advertise them on tic lImitInn the practice lees not extend to time dranittlc tlics

Ires of this City In Paris however Ills not uinxiiil firperformers In imnortant IuIys to ml n uito rrcrcvntile-II mills Dnlllj nut tiermnln lril in cto ibtiiuel-


ol flue linen Irom ni denier on con lition thai tti7fhould ill the course of a pi i mention tils wire flvo-

rnbl Tluey did the l uitlni fur one nlht onJ tltnflip cd 1 hue dealer hits obtained iiiUimiit onlilmit t

them for thu value ff time goods on condition imut tIle

ild not keep tIle ntractThe funoril of IJorlljr a Socialist master

turner wns tiio scene cf 1 ui cat oiliih t iliiiiontrAtiiiat JJrcMen Suvcral miuiim tint snipiitliiiri Ifuitithe bouhy to the grave but the polkc bout nth intaeclJSnvm tune ixninit time fubllc cxhililtiou ol rtpncnncmbkmitto lorbld tin we ii liT ol puhtictl in ui-

No Ilunrriil oration was icrhmuitleut And a hen ft outfall

ttfpldI forvv rd and poke a mew word an riter i-

clvon to nrrest her the executioiui wlncli Si i11

ever rendered impo slblo a tIle ilouu mot lie r

evenl wreaths were thrown on tin tiln utu tuilore tim lice list inlrol on tin nmovalof tIC ICJsilk rilibons with which tluuiy VMM

If Alsnco anti Loiiunc hinonoquliod nc

ether UnnUif bj their niiiiMtnii to iniiiianv U

itt lcat md their taxes lighter Tin arc now mupon to rim > Shill fjiiiiKiLiiJ Ics anmnill thou in

lit lieu rule vvliUh makes a ItlTerencc ol oni tmIl

lollirstoeviT umimily lUrlU < thl lint tieti oir-liucnI continmd rnnih territi tln woud li ul-

pnv nlirc lilt CI ot time C Oh minImal hfa scull S i

tnlUdupoii Truico bv tic w ir Iluils Iv tie iucrli i



rninont In f trictid exiniiive ruitun1tin roiiti iho i evv terrltuo vihuh liiutp wwil t nprlvntt ciillvl would hive coi lrnclnl I inui SIll O Ii

tlio Flinch do eminent vvuiild not nt UUI if i m Him

to chile hnvi Icin fbi my to iuuiulI

Awillor in time Utiolut 1imlilCflIOiO to

show list Hie collier number ot the imbO niiiiK-IIIIUI hiiihora luvc not bun K ut an imt l

aiitiul urntcrant fonUncrn Thin in H-

iKcvuitreiilhs 1 Ii I

cinuir the mosl prominent nintfiu-of tile JtiHinn litiraiI iii viiiiiiit on si t

n Iolc Aitir him c line Irliui I Hi 11111


d ccnt inoiu tIle touiitUM l n r v

literature Knrnndn wns ol I utnri inln-

lincazc The toot iirlbovedol crin in 0

IromnII Iollh incenor fuiiut Khv Ii i S ai fti-


in n Gcrin in mai rnvi Si IIi tu iisuit llirntlntkl writ utao of I li h d i it ffLcimcntiI lather vns t Moti Inn in li l-



Imulyl vnd illi rntlltin e i itw nn Grrmnn niiiiud Cidchi win i

In the inlllUil I the tillIn nib iIIIIID n-


i h Ill ilit> dercindid multi 11 Alraiu ill Ci i

Time discovery of two new intalt i ill

nouncid nniiiid suinnrlum ml IHI01

cat at Itmn Mound to SIK jk ot tin ilnlI u-

inxofa thimble lu iinknowii ni lii ilit n

Claim or it in 11I i t hiich H tin iiahippciud


In Im Intiiiino 11 fu IK-

llrt bCI Ollll klloVV II to M IIIUC lIS II-

Innnlrl4 nionu ntic inn It bu luooltcitloniit tixi tincc b time Mi nft How time uni1 jrufilcni lLniiutlio mom eiiiili iiin inliifril ki s

oi MiitiniKiU nu iiuiIniiiit of mil in M li-

liriid tin iiwi the Nlitiiuii in H-



ttill wlnili hi lint uni iilinlv iitn I

ill hue hubs tile to info iiiIn mum u irminis o fIb wlilih ItUntvitioiiilii II



tndiiiif lor tile thur new mi tiloiknll o imantit slier his luluilnn 1-

1Irot nilii IHhll ol tin tlmiu i iii N II


II111 i nn tillu i mi n

Illl Ilu ll lllunmu II

I rIles ci liii m w nu til w

white slikhtl mil u Ole hi it we liaiiun-couucr nail luntk ut a JuU ihh tiu

