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The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-07-13 [p...

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I F2lr and wanner to bY- precedtd by showers VOL 31t NEW YORK FRIDAY JULY 13 19OOCOPYRGHT BY TilE SUN PRINTING CENTS c 4 be tttdtt iiiINo 19OO AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION PRICE TWO U B KIN REPRTS- N Abroad in Chinas State mentMinister in Defends It NEED LEADER AT 1 Ale Form Said to No Con carted Plan of neu and lr Trepa Are CosI 8ald to B- arrtte Allut Gea Ocnat 11 IIelal Col Wltcl Wa Plaed- lnde American oatrIOlct t Or 11 ForeAtle 3000 RutabS Ar Advand ti rToop Are t Gnr4 Roistlu ltr I latbula- Sp11 COWl SUN II now apparent lied In al It that nC authentIc newl been from 24 rtpor lued inC then Chlnpe omcale r ao The een8atonal pRper here to print oelp- I or M and I La ronlrudiclorv The actual cannot and It not known whether the there A at TlinTlln daUnl ale deI- ralch I a Drh ot IU- Prlor rank the eltlalon then u u and adding We hue wile a In pollenlM Ils now we known or coure that a deal hu ben done then but It be that the main or th chao namely lack or a IngI head or Jealou8te or It II that do not nisI but own mlthod though harmonlou have not r suited In the ot any ot acton declare that the ae a are end to and hl an melCD ing at bore that there hu more here than In Cuba or the The the wrier sr have the at and their ag It the are and the over the to them br deed for their the Boxer against the German In a dptc U 11 tat to ID ton which had bUD to biO to Taku or route to PldD on to the from Shanrhal 13 gives That with north II the future l Improbable owing to the disturbed In the PrOI ot Sbautun The main to the ort otlhe Yuan 8bl KI be telegraph I damaged A to the tram Ten Tin ot of July 6 W the tot tee hl ot two from the British Terrible rumor thatOen and are the for at Pekln ot Oen Fu hu toward TleDTlln A tram dated I the and the In the A St ays that soon pat or the there go to ChwIII ukden and VremJu rOO BlnID AT TIBTS- nltll Reports CIIe Ar So TIll SeN July the Commons today St John Brodrick Secretary ot State for Affair only from China in from the July 3The snIpIng They are their the esnal to tue northeast and are In force to th Yetrday we ely and a hinMO for I am more Up here now more Husciana and Japanee are UclfdT- heQuuUon wbrlher Sir Claude the at Pekln laled the ot the Foreign Omce to the In Chinese regarding the for the or foreIgners Mr HrorlCI In that Sir MacDonald hd ro to the placards to which the ot b were the or Suards to the LegaUon at tekln and sending ot a manotwar to Takl Thee were wIth Batour First Lord ot the In the to 81r red who wa In of the Indian cent to flnala In command ot the Lok Bal River the New YOII Crn- I arolmauO A a DaDlel n YoA 4 faith TIEtFISIN S llyc p Action ritli oOs WatdAmrrk of fbi oi SkI rr Needed rn IiSp3ZthtOTIlE Io 13ft real Shanghai has received Ikln sInce June All the through are girded diacredlted new continue tUt ali It unconvInCing fre- quentli tioltton at rlenTtLn be- acrtatned Ii expected renforomenta have arrived correepondent July quote aa deacribing cbaoi week time It I great slnoe cannot learned cause the direct log baa been remedied There isnosUggeetlon international disagreement Indeed declared these each commander nas followed his and the daily con- ferences enforcement concerted line Amen del are rticuIanly dluitlatted becaus they represented by very aniall force although thetr Interest none quotes experienced A officer as cay They cannot realire been real lighting PhIlIppIne Gernian ocvupled Imperial TimTam belated over The offloers- of univenilty Americana viceroy banded property protection before outbreak The American Consul accordingly fotested appropriation The TeierapPa Canton correepondent dated July Li Htmg decided remain The Ar1can gunboat waiting convey TienTain ea will call Thursday A deipitch Times o- fkte July warning regular communication the ondltion recent communication was due Viceroy sow the raUway despatch Time from ihsnghai say advices date are pooltion Improved L me arrival C I cruiser There were persistent Tung- lu flinos Chiog protecting diners Most Tung Slang army gone despatch Cbsfoo J017 asy China batteries ire masked allies flod dllflcuity locating guns Petersburg deapatch as U the Japanese troops arrive at TienTain Russian force will WOflE Admiral flat the Eziedtsg Their U- Speal CatS flspatth j LONDON 13In the lion William Parliamentary Foreign atd the fresh news was eontainsd the following telegram Brithh CommanderInChIefT- IFNTSIN Chinese conUniae extending lines along appearIng Ifebter westward bombsrded the gun time getting guns There are 10000 troops but are riir4 wa asketi British MInlater had attention papers IlttaUon extirpation replied the negauve lie stated Claude ferj inflammatory he called attention the TiuinglIYamen ibe only precaution suggested do- Datch he compiled Mr Treasury and leader hiouce declined sat whetherflrjgQn command troops now allied forces Above tis rera limp fo S ezbs eetans on this ubect tot send one Grand CcnIai eta iiOEC OX AI Matlial Nort- btRfon CoWs TKK SIX of TIINTIN July non via Chetoo July and P In force ifternoon In front or the or the native city near the The the and the AmerIcans the Sikh rlnrored the where a tram the Terrible had wu In for I a tf riio The the the French and had north ot the railroad Two more ot the Terrlblo8 laM night and were In on the wall At oclock this morning thy northeast ot Is going on a The reply Crowd or women and nre leaving the town that there over at TltnTsln The of NITChwanl causes Chinese here I ttit the trop Yuan Shih Kai the Oovrnor or bet ot the were by TUIST8IN July tO M Ch too and 8hnahal July OU P IVetml the move arms to on Canal east of the wAle and hal the plain on but did not the whose four on the tort and RUMlnl retied of the fightIng two left and rapidly the ot sIx In on the although they were unable to whole movement a to the which were needed The the ot the pare and the engineers up steam to title ment It now to the repair of the at end The the GE1tXr 1 taled of DUNI ro 12The Zeilunl a from von the Minister of to The which cnlalnl a r sum ot Chin the now at Taku the route Admiral Ueller 2102 Is to a or three quadronot tour or field be Tno We must protect uur Ida and ourutlot We have no for a and do Oonrn went convinced or an the rs a to the or and order In China pUC continue foremost the of the to of anarchy In for the ot In The Cologne Iy to China with marine men tour and a ot pioneer thus forming a dl A to the Mt says Russia bu ordered BrIgade to embark immediately for China I cm oed ot tour eleotve regiments Uo IBV AIB of Admiral Regarding AdTDU to PUI July a front that troop be necessary for an on Plkil ot br2011 Taint and the ot cm- municatons hL ben appointed to corn mind ot to to China the Division JnspectorOeneral ot marine Infentry II not any that Japan to who outrank the ot the other Powers would M IUlresled here t o ot rank feared that aril Ibll HgA1f8 Take ot Ibloaln IUId Ja So THe July 12 Rome ot the that the Is be sleged by young who are replace the missionaries In China The u much touched upon tram several nuns asking for to go to They were thanked but were that the lt any missionary work The War ot tens from a hundred to the Irooll for lfice In China oV t Ala Rsonsd That of 3G000 for the Cob SwAxouAl troD that on Pekln tram toNDo July 13A to the Standard Ode that more titan have during ten ovprland to It added that It Intended to the army In the AmmonrnmentCrllral to oo men lRCE WAN BIlOnrEJ JMI of tk Rour Maid to lau flecom to July II that Prince Titan has gone mad The GfrmaD troops from an I Hall Von Chin July nTh ship which trw for CI- n FIGuriNG T1ZTIV- Skitg Troops Reported te IspUchss to From a 3t Coneapondent 5 Shanghai July ii MCblneee 1w- peraI troops conidercbio appeared yeeterdiy wall southwest gate Vssh- Fusiiler Japanee Ith battery westerr out- post i3ritth cruIser been placed Everything readiness fIght when rain- storm interfered Chinese ahelied forelnn onceasions steadily during afternoon The Russian Japanese contderable lighting statIon 12pounders- arvived placed position western 5 began Chinese battery situated the foreign concessions The lir- ing still this Is being lent Chinese gun occaional children It 1 belIeved are ll Chinese Imperial troops ageking will probably re come It reported are moving northward These are the Chinese Imperial troop They Ger- man officers 6 A via July I ii afternoon Rueslans all attack camp the Lutal cIty way acroi Ruesian They poated artillery the hula reach Chinese guns rail- road replied effectively the rapidly midst locomotIves the railroad yard steamed to Arenal The Chinese used guns firing Locomotive but several shots struck close destroy the engine The was ruse recover greatly troops held attention the Chlneee while locolnotlvM were being Were getting the Chinese enipere failed observe move i possible begin railway this was usual shelling today POLICY AtUom Necessary for lb Restoration Order Sajs You RuelowS- pefSal Cable Suy- BaISLU July Vord Deutsche print leugthyclrcuar Herr Foreign Affairs onfed- eratei enInan 6overnments the stuation in states that hesides lerman force marine en and equadron with men which about atart brigade consisting eight battalioni of infantry cay airy and batterIes artillery will sent circular concludes as foilows material in- terest with dccii China not seek spedat advantages The Imperial ii that the mintenance understsndIn with Powers primordial condition restoration pence its wilt with this view Government circles are MwsItiug receipt first authentic siews as the extent Chlua before taking additional measures protection lerman tereste Uautte Germny will send the brigade eight in- fantry battaiion of bOO each battenss- of artillery troug force engineer and complete anuy depstch Irokfort Gue1te frou Petersburg the Fourth Ls XEXZH- DRpntsd Dclsiob the as on Pekil- Suclat CabJ Lespatffi TIsY 5t2 1The Foreign Omce has tv despatch Taliu stutin g lust the Admirals hays decided soouo will advanes title wIll be required and maintain line tbe the French contingent te ezit lie I General now acting as lie Identified with polltleal faction It Ii learned will send ChIna a Field Marshal officers This settle the questiou- Or ttpreme command unless a4ia should send an similar is is friction will yet nit paint POrK PROW VOLUXTEtIIL- Masy Anlioss to ie Plac the thins pecIai CabS 3L7 LoNDoN Ihe correspondent DoUw New says Vatican ecleslastins anxious to murdered Pope receiving a petition Italian and foreign permLsion Citing all informed Powers would not present allow new Italian MlnIstry has received priests go as chaplains with ordered RLTcSMX MOIXQ PKIX a Fort Has Stazted Capltlp- ecioi LtnpatchaSoTiIY SUN is conlirmed up- parently tniists orthy sources troop are advancIng the north dopatch front says 40000 troops been despatclied the past lays from Moscow Khtbarovk is I raIse Asia Leader Revolt 1 miss Special Cob DsrateI Tint 8U- Cnaroo 9It reported have withdrawn come where attack Is expected hospital Ship Main SpeStiI Cable Tile 1U- 1onnoN hospital Maine recnUy returned South Africa sailed today STORI OP IW nU71F- pa Repent ot of Torts B C 12Jnclud the budget ot the which morning tram China and Japan the to the Minister of AdmIral ot the or the Taint tort by the on the ot The ot the event The and from 22 the Brlomu says a to Iin the tuorning ot the on the allied In the harbor by lire on The ot one the Ion French the Ato tho Koreet the Oer man the Mono Iacy was used as a refuge for the women and In the a ship for of the and the to the tact that the Atago a ot not enter the Vol was to at the mouth ot the river and at the or the bombardment not Join In It to the fact that her wu very from the A broke out the on board the the Korelz lilt by and went On the alI umcr air others wr kied wounded a sub died the ot The hit In the water and lea kine badly had the tat shot hit lone her the It dale the bl the rime The front the tort and gunnery One WM In t e land ab u- t16 of an the J a Mt the made their or the tort The were In the Japan Our rear not tale rant In or the a stout the vanguard had a four to tram forts the some of In forward The or the other Ire tnen and our at the orlB bayonets CAIt of WM at at to steamer by a German On the tort the It the breach made the hot tram Shtratshi the fort I The ot the Thus Iht right left by the U 7 A the WM over OrWeh amid to lad the The track to did lot to he but had tite or tii to a had anchor a the hurl than and the the lath II hUt for prior to nr and but ennlul wore the Or tanl flit at WII out or foreign war eblll dipped In ff her limit of the warship 111 which to to to Id lIInfldr or 10t told tutu of Ih Hal that Ihrdlr hr NOl the kel1 of the at tie ut or whOI there a of ot forts I the destroyer hlllt whtklt lkl for prior to llhlr I On 1111 or J it tori Idarll Call UI tort he about AS lend hand to tIme of shot and time OpI tort was by aId J at A The rlh holltld In time n Ire N Four ot had boat de lroser n N Moultr fort WI attacked and b the of thm RuIln Chi four torpedo did nut Rlolan 1111 and Orlal ship 101 a to tie Boxer or an alarm statement b a Jut to anada India the nllen of In of ot the or Canada who Imlvly In India lon tIme Titere udoubledly I India list ot In ChIna foreign teach tIme India lat the to blame for that When and mlaiona and bad feel ng- NUrlat Irlull holds her power In India a The Omlr In India that Ollht the or are down a fort and not Ual rlAln walt ot loIn I NWhen I ttuii that thero was ot an outbreak hut It not COle native and onlr there are no tldiCrC In 1rl can doubt aboul the isim have and bln waned ot KIC a Ship te rdlaa July 2 On account or the demand for men ot on or war In the and that the ship Aretiumisa at InailW Le thus A he In command cacti and other lerdlanl maine or four under for In China Solace today for raint the men ot time In take to the t nlpd Stales lolplal at lisle Interrupted The Cable hu received from ShanghaI with Cheroo hu been rutmted Wednesday evening forwarded the bet mean I TUg Admirals Ietrsting lb- Captire lb 1cTonI July itt advices brought by steamer Urgemer arrived yesterday Wa offIcial report Vice the Japanese Navy Rear f4aito capture allied forces mornIng June Il report gives many new and Interesting details report ls by Admiral Samejima commanderinchief- of the Sasebo Admiralty Is dated Saiebo June three days before salted It At quarter June I Taku forts declared war sqstadron opening them squadron was compotted EnglIsh warship Jap- anese Russian liii American The children TongKu while Atago was used as store the arms allied forces foreign contingent generally Owing being vessel heavy draught could ho she obliged stay near TongKu time could owing anchorage remote forte fire during engusement French cruiser while Huasian was a 4pounder shot andiwo officers and four warrant officers sailors killed itLts and and was report he from effects nis wounsis Korecta was line was She tCcOtIr5t to collIsion eneiatyn the donocaoy trom context means as blank iii word tire indicated nuod gunboat hj The tortss which the combined British Russian contingents torpedo depot ship hash attacks the rear contingents arranged and contingent having been at the the opening engagsnient I resistance and when reached place about hundred metres the showed hesitation their movement three Powers deployed marines the gap charged with Jlattont killed wits 445 4 M Ills remains were once the Japanese Maru reaching mantises through Ijeut in lone word here unintelligible other countries Japanese northern and western were oc the the anti forte other forces M fight practically when the fort the irft the forts station railway Tein appear been wrecked us liven daniaged crew were toiied off repair it ott iaku the itlnee cruiser hn itt iittl mteair the allied aquadron on abe seemed cleared action the the fort been ndontsd The itates chip Newark the DvcarteFrench cruiser were atiettored the IIi enmt they tlwir PositIon sfterward the of the 11th Slight the ilal ted he mild tint flee Hal iroceded to- steatit the harbor theIr flasts time on lilacS the Rimsilait wee anchored united out elm lien isa- ofiteer on bourd sOd iii tue the t lie ivrtlutn t hut at hum motmid Is tigsio leT interests Mite deterred deiantmtre hoid tire was stiil Ill interval fromum the coimitmenuu thtt husins parts place natives dressed like coolies troops the allied forces was simiall number present the capture this giveti cuimiutuinder of torpedo bout the fortes apan and Erurland nmmid- at oil the Imsrtlienmi time IapauIe4e its conimmuium4ed by ilatiori Thus thus wise to captaIn te Mac ni ty hint over t hits lme was killed ott Thus taken the M or this wa ansi the flags of ttm sillier other places torsdo hoists the were about Ii time Pnitisia torpedo timid welts iiti us iernmaut toarinee losses contIngent being 70- ihres boats were captured Thus ttug iii time Two one suffered AXTIOflMON PIU1T Returned MlInsny May Ther I Move aUt There Similar OrrAwAQuebec July big uuiade iumlsuionary re- turned trout respecting all antIforeign iumoientent time latter country Mr JustIce Tachereaut Ottawa Judge Supreme Court has recently travelled was interviewed subject Judgs- Tachorean said Is great antiforeignm- oveuumeutt iii simntiar the Boxers Certain tumissionanies natives itt British are the Ills country the fanmlttes plagues collie these rice tell time tile are the recoil of- Iintthli rule thiisnf ctiruus breeds b thread admit thus feelimig Ireat Britain Is general ahimong Three hundred rmiillions Iieimimr kept by slender amnnmmg are ht controls through unity natIves muted ease throw the British sea in lntimi was tianger has The are splendidly drilled say the limit his iii antlforeigmi mind nisu tlmnt tiuts lint long frequently time growing run ix cIux4 Three Colliers ajiul Distilling He Sup- plied With rw great enifeted thus regular service chips Phliippines ChIna time Nary Lepnrtmmient line directed Its colilen Alexander hannibal and t4atimrn at and iistiihiltt Island crews front marine naval offIcer wiii of vessel th offIcers will be Iroiui lime unless iii- lenmirtnmnt cuhi ii toll de- tails of sufflters the regular navy lisese vessels are antlers to vrrpare service ship left Nagasaki where will receIve wounded squadron waters She will Naval Nagasaki Shanghai iteporta CommunicatIon WIth Commercial Company notlflcation that telegraphia- comnitinication inter since Mesasges will be by possible f C NOBI I Tie to Ota tl leash July is one timing to get out ot a In the ot lion that lekln In weeks and to eet word I saId Wu I cannot Into what I have taken to reach the show hens that It is aU that the world receiVe news ot there whether o otherwise I them Dad new taut dos It not not one the Von soon It Do upp that had the other foreigners In would not have had such In that taken The word would have beD cared out ot one way or Mr edict out hue only tram Oov- ernmenl on ot the fact that the not known to any but the The edict to In the form In every wayand from Pkln was de not Ild tram from the Into at the and then into English out Thereport sent tram Shanghai a take to have we add In how would the tact that the did not the of the ot the Ilrton and ot foreIgn Wu lad had now of what the world Then they It for tat In mentioning Von that the or would not that have told had their It probable that the edict would Von atone ot the the edict a from their and say that It beyond a their mind tat the edict culd not bp nylhlna than some and at the report that time edict could from Tuan It In the exact form In every as edicts ot the Su Kwang never hll name A affixed and not of be IndlCled by to prove MEN HORSES FOR eNl la for 1rderl come for tie at the for men require 1 the of have lalnpd standing A number ot and a tel ot wooden the mnateniale it hand Itt Quartermasters be the work uf more thin hours Already the have so rapidly that men regiment more rom than lat the nunl bar each In to the band and first ot on Sumner ISO hays to of to Join tn Mania as to b the to up the That regiment II pack ut one hundred mile be shipped to Mule lion to at for but dIverted to China Is or which are time time lent to ao 111 It to troops In Chins or be and Lie 1lldllle use for Itl rlILE FR 1tlVr- aPlel In HT H K Japan an IIal16 of time it through Cnled States made to for the Mikado and list I the lt Man on for lhd made hea In and uniform cloth and mchln for In made ot caddies and for and rl lachllfr for 110 J ITtl COle io Rows July today Ven asia ot that It to act In the other Powers In restoring and not to a of did not to deleea to oUr Powpr the ot or for crimp and for the he sent to China G N lowny at office of time Board ot a was re Chetoo that Dr Oeore NIowr and at that Edward lowry or the to and thit Iowr In C J lIme Hoard or for the or isis O 0 at held lt time TlelTln coo that he on June 3- EWtl llVIIR AIRB T- FTrlr Atcsd of nobblaa tie alnr HIcelar and Trees 1tr or tIme Dime of by Frank O mind to JIIIc- or the In bal A minnie D r a State batik IRllnlr rlIlr II about I years hl and itt 4iU Clinton avenue In a by ot the a few ur hl tPto of WM d the aOnllon not saId that lund In tocb two or ear but had no other habit last went lii of a to get a and went to kit night that ro ot le kind In the la to wit for the nu In a voucher for 110 invrrgvKs SAFE Chinese Mialitir Takes steps Tug the Edict VltnhINOToN 12It news city atate insurrc luau been forseveral another into Minister tonight details a- to ateps Foreign office and im- portant for- eigner safe believe safe tryIa Did paper get poor Ketteler a death almost as as occurred you destroyed you horrible newa pite- of every precaution could have been Pekhn- In another Vu aad the given ysatenda could come tie Chinese account cipher is one flovernunent came him proper Its coure acribed- It could tie have come any other source was first taken cipher ChInese her legation translated lit cralhy Nothing was left it It claims the edict received with tlonal sentences It Asked he explain edict assure world safety representatives MinIster They have wcnid- a outside fears perhaps again take granted maybe Ketteier It will understood others are safe fact been If any others lost lives Is mention Ketteler All the members Chinese Legation no- gard as genuIne expression Goeernment Is established doubt in II claims Mr has excellent advIsers all scotT have come Prince I way all previous Emperor lieu He signs seal ii this could course telegraph anything AD 55 FrancIsco Camp Put Readimess the Gatbnig Troop SAN FflAtCJacO July have canmpm putin order 5000 This will little time au fixtures last ycers camps tents will have time buIld- ings renovated tIme department thIs will not fortyeight repairs progressed 3000 can bs accommodated Each will require thoceof year a companies 125 addItion headquarters battalion Ito Fifteenth Infantry to sail the recruits been ueigned her Most these will go regiment btit few recruits will have original assignments FIfteenth Infantry already almost entirely lull A train will tomorrow time They were tint listemided Manila will be liie QtmartrnlLstsrs depmtrtnienl also bmiy trig a large number cavalry horses antong original 4000 that Vusr Depart decIded buy unme time posisi- bte tIter is tie extensive antpaigning by American that one the In- fantry regiumients wIll mnourmtsd there wilt thus horses Attanbe Making Purchase Rulers CitIes 1otme Mo July 12 Ntshtmsmra- of Tokio Japanese Var lemarnsemmt is Iosiis completing flying trip time viirchsee tiiujulli and lie bits visited San Fran 1155u ChIcago CIncinnatI tltis will embark tesmer Coptic Fran Lisco July Japan Iii the Mr Nishinmura- has purchases iageiy leather rw time nianufacture- of note equipment cry title tlty be large accoutrements cavalry artillery as a avail IOLICE TA TED Per tattd Artion audAgatnit Givig Special Authority toAuy Osa Pow r- Spertst Dsvaffi THE LN 12TbeSenate discusied the Chinese question Marquis Visconti Minister Foreign Affairs re- aftirnied was Italys Intention unison with order embark tipon policy adventure She however propose any task protecting Italian subjects Interests exacting vengeance At thmsi close of thi sitting tIme rosa cheered troops who will lr and 555 StIll P5km- At lie Methodist Episcopal Foreign Missions cablegram celved yesterday fnoimi elating liii wile werq still Chinese Ustonha service escapeu Mr Edward was safe sagasaki Ryder of For elgn expresses great anxIety safety Rev lbs Imperial University lenny was was to sail from China Weitervehl Dime Institution imanles It Vestrvelt Savings Newark arrested last mmlgimt Ietectiye iregory committed iaii by Peace b K Hayward default tyn specilic ctmstrge was by iIartItt fur ml withdrawal check Intuit 121- 5etterveit who old lited with wife lashionabhs neighborhood lit wa sun ponded thus day an examination yesterday it Ie said a shortage between 4sXX cx Ls yet completed It is been br three expensive After around charge constahI trying Jtmstice hayward said Weeter volts mostly di- scnibed specio casn said have raised a check aecount- of Pauline more she received LOSES 200 MEN- lo a8 A rrel flay brv Outpest S TnB SIN loDol Omc hl re the from OeD PRnORI an get round our and In our rear a determIned on our right flank yesterday I regret to In Nek arl and by a squadron of the two ot and ot the enemy In number at dad and his which the Nob brought a lire Nlk I abut from here and near road held by ulln order to road end telegraphic wit RUtnbur- he more or un In ot enemys strength I from under Oodtrey the IPOt the two greater portion ot Scot Oreya were captured to their and abut or the A ot not yet but J were made on our Dededorp ot the In which the Dragoon Guards engaged The regiment which wit by ke In he on his We would hue loss had not otto troop some Boer the for our a engagement the Ben who wee were after a short action Oat front the surrendering ot and In This is an check to the the end of wr In South The for days the end that Gin Wet and lrl l dent were and that their or surrender imminent ot by the seemed to view and It that omrnandantIenenal Dolhl and the prepared to aoept U pOln a the Nrale Bor have developing mx wide leading that he- II aiming to make good time to At rate the to make considerable for Roberts and their at heat to the lead them to prolong the Irll- Il tram that Diii lJery found to retire to that place trom owing to ot the Boerln the and between and newspapers disappointment over time aral taken DTH RITON- UIpber of sn for CaD to THE Red Cross bM from the Consul at Pretoria that the or the Dutch Ambu Iince Corps made IIIH charred that carried the The Dutch Foreign hM to the or the Jn don to take for tlelrreleue- BOlR5 10BI- Oe That of Ila Cal So ul War a despatch from Otn that aiD releaed from regIments arrived at ot the len were mrber or the Derby hlr t Take Place la Ild I- WURIHotoH July Senator Jones Chair Dan ot the time here that time of Bryan Stevenson ot their for the and Prldtno In 01 ISDISIOII rf this hid ben the and N the for the or and the Central for the and tIme event that wpalhr the place In hut It I tulr or this wi Time leaders mil time one of the that In and the to tare 10 nat crowd may In It that tOoJ II to lend the Roonel sd Btur Mo July of I farmer near gave birth to morn who are A trio were looell and lanna Rade t ltlecA- rivd 11 Aqulit June Ideal da on l le CpA ROBERTS CAPTURE BRITISH ARfli- SO4 EAST OP PRETORIA Re Arrive Too LateFighttgL- asta All aid CasualtIes Are Heavy Sihlaaeo Attack North it Pretoria British BackLass fete 3as CobU Dsspetcts July 13The War following Roberta July 13The enemy having attempt to right made attack say they succeeded espturIn Nitrate Boots Grey guns tb Royal liaise Artillery five corn pudes Liocoinshire Regiment The superior attacked setting the commanded converging upon the small garrison Nitrals eIghteen mile crosses the Crocodile River fl was maintain communication fighting lasted less throughout theday ImmedIately receiving Informs Ion early the morning the dispatched reinforcements here Ccl Before they reached however garrison was over- powered The guns and the the owing being abet also ninety Uncolnahlres lit has been received tear they heavy Simuitanootialyan attack was outposts near northward town Seventh were was handled considerable skill LleutCol- Lowe enemy check until retired supports probably suf- fered ilight mIstaken bushes SmlthDornien had smiocesetul wIth enemy yesterday afternoon near KrUgenidorp inflicting Ieavy lou Duller reports that the de- stroying the railway near Kraal driven off yesterday reports Heidelberg that arms ammunition continues that distrIct defeat unpleasant recently growing optimism regardIng the Africa correspondent have been pnedioUng declaring Di Steyn oornercd capture was The occupation Bethlehem BritIsh justify this waa believed Transvaal were thus Inevitable Free eel lapsed ten Bothas operations evidntlg however been over area to time belief perhaps threat recanturts Pretoria any Hoer activity promises trouble Gun success Nltrsis- Nek will doubtless give fighting burghers and It is conctmrrently reported Oraylitigatad It necessary VlakfonteIn the great activity destroying railway telegraph Ireyiingstad Standerton The hero express considerable turn have PRISOXZRC 1V AbulsiceCerp Arrested Aidiag the Hoer peM1 Suy- AMntnDAM Society learned Dutch members Second were pruoners yesterday they letter into Hoer lines Office telegraphed Amnbaaaador Netherlands in measure RELEASE XAT41 Helter Report S19 Tbu Reached Ladsmaitb- epctai Detrain Tile 5isI- osDoW omce has ret crived flulier whIch sttes uncondItionally prisoners various have Iitdi smIth Most Fourth flRYAXSTEIXSSO OTIFIC4TIO The CeroaY Indianapolis en Aug 12 Democratic Nstional Committee informed Deniocratlo Congressional Committee notification Meisirn mind nomInation respectively PresIdency Vice will hake place Indianapolis July 13 Iiimnidialei on relying newt that city selected as place Aug as tints ormni- sinotifleation Bryan Stevenson Siam Committee began arrangements event Tomlinson hall wasettred in the is Inclement notification wIiI take the halt lie day one nubIle park be utilized Democrauio event ever thie railroads will be asked alve reduced a great be attendance wIll come time city notification meeting Triplets samed After lcKinley Hassa- IPiAR 12Mrs David Radclitf wile iivlna Carnia this three thIs The trIplets healthy narntd Marcus lAtest Nan 5uudaytrtp all Island 8ouutd gal Measis ChuteS W RIR AI Ita Hooth Blown Out to a The high wind last evening did sam at Island the front plank and or from away and stands photograph und oyster blhl out In of broken and A or were and and In the ot the the napistha owned by heath Hay new Iron and John and who In or It by two In launch In shore and high up on the At flay Bath blown down In and maple blown down In yachts which lay at anchor broke from their ashore lULL DY Sutter SIP and Rod years old a travkmnn by the Rapid Com pay on the struc of the at the toot of at 1- 1ocok In the and the of which the trains are their companion to to pick him up and a rice trio then whIch they under him and him tIm dead and an sureon said to an shock hLs John Polmlnman at and Ft York WM the ot ot Woo haven to have ot and an Hlell avenues nplt Tpsday EXPLOSIOY AX ABROlrE 1 Wrecked the and of In Miss Xaw 12A or meteoric stone bur over mal town to night the store and Mabry The ned by a ot who but none of them hurt It WM a A bal ot lire dashed suddenly rApidly the Jut over the store a loud the fled hun dreM ot and Thouoand- at the wreck found ot the meteorite or a putyIk substance I W EXII TED Fret Car for nat Sub HI John Fiske ot Mass executor and ot the ot the ton at to On Mr death the At but Ni of and the up In paying fur cart or at or al In mall for ears It the ot In time lie provide for for time ot I Sage of or lONE Woman Boston lad Her SatchelChecked to roa ruh amid II lit a 10uheu on the main on the Dl of the a whose nlle lot Idlrable offIcials get or or The bal one tint what MO anxIous Is because It or lac WM neat the tlso to on II Van the nut the 10 to to search told the men Ibat the going II funeral band ashes were contained In lot done n- an ou8el tl I probably alI lU1W- o Prof tie pot I 12NProrN J W rand old found and at un early hour this In lie tram the ago and Nmeimerlo In the nit his at last seen an later 01 or This bod found near nn thaI had a luluuit lie known had a or terdat hod had 8 In In It IS that n at nolh on rou ot the that ht lt Hmlh sod 111d hm DIED TO o1 t Gn U- TI Ile Front a tbet and Sloir I tAT IOIII I I 12u1Iam O and two went In a Imer hat and overboard after snout atesislance and odd lu tmelp him reach th lt Wnlll In hr total and to Thy In thus water ansi him their Dodd hid to anti Looking for a InFoet Boy Pack ot Ky feet In to b In ChIcago hue tu Un to TJul 11 trlc 1A WiND CONE ISLAND Shattered gea- and Launch Wrecked damage Along ocean ing boards pavilions were ripped their fastening and carried yonder galleries were swept to sea The windows her resorts were large signs were splintered number arnusrnent places flooded Surf aveni other thoroughfares were impassable height atorm 32foot haunch Arabella Edward of- Sheephead became unrnanagenbia white off the pier Dugan Ed- ward Swanton were charge were swept overboard They cIting to its sides until they were rescued life guards a boat The was swept carried beach liheepahead Beach and Fort Hamilton telegraph and electric light wires ware all directions hiiae oaks and Graves end Bay Oravesend Beach many moorings and drifted ELECTRICITY Charles Tall Across the Third Electric Charles Mutter 2S employed Brooklyn Transit was killed by electricity ICings County Elevated Railroad Fulton street Brooklyn yesterday afternoon crccetng he slipped fell across third rail which supplies the electricity by means propelled Three oIlier trackmnen saw fall and they ran hits aisMstanoe They attempted each received severe shock They got a plank placed lifted off track Mutter was ambulance death Wa undoubtedly due electric Butter lived with sister Mrs Liberty Sheridan avenues New and son Chariots Mutter He was been married Mary FrederIcks Liberty night OP Store Warehouse hedge Mabry Hellefoutain OaLxAs July large amrohite the of- Beliefontalne be- tween P and oclock last completely wrecking general warehouse of- Ilodge A explosion was wit large number person were standing nearby was bright moonlight night large and air It burst with explosion and air was with shooting stars The ware- house were completely wrecked people visited todsy c5o debris could be beysind piece if STOUGIITOX ESTATE Fisk WIll the Widow Execitor- Prof Cambridge is seeking tile release a trustee estate widow of EdwinWallace Mtough one lime Minister Russia Stoughtons estate was valued eoio time income principal hais been tIme Mrs Stoughton a sanitanluni situ iais been miiauiy years Mime Is how 80 is believed will spend remainder tier life sanitarium Prof Fiske says that wItI her rest iser life lawyer Viiliani U6 Broadway Its charge time cac- HUiBAVIS ASHES ASTR41 From Them Ia Station PirrsriEiD Mass 12Time mimtstak- eof time Boston Albatmy baggage agent Boston checkIng handbag yesterday Van Albany line In- stead Iuesmn llerkshmire vision Consolidated lies caused Iluetoit- wonman is known here con won are busy trace the imtfsslug piece lug- gage is an ordinary mitakes its about it contains time MIleS her husband whose body cremeted several Itoston the woman checked bag baggage agent tmnderstood her aar lau- mIiotien arrival Uttesen bag was there She very much out alenmi and hastene tIme railroad officiaLs a instituteti She first ratiroed tSM- ennlninett she was wear at- a and said tier it also A of telegraphing was Duocit stud beg MESMERIC hEAlER Casdiess Found Murdered on Street Near the OMce a Vincennes- INnlAaPoL1s July less 00 years was murdered robbed morning omm time street Vmneennes corns to lncenneus Somttii several weeks hail been practicing heailng commit lie left boarding itoumse is oclock night and was hour one the streets his was hlm lost OffIce and examination howed his skull been crushed as itmstnmnntit was to iuave large corn money but wimeit lime was only change his pockets known lie iislted saloon but occurred there ii e5cttus Letters the immrdered man- N iwed has relatives living Fort Ark himey were dyirboard WIi ileum Went After July here this afternoon Us rthiur Bodd and young woumen sailing cat- boat One of the airls lost Muir- sfmrauig it lie called for imlungd to rite 1151 drltteti jilt of Time scrusiuhn- sof girls arotiiei sonic ghiest time iugttu house and 311ss A I Imnsss Inert ttts Cotiutiette weiit- as they assist thus WOfltMm saw Into boat Mom had disappeared lost conselottsnmss hut was will recover Ciiicauo July 12 Green Lasrmnci county who I described as standing seven his stockings ii supposed lost lli friends the forMic boy f4w Ptretmtence commencing iIwekiy tars ass ° MKINLEY NOTIFIED Enthusiasm at the Formal EIrcis s- i Canton CHEERS FOR SOUND MONEYS Workingmen Appland Gold Standard Refernces I l trmll the That I Bea- RenomlnatdThe Gold lIDtbene- Ni 101t1 II Srnator TIU the Ihpblra Epct I to no Duly Hen lor Tel I o rloant IssueOther I One a Ohio I tothKOld standard and IdIIe 1010 I the and time In In with the wllh as the of the and time ppuhlcsn party In Irfldlnt tim notes or Thy In oddrpo ot die And Esecilly Great Throng Attends tremnnieea- tor Ldges Strong AddieS TellIng President Had PresIdents StirrIng Re- sponse The Standard Scuttle the PhilippInes Hanna Say Party Every liii FaIrbanks What the Speches clodipg From Hawaiian flelegats- Aivox Iimly tnssmrvIng au glummest imneonuprornising battle with time uphold- ing Administration the policy it hiss fornitmiatini dealing isuess have collie fruits of- tisit mvar as time fruit policies prInciples ut cx- ernimiited lime McKinley were the sounded by lfrpublieans today were emphasired the President McKlpley as well as in those of the speaker who were called to the front of time porch of the McKinley home independent of time official programme arranged for the ceremonies of notifying iresident McKinley of lila renomination They were a reiteration of the sanme sentiments that the party leaders grew entlmusiastlo over at tlit NatIonal Conveutitot Iii Philadelphia three iveeks ago but they were presented In a- dliTerent setting and to a different audience The greater signifleance attaches to time latter for on titLe oscaslon this rank and fIle of the voters and not the leaders and the professional politIcians were atrongiy in the majority Iera ton Lodge and the members of imIs Notiflenilon- Cornmnlttee National Chairman Ilaurm and other members of the Ilepimblican Nationci imiiiiimltiee the prospective nienibens of time Execuhlye Committee and the invited attests nil told numbered only about 20o of the thostiusnds bet crowded the McKinley iawn the lawns of time neighbors and liii contiguous streets for icy eral biocki on either side iii liiis crowd were the business and professional pcopie of sntnna- migmuented by representaiives in slmmmllar tines froni tIeveluitd noni Akron fr9mlI Aiilsnce and front Massliloum and front time smaller towns of this netgitboniuoud Outnumbering all others went ibm imuen trout the workshops and factories imundreds of them from Macshun mind Alliance and thiotiminds of- theni fmoni this city The majority ut the int- ter eIther Joined In the escort parmids or en- tered in the gramid rush for the McKlruliy lawn in their working garb with faces bugrtmiied with persplratiouu for they worked tip to time hour of the arrival of the first delegation adr- etttrmied to their posts when the flood of orator 1usd csaed Employers had merely donated to them sufficIent titume to imear the speaking WOIIKINOtIENS CIiICKitms WATCHa- PIt was the tlterre of timet workingmen that were wmmtciied with thus greatest interest And their limout lmisty ciuers were given to those eittlimitntt whIch pledged the PartY to main Dtltm them currency on the preuent standard notably the iresldents smtteranee- We mase Passed front londissuinc to a- bondpmtylmig muimlion fromu a mmtiomi of borrow en to a flatiOn of lender fmotmi a deliciency- In revenue to a suriulils front tear to conli deuce trout eumlurced idleness to vrofltabieu- smployineimt Tue pubiio faith imas tmemi tip held pubtlc order hiss teen maintmuincd We have prosperIty at ioutme nod prestige abromsd- Almitost eqtinl In volume was time enthusleem aroused by mill references ho lime wuir and it- restmlts uiitl time otmiimal bus t U I1lt jwtI wiiich- I t isa tiroumtmt iti lnes idmnh itas Iii happy accord with huh imeitrere wlmen hr ssid- Iiie ilmtiilmpiliis ar tours and tuiwnlcsn authority toilet be eumprenie thrommahotit the mmrchlpeimmgo Iiuere ma iii be alilnesty brosd and liberal Intl Ito nlatemiient of our rights no abandonment of our duty There must be no scuttie policy We will muifli in the PhIl ispinea time oblIgatIons luiipossd by the triumphs of our arnie mind by the treaty of peace by in- ternatlonnl law by the nations sense of honor mind more thati all 1w the rights interests and conditions of the liiiiipplne people them- selves No isntimimemit expreissd out tim famous front porch received ml umore lmiarty secondIng front the inultittids itt front than And to tIme ImartI of iineohn hiss come an- other stipremime opjiontiinity wmkh it has bravely met in the liberatIon of mOwsnoo of the human fantmiIy frormi tim yoke of linperiniisi- nlhat liii rank mid tll of time voters asrepre tented in this cruised today were so enthualsstic over the Iuemies destined In he fliost conspicuous In the eantpulgn was mot gratilsing to all of the party leaders lucre today and they so expressed timemoselves It was really the first oppontimnitytolmiind time ImeoPie and the answer gives time lemiders added courage tIcEtTIiN Os nmi Ilowlis lime day mitud all of it lmlng heft nothina- to be dceired Ott time jmart of himus who were interested In it sttess this weather was ideal and nil tf the nrrangemneimts admirable The crowd was far beyond time tiiiest sanguine expectatIons murisi tlm entimmieinsiut was un- botmntled usuitonlans were fIrst on the scene of entire rhurus were hits Itlzens Recep 11011 nimnitiee wlmleit tutet eiery delegation that came in O mud oortetl it to the McXIn icy itttnie ittiti time anton lrnop which in lime enmime cmriipaIgn rode miimad and opened the ivay for tim mummireiming uimrdes both on duty bright anti early to nuwt the Incoming crowds mirmd lint timeni iii for the grand escort parAde that was in lead tIme menmhrs of the Notification omitnmlttee to time home of the President lliese were early reintmrced by the Canton Soutfld Money MarchIng lush Cantons two band end two vnsls Of the rantl Army of the iteptiltils h were especially detailed to re- ceive escort tind entertain the visiting corn rades of tIme rwileimts old regiment iii theClvtl- Var The men trout shops and tactortee of lb city ten or twelve of them in organixed bodisa Clean sad oomfotable cool and sN thus Hudson iuesr Day Un 3Winesit1s


F2lr and wanner to bY-

precedtd by showers






N Abroad in Chinas State

mentMinister in Defends It



AleForm Said to No Con

carted Plan of

neu and lr Trepa Are

CosI 8ald to B-

arrtte Allut Gea Ocnat11 IIelal Col Wltcl Wa Plaed-

lndeAmerican oatrIOlctt Or 11 ForeAtle

3000 RutabS Ar Advand

ti rToop Are t

Gnr4 Roistlu ltr I latbula-


II now apparentlied In al It that

nC authentIc newl been from

24 rtpor luedinC then Chlnpe omcale rao The een8atonal

pRper here to print oelp-

I or M and I La

ronlrudiclorvThe actual cannot

and It not known whether thethere

A at TlinTlln daUnl ale deI-

ralch I a Drh ot IU-

Prlor rank the eltlalon then uu and adding

We hue wile a In pollenlM Ilsnow we

known or coure that a deal huben done then but It be

that the main or th chaonamely lack or a IngI

heador Jealou8te or

It II that

do not nisI butown mlthod

though harmonlou have not r

suited In the ot any

ot actondeclare that the

ae a

are end to and hlan melCD

ing at bore that there

hu more here than In Cubaor the

The the wrier sr havethe at and

their ag It

the are and theover the to them

br deed for their the Boxer

against the GermanIn a

dptc U 11 tatto ID tonwhich had bUD to

biO to Taku or route toPldD on

to the from Shanrhal13 gives That

with north II the future l

Improbable owing to the disturbed In

the PrOI ot Sbautun The mainto the

ortotlhe Yuan 8bl KI betelegraph I damagedA to the

tram Ten Tin ot of July 6 Wthe tot tee hlot two from theBritish Terrible

rumor thatOenand are the for

at Pekln ot Oen Fuhu toward TleDTlln

A tram dated Ithe and the

In theA St ays that soon

pator the there go toChwIII ukden and VremJu

rOO BlnID AT TIBTS-nltll Reports CIIeAr

So TIll SeNJuly the Commons

today St John BrodrickSecretary ot State for

Affair only from Chinain from

theJuly 3The

snIpIng They are theirthe esnal to tue northeast and are In

force to th Yetrday we

ely and ahinMO for I am more


here now moreHusciana and Japanee are

UclfdT-heQuuUon wbrlher Sir Claude

the at Peklnlaled the ot the Foreign Omce to the

In Chinese regarding thefor the or foreIgners Mr

HrorlCI Inthat Sir MacDonald hd ro

to the placards to whichthe ot

b were theor Suards to the LegaUon at tekln and

sending ot a manotwar to Takl Theewere wIth

Batour First Lord ot theIn the to

81r red whowa In of the Indian cent toflnala In command ot the

Lok Bal Riverthe New YOII Crn-


arolmauO A aDaDleln YoA






p Action

ritli oOsWatdAmrrk


fbioi SkI

rr Needed



Io 13ft real

Shanghaihas received

Ikln sInce June All thethrough are

girded diacredlted new


tUt ali It unconvInCing fre-

quentlitioltton at rlenTtLn be-

acrtatned Iiexpected renforomenta have arrived

correepondentJuly quote

aa deacribing



It I great

slnoe cannot learnedcause

the direct

log baa been remedied ThereisnosUggeetlon internationaldisagreement Indeed declared

these each commander nas

followed his and the daily con-

ferencesenforcement concerted line


del are rticuIanly dluitlatted becaus theyrepresented by very aniall force although

thetr Interest nonequotes experienced A officer as cay

They cannot realirebeen real lighting


Gernian ocvupledImperial TimTam

belated over The offloers-

of univenilty Americanaviceroy banded property

protection beforeoutbreak The American Consul accordingly

fotested appropriationThe TeierapPa Canton correepondent

dated July Li Htmgdecided remain The

Ar1can gunboat waitingconvey TienTain ea

will call ThursdayA deipitch Times o-

fkte July warning regularcommunication the


communication was dueViceroy sow

the raUwaydespatch Time from ihsnghai say

advices date arepooltion Improved

Lme arrival

C I cruiserThere were persistent Tung-

lu flinos Chiog protectingdiners Most Tung Slangarmy gone

despatch Cbsfoo J017 asyChina batteries ire masked

allies flod dllflcuity locating gunsPetersburg deapatch as

U the Japanese troops arrive at TienTainRussian force will


Admiral flat theEziedtsg Their U-

Speal CatS flspatthj LONDON 13In

the lion WilliamParliamentary Foreign

atd the fresh newswas eontainsd the following telegram

Brithh CommanderInChIefT-IFNTSIN Chinese conUniae

extending lines alongappearIng

Ifebter westwardbombsrded the

gun time gettingguns

There are 10000 troops butare riir4

wa asketiBritish MInlater had


IlttaUon extirpationreplied the negauve lie stated

Claudeferj inflammatoryhe called attention the TiuinglIYamenibe only precaution suggested do-Datchhe

compiledMr Treasury and

leader hiouce declinedsat whetherflrjgQn

command troopsnow allied forces

Above tisrera limp fo

S ezbs eetanson this ubect tot send one

Grand CcnIai eta

iiOEC OX AIMatlial Nort-

btRfonCoWs TKK SIX

ofTIINTIN July non via Chetoo July

and PIn force

ifternoon In front or the or thenative city near the The

the and the AmerIcansthe Sikh rlnrored the

where a tram theTerrible had

wu In for I a tf riio

The thethe

French and hadnorth ot the railroad

Two more ot the Terrlblo8laM night and were In

on the wall At oclock this morningthynortheast ot

Is going on aThe reply

Crowd or women and nre leavingthe town that there over

at TltnTslnThe of NITChwanlcauses Chinese here

I ttit the trop Yuan ShihKai the Oovrnor or

bet ot thewere by

TUIST8IN July tO M Ch tooand 8hnahal July OU P IVetmlthe move

arms to onCanal east of the wAle and halthe plain

on but did notthe whose four on thetort and RUMlnl

retied of the fightIng twoleft and rapidly

the ot sIxIn on the although

they were unable to

whole movement a tothe which were neededThe the ot

the pare andthe engineers up steam

to titlement It now to the repair ofthe at end

The the

GE1tXr 1taled of


12The Zeilunla from von

the Minister of to Thewhich cnlalnl a

r sum ot Chinthe now at

Taku the route AdmiralUeller 2102 Is

to a orthree quadronot

tour or field beTno

We must protect uur Ida and

ourutlot We have nofor a and do

Oonrnwent convinced or an

the rs ato the or and order

In China pUC continueforemost

theof the to ofanarchy In

for the ot In

The Cologne Iyto China with marine

men tourand a ot

pioneer thus forming a dl

A to the Mt

says Russia bu orderedBrIgade to embark immediately for China Icm oed ot tour eleotve regiments

Uo IBV AIBof Admiral Regarding


PUI Julya front

that troopbe necessary for an on Plkil ot

br2011 Taintand the ot cm-municatons

hL ben appointed to corn

mind ot to toChina the Division

JnspectorOeneral ot marine Infentry

II not anythat Japan towho outrank the ot the

other Powers wouldM IUlresled here

t o ot rankfeared that aril Ibll


Take ot

Ibloaln IUId JaSo THe

July 12 Romeot the that the Is besleged by young who are

replace the missionaries In China

The u much touched upontram several nuns

asking for to go to Theywere thanked but were that the

lt anymissionary work

The War ottens from a hundred to

the Irooll for lfice In China

oV tAla Rsonsd That of 3G000

for theCob

SwAxouAl troDthat

on Pekln tramtoNDo July 13A to the Standard

Ode that more titanhave during ten

ovprland to Itadded that It Intended to the army Inthe AmmonrnmentCrllral to oomen

lRCE WAN BIlOnrEJ JMIof tk Rour Maid to lauflecom


July II that PrinceTitan has gone mad

The GfrmaD troopsfrom an


Hall Von ChinJuly nTh ship

which trwfor CI-n

FIGuriNG T1ZTIV-Skitg Troops Reported

teIspUchss to

From a 3t Coneapondent5

Shanghai July ii MCblneee 1w-

peraI troops conidercbio appearedyeeterdiy wall

southwest gate Vssh-Fusiiler Japanee Ith

battery westerr out-

post i3ritthcruIser been placed Everything

readiness fIght when rain-storm interfered

Chinese ahelied forelnn onceasionssteadily during afternoon The Russian

Japanese contderable lightingstatIon

12pounders-arvived placed position

western 5began Chinese battery situated

the foreign concessions The lir-

ing still this Is beinglent Chinese gun occaional

childrenIt 1 belIeved are

ll Chinese Imperial troopsageking will probably

re comeIt reported

are movingnorthward These are the ChineseImperial troop They Ger-

man officers6 A via July

I iiafternoon Rueslansall attack camp theLutal cItyway acroi RuesianThey poated artillery the hulareach Chinese guns rail-

road replied effectively therapidlymidst locomotIves

the railroad yard steamed toArenal The Chinese used

guns firing Locomotive butseveral shots struck closedestroy the engine

The was ruse recovergreatly

troops held attention the Chlneeewhile locolnotlvM were being

Were getting theChinese enipere failed observe move

i possible beginrailway this

was usual shelling today


AtUom Necessary for lb RestorationOrder Sajs You RuelowS-

pefSal Cable Suy-

BaISLU July Vord Deutscheprint leugthyclrcuar Herr

Foreign Affairs onfed-eratei enInan 6overnments

the stuation instates that hesides lerman force

marine en andequadron with men which

about atart brigade consisting eightbattalioni of infantry cayairy and batterIes artillery willsent circular concludes as foilows

material in-

terest withdccii China not seekspedat advantages The Imperial

ii that the mintenanceunderstsndIn with Powers primordialcondition restoration pence

its wilt with thisview

Government circles are MwsItiug receiptfirst authentic siews as the extent

Chlua before taking additionalmeasures protection lermantereste

Uautte Germny will sendthe brigade eight in-

fantry battaiion of bOO each battenss-of artillery troug force engineer and

complete anuy

depstch Irokfort Gue1te frouPetersburg the Fourth



DRpntsd Dclsiob theas on Pekil-

Suclat CabJ Lespatffi TIsY 5t2

1The Foreign Omce has tvdespatch Taliu stutin g lust the

Admirals hays decided soouo willadvanes title

wIll be requiredand maintain line

tbethe French contingent te ezit

lie I General now actingas lie

Identified with polltleal factionIt Ii learned will send ChIna a

Field Marshal officersThis settle the questiou-

Or ttpreme command unlessa4ia should send an similar

is is friction will yet nitpaint


Masy Anlioss to ie Plac thethins

pecIai CabS 3L7

LoNDoN Ihe correspondentDoUw New says Vatican

ecleslastins anxiousto murdered

Pope receiving apetition Italian and foreign

permLsion Citing

all informedPowers would not present allow new

Italian MlnIstry has receivedpriests go as chaplains

with ordered


Stazted Capltlp-ecioi LtnpatchaSoTiIY SUN

is conlirmed up-

parently tniists orthy sourcestroop are advancIng the north

dopatchfront says 40000 troops

been despatclied the past laysfrom Moscow Khtbarovk is

I raIseAsia

Leader Revolt 1

missSpecial Cob DsrateI Tint 8U-

Cnaroo 9It reported

have withdrawn comewhere attack Is


hospital Ship MainSpeStiI Cable Tile 1U-

1onnoN hospital MainerecnUy returned South Africa

sailed today

STORI OP IW nU71F-pa Repent ot

of TortsB C 12Jnclud the

budget ot thewhich morning

tram China and Japan theto the Minister ofAdmIral ot the or the Tainttort by the on the ot

Theot the event The

and from22 the Brlomu

saysa to Iin the tuorning ot

the on the alliedIn the harbor by lire on

The ot onethe Ion French the Ato

tho Koreet the Oerman the MonoIacy was used as a refuge for thewomen and In the

a ship forof the and the

to the tact that the Atagoa ot not

enter the Vol was toat the mouth ot the river and at the

or the bombardment not Join In Itto the fact that her wu veryfrom the A broke out

the on board thethe Korelz

lilt byand went

On the alI umcr air others wrkied wounded a sub

died theot The hit In thewater and lea kine badly had

the tat shothit lone herthe It

dale the bl therime The

front the tort andgunnery One WM

In t eland ab u-

t16 of anthe J a Mtthe

made their or thetort The were In the

Japan Ourrear not tale rant In or the

a stoutthe vanguard had

a four totram forts the some

of In forward Theor the other Iretnen and our

at the orlBbayonets CAItof WM

at atto steamer

by a German On the tortthe It thebreach made the hot tram

Shtratshi the fortI The ot

theThus Iht right left

by theU 7 A the WM over

OrWehamid to ladthe The track todid lot to hebut had titeor tii to

a hadanchor a the hurl than

and the thelath II hUt forprior to nr


ennlulwore theOr tanl flit

at WIIout or foreign wareblll dipped In ffher limit ofthe warship 111 which

to to to IdlIInfldr or 10t told tutu

of Ih Hal thatIhrdlrhr

NOl the kel1

of theat tie ut

or whOI there a

of ot fortsI thedestroyer hlllt whtklt lklfor prior to llhlrI On 1111 or J

it toriIdarll Call

UI tort he aboutAS lend hand to tIme of

shot and time OpI tort wasby aId J at A The

rlh holltld In time n IreN Four ot

had boat delroser n


Moultr fort WI attacked andb

the of thm RuIlnChi four torpedodid nutRlolan 1111 and

Orlal ship


to tie Boxeror an alarm

statement b a Jutto anada India the

nllen of Inof

ot the or Canada whoImlvly In India

lon tIme

Titere udoubledly IIndia list otIn ChIna foreign teachtIme India lat the to blamefor that When

and mlaiona

and bad feel ng-

NUrlat Irlull holds her power In Indiaa The OmlrIn India that Ollhtthe

or aredown a fort andnot Ual rlAln

walt ot

loIn I

NWhen I ttuii that thero wasot an outbreak hut It not COlenative and

onlr there are no tldiCrC In

1rl can doubt aboul the

isim have and bln waned ot

KICa Ship te

rdlaaJuly 2 On account or the

demand for men oton or war In the and


the ship Aretiumisa atInailW Le thus

A he Incommand cacti and other

lerdlanl maineor four

under forIn China

Solace todayfor raint the

men ot time Intake to the

t nlpd Stales lolplal at


The Cable hu receivedfrom ShanghaI

with Cheroo hu beenrutmted Wednesday evening

forwarded the bet meanI


Admirals Ietrsting lb-Captire lb

1cTonI July itt

advices brought by steamerUrgemer arrived yesterday

Wa offIcial reportVice the Japanese Navy Rear

f4aito captureallied forces mornIng

June Il report gives many new andInteresting details reportls by Admiral Samejima commanderinchief-of the Sasebo Admiralty Is datedSaiebo June three days beforesalted It

At quarter June I

Taku forts declared warsqstadron opening them

squadron was compotted EnglIshwarship Jap-anese Russian liii

American The

children TongKu whileAtago was used as store the arms

allied forces foreign contingentgenerally Owingbeing vessel heavy draught could

ho she obliged stay nearTongKutime couldowing anchorageremote forte fire during

engusement French cruiserwhile Huasian wasa 4pounder shot andiwo officers and four

warrant officers sailors killeditLts and

and wasreport he from effects

nis wounsis Korecta wasline was She

tCcOtIr5t to collIsion eneiatynthe donocaoy

trom context meansas blank iii word

tire indicatednuod gunboat hj

The tortss whichthe combined British Russian

contingentstorpedo depot ship

hash attacks the rearcontingents arranged

and contingent having been at thethe opening

engagsnient I

resistance and when reachedplace about hundred

metres the showedhesitation their movement

three Powersdeployed marines

the gap chargedwithJlattont killedwits 445 4 M Ills remains were once

the Japanese Marureaching

mantises through

Ijeut inlone word here unintelligible

other countries Japanesenorthern and western were oc

the the antiforte other forces

M fight practicallywhen thefort the irft the forts

station railwayTein appear been wrecked

us liven daniagedcrew were toiied off repair it

ott iaku the itlnee cruiserhn itt iittl mteairthe allied aquadron on

abe seemed cleared actionthe the fort

been ndontsd The itates chipNewark the DvcarteFrench cruiser wereatiettored the IIi enmt theytlwir PositIon sfterward the ofthe 11thSlight the ilal ted he mild tint flee

Hal iroceded to-

steatit the harbortheIr flasts timeon lilacS the

Rimsilait wee anchoredunited out elm lien isa-

ofiteer on bourd sOd iii tue thet lie ivrtlutn t hut

at hummotmid Is tigsio leT interests Mitedeterred deiantmtre

hoid tire was stiilIll interval fromum the coimitmenuu

thtt husins parts place natives dressedlike coolies troops the alliedforces was simiall numberpresent

the capture this giveticuimiutuinder of torpedo bout


fortes apan and Erurland nmmid-at oil the Imsrtlienmi time IapauIe4eits conimmuium4ed by ilatiori Thus

thus wiseto captaIn te Macni ty hint over t hits lme was

killed ott Thus takenthe Mor this wa

ansi the flags of ttm sillier other placestorsdo hoists the were

about Ii time Pnitisia torpedotimid welts

iiti usiernmaut toarinee

losses contIngent being 70-

ihres boatswere captured Thus ttugiii time Twoone suffered


Returned MlInsny May Ther I MoveaUt There Similar

OrrAwAQuebec Julybig uuiade iumlsuionary re-

turned trout respectingall antIforeign iumoientent time

latter country Mr JustIce Tachereaut OttawaJudge Supreme Courthas recently travelledwas interviewed subject Judgs-Tachorean said

Is great antiforeignm-oveuumeutt iii simntiar the Boxers

Certain tumissionanies

natives itt British arethe Ills country the

fanmlttes plagues collie theserice tell time tile are the recoil of-

Iintthli rule thiisnf ctiruus breedsb

threadadmit thus feelimig Ireat

Britain Is general ahimong Threehundred rmiillions Iieimimr kept

by slender amnnmmg areht

controls through unitynatIves muted ease throwthe British sea

in lntimi wastianger hasThe are splendidly drilled

say thelimit his iii

antlforeigmi mind nisu tlmnt tiuts lintlong frequently

time growing

run ix cIux4Three Colliers ajiul Distilling He Sup-

plied With rw

great enifeted thus regularservice chips PhliippinesChIna time Nary Lepnrtmmient line directedIts colilen Alexander hannibal and t4atimrn at

and iistiihilttIsland crews front

marine naval offIcer wiiiof vessel th offIcers

will be Iroiui lime unless iii-

lenmirtnmnt cuhi ii toll de-tails of sufflters the regular navy lisesevessels are antlers to vrrpare service

ship left Nagasakiwhere will receIve

wounded squadronwaters She will

Naval Nagasaki

Shanghai iteporta CommunicatIon WIth

Commercial Companynotlflcation that telegraphia-comnitinication inter

since Mesasgeswill be by possible


Tie to

Ota tl leashJuly is one timing to

get out ot a In the otlion that lekln In weeksand to eet word I saIdWu I cannot Into

what I have taken to reach theshow hens that It is aU

that the world receiVe news otthere whether o otherwise Ithem Dad new taut dos

It not not one theVon soon

It Do upp that had theother foreigners Inwould not have had such In

that takenThe word would have beD cared out ot

one way orMr edict out

hue only tram Oov-

ernmenl on ot the fact that thenot known to any but the

The edict to In the form Inevery wayand from Pkln was de

not Ild tram

from the Into atthe and then

into English outThereport sent tram Shanghai a take

to have we addIn

how would the tact thatthe did not the of theot the Ilrton and ot foreIgn

Wu ladhad now of

what the world Thenthey It for tatIn mentioning Von

that the or wouldnot that have told had

their It probable that the edictwould Von atone

ot thethe edict a from

their and say that Itbeyond a their mind tat the edict

culd not bp nylhlna thansome

and at the report that time

edict could from Tuan ItIn the exact form In every asedicts ot the Su Kwangnever hll name A affixed and

not of be IndlCled byto prove


1rderl comefor tie at thefor men require 1the of havelalnpd standing A number ot

and a tel ot woodenthe mnateniale it

hand Itt Quartermastersbe the work uf more thin

hours Already the have sorapidly that men

regiment more rom than

lat the nunlbar each

In to the band andfirst oton Sumner ISO haysto of to Jointn Mania as to bthe toup the That regiment II

pack ut one hundred mile beshipped to Mulelion to atfor but dIverted to China

Isor which are

time time

lent to ao 111

It totroops In Chins or

be andLie 1lldllle use for

Itl rlILE FR 1tlVr-

aPlel In

HT H KJapan an IIal16 of time

it through Cnled States madeto for theMikado

and list

I the lt Manon for

lhdmade hea In

anduniform cloth and mchln

for In madeot caddies and for

and rl lachllfrfor110 J

ITtlCOle io

Rows July todayVen

asia otthat It

to act In the otherPowers In restoring and not to

a of didnot to deleea to oUrPowpr the ot

or for crimp

and for the he sent toChina

G N lowny atoffice of time

Board ot a was reChetoo that Dr

Oeore NIowr and atthat Edward lowry or the

to andthit Iowr In

C J lIme Hoard orfor the

or isis O 0at held lt time

TlelTln coothat he

on June 3-

EWtl llVIIR AIRB T-FTrlr Atcsd of nobblaa tie

alnrHIcelar and Trees

1tr or tIme Dime ofby Frank

O mind to JIIIc-or the In

bal A minnie

D r a State batik IRllnlr rlIlrII about I years

hl and itt 4iU Clinton avenueIn a

by ot the a fewur hl

tPto ofWM d the

aOnllon not saId thatlund In tocb

two or ear but had no otherhabit last went

lii of a to get aand went to

kit night thatro ot le kind

In the la towit for the

nu In a voucher for 110

invrrgvKs SAFE

Chinese Mialitir Takes steps Tugthe Edict

VltnhINOToN 12Itnews city atate insurrc

luau been forseveralanother into Ministertonight details a-

to atepsForeign office and im-

portant for-

eigner safebelieve safe tryIa

Did paper getpoor Ketteler a death almost as as

occurred youdestroyed you

horrible newa pite-

of every precaution could have beenPekhn-

In anotherVu aad the given ysatenda

could come tie Chineseaccount cipher

is one flovernunentcame him proper

Its coureacribed-

It could tie have comeany other source was first taken

cipher ChInese herlegation translated lit

cralhy Nothing was leftit It

claims the edict received withtlonal sentences It

Asked he explainedict assure world safety


They have wcnid-

a outside fears perhapsagain take granted maybe

Ketteier It willunderstood others are safe

fact been If any otherslost lives Is

mention KettelerAll the members Chinese Legation no-

gard as genuIne expressionGoeernment Is established

doubt inII claims

Mr has excellentadvIsers all scotT

have come Prince I

way all previousEmperor lieu He

signs seal ii thiscould course telegraph


AD55 FrancIsco Camp Put Readimess the

Gatbnig TroopSAN FflAtCJacO July have

canmpm putin order5000 This will little time

au fixtures last ycers campstents will have

time buIld-

ings renovatedtIme department thIs

will not fortyeightrepairs progressed

3000 can bs accommodatedEach will requirethoceof year a companies

125addItion headquartersbattalion Ito Fifteenth Infantry to sail

the recruits been ueignedher Most these will go regiment

btit few recruits will haveoriginal assignments

FIfteenth Infantryalready almost entirely lull

A train willtomorrow

time They were tint listemided

Manila will beliie QtmartrnlLstsrs depmtrtnienl also bmiy

trig a large number cavalry horsesantong original 4000 that Vusr Depart

decIded buy unme time posisi-

bte tIter is tie extensive antpaigning byAmerican that one the In-

fantry regiumients wIll mnourmtsd therewilt thus horses

Attanbe Making PurchaseRulers CitIes

1otme Mo July 12 Ntshtmsmra-

of Tokio JapaneseVar lemarnsemmt is Iosiis completing

flying trip time

viirchsee tiiujulli andlie bits visited San Fran

1155u ChIcago CIncinnatI tltiswill embark tesmer Coptic FranLisco July Japan

Iii the Mr Nishinmura-has purchases iageiy leatherrw time nianufacture-of note equipmentcry title tlty be large

accoutrementscavalry artillery as a



Per tattd Artion audAgatnit Givig SpecialAuthority toAuy Osa Pow r-

Spertst Dsvaffi THE LN

12TbeSenate discusiedthe Chinese question Marquis Visconti

Minister Foreign Affairs re-

aftirnied was Italys Intentionunison with

orderembark tipon policy adventure She

however propose anytask protecting Italian subjects

Interests exacting vengeanceAt thmsi close of thi sitting tIme rosa

cheered troops who will

lr and 555 StIll P5km-

At lie Methodist EpiscopalForeign Missions cablegram

celved yesterday fnoimi elatingliii wile werq still

ChineseUstonha service escapeu

Mr Edward was safe sagasakiRyder of For

elgn expresses great anxIetysafety Rev

lbs Imperial University

lenny was was to sail fromChina

WeitervehlDime Institution

imanles It VestrveltSavings Newark

arrested last mmlgimt Ietectiyeiregory committed iaii by

Peace b K Hayward defaulttyn specilic ctmstrge was by iIartItt

furml withdrawal check Intuit 121-

5etterveit who old litedwith wife

lashionabhs neighborhood lit wa sunponded thus day

an examinationyesterday it Ie said a shortage between

4sXX cxLs yet completed It is

been brthree expensive

Afteraround charge constahI trying

Jtmstice hayward said Weetervolts mostly di-scnibed specio casn saidhave raised a check aecount-of Paulinemore she received


lo a8 A

rrel flay

brv OutpestS TnB SIN

loDol Omc hl rethe from OeD

PRnORIan get round our and

In our rear a determIned on ourright flank yesterday I regret to

In Nek arland by a squadron of the two

ot andot theenemy In number at

dad and his whichthe Nob brought a lire

Nlk I abutfrom here and near

road heldby ulln order to road end telegraphic

witRUtnbur-he more or

unIn ot enemys

strength I fromunder Oodtrey

the IPOt the

two greater portion ot

Scot Oreya were captured to theirand abut or the

A ot notyet but J were

made on our

Dededorp ot theIn which the Dragoon Guardsengaged The regiment which

wit byke In he

on his We would hueloss had not otto troop

some Boer the for oura engagement


Ben who weewere

after a short action

Oat front thesurrendering ot andIn

This is an check to thethe end

of wr In South Thefor days the end

that Gin Wet and lrl l

dent were and that theiror surrender imminent

ot by theseemed to view and It

that omrnandantIenenal Dolhland the prepared to aoept

U pOln a the Nrale Borhave

developingmx wide leading that he-

II aiming to make good time

to At rate theto make considerable

for Roberts and their at

heat to thelead them to prolong the Irll-


that Diii lJery found to retire tothat place trom owing to

ot the Boerln theand between and


disappointment over time

aral taken

DTH RITON-UIpber of sn for

CaD to THERed Cross

bM from the Consul at Pretoriathat the or the Dutch AmbuIince Corps made IIIHcharred that carried the

The Dutch Foreign hMto the or the Jndon to take for tlelrreleue-

BOlR5 10BI-Oe That of Ila

Cal So

ul Wara despatch from Otn

that aiD releaedfrom regIments arrived at

ot the len were mrber or theDerby hlr

t Take Place laIld I-

WURIHotoH July Senator Jones Chair

Dan ot thetime

here that time ofBryan Stevenson ot their

for the and

Prldtno In 01

ISDISIOII rfthis hid ben

the and N the for theor and the

Central forthe andtIme event that wpalhrthe place In

hut It I tulr or this

wi Timeleaders mil time one of the

that In and theto tare 10

nat crowd may In Itthat tOoJ IIto lend the

RoonelsdBtur Mo July

of I farmer neargave birth to morn

who are A trio werelooelland lanna Radet

ltlecA-rivd 11 Aqulit June

Ideal da onl le CpA




Re Arrive Too LateFighttgL-asta All aid CasualtIes Are Heavy

Sihlaaeo Attack North it PretoriaBritish BackLass fete

3as CobU Dsspetcts

July 13The Warfollowing Roberta

July 13The enemy havingattempt to right

made attacksay they

succeeded espturIn NitrateBoots Grey

guns tb Royal liaise Artillery five cornpudes Liocoinshire Regiment

The superior attackedsetting the commanded

convergingupon the small garrison NitralseIghteen mile

crosses the Crocodile River fl wasmaintain


fighting lasted less throughouttheday ImmedIately receiving InformsIon early the morning the

dispatched reinforcementshere Ccl Before they reached

however garrison was over-powered

The guns and the theowing

being abet also ninetyUncolnahlres lit has

been received tear they heavySimuitanootialyan attack was

outposts near northwardtown Seventhwere washandled considerable skill LleutCol-Lowe enemy check until retired

supports probably suf-

fered ilight mIstakenbushes

SmlthDornien had smiocesetul

wIth enemy yesterday afternoon nearKrUgenidorp inflicting Ieavy lou

Duller reports that the de-

stroying the railway near Kraaldriven off yesterday

reports Heidelberg thatarms ammunition continues

that distrIct

defeat unpleasantrecently growing optimism regardIng

the Africa correspondenthave been pnedioUng

declaring DiSteyn oornercd

capture wasThe occupation BethlehemBritIsh justify thiswaa believed

Transvaal were thus

Inevitable Free eel

lapsed ten Bothas operationsevidntlg however been over

area to time belief

perhaps threatrecanturts Pretoria any Hoer

activity promises troubleGun success Nltrsis-

Nek will doubtless give fightingburghers and

It is conctmrrently reported OraylitigatadIt necessary

VlakfonteIn the greatactivity destroying railway

telegraph IreyiingstadStanderton The hero expressconsiderable turn



AbulsiceCerp ArrestedAidiag the Hoer

peM1 Suy-

AMntnDAM Societylearned Dutch

members Secondwere pruoners yesterday

they letter into Hoerlines Office telegraphed

Amnbaaaador Netherlands inmeasure


Helter Report S19 TbuReached Ladsmaitb-

epctai Detrain Tile 5isI-osDoW omce has ret

crived flulier whIch sttesuncondItionally prisoners

various have IitdismIth MostFourth


The CeroaY Indianapolisen Aug12

Democratic Nstional Committeeinformed Deniocratlo Congressional

Committee notification Meisirnmind nomInation

respectively PresIdency Vicewill hake place Indianapolis

July 13 Iiimnidialei onrelying newt that city selected as

place Aug as tints ormni-sinotifleation Bryan Stevenson Siam

Committee began arrangementsevent Tomlinson hall wasettred in

the is Inclementnotification wIiI take the

halt lie day onenubIle park be utilized Democrauio

eventever thie

railroads will be asked alve reduceda great be attendance

wIll cometime city notification meeting

Triplets samed After lcKinleyHassa-

IPiAR 12Mrs DavidRadclitf wile iivlna Carniathis three thIs

The trIplets healthynarntd


lAtest Nan

5uudaytrtp all Island 8ouutdgal Measis ChuteS W

RIR AIIta Hooth Blown Out to

aThe high wind last evening did sam

at Island the front plankand or from

away andstands photograph und oyster blhlout In

of broken andA or

were and and

In the ot the the napisthaowned by heath

Haynew Iron and John and

who In or It

by two Inlaunch In shore and

high up on theAt flay Bath

blown down In andmaple blown down In

yachts which lay at anchor broke from theirashore


Sutter SIP andRod

years old a travkmnnby the Rapid Com

pay on the strucof the

at the toot of at 1-

1ocok In theand the

ofwhich the trains are

their companionto to

pick him up and a ricetrio

then whIch theyunder him and him tIm

dead and an sureon saidto an shock

hLs John Polmlnman

at and FtYork WM the ot ot Woohaven to have

ot and an Hlellavenues nplt Tpsday


1 Wrecked the and ofIn Miss

Xaw 12A ormeteoric stone bur over mal town

to nightthe store and

Mabry Thened by a ot who

but none of them hurtIt WM a A balot lire dashed suddenly rApidlythe Jut over the store aloud the fled hundreM ot and

Thouoand-at the wreck

found ot the meteoriteor a putyIk substance



Fret Car for natSub HI

John Fiske ot Massexecutor and ot

the ot theton at to On Mr

death the At

but Ni of and theup In paying fur cart or

at or

al In mall forears It

the ot In time

lie provide forfor time ot ISage of or


Woman Boston lad HerSatchelChecked to roa

ruhamid II

lit a

10uheu on the mainon the Dl

of the awhose nlle lot

Idlrable offIcialsget or or

The bal one tint whatMO anxIous Is because

It or lacWM neat

thetlso to

on II Vanthe nut

the 10 toto search

told the men Ibat thegoing IIfuneral band

ashes were contained Inlot done n-

an ou8el tlI probably alI

lU1W-oProf tiepot I

12NProrN J W randold found and

at un early hour thisIn lie

tram the ago andNmeimerlo In the

nit his atlast seen an later 01or Thisbod found near nn

thaI hada luluuit lie

known had a orterdat hod had

8 In In It IS

that n at nolh

on rou ot thethat ht lt

Hmlh sod 111d hm

DIED TO o1 t Gn U-TI Ile Front a tbet and

Sloir ItAT IOIII I I 12u1Iam O

andtwo went In a

Imer hat andoverboard after snout

atesislance and odd lu tmelp himreach

th lt WnlllIn hr total and

to ThyIn thus water ansi him

their Doddhid to anti

Looking for a InFoet Boy

Pack otKy

feet In to bIn ChIcago hue


Un to TJul11 trlc 1A


Shattered gea-

and Launch Wreckeddamage

Along oceaning boards pavilions were rippedtheir fastening and carried yonder

gallerieswere swept to sea The windowsher resorts were large signswere splintered number arnusrnentplaces flooded Surf aveni otherthoroughfares were impassable

height atorm 32foothaunch Arabella Edward of-

Sheephead became unrnanagenbia whiteoff the pier Dugan Ed-

ward Swanton were charge wereswept overboard They cIting to its sidesuntil they were rescued life guards aboat The was sweptcarried beach

liheepahead Beach and FortHamilton telegraph and electric light wiresware all directions hiiaeoaks and Gravesend Bay Oravesend Beach many

moorings and drifted


Charles Tall Across theThird Electric

Charles Mutter 2S

employed Brooklyn Transitwas killed by electricity

ICings County Elevated RailroadFulton street Brooklyn

yesterday afternoon crccetnghe slipped fell across third rail

which supplies the electricity by meanspropelled Three oIlier

trackmnen saw fall and theyran hits aisMstanoe They attempted

each received severeshock

They got a plank placedlifted off track Mutter

was ambulance deathWa undoubtedly due electric

Butter lived with sister MrsLiberty Sheridan avenues New

and son Chariots MutterHe was been married

Mary FrederIcks Libertynight


Store Warehousehedge Mabry Hellefoutain

OaLxAs July large amrohite

the of-

Beliefontalne be-

tween P and oclock last completelywrecking general warehouse of-

Ilodge A explosion was witlarge number person were

standing nearby wasbright moonlight night large

andair It burst withexplosion and air was with

shooting stars The ware-house were completely wrecked

people visited todsy c5o debriscould be beysind piece


Fisk WIll the WidowExecitor-

Prof Cambridgeis seeking tile release a trustee

estate widow of EdwinWallace Mtoughone lime Minister Russia

Stoughtons estate was valuedeoio time income principal

hais been tIme MrsStoughton a sanitanluni situ

iais been miiauiy years Mime Is

how 80 is believed will spendremainder tier life sanitarium

Prof Fiske says that wItI herrest iser life lawyer ViilianiU6 Broadway Its charge time cac-


From Them IaStation

PirrsriEiD Mass 12Time mimtstak-eof time Boston Albatmy baggage agentBoston checkIng handbag yesterdayVan Albany line In-

stead Iuesmn llerkshmirevision Consolidated lies caused Iluetoit-wonman is known here con

won are busytrace the imtfsslug piece lug-

gage is an ordinarymitakes its about it

contains time MIleS her husband whosebody cremeted severalItoston the woman checked bag

baggage agent tmnderstood her aar lau-mIiotien arrival Uttesen

bag was there She very muchout alenmi and hastene tIme

railroad officiaLs a institutetiShe first ratiroed tSM-

ennlninett she was wear at-a and said tier

it alsoA of telegraphing was

Duocit stud beg

MESMERIC hEAlERCasdiess Found Murdered on

Street Near the OMce a Vincennes-

INnlAaPoL1s Julyless 00 years was murderedrobbed morning omm time

street Vmneennes corns to lncenneusSomttii several weeks hail been

practicing heailng commitlie left boarding itoumse is oclock

night and was hour onethe streets his

was hlm lost OffIce andexamination howed his skull beencrushed as itmstnmnntit was

to iuave large corn moneybut wimeit lime was

only change his pockets knownlie iislted saloon but

occurred there ii e5cttusLetters the immrdered man-

N iwed has relatives living FortArk himey were

dyirboard WIiileum Went After


here this afternoon Us rthiur Boddand young woumen sailing cat-

boat One of the airls lost Muir-

sfmrauig it lie called forimlungd to

rite 1151 drltteti jilt of Time scrusiuhn-sof girls arotiiei sonic ghiest time

iugttu house and 311ss A

I Imnsss Inert ttts Cotiutiette weiit-as they assist thus WOfltMmsaw Into

boat Mom had disappearedlost conselottsnmss hut was

will recover

Ciiicauo July 12 Green Lasrmncicounty who I described as standingseven his stockings ii supposedlost lli friendsthe forMic boy

f4w Ptretmtence commencingiIwekiy

tars ass



Enthusiasm at the FormalEIrcis




Workingmen Appland Gold

StandardRefernces I

l trmllthe That I Bea-

RenomlnatdTheGold lIDtbene-

Ni 101t1 IISrnator TIU the Ihpblra

Epct I to no DulyHen lor Tel Io rloant IssueOther I

One a

Ohio I

tothKOld standard and

IdIIe 1010 I theand time

In In withthe wllh as the

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In Irfldlnttim notes or

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Great Throng Attends tremnnieea-tor Ldges Strong AddieS

TellIng President Had

PresIdents StirrIng Re-

sponse The Standard

Scuttle the PhilippInes

Hanna Say

Party Every liiiFaIrbanks What the

Spechesclodipg From Hawaiian flelegats-

Aivox Iimly tnssmrvIng au

glummest imneonuprornisingbattle with time uphold-ing Administration

the policy it hiss fornitmiatini dealingisuess have collie fruits of-

tisit mvar as time fruit policiesprInciples ut cx-

ernimiited lime

McKinley were thesounded by lfrpublieans today wereemphasired the

President McKlpley as well as in those ofthe speaker who were called to the front oftime porch of the McKinley home independentof time official programme arranged for theceremonies of notifying iresident McKinleyof lila renomination

They were a reiteration of the sanme sentimentsthat the party leaders grew entlmusiastlo overat tlit NatIonal Conveutitot Iii Philadelphiathree iveeks ago but they were presented In a-

dliTerent setting and to a different audienceThe greater signifleance attaches to time latterfor on titLe oscaslon this rank and fIle of thevoters and not the leaders and the professionalpolitIcians were atrongiy in the majority Ieraton Lodge and the members of imIs Notiflenilon-Cornmnlttee National Chairman Ilaurm and othermembers of the Ilepimblican Nationci imiiiiimltieethe prospective nienibens of time ExecuhlyeCommittee and the invited attests nil toldnumbered only about 20o of the thostiusnds betcrowded the McKinley iawn the lawns of time

neighbors and liii contiguous streets for icyeral biocki on either side iii liiis crowd werethe business and professional pcopie of sntnna-migmuented by representaiives in slmmmllar tinesfroni tIeveluitd noni Akron fr9mlI Aiilsnceand front Massliloum and front time smaller townsof this netgitboniuoud

Outnumbering all others went ibm imuen troutthe workshops and factories imundreds of themfrom Macshun mind Alliance and thiotiminds of-

theni fmoni this city The majority ut the int-

ter eIther Joined In the escort parmids or en-

tered in the gramid rush for the McKlruliy lawnin their working garb with faces bugrtmiiedwith persplratiouu for they worked tip to time

hour of the arrival of the first delegation adr-etttrmied to their posts when the flood oforator 1usd csaed Employers had merelydonated to them sufficIent titume to imear thespeaking

WOIIKINOtIENS CIiICKitms WATCHa-PIt was the tlterre of timet workingmen that

were wmmtciied with thus greatest interest Andtheir limout lmisty ciuers were given to thoseeittlimitntt whIch pledged the PartY to main

Dtltm them currency on the preuent standardnotably the iresldents smtteranee-

We mase Passed front londissuinc to a-

bondpmtylmig muimlion fromu a mmtiomi of borrowen to a flatiOn of lender fmotmi a deliciency-In revenue to a suriulils front tear to conlideuce trout eumlurced idleness to vrofltabieu-smployineimt Tue pubiio faith imas tmemi tipheld pubtlc order hiss teen maintmuincd Wehave prosperIty at ioutme nod prestige abromsd-

Almitost eqtinl In volume was time enthusleemaroused by mill references ho lime wuir and it-

restmlts uiitl time otmiimal bus t U I1lt jwtI wiiich-I t isa tiroumtmt iti lnes idmnh itas Iii happyaccord with huh imeitrere wlmen hr ssid-

Iiie ilmtiilmpiliis ar tours and tuiwnlcsnauthority toilet be eumprenie thrommahotit themmrchlpeimmgo Iiuere ma iii be alilnesty brosdand liberal Intl Ito nlatemiient of our rightsno abandonment of our duty There mustbe no scuttie policy We will muifli in the PhIlispinea time oblIgatIons luiipossd by the triumphsof our arnie mind by the treaty of peace by in-

ternatlonnl law by the nations sense of honormind more thati all 1w the rights interests andconditions of the liiiiipplne people them-selves

No isntimimemit expreissd out tim famous frontporch received ml umore lmiarty secondIng frontthe inultittids itt front than

And to tIme ImartI of iineohn hiss come an-

other stipremime opjiontiinity wmkh it has bravelymet in the liberatIon of mOwsnoo of the humanfantmiIy frormi tim yoke of linperiniisi-

nlhat liii rank mid tll of time voters asrepretented in this cruised today were so enthualssticover the Iuemies destined In he fliost conspicuousIn the eantpulgn was mot gratilsing to all ofthe party leaders lucre today and they soexpressed timemoselves It was really the firstoppontimnitytolmiind time ImeoPie and the answergives time lemiders added courage

tIcEtTIiN Os nmi Ilowlis

lime day mitud all of it lmlng heft nothina-to be dceired Ott time jmart of himus who wereinterested In it sttess this weather wasideal and nil tf the nrrangemneimts admirableThe crowd was far beyond time tiiiest sanguineexpectatIons murisi tlm entimmieinsiut was un-

botmntled usuitonlans were fIrst on the sceneof entire rhurus were hits Itlzens Recep11011 nimnitiee wlmleit tutet eiery delegationthat came in O mud oortetl it to the McXInicy itttnie ittiti time anton lrnop which inlime enmime cmriipaIgn rode miimad and opened

the ivay for tim mummireiming uimrdes both onduty bright anti early to nuwt the Incoming

crowds mirmd lint timeni iii for the grand escortparAde that was in lead tIme menmhrs of theNotification omitnmlttee to time home of thePresident

lliese were early reintmrced by the CantonSoutfld Money MarchIng lush Cantons twoband end two vnsls Of the rantl Army of theiteptiltils h were especially detailed to re-

ceive escort tind entertain the visiting corn

rades of tIme rwileimts old regiment iii theClvtl-Var The men trout shops and tactortee of lb

city ten or twelve of them in organixed bodisa

Clean sad oomfotable cool and sN thus

Hudson iuesr Day Un 3Winesit1s
