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The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-11-27 [p...

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TIlE SUN TUESDAY NOVEMBER 27 1000 u T P Ii I HI 1 MY MHIMIIIil H- flAIIV l MiifiU- IAIIV pf Sf- MMHAV pi VMf- 1IAIIV AMI IINIIAV I fVf DAIIV AMI HI NUAV fr Month Till J UNN f otr frlfiil I wll ninuiff- bVlratlfi I i il r ttlHtfl iitlti fUtl n lU IliJ Jliinni fn pu- ITie mnijdo Nt to Ho It Tin1 of Tiimmntiy nil tiro- IntelHaont men mid ory fneultlef thnt protect them fioiubelnKhumbuKKedidiould- Inform them that neither are the majority of X w Yorltors or nt ieiuit thu citizens who personal prominence obtains for them cnvrftl public attention and consideration at tli8 moment rosily humbugged Cor- tnlnlv tho two foremost critics of our municipal nffnlm ns they nre nt present- HWiop POTTFH ami Dr Ipux AIUKD Imvo- hliowti thoin olv to be proof niniliH dolu Mon u to tliH pat of rn ioiu lblliiy for tho moral loprivltytlnyrrck to extirpate and as to tile propir remedy Dr Aniuns letter printed tliU mornlm furnishes tho morn hpeclflc evidence to this Xo group of dtlirens tin over got to otlirr by ofilclal appointment or by solf appointment to n flU nlclpul question of Importnnco has ben regarded with Mich complete Indifference or rather rldiuie on tho part of tilt public as tho Nixon i ommlltru on Purification tlio rraon 1 very simple If Tnmimuy mHnaron that MatcmcntH ius to the prevalence of vlco In etrtnln forms were without foundntlon they could deny them nnd rely confidently upon final demonstration of tho truth Hut they do not deny them and evidently they do not Intend If can help It to make any Fmilno attack upon the situa- tion for thoy appoint a commlttro of- InvivtlsMorti instead of demnndlng of tho Mayor whose powers ar ample that ho compel the police to lot fall a wither hand on tho vUiousrfss complained There Li but one remedy tho election Mayor next fall othnr than tho Tammany candidate Till we Imagine Is seen clearly by IlUhop IOTTKII and Hr AHIKII- ns by any other Itions of tho town Krueger In France Tho triumphal pr cress math by PAm KnlOEH MnrftellleH to tho French capi- tal Is without a precedent In modern his- tory Far less fervent was thc greeting which gave to BENJAMIN KHANKLIN arid less enthusiastic was thin weloomo with which the InriMin ncrblmed their Kurdnn ally tho Czar NICHOLAS II Wilt Bunh an outpourIng f sympathy bo fruitless Is the day yet distant when statecraft and diplomacy shall obey a nation heart conscience la It dill nn Illusion even Central and Western Kurope whom Parlla- montary Rovernment exit that Icings and Ministers aro bound to recognize In tho voice of the people the voice of Cioi The Inquiry Involves two preliminary questions To what extent can the Doer republics regarded as Btlll exlctent and consequently as subjects of generous medi- ation Secondly have tho English put themselves In the wrong by their methods of warfare In South Africa If both of these questions niu t bo answered In a way unfavorable to England It may be that tho tidal wave of sentiment which seems likely- to sweep over tho Continent vlll Invade even tho British Islands and will compel the HrttUh Oovernmnnt to exhibit a for beirnnce and a magnanimity of width IthM given thus far no Mgn long before tho rerent general elec- tion In the United Kingdom tho Salisbury Government announced that tho wa In Houth Africa was practically over and that and the Orange freo State had been annexed to the British Crown The ntsertlon cannot possibly bo reconciled with facts now known The British lino of communication between Pretoria and tho fardistant base la incessantly cut not only In the Transvaal hut also In tho Orangn Tree Stats and tho Capo Colony So great is the scarcity of at Johannesburg that the refugees from that place who havo boon harbored In Capo Town nnd elsewhere are wnrnnd not to ret urn for several months It is further to be noted that Lord HonnnTR tins refused to permit the departure of any mare troops from South Africa Moreover nccurdlng to a despatch from Imdon which we printed yesterday Englands mili- tary operations oro still costing her nearly 5000010 a week or oo000000 n year willie officer coming from tho front ac- knowledge that the war Is likely to continue mJe cttlttYI I t- I I nfl II- j 11- r J IMd Ill r 1nlol lnI Sn U ItOI n 1- IUnQ t 10 11111 C uIDt I t ho f t I net I l I th knew i I J I In ot- a n q I from II hop I aol l f t ot I t l i J J t J Ia- h tiII i IPIIt1- HP flfl P 70- ii fnt Itn Ynil near Jrn4 j J df laiD jJ frr pri iFS th ius p fiat fib tfl4ti I 4 11 flIt at- one I of- t i I tr lit I the rransranl It It I > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = at least years So unquenchable has proved tho spirit oven of the noncombatants that IirdK- iTCHFNFn has adopted tho detestable pol icy pursued by Wnvicn In Cuba tho policy that U of concentrating all the old men women ard children at ft few easily de- fended points while tho rest of the country Is laid vn tn anti rendered un- Inhnbltablo for sympathizers with the Itorrs In anus Wo add thnt Ixird- KtTfiiKNKii suppressed nil nerspa- peix oKfopt nn offlciil gazette and IIT- SrVclled nil newspaper correspondents- Moanwlill1 tho organized Iloir forte operating under Sen PR WIT Gen HOTIU and others In the Trarmvanl and the nrigo Free Stnto are more numerous than tho sol- diers whleh WASIUMOTON hal at hi dis- posal after his pvicuitlon of New York and his retreat through the Jersey and IKTDSS the Delaware In the autumn of 1776 Nor Is this all Arconline to despatches which wo published on Sunday the Afri- kander in the Capo Colmy havo pledged thomvlves to hoer cause when- ever called no and sir VIKIIE- OMiixrii the Hleh Commissioner of South Africa is under tearful nnxiety lest a I utdi rilnc tn Colony should extiiid to thin suburbs f CIK Town Cnder th circumstaiicot it is absurd to say that tile Boors have been completely subjugated and no longer rotH stibJoctH for friendly Assuming that the resistance of the to conquest I by no meant they may at any hour ho strengthened by a general uprising of the Afrikanders the Cape Colony we must still face the question whether tho request put for I hal I I r I Allot th I f t 1110 lora Ito 1 t t n lint 11 j 0jin tnedtit ion over 4 t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ward by their official frpf onUllTn uffli nily rensitmlilN nnd tn t to MMUfp fiirrUii iitiil neutral IOWPM- bni rfun IV tvliin in mil hoH- Mllllllltlli nuiiiiii f war un I cIMl they were i the llrltlh Criiwn lion leserMI Ilidefiifi Ireill- iiunrdixl in ribili r iy- yrriM HK Hours do not nny longer wo nm fit hinder shall line hided fmru- thioxiieiNii of he frntichlnn In Ilm Trans- vaal All they I that Hiey themnelvo- i h ill not In deprived of suffrage nnd- thil llieTransvniiliisaKilfgoveniltiK ie- piiidnc f Uteit Britain ohall enjoy thn- nuii nian nf selfrule which h con iwind i tin up Colony If tin IMII but prudent iiuiPisHloii wiri1 timid by the iovernment all tho objects whiili Mr ClIAMIHIMMN professed to hIVn- In view will be iittalned Mr KiitiicuH- nilwlon will haxv beii nr imill i1ied thn armed opposition of the Hoot to subjuga- tion will Immediately end the fnverisb un- rest of thin will disappear and Kiwlands expendlturo in South Africa will cease Nobody expects England to do today what Mr OiADSTONr did after the hattie of Majuba Hill Tho utmost that U asked of her is that she shall hal with the Doers as mercifully a she dealt with the rebellious FrenchCanadians nt a fateful crisis In the hUtory of British North America Is It wist for the British Government ant people to offer a resistance to the prompting of equity nnd pity at the risk of provoking detestation of her political alms and method throughout the Continent of Europe Ono of Mr Hewitts Superficial Views Mr Annum S HEWITT made a speech- at a meeting of the Educational Alliance- on Sunday evening in the eourso of which he this I IhM In OIl twrntleth hlrh- li no near IU dawn the spirit of romiBtflsllzni wilt tfidll law lr strong the spltll ft altruism Mtoniftf I tfllfic thdt the Jo aria cllicts ei soul huvs others du unto you will mor grnr- itly pictiill than In alt the crntiirlM which ba gone Ufotr It I m tnlst l n In this If Ihf iplrlt of rcnnrrc- lallsm nrd strcd rontlnufs to ciow lrorgei llfn the IwcntUth crnlurr wilt nltnrM A letltl cttAclyt- munrt ilffil In history It Is only ty the dlscoun triunrlne of rommtrcUllsni srd the tttrAdlne of ltrtil m thut u tlc proprty and ltl rty CominerclalLsni i th principles ncc esar to tho sound arid Fnfo conduct of hulnats th1 rule and methods essential to Its solvency nnd cucp is ful pursuit If tutu the spirit f coniinervIaliMii grows loss strong in the twentieth century than II ha been In the nlnotventh nail In the ecnturlivs pat trnd and commerce will niCcr correspondingly to tho damage of society Or does Mr HEWITT mean that the spirit with which the pursuit of money is now conducted will bo lesi strong If hero Is any such diminution society will suffer likowU for the enterprUo necMnary to give employment to libor and make U3oful for miukln1 tim accumulations of capital Is thn very plnt of commercialism this pursuit of gain CommerchlLsm of course U selfish Business is not on tho Golden It U on let the buyer look- out own Interest yet practically- the ml Do otliTS as you would have others do enters Into Com- mercialism to the extent that the solfUb competition of trade and the accumula- tion of money in the maikcti legulnto prices and rates of Interest Tho capitalist cannot live to himself alone In th lone run he must make his mooney serve tho interests of the community If it to ho useful to him Ho mu t build houses manufacture goods needed provide facil- ities of travel for hU fellows or lend out his capital to others for such purposes in order to get profit for himself That is altruism practically It U also puro commercialism Tho moro of the spirit of commercial- ism there Is of tho spirit of tound busi- ness principles and obllenco to thorn awl consequent sound antI profitable ness enterprise the moro capital must accumulate the more money there will ho to keep In motion the activities estentlol to tho welfare of nil society Mnko It le s strong and the go neral bene- fit will be diminished proportionally we have suggested greed Is s rve the Interesti of society in order to nerve Itself It doos infinitely more gooi to mankind than doe or can charity Mr HEWITT fald of rich men that there U not ono anion them who 1 glvitii what he would givo if his condolence was properly aroused H W much is tho amount What the fharo of h is pos a rich man is under tIe obli- gations of conscience to glvo away If ho U obliged to give any why must lit iw give According to tie injunction of in tlio partible of and IA7Atif8 for instance his entrance into 111IUIIllt II thin Ill I h r I I Il I I InlllI h til U I Ihll hipt Tlc nk th I h I Cap I all centUry and e rAn Alt UI1 i ton don Into I I hit bust to- rn comp M I propel I 11 T rat ii rptcPfiIIY liii PI C fit II f oii- I lieu I i Iefi tilt I tit l Pr tinil ItcIt letilerit whll wits i lit II I s ask t ha I lint rule IOU Rub niP lrit trinity 4 < ¬ < ¬ ¬ > < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ + heaven i nny Iiiicsessloas nt nil No accusation of III gotten Is brought against DIVKK it will 1m only that thou In thy lifetime received thy good thiiiM- nnd IAAIIVS evil things Tlio extreltm- dltllculty rich men exporienco In getting into heaven is deserihed elsewhere In Mr HrwiTT mean then that if a rich mans conscience wn iiroperly nromed- h would proceed get rid of his richer giving them nny n CIIIIIKT ciin- nmndcd th young man to li Moreover If then I this bligatlon on tho rich her gun with It correspondingly th right of tlw poor ti diuand that they fhall dlcharge it with tho ionseinicneo- thi m f reclii of n t lrit of ultrulm belong ti Ilium Actinlly nil rich men do not now feel never havo foil under miy uc obligation nml they do not rtxogniw any Mich right in poor If tiny give lice are Impoll11 by a doslro- to do good of their own freo will slmjilyl- w cnu e as Mr HtwiiT said the man doo for ll follows tin nmro for hlm clf the higher ilk toars Into that pure realm of justice brotherly love whenill is tho throne of Jon The world therefore will go on in twentieth century in tho way It has been going in thl century and In nil cent- uries 90 far a concerns thin pursuit of money the spirit of commercialism nail tho use of capital But as clviliwitlon advances intelligence in tho use of money ant In organization for obtaining it will extend and become more perfect until nt penury and harsh poverty will ease though if ever the lain cornea when men will no longer have the Incentive to excr alt I I t enl Iwo mor- a foul t mat I 1 lit k n ns lie I Ito L < > > < ¬ llifi tliAl In found In rrnuliillon In pomp- Illlon nnd Ilm f id of Mrif l n l lf- d nlil HIP rnd nf Ih fnc Will hnnd If iw Mr the ronflnueil- gfiWlh ef PornfltWltllMtl- niil nr iire Hid III Ihn IwrnflMll in a ratnclysiii unparalleled Iti- lii t irv iiio awful lrolir I uid eoiri fur ihrir grimth lll Hititlnuo 1- 1liig m liuniin nituri nnd hiitnnn coelety- ritnnln Nor can terrible result b- provnled by dlncnutitenanelnrf of iiiiniui riilNin The calamity wotilil I mud Inevllnbl nnd hastened by IniorlP produced by tlli leH f hut imptiUv The afcguard of Justlcit- prn rtv aril liberty It may In nllni- l m but it h prnctical altruism which riisuli I tiTcssarlly from ho uplrlt of under the oi rniioti of the law whleh cniill Illillvldeill greed to HTVO Kiiirnl gixl In ordr flint it may serve itrelf- The wont IWITT may inllllun- of yenr old but II young yi compared now moving utica faster null tinito Imp fully over before nUfrancIilicment Works MlMlslppI adopted tho policy of negro dlsfranchlsement In 18BO or years South Carolina eight years before Louisiana nnd ten year before North Caro- lina Presidential election of t87 the whole number of votes cast in Missis- elppt was JtJVOoo In 1884 under a method of local disfrnnchisement of colored elec- tors tho total vote of that State tell to 110 000 although the population had ben Increasing steadily Four years later the rote won 115000 Two years afterward a new Constitution adopted by a majority of the convention which framed It butt without submission to- n voto of the people provided for n regis- tration of all voters and overy elector to convince the that he wits able to read any section of the Constitution of the Stnto or able to understand the same when read to him or give n rcasonablo Interpretation thereof In the Presidential election succeeding that Is In IS93 tho total vote of Mississippi was 62000 In 1800 it was J990 and at the re- cent November election It was BO 103 of which number BUTAN had more than 60000 and McKiNLBT less than 0000 During tho ten years the population of Mississippi Increased front 1SS9000 to 1651000 or about 20 per cent from 18SO to 18W tho Increase In population was 150000 This Is how tho figures compare ruputalln IMfl 1131000 Population 1100 1851000- Incrtate In to yftn 40000 Vote In 18711 U477S Vote In 1 00 ft 10- 9Dfctfif In 14 yturi 108078- Mls Is lppl the first of the States to adopt Constitutional disfranchisement offers this year In tho official returns Jut canvassed- the very best Illustration of this method of vote reduction In practical operation National Hanks and Their Loans The report of the Comptroller of the Currency for the year ended Oct 81 1BOO made public yesterday shows that tho condition of tho national banks of our country 1 pne of exceeding prosperity und strength There are now nearly four thousand of these Institutions in existence having combined renourooM of over 3000 000000 luring the year 348 new banks were organized most of them under the favora- ble provisions of the IMurdlng net Tho total bond secured currency circulation of the country is nearly 300000000 Those statistic nfl however matters of common knowledge and tho most tm- portint feature of tho Comptrollers report- is hU recommendation for additional legal restrictions surrounding loans to directors nnd executive officers of banks Tho Comptroller says tat 17 per cent of tho total failures of national banks during the post year bavo been due to csccaslvo- lo M to hank ofJlcerg and directors and that n minute examination has disclosed that tho dlroct nail indirect liability of thcso- ofllccrs and directors now amount to 3755 per cent or nearly onothlrd of the total capital of tho banks controlled by them Many and probably nearly all of these loans aro well secured but there aro Intol- erable posslblHlleH of laxity and Impro- priety Tim trouble with tho Banking laws as they stand Is that tho Comptroller has no power to Inflict a penalty for tho making of excessive locus by banks while on the other hand the law Is behind the times In that t ccording to Its literal terms It pre- vents largo institutions rom loaning the percentage of their total assets which It allows to banks Comptroller therefore uggost that the present law which provides that no bnnk hall loan to any person or corpora tio n Mini 1xeonlins onetctli of the amount of the batiks capital stock shnll- be no amended as not to apply whore a loan In csciws of nuetetith of tho cpltal k nhal lo less than por cent of tho total asset of tho bunk nt the tlmo of mak- ing the loan nnd that loan shall be at t fIn Ali I 1 Il II I I I lt I I I Ih It has tO t low In require pIt I I to a 01 I 14 1flI try Itt f tu S the Ie rim I tier I tie i rig tie t lie I urn tnra II ti r I I i svltli no VOt niiitre ittml It ii hint five be- fore thi flu Ito ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ all protected by greater thnn Ilm ojcci PS in tho amount of tilt loan ovor onotcrth of tho capital stork To thl amended law the Comptroller would add n very heavy pendty summarily cnforclblo by the Comptroller for any violation Tim fart ns tho Comptroller of the urreney nd every ono knows IH- Tfifilv wcl Ilia Ih Banking lawn as they htand todny aro very commonly violated fur reason Unit bu demands their vi latind Han liiennwof iiiietenlimf their Tin ollcerx of si bank fhotild not certify n i nle li nk ban actually In its pnrsiiin t th creiiit of th drawer of- tho check tho stilt named therein et- wo Ian cay ihcro Is a batik in this city in the Wall Street iliMri t which dos not very day lunnij n siuens crtify- cherks of its depn itnrs far in excess of their tual l iliiiei atthe tlmo n certifica- tion relying implicitly upon tho jod fUlli- of the depositor In making the fortification good before th of banking hours Tlio hank know that depositor Is conducting his days bu rea on tho strength of the checks which will ho given to him In limo for deport In tile hank Ivforo 3 P M Debtors tint creditors alike are proceeding upon thn same principle and at the close of tho day general clearing take place in which debits and credIts are balanced Occasionally hut seldom trouble re- sults from this practice and It Is then usually found that the wrongful over certification has been by some bank omoer i I clue tlltorpolIIllII llital stock lIt I li hon I clot titus t Ito tie tan o lot ii k liar I ly rs lit ¬ ¬ = with A criminal Intent IMftlriilly ArMr from flits nu i In onllnnrr rotir nf InnlnM H very ram Arc i4lo- lTrimr I N IIXII nf Ml l lipl nulnrril n nn li Imd i ff roil him n- i film in f 11 nntci nnd dim nl hit ili llnir ii li In dnlln intli I fililciiM Hint I T l Ihni iritinn He hi- fitriivil velftiiPtitlr nn l tin rfHif of liii tmrrllv fir ed II has II PII H rnr irilili mid nnllr il tin i iil lili lh nil of liUHKil not lo- liii nrfjudc lo with tlmir coinnircfil tiro p rlir- Idveriuir I iiNoixn I s iintnlii cltixn- lro rHr turn td for moment to jlnnon Knn n llcrs JrnnT Hivisov- rullltiKhiMeil clmi l In Inrt of tlin Hint Hi bucolle life of si l ninnliif ID ilnnil lulu lii iiis iieiinl luifiii In Knuui Illf And vlini thor li iMiiuIil n ihfeellflhsI- ntireHt iiurilin ed th real tiarrs of slcU III III IlUili IIVP Sin u foiiipnny Inilir huts U come a eir rntoi tub lilinsolf l l him nut be if II crlina of tiylie lo- mako all Ihu nunicy lio ran winch nccoidlntf Rood 1opiilUt dootilne I nil rlelit for Ibo but orprnsilmi for middleman and the corporation The next tlilna Kansas Iopu Ilits know JKIIUT may try to break Into the Ilo ouhllcan party Th Kenned To vita RotTen or Til BONflir lu your llwlBoted of lif n Events you Tfer to this Kennedy rtttsol by th Court of App aUR rot Indicating a new dtflre bf court t xtrnln In Its efforts to find technical error Wo bvllave your dtcUlonU correct The oomment of the court on the testimony of Police Captain Trio touching ld ntlflcMlon to enierienced counsel more Ilk aoademicul rrflrcmcnt than revrribl error An examination of the record of the trial will show effort on th police- to appear fair to prisoner a most eliborat and deliberate of pollen witnesses the almost judicial tmpcct of the In vestlgatten by the police captain In charge If th prisoner Yet the Cowl of Appeals was not convinced of the moral oonclusiveness of the testimony and tho verdict When we consider tie now general view of police In our city thnspeclal notoriety nf these imrilciilur police wItnesses the known nnd learning of the trial Ju lce the lion Pardon C Williams nnd the comment rf lOUr of Appeal that the prisoner did not have a fair wenro to the conclusion that the reversing court not convinced tctl- ininv In mch a CIM a hred of technical error nltlinneli believed to have had no unhsriiif olfoct will bo ued for in aid of gutftamlnl Jutiei- TMicrlontiHtithiri to nn unnoticed dancer dl chnr n of duty policemen ar often wltnes to facts vn to cunvlctlon In iich n case fvn a prisoner will have the benefit or the accusers a e- li low the credit or average men unit thIs inv surtlce or rtisaerrenrnt or no bv the Jute There Is also the u ful danger nsiiMf d murderer ncutillr Innocent tiring convicted bv questlonableproofd- arrnrsed m l n volt olewnenonllnrlly Pta not wltnisiM In the e and that III of thin ili ore not Cnerally credited without other proof you an th wrlou m r vine which llirir habitual swearing Is taken In New York county KUCCI In n tow capital a fetrff to thus en ral corruption Tlmy mean n to u t Vo the mp ert murderer we ought to IM up onus In pre s reports on th Kennedy reversal there a of the usual nntwoll and Moore 1 fancy that the lunai credit thou are entitled to I a lore A HOST J MAHON Nov s A Common tTonhlp Offended To THR EDITOR or Tits Bon Str I rend with Interest your In Tnt lex entitled the Deu lon of a Common or hip It seems to mo howrer that the delu lon 4 In mind of the writer of the editorial alhT than with the conference You say that thn purpoie of the conference to harmonlrn the different manifestations of elleloui ftntlment On the contrary the urpi of theefinfnrencn wa to manifest tile harmony underlying all reunion Perhnr no can of the speakers better er pressed thn spIrit of the oonfeivnca than did Kewton In the quotation you give A the enceofu common life crow th sows of a o slble common worship crow with it Do- t not m that a common life should mv n common manifestation I not de irmd for a eominon innnllistAttnn of tt corn non life the fundamental principle of all lrir exnmile tho Catliollo n ilan f tnmand not only unity of tint unltv of worship If In re- leln by authority hold to a uniformity of wor I to ItndT liellijvcrs In which ra hi is to a common worship ltlon In your editorial that wor hlp Is linked on correct Hut neinlntr evidently a creedal filth as you Im v Taitidiffen radically rhrii n Jew nnd n Hu banned tooniplisulJin that the Faith of w and in K nt the ono In th l llef In n unlvereal Father foil ThniHuntratlon given at nier- nco of faith n n ranee of mountain unltd nt ln of one tiod and In tli vnrlmi minor nr ten t which mark Indiv duality hut do not disunion bMiie th faith defined md mot by various ipeaker lithe llvlne faith In a lort ez not In cold precepts but manifested iy the determination to actual practice Im two c mttinrdm nts which nod the th rs love the Lord thy God ana brother i ihylf fl- NKW Nov 23 Experience of Another Patrolman To rita Emion or Tuft Scs Jr I have rend with great Interest your articles on the enm e now goIng on In the city on ihn ower Kist Std In I artleulnr where I ppent- ie1 ly five ytars as a patrolman attached to h KdnOae street Motion I nifee with wliat Patrolman pays In his tier toil the only remedy for the lUllntf evils lies In the Imllot box nnd I lint In poinln election the people will nin laininm unit which alone r poiiMblo for HIIIJrIlIl I A rpetiitnfnIlItItns 1111111 t IIIIIt who ft1 f will I I tit Ii- I nil mlllt II pinliuhern I nit II tO II farmer the Cu the vlsw or the seems a plrRn part ot the arrangement to prove lontll the or was Io the reversal a dlfOrelltII rollO force In th the only fan that even that vlr Ill as M for youyou men- tion of counsel share COm nntlon 2 have r Dr po IItI rllkhn the Moham ftlh on ri h t 0 rulirio for ii to find nnd IIJ our till the Christian the the the InFtnd of lime onl rice link W 4 nut ta- r MIa < i Iii i ii Vat hIs tI uu a R C r r qs lit S rid nti hut nIi Itio far a st firm thin I t I tit a ill n I fur itt st a nil gui lIly a w flIt Notes legal the from usus if eoudn hIm the was ttndsnta thai the lie and tiers has suck his < s cnfrunce was the lIes was o hose lPllf cause agnostic 5 I itiso > < < > < > < < > < list Dirt of Iseovrncd tools of Tammany one of whom l repined to r n n ntrd frr iiirrn e nturnlly protect lair friend1 In every way are not to hi nun for ihy nre pit l heil and liiinlllileil- hiii limy frv duty I mvsolf was Irnnsf red fmin fiat pr clnet localise I nr rcsttd n nrlorl II Allen street and I know eorp 01 eimlar eai wliteh Impnoed- iliirlnc my time then Our pr iit i mad Ilfivi MinifHtu hU linn wliicli hi four ft nil n li ny lor ih of the mivlee1- nnd I roe io sunnenr our other ft- porlor r are n llirnief to the ervio r I not much tneournitini nt for a undr ndinlnUtrntin lo- dohllilivprntierl No 2 Srw I- tlilim the Onlr llemedr Sir Every right tlilnklricitizen will ucree I b lleve Iliat It lilKli tulle that we vro to work lo purIfy this of mikn prld a byword to us lo Ilm people of Ih- Inltcd htntes utui nf w rid j n i 1otler the of proh- lem when lt 11 It IH only hy re nlvln n end Indlvtilunl tnat vice nliall not bo in our cliv and Hint Immorality aId hull not xl t that nnrhfill away with it It we rlw tliiin n a whnlo crent body and dp- ma 11Urttv nail Hennllneas of common coney ami law and order we will It nnd not tli n- NBW YOUR Nov M KnwAUD K MfDsos Scotch Hbilrrt1 Season Trem IS Ijmttn FltU The last of pundre whalluc floes has Just rtturned The frarna a iur Jul il round one of Iti t tl b Tlnf oat ot riot wbalri vltua and arcrtfalt catch ol the See U flfutn wbaleitlmn tons ot boos and 215 tons ol oil The Eclipse had thte whale Dlkok Nora ZnabU two Esquimaux thrtt ut CO city I too I ot 10 tin that 11 nod It To 71t1 FtttoiorTmrSt llr aid I it n r ant rue the amId its sit 1 Irate hA has been one besIde traiL Tb six BalatJIa I Iii itt I rn the rti they 5 I I vlr ream dim Iti C nit riitu vi I tiior ar that present iuv coin itv Instead the suit togithr 1 I ni nut if t y Itt I na ate vessel this win oos i > Th Mprnine Cnllrllnn nf f nM nIsI nfh Itnrlet nit rmnrnliterlM- A IK nhif eirred mid nifl tie l i nnh li f AIM Imtlt IM Hill I IK i H Hi tltirrirnn Art i i nii liy Im hi Irwph- Hirnfiin of I v pinnio tindr U- nlisinmor Mr li dlnl li l fir n UMliiiin t Mnrvard A r sll nt nf- Ixnlirllln for iliirlv mid Din rreldnt- of fit Ohio Kill nr rmnpinr rellrwl from tiu lne In n ftix rfM TeRre of hi llfn Im levoleil lo Irivd dilrflr In Ih- l i and Hi i ipriiin of mrvlnir that mmle- hi honin n of fine work While taklf- ilntnen prltfi In M irn ure nnd fjirtrliiij no t iln or eTMn in BC p met It wltnt II wn une f hi liohlilr in slum ell notoriety uiiill Inn ltiimei tii oii nil lih- plnl eoneernliia hl ill lliii Almost cysTS Ililiif In Ih enllorlldii vn innde to nrder li- yiirllls with wlnii In hud oilililMicd iKTSiiim- lrelitlon ihclr iiciiuiilntdiice Ktndyini their wok nml flimllv npprovlni delin- milunltlHl to Min Mont nf Die lin rtiint- plere rfiilroi wvernl durliB which titan Mr Srnriie mailo tin trips frmn- Kurnpp lo iitin or lo flotnliay to watch thn work sail lo mil suggestions Thin auctioneers call the collection on of murvellottMy carved furniture and the phrate cannot bo termed an exncrnrratlnn There la hardly an Imimrtant ploco that doe not illuitrate touch of thn Orlentnl artist fxtraordliinry patience and quaint conceit Miiviiof h convnntlonal the dragon of Japan appearlnu in endless guise but when ad ititedlo Western purpoMs as In the chlmruvt Icce tile tibIas chain and desks It Is lono with curious orl liility ard iiiocew The chief w od rarvor employed J Numlshlma of Yokohama whose work in fa- mlllnr to most tr vHlr In Japan I he wood used licherryslnlied 10 Imitate ebony Such pleoeiRanclRantincornerfeatcalled by the Jap- aneseft siiiimlnna n nonuineninlnfTnlr chlmneyi leoo also rf heroic se an eiten lion dining table a hookcara duplicated from ote In the Mikados palace R fivefoot Duddha reproduced from the heroic one In the lamest In the world and fully fifty feet hltrn and an iimnens9ihoii rraph cabinet nil theta are wonderi In the way ol elaborate carTliu- rwmeof apparently with the aid of a- ma rrilfyln fflaig nn Intricate mas In which planu lowers bird animals possible indI- mpirMbli dr gone goblins Ac make an eilraordlniry picture Much of carving was dono Nutnaahlinas workmen but the design alone the work of several years and fmUhliia touches were by the artist himself Some of hu most fucceviftil pieces notably a lmtttind an unknown convenient In a Jap n o houwliolJls quit rn notAble thanks to original nnd bold design as to work manihlp U of a group of dolohln and holdluj up an Immense circular mir- ror typifying the world the twist d tails and draconi serve ai hathooks while water snakes make rings In whloh to hold urn brella For the morn convention work the Japanoce temple have beou drawn Another famous carver Iwatnoto of Kobe whose epeclalty bamboo work and who H the accredited court artist of Japtn In this field Is represented a number of pieces of which a revolving bookcase seven or eight ret high may deemed tho mot notable The floe grain of the bimhoo make roaslble a delicacy or workmanship that must be en to be appre- ciated There Li hardly square Inch of surface- of this affair which I not carved sometimes In bold reef sometimes B- OdelloaUly as to seem atmoit an etching upon the polIshed surface of the bam- boo All lorta of animals and birds mice at play vtemtt flowurs and blossoms are de- pleted In amazing variety It U laid that Iwamoto considers this one of his niMterpleoe It required two years Incessant labor Ilo had In Its construction the cooperation of a Japanese metal worker of high rank Sano Takachtka who madtt the score of bronz dragons that clutching the upright rods of bamboo hold up the various shelves More Important specimens of Takachikas word ar a monumental cloak an Immense In ccnss burner and res fighting demons and gorillas lit dragon for the chimney Iilo s are also hits The top of the treat clock Is a copy In miniature of the Dalhutiu Kioto which contain the rooond lar- gest dell In time world the first being In Moscow Tile taco of the clock presents twelve silver onforoach hour besting In relief the particular animal which the JaranNo have assigned or consecrated to that hour Each of the twentyfour hours in the Japanese poetic div is known by some animal or reptile dials of silver carved by twelve artist friends of Takncblka The fire dOlls In this Initnnoe foxes animal much ro- cpeotod by tile Japnnno and mot of the smaller bronze work by this artist were cut from wax moulds lhrt were destroyad when the work was flnlheJ Tile elaborate fire tenders are of bronze with symbolic do lgns the god of lire the elctnont of d- strucilon contending with turtles tho emblem of eternity The coo nl lnoen burner I sur- mounted by nn extraordinarily spirited group In which a gorilla cnnhes the goblin of evil both figures tx lig demoniac In energy and viciousness An Immense desk rind a curio cabinet of cherry ebonlzed In which tree form with gnarled trunks banclira leaves and flowers amona which tbe birds disport are the work of a famou woodcarver now dead named Iwata The desk which Is considered late arllsti masterpleoo U a monumental affair and yet so contruoted that It comes apart in many plicva thn Joints being to cunningly hidden It look nn if cut from ono Im- mene Mock of ebony In the cabinet several of tho pnMs nil pvnl of wonderful size from slncli plee Tho sime artist inndo a number of rama open work ventilntlnc panel tf guided wood a of glorilled cron ued- nlxivo the doors of tenploa for vcritllrttlon pur poe The Indian bedstead already mentioned Is by n Ilombiy art t Motl Coobair who hai used the clphant ns Iho base of des n Also amonz Eastern work r templo ntnr r It Will 1101 I c Jilt 1 will fliIlCIl 111 IIt 4lf II 1 Ii 1 I 01 nIl I en Ihl 1U1 1I1t1I1 lr In 11111 kill It Itt hUnt this delicate the deagi two K It fish the th con llto dragons and lnrl upon as molol be mono some at din I The or his iutrn tnt irerloI ladi s I UP ilIl N S I I 5 Ia i hit itt ti Lit fro I II iI of IPssItilie- rsilrn oIiwir t ii Vile N urn till u V 50 5 ifs lIe liusu lfltiI tIll g lie t vtI Iota 4 I Itut I a I yin ra uuundroiisly hIs was this done of- fish u is immense tiltry tins goblins titus lint sort lie < < > < < < < < ¬ ¬ ¬ screens ealverf II number of Iron plaques with bronzorsllxvrfliure In relief and boo temple piwts Incruted vri li ninhirnf pearl In the rlc t poMlbl it out In moth rofpnl work tho most rcmariM of th collectln i ii not out IVruvinn n totUiM icH Inlrld with evernl tiioinnd pieces of jkvirl viel wltlia- painted centr panel repre tnLSt Kriti U- il AMIP II tlppiised tntiotlm slMeelitli ur- evenninth cmtiiry of IVu Itdiiis- wnrlilnz iindr iiniiisii muster nnd XVIH pri- fented In Iftfl by the laiiie of I inn to tin Inllod Ktit Conu K lMnllirt- i tt wlr wna relalv if Mrprniini Amnna tho furiiliiir hliould nl li wimn- Sl nn worlt upholstered painted vellum 1 lot of piece of foriin work with treat plaque f nnriil of fantastic color and velnln Ill wooden frumo of the elmira and ncrtift linmollieroriearl Therental v leiiiercalilnei or s nne wltli counts s- dawer md doors In I yr Tlioini plcco tnrti nrm li frn enihrolclri silverware AP varioii i Aintiu the curio up In Arabia I n wndmful scroll of law npnti mils of vandal Rood e- uiuiliK the PeMnteicli In old Hbrew acter written or lnthr and upt oud in about four im years old It was loiind In a KU at In whole poilwtlnn there live hundred The exhlb tlon Is to ln free will on Hie tliof thi tnnniii ii morrow and wilt in t until tIe nl lioiin- nanndUp In Texas To TUB EDITOR or TUB at sir nnls- W hoop I and Jink Wink sic cowboys employed nn Itia flu X ranch la this Idnlty litre they a pure In lilt roundup r U W CUaJWBDOW Tel No It lilo I Irk rf th r tat rid r I fill pic Id lh r UI1 mu ems nhnllt hum era some lien pIece ti torn cnl lint I wife tu IttI lieu ire I ii bras or s I lit ali tit dod i the lots tip f 2 1 < = AtlT HOT ft- Keramle Satisfy rifllblllad W Mt- Ailnflu rftmll ttt Ml n Tim w Vnfk fliKIMr of Kersiiil ii It niifiiml urenlntf In ai n- liitllrHiin of i lie Wdlilof fA nfln M- iopnfr ninth nntnlniMMtliin will t den mult iniiirim tlf niiixr- Hie ltr fifty nrn eshlMlor e r lillill lifivn lieen reirlvnl frmn Missouri Cnllfornlfi nMmit- iiitiir llK nnt of iimmlir of Ihn iwinn are rcsldoliln of New York flies deiiraloi- of porrnUIn ant imllery harm reason in li ilned with Ilm pro they ffi Tli denlicn are not all liunches f fl eitM- aeivin nor era tIe pantn forms chu fs rd- lc s of of Many of drcera jear have turned to convimllonnllra- tlon of flower form oilier hoSe them t i aiiooe sfiil lutrn rflecta sail n chow their work In thi un of iratnt ann ennrnil liri orders for lilnndieorn lion trout Ainerieiin who would ordltmrll Him to the l il tin HMiety to feel html ill lad tiny lint eome lo hilt rpciiKiilred w nrt workern The AniTlcan potters nlmotl wholly II MK their regular product and npjienl fn Judgment on tho decoration Seven inirtrnlt exhibition nt Knnedler- aro the work of Mis Julia Haven n forms llrooklyn girl who after a period of study tutu work abroad Is a new comes In Now York Klve of the portraits were done this year Mia Haven dma at conscientious reprfentaUoi of her subjectS If Mr Chow Ttechl t ilnew Consul li not in huts portrait a bland rui he Is ever known to be It U to bo sold It I not for every one to achieve the urban In a docroe possible to a former pupil of the offablo Minister Wu Miss Haven does wel to show with her recent work the portrait o- hr motlier and ulster done respectively li- isoi and 1W pulntlnss of different quality The crltlrj will siy whether more of the artls went Into the Mirtralt of tier sister In whicl- siiiiij of the painters teachings aro shown or more of tho painter of American portrait into tho welldrawn portrait of Capt Church Miss Hav n was a pupil of Benjamin Constan and Julleo Dupr6 HIT exhibition at Knoad Icrs will continue until Dee I penaAKKST Naval Hoard teporla QualifIed Approral an DesIres CompetltlonW- A8IIISOTOV Nov JO A board composed o F V Ilackett of the Navy Naval Constructor liowlos and Naval Con- structor which has been oonductlnjftent of Ilreproofed wood submitted by two com panle has reported to the Secretory of the Navy that much additional valuable Information con- cerning tlreproofed woods had been obtained but recommends that thn tests bo pursued t a conclusion upon the methods begun beltev log that the result will probably modify thi- UM of fireproofed wood In thus navy The board says The t have already progressed suffl clently to show that the ultimate values of th woods treated by the two processes are very nearly equal yet both are Ira In thud do not remain permanent impregnated with their clrcumBtancos encountered 01- Ve recommend that forth In treatment and delivery of fire wood for naval be prepared Immediately by the Bureau of nnd nnn submitted to the Department which shall Insure the of and treated according to this the art which the use o the products of both of tlieit companies allot test 0- 1Thew should be modified tuna to time an the state of the art of fireproof Ins advances TORTUIIKD BY THE DOXKM Details of the Murder of the Dr F Hi- benyJunee of Prkla ViUTeralt- TDotalLsofthedfathoftheRer rFHaberty James one of the professors of Pekln Unlver- slty have been received by the American Blbl Society In a report from it agent the Rev Dr John n Hyke dated Shanghai Oct 26 Early in the singe the Itev HubertrJamei- WM untiring In his efforts to get the naUvi Christians Into a place of safety With the assistance of Dr Morrison the London Timti- correspondant he got together about S00i of them and then appealed to Prince Bu who was a personal friend to quarter them In hi- palAco opposite thn British legation HI hid succeeded In his efforts and was returnlni from the palace on June 20 when he was fired upon by a of soldiers A British sentry saw throw up his hands as If to assur nllowivl him to approach then s lznd him nm carried him away It was learned tha he dnnn by his captors tortured and llnillv y- Dr llykes sent nn additional list of murdered mlssionnriei It contained the finite of sixty nine nr ons who had connct l tim China Inland Mission the English Baptls and thn Swedish Alllanen All perished after the hlne eCourt lied from Pekln Nine other missionaries started for Siberia have heard since Dr concludes liter hy saying that the entire country outsldo of Is infested roving hands of highwaymen nc nonnnD aiiooria CAXTB- onvlrtlon of a Man TTho Hail Pestered men In the Adirondack Ixutt summer a number of camps In Adi ondacks were robbed and practically cleaned out of their supply of sporting goods and of complaints were mad to the authorl Lies by the owners of the ramps who asked that better protection be afforded them The conviction at the list term of court In St Law- rence county of a man named Johnson which was peeured by the authorities after a hard srlll It I believed put an end to such depredation Tlio for which Johnson was wa that of the camp of Col W A Harbour nt the head of Iiku on 4 SiKilclon to two brothers Winer nml Thomns Johnsen of Clin- ton tho former an oxconvict rind they were nrre ted Th detective fomul two awn of tholr lesirittion hail rlilden mile over mountain roml on their bicycles from Tuplor Uike ti NVwton Knll e pre a imkuiro to Clinton The detecthei- irov over t lie snim road nnd found n tmin who had up a l llnc rod bv the JohnsoiiH Tills wn Identified Inrliotir- n hls Wllli lither eviile nil of which was of necewitv purely cin utn tiii Hal the men worolnltontoSt wreneeroiirtv unit their frlil bewail on Xov IS It i six ili IJiner Inhlt n beeio e i wn- nn ptpunvlr wn Prvt III lirotlier I still iwnltni trial UICi tt K ponvleiieti the nutliorit es thriuuhiit tin itlrnnilnekx- belevo thai the rillnclnc of sluMt ni init will I uled Sees Salt the fnnnr Side Vom Hatititin I iv rtf- NAVfHirt Tex Xov J7 Tlfre I nti rM- iesro the of Seot lven llvln iirnr- iere If In14 nililresseil In n roiivernloti no inner ilm Miben urjv PI hitnrriii r uliirwli acer will t erfi IT chitic lli inir I lennl for With Miinii funny In will n- iio i gn lulu fiiimf on iie irrniii vine there liiiflilnr lie ha no eontrn over himself tliotichl shotili- linvonekeep tipa inversitin lie would tint mi vivc To per m nf h tiredlrnmetit onl iinit n hnOieil nn n word illlere will get nil I li frot i though lie had never biiirhel lforr lie lin never Irfen lnow n to flnl i a entenee with Mit Iniirlil ontlde nf lnticiru u in the l of ioiUh nnd neyer Iml n InyV teki- C Ilife- M b the Uurlils ShIest linn Ar lfnrn lnirnnl- MViiV ia NV Ml n few mile from IIM town e l Hooker n nee nnd ln unyinrs HI Hewn l rrn a Muve in irclnli nml- s inemorv of event oee ri ifr nver veir- iir I very He u n inoi lit i ilVer children H iy the hour was owned n lave by virs He n old mnar has seven rllldron living and a r r A and f renewal of tile youth ilfll0 ne mot Interesting twrtonCM in HIII il w II ugtitr 11 ll hI Isitlt y I few hut the that FIRI11100FIO ffi feltS ssan Arts S Ion I hit late s I hit this I gtr n oil I lie It hiP nil jimt line liii hits hits eels Monte mi hill I re I tnnk era si Instill sets him I ritize WOO NOT Ausfstitnt Secretary hazier sets iasnh vesseis use proofed present and suttlckut still further ron Rev auiailinta hut was unarmed The soldiers stripped bean MIssion the Christian Alliance tint been hIs pert the a lot lead haItI wi X t I lie a t t tii nail st trot fin fit nit i 0 Punt lit of lungs lhinl at tan ti Iflg ltvleri s chi tvr I u I ill t a nit in Itt I I ii era uel 5 huts itt 1 Pin it I O tim it- t ili Fl sir Is t ho lu I mutt 1 1st t hIs torl a Intl llo1oer whim ltie tsin iteiti rnc for hiftu dniugttr livin at Tltnnisoi lid mail arms of wranlehitlcirer5 et enact ahon the Bavan mu Liver Old Is hale and ts ii > < > < > ¬ ¬ < > > > Non ion tit vrrnwx ran onttm- r HM lr ran raft l h for ApvrsrlaUmi- Tm II Seer eifanl Ienlral HUtln- W fll irtOX Vn S lr tmnaf r of V w Tntk rolled i t lnt llrrVi- nent loilir lo Icstiiiolrr i n fn Hmltl- Til litter not nt b n rni 4 ill limnt In of his nn i ft irt Mr Vanf otl wishes t liar r ciiri- ineiiiUtlon mnd IdCoticrn for nn npprntirU- tlon for nn uptown ot ofTlr lnilldln In Mow Ynrkand II lund rfniv lint rnmmi rdm- rral Hinllli will reeoinmend lo C in r v renr M hn did Colnnldent with the vIsit of Postmaster Van nn butine Is th arrival here nf H- rramntntlr Mrcef halrman n the llullriltnn- ommlltrn if the Itmisn said todsy- hn tied nu doubt Ietmnat rUenrl Smith would renew rrcommnndntlon for lnerM building for handlliiK moat In New York as Ihern Is a great ii d of n new build- ing uptown in Sow York In said Tlie ITMnt iinrter nf th Se York To- OHeM nre ppllrilr nnd when w- inil mil lln iiiiKiimt hut llolllll IeMioiil in pin nml n v lie II I nit i tmu In Nuw i the n inane to Concre 4 There l i Krenl Illference In the vntll if In Vor iliffcreii nvrniiH- iuiidr ioHiloriillon for the new Mto- Of ctniroii It l litiinnn nntum for om of Ioopli1 liilcrestfil in pre certain cif iiion tho will con elder thn vnrinit ltjons Cod New York will l n wail taken of for n new tiont building just as soon R we have time to get at the real need bv t location for It We are atlrtlnd that New York nstM a raw uptown pot times building will be made for an appropriation for thl ntinio e said the plans for the new bund the erection of a building In the of tlie Grand Central Btatlnn nt n cost of About ftlOOO test witulil Im re It had been found upon Investigation that the round would oust n million dollars lees If the site were flied iKtween avenues than between Fourth anti Madison avenues There wim no Idea he sold of aban- doning the old Post Office nnd the downtown woild not be Injured the removal of further the On tho contrary a better would be furnished not In the downtown all over the city rsvirov OFFICE anowusn How Intoxication li Achieved Wlthnt Leav- ing the IlnlldlngW- ASBTNOTOX Nov H Clay Evans Con missIoner of Pensions has unearthed o new species of devilment on the part of the portion nf tho greet army of wellpaid clerks who are housed In the unique specimen of architecture In Judiciary Square always pointed out to visitors by the official guides is the Pension Office BuIldIng where the Inauguration balls take place A year or two ago work of the bureau WM badly hampered by the practice of a large number of the clerks saving the building at lunch tine and coming back Intoxicated A rigid rule was thereupon adopted allow- ing drunker clerks to conic to and means were oilnptnd for keeping them within tho bulldlna during worked very well tar a time but apparently nothing hag drunk In office hours If he wants to and the discovery lint the Commissioner has now U that there lies been for a long time a In operation not under but over his nose fur It 1 In the attlo It hoi been noticed for some time that clerks who had come to thn oiilce cold sober and who had not left the building were drunk before close of business hours The Hherlock of the bureau was on the on n- and one of tho u u cu WM closely watched was traced to the file room under the root which was the rendezvous for forty or clerks liars their bottles and being admitted by the clerk In charge after guying countersign they proceed to to their heart content Commissioner Evans other officials nureau are very Indignant at the and it I said that several suspension and this violation of ofnclal decorum will o winked at however a many others have been SENATOR XOKOAXM CANAL TBTTfc- Be B Dombts Psefitln of Torttfytn- WxnmKiTcm Now je Senator Morgan chairman of the Benate C mmttt which favorably reported Nlcurtrua Canal bill and one of the foremost adrooatea ofthe project saul today that In opinion the question of fortifying the canal one of the least Im- portant In connection with the entire subject The HarPauncelote Treaty did not prohibit the fortification of the canal neither did the Hepburn bill now on the Senate osjsndsr The Utter bill provided that forttflcaoM might If neco upon w however anddld not think would be built Although them was a forcne of as to advisability ot making the operation of the In of tlio ultimate oomrtruouon of canal which was of too inset Importune to the people to bn forced aside by over of email moment Thn of fortifications along the canal ho continued In one which has more Interest for tho of Nicaragua and Costa Hlea than time united States to have a to cut Just what they want In dlrjctlon If they want tof the canal sonic discussion of this ubject will be necessary but co hit as the interest concerned the matter I of very Importance of the au the ground that In view time uncertain character of of a few fortifica- tions might bn a good thing but U an and Is of no great nations owning have their ay this respect and let us not worry over tbe TTJtl NATIONAL MILITARY FJJUL flea IJorntona Ileport Describe ImxrreTe menu New Monument WASntxoTOX Nov The War Depart- ment made imbUe today the annual report of lea II V lloynton chairman of the chicks innuga and Chattanooga National Military Park Commission which says In part Wo now have sixtyseven miles of Improved roads which cost an averoco of Kuoi per mfle- USIIO hn been extended In the past year ID road con tmrtion nail l otterment During the year lla3 feet of wire fencing hu been rrectnd which comilBtes th fnclomiro of letiched tracts belouuin to the park on Mls- Rlonnry Itldce nail Ixinkotit Mountain end five mile of wivin fencliic hn 1cen delivered for iHcitiiiini iii nicloHiiri of the Chick iniuiMlirli iri r nllnt teHl I i r lire n ereti hilt in flell cu im on Iron to iitilttte tin iniicriis n during the Civil War miikinu I nlun buttery iiw tliii iiii tilietvfoiir field Kuim tlmllnrly lei thlrtyrlne Corifwlcran ry po itinli Oil the Held loriviive in im iinted ns above murk ton I nila and fi oiifeiiriute battery x 4itiou- l lien I e total re eii i for the ending Sept in were llirVj n total exp ndlturo- to ail nu lualliL hut itiite been K2ilsI- mviiii n M i of pn3i7 1 h New YI rl t iiiu Gen Diiiel r sieklei I i has liiirii i i cilciliim and in stno moMiitiiriit nhieli New York l pro fotiiii on thisiiiiiiilt of 1iokoiit tin Vnik i Tiure on the foundation IT 1ie inoMiniint Alileli to be tin most tnllitnry iminument yet rnfUsl by llnvemenu of Government Vrfieli- WshinxoTN Nov 2 The training ship hih arrived nt non the rnil er Ban croft nt Colon thin cruUer hla nt Mare l la l nnd th torredo ont Stockton at An- nntolfs trnltilnc lnrtf inl las pallid frein St ltiilti frr Trlnlilni tin linn iltla fn in Ilnnr I ik f r Utvilo- tji cnnlinpt Merletii for limit Die ciuler Ailantn from for nmi ciinbont nun from Norfolk fur Hiimiton lt id New Ituiilnn lnr fnrlrnl h Ilnrrlaies from iht lliorm Carafe Concerning tlie T ty knotty nu lon f m rrt rs- ot orthodox Chrlillins Jens a defmltlon bee n tUen by the HutUn Italy 3ynrd to trio Reel that a marriage newly bnpiltfd Jew which has ten dls olTr t by a rabbi ou tr ttInitatrd ty Ihotlhodox church only If the ollur pirty to the martUee la the Jcwliii faith cBkiana- CtrtitUnltr Vih Cell lbs file es his Ills flit iLSIS r I I ton thIs isis last Coil this lie his fuel II I ice a ri I r i ttittitititi I II I II ii IiIii for ttil a ss Iii tie It Ii are and the nu rna sa 251wix tie service net but CIJIUrS the their desks can the from get lie his booze a or reductions of uusrtes will hi Sayp 1ceraIes Cua3 Ute his was an- of the canal lie ouhtsii the o lie thought should cot the ta Icara Kite artd Costa ltloa own the and ought right thIs the this are little the tat does not bear on canal protect the sub- ject york the wIt t a tit ii cost of Itt Ii i tat i carrie fru three I il lIt tiuurkt tug itf limIt taruoogu 0 uldo I lit I i 10t1 I hurt an for- t hi Iii rPt < I tutu 5t 1113 of I lie ft I I itiinliitle To elm iluIi lei t lie p d i It ill 0 it fit Ii tttZ I dna I man fliiitri I Ii 5 Ill flu liSt a who tomalna > ¬ < < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < < < ¬ >
Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-11-27 [p 6].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1900-11-27/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · TIlE SUN TUESDAY NOVEMBER 27 1000 u T P Ii I HI 1 MY MHIMIIIil H-


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Till J UNN

f otr frlfiil I wll ninuiff-

bVlratlfi I i il r ttlHtfl iitltifUtl n lU IliJ Jliinni fn pu-

ITie mnijdo Nt to Ho It

Tin1 of Tiimmntiy nil tiro-

IntelHaont men mid ory fneultlef thntprotect them fioiubelnKhumbuKKedidiould-Inform them that neither are the majorityof X w Yorltors or nt ieiuit thu citizens

who personal prominence obtains for themcnvrftl public attention and consideration

at tli8 moment rosily humbugged Cor-

tnlnlv tho two foremost critics of ourmunicipal nffnlm ns they nre nt present-HWiop POTTFH ami Dr Ipux AIUKD Imvo-

hliowti thoin olv to be proof niniliH dolu

Mon u to tliH pat of rn ioiu lblliiy fortho moral loprivltytlnyrrck to extirpateand as to tile propir remedy Dr Aniunsletter printed tliU mornlm furnishes tho

morn hpeclflc evidence to thisXo group of dtlirens tin over got to

otlirr by ofilclal appointment or by solf

appointment to n flUnlclpul question of Importnnco has benregarded with Mich complete Indifference

or rather rldiuie on tho part of tilt public

as tho Nixon i ommlltru on Purificationtlio rraon 1 very simple

If Tnmimuy mHnaron thatMatcmcntH ius to the prevalence of vlcoIn etrtnln forms were without foundntlonthey could deny them nnd rely confidentlyupon final demonstration of tho truthHut they do not deny them and evidentlythey do not Intend If can help It tomake any Fmilno attack upon the situa-tion for thoy appoint a commlttro of-

InvivtlsMorti instead of demnndlng of thoMayor whose powers ar ample that ho

compel the police to lot fall a witherhand on tho vUiousrfss complained

There Li but one remedy tho electionMayor next fall othnr than tho Tammany

candidate Till we Imagine Is seenclearly by IlUhop IOTTKII and Hr AHIKII-

ns by any other Itions of tho town

Krueger In FranceTho triumphal pr cress math by PAm

KnlOEH MnrftellleH to tho French capi-

tal Is without a precedent In modern his-

tory Far less fervent was thc greetingwhich gave to BENJAMIN KHANKLIN

arid less enthusiastic was thin weloomo withwhich the InriMin ncrblmed their Kurdnnally tho Czar NICHOLAS II Wilt Bunh anoutpourIng f sympathy bo fruitless Isthe day yet distant when statecraft anddiplomacy shall obey a nation heartconscience la It dill nn Illusion evenCentral and Western Kurope whom Parlla-montary Rovernment exit that Icings andMinisters aro bound to recognize In thovoice of the people the voice of Cioi

The Inquiry Involves two preliminaryquestions To what extent can the Doerrepublics regarded as Btlll exlctent andconsequently as subjects of generous medi-

ation Secondly have tho English putthemselves In the wrong by their methodsof warfare In South Africa If both ofthese questions niu t bo answered In a wayunfavorable to England It may be that thotidal wave of sentiment which seems likely-

to sweep over tho Continent vlll Invadeeven tho British Islands and will compelthe HrttUh Oovernmnnt to exhibit a forbeirnnce and a magnanimity of width IthMgiven thus far no Mgn

long before tho rerent general elec-tion In the United Kingdom tho SalisburyGovernment announced that tho wa InHouth Africa was practically over and that

and the Orange freo Statehad been annexed to the British CrownThe ntsertlon cannot possibly bo reconciledwith facts now known The British lino ofcommunication between Pretoria and thofardistant base la incessantly cut not onlyIn the Transvaal hut also In tho OrangnTree Stats and tho Capo Colony So great isthe scarcity of at Johannesburgthat the refugees from that place who havoboon harbored In Capo Town nnd elsewhereare wnrnnd not to ret urn for several monthsIt is further to be noted that Lord HonnnTRtins refused to permit the departure of anymare troops from South Africa Moreovernccurdlng to a despatch from Imdonwhich we printed yesterday Englands mili-tary operations oro still costing her nearly5000010 a week or oo000000 n year

willie officer coming from tho front ac-

knowledge that the war Is likely to continue

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at least yearsSo unquenchable has proved tho spirit

oven of the noncombatants that IirdK-

iTCHFNFn has adopted tho detestable policy pursued by Wnvicn In Cuba tho policythat U of concentrating all the old menwomen ard children at ft few easily de-

fended points while tho rest of thecountry Is laid vn tn anti rendered un-

Inhnbltablo for sympathizers withthe Itorrs In anus Wo add thnt Ixird-KtTfiiKNKii suppressed nil nerspa-peix oKfopt nn offlciil gazette and IIT-SrVclled nil newspaper correspondents-Moanwlill1 tho organized Iloir forteoperating under Sen PR WIT Gen HOTIUand others In the Trarmvanl and the nrigoFree Stnto are more numerous than tho sol-

diers whleh WASIUMOTON hal at hi dis-

posal after his pvicuitlon of New York andhis retreat through the Jersey and IKTDSS

the Delaware In the autumn of 1776

Nor Is this all Arconline to despatcheswhich wo published on Sunday the Afri-kander in the Capo Colmy havo pledgedthomvlves to hoer cause when-ever called no and sir VIKIIE-OMiixrii the Hleh Commissioner ofSouth Africa is under tearful nnxiety lest aI utdi rilnc tn Colony should extiiidto thin suburbs f CIK Town Cnder thcircumstaiicot it is absurd to say that tileBoors have been completely subjugatedand no longer rotH stibJoctH forfriendly

Assuming that the resistance of theto conquest I by no meantthey may at any hour ho strengthened bya general uprising of the Afrikanders theCape Colony we must still face thequestion whether tho request put for






Allot th









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ward by their official frpf onUllTn

uffli nily rensitmlilN nnd tn t

to MMUfp fiirrUii iitiil neutral IOWPM-

bni rfun IV tvliin in mil hoH-

Mllllllltlli nuiiiiii f war un I

cIMl they werei the llrltlh Criiwn lion

leserMI Ilidefiifi Ireill-

iiunrdixl in ribili r iy-

yrriM HK

Hours do not nny longer wo nmfit hinder shall line hided fmru-

thioxiieiNii of he frntichlnn In Ilm Trans-vaal All they I that Hiey themnelvo-i h ill not In deprived of suffrage nnd-

thil llieTransvniiliisaKilfgoveniltiK ie-

piiidnc f Uteit Britain ohall enjoy thn-

nuii nian nf selfrule which h coniwind i tin up Colony If tin

IMII but prudent iiuiPisHloii wiri1 timid

by the iovernment all tho objectswhiili Mr ClIAMIHIMMN professed to hIVn-

In view will be iittalned Mr KiitiicuH-nilwlon will haxv beii nr imill i1ied thnarmed opposition of the Hoot to subjuga-tion will Immediately end the fnverisb un-

rest of thin will disappear andKiwlands expendlturo in SouthAfrica will cease

Nobody expects England to do todaywhat Mr OiADSTONr did after the hattie ofMajuba Hill Tho utmost that U asked ofher is that she shall hal with the Doers asmercifully a she dealt with the rebelliousFrenchCanadians nt a fateful crisis In thehUtory of British North America

Is It wist for the British Government antpeople to offer aresistance to the prompting of equity nndpity at the risk of provoking detestation ofher political alms and method throughoutthe Continent of Europe

Ono of Mr Hewitts SuperficialViews

Mr Annum S HEWITT made a speech-

at a meeting of the Educational Alliance-

on Sunday evening in the eourso of whichhe this

I IhM In OIl twrntleth hlrh-

li no near IU dawn the spirit of romiBtflsllzniwilt tfidll law lr strong the spltll ft altruismMtoniftf I tfllfic thdt the Jo aria cllicts ei

soul huvs others du unto you will mor grnr-itly pictiill than In alt the crntiirlM which ba goneUfotr

It I m tnlst l n In this If Ihf iplrlt of rcnnrrc-lallsm nrd strcd rontlnufs to ciow lrorgei llfnthe IwcntUth crnlurr wilt nltnrM A letltl cttAclyt-munrt ilffil In history It Is only ty the dlscountriunrlne of rommtrcUllsni srd the tttrAdlne of

ltrtil m thut u tlc proprty andltl rty

CominerclalLsni i th principles nccesar to tho sound arid Fnfo conduct ofhulnats th1 rule and methods essentialto Its solvency nnd cucp is ful pursuit Iftutu the spirit f coniinervIaliMii grows

loss strong in the twentieth centurythan II ha been In the nlnotventh nail In

the ecnturlivs pat trnd and commercewill niCcr correspondingly to tho damageof society

Or does Mr HEWITT mean that the spiritwith which the pursuit of money is nowconducted will bo lesi strong If heroIs any such diminution society will sufferlikowU for the enterprUo necMnary togive employment to libor and make U3oful

for miukln1 tim accumulations of capitalIs thn very plnt of commercialismthis pursuit of gain

CommerchlLsm of course U selfishBusiness is not on tho GoldenIt U on let the buyer look-

out own Interest yet practically-the ml Do otliTS as you would

have others do enters Into Com-

mercialism to the extent that the solfUbcompetition of trade and the accumula-tion of money in the maikcti legulntoprices and rates of Interest Tho capitalistcannot live to himself alone In th lonerun he must make his mooney serve thointerests of the community If it to houseful to him Ho mu t build housesmanufacture goods needed provide facil-

ities of travel for hU fellows or lend outhis capital to others for such purposes inorder to get profit for himself That is

altruism practically It U also purocommercialismTho moro of the spirit of commercial-

ism there Is of tho spirit of tound busi-

ness principles and obllenco to thornawl consequent sound antI profitableness enterprise the moro capital mustaccumulate the more money there willho to keep In motion the activities estentlolto tho welfare of nil society Mnko It le sstrong and the go neral bene-

fit will be diminished proportionallywe have suggested greed Is

s rve the Interesti of society in order tonerve Itself It doos infinitely more gooito mankind than doe or can charity

Mr HEWITT fald of rich men thatthere U not ono anion them who 1 glvitiiwhat he would givo if his condolence wasproperly aroused H W much is tho

amount What the fharo of h ispos a rich man is under tIe obli-

gations of conscience to glvo away Ifho U obliged to give any why must lit iwgive According to tie injunction of

in tlio partible of andIA7Atif8 for instance his entrance into

111IUIIllt II thin

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heaven i nnyIiiicsessloas nt nil No accusation of III

gotten Is brought against DIVKK itwill 1m only that thou Inthy lifetime received thy good thiiiM-

nnd IAAIIVS evil things Tlio extreltm-dltllculty rich men exporienco In gettinginto heaven is deserihed elsewhere InMr HrwiTT mean then that if a richmans conscience wn iiroperly nromed-h would proceed get rid of his richer

giving them nny n CIIIIIKT ciin-nmndcd th young man to li

Moreover If then I this bligatlon ontho rich her gun with It correspondinglyth right of tlw poor ti diuand that theyfhall dlcharge it with tho ionseinicneo-thi m f reclii of n t lrit of ultrulmbelong t i Ilium Actinlly nilrich men do not now feel never havofoil under miy uc obligation nml theydo not rtxogniw any Mich right in poorIf tiny give lice are Impoll11 by a doslro-to do good of their own freo will slmjilyl-w cnu e as Mr HtwiiT said the

man doo for ll follows tin nmrofor hlm clf the higher ilk toars Intothat pure realm of justice brotherlylove whenill is tho throne of Jon

The world therefore will go on intwentieth century in tho way It has beengoing in thl century and In nil cent-uries 90 far a concerns thin pursuit ofmoney the spirit of commercialismnail tho use of capital But as clviliwitlonadvances intelligence in tho use of moneyant In organization for obtaining it willextend and become more perfect until nt

penury and harsh poverty will easethough if ever the lain cornea when menwill no longer have the Incentive to excr












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llifi tliAl In found In rrnuliillon In pomp-Illlon nnd Ilm f id of Mrif l n l lf-

d nlil HIP rnd nf Ih fnc Will

hnndIf iw Mr the ronflnueil-

gfiWlh ef PornfltWltllMtl-niil nr iire Hid III Ihn IwrnflMll

in a ratnclysiii unparalleled Iti-

lii t irv iiio awful lrolir I uideoiri fur ihrir grimth lll Hititlnuo 1-

1liig m liuniin nituri nnd hiitnnn coelety-

ritnnln Nor can terrible result b-

provnled by dlncnutitenanelnrf ofiiiiniui riilNin The calamity wotililI mud Inevllnbl nnd hastened byIniorlP produced by tlli leH f

hut imptiUv The afcguard of Justlcit-prn rtv aril liberty It may In nllni-l m but it h prnctical altruism whichriisuli I tiTcssarlly from ho uplrlt of

under the oi rniioti ofthe law whleh cniill Illillvldeill greedto HTVO Kiiirnl gixl In ordr flint it

may serve itrelf-The wont IWITT may inllllun-

of yenr old but II young yi compared

now moving utica faster null tinito Impfully over before

nUfrancIilicment WorksMlMlslppI adopted tho policy of negro

dlsfranchlsement In 18BO or yearsSouth Carolina eight years before

Louisiana nnd ten year before North Caro-

lina Presidential election of t87

the whole number of votes cast in Missis-

elppt was JtJVOoo In 1884 under a methodof local disfrnnchisement of colored elec-

tors tho total vote of that State tell to 110

000 although the population had benIncreasing steadily Four years later therote won 115000

Two years afterward a new Constitutionadopted by a majority of the conventionwhich framed It butt without submission to-

n voto of the people provided for n regis-

tration of all voters and overyelector to convince thethat he wits able to read any section of

the Constitution of the Stnto or able tounderstand the same when read to him orgive n rcasonablo Interpretation thereofIn the Presidential election succeeding thatIs In IS93 tho total vote of Mississippi was62000 In 1800 it was J990 and at the re-

cent November election It was BO 103 ofwhich number BUTAN had more than 60000

and McKiNLBT less than 0000During tho ten years the population

of Mississippi Increased front 1SS9000

to 1651000 or about 20 per cent from 18SO

to 18W tho Increase In population was150000 This Is how tho figures compare

ruputalln IMfl 1131000Population 1100 1851000-

Incrtate In to yftn 40000Vote In 18711 U477SVote In 1 00 ft 10-

9Dfctfif In 14 yturi 108078-

Mls Is lppl the first of the States to adoptConstitutional disfranchisement offers thisyear In tho official returns Jut canvassed-the very best Illustration of this methodof vote reduction In practical operation

National Hanks and Their LoansThe report of the Comptroller of the

Currency for the year ended Oct 81 1BOO

made public yesterday shows that thocondition of tho national banks of ourcountry 1 pne of exceeding prosperityund strength There are now nearly fourthousand of these Institutions in existencehaving combined renourooM of over 3000000000 luring the year 348 new banks wereorganized most of them under the favora-ble provisions of the IMurdlng net Tho

total bond secured currency circulation of

the country is nearly 300000000Those statistic nfl however matters

of common knowledge and tho most tm-

portint feature of tho Comptrollers report-

is hU recommendation for additional legal

restrictions surrounding loans to directorsnnd executive officers of banks ThoComptroller says tat 17 per cent of thototal failures of national banks duringthe post year bavo been due to csccaslvo-lo M to hank ofJlcerg and directors andthat n minute examination has disclosed

that tho dlroct nail indirect liability of thcso-

ofllccrs and directors now amount to 3755per cent or nearly onothlrd of the totalcapital of tho banks controlled by themMany and probably nearly all of theseloans aro well secured but there aro Intol-

erable posslblHlleH of laxity and Impro-

priety Tim trouble with tho Banking laws

as they stand Is that tho Comptroller hasno power to Inflict a penalty for tho making

of excessive locus by banks while on theother hand the law Is behind the times In

that t ccording to Its literal terms It pre-

vents largo institutions rom loaning thepercentage of their total assets which Itallows to banks

Comptroller therefore uggost thatthe present law which provides that no

bnnk hall loan to any person or corporatio n Mini 1xeonlins onetctli of theamount of the batiks capital stock shnll-

be no amended as not to apply whore aloan In csciws of nuetetith of tho cpltal

k nhal lo less than por cent of thototal asset of tho bunk nt the tlmo of mak-

ing the loan nnd that loan shall be at


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all protected bygreater thnn Ilm ojcci PS in tho amount of

tilt loan ovor onotcrth of tho capital storkTo thl amended law the Comptroller would

add n very heavy pendty summarilycnforclblo by the Comptroller for anyviolation

Tim fart ns tho Comptroller of theurreney nd every ono knows IH-

Tfifilv wcl Ilia Ih Banking lawn as theyhtand todny aro very commonly violated

fur reason Unit bu demands theirvi latind Hanliiennwof iiiietenlimf theirTin ollcerx of si bank fhotild not certifyn i nle li nk ban actually In itspnrsiiin t th creiiit of th drawer of-

tho check tho stilt named therein et-

wo Ian cay ihcro Is a batik in thiscity in the Wall Street iliMri t which dosnot very day lunnij n siuens crtify-cherks of its depn itnrs far in excess oftheir tual l iliiiei atthe tlmo n certifica-tion relying implicitly upon tho jod fUlli-

of the depositor In making the fortificationgood before th of banking hoursTlio hank know that depositor Is

conducting his days bu rea on thostrength of the checks which will hogiven to him In limo for deport In

tile hank Ivforo 3 P M Debtors tintcreditors alike are proceeding upon thnsame principle and at the close of thoday general clearing take place in whichdebits and credIts are balanced

Occasionally hut seldom trouble re-

sults from this practice and It Is thenusually found that the wrongful overcertification has been by some bank omoer




tlltorpolIIllIIllital stock

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with A criminal Intent IMftlriilly ArMr

from flits nu i In onllnnrr rotirnf InnlnM H very ram

Arc i4lo-

lTrimr I N IIXII nf Ml l liplnulnrril n nn li Imd i ff roil him n-

i film in f 11 nntci nnd dim nlhit ili llnir ii li In dnlln intliI fililciiM Hint I T l Ihni iritinn He hi-

fitriivil velftiiPtitlr nn l tin

rfHif of liii tmrrllv fir ed II hasII PII H rnr irilili mid nnllr iltin i iil lili lh nil of liUHKil not lo-

liii nrfjudc lowith tlmir coinnircfil tiro p rlir-

Idveriuir I iiNoixn I s iintnlii cltixn-

lro rHr turn td for moment to jlnnonKnn n llcrs JrnnT Hivisov-

rullltiKhiMeil clmi l In

Inrt of tlin Hint Hi bucolle life ofsi l ninnliif ID ilnnil

lulu lii iiis iieiinl luifiii In Knuui IllfAnd vlini thor li iMiiuIil n ihfeellflhsI-ntireHt iiurilin ed th real tiarrs of slcU III

III IlUili IIVP Sin u foiiipnny Inilir huts Ucome a eir rntoi tub lilinsolf l l himnut be if II crlina of tiylie lo-

mako all Ihu nunicy lio ran winch nccoidlntfRood 1opiilUt dootilne I nil rlelit for Ibo

but orprnsilmi for middleman andthe corporation The next tlilna Kansas IopuIlits know JKIIUT may try to break Into the Iloouhllcan party

Th KennedTo vita RotTen or Til BONflir lu your

llwlBoted of lif n Events youTfer to this Kennedy rtttsol by th Court ofApp aUR rot Indicating a new dtflre bfcourt t xtrnln In Its efforts to find technicalerror Wo bvllave your dtcUlonUcorrect The oomment of the court on thetestimony of Police Captain Trio touchingld ntlflcMlon to enierienced counselmore Ilk aoademicul rrflrcmcnt than revrribl

errorAn examination of the record of the trial will

show effort on th police-

to appear fair to prisoner a most eliboratand deliberate of pollen witnesses

the almost judicial tmpcct of the Investlgatten by the police captain In charge Ifth prisoner Yet the Cowl of Appeals was notconvinced of the moral oonclusiveness of thetestimony and tho verdict

When we consider tie now general view ofpolice In our city thnspeclal notorietynf these imrilciilur police wItnesses the known

nnd learning of the trialJu lce the lion Pardon C Williams nnd thecomment rf lOUr of Appeal that theprisoner did not have a fair wenro

to the conclusion that the reversingcourt not convinced tctl-ininv In mch a CIM a hred of technical

error nltlinneli believed to havehad no unhsriiif olfoct will bo ued forin aid of gutftamlnl Jutiei-

TMicrlontiHtithiri to nn unnoticed dancerdl chnr n of duty policemen ar oftenwltnes to facts vn to cunvlctlon Iniich n case fvn a prisoner will have the

benefit or the accusers a e-

li low the credit or average men unit thIsinv surtlce or rtisaerrenrnt or no

bv the Jute There Is also theu ful danger nsiiMf d murderer ncutillrInnocent tiring convicted bv questlonableproofd-arrnrsed m l nvolt olewnenonllnrlly Pta not

wltnisiM In the e and thatIII of thin ili ore not Cnerally creditedwithout other proof you an thwrlou m r vine which llirir habitualswearing Is taken In New York countyKUCCI In n tow capital afetrff to thus en ral corruptionTlmy mean n to u t Vo the mp

ert murderer weought to IM up onus

In pre s reports on th Kennedy reversalthere a of the usual

nntwoll and Moore 1 fancy that thelunai credit thou are entitled to I a loreA HOST J MAHON

Nov s

A Common tTonhlp OffendedTo THR EDITOR or Tits Bon Str I

rend with Interest your In Tntlex entitled the Deu lon of a Common orhip It seems to mo howrer that the delu

lon 4 In mind of the writer of the editorialalhT than with the conference

You say that thn purpoie of the conferenceto harmonlrn the different manifestations of

elleloui ftntlment On the contrary theurpi of theefinfnrencn wa to manifest tile

harmony underlying all reunionPerhnr no can of the speakers better er

pressed thn spIrit of the oonfeivnca than didKewton In the quotation you give A the

enceofu common life crow th sows of ao slble common worship crow with it Do-

t not m that a common life shouldmv n common manifestation I not deirmd for a eominon innnllistAttnn of tt cornnon life the fundamental principle of all

lrir exnmile tho Catliollon ilan f tnmand not only unity of

tint unltv of worship If In re-

leln by authority hold to a uniformity of worI to ItndT liellijvcrs In

which r a hi is toa common worship

ltlon In your editorial that worhlp Is linked on correct Hutneinlntr evidently a creedal filth as you Im

v Taitidiffen radically rhriin Jew nnd n Hu

banned tooniplisulJin that theFaith of w and in K nt the

ono In th l llef In n unlvereal Fatherfoil ThniHuntratlon given at nier-nco of faith n n ranee of mountain unltd nt

ln of one tiod andIn tli vnrlmi minor nr ten t which

mark Indiv duality hut do not disunionbMiie th faith defined

md mot by variousipeaker lithe llvlne faith In a lort ez

not In cold precepts but manifestediy the determination to actual practiceIm two c mttinrdm nts which nod theth rs love the Lord thy God ana brother

i ihylf fl-

NKW Nov 23

Experience of Another PatrolmanTo rita Emion or Tuft Scs Jr I have

rend with great Interest your articles on theenm e now goIng on In the city on ihn

ower Kist Std In I artleulnr where I ppent-

ie1 ly five ytars as a patrolman attached toh KdnOae street Motion

I nifee with wliat Patrolman pays In histier toil the only remedy for thelUllntf evils lies In the Imllot box nnd I lintIn poinln election the people will nin

laininm unit which alone r poiiMblo for

HIIIJrIlIl I A rpetiitnfnIlItItns1111111 t IIIIIt



f will


I tit Ii-


nil mllltII pinliuhern





farmer the



vlsw or the


a plrRn part ot the

arrangementto prove



orwas Io the


a dlfOrelltII rollO force In ththe only

fan that




Ill as

Mfor youyou

men-tion of counsel

shareCOm nntlon





po IItI

rllkhnthe Moham

ftlh onri h

t 0 ruliriofor ii to find nnd



till the



the the

InFtnd oflime




W 4





i Iii i ii Vat


tI uu aR C r r qs lit S rid nti hut nIi

Itio far


stfirm thin

I t I tit a

ill n I fur itt st a nil

gui lIly a w flIt




from usus










tiershas suck


scnfrunce was


lIeswas o

hose lPllfcause



I itiso




> <






list Dirt of Iseovrncd tools ofTammany one of whom l repined to r n

n ntrd frriiirrn e nturnlly protect

lair friend1 In every way are notto hi nun for ihy nre pit l heil and liiinlllileil-

hiii limy frv duty I mvsolf wasIrnnsf red fmin fiat pr clnet localise I nrrcsttd n nrlorl II Allen street and Iknow eorp 01 eimlar eai wliteh Impnoed-iliirlnc my time then Our pr iit i

mad Ilfivi MinifHtu hUlinn wliicli hi four ftnil n li ny lor ih of the mivlee1-nnd I roe io sunnenr our other ft-porlor r are n llirnief to the ervio

r I not much tneournitini nt for aundr ndinlnUtrntin lo-

dohllilivprntierl No 2

Srw I-

tlilim the Onlr llemedrSir Every right

tlilnklricitizen will ucree I b lleve Iliat ItlilKli tulle that we vro to work lo purIfythis of mikn prld

a byword to us lo Ilm people of Ih-

Inltcd htntes utui nf w ridj n i 1otler the of proh-

lem when lt 11 It IH only hyre nlvln n end

Indlvtilunl tnat vice nliall not bo inour cliv and Hint Immorality aId hullnot xl t that nnrhfill away with it Itwe rlw tliiin n a whnlo crent body and dp-

ma 11Urttv nail Hennllneas ofcommon coney ami law and order we will

It nnd not tli n-


Scotch Hbilrrt1 SeasonTrem IS Ijmttn FltU

The last of pundre whalluc floes has Justrtturned The frarna a iur Jul ilround one of Iti t tl b Tlnf oat ot riotwbalri vltua and arcrtfaltcatch ol the See U flfutn wbaleitlmn tons ot boosand 215 tons ol oil The Eclipse had thte whaleDlkok Nora ZnabU two Esquimaux thrtt ut

COcity I

too I ot

10 tin

that11 nod


To 71t1 FtttoiorTmrSt

llr aid I it nr ant

rue the

amId its sit1 Irate


has been one

besIde traiL Tb


I Iii itt I rnthe

rti they

5 I I vlrream

dim Iti C nit riitu viI tiior

ar that



coinitv Instead




I ni nut if t y

Itt I na ate

vessel this





Th Mprnine Cnllrllnn nf f nM

nIsI nfh Itnrlet nit rmnrnliterlM-A IK nhif eirred mid nifl

tie l i nnh li f AIM ImtltIM Hill I IK i H Hi tltirrirnn Art

i i nii liy Im hi Irwph-Hirnfiin of I v pinnio tindr U-nlisinmor Mr li dlnl li l fir

n UMliiiin t Mnrvard A r sll nt nf-

Ixnlirllln for iliirlv mid Din rreldnt-of fit Ohio Kill nr rmnpinr rellrwlfrom tiu lne In n ftix rfM TeRreof hi llfn Im levoleil lo Irivd dilrflr In Ih-

l i and Hi iipriiin of mrvlnir that mmle-

hi honin n of fine work While taklf-ilntnen prltfi In M irn ure nnd fjirtrliiijno t iln or eTMn in BC p met It wltnt

II wn une f hi liohlilr in slum ellnotoriety uiiill Inn ltiimei tii oii nil lih-

plnl eoneernliia hl ill lliii Almost cysTSIliliif In Ih enllorlldii vn innde to nrder li-yiirllls with wlnii In hud oilililMicd iKTSiiim-lrelitlon ihclr iiciiuiilntdiice Ktndyinitheir wok nml flimllv npprovlni delin-milunltlHl to Min Mont nf Die lin rtiint-plere rfiilroi wvernl durliB whichtitan Mr Srnriie mailo tin trips frmn-Kurnpp lo iitin or lo flotnliay to watch thnwork sail lo mil suggestions

Thin auctioneers call the collection on ofmurvellottMy carved furniture and the phrate

cannot bo termed an exncrnrratlnn There lahardly an Imimrtant ploco that doe not illuitrate

touch of thn Orlentnlartist fxtraordliinry patience and quaintconceit Miiviiof h convnntlonalthe dragon of Japan appearlnu in endlessguise but when ad ititedlo Western purpoMsas In the chlmruvt Icce tile tibIas chain anddesks It Is lono with curious orl liility ardiiiocew The chief w od rarvor employedJ Numlshlma of Yokohama whose work in fa-

mlllnr to most tr vHlr In Japan I he woodused licherryslnlied 10 Imitate ebony SuchpleoeiRanclRantincornerfeatcalled by the Jap-aneseft siiiimlnna n nonuineninlnfTnlrchlmneyi leoo also rf heroic se an eitenlion dining table a hookcara duplicated fromote In the Mikados palace R fivefoot Duddhareproduced from the heroic one Inthe lamest In the world and fully fifty feet hltrnand an iimnens9ihoii rraph cabinet nil thetaare wonderi In the way ol elaborate carTliu-rwmeof apparently with the aid of a-

ma rrilfyln fflaig nn Intricate mas In whichplanu lowers bird animals possible indI-mpirMbli dr gone goblins Ac makean eilraordlniry picture Much ofcarving was dono Nutnaahlinas workmenbut the design alone the work of several yearsand fmUhliia touches were by the artisthimself Some of hu most fucceviftil piecesnotably a lmtttind an unknown convenientIn a Jap n o houwliolJls quit rn notAblethanks to original nnd bold design as to workmanihlp U of a group of dolohlnand holdluj up an Immense circular mir-ror typifying the world the twist d tails

and draconi serve ai hathooks whilewater snakes make rings In whloh to hold urnbrella For the morn conventionwork the Japanoce temple have beou drawn

Another famous carver Iwatnoto of Kobewhose epeclalty bamboo work and who Hthe accredited court artist of Japtn In this fieldIs represented a number of pieces of whicha revolving bookcase seven or eight ret highmay deemed tho mot notable The floegrain of the bimhoo make roaslble a delicacyor workmanship that must be en to be appre-ciated There Li hardly square Inch of surface-of this affair which I not carvedsometimes In bold reef sometimes B-OdelloaUly as to seem atmoit an etchingupon the polIshed surface of the bam-boo All lorta of animals and birds miceat play vtemtt flowurs and blossoms are de-pleted In amazing variety It U laid thatIwamoto considers this one of his niMterpleoeIt required two years Incessant labor Ilo hadIn Its construction the cooperation of a Japanesemetal worker of high rank Sano Takachtkawho madtt the score of bronz dragons thatclutching the upright rods of bamboo hold upthe various shelves

More Important specimens of Takachikasword ar a monumental cloak an Immense Inccnss burner and res fighting demonsand gorillas lit dragon for the chimneyIilo s are also hits The top of the treatclock Is a copy In miniature of the Dalhutiu

Kioto which contain the rooond lar-gest dell In time world the first being In MoscowTile taco of the clock presents twelve silver

onforoach hour besting In relief theparticular animal which the JaranNo haveassigned or consecrated to that hour Each ofthe twentyfour hours in the Japanesepoetic div is known by some animal orreptile dials of silver carved bytwelve artist friends of Takncblka The firedOlls In this Initnnoe foxes animal much ro-

cpeotod by tile Japnnno and mot of thesmaller bronze work by this artist were cutfrom wax moulds lhrt were destroyad whenthe work was flnlheJ Tile elaborate firetenders are of bronze with symbolic do lgnsthe god of lire the elctnont of d-

strucilon contending with turtles tho emblemof eternity The coo nl lnoen burner I sur-

mounted by nn extraordinarily spirited groupIn which a gorilla cnnhes the goblin of evilboth figures tx lig demoniac In energy andviciousness

An Immense desk rind a curio cabinet ofcherry ebonlzed In which tree form withgnarled trunks banclira leaves and flowersamona which tbe birds disport are the work ofa famou woodcarver now dead namedIwata The desk which Is considered latearllsti masterpleoo U a monumental affairand yet so contruoted that It comes apart inmany plicva thn Joints being to cunninglyhidden It look nn if cut from ono Im-

mene Mock of ebony In the cabinet severalof tho pnMs nil pvnl of wonderful sizefrom slncli plee Tho sime artist inndo anumber of rama open work ventilntlnc paneltf guided wood a of glorilled cron ued-nlxivo the doors of tenploa for vcritllrttlon purpoe The Indian bedstead already mentionedIs by n Ilombiy art t Motl Coobair who haiused the clphant ns Iho base of des nAlso amonz Eastern work r templo

ntnr r ItWill


c Jilt 1

willfliIlCIl 111 IIt 4lf

II 1




01 nIl I

en Ihl 1U1 1I1t1I1 lr In

11111 kill It



this delicate

the deagi






con lltodragons

and lnrlupon as molol





din I




iutrn tnt irerloI

ladi s I U P ilIl N S I I 5 Ia i

hit itt ti Lit


II iI of IPssItilie-rsilrn oIiwir t

ii VileN urn till u

V 505 ifs


lfltiI tIll g



vtI Iota 4 I Itut I a

I yin ra





















< <






screensealverf II number of Iron plaques with

bronzorsllxvrfliure In relief andboo temple piwts Incruted vri li ninhirnfpearl In the rlc t poMlbl it out

In moth rofpnl work tho most rcmariMof th collectln i ii not out

IVruvinn n totUiM icH Inlrld withevernl tiioinnd pieces of jkvirl viel wltlia-

painted centr panel repre tnLSt Kriti U-

il AMIP II tlppiised tntiotlm slMeelitli ur-

evenninth cmtiiry of IVu Itdiiis-wnrlilnz iindr iiniiisii muster nnd XVIH pri-fented In Iftfl by the laiiie of I inn to tin

Inllod Ktit Conu K lMnllirt-i tt wlr wna relalv if Mrprniini Amnna

tho furiiliiir hliould nl li wimn-Sl nn worlt upholstered painted vellum 1 lotof piece of foriin work with treat plaque f

nnriil of fantastic color and velnln Illwooden frumo of the elmira andncrtift linmollieroriearl Therental v

leiiiercalilnei or s nne wltli counts s-

dawer md doors In I yr Tlioiniplcco tnrti nrm li frn enihrolclrisilverware AP varioii i Aintiuthe curio up In Arabia I n wndmfulscroll of law npnti mils of vandal Rood e-

uiuiliK the PeMnteicli In old Hbrewacter written or lnthr and upt oud inabout four im years old It was loiind Ina KU at

In whole poilwtlnn there livehundred The exhlb tlon Is to lnfree will on Hie tliof thi tnnniii iimorrow and wilt in t until tIe nl lioiin-

nanndUp In TexasTo TUB EDITOR or TUB at sir nnls-

W hoop I and Jink Wink sic cowboys employed nnItia flu X ranch la this Idnlty litre they a pureIn lilt roundup r U W





rf th

rtat rid


fillpic Id

lh r

UI1 muems nhnllt


erasome lien

pIece ti torncnl lint



tu IttI lieu


I iibras or

sI lit ali tit


thelots tip f





AtlT HOT ft-

Keramle Satisfy rifllblllad W Mt-Ailnflu rftmll ttt Ml n

Tim w Vnfk fliKIMr of Kersiiil ii

It niifiiml urenlntf In ai n-

liitllrHiin of i lie Wdlilof fA nfln M-

iopnfr ninth nntnlniMMtliin will t

den mult iniiirim tlf niiixr-Hie ltr fifty nrn eshlMlor e r

lillill lifivn lieen reirlvnl frmnMissouri Cnllfornlfi nMmit-

iiitiir llK nnt of iimmlir of Ihn iwinnare rcsldoliln of New York flies deiiraloi-of porrnUIn ant imllery harm reason in li

ilned with Ilm pro they ffiTli denlicn are not all liunches f fl eitM-aeivin nor era tIe pantn forms chu fs rd-

lc s of of Many of drcerajear have turned to convimllonnllra-

tlon of flower form oilier hoSe themt i aiiooe sfiil lutrn rflecta sail n

chow their work In thi un of iratnt annennrnil liri orders for lilnndieornlion trout Ainerieiin who would ordltmrllHim to the l il tin

HMiety to feel html ill lad tiny linteome lo hilt rpciiKiilred w nrt workern The

AniTlcan potters nlmotl wholly

II MK their regular product and npjienl fn

Judgment on tho decoration

Seven inirtrnlt exhibition nt Knnedler-

aro the work of Mis Julia Haven n formsllrooklyn girl who after a period of study tutu

work abroad Is a new comes In Now York

Klve of the portraits were done this year Mia

Haven dma at conscientious reprfentaUoiof her subjectS If Mr Chow Ttechlt ilnew Consul li not in huts portrait a bland

rui he Is ever known to be It U to bo soldIt I not for every one to achieve the urbanIn a docroe possible to a former pupil of theoffablo Minister Wu Miss Haven does welto show with her recent work the portrait o-

hr motlier and ulster done respectively li-

isoi and 1W pulntlnss of different qualityThe crltlrj will siy whether more of the artlswent Into the Mirtralt of tier sister In whicl-

siiiiij of the painters teachings aro shownor more of tho painter of American portraitinto tho welldrawn portrait of Capt ChurchMiss Hav n was a pupil of Benjamin Constanand Julleo Dupr6 HIT exhibition at KnoadIcrs will continue until Dee I


Naval Hoard teporla QualifIed Approral anDesIres CompetltlonW-

A8IIISOTOV Nov JO A board composed oF V Ilackett of the NavyNaval Constructor liowlos and Naval Con-

structor which has been oonductlnjftentof Ilreproofed wood submitted by two companle has reported to the Secretory of the Navy

that much additional valuable Information con-

cerning tlreproofed woods had been obtainedbut recommends that thn tests bo pursued ta conclusion upon the methods begun beltevlog that the result will probably modify thi-

UM of fireproofed wood In thus navyThe board says

The t have already progressed sufflclently to show that the ultimate values of thwoods treated by the two processes are verynearly equal yet both are Ira

In thud do not remain permanentimpregnated with their

clrcumBtancos encountered 01-

Ve recommend that forthIn treatment and delivery of fire

wood for naval be preparedImmediately by the Bureau ofnnd nnn submitted to the Departmentwhich shall Insure the of

and treated according to thisthe art which the use o

the products of both of tlieit companiesallot test 0-

1Thew should be modifiedtuna to time an the state of the art of fireproofIns advances


Details of the Murder of the Dr F Hi-benyJunee of Prkla ViUTeralt-

TDotalLsofthedfathoftheRer rFHabertyJames one of the professors of Pekln Unlver-slty have been received by the American BlblSociety In a report from it agent the RevDr John n Hyke dated Shanghai Oct 26

Early in the singe the Itev HubertrJamei-WM untiring In his efforts to get the naUviChristians Into a place of safety With theassistance of Dr Morrison the London Timti-correspondant he got together about S00iof them and then appealed to Prince Bu whowas a personal friend to quarter them In hi-

palAco opposite thn British legation HIhid succeeded In his efforts and was returnlnifrom the palace on June 20 when he was firedupon by a of soldiers A British sentrysaw throw up his hands as If to assurnllowivl him to approach then s lznd him nmcarried him away It was learned thahe dnnn by his captors torturedand llnillv y-

Dr llykes sent nn additional list of murderedmlssionnriei It contained the finite of sixtynine nr ons who had connct l

tim China Inland Mission the English Baptls

and thn Swedish Alllanen All perished afterthe hlne eCourt lied from Pekln Nine othermissionaries started for Siberia have

heard since Dr concludesliter hy saying that the entire country

outsldo of Is infestedroving hands of highwaymen

nc nonnnD aiiooria CAXTB-

onvlrtlon of a Man TTho Hail Pesteredmen In the Adirondack

Ixutt summer a number of camps In Adiondacks were robbed and practically cleanedout of their supply of sporting goods and

of complaints were mad to the authorlLies by the owners of the ramps who askedthat better protection be afforded them Theconviction at the list term of court In St Law-

rence county of a man named Johnson whichwas peeured by the authorities after a hard

srlll It I believed put an end tosuch depredation Tlio for whichJohnson was wa that of the campof Col W A Harbour nt the head ofIiku on 4 SiKilclon to twobrothers Winer nml Thomns Johnsen of Clin-ton tho former an oxconvict rind they werenrre ted Th detective fomul two awnof tholr lesirittion hail rlilden mileover mountain roml on their bicycles fromTuplor Uike ti NVwton Knll epre a imkuiro to Clinton The detecthei-irov over t lie snim road nnd found n tminwho had up a l llnc rod bv theJohnsoiiH Tills wn Identified Inrliotir-n hls Wllli lither eviilenil of which was of necewitv purely cin utn tiiiHal the men worolnltontoSt wreneeroiirtvunit their frlil bewail on Xov IS It i

six ili IJiner Inhlt n beeio e i wn-nn ptpunvlr wn Prvt III lirotlierI still iwnltni trial UICi tt K ponvleiietithe nutliorit es thriuuhiit tin itlrnnilnekx-belevo thai the rillnclnc of sluMt ni initwill I uled

Sees Salt the fnnnr SideVom Hatititin I iv rtf-

NAVfHirt Tex Xov J7 Tlfre I nti rM-iesro the of Seot lven llvln iirnr-iere If In14 nililresseil In n roiivernloti noinner ilm Miben urjv PI hitnrriii ruliirwli acer will t erfi IT chitic lli

inir I lennl forWith Miinii funny In will n-

iio i gn lulu fiiimf on iie irrniiivine there liiiflilnr lie ha no eontrnover himself tliotichl shotili-

linvonekeep tipa inversitin lie would tintmi vivc To per m nf h tiredlrnmetitonl iinit n hnOieil nn n word

illlere will get nil I li froti though lie had never biiirhel lforr lielin never Irfen lnow n to flnl i a entenee withMit Iniirlil ontlde nf lnticiru u in the

l of ioiUh nnd neyer Iml n InyV teki-C Ilife-

M b the Uurlils ShIest linnAr lfnrn lnirnnl-

MViiV ia NV Mln few mile from IIM town

e l Hooker n nee nnd ln unyinrsHI Hewn l rrn a Muve in irclnli nml-

s inemorv of event oee ri ifr nver veir-iir I very He u n inoi lit iilVer children H iy the hour

was owned n lave by

virs He nold

mnar has seven rllldron living and a

r r A andf renewal of tile youth

ilfll0 ne mot Interesting twrtonCM in

HIII ilw



ll hI

Isitlt y I







feltS ssanArts

S Ion I hit

lates I

hitthis I

gtr n oilI lie

It hiP nil

jimt line liii

hits hits



mi hill I re I tnnk era siInstill sets

him I ritize


Ausfstitnt Secretary



iasnh vesseis

useproofed present


suttlckut still furtherron


auiailinta hut was unarmed The soldiers



MIssion the Christian Alliance





lead haItI

wi X tI lie


tt tii nail




fit nit i 0


of lungs lhinl at tan tiIflg


chi tvr I u I

ill t a nit in IttI I ii era uel


hutsitt 1

Pinit I O tim it-

t iliFl sir Is

tholu I mutt 1 1st

t hIstorl a

Intl llo1oer whim ltie tsin iteiti rnc for hiftudniugttr livin at Tltnnisoi

lidmail arms of wranlehitlcirer5 etenact ahon the Bavanmu Liver Old Is hale and

ts ii











Non ion tit vrrnwx ran onttm-r HM lr ran raft l h for ApvrsrlaUmi-

Tm II Seer eifanl Ienlral HUtln-W fll irtOX Vn S lr tmnaf r

of V w Tntk rolled i t lnt llrrVi-nent loilir lo Icstiiiolrr i n fn Hmltl-Til litter not nt b n rni 4ill limnt In of his nn i

ft irt Mr Vanf otl wishes t liar r ciiri-ineiiiUtlon mnd IdCoticrn for nn npprntirU-tlon for nn uptown o t ofTlr lnilldln In MowYnrkand II lund rfniv lint rnmmi rdm-rral Hinllli will reeoinmend lo C in r v

renr M hn didColnnldent with the vIsit of Postmaster Van

nn butine Is th arrival here nf H-

rramntntlr Mrcef halrman n the llullriltnn-ommlltrn if the Itmisn said todsy-

hn tied nu doubt Ietmnat rUenrl Smithwould renew rrcommnndntlon for lnerMbuilding for handlliiK moat In NewYork as Ihern Is a great ii d of n new build-ing uptown in Sow York In said

Tlie ITMnt iinrter nf th Se York To-

OHeM nre ppllrilr nnd when w-

inil mil lln iiiiKiimt hut llolllll IeMioiil inpin nml n v lie II I nit i tmu In Nuw ithe n inane to Concre 4

There l i Krenl Illference In the vntll ifIn Vor iliffcreii nvrniiH-

iuiidr ioHiloriillon for the new Mto-Of ctniroii It l litiinnn nntum for om ofIoopli1 liilcrestfil in pre certain cif

iiion tho will conelder thn vnrinit ltjons CodNew York will l n wail taken of for n newtiont building just as soon R wehave time to get at the real need bv tlocation for It

We are atlrtlnd that New York nstM a rawuptown pot times building

will be made for anappropriation for thl ntinio e

said the plans for the new bundthe erection of a

building In the of tlie Grand CentralBtatlnn nt n cost of About ftlOOO

test witulil Im re It had beenfound upon Investigation that the roundwould oust n million dollars lees If thesite were flied iKtweenavenues than between Fourth anti Madisonavenues There wim no Idea he sold of aban-doning the old Post Office nnd the downtown

woild not be Injuredthe removal of further the

On tho contrary a better wouldbe furnished not In the downtown

all over the city

rsvirov OFFICE anowusnHow Intoxication li Achieved Wlthnt Leav-

ing the IlnlldlngW-

ASBTNOTOX Nov H Clay Evans ConmissIoner of Pensions has unearthed o newspecies of devilment on the part of the portionnf tho greet army of wellpaid clerks who arehoused In the unique specimen of architectureIn Judiciary Square always pointed out tovisitors by the official guides is the PensionOffice BuIldIng where the Inauguration ballstake place

A year or two ago work of the bureauWM badly hampered by the practice of a largenumber of the clerks saving the buildingat lunch tine and coming back Intoxicated Arigid rule was thereupon adopted allow-ing drunker clerks to conic to andmeans were oilnptnd for keeping them withintho bulldlna during workedvery well tar a time but apparently nothing

hag drunk In office hours If he wants to andthe discovery lint the Commissioner has now

U that there lies been for a long time aIn operation not under but over

his nose fur It 1 In the attloIt hoi been noticed for some time that clerks

who had come to thn oiilce cold sober and whohad not left the building were drunk before

close of business hours The Hherlockof the bureau was on the on n-

and one of tho u u cu WM closely watchedwas traced to the file room under the root

which was the rendezvous for forty orclerks liars their bottles andbeing admitted by the clerk In charge afterguying countersign they proceed to

to their heart content CommissionerEvans other officials nureauare very Indignant at the and it I

said that several suspension and

this violation of ofnclal decorum willo winked at however a many others have



Be B Dombts Psefitln of Torttfytn-

WxnmKiTcm Now je Senator Morganchairman of the Benate C mmttt whichfavorably reported Nlcurtrua Canal billand one of the foremost adrooatea ofthe projectsaul today that In opinion the question offortifying the canal one of the least Im-

portant In connection with the entire subjectThe HarPauncelote Treaty did not prohibitthe fortification of the canal neither did theHepburn bill now on the Senate osjsndsrThe Utter bill provided that forttflcaoMmight If neco upon w

however anddld not thinkwould be built Although them was aforcne of as to advisability otmaking the operation of the

In of tlio ultimate oomrtruouon ofcanal which was of too inset Importune tothe people to bn forced aside byover of email moment

Thn of fortifications along thecanal ho continued In one which has moreInterest for tho of Nicaragua andCosta Hlea than time united States

to have a to cut Just what they want Indlrjctlon If they want tof

the canal sonic discussion of this ubject will benecessary but co hit as the interest

concerned the matter I of veryImportance of the au

the ground that In viewtime uncertain character of

of a few fortifica-tions might bn a good thing but U an

and Is of no greatnations owning have their ay

this respect and let us not worry over tbe


flea IJorntona Ileport Describe ImxrreTemenu New Monument

WASntxoTOX Nov The War Depart-ment made imbUe today the annual reportof lea II V lloynton chairman of the chicksinnuga and Chattanooga National MilitaryPark Commission which says In part

Wo now have sixtyseven miles of Improvedroads which cost an averoco of Kuoi per mfle-

USIIO hn been extended In the past year ID

road con tmrtion nail l otterment Duringthe year lla3 feet of wire fencing hu beenrrectnd which comilBtes th fnclomiro ofletiched tracts belouuin to the park on Mls-

Rlonnry Itldce nail Ixinkotit Mountain end five

mile of wivin fencliic hn 1cen deliveredfor iHcitiiiini iii nicloHiiri of the ChickiniuiMlirli iri r nllnt teHl

I i r lire n eretihilt in flell cu im on Ironto iitilttte tin iniicriis n during the CivilWar miikinu I nlun buttery


tliii iiii tilietvfoiir field Kuim tlmllnrlylei thlrtyrlne Corifwlcranry po itinli Oil the Held

loriviive in im iinted ns above murk tonI nila and fi oiifeiiriute battery x 4itiou-l lien

I e total re eii i for the ending Septin were llirVj n total exp ndlturo-to ail nu lualliL hut itiite been K2ilsI-mviiii n M i of pn3i7

1 h New YI rl t iiiu GenDiiiel r sieklei I i hasliiirii i i cilciliim and in

stno moMiitiiriit nhieli New York l profotiiii on thisiiiiiiilt of 1iokoiittin Vnik i Tiure on the foundationIT 1ie inoMiniint Alileli to be tin most

tnllitnry iminument yet rnfUsl by

llnvemenu of Government Vrfieli-

WshinxoTN Nov 2 The training shiphih arrived nt non the rnil er Ban

croft nt Colon thin cruUer hla nt Marel la l nnd th torredo ont Stockton at An-

nntolfs trnltilnc lnrtf inl las pallidfrein St ltiilti frr Trlnlilni tinlinn iltla fn in Ilnnr I ik f r Utvilo-tji cnnlinpt Merletii for limit

Die ciuler Ailantn fromfor nmi ciinbont nun fromNorfolk fur Hiimiton lt id

New Ituiilnn lnr fnrlrnl h Ilnrrlaiesfrom iht lliorm Carafe

Concerning tlie T ty knotty nu lon f m rrt rs-ot orthodox Chrlillins Jens a defmltlon

bee n tUen by the HutUn Italy 3ynrd to trioReel that a marriage newly bnpiltfd Jew whichhas ten dls olTr t by a rabbi ou tr ttInitatrd tyIhotlhodox church only If the ollur pirty to themartUee la the Jcwliii faith cBkiana-CtrtitUnltr

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