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The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-05-02 [p...

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Vt rt 4 FMDAT MAT J WO Fair today and tomorrow fresh north to east winds VOL LXIXNO 244 NEW YORK FRIDAY MAY 2 1902 c vr ki I M pr nao i pM Mt PRICE TWO CENTS I 1J UU Sun cn d V h 4- I I I i t by TAi < < < > it A it TI MSI ionw n ix HASTE vrsTEitDAV inronr SAVS- Onw lick luiUoi Midi Uiom HP n i- Auwlntrd Hrtlret From thp Power IHreetoratcLarRe1 loir In lihlrnnti Ural anil r iirr Carriage linwn to 4 It developed yoMerday thnt John n Drexel of the late Anthony J Drexel of Philadelphia was Involved in thn crnili In ho market for International Power tock Mr Drcxo who liven nt 0 Fifth venue and who has ju t bought from Dr Robert F Weir tho property at 13 and IS- KsM Fiftyfourth street with tho view of Uillding a new homo on tho site has hIs ofticH with Cyrus Field Judson at 135 Broad v y Mr Judson U President of the iicnerAl Carriage Company the control of which owned by Joseph II Hondloy Presi- dent of the International Power Company nd by Mr Hoadleys friends Mr JudOn Istsupposod to have dono some rt ho manipulation of tho Power Block In its recont ky rocket ric of more than 100 pointb in three week time and it wan mid tlmt Mr Drexel wns associated with him In his Kpeculatlve operations According to the tory told in Wall Street yesterday Mr Drexel was a heavy buyer rf Power tock when it HtnaRhed In price m Wednesday from 108 to 1120 lie bought vrral thousand sharro which In accord fnro with tho New York Stock Exchange were deliverable today when tho lymenl for them was duo Mr Drexo- ll said to have relied on Mr Hoadloy mind Mr Judxon to tnkw the block Hut lr has dUavowrd any connection it It the manipulation and bo RS not tako up tho stock Mill that about IWOOOO worth of Tower Mock nt high Wits to H de- livered yesterday to two brokerage firm Inch had bought It for Mr order mid that Mr Urrxel started to get into iinmitnlmtion with Drexel t Co in In th meantime the brokers who were called upon to pay for the mock Delivered to am havo called over the tho drain which had told the Hook to I hem and to have explained the f Ittiation nnd nckid for nn imc Thn other brokers wild that would wait only until the regular delivery mo 215 Thin result In overheating of the wires Philadelphia nod In arrangements to lid tho mooney to for stock The contract nn said to have been taken up nt 1130 oYlock Mr Hrrxcl is known UK a very rich man and it In supposed that tin drew upon crodlto or he dad with V Co- At the omw of 1 P Morgan A Co a member of the firm who wus questioned a in the report that VVWfhW national Mock had l een taken up that firm naid it was not true but ndded that some such transaction might have linen made through Drexel A Mr Drexel If not a of Drexel 1 on i I I I iud the 0 JOHN R DREXELIN POIBRPOOL I I 1L rj L > ¬ > > ¬ ¬ vT I 0 Mr Hondlev Mid yrterlay I did not know what and Drexel were doing I understood that they were Hi Mmaltf hu l v later on showed that U themselves trying to for Mr Jud eon had a meeting and am frying to out and help mm out of hU difficulties We did not may down on Mr Mr resigned as the International Power Company I iifkrd him to rvslpn this he ia lone w Tills thing see as brought on him have sent to roviilcr for the of the company Hrsuse of have iflortlni on the condition I to Mr Pliny Fisfc of Fisk A Sons who is now dong all the talking Oir Mio Power company NVhv was spited Wet th International Power Company- ho tockholdtT In the oonmnttve Company which Harvey link A Son Pliny mado htatemrnt The International Power Company rotjilng to do with tho Company but among time assets f this company there 1 a certain mount of tin Locomollvo- rimpany which I Uliove U onn of tie asset All I know about i Im Power l Mr Houdley- na utit of bin confldititt In UM l to begin n canful Into ti of thn International Power company und wn havu told tutu that ilo bo It will take about two weeks Our unit ha no Interest whatever In the International Power and I lwply Mr Hoadl y in carrying nean by giving l our 01- lerlenc in the values of ftrnpertle- nt of Mr Judson It wa Itai Im lied not Itewi thin II A llerlnrt who talkiil Wed Hlsv agmn Ihe Tin BilUHtlon r ld Mr IlirUrt has MI taken out nf our hands Oilier tantii- iie ktriip Ill mid whiln nf unuthw I now all the Mtuilluii 1 thUtk list I1iw nrlih r Mr to do with I International 1iiwnr lod Mr Jiiduti has not i b en in fommunl Ittm 7 win Mr JuJxui will K mtn out i top uf the l ii Judson wlxi II grim l on of Cyiu I M It ownnil in W U- k4 i tit IIUI Mltl UK WHll lie I I MIJ l II- wi II ixtiiii w HT VSi iwn n uluctJijf Out lu IM wt- itf fe Lu AJAJJ pIt H I 4 IM- Itir nan 1 to M- Ir Ip they had x htn Drexel hook 011 Ir fan his Ih mot I hit mndlt I nl t alA hll on any Nu had do but n t Iump In Jowr 111t w Imo III e tn1i I fI l uf 11 Mr WI 1 ul w- rr I 10 10 H w I A H1 jhl t 11 d a I a U- I I- I w I r 1 I I 1 t w- I 4- If A Ware has FItk this i IOn e- tII outf- itS time br mutt sri lime Prlr oimais to tie talking tim tiaek s liutnI stiythiiiigtu with I tea te mu wit hi S it lied am a result i Slid Its jukm list mms- dIMJsf the blk tim ws Imu mtitiig lime lais at 1114 a sbiw lilt lIct iI Msskh- Imest4iIIult rhaSK sIalileer b45u ia 14 hm4JsUmI 141m4f thU lI Jhi 4tMg iilJIAmtm4m u4sr sms 4flI iearlIief- mmitiml I mmItwta 4aI1y ut Smi Sa fssium liuWi Jai 44mlI4 i h Sell i5c t4 pith I 4 etm lie 4e I tei a4oe i 144r ijfj il M 4 S1SJI 4 l bet Ii 14 iS a Hie e 94 erji 1 c e4 dijfmi li4S lV imi lia iMM- sINF a a 4 ap4T- s me 1k- Sewi 1 i ti esisu Md4 I m r1i- miei 4miu ISa IUUUI 4 S- I ls I Juis I LaI- M lb V- lwsd M4dssd 4 ira a bkq fs- i 11544 I Ie Mm iSts 14 < 4 Id ed ffi 44 M i 40 Si- I ii lS44a I 5- Mmi liePP C 4ia4V lieW Ma 1 b I l f 444 54 fl MPW < < < > > > > < < < < ifriu cuvfvo of rf sToiiKi I Itooievrlt Drpeiv and Mrs Corbln to nilhdrftw From Society WABIIINOTON May I It U expected that four of tho lenders of Washington brilliant social rearon just passed will permanently retire from society some quiet and secluded place of next fall when return to their Washington homes and be able to take up tho social robe at the beginning- of another official reason Naturally tho greatest Interest la can tred In Mr nooMjvelt who In company with her children will leave Washington for Oyster Hay where abe will quietly spend the summer away from the curious public returning to Washington tho part of September IB also felt In the rumor that retirement vrlll remove the charming wife of Senator Depow from the capital rather too early for the society PeOPle who have become o fond of her during her nhort season here and who will remain In Washington until time close of Congress Just where Gon Corbln and his charming wife will spend their quiet summer has not decided but with the young and wife of the Belgian Minister BaronomMoncheurBho will be able to enter upon next winters brilliant social season with now Interest and new zest Society Is rife with gossip over the schedule of the stork In and now interest the post brilliant season on this account WIW77VO FOR FLAT CAR WHEELS Health Department mil Enforce IU Order A tint t Noisy dozen Inspectors were sent out by tho Health Department yesterday to find out whether the Metropolitan Hallway Company has complied with the depart- ments order made early in April all nat wheels that U wheels out of round must be removed from time companys Yesterday was the dote sot by the department for the enforce- ment of the order but In view of the dim under which President Vreeland Metropolitan says he Is laboring In to get new missioner Lederle he i not to the unnecessarily lh Inspectors reports- In a or HO ls expected and how that the railway com- pany has not appreciably nut afire the will pro- ceed against tho company In the If reports made a to carry out tho deport merits instructions no bo adopted Dr ho on all cars with defective wheels and all such wilt be ordered from tho tracks by the department officials FRAU STROXO AT WILD Wanted to Ride With Patty In Deadwnod peking later Intel t Lon the Carl- A tat cull M mlhvn ey cur CUt JET Mrs Mrs n house- holds care ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ roarh but Couldnt Capt Putnam Brad lee Strong and Fran Strong otherwise known as May Tone went to the Wild West Show tat night and didnt have a bit of a good time At the ticket office the Captain was told that th boxes were nil sold and ho had to take two ordinary seats Strong Dexter Fellows of the the show and told him that he and Frau Strong wanted to ride in the Deadwood coach Mr Fellows said he would see about it found Inspector Williams had secured the coach for four and the Inspector wasnt dla posed to give them Fellows went back and broke the sad the Captain Well will me when I can have seats In the coach asked the Captain Awfully sorry was the answer but wo seats In the coach for six The Captain and Frau left Deadwood coach the scene STORM V TEK33EEH- allrotdf Crippled Kerlotuly for the Time thin a Month NASHVILLE Tenn May 1 For the second time within thirty days middle Tennessee was visited last night by a storm wrecking railroad and county bridges and playing havoo In general The Illver U up nine feet l night while Htone Hirer Is rising limo Tetmime Central Hallway was the most damaged of tntrll- oiiH again on the Lebanon bridges hive sIllier b en washed or domagxd After II oclock this morning U i au4 of the Smith York the Creek bridge and sixty of the Ktonn lUv tr wont out Two of tin Nashville Clistunoogt IouU bridge over Phone Itiver washed out and two otters near Iy of waUr and riebri Every i linn In Huther ford county was blown down Npesbrr llmct r Mi and Mils Hmoratnilrd- ff l l nrratl it- WATKIUX Is M y I flintIer MO wss innonilixUd for for Ihs rn rjjtU n nt UM TIllU dUtrlct iHiimnslieii UDsiiliinuji IUoi- ur lWIHi4 llllJ IlMHliIlt IU V 1 IuriiMi Ohio At tU tulJk ii r MMi iv Htiun livid ft MIM ll MllHU t- t4 K WM i V M M- Mi Jli xi U i iw- VM4fHM M I IIHM nir I LatH hunt mana tat lao cam- eo I old Inc 1 01 inch an roar big u opera wIre Il CINl U far hl Un ad Io J W I t n t t W W tl r 1 W- w I I- I p I J rt I W r w N 1 w I 1 t I a I w w- a Iii rate eighteen time 5 road baa sway feet spans pushed XOMIV4 TIOV Isisemth ptuiessl thai ly lb Itspulmhieau Iodi Ill 5b l44uP tis May I its uie t4I4lremIUoli Jiyh ipf- Y i tie hustitIi 411114- 1JsplawPoIis u MaY I eAtsud I I I I 44 I 4uIiSClSSO4l Ittiiti- M4ii suuasitiIj u4i tli I liu44ji5 S1144t4 Ias UN t- H 1 j- INd Iv ie JMw NSt kr ll k4555iIlhiI- I iuEap IrH p44 I 4 eM- j 4 M4ad a 4HhliMj4- Mtl4W a JlS Sc Moi Its l- r5r tti- j a t4ev I 4- ssrss ic tad 111 141115 1151 I IIIaPI Is 4 s It iS j C kw fl- I au J4v 4 I ti4 iI4d f l s s4H4 lM4S4 i lIes f I Jmtt- I b fvMi lb- 9sw H tduew lbs hblupifllbC4b45410b1u1- S W L4d I1ISssas 1 u 44J ILSi C S 5 155 4fl I > < < > < > < < HIS PROXY WIFE IN COURT DK KIIAFFT THINK 1OR SM7V MKT t JIKVORE- t Had Carried On a lonc nitBiire and lad Won tier by a Youthful Looking Photograph lies Accused of fiwtndllnB a Truillns Jersey Msn William Real do Krafft who was before Magistrate Pool in time Tombs yes- terday as a fugitive from was apparently involved not only In ques- tionable financial dealings but In a marriage- by proxy with a young woman from Rou innnln who never saw her husband until she faced him a prisoner in tho police Do Krafft bald ho was years looks older To lila wife he had written that he was 3D years old and this statement he had apparently verified by sending hor his photograph Tho picture showed De- Krafft as a handsome young man The prisoner absolutely refused to say whets he lived but tho court record based upon tho city directory placed his address at the Hotel Margaret Brooklyn Ho is not known there nor at 1 Broadway which the directory gives as his business address Otto F Beese a Hobokon real estate dealer who lives nt 24 Paterson street Jersey City Heights told Magistrate Pool that Do Kraftt catno to him last July and sold that he was a broker with offices at 1 Broadway Do Krafft so impressed Beese that the latter gave him 1755 and time deeds for a house and lot on Jersey City Heights valued hi all at 1000 With this Do Kraflt wan to win him a fortune In Wall Street Beeso doesnt expect to see the lii again and la suing civilly to recover tho Pntcrson street property The Grand Jury of Hudson county took hold of tho matter and a search for De Krafft started It was while calling on n friend of the Becfo family a Mrs Whtto who keeps n boarding house on Jersey City Heights that Beegc found out more about De Krafft- Beeso had tcd his experience when Mrs White said that she De was lived In Brook- lyn He had seen a picture of her Erneftlna Hotha Houtnanlan girl had started a correspondence with her which ended In a of marring He was accepted and n civil proxy a certificate being abroad Last month the was missing When she to him she went to work teaching music mind line since supported Mean- while her and friends have been looking for De Krafft On Wednesday found Inn barber hop Yesterday he was twice arraigned In court papers were drawn and the whole came out When Into the court- room the young saw her hus- band for first looked old and feeble and walked heavily with a cane She was and During the entire proceedings neither to other I am master of the situation D Krafft repeating I hold the whlphnnd cane the floor Further than would not talk Magistrate Pool had plenty of trouble getting In cawj prepared The Mt which Complaint Detective Sergeant Chandler refused to sign the second aff- idavit and a third set was ordered Church started to draw tm up but didnt do It fast enough to suit Pool who finally Bring me the papers and clear out o out The Magistrate ross from his sent and Church retired before there was any further row Do Krafft was willing to waive requisition papers but the Jersey not arrested for kid- napping h said Its dean the laws of both States to sneak a prisoner ocroks the North Hlver without requisition- DeKrafflls in this Tombs to await requisi- tion papers from New Jersey In 1X91 a Dr It De Krafft was ar- rested charged with swindled John- A Angler out of 110000 In connection with- a scheme At that time Dr Do Krafft was a private hospita- lat 30 West Thirtieth street pro- scribed electrlemagnetlo treatment 1890 Dr Krnfft a petition In hank ruptcy with lUbillt JMW3 and no assets MORE TROVIILE Ion Apparently at tilth this Kndlhi lies Arrested li till lint Hire Jowph Madden the Dandy Boy Cop formerly of the Kldrldgo street station who was rwvnlly dunlin from Ihn form It was learned that hn married- GusUiKmlth th youngest of fist Silver Dollar HmlUt while IM already hitd a wife living In Urofklyn MBS sneitod aftirnncn on a warrant Tl l of Brooklyn warrant iMtifd t th Instant of hula nut wlf who cJiarged him with abandon- ment MJiJ of mind child Alter It wan known lo the family that U ldn hail nwrrlrd llh out it I alU etl haling Ifr know uf Juts fonunr nuiruge Half Jullar bmlth her brother Mnt aruuitd the lower rest Hid d iUflii I wuuld shool Madden un Ma4d u want hot hoDn tffurt- m ii to ifr Iti rh ri4 of bliny- Clnt him at d 4U iUii hiiuth M IIIW iinHillliin ID f r I In Slid lAOVr- ItuMuiUMU IrfiU lit al lil H r MitM it U MnJk- tftUMI WllUI N IwM IfM M W- k I lu 11 I- tHI l IH III it- f i Ml Mi I W f I t 41 t In tM DUG mrn our curt 6 h and fed to this to her not tat h Imp dW up dldnt trllo amid lie a now lear the clerk the Peace hid yesterday herself Hull tb r I- th 1lt I 111 ml rl 101 blulh 1 Iw I t IJ hi Ilh 1 I I tlj I U lt IIIr j JI- I I I I- IiI f t l I 0 1 l- h I c I t r- I I Ic Court- ship a said who city see husband knowing Do Krafft was story here- With this would with his heavy set ihoul dos IrA 1DEN after lit issued Flue was nonsupport eight end e as 4IarilejquI tii jW4MIW ii tscmn duy elIugst kv shi gq big I ss1 Cliii ii I seki s 4utisJ as- Mi 2iI1lskts e- el gicuIy 4 ii114145 tea 5s51iJiwd hail Lan usasgsr ci 14uv lk4Ior 114411 Iii la a 1Ii1- lcMi ti14iN5 I libishmi igbI- 4lil4Y 1tsii lie lam IIi Ni4sei Me K3I 151- Jdias Ils 14 SI I4 elis 5 Ii i4iw baCJeii51 1w- fiei4y ig- l ill lJlh III I eidpser IueJle far Ie- Ji Ms 14 as1m4iug- m 444sisd iod 11 5a 1 1d fii lsd MiSl 5411- I Msq4 I sw u 4pa WI al4 ss I I a- ii IU4USI4S el- sse tV 14JSPW- II d4ssd I tb s t e- I w- e 4 se I ts tim tt isis Iwlel sp l alS- N 4 fsele 2 lIi4 0 p l 5 4a 145 5 SI P M V4 > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < > > < MUlt MAllTIXKLIl HKCALLEI The Pope SemI for the Apostolic Delegate- to Return to Rome PniLADELPHU May 1 Cardinal Sebas tian Martlnelll who left thl city for Wash- ington today admitted before going ho had received word by cable from of his recall The news was brought from Washington yesterday by nt Rev Marchettl the auditor of the Apostolic Delegation at the capital who received the word from tho Vqtlcan yesterday morning Cardinal Martlnelli has been here since Tuesday evening a guest of Father Angelo Carusco rector of the Italian Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel He received the news of his recall by the Pope while he was confirming a number of children nt tho church Cardinal Martlnelll said today that he would hasten to Washington and sail for Home just as soon as he could put affairs- In order for his successor Ho declines to enter Into any discussion as to who the successor may be EXDLESS CIMIV FIRM BROKE Hundreds of Cheeks Drlnr Protested at lUlketnarre SOOOO Letters Held fp- WiLKKBBAnnKra May 1 Checks sent out by tho endless firm of Yanklr- kt Robins whose was suspended- last Friday by the postal authorities pond ing an investigation ore beginning to re- turn and the banks are so busy protesting them that they have hind slips printed In the regular protest form bearing time firms name four hundred have been received for amounts between tl and 11460 and they aggregate about 13200 Time from Maine to tho South- ern others from tho middle and far West are expected There Is no money hi the bonks to them the fund being exhausted tho firm was sus- pended Many of them aro from school- children who became correspondents for the firmThe mail U still coming to the Post Office by tho thousands dally and them arc now some 60000 letters and poMals The number Is decreasing gradually business in declared illegal the local Post Office force will return all letters having return addresses on the envelopes All tho others will have to go to time dead letter office to be examined and then returned Most of them contain money and It fs In the 60000 there is liOOO- OSllCIDE BECAUSE OF PROMISE hid Told Hli Dying Mother He Would Not Marry the Cilrl She Disliked William Schluckeblcr 31 years old com- mitted suicide yesterday morning by shoot- Ing himself la ments over hU saloon at Hn was prosperous and the only reason suggested for his suicide Is that he was disappointed hi a love affair According to the story told yesterday to Coroner Scholer by of Sclilucke biers friends the young saloonkeeper fell In love a few years ago but his mother disliked the girl ho hail chosen Just before his mother a year ago she made her son to marry the girl ho wanted Since then it is said ho had been moody and despondent Rchluckebler ran the saloon for the es- tate of his father Henry and also owned tho property next door Capt Delaney of tho East Thirtyfifth street says that tho young man was worth more than 1100000 and that he hiss no living relatives so far as la known His father died five years ago Eohlucke bier was his only child Ho was a member of the Elks and the Retail Liquor Association Unless a relative young man Is found his property will go to the Public Adm Inktrator- XAST FOR COXSUI OEXERAL Son of the Famous Cartoonist Selected for the lMt at Guayaquil WASHINGTON May 1 The President to day sent to the Senate the nomination of Thomas Nut of New Jersey to be Unled States ConutUeneral at Guayaquil Ecua dorMr Nast succeeds Perry II De of Georgia who has been serving an General at Ecuador and who stuamxr which sought William II Dickey- of IiiuUlana whose a at alien Peru was filled while he was on hit way hefts Mr 1 Ixxms trouble arose from Isis defence of the rights of American nllzeiio at The State Depart- ment CHIIIO to time conclusion that want leo f r In the dictate of u Judicial tribunal In Ecuador which decided against of Mr ln lions fellow coun- trymen and a the Government of that l over thin Coniii- GoneraYi course It became nvident that hU efulneM Ion thei hued ended In declarIng Mr I lions onto vacant the State dose mfioot In any way on hu rlianulur- Thointt t W Ihe famous r rtooiii tnii l IlJliiwIf anadrtil Inrurlca IU vliiiej Hi Stale Ifi iini iit- IAday and whit th i dirw huinoious- piituie of In full Illf hi for Ousrii II to 11 appointment nUr- kPr lrl nt MS a of II sldrr N t lo Mliom U MiUI on tIm uoraklwi- nt their tnreUliK nn nidliif to report that Im Usriird fiom nuts miloon- sAIIIUIIIHntl IMIIUH Mtnill A Mill Hir i r l rr Imcrruk- slliDr Iii li UIiti 11 a inpfu in ii In Aroikl lt i Cor Mini Ih l Mli I in K M MM IM AlwU UwiU lit MM l Mi r U IXH fir SliM Item I v4- j futfft III l tat Fran- c chi Abut chock met diy bed apr die abut Deer Lon In N York on I a of Il 111 I lloJ A l I- IInt 111 a 1 I IMi 1- 1 I I I W s17 1 y u I WI I 1 I n A I All t I A I I i I 1 I 1 L- r1U0 N t be- lieved his one arrived ew time seine sonic was not Ii lute mi gate fIrst I h hIss rlgJia rmmunIu mall umuni UiIsf p m4s ill his swosblIut 141 ctji Is Iii fit anti Jgu 5 rs4sssid I Ihe JItyeklalu 4 hill 1445 cC mba 4y ci I p II S all 1141S uu fiu4 i eda4c1 Ii- lA fill 04 ewmpq stab Iwt 1444 p4iogim I kewVI ty a Ia lay iU sick i basu a eswdy w4 as- 54 uIUII1 lu 14 t4u i4l tefMtl 1e4lje- i Iseil IiI4W eSW l- i4y au4 u4 a P P SItd- a inm- hlcasuies Smstslleg fee Wesl I A4i l vs ii seksg 14 lh ls9r Ij4a 4 J k4sh4 iI is 1i044 lhe gM SI 15 4eslau4 a wsd asu- y4e 4 s4mai4m Iss It hsery Naw lie itt W4- I tests I sv4w FuSS aad C ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > > < > < < > = PRESIDENT TO TAKE STUMP HE DECIDES TO TAKE PART IX CONGRESS CAMPAIOX- Hu Conference With Leaders In the Senate and House In Retard to subjects Are Expt rd to Become Politi Issues In i ie Coming WAsniNaroN May 1 President Roose- velt has decided to make several speeches during the coming Congress campaign- and he has conferred with several of the leaders in tho Senate and House In regard- to the treatment of certain subjects which are expected to become Issues in the political The President expects to make extended trip the South early non fall nnd on several public occasions In response- to invitations that have already been ex- tended to him Representatives Hull of Iowa Over street of Indiana and Sherman of New York members of the Republican Congress Committee had a conference with the President at the White House tonight In regard to tho work of the coming cam paign Senator Spooner who was also at the White House with Secretary Root in the conference The discussion general in character but the situation in several States whore tho campaign Is expected to be especially Interesting was thoroughly reviewed Hull said after the con- ference that tho outlook was regarded as encouraging and that the efforts of tho Democrats to make political capital out of certain matters of legislation during the present Congress had failed Ho thought the Republican party was In good condition- to go before the country Secretary Root and Senator Spooner talked with the President In regard to cer- tain features of tho Philippine tUtuatlon in the Senate It is expected that the Democrats in the coming campaign will attempt to make as much capital as pos- sible out of the alleged army abuses in the islands and the Republican leaders wish to be In as good condition as possible to meet the charges of the opposition stump orators The trust issue it Is believed will be minimized by the fact that the President and the AttorneyGenera have instituted action against two of the principal and by the wellknown policy of Mr Roosevelt to enforce tho existing laws In regard to trust GAVE STRAXdER HIS COAT And Didnt Remove the Money In It Wasnt Sure nf Ills Name or Address An elderly man with gray hair and a gray mustache was found wandering along East street near Grand street last night by Policeman Corey of the Delancey street station He was In his shirt sleeves and when the polloeman asked him where his coat urea he replIWthalhe had given It to a man hn met who seemed to need It more than ha did Ho mentioned that he had neglected to removo J30 from tho coat before presenting It to the stranger When asked for his name at time station house be said that It might be Jamea Rico or Rich or possibly Henry T Spauldlng but he couldnt be certain what it was lie salt that he lived in 107th 178th 117th- or 122d street At Bellevue Hospital where the man was sent he said that he had finally decided that his name was Henry Spaulding and that he lived at 107 West Slxtysevnnth street A fine gold watch and a Broadway Savings Bank book which showed that ho had deposited MOO on Feb 21 wore found In his pocket The hospital doctors said thn man appeared to be suffering from parcels TROUBLE FOR SOME THEATRES Col Partridge Will Refute a Few licenses Turn Down Abbey Mtnle itch Pollen Commissioner Partridge refused yesterday to renew time license of the Abbey Music Hall an Eighth avenue resort against which the Parkhurst society recently moo a protest The place has since been time object of a careful police investigatIon ordered by the Commissioner It was rumored around Pollen Head quarters that several theatres and music halls will than tin fate of the TIme I5omml lonerconfirmed the this report are several places which will not Which what my rea on for fnml are I shall not now Investi- gation are not yet unit until they urn public It was Mid on the night that all the Jrohman theatre had got their uremia luau also Maui thea- tres the IlemlJ K iitn and th Catlnu but that York and Bijou theatre the fIJI luau suet gut their- JVifoiiiuncwi were not with at thite ImliM Hire ad that they hail applied fur a ulnitlo UITIIM for whloli the Hu downlalr Tat Cat cal trough Joie com- binations Abbey licenses for yr hue saId r I fllIlI ew I curt totLmicI Iou lulllllt for III lIf time say a this coot rnh lIme eW P151110 tON is thus jtaiduim- cmiii ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ lUll wwv fin IKII HUM rUant flilrf lUriulh Mi lieu Ub HISIIK uf triuir- l iiTi lloiK Ark May I iuv Jell MUII uitiifMMXp lly N w- rk l iUy II Ihu fitlltmlittf tie III lit HMU4MI IUt4lt IhUHll f Ml It- HM V I nlJ inline Ukr II thliw tJ- Mrt If I iwukl n 4 l l ul I rW ul M- f MI l UMI U- rn nfutnni nn utnnlt- eU l Hr 1 M Ousf Mill A l u itt Irvii Mil ll i feflk ill lh I H 4- llMltll I o4ft lo IM iMd U t o t this I null 1 fur II tlf lila Itll I too ole I 1 I tIJ II I- I 1 tU IIe hsi14 1IcI j WI I 11 4 I i II- I- t It- Holt I L III rt ala l is HoOt4I I I Tb all td Its to 11 wcsItG 0ia4 a fresH get se- eelui uiIuIwi lltual 1441 1 isMttascu ssJii- U 11551 lb 4sIds s4ii4 as44t ulu uses s1 t Ii- I efr I Ie Itl lay icy llPis ituiiuti uehisUl ale wep issassI- pOes t ujI gI I Is4it g- Iu44u miwili atW I E1 Irbe lee 0 p iaMi44madIl- i4 uflftdm h- iIl 4 er I IY sel als 1441 aaaldly IJl4hahmIks- I ii ala 4 JustIce 51 Jid teln4 54 4 th J4w wlu tAt Siuuiame S 4H11544- yestai4ay 5Iui4 kj list Ihu ilss JIaie- 4k 4 a a yslssls 4 Isgi tsi- beWate let teeet I4eIu sea ssssj lbat ie asmt s- 4iIu4s 1 iIsi Iu5se Jubam k14es- s7t4 lb l ef- A iwIwi 41 lust 0 I Clsl us leAst tiy- t p4js4y I 0 j4ivIaI- msua ialtiJ lark i J4CJ4ii 1 Ii hmuseas4 tim l lut4i4 sW Is baa iat iesn w < < > < > < < > A ir CABLE TO GERMAXY Post Office Authorities In Derlln Confirm Report of Plans for One Sptctai CMt Dttpch to Tn Sex BEBUK May 1 The Post Office author- ities confirm the statement that plans have been mado for a now cablo between Ger- many and America No route termini or other details have been decided upon None of the countries through whose territory the cable will pass has as yet given Its assent A nVSSlAX UPRISING Insurrection In tIe IHntrlct Between and Vladimir aptetol CaW VespeRS TUB SiW BERLIN May 1 A special despatch from Eydtkuhnen states that the district between Moscow and Vladimir is in a con- dition of insurrection Many conflicts have occurred between the Insurgents and sol- diers A regiment of Uhlans refused to attack the workingmen BARONESS HALKETTS DIVORCE Case to De Heard Keen KhleH Daughter- of Anton Phelps Stokes fprclil Cable nnpattk TuB SUN LoNDON May 1 The case of Baroness Halkett who Is applying for a divorce- on time grounds of her husbands adultery and cruelty is expected to be hoard shortly Baroness Halkett Is this eldest daughter- of Amen Phelps Stokes of Now WOK to Halkett in MRS ASTOR FIRST To lie Asked Tax Hoard for Proof That She I a Xonnesldent TIle Tax Commissioners will begin on May 15 to hear those persons for personal tax who plead nonrc ldenou As the cases are taken In alphabetical order the first one to Ixi considered will be that of Mrs Caroline Astor She was assessed on t0000 but she objected that her legal residence is In Newport II I She oh tamed her certificate of residence tImers In January last and It will be maintained by t he Commissioners that she Is consequently not entitled to exemption from last Octobers One of the Commissioners said yesterday that allegations of nonresidence would have to bo supported by proof that the actual permanent homes of the assessed are outside of New York and that their dwelling houses In this city are occupied only transiently REALTY STOCK EXCHAXGE Committee of the Real Estate llroVrrs Plans to Presto one Secretary Kelly of the Real Estate Board of Brokers announced yesterday that the Stock Listing Committee of that organi- zation had perfected plans for listing the stock of realty corporations Tho Board of Governors he said would take action- on the project on or about May 14 and their action would probably be favorable to tho scheme The plan Is to list stocks of realty cor- porations which are in a solid financial condition and to help the market In such stocks It is planned also to have all trans- actions made through members of the organization at the rooms of the board 111 Broadway DORILTOX SOLD FOR 1100000 New Apartment Home nought by a Organized In Run It The Dorilton apartment house at Broad- way arid Seventyfirst street was sold yesterday by H M Weed to The Dorilton Corporation for 100000 The corpora- tion was organized for time purchase It has elected Frederick B Robins of Buffalo President Mayor D L Granger of Provi- dence Treasurer and F H Ward of New York Secretary The building was com- pleted only last October It Is said to bring a rental of IIIOoflo a year The corporation has mortgaged it for 100000 and has issued inonoo In stock of whieh 1300000 li t per tint preferred EARTHQVAKi SIFFKRERS All Thirty Tons of Corn Nlilpprd From san rranrlieo to Custrmala SAN FHAKCIHCO Cnl May iThlriy tons of com for earthquake sufferers In Guatemala hundreds of whom wire ren- dered homelcwi by terrific di uirt nno In that country A few they ago wernshlpt on time earner San Jean today by 0 II Steers commlMlon merchant who has Interest In Central Anmrlm Tin corn I to IM the personal con- tribution of Mr Moors hut other similar uhlpmiiiu will soon made by merchant of thus city FitII lRESIHiTI- trrn or IhdUn That Our islet Jiirtgr It Urdu rrrirr fur the liar iHDlANtrnii May I John W Krin I bOO b I l4ltItI I Mos- cow ork assessed levy Corp- oration I sid lie rats ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ who wa two years ago for lumitor un Dumovrntlu ilnkei tHurnJ ffiiin NKMT Voik tod y iiiHjltoml that tlm hnw York iiio iat- si niiMiUrinc Juiig l ik r of lh- l urt i f AllxtiU fur Pir id it In iwi Mr K r j uki Mithu iit ijr JI of s val g ti r SIM- uf furl vut ih DuwwdiUtf Ukrl oluli smut f au4v- f u J tar IbUI Mt mltKHi lies IU MlrtM Aft A ll 4 I fr I utf M- foi MI Hi IMth 4 M- J rWtt Ji M M M uf t- I Hi l- ffl IMIM ll IM rwrtw llM OMij 4 2i f I f I hue 11111 I 1 I 1I1al I Jst IaIqshl1 ohk f 1 IuasiIiI A III 1111 I lu11 III 1- 01U4A1oI r Ii III 1 < ior l tv1otW1 h tJr t 1 IftflI nI- I UHf t- r I I u 111 M IIIJ J I A its suit cmi islet Iiu Islet ability as hue hiss a etm lies awtitj weMs ln4er Itmiltsr a sit tisw Saliasiui slit ci isu- matsuld 14141 Its weds iesisehislsi befit less C Iumwt4ul4 teat s5414- 0ssl4J tu lies sasec IMsasit mrty- 54s lii aiugM AlliS Ilirr I4145r1t 55 Iss4 as biulat 11 Iasg Jlumd ass jaiI sad f ll 4m1 issi is II- t1u 4 ssk beat Ii4lim U gsrsv- S ai4 4 hel44tju v44 esIwteim4 elf syswI sat iluda Is sf Isg SsIaei4 ucej- svh su4i a uIs a ske Is 4ii I 1141411 5 I rstv N 4 ia ut ll let f kus w- NI l o I I sel 1 al iit 5 59 t C ascth I Ski ls > 1 > < > > < < < > > < < < > BRITISH EDISON COMPANY FORMED TO EXTRACT tltOX film 111 INVESTORS IATEXT Capital IOMKlM Eighty Million Tons of Crude Ore Available for Quarrying mil MaUe Crrat Britain In of American Supplies ffprdal Dtiptltlt It Tax Sex LoNDON May 1 Herman Dick of Chicago will sail for New York on May 7 after an eight months sojourn here where he repre- sented Thomas Edison In forming a com- pany to utilize Mr Edisons patent for extracting iron ore and profitably working- the vast deposits on tho west coast of Nor way TIme company lies a capital of 2000000 IU stockholders include all the principal British Ironmasters Mr Dirk says the application of Mr Edisons discovery will bo one of the great out boons potwlblo to Great Britain Eighty million tons of crude ore are already avail- able for quarrying This will render Great Britain practically independent of American supplies and will not affect tho United States which is unable- to supply its own requirements In this direction SHAXGHAIED AltOARD A SHIP Rochester foal Merchant Mlulnff for Month Heard From In lrrd KnclandH- OCIIKSTKB May 1 Tlie friends mind busl newt aM oIates of James Gallery of Doyle A Gallery coal merchants hav received strange news of him from Lends England and story they got Is that he was shang- haied aboard a ship bound fromNew York to London Mr Gallery and son of a Front street sausage maker went to New York on a month ago l on thelrarrlval there they Hparate after arranging a meeting for the following tiny Mr Gallery failed to keep tho engagement and Mr Wehle after throe lays had pasced with no tidings of hU friend notified the police They were unable to find Mr Gallery In letters written by Mr Gallery to friends here the coal merchant says that on the evening of the day ho left Mr Wohle he en- tered a saloon nn West street a thoroughfare frequented by sailors and dock laborers Ho purchased a drink at the bar and Im medlateiy left tho place Upon reaching time sidewalk he was taken violently 111 and became unconscious Hn woke up tho next day with n splitting hnadacho In a narrow hunk aboard the tramp cattleshlp Ariadne The mate of the vessel told him that ho had signed articles and showed him papers purporting to be a contract to work for the ship owners Gallery had to work hard nil the way over Today Henry- F Doyle Gallerys partner said Gallery- was to arrive In Boston today ST LOVIS FAIR IN 1004- Itoard of Director Approves nf Postpone cheat for One Year ST Lotns Mo May 1 The action of the Worlds Fair Executive Committee favoring postponement of the exposition until 1901 was approved by the Board of Directors today nnd this evening Presi- dent Francis forwarded to Washington a statement over the signatures of all the directors that could be reached expressing their wish that the fair should be held In 1004 Twenty of the directors attached their signatures to this statement In the office of tho Executive Committee others were communicated with over telephone and permission obtained- to affix names Of tho remaining of the board twenty are out of town and the others could not reached at their residences or offices Tho butwtanco of the statement for warded to Washington Is that while the exposition be In some sort In allotted there was needed an- other by tho United States as well as foreign to complete the marts of tho on scale of amid thoroughness that has contemplated 7 R HACtilX IX A RVXAVAV The Turf Man suit Mire Have Uvetr Time at l xlnclon Hy- LEXINOTOV Ky May i For a distance- of two a team of horses ran away with James I Haggln the noted turfman afternoon who accompanied by his wife Wail returnlug tn time city from his new home Gr n Hill In county tlm winter anti acted on starting fur town but Mr haggle Intention of driving thorn MIA him In a buck Ixtujil anil lieu not far before Mr control of them The young wire who was Ml IVarl Voorhle un expert hurncwiiinHii later plus hArt Ihe mlllluimlre him with list lllie and they nmiUKnl to the team III time rr The team dashed furiously tasM d evercthinic nn tlm road acres teeth HH Unnght to a ktandslill mn Mr end Ml out of Ih vehicle A telephone IIMM nt toe lIvery a iiimrf sent fur lo VrrMllle lonlght dependent CaW a the Joe members nr I been mil this Iimis tam hail but little hnrll Ma thy II the n i J 1 Vehle Ills a huron assisted ass ape tiM split ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > M LOI ix inrrDllw- lrtrnri MHlMi Tlimlrnrtl In- Iruilmi uf Itsllrutd Vsrrti- HT UMii M May I llsvlng oMaln d- miiiil nf majority nf lh atwk of SietM retry nM iiy eel MWired tint ij4 m4 i tl y ir fi lit hock IIM and ISt rif ln4r uf UitH jiiM wntli of IVtlumilo IM- I ml MUMul iwinH- jf lu uUtiMMUUf IKW4M II- Ill k to llwk IUII- It l l l UIMi Ik tW i H M v 1 MU4 U 4 nai- MM IM lib 1 ran rc IIIltl kt Iss III 1 r II IIIU I 1 111 III II t tes fl J- oo 4- f It IO- YI Pw I 4 4 I ef r 0 limas a hue is tiqiiIi tt4 Igok- 5S Iei0 lpi w 1us 0 I hi furies wls Iaaih4iI 1 15 seal Sms- SW she lssIecI setsta- ii4a Iii ssy wM Ii- Is 4I itt 111 iat 1 usiel fi sIkceet- 15l I I I lull g 11- 44piplsal lxi PieiIiig Iiira YaII- tet Iti4 5C5C 114 s 1315415- 1hessi 0 It Muplut e4 P14 IsI4lsJ lap Pt Ielus Jisa4ssuisw iiW c- u4lg PI lieu sspLa4ksi4 4 IMgw asae hr SaM J49 4 5- WIl I 4s flunt- ad 4- I Ills Has eM Urn set IIsV Isiuel iou S i4 41I- Wegrd 1V II sees as- S sea v I 4 Mtplt I- I eel W < < < > < > <

Vt rt 4

FMDAT MAT J WOFair today and tomorrow fresh north

to east winds

VOL LXIXNO 244 NEW YORK FRIDAY MAY 2 1902 c vr ki I M pr nao i pM Mt PRICE TWO CENTS


1J UUSun cn





I II i

tby TAi< < <>

it A it TI MSI ionw n ix HASTEvrsTEitDAV inronr SAVS-

Onw lick luiUoi Midi Uiom HP n i-

Auwlntrd Hrtlret From thp PowerIHreetoratcLarRe1 loir In lihlrnntiUral anil r iirr Carriage linwn to 4

It developed yoMerday thnt John nDrexel of the late Anthony J Drexelof Philadelphia was Involved in thn crniliIn ho market for International Powertock Mr Drcxo who liven nt 0 Fifthvenue and who has ju t bought from DrRobert F Weir tho property at 13 and IS-

KsM Fiftyfourth street with tho view ofUillding a new homo on tho site has hIsofticH with Cyrus Field Judson at 135 Broadv y Mr Judson U President of the

iicnerAl Carriage Company the control ofwhich owned by Joseph II Hondloy Presi-dent of the International Power Company

nd by Mr Hoadleys friendsMr JudOn Istsupposod to have dono some

rt ho manipulation of tho Power BlockIn its recont ky rocket ric of more than 100pointb in three week time and it wan mid

tlmt Mr Drexel wns associatedwith him In his Kpeculatlve operations

According to the tory told in Wall Streetyesterday Mr Drexel was a heavy buyerrf Power tock when it HtnaRhed In pricem Wednesday from 108 to 1120 lie boughtvrral thousand sharro which In accord

fnro with tho New York Stock Exchangewere deliverable today when tho

lymenl for them was duo Mr Drexo-ll said to have relied on Mr Hoadloymind Mr Judxon to tnkw the block Hutlr has dUavowrd any connectionit It the manipulation and bo RS

not tako up tho stockMill that about IWOOOO worth of

Tower Mock nt high Wits to H de-livered yesterday to two brokerage firm

Inch had bought It for Mr ordermid that Mr Urrxel started to get into

iinmitnlmtion with Drexel t Co inIn th meantime the brokers

who were called upon to pay for the mockDelivered to am havo called

over the tho drain which hadtold the Hook to I hem and to have explainedthe f Ittiation nnd nckid for nnimc Thn other brokers wild that

would wait only until the regular deliverymo 215Thin result In overheating of the wires

Philadelphia nod In arrangements tolid tho mooney to for stock

The contract nn said to have been takenup nt 1130 oYlock Mr Hrrxcl is knownUK a very rich man and it In supposed thattin drew upon crodlto or hedad with V Co-

At the omw of 1 P Morgan A Co amember of the firm who wus questioneda in the report that VVWfhWnational Mock had l een taken up

that firm naid it was not true butndded that some such transaction mighthave linen made through Drexel A

Mr Drexel If not a of Drexel


















> ¬


vT I 0Mr Hondlev Mid yrterlay I did not

know what and Drexelwere doing I understood that they were

Hi Mmaltf hu l v

later on showed that U themselvestrying to for Mr Jud

eon had a meeting and amfrying to out and helpmm out of hU difficulties

We did not may down on MrMr resigned asthe International Power Company I

iifkrd him to rvslpn this heia lone w Tills thing seeas brought on him have sent toroviilcr for the of the company

Hrsuse of haveiflortlni on the condition I

to Mr Pliny Fisfc of FiskA Sons who is now dong all the talkingOir Mio Power company

NVhv was spitedWet th International Power Company-ho tockholdtT In the

oonmnttve Company which Harvey linkA Son

Pliny mado htatemrntThe International Power Company

rotjilng to do with thoCompany but among time assets

f this company there 1 a certainmount of tin Locomollvo-rimpany which I Uliove U onn of tie

asset All I know abouti Im Power l Mr Houdley-

n a utit of bin confldititt In UM lto begin n canful Into

ti of thn International Powercompany und wn havu told tutu that

ilo bo It will take about two weeksOur unit ha no Interest whatever In theInternational Power and I

lwply Mr Hoadl y in carryingnean by giving l our 01-

lerlenc in the values offtrnpertle-

nt of Mr Judson It waItai Im lied not Itewi thin

II A llerlnrt who talkiil WedHlsv agmn Ihe

Tin BilUHtlon r ld Mr IlirUrt hasMI taken out nf our hands Oilier tantii-

iie ktriip Ill mid whiln nf unuthw Inow all the Mtuilluii 1 thUtk list

I1iw nrlih r Mrto do with

I International 1iiwnr lodMr Jiiduti has not i

b en in fommunl Ittm7 win Mr JuJxui will K mtn outi top uf the l ii

Judson wlxi II grim l on of CyiuI M It ownnil in W U-

k4 i tit

IIUI Mltl UK WHll lie I I MIJ l II-

wi II ixtiiii w HT VSi iwn n uluctJijf

Out lu IM


itf fe Lu AJAJJ

pIt H I

4 IM-Itir

nan 1 to M-



they hadx








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I nl t alAhll on


Nu had dobut

n tIump In Jowr

111t w ImoIII e tn1iI fI l uf11 Mr

WI 1



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itS time


sri lime Prlr oimais to tie talking


tiaeks liutnI stiythiiiigtu with

Itea te mu wit hi


lied am a result i

Slid Its jukm list mms-

dIMJsfthe blk tim

ws Imu

mtitiig limelais at 1114 a sbiw

lilt lIct iI Msskh-

Imest4iIIult rhaSK sIalileer b45uia

14 hm4JsUmI 141m4f thU lIJhi 4tMg iilJIAmtm4m

u4sr sms4flI iearlIief-

mmitiml I mmItwta 4aI1yut Smi Sa fssium liuWi

Jai 44mlI4 i h Sell i5c t4pith I 4 etm lie 4e I

tei a4oe i 144r ijfjil M

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I ii lS44a I 5-

Mmi liePP C 4ia4V lieW

Ma1 b I l f444 54 fl MPW









< <


ifriu cuvfvo of rf sToiiKi I

Itooievrlt Drpeiv and MrsCorbln to nilhdrftw From Society

WABIIINOTON May I It U expectedthat four of tho lenders of Washingtonbrilliant social rearon just passed willpermanently retire from societysome quiet and secluded place ofnext fall when return totheir Washington homes and be able totake up tho social robe at the beginning-of another official reason

Naturally tho greatest Interest la cantred In Mr nooMjvelt who In companywith her children will leave Washingtonfor Oyster Hay where abe will quietlyspend the summer away from the curiouspublic returning to Washington thopart of September

IB also felt In the rumor thatretirement vrlll remove the

charming wife of Senator Depow from thecapital rather too early for the societyPeOPle who have become o fond of herduring her nhort season here and whowill remain In Washington until time closeof Congress

Just where Gon Corbln and his charmingwife will spend their quiet summer hasnot decided but with the young and

wife of the Belgian MinisterBaronomMoncheurBho will be able to enterupon next winters brilliant social seasonwith now Interest and new zest

Society Is rife with gossip over theschedule of the stork In

and now interest thepost brilliant season on this account


Health Department mil Enforce IU OrderA tint t Noisy

dozen Inspectors were sent out bytho Health Department yesterday to findout whether the Metropolitan HallwayCompany has complied with the depart-ments order made early in Aprilall nat wheels that U wheelsout of round must be removed fromtime companys Yesterday was thedote sot by the department for the enforce-ment of the order but In view of the dim

under which President VreelandMetropolitan says he Is laboring

In to get newmissioner Lederle he i notto the unnecessarily

lh Inspectors reports-In a or HO ls expected and

how that the railway com-pany has not appreciably nutafire the will pro-

ceed against tho company In theIf reportsmade a to carry out tho deportmerits instructions nobo adopted Dr

ho on all cars with defectivewheels and all such wilt be ordered fromtho tracks by the department officials


Wanted to Ride With Patty In Deadwnod



Intel t










Mrs Mrs









roarh but CouldntCapt Putnam Brad lee Strong and Fran

Strong otherwise known as May Tonewent to the Wild West Show tat night anddidnt have a bit of a good time At theticket office the Captain was told that thboxes were nil sold and ho had to take twoordinary seats

Strong DexterFellows of the the showand told him that he and Frau Strongwanted to ride in the Deadwood coachMr Fellows said he would see about it

found Inspector Williams hadsecured the coach for four

and the Inspector wasnt dlaposed to give them

Fellows went back and broke the sadthe Captain

Well will me when I can haveseats In the coach asked the Captain

Awfully sorry was the answer butwo seats In the coach for six

The Captain and Frau leftDeadwood coach

the scene


allrotdf Crippled Kerlotuly for theTime thin a Month

NASHVILLE Tenn May 1 For thesecond time within thirty days middleTennessee was visited last night by a stormwrecking railroad and county bridges andplaying havoo In general

The Illver U up nine feetl night while Htone Hirer Is rising

limo Tetmime Central Hallway was themost damaged of tntrll-

oiiH again on the Lebanonbridges hive sIllier b en washed or

domagxd After II oclock thismorning U i au4 of the Smith Yorkthe Creek bridge and sixty of theKtonn lUv tr wont out Twoof tin Nashville ClistunoogtIouU bridge over Phone Itiver washedout and two otters near

Iy of waUr andriebri Every i linn In Hutherford county was blown down

Npesbrr llmct r Mi and Mils Hmoratnilrd-ff l l nrratl it-

WATKIUX Is M y I flintIerMO wss innonilixUd for for Ihs

rn rjjtU n nt UM TIllU dUtrlctiHiimnslieii UDsiiliinuji IUoi-

ur lWIHi4 llllJ IlMHliIlt IU V 1

IuriiMi Ohio At tUtulJk ii r MMi iv Htiun livid

ft MIM ll MllHU t-

t4 K

WM i V M M-Mi Jli xi U i iw-



IIHM nir


LatH huntmana





Inc1 01 inch an

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t Had Carried On a lonc nitBiireand lad Won tier by a Youthful

Looking Photograph lies Accusedof fiwtndllnB a Truillns Jersey Msn

William Real do Krafft who was beforeMagistrate Pool in time Tombs yes-terday as a fugitive fromwas apparently involved not only In ques-tionable financial dealings but In a marriage-by proxy with a young woman from Rouinnnln who never saw her husband until shefaced him a prisoner in tho police

Do Krafft bald ho was yearslooks older To lila wife he had writtenthat he was 3D years old and this statementhe had apparently verified by sending horhis photograph Tho picture showed De-

Krafft as a handsome young man Theprisoner absolutely refused to say whetshe lived but tho court record based upontho city directory placed his address atthe Hotel Margaret Brooklyn Ho is notknown there nor at 1 Broadway whichthe directory gives as his business address

Otto F Beese a Hobokon real estatedealer who lives nt 24 Paterson streetJersey City Heights told Magistrate Poolthat Do Kraftt catno to him last July andsold that he was a broker with offices at1 Broadway Do Krafft so impressed Beesethat the latter gave him 1755 and time deedsfor a house and lot on Jersey City Heightsvalued hi all at 1000 With this Do Krafltwan to win him a fortune In Wall StreetBeeso doesnt expect to see the lii againand la suing civilly to recover tho Pntcrsonstreet property The Grand Jury of Hudsoncounty took hold of tho matter and a searchfor De Krafft started

It was while calling on n friend of theBecfo family a Mrs Whtto who keeps nboarding house on Jersey City Heightsthat Beegc found out more about De Krafft-Beeso had tcd his experience when MrsWhite said that she Dewas lived In Brook-lyn He had seen a picture of her

Erneftlna Hotha Houtnanlan girlhad started a correspondence with herwhich ended In a of marringHe was accepted and n civilproxy a certificate being

abroad Last month the

was missing When she tohim she went to work teaching music

mind line since supported Mean-while her and friends havebeen looking for De Krafft

On Wednesday foundInn barber hop Yesterdayhe was twice arraigned Incourt papers were drawn andthe whole came out

When Into the court-room the young saw her hus-band for first looked old andfeeble and walked heavily with a caneShe was and Duringthe entire proceedings neither toother

I am master of the situation D Krafftrepeating I hold the whlphnnd

cane the floor Further thanwould not talk

Magistrate Pool had plenty of troublegetting In cawj prepared

The Mt which Complaint

Detective SergeantChandler refused to sign the second aff-idavit and a third set was ordered Churchstarted to draw tm up but didnt do It fastenough to suit Pool who finally

Bring me the papers and clear out oout

The Magistrate ross from his sent and

Church retired before there was anyfurther row

Do Krafft was willing to waive requisitionpapers but the Jersey

not arrested for kid-napping h said Its deanthe laws of both States to sneak a prisonerocroks the North Hlver without requisition-DeKrafflls in this Tombs to await requisi-tion papers from New Jersey

In 1X91 a Dr It De Krafft was ar-rested charged with swindled John-A Angler out of 110000 In connection with-a scheme At that timeDr Do Krafft was a private hospita-lat 30 West Thirtieth street pro-scribed electrlemagnetlo treatment1890 Dr Krnfft a petition In hankruptcy with lUbillt JMW3 and no assets

MORE TROVIILE IonApparently at tilth this Kndlhi lies

Arrested li till lint HireJowph Madden the Dandy Boy Cop

formerly of the Kldrldgo street stationwho was rwvnlly dunlin from Ihn form

It was learned that hn married-GusUiKmlth th youngest of fist

Silver Dollar HmlUt while IM alreadyhitd a wife living In Urofklyn MBS sneitod

aftirnncn on a warrantTl l of Brooklyn

warrant iMtifd t th Instant of hula

nut wlf who cJiarged him with abandon-ment MJiJ of mind child

Alter It wan known lo the familythat U ldn hail nwrrlrd llhout it I alU etl haling Ifr know uf Juts

fonunr nuiruge Half Jullar bmlth herbrother Mnt aruuitd the lower rest Hidd iUflii I wuuld shool Madden unMa4d u want hot hoDn tffurt-

m ii to ifr Iti rh ri4 of bliny-Clnt him at d 4U iUii

hiiuth M IIIW iinHillliin ID f r I In

Slid lAOVr-

ItuMuiUMU IrfiU lit al lilH r MitM it U MnJk-

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The Pope SemI for the Apostolic Delegate-to Return to Rome

PniLADELPHU May 1 Cardinal Sebastian Martlnelll who left thl city for Wash-ington today admitted before goingho had received word by cable fromof his recall The news was brought fromWashington yesterday by nt Rev

Marchettl the auditor of the ApostolicDelegation at the capital who receivedthe word from tho Vqtlcan yesterdaymorning

Cardinal Martlnelli has been here sinceTuesday evening a guest of Father AngeloCarusco rector of the Italian Church ofOur Lady of Good Counsel He receivedthe news of his recall by the Pope whilehe was confirming a number of childrennt tho church

Cardinal Martlnelll said today that hewould hasten to Washington and sail forHome just as soon as he could put affairs-In order for his successor Ho declinesto enter Into any discussion as to who thesuccessor may be


Hundreds of Cheeks Drlnr Protested atlUlketnarre SOOOO Letters Held fp-

WiLKKBBAnnKra May 1 Checks sentout by tho endless firm of Yanklr-kt Robins whose was suspended-last Friday by the postal authorities ponding an investigation ore beginning to re-

turn and the banks are so busy protestingthem that they have hind slips printed Inthe regular protest form bearing time firmsname four hundred have beenreceived for amounts between tl and11460 and they aggregate about 13200

Time from Maine to tho South-ern others from tho middle andfar West are expected There Is no moneyhi the bonks to them the fund beingexhausted tho firm was sus-pended Many of them aro from school-children who became correspondents for thefirmThe

mail U still coming to the Post Officeby tho thousands dally and them arc nowsome 60000 letters and poMals Thenumber Is decreasing graduallybusiness in declared illegal the local PostOffice force will return all letters havingreturn addresses on the envelopes All thoothers will have to go to time dead letteroffice to be examined and then returnedMost of them contain money and It fs

In the 60000 there is liOOO-


hid Told Hli Dying Mother He Would NotMarry the Cilrl She Disliked

William Schluckeblcr 31 years old com-mitted suicide yesterday morning by shoot-Ing himself laments over hU saloon atHn was prosperous and the only reasonsuggested for his suicide Is that he wasdisappointed hi a love affair

According to the story told yesterdayto Coroner Scholer by of Scliluckebiers friends the young saloonkeeperfell In love a few years ago but his motherdisliked the girl ho hail chosen Justbefore his mother a year agoshe made her son to marry thegirl ho wanted Since then it is said hohad been moody and despondent

Rchluckebler ran the saloon for the es-

tate of his father Henry and also ownedtho property next door Capt Delaney oftho East Thirtyfifth street saysthat tho young man was worth more than1100000 and that he hiss no living relativesso far as la known

His father died five years ago Eohluckebier was his only child Ho was a memberof the Elks and the Retail LiquorAssociation Unless a relativeyoung man Is found his property will goto the Public Adm Inktrator-


Son of the Famous Cartoonist Selected forthe lMt at Guayaquil

WASHINGTON May 1 The President today sent to the Senate the nomination ofThomas Nut of New Jersey to be UnledStates ConutUeneral at Guayaquil Ecua

dorMr Nast succeeds Perry II Deof Georgia who has been serving anGeneral at Ecuador and who

stuamxr which sought William II Dickey-of IiiuUlana whose a atalien Peru was filled while he was on hitway hefts Mr 1 Ixxms trouble arosefrom Isis defence of the rights of Americannllzeiio at The State Depart-ment CHIIIO to time conclusion that wantleo f r In the dictate of uJudicial tribunal In Ecuador which decidedagainst of Mr ln lions fellow coun-trymen and a the Government of that

l over thin Coniii-GoneraYi course It became nvident that hUefulneM Ion thei hued ended IndeclarIng Mr I lions onto vacant theState dose mfioot In anyway on hu rlianulur-

Thointt t W Ihe famousr rtooiii tnii l IlJliiwIf anadrtil Inrurlca

IU vliiiej Hi Stale Ifi iini iit-IAday and whit th i dirw huinoious-piituie of In full Illf hi for Ousrii

II to 1 1 appointment nUr-kPr lrl nt MS a of IIsldrr N t lo Mliom U MiUI on tIm uoraklwi-nt their tnreUliK nn nidliif to reportthat Im Usriird fiom nuts miloon-

sAIIIUIIIHntl IMIIUH MtnillA Mill Hir i r l rr Imcrruk-

slliDr Iii li UIiti11 a inpfu in ii In Aroikl lt i Cor

Mini Ih l Mli I

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Hu Conference With Leaders In the Senateand House In Retard to subjects

Are Expt rd to Become PolitiIssues In i ie Coming

WAsniNaroN May 1 President Roose-velt has decided to make several speechesduring the coming Congress campaign-and he has conferred with several of theleaders in tho Senate and House In regard-to the treatment of certain subjects whichare expected to become Issues in the political

The President expects to makeextended trip the

South early non fall nndon several public occasions In response-to invitations that have already been ex-

tended to himRepresentatives Hull of Iowa Over

street of Indiana and Sherman of NewYork members of the Republican CongressCommittee had a conference with thePresident at the White House tonight Inregard to tho work of the coming campaign Senator Spooner who was alsoat the White House with Secretary Root

in the conference The discussiongeneral in character but

the situation in several States whore thocampaign Is expected to be especiallyInteresting was thoroughly reviewed

Hull said after the con-ference that tho outlook was regarded asencouraging and that the efforts of thoDemocrats to make political capital out ofcertain matters of legislation during thepresent Congress had failed Ho thoughtthe Republican party was In good condition-to go before the country

Secretary Root and Senator Spoonertalked with the President In regard to cer-tain features of tho Philippine tUtuatlonin the Senate It is expected that theDemocrats in the coming campaign willattempt to make as much capital as pos-sible out of the alleged army abuses in theislands and the Republican leaders wishto be In as good condition as possible tomeet the charges of the opposition stumporators

The trust issue it Is believed will beminimized by the fact that the Presidentand the AttorneyGenera have institutedaction against two of the principal

and by the wellknown policyof Mr Roosevelt to enforce tho existinglaws In regard to trust


And Didnt Remove the Money In ItWasnt Sure nf Ills Name or AddressAn elderly man with gray hair and a

gray mustache was found wanderingalong East street near Grand street lastnight by Policeman Corey of the Delanceystreet station He was In his shirt sleevesand when the polloeman asked him wherehis coat urea he replIWthalhe had givenIt to a man hn met who seemed to needIt more than ha did Ho mentioned thathe had neglected to removo J30 from thocoat before presenting It to the stranger

When asked for his name at time stationhouse be said that It might be Jamea Ricoor Rich or possibly Henry T Spauldlngbut he couldnt be certain what it waslie salt that he lived in 107th 178th 117th-

or 122d streetAt Bellevue Hospital where the man

was sent he said that he had finally decidedthat his name was Henry Spaulding andthat he lived at 107 West Slxtysevnnthstreet A fine gold watch and a BroadwaySavings Bank book which showed thatho had deposited MOO on Feb 21 worefound In his pocket The hospital doctorssaid thn man appeared to be suffering fromparcels


Col Partridge Will Refute a Few licensesTurn Down Abbey Mtnle itch

Pollen Commissioner Partridge refusedyesterday to renew time license of the AbbeyMusic Hall an Eighth avenue resort againstwhich the Parkhurst society recently mooa protest The place has since been time

object of a careful police investigatIonordered by the Commissioner

It was rumored around Pollen Headquarters that several theatres and musichalls will than tin fate of the TImeI5omml lonerconfirmed the thisreport

are several places which will not

Which what my rea on forfnml are I shall not now Investi-gation are not yet unit until theyurn public

It was Mid on the night thatall the Jrohman theatre had got theiruremia luau also Maui thea-tres the IlemlJ K iitn and th Catlnubut that York and Bijou theatre

the fIJI luau suet gut their-JVifoiiiuncwi were not with

at thite ImliM Hire adthat they hail applied fur a ulnitlo UITIIMfor whloli the Hu



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Post Office Authorities In Derlln ConfirmReport of Plans for One

Sptctai CMt Dttpch to Tn SexBEBUK May 1 The Post Office author-

ities confirm the statement that plans havebeen mado for a now cablo between Ger-

many and America No route terminior other details have been decided upon

None of the countries through whoseterritory the cable will pass has as yetgiven Its assent


Insurrection In tIe IHntrlct Betweenand Vladimir

aptetol CaW VespeRS TUB SiW

BERLIN May 1 A special despatchfrom Eydtkuhnen states that the districtbetween Moscow and Vladimir is in a con-

dition of insurrection Many conflicts haveoccurred between the Insurgents and sol-

diers A regiment of Uhlans refused toattack the workingmen


Case to De Heard Keen KhleH Daughter-of Anton Phelps Stokes

fprclil Cable nnpattk TuB SUNLoNDON May 1 The case of Baroness

Halkett who Is applying for a divorce-on time grounds of her husbands adulteryand cruelty is expected to be hoard shortly

Baroness Halkett Is this eldest daughter-of Amen Phelps Stokes of NowWOK to Halkett in


To lie Asked Tax Hoard for Proof ThatShe I a Xonnesldent

TIle Tax Commissioners will begin onMay 15 to hear those persons forpersonal tax who plead nonrc ldenou Asthe cases are taken In alphabetical orderthe first one to Ixi considered will be thatof Mrs Caroline Astor She was assessedon t0000 but she objected that her legalresidence is In Newport II I She ohtamed her certificate of residence tImers InJanuary last and It will be maintained by t heCommissioners that she Is consequently notentitled to exemption from last Octobers

One of the Commissioners said yesterdaythat allegations of nonresidence wouldhave to bo supported by proof that theactual permanent homes of the assessedare outside of New York and that theirdwelling houses In this city are occupiedonly transiently


Committee of the Real Estate llroVrrsPlans to Presto one

Secretary Kelly of the Real Estate Boardof Brokers announced yesterday thatthe Stock Listing Committee of that organi-zation had perfected plans for listing thestock of realty corporations Tho Boardof Governors he said would take action-on the project on or about May 14 andtheir action would probably be favorableto tho scheme

The plan Is to list stocks of realty cor-porations which are in a solid financialcondition and to help the market In suchstocks It is planned also to have all trans-actions made through members of theorganization at the rooms of the board111 Broadway

DORILTOX SOLD FOR 1100000New Apartment Home nought by a

Organized In Run ItThe Dorilton apartment house at Broad-

way arid Seventyfirst street was soldyesterday by H M Weed to The DoriltonCorporation for 100000 The corpora-tion was organized for time purchase Ithas elected Frederick B Robins of BuffaloPresident Mayor D L Granger of Provi-dence Treasurer and F H Ward of NewYork Secretary The building was com-pleted only last October It Is said tobring a rental of IIIOoflo a year Thecorporation has mortgaged it for 100000and has issued inonoo In stock of whieh1300000 li t per tint preferred

EARTHQVAKi SIFFKRERS AllThirty Tons of Corn Nlilpprd From san

rranrlieo to CustrmalaSAN FHAKCIHCO Cnl May iThlriy

tons of com for earthquake sufferers InGuatemala hundreds of whom wire ren-

dered homelcwi by terrific di uirt nnoIn that country A few they ago wernshlpton time earner San Jean today by 0 IISteers commlMlon merchant who hasInterest In Central Anmrlm

Tin corn I to IM the personal con-tribution of Mr Moors hut other similaruhlpmiiiu will soon made by merchantof thus city

FitII lRESIHiTI-trrn or IhdUn That Our islet

Jiirtgr It Urdu rrrirr fur the liariHDlANtrnii May I John W Krin




























who wa two years ago forlumitor un Dumovrntlu ilnkeitHurnJ ffiiin NKMT Voik tod yiiiHjltoml that tlm hnw York iiio iat-

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Capital IOMKlM Eighty Million Tonsof Crude Ore Available for Quarrying

mil MaUe Crrat Britain Inof American Supplies

ffprdal Dtiptltlt It Tax SexLoNDON May 1 Herman Dick of Chicago

will sail for New York on May 7 after aneight months sojourn here where he repre-sented Thomas Edison In forming a com-pany to utilize Mr Edisons patent forextracting iron ore and profitably working-the vast deposits on tho west coast of Norway

TIme company lies a capital of 2000000IU stockholders include all the principalBritish Ironmasters

Mr Dirk says the application of MrEdisons discovery will bo one of the greatout boons potwlblo to Great Britain Eightymillion tons of crude ore are already avail-able for quarrying

This will render Great Britain practicallyindependent of American supplies and willnot affect tho United States which is unable-to supply its own requirements In thisdirection

SHAXGHAIED AltOARD A SHIPRochester foal Merchant Mlulnff forMonth Heard From In lrrd KnclandH-

OCIIKSTKB May 1 Tlie friends mind buslnewt aM oIates of James Gallery of DoyleA Gallery coal merchants hav receivedstrange news of him from Lends Englandand story they got Is that he was shang-haied aboard a ship bound fromNew Yorkto London

Mr Gallery and son of a Frontstreet sausage maker went to New Yorkon a month ago l on thelrarrlvalthere they Hparate after arranging ameeting for the following tiny Mr Galleryfailed to keep tho engagement and MrWehle after throe lays had pasced with notidings of hU friend notified the policeThey were unable to find Mr Gallery

In letters written by Mr Gallery to friendshere the coal merchant says that on theevening of the day ho left Mr Wohle he en-

tered a saloon nn West street a thoroughfarefrequented by sailors and dock laborersHo purchased a drink at the bar and Immedlateiy left tho place Upon reachingtime sidewalk he was taken violently 111 andbecame unconscious Hn woke up thonext day with n splitting hnadacho In anarrow hunk aboard the tramp cattleshlpAriadne The mate of the vessel toldhim that ho had signed articles and showedhim papers purporting to be a contract towork for the ship owners Gallery had towork hard nil the way over Today Henry-F Doyle Gallerys partner said Gallery-was to arrive In Boston today


Itoard of Director Approves nf Postponecheat for One Year

ST Lotns Mo May 1 The action ofthe Worlds Fair Executive Committeefavoring postponement of the expositionuntil 1901 was approved by the Boardof Directors today nnd this evening Presi-

dent Francis forwarded to Washingtona statement over the signatures of all thedirectors that could be reached expressingtheir wish that the fair should be heldIn 1004

Twenty of the directors attached theirsignatures to this statement In the officeof tho Executive Committeeothers were communicated with over

telephone and permission obtained-to affix names

Of tho remaining of the boardtwenty are out of town and the others couldnot reached at their residences or offices

Tho butwtanco of the statement forwarded to Washington Is that while theexposition be In some sortIn allotted there was needed an-other by tho United States as well asforeign to complete the

marts of tho on scaleof amid thoroughness that has



The Turf Man suit Mire Have UvetrTime at l xlnclon Hy-

LEXINOTOV Ky May i For a distance-of two a team of horses ran awaywith James I Haggln the noted turfman

afternoon who accompanied by hiswife Wail returnlug tn time city from hisnew home Gr n Hill In county

tlm winter anti acted on startingfur town but Mr haggleIntention of driving thorn

MIA him In a buckIxtujil anil lieu not far beforeMr control of them Theyoung wire who was Ml IVarl Voorhle

un expert hurncwiiinHii later plushArt Ihe mlllluimlre himwith list lllie and they nmiUKnl tothe team III time rr The team dashedfuriously tasM d evercthinic nn tlm road

acres teethHH Unnght to a ktandslill mn Mr end

Ml out of Ih vehicleA telephone IIMM nt toe lIvery

a iiimrf sent furlo VrrMllle lonlght











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