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The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1905-08-14 [p...

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TIm SUN MONDAY AUGUST 14 1905 I I 1 J 155 DEATHS FROM THE FEVER CASKH SO PAR Vdlow I 1 lts Charsct o More Milnincnln of Hnnan- Dr Loach Kinds Men Who VIII I- i Him KxiKTlnicnt on Them With Artenl Aug 13 fov Is beginning to lose tlio distinctively ItalL clmrnrKT It had during ita first days ai In conwniiicnco the death rate la docroaeln In July It waH lmOHt wholly limited tlallnns thorn being MO casea among then g ngftlnst 24 among all tlio othor natloio- IltlcH of New Orleans and R9 deaths we of Itnllnns against 3 of other races August there have boon 310 cases of Italian to 295 of other nationalities The Itallai have In a minority among tho now eoi w8 for the Mt threo TuG totals to this morning are JM cases and 117 deaths or one In flv other races 317 cases nnd 26 deaths or twelve This classified record does include 0 cases and 12 deaths of today Next to tho Italians etand the Creole or French in cases and mortality th being due probably to the spread of tl disease from the Italian to the Creole qua There have been very few cast i Among those of American or English and still fewer among the negroes The popular belief that negroes could have the fever and that Creoles rarely It has been thoroughly dissipated The Louisiana State Bonn of Healt brokp down a number of illegal quarar tines today The worst case was nt Wood worth where the track of the St Lout Watkins and Gulf Railroad was barricade with crowtles placed there by the quarar guards to prevent the passage of on freight or passenger Complaint come from the lumber camps on Bayo Black Terrobonno and othor i- Terrcbonno and St Mary logclnc business has been practically BUS loggers of closure by quarantine of all con rnuniration between the rest o the world Bananas have boon declared contra band of quarantine at New Orleans fruit cars open cannot be fumigate in them On order from Washington m bananas will be allowed to New Orleans to any point north or south during the rest season Among thi victims of the fever last was Bchaaf of the New Orloarm Item Ho was from Fcrt Wayne Ind and had been ii New a few years not Immune he had a of assign- ments in the fever district His wai taken with yellow fever some time and he to convalesceno When he wai attacked the nervoui strait ml exhaustion of nursing had left hin weak and he easily The citizens volunteer sanitary assocU voted to become keep its campaign i until New condition Inspector of Polio laws to no one is a lawbreaker A numbr of affidavit were made today against and reel estate agents for not screening the cisterns of tenants and dally tctlon- i The Italian relief committee has added free house to Its free kitchen Dr Leach of St Paul Minn who is the authorof the theory that the taking of arsenic in small doM will prevent fever has arrived here test hh theory Several bave offered for and will submit to bitten by infected mosquitoes after two week of arsenic treatment Bshrman has received a cony o the resolutions adopted by the Board of sincere ni heartfelt sympathy for the of New Origins that the brave enerpeilc ficht which they ere making to onnfine thp dreadful in narrow tamp it out entitles them to the of reople admiration every- where The Iniihhna Confederate reunion fixer fr Aug 23 and 24 at Lafavetlc bas been postponed until all quarantines have remove The rift Council of hoa levied a tax 250 ncr 1 to pay for quarantine expenses This Is tno so f r the In other caee- thIns betin reeL borrowing money The Biard of Health of La baa gone to rleces over tho enforcement of the Quarantine regulation the nresident Dr Luther This tenth rpl mutbn of health parltpi who declare that it is lo of r sonvj of the wild quarantine Tptenru fpolarod by Atlanta Dtllas and half a dozen other iwhorn towns are now in deny Inr hot have yellow fever and are looking for the rmn who started the rumor SAVED nr noon SWIMMERS Ferryboat Piismum Thrown Into Hirer by a Collision Bourn HAVEN Mich Aug 13 The eteamer Eistland and a ferryboat crossing- the river here collided night That no cce was drowned was prompt on the part of men on the pier who accident and dived to the rescue of tho crew end ttwongers of the ferryboat all of whom were thrown into the water The ferryboat crowded with men women end children wan almost at the dock when the acclr nt took place The Eastland was just etnrtlng on its return trip to Chicago- An lie tic steamer swung the ferryboat attempted to pas of her end rrake the dock before the passenger boat went but was unable to do so in and the ferryboat crashed Into the of the collision did not the steamer at all but it wreckedt- he ferryboat A gasoline tank exploded passengers the On the near were hundreds en watching the Eastland start The went at once to the rescue of the people struggling In the water of were to ewim and who wore In treat danger of drowning All were safely Wrong Charge prisoner Let Go Tho bartenders of three Raines law hotels that have been closed bn three consecutive nights were again arraignedi- n tho Side excise violation They John Zimmer- man 1551 Broadway Ed Jolly and Barney flames law hotel at avenue charged hh of the keeping opon on Sunday of tho door between a barroom end t ho rear room Your Honor salt Counselor James saloon has boon notifio Hcer0 has revoked It U no violation of tho for this man to hue lila If hU license has boon revoked Quito raid man discharged loiterers In Washington Away 1Isht women of uncertain ago though BOKO of looked less than fifty were Jefferson Market court loitering r crjtured in tim glare of the two lamps I FutI tOOO italian yellow to hon days TIw Iw iumber 68 Itl1ans and n of other Italians not let des- cent not had tie ellI parl and the are for of In The ton ha and tier Whitaker u the the who them they take bar I for men th and thank ben f fIt levied Ln make e tow lat acton dow b tie t mAny I W om cst our Flrnn a nrendcrt the to Pool tho proprietor 01 len oxcl Pool 10 Sent thor t abut D on urn oft r trto Whr to the j i J i t I I it1ItS hiS jack ssiItlrA L44 1 ol- in log lack ti- the ever yea will Mnitar will ho made against a Ilrnbsand Lafayette tOO rrps nvotlnz c iilith Fynn was violating Foclion 0 dc S Magistrate Ti square ho etcrcay charged with North that be sent them p > > ¬ Tie ncclarri That Japan houltl Rreth- No Ironi TonpNTOAug 13 In tho slTnple mnnni will coebrato lila at lila residence the Grange tomorrov The event will bo marked only by presence at tho dinner table of a few ro- tlvoa and Intimate friends Qoldwln Smith is following with kogneit Intorojt the progress of the Russc Japanese p ace conference at Portsmoutl Tho game of war and the game of peace at both familiar to him In oonvesitlou tc lay Qoldwln Smith said that In his opinion Japan was not entitled to a cent of Ir- riomnlty Russia and that the should not pay It It was Japan who started hostilltl without a declaration of war J p has spent sums of course HO has Russia and tho latter lost tei rItory If the Mikado attempts to his alleged demand for 1000000000 In- demnity or any large part of it the Cut will be to appeal to the patriotUt of his though the na is to resist the demands And i were to succeed In obtaining recog nltlon of her money claim she could collect It Germany collected from Franc because she had conquered France bu Japan will have abeolutely no o making Russia pay lost territory and should no enormous money claims in ad clitlon If she gives up Manchuria re- cedes from the Pacific COt being allowec to retaina port there along with some o the other territorial stipulations allege to be set forth in Japans proposals tha Is all that can reasonably be expected o herMr Smith did not seem to be of opinion that this conference would resul in peace He seemed more pessimistic over the result ChOOSING CA DINEr MEVDEII President Xot Likely to Select New Yorke as Shawl SrorisorW- ABHIKOTON Aug 13 Secretary Leslli M Shaw will roUra from the Cabinet Ir February and it Is believed here that thi President hoe already given some thought t- his successor Hamilton Fish has boer suggested but in view of the acceptance bj- Elihu Root of the Presidents offer to broom Secretary of State It is a question whether it will be deemed politic for the Prenlden to take a second member of his Cabinet from New York If ho decides to pass bj New York the name of PcsmasterGenera Cortelyou will b eliminated from the possl- bllities and he has been strongly touted Charles E Dawcs oxComptroller of the Currency now president of the Central Trust Company of Illinois at Chicago is it favor On a recent visit to Washingtor Mr Dawes dismissed the suggestion with the statement that while he had no knowl- edge that the President wee considering hie name he was frank to gay that be had nc deelre for the place Mr DawN Is rapidly making a name for himself In the financial circles of Chicago and a place in the Cabinet would interfere with his money making plans and hardly promote hU political ambitions which are supposed to turn in the direction of the United States Senator ship from Illinois- H H Hanna of IndlanapoMi wnose name has been so favorably associated with he efforts for currency reform legisla- tion during the peat eight years of those from the Middle West much dl cussed Mr Manna is free from the politi- cal factional that are stirring up Indiana politicians He is free from party machine and doer to the com- mercial Interests of the country He served with Prof Jonks and Conant on the last international monetary commission- If however the as successful In matter of selecting the next Secretary of the as he was In portfolio speculation and gossip as to his may go awry one suggested- or appointment until tha Presi- dent White House SEXATE COMMITTEE CHAXGES Deaths and Retirements Leave Many Chairmanship Vacant WASHINGTON Aug reorganization of the committees of the Senate may be accomplished at the extra cession in No- vember but it is generally believed that the matter will be postponed until the regular session In December Death and retirement have caused a umber of vacancies at the heads of im- portant committees The deaths of Sena- tor Hoar of Massachusetts and Platt of Connecticut both within the year here mode it for a far Western man to go to the chairmanship of the Judiciary Committee to the Est for more than a decade Senator Clark of Wyoming Is In line for this chair- manship The death of Senator Hawley creates a vacancy at the heed of the Committee on Military Senator Warren of Wyoming is succeed tote Mil- itary Affairs or Agriculture committee chairmanship Senator Proctor and Sena- tor Scott are striving for the chairmanship- of Public Buildings and Grounds made vacant by Mr Falrbankss election to the VicePresidency Senator Is in line for this vacancy but eltbor Agriculture or Military Affairs Senator Fulton of Oregon Is likely to succeed War Bother vacancies In chairmin hips are Census Senator Queries now United States Circuit Judge Educa- tion and Labor held by now on the District of Columbia bench Fortr Reservations held of Kansas which Senator will probably succeed Irrigation nd Mid Lends by Bud of California and the select earn jlttees of which Bate of Tennessee de- en The reorganization will necessarily sweeping The Weather- The passing of the low pressure rw out the t Lawrence Valley ha permitted the easterly movement of tho htfh pressure and cooler ran Ihe Northwest Into the Lake regions and cntral States 1 chanje In temperature caused and thunderstorms throuehout the Lake nd on the The cooler spread over the Atlantic city the day was warmer and sultry with ca lon l thunderslwweMi wInd generally hiM to resh southerly ahlftlne to end northeast vew ohumldlty 7t r nt barometer corrected o read to sea level at A M rtti I P M M The temperature yesterday as recorded by the imclal thermometer Is shown In the annexed 100S 19041 ian 104 5 PMV at llIS P M New York Dtlavart Nea Jinn eastern Ptnnnlnnla Pfrtlv cloudy bowel al ntcht or Tuesday 0N Utrntt to partly cloudy Monday and leeday Tuesday In south portion light hash northeast winds ndw irtlr Jrtoudy Uon4ayr Toetdar to I UITJI lone I ho Ian Smith birthday the a the from Czar for but enable ton Dot mea RuM the NEW from the In the eve anouo 13A Alai War Bun Ol- ollol held held bYe Intro held by of of New York and were be a shower rut tn tlti eMI table D A 7S 701 7 a7 8 WU laN AND and Mania New bower a NeW low f i- I1 I 4 1 J k 1 No INDZ11XlDGaLDI7IV fluid Ciolciwin has leone conoealing a Survey Stewart Canals caed Kearns ceir Weather 1 tales tOY S 75 V 7I2 Highest temperature M FOUCAI O5 TODAT 5OMOflSOw cffiqast srftt4 For En1and t Perwestem esern reikeuI > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HOTELS FURNISHED A TIIK MAXflATTAX COXTMUVTE MORE AM OTHER Out a Drift or Picking Prom the tim Cumberland the Other Ilaori OarnUlird Grog Home Ullllam Orogan Wante A truckload of table and bed linen sUre ware and othr property bearing the marl of various hotels was spread out in tb police room of the YorkvUIe court yestei day It had been taken from the home c William Qrogan arrested on complalr of Edward M Shanks assistant of the Hotel Manhattan Grogan hid been a houseman In tb hotel and lives at 211 East Fortieth stree with his wife and children HU wife wa formerly employed as a servant in hotel The hotel management had for som been missing knives and lac bed linen ice pitchers articles Grogan threw up his job a ago Saturday The bcusakeeper told Mi Shanks lest Saturday that she bad are Grogan put some bath towels under hi coat shortly before leaving the hotel fo home one night had been im pllcltly trusted peas key to al of the rooms of the hotel as his dutiei required- Mr Shanks got a warrant with which Court Policeman Carey went to the hotel In the expectation that Grogan would for some of his clothes that he had left in a locker did come and was arrested Outside the hotel he broke away from the policeman and ran Care his club at legs and brought him down After lodging in Easl street station the policeman with the assistant manager flatThe policeman had learned that Grogan and wife had been in of entertaining servants from various at parties were found to be furnished with more or loss luxury In the kitchen the table tad a tint cover must have cost MO There was a handsome silver pitcher on the sideboard flanked sliver spoons forke and knives of different some of the rooms of lay tho ingrain Fine porcelain cusrldors were scattered room closets wore filled with ex chinaware of many Lace curtains over the windows Fine covered the beds and the headwork had a lace bedcover and lace fringed oil low shams linen bore the of several hotels There were towels and of own as of There was a napkin from Astoria and towels tho el o the Mens Christian Association Other articles born the of the Hotel Wolcott the Cumberland Hotel the Hote Belleclaire and the Pullman company The two visitors also found a expensive underclothing Carew the goods that bore hotel marks and found had enough to fill a truck He got the truck and the stuff to the room in the cowl building Mr Shanks made a complaint in which he charged larceny of worth of towels This constituted grand lar 3 11000 for Jury Most of the seized bore the nark of the Hotel Manhattan and Mr Thanks was allowed to take away all but nouih to show as evidence on pile jnsra trial The holding the rest for Wan by the whoso stamps arc It President of the Hotel Mens communicated with the man of the hotels mark was on found In the Several if the managers said would be unable o do anvthlng until further Information cia as to what servants property ADVENTURE WITH RAT lio a Remarkable Heport Thereon to the Sergeant Policeman Eugene Stack of the Stagg treat station Wllliamsburg attempted to a big rat with a double tanned shotgun The gun kicked both irrels missed their mark and the rat made i attack upon the policeman who des atched It with a big stick The reserve policemen about two dozen ere asleep when they heard the report of he shotgun They tumbled out of bed nd ran downstairs to the sitting which adjoins a stable There tack hitting at the big rat which had been of annoyance with a stick The armed themselves with shovels ce and nightsticks and also attacked he It was finally killed by Stack here was excitement In the neighborhood- a it was rumored that a prisoner had killed policeman Stack was ordered 0 make a the rats death he the following to the desk sergeant Ever since the annihilation of the feline- f this station the peace and good order- f the stable attached to this precinct has disturbed by rodents My afternoon and evening siestas which I take great omfort in have not been as enjoyable aa hey been to the of aforementioned Dreaming oftly in sur by the odor of horse manure and other a commotion to right drew my attention from the dream was dreaming of making a on thing I have for tomorrow to ay horror astonishment I faced a as a St Bernard dog Seizing my trusted which I have side I took sight and fired rwas then that the hattIe In hlcn ice stable brooms nightsticks nd shovels played a prominent Ties for were trusted leutenants and after a Short and decisive lotion the vanquished Now In nnslderation of the and the nanner in which I jeopardized my life believe that I am ration and will therefore hie myself to lob Foley for one out of the green MlMlng Woman Found Drowned Mrs Carrie Baum 49 years old who die ppeared from her home at 64 Second place Irooklyn three weeks ago was found yesterday morning by ames of 118 Congress street In East River off the foot of street The Identification was made bv John the womans husband Directly the disappearance of woman he police were alarm but no trace of her movements ras discovered How she got into is a mystery UrnElan Make Bold Daylight Haul SUMMIT N J Aug 18 The facts of a lartlcularly daring burglary which was ommlttod at the home of William H heeler in Crescent avenue Summit have teL leaked out The thieves nd valuables worth 1000 The kited two rooms on the corn 8 and 930 A M tho embers of Mr Wheelers family and the enants were In different house o of the intruders was heard The of the jewelry that was was the property Hunter of Mrs Is a at the Vhesler home The police the lightest BtlROlABS AND aKEAK THIEVES can be Jn ur d agslnit or Tei FLAT THAN odor ChI manger the tie fork Org cal The rooms patter ding lien galore oud on the he found the stmp other ny and Wahl e 1 all who cre- do COPS rom a sour pick a We- n rodent lon pie I abut the Bum burglar send Bund ten get cue a lot ANA j Mo- l rt j 1 t 1 wee or- dinary too wit Magistrate sub- mitted Desk pro- rated keen rat- a foo was the- ater C I ThE Par S p ¬ ¬ ¬ < m p who s W Sl SINOT XXXX I 1 I l Ne od a PiireRyeWhiskey The bNt for aro drk- g MOORE 411 dcmJ- gPkliadlpbis Ole 6rsdetS TRIED TO LYNCH A MVRDERE Philadelphia Mob Had an Club Police Saved PHILADELPHIA Aug IS Pursued by ai infuriated mob of men and boys carryini ropes and clubs two policemen rushed three blocks through West early this morning with a man accused o murder The crowd had determined ti lynch the prisoner and it was only the gri of the saved him He J Gahagan 43 years old who Invited Francis P Craig 10 years old Into hU house on West Thompson stree and then shot him to death with a rifle The murder was committed shortly aftei 1 oclock yesterday and Gahagan dljclosec It by hit own fear He rushed Into street and aroused tho neighborhood bj his frenzied cries Craigs dead he yelled For God rake somebody come in Craigs dead1 In a few minutes the neighborhood whole was aroused and men and filled th streets Everybody knew Craig who wa a young man As soon as crowd learned that Cralji was really dead It began to mutter angrily Gahagan retreated to house 1 i it attitude and cries of reachex- hU ears Gahagan picked hU rifle stood at declaring tha he the first man came toward him The crowd was into the fron when Policemen and Shaw arrived from the Haddlngton station They fought their way house where they seized Meanwhile the crowd had collected and The policemen realized the situation was The nearee patrol box was three blocks Placing between them and drawing policemen The latter never stopped the prisoner dashed down the street crowd pur sued them were hurled after fleeing trio threats of into a weighty chorus Breathless the policemen the patrol box man sent in a foi a Then as the swarmed threateningly then they closed the door With drawn revolvers guarded the box until the patrol ar rived Gahagan away HELD UP BY BOGUS COP Adventure af Mrs Mary Paisley With Poor Men on Haekepiaek Plank Road Mrs Mary Paisley 35 years old who lives in Tonnele avenue North Bergen in a house occupied also by Mrs William Eppel started for Arnold A Reasons drug store on the Hackennack Plank on Saturday night to get medicine Eppel who Is ill She was held up in a dark and lonely spot three blocks from home by four men one of whom said he was a policeman Im sorry this man sal1 but Its my duty to arrest you Youve got to go to jailMrs Paisley said she wasnt guilty of any crime and the spokesman for the four remarked he couldnt help that Then he made It that she could avoid trouble nil the she had with her The men seized the woman as If to her to jail and she screamed blocks to the store One man followed her there and repeated that she was his prisoner The to see mans and he showed one but the druggist is not sure thatlt was a Renson ejected and locked him out then the prescription for Mrs Eppnl and escorted to the town hall meeting her husband on the way Chief of Nolan and Recorder Ken nail think that the the seine who held up Miss of 9 Grove street New York and her escort at Little Coney Island a week and demanded 15 on pain of arrested Miss Pfeiffer was so frightened that she died of heart disease later VAN DISAPPEARS Gets Strange but No Trees of Writer Found Joseph HIM a butcher 48 years old and Hays street Newark been missing since Wednesday his wife and children advertised xtenalvely for Information about him bogged him to return IBId went away from the shop with cLient 100 pocket and stopped at the office f the Water Corn ilssloners where he his water bill e met a relative In Newark a few minute iter and said he was coming to this city m a business trip That was last seen f him On Friday Mrs Hlldreceived1 a otter him postmarked Yonkers i was a scrawl his usual and contained the Forgive me Sell the business t It was signed Joe BUd Is C 7 tall and weighs 72 pounds police description says hat been may He has sandy hair gray yes and wore a pepper salt suit n went to found no trace of lie having been there ASDVRY PARKS BACKSLIDING amentcd by Fitzgerald Who Ad rises Voting IIIh License ASBURY PAHK N J Aug 13 Bishop r N Fitzgerald in the Ocean Grovefcudl orium this morning a note of warn ng against the In Asbury ark which he characterized as an attempt entitled to vote at the election next Friday to cast their ballots against the ordinance for license and amented the backsliding tendencies of the win city across Porto Ilfeo Offldali Here Amons the passengers who arrived last Ight on the steamer Caracas from Porto oo were B R Dix treasurer of Porto oo and F F illle AttorntyOtMraL T Wet Rope for plo the moro and guar crowd club revolver they charged the them the Cub cal abut rod tat She away plo footpad NEWARK Nee o- fF nth and mOle fet led to bra the god te tt iI I j him Thc with box managed to break and ran Wife Yes- terday labIa ii Bishop Against peace and his hear flf 4 i 0 < ¬ > > TROLLEY CAR XEXS Eight Enraged Rooms In Hotel PniLADiapu Aug IS Eight hundre of the heads of the largest flints in th country engaged in the manufacture o trolley cars have engaged rooms at tin BellevueStratford for the second week li September for a convention that Is looko forward to with deep Interest by busbies men as being the possible forerunner of of the greatest consolidations of recen years K C McQulnlon superintendent of Westinghouse Electric Company and F H Gale president of the Weatlnghousoi former bitter rival the General Eleotrli Company of Schenectady have each thirty rooms The National AL Company has thirty dozens of firm that appear as ivc bidders in making trolley can are in adjoining apartments- in engaging which they must adjoin those ol come other meetings oT the leaders in thlr- ereat been held In other and as this comes at a circles are tilled with of projected consolidations of belief that something big is on foot Members of the Brill of this city one of the largest manufac- turers car bodies in decline to discuss consolidation rumors but it is an secret that members of thin firm have held numerous conferences during the last six months repre- sentatives of other car concerns and that by absorbing at St Louis and a at least has been made toward a general consolidation- The business session of the will be held in the hotel ballroom but apartment has reserved at the Commercial Museums for an exhibition of working models of recent inventions tend cars Among the firms not already mentioned engaged more ten their are the the Loraln Company the Massachusetts Chemi- cal Company Consolidated Car Heat the Dill Manufacturing Company the Standard Company FINDS HIS LOST WIFE Maine Clergyman Had Several Dayt of Worry About Her BOSTON Aug 13 Mrs Christiana Clarke wile of the Rev John Clarke pester of the Baptist Church at Lubec Me who with her two young children has been missing since lest Tuesday was found today at a hotel in Bridgewater where she arrived Mr Clarke went to Bridgewater this afternoon and took charge of The circumstances Clarkes disappearance are so singular that that mentally unbalanced and the heat is to have the She appeared rational her joined Mr been nearly distracted- over the affair Two Clarke and her children left Luboc for Mlllvlllo thin State to visit her brother Mr Clarke planned to join them here and wrote his to como to Boston with children and meet him at the steamboat dock the clergyman arrived on the was not on hand as she had promised and upon learning from Mill she Boston ho went to the No trace of the be found On Thursday Mr Clarke a postal curd from asking at the South at a certain tune hut she did not Later in the he had another postal complaining because he had not at asking for a meeting at the Steamboat when disappointed him One of the read the story In the newspapers and located the woman GAXG OF OEM SMUGGLERS Federal Officer Make Two Arrest or Stu- preU In Chicago CHICAGO Aug is A gang of diamond smugglers is believed to make Chicago its headquarters Disclosures made yester- day persuaded police and Federal ties that such Is the ease Eight diamonds were recovered in a jewelry store at 201 West Madison believed to be Hoffman was The Washington authorities first learned of the the supposed smugglers Deputy Marshal A and F of the office began an investigation Working- In secret came on Hoff- man He was traced to a saloon at Robey street and Chicago avenue When reached the Hoff man and L J West rge diamond Hoffman and were taken to the West Chicago avenue police station A Government for on the charge of will be tomorrow Search for the West Madison street and were then secured Places In which the alleged smugglers secreted their jewels will be Cut Her Throat With fletcher Knife Kate Ammon 43 years old housekeeper- or Charles Foehl and hi eon Frederick t their horns 351 Flushing avenue WIU- imsburg was found dead In bed yester Tslih her throat cut She had a large knife clutched in her hand olion decided that she had killed oehl and hli son were arrested losses and held by Magistrate Furlong i the Leo avenue court 1500 bail tending the result of the Coroners In The Foehls told the that the woman id complained of feeling ill and often id Forty Years a Militiamen TRENTON N J Aug 13 Col Thomas S unbare has applied to the office of Adju tGeneral Prientnall for a forty year medal for Commissary G Bost of Regiment- he medal means that Sergt em In the State military ontlnuous the first year continuous aervic medal Us d cat but an officer CONFAB Rode one the e- ngage room never been a large gather- ing planned ru- mor manY oon there work manufact- urer to room Pat ben ben cue We- n dare plo rived le ter author a- ma son were In a w- art art wart heel Ion John sic for n I r t 1 1 I- eJ i aCt While has such is a been street and company the former was dispose lay since ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ BEGINNING THIS M t S PostSeason Saje of- rt Negligee Shirts for Men Special at 95c Pormcrlx 1 50 200 and 250 Perhaps you know the manner of shirts with which- we concern high character of the fabrics the absolutely perfect proportions and the exacting standard which governs the tailoring Then you need but know that every shirt which this offer concerns is from our regular stock to be conscious- of the extreme importance of this sale Negligee Shins with plain or platted bosoms In open front or coat models with cuffs attached or I fashioned of the finest woven cheviot matoxford and kindred weaves d C in all manner of designs and Sizes 14 to 17 with sleeves 34 or and 32 1 to 36 334 p 34th Street n 1 MORNIN- GS ourselvesthe detached color 35 detached 4 4 J 1Impahtrci- cbfiy > X SLASH ON MANS And Bullet In Another flack Laid t Lorenzo Fazio Italians living along Arthur avenue The Bronx found Gennaro Colonna of 208 Hughes avenue lying on the sidewalk a Hughes avenue and 189th street yesterda afternoon bleeding from a stab In the right cheek On his left cheek was an X shaped cut that seemed to get the Italians that noticed I very much excited They told Capt Fern of the Tremont avenue station that it the sign of tho Mafia had been Fazio of 24 Arthur avenue A few minutes after Colonna was stabbed 4 oclock an Italian tried to at 4754 Third avenue thrci blocks from Hughes avenue and Giuseppe bartender orderec away and he shot Ledato twice in the is Ferris said he thought the stabbini and shooting were tame man and a out for Fazio REV DR SAMPLE DEAD Had Been Moderator of the Preibyterla General Assembly The Rev Dr Robert Fleming Sample who hadbeen Moderator of the Presbyteria General Assembly died on Saturday nigh in the Presbyterian Hospital in his seventy sixth year He bad been in the hosplta a week death was due to a oomph caJlon of to hU advancei age Dr a widower and livei at 334 West Twentythird street He wll be buried from the Westminster Presby- terian Church of which be was pestoi emeritus Dr Sample was born in Corning N Y Oct 19 1829 and was graduated from Jefferson College in 1849 He received hit degrees of D D from Wooeter University in 1870 and LL D from Washington and Jefferson College In 1898 HU first pastorate was in Mercer Pa In 1853 After three other churches In various of the he was called to the Westminster Presbyterian Church in this city and was pastor church from 1887 to 1902 Dr Sample was a traveler and a writer best known men In the Pres- byterian Church He was in In Presbyterian educational insti- tutions 1876 1889 he was a di rector of the McCormick Theological Semi- nary for a number years was a trustee of Macalester at Paul He was a of Christian lU in 1884 and In 1899 He a writer and contributor- to the Presbyterian Church periodicals Some of his are Elements of Power and Beacon Lights of the Reformation Bracken of Canonsburg Pa She died In 1902 Dr Sample leaves three sons and two daughters Obituary Notes Charles Shepard Beardgley died at his home In AUburn N Y on Saturday in nlnetyflret year Mr Benrdsley wee grad- uated at Princeton College In 1838 and nfter law for a at Auburn wag eased In turning for some time In thIs subsequently at Sing Sing where he was manufacture of car- ts for several years He afterward re Heeler Curtis who successfully carrlwi on foundry and machine msnu of all kinds Since his retirement from active twines he has re Mr twice married and a widow ten children numerous grandchildren and grandchildren Two s sons residing here are S who was for- m nv years an assistant In the Corporation who has connected with the Croton Aqueduct for Among living In New York city rd of the American Bonding ComrW TenEyck of the Company of Dr services will be held at Auburn uday Robert Dunning a well known Westport Harbor 7 Mr Dunning unwell g steadily attended prpye he made arrangements for the tem removal of his Fall niyer In his for reSt ras engaged thereon paintings at he Mr was have been repeatedly exhibited and at the Boston Club decree C Varick of 8 Jersey City he three original of New Jersey rho for 13000 a of City waterfront on the Hudson River was a of Dr William V rarlck a prominent City physician in was In estate survived by a son and a daughter John W Ruosertal a wealthy New Bruns rick N J brewer found dead of apo- plexy In his yesterday and daughter a ago to spend a year Paris Other children tandard Oil Buys Three Large Jersey Parmt The Standard Oil Company has pur three large at Hamilton miles outside and Is for several others with a view o locating A to relieve in to reduce the likelihood of a Isastrous fire by separating the amount f oil in a tanks the Bayonne i M OlE CHEEK wound was At said he abut Into abut don TiE dele ethic and was a the In In Nannle his nd to Auburn of oturlng to ben Trust The of fit on at home at Inee last work but lent hop by air and the and lie a painter ot portraIts many or lila In pi- cture at Art die there at the 0 t at ot SO was of the late Dr and a or Jersey Mr former widower and tl chad Jar the one stole th- eo numb p fr h 1r 0 I 1 Hospital Colonna His in Presbyterian councils Belfast married Mi turned foinided the firm I was Counsels grandchildren are America Mrs Altnicud funeral Painter Saturxay 0 hI art Feeling 5 Improved recreatIon specimens yesterday Theodore flSarick Theodore one coal lie wa a was ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < a man re from vaca- tion with the trousers belonging to nia ruined Many a man starting vacation would bet- ter take an extra outing along and save his carry everything in and a large sur- plus of summer weiglit trous- ers from which we can out suits of almost any cloth 500 to 1000 per pair ASTORPLACEANDFOIMHAVENUE EVERY COMFORT U yours on the entral between NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA Beading System M m ix TWO I I- CMckn I ram crsar no7i MO ox tat me ASKS DAMAGES FOR SOXS HURTS Lewis Galloway SUPS Francis Delaney Hyde Who Ran DownYoung Galloway MoNTCLAin N J Aug Lewis Galloway of the Montclalr Water Corn panys pumping station has brought suit for 120000 damages against Francis Delaney Hyde of Plalnfteld Mr Hyde Is president of the Union County pony and a fine automobile two years ago while riding along road in Upper Montclair It Is declared he ran into a two wheel cart driven by Thomas Galloway the Fhlntifffi son aged 18 throwing him into the roadway and of his ribs alleged that Mr ran on about Jniiiicia inquired about of to make good damage that had been caused Young Galloway- did not recover that he la permanently Injured His father says In Mr Hyde to come to his relief and then placed G Adams of Newark- It is said that Mr dose not regard himself blameworthy and will not volun- tarily pay any or consider a uAMBLIXG NOT ALJOWED ABOARD Pelhap That Was Why New York One New Mexico MOO Hack A story of a gambling game in mid xean aboard the French liner La Bretagne- n yesterday from Havre was denied by Ul the ships officers when she got up to pier yesterday morning A passenger who is authority for the story says that the slayers were a man from New Mexico an- di well dressed American who gave his ad Iress as New York and who was one of the Jrst men to leave the pier carrying only i hand satchel The man from New Mexico ost50to the New Yorker at It was by New Mexican that they This time the man from New Mexico dropped 200 One ils friends who watching the tame declared that the cards were rhore was a dispute and Capt Poncelot was appealed to to it He made the Sew hack the 200 according to he passenger who talked gambling was not allowed n his ship TRAVELS IN PLASTER CAST Mon Wong Carted Around a Way Irbdi llojpiui to Prlion Limping painfully and padded out until he suggested a pouter pigeon Mon Wong of 11 Molt street was led into tho Coroners office yesterday afternoon In the custody of two policemen Mon Wong laid come from Eellevue where they had packed the upper part of hU body In a plaster cast for the protection of throe broken ribs J The Mon is ono of the three Chinamen with the of Lee A laundryman at 609 East Eleventh street When Mon was before the clerk of the Coroners office yesterday the policemen were told that It the to Coronor house on West Fortyeighth street for a Mon Wong limping and bloated was a wagon rattled and bumped whore Coroner Scholar remanded olin to the Tombs without i MANY sit on par We trousers New Jersey H- Ole 13Supt own Abut It Is fet and then stopped and In the hands of prop her I I Won nOr Ito bal l 1 W i l 0 Ij i i BROTHERS I LcTABLI5HEDhEATO1iAIFIt4TUlY g air I I Block SignsUVeilbsled Cafe Car three matter Lawyer A i Len I Wong I v ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ >





Vdlow I 1 lts Charscto More Milnincnln of Hnnan-

Dr Loach Kinds Men Who VIII I-

i Him KxiKTlnicnt on Them With ArtenlAug 13 fov

Is beginning to lose tlio distinctively ItalL

clmrnrKT It had during ita first days ai

In conwniiicnco the death rate la docroaelnIn July It waH lmOHt wholly limited

tlallnns thorn being MO casea among theng ngftlnst 24 among all tlio othor natloio-

IltlcH of New Orleans and R9 deaths we

of Itnllnns against 3 of other racesAugust there have boon 310 cases of Italianto 295 of other nationalities The Itallaihave In a minority among tho now

eoi w8 for the Mt threo

TuG totals to this morning areJM cases and 117 deaths or one In flvother races 317 cases nnd 26 deaths or

twelve This classified record doesinclude 0 cases and 12 deaths of today

Next to tho Italians etand the Creoleor French in cases and mortality thbeing due probably to the spread of tldisease from the Italian to the Creole qua

There have been very few casti Among those of American or English

and still fewer among the negroesThe popular belief that negroes couldhave the fever and that Creoles rarelyIt has been thoroughly dissipated

The Louisiana State Bonn of Healtbrokp down a number of illegal quarartines today The worst case was nt Woodworth where the track of the St LoutWatkins and Gulf Railroad was barricadewith crowtles placed there by the quarar

guards to prevent the passage of onfreight or passenger Complaint

come from the lumber camps on BayoBlack Terrobonno and othor i-

Terrcbonno and St Marylogclnc business has been practically BUS


of closure by quarantine of all conrnuniration between the rest othe world

Bananas have boon declared contraband of quarantine at New Orleansfruit cars open cannot be fumigatein them On order from Washington mbananas will be allowed toNew Orleans to any point north or southduring the rest season Among thivictims of the fever last wasBchaaf of the New Orloarm Item Ho wasfrom Fcrt Wayne Ind and had been iiNew a few yearsnot Immune he had a of assign-ments in the fever district His waitaken with yellow fever some timeand he to convalesceno Whenhe wai attacked the nervoui strait

ml exhaustion of nursing had left hinweak and he easily

The citizens volunteer sanitary assocUvoted to become

keep its campaign iuntil New

condition Inspector of Polio

laws to no oneis a lawbreaker A numbr of affidavitwere made today against andreel estate agents for not screening thecisterns of tenants and dally

tctlon-i The Italian relief committee has added

free house to Its free kitchenDr Leach of St

Paul Minn who is the authorof the theorythat the taking of arsenic in small doMwill prevent fever has arrivedhere test hh theory Severalbave offered forand will submit to bitten by infected

mosquitoes after two weekof arsenic treatment

Bshrman has received a cony othe resolutions adopted by theBoard of sincere niheartfelt sympathy for the of NewOrigins that the braveenerpeilc ficht which they ere makingto onnfine thp dreadful in narrow

tamp it out entitles them to theof reopleadmiration every-

whereThe Iniihhna Confederate reunion fixer

fr Aug 23 and 24 at Lafavetlc bas beenpostponed until all quarantines haveremove

The rift Council of hoa levieda tax 250 ncr 1 to pay for quarantineexpenses This Is tnoso f r the In other caee-thIns betin reeL borrowing moneyThe Biard of Health of La baagone to rleces over tho enforcement of theQuarantine regulation the nresident DrLuther Thistenth rpl mutbn of healthparltpi who declare that it islo of r sonvj of the wild quarantineTptenru fpolarod by

Atlanta Dtllas and half a dozen otheriwhorn towns are now in denyInr hot have yellow fever and arelooking for the rmn who started the rumor


Ferryboat Piismum Thrown Into Hirerby a Collision

Bourn HAVEN Mich Aug 13 Theeteamer Eistland and a ferryboat crossing-the river here collided night That nocce was drowned was prompton the part of men on the pier whoaccident and dived to the rescue of tho crewend ttwongers of the ferryboat all ofwhom were thrown into the water

The ferryboat crowded with men womenend children wan almost at the dock whenthe acclr nt took place The Eastland wasjust etnrtlng on its return trip to Chicago-An lie tic steamer swung theferryboat attempted to pas of herend rrake the dock before the passengerboat went but was unable to do so in

and the ferryboat crashed Into theof the collision did not

the steamer at all but it wreckedt-he ferryboat A gasoline tank exploded

passengers theOn the near were hundredsen watching the Eastland start The

went at once to the rescue of thepeople struggling In the water of

were to ewim and who wore Intreat danger of drowning All were safely

Wrong Charge prisoner Let GoTho bartenders of three Raines law

hotels that have been closed bn threeconsecutive nights were again arraignedi-n tho Side exciseviolation They John Zimmer-man 1551 Broadway Ed Jolly and Barney

flames law hotelat avenue charged

hh ofthe keeping opon on Sunday

of tho door between a barroomend t ho rear room

Your Honor salt Counselor James

saloon has boon notifioHcer0 has revoked It U no violationof tho for this man to hue lila

If hU license has boon revokedQuito raid

man dischargedloiterers In Washington Away

1Isht women of uncertain ago thoughBOKO of looked less than fifty were

Jefferson Market courtloitering


crjtured in tim glare of the two lamps






TIw Iw iumber 68 Itl1ans and n of other







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Tie ncclarri That Japan houltl Rreth-No Ironi

TonpNTOAug 13 In tho slTnple mnnni

will coebrato lilaat lila residence the Grange tomorrovThe event will bo marked only bypresence at tho dinner table of a few ro-

tlvoa and Intimate friendsQoldwln Smith is following with

kogneit Intorojt the progress of the RusscJapanese p ace conference at PortsmoutlTho game of war and the game of peace atboth familiar to him In oonvesitlou tclay Qoldwln Smith said that In his opinionJapan was not entitled to a cent of Ir-

riomnlty Russia and that theshould not pay It

It was Japan who started hostilltlwithout a declaration of war J phas spent sums of courseHO has Russia and tho latter lost teirItory If the Mikado attempts tohis alleged demand for 1000000000 In-

demnity or any large part of it the Cutwill be to appeal to the patriotUtof his though the na

is to resist the demands And iwere to succeed In obtaining recog

nltlon of her money claim she couldcollect It Germany collected from Francbecause she had conquered France buJapan will have abeolutely no omaking Russia pay

lost territory and should noenormous money claims in ad

clitlon If she gives up Manchuria re-

cedes from the Pacific COt being allowecto retaina port there along with some othe other territorial stipulations allegeto be set forth in Japans proposals thaIs all that can reasonably be expected o

herMrSmith did not seem to be of

opinion that this conference would resulin peace He seemed more pessimisticover the result


President Xot Likely to Select New Yorkeas Shawl SrorisorW-

ABHIKOTON Aug 13 Secretary LeslliM Shaw will roUra from the Cabinet IrFebruary and it Is believed here that thiPresident hoe already given some thought t-

his successor Hamilton Fish has boersuggested but in view of the acceptance bj-

Elihu Root of the Presidents offer to broomSecretary of State It is a question whetherit will be deemed politic for the Prenldento take a second member of his Cabinetfrom New York If ho decides to pass bjNew York the name of PcsmasterGeneraCortelyou will b eliminated from the possl-bllities and he has been strongly touted

Charles E Dawcs oxComptroller of theCurrency now president of the CentralTrust Company of Illinois at Chicago is itfavor On a recent visit to WashingtorMr Dawes dismissed the suggestion withthe statement that while he had no knowl-edge that the President wee considering hiename he was frank to gay that be had ncdeelre for the place Mr DawN Is rapidlymaking a name for himself In the financialcircles of Chicago and a place in the Cabinetwould interfere with his money makingplans and hardly promote hU politicalambitions which are supposed to turn inthe direction of the United States Senatorship from Illinois-

H H Hanna of IndlanapoMi wnosename has been so favorably associatedwith he efforts for currency reform legisla-

tion during the peat eight years ofthose from the Middle West much dlcussed Mr Manna is free from the politi-cal factional that are stirring upIndiana politicians He is free from partymachine and doer to the com-mercial Interests of the country He servedwith Prof Jonks and Conant onthe last international monetary commission-If however the as successful In

matter of selecting the next Secretary ofthe as he was Inportfolio speculation and gossip as to his

may go awry one suggested-or

appointment until tha Presi-dent White House


Deaths and Retirements Leave ManyChairmanship Vacant

WASHINGTON Aug reorganizationof the committees of the Senate may beaccomplished at the extra cession in No-

vember but it is generally believed thatthe matter will be postponed until theregular session In December

Death and retirement have caused aumber of vacancies at the heads of im-

portant committees The deaths of Sena-

tor Hoar of Massachusetts and Platt ofConnecticut both within the year heremode it for a far Western manto go to the chairmanship of the JudiciaryCommittee to theEst for more than a decade SenatorClark of Wyoming Is In line for this chair-

manshipThe death of Senator Hawley creates

a vacancy at the heed of the Committeeon Military Senator Warren ofWyoming is succeed tote Mil-itary Affairs or Agriculture committeechairmanship Senator Proctor and Sena-

tor Scott are striving for the chairmanship-

of Public Buildings and Grounds madevacant by Mr Falrbankss election to theVicePresidency Senator Is in

line for this vacancy but eltborAgriculture or Military Affairs SenatorFulton of Oregon Is likely to succeed War

Bother vacancies In chairminhips are Census Senator Queriesnow United States Circuit Judge Educa-

tion and Labor held by now onthe District of Columbia bench FortrReservations held of Kansas

which Senatorwill probably succeed Irrigation

nd Mid Lends byBud of California and the select earnjlttees of which Bate of Tennessee de-

en The reorganization will necessarilysweeping

The Weather-

The passing of the low pressure rw out thet Lawrence Valley ha permitted the easterlymovement of tho htfh pressure and coolerran Ihe Northwest Into the Lake regions andcntral States 1 chanje In temperature caused

and thunderstorms throuehout the Lakend on the

The cooler spread over the Atlantic

city the day was warmer and sultry with

ca lon l thunderslwweMi wInd generally hiM to

resh southerly ahlftlne to end northeastvew ohumldlty 7t r nt barometer correctedo read to sea level at A M rtti I P M M

The temperature yesterday as recorded by the

imclal thermometer Is shown In the annexed

100S 19041 ian 104

5 PMVat llIS P M

New York Dtlavart Nea Jinneastern Ptnnnlnnla Pfrtlv cloudy

bowel al ntcht or Tuesday 0N Utrntt to

partly cloudy Monday andleeday Tuesday In south portion light

hash northeast windsndw

irtlr Jrtoudy Uon4ayr Toetdar to


lone I

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Out a Drift or Picking Prom thetim Cumberland theOther Ilaori OarnUlird GrogHome Ullllam Orogan Wante

A truckload of table and bed linen sUreware and othr property bearing the marlof various hotels was spread out in tbpolice room of the YorkvUIe court yesteiday It had been taken from the home c

William Qrogan arrested on complalrof Edward M Shanks assistantof the Hotel Manhattan

Grogan hid been a houseman In tbhotel and lives at 211 East Fortieth streewith his wife and children HU wife waformerly employed as a servant inhotel

The hotel management had for sombeen missing knives and lac

bed linen ice pitchersarticles Grogan threw up his job aago Saturday The bcusakeeper told MiShanks lest Saturday that she bad areGrogan put some bath towels under hicoat shortly before leaving the hotel fohome one night had been impllcltly trusted peas key to alof the rooms of the hotel as his dutieirequired-

Mr Shanks got a warrant with whichCourt Policeman Carey went to the hotelIn the expectation that Grogan wouldfor some of his clothes that he had leftin a locker did come and wasarrested Outside the hotel he brokeaway from the policeman and ran Care

his club at legs and broughthim down After lodging in Easl

street station the policemanwith the assistant managerflatThe policeman had learned that Groganand wife had been inof entertaining servants from various

at parties werefound to be furnished with more or lossluxury In the kitchen the table tad a tintcover must have cost MO There was ahandsome silver pitcher on the sideboardflanked sliver spoons forke and knivesof different some of the rooms

of lay thoingrain Fine porcelain

cusrldors were scatteredroom closets wore filled with exchinaware of many Lace

curtains over the windows Finecovered the beds and the headwork

had a lace bedcover and lacefringed oil low shams

linen bore the of severalhotels There were towels and

of own as ofThere was a napkin from

Astoria and towels tho el othe Mens Christian AssociationOther articles born the of the HotelWolcott the Cumberland Hotel the HoteBelleclaire and the Pullman companyThe two visitors also found aexpensive underclothing

Carew the goods that borehotel marks and found had enoughto fill a truck He got the truck andthe stuff to the room in the cowlbuilding

Mr Shanks made a complaintin which he chargedlarceny of worth of towels

This constituted grand lar

3 11000 for JuryMost of the seized bore the

nark of the Hotel Manhattan and MrThanks was allowed to take away all butnouih to show as evidence on pile

jnsra trialThe holding the rest for Wan

by the whoso stamps arcIt

President of the Hotel Menscommunicated with the man

of the hotels mark was onfound In the Several

if the managers said would be unableo do anvthlng until further Informationcia as to what servants


lio a Remarkable Heport Thereonto the Sergeant

Policeman Eugene Stack of the Staggtreat station Wllliamsburg attempted

to a big rat with a doubletanned shotgun The gun kicked bothirrels missed their mark and the rat madei attack upon the policeman who des

atched It with a big stickThe reserve policemen about two dozen

ere asleep when they heard the report ofhe shotgun They tumbled out of bednd ran downstairs to the sittingwhich adjoins a stable There

tack hitting at the big rat which had beenof annoyance with a stick The

armed themselves with shovelsce and nightsticks and also attackedhe It was finally killed by Stackhere was excitement In the neighborhood-a it was rumored that a prisoner had killed

policeman Stack was ordered0 make a the rats death he

the following to the desk sergeantEver since the annihilation of the feline-

f this station the peace and good order-

f the stable attached to this precinct hasdisturbed by rodents My afternoon

and evening siestas which I take greatomfort in have not been as enjoyable aa

hey been to the ofaforementioned Dreaming

oftly in surby the odor of horse manure and

other a commotion to rightdrew my attention from the dream

was dreaming of making a onthing I have for tomorrow to

ay horror astonishment I faced aas a St Bernard dog

Seizing my trusted which I haveside I took sight and fired

rwas then that the hattIe Inhlcn ice stable brooms nightsticksnd shovels played a prominent

Ties for were trustedleutenants and after a Short and decisivelotion the vanquished Now Innnslderation of the and thenanner in which I jeopardized my lifebelieve that I amration and will therefore hie myself tolob Foley for one out of the green

MlMlng Woman Found DrownedMrs Carrie Baum 49 years old who die

ppeared from her home at 64 Second placeIrooklyn three weeks ago was

found yesterday morning byames of 118 Congress street In

East River off the foot of streetThe Identification was made bv John

the womans husband Directlythe disappearance of woman

he police were alarmbut no trace of her movements

ras discovered How she got intois a mystery

UrnElan Make Bold Daylight HaulSUMMIT N J Aug 18 The facts of a

lartlcularly daring burglary which wasommlttod at the home of William Hheeler in Crescent avenue Summit haveteL leaked out The thievesnd valuables worth 1000 Thekited two rooms on thecorn 8 and 930 A M thoembers of Mr Wheelers family and theenants were In different houseo of the intruders was heard The

of the jewelry that waswas the property Hunter

of Mrs Is a at theVhesler home The police thelightest

BtlROlABS AND aKEAK THIEVEScan be Jn ur d agslnit or







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Philadelphia Mob Had anClub Police Saved

PHILADELPHIA Aug IS Pursued by ai

infuriated mob of men and boys carryiniropes and clubs two policemen rushedthree blocks through Westearly this morning with a man accused omurder The crowd had determined ti

lynch the prisoner and it was only the griof the saved him

He J Gahagan 43 years oldwho Invited Francis P Craig 10 years oldInto hU house on West Thompson streeand then shot him to death with a rifleThe murder was committed shortly aftei1 oclock yesterday and Gahagan dljclosecIt by hit own fear He rushed Intostreet and aroused tho neighborhood bjhis frenzied cries

Craigs dead he yelled For Godrake somebody come in Craigs dead1In a few minutes the neighborhood wholewas aroused and men and filled thstreets Everybody knew Craig who waa young man

As soon as crowd learned that Craljiwas really dead It began to mutter angrilyGahagan retreated to house

1 i itattitude and cries of reachex-hU ears Gahagan picked hU riflestood at declaring thahe the first man cametoward him

The crowd was into the fronwhen Policemen and Shaw

arrived from the Haddlngton stationThey fought their way

house where they seized

Meanwhile the crowd had collectedand The policemen realizedthe situation was The neareepatrol box was three blocks Placing

between them and drawing

policemen The latter never stoppedthe prisoner

dashed down the street crowd pursued them were hurled afterfleeing trio threats of

into a weighty chorus Breathlessthe policemen the patrol box

man sent in a foia Then as theswarmed threateningly then they

closed the door With drawn revolversguarded the box until the patrol ar

rived Gahagan away


Adventure af Mrs Mary Paisley With PoorMen on Haekepiaek Plank Road

Mrs Mary Paisley 35 years old wholives in Tonnele avenue North Bergenin a house occupied also by Mrs WilliamEppel started for Arnold A Reasonsdrug store on the Hackennack Plankon Saturday night to get medicineEppel who Is ill She was held up in a darkand lonely spot three blocks from homeby four men one of whom said he was apoliceman

Im sorry this man sal1 but Its myduty to arrest you Youve got to go to

jailMrs Paisley said she wasnt guilty ofany crime and the spokesman for the fourremarked he couldnt help that Thenhe made It that she could avoid trouble

nil the she hadwith her The men seized the woman asIf to her to jail and she screamed

blocks to the store One manfollowed her there and repeated that shewas his prisoner Theto see mans and he showedone but the druggist is not sure thatlt wasa Renson ejected

and locked him outthen the prescription for Mrs Eppnland escorted to the townhall meeting her husband on the way

Chief of Nolan and Recorder Kennail think that the the seinewho held up Miss of 9

Grove street New York and her escortat Little Coney Island a week anddemanded 15 on pain of arrestedMiss Pfeiffer was so frightened thatshe died of heart diseaselater


Gets Strange but No Trees ofWriter Found

Joseph HIM a butcher 48 years oldand Hays street Newark

been missing since Wednesdayhis wife and children advertised

xtenalvely for Information about himbogged him to return

IBId went away from the shop with cLient100 pocket and stopped at the officef the Water Corn

ilssloners where he his water bille met a relative In Newark a few minute

iter and said he was coming to this citym a business trip That was last seenf himOn Friday Mrs Hlldreceived1 a

otter him postmarked Yonkersi was a scrawl his usual

and contained theForgive me Sell the businesst It was signed JoeBUd Is C 7 tall and weighs

72 pounds police description sayshat been may

He has sandy hair grayyes and wore a pepper salt suit

n went to found no trace oflie having been there


amentcd by Fitzgerald Who Adrises Voting IIIh License

ASBURY PAHK N J Aug 13 Bishopr N Fitzgerald in the Ocean Grovefcudlorium this morning a note of warnng against the In Asburyark which he characterized as an attempt

entitled to vote at the election nextFriday to cast their ballots against the

ordinance for license andamented the backsliding tendencies of thewin city across

Porto Ilfeo Offldali HereAmons the passengers who arrived last

Ight on the steamer Caracas from Portooo were B R Dix treasurer of Portooo and F F illle AttorntyOtMraL


Wet Rope








revolver they charged thethem the





She away





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managed to break and ran






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flf 4 i0





TROLLEY CAR XEXSEight Enraged Rooms In

HotelPniLADiapu Aug IS Eight hundre

of the heads of the largest flints in thcountry engaged in the manufacture otrolley cars have engaged rooms at tinBellevueStratford for the second week liSeptember for a convention that Is lookoforward to with deep Interest by busbiesmen as being the possible forerunner ofof the greatest consolidations of recenyears

K C McQulnlon superintendent ofWestinghouse Electric Company and FH Gale president of the Weatlnghousoiformer bitter rival the General EleotrliCompany of Schenectady have each

thirty rooms The National AL

Company has thirtydozens of firm that appear as ivcbidders in making trolley canare in adjoining apartments-in engaging which

they must adjoin those olcome other

meetings oT the leaders in thlr-ereat been held In other

and as this comes at acircles are tilled with

of projected consolidations of

belief that something big is on footMembers of the Brill

of this city one of the largest manufac-turers car bodies in declineto discuss consolidation rumors but itis an secret that members of thinfirm have held numerous conferencesduring the last six months repre-sentatives of other car concernsand that by absorbing at St Louisand a at least hasbeen made toward a general consolidation-

The business session of thewill be held in the hotel ballroom but

apartment has reserved at theCommercial Museums for an exhibition ofworking models of recent inventions tend

cars Among thefirms not already mentionedengaged more ten their

are the theLoraln Company the Massachusetts Chemi-cal Company Consolidated Car Heat

the Dill ManufacturingCompany the Standard Company


Maine Clergyman Had Several Dayt ofWorry About Her

BOSTON Aug 13 Mrs Christiana Clarkewile of the Rev John Clarke pester ofthe Baptist Church at Lubec Me whowith her two young children has beenmissing since lest Tuesday was foundtoday at a hotel in Bridgewater where shearrived Mr Clarke went toBridgewater this afternoon and took chargeof The circumstancesClarkes disappearance are so singularthat that

mentally unbalanced and the heatis to have the

She appeared rational herjoined

Mr been nearly distracted-over the affair Two Clarkeand her children left Luboc for Mlllvlllothin State to visit her brother Mr Clarkeplanned to join them here and wrote his

to como to Boston with childrenand meet him at the steamboat dockthe clergyman arrived on the

was not on hand as she hadpromised and upon learning from Mill

she Boston howent to the No traceof the be found

On Thursday Mr Clarke a postalcurd from askingat the South at a certain tune hutshe did not Later in the hehad another postal complaining becausehe had not at askingfor a meeting at the Steamboatwhen disappointed him Oneof the read thestory In the newspapers and located thewoman


Federal Officer Make Two Arrest or Stu-preU In Chicago

CHICAGO Aug is A gang of diamondsmugglers is believed to make Chicago itsheadquarters Disclosures made yester-day persuaded police and Federalties that such Is the ease Eightdiamonds were recovered in a jewelrystore at 201 West Madison

believed to be Hoffman wasThe Washington authorities first

learned of the the supposedsmugglers Deputy Marshal Aand F of theoffice began an investigation Working-In secret came on Hoff-

man He was traced to a saloon at Robeystreet and Chicago avenue

When reached the Hoffman and L J West

rge diamond Hoffmanand were taken to the West Chicagoavenue police station A Government

for on the charge ofwill be tomorrow Search

for the West Madison street andwere then secured Places In

which the alleged smugglers secreted theirjewels will be

Cut Her Throat With fletcher Knife

Kate Ammon 43 years old housekeeper-or Charles Foehl and hi eon Frederickt their horns 351 Flushing avenue WIU-

imsburg was found dead In bed yesterTslih her throat cut She had a large

knife clutched in her handolion decided that she had killedoehl and hli son were arrested

losses and held by Magistrate Furlongi the Leo avenue court 1500 bail

tending the result of the Coroners In

The Foehls told the that the womanid complained of feeling ill and oftenid

Forty Years a MilitiamenTRENTON N J Aug 13 Col Thomas S

unbare has applied to the office of AdjutGeneral Prientnall for a forty year

medal for CommissaryG Bost of Regiment-

he medal means that Sergtem In the State militaryontlnuous the first

year continuous aervic medal Us dcat but an officer







never been a large gather-ing planned


mor manYoon there






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nI r t 1 1 I-





has such

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street and

company the former wasdispose













M t S PostSeason Saje of-

rt Negligee Shirts for MenSpecial at 95c

Pormcrlx 1 50 200 and 250Perhaps you know the manner of shirts with which-

we concern high character of thefabrics the absolutely perfect proportions and theexacting standard which governs the tailoring Thenyou need but know that every shirt which this offerconcerns is from our regular stock to be conscious-of the extreme importance of this sale

Negligee Shins with plain or platted bosoms In

open front or coat models with cuffs attached or I

fashioned of the finest woven cheviotmatoxford and kindred weaves d C

in all manner of designs and Sizes 14 to

17 with sleeves 34 or and 32 1

to 36

334 p 34th Street














And Bullet In Another flack Laid tLorenzo Fazio

Italians living along Arthur avenueThe Bronx found Gennaro Colonna of 208

Hughes avenue lying on the sidewalk aHughes avenue and 189th street yesterdaafternoon bleeding from a stabIn the right cheek

On his left cheek was an X shaped cut thatseemed to get the Italians that noticed I

very much excited They told Capt Fernof the Tremont avenue station that itthe sign of tho Mafia

had been Fazio of 24

Arthur avenueA few minutes after Colonna was stabbed

4 oclock an Italian tried toat 4754 Third avenue thrci

blocks from Hughes avenue andGiuseppe bartender orderec

away and he shot Ledato twice in theis

Ferris said he thought the stabbiniand shooting were tame manand a out for Fazio


Had Been Moderator of the PreibyterlaGeneral Assembly

The Rev Dr Robert Fleming Samplewho hadbeen Moderator of the PresbyteriaGeneral Assembly died on Saturday nighin the Presbyterian Hospital in his seventysixth year He bad been in the hospltaa week death was due to a oomphcaJlon of to hU advanceiage Dr a widower and livei

at 334 West Twentythird street He wll

be buried from the Westminster Presby-

terian Church of which be was pestoiemeritus

Dr Sample was born in Corning N Y

Oct 19 1829 and was graduated fromJefferson College in 1849 He received hitdegrees of D D from Wooeter University

in 1870 and LL D from Washington

and Jefferson College In 1898 HU firstpastorate was in Mercer Pa In 1853 After

three other churches In variousof the he was called to the

Westminster Presbyterian Church in thiscity and was pastor church from1887 to 1902

Dr Sample was a traveler and a writerbest known men In the Pres-

byterian Church He was inIn Presbyterian educational insti-

tutions 1876 1889 he was a director of the McCormick Theological Semi-nary for a number years was atrustee of Macalester at PaulHe was a of Christian

lUin 1884 and In 1899

He a writer and contributor-to the Presbyterian Church periodicalsSome of his are

Elements of Power andBeacon Lights of the Reformation

Bracken of Canonsburg Pa She diedIn 1902

Dr Sample leaves three sons and twodaughters

Obituary NotesCharles Shepard Beardgley died at his

home In AUburn N Y on Saturday innlnetyflret year Mr Benrdsley wee grad-

uated at Princeton College In 1838 and nfterlaw for a at Auburn wag

eased In turning for some time In thIssubsequently at Sing Sing where

he was manufacture of car-ts for several years He afterward re

Heeler Curtis who successfullycarrlwi on foundry and machine msnu

of all kinds Since hisretirement from active twines he has re

Mr twicemarried and a widow ten children

numerous grandchildren andgrandchildren Two s sons residinghere are S who was for-m nv years an assistant In the Corporation

who has connected with the CrotonAqueduct forAmong living In NewYork city rd

of the American BondingComrW TenEyck ofthe Company of Dr

services will be held at Auburnuday

Robert Dunning a well known

Westport Harbor7 Mr Dunning unwell

g steadily attendedprpye

he made arrangements for the temremoval of his Fall niyer

In his

for reStras engaged thereon paintings athe Mr was

have been repeatedly exhibitedand at the Boston

Clubdecree C Varick of 8

Jersey City

he three original of New Jerseyrho for 13000 a of

City waterfront on the Hudson Riverwas a of Dr William

V rarlck a prominent City physicianin was In estate

survived by a son and a daughterJohn W Ruosertal a wealthy New Bruns

rick N J brewer found dead of apo-plexy In his yesterday

and daughter a agoto spend a year Paris Other children

tandard Oil Buys Three Large JerseyParmt

The Standard Oil Company has purthree large at Hamilton

miles outside and Isfor several others with a view

o locating A to relieve into reduce the likelihood of a

Isastrous fire by separating the amountf oil in

a tanksthe Bayonne

i M




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oturlng to





fit on athome at

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a painter ot portraIts many or lilaIn pi-

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Hospital Colonna


inPresbyterian councils Belfast

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America MrsAltnicud



0 hI art Feeling

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Theodore flSarickTheodore one

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> <

a man refrom vaca-

tion with the trousersbelonging to niaruined

Many a man startingvacation would bet-

ter take an extra outingalong and save

hiscarry everything in

and a large sur-

plus of summer weiglit trous-

ers from which we canout suits of almost any cloth


EVERY COMFORTU yours on the



M m ix TWO II-

CMckn I

ram crsar no7i MO ox tat me

ASKS DAMAGES FOR SOXS HURTSLewis Galloway SUPS Francis Delaney Hyde

Who Ran DownYoung GallowayMoNTCLAin N J Aug Lewis

Galloway of the Montclalr Water Cornpanys pumping station has brought suitfor 120000 damages against Francis DelaneyHyde of Plalnfteld Mr Hyde Is presidentof the Union Countypony and a fine automobiletwo years ago while riding alongroad in Upper Montclair It Is declaredhe ran into a two wheel cart driven byThomas Galloway the Fhlntifffi son aged18 throwing him into the roadway and

of his ribsalleged that Mr ran on about

Jniiiiciainquired about of

to make good damagethat had been caused Young Galloway-did not recoverthat he la permanently Injured Hisfather says In MrHyde to come to his relief and then placed

G Adams of Newark-It is said that Mr dose not regard

himself blameworthy and will not volun-tarily pay any or consider



Pelhap That Was Why New York OneNew Mexico MOO Hack

A story of a gambling game in midxean aboard the French liner La Bretagne-n yesterday from Havre was denied byUl the ships officers when she got up to

pier yesterday morning A passengerwho is authority for the story says that theslayers were a man from New Mexico an-

di well dressed American who gave his adIress as New York and who was one of theJrst men to leave the pier carrying onlyi hand satchel The man from New Mexicoost50to the New Yorker at It was

by New Mexican that theyThis time the man

from New Mexico dropped 200 Oneils friends who watching thetame declared that the cards wererhore was a dispute and Capt Poncelotwas appealed to to it He made theSew hack the 200 according tohe passenger who talked

gambling was not allowedn his ship


Mon Wong Carted Around a WayIrbdi llojpiui to Prlion

Limping painfully and padded out untilhe suggested a pouter pigeon Mon Wongof 11 Molt street was led into tho Coronersoffice yesterday afternoon In the custodyof two policemen Mon Wong laidcome from Eellevue where they had packedthe upper part of hU body In a plaster castfor the protection of throe broken ribs J

The Mon is ono of thethree Chinamen with theof Lee A laundryman at 609 EastEleventh street

When Mon was beforethe clerk of the Coroners office yesterdaythe policemen were told that It

the to Coronorhouse on West Fortyeighth

street for aMon Wong limping and bloated was

a wagon rattled and bumpedwhore Coroner Scholar remanded

olin to the Tombs without i










own Abut

It Is

fet and then stopped and

In the hands of







ball1 W i l0

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Block SignsUVeilbsledCafe Car


matter Lawyer















