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The Sun. (New York, NY) 1914-03-04 [p 7].€¦ · MRS. FRENCH WINS HER DIVORCE SUIT Family Drench...

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MRS. FRENCH WINS HER DIVORCE SUIT Family Drench Started by Dntijjli tor's Elopement With .Inck Gcrnglity. ACTION WAS UNCONTESTED Grounds, Non-Snppo- rt She Ashs Alimony and Custody of Three Sons. .Vcwtvr.T, II. I.. March S. Mr. Arum Tuck French y secured a divorce In the Superior Court here on the ground ef reelect 10 provide,. Mr. French alao uked for t!io custody of three, minor MM, S Lcroy Fr n:h, Dtward Tuck i'rcnrli nnd Amos Tuck French. Jr. She 1(0 ankcd n.lmony to nuptort lirraelf nnd ihlldrrn, ln.t no order In recant to thin reluct 11.. b wen entered nml It la that settlement wnn mndo privately. T;.- i,crv of these two .well known P niliTS c' tho Tuxedo nnd Newport ion.es la traced back to Amos Tuck. In hk tangement from his family lfon-n- t .o elopement three nnd n half j,rj .iKO oi Julia French, a daughter, with J'k lieraghty. a chauffeur. Other. mcnl' rs o. tn fnmlly forgnvo tho elopers, i Ut the fatner did not relent and the treKb wid ned. Mr. French la a brother , ; Mrs L.s.e French Vanderbllt nnd of j lAiy Cheylr tmore of Enslnnd. wife la tif daughter of Mrs. Stuyvesant Leroy. None of the principals appeared In the case, the bring based entirely on pa deposit ,ons of Jlrs. French, her mother Mrs. Stuyvesant Leroy. Dr. Henry 'ninlngs Knapp, and n French maid. Wlllam R Harvey was attorney for Mrs. Fren'h and although no conlcn: was made Charles H. Koehne, Jr., nn nttorney. presented Mr French and wna present at the I), arms. Mra French ileros?d that sho wan mar ried by ll.shop I'otter at All Saints Chapel. Ueccmncr -- '. ism, in Newport, and went to live on lied Cross avenue, this city Klin said that since August, 1111. the nan lived continually here with Ut mother ami that her husband hat done absolute'- - nothing for her support tame that time, although aho haa de- -' mamled money from him. He waa absol- utely Indifferent to her. ah deposed, nnd .rr.ored tier presence wncn ne was here. y.r. Lroy earn innt ane hu provided her daughter with board. lodclm: and homo, but has given her no iaoni The money Mrs French has had the tua betn forced to borrow, aald Mrs. TUESDAY SEWING CLASSES. ale I Ins at Mrs. I', 15. Lenli'i and .Mrs. David II. Oreer's Sen. g classes engrossed tho attention raany women of soc e:y yesterday morn-.- meeting of the class that sews 'or the of tho Fresh Air Fund of Ca'hcdr.il of fit. John the Divine was .tld at the home of Mrs. Frederic E. lw!s. 23 West Fifty-secon- d atrevt. There a a Rood attendance. Tho pro- - Mi of this o ,ts p.re devoted to a sum-.-- er h mc in Tompkins Cove, N. Y., and a th support of a district nurse. The 'cjrra.'.nu' of yesterday morninir could H he , irr.etl out. as Miss Ruth Draper. sho was 'pt :ed to give some of her 'i rial monologues, was snowbound en rta-- from Washington. The moetlng was addressed by a district nurse, who told f the w be.ng carried on. The cTccrs of tho c'.ub are Mrs. Frank Hl-- fr I'otter, president; Mrs. IVchard .rv'n. Miss Julia O. Mc- - A:':s'.er, treasurer, and Mrs. John H. Ite' i secretary ,irnB the members are Mrs Charles It Alc-a- n ler, Mrs. Oar-f.c- e M Hyde. Mrs. William V.. txel'n. Mr. V Itnthbone Ilacon, Mrs. A. Ttrad- - a.'st F' 11 Mrs. Frederick Fearsun. Mrs. Howard Carrol!, Mrs II. V lmcrdinit Pare Jfis. Chester Orlawold, Mrs. boula noyt M Margaret llemsen. Mrs. Will- - Ii5i I. nen'amln, Mrs. Frederick nooso-v-!- !, Mrs It. Ludlow Fowler. Mrs .1. Ecar l.u.l, Mrs. Fordym Darker. Mrs. Waiter rgs, Mrs. Hudolph Sch'rmer. Mils Carol, ne L Morcan Mrs. FmnU p Mrs. j, Uul! llrowninif. Mrs. 'jwre i, v.nKS'on Nichols. Mrs IJ Hen. haw J .nes, Mr J. Tuckerman Tower. Th p A 8. Frakn'ln. .Mrs. H. Aymnr -- inii. irs. iienrv w. llvde. .Mrs. Clsr. net Cary. Mrs. W. Church Osborn. Miss Vajr Ok len, Mrs. Samuel Keyscr nnd Xrs. J..i vs A Itlair The meeting of t neck w be held at the home of m Irv n. 1 West Thirty. ninth s'reet. a Tner ciaa that met yesterday morn. r as that formed hv thn fnlnnlnl tirr,s of America for tho benefit of the ime s CIIU- -. h Inst tllle. ThB mo.tlnir h 'l a: the home of Mrs. David II e- - r i F fh nve-iue- . Among the mem-t- r of th., ci, nrtf tr, Aifr(1 Mi lIoyti M l:,,- - ay Mrs. J MunlenU-r- Hailey a'.i M , Ktthar'nr. W Carmnlt. The its w 1 be held on Tuesdays dur-J.--- S i.f n, l th nevt or Is to be at the Mi." of M-- s Hoyt, 934 Fifth avenuo. ttWCHEON FOH MJCE. OATSKI. ' ' Sirs, sun Jnrh UVIIman at Her 11 ii nn-- , M' von Jueh Wellnvm gave vesterday h .in. 1.3 i;.,nt Revinty-fift- h atreet. f"r Jlaif. Johann-- i Oadskl of M- -t .if.I.inn Ontra. The other gueata M i I'a-- i Morten. Mrs. IJIhert II. f'j M s a hert n. Iloanlmsn, Mrs. l" H D:'in. Mrs. (' Ilobln-o- ii ' ', M - Hichard A. I'eahedy, Mrs. ) ' i. Siiown Mrs. H Hlanwoi'd JI''' Mr-- , I'.Hliift W U'M.nn ' II im!!tnn I'reni-- Nines of the KiipIiiI World. Jin, Jav nn, enf. to Aiven, ' '" J"ln ncr JUKh'er. Mis. Arthur I,,. s Kortrlirt Is at L1,?' ,,f!"',1 with Mi. and Mrs. Wnlter C. . .... a j M!s, jmian Wltherbw. t Mr v,d Mr,. William H'.tt. who hnve - "-- nin ni ine iviz-uariio- ' it, .ni to Wash'nifton, D, C. T !'"' ' th-i- 'a auhscpipt'on dinner la ' r'i by M'ss Annnhella Oiy-- i Jr il given this evening nt tho M Acnes rjrlswo'd I,ando'n, whoso nt io .M. Tny'or Pyne, Jr., was announced, lias eiie to Talm C arlcs R I'rhrey will give a ii s afternoon nt her home, 6J . ;: s ' ". a Cutting has returned from '' II n. 'i in ',f,f, Firlt iivi'tllie. l' .r. mp. Nonjamln F, Voakum are k .i'i.irbllt. v ' H M mi i.'. MeCombi gave a " .fx.yrtn1 at thu Vanderbllt for "I Mrs. Martin II. Olynn. ' ' !: j irrt P. Nicholas of New Pruns. J ' N .1 . ivo rotiirned recently from ' n the St Reg's, , 1 Tav"or gave n dlnnT last ' s lionei 19 Hast H.xty-.'our'- h lis daughter, Miss Kleanor '' f". Jirono y on the Olyn-- " ' h Mrs, ri'iy Van Amrlngo to jis.sa ( m rari--s with nor mother. , T"- - ' "t.-t- h for tiil--s sea.'i of tho Tues--- t " ' ": i..a, oi,-ui!so.- t by Mrs. Ar.son D. tfKik placo yesterday nfteniojii 's Mne .tarle Bundellua, ao- -' Hid f o.ir Hoair'o, b.irylinir, warn in, Harry M. flllbort Taa at " i id Mrs. .T. Otla Wardwell of " ', Moms., vro at the St. Itngla. THE INDUSTRIAL Agitator: MILLET PAINTINGS TO BE S0LD. I ,U' They null tl.r lluuwr I'urcrlalns S Seen at the Arl Association. Two exhibitions w.re opened to the pub.lc ysterday In the gallerlea of the Aimrlcun Art AsOviation, Madison Kyuare South. They are the paintings nnd drawings left by the Inte trunk D. Millei who lust his life when the T.tan.o sank und th. lorce.n.ns of ICdwarU Itunee. who for inoru than twenty years w.is th reprisi'ntnt.Vd In China of Thomas II. Ciarke lloth codeciiuns tire to bo soli nt nuct'.on. The latter part of Mr. Millet's carcei was given oer tarff.ly to mural decora lion; so It Is not rur;,r.H.iu to tlnd that h.a orlg.nal study tor the "Treaty of tho Traversa dts S.oux," a dicor.it. on lor the uovirners room In the Capitol nt St I'aul. M.nn la among his most In'.crent-In- g on palntlncs. A tue s.. u portrait of William Winter, the dramatic cr.tlc and poet, is promi- nent nt nmong the portraits. His face Is strongly pa.NUd and the whit huir, chnracterist.caiiy disarrayed, with the neckcloth nnd long s ari, sire, nrtlst.call) A. handled. Thtre are a. to m:4lltr portrait , studUa of Dr. Nicholas Murray Uutltr tnd Sidney Dillon. There nre many Interiors, but th? three that are most attractive were probably painted during Mr Millet's stulent daa In Antwerp. Indeed, the one that shows a Dutch bedroom Is sulllcltnt proof of this, for only nn art student couid hav so crowded the walla with drawings nnd plnster casts. The two Antwerp kitchens, m with their tiles nnd shining copper kettles, muke pleasing pictures. A Fympathetic and Interesting study of the artist s care r written by Hlivealer Iltixter. Is n feature of the catalogue. The Millet paintings nre to be sold Friday evin'ng. J, The Runge porcelains reflect great credit upon the taste of tin Ir collector. Most of them nre In rnre singlx co.or glazes upon X(Uls!te shap s. All of the admired co.ors nro represented, There is a crackled Lang-Yn- o vase that ranges In tint from tho deep glow of the o biood to the d Urate cnchti'ooin and uHhes of rosis. There are powder b'tus nnd ron! blues, coral red, m rror blacks, mustard il'04vs and celadons. T ere nro two stntuotteg nf the (Jung Cheng period, but evin more Int resting are three Huddhlstlc pageant groups of that period, which were presentation pieces, sjnt to the I'rliu-ek- s of Slam on h r marriage. In thim the goddess of nvrey, Kuan-yl- is B'ntid on nn elephant. She la gorgeoiif'y nrrayrd nnd the trnp-pln- of the elephant lire even more the who'n work d out In brllllnnt eniimel glazes, The Bale of tho porcelalna takes plaro next Saturday afternoon. 'TOCTHINACrlKISTIANA," $225. The Wilkinson Mrxlrnn Library i iirinus io,tnn. At tho last sesilon of tho Wilkinson sale In tho Anderson miction rooms yes- - i tfrdny tho highest price was brought by . "Doctrifa Chriat'ann" of Augustln do Qulntnnn, No. C03. which sold to W K. dates for I22r. The volume was printed In Mexico In 1 720. Tho "Confessarlo" Wy tho name au- thor, Nn. 001, sold to F W Morris for JlfiO. Mr. Motrls gave 1165 for the Cate. ch'sm of Ripalda. No. 3; inn fur tho "Chronica" of Francisco Vnsuuer, No. 7.11, nnd 170 for tho Cora vocabulary. No. r.3S. (1. F K'fchtrt & Co. paid ti'O for No 751. tho "Vila del Vnn. P. Juni- per" Hcrrn," and other volumes. Tho totnl fur the afternoon was fl,505 and for the entire Moxlcnn library .10 9r.3 The Latta sale begins Miss Kthrl Keith Albrr F.ngSKrd. Tho engagement of Miss lit'iel ICelt'i A'bce (laughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. l'dwiird F. Albee of this city, nnd Dr. Udwln Ceorgo Lauder, .Ir,, of P.'ilhdo'p'ila wni nnnwinced yes'erdav. The w rtiling will tnlid place on Mny 6 nt the Plaza Ilotal. .11 Us Marshall to Wed. The engagement of Miss Florence Mar-shs- ll and O, Kills Dentmore of Hrrokl'ns was nnnounced yesterday by her nunt, rs, lltnry Clay Pierce of BO Central Park West. V. ofT'.-Cl- ub" Dinner. i The iinimul banquet of the Unlvertlty of I'ennsylvnuln Club of New York city will bo held at tho Waldorf on Saturday, March It. y "WORKER" OF THE "Wc want support, not Wi W APT. Vfillft HvIIAnU rUIUS DIES SUDDENLY Director of U. S. Hubher Com- pany Stricken by Apoplexy nt Plaza Hotel. J. llowaid Ford, president of the Meyer Rubber Ci.ini any and a dirictor of the United States Rubber Company, of whlcn his biuther, Jamts II. Ford, Is fit st and tieasurer, dlid of npoplexy Monday evening In his apartment nt the l'laza Hotel. He waa In hla usual condition of health 6 o'clock, but was dead when his phs!clan. Dr. S. Schuyiir Clink, arrived. The funeral service Is to be hi id at the Flflh Avtuue PiesbtvrUn Church at 10 M. on Fildny. Mr. Fold was about D7 years old. He lived In tno winter at the Plaza and spent hie summers on hla farm at Stony Ford, N. V. There he had u modtl stock farm with a half mile truck, the binding of tine hoi sis being his hobby. He recently built an Inn at Goshen. In Dicember. 1911, Mr. Ford spent two days In Ungllsh Jalis becuuae the police stook him for Juilua Ford, alias Doc Waterbury, a noted swindler. Waterbury was wanted here on an abduction charge. The police were told that he had sailed for Europe on the Lapland. On the passtngcr list they found the name of Howard und Jumped to the that hu was Wiitdibury. So they cabled Scotland Yard to be on the watch tor J. Huward l ord. Detectives boarded the ship at Dover, sought out Mr. Ford nnd slid "You're under arrest." Mr. Foul tried to tell them thty were mistaken, but they kept him In the Dover Jail over night and then tcok him to 'llrlxtcn prison. Mr. Ford sent word of his plight to the American Embassy. He passed nnothcr night In Ilrlxton prison nnd was arraigned In the Hrw stred poilco court tho following mornlni Tlx re the Magistrate said ho had been Inform d by the Amsrlcan Ambassador that "a terrible mistake had boen made.' The Mag stralc apo oglzrd for tho nrrcst but reminded Mr. Ford that the Kngliah police were only fol'owlng Instruction! from Now York. The Magistral.' alac rtad on apology from the American Km baisy nnd discharged Mr. Ford. At Scotland Yurd, where Mr. Ford went ti get his ronlls 'iited property, Including a letter of credit, there were mort npo'oglrs. Pupt. Froeat explained thit the war- rant for the eupposed Doo Waterbury hud been Istiud nt the n quest of the Ameri- can Ambassador. Mr. Ford cheerfully accepted tho npologlcs as fast ns they were offered and told the police they had tnnted him with gnat courtesy, the circumstances. He aald after his relense that he certainly had no de- sire to know how It fill to be a real criminal. Mr. Ford was married In 1908 to Miss Ilerthu Noilln of Herlln, He was Inquiring Into circumstances upon which he later obtalnttl a divorce when ho was arrested In Dover. Mr. Ford wni a trustee of the Ameri- can Bunty Compiny and a director of the Now York Mutual Qaa LUht Com pany. He was a neavy strcxnoiaer In the United States Rubber Company. He was a nv mber of the Union, Union League New York Yacht and Riding clubs. Cardinal Kopp, Special CalU Dtitatch to Till Sex. ItrnUN, March S. Cardinal Oeorre Ktrpp, the highest ranking member of the Roman Catholic Church In Germany, died to-d- of acuta meningitis at Troppau, Austrian Blleala. The laat aacramenta of the Church were admlntatered yesterday. Ha waa 70 yeara of aga. , Mr a. larak Waol TksirWr. Mra. Sarah Wood Thurber, widow of tha Ittv. Bdwaril O. Thurber, died yester- day at her home, 29 Claramont avenue. She waa 76 year a old. Death wua cauaed by pneumonia. WORKINGMAN work!' THE BRANLUS SALE. Painting b Old Musters and n Moderns at Allii's, F.iward Prsndus will sell nt auction next week 120 paintings that havo been entrusted to him by Kuropean collectors s.nd are to bo placed on exhibition next Monday In Silo's galleries, 61 ; Fifth ave- nue. They will be sold on tho evenings of March 13 and 14 There Is a group of old lingllsh pic- tures from the Walmer House eo'.Ioctlon Kent. Including an Important John Cr.i.iie a landscape by Onlnsborough and a por- trait of Lady (tordon by John Ilnppner An Important picture Is Sir Thomas Law- rence's "Lady Lyndhurst," n portrait recorded In nil the Lawrence loiUs "Portrait of a Lady," by Sir Joshua R.ynoids. comes from tho II shfip of Hanger col ectlon, near Hristol. Kiigiand "Meleslnn ChenevK," by Oeo'gu P.omr.ey was exhibited nt thn Rotiney exhibition. Urnfion House, London, In 1900. A curious picture Is "Her Pet Dog," by Mmc. Sarah Ilernhnrdt, shou.ng the actress's wt sitting on the bench at Havre. Mme. llernhardt found she had not room for all of the dog's tall on th canvas, so she painted part of It on the frame. She gave the picture to n friend, Other pictures of no'.o In tho collection ate William Reechey's "Lady Herbert" Rosa Itonheur's "Deer In the Forest," Andrea del Harto's "A Venetian Scholar," from tho Orimnnl Palace collection, of Venice; Drouals's "Sophie, Daughter of Louis XV.." which Is consigned by n noble fnmlly of France: two "Itl!g'om Subjects," by Giovanni llnttlsta Tlepolu, and Folx Zlem's "Venice" The list of Harbison works Is headed by Corot's "Vllle d'Avray," There nro two works by Daublgny. one "F eids of Vnlmondois." Schreyer's "Arab Ch.ef" l from tho Thomas McLean collection nnd Troyon'a "The Valley of the Toucuue" Is dated 18 60. Among other artists represented nre Francois Houcher. Caiialetto ltchnrd Cosway. Francois Cotes, Jncoh Oerrltz Cuyp, Nicholas de Largilllere, Franeec Guard!. J, J, Heiuier, William Hogarth. II laaboy. Sir CodTrey Kneller Claude Lorraln, Pierre Mignard nnd Fritz Thau-lo- A VAI GREEN MEZZOTINT, $1,1G0., ' Ilosktrr Collect Ion til Prints .Vint Totals SI?,.-.4I- I. A brllllnnt meirotlnt by Valentine CJreen wna the stai feature of tho sale of the Hoskler collection of p'lnts, vh'ci continued last nlRht In the Rallerlrs of the American Att Association. It was an Im- pression or the inxtavliiK of Sir Joshua Iteynolda'a portrait nf .Mary Isibclla Duchess of Itutlanl, and It sold lo Jamts K. Drake for 11, ICO. .Mr. Drake also pur- chased tho "Vul" Oreen meztotlnt por- - trait of Jlra. Cosway for IS5n , the Jamts i Watson mezaotlnt of Anne Lady Stan-- 1 hope, after Kir Joshua Iteynolla, for 1200, and Watson'a Duchck of Cumbeilainl for' 1500. I .Max Wllllama ijnve $700 for John Ha- -' pliael Smith's mesrntlnt of Lady Hamll-- 1 ton. by Ilomnry, No. 251 In thi catnloftue, 1625 for tho earns engraver's "riarchante," also a portrait of Lady Hamilton i into for Jonlnet'a aquatint ufter the (xirtralt of Mme. Duaion. by Holn, and H50 fori C. KnlKht'a engiavlng of Sir Thomas I.RWtence'B "Jllss Knrren," which Is now In the Morgan rollrcllon ut tho Mutiopolt-ta- n Museum of Ait. Other sales were: Tho tlartolozzl print of "Thais." nfter Sir Joahua Iteynol la's "Mlaa I'otta." to It. Frldenherit for 1300 . V'al flreen's "Coitntesa of Aylrsford." to A. Scott for 1250 ; Val nretn's "Jllss Sarah Campbell," to Kennidy h Co for J260 ; Jamea Watson's mezzotint of .Miss Oreenway, to Knoedler & Co. for 1,110, and William Ward'a "Sallad all I," to .Mr Livingston for 1310, The total for the aesslon was Til, one, making 117,818 for the lloskler collection to date. The ssle continues this evening, Stark Church, Mrs. Edith Flak Church, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Pliny Flak of this city, was married on Monday In the JTarle An- toinette to Lloyd Jleder Stark of Hrook- lyn. Mr, and Mra. Stark started for Ilermuda yeaterday for their honeymoon After their return they will live ut 10S Eaat Fifty-thir- d strict ' . I X BISHOP BOWMAN IS DEAD, AGED 96 YEARS The Patriarch of the Moth-odi- st Episcopal Church. WAS LINCOLN'S FBIEND Fnrni Boy, Whoso Ministerial Cnrccr Took film All Over tho World. OsANtin, N. J., March I. Th night llev. Thomas Itowman. D. D., LU D icnlor Mlahop of tho Methodist Kplacopal Church, died y at thu age of nearly 97 yesra. ' He bad been conflnod to hla bed In the homo of hla daughter, Mrs. llurna U. Caldwell, 81 High a'reot, for the last aix nn. nllis, III of the Infirmities of age. Ho la survived by seven children, Mrs. Culd- - well, Mrs. lieorgo Hmlth of liultlmoru, Charlts nnd Thomas Lowman of Ht. Lou s, C II. Iluwin.iii of Chattanooga, Tlixidrre I). Howman of Lo AngultM and 9. li. ttowimtn of Denver. Rlshop Rowtn'in lint! a varied career. From thu dnys when he could first manage his own nlinlrs until he was more than 90 years oid ho led nn active life. With ait his Imtlspoi-ttlon- s of rocent years ha nindo It u prii.tU'o to deliver sermons uliuicvtr his health would permit and he kept up his Interest In church mutters until the day nf his death. Ho was born In Rrlnr Creek, near War- wick. Columbia county, Pennsylvania, on July 16, 191". He Joined tho church at the ngu of 10 years while ho waa a student at Cnzcnovla Seminary In New York, lleforo that he worked un n farm. His first schooling was at Wllbrahum Academy In Massachusetts. From New York the young man went to Carlisle, Pa., where he entered Dickin- son college in tho Junior class. He stood ut tho hend of his fellows In scholarship and was persuaded by President Durbln to enter the ministry, which ho did at th Haltimore Conference In 1839. In I&C4 Dr. Rownian was chosen chap-Iai- n of the United States Senate. He held that post for two years nnd beeamo a warm friend of Abrnhnm Lincoln. He used to tell how he warned Lincoln of the dnng r nf nssasslnntlon five days be- fore Ilooth killed him, Dr Howman was elected a Ilishop of the Methodist Kpiscopal Church In May, 12 and eventually ha became atnlor It, shop. He ru.red In 1S90 and waa Known ns "the patriarch of the church." As Ilishop he attended conferences In Lurope, India. China. Japan nnd Mexico His Kuroptan experlencts began In UTS. when he went to the confennce In t.reat llr.tnln ns America's representative. From Knglaiid he attended the Paris fair, and from tluro Journeyed to Norway, Sweden. Denmark nnd tiermany, curry-lu- g greet ngs from tho Amerlean church. He ne.t w.nt to Calcutta, llombny and other Indian clt.es. visiting the mission posts Through Dr. Ilowman's Influence a rich Chinese merchant. Ah Hok. contributed llo.OOO for the purchase of the mission s te In Fou-Cho- The Chinese and nil his family were converted to the Methodist faith, nnd this waa regarded by tho Ilishop ns nm- - of th moat note- worthy Inc. dents of his cureir. Ilishop Howman was proud of the fact that be had iledliated nioru than a thou- sand churches In various parts of the worid. In recent years he was a member of Ca'vnry M. K. Church In Kaat Orange and from Its pulpit he had priached sev-- 1 eral turns of lute. As a preacher he waa spccinliy noted for his appeals to joungj men. He made his home In Orange with his H. D. Caldwell, I resident of Hie W lis Furgj Lipress Company. H shop Howman married Miss Matilda Hnrtm in of York, Pa., In UIJ. She died H.r.tl .irn a to. The funeral will take place on Friday im.rn.ng ut De Paw University The ser- - vit is will b con lit ted by the faculty, and the M rinoii will be preached by Hlshoa John II Long, a lifelong friend of Ilishop Ik um.in. DR. JOSEPH 0'MALLEY. .Volt'il l'li slrlitn Nurcumli tti Ciiii Kestlun of thr Kldnrya. rini.Aiini.ruiA. Jlarch 3. Dr. Joseph O'JIal ey, chief of staff of St. Agne H.Miltal, noted as a diagnostician and writer on medical aubjecta, died this miirnlnic at the hospital. Several days into, nlthouith not fcellni; 4yell, Ir. O'Mallty Insisted upon koIhb to sn a put . tit who ilemanded his presence In a frlk'htful storm.. Dr. O'.Malley d a B'vi'ie cold. conKestlon of the kidneys set In and caused hla death. lie wis 19 ytara old, received hla early i duration at Lehigh University ami went to CliorKetown t'nlverslty, belr.n ttriduafd fiom tin re In 1S33. Fifteen years airo he liccnme chief of staff of Ht Akiii-- s Hospital nnl had betn Hutu ever since. Dr. O'.Ma'ley Is survtvd by his wife and live small children. Ills brothers are lrank Ward O'.Mal'ev of Thr New York St'v, Dr. Austin tV.Malley, the oculist. I'int. William D'.Ma'ley of the L'nlteil Slates Itevi line Cutter Service Two h s'ers are M-- Helen Hirrett and .Mrs, William O'Hrlrn of THOIiIAS W. HANSHEW. Ai'lnr a nil 111 nit- - JiiiiI Writer, M'liu Wrote Jlnrv Tlinii Villi) nf Tlirm. ThoinriM W Hanhew tllod etfterd.iy at his hone In Anncslcy, ltmlHtid, a sub- - Ill li of London. Thirty anil forty years j net) he occupletl nlmost unlquo osltlnna n thn di aunt. c and literary fields of New Vol k. lie was bom In Hrooklyn In 1S5S. If Incline an actor and whfn he was 20 yea.H old ha was ciik-nK- for Important, lues w.th Clara .Morr.s, later appearing uilh In r as IawIIiir man In "Article 49,' "C.nnlllc nnd other nolablo proiluctions. He also pl.iyed fomro to Adeluldo Nell-run- 's .lullrt. He quit the staite and In the early '80s beiran to write for the publishing house of Street A Smith. He urote several of the "llerllin JI Clay" revels. Later n wrote for the Jlouroe publishing house, und in lsy ho wrut to London and became Idrntitled with the publishing house of Ward. I.oelt & Co. In all .Mr. Hiinshew wrote more than 200 novels, many uniier noma de plume, besldrs, thousands of short stcrlcs, one act plays and movlne- - picture scenarios. ll was naive up to tho time of hla laat lllntss. IU sides ma wlfn and thrco daughters, Jlr. Hanshew Is survived by a brother, II. H.iiibhew, a veterinary surgeon, and n sister, Jirtt Kate Hanshew Campbell, both of I'rooltlyn. Sister JI, l.anrentliia, S'rtvr JI. Laurcntlna of the Order of St, Joseph dlel of henit disease yisterday at ihe Convent of St. James In Jay street, Hrooklyn. She eras 3d years old and was ')orn In Limerick, Ireland. Her nnma waa O'.Malley, ShA Jolnel tho tlaterhood sev- enteen years sifo and came to this coun- try a yrnr later. She ta survived by five and three slaters. Three brothers and two alateia aie In the church, Father Moyslua la a prlcat at Callooon, N, Y. Father J. O'.Malley la a prleat In Limerick. Chas Andrew. Chaae Andrews, a broker, with offices nt 141 Ilroadwny, Manhattan, died of pnoumonla yeaterday at hla home, 1 Sum-- American Art Galleries Madison Squar ON FREE VIEW 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M. The Choice Private Collection of Beautiful Old C inese Porcelains In Single Color, Blue and White and Decorated Specimen. Formed by the well-kno- Connoieeeur Mr. Edward Runge Wn WORE THA. TWIiNTV YFAKS REPHMKItTATlTD IN CHINA ruR MR. TIIUMAis II. C'LAItKE To be told at unrestricted public ule On Saturday Afternoon of this week at 3 o'clock .ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE mnllod on receipt of Fifty Centj. -- ALSD- The Finished Pictures Drawings and Studies Left by the late Francis Davis Millet, N. A. Unrestricted Public Sale on Friday Evening of thisWcek at 8:15 CATALOG LES mailed free lo npplicnnts AND The Very Important Collection of Rare old English Luster and otherChina, Pewter.Glass, Amcricana.Colonial Furniture, Weapons and other Inttrotlnt and scarce objects Formed by the Connoisseur Walter Clinton Hill, Esq. or iiomirn. Unrestricted Public Sale on the Afternoons of Monday, Tuesday& Wednesday next ,Mar.9, 10 and 1 1 , at 2 :30 o'clock A DESCRIPTIVE AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of which th Ceam c anJ class in th.' Colle-tl- have been ttocribed yV Dr. E'wm A' lee Baric, c!;r"Ctor of h I'cnns'lvana Mu-eu- Pniiauclrh a, and Ai thor nf "An!o Ame'icnn I'otttrj" and other Authori- tative uorks, will be mailed to a; , li nnt , on receipt of Fifty Cin's, The salri nlll tir innilurtrtt lij MK. TIIOM4SI V. KIRIIT. ai.l.ti'il tit Mr. ltti llrrnrt. nf THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Mgrs. hsl U.ttt litre!, MaUlsun Kg. South. Htm (urk. mlt strn-t- . riushlnc. Queens. Ho vns born In Suco, Mi on Novi-mljc- 1", lft:. Hi took up Ms resilience In 1 IukI-.iu- about Inn o.irr. nito. 1I la survived by Ills wife nnil six K.ns. The HfT. J nines II, (Jordmi. I The Itev. Jnmes II. (Jordon, former! superintendent of tho Harvard Colortd i Ori)h.4iiacf und lnrtustrl.tl School. Kings I'atk. U I. illtd Jeste'day Ir tie (lerman1 llOHplt.il. llrookln. Ho was f.i! years old. Heforo lio bccaino superintend, nt of the i orphanaKt! eleven years ai?o In- - u.u paa-- 1 tor of tho Ilaptlat Temple, Manhattan. Mrs. Isnliel M'r II. Viilll Mrs. Isabel .Mary Ilrerk Will, w'dow of Tlmothv HulKht Vnlll. died yester la. at the of her ilmi;i:. r. Mr Pun.. I TalnriKc C3 West Sevcntu til "treot It sides Mrs. another duuKhtir. Mrs tie. rite M. La Monto of Hound IliocK. .V. J.. and a son. Kdward II. Vaill of l'lttsburn, sur- vive her. WILLS AND APPHAISAIS. FiiEorniCK J Sktiioui. An application by lMwIn li. WIKox lor letters of ad- ministration on the estate of Frederick J. Sejbold. who tiper. it'd a street tele- scope at Fifth nvenuf" and T i nty-thli- d street for mai.y year. and who died In St. JIary's Hospital, lloboken. on August H last, has been tonus ed by Jlr nnd Mrs. Frank J. Smith of Kdgewnter. N J While the only property of the deoased yet found Is his rcsldmce at Udgewater, N. J., Ills friends believe he had a fortum l.oarded somewhere Wilcox applied for letters of ndm.iuMtatiou as a but the Smiths con'tud that they hav prior rlchts as creditots Im-.tus- they too't cure of his residence and were his cluest friends. Catiiciunk i.iiEEN. who died February 25, le.'t her residuary estate lo the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at I T3 West Flfty-flri- t n'.rtet. Shi left tl."00 to St. Joseph Seminary, $500 each to the .S- ociety of St Vlncini dc Paul and Home for the Aged of the Little S lers of the Poor, and iiiudt: email be'iuests to relatives and friends. JI.Mir A. Nkwai.i. Surrog.ito Fowler heaid testimony esterd.iy on an applica- tion to remoe t'armelita Mct'ornilck, a sister, us an udm iilstr.itor of the estate of Jl.iry A Newall, who was killed by an automobile o.wied i llarr A an L.ew on Juno 2S last. Tho tintimony shnwed that Vnn Llew wnn willing to pay I Ovo tor Jlrs. Newall's death, but .Mrs lclt and John New all, husband of tho tle.ul woman, couluti t ngr.-i- . ns to using part of the money to mmd a son of the decedent to Citholic school, which Newall opposed. The Surnma tt decided that tho lathers wishes elould prevail. Jacoo HonowiTs, iho tiled I'tbruary 23, left half his itsiiluary i state to his widow, Hannah Hoiowlu, nnd tho iikt to his son, William l'. Horowitz, and daughter. Je.inrtte llornwltr. Dav.s. Trust funds of J1.O0O each were left lo gran b lilldii-n- . CNHV Pltiiiiiii, whu died l'Vbiuaiy 11, left his nsldiury estate of Jt.'i tiOO in In wife. Trlna Prlgge. and cave I'uu e.i. h to ten relutlvta and $1,000 to his sister, Adelheld tiadeiiiann. JIoNTtMllEIIY i 1USON Surrogate Fowler decided yesterday thnt an Interest of $10,-Ot'- in the esMlu of Jloiitgomery tllbson, j IU FrederickKeppesCq EXHIBITION OF ETCHINGS BY BUHOT March 5 MARCH 21S 4East39StNewYork IT South. Naw York uhlch wont lo his ion. Clemunt II. Qlb-mii- i. Haa not subject to a transfer tax bev.iuso th.i 110,000 was act aaldu by Montcoiniry (Jll.son In it deed of trust In IBS, when property Kolnu to children of a decedent was ext nipt Irom tax. Tha State Comptroller demanded a tax of I per cent, on tho Kround that the Internal waa taxable as of the date, when tha bene-llclar- y was born. In 1903. In .rw lurk To-il- Works In bron'ic and marblo by (iutaon HorKlum. exhibition. Avery Mbrary. Co- lumbia. ? A. M lo 11 1 JI. Ilalny Day Club, meeting, Hntnl Aator, Lwturn h;- - .Mrs. Charlotte I'erklns Oil-m- Ilotrl Astor. Id 41 A. M Civic testimonial to Col, anr; W. s, Carn.-Kli- . Hall. S 15 V M I.rrtur.. bv ,f V SulMvnn on "Ntark-!- s for th. people Judsti'i Memorial Church V ""i.-rir- r South, MARRIED. MAIITI.V III r.TON In lndm.. KnU.nd, Kebruar) it, ltt, Mry JI. llurton te Dr. Ami in Dtnn.s Jlartln, formrrl of Washlinitoii, 1. c. DIED. AlX'tJltN j, ; Harsh O, fi 4. Funeral Chapel Stephen Merrltt liurlal una 4,'rrtnntlnn Compiiny. Elrhth sv.nus i.nd Nlneter nth tret. Tlmo Inter ATWK1.I. Jn,n H, as,i t,j H.rvlres THU Kf.SKIIAl, fllLIIUI. ' tit W.it Tneniy-lhlr- iKrank Campbell Itulitlinsr . Wednrsdny, at 10 o e.oi k An pt, rt Actnrs h'unil HOWMAN At the home if h' Juunhter. lira. 1). 1). C.ell. ii mKn ,it,,u Oranre, N. J., on Tuesd ly, Marh I. 114. Illihiip Thomas Iluwiusn. In hla nln. ty-- n etitlj yiar, Tim (iinrr.il uTilcn i, .,i ,,t i I'uw Unltcralty, On onenatle. tnd on Friday afternoon. .March fire eneaatl. Inrt.. paprra p'ea copy Prlen.la t,i xln lly omit tlo ere UltOWNi: On March J. In Huston, Mint., T. ijulncj Ilrowne. Nutlre of funeral FOItn. Suddenly, on Wednssda). Mstrii :, 1S14, nt Ihe l'iai Hotel, .1 llnuara Ford of Stnnyferd. N. Y. In the sixtieth ear nf hu n. Funeral srrvltrs will held m th Fifth Axetiui- - Presbyterian fliur. li, Fifth ve. ni.e and Fldy-dft- .treet, on Frldii; .Marrh C, at 10 A M Interment at Wondtawn Rt the rnnvenlepe of thn family Kin. lly omit fillers. O 5I.I,I,i:V On Tuendll), March J. 114 Sl.i.r M I. in ntltiA O'M tlley Fun.ral from Ht James's Convent. "J Jay atreet, Ilrnoklyn. on Thuraday, Marrh 5, nt S Su A. M ; thnce to Ht Jaine. s where a solemn rsiiuirm mn will be oBred for th repoe of her s.olt Iliterinent at Ht, Mary's Cemetery. FlU'lilnn bTUVK.S'soX At . uth Oranre N J March 1. IS'. 1. ll.tam N etevemoi, after a brief lllnen Funeral services will he held at Ml hnnu. 124 Raymond avenue, un Thursday Kfternoon. Mnreh f. (Instead of Wednes- day as stated In former nolll. on tli arrival of the train lealn llobeksti I tl (or Mountain Htatlon. Tlll'ltni'll On Tuesdil). Mateh J. Of pneu monla, at her iraldeiice, 33 Claremont Aetius, N'etv jork city. Sirah Wood, l1o of thn llev. Udwutd t) Tl.u-be- r. n I), In hu ectcntr-nft- h ysar. Funeral pr.iate TllOWllIttPnK On Tuesday, March 5, !M(. nt her rulirnme, "1 Park axonuo, Minnie HscUetl TrowbrlJae. daughter of th Inte John Ketrltat llackrtt and Laura Jane Hall and widow of Francla 15 TrowbrltRe Funeral si r Ires at Trinity Chapel. Twen- ty. flflh striet near Ilroadway, Friday, the eth Inn . at 10 o'clock A. M Inter mint at WeodUwti Special train leavea Grand Central flintlnn at 11 A M. VAILUOti Tuesday. Marrh 3. nt the homo of her daughter. 65 West Seventieth streit. Isbael Mary llreck, wlfs of thn late Timothy I)lht Vnlll und mother of Mrs liaulel TalmuK' of .S'eiv York city. Mra tlenrsa M t.a Monte of Hound Iltnok, N. J.. nd I5dward II. Valll of 11 st.ii rar. Pa. Funeral and Interment private. INtlKllTAKKKs. E.CatVlPIMaL lOFrmv nurwoHt cmiuca tm XXAsslVrs rurnv Vatriiirir


    Family Drench Started byDntijjli tor's ElopementWith .Inck Gcrnglity.


    Grounds, Non-Snppo- rt SheAshs Alimony and Custody

    of Three Sons.

    .Vcwtvr.T, II. I.. March S. Mr. ArumTuck French y secured a divorce Inthe Superior Court here on the groundef reelect 10 provide,. Mr. French alaouked for t!io custody of three, minorMM, S Lcroy Fr n:h, Dtward Tucki'rcnrli nnd Amos Tuck French. Jr. She1(0 ankcd n.lmony to nuptort lirraelf nndihlldrrn, ln.t no order In recant to thinreluct 11.. b wen entered nml It la

    that settlement wnn mndo privately.T;.- i,crv of these two .well known

    P niliTS c' tho Tuxedo nnd Newportion.es la traced back to Amos Tuck.In h k tangement from his familylfon-n- t .o elopement three nnd n halfj,rj .iKO oi Julia French, a daughter,with J'k lieraghty. a chauffeur. Other.mcnl' rs o. tn fnmlly forgnvo tho elopers, iUt the fatner did not relent and thetreKb wid ned. Mr. French la a brother ,

    ; Mrs L.s.e French Vanderbllt nnd of jlAiy Cheylr tmore of Enslnnd. wife latif daughter of Mrs. Stuyvesant Leroy.

    None of the principals appeared In thecase, the bring based entirely onpa deposit ,ons of Jlrs. French, hermother Mrs. Stuyvesant Leroy. Dr. Henry'ninlngs Knapp, and n French maid.Wlllam R Harvey was attorney for Mrs.Fren'h and although no conlcn: was madeCharles H. Koehne, Jr., nn nttorney.

    presented Mr French and wna presentat the I), arms.

    Mra French ileros?d that sho wan married by ll.shop I'otter at All SaintsChapel. Ueccmncr --'. ism, in Newport,and went to live on lied Cross avenue,this city Klin said that since August,1111. the nan lived continually here withUt mother ami that her husband hatdone absolute'- - nothing for her supporttame that time, although aho haa de- -'mamled money from him. He waa absol-utely Indifferent to her. ah deposed, nnd.rr.ored tier presence wncn ne was here.

    y.r. Lroy earn innt anehu provided her daughter with board.lodclm: and homo, but has given her noiaoni The money Mrs French has hadthe tua betn forced to borrow, aald Mrs.


    ale I Ins at Mrs. I', 15. Lenli'i and.Mrs. David II. Oreer's

    Sen. g classes engrossed tho attentionraany women of soc e:y yesterday morn-.-

    meeting of the class that sews'or the of tho Fresh Air Fund of

    Ca'hcdr.il of fit. John the Divine was.tld at the home of Mrs. Frederic E.lw!s. 23 West Fifty-secon- d atrevt.There a a Rood attendance. Tho pro- -Mi of this o ,ts p.re devoted to a sum-.-- er

    h mc in Tompkins Cove, N. Y., anda th support of a district nurse. The'cjrra.'.nu' of yesterday morninir couldH he , irr.etl out. as Miss Ruth Draper.

    sho was 'pt :ed to give some of her'i rial monologues, was snowbound en

    rta-- from Washington. The moetlng wasaddressed by a district nurse, who told

    f the w be.ng carried on.The cTccrs of tho c'.ub are Mrs. Frank

    Hl-- fr I'otter, president; Mrs. IVchard.rv'n. Miss Julia O. Mc- -A:':s'.er, treasurer, and Mrs. John H.Ite' i secretary ,irnB the membersare Mrs Charles It Alc-a- n ler, Mrs. Oar-f.c- e

    M Hyde. Mrs. William V.. txel'n.Mr. V Itnthbone Ilacon, Mrs. A. Ttrad- -a.'st F' 11 Mrs. Frederick Fearsun. Mrs.

    Howard Carrol!, Mrs II. V lmcrdinitPare Jfis. Chester Orlawold, Mrs. boulanoyt M Margaret llemsen. Mrs. Will- -Ii5i I. nen'amln, Mrs. Frederick nooso-v-!- !,

    Mrs It. Ludlow Fowler. Mrs .1.Ecar l.u.l, Mrs. Fordym Darker. Mrs.Waiter rgs, Mrs. Hudolph Sch'rmer.Mils Carol, ne L Morcan Mrs. FmnU

    p Mrs. j, Uul! llrowninif. Mrs.'jwre i, v.nKS'on Nichols. Mrs IJ Hen.haw J .nes, Mr J. Tuckerman Tower.

    Th p A 8. Frakn'ln. .Mrs. H. Aymnr-- inii. irs. iienrv w. llvde. .Mrs. Clsr.net Cary. Mrs. W. Church Osborn. MissVajr Ok len, Mrs. Samuel Keyscr nndXrs. J..i vs A Itlair The meeting of

    t neck w be held at the home ofm Irv n. 1 West Thirty. ninth s'reet.a Tner ciaa that met yesterday morn.r as that formed hv thn fnlnnlnltirr,s of America for tho benefit of theime s CIIU- -. h Inst tllle. ThB mo.tlnir

    h 'l a: the home of Mrs. David IIe- - r i F fh nve-iue- . Among the mem-t- r

    of th., ci, nrtf tr, Aifr(1 Mi lIoytiM l:,,- - ay Mrs. J MunlenU-r- Haileya'.i M , Ktthar'nr. W Carmnlt. The

    its w 1 be held on Tuesdays dur-J.--- Si.f n, l th nevt or Is to be at theMi." of M-- s Hoyt, 934 Fifth avenuo.


    ' ' Sirs, sun Jnrh UVIIman atHer 1 1 ii nn-- ,

    M' von Jueh Wellnvm gave vesterdayh .in. 1.3 i;.,nt Revinty-fift- h atreet.

    f"r Jlaif. Johann-- i Oadskl ofM- -t .if.I.inn Ontra. The other gueata

    M i I'a-- i Morten. Mrs. IJIhert II.f'j M s a hert n. Iloanlmsn, Mrs.l" H D:'in. Mrs. (' Ilobln-o- ii' ', M - Hichard A. I'eahedy, Mrs.) ' i. Siiown Mrs. H Hlanwoi'dJI''' Mr-- , I'.Hliift W U'M.nn

    ' II im!!tnn I'reni--

    Nines of the KiipIiiI World.Jin, Jav nn, enf. to Aiven,

    ' '" J"ln ncr JUKh'er. Mis. ArthurI,,.s Kortrlirt Is at

    L1,?' ,,f!"',1 with Mi. and Mrs. Wnlter C.. .... a j M!s, jmian Wltherbw.

    tMr v,d Mr,. William H'.tt. who hnve

    - "-- nin ni ine iviz-uariio-' it, .ni to Wash'nifton, D, C.T !'"' ' th-i- 'a auhscpipt'on dinnerla ' r'i by M'ss Annnhella Oiy-- iJr il given this evening nt thoM Acnes rjrlswo'd I,ando'n, whoso

    nt io .M. Tny'or Pyne, Jr., wasannounced, lias eiie to Talm

    C arlcs R I'rhrey will give a iis afternoon nt her home, 6J

    . ;: s ' ". a Cutting has returned from'' II n. 'i in ',f,f, Firlt iivi'tllie.l' .r. mp. Nonjamln F, Voakum are

    k .i'i.irbllt.v ' H M mi i.'. MeCombi gave a" .fx.yrtn1 at thu Vanderbllt for

    "I Mrs. Martin II. Olynn.' ' !: j irrt P. Nicholas of New Pruns.

    J ' N .1 . ivo rotiirned recently from' n the St Reg's,

    , 1 Tav"or gave n dlnnT last' s lionei 19 Hast H.xty-.'our'- h

    lis daughter, Miss Kleanor'' f". Jirono y on the Olyn-- "

    ' h Mrs, ri'iy Van Amrlngo to jis.sa(

    m rari--s with nor mother.,

    T"- - ' "t.-t-h for tiil--s sea.'i of tho Tues--- t" '": i..a, oi,-ui!so.- t by Mrs. Ar.son D.tfKik placo yesterday nfteniojii

    's Mne .tarle Bundellua, ao- -'Hid f o.ir Hoair'o, b.irylinir, warnin, Harry M. flllbort Taa at

    " i id Mrs. .T. Otla Wardwell of" ', Moms., vro at the St. Itngla.



    MILLET PAINTINGS TO BE S0LD. I,U'They null tl.r lluuwr I'urcrlalns S

    Seen at the Arl Association.Two exhibitions w.re opened to the

    pub.lc ysterday In the gallerlea of theAimrlcun Art AsOviation, MadisonKyuare South. They are the paintings nnddrawings left by the Inte trunk D. Milleiwho lust his life when the T.tan.o sankund th. lorce.n.ns of ICdwarU Itunee. whofor inoru than twenty years w.is threprisi'ntnt.Vd In China of Thomas II.Ciarke lloth codeciiuns tire to bo solint nuct'.on.

    The latter part of Mr. Millet's carceiwas given oer tarff.ly to mural decoralion; so It Is not rur;,r.H.iu to tlnd thath.a orlg.nal study tor the "Treaty of thoTraversa dts S.oux," a dicor.it. on lor theuovirners room In the Capitol nt StI'aul. M.nn la among his most In'.crent-In- g onpalntlncs.

    A tue s.. u portrait of William Winter,the dramatic cr.tlc and poet, is promi-nent ntnmong the portraits. His face Isstrongly pa.NUd and the whit huir,chnracterist.caiiy disarrayed, with theneckcloth nnd long s ari, sire, nrtlst.call) A.handled. Thtre are a. to m:4lltr portrait ,studUa of Dr. Nicholas Murray Uutltr tndSidney Dillon.

    There nre many Interiors, but th? threethat are most attractive were probablypainted during Mr Millet's stulent daaIn Antwerp. Indeed, the one that showsa Dutch bedroom Is sulllcltnt proof ofthis, for only nn art student couid havso crowded the walla with drawings nndplnster casts. The two Antwerp kitchens, mwith their tiles nnd shining copper kettles,muke pleasing pictures. A Fympatheticand Interesting study of the artist s care rwritten by Hlivealer Iltixter. Is n featureof the catalogue. The Millet paintings nreto be sold Friday evin'ng. J,

    The Runge porcelains reflect greatcredit upon the taste of tin Ir collector.Most of them nre In rnre singlx co.orglazes upon X(Uls!te shap s. All of theadmired co.ors nro represented, There isa crackled Lang-Yn- o vase that rangesIn tint from tho deep glow of the o bioodto the d Urate cnchti'ooin and uHhes ofrosis. There are powder b'tus nnd ron!blues, coral red, m rror blacks, mustard

    il'04vs and celadons.T ere nro two stntuotteg nf the (Jung

    Cheng period, but evin more Int restingare three Huddhlstlc pageant groups ofthat period, which were presentationpieces, sjnt to the I'rliu-ek-s of Slam onh r marriage. In thim the goddess ofnvrey, Kuan-yl- is B'ntid on nn elephant.She la gorgeoiif'y nrrayrd nnd the trnp-pln-

    of the elephant lire even morethe who'n work d out In brllllnnt

    eniimel glazes, The Bale of tho porcelalnatakes plaro next Saturday afternoon.


    The Wilkinson Mrxlrnn Library iiirinus io,tnn.

    At tho last sesilon of tho Wilkinsonsale In tho Anderson miction rooms yes- - itfrdny tho highest price was brought by

    . "Doctrifa Chriat'ann" of Augustln doQulntnnn, No. C03. which sold to W K.dates for I22r. The volume was printedIn Mexico In 1 720.

    Tho "Confessarlo" Wy tho name au-thor, Nn. 001, sold to F W Morris forJlfiO. Mr. Motrls gave 1165 for the Cate.ch'sm of Ripalda. No. 3; inn fur tho"Chronica" of Francisco Vnsuuer, No.7.11, nnd 170 for tho Cora vocabulary.No. r.3S. (1. F K'fchtrt & Co. paid ti'Ofor No 751. tho "Vila del Vnn. P. Juni-per" Hcrrn," and other volumes.

    Tho totnl fur the afternoon was fl,505and for the entire Moxlcnn library.10 9r.3

    The Latta sale begins

    Miss Kthrl Keith Albrr F.ngSKrd.Tho engagement of Miss lit'iel ICelt'i

    A'bce (laughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. l'dwiirdF. Albee of this city, nnd Dr. UdwlnCeorgo Lauder, .Ir,, of P.'ilhdo'p'ila wninnnwinced yes'erdav. The w rtiling willtnlid place on Mny 6 nt the Plaza Ilotal.

    .11 Us Marshall to Wed.The engagement of Miss Florence Mar-shs- ll

    and O, Kills Dentmore of Hrrokl'nswas nnnounced yesterday by her nunt,

    rs, lltnry Clay Pierce of BO CentralPark West.

    V. ofT'.-Cl-ub"


    The iinimul banquet of the Unlvertltyof I'ennsylvnuln Club of New York citywill bo held at tho Waldorf on Saturday,March It. y


    "Wc want support, not


    Director of U. S. Hubher Com-pany Stricken by Apoplexy

    nt Plaza Hotel.

    J. llowaid Ford, president of the MeyerRubber Ci.ini any and a dirictor of theUnited States Rubber Company, of whlcnhis biuther, Jamts II. Ford, Is fit st

    and tieasurer, dlid of npoplexyMonday evening In his apartment nt

    the l'laza Hotel.He waa In hla usual condition of health

    6 o'clock, but was dead when hisphs!clan. Dr. S. Schuyiir Clink, arrived.The funeral service Is to be hi id at theFlflh Avtuue PiesbtvrUn Church at 10

    M. on Fildny.Mr. Fold was about D7 years old. He

    lived In tno winter at the Plaza and spenthie summers on hla farm at Stony Ford,N. V. There he had u modtl stock farmwith a half mile truck, the binding oftine hoi sis being his hobby. He recentlybuilt an Inn at Goshen.

    In Dicember. 1911, Mr. Ford spent twodays In Ungllsh Jalis becuuae the police

    stook him for Juilua Ford, alias DocWaterbury, a noted swindler. Waterburywas wanted here on an abduction charge.The police were told that he had sailedfor Europe on the Lapland. On thepasstngcr list they found the name of

    Howard und Jumped to thethat hu was Wiitdibury. So they

    cabled Scotland Yard to be on the watchtor J. Huward l ord.

    Detectives boarded the ship at Dover,sought out Mr. Ford nnd slid "You'reunder arrest." Mr. Foul tried to tellthem thty were mistaken, but they kepthim In the Dover Jail over night and thentcok him to 'llrlxtcn prison. Mr. Fordsent word of his plight to the AmericanEmbassy.

    He passed nnothcr night In Ilrlxtonprison nnd was arraigned In the Hrwstred poilco court tho following mornlniTlx re the Magistrate said ho had beenInform d by the Amsrlcan Ambassadorthat "a terrible mistake had boen made.'The Mag stralc apo oglzrd for tho nrrcstbut reminded Mr. Ford that the Kngliahpolice were only fol'owlng Instruction!from Now York. The Magistral.' alacrtad on apology from the American Kmbaisy nnd discharged Mr. Ford. AtScotland Yurd, where Mr. Ford went tiget his ronlls 'iited property, Including aletter of credit, there were mortnpo'oglrs.

    Pupt. Froeat explained thit the war-rant for the eupposed Doo Waterbury hudbeen Istiud nt the n quest of the Ameri-can Ambassador. Mr. Ford cheerfullyaccepted tho npologlcs as fast ns theywere offered and told the police they hadtnnted him with gnat courtesy,

    the circumstances. He aald afterhis relense that he certainly had no de-sire to know how It fill to be a realcriminal.

    Mr. Ford was married In 1908 to MissIlerthu Noilln of Herlln, He was InquiringInto circumstances upon which he laterobtalnttl a divorce when ho was arrestedIn Dover.

    Mr. Ford wni a trustee of the Ameri-can Bunty Compiny and a director ofthe Now York Mutual Qaa LUht Company. He was a neavy strcxnoiaer Inthe United States Rubber Company. Hewas a nv mber of the Union, Union LeagueNew York Yacht and Riding clubs.

    Cardinal Kopp,Special CalU Dtitatch to Till Sex.

    ItrnUN, March S. Cardinal OeorreKtrpp, the highest ranking member of theRoman Catholic Church In Germany, diedto-d- of acuta meningitis at Troppau,Austrian Blleala. The laat aacramenta ofthe Church were admlntatered yesterday.Ha waa 70 yeara of aga. ,

    Mr a. larak Waol TksirWr.Mra. Sarah Wood Thurber, widow of

    tha Ittv. Bdwaril O. Thurber, died yester-day at her home, 29 Claramont avenue.She waa 76 year a old. Death wua cauaedby pneumonia.




    Painting b Old Musters and nModerns at Allii's,

    F.iward Prsndus will sell nt auctionnext week 120 paintings that havo beenentrusted to him by Kuropean collectorss.nd are to bo placed on exhibition nextMonday In Silo's galleries, 61 ; Fifth ave-nue. They will be sold on tho eveningsof March 13 and 14

    There Is a group of old lingllsh pic-tures from the Walmer House eo'.IoctlonKent. Including an Important John Cr.i.iiea landscape by Onlnsborough and a por-trait of Lady (tordon by John IlnppnerAn Important picture Is Sir Thomas Law-rence's "Lady Lyndhurst," n portraitrecorded In nil the Lawrence loiUs"Portrait of a Lady," by Sir JoshuaR.ynoids. comes from tho II shfip ofHanger col ectlon, near Hristol. Kiigiand"Meleslnn ChenevK," by Oeo'gu P.omr.eywas exhibited nt thn Rotiney exhibition.Urnfion House, London, In 1900.

    A curious picture Is "Her Pet Dog,"by Mmc. Sarah Ilernhnrdt, shou.ng theactress's wt sitting on the bench atHavre. Mme. llernhardt found she hadnot room for all of the dog's tall on thcanvas, so she painted part of It on theframe. She gave the picture to n friend,

    Other pictures of no'.o In tho collectionate William Reechey's "Lady Herbert"Rosa Itonheur's "Deer In the Forest,"Andrea del Harto's "A Venetian Scholar,"from tho Orimnnl Palace collection, ofVenice; Drouals's "Sophie, Daughter ofLouis XV.." which Is consigned by nnoble fnmlly of France: two "Itl!g'omSubjects," by Giovanni llnttlsta Tlepolu,and Folx Zlem's "Venice"

    The list of Harbison works Is headedby Corot's "Vllle d'Avray," There nrotwo works by Daublgny. one "F eids ofVnlmondois." Schreyer's "Arab Ch.ef" lfrom tho Thomas McLean collection nndTroyon'a "The Valley of the Toucuue" Isdated 18 60.

    Among other artists represented nreFrancois Houcher. Caiialetto ltchnrdCosway. Francois Cotes, Jncoh OerrltzCuyp, Nicholas de Largilllere, FraneecGuard!. J, J, Heiuier, William Hogarth.II laaboy. Sir CodTrey Kneller ClaudeLorraln, Pierre Mignard nnd Fritz Thau-lo-

    A VAI GREEN MEZZOTINT, $1,1G0.,'Ilosktrr Collect Ion til Prints .Vint

    Totals SI?,.-.4I-I.A brllllnnt meirotlnt by Valentine

    CJreen wna the stai feature of tho sale ofthe Hoskler collection of p'lnts, vh'cicontinued last nlRht In the Rallerlrs of theAmerican Att Association. It was an Im-pression or the inxtavliiK of Sir JoshuaIteynolda'a portrait nf .Mary IsibcllaDuchess of Itutlanl, and It sold lo JamtsK. Drake for 11, ICO. .Mr. Drake also pur-chased tho "Vul" Oreen meztotlnt por- -trait of Jlra. Cosway for IS5n , the Jamts iWatson mezaotlnt of Anne Lady Stan-- 1hope, after Kir Joshua Iteynolla, for 1200,and Watson'a Duchck of Cumbeilainl for'1500. I

    .Max Wllllama ijnve $700 for John Ha- -'pliael Smith's mesrntlnt of Lady Hamll-- 1ton. by Ilomnry, No. 251 In thi catnloftue,1625 for tho earns engraver's "riarchante,"also a portrait of Lady Hamilton i intofor Jonlnet'a aquatint ufter the (xirtraltof Mme. Duaion. by Holn, and H50 foriC. KnlKht'a engiavlng of Sir ThomasI.RWtence'B "Jllss Knrren," which Is nowIn the Morgan rollrcllon ut tho Mutiopolt-ta- n

    Museum of Ait.Other sales were: Tho tlartolozzl print

    of "Thais." nfter Sir Joahua Iteynol la's"Mlaa I'otta." to It. Frldenherit for 1300 .V'al flreen's "Coitntesa of Aylrsford." toA. Scott for 1250 ; Val nretn's "JllssSarah Campbell," to Kennidy h Co forJ260 ; Jamea Watson's mezzotint of .MissOreenway, to Knoedler & Co. for 1,110,and William Ward'a "Sallad all I," to .MrLivingston for 1310,

    The total for the aesslon was Til, one,making 117,818 for the lloskler collectionto date. The ssle continues this evening,

    Stark Church,Mrs. Edith Flak Church, daughter of

    Mr. and Mra. Pliny Flak of this city, wasmarried on Monday In the JTarle An-toinette to Lloyd Jleder Stark of Hrook-lyn. Mr, and Mra. Stark started forIlermuda yeaterday for their honeymoonAfter their return they will live ut 10SEaat Fifty-thir- d strict

    ' . I X



    The Patriarch of the Moth-odi- stEpiscopal



    Fnrni Boy, Whoso MinisterialCnrccr Took film All

    Over tho World.

    OsANtin, N. J., March I. Th nightllev. Thomas Itowman. D. D., LU D icnlorMlahop of tho Methodist Kplacopal Church,died y at thu age of nearly 97 yesra. 'He bad been conflnod to hla bed In thehomo of hla daughter, Mrs. llurna U.Caldwell, 81 High a'reot, for the last aixnn. nllis, III of the Infirmities of age. Hola survived by seven children, Mrs. Culd- -well, Mrs. lieorgo Hmlth of liultlmoru,Charlts nnd Thomas Lowman of Ht.Lou s, C II. Iluwin.iii of Chattanooga,Tlixidrre I). Howman of Lo AngultM and9. li. ttowimtn of Denver.

    Rlshop Rowtn'in lint! a varied career.From thu dnys when he could first managehis own nlinlrs until he was more than90 years oid ho led nn active life. Withait his Imtlspoi-ttlon- s of rocent years hanindo It u prii.tU'o to deliver sermonsuliuicvtr his health would permit andhe kept up his Interest In church muttersuntil the day nf his death.

    Ho was born In Rrlnr Creek, near War-wick. Columbia county, Pennsylvania, onJuly 16, 191". He Joined tho church atthe ngu of 10 years while ho waa astudent at Cnzcnovla Seminary In NewYork, lleforo that he worked un n farm.His first schooling was at WllbrahumAcademy In Massachusetts.

    From New York the young man wentto Carlisle, Pa., where he entered Dickin-son college in tho Junior class. He stoodut tho hend of his fellows In scholarshipand was persuaded by President Durblnto enter the ministry, which ho did at thHaltimore Conference In 1839.

    In I&C4 Dr. Rownian was chosen chap-Iai- nof the United States Senate. He held

    that post for two years nnd beeamo awarm friend of Abrnhnm Lincoln. Heused to tell how he warned Lincoln ofthe dnng r nf nssasslnntlon five days be-fore Ilooth killed him,

    Dr Howman was elected a Ilishop ofthe Methodist Kpiscopal Church In May,12 and eventually ha became atnlorIt, shop. He ru.red In 1S90 and waaKnown ns "the patriarch of the church."As Ilishop he attended conferences InLurope, India. China. Japan nnd Mexico

    His Kuroptan experlencts began InUTS. when he went to the confennce Int.reat llr.tnln ns America's representative.From Knglaiid he attended the Paris fair,and from tluro Journeyed to Norway,Sweden. Denmark nnd tiermany, curry-lu- g

    greet ngs from tho Amerlean church.He ne.t w.nt to Calcutta, llombny andother Indian clt.es. visiting the missionposts

    Through Dr. Ilowman's Influence a richChinese merchant. Ah Hok. contributedllo.OOO for the purchase of the missions te In Fou-Cho- The Chinese andnil his family were converted to theMethodist faith, nnd this waa regardedby tho Ilishop ns nm- - of th moat note-worthy Inc. dents of his cureir.

    Ilishop Howman was proud of the factthat be had iledliated nioru than a thou-sand churches In various parts of theworid. In recent years he was a memberof Ca'vnry M. K. Church In Kaat Orangeand from Its pulpit he had priached sev-- 1eral turns of lute. As a preacher he waaspccinliy noted for his appeals to joungj

    men.He made his home In Orange with his

    H. D. Caldwell, I resident ofHie W lis Furgj Lipress Company.H shop Howman married Miss MatildaHnrtm in of York, Pa., In UIJ. She diedH.r.tl .irn a to.

    The funeral will take place on Fridayim.rn.ng ut De Paw University The ser- -vit is will b con lit ted by the faculty, andthe M rinoii will be preached by HlshoaJohn II Long, a lifelong friend of IlishopIk um.in.


    .Volt'il l'li slrlitn Nurcumli tti CiiiiKestlun of thr Kldnrya.

    rini.Aiini.ruiA. Jlarch 3. Dr. JosephO'JIal ey, chief of staff of St. AgneH.Miltal, noted as a diagnostician andwriter on medical aubjecta, died thismiirnlnic at the hospital.

    Several days into, nlthouith not fcellni;4yell, Ir. O'Mallty Insisted upon koIhb tosn a put . tit who ilemanded his presenceIn a frlk'htful storm.. Dr. O'.Malley d

    a B'vi'ie cold. conKestlon of thekidneys set In and caused hla death.

    lie wis 19 ytara old, received hla earlyi duration at Lehigh University

    ami went to CliorKetown t'nlverslty, belr.nttriduafd fiom tin re In 1S33. Fifteenyears airo he liccnme chief of staff of HtAkiii-- s Hospital nnl had betn Hutu eversince.

    Dr. O'.Ma'ley Is survtvd by his wifeand live small children. Ills brothers arelrank Ward O'.Mal'ev of Thr New YorkSt'v, Dr. Austin tV.Malley, the oculist.I'int. William D'.Ma'ley of the L'nlteilSlates Itevi line Cutter Service Twoh s'ers are M-- Helen Hirrett and .Mrs,William O'Hrlrn of


    Ai'lnr a nil 111 nit- - JiiiiI Writer, M'liuWrote Jlnrv Tlinii Villi) nf Tlirm.ThoinriM W Hanhew tllod etfterd.iy

    at his hone In Anncslcy, ltmlHtid, a sub- -Ill li of London. Thirty anil forty years jnet) he occupletl nlmost unlquo osltlnnan thn di aunt. c and literary fields of New

    Vol k.lie was bom In Hrooklyn In 1S5S. If

    Incline an actor and whfn he was 20yea.H old ha was ciik-nK- for Important,lues w.th Clara .Morr.s, later appearinguilh In r as IawIIiir man In "Article 49,'"C.nnlllc nnd other nolablo proiluctions.He also pl.iyed fomro to Adeluldo Nell-run- 's

    .lullrt.He quit the staite and In the early '80s

    beiran to write for the publishing house ofStreet A Smith. He urote several of the"llerllin JI Clay" revels. Later n wrotefor the Jlouroe publishing house, und inlsy ho wrut to London and becameIdrntitled with the publishing house ofWard. I.oelt & Co.

    In all .Mr. Hiinshew wrote more than200 novels, many uniier noma de plume,besldrs, thousands of short stcrlcs, oneact plays and movlne- - picture scenarios.ll was naive up to tho time of hla laatlllntss.

    IU sides ma wlfn and thrco daughters,Jlr. Hanshew Is survived by a brother,II. H.iiibhew, a veterinary surgeon, andn sister, Jirtt Kate Hanshew Campbell,both of I'rooltlyn.

    Sister JI, l.anrentliia,S'rtvr JI. Laurcntlna of the Order of St,

    Joseph dlel of henit disease yisterday atihe Convent of St. James In Jay street,Hrooklyn. She eras 3d years old and was')orn In Limerick, Ireland. Her nnma waaO'.Malley, ShA Jolnel tho tlaterhood sev-enteen years sifo and came to this coun-try a yrnr later. She ta survived by five

    and three slaters. Three brothersand two alateia aie In the church, FatherMoyslua la a prlcat at Callooon, N, Y.Father J. O'.Malley la a prleat In Limerick.

    Chas Andrew.Chaae Andrews, a broker, with offices

    nt 141 Ilroadwny, Manhattan, died ofpnoumonla yeaterday at hla home, 1 Sum--

    American Art GalleriesMadison Squar

    ON FREE VIEW 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M.

    The Choice Private Collection of

    Beautiful Old C inese PorcelainsIn Single Color, Blue and White and Decorated Specimen.

    Formed by the well-kno- Connoieeeur



    To be told at unrestricted public uleOn Saturday Afternoon of this week at 3 o'clock.ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE mnllod on receipt of Fifty Centj.


    The Finished PicturesDrawings and Studies

    Left by the late

    Francis Davis Millet, N. A.Unrestricted Public Sale on Friday Evening of thisWcek at 8:15

    CATALOG LES mailed free lo npplicnnts


    The Very Important Collection of

    Rare old English Luster and otherChina,Pewter.Glass, Amcricana.Colonial Furniture,Weapons

    and other Inttrotlnt and scarce objects

    Formed by the Connoisseur

    Walter Clinton Hill, Esq.or iiomirn.

    Unrestricted Public Sale on the Afternoons of Monday,Tuesday& Wednesday next ,Mar.9, 10 and 1 1 , at 2 :30 o'clock

    A DESCRIPTIVE AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUEof which th Ceam c anJ class in th.' Colle-tl- have been ttocribedyV Dr. E'wm A' lee Baric, c!;r"Ctor of h I'cnns'lvana Mu-eu-Pniiauclrh a, and Ai thor nf "An!o Ame'icnn I'otttrj" and other Authori-tative uorks, will be mailed to a; , li nnt , on receipt of Fifty Cin's,

    The salri nlll tir innilurtrtt lij MK. TIIOM4SI V. KIRIIT.ai.l.ti'il tit Mr. ltti llrrnrt. nf

    THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Mgrs.hsl U.ttt litre!, MaUlsun Kg. South. Htm (urk.

    mlt strn-t- . riushlnc. Queens. Ho vnsborn In Suco, Mi on Novi-mljc- 1", lft:.Hi took up Ms resilience In 1 IukI-.iu-about Inn o.irr. nito. 1I la survived byIlls wife nnil six K.ns.

    The HfT. J nines II, (Jordmi. IThe Itev. Jnmes II. (Jordon, former!

    superintendent of tho Harvard Colortd iOri)h.4iiacf und lnrtustrl.tl School. KingsI'atk. U I. illtd Jeste'day Ir tie (lerman1llOHplt.il. llrookln. Ho was f.i! years old.Heforo lio bccaino superintend, nt of the iorphanaKt! eleven years ai?o In- - u.u paa-- 1tor of tho Ilaptlat Temple, Manhattan.

    Mrs. Isnliel M'r II. ViilllMrs. Isabel .Mary Ilrerk Will, w'dow of

    Tlmothv HulKht Vnlll. died yester la. at theof her ilmi;i:. r. Mr Pun.. I TalnriKc

    C3 West Sevcntu til "treot It sides Mrs.another duuKhtir. Mrs tie. rite M.

    La Monto of Hound IliocK. .V. J.. and ason. Kdward II. Vaill of l'lttsburn, sur-vive her.


    FiiEorniCK J Sktiioui. An applicationby lMwIn li. WIKox lor letters of ad-ministration on the estate of FrederickJ. Sejbold. who tiper. it'd a street tele-scope at Fifth nvenuf" and T i nty-thli- dstreet for mai.y year. and who died InSt. JIary's Hospital, lloboken. on AugustH last, has been tonus ed by Jlr nndMrs. Frank J. Smith of Kdgewnter. N JWhile the only property of the deoasedyet found Is his rcsldmce at Udgewater,N. J., Ills friends believe he had a fortuml.oarded somewhere Wilcox applied forletters of ndm.iuMtatiou as abut the Smiths con'tud that they havprior rlchts as creditots Im-.tus- they too'tcure of his residence and were his cluestfriends.

    Catiiciunk i.iiEEN. who died February25, le.'t her residuary estate lo the Churchof the Sacred Heart of Jesus at I T3 WestFlfty-flri- t n'.rtet. Shi left tl."00 to St.Joseph Seminary, $500 each to the .S-ociety of St Vlncini dc Paul and Home forthe Aged of the Little S lers of the Poor,and iiiudt: email be'iuests to relatives andfriends.

    JI.Mir A. Nkwai.i. Surrog.ito Fowlerheaid testimony esterd.iy on an applica-tion to remoe t'armelita Mct'ornilck, asister, us an udm iilstr.itor of the estateof Jl.iry A Newall, who was killed by anautomobile o.wied i llarr A an L.ewon Juno 2S last. Tho tintimony shnwedthat Vnn Llew wnn willing to pay I Ovotor Jlrs. Newall's death, but .Mrs lclt

    and John New all, husband oftho tle.ul woman, couluti t ngr.-i- . ns tousing part of the money to mmd a son ofthe decedent to Citholic school, whichNewall opposed. The Surnma tt decidedthat tho lathers wishes elould prevail.

    Jacoo HonowiTs, iho tiled I'tbruary 23,left half his itsiiluary i state to his widow,Hannah Hoiowlu, nnd tho iikt to hisson, William l'. Horowitz, and daughter.Je.inrtte llornwltr. Dav.s. Trust funds ofJ1.O0O each were left lo gran b lilldii-n- .

    CNHV Pltiiiiiii, whu died l'Vbiuaiy 11,left his nsldiury estate of Jt.'i tiOO in Inwife. Trlna Prlgge. and cave I'uu e.i. hto ten relutlvta and $1,000 to his sister,Adelheld tiadeiiiann.

    JIoNTtMllEIIY i 1USON Surrogate Fowlerdecided yesterday thnt an Interest of $10,-Ot'-

    in the esMlu of Jloiitgomery tllbson,

    j IUFrederickKeppesCq



    BUHOTMarch 5MARCH 21S



    South. Naw York

    uhlch wont lo his ion. Clemunt II. Qlb-mii- i.Haa not subject to a transfer taxbev.iuso th.i 110,000 was act aaldu byMontcoiniry (Jll.son In it deed of trust InIBS, when property Kolnu to children ofa decedent was ext nipt Irom tax. ThaState Comptroller demanded a tax of Iper cent, on tho Kround that the Internalwaa taxable as of the date, when tha bene-llclar- y

    was born. In 1903.

    In .rw lurk To-il-Works In bron'ic and marblo by (iutaon

    HorKlum. exhibition. Avery Mbrary. Co-lumbia. ? A. M lo 11 1 JI.

    Ilalny Day Club, meeting, Hntnl Aator,

    Lwturn h;- - .Mrs. Charlotte I'erklns Oil-m-Ilotrl Astor. Id 41 A. M

    Civic testimonial to Col, anr;W. s, Carn.-Kli- . Hall. S 15 V M

    I.rrtur.. bv ,f V SulMvnn on "Ntark-!- sfor th. people Judsti'i Memorial ChurchV ""i.-rir- r South,

    MARRIED.MAIITI.V III r.TON In lndm.. KnU.nd,

    Kebruar) it, ltt, Mry JI. llurton teDr. Ami in Dtnn.s Jlartln, formrrl ofWashlinitoii, 1. c.

    DIED.AlX'tJltN j, ; Harsh O, fi 4.Funeral Chapel Stephen Merrltt liurlal una4,'rrtnntlnn Compiiny. Elrhth sv.nus i.nd

    Nlneter nth tret. Tlmo InterATWK1.I. Jn,n H, as,i t,j H.rvlres

    THU Kf.SKIIAl, fllLIIUI. ' tit W.itTneniy-lhlr- iKrank Campbell Itulitlinsr .Wednrsdny, at 10 o e.oi k An pt, rtActnrs h'unil

    HOWMAN At the home if h' Juunhter.lira. 1). 1). C.ell. ii mKn ,it,,uOranre, N. J., on Tuesd ly, Marh I.114. Illihiip Thomas Iluwiusn. In hlanln. ty-- n etitlj yiar,

    Tim (iinrr.il uTilcn i, .,i ,,t iI'uw Unltcralty, On onenatle. tnd onFriday afternoon. .March fire eneaatl.Inrt.. paprra p'ea copy Prlen.la t,ixln lly omit tlo ere

    UltOWNi: On March J. In Huston, Mint.,T. ijulncj Ilrowne.

    Nutlre of funeralFOItn. Suddenly, on Wednssda). Mstrii :,

    1S14, nt Ihe l'iai Hotel, .1 llnuaraFord of Stnnyferd. N. Y. In the sixtieth

    ear nf hu n.Funeral srrvltrs will held m th Fifth

    Axetiui- - Presbyterian fliur. li, Fifth ve.ni.e and Fldy-dft- .treet, on Frldii;.Marrh C, at 10 A M Interment atWondtawn Rt the rnnvenlepe of thnfamily Kin. lly omit fillers.

    O 5I.I,I,i:V On Tuendll), March J. 114Sl.i.r M I. in ntltiA O'M tlley

    Fun.ral from Ht James's Convent. "JJay atreet, Ilrnoklyn. on Thuraday,Marrh 5, nt S Su A. M ; thnce to HtJaine. s where a solemnrsiiuirm mn will be oBred for threpoe of her s.olt Iliterinent at Ht,Mary's Cemetery. FlU'lilnn

    bTUVK.S'soX At . uth Oranre N JMarch 1. IS'. 1. ll.tam N etevemoi,after a brief lllnen

    Funeral services will he held at Ml hnnu.124 Raymond avenue, un ThursdayKfternoon. Mnreh f. (Instead of Wednes-day as stated In former nolll. on tliarrival of the train lealn llobekstiI tl (or Mountain Htatlon.

    Tlll'ltni'll On Tuesdil). Mateh J. Of pneumonla, at her iraldeiice, 33 ClaremontAetius, N'etv jork city. Sirah Wood,

    l1o of thn llev. Udwutd t) Tl.u-be- r.n I), In hu ectcntr-nft- h ysar.

    Funeral pr.iateTllOWllIttPnK On Tuesday, March 5,

    !M(. nt her rulirnme, "1 Park axonuo,Minnie HscUetl TrowbrlJae. daughterof th Inte John Ketrltat llackrtt andLaura Jane Hall and widow of Francla15 TrowbrltRe

    Funeral si r Ires at Trinity Chapel. Twen-ty. flflh striet near Ilroadway, Friday,the eth Inn . at 10 o'clock A. M Intermint at WeodUwti Special train leaveaGrand Central flintlnn at 11 A M.

    VAILUOti Tuesday. Marrh 3. nt the homoof her daughter. 65 West Seventiethstreit. Isbael Mary llreck, wlfs of thnlate Timothy I)lht Vnlll und motherof Mrs liaulel TalmuK' of .S'eiv Yorkcity. Mra tlenrsa M t.a Monte of HoundIltnok, N. J.. nd I5dward II. Valll of11 st.ii rar. Pa.

    Funeral and Interment private.


    E.CatVlPIMaLlOFrmv nurwoHt cmiuca tmXXAsslVrs rurnv Vatriiirir
