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The Sun. (New York, NY) 1916-03-19 [p...

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THE WEATHER FORECAST. IT SHINES FOB ALL Fair and warmer to-da- y and . moderate winds. Highest temperature yesterday, 34: lowest, 7. totalled weather, mall ami marine reports ui paso 17. VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 201. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1916. Copright, mt.bv tht Run Printing and Publishing AttorAatlon. 66 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. GERMANS FAIL IN NEW ATTACK AGAINST VAUX jjeric ul' Axsaults North of Vciilnn ltrt'aKs Down I nder French Fire. Al.TIM.K1tV Ar.TIVK' 0VJ5K WIDE FB0.NT 'tmti I able enite to Tin; ft". I'tim. March ti. The. (trrmans re-- f ,., .1 their attack In tho region ot Vaux tn Mt fulled to cause any change In t .itll.t.i'P i.. ittaca. like the violent assaults tt mi'K'il the earlier effort of the In tills sector, war 0 i to alliance , 'It i mi intense bomhaidnient. I or ii' occasion the Infantry force, tn, to carry homo the utta K were smaller force the , 1 -- n.g tliesu t; tnalb- II series of assaults ttli 'ie bel'-vcr- the VU.x I11.1KV t'i : tli' "ooJ to tin. routh of the. Huudru ,,' f.riu The Ftetieh artillery, tna-- , i e tuns unJ tllles thiuiv oi.t tin; ilie curia. n timl nt no po nt were I. tiii.iians able to reach the Trench lltn . Ii. iv bombardments occurred in the i ii i i nf tne iliy In the Verdun sector. liinn.in artillery directed nn cepc-- , , i .. ivv tin. against tint Montzevllle-- 1 - l. 'urrus line on the vvebt hank of Mi an The Trench suns wi re also ir on the whole front. li.irtlcuUrly In Hie h.i. vrc A ( riuuii munition depot ulimn up In the Mor.invillc woods, i, hi-- : of D.imloup. ii .aim that Cirinan tro.Y were. I i.mURlit north to the Vinlun front ! (iMctn pail of the .St. Mlhtel i . ...lid the Frtii.-l- t suns to l.ccv botttb.u'dmetit laet nlK.it of i .M.I bitweui Apietiioi.t and Vlg-- i I'luhl nt Vnu. T 'i al niiuinuiihiui tss.ucd by tho ( .i War Willie to.ntijlit tiillottH! I'. our artllluy destroyed i ti i in net. In the legion of Hoes- - ue-:- ' Die Din' lllld the ue .i ' ImI li. tniJli tlo.ipe, wht.h Wero ik toward V.isii.nc, northei-- t ):' tue .Men.".' the enemy bom- - it.i i.iiiiKrnhio Ioletiee the tl.i Itjii lt.iiirrii! and Mont- - i. rleht ImiiU of the titeii... in tiller preparation, dlrctijil In the coitihe of the uf vanial attni'li between J. "f ailll the wnyil to ; the 11 itidroinonl farm. j i.v our tire cut lain, he w.if nut our ti'Muhe" at afly ! ,'t, 'ii'f weir ery n.'tlve on "f troni, tiot.ibl.i i'I tl'O wli'Me tlilr nn' i Milted lht "i ft a iiiiiiillloli depot III the I.- Moranvllle. ' -- ralue the ticrmans made nn i.r ..ue In lh icitlnn It. Soiih enemy troopi wlin ' niir iilvineed trench were . ii of It liiniicillately by a " I.. .i. i. til.nlKllt the !er-- 1 two Mieli. nf i;rc.it oilihre II'' Itelfi.lt. tout. .' .'Ilillillii'l'. told nf aitidi : lire ui Hill "OO ' ir i. iun wood, to tl.e w.M of i" the ir.Ttn.iliN made i No Infitittr.t lelion, .i.iiii i oiiiiiiiinlipi, rfrri iliB diirlni; tne hum. M: ' ii Sr.'iiime (.eetor uf Cinirton t e ie llk'lltlllk with h n rrtajltid to our ndvali-Ae- .i .Meiie ve directed ' a'.il lir,, on the termini i'- - n the direction uf UIU Jt; . j tin' ,oIm d"h 'iriMU. To i IK- i did mil rerpotid. t.1 titn Mmv iliere wa;. a In. ! In 'ii i.ieim nt In the reclon of , T n M.i- - intermittent mill- - I'- - ; i ut'ner polnth In tlilh sector i m- - tin Vur" .it Moiilain-I- t ui I. and t,e Kparset. ' I Si. .'lihtel our Ions f iill" l.iimharih.d all hmt r.)j.l.iV hllween iiniilit ' . . 'I' ei. iiur which It hid heen ' i i ertuhi i( chnetitH of Hie : iii.ir'htnj; In a tiorthiTly ii hi pne ot a foe and low ' 'en i, aviator wre active In it Wrdiiu, A tJerman nero. ' ' i' 1' ikker type appeared and e' 'ni'i iaih.i;eij, the tiiflit of March 17-- K a I ' pew nit en French aeroplanes 'or !"i!iibarilinut dropped i rue ciilhrii hhellh, forty on r .ii ht.illnii at f'oiiflatiH and t j ' t ip htatluii. i' - tell .tecuralely. A iium-- i ii isifin were nherei on the i Ml three urea wero Ml.irted In II O' ei ei tna"lnne w ere taitijected e.itiniiiiHil'iiK during thlH t km all letnnieil utldamased. if Ui coiiihc of an ofTcmdve ..' unee another uf our air ill ripped ten lieln on thn i.-- i ' .ii Mleuitn and ttvn more on htatlnti at Arnavllle. IH U.I MORT HOMME. I'ri-nr- 1:, litmus, (thru lint Denial if i.ermnn Aasertlon, m.hi.v Manli Is The French I'.mi., is announced to.ilay that It had re "' 'tit. ip'tiutm from Parln to deny JinMi i n ..i- thai lieitiiaii forces wero Jllg ui 1 portion of I, Mmt Homme J''rtl Mat, Mill). Tho Herman War I is .isM-rte- that the (Sermans lU. this pnyton, "'Khilna IllmliiUhr, Xnym llrrlln. htu is, via liiidon. Match IS. Army Issued the following Mate-njt- it regarding oeratlons In the I'lf iiitiB activities on h sides Jtilirrlay w,.rn .fH vigorous-- j Win Active 011 llrlllah Mne. t frtal Ca'.le Peipatch to Till St. IWixj.v, March Ik, Thn following llrltlsh Headquarterb In "at,(h WJM Bsue(1 by the oftl-a- i prt.s!, bureau; On the front generally there la noth-nt- ? to rsport beyond nrtlllery uctlvlty wut AUilcourl, the Hoheuzullerii Uully-Urcna- y (uouthWMit or L ") Ypres nnd WleUJe. THE SUN TO-DA- Y CONSISTS OF SEVEN SECTIONS AS FOLLOWS) tlKZI Ueneral Newi . . II SECOND -S- porting. Krnneli. Automobile i THIRD -S- ociety, Drama. Muiic. School!, Fathioni . . 10 FOURTH Pictorial and Fajhion Magarine . .8 FIFTH Lithogravure Supplement, Aft ... . .8 SIXTH -S- petial Featufei. Booki, Querica, Clieia ... 12 5l'.Vr-Korti- gn. Real Ctate. Gardeni, Poultry, Finan- cial, Froblemi ... 10 Total 66 ReaJen or ntuiitaltrs uho Jo not all of that itctlons uUI confer a foxor on"Tht Sun" ity notifying tht n Department al onet fy the phone (2200 Betltmari) oni minlnf stttltm ulll fe promptly Joruti'JeJ If poalhle. WESTMINSTER WINS LADRELSIN EGYPT Dnko liul His Armored Citr SllllldlTll in out of Si'misi Forve. BRITISH, ADVANCE lllti .s;ien( Cltite pfcA tn Tm siv. I.onpon. March 1. An official -- late- I ment Usu'd by the War Office y tell of nn exploit of the armored auto. I mobile rquadron under the Puke of Westminster on the vestern frontier of The xiiunilrnn waf prc-ente- by the lul:e to the iSovtrnnient early In the war and dihtlmtulshc.l ltelf at Neuve Chiipclle. A'.xordlm; to btnti ment. the HU.nl l on wat U"ed to dl.po-- v "f the Smuiisl tail i dtfi Heen In the puri-iil- : of the tribesmen near Solium, on the frontier The utmne In the niachlneh nhot down the ciew of a Held Ktin and l.wi inichine JUtib which touch! to may the pursuit and the action tltuilly resulted In the capture uf all tint trllx.meH'rt tirtlllery. The ItrltlMi advance totalled IJrt mile.-- . The etatenient :u as follow-- . Iteporth have been recelveil from officer" returned from Solium O.KHt f the action of arinoi-i- earn on Tue.-da-y lmdcr tho Duko of Went nihintir. An ntTopIano recintiaNMince dhcov-ern- il It a' the Itlrwar ci.mp w al-- t inpt ami ordrrii vr iW n to tniiue the trlhri ineii. The iinln camp wih tmi tweiit .fle lllfl. Wekt of Solium A.' the earn appruncheJ one kuii and twn IIHUhhlC KUlf . "lie P'lu ii'tloil. Tllen" were nuartly handled h; the em my, but the Run t : him wire hliot down. Tho car dnhei at ihe camp, the em my hcattrrnl and the cii-ni- lt l. After ten mllesi a petrol hliott-as- i thriateiied. All tho eiieni) artillery, amounting to threo kuii.". nine machine tii". twenty-fou- r hiiarc barreb iind furt reolverh. with ..111111111111111111, was rap- tured, .Vim ti .0110 lulhonerh, a part of the .ihliorieiurl iTewM helped Senuhhl. were le.eiied 'ur H weri1 one oft leer wounded, InirhiK the oieratluti we advanced 15" inlleH. The report of Nurl's death 1h untrue. The Hul.e of Wehtlll. lister tllMlll-irul.slt.- himself in rraiu-- In Siptom-her- , IMI, by lesculnc t'npt. iireiife! when the Iht'er w.ih wounded. The rnilie ran forward under lire and car- ried the faptaltl on the lllld. A little later In the Mine month he .i t to I wiiih in with Important frnoi lh" front. In April, lpKi, the arinvred motor err siii:ulion, ilnaiii-e- ami trained hj the tule, s.iitud Uf llrst noiillon at Nellie I'hapelle. The cars e ere tied al that lime In dlhlodc-I11- crewf ami other "Jerinaii de. tiwlnuents from ,iu 'tiiuin whlc threat- ened to eailj'c, trouhlo to tho Ilillthh force?, At the opennm of the war th" puke received, an app ilinment 'u the I'len.jh htnft. MR. MORGAN HOME TO-DA- Will Arrive on Hie Phltnilelphln Thin .Moriilnu. .1. Plcrpont Morgan v Ml arrlvn In N'rw York this morning 011 the American liner Philadelphia from Liverpool, The ve-i- d Is expected I" reach the Hook before daylight and dock at f ;3 A. M. No preparations havn been niado to take the financier front the liner to hla yacht, the Corsair. He will illremb.irk on the Amerlian I.lnn pier and probably go at once to his home. II Is expected that Mr. Moigan will bo rt called as a witness In the Thomp- son Investigation and will appear on tho stund next Friday. TO PREACH BY WIRELESS. Chlcnao hiirt li Will l.ltrrnlly ;el tlriingr From Mi. Cmicaoo, March 1. A, sermon will ome out of the sky with u flash of sparks or the coiigrt-iatlo- u ,,f tniiiimii'l ll.qitlsi ChurcJi. 2330 Michigan liveiitie, 10. morrow evening, and at Its conclusion the congregation will Join In lending out litttuBi'X nf MilrHual rhei-- and greeting, A complete wireless oiltllt Vrtit, In the church auditorium to.day and the Itev. Joluihloiii' Meyns that Ids herinon 'voulil be sent out from a wlrelfhe station downtown. "It will be us near like a from heaven us I think itnild well be tilven," nilrl Mr, Mtyere. KILLED BY HIS OWN SENTRY. I'. S. Trooper Mint When r Failed to Answer Hall. Fort Hmhb, Tex., March m, Pi hate Dean Hlnck. Troop H. Seventh Fnlted States Cavalry, died here this morning mid was burled this evening as a testilt of wounds received while on duty south of lliichltii, N. M., on WediiesdAy when lie failed to answer the hulling of a sentry In his own and was shot, The sentry challenged Hlaek, vt ho said he did nut hear the challenge, The next mor.onl he was shot. He was brought to Fort miss for treatment. SECOND DUTCH LINER IS SUNK; U BOAT BLAMED Palcmbimjr Sent Down Off Coast of England Pas- sengers Safe. THREE TORPEDOES FIRED, SAILORS SAY ."pedal I'Jble Pet patch to The Sex. IaiNpon, March Id. The Dutch liner I'alembatiK whm hunlt this mornltiK rtjr Ualloper l.tuht, otT the coiut of lCcfex. Thla Is the second Dutch liner funis within three Uny. Acconllnir to saltan of the 1'alcinbaliB the enhe wiih at- tacked by a tSerinan rubmarlnn thin mwnlng nt 10:30 and sent to the bot- tom In nine mlnutea. Three torpedoes were tired, tliey my. T.ie I'alembanR- curried two Dutch pahsetiKrrs and crew of tlfty-Ilv- e. All on bo.nd were Kaved, although nine of the crew were Injured by the explo-Moti- f. Of the three torpedoe tired at the ventel the llrst is said to have rtruck lift, the hecotid forward and the thtrd amldslilpsi. Tim sinking- of the Itrltlh brtuillti Willie, vresumably by a submarine, near the lUnd of ValcntUt. off thn west cooKt of Ireland, has been Theh-e- n turn niaklm up Uie.crew- were nved Ameterdatn detipatchea ktate that the Swedloh Kte.mlhhlp Ark wax dmiiaKiii by a tiilne otT tho North Hinder IlKhU-hl- on Friday nltfht Tile venrel - towed to the Hook of Holland. It in recalled that the Dutrh liner Tabaulla Kunk on .Match 15 lit this vicinity. The JMlembaiiB was u Uottcrdajn- - l.loyd liner of fi.r.It tons, She was 432 feet 111 length and was bum 111 inn. Sins wiiii I.L- -t reported at lilbraltar on February bound from Ilatavla, Java, for K.'lli ril.un. The Dutch liner Tubantla of the Hoi- - landsche-l.loy- d was sunk 011 the night of March 1 ft off the Dutch coast Four pel sons are believed to have been lost. The llrst and fourth office .1 1.1 1.. ..mi.i....i t...s. I'l 1IIV III. 1.1V UILI,UI1I9 11 IIIU iyUII.ll Ministry of Marine that they had seen tho white wake of a torped,-- , Some of the passengers said they thought the vessel was sunk by .1 mine, but the ma- - Jorlty of the survivors Incline to the b. lief that It was u torpedo from a sub- - marine. A'Or .4 GERMAS MINE. I Merlin . ews pa ter Infer Rrltlah I'.iplotiir tank l.lner. , rSr.M.lv, via Uiinlon. March 18 The, 'Ivitmis Now Agency quote (isrniHil wspapers io laying thai the mine which bly miiIi th fmtch Meatn-stit- ti t 'lub.nitla In the North Sea wasvrob-Im- ! not ot 'Irtlli.lll origin "The newspapers state that the lalfM (tatlstii-h- In. II. tie that It wan not a Oer- Hi.itittiltie." nays the agency, "Sliice th.. he- - gitiiili-.- of tne war t'ls mltie liave tioen washnl up nn the f Hitch coast. Of thee 4i w.re of Hrltis.li oristln, J French. 301 unk. .inn and onli i;u Herman. Ilegm-illti- Itlchanl Schilling, who wap a pashenger mi thr liner when she hank. Id" newhisip-r- a state that he In an Ameri- can anil was uii his way to lllu tie Janeiro .0 Hi. teineMitntlve of a New York life lieiir.ince conniMiiy Tliey quote him aa 1.; no, 111 11 11 mine c.iuseu 111c nie.iMer. 1,1 ! I PUTS BLAME OS' U HO AT llitteh l.lnr t(rnt Taliantla But Torpedoed. , Hi 1. sos Atr.K. March !. The Ilol- - l.indhche l.luy.l agent a) Muenus Ay re h.ild thai he hud received infor- mation that , submarine torpedoed '.ho Tubanlia on March li otT the Dutch co.lht Cri Vociijit condemn the kinking of lh- - vessel and demands (bat the f.ov-- 1 rniiieiit conduct an Inquiry. The paper s.iy s . It is impohsime to admit the right to iiiieiriiju naviKaiioH neiween neutral 11a- -. Hour- and to attack a steamship engaged Ill H,lhlicer hettien llnlleritum .1111 Miienox Ayres." OFFICERS CERTA1S. I. Hokums u( Tiihaulla o Hftrrar Mil- - n'm Torpedoed, WA.siitNi,-ios.- . March 1 V The Ameri-- i cm I onsill at neterdaiii reported to-- 1 ! ",,k'"r,Y"i. '"""Out . 1.11 he Dutch swear that the vessel was torpedoed and the passengers are also of that opinion Four persons are still missing and are believed lost, Tile Consul says that Itlchanl Schilling, an American who wa saved with his wife and daughter. In coimrcte.) with the New York Life Insur-uii.'- i. Company. U. S. MUNITIONS FLOOD MEXICO. N.oilil.ooo Hound, 1(1,0110 Nnmll trots I'riiti Since Villa Haiti. San Antonio. Match IS. United Stales ciisioni remit ts show that more than S.OHh.ihii.) rounds of ammunition t 1.1 1.1 ....... 1111111 i eiiilil'iii ai ross ine ooruer 11110 Mexico since the Villa raid at Colum- bus, shipments of small arms aggregate a little over Ih.OOii weapons. to army headnuarters here indicate that there are Immense quantities of muni- - tloni in Mexico, TO PUNISH NEWS SMUGGLERS. Major tninptr Warn Correspond- ent at I'ttliiiiiliu. .', H, fou-.Mirs- , N. M March IS, Major it 11. conimaiHiitig tno suiply basn here for the Pershing column, told the, newspaper men whom be called n him y that he would Invoke the Federal lawn against any corrc-rponde- attempting to smuggle out III ws, 'The man who setfds 'out a scoop Is an arcn criminal, ne declared, "nnd I will (see Ihut he Is punished under the Fed- - e.al defenc. .,ct. While this expetl, Is a test of our preparedness t uHa gives us 11 chance to test our power to censor the news anil we are going to find out vvlieio vi ! stand, "If continue to slip out neiAii we nic going to take net Inn that will put soinelKwIy behind the bins. When vvc suppicuM news It Is to keep our iimvi iiicntH from the enemy. If the enemy Icains these movements It may cost live nf manv of our men." N. Y. LAWYER SLAIN BY WIFE; SHE IS FREED Arthur English, Son of "Ben Bolt" Author, Shot Five Times. CHILD'S STORY TO JURY SAVES 31 OTHER rni.r.f:r.!CK, Md., March U. Arthur Ungllsh. son of the late Tlioma- - Dunn Kngllttli, who wroto "lien Ho'.t." wan shot nnd klllid y by hl wife. Klolhe Young KnBlIsh, at the family homo near Indian Kprlns", thin county. Mrs. Km;-lls- h cluliii!) hhe tired In e, her husband having drawn a revolver upon hef. She fired twelve shots, live of which entered her husb.ind'8 body. A Coroner's Jury exonerated Mrs. Kngllsh Immediately after the shootlnc Mrs. KHRllh.li left her four children with a nelRhbor und then hurried to the nearest telephone station, about a mile dhtant, for a doctor and then telephoned to po- lice headquarters here asking a warrant for her husband's arrest, he having threatened her life. Kngllsli. who win .1 N'ew Vork lawyer of 27 Cedar street, was poorly clad. Ho had on a pair of old overalls and a shirt und a pair of sport .me. Kvery cham- ber of the revolver on tho floor was empty. One bullet tore through ling-lish'- it chin, another piened nit- - heart, two penetrated 1ih stoiiuen and the 11 ft li entered his tin ant. The house w.m tnoi.tiu-e- i llriilinn furniture and china were' Heatterod about the room when Sheriff Itoilerlck. State Attorney Anders anil Magistrate lllll arrived 011 L10 NCeiie. Mrh. Kngllsn sllu-- the shooting has been In a highly nervous state, requiring the services of a physician. The parties are prominent In foetal circle here. Mrs. F.nglish 1& the daugh ter of tho late Met 'Unlock Young wealthy Inventor. Hefore her marriage 10 r.llKlltin Mlij was prniHIIiem m reil- - . . , "' hne tnarrit.l about twelve ' Married 1.1 fe I'nhnitpy. . .Tt tie- - . i. lr p( .! vit.v n.-.- i f..n.i. treated his wife cruelly. Some of them were, much concerned about her safetv , nii'i .lift iieinuuiir ihihs mill recently l'.nglish was wor.se than err and made life ahmct niil-.ir- Lie for Mrs. Ihigllsh, threatening at time to take her life. Till morning the two jniitig sons mre put to work by the father chopping Mood, Kcm-ln- that the elder 1oj was not well, Mrh. lhigllsii out and asked that he be allowed lo stup. lingllfh tlew into a r.igi. It l. haid. ilreatly frightened bi his threats of bodily harm ittal by his sat age inaiiner Mrs. i;ngllh went Into the houe ami to her room, whete s,,. xMired a email pistol, which formerly belonged to her ... ... .... r.lh.n lt,A !.... I .1.1. I.. I. I i.ui- - 1. n.- i.nni-'- i iiur. 111 net- iuf-U!- and proceeded abmit her iKiu.-tmh- l duties. Shortly afl'rti.irrl KugMsli wnt Into the dining room, where his wife was. In a fury of ang.r he :nik a hammer. broke furniture and smashed . liln.uvari' .His wire begged him to stop, hut tit's. only seemed to make him unr,.. I When again Importuned tu desist he crashed Into the buokcase aid secun d I H Calibre revolver, having. It !h claimed, mat lie would rttiMi her. Ah. he raised his arm Mrs. Cngllsh, it js sam, siipiw-1- ner piium from ner bosom and iireu, emptied t,i,. tlv.- ha'ti. hers of her pistol, then d mi 1,1, revolver from the iluor nnd .ill seven shots at him. It Is supposed that s'le insane from fright, for after ne had Mm' twelve times, she rushed upstairs and reloaded her own pistol again, The Wife' Xtory. Al trotter h l"l"t Mis. laigllell testified ! yiiier oreaittiisi Miiiawi 1111111 uie house to the yard and explained to Mr. F.llL'hah that the b.iif hid nut been well. I nuked I1I111 tti.it tie let the bnvh clean out the chicken holier. Instead of hopping wood. Then li,. called me n, iiani.'. I went to tie house .mil lit ivein t.i tnv room, where I picked up .1 revolver that was glvrn ine w Inn 11 little girl bv my flitll.Pi t uas a .32 calibre. From tli'ie ., went to the kitchen, where I b,,.., washing dishes. Artlmr mine it. . il , ,,lt ,, . ,,,, rm ort. llo gan to bleak up dishes "I told hint 1 would get on my Lines If he would stop brraklng my dishes, It j was the last set I had. I told him I I would never again Interfere with hint and tin. children. He said he would) finish me and keep the buys worku.g all I day. He then re i lied up to a cub-boar- d where he. always kept a icvolver. ' He said. 'I don't want you on your' knees. I will kilt you ' I "Then I tlnd, I kepi on tiring, I wa.s! so excited, and emptied the rrvolvtr. Hef fell when I began firing, but picked up ins revolver, wnicil If 11 10 me table. I '"'In't think he was dead and was nfr.ild I lllu ui.tlltil Ulll in. I il,i.l f.. r ro... u. s.ni- - in.t 1111 I really did not intend to kill him. 1 rial It to save my life," j Child Whit Tragedy. Kutb. the seven-year-ol- d daughter, cm - j roborated the statement of her nndliei "I heard papa say M will llni.-l- i Mum.' Mum gut the pistol and was washing the dishes. She asked papa i.ot to iiieaK me ilisne.s. was stainllii-- n Ilie door when Mum shot. The iHiys w,.e splitting and cnupping wood." "He didn't treat her verv nicely," I responded the girl In iinswer to ,1 ijiii.-- - tlou from an uttoiiiey, Tim giil said' that while she whs standing in t ! r j door dir. Ing the shoollng she nun rait' looking at either her t ith- i- or nio;'i,.; , The Corntier'H Jury . 11 verdict "Jhat Arthur llnijllsli .un.. to his death from ImlV wound pro- - iiucrn ny snois inniricii ny .;fos.c Ihig exiuiemte ' he, fril, ,,MV XTev-.-- During the trail the youiikesi of 'Mrs, i:ngttsh clung to lis ninths Later during tho hearing tho child tenmpered nlout the room singing an talking. Al tilSTA HPK. IAI t:iM l. VI, l,v Alkrn dint AiiiiiihIh VI I h'l il'TIIIlll.X' ll.Vll.. WAV. llntit Inn and ulatfrnoiu ! t.'ompMrtineiil car dsllv to Aukiisi-.i- itlnlni cur service. N, V, Ulttce, Kltth Are. .tat , HAY ARMY BILL NOW WILSON'S, CONGRESS TOLD President Is Sponsor for Measure to Thwart Gard- ner's Attack. SPEAKER CLARK SAYS IT MEETS DEMANDS Wasiiikotov, March "18. The Ha.y hill providing for lucre-i- s of the regu- lar army to 140,000 men and the re- organization and federalization of the mllltla rrcelvesl tho Administration' approval Mr. Hay annoujiccd that the meas- ure might be called the President's bill. Sleaker Clark, stepping from the ros- trum, put tho weight of his Influence liehlnd It by declaring that It met the approval of the country and commended Republican us well tut Democratic mem-tier- s of the Military Affulrs Committee for framing It "The people of the country want peace," he said, "but not peace at any price." The line of demarcation between and Democrats, however, waj drawn In tho debate on the bill and amendments were offered when It was taken up for consideration section by section. Ilcprchentative Mann bald the bill falls far short of what It ought to be and characterized It as a preparation for peace, not war. Im-rea- tn aitn.non Men. ttcprt-tciitatli- r Kahn. California, ranking Hepubllean member of the Military Committee, offered an amend- ment inci easing the size of the regular urmy from Uti.OOO to 220.000 men. Thin proposal will be on next week. An amendment offered by Representa- tive (iardiier, Massachusetts, to Increase the Coast Artillery by 5.000 men was ejected. rleneral debate on the measure was concluded with the address of Speaker Clark. Much time will be consumed In tho discussion of .intendments and 01 f peel tic problems Involved In the tiliiety-iiln- c sections. It In doubtful whether a final vote will bo taken on the meaeure for several days. A l the. outset of debate Hay made the unqualified statement that the. House bill has Uie tiacking of the President. There waa much speculation whether this meant Hint the IVesldrnt would aupport the Hay bill as against th Senate measure, which provides for a more substantial army incr.-,iv- . ". a 11 authorized by the President tu Mate" h.ihl Mr. Hay. "tlittt tlllf bill cnei-t- s hi- - apiiroval. In oilier wordh, It Is id- - hill It carrlen out the recom- mendation he nude to Congress In his nichh.tcc. in fact it gum a little further than the I'rcsldi lit asked us to go. "It I true that the bill due.-- . Hot con- tain the continental army f'aturi, but tlio President, In suggesting the conti- nental army, whs of come, sort of machinery to make the land forces available in time of war. He thinks this bill makes the National Titian! a sufll dent force In th'i.e of peace to be avail-- 1 able a.s a lighting force In cahe of war." Inspired li linker' Letter, Mr. Hay's statement is understood to have been Inspired by the letter of See-lj- n .riiueinptalloli, Hal pow. behind And countrymen in power Kahn ever.vh.Mly lien.i M,., ilni-). ork. after strength on. TROOPS AT VILLA'S HEELS; MAY HAVE STRUCK BLOW; ANT1-U- . S. FEELING GROWS Washington Gets Disturb- ing Hyports of Move Against Cnrrauza. FEAR AGITATORS MAY UNITE TROOPS Orders Sent to Pershing to Speed Up Capture of Villa. WILL ASK CONSULS TO KEASSUKE PEOPLE Hope Use Mexican Bail-wayFle- Ready, if Needed at Tanipieo. WAslttNr.TOX, March Kvery effort b beltw made by Administration to to a epeedy conclusion the chase after Villa. Orders have ietit to flrlg.-Oe- Pershing to lose no time In rounding bandit chief. Iteportu of a disturbing character have received here from the have convinced that the longer the American forces arc In Mexico the graver the danger trouble with the entire Mexican nation. From hource thu infor- mation is obtained situation in more delicate than it has at any- time since the troops crossed border. ngltatom alor; the bor- der, deliberately misconstruing the of the expedition, throughout northern 10 the effect that the taken by the Fnlted Is the forerunner of Intervention. Advantage being taken these agitators of the that Carranza ixvpilesced In the expedition to make appe-a- r that he Is made of the American (lovernnient. will be able, in face thehe reporta, to bold hWi forces in lh a question grows mote eeriouu Caaar of Folletle Action. are being made the State to counteract these It at tit of the Department that the President yesterday Senator La Follette In- troduce In the Senate concurrent res- olution assuring the Mexican on liehalf Congresti that no dues American tinvern-ine- contemplate int'rventlon or Inter- ference with internal affairs; Mexico. soon a; resolution has been acted House to American t"onsuls In ""I f"r distribution, just as done ill the i urrespoiiiletii-- which pass,.,l be the two iiivertitnenth in inntiec-lio- n with reciprocal agreement for the nippreh'.lrm of border raids. action taken on tills rt solution the House tint Administration lio'i Villa Is believed tu tint j of mountains to south telary of Maker, published ' members state that It w 111 probably rrnno morning, which appeared to put the ,, next week. Administration 111 an attitude of hos-- , T,. 'white !lrnie and War Depart-tllu- y to Hay hill ment y took cafe to slate that the There was 1:0 dlff.wence of opinion American troops In Mexico have nn lleprtsi-i.tatlv- Mann and lie-ire- . I ders o occupy any i Itles or towm. dur st itatlve 11.1v mi ;nc advantage of tire- - IIK their lifter V II. Ilie the minority leader Iooa i.tir.iiire via" Inspired by a that ,1 olfltieiil view of the adiquucy of the ;en, i"ialra, coniir.andi r of the Carranza House army bill, garrison at Juarez, had given iiotlco that The President favors tola bill," tald ueti. Pershing's foret s would not per-M- r. Malill. "I have po doubt he favors ) mlttrd to occupy Casiu Cralides or other t' bill over existing law. I have iiojtownn li tit he the Senate bill over ui lav orb " n, (n (!,.,. p, 'lottos, "xlsitng law. Hut this If no preparation fin trouble ; tine Is only preparation tori It reiterated that as the I ers.t-pe.-ii- e. The time has comn In thr rela- - ng expedition has none of the char-Hon- s uf our to the world w b- -n I icterlstK of a general and will kept on the move after Mlla thcie I tlilnk It .wee nn to ionsd.-- tlie.be N object '.11 occupying 01 garrl-ontn- g ts well as the probability j no and to pieparo -- w what may or cities or ton ns. might :o 11.. I The Administration appeals eurrnu-l- iinM us that . very possi . c avenue of With the war spirit runbliia tli.ougn. out the world. Ill this, greatest and - " ,n",1'1 "' -- ll. ' otisuN in Mexico to -- lit i.l.ito In van hot n.illoi, of tl.e world. It vwre Idle ' M'-- o the true piirpu.ifh. of tc rx-ul- ti In mi) th .! wo hiiould leave ourselves -- . tinpieii.iied posilble war m ll,,lll"on- .... hublime that ().., will tak.. 'w'lig to : per "f "' Mvxltaii pi'P are unable to ...1 us :.s lie dots of diunken men. in s ,.f now ;''' meet w '.. h Vr: Y"M, "" "! un. neither s,e will be too careful of ,,f outslileit." Mr. Mann con- - !",r, received tl.e Mate Department Mined. "Wc constitute the greatest '' t'llrf atternuoit are lliide, stood to tral Power in tlie world, We expect to been far from rc.isMirtng all means possible me be- - spek with f.me authority ' I ins taken from a military standpoint to Inflm-nc- r nf Power. I hasten II. e work of the Pershing cped. '(ur niRgrstlotiH meet wlih careful If not consldelMtlon, cans,. 01 uie in 1.1.1. or r.inier tne pote ,. r them. we will m.t c this war to the end with- - many iiurstloiis arising of the gieat. Is sent Mexico him- self It hUggetloti copies It be ;n lie WMIC ,;r,ii,de. He.:ts to , -- ,.,,. o...,,,' . ... .I,, xui.u. ,.,,t,., ed fioni ('01111111.11. and based at and very largely will 1... left t this 1,.,,.,,,,,, ((e liu.man. s itiMtlng south-nntlo- n to protect the li.tcgiity of :.lli-- h , ..r t a Jimction with trals thiul.out tin- world, if tol (J, n.alnlaln the principles of lntiiriiation.il law most vital to us and the rest of thel Inr ii..lli. "1:.. Acting Seciet.uy Scott ...t- - .j i.sllc.i.H that ate to arise , .t receipt 01 a lues-aft- the war It Is the duty of the Fnlted Ha Pershing ic.,iiesting the to prrp-ir- now an arniy which , mlne,ll,u. dosp.itch to him twenty-wi- ll mid to the W'lght the reasons Studcbaker water tanks tii.1 rtM.tM suggestions whb h we may make." ,K iut ,. fud .Kl. ,,u.i,.t.tl. s Speaker Cluilt. who... appearance on af,,lfa and beef. Hen. Scott at Ilie iioo - w, greeieu appiause. sum 1,l., K.IVL. directions to the M.irlerm politics hi. no place In lln; dlseiiK- - tera.ener il and the order ws suit out of prep.iiedncss and that urmy , to tne niauufactui mg coinp.nv LIU was not a preparednehs measure. T . reinent concerning the coin. "On such momentou!. occiislons," he lllf,llf!l , Uevt ls ,.,,.,, , ,,., , lidded, "we al Americans com- - ,,, Is ivishll.g w.i. ilowii th, niltiif. Ignoring the extrem at both',.,lK1H ,ir,,Hds region. ..Itho.ig.t He,,, cuds the has broiiclit hi a hllt,,,,, . refused to say where the icport .vk.itvllltfr Ilk II f.ltlt?IPlflllxiia iIai. Ill n I'l'ii- - mr' km: wishes of our generally Of course it was not tl.e of Chair- man Hay and Mr. their fellow labore s to plase No humiili p.uwr do tint lie,., and there will be one. my fro il M.isMichttsett n.r Pitlatice. who doe not Ihinli this bill goei- - far eniiugn, and mc. like my Mend fiom New Mr l.on- - d.ltl Who tlllllks It goes tOO flir. but . tne average American will Indorse It, . ad till Is said and done I Ilie vei:n:e .vilieric.lll I'lHISIIIUtes Hie and r.lory of the lepubllc. ihu duly or t ongress, not only now liut always, Is to traiimnute tho will of tho American people Into law, and Cgtilliiurtf Sixth nga to IS. the bring Into Mexico been up the which been border olllclaU of herlous authoritative that the been the have reports action States Is by fact ha the tool How long he of line which dally. l.a Strenuous efforts by Department reports was hsd Mie people of under the the of As this upon by the of will sent was tween the No was in vicinity the ami War lids early the campaign but report wan Invasion cimti-- for for come the for the ti.e wai,. going "r, tne lieu- - out , th. it Col. n.it IVrtlilnir riiil of War the g the from States of of seven ,md of loll slou the uie The Into Ists of Ine, and found u (r 1 .,,..rt are tin.leistooil to -t itc ,,,, ,., nudd has establish. d home so. 1 r ,.,,, u, ,itp,.s.s of the Villa, ( fliri aml Mt lhe ,.,, nhwu c.lllle ft Olll, Ar,MV olllclals expressed the opinion that from now on it w I be ,.ui, , maintain be-v- , (,.,, iv shlng's forces at..' ' birder, Doubt lh expressed as to - h ,iv ng , . disianie, the -l. l.nei. an (1,.(,n,.,..d wireless outtlt c.in.e.l by i.ie p,.iHioii, ..Ulcers Hate. Is of .1 Liulted r.,UH and not alwates d piM.il.iblc F..- ...,n rmmm. a lllld. iilllll.il 01' II... , 1 (,...ared it will not b.i hiirprls. i,lg (f t1(re utv bins l.ip.s dui-'ii- 11 there will be no news t the Villa hum Acting Secretary Polk h id a long con- ference at the White House wpn the President on the situation Although It Wiik stated that he went there merely to discus "routlae" matter., the Pregl-tle- 1 aald to be fully alive to thr nece. city for quick action. It Is regarded an possible that If Pershing does not round up Villa In a short time the expedition may be withdrawn and assurances ob- tained Irom Carranza that he will pur- sue Villa relentlessly until the latter I caught. Hefore his conference with the 'Presi- dent Mr. Polk had a talk with Kllseo Artedotido, Carranz.Vs Ambassador. Ap- preciating tlio embarrassing plight In which Carranza finds himself, the acting Secretary Is understood to have Im- pressed on the Mexican diplomat that as speed Ig an essential factor to the success of the Pershing expedition the United State regards It an Important that the dr facto (Jovernment should place the Mexican Northwestern ltallway from Kl Paso to Casas Urandes at the dis- posal of (Ten. Funston for the transporta- tion of supplies to the Pershing expedi- tion. Arredondo Is believed to have promised t urge on Carranza that tho privilege he granted, but called attention to the bad effect the granting of the request might have on public opinion. Raker Confer With Daniel. Secretary Uaker left y for Cleve- land to wind up some personal affairs, but wilt return to Washington on Tues-da- Ilefoai leaving l.e conferred with Secretary Daniels concerning the situa- tion a Tamplco. where 100 Americans are located and where considerable III feeling Is reported on the part of Car- ranza garrisons. This hostility. It Is said In despatches which reached the State Department has been due partly to the fact that no copy of the communication addressed by Carranza to alt his General and other ofllclals In Mexico concerning the purposes of the American expedition had been received by Uen. Nafarette. Olllclals of the Navy Department state that If any trouble develops at the rea-po- rt the Atlantic fleet now at tJuan. tananio can proceed quickly to the hcene. Heports at the Navy Department to- day from Vera Cruz state that about 200 Americans have arrived there from Me.. Ico city and other Interior points, hav- ing been strongly tit Red by relatives and friend n t,M States t leave Mexico. Conditions at Vera Cruz are quiet and after personal Investigation!! as to the conditions many Americans are returning to the Interior. VILLA BAND ROUTS A CARRANZA FORCE Killed at 10 Lnyiil Soldiers in Itattlc West of Torreon, Is Report. ilitiVthroN, Tex.. Mar-- h IV Fort e under co.nmat.rl of Villa officers have defeated and utterly routed the Car. rat.za army near Noe, ninety miles west of Torreon. The battle, which r.iRe.1 for several days, endid to.ilay when the .'arraiu.i forces, numbering several hun- dred, were routed. It Is reported In des- patches to tho border that Carraiixa's army left 300 .lead on the field. De-ta- ll of the battle are lacking. American machine guns are said lo have played havrsj with the Carranza troops, which are reporter! as moving north to join another column. Hf ports say that the feeling In the Torn-o- district against American ts Intense and trouble will come unles something l. done by the rarr.mz.1 Itiotlng became general 111 tin city to the despatches Carranza hol.IU-r- after Joining the Villa j ..101 eii.eiu ne, ami- - uiiruiv ana t.iuntr.i mcrlc.ii,h aiid other foreigners , driving ii.ui) from the ci v. No open asau!ts me reported ; tnoi.e who went lo.it all pel soiial ife.-lr- . It Is reported Here that tne ilam.13" done 111 the nature uf Incendiary tires and by touting will reach several thou- sand dollais. All attempts to pacify the roldhr have failed, according to dis- patches. Mexican are crying "Drive the gilngos out" and "Viva Villa." The C.urai..a ilrneral, Ileru.inza, In the State ot Dur.uigo, has deserted and Joined what It. called the "Paclllhts," a pirty heartily in sympathy with V.ll.i lit the present trouble, .1 lrp.iMi trom Neiiva 1...imIo t .id llrrn:. izn, 1.1 the ht.id uf fli Carrui.a tleserters, y ay defeated the Constitutionalist army in ,1 pUcl.ul battle which la tied h.ver.il hours. Tmo Cirianr.i anitv lost tl.xty killed and fifty tvouiioi-d- , Mu. h arms and munition- were taken, acioriUliK t adv'ece. Tin "Pile. Ilsti ' have openly ie-- ' ruin. i d I'arrai.z.i, declaring that In- is tl.e prm ar; of the Invas'on by Hie I'l.ite.l Stall It Is reported that 7..i'..la w.ll Join the new tnov einent ant ma ich with It :o assist Villa fiom Mevl.o city via Vera Cruz mention lighting in the Slate ot but d not say with TORREON IN DANGER. Tell of Hardship lll.i Tlirt'Hteiii Clly. III. I'vs.i, Mar li Is .n't ar- riving here from Tot mm after ininv day: mi the road to'.d stories of great lutnl-hlp- e hi ri'tmg mil. altho'lgll tliey ili"l.ired thev weie treated courle. oiislv by tin .Mcv'.-ril- i olli.-l.i- l .The Spnlli-llltl.il- lllil ' "un Tuesday morning at o'clock we mie..ei"ei .n milking up a train In which he employee and their famll.es 111, 111 the TI'. ill .III" plant itlou one hot, ear the employer of the Continental lluhlier Company of Tornnn anotlic!. and a third box car was occupied by the 1. iiiloj ee of the Torreon Smeller, "Without any arciittiiiiodatlons wiiai-- i v r and sitting 011 tn floor nn.1 hagga".-- began the Jo'nuey tioith. it , Pant no wc hid to wait for ome twenty h. urj to mike a .Hiiicclioii We Irt't Torreon liecause to us It looked t If n. lervelltlou h.ld ciin-.- i We Ml that If th.. ret ilhit.-.- i.u',.1 be made prii.oiici's ainl vvn ki cw ib.it if VI. la or lib many sympathizers tl Ton-coi- l were I . I.Ike lhe cltV l. tier tin mi ill g.irrtsrin we would ill mi. icri .1 "As In Tori eon, it ha only ,l small g irr.h.in. .Hid .1 ' lltib'tilt to sly how tinny of the uen ale Villiitas Villa I s.ild I ' have told person. imii.ug inln Torieon that he wouM take the city by Mile" ird If he wanted to It would be .1 verv simple proposition." .ht:kv noiitii caikii.iw liloriou- - "I..111 ..I the SUt 'c'im lie una sie.-Mi- t Dot. I' . r:iu. iv 'md I..I. loom .leei h c e .. eei tli N.'v York tu wa aOl'TlfXKN K.vll.WAY M. V (JlUit, tn riltb Avenue Air Col. Dodd's Two Columns Well South of Casas G rumles. MEXICAN LEADER JS HEADED FOB HILLS Has Divided His Forces in Small Bands to Escape. NEWS GIVEN OUT AT ABMY HEADQUARTERS Pershing's -- Army Within Striking Distance of Advance Guard. Sas Antonio, Tex.. March IS. A blow nt tho VllllstHN l.y AmcrtraP cavalry Is expected at uny moment, or may havo alrp.idy been struck, was the rcort given out this evening at army headquarters here. Col. l)o,M's two column were at Colon!.! Dllblaii, ul the edge of Casus Crandfjt, thL-- moniliig. probably within twenty-fiv- e or thirty mile nf Colnnla (Iracia. where Villa was reported Fri- day with lO'i men. Villa himself mar I.ot bn there, but his force has been di- vided Into small bodies find u ol.mh with 0110 of these !. believed to be im- minent. (ion. Fnnstnti that the AmtTU&n Consul at Chihuahua repnrte.1 Villa at ColonU Ctr.icl.t yesterday. In. r re- ports put hit. m tin body further but If the art- holding the luu-se- s against him as securely a hajt been stated Villa will he compelled to face nbout toon. If Col. lxJ. pushed his. coluniiis torw.ir.l lust night J swiftly ho h.ih b-- eii iinirching they It Is held, should bo hot on the heeV of VIII 1 It Wd.s sttitrtl nlticiallv that C.,i DoddV column luivo ea.llv reached C.iea ii ami... Judging by it prttltlon as r. ported I'rl.l.i). This sup-1-n-t- s. the later which As- sert tint Dodd's risied at ajoni.i Dublaii yesterday mowing. Mn Wnll r.tr I'er.lili.B. Wlictlii r Dod.l will vw.lt fur the ar. tiv.il of thfi. 1'irstiitigV tii.....'rs fe-fo- re d.lvriiicliii: further int.. tin- iiioui. taitious strongholds of the Vllllstn or wl I coiitiiiiiii lil tlylin; advance llol rcvi'.'ilrd Hut II !e bell, veil t;at if for '.n other r.tisi.n In- will inlvnnci. at to Colonla (ir.iola vvitlimii ilcliiy 'or tin- - nf the Mi.rin.eii there (truci-- i .e in th.' vicinli' of c,.ii ..p.. The Moriiiun.- - 111 tin 1mmu.li.1tn vi'inl'v Of I'lisin lilfl'ldOh ate if.. HoivovrT. it in uuders;. n.i tiMt !,.;,',. mg'h advance cva't v ..-- pi.u: .. ..l.y 11. far south .. Di.'Iil',. Iniorni iilo'n ig tin- - SpviiiCi .111.1 Ti i h 'Hvaltl.s o.'inttt ov.-- I '. rlilng'i 'n of roiiiiiiiinic it!on, iind It is known tin; lire I'l.ih.' lllullgll togl-tlle- to a.t It. from .1 taction" standpoint Auttiorliattw n . ur nut hi:i in,, ii'i),, Villa lias .I'll. lc.l his .ne. Into a n'lml.c--o- b.u..- - rut tiltc- fiom no 01 so to .i-- , manv as (hi This a, for a iiuinS .., teasoiis. nne 1. dm to uw as wi a .' i,i possible in old .In i.irag. n,. vtab-- ii to i.i.ise jiosslbly a illWiu.t of Xltn r.i ..11 Iriin'.s tor tin ptine C follow iiu- tin v.ui ins i.il.l'tig bald That 101 n's ate g.-t- t i t- - n.'oi nuiiliiii about th,- Aineiii'.in m ti M.'WO too ...cut. Hi in spite of f en s irsl.lp l' rrhpi iisil.l. . ;, n i' ;.,M . iil.tio.inclng that the . en..rivilf n new trnon in..-- , e uen' w u:n ii.- m, uie more g'd ft .ni; lll.lled th it there might be ,1 !.. ,, lb I et.sorsl.lp, and that .. better t11.11 be kep' oil Hiiis getting oil h 'i id all I'h . oriespoiiili .,ik here r elr nam. .md ...ll.e-- . .ml' rh paper the) leplc-ill- t. It was ninioii.l .it urine !,.,ir.o .. that I11f.1t illation whlili hid 1101 Li .: out nt I 1'iu.irti'! .r in e II- ;,; Iind ber-- pui.ll-li.-- il in 1. tali. u,i. t a', ireillit-- Willi having be. 11 givm rvt- - '., ( ii 11 Puns' Col. Dod 's Hooper t have fu 11. e llill.-- bitimd lb. in it a i.ite (otafe nn rxpe.'t"d While V 'hi W'.m ret'rl ). ,'t a eiurc'y pace .. tout of ilin !'.. I ng, the Svci.tl, iti.l Tenth viii, ciicb.l wntly along tl.,. base Slrita del 'array and He now 'u III be. ilml tin- - ban, in .j m.im fm . Fifteen l.i.tiiite. .ilin a elma r;. messenger had i.iitried Into itt-- Far h Ttil," - Jieaililj.il'!el-s- , till .mtinall jsr high, ki.o hull or, leiiiwd ti . en ri'.pi.i. h nt - 'CI. Do.'. Is out of .'asm .( .li." l.e t .1 'Tl.tr. .s lent. n, o he I. eve I.r , impel) 1:1. r Ca-a- s tl.eiiila last niglit " liitlu Mi-i'- . nil tinreb, Tin ... ilni Km mi. 11 sn.il, ..1,.' lo nic .1 reioril mat h t'rr in th hoi.Ut nnd w.th it l.oi'i-e--' tl.-i- ii had covet- -' ntore t' t. tlfty in'le In th lt forty eu lit 110,11 'II. is ''! D.ill ...... altllloiy' aUS llt'l.i 'I. "That." r. p:nl rpn I'linaloii ' to Mini ulll " Tli n 1. .1 o:' Co 1'i.rl.i' 1. ,. frii.n IP, .. 1. N M to 1' . it t a dis .1 '. ' " v ,.v ..- - . Is Kill. I F.iti ' t , ., lit e- -- . 1, in h He' I'm .. ' Of picked "en id ... evenly mlb's 111 tu :..u:
Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1916-03-19 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1916-03-19/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · An ntTopIano recintiaNMince dhcov-ern- il It a' the Itlrwar ci.mp w


IT SHINES FOB ALL Fair and warmer to-da- y and. moderate winds.

Highest temperature yesterday, 34: lowest, 7.totalled weather, mall ami marine reports ui paso 17.

VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 201. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1916. Copright, mt.bv tht Run Printing and Publishing AttorAatlon. 66 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS.




jjeric ul' Axsaults North of

Vciilnn ltrt'aKs Down

I nder French Fire.



'tmti I able enite to Tin; ft".I'tim. March ti. The. (trrmans re-- f

,., .1 their attack In tho region ot Vaux

tn Mt fulled to cause any change In

t .itll.t.i'Pi.. ittaca. like the violent assaults

tt mi'K'il the earlier effort of theIn tills sector, war0 i to alliance

, 'It i mi intense bomhaidnient.I or ii' occasion the Infantry force,tn, to carry homo the utta K were

smaller force the, 1 -- n.g tliesut; tnalb- II series of assaults

ttli 'ie bel'-vcr- the VU.x I11.1KV

t'i : tli' "ooJ to tin. routh of the. Huudru,,' f.riu The Ftetieh artillery, tna-- ,i e tuns unJ tllles thiuiv oi.t tin;

ilie curia. n timl nt no po nt wereI. tiii.iians able to reach the Trenchlltn .

Ii. iv bombardments occurred in thei ii i i nf tne iliy In the Verdun sector.

liinn.in artillery directed nn cepc-- ,, i .. ivv tin. against tint Montzevllle-- 1

- l. 'urrus line on the vvebt hank ofMi an The Trench suns wi re alsoir on the whole front. li.irtlcuUrly In

Hie h.i. vrc A ( riuuii munition depotulimn up In the Mor.invillc woods,

i, hi-- : of D.imloup.ii .aim that Cirinan tro.Y were.

I i.mURlit north to the Vinlun front! (iMctn pail of the .St. Mlhtel

i . ...lid the Frtii.-l- t suns to l.ccvbotttb.u'dmetit laet nlK.it of

i .M.I bitweui Apietiioi.t and Vlg-- i

I'luhl nt Vnu.T 'i al niiuinuiihiui tss.ucd by tho

( .i War Willie to.ntijlit tiillottH!I'. our artllluy destroyed

i ti i in net. In the legion of Hoes- -

ue-:- ' Die Din' lllld the ue.i ' ImI li. tniJli tlo.ipe, wht.h Wero

ik toward V.isii.nc, northei-- t

):' tue .Men.".' the enemy bom- -it.i i.iiiiKrnhio Ioletiee thetl.i Itjii lt.iiirrii! and Mont- -

i. rleht ImiiU of thetiteii... in tiller preparation,dlrctijil In the coitihe of the

uf vanial attni'li betweenJ. "f ailll the wnyil to

; the 11 itidroinonl farm.j i.v our tire cut lain, he w.if nut

our ti'Muhe" at afly

! ,'t, 'ii'f weir ery n.'tlve on"f troni, tiot.ibl.i i'I tl'O

wli'Me tlilr nn' i Milted lht"i ft a iiiiiiillloli depot III the

I.- Moranvllle.' -- ralue the ticrmans made nn

i.r ..ue In lh icitlnnIt. Soiih enemy troopi wlin

' niir iilvineed trench were. ii of It liiniicillately by a

" I..

.i. i. til.nlKllt the !er-- 1

two Mieli. nf i;rc.it oilihreII'' Itelfi.lt.

tout. .' .'Ilillillii'l'. told nfaitidi : lire ui Hill "OO

' ir i. iun wood, to tl.e w.M ofi" the ir.Ttn.iliN made


No Infitittr.t lelion,.i.iiii i oiiiiiiiinlipi, rfrri iliB

diirlni; tne hum. M:' ii Sr.'iiime (.eetor uf Cinirton

t e ie llk'lltlllk withh n rrtajltid to our ndvali-Ae- .i

.Meiie ve directed' a'.il lir,, on the termini

i'- - n the direction uf UIU Jt;. j tin' ,oIm d"h 'iriMU. To

i IK- i did mil rerpotid.t.1 titn Mmv iliere wa;. a In.

! In 'ii i.ieim nt In the reclon of, T n M.i- - intermittent mill- -

I'- - ; i ut'ner polnth In tlilh sectori m- - tin Vur" .it Moiilain-I- t

ui I. and t,e Kparset.' I Si. .'lihtel our Ions

f iill" l.iimharih.d all hmtr.)j.l.iV hllween iiniilit' . . 'I' ei. iiur which It hid heen

' i i ertuhi i( chnetitH of Hie: iii.ir'htnj; In a tiorthiTly

ii hi pne ot a foe and low' 'en i, aviator wre active In

it Wrdiiu, A tJerman nero.' ' i' 1' ikker type appeared ande' 'ni'i iaih.i;eij,

the tiiflit of March 17-- K aI ' pew nit en French aeroplanes

'or !"i!iibarilinut droppedi rue ciilhrii hhellh, forty on

r .ii ht.illnii at f'oiiflatiH andt j ' t ip htatluii.

i' - tell .tecuralely. A iium-- iii isifin were nherei on the

i Ml three urea wero Ml.irted InII O'

ei ei tna"lnne w ere taitijectede.itiniiiiHil'iiK during thlH

t km all letnnieil utldamased.if Ui coiiihc of an ofTcmdve

..' unee another uf our airill ripped ten lieln on thn

i.-- i ' .ii Mleuitn and ttvn more onhtatlnti at Arnavllle.

IH U.I MORT HOMME.I'ri-nr- 1:, litmus, (thru lint Denial

if i.ermnn Aasertlon,m.hi.v Manli Is The French

I'.mi., is announced to.ilay that It had re"' 'tit. ip'tiutm from Parln to denyJinMi i n ..i- thai lieitiiaii forces weroJllg ui 1 portion of I, Mmt Homme

J''rtl Mat, Mill). Tho Herman WarI is .isM-rte- that the (Sermans

lU. this pnyton,

"'Khilna IllmliiUhr, Xnym llrrlln.htu is, via liiidon. Match IS. Army

Issued the following Mate-njt- it

regarding oeratlons In theI'lf iiitiB activities on h sidesJtilirrlay w,.rn .fH vigorous--

j Win Active 011 llrlllah Mne.tfrtal Ca'.le Peipatch to Till St.IWixj.v, March Ik, Thn following

llrltlsh Headquarterb In"at,(h WJM Bsue(1 by the oftl-a- iprt.s!, bureau;

On the front generally there la noth-nt- ?to rsport beyond nrtlllery uctlvlty

wut AUilcourl, the HoheuzulleriiUully-Urcna- y (uouthWMit or L") Ypres nnd WleUJe.



tlKZI Ueneral Newi . . IISECOND -S- porting. Krnneli.

Automobile i

THIRD -S- ociety, Drama. Muiic.School!, Fathioni . . 10

FOURTH Pictorial and FajhionMagarine . .8FIFTH Lithogravure Supplement,Aft ... . .8SIXTH -S- petial Featufei. Booki,Querica, Clieia ... 12

5l'.Vr-Korti- gn. Real Ctate.Gardeni, Poultry, Finan-cial, Froblemi ... 10

Total 66

ReaJen or ntuiitaltrs uho Jo notall of that itctlons uUI confer a

foxor on"Tht Sun" ity notifying tht n

Department al onet fy the phone(2200 Betltmari) oni minlnf stttltmulll fe promptly Joruti'JeJ If poalhle.



Dnko liul His Armored CitrSllllldlTll in out of

Si'misi Forve.


.s;ien( Cltite pfcA tn Tm siv.I.onpon. March 1. An official -- late-

I ment Usu'd by the War Office y

tell of nn exploit of the armored auto.I mobile rquadron under the Puke of

Westminster on the vestern frontier ofThe xiiunilrnn waf prc-ente-

by the lul:e to the iSovtrnnient earlyIn the war and dihtlmtulshc.l ltelf atNeuve Chiipclle.

A'.xordlm; to btnti ment. theHU.nl l on wat U"ed to dl.po-- v "f theSmuiisl tail i dtfi Heen In the puri-iil- : ofthe tribesmen near Solium, on the

frontier The utmneIn the niachlneh nhot down the ciew ofa Held Ktin and l.wi inichine JUtib whichtouch! to may the pursuit and the actiontltuilly resulted In the capture uf alltint trllx.meH'rt tirtlllery. The ItrltlMiadvance totalled IJrt mile.--.

The etatenient :u as follow-- .

Iteporth have been recelveil fromofficer" returned from Solium O.KHt

f the action of arinoi-i- earnon Tue.-da-y lmdcr tho Duko of Wentnihintir.

An ntTopIano recintiaNMince dhcov-ern- il

It a' the Itlrwar ci.mp w al-- t inptami ordrrii vr iW n to tniiue thetrlhri ineii. The iinln camp wih tmitweiit .fle lllfl. Wekt of Solium A.'the earn appruncheJ one kuii and twnIIHUhhlC KUlf . "lie P'lu ii'tloil. Tllen"were nuartly handled h; the em my,but the Run t : him wire hliot down.Tho car dnhei at ihe camp, theem my hcattrrnl and the cii-ni- lt l.

After ten mllesi a petrol hliott-as- ithriateiied.

All tho eiieni) artillery, amountingto threo kuii.". nine machine tii".twenty-fou- r hiiarc barreb iind furtreolverh. with ..111111111111111111, was rap-tured, .Vim ti .0110 lulhonerh, a partof the .ihliorieiurl iTewM helped

Senuhhl. were le.eiied 'ur H

weri1 one oft leer wounded,InirhiK the oieratluti we advanced

15" inlleH. The report of Nurl's death1h untrue.

The Hul.e of Wehtlll. lister tllMlll-irul.slt.-

himself in rraiu-- In Siptom-her- ,

IMI, by lesculnc t'npt. iireiife!when the Iht'er w.ih wounded. Thernilie ran forward under lire and car-ried the faptaltl on the lllld. A littlelater In the Mine month he .i t

to I wiiih in with Importantfrnoi lh" front. In April, lpKi, thearinvred motor err siii:ulion, ilnaiii-e-

ami trained hj the tule, s.iitud Ufllrst noiillon at Nellie I'hapelle. Thecars e ere tied al that lime In dlhlodc-I11-

crewf ami other "Jerinaii de.tiwlnuents from ,iu 'tiiuin whlc threat-ened to eailj'c, trouhlo to tho Ilillthhforce?,

At the opennm of the war th" pukereceived, an app ilinment 'u the I'len.jhhtnft.


Will Arrive on Hie PhltnilelphlnThin .Moriilnu.

.1. Plcrpont Morgan v Ml arrlvn In N'rwYork this morning 011 the American linerPhiladelphia from Liverpool, The ve-i- d

Is expected I" reach the Hook beforedaylight and dock at f ;3 A. M.

No preparations havn been niado totake the financier front the liner to hlayacht, the Corsair. He will illremb.irkon the Amerlian I.lnn pier and probablygo at once to his home.

II Is expected that Mr. Moigan willbo rt called as a witness In the Thomp-son Investigation and will appear ontho stund next Friday.


Chlcnao hiirt li Will l.ltrrnlly ;eltlriingr From Mi.

Cmicaoo, March 1. A, sermon willome out of the sky with u flash of sparksor the coiigrt-iatlo- u ,,f tniiiimii'l ll.qitlsiChurcJi. 2330 Michigan liveiitie, 10.morrow evening, and at Its conclusionthe congregation will Join In lending outlitttuBi'X nf MilrHual rhei-- and greeting,

A complete wireless oiltllt Vrtit,In the church auditorium to.day

and the Itev. Joluihloiii' Meynsthat Ids herinon 'voulil be sent

out from a wlrelfhe station downtown."It will be us near like a from

heaven us I think itnild well be tilven,"nilrl Mr, Mtyere.


I'. S. Trooper Mint When rFailed to Answer Hall.

Fort Hmhb, Tex., March m, Pi hateDean Hlnck. Troop H. Seventh FnltedStates Cavalry, died here this morningmid was burled this evening as a testiltof wounds received while on duty southof lliichltii, N. M., on WediiesdAy whenlie failed to answer the hulling of asentry In his own and wasshot,

The sentry challenged Hlaek, vt ho saidhe did nut hear the challenge, The nextmor.onl he was shot. He was broughtto Fort miss for treatment.




Palcmbimjr Sent Down Off

Coast of England Pas-

sengers Safe.



."pedal I'Jble Petpatch to The Sex.IaiNpon, March Id. The Dutch liner

I'alembatiK whm hunlt this mornltiK rtjrUalloper l.tuht, otT the coiut of lCcfex.Thla Is the second Dutch liner funiswithin three Uny. Acconllnir to saltanof the 1'alcinbaliB the enhe wiih at-

tacked by a tSerinan rubmarlnn thin

mwnlng nt 10:30 and sent to the bot-

tom In nine mlnutea. Three torpedoeswere tired, tliey my.

T.ie I'alembanR- curried two DutchpahsetiKrrs and crew of tlfty-Ilv- e. All

on bo.nd were Kaved, although nine ofthe crew were Injured by the explo-Moti- f.

Of the three torpedoe tired atthe ventel the llrst is said to have rtrucklift, the hecotid forward and the thtrdamldslilpsi.

Tim sinking- of the Itrltlh brtuilltiWillie, vresumably by a submarine, nearthe lUnd of ValcntUt. off thn west cooKtof Ireland, has been Theh-e- n

turn niaklm up Uie.crew- were nvedAmeterdatn detipatchea ktate that the

Swedloh Kte.mlhhlp Ark wax dmiiaKiii bya tiilne otT tho North Hinder IlKhU-hl-

on Friday nltfht Tile venrel - towedto the Hook of Holland. It in recalledthat the Dutrh liner Tabaulla Kunkon .Match 15 lit this vicinity.

The JMlembaiiB was u Uottcrdajn- -

l.loyd liner of fi.r.It tons, She was 432feet 111 length and was bum 111 inn.Sins wiiii I.L- -t reported at lilbraltar onFebruary bound from Ilatavla, Java,for K.'lli ril.un.

The Dutch liner Tubantla of the Hoi- -landsche-l.loy- d was sunk 011

the night of March 1 ft off the Dutchcoast Four pel sons are believed to havebeen lost. The llrst and fourth office

.1 1.1 1.. ..mi.i....i t...s.I'l 1IIV III. 1.1V UILI,UI1I9 11 IIIU iyUII.llMinistry of Marine that they had seentho white wake of a torped,-- , Some ofthe passengers said they thought thevessel was sunk by .1 mine, but the ma- -Jorlty of the survivors Incline to theb. lief that It was u torpedo from a sub- -



Merlin . ews pa ter Infer RrltlahI'.iplotiir tank l.lner. ,

rSr.M.lv, via Uiinlon. March 18 The,'Ivitmis Now Agency quote (isrniHil

wspapers io laying thai the minewhich bly miiIi th fmtch Meatn-stit- ti


'lub.nitla In the North Sea wasvrob-Im- !not ot 'Irtlli.lll origin

"The newspapers state that the lalfM(tatlstii-h- In. II. tie that It wan not a Oer-Hi.itittiltie." nays the agency, "Sliice th.. he- -gitiiili-.- of tne war t'ls mltie liave tioenwashnl up nn the f Hitch coast. Of thee4i w.re of Hrltis.li oristln, J French. 301unk. .inn and onli i;u Herman.

Ilegm-illti- Itlchanl Schilling, who wapa pashenger mi thr liner when she hank.Id" newhisip-r- a state that he In an Ameri-can anil was uii his way to lllu tie Janeiro.0 Hi. teineMitntlve of a New York lifelieiir.ince conniMiiy Tliey quote him aa

1.; no, 111 11 11 mine c.iuseu 111c nie.iMer.1,1 !

I PUTS BLAME OS' U HO ATllitteh l.lnr t(rnt Taliantla

But Torpedoed.,

Hi 1. sos Atr.K. March !. The Ilol- -l.indhche l.luy.l agent a) Muenus Ay reh.ild thai he hud received infor-mation that , submarine torpedoed '.hoTubanlia on March li otT the Dutchco.lht

Cri Vociijit condemn the kinking oflh- - vessel and demands (bat the f.ov-- 1

rniiieiit conduct an Inquiry. The papers.iy s .

It is impohsime to admit the right toiiiieiriiju naviKaiioH neiween neutral 11a- -.

Hour- and to attack a steamship engagedIll H,lhlicer hettien llnlleritum.1111 Miienox Ayres."

OFFICERS CERTA1S.I. Hokums u( Tiihaulla o Hftrrar

Mil- - n'm Torpedoed,WA.siitNi,-ios.- . March 1 V The Ameri-- i

cm I onsill at neterdaiii reported to-- 1

! ",,k'"r,Y"i. '"""Out.

1.11 he Dutch swearthat the vessel was torpedoed and thepassengers are also of that opinion

Four persons are still missing andare believed lost, Tile Consul says thatItlchanl Schilling, an American who wasaved with his wife and daughter. Incoimrcte.) with the New York Life Insur-uii.'- i.



N.oilil.ooo Hound, 1(1,0110 Nnmlltrots I'riiti Since Villa Haiti.

San Antonio. Match IS. UnitedStales ciisioni remit ts show that morethan S.OHh.ihii.) rounds of ammunitiont 1.1 1.1 .......1111111 i eiiilil'iii ai ross ine ooruer 11110Mexico since the Villa raid at Colum-bus, shipments of small arms aggregatea little over Ih.OOii weapons.to army headnuarters here indicate thatthere are Immense quantities of muni- -

tloni in Mexico,


Major tninptr Warn Correspond-ent at I'ttliiiiiliu. .', H,

fou-.Mirs- , N. M March IS, Majorit 11. conimaiHiitig tno suiplybasn here for the Pershing column, toldthe, newspaper men whom be called n

him y that he would Invokethe Federal lawn against any corrc-rponde-

attempting to smuggle outIII ws,

'The man who setfds 'out a scoop Is anarcn criminal, ne declared, "nnd I will(see Ihut he Is punished under the Fed- -

e.al defenc. .,ct. While this expetl,Is a test of our preparedness t uHagives us 11 chance to test our power tocensor the news anil we are going to findout vvlieio vi ! stand,

"If continue to slip outneiAii we nic going to take net Inn thatwill put soinelKwIy behind the bins. Whenvvc suppicuM news It Is to keep ouriimvi iiicntH from the enemy. If theenemy Icains these movements It maycost live nf manv of our men."




Arthur English, Son of

"Ben Bolt" Author, Shot

Five Times.



rni.r.f:r.!CK, Md., March U. ArthurUngllsh. son of the late Tlioma- - DunnKngllttli, who wroto "lien Ho'.t." wan shotnnd klllid y by hl wife. KlolheYoung KnBlIsh, at the family homo nearIndian Kprlns", thin county. Mrs. Km;-lls- h

cluliii!) hhe tired In e, herhusband having drawn a revolver uponhef. She fired twelve shots, live ofwhich entered her husb.ind'8 body. A

Coroner's Jury exonerated Mrs. Kngllsh

Immediately after the shootlnc Mrs.KHRllh.li left her four children with anelRhbor und then hurried to the nearesttelephone station, about a mile dhtant,for a doctor and then telephoned to po-

lice headquarters here asking a warrantfor her husband's arrest, he havingthreatened her life.

Kngllsli. who win .1 N'ew Vork lawyerof 27 Cedar street, was poorly clad. Hohad on a pair of old overalls and a shirtund a pair of sport .me. Kvery cham-ber of the revolver on tho floor wasempty. One bullet tore through ling-lish'- it

chin, another piened nit- - heart, twopenetrated 1ih stoiiuen and the 11 ft lientered his tin ant.

The house w.m tnoi.tiu-e- i llriilinnfurniture and china were' Heatterodabout the room when Sheriff Itoilerlck.State Attorney Anders anil Magistratelllll arrived 011 L10 NCeiie. Mrh. Kngllsnsllu-- the shooting has been In a highlynervous state, requiring the services ofa physician.

The parties are prominent In foetalcircle here. Mrs. F.nglish 1& the daughter of tho late Met 'Unlock Youngwealthy Inventor. Hefore her marriage10 r.llKlltin Mlij was prniHIIiem m reil- -

.. ,"' hne tnarrit.l about twelve'

Married 1.1 fe I'nhnitpy.

. .Tt tie- - . i. lr

p(.! vit.v n.-.- i f..n.i.treated his wife cruelly. Some of themwere, much concerned about her safetv

,nii'i .lift iieinuuiir ihihs millrecently l'.nglish was wor.se than errand made life ahmct niil-.ir- Lie forMrs. Ihigllsh, threatening at time totake her life.

Till morning the two jniitig sons mreput to work by the father choppingMood, Kcm-ln- that the elder 1ojwas not well, Mrh. lhigllsii outand asked that he be allowed lo stup.lingllfh tlew into a r.igi. It l. haid.ilreatly frightened bi his threats ofbodily harm ittal by his sat age inaiinerMrs. i;ngllh went Into the houe amito her room, whete s,,. xMired a emailpistol, which formerly belonged to her... ... ....r.lh.n lt,A !.... I .1.1. I.. I. Ii.ui- - 1. n.- i.nni-'- i iiur. 111 net- iuf-U!-

and proceeded abmit her iKiu.-tmh- l

duties.Shortly afl'rti.irrl KugMsli wnt Into

the dining room, where his wife was.In a fury of ang.r he :nik a hammer.broke furniture and smashed . liln.uvari'

.His wire begged him to stop, hut tit's.only seemed to make him unr,.. I

When again Importuned tu desist hecrashed Into the buokcase aid secun d I

H Calibre revolver, having. It !hclaimed, mat lie would rttiMi her. Ah.he raised his arm Mrs. Cngllsh, it jssam, siipiw-1- ner piium from ner bosomand iireu, emptied t,i,. tlv.- ha'ti.hers of her pistol, then d mi 1,1,

revolver from the iluor nnd .illseven shots at him.

It Is supposed that s'le insanefrom fright, for after ne had Mm'twelve times, she rushed upstairs andreloaded her own pistol again,

The Wife' Xtory.Al trotter h l"l"t Mis.

laigllell testified !

yiiier oreaittiisi Miiiawi 1111111 uiehouse to the yard and explained to Mr.F.llL'hah that the b.iif hid nut been well.I nuked I1I111 tti.it tie let the bnvh cleanout the chicken holier. Instead of hoppingwood. Then li,. called me n, iiani.'. I

went to tie house .mil lit ivein t.i tnvroom, where I picked up .1 revolver thatwas glvrn ine w Inn 11 little girl bv myflitll.Pi t uas a .32 calibre. From tli'ie., went to the kitchen, where I b,,..,washing dishes. Artlmr mine it. . il ,

,,lt ,, . ,,,, rm ort. llogan to bleak up dishes

"I told hint 1 would get on my LinesIf he would stop brraklng my dishes, It j

was the last set I had. I told him I I

would never again Interfere with hintand tin. children. He said he would)finish me and keep the buys worku.g all I

day. He then re i lied up to a cub-boar- d

where he. always kept a icvolver. '

He said. 'I don't want you on your'knees. I will kilt you ' I

"Then I tlnd, I kepi on tiring, I wa.s!so excited, and emptied the rrvolvtr. Heffell when I began firing, but picked upins revolver, wnicil If 11 10 me table. I'"'In't think he was dead and was nfr.ild I

lllu ui.tlltil Ulll in. I il,i.l f.. rro... u. s.ni- - in.t 1111I really did not intend to kill him. 1 rialIt to save my life," j

Child Whit Tragedy.Kutb. the seven-year-ol- d daughter, cm - j

roborated the statement of her nndliei"I heard papa say M will llni.-l- i Mum.'

Mum gut the pistol and was washingthe dishes. She asked papa i.ot toiiieaK me ilisne.s. was stainllii-- n Iliedoor when Mum shot. The iHiys w,.esplitting and cnupping wood."

"He didn't treat her verv nicely," I

responded the girl In iinswer to ,1 ijiii.-- -

tlou from an uttoiiiey, Tim giil said'that while she whs standing in t ! r j

door dir. Ing the shoollng she nun rait'looking at either her t ith- i- or nio;'i,.; ,

The Corntier'H Jury .11 verdict "Jhat Arthur llnijllsli .un..to his death from ImlV wound pro- -

iiucrn ny snois inniricii ny .;fos.c Ihigexiuiemte' he, fril,,,MV XTev-.--

During the trail the youiikesiof 'Mrs, i:ngttsh clung to lis ninthsLater during tho hearing tho childtenmpered nlout the room singing antalking.

Al tilSTA HPK. IAI t:iM l. VI, l,vAlkrn dint AiiiiiihIh VI I h'l il'TIIIlll.X' ll.Vll..WAV. llntit Inn and ulatfrnoiu !

t.'ompMrtineiil car dsllv to Aukiisi-.i- itlnlnicur service. N, V, Ulttce, Kltth Are..tat ,




President Is Sponsor for

Measure to Thwart Gard-

ner's Attack.


Wasiiikotov, March "18. The Ha.yhill providing for lucre-i- s of the regu-lar army to 140,000 men and the re-

organization and federalization of themllltla rrcelvesl tho Administration'approval

Mr. Hay annoujiccd that the meas-ure might be called the President's bill.Sleaker Clark, stepping from the ros-

trum, put tho weight of his Influenceliehlnd It by declaring that It met theapproval of the country and commendedRepublican us well tut Democratic mem-tier- s

of the Military Affulrs Committeefor framing It

"The people of the country wantpeace," he said, "but not peace at anyprice."

The line of demarcation betweenand Democrats, however, waj

drawn In tho debate on the bill andamendments were offered when It wastaken up for consideration section bysection.

Ilcprchentative Mann bald the billfalls far short of what It ought to beand characterized It as a preparationfor peace, not war.

Im-rea- tn aitn.non Men.ttcprt-tciitatli- r Kahn. California,

ranking Hepubllean member of theMilitary Committee, offered an amend-ment inci easing the size of the regularurmy from Uti.OOO to 220.000 men. Thinproposal will be on next week.An amendment offered by Representa-tive (iardiier, Massachusetts, to Increasethe Coast Artillery by 5.000 men wasejected.

rleneral debate on the measure wasconcluded with the address of SpeakerClark. Much time will be consumedIn tho discussion of .intendments and01 f peel tic problems Involved In thetiliiety-iiln- c sections. It In doubtfulwhether a final vote will bo taken onthe meaeure for several days.

A l the. outset of debateHay made the unqualified

statement that the. House bill has Uietiacking of the President. There waamuch speculation whether this meantHint the IVesldrnt would aupport theHay bill as against th Senate measure,which provides for a more substantialarmy incr.-,iv- .

". a 11 authorized by the President tuMate" h.ihl Mr. Hay. "tlittt tlllf billcnei-t- s hi- - apiiroval. In oilier wordh, ItIs id- - hill It carrlen out the recom-mendation he nude to Congress In hisnichh.tcc. in fact it gum a little furtherthan the I'rcsldi lit asked us to go.

"It I true that the bill due.--. Hot con-tain the continental army f'aturi, buttlio President, In suggesting the conti-nental army, whs of come, sortof machinery to make the land forcesavailable in time of war. He thinks thisbill makes the National Titian! a suflldent force In th'i.e of peace to be avail-- 1

able a.s a lighting force In cahe of war."

Inspired li linker' Letter,Mr. Hay's statement is understood to

have been Inspired by the letter of See-lj- n


Hal pow. behind And

countrymenin powerKahn


lien.i M,.,ilni-).






ANT1-U-. S. FEELING GROWSWashington Gets Disturb-

ing Hyports of Move

Against Cnrrauza.



Orders Sent to Pershing toSpeed Up Capture

of Villa.



Hope Use Mexican Bail-wayFle-

Ready, ifNeeded at Tanipieo.

WAslttNr.TOX, March Kvery effortb beltw made by Administration to

to a epeedy conclusion the chaseafter Villa. Orders have

ietit to flrlg.-Oe- Pershing to loseno time In rounding bandit chief.

Iteportu of a disturbing characterhave received here from thehave convinced that the

longer the American forces arc In Mexicothe graver the dangertrouble with the entire Mexican nation.

From hource thu infor-mation is obtained situation inmore delicate than it has at any-time since the troops crossed border.

ngltatom alor; the bor-der, deliberately misconstruing the

of the expedition,throughout northern 10 the effectthat the taken by the Fnlted

Is the forerunner of Intervention.Advantage being taken these

agitators of the that Carranzaixvpilesced In the expedition to

make appe-a-r that he Is madeof the American (lovernnient.

will be able, in face thehereporta, to bold hWi forces in lh aquestion grows mote eeriouu

Caaar of Folletle Action.are being made

the State to counteractthese It at titof the Department that the Presidentyesterday Senator La Follette In-

troduce In the Senate concurrent res-olution assuring the Mexican onliehalf Congresti that no

dues American tinvern-ine-

contemplate int'rventlon or Inter-ference with internal affairs;Mexico.

soon a; resolution has beenacted House

to American t"onsuls In

""I f"r distribution, just as doneill the i urrespoiiiletii-- which pass,.,l be

the two iiivertitnenth in inntiec-lio- n

with reciprocal agreement forthe nippreh'.lrm of border raids.

action taken on tills rt solutionthe House tint Administration

lio'i Villa Is believed tu tintj of mountains to south

telary of Maker, published '

members state that It w 111 probably rrnnomorning, which appeared to put the ,, next week.Administration 111 an attitude of hos-- , T,. 'white !lrnie and War Depart-tllu- y

to Hay hill ment y took cafe to slate that theThere was 1:0 dlff.wence of opinion American troops In Mexico have nn

lleprtsi-i.tatlv- Mann and lie-ire- . I ders o occupy any i Itles or towm. durst itatlve 11.1v mi ;nc advantage of tire- - IIK their lifter V II. Ilie

the minority leader Iooa i.tir.iiire via" Inspired by a that,1 olfltieiil view of the adiquucy of the ;en, i"ialra, coniir.andi r of the CarranzaHouse army bill, garrison at Juarez, had given iiotlco that

The President favors tola bill," tald ueti. Pershing's foret s would not per-M- r.

Malill. "I have po doubt he favors ) mlttrd to occupy Casiu Cralides or othert' bill over existing law. I have iiojtownnli tit he the Senate bill overui lav orb

" n, (n (!,.,. p, 'lottos,"xlsitng law. Hut this If no preparationfin trouble ; tine Is only preparation tori It reiterated that as the I ers.t-pe.-ii- e.

The time has comn In thr rela- - ng expedition has none of the char-Hon- s

uf our to the world w b- -n I icterlstK of a general and willkept on the move after Mlla thcieI tlilnk It .wee nn to ionsd.-- tlie.be

N object '.11 occupying 01 garrl-ontn- gts well as the probability j no

and to pieparo -- w what may or cities or ton ns.might :o 11.. I The Administration appeals eurrnu-l-

iinM us that . very possi . c avenue ofWith the war spirit runbliia tli.ougn.out the world. Ill this, greatest and

-" ,n",1'1 "' --

ll. ' otisuN in Mexico to -- lit i.l.ito Invanhot n.illoi, of tl.e world. It vwre Idle' M'-- o the true piirpu.ifh. of tc rx-ul- ti

In mi) th .! wo hiiould leave ourselves-- . tinpieii.iied posilble war m ll,,lll"on- ....hublime that ().., will tak.. 'w'lig to : per

"f "' Mvxltaii pi'P are unable to...1 us :.s lie dots of diunken men.in s ,.f now ;''' meet w

'..h Vr: Y"M, "" "!

un. neither s,e will be too careful of,,f outslileit." Mr. Mann con- - !",r, received tl.e Mate Department

Mined. "Wc constitute the greatest '' t'llrf atternuoit are lliide, stood totral Power in tlie world, We expect to been far from rc.isMirtng

all means possible me be- -spek with f.me authority' I ins taken from a military standpoint toInflm-nc- r nf Power. I hasten II. e work of the Pershing cped.

'(ur niRgrstlotiH meet wlih carefulIf not consldelMtlon,

cans,. 01 uie in 1.1.1. or r.inier tne pote ,.r them. we will

m.t c this war to the end with- -many iiurstloiis arising of the gieat.






copies Itbe




,;r,ii,de. He.:ts to

, -- ,.,,.o...,,,' . ... .I,, xui.u. ,.,,t,., ed fioni ('01111111.11. and based atand very largely will 1... left t this 1,.,,.,,,,,, ((e liu.man. s itiMtlng south-nntlo- n

to protect the li.tcgiity of :.lli-- h, ..r t a Jimction withtrals thiul.out tin- world, if tol (J,n.alnlaln the principles of lntiiriiation.illaw most vital to us and the rest of thel Inr ii..lli."1:.. Acting Seciet.uy Scott ...t- -

.j i.sllc.i.H that ate to arise , .t receipt 01 a lues-aft-

the war It Is the duty of the Fnlted Ha Pershing ic.,iiesting theto prrp-ir- now an arniy which , mlne,ll,u. dosp.itch to him twenty-wi- llmid to the W'lght the reasons Studcbaker water tanks tii.1 rtM.tMsuggestions whb h we may make." ,K iut ,. fud .Kl. ,,u.i,.t.tl. s

Speaker Cluilt. who... appearance on af,,lfa and beef. Hen. Scott atIlie iioo - w, greeieu appiause. sum 1,l., K.IVL. directions to the M.irlermpolitics hi. no place In lln; dlseiiK- - tera.ener il and the order ws suit out

of prep.iiedncss and that urmy , to tne niauufactui mg coinp.nvLIU was not a preparednehs measure. T . reinent concerning the coin."On such momentou!. occiislons," he lllf,llf!l , Uevt ls ,.,,.,, , ,,., ,

lidded, "we al Americans com- - ,,, Isivishll.g w.i. ilowii th,niltiif. Ignoring the extrem at both',.,lK1H ,ir,,Hds region. ..Itho.ig.t He,,,cuds the has broiiclit hi a hllt,,,,, .refused to say where the icport.vk.itvllltfr Ilk II f.ltlt?IPlflllxiia iIai. Ill nI'l'ii- - mr' km:wishes of our generally Ofcourse it was not tl.e of Chair-man Hay and Mr. their fellowlabore s to plase No humiilip.uwr do tint

lie,., and there will be one.my fro il M.isMichttsett

n.r Pitlatice. who doe notIhinli this bill goei- - far eniiugn, and mc.like my Mend fiom New Mr l.on- -d.ltl Who tlllllks It goes tOO flir. but .

tne average American will Indorse It, .

ad till Is said and done I

Ilie vei:n:e .vilieric.lll I'lHISIIIUtes Hieand r.lory of the lepubllc.

ihu duly or t ongress, not only nowliut always, Is to traiimnute tho willof tho American people Into law, and

Cgtilliiurtf Sixth nga



bringInto Mexicobeen

up the

which beenborder olllclaU

of herlous

authoritativethat the


have reports


Is byfact


the toolHow long he of

linewhich dally.

l.aStrenuous efforts by

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the of

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will sentwas


No was

invicinity the ami

War lidsearly


campaignbut report






ti.e wai,. going "r,tne

lieu- -


, th.



IVrtlilnir riiilof War

the g thefrom

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slou the

uie The IntoIstsof Ine,



u (r 1 .,,..rt are tin.leistooil to -t itc,,,, ,., nudd has establish. d home so. 1

r ,.,,, u, ,itp,.s.s of the Villa,( fliri aml Mt lhe ,.,, nhwu

c.lllle ft Olll,Ar,MV olllclals expressed the

opinion that from now on it w I be,.ui, , maintain be-v- ,

(,.,, iv shlng's forces at..' ' birder,Doubt lh expressed as to - h ,iv ng

, . disianie, the -l. l.nei. an(1,.(,n,.,..d

wireless outtlt c.in.e.l by i.iep,.iHioii, ..Ulcers Hate. Is of .1 Liultedr.,UH and not alwates d piM.il.iblc F..-...,n rmmm. a lllld. iilllll.il 01' II... , 1

(,...ared it will not b.i hiirprls.i,lg (f t1(re utv bins l.ip.s dui-'ii- 11

there will be no news t the Villa humActing Secretary Polk h id a long con-

ference at the White House wpnthe President on the situation AlthoughIt Wiik stated that he went there merelyto discus "routlae" matter., the Pregl-tle-

1 aald to be fully alive to thr nece.

city for quick action. It Is regarded anpossible that If Pershing does not roundup Villa In a short time the expeditionmay be withdrawn and assurances ob-tained Irom Carranza that he will pur-sue Villa relentlessly until the latter Icaught.

Hefore his conference with the 'Presi-dent Mr. Polk had a talk with KllseoArtedotido, Carranz.Vs Ambassador. Ap-preciating tlio embarrassing plight Inwhich Carranza finds himself, the actingSecretary Is understood to have Im-pressed on the Mexican diplomat thatas speed Ig an essential factor to thesuccess of the Pershing expedition theUnited State regards It an Important thatthe dr facto (Jovernment should placethe Mexican Northwestern ltallway fromKl Paso to Casas Urandes at the dis-posal of (Ten. Funston for the transporta-tion of supplies to the Pershing expedi-tion.

Arredondo Is believed to have promisedt urge on Carranza that tho privilegehe granted, but called attention to thebad effect the granting of the requestmight have on public opinion.

Raker Confer With Daniel.Secretary Uaker left y for Cleve-

land to wind up some personal affairs,but wilt return to Washington on Tues-da-

Ilefoai leaving l.e conferred withSecretary Daniels concerning the situa-tion a Tamplco. where 100 Americansare located and where considerable IIIfeeling Is reported on the part of Car-ranza garrisons.

This hostility. It Is said In despatcheswhich reached the State Department

has been due partly to the fact thatno copy of the communication addressedby Carranza to alt his General andother ofllclals In Mexico concerning thepurposes of the American expedition hadbeen received by Uen. Nafarette.

Olllclals of the Navy Department statethat If any trouble develops at the rea-po- rt

the Atlantic fleet now at tJuan.tananio can proceed quickly to the hcene.Heports at the Navy Department to-day from Vera Cruz state that about 200Americans have arrived there from Me..Ico city and other Interior points, hav-ing been strongly tit Red by relatives andfriend n t,M States t leaveMexico. Conditions at Vera Cruz arequiet and after personal Investigation!!as to the conditions many Americans arereturning to the Interior.



Killed at 10 Lnyiil Soldiers inItattlc West of Torreon,

Is Report.

ilitiVthroN, Tex.. Mar-- h IV Fort eunder co.nmat.rl of Villa officers havedefeated and utterly routed the Car.rat.za army near Noe, ninety miles westof Torreon. The battle, which r.iRe.1 forseveral days, endid to.ilay when the.'arraiu.i forces, numbering several hun-dred, were routed. It Is reported In des-patches to tho border that Carraiixa'sarmy left 300 .lead on the field. De-ta- ll

of the battle are lacking.American machine guns are said lo

have played havrsj with the Carranzatroops, which are reporter! as movingnorth to join another column.

Hf ports say that the feeling In theTorn-o- district against American tsIntense and trouble will come unlessomething l. done by the rarr.mz.1

Itiotlng became general 111 tin cityto the despatches

Carranza hol.IU-r- after Joining the Villa j

..101 eii.eiu ne, ami- - uiiruiv ana t.iuntr.imcrlc.ii,h aiid other foreigners , driving

ii.ui) from the ci v. No open asau!tsme reported ; tnoi.e who went lo.it allpel soiial ife.-lr- .

It Is reported Here that tne ilam.13"done 111 the nature uf Incendiary tiresand by touting will reach several thou-sand dollais. All attempts to pacify theroldhr have failed, according to dis-patches. Mexican are crying "Drivethe gilngos out" and "Viva Villa."

The C.urai..a ilrneral, Ileru.inza, In

the State ot Dur.uigo, has deserted andJoined what It. called the "Paclllhts," apirty heartily in sympathy with V.ll.ilit the present trouble, .1 lrp.iMi tromNeiiva 1...imIo t .id llrrn:. izn,1.1 the ht.id uf fli Carrui.a tleserters,y ay defeated the Constitutionalistarmy in ,1 pUcl.ul battle which la tiedh.ver.il hours. Tmo Cirianr.i anitvlost tl.xty killed and fifty tvouiioi-d- ,

Mu. h arms and munition- were taken,acioriUliK t adv'ece.

Tin "Pile. Ilsti ' have openly ie-- 'ruin. i d I'arrai.z.i, declaring that In- istl.e prm ar; of the Invas'on byHie I'l.ite.l Stall It Is reported that7..i'..la w.ll Join the new tnov einent antma ich with It :o assist Villa

fiom Mevl.o city via Vera Cruzmention lighting in the Slate ot

but d not say with


Tell of Hardship lll.iTlirt'Hteiii Clly.

III. I'vs.i, Mar li Is .n't ar-riving here from Tot mm afterininv day: mi the road to'.d stories ofgreat lutnl-hlp- e hi ri'tmg mil. altho'lglltliey ili"l.ired thev weie treated courle.oiislv by tin .Mcv'.-ril- i olli.-l.i- l .TheSpnlli-llltl.il- lllil '

"un Tuesday morning at o'clock wemie..ei"ei .n milking up a train In whichhe employee and their famll.es 111, 111

the TI'. ill .III" plant itlou one hot,ear the employer of the Continentallluhlier Company of Tornnn anotlic!.and a third box car was occupied by the1. iiiloj ee of the Torreon Smeller,

"Without any arciittiiiiodatlons wiiai-- iv r and sitting 011 t n floor nn.1 hagga".--

began the Jo'nuey tioith. it ,

Pant no wc hid to wait for ome twentyh. urj to mike a .Hiiicclioii We Irt'tTorreon liecause to us It looked t If n.lervelltlou h.ld ciin-.- i We Ml that Ifth.. ret ilhit.-.-

i.u',.1 be made prii.oiici's ainl vvn ki cwib.it if VI. la or lib many sympathizerstl Ton-coi- l were I . I.Ike lhe cltV l.

tier tin mi ill g.irrtsrin we would illmi. icri .1

"As In Tori eon, it ha only ,l smallg irr.h.in. .Hid .1 ' lltib'tilt to sly howtinny of the uen ale Villiitas VillaI s.ild I ' have told person. imii.ug inlnTorieon that he wouM take the city byMile" ird If he wanted to It wouldbe .1 verv simple proposition."

.ht:kv noiitii caikii.iwliloriou- - "I..111 ..I the SUt 'c'im lie una sie.-Mi-t

Dot. I' . r:iu. iv 'md I..I. loom .leei h c e ..eei tli N.'v York tu wa aOl'TlfXKNK.vll.WAY M. V (JlUit, tn riltb Avenue


Col. Dodd's Two Columns

Well South of Casas

G rumles.



Has Divided His Forces inSmall Bands to




Pershing's --Army WithinStriking Distance of

Advance Guard.

Sas Antonio, Tex.. March IS. A

blow nt tho VllllstHN l.y AmcrtraPcavalry Is expected at uny moment, ormay havo alrp.idy been struck, was thercort given out this evening at armyheadquarters here.

Col. l)o,M's two column were atColon!.! Dllblaii, ul the edge of CasusCrandfjt, thL-- moniliig. probably withintwenty-fiv- e or thirty mile nf Colnnla(Iracia. where Villa was reported Fri-

day with lO'i men. Villa himself marI.ot bn there, but his force has been di-

vided Into small bodies find u ol.mhwith 0110 of these !. believed to be im-

minent.(ion. Fnnstnti that the AmtTU&n

Consul at Chihuahua repnrte.1 Villa atColonU Ctr.icl.t yesterday. In. r re-

ports put hit. m tin body furtherbut If the art- holding theluu-se- s against him as securely a hajtbeen stated Villa will he compelled toface nbout toon. If Col. lxJ. pushedhis. coluniiis torw.ir.l lust night Jswiftly ho h.ih b-- eii iinirching theyIt Is held, should bo hot on the heeVof VIII 1

It Wd.s sttitrtl nlticiallv that C.,iDoddV column luivo ea.llvreached C.iea ii ami... Judging by itprttltlon as r. ported I'rl.l.i). This sup-1-n-t- s.

the later which As-

sert tint Dodd's risied atajoni.i Dublaii yesterday mowing.

Mn Wnll r.tr I'er.lili.B.Wlictlii r Dod.l will vw.lt fur the ar.

tiv.il of thfi. 1'irstiitigV tii.....'rs fe-fo- re

d.lvriiicliii: further int.. tin- iiioui.taitious strongholds of the Vllllstn orwl I coiitiiiiiii lil tlylin; advancellol rcvi'.'ilrd

Hut II !e bell, veil t;at if for '.nother r.tisi.n In- will inlvnnci. atto Colonla (ir.iola vvitlimii ilcliiy 'ortin- - nf the Mi.rin.eii there(truci-- i .e in th.' vicinli' of c,.ii ..p..The Moriiiun.- - 111 tin 1mmu.li.1tn vi'inl'vOf I'lisin lilfl'ldOh ate if..

HoivovrT. it in uuders;. n.i tiMt !,.;,',.mg'h advance cva't v ..-- pi.u: .. ..l.y11. far south .. Di.'Iil',. Iniorni iilo'n

ig tin- - SpviiiCi .111.1 Ti i h'Hvaltl.s o.'inttt ov.-- I '. rlilng'i 'n

of roiiiiiiiinic it!on, iind It is known tin;lire I'l.ih.' lllullgll togl-tlle- to a.t It.

from .1 taction" standpointAuttiorliattw n . ur nut hi:i in,, ii'i),,

Villa lias .I'll. lc.l his .ne. Into a n'lml.c--o-b.u..- - rut tiltc- fiom no 01 so to .i--


manv as (hi This a, for a iiuinS ..,teasoiis. nne 1. dm to uw as wi a.' i,i possible in old .In i.irag. n,.vtab-- ii to i.i.ise jiosslbly a illWiu.tof Xltn r.i ..11 Iriin'.s tor tin ptine Cfollow iiu- tin v.ui ins i.il.l'tig bald

That 101 n's ate g.-t- t i t-- n.'oinuiiliiii about th,- Aineiii'.in m tiM.'WO too ...cut. Hi in spite of f ens irsl.lp l' rrhpi iisil.l. . ;, n i' ;.,M .iil.tio.inclng that the . en..rivilf

n new trnon in..-- , e uen'w u:n ii.- m,uie more g'd ft .ni;lll.lled th it there might be ,1 !.. ,, lbI et.sorsl.lp, and that .. bettert11.11 be kep' oil Hiiis getting oil h'i id all I'h . oriespoiiili .,ik here r

elr nam. .md ...ll.e-- . .ml' rhpaper the) leplc-ill- t.

It was ninioii.l .it urine !,.,ir.o ..

that I11f.1t illation whlili hid 1101 Li .:

out nt I 1'iu.irti'! .r in e II- ;,;Iind ber-- pui.ll-li.-- il in 1. tali. u,i. t a',ireillit-- Willi having be. 11 givm rvt- - '.,( ii 11 Puns'

Col. Dod 's Hooper t have fu 11. ellill.-- bitimd lb. in it a i.ite (otafe nnrxpe.'t"d While V 'hi W'.m ret'rl ). ,'ta eiurc'y pace .. tout of ilin !'..I ng, the Svci.tl, iti.l Tenth viii,ciicb.l wntly along tl.,. baseSlrita del 'array and He now 'uIII be. ilml tin- - ban, in .j m.im fm .

Fifteen l.i.tiiite. .ilin a elma r;.messenger had i.iitried Into itt-- Farh Ttil," - Jieaililj.il'!el-s- , till .mtinall jsrhigh, ki.o hull or, leiiiwd ti . enri'.pi.i. h nt -

'CI. Do.'. Is out of .'asm .(.li." l.e t .1 'Tl.tr. .s lent. n, o heI. eve I.r , impel) 1:1. r Ca-a- s tl.eiiilalast niglit "

liitlu Mi-i'- . nil tinreb,Tin ... ilni Km mi. 11 sn.il, ..1,.'

lo nic .1 reioril mat h t'rr in th hoi.Utnnd w.th it l.oi'i-e--' tl.-i- ii had covet- -'ntore t' t. tlfty in'le In th lt fortyeu lit 110,11

'II. is ''! D.ill ...... altllloiy' aUSllt'l.i 'I.

"That." r. p:nl rpn I'linaloii '

to Mini ulll "Tli n 1. .1 o:' Co 1'i.rl.i' 1. ,.

frii.n IP, .. 1. N M to 1' . it t

a dis .1 '. ' " v ,.v ..- -.

Is Kill. I F.iti ' t ,

., lit e- -- . 1,

in hHe' I'm .. '

Of picked "en id ...evenly mlb's 111 tu :..u:
