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The Sunday Oregonian.. (Portland, Or) 1902-12-28 [p 15].

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FOR RENT. EIGHT-ROO- HOUSE AND 10 ACRES Im- proved land, with orchard; 3 miles from Mor- rison bridge, oa Woodstock car line. Inquire 227 Washington, room 32. FIVE-ROO- COTTAGE. MODERN $14; none but small family need apply 780 Williams ave. FOR. RENT HOUSE; MODERN conveniences. Call 510 E. Washington at., between 10th and 11th sts. NEW. MODERN HOUSE OP 0 ROOMS. BAST Side: rent $18. Sahlstrom & Patterson, room 12, 281 Morrison st FOR RENT NEW. MOST MODERN. flat. (35. Inaulre John aciosterman. corner 10th and Burnslde. FOR RENT 7- ROOM HOUSE; NICE grounds; modern; low rent. 503 Williams ave. or 231 2d. FOR RENT MODERN ONE-stor- y cottage, nearly new, at 731 E. Taylor; key next door. FINE HOUSE FOR RENT., EIGHT ROOMS; shades, awnings, light fixtures for sale. Ap- ply 250 Stark. FOR RENT HOUSE; EVERT Inquire at Hlotstock F. O., Uni- versity Park. HOUSES 3 ROOMS. $5; 4 ROOMS, $7; 7 rooms, $15; water free. Columbia Co., 231 Morrison st. FOR RENT NEW MODERN house; rent cheap to right party. 720 East Burnslde. FOR RENT TO PERMANENT. RESPONSI-bl- o parties, new lower flat. Apply 344 Hall rt. A NEW MODERN HOUSE. 0 ROOMS. WEST Side, convenient: rent $27.50. Phone West 2S05. MODERN HCtoSE: 325 7TH ST.: newly papered and painted. Phone Front 827. DONALD O. WOODWARD. 249 STARK ST.. rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. FOR RENT A NICE HOUSE, S. E. cor. IK and Meade. Inquire 700 1st. MODERN HOUSE. WITH YARD. 708 Qulmby st. near 23d. Furnished Houses. HOUSE. NICELY FURNISHED, near car line; will rent immediately: family leaving city for six months; rent $30, to par- ties with satisfactory references. X 35, Ore- gonlan. COMPLETELY FURNISHED COTTAGE, 5 rooms, and bath; 2 small rooms upstairs; laundry In basement. CC0 Everett, near 21st. Phone Black 30L OL D MODERN HOUSE OF eight rooms; will rent whole or part of house; no children. Phone White 073. $12 PER MONTH. COTTAGE. FUR-nlsh- for housekeeping. Inquire of Mrs. Baum, 184 Sherman. FURNISHED COMFORTABLE HOUSE. FIVE rooms, bath, etc, within walking distance. 21 Mulkey building. NEW, MODERN. COTTAGE. FUR-nlsh- complete. Call 893 E. Burnslde st. Phone Scott 2073. i . NEWLY FURNISHED LOWER FLAT, 3 rooms or more; cheap to careful tenants. 487 E. Morrison st. D HOUSE 'FOR RENT; larjre grounds; good location; block from ear. 401 12th st. FURNISHED FOUR-ROO- COTTAGE: ELEC-trl- c lights, bath; close In. Inquire 273 7th. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 ROOMS and bath; West Side. Phone West 2552. Houses For Rent, Furniture For Sale NICE HOUSE ON 3D ST.. GOOD FURNI-tur- e, near College st., 5 rooms, bath, pantry, clothes press, basement, yard: rent $14; price of furniture $325. Inquire 425 Taylor st. FOR SALE FURNISHED ROOMING-house- s, finest in city, all sizes and all prices. 18 years In Portland, will locate you right Lillian De Keater, 425 Taylor st. 6 - ROPM FLAT FOR RENT, FURNITURE for sale; responsible parties without chil- dren. Inquire 108 10th st. ROOMING-HOUS- 50 ROOMS; WATER, lights, and rent. $75; also others, cheap 145 Cth. room 25. . FURNITURE OF FIVE-RQO- COTTAGE for sale: cottaze for rent. Call 00 11th, Monday, Tuesday. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: FURNI-tur- e for sale: new furnlturo. 50S 5th st. Phone West 403. MODERN COTTAGE FURNITURE for sale: fine neighborhood; rent $12. Phone Russ 1711. Stores. STORE. WITH LIVING ROOMS; 8 UNION ave,; renovate, permanent tenant. Harring- ton, 08 1st. near Oak. SMALL STORE. WITH LIVING ROOMS, suitable for dressmaking. 153 17th st. In- quire at grocery store. PERSONAL. NOTICE RESPONSES TO ADVERTISEMENT requesting Information of families patronizing Chinese merchants for oysters, fish, etc., Im- plicate men prominent In politics and busi- ness, who claim their wives did It unknown to them, and request that no public exposure be made of facta In possession of this associ- ation, formed by business men' and property-owne- rs to check a disgusting; tendency of prominent people. JO-H- A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texas. Most wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world. Rheumatism, paraly- sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores yield to this oil like magic Cures In 8 to 20 days. Sample can, 50c, postpaid. Testimonials free Agents wanted, it B. Clinton, 515 East Couch st. Portland. Or. Phone Union 1002. V6 WOMEN WANTE1 ' Suffering from irregular, painful or stoppages. 2CncorEjoea (whites) and all diseases of v&pmen. old or young, cured by old Dr. Incissler. 230 Yamhill st, Portland, Or. Prl-- e waltlnc-roo- for ladies. Call or writ eartl ose iu -- cent stamps wnen writing. These acmes sent oy man to any postofflca on I Wif11 instructions. zn&TkS SAVED FROM CONSUMPTION AF- - areCm c8 aa oeen pronounced incurable wrla nopeiess oy eminent physicians; If you don4sutIerlnS trom this dread disease and will com win giaaiy tell you how It was Pec at home; my sole object is to be of Et Me benefit to humanity. Rev. Melvln X.. pen. pastor cnurch. of Christ, 211 Stone NttlAfl ANNOUNCEMENT JOSEPH tedman. the celebrated masseur, 20 years' usslan Bath Parlors, 525 Chamber of Com. derce. My treatment (Carlsbad system) will jnc8ltively cure rheumatism and all nervous leases. Bath with alcohol or liniment rub. k re-; uaing bed for the night, $1.00. . .. nnrn -- . v.. w.... v..v.c .v x Pnrjfcrmatlon of John McNeill, member of nH ,,i,o.nV.nn..no.. ...111 V... . , SUCH. , . icporung minds turner a. sieui lavor to nls Vas cnuuren. tvas lasi seen at la center. 1. iUUl BL, fkUlULUU. VJi. LADII never! S I POSITIVELY GUARANTEE MY relieve falling Ergo-Kol- o Compound to safely delay ujc lonsesu most oosunato cae ol wltboi "monthly sickness;' In 3 to 5 days ' work. harm, pain or Interference with Write Only SI. 50. Double Strencth. Main Dr., Southington Remedy Co.. DE-51- 5 t. Kansas City. Mo. START Don'l E NEW YEAR RIGHT made It blind. Write now. Astrology tune Tell your own and neighbor's for- - silver! see. Send date of birth and 25 cents large and receive concise llfevTeading and my above-name- book free. Prof. "Herr- - man. Seattle. Wash.. Box 142S. scaln HAIR. SKIN AND Portlaf enuncauy treated; no risks run: masaal011'8 b31 citizens for reference; facial els taure a specialty; massage and electroly- - Epecial&S"1 Dy lnie- - Aza Holmes, the reliable $1 a zn"--1- furs. auij mzttiii pressed, onth keeps your clothing cleaned and Prompt uttons sewed on and rips sewed up. lag CO.. "tii ci unique Aauor- - Honor." Vfesston "Stolen Sweets." "Her lights. "AkLustful Love." "Dangerous De- - tat! on. Modern Eden." "Tessie's Temp- - of Fire, 50cir xiiuuea (.Harms, A. woman 5each: list free. Schmale. 229 1st VTIJP ITTflV -t- h-r nfY.'ORKS UPON THE VITAL1Z- - . . "V fn.no. ,.n,,n1 circulation ot :y X. ,TZ' c"ua'" "e sue ExamlnX"16 blood, builds un dead e. 424 AVashlflt,on Iree- - Vibratory Instl- - ngton. Telephone Black 1916. r,iiTTSTX.ri facial treatmentirouf take a course of pure toilet prepar? & Improve her looks; 702 idatlons for sale. N. T Thr- - apeutlc Co., Carquam bldg. Black '2851. PERSOA'AX. WHY DOES VIA VI CURE? AS A NERVE and tissue .food and builder It reaches the cause of disease, and is prepared in different forms to apply 'directly to the weakened parts. Cerate for the nerve eaters is the spine; capsules for women especially; liquid for stomach and kidney troufelels; tablets for the liver; tonic for anemic conditions; royal tonic for debility; suppositories for rectal troubles; laxative for constipation. Each form contains the Vlavl principle prepared to act directly upon the diseased tissue. That is why Vlavl cures. Call or send for in- formation and "Health Book." Oregon Vlavl Co., Lewis bldg.. cor. Park and Morrison sts. Consultation free. Phone Hood 015. NOW IS TOUR CHANCE TO BUY EVERY-thln- g you need or anything you may. need la the near future at a great reduction. Out 'Riddance Sale" is 'fcolng on, and we must get rid of our Fail and Winter stock before February 1, and have, therefore, reduced-ever- article In tho house in order to accom- plish It. In addition to our positively low prices during our sale, we will give valua- ble articles away free with each purchase. Tour credit Is rood at our store. Eastern Outfitting Co., 38S-S9-0 Washington st. ELECTRIC PARLORS. 2SS WASHINGTON st., treats scalp diseases and iruarantets to restore gray hair to natural color without dye; removes wrinkles, blemls-he- from face; also removes superfluous hair from face with- out pain; enlarging busts a specialty. NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS WHAT BET- - ter resolution can a lady make than to look as attractive as possible? Ladles who pos- sess a good comnlexlon are charming; those who do noc should call on N. Y. Therapeutic Co., 702 Marquam bldg. YOUNG GENTLEMAN FROM THE EAST. stranger In city, haa plenty of means, and can give good references, would like to meet young lady, not over 30; object, company and future results, If suited. G 30, Oregonlan. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES. ETC.. with electric needle: permanent cure: eight years' experience In Portland; lady operator; physicians' references. Parlors 15 10 Lewis building. Phone Brown 657. DO YOU KNOW THAT IF WE CAN'T MASS you strong and happy by Sexlne Fills. It won't cost you a cent? Price. $1; 8 boxes, $8. Address J. A. Clemenson, Druggist, Second and Yamhill sU.. Portland, Or. WE. SEEK HUSBAND FOR BACHELOR girl, age 9. worth $8500. Widow. 28. no In- cumbrance, worth about $15,000. Catholic maid, age 24, worth $4000- - The Home and Comfort, Toledo, Ohio. MATRIMONIAL WE SEEK HUSBAND FOR widow, age 20, worth $12,000. Widow, aga 24, owns larre farm. Maiden lady, age 30, worth $25,000. The Heme and Comfort, Toledo, Ohio. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB-ert- s Nerve Globules. One month's treat, men!, $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Portland. Or. BE SHREWDER THAN OTHERS. LEARN to ead character from faces. Send for Vaught's Character Reader. Prepaid, $1.00. Pacific Supply Co., 1715 Filbert st. San Francisco. EYES TESTED FREE FIFTEEN. TEARS experience; best white crystal lenses, $1; common specs 25 o and 50c Arthur Rus- sell. Portland optician, 2S3 First, corner Jefferson. WEALTHT. LONELY. gentleman, with elegant home, seeks wife to share his home and wealth. Address Mr. Roberts, 017 Holland bldg., St. Louis, Mo. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Clo's Kola Tablets, nature's great tonic for either sex; 25c box by mall. Albert Berni, 2d and Washington, Agent. Portland. Or. A WEALTHY. ATTRACTIVE LADY. UN-hap- and lonely, seeks husband to share her wealth and affections. Address Amiable, 715 Locust St., room 02, St. Louis, Mo. ENJOY LIFE BY REGAINING STRENGTH and happiness by using Sexlne Pills;, price $1; C for $5. J. A. Clemenson. Druggist, cor. Seconl and Yamhill. Portland. Or. MATRIMONIAL WE DESIRE TO FIND husband for widow In California, age 45; no incumbrance; worth $12,000. The Mutual Book Exchange, Toledo, Ohio. .SISTERS IN DESPAIR IF YOU HAVE A suppression write and I will send the rem- edy which rave me relief. Mrs. Amanda Green. 218 State st., Chicago. A BUSINESS MAN OF MIDDLE AGE IN good standing desires to meet refined lady of same, who Is fond of horses; no objections to widow. F 30, Oregonlan. MARRY SEND 2C FOR BIG DESCRIP-tlv- e list, ladles or gentlemen: many rich and want to marry. Mutual Exchange, Den- ver, Colo. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARB MORE Ac- curately and reasonably filled at EysseU's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison st, bet 1st and 2d. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop- er size and style, 25c: 250 business cards, (1. Brown & Schmale, 220 First, Portland. Or. MRS. STEVENS. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST AND spiritual life reader. CRYSTAL GAZING & epcclalty; reading. 50c. 221 Morrison. BUSINESS MAN OF 83 LIKES THE Ac- quaintance of neat young lady; widow pre. ferrcd. T 38, Oregonlan. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best corn cure. 25 cents. 'All druggists. WATCHES, DIAMONDS: EASY FAYMENT8. Open evdnlngs. W. H. Lesh, 013 Dekum bldg. WE RECOMMEND OUR COLD CURE: PRICB 25c and 50c Knight's Drug Store, 120 tt st MRS. OBROCK, GRADUATE MASSEUSE, manicuring. 424 Ablngton bldg. Red 2S84. WOULD YOU. MARRY IF SUITED? MAR-rla- paper. 10c Box 600. Portland, Or. LOUIS H. BOLL. PIANO TEACHER; studio. Auditorium bldg., 3d st. near Taylor. HAIRDRESSINQ AND SHAMPOOING; WILL call at residences. Phone West 1622. BUSINESS CHANCES. $25 BRINGS A STEADY INCOME. 6 days ending Dec. 13, $25. made $6S. 6 days ending Dec. 20, $25 made $31. 0 days ending Dec 27. $25 made $89. A guarantee to each one of our clients to clear from $10 to $100 each week. "We have been In the racing business 6 years, and our systematic betting is so perfect that we never have made a loss. Write for particu- lars, references, etc G. S. Williamson & Co., 1104 Market st, Suite P. San Francisco. CAPITAL INTERESTED. IN , Fruitgrowing and wine Industries. Shipbuilding and fishing Investments, Irrigation, stockralslng, canning, P Lumber and building enterprisea WESTERN INVESTMENTS A SPECIALTY. R. T. RUXTON. Banker and Broker, 32 Broadway, New York. FEED MILL AT AUCTION BY ORDER OF the Circuit Court owing to the dissolution of the copartnership of Billion Milling Co., their feed mill, feed store and good will, to- gether with three years' lease of three-stor- y brick, 100x100, doing a monthly business of $10,000. will be sold to the highest bidder at auction for cash, on premises, 148 to 154 Union ave., January 5, 1003. at 10 A. IL; machinery cost $5400. For further particu- lars call on premises. FOR SALE WHOLESALE business; established trade; take about $3000 to swing same. O 37, Oregonlan. MEAT MARKET. DOING GOOD BUSINESS; good location; reason for selling, leaving town. Address F 38, Oregonlan. FOR SALE A DRUG STORE AT HUNTING-to- n to close an estate Inquire at Blumauer-Fran- k Drug Co., Portland, Or. WANTED PARTNER WITH FEW HUN-dre- d to manufacture new patent, used by every male. V 38, Oregonlan. FOR SALE-7-ROO- FURNISHED HOUSE, centrally located; rent reasonable. Address Q 30, care Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUS- 12 ROOMS; FINEST Lo- cation; very clone In; come quick; a bargain. W 30. Oregonlan. FOR SALE G DENTAL OF-flc- e; good reason for selling. Address Dentist, care Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER WITH $350 IN ONE of the best-payi- businesses In Portland. C 37, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CLEAN STOCK OF GROCERIES doing good business: very cheap today. 423 E. Morrison. WILL SELL PART INTEREST OR WHOLE of small, money-makin- g Indention." 210 Afis-k- y bldg. FOR SALE LUNCHROOM. FIRST-CLAS- S location; a snap at $200. B 30, care Orego- nlan. FOR SALE LARGE STOCK AND FRUIT rancn in boutnern Oregon. Address box 766, City. WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE, ROOMING-hou- se of 25 or 30 rooms. L 37, Oregonlan. ' FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT stand ; cneap. inquire at 313 .Morrison at FOR SALE RESTAURANT? FINE Busi- ness and good location. T 34, Oregonlan THE SUNDAY, OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECESIBEB 28, 1902. BUSINESS CKAXCE$. JENNINGS &. CO SOP MORRISON ST. BUSINESS CHANCES RENTALS FIRE INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN BARGAINS JN ROOMING-HOUSE- S. Rooming-hous- e of 30 rooms, all rented, rent a bargain on $35 a month, long lease, good furni- ture; price,- - $1500. JENNINGS &. CO.. brick apartment-hous- e, elegant fur- niture and building; price, $2300. JENNINGS- - CO. fiat all on one floor; lease till 1906; In heart of city; a fine chance; $1200. " JENNINGS & CO. Transient house of 15 rooms, fine furniture, central; $1300, time on part JENNINGS & CO. house, 20 furnished, good location; rent only $30; snap at $1200, terms. JENNINGS & CO. Hotel of 57 rooms, rent $75; price $2500. give terms. JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. SOME GOOD BUYS 25 ROOMS. ALL ON ONE FLOOR.... 12 " low rent pays well.... 10 " Fine house, new furniture.. 49 " BRICK BLDG.. ALL FULL. 25 " Hotel, near fair site 24 Flat, rent $35. money-maker.- .. $1800 10 " ON WASHINGTON ST ....$ 525 15 Fine transient corner...- - $1600 44 " A BIG MONEY-MAKE- R $5000 0 " Residence, close In $ 800 11 " NEWLY FURNISHED $ 850 0 ' . Good location M25 10 ." LONG LEASE $ 750 20 " rent $25 $ 223 14 " FLAT. HOUSEKEEPING $1400 CAN MAKE TERMS ON THE ABOVE. JENNINGS & CO .300 MORRISON ST. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. First-clas- s in everv respect, elegantly fur- nished; good prices; large profits; price, $3500. JENNINGS & CO 3C0 MORRISON ST. BUSINESS CHANCES $4000 Stock of groceries, doing good busi- ness, in a rrowlnr town on both, river and rail. $2000 For one-ha- lf Interest In a business in the city now paying $350 iter' month. $2000 Nice clean stock of groceries, well located In Portland, growing trade; sickness reason for selling. $2000 Stock of general merchandise, good trading point In the Valley. A new hold In Valley town. $7000 Stock of soneral merchandise in a good Valley town on R. R.; would exchange x for a farm. $4000 Nice clean stock of general merchan- dise In a good Valley town, doing a nice business; sickness reason for selling. Restaurant nice and clean, well located In city; a money-make- r. Machinery complete for flouring mill. In perfect running order, and almost as good as new: will sell at a great sacrifice; would sell engine and boiler separate. $4000 Stock general mechandlse, including some buildings: win trade for a farm. J. A. HENKLE or A. A. BAKER, 210 Ablngton bldg. SAFE AND PROFITABLE BUSINESS Quick returns for capital and energy; lum berlne. ' Sawmills .and logging outfits on river and railway; capacities from 10,000 to 50.000. Inland mills, with good tlmbsr and contracts. Interest In milling and logging concern. Old established city woodyard. Opening for a sash and dcor factory. GENERAL STORES. Locations In country towns. Eastern and Western Oregon. Grocery Grocers have no time to grum- ble. Outlook In this line favorable. How ever, would not advise trading the farm Into a city grocery. It takes experience as well as some capital to make much of a success. If you have these requlsltrs call and we will snow you some good propositions. Hardware We offer a good proposition In this line; requires considerable capital. We furnish Information on all lines of in' vestments and credits. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Ablngton building. PATENTS. ' Patents. "'Patents. Guaranteed. Patents Secured or Fee Returned. Send model or sketch for FREE ODlnlon as to patentability. Send for our illustrated GUIDE BOOK; finest publication Issued - for free distribution. Contains 100 mechanical movements. Tells HOW TO OBTAIN A PAT- ENT. HOW AND WHAT TO INVENT FOR PROFIT. HOW TO SELL PATENTS. LAW POINTS FOR INVENTORS. ETC. Patents secured through us advertised without charge In the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPY iritEE. We also send free our LIST OF IN VENTIONS WANTED. Address .EVANS, WILKINS & "CO., REGISTERED PATENT ATTORNEYS. EVANS BUILDING, WASHINGTON. D., a HEIDEL & YALL, (FORD'S- - OLD STAND.) BUSINESS CHANCE AND FARM AGENCY WE HAVE TWTff! T.1TJOWST T.TCT rtTC lwnM. PROPOSITIONS IN THE CITY " Wrticti Itim FOLLOWING ARE SAM 14 ROOMS, BRICK, RENT $20, PRICE tun ' 30 ROOMS. CHEAP RENT, CORNER. PRICE 150O. GROCERY STORE. :50 PER DAY CASH VALLEY TOWN HOTEL, DOING LARGE trade. PRir.-s- - SIRflft IF YOU WANT ANYTHING, CALL, WE OFFICES: ROOM 38. 105 4TH ST.. COR. MORRISON MAIN STREET. HILLSBORO, OREGON. racehorse owners and bookmakers. Invite the speculative public to an Investigation of their methods. This is an old and concern, amply responsible, and reliable In all Its dealings. A rigid inquiry Into their -- business will develop a condition unattalned by any other investment proposition ever of- - icicu ivi jjuuuu iiuiiJanuu. OUDSCnptlOn to their capital may be mado In amounts of $50 and upward, subject to withdrawal In tun on demand. Dividends paid In cash fifty-tw- o times every year. The safe lnvcaioicni. in ine country. Kererences Tlinlr tmat nnmnnna . oles. St Louis business men and prominent men everywhere, r or tun particulars address rj. j. irnuiu oc ou., uin ana fine streets, st Louis, Mo. BEST PAYING SAFE INVESTMENT IN THE country; during tho five years of our exist- ence we have never failed to pay a dividend of at least three per cent per week; your In- vestment In whole or In part, may be with- drawn, whenever you want It; wa have many wholesale and retail business men and men on our list of subscribers. Call or write E. J. Arnold & Co., 430 Parrott bldg., San Francisco. AN ESTABLISHED CEREAL FOOD COM-pan- y desires the services of branch office manager; "compensation $3000 per annum; highest references required and given: op- portunity of a life time for right party. Address "Cereal." Box 2484, Battle Creek, Mich. WANTED PARTNER: WILL. SELL HALF Interest In best medicine how on the coast or $250j chance to make $1000 In next two months; experience unnecessary. Call at 424 Washington street F. J. Kupfer. Be- tween 2 and 4 till Wednesday. I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. NO MAT-ts- .- where It Is. Send description, state price and learn how. Fstabllshed 1800. Highest reference. Offices In 14 cities. W. M. Ostrander. 1443 N. A, bldg.. Phila- delphia. GREAT PROFITS-$- 25 AND UPWARDS earned monthly on every $100 Invested; write for booklet Dividends weekly; money a be Withdrawn any time. Highest references. Theo. Stela & Co.. 50 Broadway. N. Y. City. SEND FOR FREE BOOK. FACTS AND FIG-ure- s, explaining option trading. $20 margins 1000 bu.. 2 cents. Osbern Grain Co., 17 Old Chamber of Commerce. .Minneapolis, Minn., members Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE GENERAL STORE. SUBURB OF city; best location; good business and nice stock; will Invoice $1500; store run In combi- nation with postefflce, which more than payt rent A 30, Oregonlan. ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH I WILL sell my manufacturing business; articles in demand and no opposition: very rare chance; $1000 required. Addrert Y 25.n Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER TO TAKE HALF In paying proposition, $000 investment; will guarantee $10 per day on investment; In- vestigate. Call 10 to 2 today, 73 5th st. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO FOR SALE; g to devote my entire time to my enlarg- ing business, will sell my studio cheap for cash. Geo. M. Strong, Goodnough bldg. WANTED PARTY TO TAKE INTEREST IN manufacturing business; practically no com- petition; will bear strict Investigation and proye big Investment. W 30. Oregonlan. WILL TRADE MY BUSINESS AND STOCK of dry goods for improved Portland or sub-urb- real estate; fine patronage; good rea- sons for selling. N 34, Oregonlan. FOR SALE A BARGAIN, flourrolll In heart of Willamette Valley, and 75,000-bush- el warehouse, for $0000. Address R 30, Oregonlan. FOR SALE SMALL COUNTRY NEWSPA-pe- r, on good paying basis, with plenty of land advertising; terms, one-ha- lf cash. Ad- dress Gazette, Gardiner, Or. LODGING-HOUS- CARPETS. FUR-- . alture,. in gsod condition; con tral house full; terms reasonable. P 33, Oregonlan. BUSINESS CHAXCKS. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSR- 8 AND EUelN'ESS CJtANUlSa LILLIAN DK KEATER. 1R YEARS IN PORTLAND. WILL LOCATE YOU RIGHT. 425 TAYLOR STREET. hotel, good business, bargain.. .$1900 25 " large transient, money-mak- 1500 35 " steam h.eat, central........... 2700 23 " elegantly furnished, rent $00... 200 48 ' elegant, central, full -- ...i i00 11 " very fine located, nice 850 24 " very central, money-maker..- .. 1600 33 " finest furnished In city 2500 20 " fine transient down town 2400 22 " fine- - Income, private house 1400 18 " private dwelling, good Income. 1200 70 " central, good transient........ BS0O 55 hotel, good plain business 1000 18 " central rooms, all ronted...... 050 15 " clean, good furniture, full 800 40 " corner, full, central. .... ....... 2200 10 ' Washington street, full......... 525 11 bargain, piano, bargain.. 850 12 " good location, full...,. 700 0 " 20 boarders, bargain 525 0 " very central, good. ........... 500 11 " near Portland Hotel M0 7 " rent $23, new furniture 450 0 " new furniture, rent $30 600 5 nice cottage, rent $14 323 13 " very fine furniture 1300 5 " bouse, $14 rent good furniture, nled location; basement bath, pantry, clothes press 325 Nice boarding-hous- 21 boarders, cen- tral, price - 4.. 050 Creamery, home cooking, confectionery, fine business, established, bargain... 500 I have a good many bargains not adver- tised. List your houses and all kinds of business with m. I will sell quick, Business good. Strangers In city will do well to see me. I win locate you right; Investigate; 18 years in Portland. LILLIAN DE KEATER. 425 Taylor, st SMALL INVESTORS MAKE BIG PROFITS. The John J. Ryan Breeding Farm and Bookmaklng Enterprise, whose reliability Is unquestioned, have 'demon- strated their ability to pay 5 per cent weekly on Investments of twenty ($20) dollars and upwards. Investors In this company have re- ceived 5 per cent each and every week sinco It began business, and the company agrees- - to continue remitting o per cent TveeKiy to all Investors. Jn'o. J. Ryan has- - Just pur- chased the beautiful Newoort race track, iustlv considered one of the finest mile tracks In America, and will open It for rac- ing December 20. 1002. This great race track was built at aVcost of $225,000,000, and will undoubtedly bo one of the strongest lac tors !n the American. Racing world. Rac lnir will be conducted the entire year at this track, and the largest foreign book ever operated will be Installed there by tne iiyan Co. Mr. Ryan Intends forming a complete racing jclrcult 'and now has several options for tracks, which will be closed In a few days. Tho Newrort track. In addition to the Breeding Farm and BooxmaKing inier-prls- e. will undoubtedly mako the Jno. J. Ryan Co. the strongest company of the kind In the world. The unusual size of the purses at the Newport track will attract the fastest and. best horses of the country. and the success of tho meeting Is already assured. Some neonle may doubt the com' pany'a ability to pay 5 per cent weekly, but an Investigation of the company's financial strength and methods will convince the most ekeptlca'l. A handsome booklet containing full Information regarding the company's methods. Its entire clans, and. In fact, every thlrwr that an Investor would want to know. will be sent free upon receipt of your name and address. Do not neglect this, the great- est money-makin- g opportunity you have ever had. Address all communications to John J. Ryan Co., St Louis, Mo. JOSEPH M. HEALY, RELIABLE BUSINESS CHANCE BRQKER, Rooms 5 and 8. 200 Morrison street Both phones, Main 103 Cigar store, central. Invoice. $850. Butcher shop, city, splendid trade; about $1500. confectionery and grocery store, with living rooms; $750. Cigar and confectioner, central, splendid iraue; nuu. grocery, splendid trade. invoice about S3000. central location. ROOMING-HOUSE- S FOR SALE. ' 75 rooms, splendid corner, lease.. $5250 corner, long lease $5500 11 rooms, everything new, only 1000 12 rooms, nice location 800 0 rooms, close In. bargain 350 80 rooms, worklnsmen's hotel, every thing- new 1250 27 rooms, corner, low rent 1000 25 rooms, select, elegant furniture 2550 SO rooms, newlv furnished 1100 &5 rooms, steam heat, long lease 3800 45 rooms, central, corner, bargain 4500 BO rooms, very good, cheap house 1350 35 rooms, newly furnished, brick 2300 hotel, city, lease...... 1500 Several others not advertised. Can make terms on any of these. JOSEPH M. HEALY. 280 Morrison. HOLIDAY- - BUSINESS CHANCE SNAPS $17Ct Short-orde- r restaurant with good fix tures..- - low rent; some bedroom furniture; splendid chance for a paying business with little money: only $175. Sawmill nearly new, near city $1500 Cigar store, fine, splendid bargain...... 475 Grocery, Invoice, pay half down 1500 Barber shop, very central 750 OUR ROOMING-HOUSE- S $350 down buys brick rooming-hous- e, with three years' lease; nearly new lurnuure. .trice $uoo. house, finely furnished, steam heat, lease, choice location. $2700. house, a dandy, part down. $500. good house, very central. $1050. COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO.. 234 Morrison at., cor. 2d. STOCKS SOLD STOCKS GUARANTEED. v DIVIDENDS GUARANTEED , we act as selling APAntfl n. Inrtnrnnrat.il rsym nnnl TT" nw. sranlze and inenrnnrjiti. new rnmninln tinv every facility for the placing of any amount ui aiocn uirecwy wim tne investor in tna United States, England, France and Germany. We make a market for unlisted mininr, oil and Industrial stocksf We guarantee regu- lar dividends. Guaranteed stock sells. We will ruarantce your stock If It has merit wrue us wnat you nave. HUNTER & COMPANY. BANKERS. 32 Broadway, New York I DIVIDEND NOTICE. All deposits mado with us receive a sruar. anteed weekly cash dividend, paid on each ana every xuesuay tnroughout the year. a our money Degins to earn tms pront on the day of receipt and continues to do so tin-t-ll withdrawn. Investments made with us are amply protected; your money Is perfectly safe, and can be withdrawn at anv time. Indorsed by business men and mercantile agencies throughout the country. For full parxicuiars aaoress . e. Whitman &Co. cauagnan bldg., ban Francisco, Cal. DON'T ' SPECULATE IN WILDCAT scnemes. invest your money In a legiti- mate business enterprise where you are pro- - ieciea against loss. uiipuiated weekly dlv ldend of 4 ner rant tCn crnnt K mining crooosltlon. Satisfied "customers all parts Of country! Write fnr rfexnrlnHtra booklet sent freo. Demarest & Co., Par-- iuli ujuk., nan Tancisco, cal. CHEMICAL MANUFACTURER WISHES TO meet wiiu aarneii 10 estaoiisn works in or Washington, nr nnnM nn,uu. In factory .already established. Expert on nan, uinu.il. ocia ana soap manufacture; also tjyaiaiuiiiiioii. Auarees cnemicai, care L. P, rjancr, jaercnanis ,xcnange, Ban Francisco HOTEL FOR SALE A TWO YEARS' LEASE and nart nf thn fitmltuj. n? l trn.i ou.. wood. In Cottage Grove, Or., the principal uuiei aim uuius a ime Business; tne headquar- ters of the Bohemia mining district; must be sold at once; good reasons given. Address coionei w. a. Biair. Cottage Grove, Or. WANTED T.nnriTSiri.wmTCTr' tot'pit rnrT lease; will give Seattle lots, '$550, or Chicago jiiuirenjr, oiwu io ?ouu, pay remainder casn Andrp.F.1 K Sfi Wlr. Onrrnnlnn FOR SALE TOOLS AND FIXTURES OF Ex- cellent tailoring business; no stock; shop jin lurmsnea living rooms; at cheap rent cuy ot iawu. o so, oregonlan. $500 WILL BUY A ROOMING-HOUS- E BUST. ness that, with the work of one person, nets uo to ivv monm. uood reason for selling, Aoaresa uox o'jj, Atnany, ur. FOR SALE A GEN eral merchandise store: profitable business cause of sale, poor health. Inquire early, f. u. dox JJ, Amany, ur. LADY PARTNER WANTED SMALL CAP ltal; big profits; small medicine show; by gentleman of experience, whose success is certain. 38, UDDgonlan. BUSINESS MAN WITH $2000 OR $3000 would liKe to invest in legitimate business proposition. Address, with full particulars, L. T. 84, care Oregonlan. GROCERY. WELL LOCATED, DOING A good business, for sale: stock and fixtures will Invoice about $2800, Address R 35, care uregonian. FOR RENT HOTEL. WITH PAYING BUS! ness; good location; renter must buy furni ture. Inquire of O. P. McLaughlin, Sher idan. Or. Nos. 240 and 251 Everett st. between 2d and 3d. Frank C Baker, room 12 Hamilton bldg. WANTED PARTNER TO INVEST $700 FOR half Interest In business that will stand a thorough Investigation. X 38, care Orego- nlan. . FOR SALE CORNER GROCERY: A BAR-gai- n If taken soon. F 35, Oregonlan. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE. 232 NORTH 14th st; stock and fixtures. $1350. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMING - HOUSE for sale, 10 rooms. 252 1st st SCSXXESS CHANCES. BEAKEY & McENTEE. 414 Chamber of Commerce. Roomlng-House- s Business Chances. Hardware and tinware store; fine location; doing good business; a genuine bargain; $22o0. Fine grocery business; clean, new stock: low rent; good corner; e about $2500. Restaurant doing good business, on good street: rent reasonable, $1050; another, $450- - Hotel In good town, doing well, on S. P. R. R. ; or will trade for rooming-house- ,, this City; $1800. Saloon, good corner. North End, good busi- ness; $1500. flat, long lease, fine furnishings and Jn good locality; $4250. flat good corner, center of city; a good house for transient; $1000. 44 rooms, fine transient, big Income, $4500. 33 " long lease, well furnished, $2750. 23 " good corner, full bargain, 4500. 15 lease, a positive bargain, $So0. 15 " nice place, corner, flat $1250 BEAKEY & McENTEE, 414 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR DRYDOCK BONDS THE Port of Portland, Oregon Proposals wiu oe received at the office of the Port of Port- land, .room 830 Worcester block, Portland. Or., until Saturday, January 17, 1003, at, 4 o'clock P. M., for the whole or any part of on hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the bonds of the Port of Portland, Oregon, In denominations of one thousand dollars each, fldth to be dated January 1. 1003. payable thirty years from date, and bearing inttrest at the rate of four per cent per annum, pay- able on the first days of January and July of each year, principal and Interest payable In United States gold coin at the office of the Treasurer of the Port of Portland. In the City of Portland. Or. The above bonds are Issued for the purpose of acquiring a site for a drydock, and prepar- ing said site for the use of and constructing such drydock. and are authorized by sections 0 and 10 of an act of the Leglslatrve Assem- bly of the State of Oregon, filed In the of the Secretary of Stale March 1, 1001. revising and amending certain former acts establishing and Incorporating the Port of Portland. Bids are Invited for all or any portion of euch bonds, and bidders will submit an un- conditional bid and accompany the same with a certified check on some responsible bank in tho City of Portland, Or., equal to five per cent of the face value of the bonds bid for, payable to the order of the Treasurer of the Port of Portland, as liquidated damages In case the bidder' shall withdraw his bid or shall fall or neglect to take and pay for, at the office of the Treasurer of said Port of Portland, the bonds aforesaid, should the same be awarded to him. None of said bonds will be sold for less than their par value with Interest accumu- lated thereon from the day of their date to the date of sales. Delivery of said bonds will bo made at the time of the awarding thereof. The right to reject any and all bids Is re- served. Proposals should be marked "Proposals for Port of Portland bonds," and be addressed to E. T. C. Stevens, Clerk. Port of Portland, Portland, Or. Portiand. Or.. December 10, 1002. By order of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of Portland. Oregon. BEN SELLING. Secretary. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS- - ter. Astoria, Or.. December 10. 1002. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock A. M January 8, 1003, and then opened, for repairs to wharf at Fort Columbia, Wash. Plans and specifi- cations may be een and further information obtained here. Right is reserved to accept or- reject any or all proposals. Envelopes should be marked "Proposals for repairs to wharf at Fort Columbia, Wash.," and ad- - , dressed to GEO. L. GOOD ALE. Capt and Qmr., U. S. Army. PORT OF PORTLAND WILL RECEIVE bids for the construction of one cen trifugal pump. Plans and specifications for same may be obtained at the omce. room uou Worcester block, on deposit of $10. Bids to be. opened Saturday, January 3. at 2 P. M. Port of Portland reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Miscellaneous. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL baggage or effects left at the' Swltzer lodg e. 83 N. 2d st. city, must be re moved therefrom before January 1. 1003, or the undersigned will not be responsible there for. Mrs. Anna Belleg. THE OREGON LEATHER COMPANY NO debts will be recognized by the above com pany unless the same shall have been con tracted in writing by a. l. siogei, secretary. MELTON. THE FIXTURE MAN. HAS RE moved to 431 E. Sacramento st; special at tention to showcases. Call phone Pink 3081 FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO- - SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with responsible firms, upon their own names; easy pay menu; strictly confidential. MONEY to loan on chattel mortgages. NeW Era Loan & Trust Co., room 208 Ablngton building. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates, c. w. Paiiett 213 com merlcal block. Telephone Grant 658. WrHY NOT PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE IN easy Installments? If you want to borrow money, better look Into our plan. C 35, Ore gonlan. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates. S. W. King. room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract co wz commercial blk, XMAS LOANS, chattef and salary security: reasonable, confidential. Portland Credit As sociation, 3S1 Sherlock bldg. Urant 1840. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 ON ALL kinds of ecurlty. R. I. Eckerson & Co.. room b wasnington mag. eaone ciay 73. $5 AND UP IN SUMS TO SUIT ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. l'liono uood 413. Mcney loaned on all kinds of security; 8 per cent building loans a specialty. W. u. Nunn, bbz BheriocK diock. ciay asj. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT, ON city property ana improved valley farms. w. a. snt-- & co.. na biaru st. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- - eurlty. Wm. Holl. room 0 Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 8 per cent, farm or city oroperty. u. M. smitn. a en. oi commerce. n, n.a.. n tna. nn Pla.tr.mn. ty lands. E. F. Riley. 008 Cnam. Commerce. $200. $400, $l00, $1200. $1500, on mortgage, low rates, no oroKerage. wara, asa xne ahskj. Money to loan, small amounts, short or long time. J. tu Hawiey, z cnamoer ot com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 0 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck. 821 Morrison st BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plnltintr. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.; accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Accountant and Auditors. Murton & Arenbold. 328. 323 Chamber of Com. Phone Main 781. Bookkeeping, expirtlng. Architects. DELOS D. NEER. ARCHITECT. ROOMS 21 and 22. 133 First at Phone Red 2024. Builders Material. TIMMS, EDWARDS & CO., Eastern hardwood flooring, strictly 200 Front Assayers and Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND al chemist and mining engineer, 204 Washington st MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 208 STARK ST. Expi-rt- on analysis of coals, minerals, rock nd mineral waters. J. T. Gove. Manager. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought 228 Stark at Astrology. LIBRA, SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGER. WILL cast complete horoscope of your life. Ad- dress or call at 164 West Park st Attorncys-at-Lav- r. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PRACTITION-er- s. Notaries Public. 502 Commercial bldg. N. MOSESSOHN. general practitioner. 722 Chamber of Commerce. Consultation free. Civil Engineers. PHILIP Q. EA8TWICK. CIVIL. MINING and hydraulic engineer, 658 Worcester block. Pag-s- t & Clark. C. E.. surveying and platting. 38 Washington bldg. Phono Clay 414. Carpenters and Duilders. JOHN A. MELTON. CARPENTER AND builder, 307 Stark st; office and store fix- tures built and remodeled, altering and re- pairing houses; grill work. Phone Main 747. GEO.'W. GORDON, COUNTERS, SHELVING, houses buIU and repaired. 208 4th. Clay 174. W4 L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 914. -- BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Batebcr and Packers. FULTON MARKET, cor. 3d aP.d Yamhill Get prices on basis, bacon, lard, and freo meats, Collection Asreacies. . Lehman Collection Agency; collections, legal matters promptly attended to. 328 Wash, Chiropodists and Maalourinjr. WM..DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY, THE only scfenlifc chiropodist, parlors 301 Allsky building: Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Grant 16. This Is the d gentleman, He is th man you are looking for. UNRIVALED EXPERT CHIROPODIST AND manicurist; work scientifically performed: physicians' Indorsement Office 20 Raleigh, i Hood 1701. Clairvoyant. PALMISTRY PROFESSOR SHELDON, THE world's greatest palmist and clairvoyant may he consulted dally on all affairs of life. No darkened rooms or cabinet but everything none m the broad, open light ot sober sens, (and you in possession of yours). He positive- ly refuses to accept a feo In advance for readings or special work until he Is through, and not then If you are not perfectly satisfied. His information and advice on marriages, divorces, separations; love and family affairs, business transactions. lawsuits; etc. are ac- curate and truthful. He reunites the sepa- rated, settles lovers' quarrels, causes speedy marriages, locates hidden treasures, cures fits and drunkenness, advises you as to whether or not you wjll be successful In mining or In business. He looks Into your hand and tells you what alls you, and often- times gives you back your lost nerve and en- ergy. No matter what trouble you may have, call and he will help you. Parlors 27 and 28, Cosmos, 4th and Morrison Bts. Coal Dealers. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO.. DEALERS in all Rinds of coal. Call us up ror quota- tions. 154 North 5th. Main 1018. Col. 203. KING COAL COMPANY; BEST HOUSE AND steam coals. Yard Front it. opposite Alni-wort- h Dock. Phone Oak 1251. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers: best ccals. foundry and smelter coke. Both phones. Coal and "Wood. BROWN & HICKS. COAL AND DRY WOOD. Foot Tamhfll mi. Both phones. Main 710. ALL KINDS OF WOOD. COAL AND KIND- - ung: prompt delivery. Phone Main 34. Commission Merchants. HERMANN METZOER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commission merchant. Front st. near Main. Portland, Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock, build- ing. Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO- - duce merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or. Corrnprated Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. HOT-AI-R furnaces. J. C Bayer. 205 Second st Dancing; L. B. McCALLA WALTZ AND TWO-STE- P In one hour. 323 Goodnough bldg. Phone Green 441. Will also open dancing school Jan. 3 at Auditorium Hall. MISS HELEN COPELAND. TEACHER OF dancing. Burkhard Hall, Men. and Wed. vgs. Tuns, afternoons. Tel. Union 1602. MISS HELEN COPELAND. TEACHER OF dancing. Burkhard Hall. Mon. and Wed. ev'gs. 'at afternoons. Tel. Union 1602. inSSES MATTINGL'z. ACADEMY OF DANC-lng- . 269 South 14th. Class or private lessons. Dyeing pad Cleanlnsr. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean- er. 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 181. Educational. WANTED BY A GRADUATE OF FRENCH university, a few more lessons in French. Ad dress D 36. care Oregonlan. Fence and Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works A. Carlson. 2SO East Morrison st Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N w.: protects tne living. J. L. Mitchell, sup. Bec'y., uix-ui- o aarquam mar. HnlrdrenslnET, Toupees, Manicuring: ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 160 FIFTH toupees, halrdresslng. manicuring. Gasoline Engines. TATUM & BOWEN. PORTLAND. SAN Francisco. Seattle. Gas and Gasoline Mantels. WESTERN MANTEL CO.. PORTLAND. OR Breldensteln & SInshelmer Co.. Sole Agents. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE-sal- e saddlers and harness, manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 6 1st st THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE-sal- e saddle and harness mfrs., saddlery hard-- , ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st Insurnnce. HAMBURG-BREME- FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First st Paul van Frldagh. General Agent Junk. Hides and Pelts. i . L. Shank & Co. pay highest prices for old rub- ber, metals, bottles. Iron, rags, hides, pelts and tallow. 312 Front TU South 80L Leather and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash, st Machinery. Phoenix Iron Works, engineers, manufactur- ers, marine, mining, logging and sawmill ma- chinery, boilers, tanks, riveted pipe and sheet-Iro- n work. iron, brass and semi-ste- cast- ings; shio work a specialty; building and structural work; large stock of patterns. Of-f- l. And works. Hawthorne ave. and East 3d sts.. Fritz Wolff, manager and superintend- -' ent, formerly oi woik .wicKer iron worics. TRENKMAN Sc CO.. MINING. SAWMILL, logging -- machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings of all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth st THE H. C. ALBEE CO., SECOND-HAN- D machinery, sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave. Manufacturers of Ladles' Goods. Holiday goods, ladles' dressing sacques, flannel waists: ladles' fine underwear mado to order. Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison. Massage. VAPOR. STEAM AND SPONGE BATHS, with massage, by experienced young lady; the best treatment In the city. Room 16, 351 Morrison. Select patrons only. 300 WASHINGTON ST.. CORNER OF Park, room 1. the 8nowden baths; vapor and sponge baths: also massage and electricity. Remember the number: no signs. YOUNG SOUTHERN LADY, FROM OLD Kentucky, gives lavender and salt glow baths; massage a specialty. 343 Morrison, room 3. Select patrons only. LADY GIVErf EXCELLENT MASSAGE treatment, also alcohol baths; sure cure for nervousness and rheumatism; very select Room 4, 350 Washington. FRENCH LADY. WITH TWO YOUNG GRAD-uat- e assistants, gives massage treatment; electric, perfume. 208 5th. Phone W. 1D73. SCIENTIFIC GRADUATE MASSEUSE GIVES massage, with Swedish, Delsarte, Grutln movements. Office 20 Raleigh bldg. HOUSE, FURNISHED COMPLETE. Inquire 337 Sacramento, cor. Rodney ave. One block to cars. $28.50. THERMAL BATHS, scientific massage, by ex- perienced masseuse. Rooms 28 and 27 Raleigh. ' Medical. LADIES - CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY-roy- al Pills are the bst Safe, Tollable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Mediums. MADAM SMITH (COLORED). FOR 25 YEARS Portland's favorite medium. 224 Market st Mind Reader. J. W. BROWN. THE mind-reade- r, fortune-telle- r and phrenologist; every one call. Room 38 Raleigh bldg. Mines and Mining. 1000 SHARES OF ST. HELENS & GAUCE Mining Co. stock will bring you In $3 a month. A. B. ... Cousin. Secretary, "201 McKay bldg. 15 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Millinery. ' A. S. JORGENSEN, 201 MORRISON UREAT reduction In millinery for the balance of tho season. Inspection invited. aiaslcal. ELMORE RICE. VIOLINIST AND TEACH-e- r; also piano, harmoay. Tel. Col. 51S0. Stu- dio, Mount Tabor 1 block south Hunter's Sta. Lessons 50c, piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio- lin; ln8trum'ts for sale. Mrs. Martin, 104 1st PROF. T. E. LAWSON, 2S3 FIRST ST. Piano, organ, guitar lesson at your, home.-foe- . Oregoa Vlavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Health alks to ladies. Thursday. 2:30 P. M. Patents. T. J. GEISLER. ATTORNEY: PATENTS A specialty. 030 Chamber of 'Commerce.-- : Palmistry. MISS LINN WARDEL, PALMIST. VSTROLO- - ger ana clairvoyant, has returned. x Advice on matters of every nature. Mis Wardel Is no stranger to the people ot Portland. While on her lat visit here she read for over CO 00 people. For ONE WEEK ONLY she will giye readings for her regular price. This offer will be continued one. woik longer, to accommodate those who were unable "to get a reading, owing to the rush. Hypno- tism, palmistry and' clairvoyant card reading taught; medlumlstlc persons developed. For readings by mail, send $2. Including date of birth. Office hours. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. dally. OfllCe3 2 Raleigh building. Larsen, the palmist, returned: scientific read- - iiisB. ovo; past and future. 210 Allsky bldg. M- - Dreyfus, the unrivaled palmist and clalr- - mru reaaer. 133ft 1st, cor. Aider. Physicians and Snrgeons. DR. MRS. Carey tat.rot success. fully treats and cures all diseases of women. Successful home treatments by mall. 30S Sal- mon, between Fifth and Sixth. DR. JAMES7 DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID- - "j bjju ikia Qiseases. uaa enow s iempie. Dr. Flora a. Brown; diseases of women and cnuaren a specialty. Office 517 The Dekum. Restaurants. SPANISH RESTAURANT. 2C0 DAVIS. TEL. Clay 812. Meals. 25c; chicken tamale. 13c. Sates. DIEBOLD SAFES. JAILS. VAULT DOOR3 ana deposit worK. Lockouts opened. General repairs. Burglar alarms. Steel ceilings. Secon- d-hand safes bought and sold. Goods aa represented.' J. E. Davis. CO 3d. BARNES SAFES PORTLAND SAFE & LOCK CO., gen'l agts.. 205 2d st. A. O. U. W. bldg. HALL'S SAFE8, standard of, the world. Norrls omo co.. m ist st. 2d door north of Stark. Sanitariums. 600 EAST COUCH ST.. COR. E. 10TH: MRS. Charles E. Campbell., graduate nurse Bellevuo Hospital. New York, in charge' Lylng-l- n hos- pital; home comforts. Phone Union 1300. Showcases and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE St CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON. Borgeson & Co., Sixth and Hoyt sts. Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE ' CO., 343 Washington st; largest variety; repairing. Spiritualists. FREE TESTS TO ALL ARRIVED, PRINCE De Lester, the Gypsy King, of London. Eng- land, the trance medium; so sure Is he of his wonderful power, he., will give a free test to all who come prepared; the only dead trance medium in the world who, tells your name, what you came for, the name of your future husband or wife: he in- vites skeptics and those who have been dis- appointed by the palmist fortune-telte- rs that abound in every city; In all af- fairs of life, business, losses, speculation, love, marriage, divorce, he has: no equal, lo- cates mines, burled treasure, etc. 313 Wash- ington. Readings by mall 50a up. MME. ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can' be consulted on business. lawsuits, love, matrimony; unites the separated, no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaran- teed. Rooms 5, 0, A. D. U. W. bldg., cor. 2d and Taylor. Take televator, fourth floor. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS. Wallace, the famous psychic; gives valuable advice on all affairs of life, traces absent friends, mines, family difficulties. Always consult tho best 271 Morrison St.. room A. CALYPSO, THE GREAT PSYCHIC, GrVES realiable advice to all. See her. Charges reasonable. Office 17 Washington bldg., 10 to 5. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual life reader; sclcntlfia palmist; past and future, 50c. 221 Morrison. Mm. C. Cornelius. Allsiky bldg.. 3d and Morri- son. Sittings daily. Phone Hood 403.. MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH. BUSINESS AJiD test, at 133 5th. cor. Alder, room 1. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK, office 83 First, bet Stark .and Oak; phone 660. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for' shipping; commodious fire- proof brick warehouse; Front and Clay sts. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 60 THIRD ST.: wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Turkish Baths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths. Hours Ladles. 0 to 3; gentlemen. 3:30 to 9. Typewriters. Columbia Bar-Loc- k Visible Typewriter; get catalogue. 319 California st. San Francisco. Upholstering. MATTRESS AND. FURNITURE REPAIRING, for cash or anything useful. Warner & 380 East Washington st. Phone Scott 3261. Residence phone Union 2202. Watchmakers, and Jewelers. JOHN A. BECK. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry, silverware. 207 Morrison. Repairing; Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. LOST AND FOUND. LOST POCKETBOOK. ON CHRISTMAS eve, while entering carriage near corner of Stark and 4th sts.. or while, leaving same near corner of 10th and Taylor sis., a lady's black seal leather purse, gilt trimmings, suspended from chain; contained four silver dollars, some papers and small chamois bag,, with diamond ear screws. Liberal-rewar- will bo paid for return of earrings to Oregonlan of- fice, and no questions asked. LOST TWO FOX TERRIERS; ONE WHITE, with black and brown face and black spot on right hip, and one with brown face, threi large black spots on back. Any Information given as to whereabouts will be liberally re-- warded. 67 Margarette ave., or phone Union 2212. AN UMBRELLA, WITH INITIAL "A" ON crook of handle, was left at Third Presby- terian Church, In East Portland, Christmas night, and one similar taken. Owner can have his by calling at Oregonlan office. LOST CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT BET. 11th and Everett ats. and 10th and ' Park. Please return to Title Guarantee & Trust Co., room 7. Chamber ot Commerce, and re- ceive liberal reward. LOST SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RING ON glove counter at Llpman, Wolfe & Co.'s. to Music Department, Llpman, Wolfe & Co. Reward. FOUND A SHEPHERD DOG. THE OWNER can have the same .by calling and proving property and paying for trouble. 209 Grand ave. LOST ONE COLLECTION BOOK. MARKED Standard memorandum book. Reward. J. C. Muller, driver 3, American Laundry. LOST A BILLPOSTER'S BRUSH. JON WASH-lngto- n st, between 11th and. 23d. Return to 340 Morrison st, and receive reward. LOST FRIDAY EVENING. SMALL BLACK chatelaine bag, with two handkerchiefs, etc. Return 148 Bancroft Reward. STRAYED OR STOLEN THOROUGHBBED cocker spaniel. Reward and no question asked. Return to 225 Pine. LOST-- ON EAST SIDE THURSDAY gold breastpin. Return KR7 V. VomUll T3 j LOST-BRO- WN HUNTING DOG IN LOWER Alblna, from French ship Surcouf. Return to ship. Reward. OF DEPOSIT NO. ll,447. FIndr please return to Oregonlan office. Reward. fZTM0 LIBRARY BOOK. "LATI-t- ui Phone Main ,803", Monday. Re- ward. TmT ENVELOPE CONTAINING 8. Barry, Erie Cafe. r


EIGHT-ROO- HOUSE AND 10 ACRES Im-proved land, with orchard; 3 miles from Mor-rison bridge, oa Woodstock car line. Inquire227 Washington, room 32.

FIVE-ROO- COTTAGE. MODERN$14; none but small family need

apply 780 Williams ave.

FOR. RENT HOUSE; MODERNconveniences. Call 510 E. Washington at.,between 10th and 11th sts.

NEW. MODERN HOUSE OP 0 ROOMS. BASTSide: rent $18. Sahlstrom & Patterson, room12, 281 Morrison st

FOR RENT NEW. MOST MODERN.flat. (35. Inaulre John aciosterman. corner10th and Burnslde.

FOR RENT 7 - ROOM HOUSE; NICEgrounds; modern; low rent. 503 Williamsave. or 231 2d.


cottage, nearly new, at 731 E. Taylor;key next door.

FINE HOUSE FOR RENT., EIGHT ROOMS;shades, awnings, light fixtures for sale. Ap-ply 250 Stark.

FOR RENT HOUSE; EVERTInquire at Hlotstock F. O., Uni-

versity Park.HOUSES 3 ROOMS. $5; 4 ROOMS, $7; 7

rooms, $15; water free. Columbia Co., 231Morrison st.

FOR RENT NEW MODERNhouse; rent cheap to right party. 720 EastBurnslde.

FOR RENT TO PERMANENT. RESPONSI-bl- oparties, new lower flat. Apply 344

Hall rt.

A NEW MODERN HOUSE. 0 ROOMS. WESTSide, convenient: rent $27.50. Phone West2S05.

MODERN HCtoSE: 325 7TH ST.:newly papered and painted. Phone Front827.

DONALD O. WOODWARD. 249 STARK ST..rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345.

FOR RENT A NICE HOUSE, S. E.cor. IK and Meade. Inquire 700 1st.

MODERN HOUSE. WITH YARD.708 Qulmby st. near 23d.


near car line; will rent immediately: familyleaving city for six months; rent $30, to par-ties with satisfactory references. X 35, Ore-gonlan.

COMPLETELY FURNISHED COTTAGE, 5rooms, and bath; 2 small rooms upstairs;laundry In basement. CC0 Everett, near 21st.Phone Black 30L

OL D MODERN HOUSE OFeight rooms; will rent whole or part of house;no children. Phone White 073.


for housekeeping. Inquire of Mrs.Baum, 184 Sherman.

FURNISHED COMFORTABLE HOUSE. FIVErooms, bath, etc, within walking distance.21 Mulkey building.


complete. Call 893 E. Burnslde st.Phone Scott 2073.


rooms or more; cheap to careful tenants. 487E. Morrison st.

D HOUSE 'FOR RENT;larjre grounds; good location; block from ear.401 12th st.

FURNISHED FOUR-ROO- COTTAGE: ELEC-trl- clights, bath; close In. Inquire 273 7th.

NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 ROOMSand bath; West Side. Phone West 2552.

Houses For Rent, Furniture For SaleNICE HOUSE ON 3D ST.. GOOD FURNI-tur- e,

near College st., 5 rooms, bath, pantry,clothes press, basement, yard: rent $14; priceof furniture $325. Inquire 425 Taylor st.


finest in city, all sizes and all prices.18 years In Portland, will locate you rightLillian De Keater, 425 Taylor st.

6 - ROPM FLAT FOR RENT, FURNITUREfor sale; responsible parties without chil-dren. Inquire 108 10th st.

ROOMING-HOUS- 50 ROOMS; WATER,lights, and rent. $75; also others, cheap145 Cth. room 25. .

FURNITURE OF FIVE-RQO- COTTAGEfor sale: cottaze for rent. Call 00 11th,Monday, Tuesday.

TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: FURNI-tur-efor sale: new furnlturo. 50S 5th st.

Phone West 403.

MODERN COTTAGE FURNITUREfor sale: fine neighborhood; rent $12. PhoneRuss 1711.

Stores.STORE. WITH LIVING ROOMS; 8 UNIONave,; renovate, permanent tenant. Harring-

ton, 08 1st. near Oak.

SMALL STORE. WITH LIVING ROOMS,suitable for dressmaking. 153 17th st. In-quire at grocery store.


NOTICE RESPONSES TO ADVERTISEMENTrequesting Information of families patronizingChinese merchants for oysters, fish, etc., Im-plicate men prominent In politics and busi-ness, who claim their wives did It unknownto them, and request that no public exposurebe made of facta In possession of this associ-ation, formed by business men' and property-owne- rs

to check a disgusting; tendency ofprominent people.

JO-H- A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROMTexas. Most wonderful discovery of age;puzzles medical world. Rheumatism, paraly-sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia,catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores yield to thisoil like magic Cures In 8 to 20 days. Samplecan, 50c, postpaid. Testimonials free Agentswanted, it B. Clinton, 515 East Couch st.Portland. Or. Phone Union 1002.

V6 WOMEN WANTE1 'Suffering from irregular, painful or stoppages.

2CncorEjoea (whites) and all diseases ofv&pmen. old or young, cured by old Dr.Incissler. 230 Yamhill st, Portland, Or. Prl-- e

waltlnc-roo- for ladies. Call or writeartl ose iu --cent stamps wnen writing. These

acmes sent oy man to any postofflca onI Wif11 instructions.

zn&TkS SAVED FROM CONSUMPTION AF--areCm c8 aa oeen pronounced incurablewrla nopeiess oy eminent physicians; If youdon4sutIerlnS trom this dread disease and willcom win giaaiy tell you how It wasPec at home; my sole object is to be ofEt Me benefit to humanity. Rev. Melvln X..

pen. pastor cnurch. of Christ, 211 Stone

NttlAfl ANNOUNCEMENT JOSEPHtedman. the celebrated masseur, 20 years'

usslan Bath Parlors, 525 Chamber of Com.derce. My treatment (Carlsbad system) willjnc8ltively cure rheumatism and all nervous

leases. Bath with alcohol or liniment rub.k re-; uaing bed for the night, $1.00.

. . .nnrn -- . v.. w.... v..v.c .v xPnrjfcrmatlon of John McNeill, member ofnH ,,i,o.nV.nn..no.. ...111 V... . ,

SUCH. , . icporungminds turner a. sieui lavor to nlsVas cnuuren. tvas lasi seen at la center.

1. iUUl BL, fkUlULUU. VJi.

LADIInever! S I POSITIVELY GUARANTEE MYrelieve falling Ergo-Kol- o Compound to safelydelay ujc lonsesu most oosunato cae olwltboi "monthly sickness;' In 3 to 5 days

' work. harm, pain or Interference withWrite Only SI.50. Double Strencth.Main Dr., Southington Remedy Co.. DE-51- 5

t. Kansas City. Mo.START

Don'l E NEW YEAR RIGHTmade It blind. Write now. Astrologytune Tell your own and neighbor's for- -silver! see. Send date of birth and 25 centslarge and receive concise llfevTeading and my

above-name- book free. Prof. "Herr- -man. Seattle. Wash.. Box 142S.

scaln HAIR. SKIN ANDPortlaf enuncauy treated; no risks run:masaal011'8 b31 citizens for reference; facialels taure a specialty; massage and electroly- -Epecial&S"1 Dy lnie- - Aza Holmes, the reliable

$1 a zn"--1- furs. auij mzttiiipressed, onth keeps your clothing cleaned andPrompt uttons sewed on and rips sewed up.lag CO.. "tii ci unique Aauor- -

Honor." Vfesston "Stolen Sweets." "Herlights. "AkLustful Love." "Dangerous De- -tat! on. Modern Eden." "Tessie's Temp- -of Fire, 50cir xiiuuea (.Harms, A. woman

5each: list free. Schmale. 229 1stVTIJP ITTflV

-t- h-r nfY.'ORKS UPON THE VITAL1Z- -. . "V fn.no. ,.n,,n1circulation ot :y X. ,TZ' c"ua'" "e

sue ExamlnX"16 blood, builds un dead e.

424 AVashlflt,on Iree- - Vibratory Instl- -ngton. Telephone Black 1916.


facial treatmentirouf take a course ofpure toilet prepar? & Improve her looks;

702 idatlons for sale. N. T Thr--apeutlc Co., Carquam bldg. Black '2851.


WHY DOES VIA VI CURE? AS A NERVEand tissue .food and builder It reaches thecause of disease, and is prepared in differentforms to apply 'directly to the weakenedparts. Cerate for the nerve eaters is thespine; capsules for women especially; liquidfor stomach and kidney troufelels; tablets forthe liver; tonic for anemic conditions; royaltonic for debility; suppositories for rectaltroubles; laxative for constipation. Eachform contains the Vlavl principle preparedto act directly upon the diseased tissue. Thatis why Vlavl cures. Call or send for in-formation and "Health Book." Oregon VlavlCo., Lewis bldg.. cor. Park and Morrison sts.Consultation free. Phone Hood 015.

NOW IS TOUR CHANCE TO BUY EVERY-thln- gyou need or anything you may. need la

the near future at a great reduction. Out'Riddance Sale" is 'fcolng on, and we must

get rid of our Fail and Winter stock beforeFebruary 1, and have, therefore, reduced-ever-

article In tho house in order to accom-plish It. In addition to our positively lowprices during our sale, we will give valua-ble articles away free with each purchase.Tour credit Is rood at our store. EasternOutfitting Co., 38S-S9-0 Washington st.

ELECTRIC PARLORS. 2SS WASHINGTONst., treats scalp diseases and iruarantets torestore gray hair to natural color withoutdye; removes wrinkles, blemls-he- from face;also removes superfluous hair from face with-out pain; enlarging busts a specialty.

NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS WHAT BET- -ter resolution can a lady make than to lookas attractive as possible? Ladles who pos-sess a good comnlexlon are charming; thosewho do noc should call on N. Y. TherapeuticCo., 702 Marquam bldg.

YOUNG GENTLEMAN FROM THE EAST.stranger In city, haa plenty of means, andcan give good references, would like to meetyoung lady, not over 30; object, company andfuture results, If suited. G 30, Oregonlan.

SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES. ETC..with electric needle: permanent cure:

eight years' experience In Portland; ladyoperator; physicians' references. Parlors 1510 Lewis building. Phone Brown 657.

DO YOU KNOW THAT IF WE CAN'T MASSyou strong and happy by Sexlne Fills. Itwon't cost you a cent? Price. $1; 8 boxes, $8.Address J. A. Clemenson, Druggist, Secondand Yamhill sU.. Portland, Or.

WE. SEEK HUSBAND FOR BACHELORgirl, age 9. worth $8500. Widow. 28. no In-

cumbrance, worth about $15,000. Catholicmaid, age 24, worth $4000- - The Home andComfort, Toledo, Ohio.

MATRIMONIAL WE SEEK HUSBAND FORwidow, age 20, worth $12,000. Widow, aga 24,owns larre farm. Maiden lady, age 30,worth $25,000. The Heme and Comfort,Toledo, Ohio.

MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB-ert- sNerve Globules. One month's treat,

men!, $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealedby mall. Agents, Woodard. Clarke & Co..Portland. Or.

BE SHREWDER THAN OTHERS. LEARNto ead character from faces. Send forVaught's Character Reader. Prepaid, $1.00.Pacific Supply Co., 1715 Filbert st. SanFrancisco.

EYES TESTED FREE FIFTEEN. TEARSexperience; best white crystal lenses, $1;common specs 25 o and 50c Arthur Rus-sell. Portland optician, 2S3 First, cornerJefferson.

WEALTHT. LONELY.gentleman, with elegant home, seeks wife toshare his home and wealth. Address Mr.Roberts, 017 Holland bldg., St. Louis, Mo.

VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ETClo's Kola Tablets, nature's great tonic foreither sex; 25c box by mall. Albert Berni,2d and Washington, Agent. Portland. Or.


and lonely, seeks husband to share herwealth and affections. Address Amiable, 715Locust St., room 02, St. Louis, Mo.

ENJOY LIFE BY REGAINING STRENGTHand happiness by using Sexlne Pills;, price$1; C for $5. J. A. Clemenson. Druggist, cor.Seconl and Yamhill. Portland. Or.

MATRIMONIAL WE DESIRE TO FINDhusband for widow In California, age 45; noincumbrance; worth $12,000. The MutualBook Exchange, Toledo, Ohio.

.SISTERS IN DESPAIR IF YOU HAVE Asuppression write and I will send the rem-edy which rave me relief. Mrs. AmandaGreen. 218 State st., Chicago.

A BUSINESS MAN OF MIDDLE AGE INgood standing desires to meet refined lady ofsame, who Is fond of horses; no objectionsto widow. F 30, Oregonlan.

MARRY SEND 2C FOR BIG DESCRIP-tlv- elist, ladles or gentlemen: many rich

and want to marry. Mutual Exchange, Den-ver, Colo.

YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARB MORE Ac-curately and reasonably filled at EysseU'sPharmacy, 227 Morrison st, bet 1st and 2d.

We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop-er size and style, 25c: 250 business cards, (1.Brown & Schmale, 220 First, Portland. Or.

MRS. STEVENS. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST ANDspiritual life reader. CRYSTAL GAZING &epcclalty; reading. 50c. 221 Morrison.

BUSINESS MAN OF 83 LIKES THE Ac-quaintance of neat young lady; widow pre.ferrcd. T 38, Oregonlan.

DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT.The best corn cure. 25 cents. 'All druggists.

WATCHES, DIAMONDS: EASY FAYMENT8.Open evdnlngs. W. H. Lesh, 013 Dekum bldg.

WE RECOMMEND OUR COLD CURE: PRICB25c and 50c Knight's Drug Store, 120 tt st

MRS. OBROCK, GRADUATE MASSEUSE,manicuring. 424 Ablngton bldg. Red 2S84.


paper. 10c Box 600. Portland, Or.

LOUIS H. BOLL. PIANO TEACHER; studio.Auditorium bldg., 3d st. near Taylor.

HAIRDRESSINQ AND SHAMPOOING; WILLcall at residences. Phone West 1622.


$25 BRINGS A STEADY INCOME.6 days ending Dec. 13, $25. made $6S.6 days ending Dec. 20, $25 made $31.0 days ending Dec 27. $25 made $89.

A guarantee to each one of our clients toclear from $10 to $100 each week. "We havebeen In the racing business 6 years, andour systematic betting is so perfect that wenever have made a loss. Write for particu-lars, references, etc G. S. Williamson &Co., 1104 Market st, Suite P. San Francisco.

CAPITAL INTERESTED. IN, Fruitgrowing and wine Industries.

Shipbuilding and fishing Investments,Irrigation, stockralslng, canning, PLumber and building enterpriseaWESTERN INVESTMENTS A SPECIALTY.

R. T. RUXTON. Banker and Broker,32 Broadway, New York.

FEED MILL AT AUCTION BY ORDER OFthe Circuit Court owing to the dissolution ofthe copartnership of Billion Milling Co.,their feed mill, feed store and good will, to-gether with three years' lease of three-stor- y

brick, 100x100, doing a monthly business of$10,000. will be sold to the highest bidder atauction for cash, on premises, 148 to 154Union ave., January 5, 1003. at 10 A. IL;machinery cost $5400. For further particu-lars call on premises.

FOR SALE WHOLESALEbusiness; established trade; take about $3000to swing same. O 37, Oregonlan.

MEAT MARKET. DOING GOOD BUSINESS;good location; reason for selling, leavingtown. Address F 38, Oregonlan.

FOR SALE A DRUG STORE AT HUNTING-to- nto close an estate Inquire at Blumauer-Fran- k

Drug Co., Portland, Or.

WANTED PARTNER WITH FEW HUN-dre-dto manufacture new patent, used by

every male. V 38, Oregonlan.

FOR SALE-7-ROO- FURNISHED HOUSE,centrally located; rent reasonable. AddressQ 30, care Oregonlan.

ROOMING-HOUS- 12 ROOMS; FINEST Lo-cation; very clone In; come quick; a bargain.W 30. Oregonlan.


good reason for selling. Address Dentist,care Oregonlan.

WANTED PARTNER WITH $350 IN ONEof the best-payi- businesses In Portland.C 37, Oregonlan.

FOR SALE CLEAN STOCK OF GROCERIESdoing good business: very cheap today. 423E. Morrison.

WILL SELL PART INTEREST OR WHOLEof small, money-makin- g Indention." 210 Afis-k- y


FOR SALE LUNCHROOM. FIRST-CLAS- Slocation; a snap at $200. B 30, care Orego-nlan.

FOR SALE LARGE STOCK AND FRUITrancn in boutnern Oregon. Address box 766,City.


of 25 or 30 rooms. L 37, Oregonlan. '

FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY AND FRUITstand ; cneap. inquire at 313 .Morrison at

FOR SALE RESTAURANT? FINE Busi-ness and good location. T 34, Oregonlan





Rooming-hous- e of 30 rooms, all rented, rent abargain on $35 a month, long lease, good furni-ture; price,- - $1500.

JENNINGS &. CO..brick apartment-hous- e, elegant fur-

niture and building; price, $2300.

JENNINGS- - CO.fiat all on one floor; lease till 1906;

In heart of city; a fine chance; $1200."

JENNINGS & CO.Transient house of 15 rooms, fine furniture,

central; $1300, time on partJENNINGS & CO.

house, 20 furnished, good location;rent only $30; snap at $1200, terms.

JENNINGS & CO.Hotel of 57 rooms, rent $75;

price $2500. give terms.JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST.

SOME GOOD BUYS25 ROOMS. ALL ON ONE FLOOR....12 " low rent pays well....10 " Fine house, new furniture..49 " BRICK BLDG.. ALL FULL.25 " Hotel, near fair site24 Flat, rent $35. money-maker.- .. $180010 " ON WASHINGTON ST ....$ 52515 Fine transient corner...- - $160044 " A BIG MONEY-MAKE- R $5000

0 " Residence, close In $ 80011 " NEWLY FURNISHED $ 8500 ' . Good location M25

10 ." LONG LEASE $ 75020 " rent $25 $ 22314 " FLAT. HOUSEKEEPING $1400


RESTAURANT FOR SALE.First-clas- s in everv respect, elegantly fur-

nished; good prices; large profits; price, $3500.JENNINGS & CO 3C0 MORRISON ST.

BUSINESS CHANCES$4000 Stock of groceries, doing good busi-

ness, in a rrowlnr town on both, river andrail.

$2000 For one-ha- lf Interest In a business inthe city now paying $350 iter' month.

$2000 Nice clean stock of groceries, welllocated In Portland, growing trade; sicknessreason for selling.

$2000 Stock of general merchandise, goodtrading point In the Valley.

A new hold In Valley town.$7000 Stock of soneral merchandise in a

good Valley town on R. R.; would exchangex for a farm.

$4000 Nice clean stock of general merchan-dise In a good Valley town, doing a nicebusiness; sickness reason for selling.

Restaurant nice and clean, well located Incity; a money-make- r.

Machinery complete for flouringmill. In perfect running order, and almost asgood as new: will sell at a great sacrifice;would sell engine and boiler separate.

$4000 Stock general mechandlse, includingsome buildings: win trade for a farm.

J. A. HENKLE or A. A. BAKER, 210Ablngton bldg.

SAFE AND PROFITABLE BUSINESSQuick returns for capital and energy; lum

berlne. 'Sawmills .and logging outfits on river and

railway; capacities from 10,000 to 50.000.Inland mills, with good tlmbsr and contracts.Interest In milling and logging concern.Old established city woodyard.Opening for a sash and dcor factory.

GENERAL STORES.Locations In country towns. Eastern and

Western Oregon.Grocery Grocers have no time to grum-

ble. Outlook In this line favorable. However, would not advise trading the farm Intoa city grocery. It takes experience as well assome capital to make much of a success.If you have these requlsltrs call and we willsnow you some good propositions.

Hardware We offer a good proposition Inthis line; requires considerable capital.

We furnish Information on all lines of in'vestments and credits.


PATENTS.' Patents."'Patents.


Patents Secured or Fee Returned.

Send model or sketch for FREE ODlnlon asto patentability. Send for our illustratedGUIDE BOOK; finest publication Issued - forfree distribution. Contains 100 mechanicalmovements. Tells HOW TO OBTAIN A PAT-ENT. HOW AND WHAT TO INVENT FORPROFIT. HOW TO SELL PATENTS. LAWPOINTS FOR INVENTORS. ETC. Patentssecured through us advertised without chargeIn the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPYiritEE. We also send free our LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Address









racehorse owners and bookmakers. Invite thespeculative public to an Investigation of theirmethods. This is an old andconcern, amply responsible, and reliable Inall Its dealings. A rigid inquiry Into their-- business will develop a condition unattalnedby any other investment proposition ever of--icicu ivi jjuuuu iiuiiJanuu. OUDSCnptlOnto their capital may be mado In amounts of$50 and upward, subject to withdrawal Intun on demand. Dividends paid In cash fifty-tw- o

times every year. The safelnvcaioicni. in ine country. KererencesTlinlr tmat nnmnnna .oles. St Louis business men and prominentmen everywhere, r or tun particulars addressrj. j. irnuiu oc ou., uin ana fine streets, stLouis, Mo.

BEST PAYING SAFE INVESTMENT IN THEcountry; during tho five years of our exist-ence we have never failed to pay a dividendof at least three per cent per week; your In-vestment In whole or In part, may be with-drawn, whenever you want It; wa have manywholesale and retail business men and

men on our list of subscribers. Callor write E. J. Arnold & Co., 430 Parrottbldg., San Francisco.


desires the services of branch officemanager; "compensation $3000 per annum;highest references required and given: op-portunity of a life time for right party.Address "Cereal." Box 2484, Battle Creek,Mich.

WANTED PARTNER: WILL. SELL HALFInterest In best medicine how on the coastor $250j chance to make $1000 In next two

months; experience unnecessary. Call at424 Washington street F. J. Kupfer. Be-tween 2 and 4 till Wednesday.


where It Is. Send description, stateprice and learn how. Fstabllshed 1800.Highest reference. Offices In 14 cities.W. M. Ostrander. 1443 N. A, bldg.. Phila-delphia.

GREAT PROFITS-$- 25 AND UPWARDSearned monthly on every $100 Invested; writefor booklet Dividends weekly; money a beWithdrawn any time. Highest references.Theo. Stela & Co.. 50 Broadway. N. Y. City.


explaining option trading. $20 margins1000 bu.. 2 cents. Osbern Grain Co., 17 OldChamber of Commerce. .Minneapolis, Minn.,members Chamber Commerce.

FOR SALE GENERAL STORE. SUBURB OFcity; best location; good business and nicestock; will Invoice $1500; store run In combi-nation with postefflce, which more than paytrent A 30, Oregonlan.

ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH I WILLsell my manufacturing business; articles indemand and no opposition: very rare chance;$1000 required. Addrert Y 25.n Oregonlan.

WANTED PARTNER TO TAKE HALFIn paying proposition, $000 investment;

will guarantee $10 per day on investment; In-vestigate. Call 10 to 2 today, 73 5th st.


to devote my entire time to my enlarg-ing business, will sell my studio cheap forcash. Geo. M. Strong, Goodnough bldg.

WANTED PARTY TO TAKE INTEREST INmanufacturing business; practically no com-petition; will bear strict Investigation andproye big Investment. W 30. Oregonlan.

WILL TRADE MY BUSINESS AND STOCKof dry goods for improved Portland or sub-urb-

real estate; fine patronage; good rea-sons for selling. N 34, Oregonlan.

FOR SALE A BARGAIN,flourrolll In heart of Willamette

Valley, and 75,000-bush- el warehouse, for$0000. Address R 30, Oregonlan.

FOR SALE SMALL COUNTRY NEWSPA-pe- r,on good paying basis, with plenty of

land advertising; terms, one-ha- lf cash. Ad-dress Gazette, Gardiner, Or.

LODGING-HOUS- CARPETS. FUR-- .alture,. in gsod condition; con tral house full;terms reasonable. P 33, Oregonlan.





hotel, good business, bargain.. .$190025 " large transient, money-mak- 150035 " steam h.eat, central........... 270023 " elegantly furnished, rent $00... 20048 ' elegant, central, full -- ...i i0011 " very fine located, nice 85024 " very central, money-maker..- .. 160033 " finest furnished In city 250020 " fine transient down town 240022 " fine- - Income, private house 140018 " private dwelling, good Income. 120070 " central, good transient........ BS0O

55 hotel, good plain business 100018 " central rooms, all ronted...... 05015 " clean, good furniture, full 80040 " corner, full, central. .... ....... 220010 ' Washington street, full......... 52511 bargain, piano, bargain.. 85012 " good location, full...,. 700

0 " 20 boarders, bargain 5250 " very central, good. ........... 500

11 " near Portland Hotel M07 " rent $23, new furniture 4500 " new furniture, rent $30 6005 nice cottage, rent $14 323

13 " very fine furniture 13005 " bouse, $14 rent good furniture,

nled location; basement bath,pantry, clothes press 325

Nice boarding-hous- 21 boarders, cen-

tral, price - 4.. 050Creamery, home cooking, confectionery,

fine business, established, bargain... 500I have a good many bargains not adver-

tised.List your houses and all kinds of business

with m. I will sell quick, Business good.Strangers In city will do well to see me. Iwin locate you right; Investigate; 18 years inPortland. LILLIAN DE KEATER.


The John J. Ryan BreedingFarm and Bookmaklng Enterprise, whosereliability Is unquestioned, have 'demon-strated their ability to pay 5 per cent weeklyon Investments of twenty ($20) dollars andupwards. Investors In this company have re-

ceived 5 per cent each and every week sincoIt began business, and the company agrees- -to continue remitting o per cent TveeKiy toall Investors. Jn'o. J. Ryan has-- Just pur-chased the beautiful Newoort race track,iustlv considered one of the finest miletracks In America, and will open It for rac-ing December 20. 1002. This great racetrack was built at aVcost of $225,000,000, andwill undoubtedly bo one of the strongest lactors !n the American. Racing world. Raclnir will be conducted the entire year at thistrack, and the largest foreign book everoperated will be Installed there by tne iiyanCo. Mr. Ryan Intends forming a completeracing jclrcult 'and now has several optionsfor tracks, which will be closed In a fewdays. Tho Newrort track. In addition tothe Breeding Farm and BooxmaKing inier-prls- e.

will undoubtedly mako the Jno. J.Ryan Co. the strongest company of the kindIn the world. The unusual size of thepurses at the Newport track will attractthe fastest and. best horses of the country.and the success of tho meeting Is alreadyassured. Some neonle may doubt the com'pany'a ability to pay 5 per cent weekly, butan Investigation of the company's financialstrength and methods will convince the mostekeptlca'l. A handsome booklet containingfull Information regarding the company'smethods. Its entire clans, and. In fact, everythlrwr that an Investor would want to know.will be sent free upon receipt of your nameand address. Do not neglect this, the great-est money-makin- g opportunity you have everhad. Address all communications to JohnJ. Ryan Co., St Louis, Mo.


BUSINESS CHANCE BRQKER,Rooms 5 and 8. 200 Morrison street

Both phones, Main 103Cigar store, central. Invoice. $850.Butcher shop, city, splendid trade; about

$1500.confectionery and grocery

store, with living rooms; $750.Cigar and confectioner, central, splendid

iraue; nuu.grocery, splendid trade.

invoice about S3000. central location.ROOMING-HOUSE- S FOR SALE.

' 75 rooms, splendid corner, lease.. $5250corner, long lease $5500

11 rooms, everything new, only 100012 rooms, nice location 800

0 rooms, close In. bargain 35080 rooms, worklnsmen's hotel, every

thing- new 125027 rooms, corner, low rent 100025 rooms, select, elegant furniture 2550SO rooms, newlv furnished 1100&5 rooms, steam heat, long lease 380045 rooms, central, corner, bargain 4500BO rooms, very good, cheap house 135035 rooms, newly furnished, brick 2300

hotel, city, lease...... 1500Several others not advertised. Can make

terms on any of these.JOSEPH M. HEALY. 280 Morrison.

HOLIDAY- - BUSINESS CHANCE SNAPS$17Ct Short-orde- r restaurant with good fix

tures..- - low rent; some bedroom furniture;splendid chance for a paying business withlittle money: only $175.Sawmill nearly new, near city $1500Cigar store, fine, splendid bargain...... 475Grocery, Invoice, pay half down 1500Barber shop, very central 750


$350 down buys brick rooming-hous- e,

with three years' lease; nearly newlurnuure. .trice $uoo.

house, finely furnished, steam heat,lease, choice location. $2700.

house, a dandy, part down. $500.good house, very central. $1050.

COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO..234 Morrison at., cor. 2d.


we act as sellingAPAntfl n. Inrtnrnnrat.il rsym nnnl TT" nw.

sranlze and inenrnnrjiti. new rnmninln tinvevery facility for the placing of any amountui aiocn uirecwy wim tne investor in tnaUnited States, England, France and Germany.We make a market for unlisted mininr, oiland Industrial stocksf We guarantee regu-lar dividends. Guaranteed stock sells. Wewill ruarantce your stock If It has meritwrue us wnat you nave.


32 Broadway, New YorkI

DIVIDEND NOTICE.All deposits mado with us receive a sruar.

anteed weekly cash dividend, paid on eachana every xuesuay tnroughout the year.a our money Degins to earn tms pront onthe day of receipt and continues to do so tin-t-ll

withdrawn. Investments made with usare amply protected; your money Is perfectlysafe, and can be withdrawn at anv time.Indorsed by business men and mercantileagencies throughout the country. For fullparxicuiars aaoress . e. Whitman &Co.cauagnan bldg., ban Francisco, Cal.

DON'T ' SPECULATE IN WILDCATscnemes. invest your money In a legiti-mate business enterprise where you are pro- -ieciea against loss. uiipuiated weekly dlvldend of 4 ner rant tCn crnnt K

mining crooosltlon. Satisfied "customers allparts Of country! Write fnr rfexnrlnHtrabooklet sent freo. Demarest & Co., Par--iuli ujuk., nan Tancisco, cal.

CHEMICAL MANUFACTURER WISHES TOmeet wiiu aarneii 10 estaoiisn works inor Washington, nr nnnM nn,uu.In factory .already established. Expert onnan, uinu.il. ocia ana soap manufacture; alsotjyaiaiuiiiiioii. Auarees cnemicai, care L. P,rjancr, jaercnanis ,xcnange, Ban Francisco

HOTEL FOR SALE A TWO YEARS' LEASEand nart nf thn fitmltuj. n? l trn.i ou..wood. In Cottage Grove, Or., the principaluuiei aim uuius a ime Business; tne headquar-ters of the Bohemia mining district; must besold at once; good reasons given. Addresscoionei w. a. Biair. Cottage Grove, Or.

WANTED T.nnriTSiri.wmTCTr' tot'pit rnrTlease; will give Seattle lots, '$550, or Chicagojiiuirenjr, oiwu io ?ouu, pay remainder casnAndrp.F.1 K Sfi Wlr. Onrrnnlnn

FOR SALE TOOLS AND FIXTURES OF Ex-cellent tailoring business; no stock; shopjin lurmsnea living rooms; at cheap rentcuy ot iawu. o so, oregonlan.

$500 WILL BUY A ROOMING-HOUS- E BUST.ness that, with the work of one person, nets

uo to ivv monm. uood reason for selling,Aoaresa uox o'jj, Atnany, ur.

FOR SALE A GENeral merchandise store: profitable businesscause of sale, poor health. Inquire early,f. u. dox JJ, Amany, ur.

LADY PARTNER WANTED SMALL CAPltal; big profits; small medicine show; bygentleman of experience, whose success iscertain. 38, UDDgonlan.

BUSINESS MAN WITH $2000 OR $3000would liKe to invest in legitimate businessproposition. Address, with full particulars,L. T. 84, care Oregonlan.

GROCERY. WELL LOCATED, DOING Agood business, for sale: stock and fixtureswill Invoice about $2800, Address R 35,care uregonian.

FOR RENT HOTEL. WITH PAYING BUS!ness; good location; renter must buy furniture. Inquire of O. P. McLaughlin, Sheridan. Or.

Nos. 240 and 251 Everett st. between 2dand 3d. Frank C Baker, room 12 Hamiltonbldg.

WANTED PARTNER TO INVEST $700 FORhalf Interest In business that will stand athorough Investigation. X 38, care Orego-nlan. .


If taken soon. F 35, Oregonlan.

GROCERY STORE FOR SALE. 232 NORTH14th st; stock and fixtures. $1350.

NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMING - HOUSEfor sale, 10 rooms. 252 1st st


BEAKEY & McENTEE.414 Chamber of Commerce.

Roomlng-House- s Business Chances.Hardware and tinware store; fine location;

doing good business; a genuine bargain; $22o0.Fine grocery business; clean, new stock: low

rent; good corner; e about $2500.Restaurant doing good business, on good

street: rent reasonable, $1050; another, $450- -

Hotel In good town, doing well, on S. P.R. R. ; or will trade for rooming-house- ,, thisCity; $1800.

Saloon, good corner. North End, good busi-ness; $1500.

flat, long lease, fine furnishingsand Jn good locality; $4250.

flat good corner, center of city; agood house for transient; $1000.

44 rooms, fine transient, big Income, $4500.33 " long lease, well furnished, $2750.23 " good corner, full bargain, 4500.15 lease, a positive bargain, $So0.15 " nice place, corner, flat $1250

BEAKEY & McENTEE, 414 Chamber ofCommerce bldg.



Port of Portland, Oregon Proposals wiu oereceived at the office of the Port of Port-land, .room 830 Worcester block, Portland.Or., until Saturday, January 17, 1003, at, 4o'clock P. M., for the whole or any part ofon hundred and fifty thousand dollars ofthe bonds of the Port of Portland, Oregon, Indenominations of one thousand dollars each,fldth to be dated January 1. 1003. payablethirty years from date, and bearing inttrestat the rate of four per cent per annum, pay-able on the first days of January and July ofeach year, principal and Interest payable InUnited States gold coin at the office of theTreasurer of the Port of Portland. In theCity of Portland. Or.

The above bonds are Issued for the purposeof acquiring a site for a drydock, and prepar-ing said site for the use of and constructingsuch drydock. and are authorized by sections0 and 10 of an act of the Leglslatrve Assem-bly of the State of Oregon, filed In the

of the Secretary of Stale March 1, 1001.revising and amending certain former actsestablishing and Incorporating the Port ofPortland.

Bids are Invited for all or any portion ofeuch bonds, and bidders will submit an un-conditional bid and accompany the same witha certified check on some responsible bank intho City of Portland, Or., equal to five percent of the face value of the bonds bid for,payable to the order of the Treasurer of thePort of Portland, as liquidated damages Incase the bidder' shall withdraw his bid orshall fall or neglect to take and pay for, atthe office of the Treasurer of said Port ofPortland, the bonds aforesaid, should thesame be awarded to him.

None of said bonds will be sold for lessthan their par value with Interest accumu-lated thereon from the day of their date tothe date of sales. Delivery of said bonds willbo made at the time of the awarding thereof.The right to reject any and all bids Is re-served.

Proposals should be marked "Proposals forPort of Portland bonds," and be addressed toE. T. C. Stevens, Clerk. Port of Portland,Portland, Or.

Portiand. Or.. December 10, 1002.By order of the Board of Commissioners of

the Port of Portland. Oregon.BEN SELLING. Secretary.

OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS- -ter. Astoria, Or.. December 10. 1002. Sealedproposals. In triplicate, will be received atthis office until 10 o'clock A. M January 8,1003, and then opened, for repairs to wharfat Fort Columbia, Wash. Plans and specifi-cations may be een and further informationobtained here. Right is reserved to acceptor- reject any or all proposals. Envelopesshould be marked "Proposals for repairs towharf at Fort Columbia, Wash.," and ad- -

, dressed to GEO. L. GOOD ALE. Capt andQmr., U. S. Army.

PORT OF PORTLAND WILL RECEIVEbids for the construction of one centrifugal pump. Plans and specifications forsame may be obtained at the omce. room uouWorcester block, on deposit of $10. Bids tobe. opened Saturday, January 3. at 2 P. M.Port of Portland reserves the right to rejectany or all bids.


baggage or effects left at the' Swltzer lodge. 83 N. 2d st. city, must be re

moved therefrom before January 1. 1003, orthe undersigned will not be responsible therefor. Mrs. Anna Belleg.

THE OREGON LEATHER COMPANY NOdebts will be recognized by the above company unless the same shall have been contracted in writing by a. l. siogei, secretary.

MELTON. THE FIXTURE MAN. HAS REmoved to 431 E. Sacramento st; special attention to showcases. Call phone Pink 3081


LOANS MADE TO- - SALARIED PEOPLEholding permanent positions with responsiblefirms, upon their own names; easy pay menu;strictly confidential.

MONEY to loan on chattel mortgages.NeW Era Loan & Trust Co., room 208

Ablngton building.

LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REALor chattel mortgages, personal or salary security, at low rates, c. w. Paiiett 213 commerlcal block. Telephone Grant 658.

WrHY NOT PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE INeasy Installments? If you want to borrowmoney, better look Into our plan. C 35, Oregonlan.

LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS ANDother securities: lowest rates. S. W. King.room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413.

MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NOcommission, and abstract of title furnished.Portland Abstract co wz commercial blk,

XMAS LOANS, chattef and salary security:reasonable, confidential. Portland Credit Association, 3S1 Sherlock bldg. Urant 1840.

LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 ON ALLkinds of ecurlty. R. I. Eckerson & Co..room b wasnington mag. eaone ciay 73.

$5 AND UP IN SUMS TO SUIT ON ALLkinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room10 Washington bldg. l'liono uood 413.

Mcney loaned on all kinds of security; 8 percent building loans a specialty. W. u. Nunn,bbz BheriocK diock. ciay asj.

MONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT, ONcity property ana improved valley farms.w. a. snt-- & co.. na biaru st.

MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- -eurlty. Wm. Holl. room 0 Washington bldg.

MONEY TO LOAN. 8 per cent, farm or cityoroperty. u. M. smitn. a en. oi commerce.

n, n.a.. n tna. nn Pla.tr.mn.ty lands. E. F. Riley. 008 Cnam. Commerce.

$200. $400, $l00, $1200. $1500, on mortgage, lowrates, no oroKerage. wara, asa xne ahskj.

Money to loan, small amounts, short or longtime. J. tu Hawiey, z cnamoer ot com.

$500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 0 PER CENT.Wm. G. Beck. 821 Morrison st


Accordion Plnltintr.MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.;

accordion and knife plaiting and pinking.

Accountant and Auditors.Murton & Arenbold. 328. 323 Chamber of Com.

Phone Main 781. Bookkeeping, expirtlng.


and 22. 133 First at Phone Red 2024.

Builders Material.TIMMS, EDWARDS & CO., Eastern hardwood

flooring, strictly 200 Front

Assayers and Analysts.J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND al

chemist and mining engineer, 204Washington st

MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 208 STARK ST.Expi-rt- on analysis of coals, minerals, rock

nd mineral waters. J. T. Gove. Manager.

PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST;gold dust bought 228 Stark at


cast complete horoscope of your life. Ad-dress or call at 164 West Park st

Attorncys-at-Lav- r.


Notaries Public. 502 Commercial bldg.

N. MOSESSOHN. general practitioner. 722Chamber of Commerce. Consultation free.


and hydraulic engineer, 658 Worcester block.

Pag-s- t & Clark. C. E.. surveying and platting.38 Washington bldg. Phono Clay 414.

Carpenters and Duilders.JOHN A. MELTON. CARPENTER AND

builder, 307 Stark st; office and store fix-tures built and remodeled, altering and re-pairing houses; grill work. Phone Main 747.

GEO.'W. GORDON, COUNTERS, SHELVING,houses buIU and repaired. 208 4th. Clay 174.

W4 L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, generalJobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 914.


Batebcr and Packers.FULTON MARKET, cor. 3d aP.d Yamhill Get

prices on basis, bacon, lard, and freo meats,

Collection Asreacies. .Lehman Collection Agency; collections, legal

matters promptly attended to. 328 Wash,

Chiropodists and Maalourinjr.WM..DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY, THE

only scfenlifc chiropodist, parlors 301 Allskybuilding: Third and Morrison. Oregon phoneGrant 16. This Is the d gentleman,He is th man you are looking for.

UNRIVALED EXPERT CHIROPODIST ANDmanicurist; work scientifically performed:physicians' Indorsement Office 20 Raleigh, i

Hood 1701.


world's greatest palmist and clairvoyant mayhe consulted dally on all affairs of life. Nodarkened rooms or cabinet but everythingnone m the broad, open light ot sober sens,(and you in possession of yours). He positive-ly refuses to accept a feo In advance forreadings or special work until he Is through,and not then If you are not perfectly satisfied.His information and advice on marriages,divorces, separations; love and family affairs,business transactions. lawsuits; etc. are ac-curate and truthful. He reunites the sepa-rated, settles lovers' quarrels, causes speedymarriages, locates hidden treasures, curesfits and drunkenness, advises you as towhether or not you wjll be successful Inmining or In business. He looks Into yourhand and tells you what alls you, and often-times gives you back your lost nerve and en-ergy. No matter what trouble you may have,call and he will help you. Parlors 27 and 28,Cosmos, 4th and Morrison Bts.


in all Rinds of coal. Call us up ror quota-tions. 154 North 5th. Main 1018. Col. 203.

KING COAL COMPANY; BEST HOUSE ANDsteam coals. Yard Front it. opposite Alni-wort- h

Dock. Phone Oak 1251.

VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers: bestccals. foundry and smelter coke. Both phones.

Coal and "Wood.

BROWN & HICKS. COAL AND DRY WOOD.Foot Tamhfll mi. Both phones. Main 710.

ALL KINDS OF WOOD. COAL AND KIND--ung: prompt delivery. Phone Main 34.


hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, oldrubber and old metal, and general commissionmerchant. Front st. near Main. Portland,Or. Cash advances on consignments.

TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERSand commission merchants. Sherlock, build-ing. Portland, Or.

ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO- -duce merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or.


furnaces. J. C Bayer. 205 Second stDancing;


In one hour. 323 Goodnough bldg. PhoneGreen 441. Will also open dancing schoolJan. 3 at Auditorium Hall.

MISS HELEN COPELAND. TEACHER OFdancing. Burkhard Hall, Men. and Wed.vgs. Tuns, afternoons. Tel. Union 1602.

MISS HELEN COPELAND. TEACHER OFdancing. Burkhard Hall. Mon. and Wed.ev'gs. 'at afternoons. Tel. Union 1602.

inSSES MATTINGL'z. ACADEMY OF DANC-lng- .269 South 14th. Class or private lessons.

Dyeing pad Cleanlnsr.H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean-

er. 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 181.


university, a few more lessons in French. Address D 36. care Oregonlan.


Works A. Carlson. 2SO East Morrison stFraternal Insurance.

Order of Washington, foremost fraternal society of N w.: protects tne living. J. L.Mitchell, sup. Bec'y., uix-ui- o aarquam mar.

HnlrdrenslnET, Toupees, Manicuring:

ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 160 FIFTHtoupees, halrdresslng. manicuring.


Francisco. Seattle.

Gas and Gasoline Mantels.WESTERN MANTEL CO.. PORTLAND. OR

Breldensteln & SInshelmer Co.. Sole Agents.

Harness and Saddles.

THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE-sal- esaddlers and harness, manufacturers,

leather and saddlery hardware. 6 1st stTHE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE-sal- e

saddle and harness mfrs., saddlery hard-- ,ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st


First st Paul van Frldagh. General Agent

Junk. Hides and Pelts.i .

L. Shank & Co. pay highest prices for old rub-ber, metals, bottles. Iron, rags, hides, peltsand tallow. 312 Front TU South 80L

Leather and Findings.THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., MFRS.

boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe storesupplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st

J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe uppers; fullstock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash, st


Phoenix Iron Works, engineers, manufactur-ers, marine, mining, logging and sawmill ma-chinery, boilers, tanks, riveted pipe and sheet-Iro- n

work. iron, brass and semi-ste- cast-ings; shio work a specialty; building andstructural work; large stock of patterns. Of-f- l.

And works. Hawthorne ave. and East 3dsts.. Fritz Wolff, manager and superintend- -'

ent, formerly oi woik .wicKer iron worics.

TRENKMAN Sc CO.. MINING. SAWMILL,logging -- machinery, hydraulic pipes, castingsof all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth st


machinery, sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave.

Manufacturers of Ladles' Goods.Holiday goods, ladles' dressing sacques,

flannel waists: ladles' fine underwearmado to order. Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison.


VAPOR. STEAM AND SPONGE BATHS,with massage, by experienced young lady;the best treatment In the city. Room 16,351 Morrison. Select patrons only.

300 WASHINGTON ST.. CORNER OFPark, room 1. the 8nowden baths; vapor andsponge baths: also massage and electricity.Remember the number: no signs.

YOUNG SOUTHERN LADY, FROM OLDKentucky, gives lavender and salt glowbaths; massage a specialty. 343 Morrison,room 3. Select patrons only.

LADY GIVErf EXCELLENT MASSAGEtreatment, also alcohol baths; sure cure fornervousness and rheumatism; very selectRoom 4, 350 Washington.


assistants, gives massage treatment;electric, perfume. 208 5th. Phone W. 1D73.

SCIENTIFIC GRADUATE MASSEUSE GIVESmassage, with Swedish, Delsarte, Grutlnmovements. Office 20 Raleigh bldg.

HOUSE, FURNISHED COMPLETE.Inquire 337 Sacramento, cor. Rodney ave.One block to cars. $28.50.

THERMAL BATHS, scientific massage, by ex-perienced masseuse. Rooms 28 and 27 Raleigh.



Pills are the bst Safe, Tollable. Takeno other. Send 4c stamps, for particulars,"Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall.Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co..Philadelphia. Pa.


Portland's favorite medium. 224 Market stMind Reader.

J. W. BROWN. THEmind-reade- r, fortune-telle- r and phrenologist;every one call. Room 38 Raleigh bldg.

Mines and Mining.1000 SHARES OF ST. HELENS & GAUCE

Mining Co. stock will bring you In $3 amonth. A. B....Cousin. Secretary, "201 McKaybldg.



Millinery. '

A. S. JORGENSEN, 201 MORRISON UREATreduction In millinery for the balance of thoseason. Inspection invited.


also piano, harmoay. Tel. Col. 51S0. Stu-dio, Mount Tabor 1 block south Hunter's Sta.

Lessons 50c, piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio-lin; ln8trum'ts for sale. Mrs. Martin, 104 1st

PROF. T. E. LAWSON, 2S3 FIRST ST.Piano, organ, guitar lesson at your, home.-foe- .


Health alks to ladies. Thursday. 2:30 P. M.


specialty. 030 Chamber of 'Commerce.-- :


ger ana clairvoyant, has returned. x Adviceon matters of every nature. Mis Wardel Isno stranger to the people ot Portland. Whileon her lat visit here she read for over CO 00people. For ONE WEEK ONLY she will giyereadings for her regular price.This offer will be continued one. woik longer,to accommodate those who were unable "toget a reading, owing to the rush. Hypno-tism, palmistry and' clairvoyant card readingtaught; medlumlstlc persons developed. Forreadings by mail, send $2. Including date ofbirth. Office hours. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M.dally. OfllCe3 2 Raleigh building.

Larsen, the palmist, returned: scientific read- -iiisB. ovo; past and future. 210 Allsky bldg.

M- - Dreyfus, the unrivaled palmist and clalr- -mru reaaer. 133ft 1st, cor. Aider.

Physicians and Snrgeons.DR. MRS. Carey tat.rot success.

fully treats and cures all diseases of women.Successful home treatments by mall. 30S Sal-mon, between Fifth and Sixth.

DR. JAMES7 DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID- -"j bjju ikia Qiseases. uaa enow s iempie.Dr. Flora a. Brown; diseases of women and

cnuaren a specialty. Office 517 The Dekum.

Restaurants.SPANISH RESTAURANT. 2C0 DAVIS. TEL.Clay 812. Meals. 25c; chicken tamale. 13c.


ana deposit worK. Lockouts opened. Generalrepairs. Burglar alarms. Steel ceilings. Secon-

d-hand safes bought and sold. Goods aarepresented.' J. E. Davis. CO 3d.

BARNES SAFES PORTLAND SAFE & LOCKCO., gen'l agts.. 205 2d st. A. O. U. W. bldg.

HALL'S SAFE8, standard of, the world. Norrlsomo co.. m ist st. 2d door north of Stark.

Sanitariums.600 EAST COUCH ST.. COR. E. 10TH: MRS.

Charles E. Campbell., graduate nurse BellevuoHospital. New York, in charge' Lylng-l- n hos-pital; home comforts. Phone Union 1300.

Showcases and Store Fixtures.R. LUTKE St CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON.

Borgeson & Co., Sixth and Hoyt sts.


Washington st; largest variety; repairing.


De Lester, the Gypsy King, of London. Eng-land, the trance medium; sosure Is he of his wonderful power, he., willgive a free test to all who come prepared;the only dead trance medium in the worldwho, tells your name, what you came for, thename of your future husband or wife: he in-vites skeptics and those who have been dis-appointed by the palmist fortune-telte- rs

that abound in every city; In all af-fairs of life, business, losses, speculation,love, marriage, divorce, he has: no equal, lo-

cates mines, burled treasure, etc. 313 Wash-ington. Readings by mall 50a up.

MME. ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM,can' be consulted on business. lawsuits, love,matrimony; unites the separated, no matterthe distance or cause; satisfaction guaran-teed. Rooms 5, 0, A. D. U. W. bldg., cor.2d and Taylor. Take televator, fourth floor.

ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS.Wallace, the famous psychic; gives valuableadvice on all affairs of life, traces absentfriends, mines, family difficulties. Alwaysconsult tho best 271 Morrison St.. room A.

CALYPSO, THE GREAT PSYCHIC, GrVESrealiable advice to all. See her. Chargesreasonable. Office 17 Washington bldg., 10to 5.

Mrs. Stevens, spiritual life reader; sclcntlfiapalmist; past and future, 50c. 221 Morrison.

Mm. C. Cornelius. Allsiky bldg.. 3d and Morri-son. Sittings daily. Phone Hood 403..

MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH. BUSINESS AJiDtest, at 133 5th. cor. Alder, room 1.

Storage and Transfer.C. O. PICK, office 83 First, bet Stark .and

Oak; phone 660. Pianos and furniture movedand packed for' shipping; commodious fire-proof brick warehouse; Front and Clay sts.


wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue.

Turkish Baths.DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths.

Hours Ladles. 0 to 3; gentlemen. 3:30 to 9.

Typewriters.Columbia Bar-Loc- k Visible Typewriter; get

catalogue. 319 California st. San Francisco.


for cash or anything useful. Warner &380 East Washington st. Phone Scott

3261. Residence phone Union 2202.

Watchmakers, and Jewelers.JOHN A. BECK. WATCHES, DIAMONDS,

Jewelry, silverware. 207 Morrison. Repairing;


cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or.


LOST POCKETBOOK. ON CHRISTMASeve, while entering carriage near corner ofStark and 4th sts.. or while, leaving same nearcorner of 10th and Taylor sis., a lady's blackseal leather purse, gilt trimmings, suspendedfrom chain; contained four silver dollars,some papers and small chamois bag,, withdiamond ear screws. Liberal-rewar- will bopaid for return of earrings to Oregonlan of-fice, and no questions asked.

LOST TWO FOX TERRIERS; ONE WHITE,with black and brown face and black spot onright hip, and one with brown face, threilarge black spots on back. Any Informationgiven as to whereabouts will be liberally re--warded. 67 Margarette ave., or phone Union2212.

AN UMBRELLA, WITH INITIAL "A" ONcrook of handle, was left at Third Presby-terian Church, In East Portland, Christmasnight, and one similar taken. Owner canhave his by calling at Oregonlan office.

LOST CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT BET.11th and Everett ats. and 10th and ' Park.Please return to Title Guarantee & TrustCo., room 7. Chamber ot Commerce, and re-

ceive liberal reward.

LOST SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RING ONglove counter at Llpman, Wolfe & Co.'s.

to Music Department, Llpman, Wolfe &Co. Reward.

FOUND A SHEPHERD DOG. THE OWNERcan have the same .by calling and provingproperty and paying for trouble. 209 Grandave.

LOST ONE COLLECTION BOOK. MARKEDStandard memorandum book. Reward. J.C. Muller, driver 3, American Laundry.


st, between 11th and. 23d. Return to340 Morrison st, and receive reward.

LOST FRIDAY EVENING. SMALL BLACKchatelaine bag, with two handkerchiefs, etc.Return 148 Bancroft Reward.

STRAYED OR STOLEN THOROUGHBBEDcocker spaniel. Reward and no questionasked. Return to 225 Pine.

LOST-- ON EAST SIDE THURSDAYgold breastpin. Return


Alblna, from French ship Surcouf. Returnto ship. Reward.

OF DEPOSIT NO.ll,447. FIndr please return to Oregonlanoffice. Reward.


Phone Main ,803", Monday. Re-ward.


