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The Super Muscle Workout

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Advanced The Sup A Controlled Fatigue Training/CFT per Muscle Workou Revised Edition by Ori Hofmekler Author of The Warrior Diet ut 1


The Super Muscle Workout

Author of

Advanced Controlled Fatigue Training/CFT

The Super Muscle WorkoutRevised Edition

by Ori Hofmekler

Author of The Warrior Diet

The Super Muscle Workout


Copyright © 2008 Ori HofmeklerRevised Edition 2012

All rights under International and Pan

Published in the United States by:

Warrior Diet LLC

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or

of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.


This book is for reference and informational purposes only and is in no way intended as medical

counseling or medical advice. The

or prevent any disease or medical condition without the advice of a competent medical professional.

The activities, physical or otherwise, described herein for informational purposes, may b

strenuous or dangerous for some people and the reader should consult a physician before engaging

in them. The author, writer and Warrior Diet, LLC shall have neither liability nor responsibility to

any person or entity with respect to any loss, damag

directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

Copyright © 2008 Ori Hofmekler

All rights under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions.

Published in the United States by:

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent

of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

This book is for reference and informational purposes only and is in no way intended as medical

counseling or medical advice. The information contained herein should not be used to treat, diagnose

or prevent any disease or medical condition without the advice of a competent medical professional.

The activities, physical or otherwise, described herein for informational purposes, may b

strenuous or dangerous for some people and the reader should consult a physician before engaging

in them. The author, writer and Warrior Diet, LLC shall have neither liability nor responsibility to

any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused

directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

by any means without the prior written consent

This book is for reference and informational purposes only and is in no way intended as medical

information contained herein should not be used to treat, diagnose

or prevent any disease or medical condition without the advice of a competent medical professional.

The activities, physical or otherwise, described herein for informational purposes, may be too

strenuous or dangerous for some people and the reader should consult a physician before engaging

in them. The author, writer and Warrior Diet, LLC shall have neither liability nor responsibility to

e, or injury caused or alleged to be caused

2© Ori Hofmekler

Are We Inherently Programmed for Developing a Hybrid Super Muscle Fiber?

Size, Power and Survival 5

Is Modern Fitness Effective Enough?

The Super Muscle Phenomenon 6

The Great Ape Advantage 7

Why Apes are Pound for Pound Stronger than Humans

From What Prototype did the Hybrid Super Muscle Fiber Evolve?

The Super Muscle Workout 9

How to Develop Super Muscle Fiber

Sustain Rather than Score 9

Keep it Short 9

Build Gradually 9

Feed Properly 9

Sport-Specific Adjustments 10

Initiation 10

Total Body Exercises 11Strength: 11Speed/Velocity: 12The Unit’s Structure: 12

How to Jump Start your Workout 12

The Units 12Class I - Lift & Punch 12

Lift & Punch Drills 14Changing the Order of the Lift & Punch Exercises 1The Combined Impact 14

Class II - Punch, Kick & Lift 15Sample Units 15Punch, Kick & Lift Drills 16


for Developing a Hybrid Super Muscle Fiber? 5

Effective Enough? Can it Improve Human Survival? 6

Pound Stronger than Humans? 7

rom What Prototype did the Hybrid Super Muscle Fiber Evolve? 8

How to Develop Super Muscle Fiber 9

the Lift & Punch Exercises 14

3© Ori Hofmekler

Class III - Running/Hands Up 16The Drill 16Running with Weight 17

Advanced Drills 17

Class IV - Extreme Exercise 17Sample Units 18Bench Hopping 19Extreme Drills 19

Summary 20

Nutritional Applications 21

Final Note 22

References 24

4© Ori Hofmekler

Are We Inherently Programmed Can We Build a Muscle with Unmatched

The upcoming pages present you with

won’t earn you even one half of your

programs you read about are pure overrated

anything you’ve learned in fitness magazines, you

that you may actually give up on your

harder and tougher beyond even your own

Size, Power and Survival

Size is only one of many factors that affect muscle performance and regardless to what you read in

muscle magazines, it is not the most important one

Muscle gain is part of a survival response

dominant driving force of life. When

survival response to improve its resistance to stress. This response may lead to

waste. Your survival depends on your

muscle size. What really counts is actually

"Power" is a term that is often confused with "strength." While

size, you need to understand that muscle size has only a limited correlation with muscle power.

Power is the total sum of all performance capab


• Strength—Resistance to weight load

• Velocity—Explosive impact (acceleration of force)

• Speed—Rhythm of repetitive moves per time (slow to fast)

• Endurance—Resistance to fatigue

Programmed for Developing a Hybrid Super Muscle Can We Build a Muscle with Unmatched Capacity to Generate Force and Resist Fatigue?

The upcoming pages present you with the facts that will explain why all your fancy exercise skills

won’t earn you even one half of your peak strength capacity; why all the super‐hyped fitness

pure overrated waste. Worse…if you are ever forced to actually use

anything you’ve learned in fitness magazines, you will likely get so exhausted from getting nowhere

up on your real chance to reach your true physical potential

harder and tougher beyond even your own expectations.

Size is only one of many factors that affect muscle performance and regardless to what you read in

is not the most important one.

response to repetitively applied physical stress. Survival is the most

When challenged with intense hardship, your body will initiate

resistance to stress. This response may lead to muscle gain or muscle

your performance, and your performance depends on more than just

actually your muscle power.

"Power" is a term that is often confused with "strength." While you probably admire strength and

to understand that muscle size has only a limited correlation with muscle power.

Power is the total sum of all performance capabilities, including strength, speed, velocity

Resistance to weight load

Explosive impact (acceleration of force)

Rhythm of repetitive moves per time (slow to fast)

Resistance to fatigue

5© Ori Hofmekler

Super Muscle Fiber? to Generate Force and Resist Fatigue?

facts that will explain why all your fancy exercise skills

‐hyped fitness

. Worse…if you are ever forced to actually use

likely get so exhausted from getting nowhere

physical potential – get stronger,

Size is only one of many factors that affect muscle performance and regardless to what you read in

Survival is the most

body will initiate a

muscle gain or muscle

performance depends on more than just

admire strength and

to understand that muscle size has only a limited correlation with muscle power.

ilities, including strength, speed, velocity, and

• Elasticity—Stretched muscle resistance to breakdown (muscle resistance to tearing and injury)

All the above factors contribute to muscle power, although they may seem somewhat contradictory.

Speed seems to antagonize strength, and strength seems to anta

Apparently the rules of survival dictate priorities. For instance, if one

explosive drills, the body will get the message that explosive drills are essential for survival and it will

design itself accordingly – developing

fighters. And if one is primarily engaged in heavy weight lifting,

is a top survival priority and the body

bodybuilders and powerlifters.

Is Modern Fitness Effective Enough?

Due to inadequate routines – separation between strength, speed and endurance

bad nutritional protocols, modern fitness

effect on human survival.

Can You Boost Muscle Power Along

Apparently yes. The human body is programmed for developing

level that may seem supernatural.

kind of power that enables mothers to lift cars off trapped babies…a phenomenon that seems

beyond the natural laws of physics

How can you unleash that?

The Super Muscle Phenomenon

To understand the super muscle phenomenon, we must first

Why our species had rendered itself

chimpanzees – who share 98% of our

Why our muscles today are weaker than our

Stretched muscle resistance to breakdown (muscle resistance to tearing and injury)

All the above factors contribute to muscle power, although they may seem somewhat contradictory.

Speed seems to antagonize strength, and strength seems to antagonize speed and endurance.

Apparently the rules of survival dictate priorities. For instance, if one is engaged primarily in intense

get the message that explosive drills are essential for survival and it will

developing a lean musculature such as with lightweight boxers or

f one is primarily engaged in heavy weight lifting, that will signal the body

the body will respond by increasing its muscle mass, such as in the case of

Effective Enough? Can it Improve Human Survival?

separation between strength, speed and endurance training

modern fitness has only a limited effect on muscle power and questionable

Power Along with Your Survival Capabilities?

Apparently yes. The human body is programmed for developing maximum power – incredibly

This phenomenon has been called “hysterical strength”

kind of power that enables mothers to lift cars off trapped babies…a phenomenon that seems

but is nevertheless real.

The Super Muscle Phenomenon

To understand the super muscle phenomenon, we must first address the following questions:

Why our species had rendered itself physically inferior to wild apes – gorillas and

ho share 98% of our DNA?

hy our muscles today are weaker than our early ancestors who had no access to sport

6© Ori Hofmekler

Stretched muscle resistance to breakdown (muscle resistance to tearing and injury)

All the above factors contribute to muscle power, although they may seem somewhat contradictory.

gonize speed and endurance.

is engaged primarily in intense

get the message that explosive drills are essential for survival and it will

such as with lightweight boxers or MMA

signal the body that strength

, such as in the case of

training, often with

and questionable

incredibly up to a

has been called “hysterical strength”. It is the

kind of power that enables mothers to lift cars off trapped babies…a phenomenon that seems to go

address the following questions:

orillas and

ancestors who had no access to sport

enhancing drugs, sport nutriti

The Great Ape Advantage

Researchers who have worked with

substantially stronger than humans

likely to be from three to five times as strong as a man, pound to pound.” Sauage

(1958) wrote about a certain 165 lb

lb human man in excellent physical shape.”

Anecdotal reports of the strength of chimpanzees and gorillas are abundant. In another experiment

it took a 190 lb. man to beat a 107 lb.

research has been conducted into how strong gorillas are compared to humans, but based on

anecdotal evidence, some people say that a silverback male is ten

Why Apes are Pound for Pound Stronger than Humans?

Neither gorillas nor chimpanzees seem to be overly muscular compared with

athlete. But not only do these wild apes show superior strength, they also

endurance. Several hypotheses for the

including continuity and intensity of exercise, but mostly, it is believed that the superior mechanical

output capacity of the great apes’ muscle has to d

sectional apparatus and robust neuro wiring

Sauage‐Rumbaugh et al, 1998). According to Alan Walker, professor of Anthropology and Biology at

Pennsylvania State University, the difference between modern humans

the number of motor units. Great apes have fewer but larger motor units than humans. This

enables them to recruit more units and generate more force than given task.

Some researchers believe that since

investigation may shed light on early human muscularity

had similar muscle fiber types as wild apes. Consistent with this theory

super muscle fiber would have been a great evolutionary advantage

mechanism to develop a super muscle fiber is most likely inherent to us,

enhancing drugs, sport nutrition products, gym equipment, etc?

o have worked with great apes have stated repeatedly that these animals are

substantially stronger than humans. Grandner (1969) wrote “a full grown specimen (chimpanzee)

likely to be from three to five times as strong as a man, pound to pound.” Sauage‐Rumbaugh et al

165 lb chimpanzee, “he is very strong – five times stronger than a 165

lb human man in excellent physical shape.”

Anecdotal reports of the strength of chimpanzees and gorillas are abundant. In another experiment

t took a 190 lb. man to beat a 107 lb. female chimpanzee in rope pulling (Fince, 1943). To date, no

research has been conducted into how strong gorillas are compared to humans, but based on

anecdotal evidence, some people say that a silverback male is ten times stronger than man.

Why Apes are Pound for Pound Stronger than Humans?

either gorillas nor chimpanzees seem to be overly muscular compared with a healthy

these wild apes show superior strength, they also exhibit superior

endurance. Several hypotheses for the greater power of apes over humans have been suggested,

of exercise, but mostly, it is believed that the superior mechanical

muscle has to do with its muscle fiber’s composition

and robust neuro wiring (Goodall, Bauman, 1926; Edwards, 1963;

According to Alan Walker, professor of Anthropology and Biology at

, the difference between modern humans’ and great apes’ muscle is in

the number of motor units. Great apes have fewer but larger motor units than humans. This

to recruit more units and generate more force than given task.

believe that since the great apes’ DNA is closely related to humans, this area of

ght on early human muscularity. It has been speculated that our ancestors

as wild apes. Consistent with this theory is the argument that having a

super muscle fiber would have been a great evolutionary advantage to our species; and

mechanism to develop a super muscle fiber is most likely inherent to us, it remains largely dormant

7© Ori Hofmekler

apes have stated repeatedly that these animals are

(chimpanzee) is

umbaugh et al

five times stronger than a 165

Anecdotal reports of the strength of chimpanzees and gorillas are abundant. In another experiment

. To date, no

research has been conducted into how strong gorillas are compared to humans, but based on

times stronger than man.

healthy human


of apes over humans have been suggested,

of exercise, but mostly, it is believed that the superior mechanical

composition – cross

According to Alan Walker, professor of Anthropology and Biology at

and great apes’ muscle is in

the number of motor units. Great apes have fewer but larger motor units than humans. This

closely related to humans, this area of

It has been speculated that our ancestors

is the argument that having a

nd though the

it remains largely dormant

due to our overly convenient lifestyle and inadequate exercise

From What Prototype did the Hybrid Super Muscle Fiber Evolve?

If the super muscle fiber did exist, it was most certainly

the Type IIA. What’s unique about the

fiber is glycolytic-lipolytic which yields

both carb and fat fuel and therefore

muscle fibers have a limited fueling capacity as they’re primarily dependent on

IIB) or fat fuel (Type I).

How can you develop this fiber in practice?

The Type IIA fiber is highly responsive to repetitive bouts

minimum rest between. If done intensely enough, this exercise protocol

fiber into a more advanced subtype

Current sport‐specific conditioning and exercise programs, ba

separation between strength, speed and endurance, fail to trigger the mechanism that

Type IIA fiber, thereby diminishing the chance of developing

however, that people who exercise fight and flight activities such as MMA

wrestlers, who routinely incorporate speed and str

predominantly with a higher percentage of Type IIA fiber

the super muscle fiber.

Like the great apes, our ancestors most probably

the hybrid super fiber in their muscles

fight or flight activities that required combined

essential for our species’ survival and therefore

The Super Muscle Workout

How to Develop the Super Muscle Fiber

Muscular adaptation to exercise involves the conversion of one fiber type to another. The conversions

of muscle fiber serve an obvious purpose

lifestyle and inadequate exercise routines.

What Prototype did the Hybrid Super Muscle Fiber Evolve?

did exist, it was most certainly an advanced hybrid of a fast fiber prototype

What’s unique about the Type IIA fiber is its outstanding fueling capacity. The Type IIA

yields that fiber a clear power advantage; it can effectively utilize

and therefore can develop superiority in both strength and durability.

have a limited fueling capacity as they’re primarily dependent on either carb fuel (Type

How can you develop this fiber in practice?

responsive to repetitive bouts of combined strength and speed with

If done intensely enough, this exercise protocol will transform the Type IIA

subtype, potentially a hybrid.

‐specific conditioning and exercise programs, based on isolation of body parts as well as

separation between strength, speed and endurance, fail to trigger the mechanism that

, thereby diminishing the chance of developing the super muscle fiber. It is very likely,

hat people who exercise fight and flight activities such as MMA fighters, boxers

who routinely incorporate speed and strength in their training regimen, have muscle

higher percentage of Type IIA fiber potentially along with its upscale hybrid

apes, our ancestors most probably had a significantly higher percentage

in their muscles than we do today. Early humans were frequently engaged in

required combined strength, speed and durability — a trait that was

and therefore remained programmed in each of us that way

Super Muscle Fiber

Muscular adaptation to exercise involves the conversion of one fiber type to another. The conversions

of muscle fiber serve an obvious purpose – functionality. The body adapts to the most intense or 8

© Ori Hofmekler

an advanced hybrid of a fast fiber prototype –

Type IIA fiber is its outstanding fueling capacity. The Type IIA

it can effectively utilize

rability. Other

either carb fuel (Type

of combined strength and speed with

transform the Type IIA

sed on isolation of body parts as well as

separation between strength, speed and endurance, fail to trigger the mechanism that transforms the

. It is very likely,

fighters, boxers, or

have muscle

its upscale hybrid –

of Type IIA and

frequently engaged in

a trait that was

that way.

Muscular adaptation to exercise involves the conversion of one fiber type to another. The conversions

he body adapts to the most intense or

long‐lasting stimuli by changing the composition of its m

To develop the super muscle fiber, you n

together in one drill.

For instance, you can combine clean presses with

with fast explosive punches, followed by power punches

between sets, these drills will force

capacity to sustain strength and resist

Sustain Rather than Score

Train to sustain rather than score –


Keep it Short

This is an extreme training protocol

roughly fifteen to thirty minutes you should be able to go all way out and finish your workout.

Build Gradually

Start by incorporating one or a couple of

build up gradually. Adjust the workout to

strengthening weaknesses. Be patient. The threshold time needed to start noticing actual

can be up to a few weeks.

Feed Properly

Nutrition is critical for your progress. Proper application of

necessary to promote fast recuperation

Sport­Specific Adjustments

You can adjust the workout to accommodate

priority the main component in your workout.

‐lasting stimuli by changing the composition of its muscle fibers.

, you need to combine strength, speed, velocity, and endurance all

clean presses with heavy bag punching or combine shoulder presses

followed by power punches. If done repetitively with minimum rest

drills will force your muscle to upgrade its fiber quality and power

capacity to sustain strength and resist fatigue.

– sustain performance for minutes rather than score for a

protocol that if overdone may lead to overtraining, so keep

minutes you should be able to go all way out and finish your workout.

Start by incorporating one or a couple of workouts per week in your regular training routine, and

build up gradually. Adjust the workout to accommodate your specific priorities, with the goal of

strengthening weaknesses. Be patient. The threshold time needed to start noticing actual

utrition is critical for your progress. Proper application of post exercise recovery meals is

fast recuperation and muscle regeneration.

orkout to accommodate your sport specific priorities by making your sport’s

priority the main component in your workout.

9© Ori Hofmekler

velocity, and endurance all

shoulder presses

. If done repetitively with minimum rest

power along with the

ustain performance for minutes rather than score for a

if overdone may lead to overtraining, so keep it short. In

minutes you should be able to go all way out and finish your workout.

per week in your regular training routine, and

your specific priorities, with the goal of

strengthening weaknesses. Be patient. The threshold time needed to start noticing actual results

recovery meals is

your sport’s

For instance, since powerlifting’s priority is strength, strength exercises should be the core

component of the powerlifter’s routine. In the case of

speed/velocity, strength and endurance

repetitive combinations of explosive

In both cases, the principle of combining strength and speed/

the balance must be adjusted to fit the sport’s specific needs.


Numerous exercise variations can be incorporated in the Super Muscle Workout. Nonetheless for

the purpose of clarity and efficiency,

essential for your progress. This will be sufficient not just

for continually improving and progressing

Basic Guidelines

I. Combine strength and speed exercises in a single

II. Combine 2 – 5 units into a drill

III. Combine 2 – 5 drills into a workout

When initiating your workout, do not waste your time on aerobics,

Do not rest over 30 seconds between units and do not rest over 60 seconds between drills.

Make your workout short, go all way out and finish within 30 minutes. If you feel that you can

continue after 30 minutes, your level of intensity was


Sustaining high intensity is a key to your success. When lifting weights, go heavy (1

max). When sprinting or punching use max power.

Try to sustain a minimum of 3 minutes per drill.

followed by 1 minute of punching followed by 1 minute of lifting.

powerlifting’s priority is strength, strength exercises should be the core

component of the powerlifter’s routine. In the case of fight conditioning, the priorities

and endurance – therefore, boxers and MMA fighters should incorporate

explosive and strength drills as the core component of their

principle of combining strength and speed/velocity in one drill must remain, but

the balance must be adjusted to fit the sport’s specific needs.

variations can be incorporated in the Super Muscle Workout. Nonetheless for

the purpose of clarity and efficiency, the following regimen includes only elementary drills

will be sufficient not just for jump starting your workout

and progressing.

ombine strength and speed exercises in a single superset unit

5 units into a drill

5 drills into a workout

workout, do not waste your time on aerobics, warm-up or stretching

seconds between units and do not rest over 60 seconds between drills.

ake your workout short, go all way out and finish within 30 minutes. If you feel that you can

, your level of intensity was probably inadequate.

Sustaining high intensity is a key to your success. When lifting weights, go heavy (1

max). When sprinting or punching use max power.

Try to sustain a minimum of 3 minutes per drill. (For instance: 1 minute of lifting

punching followed by 1 minute of lifting.) 10

© Ori Hofmekler

powerlifting’s priority is strength, strength exercises should be the core

, the priorities are

should incorporate

their workout.

velocity in one drill must remain, but

variations can be incorporated in the Super Muscle Workout. Nonetheless for

drills that are

for jump starting your workout but also

stretching of any kind.

seconds between units and do not rest over 60 seconds between drills.

ake your workout short, go all way out and finish within 30 minutes. If you feel that you can

Sustaining high intensity is a key to your success. When lifting weights, go heavy (1-5 reps

For instance: 1 minute of lifting

When combining drills, try to sustain your performance for 6

Do not exceed the time of your rest intervals

exercise units or 60 seconds between drills

As you progress, the exercise complexity will increase, but the main principle must remain:

combine strength and speed together

During the initiation period, do not isolate body parts. For the purpose of

muscle fibers, compound exercises

The Exercises

Total Body Exercises

The most effective and essential to your progress

body. These can maximize your energy output and fat burning while improving

and overall power. The Total Body E

Following are sample exercises divided into strength and speed/velocity categories.


Clean presses

Squats while holding a barbell in an overhead press position

Lunges while holding a barbell in an overhead press position

Barbell overhead presses / two legs stand

Barbell overhead presses / one leg stand

Barbell lateral overhead presses / two

Barbell lateral overhead presses / one leg stand


Sprinting/max speed

When combining drills, try to sustain your performance for 6-15 minutes at a time.

Do not exceed the time of your rest intervals (no more than 30 seconds between

exercise units or 60 seconds between drills).

As you progress, the exercise complexity will increase, but the main principle must remain:

combine strength and speed together.

During the initiation period, do not isolate body parts. For the purpose of upgrading your

, compound exercises will always yield better results than isolation exercises.

and essential to your progress are compound exercises that work your

energy output and fat burning while improving your balance

Exercises are also the hardest to endure.

Following are sample exercises divided into strength and speed/velocity categories.

Squats while holding a barbell in an overhead press position

Lunges while holding a barbell in an overhead press position

verhead presses / two legs stand

verhead presses / one leg stand

ateral overhead presses / two legs stand

ateral overhead presses / one leg stand

11© Ori Hofmekler

15 minutes at a time.

no more than 30 seconds between

As you progress, the exercise complexity will increase, but the main principle must remain:

upgrading your

will always yield better results than isolation exercises.

your whole

balance control

Running with weights/hands up in an overhead press position

Heavy bag punching (conventional)

Heavy bag punching on a one leg stand

Heavy bag punching with weights

Heavy bag punching and kicking

Bench hopping

Bench hopping with weights

Towel swiping

The Unit’s Structure

The unit methodically combines two kinds of

How to Jump Start your Workout

Jump start your workout with only

drills right from the get‐go, build your capacity to sustain strength gradually.

units that combine strength, and speed/velocity

featured in the Warrior Diet’s Controlled Fatigue Training/CFT.)

The Units

Class I – Lift & Punch

The Lift & Punch units combine lifting and punching.

Sample Units:

1. Clean presses & heavy bag punching

2. Standing overhead presses

3. One leg stand/overhead presses

/hands up in an overhead press position

Heavy bag punching (conventional)

Heavy bag punching on a one leg stand

Heavy bag punching with weights

Heavy bag punching and kicking

Bench hopping with weights

two kinds of Total Body Exercises: strength and speed/

Jump Start your Workout

orkout with only the basic drills featured below. Do not attempt to do

‐go, build your capacity to sustain strength gradually. Each drill

speed/velocity exercises. (More varieties of basic exercises are

featured in the Warrior Diet’s Controlled Fatigue Training/CFT.)

lifting and punching.

heavy bag punching

Standing overhead presses & heavy bag punching

One leg stand/overhead presses & one leg stand/heavy bag punching

12© Ori Hofmekler


basic drills featured below. Do not attempt to do advanced

ach drill is made out of

. (More varieties of basic exercises are

4. One leg stand/lateral overhead presses

5. Standing overhead presses


The Lift & Punch units can be done in different volumes

minute punching, or 1 minute lifting followed by 2 minutes punching,

followed by 1 minute punching, etc.

One leg standing exercises are certainly more

may force you to shorten the length of the exercises’ intervals from 60 seconds to 30 seconds

alternating between right and left legs if needed. For instance: 30 seconds standing right

leg/lifting, followed by 30 seconds standing left leg/lifting, followed by 30 seconds standing

left leg/punching, and so forth, until reaching a minimum 3 minutes drill.

You can improvise your Lift & Punch

punching with air punching. (Note that punching in the air is as difficult). Also, at any time you

can incorporate punching with weights instead of conventional punching.

When punching, alternate between speed and power impacts in the following ways: 10

seconds speed punching/10 seconds power punching x 3 (until reaching a minimum 1 minute

punching interval), or 10 seconds speed punching/20 seconds power punching x 2. (until

reaching a minimum 1 minute punching interval),

power punching x 3 (until reaching a minimum 3 minute punching interval).

When punching while standing on one leg, use hopping if needed to sustain your


When punching with dumbbells, start with light weight 5

15 and even 20 lbs as you progress.

Try sustaining for 3‐15 minutes per drill. As noted, one drill incorporates 2

Lift & Punch Drills:

One leg stand/lateral overhead presses & one leg stand/heavy bag punching

Standing overhead presses & heavy bag punching with weights

can be done in different volumes – 1 minute lifting followed by 1

1 minute lifting followed by 2 minutes punching, or 2 minutes lifting

followed by 1 minute punching, etc.

One leg standing exercises are certainly more challenging than two legs standing exercises, and

may force you to shorten the length of the exercises’ intervals from 60 seconds to 30 seconds

ting between right and left legs if needed. For instance: 30 seconds standing right

leg/lifting, followed by 30 seconds standing left leg/lifting, followed by 30 seconds standing

left leg/punching, and so forth, until reaching a minimum 3 minutes drill.

Lift & Punch units. For instance, you can substitute heavy bag

punching with air punching. (Note that punching in the air is as difficult). Also, at any time you

can incorporate punching with weights instead of conventional punching.

When punching, alternate between speed and power impacts in the following ways: 10

seconds speed punching/10 seconds power punching x 3 (until reaching a minimum 1 minute

10 seconds speed punching/20 seconds power punching x 2. (until

reaching a minimum 1 minute punching interval), or 30 seconds speed punching/30 seconds

power punching x 3 (until reaching a minimum 3 minute punching interval).

When punching while standing on one leg, use hopping if needed to sustain your

When punching with dumbbells, start with light weight 5-8 lbs. and gradually increase to 10,

20 lbs as you progress.

r drill. As noted, one drill incorporates 2‐5 units.

13© Ori Hofmekler

1 minute lifting followed by 1

2 minutes lifting

than two legs standing exercises, and

may force you to shorten the length of the exercises’ intervals from 60 seconds to 30 seconds –

ting between right and left legs if needed. For instance: 30 seconds standing right

leg/lifting, followed by 30 seconds standing left leg/lifting, followed by 30 seconds standing

. For instance, you can substitute heavy bag

punching with air punching. (Note that punching in the air is as difficult). Also, at any time you

When punching, alternate between speed and power impacts in the following ways: 10

seconds speed punching/10 seconds power punching x 3 (until reaching a minimum 1 minute

10 seconds speed punching/20 seconds power punching x 2. (until

30 seconds speed punching/30 seconds

When punching while standing on one leg, use hopping if needed to sustain your

8 lbs. and gradually increase to 10,

Do 1 minute clean presses followed by 1 minute heavy bag punching

unit. Repeat the above unit 1

Do 4 minutes overhead presses, rotating between heavy, medium and light weights (see

Upside-Down Pyramid/CFT) followed by 1 minute heavy bag punching

unit. Repeat the above 1-4 times to an

Do 30 seconds heavy lifting followed by 1 minute heavy bag punching as

Repeat the above 1-4 times, to an

intensity/weight load may require a shorter drill.)

Changing the Order of the Lift &

Changing the order of exercises will further challenge your body. In this case

follow with lifting. This option can benefit

durability for explosive drills.

For example:

Do 3 minutes heavy bag punching followed by 15 second heavy lifting, yielding a 3.15

minutes unit. Repeat 1-4 times for a 6.5

Do 2 minutes of one leg stand/punching (1 minute each leg) followed by 30

lifting. Repeat 1-4 times for roughly a 6

The Combined Impact

As long as you continue drilling, it doesn’t really matter whether the exercise comp

seconds or 3 minutes – what really matters is the combined impact of

hence the drill.

The sample exercises and drills provided here are just samples. You can improvise the

exercises any way you want, but remember, keep your level of intensity high.

moderately, do not hit the bag with “

Do 1 minute clean presses followed by 1 minute heavy bag punching – overall a 2

. Repeat the above unit 1-4 times – to an overall 4-10 minute drill.

Do 4 minutes overhead presses, rotating between heavy, medium and light weights (see

Down Pyramid/CFT) followed by 1 minute heavy bag punching – overall a 5

4 times to an overall 10-25 minute drill.

avy lifting followed by 1 minute heavy bag punching as a 1 ½ minute

4 times, to an overall 3 – 7 ½ minutes drill. (Note that the increased

intensity/weight load may require a shorter drill.)

Lift & Punch Exercises

will further challenge your body. In this case start with punching and

benefit fight conditioning regimens as it will develop

Do 3 minutes heavy bag punching followed by 15 second heavy lifting, yielding a 3.15

4 times for a 6.5 – 16 minutes drill.

Do 2 minutes of one leg stand/punching (1 minute each leg) followed by 30

4 times for roughly a 6 – 15 minute drill.

, it doesn’t really matter whether the exercise components last 30

what really matters is the combined impact of your exercise components

The sample exercises and drills provided here are just samples. You can improvise the Lift &

but remember, keep your level of intensity high. Do not lift

the bag with “lazy punches”, and do not cut short your drills.

14© Ori Hofmekler

overall a 2 minute

Do 4 minutes overhead presses, rotating between heavy, medium and light weights (see

overall a 5 minute

a 1 ½ minute unit.


start with punching and

as it will develop a greater

Do 3 minutes heavy bag punching followed by 15 second heavy lifting, yielding a 3.15

Do 2 minutes of one leg stand/punching (1 minute each leg) followed by 30 – 60 seconds

onents last 30

exercise components –

Lift & Punch

Do not lift

Class II: Punch, Kick & Lift

The Punch, Kick & Lift unit is more complex than

difficult to endure. As you can see, t

follow with lifting. Note that the exercise that is performed first

means that your first exercise may affect your second and third exercises.

For instance: 1 minute of heavy bag punching & kicking will

compromise your strength in the long run

improve. Rather than reaching a plateau with

grind its limits and excel.

And upon resuming sheer resistance training


Sample Units:

1. Punching and kicking & clean presses

2. Punching and kicking & standing overhead presses

3. Punching and kicking & one leg stand overhead presses

4. Punching and kicking with weights & standing overhead presses

5. Punching and kicking with weights & one leg

You can alternate the length and intensi

can also increase the complexity of the exercise by adding a “pull” exercise right after the lifting. For

instance, start with punching and kicking (1 minute), move to lifting (3

pull‐ups (5‐10).

Punch, Kick & Lift Drills

Incorporate 2‐5 Punch, Kick & Lift units

For example:

is more complex than Lift & Punch unit. The kicking element makes

difficult to endure. As you can see, the order of the exercise here starts with punching and kicking and

the exercise that is performed first will take most of your strength

at your first exercise may affect your second and third exercises.

For instance: 1 minute of heavy bag punching & kicking will certainly affect your lifting. Will

in the long run? Quite the opposite, this is what drives your

reaching a plateau with “dandy” lifting, your body will be forced to

upon resuming sheer resistance training, you’ll be surprised how your strength actually

clean presses

standing overhead presses

one leg stand overhead presses

unching and kicking with weights & standing overhead presses

Punching and kicking with weights & one leg stand overhead presses (4 and 3 are same)

and intensity of this exercise the same way as the previous exercise. You

can also increase the complexity of the exercise by adding a “pull” exercise right after the lifting. For

nstance, start with punching and kicking (1 minute), move to lifting (3‐5 reps), and finish with

units in a single drill.

15© Ori Hofmekler

. The kicking element makes it more

with punching and kicking and

most of your strength. This

your lifting. Will that

what drives your body to

forced to continually


stand overhead presses (4 and 3 are same)

as the previous exercise. You

can also increase the complexity of the exercise by adding a “pull” exercise right after the lifting. For

‐5 reps), and finish with

Do 1 minute punching &

roughly 2.5 – 13 minute drill.

Do 3 minutes punching & kicking followed by standing overhead presses/2

repeat 1-4 times to roughly 6.5

exercise may not leave you enough

repeat this exercise at least once.

As noted, the higher the level of difficulty

Class III – Running/Hands Up

Class III Running/Hands Up is an extremely intense

and brutal impact on the body. Though called “running”, it

particularly when running with weights

super muscle drill as it will challenge you


If you suffer from a knee injury, do not attempt running with your hands up, let alone with weights

instead, follow the very same drill while walking.

The Drill

Run or sprint while your hands are up in two positions:

slightly above your forehead, as your arms are hooked 90° in front of your

overhead stretched – your arms are stretched high above your head.

You can do this drill outdoors or indoors (treadmill), the faster you run, the hard

general rule, try incorporating the following

Start running for 30 seconds while your hands are up in a defense position

Continue with a sprint for 30-60

Repeat the above twice (or more if you can), yielding a minimum overall 3 minute drill

To challenge yourself further,(performing max speed / per 60 sec. interval). For instance: 1

minute/max speed, 3rd minute/maintenance speed, etc., continue up to 10 minutes.

kicking followed by clean presses/2-5 reps – repeat 4 times to a

13 minute drill.

Do 3 minutes punching & kicking followed by standing overhead presses/2-5 reps

4 times to roughly 6.5 – 15 minute drills. In this case, the 3 minute kick & punch

exercise may not leave you enough strength for a few repetitive exercises, nevertheless try

repeat this exercise at least once.

higher the level of difficulty, the shorter the drill will be.

Running/Hands Up

is an extremely intense drill. It is a class by itself due to its high complexity

impact on the body. Though called “running”, it actually works the upper body

when running with weights (see next). You may consider this exercise as a quintessential

will challenge your durability more than anything you have ever tried.

If you suffer from a knee injury, do not attempt running with your hands up, let alone with weights

instead, follow the very same drill while walking.

un or sprint while your hands are up in two positions: First – defense – your hands are

your arms are hooked 90° in front of your forehead; Second

your arms are stretched high above your head.

You can do this drill outdoors or indoors (treadmill), the faster you run, the harder it will get

general rule, try incorporating the following sprint intervals:

Start running for 30 seconds while your hands are up in a defense position

60 seconds while your hands are in an overhead-stretched position

Repeat the above twice (or more if you can), yielding a minimum overall 3 minute drill

further, go all the way out. Incorporate 1-3 minutes sprint intervals in your (performing max speed / per 60 sec. interval). For instance: 1st minute/maintenance speed, 2

minute/maintenance speed, etc., continue up to 10 minutes.

16© Ori Hofmekler

repeat 4 times to a

5 reps – if possible,

, the 3 minute kick & punch

, nevertheless try to

. It is a class by itself due to its high complexity

works the upper body –

a quintessential

an anything you have ever tried.

If you suffer from a knee injury, do not attempt running with your hands up, let alone with weights –

your hands are positioned

Second –

will get. As a

stretched position

Repeat the above twice (or more if you can), yielding a minimum overall 3 minute drill

sprint intervals in your drill minute/maintenance speed, 2nd

Running with Weight

Running with weight is an advanced version of the previous drill.

Pick a pair of lightweight dumbbells (start with 5

way as featured previously in the running/hands up drill while holding a dumbbell in each hand.

Running with weights involves a higher level of intensity

feeling the lactic acid accumulating i

supportive muscle in your upper body. Once you cross the three minute limit, you will become a

bundle of pain and from there on it can only be defined as plain cruelty. You will

drill regardless to how strong you are.

Running with weights is one of the most effective

Your body responds best to extreme challenges.

you’ll get better results from a three minute


As you progress, you may be able to run with weights for up to 5 minutes or even 10 minutes at a

time. If needed, you can turn this drill

of the gym in no time.

Advanced Drills

Class IV – Extreme Units

Lifting, pulling, punching and hopping

Class IV Extreme Units might be too

the overall impact to its extreme potential

level of difficulty, increased time under tension, and increased complexity.

Similar to Class I units, Class IV units

complexity as they shoot the level of difficulty from huffing and puffing into screaming.

remains the same: sustain performance

Running with weight is an advanced version of the previous drill.

Pick a pair of lightweight dumbbells (start with 5‐8 and increase gradually to 10‐12) – run the same

way as featured previously in the running/hands up drill while holding a dumbbell in each hand.

unning with weights involves a higher level of intensity – within the first minute or so, you’ll start

feeling the lactic acid accumulating in your shoulders and back, slowly taking over every major and

supportive muscle in your upper body. Once you cross the three minute limit, you will become a

bundle of pain and from there on it can only be defined as plain cruelty. You will certainly feel

regardless to how strong you are.

the most effective ways to force physical toughening and fat burning.

to extreme challenges. Adjust your weight load accordingly. Remember

a three minute super intense drill than from a thirty minute moderate

As you progress, you may be able to run with weights for up to 5 minutes or even 10 minutes at a

this drill into a few minutes stand‐alone workout as you’ll be

ifting, pulling, punching and hopping

might be too advanced for beginners. The premise of these units

potential. This can be done via increased weight load, increased

difficulty, increased time under tension, and increased complexity.

units incorporate Lift & Punch exercises but with higher

level of difficulty from huffing and puffing into screaming.

performance rather than score and fail. Following are sample

17© Ori Hofmekler

run the same

way as featured previously in the running/hands up drill while holding a dumbbell in each hand.

within the first minute or so, you’ll start

n your shoulders and back, slowly taking over every major and

supportive muscle in your upper body. Once you cross the three minute limit, you will become a

certainly feel that

to force physical toughening and fat burning.

. Remember,

a thirty minute moderate

As you progress, you may be able to run with weights for up to 5 minutes or even 10 minutes at a

as you’ll be in and out

units is to drive

via increased weight load, increased

higher intensity and

level of difficulty from huffing and puffing into screaming. Your goal

ollowing are sample units.

Sample Units:

1. Squats with a barbell in overhead press position

2. Lunges with a barbell in overhead press position

3. Bench hopping (see below)

4. Combine 1. and 2.

5. Combine 1. and 3.


You can increase the complexity of the unit by adding a “pull” exercise to the mixture. For

instance: Do 5 squats with overhead barbell, followed by 5

minute of heavy bag punching.

When doing the Class IV squat exercises,

touches your Achilles (not halfway). While declining, keep your heels on the ground; if

you can’t, it’s a sign of a weakness in your

weight load (or squat without weig

You can increase the intensity of the exercise

Increasing weight load

Increasing the number of reps (squats or lunges)

Increasing the velocity of your punches

Increasing the number

Increasing the height of the bench

You can substitute heavy bag punching with air punching or with towel swiping. You can also

substitute the barbell with dumbbells in the squat and lunge exercises.

Bench Hopping

Put a bench in front of a heavy bag, forming 90º with the bag. Stand next to the bench, your face in

front of the bag, and your hands up in defense position, fisted in front of your head.

Punch the bag with max intensity a few times and jump

Squats with a barbell in overhead press position & heavy bag punching

Lunges with a barbell in overhead press position & heavy bag punching

Bench hopping (see below) & heavy bag punching

You can increase the complexity of the unit by adding a “pull” exercise to the mixture. For

instance: Do 5 squats with overhead barbell, followed by 5-10 pull-ups, followed by 1

minute of heavy bag punching.

When doing the Class IV squat exercises, work all the way down until your butt

(not halfway). While declining, keep your heels on the ground; if

you can’t, it’s a sign of a weakness in your lower back – and if this is your case, lower the

weight load (or squat without weight) until strengthening your back.

You can increase the intensity of the exercise in the following way:

ncreasing weight load

ncreasing the number of reps (squats or lunges)

ncreasing the velocity of your punches

number of the bench hopping intervals

ncreasing the height of the bench

heavy bag punching with air punching or with towel swiping. You can also

substitute the barbell with dumbbells in the squat and lunge exercises.

nch in front of a heavy bag, forming 90º with the bag. Stand next to the bench, your face in

of the bag, and your hands up in defense position, fisted in front of your head.

a few times and jump sideways over the bench – landing while your

18© Ori Hofmekler

You can increase the complexity of the unit by adding a “pull” exercise to the mixture. For

ups, followed by 1

until your butt almost

(not halfway). While declining, keep your heels on the ground; if

and if this is your case, lower the

heavy bag punching with air punching or with towel swiping. You can also

nch in front of a heavy bag, forming 90º with the bag. Stand next to the bench, your face in

landing while your

hands up in defense position. Punch again and jump

Repeat 4-10 times if possible.

You can also alternate by jumping on the top of the

side of the bench and punch. Repeat 1

Extreme Drills:

Class IV Extreme Drills can be incorporated by combining 2

Do 5 reps of squats with overhead pressed barbell followed by 1 minute of heavy bag

punching – repeat 1-4 times

Do 5 reps of lunges with overhead barbell followed by 1 minute of heavy bag punching

repeat 1-4 times

Increase the length of the drill by combining squat

following way: Do 5 squats with overhead barbell,

barbell, followed by 5-10 pull


Do 5 reps of bench hopping. [“Rep” means jumping

(left -right- left] followed by 1 minute of heavy bag punching

Substitute heavy bag punching with air punching or with towel swiping.

You can also combine Class I

running exercises. For instance:

o Do 5 reps of bench hopping followed by 1 minute heavy bag punching followed by 1

reps clean presses – repeat


o Do 3 minutes of running with weights followed by 5 reps of squats with overhead

barbell, followed by 5 reps of lunges with overhead pressed barbell, followed by 1 minute

of super intense heavy bag punching

times but without the running.

As a general rule, combine advanced and basic drills.

The term “advanced drill” does not

means higher level of complexity and difficulty but not

hands up in defense position. Punch again and jump over the bench back to the starting position

You can also alternate by jumping on the top of the bench, punch, and then jump down to the other

side of the bench and punch. Repeat 1-4 times.

can be incorporated by combining 2‐5 units. For instance:

squats with overhead pressed barbell followed by 1 minute of heavy bag

4 times

lunges with overhead barbell followed by 1 minute of heavy bag punching

ncrease the length of the drill by combining squats with lunges and pull up exercises in the

following way: Do 5 squats with overhead barbell, followed by 5 lunges with overhead

10 pull-ups followed by 1 minute heavy bag punching –

bench hopping. [“Rep” means jumping forward and backward over

left] followed by 1 minute of heavy bag punching – repeat 1-4 times.

heavy bag punching with air punching or with towel swiping.

You can also combine Class IV advanced exercises with Class I basic exercises or

running exercises. For instance:

Do 5 reps of bench hopping followed by 1 minute heavy bag punching followed by 1

repeat 1-4 times. Combining basic and advanced exercise

Do 3 minutes of running with weights followed by 5 reps of squats with overhead

barbell, followed by 5 reps of lunges with overhead pressed barbell, followed by 1 minute

heavy bag punching – to a roughly 5 minutes monster drill. Repeat 1

times but without the running.

As a general rule, combine advanced and basic drills.

” does not indicate in any way a superiority over the basic drills. Advanced

means higher level of complexity and difficulty but not superiority. Regardless to how physically 19

© Ori Hofmekler

starting position.

and then jump down to the other

squats with overhead pressed barbell followed by 1 minute of heavy bag

lunges with overhead barbell followed by 1 minute of heavy bag punching –

s with lunges and pull up exercises in the

by 5 lunges with overhead

repeat 1-4

forward and backward over the bench

4 times.

with Class I basic exercises or Class III

Do 5 reps of bench hopping followed by 1 minute heavy bag punching followed by 1-5

ombining basic and advanced exercises is always

Do 3 minutes of running with weights followed by 5 reps of squats with overhead pressed

barbell, followed by 5 reps of lunges with overhead pressed barbell, followed by 1 minute

minutes monster drill. Repeat 1-4

asic drills. Advanced

. Regardless to how physically

stronger and tougher you become, you should always look at bas

your training – you’ll be surprised how more effective your e

between basic and advanced drills in your workout routine.


The key to the super muscle training regime is in the drill. A super muscle workout can be

done as a single stand‐alone drill, or as a few combined

from 3 minutes to 45 minutes. In times of “having no time”, you can still

super intense 3 minutes workout

When designing your workout, be

with 3‐5 minute drills, combine 2‐5 drills in your workout to yield roughly 10

sessions. As you progress, increase the weight load or the length of the drill, or both.

You can incorporate conventional

exercises and abdominals. You can also cycle between days of super muscle workouts and

days of sheer resistance, cross fit

sprint intervals in your regimen.

The three factors that give

intensity, diversity and length

Intensity means weight load, level of speed, level of velocity, and level of

Diversity means the number of different performance capabilities incorporated

strength, speed, velocity, etc.

Length means time under pressure.

Finally, do not overtrain. Incorporate

in these days. Your recuperation period is as important to your progress as your training.

Nutritional Tips

The super muscle regimen may fail to

some useful tips:

stronger and tougher you become, you should always look at basic exercise as the cornerstone

you’ll be surprised how more effective your exercise regimen will be if you

between basic and advanced drills in your workout routine.

The key to the super muscle training regime is in the drill. A super muscle workout can be

‐alone drill, or as a few combined drills. The workout’s length can range

minutes to 45 minutes. In times of “having no time”, you can still hit your body with

workout via running with weights (see Class III exercise).

When designing your workout, be patient. Build your strength and durability gradually. Start

‐5 minute drills, combine 2‐5 drills in your workout to yield roughly 10 –

sessions. As you progress, increase the weight load or the length of the drill, or both.

conventional exercise in your super muscle workout including pull

exercises and abdominals. You can also cycle between days of super muscle workouts and

, cross fit, or sport conditioning. If you do aerobics, incorporate

t intervals in your regimen.

The three factors that give your body the signal to adapt and improve are:


means weight load, level of speed, level of velocity, and level of

means the number of different performance capabilities incorporated

strength, speed, velocity, etc.

means time under pressure.

Incorporate 1-2 resting days per week; allow yourself to get lazy

recuperation period is as important to your progress as your training.

fail to deliver its full impact without proper nutrition. Following are

20© Ori Hofmekler

ic exercise as the cornerstone of

xercise regimen will be if you cycle

The key to the super muscle training regime is in the drill. A super muscle workout can be

drills. The workout’s length can range

hit your body with a

(see Class III exercise).

gradually. Start

30 minute

sessions. As you progress, increase the weight load or the length of the drill, or both.

including pull

exercises and abdominals. You can also cycle between days of super muscle workouts and

or sport conditioning. If you do aerobics, incorporate

means weight load, level of speed, level of velocity, and level of difficulty.

means the number of different performance capabilities incorporated –

llow yourself to get lazy

recuperation period is as important to your progress as your training.

Following are

Choose your food from the lower food chain

way. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, roots, nuts, seeds, eggs and dairy

To this you can add marine food

The above foods should always be first priority on

food chain – grain, meat (from overfed animals) and refined products should be

Our species hasn’t fully adapted to foods higher on the food

we have the ability to kill and eat other species

Regardless to how attractive meat may seem to

– the fact remains: humans and apes

protein. The high intake of meat

of all apes, do not even like meat. As for grains,

oats, barley, wild rice and corn are superior to the later

rice and corn. Sprouted grains are

refined grains.

As a general rule, keep your meals as low g Rotate between the two fuels: carbs and fat. Separate between “carb days” and “fat days”

muscle can only utilize one primary fuel at a time

glycemic index as this could be

will certainly contribute to your health and longevity. Use the right food combinations:

Vegetables & protein mix with everything

Grains & nuts do not mix

Grains & sugar do not mix

Grains & alcohol do not mix

Nuts & sugar (or fruits) do not mix

Have your main meal at night. Humans are inherently Incorporate recovery meals right

non-denatured whey protein from grass fed cows You can incorporate a few recovery meals after your workout. First recovery

training, followed by second and

lower food chain. Your body is programmed to better survive

ruits, vegetables, legumes, roots, nuts, seeds, eggs and dairy should be your staple

To this you can add marine food – fish and seafood (wild catch).

The above foods should always be first priority on your grocery list. Foods from the top of the

grain, meat (from overfed animals) and refined products should be your

ur species hasn’t fully adapted to foods higher on the food chain. We are indeed predators as

we have the ability to kill and eat other species, but as predators we stand in the end of the line

Regardless to how attractive meat may seem to you – hamburgers, fried chicken and beef steaks

and apes lack certain enzymes necessary for fully utilizing meat

high intake of meat has been shown to shatter human health. Gorillas, the strongest

meat. As for grains, though not an ideal choice, the ancient gra

rice and corn are superior to the later grains – wheat and some new species of

grains are better than whole grains and whole grains are better

As a general rule, keep your meals as low glycemic as possible.

otate between the two fuels: carbs and fat. Separate between “carb days” and “fat days”

muscle can only utilize one primary fuel at a time. Nonetheless, beware of the carb fuel

could be counter-effective. Keeping your diet as low glycemic as possible

will certainly contribute to your health and longevity.

the right food combinations:

protein mix with everything

do not mix

Have your main meal at night. Humans are inherently nocturnal eaters.

right after your workout. Use quality fast assimilating proteins

protein from grass fed cows (see warriorwhey.com).

You can incorporate a few recovery meals after your workout. First recovery 15-30 minutes

, followed by second and potentially third recovery meals every 1‐2 hours.

21© Ori Hofmekler

survive that

should be your staple foods.

from the top of the

your last priority.

hain. We are indeed predators as

end of the line.

hamburgers, fried chicken and beef steaks

lack certain enzymes necessary for fully utilizing meat

health. Gorillas, the strongest

the ancient grains –

and some new species of

better than

otate between the two fuels: carbs and fat. Separate between “carb days” and “fat days” as your

carb fuel’s

your diet as low glycemic as possible

fast assimilating proteins such as

30 minutes after

‐2 hours.

Your recovery meals should be

insulin resistance (see warriorwhey

Adjust your diet to fit your sport conditioning priority.

the ratio of protein/ fuel. If your main p

Adjust your calorie intake and supplementation to

activity – by adding or lowering the amount of fuel food in your main meal, and by

your supplement intake (plant-

When adjusting your diet, use common sense. If you increase your training volume by merely

5%, do not bother with fuel food adjustments. If however you increase your training

100%, you should increase your fuel food accordingly. Through trial and error you’ll master the

skill of adjusting fuel food intake

adjustments gradually – check how each adjustment (incre

30% ‐ 50% ‐ 100%) affects your energy level

Final Note

The Super Muscle Workout is not just a training program, but rather a

you haven’t given up on your dream to excel, you’ll find this regimen highly viable

old you are. Be practical, adjust the

instance, if your physical capacity allows you to handle only

your current condition is only relative to your peak potential

you will be able to progress regardless to your initial level of fitness

and progress takes time. Nonetheless

passively die), time will work for you instead of against you

keep a strong healthy physique and

(More information on the super muscle in

ould be made with no sugar added to avoid blood sugar fluctuation

insulin resistance (see warriorwhey.com).

Adjust your diet to fit your sport conditioning priority. If your main priority is strength, increase

fuel. If your main priority is endurance, increase the ratio of fuel

calorie intake and supplementation to accommodate the level of your

by adding or lowering the amount of fuel food in your main meal, and by

-based vitamins & minerals, vitamin C and detox herbs).

When adjusting your diet, use common sense. If you increase your training volume by merely

5%, do not bother with fuel food adjustments. If however you increase your training

100%, you should increase your fuel food accordingly. Through trial and error you’ll master the

skill of adjusting fuel food intake – how much to add or omit. To be on the safe side, do the

check how each adjustment (increase or decrease in fuel food intake by

‐ 50% ‐ 100%) affects your energy level, body fat, and overall progress.

The Super Muscle Workout is not just a training program, but rather a commitment to a

your dream to excel, you’ll find this regimen highly viable regardless to

, adjust the workout to accommodate your level of fitness and

allows you to handle only a lower level of difficulty, that’s ok as

is only relative to your peak potential. And if you persist challenging yourself

ll be able to progress regardless to your initial level of fitness. Be patient. There is no quick fix

. Nonetheless, once you’re committed to actively survive (rather than

, time will work for you instead of against you – and unlike most people you’ll be able to

and a biologically young body.

super muscle in Unlock Your Muscle Gene and Ori’s Blogs.)

22© Ori Hofmekler

o avoid blood sugar fluctuation and

f your main priority is strength, increase

riority is endurance, increase the ratio of fuel/ protein.

your physical

by adding or lowering the amount of fuel food in your main meal, and by adjusting

minerals, vitamin C and detox herbs).

When adjusting your diet, use common sense. If you increase your training volume by merely

5%, do not bother with fuel food adjustments. If however you increase your training volume by

100%, you should increase your fuel food accordingly. Through trial and error you’ll master the

how much to add or omit. To be on the safe side, do the

ase or decrease in fuel food intake by

commitment to a lifestyle. If

egardless to how

accommodate your level of fitness and schedule. For

, that’s ok as

challenging yourself

Be patient. There is no quick fix

rather than

you’ll be able to


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