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The Superfrog ISBI: Chapter Thirteen

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Page 1: The Superfrog ISBI: Chapter Thirteen

The Superfrog ISBI

Chapter Thirteen: Popular

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Duck's getting ready to take over the family! Ta da! But first, the final chapter of Sketch's sanity...

Last time, there were adorable faces, lots of music playing, a new friend for the kids in the form of Katy Gavigan, a local playable girl. There was also embarrassing parents, teenage birthdays, ACR induced relationships, Goopy matched his shorts to the guitar, yet another visit from the Reaper, teenage rebellion, ghosts, swimming, and poor fashion choices.

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But before we launch into the chapter, I'd just like to draw your attention to Knight's lack of fashion sense.

I moaned about it at the end of the last chapter, yet forgot to include a complete picture of Knight's new style.

Anyway. Enough intros, more insanity! →

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We return to the Supers to find they have the same amount of tact and class as ever.

Knight's face says it all, really, “Mum! Don't you think that's a little low cut?!”

Sketch is oblivious and Goopy can't bear to look. Oh, the life and times of an ISBI family. How I shall miss it when all is said and done.

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Sketch and Goopy are still very much in love, which isn't really all that surprising. I'm still super happy Goopy was dropped for her. :)

And it looks like they might be able to grow old together – a privilege denied to all of the other spouses in the challenge!

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“Congratulations, Duck!” Knight grinned.

“What for this time?”

“Taking over the role of insanity's leader!”

Honestly, Knight keeps congratulating Duck. On what? His sense of style? His first kiss with Katy? I don't know. Maybe they know he's the next heir.

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Knight then takes a break from his busy schedule of making awkward conversation and congratulating Duck to play the guitar.

“He's right. You have to live with a crazy wife and crazy kids while me and Knight get to live the life of spares.”

“Eh. I have an adorable face. And a playable girlfriend. I'm breaking the rules. You're wearing a leopard print jumpsuit. I think we know which one of us is better off.”

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“Ahoy there!”

I can't remember why I took this picture originally. Maybe I was noticing his stylish outerwear, or maybe it was the fact his jawline looks a little odd. I don't know.

I just wanted to include it somehow.

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And, because she's such great friends with the family, Knight brought Katy Gavigan home with him.

She doesn't look very impressed. The bus driver, however, looks VERY impressed!

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“So what's the verdict? Do I get to keep Duck?”

I've decided to forget all about the compulsory-Gypsy-date for the last generation. Duck can marry Katy, it seems I'm playing a variation of the rules anyway.

Besides, I'm a sucker for couples who choose themselves.

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“Rock beats scissors! You lose!”

And because they're teenagers, Katy and Duck don't spend their entire time together stalking each other for kisses – which is how Goopy and Sketch like to spend their time.

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“Duck's got a girlfriend, Duck's got a girlfriend!” Knight seems to like hanging out and irritating his older brother. Duck has bigger issues than Knight, though.

“Katy! You cheat! Paper can't possibly beat rock!”

“It does!”

“Right...I'll start throwing rocks, and you can have some paper to defend yourself with!”

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I was listening to Bat Out of Hell by Meatloaf while Sketch was playing guitar.

She's never seemed more awesome than in that moment.

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While Duck is Katy's boyfriend, Knight is Katy's best friend. They make a pretty awesome trio, if you ask me.

Goblin, however, doesn't bother to hang out with them. Maybe she feels a little too old? She is almost an adult.

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What is it with these kids and making friends with playables? Goblin brought home Gavin Newson.

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Then again, maybe Goblin didn't bring Gavin home to be friends with him.

“You're an idiot, see, the reaper really isn't scary!”

“YAWN. You're boring, Goblin. Why are you so boring?!”

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Even with their arguments and disagreements, the Super kids are pretty popular with their local teens. Popularity isn't everything, it seems, because Duck spent the time sobbing.

“Katy isn't here! How can we have friends over, but not invite Katy?!”

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Then again, maybe the friends of the Super kids don't like them all that much. Sophie, in the tracksuit, seems to enjoy picking on Duck a lot.

“Ha, ha! Goopy is your Dad! Your girlfriend is playable! Your haircut is funny! You're in my way! Ha ha!”


“Ha ha!”

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Duck's face is a picture of misery, really

“Why does she hate me?!”

Who knows. But she's coming back for round two, behind you.

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Gavin decides to get revenge on Duck's behalf.

“Hey, Sophie, is that a go-faster stripe on your tracksuit?”

“What? Where?”

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Gavin flicked her across the nose.


“Ouch! I blame Duck!”

Getting the blame did not impress Duck. At all.

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“Take that, Sophie!”

Why does this remind me of Vamsi and Makoto, all that time ago?

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After that, Sophie goes back to annoying Gavin, while Duck ignores her and plays games with Knight.

Also, that cat painting in the background. It's been half finished for a long, long time. It's because the person who originally painted it died before it was finished. I don't remember who the painter was, but I don't feel like scrapping it.

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Sophie appeared to be enjoy overstaying her welcome. You know it's serious when your enemies start using the family kareoke machine.

“This one goes out to my BEST friend, Duck Super!”

“I'm so angry right now!”

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Gavin is totally on our side. He stood there, glaring, while Sophie sang.

She wasn't as good as my select group of uncontrollables, to be honest.

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Then again, the uncontrollables have spent their entire lives learning to sing and stuff.

“I feel pretty...”

Seriously, that's the first song that popped into my head when watching Duck sing.

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The next day, only Goblin bothers bringing a friend home, who she promptly ignores in favour of the violin's company.

Duck and Knight ignore him, too, opting to pillow fight instead.

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Knight and Katy are still really good friends. Tickling has always been a kind of unofficial flirting in my game, but eh. I'm assuming Katy and Knight are just friends, though.

Orlando was interested in what was happening, but Ivy couldn't care less. She doesn't like Knight, though.

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“Hello everyone! It seems our house is full of teenagers again!”

There are always large groups of teenagers hanging out at the house. Also, note that huge pile of homework in the background. That's Goblin's homework.

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“Why do you hate me?!”

“I don't want to hate you!”

I don't understand why these two fight all the times, but it reminds me of Vamsi and Makoto.

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The next day, the sparkles came for Sketch. Goopy was busy working, so only the kids were around to pay her any attention.

I wasn't sure if Sketch's elder birthday meant it was time for Duck to take charge or not. I decided to wait for Duck's adult birthday before taking control of him.

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Sketch aged pretty well, don't you think?

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Also that night, Goopy also aged up. He chose some pretty good clothes, if you ask me!

This is the first time since the beginning of this challenge that a spouse hasn't died before they reach elderhood!

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“Guess what, Mum! It's Goblin's birthday!”

Knight doesn't look completely happy that it's another birthday. Seriously, all of the birthdays are close together for some reason.

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Goblin later grew up with the same fashion sense she boasted during her teen years. It's amazing!

Also, she went into aspiration failure, for not going to uni. Understandable – she's a knowledge sim.

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That night, Duck and Knight decided to chill on the front lawn for ages.

“So what's up? How do you feel about me being the heir and stuff?”

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“It's cool. I get to live in an awesome house. Maybe with an awesome wife. And some awesome kids,” Knight sighed, happily, “I'm just going to have an awesome life.”

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The next day, Katy's Mum takes a wander by.

“Hi! I heard you're planning to steal my daughter's sanity!”

...just maybe. She might not go completely insane, she might be really chilled out or something.

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“Duck. Duck. Hey, Duck. Duck? Duck? Pa y attention to me?”

Seriously, they only ever seem to want Duck's attention when he's playing violin or something.

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“Knight, stop bothering your brother. He's busy.”

None of this broke Duck's concentration. I assume he's just really focused on his music, right?

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With Goblin grown up and moved out (she's living in the spares house with Vogue and Story – we'll check in on her next time), Duck and Knight have been bringing less friends home with them.

Maybe it was Goblin who was super-popular.

Anyway, they do occasionally drag friends in, just so they can ignore them.

“Hey, a nice chat could be good right now.” Meadow looks like she's trying to remind people of her presence in that corner.

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“Hey Duck, want to chat?”

“Does anyone hear voices? I think I'm hearing voices!”

Meadow eventually got tired of being ignored, and wandered off the lot. I do like her, but Duck's spouse is already decided, and Knight's will be decided via wishing well or matchmaker.

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I'm pretty sure Katy is convinced she lives here. She was just wandering by, before stopping and walking straight into the house. Duck seemed less than impressed.

“Don't you think that's a little creepy, Knight?”

“No, I clearly think it's hilarious.”

“But she's staring at us right now, waiting to talk to me. Or to you.”

I don't think they're going off each other. Better hope not, seeing as their future is all arranged.

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“Hey, Knight, we're, like, best friends! Let's chat and stuff while I completely ignore my intended!”

“That sounds like a brilliant idea!”

“And then we can play punch-you-punch-me!”

“Even better!”

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“So...you're punching my brother, right?”


“You don't feel like heading outside and making out?”


“Oh. I see. I guess I'll just stand here and smile at you then.”


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Later on, though, the couple seemed fine. I think as long as these three are young and together there will always be a third wheel.

It's usually Duck or Katy, but Knight occasionally takes a turn.

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Vamsi is still about, still trying to scare people to death. She's been pretty unsuccessful at that, really.

Most of the other ghosts are pretty peaceful. I've never seen Leo out of his grave, Star never scares anyone, Makoto and Alan very rarely come out, and Vyn just wanders around. But Vamsi makes an effort to scare, for some reason.

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On a completely different note, Sketch is keeping to herself a lot, lately. Well, herself and occasionally Goopy.

She's still an extreme amount of awesome, though. :)

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The next day was Duck's birthday. Katy was there, naturally. With her eyes glitched up.

“Explode in to sparkles, my precious.”


“I mean, happy birthday, Duck!”

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And that's that! Duck is now the Torch Holder! Katy looks pleased with the turn out of her soul mate.

I'm not convinced Duck is 100% Goopy genes – I believe the cheekbones are a bit different to Goopy's. I don't know.

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That's it for this time!

Join me in the next chapter for weddings, and the arrival of the final generation, of course! I'm excited, are you?

Thanks for reading! :)
