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 · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn...

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Page 1:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus



OASE NO.: CO. 72/76. GRAHAl"ST(JJN •

14th JUNE, 1976.




VOLUJ'1i; 4-

(Pages ~57 _ 422)



Page 2:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

357 ",UI'E.

l'EE CaURi' RES Ul iES OIi 'li,E 14th JU!;E , 1976.

Dm HLUilGISELELI JOllG',nYSE 'SUPE : still unc.er oat.h :

}'URliiEa CROSS U:i,II1!INl' ICl, BY IlR SK\,TillA : 1 wGlnt. t;S t. o dea l

with the meeting which you referred t.o o.G (1 Gpecial mCf'til1G .

In the first. place, on '"hich dat.e e.o you Gay t.l:is :ncctinc ''';05

held? __ Illt.h Oct.ob er .

1 r.IUSt. t. ell you now t.ho t. Hccuscd \;0 . 3 , I. tlnd .5 stJy that. ,

you ore ,,'rong in !JoyinG that this mcet.ill£ .... hie;" you refer to ... S

013 (l. 13pcciol !:leeting , wus on tt,e liith October , 197;' , but. in

foct it "" as on "the l~th Oc t obet' I nnt ;}'ccr . Could ;iOU (IO)

be mokin6 a ~istakc? I do not. t.hink s o .

On ",'hich day of the ",Ieek ',l aG thin meetinc? __ 'l'u esday .

''':ell , ac c used 3 , 4 olld .5 inst ruct us that it. won on a

wedr::"sdoy . Gould you be maki!lt; a lQistuke oc;oin? __ 1 rio not

th ink so .

,,'hOl'e WIIS thio Iteet i ll£ held? __ In th(' Kl oof .

Are you c erta in abou t. Lhut.? Jlext La t.he Girl!;; ' hOfltel.

On the wo;; t o _ on t.h " roeod on tht' woy to {,lice? -- !l ot on

110 , off the \~ay but near the rand to Alice in other ( 20)

~:ord!; . -_ 'i el> .

Is there a kloof there? Eeco.us e my insLruction~ are tlwt

the kloof in fact i~ below the high school nnd belm'" t.he toi let

for boys , ~IJl"re the toil('t.s Jor boys ore ~i tl'ated . Is that

correct? __ '.L'hcrc is also 11 kloof .

in :i'IIE COl.il.'l: Is thrt. u d i l'f~rent klool-? __ 1 t.nk(' it that.

t he rood leading to tha t end is u kloof .

I do not unde rsteond t.il;Jt reply I nm ofreoia .

fIR Sh,iEYIYA ; I s the n ' !l kloof or not nNlr the c;i rll,; ' hostel ?

I c a ll that urea a klooL (30)

~!Jmt do you unoerst1lnd by !l kloo.!"? -- 'J'hut is wh e r e there i ~

11/ . ..

Page 3:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

a river .

And is t.he ploce '",lIicll is neDl' the girls ' hostel or was

it rut.her ordinurily .I.'cfel'red to as t;lC kloof , at Eealdt own ?

No .

"fou '",i l l aGree that you are the only on,., .... "0 rf'icrs to

it. as a kloof? __ 1 ~ould ~Grce .

BY ~!iE COURt' : Ilhy de ;,'-ou call it. a kloof? __ It is because

there is a river there. It. is a flnt ure."l 'tIit.h 1) river .

f8 SK'..iE"!IYA : Belol,' t.h!" vill'l.Ge v:hicn is IIp thcrf! . I t.hink it

is coll .. d Linselihlc . __ !In . (10)

Ie thl" .... llny sprcia J ['<>a5 0n why j "OU r e f'O['['",d to t.his

llIee t ine; llS [\ epcci<Jl :;}cctinC? __ It I,'US bccousf' it. "I<:lG h e ld

during the .schoal OO.l s . !:eetinrs \1erC usunlly held on l1f'ek- endE .

And will you al1ree 'lit.h t:le alSO t.h.:lt this ~·H.' ('ti1l6 was

specifically held to dii3cui3s about. the pr::>ble::ls at. school ,

nUl:lely expulsions? And before you reply t.o t.hat. , ilnrl ulso

about. cOr:lplnints c oncerning new rules '''hich )}",d been introduced

by the principal ',.,hich he said he :nad bo t fro::l Kine William 's

'l'o .... n? ',lould YOIl nGree 1..1\01.. thi~; "'os callce specifically for

those two reasons bU5ically ? __ I (\0 not reme mber thc

sec o!ld point ; 1 e.€;ree about t.r.e firot one .

lind will you also aGree \,'ith !lie tho.t. thi s :neet.inG was

part.icul[l['ly ''''ell ot t ended? -- :lea .

( 20)

'i'he meet i flGl t.hot you referred to , ot.her meetin(js e xcept.

t.his on" \1hich you referr ed to as n cpeciol 'neetinc , t.he

aI/craG" number of persons "h~ nLtendeu t.hosc tlcctin[;s, hOlt

many were thf';Y? In ot.her wo1'ds , the Illc{'tinc at. i ' . E. ilnd the

two l,cp.t.inC;:; in t.he c c11<)r , ar; you said . __ 1 i~USt. corJ'ect you

on this IJoint. that ·"hen YOll 3oi(; t.wo ::Ic{'tin(;s i n t.he cellal'.

)~hcl'e wa!3 only onc ::Iect.in!; in tlw cel l ar . (30)

I 8::1 flO!'!"y . One of tho.se ::w('tin!;s was Int.C'r trll!1sfe n'cd

to/ ...

Page 4:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

359 '",u, E .

to the kloof . __ Yes .

those ;neetinp; . - - 'rhe one Dt P. E. t here were very few .

;bout how many? Just an estimate . __ Eight .

I.'hDt about the onE in the cellar? 'there ~Ie re tlwny .

About how much on t.he overage? - - :;0 to 40 .

And wiult about t.h.:> one Vfh ich ~ .. 'Hl held ult.im'lt.cly at t.hc

kloof, as 'you say? __ ~7 to 30 .

And \-Iould you agree I>.'ith !flC if I 3D;}' that t il(> meeting

'.1hich you referred to as a speciul rllccting , had at least (10)

60 people present? Yes ,

And that aL this particu lar meet i ng 'lihich you refer to <,S

a special meetine, tile r€' -"ere ;nore nf''''' jHtl'sons than was the

case l'lith th", other mceti:1t;s , til", three tneeLingG in other words?

'I'here Here ne',1 people .

lIo , \1fu1. t 1 :neun is t his : the' number of n",',' prrson::: at

this pllrticul:lr meetinG 'lion !:lore t.han the number of new pers ons

in the other three Inf'ctings :..:hich you rpfpl.'r('d Lo . - - I ,)id not

notice that .

1I0w \-Iho ,/OJS the first. porson to spE'o'k Ilt t.his ':leeting? ( 20)

Accused 110 . 5. 3 I,nd whot precisely did hE' St.l:i? -- fir st.(Jrted by int.roduct.ioll

~hnt we should introduc e ourselves .

Yes? __ He told us that this was n special I:'leetinc; and he

told us 'that in this r:1e eLif'..(; we should ·.~rit e alit our grieva nc es

and send tIj"m t.o Nl.' Scbe . Our grievanc eG about the school ;

that people are heine; expelled without t anGible r eason .

Is tilat; all? Didn ' t he also ask wnethf'r anybooy present

there suspected anyone of beinG nn infor;n<"r? __ l 'h<'re W115 .

Did he OSlt that ? -- !]o . (0)

fly instruction f~'o:n nccu3cd Ho . 5 is Lha.t he cid in f<Jct

o:Jk / •••

Page 5:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

)60 QUi E .

Could he hvvf' svid th8t? ilo you say t.h at h~ n('vc!' snid t.hot or don ' t. you rer.lember? - _ I do not rf'memof'r "that] ;',:ha t I r E;' ::lemhc r

is thot the p"rson who was ::;uspf'ct.ed 01 hf'.inc an infoIT.ler wa::;

SUSjJcct.ed by a.ccuscd Iio . 5 .

Ycs , that is corr ect . 110 . 5 rose and s<lid as 13 r esult of

!lo . 3 huvinG mode that remark . \Jill you nomiL t.h'lt?

not rf'mer.lber . - ---I do

iJo . 5 nOL'leo Sipho 11at.::;hemhOl.i at. thl;\t point . -- Yes , he

W.J:ll"d him . (10)

You D!jree t.hat it is ilo . 5 who mention(,(l th" nan'll' of

['iat.shc::lbozi? -- Yes .

BY l 'EE GOUR'l' ; lic sa i t t.h3t in_chief .

/'8 SJ;<.,IE1IYA : Oh, I see .

BY ~-,J!E COUR'l' : 110 . 5 told us thllt Sipho llatshet:1hol.i is not

trust ed .

liR CINEYlY" : Thank you , H' Loro . Do you know tll" cil'cumstonces

surrounding Il1tshcmhozi beinG suspec t ed? -- Yes .

'h'hot. ',wre the;;? -- It was heca.use Sipho l'iatshembozi ';/05

in Fo r'm fl . So for':;! ;.. ntudents 1..1:(>;.' din nOL J.i).:(' fir (20)

Richt,('r . l'hen I'll' HichtCl' did not tfQ.ch 1,11\:'.-:' j·fr ik aDmr , so he

Do yot: v.nm-l Benj(\!~in llur,i? (!-i() . 12 on t.l\e list . ) I do

not kn()\'.' him by the name of E~lljo.;~in . OUf' I rC::Je[!Jl,,,!· is

11\)u1e10 .

Is libu l(·10 ' s ::.;urn~m" l iusi? -- Yes .

I ar:l in:otruct.ed by th£' IJccused , I sef' the:,! ore nodding

t.!o('ir hpiJ.(is, but nf'nj(Jm:in llusi ~'ntl j·n)ul"lo liusi [II''' same :1 .. person . I am instructed ulno by Dccuserl ik, . 3 , 4 DnG 5 that S

l'ibu11'lo I~si 01' o<=nja:uin 110s i "lso G(l L UJl (It thot. ~1""et.inG ( 30 )

and flsk"d "'hJ flame infOl'r.ll'rs ort> beinG uc;,ten whilst othe rs

like/ • ••

Page 6:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

361 ", Ur'E.

like for inst ance Dav i d Ii.:Jt.hi who bOB st('C of beine f enrf G. ,

'.'I c re left. alelle . Do :,-ou r emember that? - - r;n .

Did E~njam i.n Iiusi or ilbul"lo Hwi sp"1k 01" all? -- I do

no L 1' C' :I1" mbe r .

i,nd it is an [l r(>su1t of tlll:'; , in n t. ilf'r wo rds i3C'lljamin

thill nOI,/ not !:luke you rCrlemlJ er 1)(~ 1 ' h~ljl5 ? -- lio , J (;" not


Did he HI;:I:/ c onc e rninG th" expulsions . thnt sO".lrthilll,; I:Iust

be dene about it? J'f_d that thf' o:pulsions shoul d be stoppe d?

/,n(1 he then ('nquircd f r o,'!! members present whDt should be done .

Do ;j1U deny thb L he said no 01" that ncr tiJ~ ? __ I do not

rcm":n~('J.' him snyinc t h<l t.

'.;e11 , H(;aki sai': \,,11<1 1.. Ha . 5 ill f act did say tha t [\t this

:ne c tiq; . __ I do nO,!...S"Pl i t. , ..!.. only sa;> \..1. " 1,, I do /lot rC1.1c mOc r .

1:0 . 3 alSo deni('5 that at this l:lC CtinC h e said El n.nhine '1 <lbou t milit.or':i traininG . \';hnt. i:; Jour r Uletion t.o thn "L? -- ile

did .eIlY Uw. t . ( 2 0)

ilould it curpri!) e you i1' 1 told you tho.'\, N(!;ak i also -

firs1.1". 1 Idthdraw that . Did i:gaki at.\,cr:.c t his t:lcC't.ine;? __ '{es .

th" ::)('etin[,;s whiCh you a t t ended exc ept. \,h " Port Eli ~"b{' t.h one?

-- 1 did not [l ee him 1)t t he <llee LinG a\' LLe c ella r .

BuL you see him a L tltl:' oth{,J' Lwo , i n oLiwr words , Lhis one

which wo c a fJpe cial l~ectinG ano 1)150 Lhe one which was ulLi::ls tf'l"

hf?ld ilL Lhe k loof? __ Yes .

!;(;lJki was sp<'ciIieally [lakec , !leeor-dine; \' 0 ti ,e nat." <Ihic h

I hu ve here , who \, 1: 0 , .3 accused - n(J , so r !'.)' , iL l'jllS 11 ( 30)

(l tLiLude/ •••

Page 7:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

562 ...:WE.

sttitudc about leaving the country was for ruil i tar;:i tl'uining

in the ~Ihole of the $ocond session fmd ': G{lki snid this : he

could not explain his ut.titude and he ·~·ent. further ano said

t hat ];0 . 3 never explained at any meet.ing in the second session

about what. his att.itude is concf'rnine: military trainil1G . \.Iould

it su r prise you to hear that?

BY l'IiE COUIU' : ~!hen d:'d he soy thDt? I '::0uld just like t.o

check my riotes . \ " ;),5 that :in- chief or in cl'OSS _ eXDCl illa tion ?

!'ll Sh,,\;Ei'IYA : 'lhat ~:as in- chief . lie '.-InS beine questioned by

my Len r nl'd jo'ri end . (10)

BY l'l!E COU<U' : Can you refer me t.o the passaE>e ?

UR SI:l,./EYI'iA : 1 am tryinG t.o r<>ff'r t.o Ill:!' not es . 1 IJa df>

s epflrate not.es , thl' onps r \oI~\S r eferrinG t.o .

BY 'i:,E CO URl' : !eo' nato l'f'<lcs : the utLituG.f> of ;';0 . 3 1 do not.

kno .... ' to',lOrds If'oving t.he countrJ . I do not. remember him Givinc

an i nlicotion . f-(y note does not. ref e r t. o :~ilitary Ll'(lininc aL


!-Ill. S",,:EYIY;, : I j us I.. ..,allL La Get :;}~' 110Le . 'rile not. e "Jhich Cly

Lcal'ncd i'rienu hUG here iG t\)i::; : '.:hat was nccused !lo . ';:; ' s

uttitu ue Lo· .... uc{ls lC'!;lvLu6 the countCJ for mil itary tl'(lining ( 20)

- I ;;1m sorry - to under~o milit.ury t.raining dUl'inG t.h(' lotte!'

pal.'t and the reply by Hgnki ~.'Os : lis fur as 1 am concel'ned , I

cannot 53y ~'lwt hi,s atti t ude ~: c.s .

a'i l'HE COURl' : Yes , that followflo on a possar;e where he soid he

rem"wbcl'ed ::0 . 1 , 2 and <I ull SQ:y inC t.lw !. tlwy ~;cn" lcu vinG

t.he counLQ' to undnrGo military traiuiuG .

, Ill. [i1\' .... Eylyfl : I am sorry , 1 Cllnnot find. the pOlSG.:J(';e in my notes .

1 made :::;C'pllrc.te natcr; the rr .

IlY 'lliE COURI' : Yes, put. your question .

!iR 5K'.iEYIYll : Would it surprise j'OU tha t. llc;o ki docr; Dot (0 )

remr mbcl' nnythinc ulJOut llo . j CVCl' jwvir.C :lwnt.ion ",d militory

Lra ininc / ...

Page 8:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus


tt'uining at a mf'e~inG in t;h" second session?


irs _

j,nd ·::i ll it a1:;0 sur)Jl'ise yo!.; if 1 tell you Lhat :.[;nki

also silid something to t.he effect that. in the wholr of the

second half of Inst yenr at Ee61dtown he does no1- remember

un.ybody saying onything about milit ary truininG? -- Yes .

Did on:icne who was introduced. at this [)leetin!!; or who

introduced hinse1f, tha t is a ne' .. illcmber at :o€ctillgs , ever say

afterwarus , you knOH I<.'hen Lhe meetinG was about to end , lOok ,

I a;n happy to have been ilt. this meeting and 1,0 hear about the

(;000. aims of SASH? -- 1 (:0 not re::'lf':!1ber . (10)

lncidentally , c.enlillG with r:(;uki's evidence aGain , i:CDki

says that there wa.n ment i on of [!!ilitury trai:ling in the first

half of lasL ypur . I am jUGt put.ting ,you in th e pict.ur(' so

that it oops not. se"l:l th,tt r:Gakj IH'V[r ::;a id un,;rl.hinr; "bout

tlilit.;~ry tra in in::: . DI) ;you kr.ow 01' un./ peapl" "ith" r i1'.side

SAm·! or outsid(' S;:",s!! I·rho '.·j ere concE'l'n('(l abot.:t the fact. that

~h{'l'e \,'crl' many child!:'en Drouor] tilt' villnGcs therr> who ;1cre

herdln~ catl.l€' insteud of go inc t.3 scho:ll? - - 110 .

Would it surpril.le you if t.~erc IIE're such people in Sl,S!-l?

Yel.l . (20)

kell, do you knoh' of any pC'ople ei theL' in SAS!! 01' outside

s/,sn ~.'ho ~.'(' re students, I ar.l t~lkillG abouL students, ut

liealdto"m \·~ho ,;ere conc(rw'd rtbout llnn tll educa.t.ion , t.Jlf' qualit.j'

of Bantu education? __ i:o .

Would it >3urprise you o.(;ain Lf in 1'act the r" wer" people

"Iho 'llere concerned Dbout Ban1,u education in Si,SH? - - Yes .

Whut. <Ioout student s Bene rally .. leaviot; usiil " I\QW SA511 ,

"lore there {>ver any diseu::;cions abou t the qualit.;, of education,

tlw.t is Bantu educnLioll, 01. school? __ 1 do not. know.

WhDt ore :four views on Bantu educiJt.1oT'.? Or let me (30)

put it t his \~aJ' : do you like the 1'act Lhut you l1 '1d to Get

0./ •..

Page 9:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

3(.11 ",uJ'E .

a spf'cinl lype of educalio:l? Yes .

Sa:; ~lhHt your cO::lplaint is Buoul B:mtu cG.u cl..llio:1 .

BYl'llE COUR'l' : lie said he had no cO::lplaint . You put ;,-our

question 1 think - b~couse he GDve thf' rl'ply _ you said · .... ha t

are your views about Bantu ec.ucat.ion , did ;,'ou like the fact

that 'you had to bet a spf'cial t')'T)e of education end his reply

was ,'Ips .

H,l; 81i· ... EII'U, ; I Uf:! sorry, I t hought. it ',IU ::> the o~her lola;;; around .

BY 'i' iiE <':OUih : Did you hove any cO::lpluint.s about Ba nt.u educa-

tion? -_ Yes .

\'bat. were t.hey? Thfl.t. is ','hat. Counsel '<rants t.o kno ... .

r'(y complaint against Bantu education is t!'wt the t.yp es of

educat ion i s not t he same .


;,s? -_ i 'here i::; Buntu educat.ion 81](1 \,here is educat.ion

for whites .

IIR Sr;1.:El;HA : I,/('ll, t>esioel;l youl'self , do you krV)H of <Jl'.yone

else who hf'ld t.h(> same vi"",1IJ t.hat you hove jus t. (>xl'ressed now?

-- 1 1J1ready ::;aid I do not )motY .

1.'<'11, i:Guid :lGain sidd th:,t. necused ];01;> . 3 (!nIl ~ cf'rtainly

had such vic':ls about Ba ntu educat.ion . lif' say::; they fel\' (20)

st.roI16ly abou t Ban tu f'rlucat.ion . i.nd thp.t in fact t.hey said

th i s Dt mc ctinr;s as ',,' el l. Would t.his surprise you? -- f :"_,:,, :, _nOn".l.o ;;;mClllb e"IJ

\..Iould it. surp r ise you if accused lIos . 3 ami i l in [act

did expt'llss such v ic\~s at. SASH meet.incs ? __ llo .

Still on t.his t.opic , do you kn0l1 of nn,y s tudl>nt..s who

ever €xprt'sspd a wish to GO a nd st.ud.)' O'H'J'Seas? III tliscu ssiom;

(,; e neral l y . __ Yes , 1 onc e heard 11 c onv ers ation, GPllcral

conv"'rsation .

Wes any of the ncc uscd nllyonf' of t.hoD!' persons ( 30)

involved in such conversation? __ Ilo .

Havel .••

Page 10:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

365 ,N,-E.

Eave you ever hf'3rd of ;ony !:10etin[iS of S.\StI w!it'rE' people

present discussed and €-xprN,sed conc('rn about t.riba1ism? __ i;0 •

.,'ou1d it surprisE' you if t.her'· ~I(>re in fDct .. 1c p tings

there by SASH where thf'y uiscussrd qucstions like t.ribalism ?

No .

And '/J ould the 5al!le be the position ·/Ii\..h rc(;nrcs c.ivision

on a regiomil b:lsis? 1 be1ipve thl1.t nt I:('(lldtOl'ln t!lf>ir wer('

divisions '01) a 1'<:,(;iona1 basis :md student::; trnd'!d to Gat.iler

in terms of rE'gions olld students l'f'sent.rd thin . - - les .

Let us leave tll1l.t for a mOTn"nt . vo .you kilO'," of " (10)

IJcet.inG in Port Elizabeth ,·:hich '.ms held Ht. Park :"tal!iu:~? __ Yes .

'.; ere uny of the ac cused present ot t.h(1t. IJeetinl3?

',,'ho ~Ierc presen~ of tnt> accusE'd? -- 5, 4 and 5.

Yes • ., c.,

And 'IIou1d you say th1.lt 3 , 4 8:1.(! ::. p10yed un nct.iv·" rol e r i!1 this meetinG? - _ I can SHY 3.

Th":t \~ere concerned, isn't that so, about. thf' f;).ct. that

tlley were not at school , t.he,)' hod bCPI) expell ed at. school and

they wonted to (;;0 back to school <lnd be educat.ed . ls that.

correct? i10 .

And they were so concerned that at thot r::Iecting ( 20)

it wos the view that parents of the students in P. E. should

be approached so that the;,' coul e. go to the authoritie::l 81.

iiea1dtown and ask the:;') to re_ac!rnit you . -- SorJ'y, the ::Icetinr;

you are referrinG t o , is not the onl' 1 a1.t.er.ded .

1 alll rcferrinc; to the r.weLing: at Park .3t.Cldiu1I . 1 hDd not

ackee you <lbout. a oeetine; at :lome other Flace . - - I am talkinG

nbout t.he on!' r.lf'ctinr; at the j>(lrk . Such thil\Gs Wf'.l'e not

discussed .

1,.!h~\t ',!as disclJ::lscd at. t.hi:l r.leet.inG ut 1-'flrk St,.,dium , if

<.Inythillt;? DO)

OY 'tHE COURl' : 1s this tl:t> meetinG thai he /itt.cndrd?

lut/ . ..

Page 11:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

366 ~.l!t. t. •

N,,1. :;ii'':F.1EA : j\t I..he l '8rk ot(Hliu:n, [1' ..... 01'<.1 .

bY 'li,y' GCIJR1 : lIid h fi' Bttt"!IQ Lht' :lIcetine; 1'1. .. ark ~t.ocium? _ _ 1:1'9 .

'lhf're it. ·"I.lS disc1,;sscd t ha t, we shou l d keep

t he ex istenc e of tl!l:! :!lovement i ll see n.'t . 'j.heo the othe r Lhing

1;'8S t hat other peoplf' should go and v is i t allother br1lllch in

Y.~lazakf'lf> . It was d"'cided that accused 1'0 . 3 ano 11 ami Vuyo

BS!f'ni should vis it t b)\.. SASH bL'anch .

'l'his was now at i-'ark Stadiu:c you say? -- Y"G .

And you SllY that the sa:u€' ttines you 1l.l'1' now 311'nLion i ng

weN' disc1.Is(l!'u in 8 me "tins: \;"hic11 1'1'85 hl'1d in .P . E . at (10)

Vuyo :&aleni ' s ho:ne? -- I do not knolo: , I ~.'es not present at a

meet ing at Vuyo 13.71 ",ni ' 5 home .

And you say tllllt thin mee t. inc; 01 course whic:'1 you at.lended

at Park S t.adiu:1l \~as t.cld _ ',I(H) i t held in l.he oi>l'n? -- [;0 .

',Jh('re ~I1lS it hflc? __ On t!ll' [)tand 01 the sLaciu"~ .

Yes, but it WDS public . l 'her€" er(' no c.oors tll('r(' , you

werE' si t t. i n(; on the Ior:ns providec. ti:l're . J5 tllat. correc t.?

Ycs .

imd Wh0 clsc ";as at. this 1it'''1.ing? ibdio Dippn , .. aikc

Faas , Afri c a Sulplo, Zllkill:' 11.<; 1. 'l"ho t. is a l l. "lid (20)

a ccuspd iio , 3 , 4 and 5 .

And anybody who 'llent past. th!'"rp the stac.iur.l , CQuld have

seen you sit tin6 t.h"re , Is tha t corrpct? __ )"1;'5 .

1 must snj" t.hot 1 fail to und('rst.und why anybody would

t he n soy t. hD "\. th e e x is t. ence of t.ha t. mpf't.illt:; should be k{"p t.

a sec r et .

thp people .

He L'H'Dr,t t ho"!' w(' should not. l.nlk about t.h1s t.o

\..'ould you Ilg r ef" 'lIit.h me whpn I 5a~' to you thot. it was

neve r S/\Sl-! ' s polic y that all I,."h i tes "ll p r e pnp:nip$ ()f tl.e IHack

pe r sons? __ Yes .

And t.his was st.at..,d even a t. IDPe t inGs . _ _ I do not

r pr.l(';nber! •• ,


Page 12:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

367 .... U.r'E .

r Cl:lelllbf'I' .

Do you reI:letlbe r 1. l. e cny , t ho:> first. oa:,' \"/hen you C8:t'lE' int.0

court h(' :,c, ..... hen you refU5f'G to give f':vid"nce? __ Yes .

lOU ... ere asked '1IIu' t her you ev{'l' joined wh i lst ~L j:ealdtown

an organ isation , Olnd your reply was ' yes ' . __ Yps ,

'l'hen you '0'1('1'(> !lskf'd ldlat orr;anisation . YOJ; t!;l'n said SASi·i .

Yes .

You "'ere t hf'1l asked wha t fiflSr-t stood for ano yOU." reply to

t hat vias Blu c k consciOUSilf'SS . __ Yf's .

',;}jat did you Illean by t.l18 t 7 -- 'lh,,\. :neens that ;lOU (10)

mus t be c onscious of lou r c olour , of Df'inS Bla ck , and t hen you

should love your people and l i vf' in \,lldty "lith the::! .

And that i n facL you should involve yourselves after ha vi ng

don f' tha t .. (interVf'fi(>s)

BY 'lEE COlirtl' : Didn ' t you put this all t o hin, on'lhul'!JddJ"

1 h"vp a distinct. l'cc'Jllection of '111 th<>se qu('st.ions b~ill(l put

to him .

lirt Si-..,lE"iIY/, : 1J1e c k c:ms c iotlslIE'sS , 1,' Loro, t.he m<>~'ning of

Blac k c ons c iousllPSS ? iI ' Lord, I o:~ t.01c t.het. t.11", OIl f'S leading

up t o t.h.,s(' qu",stions I di6 ask , but. not t.h" sp"'cific (20)

QUest i ons abou t. ElHCk c onsciousn('ss .

5' '!hE GOUlr, :

11:1 Sr..~,!E'iI Yf.. :

BY 'tHE COUItl' :

I-1R SK'':F.YI Y A:

1 reme!lbel' all t hil:> int.roduct.ion beinG put. .

Bu t I did not ask him about Elflck conscious:less .

1E's, go on .

'l'hank you , WLord . Let. us no~: ceol ;Iit.h your -

I a1:l sorry _ tha t in fa c t you should involve ,)'oul'sE' l vel:> in t. h('

s tru~gle of the Bla c k people . __ Yes .

'1ho1, you should os far os possible )wlp wherE' you c vn?

Yes .

1'0 t.he ext.en t tim!.. in f ne t at one sL~,,;e S/,SiJ W<lS (30)

even thinkine; o f organising a r"€dinE; schrme Il l.. schoo18 wLE' r E'

t. hE' 1' '''/ ...

Page 13:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

368 ... til'E.

thl>rp "las no feedinG schellP .

assist thp nolinn, I agref' .

":Les . sinc(' we ',Jere trying to

Let us deal wit.h ihf' ;nE'('tinfj ()f in !' - ~Iour first .'JPcling .

On which dot.e do you say this :l1!'eting 11'>18 helli? -- 19th

Sept.ember .

And your decision t.o join SAS!l 1 t.eke it ,,'as befa:'€' that.

day . -- Yes .

llecause of discussioml you had hlld ;.;itll Gqujel« . __ Yes ,

... nd t.his discussion 'dUS only bct. ... ('en t.h e t.wo oJ you . --Yes .

uid Gqajf'la say at. 1my St.;;!;f' t.o you wiwt t.ype of (10)

organis<lt.ion hI' want.ed you to join \';)Wll hf' spokf' to you? -- i~e

said a st.udent.s ~ovement .

I,nd hp bave you t he a ims of courSe , wit.hou t. :nentioning the

n a.!:!€' of the stud .. nt ~ovem('nt . Yes .

And he Jlen1..i(')ned thf' two aims to you tho'\, you hove just

g iven to t.he Court . __ Yes .

;,nd ,you sa,y that GqajE'la ~:(l.s a clos(' friend of yours . __ Yes .

You ',;ouIr1 expf>c~ hi:n not to r.ljr;leuci ;IOU . -- 110 .

IOU ',-I ould e xpec-:,. him also to confide in Y(lu? __ 'ies .

T~Tho 1lccOlUpanica you to this r:lf'ctine? Accused llo . (20)

3 and 4 _ 1 ',;as a cc ollpanied by only accused Ho . 4 .

I.i(>re you al'>.kine; a mistake whE'n ;"ou ",TI'e ~pntioning accused

11o . 3? __ 1"S . t., .... ,

Accused No . 4 only? __ Ycs .

well , my i nst ruct ion rrom accused No . 4 is tlm1. he did llot

acco:npany you in the sense tha t he 'Ilent t o ff'teh you fro_1I ,your

ho~(' to GO t o a meeting . 1J0 you ogrep 'di"\.ll t het? __ j,ecused

Ho . 4 ',;os in the COin;13ny of Gqajeln .

qy im,1.ructions from accused Ilo . I; are thE'S" that you <lnd l.+

Gqaj<>la ;tieL him on till' way ,end you 1.hf'n ,,11 wal'{t'c (30)

Lo!;cthcr . ;1(W1. do y::.u SHY to that? Gould it. lwvf' hopp(>nec.

that/ ...

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'69 3, l.t-E .

thD\. wey? -- No .

Wha t. type of , C1.J)" ""HS t.his? was it , clf'ul' CiJ~' , , ra ill'y

dB;'", 0 cloudy day? __ I co not. rf'.'lIE'IJbpl' .

Could it have been drizzling? __ 1 t.l'Jink it ,~aB jus t after

rain .

BY 'i'EE coual ; 'h'ha t. ·;.'us your qupstiO:l?

I'a Sh'..;EYUJ. : Could it havp be('n drizzlinG ? -- 1 t.hink it, ~!as

after r a in .

When you E'nt.ereo i h€' cel lar , as you Bey, ""herE' this

:neetinG ~:as held , did an.?l.>oGJ soy any t.hing ? - - "les . (10)

!""ho? __ Accused No. I .. and Gqajela .

'';ho.t did they BUy? -- A!tIan<lla (it :nNlnS strengt.h)

Did the;.' sa:; it. t ogether a t. the same ti::Jc? __ Ho t

simultaneo\J:31y .

You do :"lot knnw ·.~ho said so fil'S'!.? __ Ho .

ISn 't t his e usuo. l form of Gr eet-ins nNlac.a'y~ among :/oun6

people? tic t. ne c es siJ.rily sD,":dng ' A~~11lld18 ' in ~.hozu , but saying

' Fo'"rer ' . in f-ngl i sh . Isn ' t it b usual thing? -- Lo .

'.:",11, 1 hove hEUrc. it bf'i:lg used . t'nJ"wc:; , I (;:0 not giving

evidcncp . '~; hflt is the next. t.hing which happened ef t pI" (20)

you ent.ered thi~ c ellar?

y,.,~? -- 'l"bp!} a sent; was sung .

Only Olle ~ons:? \.JPI"P UH? rp athpr sonGs ",Illich \;rre sung

thnt dny? -_ 'I here ",'pre .

Songs like? _ Um~onto .

Yf>s? f"Juyibuye E Afrika .

Yes? '1'hat. is 1111.

Ever been at a meet..ine; where H\o:osi Sikilf'le j frikIJ IHI5

also sung at. a meet.ing by SASH? __ 110 .

!"iould it. surprise you if 0 1.. .1 SJ\L/-l mpf'ting h}:osi ~ikilele( :;: \

Afrik1J was SUIl!;':? _ _ !lo .

iJo/ • ••

Page 15:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

370 ::.,!Jj-E .

lIo you know of any me{'t.ing wh e re - do you kno~! a son!!;,

firstly, by t!1(> narn'" holy l..> p irit. :~us t c o;!!e dowf!? __ les .

~'h is is D SOllg ~.'hich is usually sUllg at Sell meetings . Is

that. correct? -- Yes .

'l'he next line of t his song r eae s ' knd Afric<l will be

saved' . Is t.hnt c o t'cect? -- Yes .

I aro instruc1.ed by a l l t.h E' a ccus E'd that this song wos also

sO::::Jet.imes ·sunC; a t SJlStJ mf'l'tings . __ I t waH never sung nt thE'

meetings which 1 attendee .

";(luld it surprisl' yrJI.I if this PlJr~icular S Oll g ,

"l'h" Hol y Sp irit. must C(lm!" (1()' .. :n ' was " v"r fiUtlE: e t. i< GASH

meeting ? -- Ho .


,,:hy was Gqaje1D expe ll!::d? __ Ee "';as a t the gi rls hostel

at nigh t \\'hich is r egard ed as un offence by t.he scJ,ool

lluthorities . So now he assault ed another gi rl t.h e re a t. t.he

$chool , sayinG t.hat she acted in a Sill y manner t.oward~ him

at the Gi rls' host.f'l at niGht .

Ho·,~ Gqajelu is you r friend . -- 1('6 .

Do you know whether tIll' fact that h (' was expelled ever

worri('d hi:a? -- Yl's . (20)

f,nd do you kno~1 \\'h(>ther he ., .. ould hav e liked t o go on wit.h

his educaticn ? __ Yes .

hnd in fact Gqoj!'la hod a sister 'Iho .,:as in Br)t.sl"ana or

was rithpr a teacher or II social work"!: . Isn ' t t.ha t so? 1

t.hink he must hov E' dis cussed t.his '~'ith you becausf' you .;e re

friends . __ He nf'ver t.old :1le abou t it. t.hat h is sister "'US in

Botswnna . HI' only t.old me tha t. his sist.eL' ~!8S in Zambi!J .

Did h ... t.ell you "Iha t. his sis t er was coin!:; in ~I' r:lbia ?

lie V)ld ~ e tha "\.. she was teaching .

And d i d hI" also t.ell y.ou tlwt. his sist.f'r ',las ',11'11 (30)

trav"'ll('d in thf> c oun trip s in I Lricfl? __ rio .

'l ha t./ ••.

Page 16:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

3?l '5o U:rE .

~'hat she had ::1/)0Y cont!lcts? -- he only sRid zhf' is

pt'o:!linen t.

BY 'diE GQURl' : he only said shC' "'1JlJ ? -- ¥l'o:DiIH.nt .

Yrooinent? -- Yes .

1m. SK' ... EYli·J.. : Didn 't. h ~ also 58:; thut. she knew of sou rc es , you

know, abou t scholarships or bursari f's ? -- GqaJpl o !lir.ls .... lJ?

les, in discussion . 'l 'ha L t.h e sist"r knew . _ _ i.o , he

nev e r told ::It' .

Did t::e f' ve r express a wish t.hat. he ~lOuld have loved to go

and join th l;' sister? -- lie once said that . (10)

Did he tell you how close t h .. rf'lat.i ollship w«s between

himself and his sister? -- He told I~e thot. he ' ... ·05 olde r t.IHin her .

Let us j ust c ont inu e and comple t. e abou t. thf' r.l,,{;ting in the

cell a r . YOI.: say that t.hen t here ,.;us sir,gi:-.g and so on . __ Yes .

An,yt.l:inG else hESicclJ sinGir:c? -- Y('fL

j.,·hat (lIse? __ Accusec 110 . 3 s t. ooii up and s,Ji d nn:c01lers

shou l d introdu ce thf'Dselves .

Yes ? __ So we stood up and '.1E illtl"Oducf'a OUI'SplV('5 .

Ldd en,:,l!Od,y s ay anyt1line ... [t.('r you 1w.<.l inl.r"Jo'ucf·d you r _

selv(,s? __ Y{,5 . (20)

Yes, ~!hat ~Ias so i d ? __ bo:neon(' said - 1 do not. kn')w his

na;ne - that it. is cn rk hFl'f', 11 candlf' 15hol..16 iJ .. l it awi he

enquired if t1lere h'8S anyonE' ~Ii~h a t orc!l .

Isn ' t tha t SOI:lf'onp Ho . 5 in flJc1.? lJian 't tio . 5 pf' r hap s

say t.hat look, it is too cork herf' , 1 sha ll [;0 aIle fet. c h a

candle? __ He declured hi:ns e li eI 1. er 1.hn 1. so.'Debody .

But t.hi 3 so:neboc.y did not ask hi:n t o go end r{'tch a c <lndl e?

Yes .

You say tha t of course ]{gak i '::es pn·scnt. at. this :;!('et.inc?

1;0 . (30)

BY '~jiE COUiU : Lid 111' say LJI1lL?

llll; . . .

Page 17:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

372 .... L~ E .

;.)[l SK .• EYIYA : I t1111uGht. hf' said SQ ,

BY 1'li1': GO"JR1 : I (10 not thin": you ehnulc put i \.. to him unlf's6

hf' (iid . ;.ccoraing 1,1) mJ 110t,P$ IH' did not .

IIR HUiJ.Eil. : H ' LaI'd, if I may bf' of assist-nace , tht"' witnf'ss 's

evicence in that lle;uki was not prf'st'nt ill thE' CE'1':'8 r llnd <I t

thp meeting ill Port. Elizabeth . 'lhose e L'e t:l-€ t~·:o !:lEe ex"'res s ly

pxcluded .

Dr ~hE (;CUffi : Yes , and in h i s evidpllcc _ in_ch i E'f he .~pnt i oned

a lot of '.U::les and Hguk i ~!as not u~onGst t.hc~ . ~ou !'Just be

cnr('ful hoI'; Y('U phrus{' your qUpstiOllS. 'iliis is th ", (10)

second OCC'lSiQll upon ",hieh 1 heve had t o remind you the t the

l<!itnf>ss did not say ""hat you say he said . '.i'bat is no t []

per;nissihle way of cl'oss- exur.1inin5 .

fiR SK' .... EYHA : I am instruc t ed by - "HIS 'i'~'81a prf'spnt.? -- 1 do

not. even }:no'll '.iyela .

'~thot about fllricR SuleIo? __ lie was prpser:t. .

Do you kno'~' a person knOl·m e.G llkululo '.l.'yalr;? __ lin .

\!ell, 1 am instrtctl'o 111Ut. '.I.'yal<J w,",s in fact prf's("nt 9 t

this :nef'tins in th(' c ellar . Africa 5ul1'10 CO you lmo'''; hi::!?

Yes . (20)

'.iss he present at this :Ilef'ting? __ Yes .

~hat acout 16jov~?

And l:aninzi Nxuh ?

lip ',,'05 present .

1 do not know hi:n .

BY '2IJE COUiU' : You do not know him or ;"Oll do not. kno·,.' i f he I-Ial)

prelJent ? _ _ I do not. know him .

Ha 5!:' .. E1: IY f, ; '~hnt. about Goyiss , ','US hI" present? _ _ "ips .

Now nn/bocy el!.lE' SUI 1lllJ' t.hine f'lse 1't. this 'llf'et.ir::g? __ "ips .

'..iho? __ Geyisa .

wha t did he say? __ lie r ecit.ed "' poem called Garimp i.

Of coursE' you [Joy t hat you do n o t kno'" wh,..,thrr (0)

this Wor{~ is n Xhoza l'1Ord Ot' sOr:le o tlH'r lansucgf' . __ I do lloL

kIlO~I/ • ••

Page 18:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

373 .. ,li.'E .

know .

" Is i\. Gari[~pi or Gari ulbi ? ItJi - :"_ p_ i .

Do you kn(l'll of a Kenian 'II'oro kno'll"n as '~a ~'i;:)lli'? i;o .

Are you all II' to say ~Ihot the words of tbis poem 1-1E'l."'e? --

I hu.ve said I uo not remer.[b!;r the actual ',~ords .

I f I suy 1.0 you t hnt on e of the v('rc;('s of ~JlI'1. pOf":n r('I)c.s

thus : I am ill se8J:c h of II :1)an . Do yo")lJ H['iree I·:ith LJwt firstly?

lIo you rl'::ember t hat? Ho .

" .. hat kind of a man ' . \.10 you I.'emrmb!'l' I.llose ~Ior(]s inside

this pOCUl? __ Yes , maybe 1 ',Jill be able 1.0 l.'ellf.:'!Ilbcr if (10)

you have read all thE' v erses af> a ·,lholE' .

Yes, l(>t Ine jus t ge t t he whole VE'l.'se t hen :

" I 8::l in search of a i"lnn

1. ;;H>n with the hei:irt of a stO!1e

I, :nun to whO:Il pol i tics is 1.h(' If'IlSL

u.nd struGsl!; t he r:los t . "

Can you rel:H' mber t ha t? -- I can rernemoE'l' bt:t; not as the words

Gould it hu.v" bern fro:11 1.hos" ·.-Iordn, t he v{'rs'" which 1

have just rcad tn you, that you camE' t..o this crmclusion . (20)

namely tlwt thil> poeJl IWS a calli!lg to blHck Jl('n t o stand up

and figh t f~ r our l·Qrrfll1.h{'rs ' l a nd? __ If you l"PiHl fur\.he r

ilnd complete that VIol'Se, I l'IQuld say t.hut is whDt y'lU have

JUSt sa irl .

T~' f'll, thaI. is al~ I havf' about tl.", pnrJl .

BY 1. liE COl,,11' : Is thnt the I-I hole poem? Is tlwt WhDt. ,you ore

put t inG to him?

£"1 ~:i{f, COUtu : 'l 'he wi1.nf'ss S[)ys if Y0U rNld t.h(' ~lhoIr· poem ,

you will find thot -,Ih(lt lw says is C(}J:l'CCL . (0)

Ha S"'1,,EY1'iA; 11 0, this is no\. th(' 1-1ho1(' pO('r:l , it is D vrrse .

1/ ..•

Page 19:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus


I am askinG :'"OU l<I'h f't.hf'r ;:H'l'i!0P13 .rroJ] Lhes", words you could

not hove COlle to t he conclusion whicl • .you l.'aid you CUll(, \'0 .

YF'S , l>ut. his r f'pl,Y is if ,you l'f'l)cl fur'l.!ler

and co:~plptf' t. hat verse , c'lmplf't.E" t.he PO!>r:I , I wou ld D'JJ' 'that.

it. is .

J-m t:h"l-.EY I YA ; \..' f' vlil l hnvp th" '~'hole pOf':lI 18t..I:r , btl\. at tb~

(Qor:Jf'nt \,'P do not h ave th " 1,'hel£' pOf':n .

In 'l'liE l.;o(J[n : l'here is no po i n t in put:l"ing to hill OJ:f' V("I'Se

and tbf'n saying to hill does "his jus tify the c'Iic:i.enc f' ',:hi::: h

you Gave in- chief which is the effec\' (')1' yOU I' crot;5- (10)

examinat i on . The '"itnesG roays yes , but 'there ore o t he l' verses .

HR SK'riEl.'I'lA : I r eali(;e t. hif< and I c a nllot. t.oke it ICny further

on thal. 'l'he point I wan t. t o ask hir:J Dbovt reoll~' v:as \·:hether

in fact this is the san!' poc:n lI' i1.11 1.he:;.- ;.;or(:s, so th:Jt ',e

nre trying 1. 0 I!;f> t th" ;Ihol e poe'~ .

BY 'l'JiE GOU!?l' : Yes . but you hav e h .. rl your on:s ' .. :er thus far fro~1

him .

J~S li'Lord pltosps . ;Ill;,-booj! rIse 1.>1oIi6 all.,lhint;

,,15(> at. l.hi.(; mc<>tint.;? __ Yec .

Y('s, ~Jhn f'lst? __ hccuseo \;0 . if . it ( 20)

\'"hut.. dir} he say ? __ ~hn1. hf' had b"!'!l t? I, l ic!' and he

cOllscicntis(d tll{- llUl'3es .

BY 'lliE (;OU'~l : 'lh", ll"Jrs('s o r IJ !1'Jr:w? __ I t.hink 1.' .. 10 nu rses .

I"~ SJ-...,,:EYlYA : Is tha t all ? YN; .

Lid you gf't the i:::Jpression thDt. No . 4 ; i8S g i ving a report

on what h e had bf>f'n osked t.o do in 101 previous .'llPf't.ing? __ Yes .

I s 1.hat. all t.hat 110 . I; said v.t this :OPf't.inG? __ Yes , t.hat

I Gtill r elll!'rnbel' him GDying .

llOybody else 13aid 8nything ? __ Khol ,'J>;il!' "J.'I'tO .

'lhat i13 til" ;:Hlll ~'ho t;UV~ t 1)(> l'(>port [,bf")ut 'li::1!.Jt<no ? (30)

Yes .

ofside:;/ ••.

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.,LJ F. .

Besides him , o llJb odj· els e [l o i d n:l;,"t.hinr; n1. l.his m'" \.in(;?

__ I do not. rc:nc;nbeI" .

I,ny of l.h" I;l.ccused sDid <In,}'t.hing a 1. this m€' f' .. inc ':" __ 'leB .

Yes, which uccu~('d? jcccused !lo . 3 .

I';hat. did he slly? __ Iw propos~d 1.1l"t. t.h" :~c'"'t.ins should be

]s .. hat. all? -- iie Gll ie when co ing 1,.0 l.ile uOl'."Ili1.0rics

""' c shou l d· no t.. GO in croups .

Is thut Illl? -- Yes .

;Inybody elsf' suiu Iln,ythinc, uny of t he I;lccusf'd SDid (10)

anythil"'..[ ot this meetinc;? -- j,ccusca ,lo . 3 . :i(' t."ld U1> about

the two phases .

·ics? __ 'l'h"t. is tr.f' fi~'st. phnsf' t.a ',.,c conscious ond the

sec('nr. phose> to }pnve l.he cnuntFJ for ::lilitllr;j trn inin5 .

lleetinG IH' spokf' Ilbout :oilitl1r.)" trDil~ilb a t' 0 1,. I.;.n;; at.hl r

to that ? __ 1 did not deny - 1 no not IlG l'f'e .

lie als" denies ~vcr r.l"n1.iflllinc; on;lthin[; about l".:o phases .

WhlJ1. is your revction t.o l.hnt? __ 1 do !lf)1. ag r ee . (20)

He says thClt at t.his r:lr>eting und in mony o1.her i.:J p t1.ings of

~AEj·j he uhwy r. s1.ress!'c. t n!' foct tha t you stu(lents mUH t. I p~ rn

about. t.he- people 's problem£; Olle nbout; l.h" !,!;cnrr1J l si tuo1.ion in

South ,fricu . wna1.:s you r reaction to l.ha t ? -- Yes .

/,nn hr> Dlso soys l.hnt h" suid t h{lt. wiwn you have known

abou t t he problc;:zs of peop le in vDrious erelJs aile places , ,)'ou

;!lust involvt' Y0ursclf 1>;; tryinc; t.o help . '~Jn.t is your l'eaction

to t.hat? __ Yr>s .

Could h e perhaps I:HV{> soie this at. Lh i s ."Il!?"tinG bu t. t. ha1.

)'ou co.nnot rC'lIwmber \,,,het.h"r h" s a id i t. or noL? __ Y"s ,

it Could have been said .

111/ •••


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376 ' iLl E.

rE' you abl<l jll."rf.apc: in · .... hat lOI1(;uagf' Bccuz!'d 110 . 3 '..: az

speakinG a1. that mef'tint;? If you cannot., Gay so . __ b!" :::Iixrd .

An d he could have (>v(>n used l..!J.c · .... or e ' u:nDbalazn ' ? -_ 1

do not re~ember .

BY 'l'liE COU,n' : 1.~hat does t he ~i ord -n ron?

Nil Sll.~~EYIYA : .s tru{Ssl ing Or struGGle . 1 <l" n o t kno~1 "bou\, th~

Interpre t er . __ Yes , 1 scre E' , tl'Lord .

31 'I'JJE t:O~lc~' : You !in;, ;JOu cannot n :m€:;)ber ? __ IPS .

Hi? ShwE'iIY:, : Could anybody at t his ~pet.ing have tls('d (10)

tha t ~rord ' urnzabelazo '? -- 1 do not re:tlE':nuer .

Is t.hat ,,11 thBt you reIll€"llb('r ',.;h i eh 1;0 . 3 said at t his

Or do YOll say tha t he could not hovp said tl:1,Ythin!: else?

-- 1 do not remember .

'.,'rIl , 'you r :ner.lOry is vpr:; 61101'1,. . B{'c<!use on I h1." " "3 - it may 0(> Wednesdil,y . I 8:n n ot st:rp - you said thflt. occused

No . ;; said tllet thp ;nf'eting W'J:'> not 1'01.' b~b i f's but for ::!f'n

and thllt j'OU should l~~f'p th" '-.xist"llcP of tll!> ::IPf'tinG a Sf'cret .


Is it possible that h~ actually :'lever said thos~ words or

that you arc mixing thot being said by somebody <'lse .... ith what.

in f<Jct wos said 'by thl' accuspd? lie nid say thut .

he hi:nself? Y(,3 .

well, he denies t h'lt he said tha t Lh e meet.ing is n()t for

bab i es bu~ for men .

'..iould this be a eonv<"nient. stage 1'01' You r Lord:.lhip?

BY 'l!:~ CQUH'J.' : Yes , 1 U:tI just.. tryinc; t.o find my notes in

regard to t !m t point <;0 find out. which ::If'eting .


I'm SK".EYHA : It is after he hod lis t ed the names of t.he (30)

persons \o'h o we!-'" 1'1'Csen t Dt the meeting . '.ihe firs t :lleeting , t he

very/ ...

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3'17 ilil. . Vf'I"'j i'iL'St :~f'ctin6 .

BY 'rIlE t:OL' lh' ; lie li~ted ttf' nam"'s and lilf'n llf' c<Jid _ th e

witnf'ss said that 1lIf'E'tinc is not. for babies but for men and.

w, zhoulu kl'f'p t h, ex istE!lCe of the r.l eet.iu[; secret . 'lilat was

00 t h, C]tl! Jlmf' t..tw t. he said l!:o t .

'l'HE GO UR'J. AlJJ OUHLS ~CR lEI" 'lEE ('CLi(~ ,U",lJiJi':!;S .

DO!! IlLtil;aISEJ.,}:l"l JOi;0'.'lY.::iE <, t1: 'E ; >slill ur:o,;e r oatt~ :

Fliju'EER (;nOSS- D.AlUi:J~'_IOI: B1 In, Lr;"~;Enli\ : J ust. l''':1in6 'ne ogu in .

I put to you that 110 . 3 npni<"s, sa;yine t b('l. t hat [;1",I' 1.i.l1G in .3 th e cpll"r -"'[,5 nn t f'll' bnbi"s but for lI<"n . L,lln ;-'QU (0)

rer.lf'rIlb E'l' whf'ther hf' s~id tti5 0:: n o t o r c 1J n't you rf'::1!"r:ber?

-- I r e;ne!llber t hat he ~id say that .

1$ there anything else No . 3 said a t. tilis oJl'f'ting ?

''; e chould k!? ep th e existencE' of til .. mf'" tin(5 U S<'>Cl' f' 'l, .

Your o'nelllol'y dot'S not Sf''';;] 'l,(, 1.>., .so cood t. odb.Y . Is Lh<J t; so?

( 20)

\.1'11, you c nnnot l'f';;]p:rtb€'l' ::>o;~" Ulille; \ .. thich « 1 5<) ,'Iou said

on the 9t h o f this :lionth hpl'e in c ourt . __ \,':1/> L?

constitut.ion or.d tha L if unyone wonLS it , he J~USt. ebt."in i L "5 £1'0::1 hi~1 or 1' ccc;se() 110 . II or Gqujf'lLl . __ "if's .

You cannot r f':1'If'Tl10e:r this 'tlhich 'you s a id Oil thp 9 th . __

I rE't:lf'mbE'r now .

imd Nould you u@;::-ef' ... i t. h r.w Li.« L '~'hE>lI you I!f' ve "vidence on

th ... 9 th, you ,<Iprp 6 i v int; E>vidf'l1c<,> ubout pv(' nL::> ,·,h ich occurr ed

and t hings ',liJich ~: e re said lasL ::;/'8 r? __ ·ir-s . (30)

Is th~L ull th!' pa rt ~:hich _ ul1 t:lOt. whic h \·;;J.S ple-yed

by/ •..

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3'78 ... La . •

by <lccus(>d 110 . :3 [It tl:iu ::If'I'ting? jlarl"ly ·,:h<, t. ;r-r,u b~ v <> sa i d

in court t.od oy and ~JhiJt 1 :>oid YOIJ t.oduy 101(;ot.? -- l tG .

I,lf!ll, you uls o sllid on 'lhursdIlY , the 9 t.h, tha t. r;0 . ~.

stood c: p and int roduCEd Gayisa as the po.;> t. eJ SASH. Il id t.hn t

in fac t happen? -- Ye~ .

'lou hov<> I;lso forgott.en a bou t thaL. - _ I f you s",id in t he

tha t you ';"erl' told t o say so:nE'thing about oceus eo iio . 3' .

BY '1llE COl' R'l' : I do not fo llow tha t r eply . _ _ CounsE-l said

when 1 sp oke of Gllyis[: i n t.h" bpginninG he W i S told t.o (10)

talk, I to ok it thu t 1 !J1.ld iJl r !'ady :lI('nti(]:l<>ci thet t!c c uspd No . ;,

t old Guy isa to speak .

1m SK'':EYIY,, : VeFj well , ',oj E ;..ri ll (';0 on t.o the next poin t. .

Bes id es t.he a ccuse d , a nyonf> of the accuSf'd . (l i d flnybouy FIse

S;lf!ak nt this mef'tiue;? __ Yes .

~;ho spok€'? __ 'l'hf' :ne:nbcrs inL r ouucint t.he:~r; (>lve~ .

Yes, 1 U[~ talk in~ about. peop l e ',;hn 5po%e at t his .1Ipe t.i lJE; .

- - I do no t. re~~~ber .

You 0.0 not c"mf'r.lbf'r tlllyllOu,)' f'lse r; !\.;rillG any t hiug ? Ho .

'J ell , I ~Iill rn:nin<'i :' OU (l5uin . You nls o said on (20)

thf' 9 th tha t Gqajf' l fl r;t ood up (HId l;(l.i(1 accused :5 :mG s (l id

!' vprything :md thot th e r" was no USE' f or him to say anything 1-and tr.a t th", only thing to do no,,' was t o bO for mi litnr;,'

train ing . Yes .

Ha ve you a lso IOr(;ott en that? _ _ YI's .

And would you acret" with .111' , ll CCOL'oing to :;01.; , that this

is unlllwfu l ? __ 1 GO not know l aw .

... · ('11, ] thou6ht ;' fl U said at. SOi'l(, ct~Gf' of yot: I' ('via(, llc "' ,

in any cas e I Cflnnot :'f'r:J!'mb!'r p r ec is f'ly whf'n , that. Lr GO [or

:nilita ry t.rainin~ ou t.s ide the bord(>rs of' Cnuth Afl'icfi (30)

is il l eGal 0 r unlawfu l. __ 1 01' t.alking Ilbou t. tt l' J(l Ct 'that I

h(lve / • . •

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379 .... l l E.

h<lVC foq;ottpn sO:llpLhing \,Imt i s un10.,;ful.

1 dc !lo t foIl",',; ;"ou . " nyway , ,'!ouIt: :JOU oGre!' ,"'iL)) In" 1. :)(11.

t.his is a very ilnportent. nS1J P ct. of this cPos",? _ _ ies .

Hl: 'lliE Got,Hn' : ~' ho.t. (;cuns('1 t:lpans is 00 you HGr"" t.ha t thin

talk about :nilitar;i t.n!.ining is 0. very i:llpo rt.ant llSpcct 01 t.his

cas e ? -- Yes .

Gqujel<l sDic t.hiz, (l cc o roinc t. o you ano. It>,wing it. out. bt>cuuz"

(;qajela is ,,'01,: 1' persor:al fri('lHi? -- !;cl .

J,nc who bet\'!een ()ccuseo 3 und GqajlOlu npoke fir::;t.? (10)

"ccused 110 , 3.

\:"11, a ccus ed 1:0 . 3 , 4 a nd 5 instructpd ::1(> Lhat. you have L the order of the seqi.l(!lce '..:rong . I o.rJ inEtrucL f'C furt.h"r t.ha t .J

before Gqnjpl(l spokp ,

in 'lliE COliHl : 'iha t is 'I!hat. he ::;,<,id .

11.:1 Sf:'.:ErIY;, ; lio . 3, Ij ' Lo1'd .

BY TilE {;ou:n' : Yeo , tiwt is >"'!lP.t lip said ,

HII CK'~'EYnA : I at:l sorr.:.- , 1 mean G-q()j('la r>pokr b<'r<H'C hr did , 3 th!;lt. is 1:0 , 3. -- Ho . ( 20)

And he inst.ruct.s me furt.h"r 1llld t.hiB is r>uppor~ ed by 4 and

5 , Lhat lio . 3 in f!;let stood up t.o CA ll !Oqcje l a t.o orde r for

tho; type of talk which he ',185 indulginG in . __ Ho .

I.nd he says t.hat he c almed hiln U:)Wll Ulltl ht' 30 iu t.o hil~

that. if l\uyoodJ doubted tl1l1 polie:;.' of LA",!,! a nd h e ',: <1S no t. su I'C

about it., t.hat. som"'booy must. eit.IH'r SN' a n;.' r:l ('r.lb('l' of the

f x ecu tive or GO t o Kine: 1.Jillin:o ' s 'l'o '..: n . Ano h'" fUrLh f' r s uy s

that the 1Jer:Jon 'dho in fact sp01(p about miliLliry ~I'[linin(!; at

that r:1cctinc; is Gqojf'1<> . __ Gqoj"l" f1ls1"1 ~ilO':'"

liY '.iIlE (;O !;R~ : '"hltt :,bout.. th" Iirst. p'_' rt '}f thp q,u"s Li all ? DO)

'..ius it S(l id t:I,') t. if 'lJ(,IbodJ' doubLtO t h t jJolicy ,,1' G/,[dl OllO ','!1}S

Pont i •••

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;:>80 ",LlE.

not !Jure nbouL iL , ho> :!lust :;f' (' D '~"nb{'r ')f the (;; (>cl)ti,,(' o r

go to King "illil1::1 ' s 'l'm·m? -- I CO ~()t l·cmc:::!":.>er ~hllt .

liR Sh.'1.EYIYJi : '';eIl , l;CCI)!;(>u 110 . 3 - 1 am Gorl';; , I "Iith"l'<"~' that..

\.:as J':Cninzi :lx ula prespnt ot this :neetinc;? __ I Jl~lve ulrcacy

said 1 do not even kno\~ him .

Well , uccused i10 . 3 ceni"!; thut he E8id POCOlll p should t:;et

a copy of t)w constitution "'ith"1' frO::1 t.i:.1 or fr(l:n ):0 . Ie. or

frOi~ Gqaj('>l~ , [:0 , 1 Brn sorry, h" said thot COiJip$ o[ \..ho

constitu'tion are obtainable from the secretary of the orbaniso­

tion and t.hnt in fact Gqaje1a ~IIUJ the sf'cl'etlll'J . li ' Lord, (10)

I.%1 sorr:l . I I)1J beinG C'lr1'ected by :n~ L~ar!1(c fr iend J. .. re

that in fact th(' secretul-''y ',:as \'0 . 4 . 1 /Jm son';,' . -- Gqajeln

was not the secre ta rJ .

1 am sorr y , 11e ',lUS the vicc-pres ident 1 rcr.:te~lb {' r .

BY 'lliE COUR~ ; Yes , but thf' qU('HLion is that all thu" I'WS said

about constitutions is that the-,)' ilr~ ob tuina ble fl'O[:l t.he

In ot.he r words t.ha t. you u r e wro!'lt; Ir.'hen you S(lY

that accused 1;0 . 3 s~id plCopll' could (;('t. ,] copy of the consti_

tut.ion fror.! hi~ . ',:hat. do you Sr'.y t.o that? __ lie said J rom

him, either Gqaje la or till' sf'cretllry ,

Hit SK',:EYlY,\ ; lOU npv('r <:1('n ti 011(,o. on ;'::-i'\(';:O t.Iw fuel.. that

const.itutior.s coulo be obt{,in(,bl(' from Lh,> .uccrf't.:rr:; .

131 'l'EE COUR.L' : On'l·hursQay . it,' !lo\," rel.!cs as fo110 .. '$ : He

told us that the 1l0VE'!lE'!'lt i as its 0,,'11 cOllstil..ut.io!1 and if

somebo6.y wHnts one it is obta i nublf' from him or !io . 4 or

Gqajela ,

fiR SK'..jEYlYA : 'l'hnt is rni!1.c also .


BY TIlE COuiU' : NO~I the qu('s tion i!' t.h<lt all Fri ri(l.:r he !1"'JP1'


I·m. DK\jEYI'iA : 'l:hat. eopi!;'s of const.it.lIli ons ;!re obt<lina ble (.:i0)

from the s('cret;,ry ,

BY 't'i iE COUR~' : I .",

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BY 'I liE GOURJ.' :

Jfi{ S[I.riIYA : Yes, h'" ':leS .

" 'tilE GOl..ll:l.' : 'i'hf'n how c~m you put ,your qUf'st.ion like t.hat?

lIH EK',jF:IlYA : 'l'he sllsgest ion 1 [1m pU1;tin€: to him is tha t no

name was mentioned •. (intf'rvenl's)

BY TEE cOUlr.l. :

must be careful. lou know this is t.h e t.hird tit:lC' 1 hcvf' had

to pull you up about th'" fOl';!! in whicil you 1're put t.inC 'your

questions . 'lou !:lUG\. te ca reful ho';; you put. your qUf's tions .

Hi1 SK'"EYIYA : Ii' Lol'!~ , ' .. Hh r('sp('ct , 1 pu t th..- laGt (10)

question the way Lho t I put H beC(lUSf' the witness hi':lsrIf said

it could be {';ot froUl so and so or iroD til (' secret:,r:,' . He used

the word secretary, tte \,itness . j,nd 1 suy t.hat hI" "lentioned

the word secretllry . . • (intervenes)

BY lllB GOlJRJ.' : ,'0, he i:lpntioned j;o . I; und hI' sa;,'s ilo . 4 is th"

secretary . Isn ' t thiE hair split.tine?

1'1.1 SK' . .;EIIYA : h.ccUSE'd 110 . , vIso a.(nirs that. hr introuuced

Gayisa as th (> poet. of Si\clJ. 1,.hat 00 you say to thllt? - - He

did say so .

Aoo I c orrect in sayinG that LA8Ji m"r.1bt::'s (It Heo1dto ..... n(20)

regarded th'" branch a t K.ing hi11i"r~ ' s 'l'o~m as being t hf'ir

hl'ad quart ('!:s sort of1 __ I do not know .

Did you think L}l; t tllP brar:ch 1}t KinE \:i11i(loo'6 '1'o· .. n kne,;"

r::Jore about SASIJ than the branCh 1J.t H(>a1dto~m? -- I did not ~

knm1 of the br1iZleh ill KillG Wi11i'1In's 'i'Clwn .

Di,1 you ever c omp to I<:now of til .. existence of thp br;;tlleh

at King William ' s 'l'own I!t illly stvC'" last J'f'(lr? __ I oi,1, yes'.

,\t whut staGe did you hE'at' thia? __ ':ill!' ti::1" \'/(> iJl<d gone

to King '..iilliam ' s ~own . It I,ms :Jl.l'3elf, Gr;aj<>l1J , r iol jova ,

accu!;ed 5 , 1\ and 5 . (30)

You Enid th!lt Itll\·n:ma enid a prayer 0.t. the ene of this

r.1f'eLil1(;/ •••

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382 'fur:: .

meetins . - - Yes .

Do you .::'eine1!l;;'tH' L:!(, Cist. of .;hat that. pr<l~'('r cont.ained?

Ilot the exact ,,·orcG . 1 rem€'o:!ber lelll;t .

Can't you re~ler.1b~r even the Giot of ''':~I)t he s a id? __ Ee

said God will 1185iot us . he r equ f st.eG tiod to assist us to

liberate our3elves .

.. nd in the othel' mo:cting "lliich you a t.tend ee. , ',.iat. it no r:~wl

prDc licc to ('l1d ,. r.l"'c t.iI)G by jH'('Y('l' ? -- Yel> .

hnd the Gist of tho proyel' in efl ch instcnce 1 ouppos(' ,

\~"s the s;)me an th'" 0:1(' l'Jhich :"'()V ]env<> just civon tllp (10)

Court . __ Y('I; .

Anythinc else ""hi.c!) t:o . 3 :.;aid "t. this r:lcet i nc; ? - _ If

nOr.Jeoody ':/0:11,,5 t.o 101)\1(" h(' muct S",f' thf px ccutivo .

l('S , anyth inG el se?

BY 'tEE COURi : ""hOll y':lU sny J e«vl', wh",t 00 you m~t'n? -- L('llv('

t.he count t'y .

Nil Sr..~,!EYl1!, ; Yes , is that. all? __ Yes .

Didn ' t accused II:> . 3 also t. ell you t.hat. wnf':1 you come

back ft'o:) crosoinc tr.t: border , you ',~ill bcco;nc frf'c<jol:l (20)

Ann diun ' t. ilf' 1'130 s ay , o<ccoruins t.o ;iou, t.h:<t. ;tOll we r l;'

eit.her to go t.o flo7.l)l:1bique or Bot.sW<lnll ? _ _ Yes .

Is t.his on" of 'th(' foct.s which you lIS- V\" forGot.t.en? __ Y"8 .

I mllst put it 1,,0 you [,sain that Iio . :; deniE's e ve r sayinc

this nt this mp('tinc or 1;'1.1.. fl.ny o th"l' l:1E'ct.ins ___ i!o .

I will 1'l'peat. l1hat 1 put. to YOll corlip r on . 1 soid 1,,0 you

earlier on nc cllsrd i:o . :;, <lrnif's f'Vf'l' sn~; i!!;:; 1', t. t.11i[1 1'1"(-t.il')(,; :5 that. peopl e nllOuld Co !'ut. 01' t il" countr.! for T'1ilit~r~' traininG


fiGhters to fiGht \Ihit.cs in Sput.h .... rL'iC'l Hlld LhnL tiwy could

ci th rr/ . . .

Page 28:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

that. .

Dn you know ~/hcn i-Ioz'-'.r.llliquc nt.t.lliw'rl its i:lUepCl"1l:cnc('?

I think 1 '::)711 •

::!ist.nke ; it v:llS lust y~"r in Junr . _ _ At, 1 have t.."!ic, ] think,

1 !Ira not surr. .

Do you know ',lll"th('r in fact l'!c?,'l11biqu(' had bases !\.,r

people to tr1lin in thp.1.. country \·;i1..11 [\ vic",- 1.0 rf'-t.urn to (10)

South Africa? - - 1\0 .

1 am sue;gcsting -"0 you that 1..h{> only ti1.'l(, v/ht'n tI'.pre hoa

been tvlk of liozambique beinG a bn~e for ~Ihnt ar(' rcf('!'.!.'pc to

as terrorists , is onll rec('ntIy ; even then it \'1:)8 l'lith rC'[;ard

not. know thnt .

for South ,.fricanl.: to go D.nd trnin tiu'!'!' nnu ceel" bOCk te>

South .ifrica to fiCht hl'I'f'? __ 110 .

Anj'l"iny , I a-n su[:;r;esti/lE to ::,0,,-, that I.!:erc vlcre (20)

never any such C'J::1p ia Bot::;wona . let us :1':1\'! (1enI l'li trl your


BY '~- llE COl-H'.!.' ; I,,'ha~ is yo].;!: r<?pIy ? __ I co not kllO""! .

/<iR Sh'1:EYI'L~ ; Let WJ :10,/ dcul with ~' our mef'tinc which vias held

in l ' . E. ;,re you ubI(' t.o T('t:lcral)E'r:' th" d"t.<> 011 ~Ihich Lids !.1('Ctinc:

was held? __ Ho .

J.re you o.bl~ to rcmerJber tllf' nonth in ~Ihich it. l'ILlS hc16.? __

Yes .

lihich month W<J.S i-t? __ ilov('f.,l.lt''r .

,\nd '",-ho were pl'o~<>nt at tr. il) m"t'tinc? -- It I'/I'S

myo!'lf, occUIlPd 3 , 'I , 5 , l'[Ji]<;c jo';1<18, Afric<l SuIr·10, 1\.·"1(;io Lippa ,

I1nd/ •••

Page 29:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

_~ lii.-E .

,-,!'ttl wher(' ',101l th is mr>('tip.g held? -- In II s oc e"l' fi(ld in·

P . E . , nlr): r.~8dium .

Did anybony say anythinr; at thiG ;:jr .... t inc ooout ::lHiLory

traininG? -- Yc~ .

Any of the RCCUC«:? 1:0 .

,-i[' u';ul next \litli your F:lCctinc ~Ii:ich '.HlIl ~U?JlOIl"(! t o Of)


BY tEE COUIn' : '1'.11(> ~:itn('ss hus b(>rn on hin r"' .... t Clll (loy . If

he wonts to :-;it down a t any steGc and. continue hi!'. cv i <.lcncr'

[]it t i ng . I have no 00, ection . - - YCIl .

HR Sh~,'EYIY.' : ~/ho t \1 (1 :; the uste that 'Lhi:; ::J"ctiI'-G I-I U~ hol6.? --

loth October . 4, ,

li"lsondo , Ilbu1 elo Husi.

G'lo.j f'10 in r"ct. ·,m:. intoxicat.~d t:wt. d ... ~' . I:; thnt ( .20)

correct? __ Yen .

Y01.: haJ b':l"n tOGcth"r ~liL h G'1aj "l;1 in t.he carl if' r pnrl of

that dny ? __ :ics .

And at some staCe I-lith Vo . ;, as ';;r l l. -- :L .... c .

'J.'he r f) ~!ere 1l00le two Girll' aillo sittine ;-lich ,i'ou t h"rc

near the t.oilet!) of the ~.'hite staff tlf'::lUf'L'S . __ les .

\-:here precisely 'lias this 11('et inc hr:l(\? -- In t;ilf' klllor

ncar l..h(' strf''l.fI1 . bCIJille thf' r\lc"r'~' ficl(l .

;~d ~/h0 s poke a~ 'Lh iH m{'rlinc? __ !_c cu ~ ed i:o . II . 4 '..Ihat (lid he say ? __ ii rot.ly h .. to ld Ull that the DO)

president <:lnd the vic c- prcpiurnt or(' not avo.iln'blf' , 00 he is

GOiIlG/ ••.

Page 30:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

"nd Zuki1c li:;i.

A!1U \'Iller" ','WI) t!li!> rn(>pt.il'.{) h('10.? -- In a soce,..!· i"ifld in·

P . E . , I'ark GLadium .

Did anyborl~' Gay .<)nythill[, at this 1.1('('tinc about mi1iLory

traininG? -- "[CG .

Yes . who \-I'll> it? __ VU;jO l;al(,l~i.

llPld in tlu~ ce11t<r but which was lot,·)., h,..1<1 (11., Llw k!(}r)f .

Yes . (10)

BY.1liE CO{jH'I.' : l'he witnes:> !IUS b<'en on lliil f€,..t all <ley . If

he \~<Jnts to ;1it down at 3n.:/ sttlG(' r,nd crmtinue hioS evidEnce

Gil,til'-& , I hnv€" no oi.l,jecti 'lI) , __ ~('a .

Hhllt ',1.:1 ::; th" <late thut t1li:; :~<>('tjnc \'iue h~lo.? --

I; th October . 4, )

Kent:;hcp ~ , i,nuil" 1.t:~Jd , 51;:!t ... I!kobind.(' , lloH\1abi::;i 'iako, 5 ikuns i

Hasondo , Ilbul e10 I'ius;:' ,

G'1lJ.j('l<J in foct. wac intoxicated t~nt ur\~' , l:J LhnL ( 20 )

correct? __ Yee ,

tho t do:;? __ Yes ,

And nt f.;ome otacc ~Iith i:o . 5 1).:> ,:('11. __ ·""G .

'i'hcr~ v.' c r e so::)c two ci rlr; 1;!.lso sit-t.ine wit.h .lOU t.1:r' I'~

ncnr t.he Loi1eV: of 1..)1(" ~.;hite sLuff C1.(,l':'I)J1'l"s . __ "(ea .

\:here p"cciscly wnB this l~(>eLinc; j)<'ld? __ In the kloof

lI"'ar t.hf"> St.t'f">!lffl , 1)(>f1iu(' thl' ruCh~' J'ic1<1 ,

?ncl who croke ul t.hir; "-I('('t.i.ne? __ .,ccu;;ed ,:0 . 4 . 4-What did he s~,y? __ ~'irctly h'" told uc tlwt. t.ll,· (30)

P resiu-.mt. and the vicc_ pr(':Ji(if:>nt a l'(' no(, ava.i1uLlc , GO he is

Goil1(; / •• •

Page 31:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

(\ IJ.i. :, °

Go i nG to tukc the stand an,] h!' rur~ll('r tolu us that :;inc(' some

of t l1(> members G.id not know thr c!'(l!l(;" of VCllU"', nothinG of

i mportanc e will 1.>e sn i d . So he fUl'ther told u:; nbout the

illack mun ' s otruer;l" , that it :::t,!rtccl 101lG QCO un(t ,II:' are not

the anl;, prople \-Iho n!'", struGGlinG . 'l'h ... rr Are pcopl ... \·!ho

r.:hould ke('p 1,br spirit of 1,11" scco!vl pr..'o<:" thot 1-10 nunt

So 'de y lcllV"

the country for milita::y 1,ruininG . i:" tolu m; 1..;nt ir s0:llrboG.,Y

is con::;i(lr rinG tn ::;t:l~~r n jJl[l~ , \1" uw;t i!1tro(!ucr ~ll" pl".y 1..0

the i~";;Jberr.: !Co t.l"ln1.. thf'jO ct1n st.;.:.:;e til!' p]~'~ if n"crr;s~'·..; . (10)

otond up bnd tnlk .

thnt there is !10 ti:nc for (l pla~· t~S ·,if> :11'(" npprr)<lchinc ~he

exa:ns . :';0 tho-: thine of th~ pl"J we:; .9. lailUl·" .

'.;hot ('lo,,? __ linen toku !,tn~ i v.:;k~·(l (!u'.lut :10.,; to l,..avc

th(' country , he told :lim that hf' :nusl,. contact tiw f'xccutiv(' . 4-10 th3t all?

i/o , 4 spok(' of a 1'hl1Sp7- - 1t is :l" \/lt0 in :>oJiIl{; the ,":Illu:;e . I

spoke of th(' plw6e 3S h" "told us about. t!", militor;, (20)

traini nG . Because I hay!"' r.card that that was the 3f'Coac.. phase .

l_'1:/tllir.C; elsp said bJ u.ccuscd 1.'0 . 3 ? -- Accuopr] ilo . ;;

·,,·os not 1.1If'rc .

I ctl!l sorl'~', accused [:0 . II . __ no, I (if") not ~"Ll'Clb(>l· .

ot thL:; meet.inc or ot :.ny otho· Clcct.inc . lie suys th'lt if h'"

l!Ient.iOllf'O nl'lwd st:'uGG"lc in any r.lOctill() , i"L 1·I:;lS al'w~·:; in tJJis

t e r :n , nllT:lel~' ; if tllf' .souLh Ai"l'icnn GOYl'l'l1:1Cl!t f!ol's n:::.t sol'.'.'

inevitable . 1 do not rC::Jc:nbpr hi;~ t;o,/inc SQ . (.;;0)

If hf': hod 30i(\ ~o would you \)(> sl lrpriscd ? j;o .

Vol ...

Page 32:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

306 '!.thE .

li(J you I:nol'l ; !hcr'(' !'lo , ;:, hud Gone to 011 Lhi;; (;' ;1:;? -- I

h<::ura th"t he il-::Iu con" i!O:a<' ,

lind do ~,ou know whether accllsed il(}r; , 3 ulid I~ hD.d fit aJlj'

steGe laRt yet').' been at KinG ;"'illiam ' s 'i'OI'/Il? !.,lith D. vif'w of

visitinG the branch of Sf,Sri nt r:inc williol~ ' !J ~o\m . -- Eo .

I '.:<'11 , acc u3€:d Ho . 4 denies sayi~ (It this L'Icctinc bJ'

i~PIYl-IlI3 that if cnybo6,i' \wntru to INlvI' tt>.c c<)t;ntr:,- for

mllltnry trDllunc . must EO Ilnd (l('C Lilc {'::ccu~ivf' . __ He sil i d

n ' LoI'd. , I do not !mm'i , unles;; my not.r3 nrc incol'rf'ct ,

co .

l<IilCn he 1300'1C ('vio"nc<" cOI1CCnillG this [:wctin[; on t!w S" ~h (10)

hihlself did sprat: 1)bout "lilitlJr;l trc.inin:::; , but ;/OU onl~·

mcntionerl hi", ncc0rdinG to <'lJ' not ... , only i:l1"!1 :' ou ~1'.;r tlwt he

replied to ;Itoyi , wh ... n 1:1..o;,.-i s Coid h'y.-! cnn ;i OU I f nve the counLry

.:md he saie peopl" cOljl<l GO t.o tlw ('xccut.iv<' nnd b~ ;'l.c.vised by


B'{ 'i'I:E COU!U.' : Do you UndCl'Rtnn,: tli" qu('st.i(m? __ lio .

Whcn :;011 Gave (>viarnc" last J:hU1'3C2 ~' L!11 you ::laid 11(,:5 that

r'al:u l!toyi then as~:cd hot; can \'IC l ~aVf: t.he countl'..> nnd your

reply , nccortlinG to '",:' llot~ , WJS i!o . l~ c(lid he could GO ( 20)

to the executive und the;..' ~Iill odviGC you . 1':0\'1 CO:.illGcl says

to you you never said unythinc about 11ilitnIJ' traininG, you

only Dcntionl'd 1<><lvil1[; the count:::.:: .

In SK\lE'iIY /, : 'What is your reO-ction to t.hu t? __ Ib;:rbc 1

fo reot to sa,Y r:'Iilitary t r (;ininG .

t.o I correct in nnyinc thnt so:nc p"oplf' · ... e rr intcrl'!::rtcd in

l!'D.villG til(' countrj' only Ior educntion (llId llothinc "l:w? __ Por

p.ducation , inclucJinc; military Lrainins . ..

Th(>L'C are Gom!' \·:ilo :.'oulc Co for both , LhC't·!, <Ire :::O I~C '.-iho

Hould onl:,' GO .for nilit<:lry traini~ un(l Lh C'J.'c llr~ 1;QW' (30)

~Iho ~Iould only CO for "'oucnti .... ll . Or <101" ~ y ou know? - - I do

not/ •••

Page 33:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

only . __ Y"::l, I dQ 1101, ;,noY: .

nl ~j:'.IE"[1:t:, ; You also silid 011 the 9th tlwt Vuyo Bnhni you

had hcard vl<".l::> t:-.o orunnillinc - orc;<..nir;;cl' of thl' G"curit;;

s('curity cO:;lMittec .

ihat' i::l t.!""!" not'" \'Ihiell I ll'''vc and th'lt. is thl: not,:, \'Ihich

~ Lcal"l1ct' 1'ril'no. lWG llere ,,150 . In "n~; ('v('nt , '.": hat. •• __ 1

jU(lt ::la id he ;'[(1.:) Lhc orcnni:;o:-r oI S/;f;i!!, he ' .. :0:;; p1'~;"1nr:; (10)

a purt i ll the Gccurit;r cO:1::littec .

BY 0:..'111": COUlli' : l:.ec ordillG to r.v n:>tf' ;"ou m'ir1 VUj'O :.b10ni waG

t he orGaniser of the ~ecuri:. .. ;,· ,~or.1:ni'~t( f.. -- I (laid security

1m S\\1.:E'In:,l : In nn; .... "vent. , 1 [In inctl'Uct<:'C, t.hat VU;'0 I3alrni

was oJ:"::;nnisillG secret.ar~· of 5A::<Jl. _ _ I r;;nid 1:(' \18(l or;:;a.niscr

I.lnd secu ri t.y con:::1i t tc ·~ n,.,ml.H; r .


Did 1'0 . 3 evcr ;':>I"csi()e- at (]n~' I.lc,.,til~ \·:hj.ch yo\.: o.t.t.rllldev'3

in his c aDoc i ty ilS p,;:·~.sidcnt ? -- :':..2:..:

Did ::0 . 4 ev,'l' ,,~t. in his Ci 'I"ICii.y c::; such <JS the:

S('Cl'ctar;y (11.. ;). rlcctin:; l"Ihjch ::;0\1 a~t.('nd.('c ? 110 .



iiO'.1 , 0]"1 the- <;1,11 9,£'1i]"1 _ 1" nm l'"j-rL'illl,; VI t.1l" n01..e:J ()f t.1l"

9th , this it. <lIter tl:~ \'lit ll"GS I,r)(,:, tictll1.. ·:Ii'Ll"::. Ow ~'rcor,(~

r.]entio!\('(l V\fyO &\l<:'l1i as thl' ol"G"nj.::;cl' of tl: ... scc\ll'i"L~' cr:'~mil,:"'"

'L'II('1'",.ftf'l.' lip :""'P0K"0 about 5inxo i1nd th('n the llrxt qurnt.ion whicil

I havr <lOI1n is referl.'inC to these pf'rsons : Did tl'cy act .'."ot

any of t he ::)c c tinGc that you attended and the !"cp1~' \:0:3 no . I

do not know i1" !"Jy ·notl' it: COrl'''ct .


tho pocition.s _ tll'"':/ did n,..L net in ,\Il./ nJ" Lh,.. T''' I"'.il,i')ll l:; in

th,, / ..•

Page 34:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus


of t.he di3cip1in1lrJ cO:~!lIitt.C'c, VU~'Q 13"11('ni ',:0::: tile ore' >li3('r

aspect _ 3i1l..'0::0 1/D,S on the di:::cipliJV'ry ccr.l:1itt..('(~ . ': 0'1 l" .... nt en

to ::my they d i d not act in "n.)' of ~hf'se pO::litions in t.il"

l1eetinss thnt you att'Jnlt.oHl .

1m SI\"v!EYIY;" : liOl'! do :'-OIJ recoIl~i1c ~our l'Cply 11hen ~h[\t ( 10)

qU<'lltioll ~laG put to you on 'J,'hursua;, to ~lhtJ.t ;"(ll] t.zvc E~id

towy .lbout Ho . 3? (inaudible _ IIr G):-.. :(>yi,','o and thf' Illter_ 3 pretc r spcakins Si!11] ltc_ncou::;J.~r) in hi:; cop.lcit;.' ' lS toile

prc(;ldcnt . -- I too!~ it tll,lt he spo).:f' firstly at that r.1<:etinc .

BY i'I IE COUi1T : ;10 , but COl1nSf'l S['ys ;"0\: h~V(l no'': Given tW}

confl i ctinc :l.uz':lcrz . 1." \mnt3 1.0 lmOl'! h0\-1 JOu cnn rrconc ilr

your '1..1-)0 nnSl-lcr ::l . GOt.11lH'1 "n;,'s on 'i'hur::ldnj' :;ou :::nid uc cuscc.

flo . 3 neve r ne tre. [l~ prC' o idcnt ot t'.I'.J 1~('('ti:lG Itilich you

Ilttended and tOGfl.;t you ;';f1:J he did ... ct IlO president r..t 3. r:lCetill[;

tlhich you ottcr:ded . liol-l COUll!;"]. on,l O l!N! do you (20)

re c onc ile those tllO O,llOIl f' l'O ? __ I diu not underoto.nrl thr qUN;tio

prop er ly .

1m SKwEYlYA : Which '11:CBtion ? __ \~h!'thn' 11" did "c-~ 1\0 ~he

pr(>sid.cnt . So nOl-! I ueny the Inct that llf' (.tct.ed 0.3 tlJ('

prcG i den t .

BY 'I'HE GOUib.' : 01' llo . il he Gaill hI" ncv('r G01'! hiq (lCL in this

e(.tpccit;y . '': jWl''-'' l!:., I~O conIliet. Lhcr" .

L"t UG nOl'! cOlll \'!itll ;"OUI' ('virlf'nc" rccnrli illC

Yr'lU peopl", Lo l"nv" for TIotOt!l.\llu . HOI'! corn'cL II~(' if 1 Wl) ~Irollr~ .

l ilC' / • • •

Page 35:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

The i:'lpr('Gsion I Got fror:l J')U in l:f'c~n'd to til" Il!,pr')uch ilJ

G/l1"J~l!l conc~l.'nin;:: tili" t.r:il' ~'m i; t.hat (j'1[l,irl~l lwu HPP!.'Q,1C1iCU

you at 0)1'1 tlt{lC;C Gnd spokr, t.o :rou about iJot~Kana c.lla then he

tlpokc to IJ.ccus cd llo . 5 on fI diffCL'ont ')ccnsinn nh0U"L tile G('I1}C

tiline; ,

BY 'olE!': COUR.r , '~110 ~Jl""k" ~o ,:0 . 5,

1m m\~:; EJTi;, : G'1l'~d(l .

BY 'i'iIE COUib' : I t,. llOt ' (31);"8 : 1 t).rn 1:(1(l (J. c<)nv{>J:~ation \:it.h



n-I 'II'" (;Ou:rl : .,1"t. (>r thr:t , 1 , 1;0 . :;; , ;:~,11l( r~joWl . :.itcnlc-:;.

Gqajrl:l. th en had n co;wcr::; ation .

IIR Sl\',-!EYE,I. : 'llwt ir.; 130 _ I nf.! Gtill ~:it.lj thr firG\' nppro/;ch .

Am I cOl'r r ct ill ::'Hl;" il'l[; tlwt \:hen Gfp.j'."l~- ]J(j,j 'tf"pl'o::d"r)ci vou

oriGinnl1:r , !w apprO'lCll'_"l Y(1) on U f:ifJ'Cl'cnt occ '.'.::;ion nllU not

'1.1.. tllf' S1'.mc 'LiIJC 1)S l'l;lCIl lH' Upp1'o,lcl:"d 'lccufl<"d /.<1 . 5? __ 1

1'13l\t t o corrf'ct 'Lhir: ~oil"jt nUOllt l.lot.IHrnn:\ .

Yes? __ He did 1\:>1.. tell U:3 th.1 t. ':.' (' \;"1'(' Goinc to lletSl/o-nB .

lie told us t.imt :;" \-)(,'r'C lrl'lvinc the countl',! .

( 20)

qU!~ .s tion? __ 'i'O 'Lhe I'Jrcon(l port of ;"01H' <l\i('r;tion, ] n[,;l:','rd th'lt

he oppro? chcu me at differcnt stnsc!] Hith accused Lo . ;; .

ilot·; , <knlinc fir:Jtl:,. '.-lith G'1"jcI.;~ 'r.; 1ppro:lch .... f JOllr~;('lr .

1..1'(' ;,-ou nbl" to rrI:lNlb0r 11hrn _ I om ::l orr:' , ;.:ou ::;r id tl.i :; ',WG

on t he 7tl' Octobcr _ (, t '" YOl' 0],1" to r(':1(,;;]1:o'l' l.'lier"c )1 .... :,0.',1 ;-,ou ?

'iCfl ,

' .. :h('re 1'11\0 it ? __ At M/ dormit')"j _

\)id hc cnml' t o jon? Y(':3 .

~'ou to GO out 0f the COUl\tl~.i? __ 1 '.-ms his intir.:l-lr' CO)

fri"n<.1 . Go 'j lC I'mnLC'd I~C tc nCCO::ltlIUl;:! hi!:l . So IIr told :1" tll'lt

nn/ •••

Page 36:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

"ljJ E .

am a best friend of hiG awl I:c l"Ioul{; be vcr;; plf';;s('(l if I woulc.

a6re~ to I"Ihat he '.'1:;1::; C;oine; t o tell me . lJld then he told 1~"

thnt l,y t hen he wns prcp31'f'd 1,0 Inwc the coulltr.!' _ Sr;> I

under:;tooa thnt he w.!s pl'cpal'Nl Lo GO for ::JilitDl'J tro.inin.c; .

without him mentioninc this fact? -- lcs .

Beeo.use thi::; had been rJE'ntioncd ['1, :nc~tintis . __ "ies .

Of courGe 1"he ::;0.:1" hold::: \·:i'~h hi:; ::)cctinc 1"o~('th<:r ·.1ith

your:::;cl.f nnd Ilccuscd ;!o . ;; dnd G'1o.jt'la _ =f\ I->:i.jovn . I .-:l"IJ

Gorrj . -- Sorry , 1 (10 not. lln{l'.'!'otnnu the '1\1(':;t.iOll .

Did G'pjcl.:r n"ver m<"'lti0n :~ilit.:J.~· ~r'1i!li.!l!; ,1~~ ::;uc:\ (10)

((bout in other \)01'0.:::; c;oinC out ryi" th~· count.l 'J on"; .jOU :>nd 1..h.­

~::;t of the pe"pl!' u'J<bccu 'Lhnt tlti~; \.:.~:; f(11" f.!i.li-:..'ll';· Ll'·.inin;:;

be(1)uof": tId::; b.o.d bc(')} decide d ,,1, .lOrl.WI' :.l' ... ~t inc::; . -_ ... 'his 1

undf'rstood ·.··hen h!' npproa.chf'd :1(' aloil" .

BY 'l'IIE COUlL' : Juct .t'c?cnt tha~ . __ 1 unllcr:;tooc th..1'~ the til:1c

he upproached !;;c ulone .

I~ L>r;'\iE"IIYJ, : I :l(,C . O. K. , fair enouGh . lit Lh"t Gtc..C0 COl'

ho· .. 1 long h .. ").d u'1njd." b~en 01.11. of ochool? j:'nr hOH loJ1C had he

bef'n c}'l)(;ll"d fror.'l ::eo.ldto~m?

3 l"Ienb3 .

I thiJll~ it ~m:l n1:.out (20)

fond fron ~'OUl' obsi'rv~'tion of hi;:) .::nd f rom your tnH:lnc;

to hir:J nr; your friend , dio you Get the in9.r,~:;sion tJVlt he ':.'[,.:l

Gettinr:; fructr(ltC'd by the fnet that he '.'ms not 01. ochool? 1

did not 1..o.\:e it like :"hat . n('enuse hr Got I..h(' i\('rl1ic-'io'1 tl)

writp his fin'll C)UtFllS , :l0 he should hev" u[;('(1 tivlt tim; in

otu<iyinc; for hinoclf .

Btlt hf' \/1'0 n('vcrt)wlccc precluded f"!.'0~.1 ~\t\..rlH1inG clDs::;ro .

Is that \;h~, \.. ,lOll f11'C COll\"('~ in~~? __ 1:,.. 1:;:C p!'(,cludf'u fl'orn

attendinG clw;c"::; . · (;;'0)

--I ...

Page 37:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

'lc U~ E.

I (]i<i not sr.:! ",:ith his Grnl'1rV" .

• Iith who ,!os he sta;:,"inc at 'l'3hoGH? __ lir ,-II1G bcinc

r.cco:.1:nodoted .

Do j"OU knovi the people' \'lith who:,' h<' '::~G ctnj"inc? __ "i('G .

lh you lmoH whethfT tlv.:r(' \·;nG un.l rf'lotionslti.", b ... t\-,'("'n

thoil(~ pc()i)le and hil.'ls('lf , ,;qi.ljcln? -- :i:her!' ':iUC no rrlntion

1-1110 arrane;cll that Gqujrla m'lst stay lhf'rc , if yO\l (10)

jwo~/? __ It WD.S another fricnd of hi!; ~:ho 11013 Gl"" in.,:; t.h~'rc at

'l'zlIoco. ·

Of courGC you and Gq.:1,i("1.:1 :·.'C1'(' in the enlOe eJ "13~: Pl" <H:l

1 Hr:mr;, or you ',Icr(' doinG til!"' ::;011(" Gtnn6.0. roo " -- Yee .

Durin{; the fin"1 yrar at iIr':\lu1.nHn . -- Yes .

l~nd you ','if'rE' 'If.10l1{:; 'lilt,.. 110r;t Gcnior "tu(l('nt::; .in o'~hr r

wordz . __ Yes .

Includinc Cq<Jjrlo . • __ YE'G .

hi:; Iel1011 ctuJentG ccnerally? __ Host they lOVf'tl him . (20)

Leo , rul(i h" \':U3 influ!lntial [10 \1(' 11 . __ I connot ~;ly

he l"IIJG influcntio.l.

1i0l'/ did. lio . 5 , o.CCUr-CIl. ilo . .5 COrle 1.;0 I~ert 5V'nlc.,· G'1'.'j"l~'

h'hen i;herC' \"I~S thi::; toIle IIbout l('~vinc the countrJ ? __ 1 ~

culled him 1"1.'0:0 his dor~,it.ory .

Fro1.:l uorrnitory Ho . 2? __ lio .

It/ instruc tion:; urc that you collre. him fro", dor:1itory

Ho . 2 . __ Ho .

Froln ~Ihich dOl'mitor:r did ~'QU cnIl lrim? __ j 1'0f.1 dormitory

1I0 . 10. DO)

In o.ily ('v ent , 'lhEn you CI:<I'1" to hir:l, ::(1t.J tolo. hi"'! that

Page 38:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

Stanley \!Unt('d to ~<C<C him . I~ th'J.t corrcct? __ Yc~ .

And it 1":03 thcn you, accused i:o . :;, und GqajclD tOGcther .

Yes .

f..nd am I correct in snyinc tilnt GrFljclr' sBid -this or

30Mcthinc; to this ('ffcet : I shall he c ~'o:.;:; iIlC or :::!<i:Ji'i1'.C th!;'

country mid he asked if occu3c(1 ]~o . :;, ',:cs p:ocfKlrcd of-tC'cr

h;Jd :laid that he ho.o. alrc~u:J ~pokcn to YOtl . -- Ie3 .

money . -- ilo .

(lISa asked him ho\'l nuca r.10lW;:" he IWll 011 '111 '1 . __ ]:0 .

Yes .

And the next thinG I'lhich lJnS snid by Gqr,jclQ is thnt


5 (10)

tOl:lOrrOl"!, c.ccord.i.n.G to you , -tnnorrOl'/ .... v .... ni:lG ~.!(' 1'rc lrnvinc .

BY 'I'1,E COUR::;' : 'l'omot'rOl'1 mornin::; ':1" arc l('l)vin~ .

GO nnu p'lck you r thinr;s for to.,Ol'1.'()\! ' S journc;:.' . lie :3.1i<1 (20)

that .

BY ' .. 'lIE COVill' : Ilo , he ~airl ; GO and pnc\: ~'our 'thines for

tomorrol'I ' 3 journey to leave the countr-J for ::Iilitur-J traininc .

I'm SJ{\.IEYIYIt : I havc those 0.0 questiom.; , Iollo1,o;iJ!G specific

questions . Did he GUy \-Ihat jourllc!Y? 1'10":1 t.he rep1.y \'1;1:..0 : ':"0

leave the countr;:: . I,..'hat for? In other I-I01'<.1s it it; t.hl.'ouGh

qucotions folloHin;; on th(' dcscrip'tioll about the r.Jc('-tinr. .

~E COLaf : 1eo , EO on .

Hit SK',iETIYA : Thank yO.l , lI ' lord . Ln . 5 U(Ili{',s tlll't ;~{'fjLion ,'ns

mudc 01' milito.ry t rnininc \,;lien ;10U , G'lnjell.l find hius"]_f ( jO)

r.J ~t at the vCl''lmlnh . Can ~'Otl GUy hr in \:{'OllC iI' Lhn.t. , that I"H)S

r.l:\id/ •••

Page 39:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

~.UiE .

{lnd JbjOVLl thc!] )p£t and thrn G'lujelll th('ll :opol;c '~c ~ll of you

tOGether and t hut there: WlC no ot.her second t.im~ Vlhcn ~'ou rJ€t

t o di!;; cuss t hic . -- 'i lle! l'roscc uto r he e nid I ;~u;:;t lIot tUlk

Gqajclu .

1001: . I cannot rC:M:;1bcl' l~J Lcarnf'd I ~'i(nd 5.1yi:1::"; "tlIi. at

t he b e!Ginr.inc , I \'I8 S thl'n to1<1 not to st-J:::-t this f,:::-or:l the'

bq;il\J1 in~ . (10)

IlY l'I ;F. c.:OUi"<l' : Yes , t]1'\1. is q\.Jito correct . ',';hr.n ~'ou :;t~lrt e (l

t o !;;pea1; froc the beGinninG , :;OU lie]''' told. not 1.0 Give the

cont ents of ~'ou~' c O)l"cr:Jutioll Vlit.h Gq;:-J"le . YOll •. ( Interprntel'

intct'Pre t iJl!~ ;,-t, the :J1':ne time) (in::tudibl,,) . • your rlc"tinc .

Yoo nude it qu i te c lenr to me ,,' {Iny rut .... tiuo.t 1.1l0):c ~.'D :J only

ono meet i nc at \'Ih i c h yO\! an ,1 uccusfHl lfo . 5 ;'mol i:san e Ji:J.jov Cl

end Gqn jela ',~ as p r es ent unu h:);a • c ont'e)':oa t ion ami you ';Ie r c

o.st en ubout t..he c ont.. ant::; of thl't cOll",C')':-:"t..ioI'_. }"" cnid.

Gqujel.:::t spoke , he !3(li<1 : tOllOrl'<1'.-J 11 .... '['llil'S \'!{' ill''' Ipo.vinC and

you s pecif i cfllly said D. c c li s(,d lio . ;., w ;..::; prl'.!3cn1; . Iou ( 20 )

',lent on to cuy GqoJelr\ said Co ;'lIlU pnci: your t hincs .for

t omorrow's ~ou rnc:r t o leuvn 1.iw c ountry fo r militur,y t r.:::t i n i nc .

You wcrn [l. !;;J;ed '\~hn"L iro . 5 'c r(';'lcti('oll \WS (lna you :::;11i(1 Un . 5

HaD exc ited . So "Lhe (jucction Ilhich i s bf'inG ;Jut.. to ~'Ol1 crcmc

to me t o bn fully justifi00 ami it ic tllnt \'I}:f'll ,)'ou cav e this

evidcnc c l .')st TllUrclk~' ;YOIl cnve t Lc iI1prC'I;lJion thu1. t r.f're \'iDG

onc tJ('c tinc only a t \Thie h .:::tll f our of ;y ou \larc !lr~'Gcnt . liOl!

Counsel io oUGGcstinc to you tlwt JOll ,,1''' Ci\'in.: (U.r:"l'o"nt

(>vi(lc nc e I,oda.)' und hE' ll[lntc to 'mml ',Ilq . __ It li ~\C iJecausc I

",'us tol a no t to sta r t f r o!:] t h e beCinninc , ? 1m. Sf.;'.,JEiIYi, : An;.n·,n y , ic i\, po~:oibl(· UW,t, :;ou m";, llnl~.- ,;

ni;:;tukr / ..•


Page 40:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

;.cLE .

lJir;tu'{(~ . So.:r ~o i£ J'OU ,,11:" no'\.. llr.l:inc " nisL,"':" ill U'-Ui... I~:.ILL( r .

fhaL JUU aro tr<Jllsposinr" if I nQ~ l1S0 th,~ 'L ;I01'u , thine:; ',Ihici)

wore snid ~!hcn it W!S '1ll1y ;,/our:;01£, Gqajcla or Jbjoyu in tho

room and ::;o;:;i~ tlw.t thv.t w:::; :]ui(1 ::hcn till" fou.:.' of JOu net,

inclurlill,S [,ecwH,d i;o . :;? Or OlUt I r ilL _LL 1..0 ;:iOU tlJ~ ,t OU arC'

[urLher tran::!"ocint:; ':;il"i..'--Y<:l' H'-IS ~;; i<1 in " 1\: of '\..! ..... ,...(' k'"

:~cf:Li!lGs a.llU ~'ou ;:tr'(~ c;;o.:,inG Lh."", t. tr.inkillG "that this \'1<13 S1li(;

at the tiiQ~ tlhen you had COJ:.P to coIl nccu:.; .... o I!o . 5 . jend

p1rn::;0 U0 not Get ")c 1"iI'ont; . 1 c~::;\Jmc tlwt. this thiI'-G l::n; :J<lid

nt :';01:10 Gtc[;P. or anoth~r, out I Ur:l ::;nyillG that.. it ilJ (10)

posr;iblB tl\:,t.. ~'ou (UP LX'nnspocinr; JOU kno\! , I-!hnt \·.'uc ::;oid at

one !!IoetinG , for onochC'r . Con YC'J be !1o!-:inc su ch ~\ r:lir:tnl:e?

Ye s .

WO~; therr: n t..11:1" ~lhr'n :'ou , ['CC\; :;r-" U() . ~ , G'l<"'.j .... l .'l :":"'.d

N:ljov<J 1.'''l'C' 1'!:llkinr:: , o'(,;lk:i.n::-; tl10t ~r (nl \.' cr(C I~O,~l1'""; to Dl .. m r :;?

1, ,'011, in [""ct ~'ou <~ l'f' Iw:: inc; .~ ' r:ti:::t;-..."c . ;.})out til[' rO.1d

in ot.her ', lOr([s . __ ic~ .

I trll:!? it t h3t ~'Oll carJlot d('n~' thut -Lhcrl' ':![l:l tiisoussion

amonGst you . :':ou 1"1('1'0 tnlkin;:; to ('.lch oth~r . - _ :CC:l . (20)

;,nci thiD ::.:; ti L(' tiL~r \:I:('n , 'ou Uf'rr IH'vu inc JOL' J:ii,l}crlc~/ .

or at 1<n.i· c':(~nt ':!hol ,.i nu ~'i<;,rc hr,\(linc r"r - \'lh('11 v'(lll \·.':lnt..e(t to

lenve thf' cOl.lntrJ . __ 1(':-; .

And say so if YO\1 cahn')t rr:·~(>nDcr . I nm i:nf;tl.'"Uctr-(\ tho.1-

it i13 dUL'inc 1.1li:; t..i.I' .... \·:hon Ill1 thf' Jour of ;/0\1 :·."'r0 \;a1!:inG

tOGether 1-:)10:1 Ct..unll'y -'qa.,j .... 1u 1' .... ntionNi the fuct.. t111" L hr hu:;

o sister 11ho \Ul.E either ill liot; :-;· .. 'D.n.""\ (lr in :':Ql.1ciu id, tili~ st:}(~c .

Could GqD.Jcln hovf' r:lr'ntionl'd hi!; sistct' at thi::; ti;;lC? __ I do

not rC!:let1oer .


J / •••

Page 41:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

tOGether? -- 1-:0 .

And ':!ilS there on,:! tal}: by Gfpjl'la 1..llCl.t if ~'ou Got out of

the countr;( JOu liill not.. b"" involveo in ..... n~. [.li13,tr r;; t..r .... i.ni!1[;,

but tllDt you Iwulu b" involved in ()(iucntl.on only? If .;'0'.1

CUlUloL l'cr.1c:'lbcr , ~n.: .. JOU CUl'J10t l't::Ic!':lher . If you ncver ::;o.icJ

that un;; YOI) m::veT.' G~id t.imt . -- He !l()'1().l.' :.::Ltid th~t L~cLtu~;C

pinchinG hi::1 . /If' ca.nnct \t:ll1~ fe:;t , Ill" thrn :.;a.id if ~:ou (10)

cannot r.1O::C it nOH , l'fLo,t ;'1.1.'1' yO:.1 Goine: to ":'0 in .i'::-onL . b",cuuGe

there in front thrrc i:; no child . If ;you c1.';; nml herl' . .so

he \'iould not hOevP :;.')ic th1\t if hr t;aid WI" '>IC:::"C' onl: .. coine for

<'duc"ltion .

r€'llctr>d whrll 110 . 5 r.lrr,tinll"d t'\bmlt tiliG pinchinc of h is l'ect

rcm('!:Iocr .

point \tI1C1'(, ~ou s,'.i<l UnL G,!(.l,i"l:' cOllld n"t h<'v" GPo::rn nbout

the fac t.. 1..l1n1.. i:o . 5> or tlJ.nt rc\·~h('r J'ou were only r;ninc out for

educ<l;tion and nnthinc; pl~e . And ;"OU Gnid tl!nt yOl l SIl;; LhiG

bccnuGc Gqo.jl'ln r.lentioncd Go:tl!'thinc nb",lt the t.ncl~i":J , t:". :;0'1

put it, I prc:Jut'lp. tcnniG GhoCG , of _ Hhich I:crr:> b('inf,~ I;onl V,I

Uo . 5 . __ ilo, it ,"ms ;"ccuscd Hfl . 5> \"'ho 3ul(1 sO.'l1"thinc "'.bout

tackie~ .

y,,:; . uno Gqo.jcL .... so.iLl 1)1 .. 1.. 100" , ~'ou cOr.l!)lnin .'!bout.. Lucldr-::;

pinchinc .you, ;;ou I~no\( , but. thinG::; ;;n: .. " !~c1ch huruf'r in CO)

front 01' ~Jord:J to t..hot ef.fcc1.. . Rrr.)f'r'lU"l' th'lL? __ '(('S .

Page 42:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

not ]WVp. spol;cn nbout ;:;ntl co in'.: 0l:t for t;(:t:c .... tion •• (intcrvo'nr:::

131' 'l'j,E COVR' .. ' : Did he :JrlJ that ? He ::;aid c~ecific"'ll;i th."\!.o

Gqajclo Goid the:,' Hf'rC [:oin.:; [or r.1i1itary trv.inin.:; .. LOll put it

to hi::J that ~WG thcrt' tnlk 1'roll1 Gq;oj,'lC'l. th"t if :"011 ]f<;"1V(, Lhf'

country you Hil l noL be, involv"u in milit'll:-;l tr"li!1in:: , .'011

thnt :tOll ill'/) rcfc:::rin:: to ..

j'B ::H:',IEIIJ:A : ~hcn]1« ~ai\i no, then 11" ~aitl 'or C~ '\I(\') .

BY ' . .:liE CO UR.J.' : (10)

qu('stion . Do j'OU i"ce 1,,11("' diff"l'cncc? '.lour '1t>(:'!;t\.o!'. ,""'e : l' tlS

the talk not about education end. h(' 3,'i6; no, the tt,ll: ~n:.; !lot

this :;;to:'y H'OOHt the t(tckics .

HR Sf:: -'EnYA ; I talw tl;f' p oint , H' LorG- . I tt' ir.st!'1.lction.s fro:n

accused i)o . 5 is 1..11=)1" in ["c1.. l'q ' I ....... !O di,l ~,p .... cifir.,..l1:, S;"\~' that

you peopl(' \Hluld not b", involve", in nilitar,:,' t~·''''ini~ . ',ihat ,io

you :J ay to th:·t ? -- Jl~ did not t,(\~' that . ~

And nol.' "\,0 C<"' b().ck n 11it . Do ;you kn01'l Georr;c i:~~eQliL ? No .

i~' ybC' I (to not !elm·! t1".("' n",-I,1(' C('orGc . ( 20)

Do ;;ou l-:;llC\'1 hi!:: rurcnto or hi::; fntlwr? vo YOll kno\'1 \'lhQ"\'

hr. doen? Is his father u teacher?

BY 'i';iE GOUR:" : He hes been o.s1:cd three questions . You ]Wc.

better nnGI;cr each in turn . Do :tOll knolY h:is fotl:f>r? __ I GUy

the nDme Georce I do no~ know . 1~"'.;rL ("' .you .. r(' tnlJrinr; uLout

Ayo.nca liccolD .

HI? SK'liEYIYA : Sorry , 1 :. c(' 1.hc accu[;f'c blVC 1111 nn<luerl tl":,o:t

i\Yonda iJGcola and GeorG!: l!ccolo. is on(' awJ "\'1.(' Gamc f.cr:Jon .

I till t'~lkin;:; :lllOU"\, yand~, !'Gcola .

lJ'{ 'J.' !:E COGR..' : '1'])(' ll ' xt qu.-.::;ti'lIl iG <'0 ",011 k!'o':1 ld~l f"~l:"r? ( )O :

lie> .

J.'J ... / •.•

Page 43:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

a teacher 0.1-' not? -- lb .

r:Jeeti~ ~Ihicll l'lao held in l ' . E. t';hich ymlt"eferr€'(! t.o? - - lio .

\Jo.s llfl ther!' nr C~'1 ' t. ;:.:nu L'l'i"'Wnocr? -- 1,,, \'m~; not .

~p€cicl !:Icetinc? -- 1 1iG not sC'c hi~ .

And \·ihot nbout thc r~eetinG \fhich 'Ii<1S :::uppo:::cd to be held

in t.hr c e l lnr and l:hieh \';0:1 tlltir.:t"tel:y h('I(; at t.hc ):1,)'"Il ?


lie :"ou l:Il()\! \.!J!e' the' l' hr \'/'1:": ill S:,;:;/j 1"11' not? __ I (' iii no L

you t.lmt 'leCw3('<l Uo . ;; nnd II \·/Ot\l6 -:;n}:f' 'yOll t.o Eil\i; · . .Jil linm ' G "3 TOlm to lill,l men to tlm1Sport you as In!' 'l.G t],(, iJO.t-Qo;' . :;'0 you

dey that 1:0 . :;; o.n,l II liQuId tol:O u~ to til'u ','illic."I ' ::: ~'Ol-m .

Ye::: , than!~ you , ll ' Lonl . "cct::::cd iro . ;. instr\lct.s

IlO that he did not 1:!lO,: tl~,:tt occus,,{l ilon . ;; 8r.(i 1~ \':cre (20)

involveo in flIlJ I"II.JY in :;our "scaj.lnc."G "Iith liJjnvfl: Gq(ljf'la and

himself until t.h" lIf;'xt morninG ;·Ih"n hI' :::;0.".) t.hcL"I coine \·ri th y01l .

\Jlmt llo :IOU S<lY to that? __ 1\0:' did kno~l .

\Ihat r.m.k('s you Gay that , that hf> h.:J.d kno\-m prryiously ;

that. is previous to Uw ;:Jorninc \·!h('n .<:011 left ? __ 1 rCi".';~bcr

Coine to hi::! in the aorlJito):"'"J ... no. hf' cave me 50 c('nts .

who is thin now ? -- .~ccuoC'd 1:0 . 3 .

!n THE COUR..' : !Jut t.h.1t i::; not the '1u('stion . ~.Th.::.t in P1)t to

YOU in tll'lt nccuscd 110 . :;. ::;-').~i::; hf' doc:::; not. l:nO\'! _ h(' diu not

know that he \'i(l!'; involved in nn (':::; c"P~\o(' \·:ith 1;0:> . ;. ( 30)

and I~ ane i'lajovo onu Gqajela until 1..11" next. mo~'niJ1G . '1'11'11.. is

tl:('/ • ••


Page 44:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

~,tTE .

t he qu~stlon that. i:; beinG put 1.0 ~ou . -- I G:";'· h e ,li d !:no·.I .

YeG , out. Coun::;el wont.:; to k.'lo\·! I-Illy ~ou GD:: t1:,,1.. . __ J3ec ;1l.,sc

he told DC til" 50 c enb; co:;,I('~ fr()l1 J e .ffrl';' iikololnbl1 ilS r>

cont l ·ibution .

But ;.Iou SH~· HccufH.'d lio . 3 Ci'V!"" y ou t.h" 50 c<'nt.:3 and COl.;nscl

say:; No . 5 \Jill say that. h(' di(i. r.ot. T:no·:1 u:J,:, 1.hinc; 1100tl1. this

busillC3S until the next r~orninG oboUL \;03 . :; unr1 I • • -- i..>tanl"y

v'1.ajcla. tolot us, all of u s aUQut. tl!ir; . • 4 ~:h( prev LOlli; nicl.1· .

And ,·:h <'r(' ~leH.> JOu 1 .. hrn l1'"' 1..010 ;:, ou thin? -- \~f'D. l' ( 10)

the rlorhli tol')- .

I,nd 11110 ·,·H"1'C tlwrc- Whf'll 3t.:m]c? v<p j <' l o. said tJ .is ? -- It.

l'CCUGcd 1:0 . 5 d('nic-G L!wt tJ, ",- t. i::: co . ', .'ha.t i s you r

r eaction to thflt ? __ I do neL der.;! .

r·i.q Sl\.\ iEYIYA : You s ay th,.,t ~Ih('n VCCVC0U II- had l"ft - i:L Kine

Will iam ' s TOIm nOI·;, hac left t.o Co .... ml (;[:1 1 sor.!(' 1.lI')~b"rs of

SASIi at i\i~ ·.li11inl1 ' s 'l 'own , you , OCCUG(, tl 1' 0 . :;. a nd accu~; cu

Iio . :;" a ccordinG to ::tJ note, \/(1it ea at m~-Iek>~e 's Dottle (20)

Store . __ ,"no I-njovn .

Accu3 ed ilo . ~ dcnic3 that YOIl vlHit E'u :;1t W<:II Ok'·iC 'S Cottl t'

S1..o!"o . lk ::;uYG th'-'.t :'OU l "ff'r{' :;: rezt~uriln t. th('rr G()::rr'"di\{'r" .

BY THE COURT : 1!(';;Ir \~ll cr('?

1'111 SII'JEYli/, : IfN).r (\ r("!lt.mu'unL, 0 c,:11"(' . __ Stil l n rnr UlC":

lik'fckl-lc BoHle S1..ore .

',icrc you ll to.mlill{; ncnrC'r D. !·C!lLa.ll~'on1..7 __ lrG .

You SHY thnt no . II rtrriv",l and told ~' ou th:>t. h'Q '-';.-:"cutivc

r.lCmbe r3 I'lill c om,.. l"Lol.' olld th;1\. i n f ,lCt t il" !,f'r,",on::l I1PT' .... l' !""ntly

.... ho cluimcd to be ex.e·:ut. ivE' l1('mb('rG, l\.iri eOFlt' . __ :irs . (;"0)

Page 45:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

! I OO '> ~ . Z.

l!k\tC'lme Bottle Store .

:,ou people? -- First :ntroduction .

Did you knol1 then? __ 110 .

Ycs , .... 'hat 110re the intro<luc'tiOlW? -- 'J'hcy wcre told: our

names .

And did the 'lila Gentlemen <.110 0 Liv e ~nll thci!' m!~K:; 7 __ 'iI'G .

1I"ro you able to rcmel~"brr their )llH:l<JS or t hr na ue of ony

on<" of tll"m ? -- Ho .

I,ould you he oo1.c to r"co(;ni:; (' !ul,:;OrlC oJ ~hf'f! iI ~-O ll (10)

saIl thcm? -- I thinl: (;0 .

1,eeusen Has . >, , ond , de~' that any two such p<"rsons

came . -- I still sn..;. thf'Y did COIl t' . ,\.w,S

Ime 3 ond 4 s~ that th!O'~' had Com' to SCI" 0 nan to :,,; ct

his advice and thc .... t this Mon $[\i11 Uwt 'you ppopl<' In\\st GO hnck

nnd (';0 back to Jlco.lctol1n . ilid onybod3 cive 0 repor~ about the

fac t t hat you should in foct imr;lCdiately Co "OQc»: to 1 ! <' ~ldtO\m

a t allY stuc;e in oth{;'l' Hords ~Ihcn you \ol e re at Kine \·iilliuCl ' s

TOI-tn tho next dny? __ Yes .

"!h;y didn ' t you tnkc the advice , you p€oplc?

Stnnlc.l Gqa.jelD. said ~;e ealUlot turn boel: .

1 ......


Yen, G'pjelo. ",.: ;::$ Lhe biG boy in the ~Jholc 0ffo ir . Isn ' t

that so? He ... .'(\$ uI'Gi!l.G thC" peoplc to do ecrLflin Lhines to GO

~Jitll hill and so on . Iu tha t corr':,et? - - Ye::; .

You 1-;ere blindly follo·.1inc him HiLhouL ('ven 1"h in' : inc . __

I can say ::;0 .

And that accused 3 am] 4 will sn~" 1"h.:.lt they ~lc1'~ dis-1

.. 4 courac;od by other pcrJon::; as ~Icll u.t "in::; I-iillio;,'s '10\-!11 to

(';0 out oI the country . In oLll("r \Jortl.::; , thc~" \·/c1'c o.sl:od to

d i ::;coUl'aGC you people , i]o . 3 Lind 4 w'"rc [cr.;kcd to (50)

discouroGc you , Gqujelu, accu:::cd r:o . 5 antl l ..... j ov n . t,;'cn you

rc:ncmbt: !"/ •••

Page 46:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

401 ",ul E .

r'.:l:l8:,10cr th!)i'l c;ivinc ~uch :\ ('cpor't? If JOu C31'JIO:, l'~:J("'hcr ,

:::.ny no . -- ':i:hcy did not ci'lr :Juch " I'''P'''::-c .

wb"t. io thr n'l!~'" of thi.:::, 1:<<3.1 '~p~' in j)urb(cn, vlhn lm:> sniu

IhjoWl , r;rpjr la Clno 'Icct::>rd iJn . >, ~''' 11 ml::::t. CO h'lc:' io :::,chool ?

__ 1 do not l:n(M hiG na;'lf .

lJid .'lou Be .. hir'l nt all ? -- :.0 .

l.'llnre did you i'n~' ~ :,!ith o.c c\lscd LOG . :; and flo? __ '"he'll ,'(,

l1('r" hikinG ("'In our \'i<lJ :;., Ebi.:l'\Y , (10)

Bl o(,I<IIontcin , he i mlic o. t fd ':lith ~10r,lD to tlli:.> cffrct : h" d~r,::;

not lil:<: Lllr 1001: oi thin.:;::; ;:n,l t:!.~t hI' i::; no lc!l.[,cr prrpD.rru

to GO Oil . You do not di:;puLc tlwt , I V:!~( it . __ 1 uo not

nu\, coulti hp. 1mv" :.>oid it? __ 'i:hinr.s l i1:" w'hnt '~h,d. hc

did not Ii!;"' ?

.';aid Oli:::; ? (;(lun:::;pl r;,,;,"::; to y011 t,];:::1. accordinG to occu:J('d :10 .

J , he Dnid 01.. liJ.ocrlfontC'in tll!lt. i;r Ciill not Ii::\, the 1001, (20)

of thine"; Olin thl1,t l~(' no 10nGrr i::; pr"pul'<>d to C" on . 110'.1 you

\1('11. c ould he h",vc 3(1i(1 it? __ I do not thin': 30 .

11lOC(!'Iiont<"in ohou~ Lurll i l1(; i>(,eJ:? __ "'i.(O~ .

tUrninG b!lc'~? __ 1 kmlH il .

It i:::; 1[),)":::;('l£ .

I tHkc it th'lt, you ul:::;o

I do not unders \.nnc. ~'ou v-y th(1 look of th1.n~G . ( .:-,0)

Look , ~'ou or(' olrco<ly encounterinc probl<:'mG . ~'il:f'tJ~"

:;OU/ •.•

Page 47:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

;lOU cont' t.o Einc \·lilliQ:;j ' o i'ovm , oo."'Ic ?~opl" adyls!' ~"ou ther~

to GO bnck nnd the;; :;l) cc ific o.ll~· ::In;; you I.1U3t Co bad: t.o Gchoo l ;

you CO:ntl0t find any t.ranspo rt. , you cannot. find on::"bod~" t o help

you , you ll!Jv(' no r.loncj , :;'ou cone t.o ,<:ul'cn:::;t.olm (llld ~'ou c:1n

onl; .. cet R30 frQ::] '.I.'n;,bo . iou diu not kno~1 \:hcthcr J'ou ·. :ould

be £1010 to ou ccc od in Gett.lnG to your d(""ot.ination . -:Jid thos e

1'act"rs hBvn 3TQ influcnc!' on .jour df'ciilins Lh?t 1",.,'- hf'r<' , T

\; ilnt to t urn buck nOH ? __ Y('s , I can 30.;1 so .

And thoae Joct.or~ also o.ffcetcc ;;lccus l'd ;!o . ~. . You

comiot d"ny thnt , I t.:ll:c it . -- Ho . ( 10)

',.1:-,:/ do ~'ou c :x:! co?

B::: ""'HE COURi' : lIc is oc!'('cing \': i t )) :'"OU ·.Inr:n he 30::1;; no .

You Il C~{ hin if hI' COil dc!\," it . hI' says no , he c unnot .

I'll SI:liEYIY;I; Oil, Inn :Jerr:; . J.rl(; :.ou o.lGO sn:.: th",t t~l" r"o.son

~Ihich ITIo.cn you to a (>c:_c" to tu.en b«c\; , ~- ou yourcc1f , is th:J.t yotl

thouCht 8.iJout ,/our pal'cn t:; . f~n<'. \-:hCll :"ou nc!:cc. uc c us cc ,:0 . :,

u!w,t he thou'::;!lt , he .::::~i(l tilot 11" (\1:00 thouGht about his parcntG .

;101-: 1 Iwnt to kno\'/ fr-:lr1 you ~'iH't.hc.!: t hiiJ '.'D3 i ll 4-o ct 1J[l,id b~l

accu:oed 1;0 . 5 and :Iou or Hl\f"\..her in 1'oct /01.1 'Ire pre~tminc ,

1'rom the fnct .)'01.1 ~'OI, r.::;cl!· th()lJCht about your pnrcnt::; . ( 20)

Ill) did '::;("1 .

'.:c11 , "ccused ,10 , 5 opnies tlw\.. ;\" ever ,~entio:lf'd his

parentG a s tl r eason for t urning back or for l·w.ntinr; to turn

back . __ lie did taU: about it . '.f.; ev ('n Lo.lked ouou\.. hiG

Gr undl1othcr .

\iho.L (1\d hf' suy nbouL his Grrmdmothcr? -- i:c said ]Jis

Gr(\nn,~o~hcr 'elQUld bl) very much '.'IOrricd bec8.uG" hin GrancTJo i.h"r

lilo:,,(1 hill v <:'>r"J much .

And I SUppOGC hp ';!oul(l not JUlVC Ji~{'d to l{'[]v" ·.!i'...hout

hie Gl.':111n,y ' c pcrrli ccio:l . DQ you ~::1 0 , .. 1 \-;hrLhCl' or !lot he (30)

Got his p,"lrcnts ' perClission? __ I do not. thinJ, he '.'IOuI"; GO {lD

fnr/ •• .

Page 48:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

f ar as telli~ his pa r ents about t.hi::; .

Bnd :/OU t old your par<.'_nt s that. JOu \'/pr0 ICDv_lll{';? __ ;10 • .

And before j'OU left had you thQt;cht obout ~'O J.;':: p;~rcIlts ;;t

all ? -- llo .

I.nd j'OU s o;:/ t hat on your '.:;1-:; b()ck fro:1 l:i~lbcrlc.:, I.-hen

you COMe to Kine Vi IL.o ';! ' :; ~'own , you t.her" ;;Jct accuscG Ira . 3?

Yes ,

And. (l ccuscd Ha. :) told you obout.. the fact \'h<..1. I t(' '.-/0::;

fran EHst London ; tl:ot he' had l:1('t 11 fJ;)n called liJ."undisi onol

that U.is "lnll hod pro:liscd that Dr CQul,i [lrrf'n~<:' t.!12.t (1 0)

j"OU C<lJ) be t,nlCf'1l Ot!"!., of t.he countr:! for milit.ary tl·n.ininG .

n nd that education also \"10,,16 be incluoie(' . __ YeG .

At this point .'101l 81101"1('0 Jou r ':,illincn"G::; to CO) if this

f:1 3n cou10 a.r;::anc" this . Is th ,.,,: .. COl'l'''ct? -- Yes .

tlwt. look lKr!' , YOl' ure cone."rnr,: about. :,our po rent::: . ', ou

hod h;::rdly l'c;"Jchcc your ho;:] £! nt th.'lt GLace' . Is that so ? Ye5 .

I.'ho t. had ha.p;:>cncd to the raet tho.t J"OU \[er e '.Iorri ce ubout

;"ou:).' .lXll'Cnt.G ? __ It 'Iulcd up b l ;;""cr .

YO.3 .

'.iho told :i:amy 1..11._0. 1.. ./ou tn(l ,'c cu81'd ;;" . 5 lwei ,'rcid'd to

t urn buck? __ Gqujel:J .

You \~ore not the:-f' \'IILen G<Joj(>lrt tolcl '1'0.;:1:; t.hic.? -- l(>s .

Could J'Oll disput.e it if 1 :'''Y thot. , ,~nd tlms .... (H'C r:JJ

inst r uct ions , t llnt thr t'cnl l' ""o s on ~!hj' CCCDS"a Jio . 5 tl:L'Df'(l

bu c i: , ~ms llCc"use h ... (;ot. Hint'l on the \"I[~ th.:l.t you peorl r ~; c r"

GoinC fo r criliter:; -~raiuinG Gno not (or c,jucatiou? __ I 00 not

think so .

-------'.Jell cou l d thet have been thr reo::;(l:J. or don ' t ~'ou ( 30)

l~n O~I? -_ t riO not l:no0

j,ccu::;c'.l/ . , .

Page 49:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

--;;;1-:: •

Accusco l~o . 3 01::;0 d<:>nies th~ L \'rilf"ll L" Clot ;'·OU 01. Kine

\; illiat:l ' s 'i'OHU t.oc;(>th('r ~liLh accuc-cQ. 1':0 . 5 , h(' told ,you t.hot 3 you ~lhoul<1 k-':'I'p it. a Gocn:-t about t.h" f act. thnt he \'las Givine

(l rf'port <:bout h<lvinc 301'11 sotlcbod;,.· ot Eost london . ..,hat. i::;

;"'O\1!' reaction to that? __ 1 bcr: ~lOU~' p:.:rrinn?

.70U . ',Ihat do .70U sC\.7 to that? -- l:c :;oid co .

',1('11; HCClised no , 4 olso denics tni'lL ~o\o SpOkf to hir.l

and tola hi~ tl:l.lt you had cpokcn 1;0 1;0 . ;; ~ccu::;cd '1n(:

thot 1:0. 3 I"lCCUBCO h'Jd 3aio t.o yoI.' pcoplr thut .Iou :!lUSt. keep

it i) Sf'eL·"t. that he Cav(' you (lome infoL"oJ;,tion abo1Jt <l :Jan ill

E3:H, london . ilc ocr.ios thot you sPO;~() t.o hi::1 :l!:>out tho.t..

I did not !.lpf'1ll~ to hi.:! al;out t.ho c oerce; .. 01' JI1·vnci.isi in En::;t

london . 1 tol!! hbl noovt our ;iou rncy .

;,nc :,ou told hin to }~('('P timt a ::,('c j'('t 7 i'f' tola :.lC not;

to 1.."11 Br:.l'bo()~' about it .

Hell, .::Ieeur; f'd 1;0 . I~ deni r .::; ~htlt he told you not to tell

tln;(ood,/ tllJolit the fcet that. :;OU >,('oplc hac GonE' h[lli".I~l;;· on

:;our ;ILlJ' out of the country . __ lIe did so . (20)

C0!.1prmy '11' GqLljel;:o _ :10 , llO , you and 5 b"cnU3e Cq"l;jf'ln !'..nd

rm:w.int'c! in l:imoC'rlc.7 - ;iOU and 5 thOL a ;H"rnOn nr'IH'C Ilfundi::;i

had I;nilt that hI:' could help soml' of ;;'ou p"opl"t to G"" out. of

the couJC:tx-y 1"or l:Iilitilry t.raininc . ~lhllt 00 you sa:' to \'hnt.?

He said [0.::" rnilit.e.l."~' tr'oininG uno ('euent-ion .

Ganeemi,nG the I~eetinc; \':hich you ref"r:rcd to 03 a npcciol

meetinG und OOilo('rnin:; t.he fact tha\, you en;,.' tlwt. Ho . II

ncco:npunieu you to look for (J venue- ',!i1('n JOu OCCiU,N\ on t.he

klao! [In " prop!'.::" v('nu{' , lio . I~ in:>truets 1:1" thot therC' (jO)

is no such tilil'r; . :'ihot. do you soy t.o thut? __ II~ did \'(>11 ill"

to/ •. ,

Page 50:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

40~ y,Ll Eo

to ilccol.1Jlilny hi:.1 to Icc;':; for tllr V"IlUf> .

lio . 4 enye tlmt U'VC.l' 1:"p)Jcllcu . __ ;mu 'Lhc ol.her thinG T'

for(;ot , Ke 1:) ( t Bikunsi IbnonllO on t,he ~;n ;y und he told hi:~ to

acc ompany us and h" i:id so .

I Dr.! in8truct('(~ fro::l LIl" vccue('d :10'.-1 thut hr' 1:no"e nothinG

ntout t1:1;.t UG ',; c11, iJ.bout InGonuo u r; \·:('11. -- Ee did SD:J GO .

Goncrrninc; tilie q)('ciol 'l]('rtin,::; D.Gn::'n '.we "n,/bo":,,' c1(ctr:r.

to do t!l" 'typinC of tlK let t er? -- Yeo .


And Hho ~ws t hot sO::J eo ocy? -- It:-plrln , ;"u'ilonikelC' IIr.;tnm:1n .

Lug-ol'lan!) or Jt;:o~itlna ? - - j·COI·mna .

'.iU3 he pre-sent ut the ::u)('tir.G? __ Yr:s .

when you :~u<1c t.hi:; off('r of :"our hand GlnvrG , tL(' UG(' of

YOU.l' hand Gloves , \-!h"re <Ud you :~o.k" tt . .'lt offer? __ ; , 1. t,hut,

mect i nr.; .

:ro . 5 :'Wy5 t.1w t ;le connot re:aembcr I~e('tine ;rou whcn you

told hi;;'! about U ::Je.ss cGc fro;!! '.L1l::lj' J.~' tlti C~ to I-1h:.1'1.. you should

nay if the police do .. ·isH you . ' .. hrre did ~'ou neet? -- 1 Clct hin

ill th" 'I cld 1,('01.' -th .... c irls ' h')ntcl . (20)

;.nd hOI;' lonG ~rtpr ~ioU had r cturn('Ll .1id you 11('('"\' him?

And c~n J'OIl r".",lfmocr '\ill(' r10ntb \"Jhcn JOu :Jet hl ~ '? -- 1- ~hin>:

it ~mG "<1rly in r:ovcr:fuf'r , I am not. :Jure .

l.ius t1\f'r" Rllybod.;y thcr<' ',lith ~'f)u ? __ 1 '.;~e eitt.inr; toc;ct]l c r

I"l i th '1':)1:),1' lI,:i:lti .

'.!hcrc? -- In thD.t field .

HOll did it come IIbout thot ~ccu :J ed ./10 . 5 c ~,:::r to be ·,lit.h

you ? Did yOel cnll ],in or did :Iou 130 to him? __ He C1I::10 t.o ut,

whil e He \"I ere 5i t ting there .

Acc used Hos . 5 , 4- tlnd 5 al:'>o deny thut th.::y lold (30)

:Iou or nn;"body els e tha t. 11 meet.ing ',-:11ich ;;ou sa;; \'/(.15 in : '0 1'1,.

Eli2.abeth/ •••

Page 51:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

... u.cE.

Eliz;;lbet..h, i t.. s existence !)lust be kept a secret. . __ Aec\l:;ed

lIo . 3 said so .

You say that your clooc friena \o,'us St.anl!.'y Gqajela.

Yr-ll , occuscd Nos . 3 , 4 and 5 suy that they were not..

particularl.! close to you . What is your l·N.l.ct-ion to t hat. ?

ot.her Nords, the,)' \H're not particul"'l'ly friendly \'0 you . '~'hey

said t.hat they 'Jere kno, .. ,inc you us a student and prnbnbly

comine froCl the sa:lle place nnd so on ano so on . __ I deny "Lhat .

In ar.y event , you \'Icre ,'1 senio!:' to all the ["ccm;cu in

fact. Is th"t correct ? fit schooL You "nd Gq'Jjclu . (10)

Yes .

j.nd at. Henldtovill lust year I'WS t.herc any other ClilSS of

s eniors to r:latric? -- lIo .

So you to/ere senior students in other '.wrds? __ Yes .

J..nd ',Iould you uGree wit.h l:Je t..hat senior student.s had a

lot oJ influ ence on junior students at sChool? __ iio .

ri'Lord , llt this stuge I:l:l'y I request not t.o cOr.lpl ete my

cross- exll!:lination . I havc to al l intent" lind purposes cO;:lpl pt.ca.

but it. is aGlol- in on \~hot transpired ·.dtl! tin: ~Iitnt:ss ll!:;nki {lna

what the :...t{lt -.:: decic,-.::s on ~he witnr-s:.; Ikllpni . (20)

BY 'lHE COUH'l ' : '.!hnt is your fil'SL point. in refj:ord t.o I!gaki ?

1m 5!{\oIEYlYA ; It just aepcnus \~htJt hoppclIs . ~lh Dt. 1 want to put

any points aft.er Hgaki has cOlllpleLcd his cvidel!c e , in ot.her

words .. (int.ervenes)

BY ~.'liE COUlu' : Ye .. , 1 1·01l01~.

f'ul; [;;l\l,,'EYIYA ; r. nd also I'!hethcr the St.ate _ thc occond point

concerns Boleni .

BY 'L' J,E GOUltl ; I for r ecord pllrposes :~!lke u nl)tc tll(Jt. ;;lour

furt.her cross_ pxaminatinn Dri:.;illG out of til('> l'uct t.hot.. ct'oss-

eXHminot.ion of ilitlcni is not. cOlOplf'ted, If.; r ese r\{('Q. (30)

1U'_ E7.ld'[li! Nl'I QIJ! •..

Page 52:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

407 ,{LiJ'E .

RE_EZ;"rrr:IN1'10i; B'l lL't liUUElI. ; Do you relnc!:Jbe r Wllf'1l brill!;

cross - examined (lbout. YOUl' {'c[us;:)l La tenLif,)'? YNl .

'lou were Dsked, !lmong oLlieI' t.ilinl,';s, I'lhy you did not tell

the captain dOI;n belol' befol'c ~'ou were called up , t.l~at you did

not l'II;mt t.o give ev i dellc!' . uo you rCl:l'''mb(l l' that? __ Yes .

'i'hcll a question I'as put to you : Did you ~Iellt. to come out

ond pCri'ol'l:I here in court . Do you remember thut qUE's t.ion?

Yes .

Your amHler wus ~'(>s . _ _ Yes .

whDt do you [!Ienn by the \.;ord 'p c rforr:J' ? I.'hut do you (10)

unde r stand from that word ? ''']hut. do you m",m to tell the Gourt

~Ih(ln you say you wDnted to perform in court.? I mcont. that I

WUIltpd to state here if I wWlt.ed to t';ive evid.enc" .

Did you mean anythinc; else? No .

L?U gave evidC'nee today abou t the l!l ee~inG in 1'01'1,.

Elizab~t;h ~,'hich t.ook placl' in t.1l" lra'k Ct,adu1:l . __ Yes .

You said that you were sit.t.ing t here , 1 understand, on

the seats !:lode for npectatorc . Is the:t correct? - - Yez .

flnd you said olljbody ~Iol'<inr; pnst. i.hu t place coul(l nee

~Ihat 1:8S Goine on . __ Yes , one c ould s ee us sittinG there . ( 20)

1'0 what. extent would one gossinc th(>l'c coule hc hoor' l'-'h8t

was being s ... id t.here? __ '.Ie I,ero tolkillG 60ft.ly . One> could not

just hear .

how far from the place whoI''' you weI''! holdi ne; t.hic t:leetinG .

at' what is th", neares t distance IJ pcrGon puss i ng by ~Iould come

to you ? Could you pe:-haps point out in court I,hat is "he

nearest i' casual passer_by Hould PIli;;S you? -- From where 1 sit

up to thut bot t le on ";hat desk .

BY 'i'IiE GOUlh' : 10 to 12 paces .

NR l'llJLLEH : lJicJ OJ1yon'" , an,Y stt'tln6P person in fact

pass thf'rc while you were liuvinE; this t'loe tinG or not?

1{/1O~1/ •••


I co 110

Page 53:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus


kno~.' .

I want '~o ref(>:!.' :.ou now , it was PI.l"t to you that. Decuned .

ilo . 5 only p;ot ~Iind of your purpose of lel)ving t h(' country for

Ildlit. ryrJ' traininG on t he way . Do ;fou rcm(llllb~r that? - - Will

you pl"'D.se repeat "the question?

It was put to you t hut only <:uri nc the jOUl'!lCj' <lid nccuocd

iio . 5 Ge t wind or · .... ll1lt - of yout' int. c ntiOJ1 . the CrO\lP ' O

inter.i,ion t o uoderGo ;rili t ary truinlnc . - - Yes .

J '.1 llnt to know fro::! you at what _ ~Ihat. is thp [h's t, the

earlies t staGe that it became explicitly npP1H'ent t hat (10)

the pu rp ose ,·ws for militur:' traininG? - - It beC8r.)€ c J ear at

the til!'le I-Ih"n GqaJela approached me .

Approached you? Yes .

!10w tilth r egard to accused No . 5 . what h'ould you s ay -

when ,,"ould you s ay was the ea rliest staGe I-Ihen it WEtS

unambiguously made clear? - - '1'0 him I think it became clear

.. 'hen we were on our woy to lHa incy . It could. beco;ne clcfJr t o

him ot thf' time GqajellJ "'85 tellinG me becouse he told him t ha t

\-Ie o r e leavinG the cOLlltry o nd IJt ~he ;nf'etings we were told t o

l"ovl' th(' count.ry for military tr<lininc . ( 20)

''''hot din Gql) jf'la say won trw pUrpODe fOl' th i s journey

when he spo1<e in t.he pr esence of Ilccuseo 1:0 . ~ ? __ He only told

h i m that we are goinc away, leaving the country .

Dr l 'liE COURt' : You r.l(' I!t;~oned on I) numb er of occanirmn t his

question of military tra ining . W'11S the LYre of h1ilit.llr~'

training ever specified? -- It was not expla ined .

Mtcr Gq"jela told you tho1- you ~!er<> coine to r:;et. militory

tra i l\inG , ond you ~ier~ on your ~0urney , di d you ever os].: whet

WOS Goil\C to huppen specifically to :,.-ou , ~.'h<Jt <;ori" of Ll'ainin(!

you were 50inC t.o Ul\derco Dnd who was Goin5 to cive it. ( 30 )

to you ? -- 1-:0 .

\~(,l'cn ' 1,./ •••

Page 54:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus


!.eren ' 1. you in1.ere131.c<.l?

kno',,' about Um1. ill front .

" t.,1 E ,

Di<in ' 1. ,You wonder whether fOI' exa'~j.Jl(> you ,,;ould be Given

e machine_Gun or ",'hether you would 01' t auc;ht ho',., to lay il

Ivno- o.ine or \!hcth'n you I<ould be taught how to fl,Y un

aeropll!n" or wh!!.t Wil5 c;oir.r; to hilpp<>n? -_ I thollCl1t of

::lachine_Gun nnd handline: of e CUll .

Y"5, ' but did you ey"r bothnr to osk Gqlljeln ,,,hether in

filct you ,;ould be given a Gun? __ ilo .

:.ccused r,o , 5 , did he ever 8.llk fo:, oeteils vs to (10)

just ,rhat was GOinG to happen? -- I do no t !.'e:.ember hi!ll (Iskins ,

1:0 dr!U'ilER .. UI:bl'lOi.! .. .

liil i-:l.lLLE«: II ' lord , may J call as th ... next .ritnes5 Ge0r(,;e

AYllnda llr;colf' .

GEO;",:; "YMliJ/, t;GCOL,; , Sliorn sta1.es : O,hrou[;h Int"Ll'l'e1."r)

EXMJl,NI-IO;l '-'I lIE! ;;r" l,Ef! : '.her<:, arc you L'csidinc at l.t.e ~o:llcnL?

liel'c in GL',:"ilornstown .

lio , nOl'~alJ'y . __ In ,\licc .

Are you <ltHndinr; scnool thi::: ,;'(''''1' 01' not? __ 'ies , (20)

'';hcre: -- lJhloelUc !liCh ochoo1.

t;here i:; that? __ In Ed{l.lILSane .

In ',Ihich sL(lIICllrd nrc you ut the [;lo,llcnt? - - 10'('01 ~ .

Il:l K1";'; , 1-1 ' 1ord , could the "itncs", :;peak IIp 0 bit?

13Y 1'J!E COUitl' , Ask him , Hr lnterpr .. ter, to .<;pe:Jk loudly .

For::l 5, what s t andard is that ? __ 5tana:n..1 10.

What is yOUl' ace? __ 1 am 17 .

1m r"II.!LLEil : '.'11'>'1. :;chool o]i,\ you ottcna lost .I-car? __ \iealdtown .

III what stundaril were you then? __ -,,'om II , s~;J,ndo.rd 9 ,

"'hat orG,..nis(!tiom; >,,'re there for students at

lie31dtown ]ns t yern:? __ filer(' W(lS un SCI. vnd S:,~II .

"'''1'e/ •..


Page 55:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

,.~('OLi, •

of ::>I,sn .

'" hell did you beco;)c "' metlbf'r? - - IIt. -thc end 01" !!;'.trc h .

liow l(lnG did you remain .' m('mbf'r1 - - I stoppf'll in AUGust ,

end of ,\UCllSt" .

lis mf'mber d i d you et;Lend meel,.inss of this ol'51misetion ?

__ 1 did ottpnd so~e .

\;·ha t. ·do you I~eon ""h'!D you soy ' 1 did att.end s(l:l!e '?

I cid not. at.t.end ot.hE'rs . During wp-e-J.: _ er.do I used to (-Co hOr.le .

I,.,ha t dOE'S SAS I-I - v lwt do the letters SASH mean? (10)

Gnu t li . fricen Stuc.cnts ' l'Iovc;:\cnt .

when di6 you hellr of SALH for t!ie first. ti;:;c1 __ At.

Lov ednle .

who't "'00 iH'ppenint; at. Vw(d<Jle? _ _ '111(' r.:; \'iOO oport.o therf' .

Yes? __ i.t, tl'ic end of this sports ::If>f'tinG &0to::J.da j,duk_ /

wana nnd l'atl'ick 'lwindi cnlne to ;O€ \'ihile 1 ~ms sittinc on

n benc h .

who is Sot ollclu ? - _ Accused iio . 1.

Yes , /joe \'lh(!I .. did t.hey do witl'-, you or ~Iha-t did th'~;y s ay

to you ? _ _ 1.>otomela I;dukmma said i'at.=:ick · .... windi woule (20)

like to open a branch . lir- said i;:Jtl'ick .~\-:indi ~I"uld like him

( Sot..o:llf'lo) to open a b r anch i n l:e"lu\..own nnd h" ask<-d L~" if I

'.'I ould not like \..0 ~oin and be a member .

t,.;os it o'>xplained what.. SAl:i j·! was 1;'11 <1oout.? __ 'ies .

\;'ho explained ? -- .ra t rick ,,<-"I i nu i.

""hat did he slJy ? __ He s a i d th is iG an ol,::;nnioa ti on f or

hi(;h school s t udent s a:Jd sec ondary schools .

And what 118S i t to co ? What wc> r e its aims? - - I t "!DS to

help the- Blac k people 0':" build i ng sc hools fo r th~m <,nd also

pOo r peop le . (30)

I,nd Whfl\.. \·IOS your a t titudl' fit tr.u t stace t. mrnl'Gs an

orcanisation/ ••.

Page 56:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus


olomi!::ution like SA::':H? jio\·! d i d YOt' fe"1 ·~l.)()ul. ::;uch on

or{;oni.'".iHtion? __ 'ro m" i.t opp f'or~d 1,0 b" 0 cood t.hine .

Whot. is l.he next thinG you know about. proe r f:Zf, r:w.d t> with

forninG this branch of BASI';? -- In He~:tldto·..m ?

Yes . -- A b r a nc h 100PS for;:wd .

On whilt day WbZ thin .sport r.lcct.inr;? \"hot d6'y of thc ~Ieek?

I -- It was on a Cn.turday .

\ih en was the first instanc e ~Ihf'n you firs t - tht>1" ,you

kno\-! of thllt this t-uhject ~Ias flgain token Jurthpr at liealdtOl·m?

On Nond(:ly . (10)

I~·hat happened th"ll on lion()u.:r? -- Aft"r studies Sot omcl0

asked me to wait for him .

Yes, and I,hnt did. you do? -- 1 rn10illr>d there reading a

book .

'h'hE' r f' \\·08 that? __ In Q c ll:ssrOOr:l , il . B.

Yes? -- Sotomeln c alae bnck I,ith Vvyo J"ck. 1 rema ined

sit.t.in~ there I)nd t alk ing about thing;; 1-Ihich we.!.''.' happen ing .

Who is Vuyo Jvck ? __ ilCC liSf' C Ho . 2 .

hl(l what diu you tulk ,:;bou~ ? -- VUJ o vock stlirl - [l cCU Sf' d

);0 . 1 'hen introd"," "OOU"" No . 2" "" p".,on "ho (ZO)

\ is (lssistil1£ him in rormin~ th{' brunc h i n iicalut.o',m .

Yes vnc then? \;iDS t he re anyt .hi ne discussed ? __ i:e

ciscussed political m~t t ers .

Was un,y thine tha;; you remember discussf'd about hO\i to

GO about fO.FJling this branch in [act., this br<..lnch of SASI·j?

I do not r(,1nf'mber .

What kind of politics was discuss ed? -- 1n Jact he vms

tryinG t o show .:le t.lw t therf' W()S nothinc; ~lro1l6 1"11 t h l.his SAGtl

o r ganisutioll . AG 1 have s1)id 1 (lIn afraid of joini!lG t.hi s

o I"TInnisat ion .

1")"h:,- w(.'re you £lf I'a i d ? __ I \-; us fJf r'l"licl of polit.ics .

''';Iw t./ • ••


Page 57:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

IH2 ;:liC:OLl, .

What of pol it.ics scored you? t:hut aspect.? - - bveryt.hing

which concerns polit.ics , an;y movelDent that 'h'BS in politic.,; .

But vlhy? __ Br-c$l.ISC you are follr:)werl O:l.r1 you get. ;'lrrf'st,"d .

'.,'hat did accused No . l , Sotomela , sOJ "\,0 c onv inc e :;o.U )

did he explain it? thu"\, there b nothill(; wronc '"ith SI\::;l'! N' h()\-]

-- Ile told me that this movement had Im0' e~5 ~;ho pro.to;>ct tllC

mem:;(,l'G and so I n eed not fear .

lJo you remember ~n.rthinG else he said at tho"\' occl)sion

aboul. Sf,S!! ' s politics'1 __ Accused !:o . 1 us ked ClC if I 1':ne',; of

any people whom I tL'Uf;t ':Iho woulu li\.:.e to join this (10)

organi.sation .

',,'hat n o:nes did you men1.Oion to him ?

llkululeko Simco , ilrnoQ!1 (li;;'o ; I.hosc I.h1'f'C.

50ndi.lc Khctele,

1..Jhat did he S~' '~hen .You t old hir:J nbout t.hE's!' people?

He said he ;l"Ould i~ept them .

AI(lthinG else you rer.lehlfJ"r said durinc \"11i:> discussi:m ? - -

tlo , I do not rcme:nlJer .

Whut ti.:ne of the df Y WD.S this discussio!l b"inB held? (20)

It wns cfter study .

1l0\~ lu'..e if; that. rno~p 01' l('ss? - - I[ter 4, so,:wt.hinG to 5.

SJ\SH? _ _ 'i'hf're 118S a meeting held on a ;"ri{:o.y .

Lid an.:rthinr; t8ke plucc lal"r on t.hut t1o:1dn;i' you told u'"

ubout? __ i ,[ t. e r SUi)per I went t.o l.i::; t.cn to t he rndio . nt l.he

t ennis court. .

',. ho went to listen to the radio? __ 11. \'II)S occusf'd jio . 1 \

and 2 , myself , l,xula and J'ikisa .

wha t time ~18S that ~orc or l .... 13S? - - :-.bou t 7 . (50)

whose radio did :rou use? __ It was uccusee ;10 . l ' s r adio .

Do/ •••

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lJo J'ou remember ',\'1l1d. t.nis radio 10okNl. like? __ Yel) .

Can ; ... ou uescribe it.? __ It hue n br'o\\n cover .

I,nlt.hing e l se yOJ reme!:lbcr ollout the rodio?

small portable radio ( i ndicates the size) .

iH 'i'liE couar : 'l'hat is Dbout 12 inches Deross .

1m l'jtllLER ; \-;hfJt pl:oct'am did ;;0U li:,t.en to? - - [bdio <:'>]mb i a .

Yes , 3n~;thing clse? __ lIe \~'lS crit i cised becnuse he "'ent

to tIl(' uni t ed na tions . iiol;!J in[j o>lsc .

lI othi nG (olse about tJatanzima or wns nothing "'lnc (10)

suill over the pro!;ro:n? -_ It. 1-185 .... nly rhl:mzil~Q \'ino \·m5 beine;

cri ticised .

'''hul did you do ';!hen the proGnlin ('need? - - I l'lent back

to thc cl assroo;~ and Ilo . 2 sn i o he ~ .. os Goin6 bo.ck t.o t.he L doral tor;,' .

You lnld u~ about a meetine; . '-"hen wos lhe fi.l.'st ml'etinc

held lhnt you know of? __ It \"iUS on U ~' ridny .

!low lone afte r thi s incident at the tennis court. '.1hen you

listened to the radi o? _ _ It \·!Os in the SO!:lC week .

I'in.)' I shO\"I you a rudio , Ei:I1IBl'l' I? Hove;;; look at ( 20)

it plN1SC . __ Y(>5 , I see i t .

Do you recogni5e that? - - It is cimilnr to the onc w'"

Iin t. encd to .

I also Hunt ;/011 to look at EXlil BI',L" c_ . Have ~'ou seen that

before? __ 110 .

HOI-I , 110W did you learn to know about this first meetin(;

on thet i<'ri<iDY ? __ I wos laId by uccus ,-.d ;<0 . I that lhC'l'c (

W;;;$ (';oing t.o be n meetinc .

Wlwn \;erf' yOll t.old by nccuced Ho . 1 nbou't. lhis r.l,,-.line ?

It was on the ,r'ri(Ja;,' af t er supp~r . ('0)

Yes, nlld did you GO to t.he ;~eetin6 ? - - Yes .

/.Jid/ • ..

Page 59:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus


l.!id anyone IJ.ccompal1,)' you? __ I I'.'c:Jt, there alone .

Where ' .. :as this mcpt.inl:? - - l~ ',~(lS 0/1 t.he V(ll',!ncul! of tht

pl'im<l l'Y.

,"rimar'y school? -- 'f co .

',Iho tonk pal' t in thi3 mCftinG or ,~ho attcnu€'d? -- Accused J

t:o . 1 , ilo . 2 , I!lJ'self , iluuoile KIHl'I..f"le , ',,' ilborforc e Sir-..xo, 1-nXlllu , Bpnson Gi yo .

liO'1l aid this llH,' etinG proceed? liow !lid it start? -- 1,,' e

sat cmm thE're and t.hen tit 7 o ' clock t.h!;' r;Jdio ~IDS s,vit.ch02C on

and then II progrDr.J wa:.; listell"d to . It Has c.bout the (10)

bus boycott. in HDt.al. 'those pI'ople t!ere being: prais('<1 for

thf' part that they tnok ill boycot.tinc t.Jwt . ~'her('arl..f'r \'le

introduced one ;:mother.

BY l'hE COURI' : when you answer the quelJ1...ions, <.Ills\','e1' 3S if you

arc l..alkinS to the people ill the back 1'01'" 'lheJ "lso wa ll t to

hear ~Ihat you are sayins . Yes .

You S(lJ th('y w('re beine; preised I01' tho part theJ took

i n boycol..tinC the bus~s ? -- yc~ .

IlR !i'LiLLER: In (20)

Xhoza .

lio',: lonr; did you lis'Len to ti)(' radio? __ unt il half past

s~v~n .

;,nd thell? __ Then we introduced onc ano ther .

lio;'l did you do that? __ One \~ou l d l3'ive his nal~e . EDCII

say it is I.! gooe thing to. join t.his mover.lent flnd holp those

','ho are in need .

How did th'" pf'l'SCnC present know ti lDt tilf"J 1'1(' re Lo

in trodu c e tilcms('l ves ? [,ccused i:o . 1 sUGcested thut ",; 0 ShOUld "

introduce ourselves . (30)

At that. st(lGo did he ~ay anythinc cis"' ? -- i:othinc els,-.

Iw/ •••

Page 60:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

;1"(':01i, .

11(' s1Jid .

i,Iter the intro<iuctiom' ',/C re made , ',1hnt .fol lo;·! "',i ? _ _ i;c

expln ined ahout SilSIJ and its air.ls ,

Who e xpla i nf><l ? __ Accused Ho . 1.

"nd II'hal. kind of eXplan(i\'ion did h(' (;i"(' <Jbou t "M,h? __

He l'!8S mentioninG its o.i01S .

C<lll you rem<)!!Ibcr tohe D.i,~ c he mentioned ? __ Yes .

\"hu L 'were t.ll(~y? _ '~ o help i n build inG schools , t.o. help

those iu need , fund ruisiIlg I.<nd ot.her projects in helping 1.:_'



/,fter he had exp)<lil1cd this , (lid JlP mJy ;:,nythinc; e l se t.ho \'

you Ci'ln remember? __ 1'0 .

\Jas there any reaction in t.h" cectin!> 0. 5 to ,..hat he had

said? -- The r e was no r eaction .

1;a5 ~lflyt.hinG ('lsI' - did allJ-thil'G <)15(' toke pillce vt, this

meetinG? __ liothiu!; else _ ',.:e dispc rs '-c _

lhut I"W!; on a ~' l'ioay, HS ;;ou sa i e _ Yes .

";hen ~I1lS t he w'xl, r.lept.inc thu\, ~' (lU {ltt~ndcd? -- It \~a s

on Eo S<lt.uro'l'y _

Hm-I lone 8ft.er tllis "ridl1;;? -_ 'd',.. nf'Xt. d:l.} _ (20)

How ilio you k now about t his meet.ins? -- I ~.' '''~; 1.01,; b J-

Sinxo _

',ihere was this meetinC held ? -- It IHIS in the rucby field .

\'ihn\' rucb.:.' field"? __ i-i"'al dt.o~m ruGhy .field .

I,/llat time ~~u!) it. he ld? - - !'a!Jt. '7 - bl' tueen 7 011<! [" _

Vid you 50 to the venu e alone 01' did anyone UCC O<!lim/)y you ?

-- 1 W!lS [l CCOL1'p(;llied Ly SillXo .

'..'as t his st.ill ill !i:H~h 0.1.' lal,l> llorch , 'dou l<1 you sQ.;)' , o r

W;:l,S i t in ;,pril? _ _ It was the be(;inning of j,priL

Can you e!;:J in tell us how t.his .. eeting proc eeded II'Oll (30)

the r:lement you arl'ived? It. \103 opened \~ith a prayer .

By / __ _

Page 61:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus


by Io;hor.:t? __ 1 do not rc:nc:.1bGl:' .

J.'h"n introductiollS lICTf' r:wde ; "'Jcll p(>n'ion introduc(>d

llii~S('l[ .

] sl..i11

rCr.1('!~lJer BNle . I ,

" \

Giyo , I;~aki , Ilxulu ; I do no~ L'e;~ember toll", ot\; crs . ·';uyo llaleni,

"-here were quite u fe;.; ne1; persons at this !:lee-ti:1b ' (10)

Did you see tl".e rudio at thut .'ncetillg? __ Y"s , thct'C

was .

t, pror;rn:n 'lies l istened over it .

''':hat progrur.l ',,,as t!lut? It \;a5 broadcastinG fro:n ,"Hobia .

.It t what stace die you listen to this l'acio? i3,:.1'o1'e this

pruyer :md int;t'oG.uct.ion or aftf! l'wards? __ I think beror" the

intl'oduction .

Can you rel'lrG'lbcl-' what. the proGram ,,"as abou1.. ? __ I uo no't

remember . (20)

Jay 1 brine you back 'then . lOU sDid you 1ist.l:ned ~o thf>

radio, t.her" "o'las 0. preyer, th("re l~o.S t.hi::o intrOc.llctior. . __ Yes .

What rf)llo~lI:,d the intl"oc1uction? __ :rxpl!Jnutif)n 1"!1l!3 r.1ode

for the new Cenbel'fl Donut SAEri .

Will j<"lU just repeat 'that. plcosc? -- Explctna1..ion W,""; made

about SAS~! t.o th!' new ~f'mbf'rs .

',Iho madp this exp11lno.tior. ? - - Sotome1u lidukwamJ ,

Ho . 1.

uccus ed I

"'hD.'t did he IOU::"? __ He W!.lS t"11in(; the ne~! r.l("mocrs about

the oitls . ( ;;0)

"le5? __ If<> .".OS ass i st.ed Ii:! 1lc c used 110 . 2 .

Page 62:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

·,ihat. did accused ;.0 , 1 say abou t. the (;ims? __ lie m'.-flLionec

of t.he aii:ls , the build:'.ng oJ." schools, etc .

"nd uccUSAd 1:0 . 2 , what did \If:' say? __ He t.ulked und said

you must. be prepared to suffer for your own pf"ople , to serv'"

them and sacrific" .

Did he soy hO\'1 one tins to suffer or in ~Ihat ~!":i one could

exp"ct; to suffer? -- I. person mist b~ prcpU{'ml to suU'rr ,

l>'hct11e1' he is sufferinG in uny manner .

13't 'dIE COlllfL' : I CAnnot hear , 1 8m sorry . __ ~'o suffrr in 8n,),

mOlUwr . (10)

IU{ H\jLLEa ; ·.'hllt did he suy about s"l'vice? -- !ie i>'l :l.O t! !"l"rson

must servp his prople .

JlO~I? By doinl! what? -- To help those \·.'ho arE' in nAed

of help .

Vid he say anythinG else? -- lle t.hen said Some of t.he

thinGs i:; to skip flnd (';0 t o other I:fric an stotes .

Did he rJt'y \-Iller" one - to 11i1ich countries one \·/Oule.. sl:ip?

bot.swana uno then 50 up~:ords, furth e r north .

Did h" suy \"Ihut route ("Ine \"Iould take to c;o to BotCtH)Ila?

You start. from t.he head qua.rters a. t King , then y ou So (20)

to Durbon , then you (';0 out .

l4hy , accordinG to acc used 1';0 . 2 , \'Iould one s]':ip th<'

border? I-.'hat could one do ? ~:o bf~ t r ainee..

'f o be trainpd in ~ihat? In weapons .

What kind of weapons? __ li ic;htinc; , !:lilit.(J.ry \·Ienpons .

For I-Ihat l'eason. woulf. onp ulIGcrGo this tr'Jinine? 1,:lllJt

would O:lC clo ~Iith this? what should one do once on'" has

completed thi!;; traininr;? __ '1'0 com!:' und libe r<1t'" hi s people

here .

Ho'",,? -- By (;ue rillu. wH rfare . (30)

Did he explain 8n:tthing elsE' , U',u t il> accusl'd 1:0 . 2 ? __ I

60/ ...

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do n'lt. rl:r:l"mber anyt.h inb els" .

'" jVlt WUH accus()o :10 . l' oS t'cact.ion to t.l,is l>i)l-cCh ')5 fiJr

us you could see? __ lie also dio some explui:lillG that he knew

about. 51,Sf-] .

BY 'l'll;:; COVH~' ; '..Jh[!t do you mean b;,' t.hat? __ lie assisted ill

t his and ~Ienti(lll,",d th" h"ud quarters in King in <"wclitsh<: .•

rom ifu],LE,, ; Did he hove uny COin:.J "jlt on t.his r:m_ttcr of skipping

th e borders, as you soy, tmd uncp-rc;:oing this trllinine;? __ Be

sai<i that \':es t.ll(' nwin object of it .

Did 'you ('ver s"e a const.itu t.ion of ~hSIl? A \-:rit,t.en (10)

o r Ii typed constitution? -- I did s(,p it .

\,"as this aspect of fikippinc; til" c ountr'J <:Inc undcq;o ing

military traininG r .... ferrcd to in thiG typed constitution or

not? __ lio .

Di d an,yOil(> else .speak 01. t.his r:H~f'tinc ;you have j llS t been

test.ifyinG Dbout.? __ 110 , I do not rf'f.l H1ber en,)' ot"hfr PU"SOll

tall-:ine; .

the :nannpr you suic, "~that t"hen [01101/1"'0 t het. you cun rH:l"'lnlJfr?

It \"las succpst.ed Lhat. tf:P .sonsu should be suns .

"~"ho SU{;(;f'sted thot? -- 'tho.se which we r e suns in t hat

prOGram which we used t.o listen to on t.hf' r ad io .

But who sUGgested that.? __ I ~~t wa..§. Si ~!ln U£....!

am not mist.nkcn .

( 20)

~ihat songs did he refer t.o? What ar(> the nB-ml'S of the

sOI1GZ? -- ,"",yibuye E Afrika .

Cun you remember --;he name of Dny other song ? __ Yes, therr:

WBS unother sonG but I do not knQI"J its nanf' .

l,iha t "d el'e t)-lCSC l>oncs about ? __ 'l1l0.sc vlerc t.he son(;s ~!hich

were sung in tllo5'3 proBruIDs . (0)

.!rr...!liE COliiU : "iE'S . tlH' Prol>ecutor says \'!!wt W f- r~ theJ abou t?

I-.jwt/ • ..

Page 64:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus


'~'nat ... : ere thr contents of t.hf' rlr)ngs? __ I.?yibujc E "l'ric:I ,

Africa should return .

r-:..'l j-fuLLER : Do you l'er.let:'lber what. t.he ot her song \~I.1S I.=bout? __

Vo!'strr will cry 'rlhen we caDle back .

Hepc(!1, tn;;;1, plpase . -- Vars1,er wou1t'l cry I,h"'ll \'1(' C O I~C bac;'; .

'l'hose wer e the songs tlhich ~'Iere SUlle there .

Af t ~ r ... his , ... he sug{;est.ion was %I.dc th«t t.h"se sonc;s be

sunG, whnL Look place on t.his ~,eet. i nt; ? __ I do not, l'e:JleC1bel'

an,Ythins ('Is€' .

Lid t.he Jl<>cting close as l'ur as .i'ou c un rc~c ::1.b",r? (IO)

__ I think an f' xcc utive ::ilLs .ili£.t.ed i f 1 em not. Clist.2k~.

Are 'you sure about that, t.hat t.he executive '.res elected

a t this meeting ? -- I think so , I am not sure .

\..e will come to that just now . A[1,er the election , as you

l'eC1f' l:lber it , \~hat t.ool: place ? -- A SUbSCl'ip1,io!1 fee ',laS

rnen1,ioned as 50 cent.s and 30 c en LS mon1,hly .

'cnything eIs!'!? __ It \~IlS sllid ~ hlJt 1,1'.e const.it.ution c ould

be Got fl'o:n t.he head qua rters in t.hp res ion .

fly ~Iho!!l was it snid? -- By tlccu8"d Iln . L

ilny t llin!:;; else? -- I do not rC[!Jf';:Jbcr a~thing else . (20)

liow d i d the meeting end ? __ Uy prayer .

(.;an you re:.lember who said ~he pr .. yer? -- I do n:) t, remember .

(.;an you re!!lember b r oadl ,Y speaking 1 lih:Jt. the c on1, en1,s of t.hl'

prayer was? -- Jehovah 's c;uidance was r eques t ed to (;uide us in

all t,ha t Wf' '.1 e l·e doing .

110· ... , you ment ioned t.h e executive . '~'ho had what. posi t.i on

i n the eXE'cut.iv c ? -- !.ccused Ho . 1 was t he president. , t. he

vic e- prE'sident I<'as a ccust;'d Ho . ) , i'ikulu ] eko S i nxo was t. he

trel1surcr (l sBisl. ('d by Andile I~c;a;ci , a ccused iio . : was ~he

orgcnising sf'c ret.ar,Y Dssis t f'd by 'lu;;o Ealeni. and

adt'li tional r:wmb ers . Benson (;ij'~ and o;,·self .


t,.' '15 / ., • ~~. ''"~"'' t,,_ ....

...". U .,d.L.:/

Page 65:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

420 i,uCOl~_ .

It- I-Ia5 accuGed 1;0 . -4 .

or el("cted as ors;allisi:lg secre~ary? -- ilc I-!OS th!> person to Co

and collect. the const.Hut.ion in KinG .

BY i.l,E COUR.l' : '"hy was lH" elected o:.'e;anisin(l sPcl"(t-arJ?

Ii:~ Jil;LI,ER ; \-Ihy not l'O ~' instancr yout"Self? -- It \':IlS s:;1(! he

tillS t.he person who was goint:; to t.nlve l fo r this orGBniS(1tion .

Can you rer.lember any other specific :ll"'etinc t.hat. j'o" had

attended ? Yes .

' ... ·hen WD.S that meeting? HOI-I soon nIt.er this Llcet.inG (10)

that ~:ou have just testified auout? -- 1 1111 no t sure, but.

that was art-er 'l'uso hat! announced in the ball l.r.:Jt. therl;;- were

ot her peopl!' who ar€' tll isl ead ing othe r studcnt-G b~' list!>ning to

t he radio , listening to progr(l:~s "hich are not- prop<>r .

And then a :ne("t.in~ 1"105 held? __ Yps .

Gon you remember .,·here? __ It ,iDS also held in t.he 1'ielo .

',,'lHlt happened a t. th"!t r.lce,;ins? firstly , Ithat. t.im€' was it

held morc or less ?

ijO~1 !lDny persons wcre present <11" thi!l meet.inG? -- 'l'h(> satlc

people who ·.1 f'rf' present ll/lC ot.hers . J.hf"ru ~Icre 01150 (20)

ne\'1 membprs .

llY '.i'liE GOliR'i : when you SEty t he sane pcoplf' l'lna \'lerE' pr{'s"nt ,

do you mean pl'f'sent a t. tht' previnus mef>ting or pr(>scnt I-ihere?

J,t prev i ous meetin!)s .

lEt HULLEil. ; now did t his meeting st!lrt? __ \;' ith IJ pray!?.I.' .

By I-Iho:n? __ I 00 not rAmc:nber whet.her it was Etccused No . 4

or not .

what. 'I.'a~ the dut.c of t.his lleeting 1lI01'e or l eGS ? -- I do

not,. rf':nernber cl ea l"ly, but it was in April.

Vid you pray in any sp<>ciDI way, in any speciul (30)

bodil~' at titude? -- 1 do not follow the question .

Lid/ •.•

Page 66:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus


Did .'Iou sto nd o r si t. .l.ll allY <;pecial "IIvy whil"t. p1'<1;;ing 1

I \~as stnndill6 on my rt'et. {Ind ra is ed the righ't fisi" .

lifter t.he praye r? t 'hen a discuusioll about ·",het 'i'u so

had said . It l<I'as Sons of ,\friel> were llf'Il'Lioned . I \,'ho r.lentioned this? __ Ac cu sed 110 . 1.

I.'hat did he s<"jI about t he SO!1S of AfL' iea ? Le sa i d 'l'veo

di5!ikes thf' l "{lc t ~Ili:lt th e;/ h«ll jus t arrived t here iiI" ~'CS

occu sill(; him by a cc used _ 'l 'USO Krwnlla IlC CUS£,U accus"d ;;n . 1 01'

mislcedinc t hE' o1.h-:r5 .

Yes , was ~.'uso Kew(!lla pr£'srnt. ?

rnef'tinG , he said t h i s ~n tllf' hnll, in Lhf' c inins - hull .

Y"5 1 __ It was sUGGesl.'<'d that. pooplf' should 'l!e elec ted

so "L ha t. t hey should l;!;o ana SPl:'ul: "\,0 tht' ::'0115 or I f .L'ica .

was snlone elected? -- Accused lie . 4 and a ccused i\"o . 1

were e l ected . 4

'Hhat next took pla ce on this lilef''ti!"!G? -- f ccused i;o . 4

thf'n (;1.Jv!' ,n e xplanation ubout phose 1 ene. phase 2 of ~/,SH .

wha t did ho "Y w"' phasf' l? -- 31act.:: consciousness,

awarf'nes s .


Iwa rnll('ss of '"ho t? - - Of you r beiIl{;: black . ( 2 0)

l.nd ph8se 2 ? -- 'l:he ~ w,s t o undergo r:J.i litary \..1'ainin6 · 4-where ? -- III t he African ztates .

• ' lJa t kind of r:lili-;aL'Y t raining ? -- ',.j<ll' tuctics .

Di e. h" mention where t his trnining ,;8S to be undergone?

In c ountries J i::e Una n'lique .:wd o ther " f1'ican stat"s .

Di d he expla in \~ha:t one who had c.ecidcd to undnrcc this

t1'ainine; , h3d to do? In other words what s t EePS had such a

p" r S0n to t ake if hf' wan t f'd to undergo tI',-1iniIl6 ? -- i'o .

Did r.e say what o:J.e h ud to do nfter co:nplt' tillg tn!' tra inir.[~

',,'ould c O.ne ond liberate the iHucks by fiGhting . (30)

By fightinc in wlJa\.. malm,,1'? -_ In £:; \I(ril18 wll1'l"ore .

I..ho/ •• •

Page 67:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus


',iho of t he accus ec .... 'E'!'E' p r esent at. t.hi:: meetinc;, if <lo.;' ?

!,par t.. f rom DCClHl'i'() Ho . 1 tlmt. y ou have

Ho . 4 ? __ 1:0 . 2 unc. 3 ,",ere present .

[,n,er IIccused 1:0 . 4 hao f.xp1aillNi these t.. \o.' O phaselS , oid he

SDY a!1;1 thjnc el s e ? -- j,ccus ed ;;0 . 3 olso t..1J1keo bboU L b1uck

Is l..ha 1.. al"te:' acc1.:sed i'o . 4 ' s speech or be1'or~? -- Yes .

JUter or before ? __ !<Ctf'r .

'. h a t did he sa:; about Black c onsciousness? __ he suid one

should lik'" l". irtse1f a ne. not takE' himself as an infe r i or . ( 10)

Vio he say fin,y t.hinF; e l s e about '.l ims of ~.A::>II? __ 'lIw t.. uni t.~,

in the orsDn i s·1t i on .

Anyth:inc cls" , -- ""thillS clsf> .

Do you rE';;]cmber o!\yone f'l.:>e $,.,yi11[; on~'t hin!;; D C this

particula r t:Jp.e tinc ? __ il" , t.h",re is 1I0Lhi!J(; "ls(' 1 co!'! rl'In"muf'l' .

1Jt) you rE'rnf:':tlb!'r how t hE' rn"et i n[: ~';)S Cl OSEd? -- l.'it./1 <"

pL'a;"f'r .

by whot:l ? -- 1 do not remember whether it. ~'as accusec !;o .

4 or not. .

( 20)

'/(1L U,W, 5/ . ..

Page 68:  · in the supreme com of sourh ¥rica (eastern oafe division) oase no.: co. 72/76. grahal"st(jjn • 14th june, 1976. the state versus

Collection Number: AD1901 SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS, Security trials Court Records 1958-1978 PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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