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The Tamil Nadu Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, 1999

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!   THE TAMIL NADU LOCAL BODIES  (ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO THE DISTRICT PLANNING COMMITTEE) RULES, 1999.* [G.O. Ms. No. 24, R!"#$ D%&%$o'% (C+4), #% 2 D%-%%", 1999/ No. SRO A+0 (#+2) 99  "# $n e%ercise of the &o'ers conferred b clause (a) of sub section (*) of +ection * and subsection ($) of +ection ** of the Tamil Nadu Panchaats -ct, !! (Tamil Nadu -ct * of !!), the .o/ernor of Tamil Nadu hereb ma0es the follo'ing rules 1# RULES " So" 3$%"# These rules ma be called the Tamil Nadu Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!" *" D%333o"# $n these rules, unless the conte%t other'ise re2uires, # (i) 3-ct3 means the Tamil Nadu Panchaats -ct, !! (Tamil Nadu -ct * of !!) 4  55555555555 5 6 Published in Part $$$, +ection (a), of the Tamil Nadu .o/ernment .a7ette, E%traordinar, dated 8rd December !!!"
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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  



[G.O. Ms. No. 24, R!"#$ D%&%$o'% (C+4),

#% 2 D%-%%", 1999/

No. SRO A+0 (#+2) 99 "# $n e%ercise of the &o'ers conferred b clause (a) of sub

section (*) of +ection * and subsection ($) of +ection ** of the Tamil Nadu Panchaats

-ct, !! (Tamil Nadu -ct * of !!), the .o/ernor of Tamil Nadu hereb ma0es the

follo'ing rules 1# 


" So" 3$%"# These rules ma be called the Tamil Nadu Local Bodies (Election ofMembers to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!"

*" D%333o"# $n these rules, unless the conte%t other'ise re2uires, # 

(i) 3-ct3 means the Tamil Nadu Panchaats -ct, !! (Tamil Nadu -ct * of !!) 4


6 Published in Part $$$, +ection (a), of the Tamil Nadu .o/ernment .a7ette, E%traordinar,

dated 8rd December !!!"

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!   *

(ii) 3ballot bo%3 includes an bo%, bag or other rece&tacle used for the insertion of

 ballot &a&er b /oters 4

(iii) 5-#3#%5 means a &erson 'ho has been or claims to ha/e been dul nominated

as a candidate at the election of members to the committee 4

(i/) 3casual /acanc3 means a /acanc occurring other'ise than b efflu% of time and

9casual election: means an election held to fill a casual /acanc 4

(33) 5-o3%%5 means the District Planning Committee in a district4

(ii) 3contesting candidate3 means a candidate 'hose nomination has been dul

acce&ted under subrule (;) of Rule <, and 'ho has not 'ithdra'n his nomination 4

(33) 5E$%-3o Court3 means the Court of the District =udge under 'hose >urisdiction,the local bodies fall 4

(33) 5Fo"5 means a form a&&ended to these rules

(iii) 3local bodies3 means the District Panchaat, To'n Panchaats, Munici&al

Councils and Munici&al Cor&orations in a district 4

(333) 5#"6% co& of the /oters list3 means a co& of the /oters list set a&art for the

 &ur&ose of mar0ing the names of /oters to 'hom"a ballot &a&er is issued at the election of

members to the committee 4

(/) 5o"3#"7 /acanc3 means a /acanc occurring b efflu% of time and 3ordinar

election3 means an election held to fill an ordinar /acanc4

(i/) 3Polling ?fficer3 means the officer a&&ointed under subrule (*) of Rule ! of

these rules, to assist the Presiding ?fficer in the &erformance of his duties 4

(ii) 3&olling station: means a &lace fi%ed under subrule () of Rule ! of these rules

for ta0ing &oll at the election of members to the Committee 4

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!   8


(83&) 5P"%s33 O3-%"5 means an officer a&&ointed under subrule (*) of Rule ! of

these rules for ta0ing &oll at a &olling station 4

(%i/) 3&ublic holida3 means an da 'hich is a &ublic holida for &ur&oses of +ection*; of the Negotiable $nstruments -ct, @@ (Central -ct AA$ of @@) 4

(8&) 5"!"#$ segment3 means the rural area com&rising the District Panchaat in a

district 4

(%i/) 3urban segment3 means the urban area com&rising the entire To'n Panchaats6,

Munici&al Councils and Munici&al Cor&orations in a district 4

(8&3) 5&o%"5 means a member in relation to a District Panchaat or To'n Panchaat6

or a councillor in relation to a Munici&al Council or Munici&al Cor&oration, 'hose name is

entered in the /oters list of the district concerned for the time being in force 4

(8&33) 5&o%"s list3 means the list containing the names of the /oters"(*) ords and e%&ressions used but not defined in these rules shall ha/e the meanings

res&ecti/el assigned to them in the -ct" $n the absence of such meaning, the Tamil Nadu

.eneral Clauses -ct, @! (Tamil Nadu -ct $ of @!) shall a&&l for the inter&retation of

these rules, as it a&&lies for the inter&retation of a Tamil Nadu -ct"

:. Po;%"s # !-3os o % S#% E$%-3o Co3ss3o. + () The &re&aration of

/oters list and the conduct of election of members to the committee shall be under the

su&erintendence and control of the Tamil Nadu +tate Election Commission (hereinafter called

as the +tate Election Commission) and for this &ur&ose it shall ha/e &o'er to gi/e such

directions as it ma deem necessar to an officer or em&loee of the .o/ernment, engaged,

a&&ointed, or em&o'ered under these" rules, for the &ur&ose"(*) The +tate Election Commission ma, sub>ect to its control and re/ision, delegate its

 &o'ers to such officers as it ma deem necessar"


6 No', Director of +&ecial Panchaat"

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  

(8) -ll such officers and the &olice &ersonnel &osted for election dut shall be deemed to

 be on de&utation to the +tate Election Commission for the &eriod commencing on and from

the date of &re&aration of /oters list till its com&letion and from the date of notification

calling for such election and ending 'ith the date of com&letion of such election and shall,

during that &eriod, be sub>ect to the control, su&erintendence of the +tate Election


4. S#% E$%-3o O3-%""# The Director of Rural De/elo&ment, Director of To'n

Panchaat6 and Commissioner of the Munici&al -dministration shall be the +tate Election

?fficers 'ho shall coordinate and su&er/ise the &re&aration and &ublication of the /oters listand also the conduct of election of members to the committee in res&ect of the District

Panchaat, To'n Panchaats and Munici&al Councils and Cor&orations res&ecti/el"

. D3s"3- E$%-3o O3-%"  "# The District Collector shall be the District Election

?fficer 'ho shall coordinate and su&er/ise the &re&aration and &ublication of the /oters list

and also the conduct of election of members to the committee" e shall re&ort the /acancies

'ithin a 'ee0 to the +tate Election Commission" e shall also &erform such other functions

as ma be entrusted to him b the +tate Election Commission"

" R%3s"#3o O3-%""# The District Collector shall be the Registration ?fficer for the

 &ur&oses of &re&aring and &ublishing the /oters list"

4. R%!"3 O3-%".< -n officer not belo' the ran0 of =oint Director or District

Re/enue ?fficer nominated b the +tate Election Commission shall be the Returning ?fficer

for the conduct of election of members to the committee"

;" G%%"#$ !3%s o % R%!"3 O3-%"  "# +ub>ect to the su&erintendence, direction

and control of the +tate Election Commission and under the su&er/ision and guidance of the

District Election ?fficer, the Returning ?fficer shall be res&onsible for the &ro&er conduct of 


6 No', Director of +&ecial Panchaat"

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!   ;

election of members to the committee in the manner &ro/ided in these rules and an other

orders issued b the +tate Election Commission"

9. Ass3s# R%!"3 O3-%".+ () The Returning ?fficer ma a&&oint as man

-ssistant Returning ?fficers as re2uired for each section of a segment to assist the Returning

?fficer in the &erformances of all or an of his duties and functions 1

Pro/ided that e/er such &erson shall be an officer of the .o/ernment not belo' the ran0

of -ssistant Director or De&ut Collector"

(*) E/er -ssistant Returning ?fficer shall, sub>ect to the control of the Returning

?fficer, be com&etent to &erform all or an of the duties of the functions of the Returning


9. P"%'#"#3o # '!$3-#3o o &o%"s $3s  "# () The Registration ?fficer shall

 &re&are the /oters list in orm containing the names of all members of the District

Panchaat, To'n Panchaats6 and councillors of the Munici&al Cor&oration and the

Munici&al Councils in the district concerned"

(*) The /oters list shall be &re&ared as follo's 1

(a) There shall be onl one /oters list for a district"(b) -ll members or councillors of the res&ecti/e local bodies 'ho are holding office

as such shall be included in the /oters list"

(c) There shall be segments and sections in the /oters list sho'ing the names of local

 bodies as s&ecified belo' 1# 

Part- # Rural Segment 

+ection District Panchaat"

 Part-B — Urban Segment :

+ection * Munici&al Cor&orations"

+ection 8 Munici&al Councils"

+ection To'n Panchaats"

(a) +erial numbers of /oters shall be gi/en consecuti/el"

(b) The names of local bodies shall a&&ear first and then the names of members or

councillors, as the case ma be, a&&ear belo' that local bod 'ard'ise"

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!   <

(f) The names of /oters shall be arranged in the order of serial number of 'ards or

di/ision to 'hich the are elected"(f) The +tate Election Commission shall decide matters relating to number of co&ies of

the list to be &rinted, custod and su&&l of /oters list to the local bodies and to the

candidates and fi%ing of sale &rice to the &ublic

 (8) The /oters list shall be &re&ared before conducting e/er ordinar or casual election"

() The /oters list shall be &ublished along 'ith a notice in orm* on a date 'hich shall

not be less than thirt das &rior to the issue of notification referred to in subrule () of Rule

in the notice board of the ?ffices of the Registration ?fficer and the Returning ?fficer and

in the offices of the local bodies" $n the case of additions, deletions and corrections of names,

if an, after such &ublication, the Registration ?fficer shall cause necessar amendments to

the /oters list 1

Pro/ided that no such amendment shall be caused, after the last date of ma0ing

nominations for the election of members to the committee"

(;) T'o co&ies of the /oters list as amended and u&dated, from time to time, shall be in

the custod of the Registration ?fficer for a &eriod of si% ears from the date of its final

 &ublication or till a ne' consolidated list is &ublished, 'hiche/er is earlier"

11. No33-#3o o '"o"#% o %$%-3o  "# () or the &ur&ose of filling u& of

ordinar and casual /acancies in the committee, the +tate Election Commission shall, in

consultation 'ith the .o/ernment, &ublish a notification, calling u&on the /oters to electmembers to the committee on such date or dates as ma be s&ecified therein"

(*) The notification referred to in subrule () shall s&ecif

(a) the date on 'hich the notice of election shall be &ublished in the offices of the

local bodies 4

(a) the last date for ma0ing nominations 'hich shall be the third da after the

 &ublication of notice of election referred to in

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!   F

clause (a) or, if that da is a &ublic holida, the ne%t 'or0ing da and the hours bet'een

'hich the nominations ma be made 'hich shall be "GG a"m" and 8"GG &"m" on each da,

the time and date for scrutin of the nominations 'hich shall be "GG a"m" of the da

immediatel follo'ing the last date for ma0ing nominations or, if that da is a &ublic holida,

the ne%t 'or0ing da, the hour and date u&to 'hich the 'ithdra'al of nominations ma be

made 'hich shall be 8"GG &"m" of the second da after the date for scrutin of nominations or,

if that da is a &ublic holida, the ne%t 'or0ing da 4

(c) the date on 'hich the /otes of /oters shall be ta0en if there is a &oll 'hich shall be

a date not earlier than the se/enth da after the last date for the 'ithdra'al of nominations

and the &olling hours during 'hich the &oll shall be o&en 'hich shall not be less than ; hours

 bet'een G"GG a"m" and 8"8G &"m" 4

(d) the date before 'hich the election shall be com&leted 4 and

(c) the date on 'hich the first meeting of the ne'l elected members of the

committee shall be held for the transaction of business"

(8) The notification referred to in subrule () shall be &ublished in the Tamil Nadu

.o/ernment .a7ette and the res&ecti/e District .a7ette and also in the offices of the local


(8) The casual /acanc shall be filled u& 'ithin a &eriod of three months from the date of

its occurrence 1

Pro/ided that no casual /acanc shall be filled, in cases 'here the e%&ir of the tenure ofthe committee is due 'ithin three months"

12. No3-% o %$%-3o  "# () $n &ursuance of the notification of the +tate Election

Commission under subrule () of Rule , the Returning ?fficer shall &ublish on the date

s&ecified b the +tate Election Commission in the offices of the local bodies, a notice of

election in orm8"

(*) The notice of election under subrule () shall contain the follo'ing &articulars,

namel 1

(a) +egment or segments for 'hich election to be held and the number of members to

 be elected for each segment 4

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!   @

(b) The dates on 'hich the &lace at 'hich and the hours bet'een 'hich the nomination

 &a&ers shall be &resented 4

(b) The &erson or &ersons b 'hom the nomination &a&ers shall be recei/ed 4

(c) The date and the hours and the &lace at 'hich the nomination &a&ers shall be ta0en

u& for scrutin 4

(d) The last date on 'hich and hours u&to 'hich the nomination &a&ers shall be

'ithdra'n 4

(e) The date on 'hich and the hours and the &lace at 'hich the /otes of the /oters shall

 be ta0en, if there is a &oll 4

(f) The date on 'hich and the hours and the &lace at 'hich the Returning ?fficer shall

commence the counting of /otes 4

(g) The date before 'hich the election shall be com&leted 4 and

(h) The date on 'hich the first meeting of the elected members of the committee shall

 be held for the transaction of business"

(8) The notice of election shall be &ublished in the notice board of the offices of the

Returning ?fficer and local bodies"

1:. P"%s%#3o o o3#3o '#'%" "# () The nomination of e/er candidate shall be

made b means of nomination &a&er in orm 'hich ma be obtained from the offices

s&ecified in the notice of election on an 'or0ing da during office hours"

(*) ?n the date or dates s&ecified in the election notice for the &resentation of nomination

 &a&ers, an candidate 'ho intends to contest the election of members to the committee shall,

either in &erson or b his &ro&oser, deli/er to the Returning ?fficer at the &lace and during

the hours s&ecified in that behalf, a nomination &a&er dul filled and signed b the candidate

and b a &ro&oser 'ho shall also be a /oter of the same section to 'hich the candidate


Pro/ided that a &ro&oser shall not sign more number of nomination &a&ers than the

number of members to be elected from the section to 'hich he belongs 1

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  G

1. S-"!37 o o3#3o "# () ?n the date and hour notified, the Returning ?fficer

shall ta0e u& the secrutin of nominations segment'ise at such &lace fi%ed for scrutin" Thecandidate and his &ro&oser shall be allo'ed to attend the office at the time of such scrutin"

The Returning ?fficer shall gi/e them all reasonable facilities for &erusal of the nomination

 &a&ers of all the candidates 'hich ha/e been entered in the list of nominations in orm<

(*) $f an candidate or his &ro&oser ob>ects to an nomination, he shall do so in 'riting"


(8) The Returning ?fficer shall, then, e%amine the nomination &a&ers and decide section

'ise of each segment all ob>ections 'hich ma be raised to an nomination and ma either

on such ob>ection or on his o'n motion after such en2uir as he thin0s necessar re>ect an

nomination on an one of the grounds,#

(a) that there has been a failure to com&lI 'ith an of the &ro/isions in these rules 4 or 

(b) that the signature of the candidate or the &ro&oser on the nomination &a&er is not


() The Returning ?fficer shall not re>ect an nomination &a&er on the ground of an

defect 'hich is not of a substantial character"

(;) The Returning ?fficer shall, endorse on each nomination &a&er, his decision

acce&ting or re>ecting the same" $f the nomination &a&er is re>ected, he shall record in 'riting

a brief statement of the reasons for such re>ection and furnish a co& of the same to the

candidate concerned, if an a&&lication in this behalf has been made to him"

(<) $mmediatel after the scrutin of all the nomination &a&ers, the Returning ?fficer

shall &re&are a list of /alidl nominated candidates in ormF and &ublish a co& thereof in

the noticeboard of his office" The list of /alidl nominated candidates shall be dra'n u& in

the order of Tamil al&habet"

1=. >3"#;#$ o -#3#%s # '"%'#"#3o o $3s o -o%s3 -#3#%s "# ()

-n candidate ma 'ithdra' his

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  *

the same order in 'hich the names a&&ear in ormG" The si7e of the ballot &a&er and other

matters regarding thereto shall be decided b the +tate Election Commission"

(*) Both the ballot &a&ers and the counterfoils shall be seriall numbered and shall be

stam&ed on their re/erse b such distinguishing mar0 and in such manner as ma be directed

 b the +tate Election Commission"

19. P"o&3s3o o 'o$$3 s#3o, #''o3% o P"%s33 O3-%"s # Po$$3

O3-%"s"# () The Returning ?fficer shall, for the &ur&ose of conducting &oll, &ro/ide one

 &olling station for each section of a segment at the District ead2uarters" -t each &olling

station, there shall be set u& t'o numbers of /oting com&artment in 'hich /oters can record

their /otes screened from obser/ation of others"

(*) The Returning ?fficer shall a&&oint for each &olling station one Presiding ?fficer andnot more than three &olling officers to assist the Presiding ?fficer"

2@. A''o3% o 'o$$3 #%s.+  () Each contesting candidate ma a&&oint one

 &olling agent and one relief &olling agent to act as the &olling agent of such candidate at each

 &olling station"

(*) E/er such a&&ointment shall be made in orm and shall be handed o/er to the

 &olling agent for &roduction at the &olling station"

(8) Each contesting candidate or his &olling agent shall ha/e a right to be &resent at the

 &olling station &ro/ided for ta0ing the &oll"

() here an act or thing is re2uired or authorised b these rules to be done in the &resence of the &olling agent, the nonattendance of an such agent at the time and &lace

a&&ointed for the &ur&ose shall not in/alidate the act or thing done, if the act or thing is

other'ise done full in accordance 'ith these rules"

21. I%33-#3o o &o%"s.<   The Commissi?ners of Munici&al Cor&oration and

Munici&al Councils, the E%ecuti/e ?fficers of the To'n Panchaats6 and the Chief

E%ecuti/e ?fficer of the District Panchaat shall issue a certificate of identit to each

councillor, member,

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  8

as the case ma be, of the res&ecti/e local bodies in orm; dul signed in in0 'ith official

seal" The /oter shall &roduce this identification certificate before he is &ermitted to recei/e

the ballot &a&er and /ote"22. M#"6% -o'7 o &o%"s $3s .< There shall be t'o mar0ed co& of /oters list for each

 &olling station"

2:. P"o-%!"% o" &o3 .< () The Presiding ?fficer shall, immediatel before the

commencementof the &oll, sho' the ballot bo% em&t to such contesting candidates or their

 &olling agents &resent and shall then seal it using a metal 'ire in such a 'a that the ballot

 &a&er can onl be inserted but could not be 'ithdra'n from it"

(*) -s soon as a /oter enters into the &olling station, the Polling ?fficer concerned shall

/erif the identit of the /oter on the basis of the identification certificate issued under Rule

*" -fter establishing the identit of the /oter correctl and before an ballot &a&er is

deli/ered to a /oter, the Presiding ?fficer shall affi% his signature in full on bac0 of that

 ballot &a&er and affi% the distinguishing mar0 of the &olling station" The serial number and

other, &articulars of the /oter shall be noted in the counterfoil and the /oter shall be re2uired

to sign it" The entr relating to the /oter in the mar0ed co& of the list shall be underlined"

(8) The /oter, on recei/ing the ballot &a&er, shall forth'ith &roceed to one of the /oting

com&artments 'hich is /acant, and then, 'ith the aid of the instrument su&&lied for the

 &ur&ose, ma0e a mar0 on the ballot &a&er against the name(s) of the candidate or candidates

for 'hom he intends to /ote" e shall, then, fold the ballot &a&er so as to ensure secrec of

/oting, and then, insert the folded ballot &a&er into the ballot bo% 0e&t for the &ur&ose"

() E/er /oter shall /ote 'ithout undue dela and shall lea/e the &olling station as soonas he had /oted" e shall not insert anthing e%ce&t ballot &a&er in the ballot bo%"

(*) $f the Presiding ?fficer is satisfied that o'ing to old age, blindness," illiterac or

other &hsical infirmit, a /oter is unable to read the names of the candidates or to ma0e

mar0 or mar0s thereon 'ithout assistance, the Presiding ?fficer shall &ermit the /oter to ta0e

'ith him

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!! 

a com&anion of not less than @ ears of age to the /oting com&artment for recording his /ote

on the ballot &a&er on his behalf and in accordance 'ith his 'ishes" The Presiding ?fficer

shall 0ee& a record of all such cases under this rule in his diar"

(<) -n /oter 'hom the Presiding ?fficer considers that he is causing obstruction,

disobeing the directions of the Presiding ?fficer or ado&ting unfair and unreasonable

measures so as to dela the &oll or 'aste the ballot &a&er, the Presiding ?fficer shall ha/e

 &o'er to direct such /oter to lea/e the &olling station after ta0ing bac0 the ballot &a&er, if

an, 'ith such a /oter"

24. S'o3$ # "%!"% #$$o '#'%"s.+ () - /oter 'ho has inad/ertentl dealt 'ith his

 ballot &a&er in such a manner that it cannot be used as a /alid ballot &a&er, ma return it to

the Presiding ?fficer, 'ho, if satisfied of the inad/ertence, ma issue another ballot &a&er

and the ballot &a&er so returned shall be mar0ed "Spoilt—Returned' and mentioned in the


(*) $f a /oter after obtaining a ballot &a&er decides not to use it, he shall return it to the

Presiding ?fficer and the ballot &a&er so returned shall be mar0ed "Returned—Cancelled" b

the Presiding ?fficer"

(8) $f a /oter to 'hom a ballot &a&er has been issued, refuses, after 'arning gi/en b the

Presiding ?fficer, to obser/e the &rocedure as laid do'n in Rule *8, the ballot &a&er issued to

him shall, 'hether he has recorded his /ote thereon or not, be ta0en bac0 from him b the

Presiding ?fficer" -fter the ballot &a&er has been ta0en bac0, the Presiding ?fficer shall

record on its bac0 the 'ords "Cancelled Voting procedure violated".

() -ll such ballot &a&ers s&ecified in subrules (), (*) and (8) shall be signed b the

Presiding ?fficer belo' those 'ords and 0e&t in se&arate co/ers"

2. C$os3 o 'o$$.+ () The Presiding ?fficer shall close the &olling station at the hour

fi%ed in that behalf under clause (c) of subrule (*) of Rule of these rules and shall not,

thereafter, admit an /oter into the &olling station 1

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Pro/ided that all /oters &resent at the &olling station before it 'as closed, shall be allo'ed

to cast their /otes"

(*) $f an 2uestion arises as to 'hether a /oter 'as &resent at the &olling station before it'as closed, it shall be decided b the Presiding ?fficer 'hose decision shall be final"

(8) The Presiding ?fficer of each &olling station shall, after the close of the &oll, close

the slit of the ballot bo% and seal the slit and also allo' an candidate or his &olling agent

 &resent to affi% his seal" The ballot bo%es shall, thereafter, be sealed and secured" The last

serial number of the ballot &a&er shall be announced to the candidate or his &olling agent


() The Presiding ?fficer shall, then, ma0e u& the follo'ing into se&arate &ac0ets and

seal them 'ith the seal su&&lied and allo' the candidates or &olling agents to affi% their o'n

seals, if the so desire1# (i) The mar0ed co& of the /oters list 4

(i) The unused ballot &a&ers and s&oilt, returned and cancelled ballot &a&ers4 and

(ii) -n other &a&ers directed b the +tate Election Commission"

(;) The Presiding ?fficer shall, at the close of &oll, &re&are a ballot &a&er account in

orm< and close his diar"

(<) The Presiding ?fficer shall, then, deli/er the ballot bo%es (used and unused), the

 ballot &a&er account the Presiding ?fficer Diar, sealed &ac0ets referred to in subrule ()

and all other &olling materials to the Returning ?fficer 'hom shall arrange to recei/e themand grant a recei&t for the same"

2=. A""#%%s o" -o!3 # #''o3% o -o!3 s# "# () There shall

 be one counting centre at the District ead2uarters 'ith one counting table for each section

of a segment 'ith necessar furniture and other seating arrangements at such scale as the

Returning ?fficer considers necessar 'ith reference to the counting of /otes and for

accommodating counting staff and the candidates"

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  <

(*) The Returning ?fficer or the -ssistant Returning ?fficer shall a&&oint, as man

counting teams as ma be determined b the +tate Election Commission, for counting the

/otes &olled for each section of a segment" Each team shall consist of one Counting

+u&er/isor and t'o Counting -ssistants" The Returning ?fficer shall arrange to gi/e trainingto the counting staff"

2?. A3ss3o o % '$#-% 38% o" -o!3.+ () The counting of /otes shall ta0e

 &lace on the da, at the &lace and hour a&&ointed in that behalf" The /otes shall be counted b

or under the su&er/ision and direction of the Returning ?fficer" Each contesting candidate

and his counting agent shall ha/e a right to be &resent at the time of counting" The counting

agent shall be a&&ointed in 'riting b the candidate in ormF" No &erson shall be allo'ed

to be &resent, e%ce&t the follo'ing 1# 

(i) The Counting +u&er/isors and Counting -ssistant 4

(ii) Public ser/ants on dut in connection 'ith the election 4 and

(iii) +uch &erson as ma be authorised b the +tate Election Commission"

(*) No &erson 'ho has been em&loed b or on behalf of an candidate for an &ur&ose

'hatsoe/er connected 'ith the election shall be a&&ointed to assist in counting the /otes"

20. O'%3 o #$$o o8%s.+ Before an ballot bo% is o&ened at a counting table, the

Returning ?fficer shall satisf himself that none of the ballot bo%es has, in fact, been

tam&ered 'ith" Then at the hour a&&ointed for the counting of /otes, the ballot bo%es shall be

o&ened one b one in the &resence of the candidates or their agent, /otes &olled ta0en out and

 &ut in a big tra" -fter ta0ing out all the /otes &olled, the ballot bo% shall be sho'n em&t to

those &resent" The Returning ?fficer shall, then, /erif the ballot &a&er account submitted bthe Presiding ?fficer under subrule (;) of Rule *;"

29. Co!3 o &o%s.+ The /otes &olled b each candidate shall be counted from each

 &olled /alid ballot &a&er using a counting sheet in orm@" hen a first /alid &olled ballot

 &a&er is ta0en u& for counting /otes, the name of the candidate against 'hom /ote has

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  F

 been mar0ed, shall be read out b one of the Counting -ssistants and the second Counting

-ssistant shall forth'ith enter 33 belo' the name of that candidate in the column intended

for him" Li0e'ise, reading and entering of /otes mar0ed that ballot &a&er shall be com&letedfull before the ne%t ballot &a&er is ta0en u&" hen the second /alid &olled ballot &a&er is

ta0en u& and the name of the same candidate is read out for the second time, the second

Counting -ssistant shall enter 3*3 belo' the number 33" $f less number of /otes than the

re2uired number of /otes are mar0ed, then, a 9dash: (H) shall be entered belo' the name of

the candidate 'ho has not secured an /ote" $n such manner, each /alid &olled ballot &a&er

shall be counted" and entries shall be made accordingl" The Returning ?fficer shall, then,

ma0e theI entries relating thereto in a result sheet in ormF"

:@. F"%s 'o$$ 3 % -#s% o %s"!-3o o 'o$$3 #%"3#$s "# () $f at the election of

members to the committee ,# 

(a) an &olling material used at a &olling station or at a &lace a&&ointed for counting of

/otes is unla'full ta0en out of the custod of the Presiding ?fficer or the Returning ?fficer

or is accidentall or intentionall destroed, or lost or is damaged or tam&ered 'ith to such

an e%tent that the result of the &oll at that &olling station cannot be ascertained 4 or 

(b) an such error or irregularit in &rocedure as is li0el to /itiate the &oll is

committed at a &olling station, the Returning ?fficer shall, forth'ith, re&ort the matter to the

+tate Election Commission through the District Election ?fficer"

(*) Thereu&on, the +tate Election Commission shall, after ta0ing all material

circumstances into account, if satisfied,

(a) that a fresh &oll is necessar, declare the &oll at the &olling station to be /oid,a&&oint a da and fi% the hours for ta0ing a fresh &oll at that &olling station and notif the da

so a&&ointed and hours so fi%ed in such a manner as it ma deem fit besides intimating the

contesting candidates 4 or 

(a) that the result of the &oll at the &olling station shall not in an 'a affect :the result of

the election or that the error or irregularit in

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 &rocedure is not material, issue such directions to the Returning ?fficer to continue the &oll

and com&lete the election"

(8) The &ro/isions of these rules or orders made thereunder shall a&&l to e/er such &ollas the a&&l to the original &oll"

:1. R%%-3o o #$$o '#'%".+ () - ballot &a&er shall be re>ected # 

(a) if no /ote is recorded thereon 4 or 

(b) if /otes are gi/en in fa/our ofmore candidates than the number of candidates to be

elected 4 or 

(c) if it bears an mar0 or 'riting b 'hich the /oter can be identified 4 or 

(d) if the mar0 indicating the /otes thereon is &laced in such manner as it ma0es it

doubtful to 'hich candidate the /ote has been gi/en 4 or 

(e) if it is a s&urious ballot &a&er 4 or 

(f) if it is so damaged or mutilated that its identit as a genuine ballot &a&er cannot be

established 4 or 

(g) if it bears a serial number, or is of a design, different from the serial numbers or

design, as the case ma be, of the ballot &a&ers authorised for use at that &olling station 4 or 

(h) if it does not bear both the distinguishing mar0 or the signature of the Presiding

?fficer 'hich it should ha/e borne under the &ro/isions of subrule (*) of Rule *8 4 or 

(g) if it is not the rele/ant ballot &a&er 4 and

(h) if all /otes are mar0ed in an area outside the area intended for mar0ing /otes 1

Pro/ided that 'here the Returning ?fficer is satisfied that an such defect as is mentioned

in clause (g) or clause (h) has been caused b an mista0e or failure on the &art of the

Presiding ?fficer, the ballot &a&er shall not be re>ected merel on the ground of such defect 1

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  !

Pro/ided further that a ballot &a&er shall not be re>ected merel on the ground that the

mar0 indicating the /ote is not distinct or made more than once, if the intention that the /ote

shall be for a &articular candidate clearl a&&ears from the 'a the &a&er is mar0ed"

(*) -ll ballot &a&ers re>ected under subrule () shall be made into se&arate bundle"

(*) The decision of the Returning ?fficer under this rule shall be final, sub>ect onl to

the decision of the Election Court on an election &etition"

:2. D%-$#"#3o o "%s!$s o %$%-3o # '!$3-#3o "# () -s soon as the counting of

/otes is com&leted, the Returning ?fficer shall dra' a list of contesting candidates arranged

in descending order of /otes secured b them" e shall, then, declare as man candidates

from the to& of the list as there are /acancies to be filled u&, as dul elected" $n the e/ent of

there being an e2ualit of /otes bet'een an t'o candidates, and the addition of one /ote to

anone of such candidate 'ill entitle him to be declared dul elected, the Returning ?fficershall dra' a lot in the &resence of such candidates, and the candidate, 'hose name is first

dra'n shall be deemed to ha/e secured one additional /ote and shall be declared elected" The

Returning ?fficer shall, then, com&lete the result sheet in ormF, declare the results in

orm!, and then, send a Return of election in orm* to the District Election ?fficer,

+tate Election ?fficer and the +tate Election Commission"

(*) -n contesting candidate, on a&&lication, be &ermitted to ta0e a co& or an e%tract of

the result sheet in orm!"

(8) -s soon as the signed co& of the Return of election in orm *" referred to in sub

rule () is recei/ed, the +tate Election Commission shall &ublish the same in the Tamil Nadu.o/ernment .a7ette and the District Election ?fficer shall arrange to &ublish the same in the

District .a7ette and also in the noticeboard of the offices

of the local bodies in a consolidated form"

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  *G


::. D3s'os#$ o #$$o '#'%"s # %$%-3o "%-o"s.+ () The Returning ?fficer shall, after

declaring the result, retain in his custod or cause to be de&osited in the custod of the officer

as ma be s&ecified b the +tate Election Commission, the follo'ing &olling materials andrecords 1# 

(a) +ealed &ac0et containing nominations and other records recei/ed u&to the

 &ublication of /alid list of contesting candidates 4

(a) +ealed &ac0ets of the ballot &a&ers, 'hether counted, re>ected, cancelled or

unused, s&oilt and returned 4 and

(b) Mar0ed co& of the /oters list"

(*) The materials referred to under subrule () shall be &ut into a steel bo% dul sealed

and 0e&t in safe custod of the Returning ?fficer or the officer s&ecified b the +tate ElectionCommission under subrule (), for a &eriod of one ear and shall, thereafter, unless

other'ise directed b the Election Court, the shall be destroed"

:4. D!"#3o o % %" o % -o3%%.+ The term of the committee shall be co

terminus 'ith the term of the local bodies"

8;" R%o&#$ o 33-!$3%s.+ () The +tate Election Commission ma issue such general

or s&ecial directions as ma, in its o&inion, be necessar for the &ur&ose of gi/ing effect to

these rules or for holding the election under the -ct"

(*) $f an difficult arises in gi/ing effect to the &ro/isions of these rules, or in holding

the election, the +tate Election Commission as occasion ma re2uire, ma, b order, doanthing 'hich a&&ears to it necessar for the &ur&ose of remo/ing the difficult"

8<" S#&3s.+  Not'ithstanding anthing contained in these rules, all orders, directions

issued b the .o/ernment, +tate Election Commission or +tate Election ?fficer, for the

 &re&aration of /oters list and for conduct of election under these rules, shall unless re&ugnant

to these rules, be deemed to ha/e been issued or made under these rules"

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  *


[See Rule G ()J

oters list for the election of %%"s o % D3s"3-

P$#3 Co3%% "o % R!"#$ and Krban +egments

 ame o! te #i$trict :...........................

 Name of members and councillors of the District Panchaat, Munici&al Cor&oration,

Munici&al Councils and To'n Panchaats6, as the case ma be"

 Part A — Rural Segment:

+ection # District Panchaat"

 Part B — Urban Segment:+ection * # Munici&al Cor&oration"

+ection 8 # Munici&al Councils"

+ection # To'n Panchaats"6

+ection """""""""""""""""""""" District Panchaat

+l" No" Name of the member ard No" to 'hich elected

() (*) (8)




+ection * """""""""""""""""""""" Munici&al Cor&oration

+l" No" Name of the member Di/ision to 'hich elected

() (*) (8)





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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  **

S%-3o : ..................... Munici&al Council

+$" No" Name of the member ard No" to 'hich elected() (*) (8)





S%-3o 4 ..................... To'n Panchaat6

+i" No" Name of the member ard" No" to 'hich elected

() (*) (8)




<" I


Electoral Registration ?fficer and Collector, 55555555555555555555555555555District"

FORM < *

[See Rule G ()J


 Notice is hereb gi/en that the /oters list relating to the election of members to the District

Planning Committee from member of District Panchaats To'n Panchaats6 from

councillor of Munici&al Cor&oration Munici&al Council 555555555555555 has been

 &re&ared in accordance 'ith the Tamil Nadu Local Bodies (Election of Members to the

District Planning Committee) Rules, !!! b ado&ting


6 No', Third .rade Munici&alities"

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  *8

latest list of members of the local bodies and is &ublished this da the 555555555555 (date)

 5555555555555 (month) 555555555 (ear) for the general information of the electors"

Registration ?fficer and Collector,

 55555555555555555 District"

*" $n the e/ent of a &oll, the &oll 'ill be held at the &olling station located in the office of

the Collector 555555555555 loor No" Room No" 555555555 



E$%-3o o M%%"s o % D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%,


 Notice is hereb gi/en that

" Elections are to be held to elect member or members to the District Planning

Committee, (District) as s&ecified in the Table belo' 1#


+egment Number of members to be elected

(a) Rural segment containing the members of

the District Panchaat"

(b) Krban segment containing the members of

the To'n Panchaat6 and the councilors

of the Munici&al Cor&oration, Munici&al



& o( Third .rade Munici&alities"

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  *


*"  Nomination &a&ers ma be deli/ered b a candidate or his &ro&oser to the Returning

?fficer -ssistant Returning ?fficer at 55555555555555(&lace) bet'een "GG a"m" and 8"GG &"m" on an da (other than a &ublic holida) from55555555555to 5555555555555 

at 55555555555555 (&lace of recei&t)"

*" orms of nomination &a&ers 'ill be a/ailable in the ?ffice of the Returning ?fficer and

the ?ffices of the Local Bodies and the ?ffice of the -ssistant Returning ?fficer from this

date on all 'or0ing das"

8" The nomination &a&ers 'ill be ta0en u& for scrutin at "GG a"m" on 555555555555 at

 55555555 (time) at 55555 (&lace)"

8"  Notice of 'ithdra'al of candidature shall be deli/ered b a candidate or his &ro&oser'ho has been s&ecificall authorised in this behalf in 'riting b the candidate to the

Returning ?fficer -ssistant Returning ?fficer u&to 8"GG &"m" on 55555555555 at

 555555555 (&lace)"

*" $n the e/ent of the election being contested4 the &oll shall be ta0en on 55555555555

 bet'een 555555555 a"m" and 5555555&"m" at the &olling stations located in the ?ffice of the

Collector,55555555 (&lace)"

8" The counting of /otes shall commence at 55555555 a"m" on 555555555 at 555555555


" The election shall be com&leted before 55555555555 (date)"

;" The ne'l elected members shall enter into office 'ith effect from a date notified b

the .o/ernment in this behalf and hold office u&to the date of e%&ir of the term of office or

the local bod to 'hich such members are elected as members"

Place 1 55555555555 

Date 1 555555555555 Returning )!!icer and Collector 

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  *;


[See Rule 8 ()J


E$%-3o o M%%"s o % D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%,


*+o be !illed in b, te propo$er

$ hereb nominate Thiru Tmt" +el/i5555555555555555555 'ho is an elected

member1 councillor of ard Di/ision No"5555555555555 of the555555555 

District Panchaat or555555555555555 Munici&al Cor&oration55555555555555555555 

or55555555555555Munici&al Council or555555 To'n Panchaat6 as a candidate for the

election as member from Rural Krban segment 55555555555555555555to the DistrictPlanning Committee, 55555555555555555555 (District)"

is er name is entered at +erial No" 55555555555555 in the section 55555555 of the

Rural +egment Krban +egment of the 5555555555555555/oters list for elections to the

District Planning" Committee, 555555555(District)"

M name is entered at +erial No" 55555555555 in the section No"555555555555Rural

Krban +egment of the /oters list"

Date 555555555555  Signature o! te propo$er.

*+o be !illed b, te Candidate

$, 555555555555555555 (name), son daughter 'ife of 55555555555555555 residing at

 5555555555555555(Door No") 5555555555555555555555 (+treet) 555555555555555

(illage) 5555555555555555 (Post)555555555555555555555555 (Talu0) 555555555555 

(District) 555555555555555(Pin Code) the abo/e mentioned candidate hereb declare that $

am an elected member of 5555555555555555555555 (name of the local bodies) re&resenting

'ard di/ision 5555555555555(No") and assert to this nomination"

 Date 55555555555555555  Signature o! te Candidate.

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  *<


*+o be !illed b, te Returning )!!icer

 +erial number of nomination &a&er 1

The nomination 'as deli/ered to me at m office at5 55555555555555(hour) on 5555555

(date) b the candidate &ro&oser"

Date55555555555555   Returning )!!icer.


 (To be handed o/er "to the &erson &resenting the nomination &a&er) +erial number of

nomination &a&er 1

The nomination &a&er of Thiru Tmt" +el/i 55555555555555, a candidate for election as

a member to the District Planning Committee 55555555555555555555 from the Rural

Krban +egment, 'as deli/ered to me at m office at 555555555 (hour) on 555555555555555

(date) b the candidate &ro&oser"

-ll nomination &a&ers 'ill be ta0en u& for scrutin at "GG a"m" on 555555555555555

(date) at 55555555555 (&lace)"

$n the e/ent of &oll, the &oll shall be held in the &olling station located in the 55555555555 

Date5555555555   Returning )!!icer/$$i$tant Returning )!!icer 

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  *F

FORM + ;

[See Rule (*)J



E$%-3o o M%%"s o % D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%,


 Notice is hereb gi/en that the follo'ing nominations in res&ect of the abo/e election ha/e

 been recei/ed u&to the &rescribed hours on the da 5555555555555555555 (date)"

+l" No" of 

nomination &a&er"

 Name of the


 Name of 

father husband"

 Name of localbod

to 'hich he belongs"

() (*) (8) ()

+e% oter list number of 

the candidate"

 Name of 

the &ro&oser"

oter list number 

of the &ro&oser"

(;) (<) (F) (@)

Place 555555555555 

Date 555555555555  Returning )!!icer/$$i$tant Returning )!!icer.

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  *@

FORM < =



E$%-3o o M%%"s o % D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%,

  (N#% o % D3s"3-).

List of nominations recei/ed for the election of members to the District Planning

Committee,55555555555555555555555555(Name of the District)"



 Name of the





 Name of local bod

to 'hich he belongs"


() (*) (8) () (;)

 N?TE 1 The nomination &a&ers 'ill be ta0en u& for scrutin at "GG a"m on 5555555555

at 555555555555 (&lace)"

 Returning )!!icer/$$i$tant Returning )!!icer.


See Rule ; (<)J



E$%-3o o M%%"s o % D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%.

List of nominations recei/ed for the election of member members from Rural Krban




 Name of the



usband:s Name"

 Name of local


to 'hich he



() (*) (8) () (;)

 Returning )!!icer/$$i$tant Returning )!!icer.

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  *!


FORM + 0

See Rule <()J


E$%-3o o M%%"s o % D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%, "o % R!"#$ U"#



The Returning ?fficer and the Collector,


$,5555555555555555555555, a candidate nominated at the abo/e election from the Rural

Krban segment do hereb gi/e notice that $ 'ithdra' m candidature"

$ hereb authorise Thiru Tmt" +el/i 5555555555555555555, 'ho has

 &ro&osed m candidature to &resent this notice of 'ithdra'al"

Place 1

Date 1 Signature o! Candidate.

The notice 'as deli/ered to me at m office at55555555555555 (hour)

on555555555555555(date) b555555555555 the 555555555555555 

candidatethe &ro&oser"

Date 1  Returning )!!icer /$$i$tant Returning )!!icer.


(To be handed o/er to the &erson deli/ering the notice)

The notice of 'ithdra'al of candidature b Thiru" Tmt" +el/i 5555555555555555 , a

candidate at the election of members from the Rural Krban segment of the District

Planning Committee5555555555555 (Name of the District) 'as deli/ered to me b

the at m office at (hour) on 55555555555555 (date)"

 Returning )!!icer /$$i$tant Returning )!!icer 


6 ere insert one of the follo'ing alternati/es as ma be a&&ro&riate1

() Candidate 4 or 

(*) Candidate:s &ro&oser 'ho has been authorised in 'riting b the candidate to deli/erit"

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  8

FORM < 11

[See Rule F ()J


E$%-3o o M%%"s o % D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%,

 (N#% o the District)


$n &ursuance of the &ro/isions contained in subrule () of Rule F of the Tamil Nadu

Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!, $

declare that Thiru Tmt" +el/i5555555555555555555'ho is an elected member from

Di/ision ard No" 555555555555555555of the 5555555555555555555555(Name of local bod) has been dul elected as member from the Rural Krban segment to the District

Planning Committee 55555555555555555555555(Name of the District) this


Place  Returning )!!icer(

Date  #i$trict Planning Committee( 0ember$ 1lection.

FORM < 12


E$%-3o o M%%"s to the D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%.


Electoral Roll Part - Rural +egment +ection 555555 +" No"55555555555555555555

Signature o! te 1lector.

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  8*


E$%-3o o Members to % D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%



 Name of the


ard No" of the

District Panchaat"

+&ace for 

mar0ing /ote"




FORM + 1:

[See Rule @ ()J


E$%-3o o M%%"s to the D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%.


Electoral Roll Part B Krban +egment +ection 555555555 +erial No" 555555555

Signature o! te 1lector.


E$%-3o o M%%"s o % D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%



 Name of the


ard Di/ision No" and the

name of the local bod to'hich he belongs"

+&ace for 

mar0ing /ote"




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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  88

FORM < 14[See Rule *G (*)J


E$%-3o o M%%"s to the District P$#3 Co3%% +

$, 55555555555555555555555 , a candidate in the abo/e election do hereb a&&oint

Thiru5555555555555of555555555555555 as &olling agent to attend the &olling station of

+ection 555555555555555 of Rural Krban +egment"

Date Signature o! Candidate.

$ agree to act as such &olling agent"Place 1 5555555555555555 

Date1 55555555555555555 Signature o! Polling /gent.

D%-$#"#3o o 'o$$3 #% o % s3% %o"% %

P"%s33 O3-%"

$ hereb declare that at the abo/e election, $ 'ill not do anthing forbidden b the rele/ant

+ection ;@ of the Tamil Nadu Panchaats -ct, !! 'hich $ ha/e read has been read o/er to


Date 1 5555555555555555  Signature o! Polling /gent.

+igned before me"

Date 1 5555555555555 Signature o! Pre$iding )!!icer.

(To be handed o/er to the &olling agent for &roduction at the

 &olling station)

S%-3o 0 o % T#3$ N#! P#-#7#s A-, 1994

3E/er officer, cler0, agent or other &erson &erforming an dut in connection 'ith the

recording or counting of /otes at an election 'ho e%ce&t for some &ur&ose authorised b la',"communicates to an &erson an information sho'ing directl or indirectl for 'hich

candidate an /oter has /oted, and e/er &erson, 'ho b an im&ro&er means &rocures an

such information, shall be &unished 'ith im&risonment 'hich ma e%tend to si% months or

'ith fine, or 'ith both"3

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  8;


() (*) (8) ()

8" 6 Ballot &a&ers used at the Polling +tation (*O8)

" 6 Ballot &a&ers used at the Polling +tation but not

inserted into the ballot bo%"(a) Ballot &a&ers cancelled for /iolation of /oting


(b) Ballot &a&ers cancelled for other reasons"

;" 6 Ballot &a&ers to be found in the ballot bo% (8

O; "

6(+erial numbers need not be gi/en)

6 (+tri0e out 'hiche/er is not a&&licable)

Signature o! te Pre$iding )!!icer 

FORM < 1?

See Rule *F ()J


E$%-3o o M%%"s o % D3s"3- P$#3 Co3%%


The Returning ?fficer,


$,5555555555555555555555555, a candidate at the abo/e election do hereb a&&oint

the follo'ing &erson as m counting agent to attend the counting of /otes at 5555555555555 

 Name of the counting agent" -ddress of the counting agent

() (*)

Date 1 5555555555555555555 Signature o! Candidate.

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TN Local Bodies (Election of Members to the District Planning Committee) Rules, !!!  8@


FORM + 19

See Rule 8* ($)J


E$%-3o o %%" %%"s to the D3s"3-

P$#3 Co3%% (N#% o % D3s"3-) "o

R!"#$ U"# s%%.

+erial Number"  Name of the otes secured"

() (*) (8)



Total /otes secured"

alue of /otes not

mar0ed full"


$tem " alue of /alid /otes counted including /otes not mar0ed full"

 $tem *" Number of re>ected /otes"

$tem 8" alue of re>ected /otes"

$tem " Total /alue of /otes counted and re>ected (i"e") item item 8J"

$tem ;" Total /alue of the number of /otes &olled (i"e") number of /otes % number of members

to be elected"

[I% 4 s#$$ % #$$3% ;3 3% J

Place 1

Date 1

 Returning )!!icer.Counting Supervi$or.

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