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The Tapping Solution For Financial Success & Personal

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Webinar 7 Transcript Page 1 of 21 (c) 2013 The Tapping Solution, LLC (c) 2013 The Tapping Solution, LLC The Tapping Solution For Financial Success & Personal Fulfillment 7-Week Program -Webinar 7 Transcript- All materials provided for The Tapping Solution For Financial Success & Personal Fulfillment 7-Week Program are provided for informational or educational purposes only and are not intended to be, or serve as a substitute for, professional medical/psychological advice, financial advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your financial adviser, physician or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a financial, medical or psychological condition. Never disregard professional financial advice or medical advice or delay in seeking it because of information you accessed on or through any portion of The Tapping Solution For Financial Success & Personal Fulfillment 7-Week Program.
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The Tapping Solution For Financial Success & Personal Fulfillment

7-Week Program

-Webinar 7 Transcript- All materials provided for The Tapping Solution For Financial Success & Personal Fulfillment 7-Week Program are provided for informational or educational purposes only and are not intended to be, or serve as a substitute for, professional medical/psychological advice, financial advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your financial adviser, physician or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a financial, medical or psychological condition. Never disregard professional financial advice or medical advice or delay in seeking it because of information you accessed on or through any portion of The Tapping Solution For Financial Success & Personal Fulfillment 7-Week Program.

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Jessica: Welcome to The Tapping Solution: Seven Weeks to Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment. This is our final week. We are on week seven. I am excited about this and a little sad because we have been having so much fun. I’d like to welcome back Nick. Hi Nick.

Nick: Hi Jess, how are you? Jessica: I’m good, thanks. I can’t believe that it’s been seven weeks. What a ride! Nick: Can we just start with a round of applause for everyone’s who made it to seven

weeks in? Jessica: Absolutely, yes. Congratulations to everybody. This is exciting because now it’s

all about moving forward and I know we’re going to be giving people more resources. But in this call one thing that I’d like to start off with is talking about this idea of having an outrageous dream, because a lot of people write about it and talk about goal settings and dreams. I’d like to learn more about your two different approaches when it comes to this.

Nick: Yeah, absolutely. In this call, like I said, we’re going to talk about outrageous

dreams and we’re going to talk about what to do with the program going forward and going backwards, which I’ll talk about in a bit.

But let me just take another moment. I really want to take a second to

acknowledge you. Beyond that round of applause, I want to acknowledge you for staying with the program this long. It is a rare person that makes it through seven weeks of a program. It’s a rare person that finishes a book. The fact that you made it this far, and it doesn’t really matter what your level of commitment has been...

Some of you have listened to every call and that is just incredible. Others have

tuned in here and there and have made it this far. It’s just huge, just doing that. The information is there. The tool is there. Just sticking with it this long to me is almost 75% of what you need to do to get the results. The rest is actually doing the tapping and implementing the rest. But the fact that you’re listening, the fact that you made it this far is incredible. So like I said, I’m impressed.

Jessica: Yes. Nick: So let’s talk about outrageous dreams. What’s interesting about outrageous

dreams, goals, visions, inspiration, is that… I’m going to tell you two things about them that might seem like they don’t match, like I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth. I think you’ll understand what I mean in a second. What I mean is it’s so important in life to have a vision, to have an outrageous dream, to have

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something that drives you, that pulls you, that motivates you. It’s also equally just as important to focus on the day-to-day stuff. What’s in front

of you right now, what’s the next step to take, what’s the little action, what’s the baby steps? Baby steps are huge and it’s also huge to take dramatic leaps and bounds.

The reality is that the way we find ourselves towards these outrageous dreams is

really a combination of both. It’s the combination of there being times when you do make dramatic growth. And maybe these seven weeks have been that for you, where you said, “Enough,” you buckled down, you’ve been doing the program, you’ve been experiencing change and there’s a lot of growth happening. More growth now than maybe you’ve ever experienced before. But that doesn’t mean we throw away those days that are just the baby steps towards the goal.

Throughout this call we’re going to look at both sides: what it takes to have that

big vision, that big goal, that outrageous dream and also what it takes to look at the daily life and the daily things that are in front of you that you need to address.

One thing that I want to sort of reiterate about outrageous dreams and goals, and

we covered this a fair bit in week two when we talked about the clarity of goals, but I think it’s important to look at again. It’s that when we look at these goals, these visions, these dreams, we really want to bring them to life and we want to make them more real than they’ve ever been before.

For most of us we have a tendency to say, “Oh, my goal is I want a million

dollars,” or, “I want my book published,” or, “I want a raise,” or, “I just want more money. I want to be more financially free.” We just put these things out there without thinking them through. Oh yeah, that’s our goal. Maybe we write it down if we’re lucky, if we go that far, but that’s where it stays. That’s the life of the goal and that’s it.

Unfortunately, eventually most of these things don’t happen. It leads to

disappointment, especially when we throw things out like, “I want to be a millionaire,” and that’s it, and that’s as far as we look at the goal. These things don’t happen. They build upon themselves. Failure and disappointment builds upon itself and now we have to do the work we’ve been doing in the last seven weeks, which is looking back at these failures, these disappointments, the heartache, the trauma, the things we learned, and rewriting that history.

So we want to make sure as we move forward that we set ourselves up for

success. What does that mean? How do we set a goal that sets ourselves up for success? It means that we focus on a goal that feels good right now. We focus on

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a well-rounded goal. We focus on a goal that isn’t just an external goal of, “I want X.” It’s a goal that includes the lifestyle, psychology, feeling in a huge way.

What I want to start helping you to do is to train your mind to believe that the

second way, that focusing on the well-rounded lifestyle goal, is the way to go, as opposed to just saying, “I want that million dollars.” Most of us don’t want to hear it. They go, “No, no, no, I don’t want to talk about baby steps. I don’t want to talk about my lifestyle and being happy. Just give me the thing.”

I guarantee you that even if you got the thing that you wanted you would just then

reach out for the next thing that you believe is going to make you happy, and you chase and you chase and you chase.

At the end of the day we’re looking for a goal that is heart-centered, spiritually

advanced, what makes us happy, a goal that just feels so good, a goal where at the end of the day we become more than we were before we achieved that goal. We become better today than we were yesterday.

I know that if you’ve stuck it this long in this program, seven weeks in, I know

that you are better today than you were seven weeks ago. Not better like a good or bad person. I mean better in terms of what you can expect from yourself, what you’re actually doing in life, how you feel about yourself, what your self-talk sounds like.

If just in these seven weeks you’ve quieted that critical voice a little bit, you’ve

got it to just maybe not go away, and that’s okay, but just gotten a little quieter, that means you’re better today than you were yesterday, and that means that now you have the possibility to have those outrageous dreams and have them be real. Does that make sense Jess?

Jessica: It absolutely makes sense. That’s a much different feeling than just saying, “I

want a million dollars.” But with that being said, Nick, we say we just don’t want to throw out those goals that don’t have those feelings and that meaning to us, but what about the money, isn’t this about making more money?

Nick: Show me the money! Jessica: Yeah. Nick: Well, it is. As I said in the beginning of the program, this is about financial

success and personal fulfillment. I’m not throwing the money aside. I make it a concrete focus on a daily basis to achieve more financial success, and I do it for a lot of reasons. I don’t do it because I need more stuff. At this point I do it because

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I want more financial freedom, I want different experiences, I want to experience more freedom, I want to contribute more to the world and I want to express myself further.

But I believe that the money comes as a byproduct of a well-rounded goal.

Because here’s the reality, and this is what happens to so many people: It’s very difficult for people to sustain a goal, like for example that making a million dollars goal, that external goal, if there’s not something else driving it, if there’s not a deeper passion.

Because the reality is that you’re going to come up against stuff. Our experience

of making the film and on sharing this incredible tool with the world, it didn’t all flow easily. I don’t need to tell you, Jessica. There were bumps in the road where if we were solely focused on the financial goal of that experience we would have likely given up. But there was a deeper passion that was pulling us forward.

Jessica: Right. That leads me to another question, something I’d love you to talk about.

We did have a lot of bumps in the road and a lot of things that people could point out. We could have just pointed at them and said, “Well, we just failed,” and given up, and we didn’t.

So can you tell us about when you have a dream, the importance of being able to

reevaluate your strategy and being flexible? One of the biggest things that we had to do with going to this goal was to realize that we had to continuously adjust our strategy and change, because if we just had one strategy we wouldn’t have been able to succeed. Does that question make sense?

Nick: Absolutely. Especially in this day and age, adaptability is so important. Jessica: Yes, that’s the word. Nick: Yeah. The ability to say, “Okay, yeah. I had a plan in place, and I thought I was

doing this, and this was going to happen, but it’s not happening.” And not seeing it as failure. Seeing, “What are the other options? What are the different ways to go?” In our business we’re continually adapting. If you don’t adapt in this day and age, and if you don’t adapt quickly and are willing to say, “Well, this wasn’t working. I’m moving on,” then you get stuck. People… it’s almost like you keep running your head against the same wall again and again saying, “Turn around. See what else is there for you.”

Jessica: This is especially important as people finish this program and continue doing this

work but really go for a dream. They have to keep that in mind instead of saying, “Okay, this doesn’t work.” But really the power is in being flexible and finding

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the strategy that works for you. But Nick, sometimes this is easier said than done because we believe in

something, we think this is the way that we’re going to be successful and then it seems to fall apart. How can someone change their mindset to go from a place, from looking at something as a failure to really looking at that as just feedback?

Nick: Let’s do some tapping on flexibility right now. I think it’s a good time for it. Jessica: Okay. Nick: All right, so tapping the side of the hand. KC: Even though part of me doesn’t want to be flexible, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I want this to happen In a certain way And I see everything else as failure, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though part of me doesn’t want to change this, Even though I’m stuck in my old ways, I deeply and completely accept myself. EB: I don’t want to be flexible. SE: My goal has to happen my way. UE: My dream has to happen now. UN: I don’t want to be patient. UM: I don’t want to be flexible. CB: I have to have it now. UA: I have to have it my way. TH: Anything else is a failure. EB: This pattern of looking for failure. SE: This pattern of expecting failure. UE: This pattern of everything not going perfectly. UN: I choose to let it go now. UM: I am flexible to life. CB: I am flexible in life. UA: All this flexibility TH: It’s safe to be flexible.

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EB: It’s safe to accept change. SE: It’s safe to release all these old patterns. Nick: Go ahead and take a deep breath. Jessica: Wow Nick, I personally felt a real shift in that. Nick: Have you not been being flexible, Jess? Jessica: I guess I haven’t been as flexible as I thought I have, because I just felt a real

sense of peace and being able to relax into a task and having that open mind. When you have that open mind you start to see other solutions and other opportunities that you didn’t see before.

Nick: Well, it goes back to what we’ve talked about right from the beginning, which is

that fight or flight response. I know the term “fight or flight” doesn’t seem like it fits into something like this. But it’s the same action, the same physiology in the body, that when we are seeing things a certain way and we’re locked into it, then like you said, if it doesn’t happen that way it feels like failure. So then we stress on it even more and we have all these expectation, all these burdens we put on ourselves.

The amount of stuff we pile on ourselves on a daily basis is enormous. When you

look at an outrageous dream, an incredible goal, a vision, it’s very easy to pile even more stuff on ourselves on it. So being flexible is just vitally important here.

Jessica: Nick, I think it would serve to just give the example, because this is the example I

always give when people ask me about what I think is the best advice for an entrepreneur, I always say flexibility and the ability to change your strategy because we had to do it so many times. We had a very successful film. But as you remember, we still were struggling financially. We got the movie up and running, it was doing well, but we weren’t really in the place that we wanted to be.

Then that’s when you had the idea for the Tapping World Summit, which was an

idea that never was the plan when we started making the film. When we did the Tapping World Summit, that helped with the film and that really transformed the whole business and really helped us impact more peoples’ lives. But it was never the plan from the very beginning.

Nick: Absolutely. It was nowhere to be found. And that’s okay, because these things

will happen. These ideas will come up and you do need to just be flexible and allow them and keep going. I mean we’re reinventing ourselves every day and you need to reinvent yourself every day, in a fun way. That sounds stressful when

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I say reinvent myself every day. Jessica: But be open to other possibilities. Nick: Absolutely. Be open to other possibilities. Of course it’s been said a million times,

but failure… there’s no such thing as failure. It’s just more information. Looking at it that way is so, so vital. The times that we’ve failed… I mean right now I look at those “failures” with total gratitude because I can look back with enough perspective in the last ten years of my life and see, if something had worked then, if what I had wanted had happened it would have changed the course of everything and I’m so much happier with the way it is now.

Jessica: Right. Nick: There’s a great Garth Brooks song. I’m not a huge country guy, but I like some

stuff. You’ve probably heard it, it’s called Unanswered Prayers. It tells a beautiful little story about the girl that he loved in high school and how they broke up, and he was devastated it didn’t happen. Then later on he found the woman that he truly loves and sees it’s all meant to be.

I know that within the context of business, of money, of financial goals, we just

don’t want to hear it. But the reality is it’s where the beauty, the truth, the love, the heart, the growth, the energy, the passion, the vision lives. It lives in that place of just being okay with where things are.

That doesn’t mean that you don’t push forward. That doesn’t mean you don’t

move forward. That doesn’t mean you don’t do courses like this. That doesn’t mean you don’t have big visions and goals and say, “I’m going to set to make $5,000 more next month,” or $10,000 more or a million dollars. It doesn’t throw that out the window, but you can do that within the context of this feeling.

So let’s actually do some tapping right now on, “I don’t want to hear it. I want it

now.” Jessica: Okay, great. So patience, really. Nick: Patience, exactly. Jessica: All right. Nick: Tapping on the side of the hand. KC: Even though I don’t want to be patient,

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I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I’m tired of being patient… Nick: That’s a big one for people, because they’re going, “I’ve already been patient. I’m

40 years old, I’m 50 years old, I’m 60 years old. I’ve been patient! Not interested.”

Jessica: Right. Nick: So let’s tap on that. KC: Even though I’m tire of being patient, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I really don’t want to be patient. You can’t make me be patient. I don’t have time to be patient. Time is running out. I deeply and completely accept myself. EB: I can’t be patient. SE: I don’t want to be patient. UE: It’s not safe to be patient. UN: It’s not smart to be patient. UM: If I’m patient CB: then things won’t happen. UA: If I’m patient TH: then I’ll be lazy. EB: It’s not safe to be patient. SE: If I’m patient UE: I won’t have the money I want. UN: If I’m patient UM: I won’t have the things I want. CB: I don’t want to be patient. UA: It just doesn’t feel safe. TH: How can I be patient? EB: What if I was a little bit more patient? SE: I wonder if I could be a little bit more patient. UE: Just a little bit more. UN: Just a little bit more patient.

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UM: I wonder if I could do that. UM: I wonder if that would be safe. CB: I choose to be patient. UA: I choose to be patient. TH: I choose to feel patience. EB: I feel patience in my body now. SE: I feel what it’s like to be patient. UE: I’m feeling patient now. UN: I can relax in my body UM: and feel patient. Nick: Go ahead and take a deep breath. Jessica: Thank you, Nick. Nick: I could feel as we were doing some of the tapping, especially in the beginning, the

reluctance to be patient. And I understand it. It’s something that I have to work on too, especially the belief that patience equals something not happening. So that’s one that’s kind of tricky in there where we go, “Well, if I’m patient that means that I won’t be pushing the way I need to push. I won’t be making things happen. Things won’t happen.” But being patient doesn’t necessarily mean standing still either.

Jessica: Definitely not. No, you work hard and be patient. Nick: That’s it. That’s it. Just allow. “Allow” is a great word for the concept of patience;

just allowing things to unfold at their own pace. Jessica: Yes. It’s so important to remind ourselves as we move forward in this program to

be consistent and have that patience, because it’s all these little things that begin to add up before they hit that tipping point and we finally get what we want. But yes, patience is huge.

Nick, staying on this topic of goals, if someone’s acknowledging a lifestyle goal

and they’re clear in what they want, what are some other tips on how to make that happen as they move forward from this program?

Nick: Yeah, that’s a great question. You know, I think a huge part of it, and we’ve

talked a lot about it through these seven weeks, is the concept of really nurturing yourself, and loving yourself, and thanking yourself, and rewarding yourself.

Again, it’s very easy to set that apart from money and, “How is this going to help

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me be financially better off?” And it’s also, some people say sometimes, “Well, if I love myself and I accept myself the way I am without money, then I’m not going to get money.” The same thing as being patient, “If I am patient and I love myself right now, I’m going to be broke because I need to push to make it happen.”

The reality is, to be in the world, to be your greatest self in the world and your

most authentic self… And why are we shooting for that there? Not only because it’s a beautiful thing to do, but in terms of finances, the world will reward you when you are your greatest, most authentic self. That’s just the reality. That’s how it works.

Yes, some people make money being miserable, not-authentic people. But that’s

not the path we’re taking. We’re taking a path where we say, “How can we be financially successful being our most authentic real self?” In order to do that it does start with that self-love. It’s what we’ve been working on throughout the whole program, quieting that critical voice, changing that dialogue that says, “I’m not good enough. I’m not smart enough. I can’t get this done.” Changing that is when things shift, because from there you go, “Wow, I actually can get this done. I can go forward.”

I think the rewarding part of yourself, the thanking yourself, the rewarding part is

a really big aspect as well. I’m not talking about crazy shopping rewarding. Sometimes we say, “Oh, well I rewarded myself with shopping or ice cream,” and these things where you feel terrible afterward. It’s not really a reward.

Rewarding yourself from a place where you are deep in the experience of what

you’re going through, of what you’ve accomplished, of what you’ve done, and really again acknowledging yourself for your courage, for your wisdom, for your perseverance. I know at times you might think… I know I keep cheering you on and saying it’s amazing that you’ve made it to week seven and all this stuff.

I’m not doing it just to be corny or cheesy. I’m doing it because I really, really

mean it. I’m doing it because I know how important it is for you to finally start acknowledging yourself for who you are and what you’ve done, and to throw away all that other stuff. All the stuff that says you’re not good enough, you’re not smart enough, you made this mistake, you made that mistake. All the baggage from your parents, all the baggage from past relationships, it’s time for that to go.

So that goes through doing the tapping process, and then that goes through

building those habits of nurturing yourself, of rewarding yourself, of acknowledging yourself. It is vital. I’m telling you right now, if on a daily basis you reward yourself, you’ve acknowledged yourself, you love yourself and you’re

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patient with yourself, outrageous dreams will come true. It’s just the reality. I know it’s hard for you to be able to fathom because we have this idea of push,

push, push, got to do, got to do, got to get it done, got to push harder, it’s the only way it’s going to happen. But that’s not the way I’ve seen it happen in my own life. Certainly I’ve put in a lot of work, and we’re not talking about not doing work here. We’ll talk about that in a second. But it’s really from that self-love and from that place that says, “I can move forward and contribute to the world,” where all the rewards come right back.

Jessica: Yes, absolutely. I want to move on to asking you about action and how we take

the next step. But, you know, what’s difficult about jumping from finding this balance between loving yourself and action, is it’s so easy for people to just skip over this appreciating yourself and loving yourself part. We find it so much easier to just focus on the action.

So I want to ask you about the action, but again emphasize how important it is to

really have the daily practice of acknowledging yourself and doing that inner work.

Nick: Let me tell you, I work with them. I work with them privately. I know them. We

hear about them from other things. You just see, for example, in the news, celebrities who have supposedly achieved their dreams come true and they’re in a film, or they’re a star, and you see their life fall apart.

I’ve seen it again and again, the people who get to where they are solely from that

pushing place, that push, push, push. At some point it stops working and they get everything they wanted and they’re miserable. So it’s really important to be aware as you’re moving towards something, if you’re not acknowledging yourself along the way, if you’re not enjoying the depth of the experience, then you can really fall into a place where you go, “Well, I got everything I wanted. But now what and why am I not happy?”

Jessica: Right, exactly. You obviously work with a lot of these celebrities and high

powered people. But we see it all over the news. We’re very aware of it and even in our own social circles you see people that are successful but don’t have that personal fulfillment side, which is really what we’re striving for here.

With that, Nick, we emphasize the importance of doing this emotional work, now

moving on to this idea of taking action. How do you view action? What should we know about it?

Nick: I think the thing with action… I see it as the bridge between the inner world and

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the outer world. What do I mean by that? I mean right now we’ve been doing a lot of inner work in the inner world. Certainly the outer side of it is that we’ve been doing the tapping and taking those physical actions. But it’s been about our experience. But it can’t stop there. What I’ve personally found happens is that when you do the inner work, when you clear out the energy, your energy just starts moving forward. You are ready to do things.

I certainly believe that you can attract things in your life, and the word “attract”

where things just come to you and you allow, and I think that’s really important and that does happen, but every part of attraction should involve some sort of an action in some way. You did something. Whether it means you showed up for the lunch meeting and you attracted the perfect person to meet with, or you sent the email. But you did something.

This is the place where I think it’s important to take a little bit of that warrior

mentality – and the healthy warrior, not the killing people warrior, the healthy warrior mentality – and do something. This is the place where we can feel some fear about the things that are in front of us and do it anyway.

The good news is that we can use the tapping to reduce that fear from paralyzing

levels into actually actionable levels. But just because we have this great tapping tool doesn’t meant that the fear or the anxiety or the stress is always going to be a zero. I think that’s important to acknowledge for people, because certainly you can do enough tapping on something where you bring it down to a zero. I’ve seen it again and again.

But I don’t want people to be waiting on the sidelines on something saying,

“Since I have this little bit of anxiety about this issue I’m not going to do it because it needs to be a zero. I need to be fearless.” Whether the action be that you keep on tapping until you can actually do it or you just feel the fear and do it anyway.

Certainly there’s things coming up in my life where there is some anxiety around

it, and I tap on it and I tap it down to the place where I can now take that next step forward. Then something else can come up and I can go, “Oh, well this is another little stretch. Let me take a look at it and let me move forward in that way.”

But the idea that there’s going to be a perfect thing in front of you where

everything is easy and effortless and nothing stretches you at all… Can you get there at some point? I think you can. I actually think that you can, but it’s a path to even get there. So for most of us, myself included, we’re still on that path where we’re going to feel some fear and anxiety along the way. It’s going to stretch us into new places. We can use the tapping to bring it down, but we also

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have to move forward. With regards to this with taking action, let’s take a look at the ideas of “hard”

versus “easy”. Most people either live in two places, what I’ve found. They either make everything in their life hard because they believe life is hard and work is hard and everything needs to be hard. Or they make a decision where they go, “Okay, everything is going to be easy and I’m going to allow everything in my life and just take it easy.” But they don’t fully live that decision to the deepest of their core. They don’t fully believe it and they’re just kind of lying around being lazy until someone says, “Hey, I know you watched The Secret, but you haven’t paid your rent in three months. So what’s going on here?”

Especially with finances, I like to look at other parts of our lives to see

comparisons. If we take a look at exercise, for example. I think it fits really well here. Let’s say you want to lose some weight, and gain some muscle, and get toned and fit. What’s the best way to do it?

There’s a lot of research on this, I’m not just saying this. I’ve experienced this

personally, but there’s a lot of great research. The most recent research shows that to do that, to lose weight, to gain muscle it’s the periods of intense effort – so whether that be the running, the biking – intense effort, along with sufficient rest.

So a training schedule might be a grueling one on Monday. Even the grueling

effort, there’s some weightlifting programs for example these days that last 15 to 20 minutes, but it’s intense when it’s being done. It’s forcing that muscle to grow, to pull the most out of it. Then it might be a long slow walk on Tuesday, a nice stretch on Wednesday, and then grueling again on Thursday, push, push, push, push, then recovery time on Friday. So that’s how it happens. That’s what the recent research shows that in terms of training and lifting and exercise works really well.

What do most people do when it comes to exercise? They either go at it with

everything they have, they over-train, they over-work, and what happens then? You burn out. You feel miserable. Or again the opposite as they say, “I’m going to take it easy. I’m just going to go for walks every day.”

While going for walks every day is fantastic if you’re not exercising, and you can

lose weight that way, but peak fitness isn’t going to happen with just long slow walks every day. So the bottom line of this, it’s both. We need to have both. The most growth happens in muscles when you push, push, push to failure in that intense moment. Then you take the sufficient time to rest, recuperate and heal, to stretch, to walk, to nurture your body, to do other things that are actions that are supporting this muscle growth.

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If we look at the tapping within the context of the hard and easy way forward,

what does the tapping actually do? First of all, it helps you actually show up at the gym. It helps you do the preparatory work to make it happen. That means you do the tapping beforehand to stand up on stage, to write your book, to take on the new project, to start the new business. You do whatever you want to do, and you use the tapping to prepare for that, to clear out the things that are in the way before that.

What else does the tapping do? It helps you muster the energy and focus for that

moment of strain. Again, with that muscle analogy, that moment when you’ve got to push, push, push, push. When is that? It’s when that chapter is due on your book and you just actually need to buckle down and focus and be present.

Jessica: Do you have personal experience on that, Nick? Nick: I use the tapping a lot for that, “Even though I just can’t focus right now, I don’t

want to do it.” It’s that moment when you go to your boss and you ask for your raise and you say, “I need to be so present. I need to be so focused here to give him the best of what I have.” The tapping can help you muster that energy and focus. Then the third thing the tapping does is it can help you recover and make clear decisions about what to do next.

Let’s back that up again. What am I talking about here? I’m talking about growth,

growth in any aspect of your life. I use the muscle analogy because it’s something that people understand, how muscles grow. Wherever you want to grow in your life, there’s the preparation stage, and you need to clear everything out of the way that is stopping you from even getting to that point where you have to take action.

I know you might be asking, I keep bringing up this book, and you’re going, “I’m

not an author. I’m not writing a book.” But I’m only bringing it up because, first of all, I’ve had experiences with it obviously, but also because it’s project-based. We all have times when we have a project that we need to complete. There’s those stages, there’s the preparation before, there’s the moment when I’m actually doing it, the focus, and then there’s the period afterwards, the recovery, the analysis. We can use the tapping through every single one of those steps.

Jessica: So really what we’re focused on here, though, is that action step, that moment

when we know we need to hit the deadline, when we know we know we have to be focused and actually get something done. Where it takes a little bit more of that effort, because you were talking about how sometimes you need that extreme pushing yourself and then the relaxation as well.

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So do you have any tapping or suggestions on how we can help ourselves get into this state where we feel like we can sit down through the next hour and really bang something out?

Nick: Yeah, absolutely. We’re going to do some tapping on the balance between action

and rest, hard and easy. So let’s do that. Also, I did a bonus audio specifically on focus and concentration. So if you’re trying to focus in on getting something done right in that moment I think you’ll find that bonus audio very helpful.

Jessica: Great. Nick: So tapping on the side of the hand. KC: Even though I don’t want to work hard I want to take it easy I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though part of me believes I have to work hard I can never rest I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I can’t decide… Should I work hard? Should I take it easy? What’s wrong? What’s right? I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I have all these old patterns All these old ways of being All these things I learned from my parents And my teachers And everyone around me About the way I should be About the way I should work I deeply and completely accept myself. Nick: Let me just make a little aside here before we go to the eyebrow point. The recent

research that I talked about with regards to the muscle development and effort along with sufficient rest to heal the muscles, that’s brand new cutting edge stuff and it’s very controversial. Why is it controversial? Because everyone believes, because we’ve been taught for a long time, that the way to lose weight is to go to the gym seven days a week and run on the treadmill for an hour.

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It’s that punishing that’s the only way for it to happen. We have to punish

ourselves. It has to be difficult. It has to be hard. Frankly, that’s how a lot of us do our daily effort. That’s how we work. We go back and forth, working too hard or not knowing if we should take it easy, deciding to take it easy.

So we’re trying to find balance here, and more importantly than anything, our

own way to work. What feels really good as to how we get these things done in the world?

Jessica: Okay. EB: It’s got to be hard. SE: No, it’s got to be easy. UE: I want it to be hard. UN: I want it to be easy. UM: I don’t know what I want. CB: I don’t know how to work in the world. UA: Is it too much stress? TH: Is it not enough stress? EB: How do I really move forward? SE: How do I want to work? UE: How do I want to be? UN: When will I start listening to myself? UM: When will I start listening to my body? CB: Sometimes I do need to focus UA: And work hard. TH: And that can feel really good. EB: Not hard work that is miserable. SE: Hard work that feels really good. UE: It’s not really hard UN: Because it feels so good. UM: But it does take focus and concentration. CB: It takes asking a little more of myself. UA: I wonder if I can ask a little more of myself. TH: I’ve made it this far EB: And that’s pretty good. SE: Now I take it a step further. UE: This balance between hard work UN: And rest and play

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UM: I find my balance. CB: I find what feels good for me. UA: It feels so good to find my balance. TH: I choose to feel balanced. EB: I choose to feel balanced now SE: I can focus UE: I can work hard UN: And then I can take it easy. UM: And then the hard work isn’t really hard. CB: It’s just me being the best me I can be. UA: That’s all I ask of myself. TH: That’s all I ask of myself. Nick: Take a deep breath and let it go. At the end of the day that’s what we’re asking for

ourselves. Not to work hard. Not to drive ourselves against the wall. It’s to ask the most of ourselves in those moments that count, the focused action. There’s such a difference between running around like a chicken with its head cut off doing one thing after another.

Then having that focused action, those moments of intense effort where you say,

“Now I am driving towards my goal. Now I’m making this push, and then I’m going to feel it in my body, feel how it feels, reward myself, thank myself, nurture myself, love myself for that period of intense effort and then know when I need to relax and let go and allow.” It’s that yin/yang, it’s that left/right, it’s the black/white, it’s the balance in life, that’s really what we’re looking for here.

Jessica: Yes, absolutely. What a great thing too. Now that we know that we can perform at

our best by thinking this way, just having that common awareness of seeing where we are and what feels right, what we need to do with our work I think is going to be a really big revelation for people.

Nick: Absolutely. That awareness of just saying, “Where am I right now and what do I

need? What do I need to feel good about myself? Do I need to rest and relax and take some space from the project that I was working on? Or do I need to just give it that extra effort and ask more of myself?” That’s where the balance is and that’s again where the personal fulfillment comes in, and that’s where the financial success comes in because now we’re putting something out in the world that is special because you’ve given it everything you have but you’ve done it in a smart way.

Jessica: Yes, yes. Exactly. All right, Nick. We’re going to start wrapping up here. I can’t

believe this is coming to an end. As this program comes to an end, how do people

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move forward? What’s the best thing that they can do? Nick: The best thing in terms of this program is to do two things. One, take the

information that you’ve learned in this program and continue applying it to your life. What’s the easiest way to do that? Well, it’s to move backwards in the program. I don’t mean go backwards. I mean move backwards into the content.

If you’re up for it, start on week one all over again. You did seven weeks. Next

week all the content’s there. All the information’s there. Pop it in. I think you’re going to be pretty astonished by what you hear on week one, that something struck you last time but now it’s something totally different.

The amount of times that I’ve listened to a couple of audios again and again, I

would call it ridiculous if it wasn’t for the fact that it was probably one of the smartest things I’ve ever done, just putting it on again and again.

There’s a couple of winners for me where I just keep going back to it because

every time I get new insights and new ideas. Every time I listen to it I’m a different person. You’re a different person now than you were seven weeks ago. So the information from week one is going to strike you in a different way.

Week two, looking at clarity and the goals. Some people said in the beginning that

some people loved the clarity and goals early. Other people weren’t ready for it yet. They wanted to get rid of the critical voice beforehand. So you can go back to clarity and goals.

The same sort of mix happened for people throughout the program where it was

like, “Oh, actually for me this week would have been better than this week. But for the other person it was better the other way.” There’s no getting it right perfectly for everybody. The beautiful thing is it’s available for you to go back to and do again and again.

At the very least if it feels like it’s too much to do week one again, which I

understand. This has been a period of intense effort. Just like what I talked about, maybe it’s time for you to take a breather. Maybe you should take a week or two and not look at any of this material. Maybe you take a month and look at it if that’s what feels right to you. Maybe you take a month to just digest it. Listen to yourself.

One of the ways to keep going with it is to just use Jessica’s wonderful

meditations. They’re short. They’re actionable. You can use them on a daily basis. You could rotate through them now. There’s seven of them so you could do one a day for the seven days of the week. That’s an interesting way to keep running

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through the program very quickly by doing a different meditation every day. So it’s up to you. Play with it. We’re going to continue this dialogue. We’re here

for you. We’re here to support you. Like I said from the beginning, I know I sound like a broken record, but you are the one percent of the one percent of the one percent that have committed to changing their lives in a huge way. You’ve found a tool that is so powerful. You’ve experienced it already that tapping works so well. Keep using it. Use it for other parts of your life. Use tapping for weight loss or to improve your relationships. Keep going deeper. Congratulations. What else can I say? Another round of applause.

Jessica: Yeah, absolutely. Nick, you’re bringing up a really good point which is the power

of consistency. We look at exercise and we know that if we just go to the gym one time we’re not going to get the same results as if we go consistently. So I think that’s so important as we move forward, because what you’ve given people here is a way to create a habit and a pattern because it’s been seven weeks. But just to make sure that we continue those seven weeks and continue building that muscle and that habit.

Nick, as we wrap up I think it would be fantastic if we could end with a tapping

round. Nick: Absolutely. Let’s just go right into some positive tapping. Jessica: Let’s do it. EB: I did it. SE: I’ve been putting things off for so long. UE: I’ve been carrying around all this stuff. UE: But now I’m finally letting it go. UN: I’m finally letting it go. UM: And it feels so good. CB: And even though it’s not all gone UA: It still feels so good. TH: I choose to remember how I was seven weeks ago. EB: I choose to notice the changes. SE: What small changes have happened? UE: That I don’t even notice? UN: How am I different now? UM: I need to acknowledge this. CB: It’s so important to see this. UA: And give myself a little pat on the back.

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TH: I’ve done it. EB: I’m proud of myself. SE: And I’m ready to move forward. UE: I am so confident. UN: And ready to move forward. UM: It’s time to move forward. CB: It’s time. UA: I can do it. TH: I can make anything happen in my life. EB: My outrageous dreams come true. SE: And it all feels so good. UE: I take big steps UN: And I take baby steps UM: And all is perfect. CB: All is well. UA: All is well. TH: All is well. Nick: Deep breath, and let it go. I just want to wrap up. I said it there in the tapping sequence, but I want everyone

to take a moment to really think back on what’s happened in the last seven weeks. One of the challenges with tapping is that it’s a beautiful thing that we move through things so quickly, but it can also get away from us quickly in that we forget where we were.

We forget the changes because now we find the next thing to work on but then

when we stop we think, “Wow, I really haven’t been stressing about money the way I did seven weeks ago,” or, “Wow, I really haven’t been doing this the way I was then.” So take that moment and just really recognize the changes you’ve made, big or small, they all count, and you’re doing amazing.

Jessica: Wonderful. Nick, thank you so much for leading the way to financial abundance

and personal fulfillment. It’s really been such a pleasure. On behalf of myself and everyone that’s listening, thank you for just all the hard work that you’ve done.

Nick: Jessica, thanks to you and the whole team behind it. And everyone listening, it has

been a real deep personal joy and pleasure.  
