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The throughout magazine analysis

Date post: 24-Jan-2015
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The task was to buy a magazine and analyse it
Page 1: The throughout magazine analysis

The task was to buy a magazine and analyse it

Page 2: The throughout magazine analysis

Classic Rock

Page 3: The throughout magazine analysis

This is how a magazine looks like in a shop. It attracts people who like rock music, especially AC/DC, because AC/DC's vocalist is on the cover, and AC/DC is written in big lettering. Also, "2 FREE CDs!" interest rock fans, because everyone likes free gifts along with the magazine.

This is how a magazine looks when a strip of paper is taken down.

A previous cover turns out to be another strip, holding a magazine inside. Inside the strip, there is a magazine and another feature.

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Inside a feature, there are articles about rocker clothing, adverts of t-shirts and history of alcohol. On the other page there is an ad of "Quaffing Gravy" and with it, a pun is made: "FOR THOSE ABOUT TO QUAFF (WE SALUTE YOU)". It is a great choice, especially since this extra came with a magazine mainly about AC/DC, and this is a pun from their song "For those about to rock, we salute you".

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On a magazine cover itself, there is a CD attached with another association to AC/DC, as "Shoot to thrill" is on its cover, while it's AC/DC's song title.

This is how a real magazine cover looks like.

There is an interesting piece of writing on a magazine cover. This is intended to say that AC/DC are such a successful band; this might make young adult girls want to sleep with them, as young women usually do with successful men.

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Another piece of writing, which yet again links with AC/DC.

In the contents page, the same photograph that was used on the cover is taking up 2/3 of a page. It is in black and white: looks classy. The choice of colours is a classical mix: red, white and black. These are also the same colours used on the cover. On the picture, main story's page and description is written. "Features" is describing what is in this issue. Stories are described with band names in bold, bigger writing, while a short description is written below. On the bottom of the page, there is a splash that tells us what's in the CD.

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On another page, other "Regulars" are described (contents), such as "The Dirt" which includes articles about new albums and tours. Colours used are the same ones as in the previous contents page and the cover.

On the other page, there is an extra which is about this magazine online: twitter, facebook, Spotify and Tumblr. This page advertises both the magazine and artists' songs.

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Inside the magazine, there is another extra, which includes ads of clothing one could buy.

Inside a magazine there is the same red splash which tells people when will the new magazine issue arrive.

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A double page spread is almost all black and white. A photo is taking up 2/3 of a double page and there is a quote at the bottom of it. Also, the writing is quote simple; black letters on white background, which makes it easier to read than the other way around. Finally, at the beginning of the article, there is another photo attached, which has a caption on its corner.

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Inside, there is another CD which is there to promote a tour, for which all information is written down.

This is another double spread, which has a white background and we understand this is a photo, because band members are standing on the white background. On the top corner, there is a caption. The photo is taking up 2/3 of a double page (from now we can tell this is a classic layout choice). Text is positioned in a figure of one of the band members and an invisible box for a quote. Bigger lettering is used to indicate where the new topic starts.

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A quote involves another band, which is useful, because one may read the whole article, because they love Def Leppard and it was mentioned, while they may not like this band (The Darkness).

Another double page spread with a sepia photo which goes into a right page. There is a caption on a top corner. The photo itself looks quite unusual. It is a photo from one of their gigs. A vocalist is holding a device that was used for washing clothes in the dark ages. Also, he appears to be wearing female boots, which looks very interesting and provocative. Rock fans will like weird images like this, because people who love rock music and play it are for equality. It supports an interesting phenomenon that rock music empowers people and opens their eyes to the world and lets them see how it really is, making them want to change things. Few great examples of it would be rock music being at its most popular during the 70s. Many riots and protests took place during this decade. Also, a very popular and beloved band Nirvana used to play many of their gigs wearing female dresses. Fans loved them and few years into the future, equality in terms of gender improved.One of the band's song titles is used for a title of the page. A coloured photo is used alongside the text. A quote tells us that they have spirit and nothing will make them stop doing what they love.

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On another page, the article still continues. There is another B&W picture placed in the corner with a caption.

A quote appears to be both good, rude and funny. Rock fans will love it, because these people swear for fun or to exaggerate their point. One will read on because they will want to find out why this has been said, even if they aren't interested in a band itself.

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A main feature begins with the same photo as on the magazine cover and their song lyric. Below the huge writing of "AC/DC", the description starts with "Ladies, gentleman, reprobates and troublemakers". The attention is drawn to "gentleman": this may appear as a typo, but we can also think that this was intended, as not many "gentlemen" would pick up this magazine in the first place. Reprobates are people who are damned to go to hell, as rock music contradicts religion. It also links with AC/DC, because one of their most favourite songs is "Highway to Hell", with its interesting lyrics "Livin' easy, livin' free", "Going down, party time, my friends are gonna be there too! I'm on a highway to hell!", "No stop signs, speed limit, nobody's gonna slow me down", "Hey Satan! play my tunes", "Hey mama! Look at me, I'm on my way to the promised land! I'm on a highway to hell!", "And I'm going down, all the way". This song tells us that this band's (and most of the other rock bands') views on religion are that it is hysterical, it does not make sense, and they do not care about it; they even like challenging and going against it. What they're basically saying is that they are “Livin' free" and nothing is holding them back, nothing is there to limit them, and for this religious monks are bound to say they will burn in an eternal pit of fire. AC/DC are saying they know what mainstream society thinks and they mock it by accepting it and admitting the "fact" that they are going to hell by - apart from the obvious (I'm on a highway to hell) - saying that "Hell is a Promised Land, which religious people use to refer to Heaven or a place where Jewish people were free from slavery. Promised land is something one will enjoy, therefore they will enjoy Hell instead of Heaven. We could question if it has any link with what Billy Joel sung: "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, sinners are much more fun. You know that only the good die young". This song was released in '77, while "Highway to Hell" in '79. This could mean that AC/DC acknowledged the song and agrees to its meaning that it's much more fun to do what you want to do instead of being continuously restricted and in the end cry for a lifeless life that one lived. Finally, AC/DC also address Satan with a casual "hey", as if Satan was their friend. However the fact they are telling Satan what to do can mean they are fearless and therefore truly free. "Nobody's gonna slow me down" refers to the fact that they are mentally tough and they will only stop doing what they love doing when they no longer can or want to.

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For a title and an intro to an article, the same artwork is used as on the magazine cover. Also, the title expands into an introduction, which looks interesting.

In here, a design is slightly different. It has white letters on a black background.

This double page spread features three photos, one on the whole page, one smaller and one tiny. Big letters are used to show where the new topic is.

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A great quote, which tells AC/DC (or rock) fans that rockers are not the one to be told what to do.

A great use of a title, which tells that rock music is tough.

A member of 'The Wildhearts' is commenting on AC/DC. Good use of quote, because people may not know the Wildhearts, but they may read the article for AC/DC.

Another good use of a choice in quoting, for using another band's name.

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A great choice of a title, which tells us that rockers are tough.

Another great title, which tells rock fans that their music is strong.

This tells us what is on the free CD. It fits with the whole theme of the magazine, because these songs are "inspired by the big, sexy noise of AC/DC".

Magazine's back cover is an ad for a gig which could be something that rock fans would want to go to.

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This magazine cover uses 5 colours:Red, black, red, grey & yellow.3 of them are the main ones:Red, black & grey.My Chemical Romance's members are on the cover as a main story and their classy logo is right below their faces.A sub story is about Bring Me The Horizon, which is highlighted with a red background. Yellow background & lettering are used to advertise which posters that people could put up on their walls or which gigs they could go to.There is also a splash which will make the reader buy a magazine, because most of the band's fans will want to see a gig, especially for free.

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Colours used in the contents page are the same as on the cover. 6 photos are used, which aren't all staged. Page numbers are written on a picture if there is a story that goes with it. There is a letter from the Editor on the side; it is not too long and it does not take too much space. Yellow lettering is there to highlight new sections of the magazine. There is a "Feedback" for a cover story, then other news that could include band split-ups and new musicians and other tours. Features are interviews from bands. By the section "Posters", it is described who these posters feature. "Lives": band members or someone else talking about the gigs & tours that rock/metal bands did. Pages under a section of "Albums" are for reviews of brand new albums or singles. "Gig guide" tells us which band will perform where in the next week. Finally, "The Ultimate Rockstar Test" describes who is being tested for this issue.

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Kerrang! uses an interesting splash to use on top of the page. It looks like it's a little bit run down, which makes it look interesting.

The size of the splash.

On the bottom of the page, there is a page number and the masthead of a magazine.

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This double page spread uses the exact colours as on the cover. Red background interests the reader. It features an interesting topic which is closely linked to almost everyone who's alive, because nearly everyone in the world listens to music, and many people nowadays do it online. There is also a quote on the bottom of the page which rock music fans will love: "Reality shows are full of people who want attention".

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Another layout of a double page spread, where more than the half of a double page spread is a photo of a band, however no one's head is cut off by a separating of a page. Also, their new album's cover is shown and the text is cut away around it. Also, a quote is put inside a logo that is featured on their CD. Also, there are black patterns behind the white lettering to make it easier to read.
