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The Tibet Post International online newspaper

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The Tibet Post International (TPI) online newspaper www.thetibetpost.com is an editorially independent bi-monthly publication of news and features on Tibet and the Tibetan poeple. Each issue also contains articles of general interest on various aspects of Tibetan life and culture. www.thetibetpost.com TPI seeks to provide a forum for free and frank discussion of the question of Tibet and the various problems of the Tibetan people.
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His Holiness the Dalai Lama Commences Teachings to Korean Guests Dharamshala: Commencing the first of three days of teachings to a group of Korean disciples, His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet introduced Chapter 24 of ‘Nagarjuna's Fundamental Treatise of the Middle Way’ on October 29th 2012 in the Main Temple, Dharamshala, India. The Korean guests, which numbered almost 1000,were treated to clear skies upon their visit to the Tibetan exile community; nestled scenically in the foothills of the Himalayas. Warmly addressing the audience, which was filled with a mixture of Tibetans adorning colourful traditional garments (chubas), international tourists from 62 different countries, monks, nuns and almost 200 Indian guests, His Holiness the Dalai Lama opened by giving an insightful introduction into Buddhism itself. The revered spiritual leader highlighted key topics such as the need to develop peace of mind within oneself, the importance of non-violent action, and highlighted the commonalities that we all share, stating: “We must acknowledge the sameness of human beings”. His Holiness also addressed key Buddhist teaching frameworks, such as the Four Noble Truths, adding that one must not take His teachings for granted, but to logically question and test what is taught with reason. He added: “Texts need to be studied; not simply kept on an altar. Although we can use Buddhist texts as objects of veneration, we must examine the subject matter of Buddhism through reason and logic”. An emphasis was also made by His Holiness for followers to not simply to avoid violent actions and negative emotions, but to actively develop and foster a positive, altruistic approach to life. He highlighted the nature of interdependency; the notion of Dependent Origination being unique to Buddhism as a religion, and the manner of cause and effect when studied carefully and critically. An insight into the nature of attachment was also made by His Holiness, who conveyed: “When you see a beautiful thing, you can become attached to it. When you see something ugly, aversion can occur. It is not only the subject, but you, who finds things the way they are. One creates attachment and aversion themselves”. Additionally, He added that when you experience anger, it is not simply the object or the person creating the majority of the negative emotion; rather it is created within oneself. Drawing upon scientific research, His Holiness highlighted that 90% of By: Samuel Ivor, Tibet Post International If Stop Repression, Self-immolation will Stop See Page 7 ... Tibetan Political Leader Thanks Rome For Support For Education Rome, 24 October: "Your support for education of Tibetans will help the future of Tibet and in fulfilling the aspirations of Tibetans in Tibet", said Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay at a public talk at the Rome Provincial Government. The Tibetan Community in Italy, AREF International Onlus and other Tibet related organisations hosted the public talk. The Rome Provincial Government provided financial support for students at the Centre for Teacher Education at Bhuntar, India. In his address, Dr Sangay said he appreciates the support by the Tibet related organisations in Italy. This support is vital in keeping the issue of Tibet alive. "Your support is deeply appreciated," he said. Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay’s Public talk at the Rome Provincial government. Photo: tibet.net By CTA Offical Media: tibet.net Tibetan Man Self-immolates in Labrang Dharamshala: - A Tibetan layman from Labrang has set himself on fire Monday, 22 October, while shouting slogans calling for the Dalai Lama's return to Tibet, an information received by The Tibet Post International said. Dhondup, a Tibetan layman in his 50s from Labrang, sangchu county, north-eastern Tibet, (Chinese: Labrang Monastery in Xiahe County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Gansu Province.), set himself on fire Monday morning (9.47am, local Tibet time), October 22, 2012," according to sources inside Tibet. "Within a few minutes, Chinese security forces and police arrived at the scene, doused the still fierce flames, and took him away," according to Tibetan sources in exile in touch with Tibetans in the Sangchu area. China's Policies Create Tensions in Tibet Vigil in Exile to Mark the Self- Immolation See Page 8 ..... His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrives at the main Tibetan temple, as 3 days of teachings to Korean devotees commence today, Dharamshala, India, on October 29, 2012. Photo: TPI/Artemas Liu I n t e r n a t i o n a l Bi-Monthly B o d - K y i - Cha- Trin Rs.5 Vol. 02, Issue 75, 31 September 2012 www.thetibetpost.com A Message For The Voiceless A Young Tibetan Dies in Latest Tibet Self-immolation Protest See Page 4 ..... By: YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post Dharamshala: - The United States government on Wednesday voiced deep concern about the current tragic situation in Tibet and urged Chinese authorities in Tibet to take immediate steps to address the underlying grievances of the Tibetan people. However, there is still a lack of an international pressure on China to find a lasting solution to the year after year of tragic situations in Tibet. See Page 5 ... By: YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post By: CTA Media: Tibet Net Torino, 26 October: Today two Tibetans self-immolated in Tibet. It is the 5th incident in less than 7 days. The total number of Tibetans who have self-immolated since February 2009 is now 60. "Stop the repression and self-immolation would stop," said Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay during his address to the Regional Council of Piemonte, Torino, Italy. There is no space for protest in Tibet, thus the Tibetans are resorting to self-immolation. In late June, a 17-year-old girl named Jigme Dolma protested in Kardze region of eastern Tibet. The Chinese security forces beat her and two months later, she was sentenced to three years imprisonment. Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay speaking at the Regional Council of Piemonte in Torino, Italy, on 26 October 2012/Photos/Office of Tibet 27-year-old Man Dies after Self-Immolation in Amdho: Tibet See Page 4 ... Oct. 24, 2012: U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing by Spokesperson Victoria Nuland in Washington, DC. Photo: U.S. Department of State Dharamshala: Observing the latest in a wave of self-immolations this month, the Tibetan exile community marked the latest loss of life within Tibet by lining the streets of Dharamshala on the evening of October 20th with a candlelight prayer vigil. 27 year old LhamoKyap self-immolated in Sangchu County, Eastern Tibet on October 20th 2012 at around 2 o'clock (local Dharamshala: - Chinese authroties have detained twelve Tibetan monks in connection with a Tibetan flag raising protest in the Sershul Dzachukha county of Eastern Tibet. Lhudup, who is around 40 years old monk from Wonpo monasery was arrested by Chinese police on October 18, 2012 after dozens of Chinese police arrived at the monastery. Lhudup normally looks after the electronics and machines of the monastery. Lobsang Dupsal and Lobsang Tharchin were arrest on the afternoon of the same day. The authorities took away their documents with 30 articles in the Tibetan language after raiding their rooms. In October 2012, the authorities arrested seven monks from the monastery, including Sozang, the clerk of the monastery, Sonyi, a teacher, and Wangyal. Twelve Tibetan Monks Arrested in Dzachukha Candlelight prayer vigil in Mceoldganj, Dharamshala, on 20 October 2012. Photo:TPI By: Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post See Page 6 ... The image from Tibet showing, hundreds of armed paramilitary forces were deployed in Sershul Dzachukha of eastern Tibet, on October 16, 2012. Photo: TPI Photo taken on October. 22, 2012, shows Dhondup laying down his body on the ground with flames, near the Labrang Monastery in Sangchu County, eastern Tibet. Photo: TPI latest the negative feeling towards the person or object is projected by the individual. Amid generous helpings of Tibetan tea served by the resident monks, and amid a buoyant atmosphere, His Holiness drew the afternoon session to a close by introducing the text: Chapter 24 of Nagarjuna's Fundamental Treatise of the Middle Way. Nagarjunawho lived between 150 and 250 CE, was an important Buddhist philosopher and teacher, credited with founding the MadhyamakaSchool Buddhism and developing the ‘Two Truths’ doctrine. His Holiness expressed His happiness to the Korean guests that He was able to teachNagarjuna's Fundamental Treatise of the Middle Way, adding that it was a treasure to have the text in the form of both its Korean Tibetan translations. Having thoroughly educated and enthralled the audience, His Holiness drew the teachings to a close at 3pm, ready for the following day. The teachings on Nagarjuna's Fundamental Treatise of the Middle Way will continue on October 30th in the Main Temple, Dharamshala. A live webcast of the event is available from Tibetan to Korean, English, Chinese and Russian at: dalailama.com/liveweb. Speaking about the present situation in Tibet, the Tibetan Political leader said that during the last seven days, four Tibetans in Tibet have self-immolated. He reiterated that he urged Tibetans not to take such drastic actions. The reasons the Tibetans have self-immolated are due to the Chinese government's systematic repression of Tibetan religion, language and culture, and forced resettlement of Tibetan nomads in Tibet. On his arrival at the Rome Provincial Government, Mr Nicola Zingaretti, President of Rome Provincial Government received Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay. During their meeting Mr. Zingaretti, who had met His Holiness the Dalai Lama and also visited Dharamsala, enquired about the present situation in Tibet. By: YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post See Page 2 ...
Page 1: The Tibet Post International online newspaper

His Holiness the Dalai Lama CommencesTeachings to Korean Guests

Dharamshala: Commencing the first of three days of teachingsto a group of Korean disciples, His Holiness the Dalai Lama ofTibet introduced Chapter 24 of ‘Nagarjuna's FundamentalTreatise of the Middle Way’ on October 29th 2012 in the MainTemple, Dharamshala, India.The Korean guests, which numbered almost 1000,were treatedto clear skies upon their visit to the Tibetan exile community;nestled scenically in the foothills of the Himalayas. Warmlyaddressing the audience, which was filled with a mixture ofTibetans adorning colourful traditional garments (chubas),international tourists from 62 different countries, monks, nunsand almost 200 Indian guests, His Holiness the Dalai Lamaopened by giving an insightful introduction into Buddhism itself.The revered spiritual leader highlighted key topics such as theneed to develop peace of mind within oneself, the importance ofnon-violent action, and highlighted the commonalities that weall share, stating:“We must acknowledge the sameness of human beings”.His Holiness also addressed key Buddhist teaching frameworks,such as the Four Noble Truths, adding that one must not takeHis teachings for granted, but to logically question and testwhat is taught with reason. He added:“Texts need to be studied; not simply kept on an altar. Althoughwe can use Buddhist texts as objects of veneration, we mustexamine the subject matter of Buddhism through reason andlogic”.An emphasis was also made by His Holiness for followers tonot simply to avoid violent actions and negative emotions, butto actively develop and foster a positive, altruistic approach tolife. He highlighted the nature of interdependency; the notionof Dependent Origination being unique to Buddhism as a religion,and the manner of cause and effect when studied carefully andcritically.An insight into the nature of attachment was also made by HisHoliness, who conveyed:“When you see a beautiful thing, you can become attached toit. When you see something ugly, aversion can occur. It is notonly the subject, but you, who finds things the way they are.One creates attachment and aversion themselves”.Additionally, He added that when you experience anger, it is notsimply the object or the person creating the majority of thenegative emotion; rather it is created within oneself. Drawingupon scientific research, His Holiness highlighted that 90% of

By: Samuel Ivor, Tibet Post International

If Stop Repression, Self-immolation will Stop

See Page 7 ...

Tibetan Political Leader Thanks RomeFor Support For Education

Rome, 24 October: "Your support for education of Tibetans willhelp the future of Tibet and in fulfilling the aspirations of Tibetansin Tibet", said Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay at a public talk atthe Rome Provincial Government.The Tibetan Community in Italy, AREF International Onlus andother Tibet related organisations hosted the public talk. TheRome Provincial Government provided financial support forstudents at the Centre for Teacher Education at Bhuntar, India.In his address, Dr Sangay said he appreciates the support bythe Tibet related organisations in Italy. This support is vital inkeeping the issue of Tibet alive. "Your support is deeplyappreciated," he said.

Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay’s Public talk at the Rome Provincial government. Photo: tibet.net

By CTA Offical Media: tibet.net

Tibetan Man Self-immolates in Labrang

Dharamshala: - A Tibetan layman from Labrang has set himselfon fire Monday, 22 October, while shouting slogans calling forthe Dalai Lama's return to Tibet, an information received by TheTibet Post International said.Dhondup, a Tibetan layman in his 50s from Labrang, sangchucounty, north-eastern Tibet, (Chinese: Labrang Monastery inXiahe County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,northwest China's Gansu Province.), set himself on fire Mondaymorning (9.47am, local Tibet time), October 22, 2012," accordingto sources inside Tibet."Within a few minutes, Chinese security forces and police arrivedat the scene, doused the still fierce flames, and took him away,"according to Tibetan sources in exile in touch with Tibetans inthe Sangchu area.

China's Policies Create Tensions in Tibet

Vigil in Exile to Mark the Self- Immolation

See Page 8 .....

His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrives at the main Tibetan temple, as 3 days of teachings to Korean devotees commence today, Dharamshala, India,on October 29, 2012. Photo: TPI/Artemas Liu

I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Bi-Monthl yB o d - K y i - Cha- Trin Rs.5Vol. 02, Issue 75, 31 September 2012 www.thetibetpost.comA Message For The Voiceless

A Young Tibetan Dies inLatest Tibet Self-immolation

ProtestSee Page 4 .....

By: YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

Dharamshala: - The United States government on Wednesdayvoiced deep concern about the current tragic situation in Tibetand urged Chinese authorities in Tibet to take immediate steps toaddress the underlying grievances of the Tibetan people.However, there is still a lack of an international pressure on Chinato find a lasting solution to the year after year of tragic situationsin Tibet.

See Page 5 ...

By: YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

By: CTA Media: Tibet Net

Torino, 26 October: Today two Tibetans self-immolated in Tibet.It is the 5th incident in less than 7 days. The total number ofTibetans who have self-immolated since February 2009 is now60."Stop the repression and self-immolation would stop," saidSikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay during his address to the RegionalCouncil of Piemonte, Torino, Italy.There is no space for protest in Tibet, thus the Tibetans areresorting to self-immolation. In late June, a 17-year-old girl namedJigme Dolma protested in Kardze region of eastern Tibet. TheChinese security forces beat her and two months later, she wassentenced to three years imprisonment.

Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay speaking at the Regional Council ofPiemonte in Torino, Italy, on 26 October 2012/Photos/Office of


27-year-old Man Dies afterSelf-Immolation in Amdho:


See Page 4 ...

Oct. 24, 2012: U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing bySpokesperson Victoria Nuland in Washington, DC.

Photo: U.S. Department of State

Dharamshala: Observing the latest in a wave of self-immolationsthis month, the Tibetan exile community marked the latest lossof life within Tibet by lining the streets of Dharamshala on theevening of October 20th with a candlelight prayer vigil.27 year old LhamoKyap self-immolated in Sangchu County,Eastern Tibet on October 20th 2012 at around 2 o'clock (local

Dharamshala: - Chinese authroties have detained twelveTibetan monks in connection with a Tibetan flag raising protestin the Sershul Dzachukha county of Eastern Tibet.Lhudup, who is around 40 years old monk from Wonpo monaserywas arrested by Chinese police on October 18, 2012 after dozensof Chinese police arrived at the monastery. Lhudup normallylooks after the electronics and machines of the monastery.Lobsang Dupsal and Lobsang Tharchin were arrest on theafternoon of the same day. The authorities took away theirdocuments with 30 articles in the Tibetan language after raidingtheir rooms.In October 2012, the authorities arrested seven monks from themonastery, including Sozang, the clerk of the monastery, Sonyi,a teacher, and Wangyal.

Twelve Tibetan Monks Arr ested in Dzachukha

Candlelight prayer vigil in Mceoldganj, Dharamshala,on 20 October 2012. Photo:TPI

By: Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post

See Page 6 ...

The image from Tibet showing, hundreds of armed paramilitary forceswere deployed in Sershul Dzachukha of eastern Tibet, on October 16,

2012. Photo: TPI

Photo taken on October. 22, 2012, shows Dhondup laying down hisbody on the ground with flames, near the Labrang Monastery in

Sangchu County, eastern Tibet. Photo: TPI latest

the negative feeling towards the person or object is projectedby the individual.Amid generous helpings of Tibetan tea served by the residentmonks, and amid a buoyant atmosphere, His Holiness drew theafternoon session to a close by introducing the text: Chapter 24of Nagarjuna's Fundamental Treatise of the Middle Way.Nagarjunawho lived between 150 and 250 CE, was an importantBuddhist philosopher and teacher, credited with founding theMadhyamakaSchool Buddhism and developing the ‘Two Truths’doctrine.His Holiness expressed His happiness to the Korean gueststhat He was able to teachNagarjuna's Fundamental Treatise ofthe Middle Way, adding that it was a treasure to have the text inthe form of both its Korean Tibetan translations. Havingthoroughly educated and enthralled the audience, His Holiness

drew the teachings to a close at 3pm, ready for the followingday.The teachings on Nagarjuna's Fundamental Treatise of theMiddle Way will continue on October 30th in the Main Temple,Dharamshala. A live webcast of the event is available fromTibetan to Korean, English, Chinese and Russian at:dalailama.com/liveweb.

Speaking about the present situation in Tibet, the TibetanPolitical leader said that during the last seven days, four Tibetansin Tibet have self-immolated. He reiterated that he urged Tibetansnot to take such drastic actions.The reasons the Tibetans have self-immolated are due to theChinese government's systematic repression of Tibetan religion,language and culture, and forced resettlement of Tibetan nomadsin Tibet.On his arrival at the Rome Provincial Government, Mr NicolaZingaretti, President of Rome Provincial Government receivedSikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay. During their meeting Mr. Zingaretti,who had met His Holiness the Dalai Lama and also visitedDharamsala, enquired about the present situation in Tibet.

By: YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

See Page 2 ...

Page 2: The Tibet Post International online newspaper

The Tibet Post International 31 October, 2012 DharamshalaTPI NEWS2 V IEWS & ANALYSIS

Rinchen Dolma From Sikkim WinsMiss Himalaya 2012 Title

By The Tibet Post Intetnational

Dharamshala: - Rinchen Dolma, 23-year-oldHimalayan girl from Sikkim was crowned the MissHimalaya 2012 in the Himalayan town of McLeodGanj on Saturday night. She is a final-year collegestudent from Chandigarh, was determined thewinner among the five contestants by a panel ofthree judges, organiser said.After winning the Miss Himalaya crown, she said,"Goals are brain work and foot work; dreams areheart work.""I have always followed my dream. Today I amfeeling proud and honoured to achieve the titleMiss Himalaya 2012. I want to thank my familywho were always there to support me to overcomeevery hurdle in life. I would also like to thank theorganisers for giving us such a beautifulopportunity."Additionally, I would like to convey this messageto all the youngsters that it is not only aboutwinning or losing but it's about gaining anunforgettable experience and meeting wonderfulpeople."According to the event organisers, the showbegan with a performance of Snow Lion and Yakdance before a backdrop of a snow mountain range.The Director of the pageant introduced the ideaand the mission of the Miss Himalaya Pageantevent. During gathering, a tribute of solidarity waspaid to the Tibetans who died for freedom of Tibet.A minute's silence was also observed to expresspublic support and solidarity with the people ofTibet.The contestants then took to the stage for theirIntroduction round. This was followed by thepresentation of the Traditional costume round. Inthe final Interview round, the judges askeddifferent questions to the contestants. Thepageant concluded with a modest coronationceremony and presentation of awards.

Power of Truth Is StrongerThan Guns: His Holiness

Told NBC

By CTA Media: Tibet Net

New York: - The spiritual leader of Tibet, HisHoliness the Dalai Lama was interviewed by NBC'sAnn Curry during his October 2012 Visit toSyracuse, New York, USA. The interview wasoriginally broadcast on 11 October. Excerpts:Ann Curry, NBC: More than sixty Tibetans have setthemselves on fire in the three years, expressing adesire for greater religious freedoms and a desire tobe able to speak their own language? Their deathshave brought no change from the Chinese. Havethey died for nothing?His Holiness the Dalai Lama: It is difficult to judgewhether these kind of methods are right or wrong.They are expressing in a non-violent way regardingthe Chinese policies [in Tibet].Ann Curry: One young Tibetan set himself on firetwo days ago left an online statement that read: "Ifwe reflect on the past we can see nothing but signsof defeat, anger, anguish and tears." What shouldyour people do to express these feelings? Do yousupport their decisions to set themselves on fire?Do you want them stop setting themselves on fire?His Holiness: I always consider myself as the freespokesman of the Tibetan people, and not theirboss. My boss is actually the six million Tibetans inTibet. I am in free country and quite comfortable.But they are passing through a very desperatesituation, so they take these decisions. I am quitecertain that those who sacrificed their lives withsincere motivation, for Buddha dharma and for thewellbeing of the people, from the Buddhist orreligious view points, is positive. But if these actsare carried out with full anger and hatred, then it iswrong. So it is difficult to judge. But it is really verysad, very very sad.Ann Curry: Through out history, the least powerfulare repressed by the powerful. And in some cases,the powerless fight.His Holiness: The struggle, which we are carryingout, is a struggle between power of truth and thepower of gun. For short term, the power of gun is

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is interviewed by NBC’s Ann Curry during his October 2012 Visit to Syracuse, New York,USA. Photo: NBC

Rinchen Dolma, the winner of Miss Himalaya Pageant 2012, waves after winning the crown in McLeod Ganj, India, on 13 October 2012. Photo: www.misshimalaya.com

much stronger, but in the long run, the power oftruth is more stronger than power of gun. That ismy fundamental belief. I am not admiring the UnitedStates' military power, including nuclear weapons. Ireally admire the United States' moral principle,democracy, freedom and liberty. I admire thesethings, which are the source of the American powerand not weapon.Ann Curry: In the region of Tibet how long theymight ask is this going take their setting themselveson fire out of desperation?His Holiness: Six million Tibetans and so long theTibetan people remain, the Tibetan spirit will carryon. Now judging the past 60 years' event much haschanged in China. I think the next 6o years will seemore changes. The world's trend is towardsdemocracy, openness and freedom. Now matter howpowerful the People's Republic of China, it cannotgo backward, it has to go along with the world trend.The basic human desire from the birth is that everyhuman being has the right to be free, and not forcecan stop this. Ultimately the People's Republic ofChina become a more open society, more democraticinstitution, with freedom of press. 1.3 billion Chinesepeople have every right to know the reality. Oncethey know the reality, they also have the ability isjudge what is right and wrong. Therefore censorshipon their own people is immoral.Ann Curry: You can speak to world leaders, youhave influence. If there is one thing you can do foryour people, what would it be?His Holiness: Just one word - freedom. Completefreedom, with meaningful autonomy, about mattersof religion, culture, and education among others.The defence and foreign affairs are up to the Chinesecentral government.Ann Curry: Next month there is going to be a changefor China, it will have a new leader, Xi Jinping. Howare hopeful?His Holiness: It is difficult to say. I do not createsome kind of speculation. Better wait for six months,one year or two years, then we will see.

A book on Tibet’s History of Independenceand Occupation launched

By CTA Media: Tibet Net

Russian Writer’s book on Tibet’s History of Indepen-dence and Occupation launched online. Photo: File

Dharamshala: - The English version of ‘HiddenTibet: History of Independence and Occupation', abook penned by Russian writer Dr S.L. Kuzmin, hasbeen made available online. (Click here to read)The book was released by Sikyong Dr Lobsang

Sangay at a function organised by the publisher,Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, in Dharamsalain April this year.Sikyong (English: Tibetan political leader) said thebook is neither pro-Tibet nor anti-China. "It is anunbiased book which depicts a complete evidencebased history of Tibet's relation with the differentdynasties that ruled China," he said.The Tibetan political leader also welcomed theefforts made by Dr Kuzmin as well as many otherwestern intellectuals to create more awareness aboutTibet through books, adding, it helps disseminatemore information on the current situation insideTibet."The idea for the book began with his goal to analysethe history of Tibet from the point of view of ‘whatwas Tibet?' You find contradicting views in differentsources, especially between the official Chineseacademic books and the Tibetan documents," DrKuzmin added."So I compared and analysed these documentsincluding some independent views from variousintellectuals to conclude what was Tibet," Dr Kuzminhad said."Tibet is an occupied country which used to be anindependent nation before. The only relationshipthat Tibet used to have with the Yuan and Qingdynasties were Priest-Patron relation," he added.The book was earlier published in both Russian andMongolian. It is being translated into Chinese.

US Ambassador Gary Locke Visited Ngaba,North-eastern Tibet

By Sophie Jay, The Tibet Post

US Ambassador to China nominee Gary Locke testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, May 26, 2011,before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on his nomination/Associated Press Photo

Dharamshala: -The United States (US) Ambassadorto China has visited Ngaba - the epicentre of thespate of self- immolations by Tibetans protestingChinese rule in their country.According to the US State Department, AmbassadorGary Locke met government officials and residentsduring a visit to Ngaba county, in north-easternTibet, last month.During a press briefing in Washington, D.C. onTuesday, October, 16, US State Departmentspokesperson, Victoria Nuland, described howAmbassador Locke visited villages and monasteriesto: "learn more about how Tibetan people live andwork, and to have a chance to talk to them."The majority of the 55 self-immolations in Tibet sinceFebruary 2009, of which at least 45 were fatal, tookplace in Ngaba, home to Kirti monastery, of whichseveral of those who set themselves alight weremonks and former monks.All the self-immolaters shouted slogans demandingfreedom for Tibetans and the return of His Holinessthe Dalai Lama to Tibet.Urging "better dialogue" between China and Tibet,Ms Nuland said: "We have grave concerns aboutself- immolations in Tibet and about theunderlying grievances that the Tibetan peoplehave."We have consistently urged dialogue betweenthe Chinese Government and the Tibetan peoplewith regard to those grievances."Asked whether Ambassador Locke plans to sharethe experience of his visit with Congressional

leaders and Tibetan communities in the US, MsNuland said: "Whenever we have members ofCongress visiting China, they are always briefedby Ambassador Locke.The various human rights issues in Tibet alwayscome up, and he shares his impression and theytalk together about how to raise these issues withthe Chinese Government."He's not shy about that. If the Congress is

interested in his trip, I'm sure that he will addressany questions they have."The announcement follows the publication onOctober 10 of a US Congressional report on China,which warned that a key communist party official'srecommendation that the Chinese governmentshould abolish ethnic minority status could"adversely affect the Tibetan people's cultural andlinguistic identity."

"A total of twelve Tibetan monks of Wonpomonastery have been detained, including fivemonks on Monday, 15th October."Dividing monks into two groups, aninvestigation was carried out by the authoritieson Friday afternoon, 19th October to search thosewho drew the Tibetan national flag and wroteslogans on the leaflets. They invsgated the eachand every monk by looking at their handwritting,"said Jampa.

"A member from each family were ordered toattend a meeting on Tuesday, October 16th, 2012,but authorities did not mention to them what themeeting was about," said Ven Jampa Yonten fromSera Monastery in South India, (citing sourcesfrom inside)."On October 15, 2012, Monday night, severalarmed Chinese police and paramilitary forcesarrived in the County and blocked the exits andcut all communication channels."The authorities also warned the local Tibetans

...... Continued from front page

Twelve Tibetan Monks Arr ested in Dzachukhaof Tibet Update

against carrying out protests during political re-education sessions, which they said will becarried out in the area soon," Jampa said."However, it seems, the military forces alreadypulled back from the region," he added.According to sources from inside Tibet, "theChinese authorit ies had imposed heavyrestrictions on Tibetans in the county, afterpulling down a Chinese flag at a school in thearea, raising the Tibetan national flag anddistributing leaflets calling for Tibet's freedom."

Page 3: The Tibet Post International online newspaper

31 October, 2012 Dharamshala The Tibet Post InternationalTPI NEWS 3H.H THE DALAI LAMA

His Holiness the Dalai LamaHonored for Promoting World


By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is presented with an honorary doctorate in liberal humanities from WesternConnecticut State University in Danbury, CT, on 19 October 2012. Photo/WCSU

Dharamshala: On October 19, His Holiness the DalaiLama received two honorary degrees from Amerciancolleges. In the morning, he was awarded anhonorary doctorate of humane letters by JamesSchmotter, president of Western Connecticut StateUniversity, in recognition of his humanitarian workand to celebrate his dedication to promoting worldpeace. Three students, one Tibetan, one Chinese,and one Indian, participated in the presentation.The Hollywod actor Richard Gere introduced HisHoliness to an audience of 3,500, speaking of thefragility of our lives, the softness of our hearts andthe good fortune of His Holiness' presence.His Holiness briefly outlined his life commitments:the promotion of human values to solve humanproblems and the fostering of inter-religiousharmony. He said all religions convey the samemessage of love and compassion and that it ispossible for religious practitioners to live togetherpeaceably, as is demonstrated in India."I appreciate this honorary degree," he said,"especially as I haven't studied to earn it. The firsttime I received such a degree was in 1956 from theSanskrit University in Varanasi, India."

His Holiness The Dalai Lama of TibetContinues Six-State US Tour

By Amy Ruben, The Tibet Post

Members of the audience listening to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s talk on “Beyond Religion: Ethics, Values andWell-being” in Boston, MA, USA, on 14 October 2012/Photo/Sonam Zoksang

Dharamshala: - Continuing his six-state US tour,the spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness The DalaiLama stopped in Middlebury, VT, on 13 Oct., to givea speech on finding common ground ethics for awhole world.His Holiness was introduced by his old friendSenator Patrick Leahy. Leahy praised His Holinessnot only for his determined promotion of non-violence but also for his unflinching pragmatism."Firstly, I want to say a few words to the respectedSenator. I was 16 when I lost my freedom, 24 when Ilost my country, so my life has been quite difficultand yet throughout that time the people on CapitolHill have shown a consistent support for freedom,liberty, democracy and the rule of law. The UnitedStates is the greatest democratic country and theleader of the free world. There may be an economiccrisis now, but we will eventually recover from it.You have great creativity - the US must succeed. Iwant to thank you for your long-standing andstalwart friendship," says the Dalai Lama.When asked about whether he encouraged visitsto Tibet, His Holiness replied that he alwaysencourages any help in the fields of education andhealth care in Tibet. He also feels it is good forforeigners to visit Tibet to see the situation forthemselves and to report back when they return. Itis also good for Tibetans' morale to feel that theyare not alone. In addition, he said it's important tomake friends with Chinese students and businesspeople and raise their awareness about Tibet. Oncethey understand the truth, their support for theTibetan cause grows.In seeking to create a happy world, His Holinesssaid, our approach must be realistic. "If it isunrealistic, it will not bear fruit. To understand reality,we have to look from different angles, from a distanceas well as close up."On 14 Oct., His Holiness was greeted on arrival inBoston, MA, by Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay andVen. Tenzin Priyadarshi, Founder and Director, TheDalai Lama Center for Ethics and transformativevalues.In a meeting with the Deans of Admission of severalUniversities and Schools in the greater Boston area,His Holiness was asked about his philosophy ofeducation."Every sentient being, beings who have experienceof pleasure or pain, has a desire to live a happy life.Human beings have a brain that allows them to seethat some emotions are destructive, while othersare helpful," said His Holiness. The Dalai Lamanoted that we tend to focus on appearances;however, there is often a gap between appearanceand reality."Education's role is to help us bridge that gap andhelp us cultivate a more realistic approach towhatever we do," said His Holiness.When asked why it is important that TIbetans becomeexperts in various fields, His Holiness answered,"In order to be able to take responsibility forprotecting Tibetan culture and the environment."His Holiness also mentioned that Tibet is referredto as the "Third Pole," because of its significanceas the source of rivers that provide water for aboutone billion people across Asia. For this reason,Tibet's fragile natural environment needspreserving, as does Tibet's peaceful andcompassionate culture. Education can further thesegoals.Continuing his tour in Boston, His Holiness attendedthe Global Systems 2.0 Forum on 15 Oct, a day-longmultidisciplinary forumas part of programs at The

Beginning his talk on Advice for Daily Life, HisHoliness said, "I usually share with my friends thesuggestion that we should not place all our hopesfor a happy life on money, material developmentand its values."I know some very well-off, well-educated peoplewho have all they need, yet remain unhappy. Ibelieve that to ensure that individuals, families andsociety are happy, we need to encourage a fulleducation system that includes instruction aboutinner values."His Holiness explained that inner peace entailsremaining calm whatever is going on around you,that it is linked to self-confidence and a calm mindand that without it we easily develop a sense ofinsecurity, fear and mistrust, to counter which weneed a sense of concern for others."We need to think along these lines in our dailylives," he said. "Inner peace depends on warm-heartedness and concern for others' well being. Thisis in our own interest. When you get up in themorning, promise yourself to follow this aim."At the end of the day, review how you did. If youdid well, rejoice, if you made a mistake, criticiseyourself and resolve not to repeat it. Over days,weeks and months these moral principles willbecome part of your life."The Nobel Peace Prize winner reiterated that loveand compassion, tolerance and forgiveness are all

based on having a sense of loving kindness - that ifwe feel an urge to do harm, we must restrain ourselvesand practise self-discipline and thus protectourselves in our own interests.In the afternoon, around 600 Chinese students,artists, academics and other professionals gatheredat Hunter College, New York City, to listen to HisHoliness. College president Jennifer Raab awardedhim a second honorary doctorate in liberalhumanities in recognition of his work in spreadingpeace and compassion in the world."I appreciate receiving this degree," said HisHoliness, "not because I attach any importance tomyself, but because it is a recognition of my smallcontribution to humanity, which gives meencouragement."Thank you. I assure you that for the next 20 or 30years my body, speech and mind will continue to bededicated to the well-being of others. I will continueto try to spread awareness that warm-heartednessis important for peace - a secular approach basedon common sense and scientific findings."The spiritual then joined a panel consisting of MingXia, Professor of Political Science, and Ho-Fung

Hung, Associate Professor of Sociology, andmoderated by Professor Peter Kwong."Brothers and sisters in general and Chinesebrothers and sisters in particular," said His Holiness,"I'm very happy to meet such a large number of youonce again. When I came before I still bore politicalresponsibility for Tibet, but now I have completelyretired - although it's not possible for me to retirefrom being Dalai Lama."He continued that he considers himself to be oneamong the seven billion human beings on theplanet, none of whom want problems and all sevenbillion of whom want to lead a peaceful life."I want a happy life and you want a happy life. Themore you become concerned about others, thegreater your inner strength. Too often we are besetby suspicion, mistrust, jealousy, fear and anger. Butonce you begin to regard others as your brothersand sisters, you develop a sense of self-confidence.You can be more transparent, which brings trust,friendship and a more harmonious society. "His Holiness remarked that China and Tibet havelong and close links and that both have to live sideby side. He said that Tibetans need Chinese help todevelop, but Chinese too need help. He continuedthat Tibetans have a rich tradition of Buddhism andthe person who played the principal role inintroducing Buddhism to Tibet, Shantarakshita, wasa leading philosopher and logician.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is presented with an honorary degree from Hunter College in New York, NY, on 19October 2012. Photo/Sonam Zoksang As a result, His Holiness said, Tibetan Buddhism

consists of a very thorough understanding ofBuddhist philosophy, logic, epistemology and theworkings of the mind, and it is on the basis of thisknowledge that he considers Tibetans may be ableto help Chinese.However, he said, while Buddhism may make acontribution to creating a more truthful andcompassionate society, religion alone may notachieve change, adding that that also requiresreliance on common sense and scientific findings,and encouragement of the development of warm-heartedness here and now.His Holiness referred to this approach as secularethics, which gives impartial respect to all religions,rather than their dismissal. He noted that theegalitarian values of original Marxism focused onthe uplift of the poor and equal distribution of wealth,that the means of production have been spoiled bya lack of moral principles and that work needs to bedone to restore them."That's my number one commitment - to intricatelymake known that the ultimate source of happiness,joyfulness and friendship is deep in here," he said."Not money. Not power."His Holiness is currently on a six-state tour of theUS. During his time in New York, he also took part ina health conference at The Rockefeller University,hosted a seminar on Buddhism at Avery Fisher Halland gave a talk on the Essence of Buddhism at theLincoln Center.

Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and TransformativeValues at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology. The forum was dedicated to exploringethics, economics and environment in the morning,and peace, governance and diminishing resourcesin the afternoon.When discussing the topic of global warming, HisHoliness remembered that while he was in Tibet, hehad no idea about ecological issues. He only beganto be aware of them when, having been accustomedto drinking from any water source in Tibet, he wascautioned in exile to be more careful. He said,"Climate change is not like other kinds of violencethat have an immediate impact.Environmental change is not sufficiently visible.Once it becomes obvious, it's often too late to doanything about it. This is serious. We have aresponsibility to act because we have no option tomove elsewhere. The moon, which looks so beautifulin the sky, and which is the object of so much poetic

admiration, would actually be a horrible place tolive. Our blue planet is the only home we have."Continuing his tour, His Holiness will give a publictalk on ‘A Global Challenge: Creating a Culture ofPeace' at Brown University in Providence, RhodeIsland on October 17, followed by public talks atthe Western Connecticut State University inDanbury, Connecticut, on 18-19 Oct. on ‘The Art ofCompassion' and ‘Advice for Daily Life.'Concluding his tour in New York, the Dalai Lamawill hold a one-day discussion on ‘ContemplativePractice and Health: Laboratory Findings and RealWorld Challenges' at the Rockefeller University on20 Oct.On 21 Oct., the Tibetan leader will attend the finalpublic event of his tour at the Lincoln Center, onThe Essence of Buddhism, at the request of theTibetan and Kalmyk Communities.For a full schedule of The Dalai Lama's talks andteachings, visit http://www.dalailama.com.

His Holiness The Dalai LamaAddresses The Forum 2000 in


By The Tibet Post International

The Forum Hall is quickly filling up for the official conference opening in Prague, the capital of the Czech state, onOctober 21, 2012. Photo: TPI/Forum 2000

Prague : - Attendees again paid tribute to the latePresident and Forum 2000 Co-founder Václav Havelas an early discussion focused on his role as aninspiration for those struggling againsttotalitarianism.If we intend to change the world for the better, weneed to start by changing ourselves, His Holinessthe Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet said viavideo message. Another video message featuredCuban dissident Yoani Sánchez, who was invited tothe conference, but unable to attend because ofgovernment travel restrictions. Someday I hope tofind Václav Havels books in all Cuban libraries, shesaid.A Monday morning breakfast featured a shortintroduction by Forum 2000 Board of DirectorsChairman Tomá Vrba, followed by remarks fromVesna Pusi, the Croatian Minister of Foreign andEuropean Affairs. Ms. Pusi said European societyhas almost lost the political vision [and is]completely focused on our economic problems.Another of the days early panels sought solutionsfor the worlds so-called bottom billion, the poorestamong the global population. With three formerAfrican presidents addressing the issue there wasconsensus that foreign investors to Africa have a

responsibility to attend to the very poor.Globalization must enhance the living conditions ofall people, former Nigerian President OlesegunObasanjo said.In a panel focused on how medias role is changing,The Economists Vendeline von Bredow said thatabsolutely tectonic shifts are underway. During thesame discussion, European Broadcasting UnionDirector General Ingrid Deltenre concluded that,technology will change the business models.The political inspiration of Václav Havel and theCzech Republic was apparent in another of the dayssessions. Tibet is always on the way forward. Oneof the reasons is Prague Spring and the VelvetRevolution," said Lobsang Sangay, Sikyong for theCentral Tibetan Administration, an exiledgovernment based in India. "We could become amuseum piece, but we don`t want to be."The conference continues through October 24,encompassing 50 plus events at 13 venues in theCzech capital and three outside Prague. More than2,500 registered observers will attend, making it thelargest Forum 2000 ever.Find out the most up to date information about thisyears conference at www.forum2000.cz or follow uson Twitter, @Forum_2000, and on Facebook,www.facebook.com/forum.2000.

Page 4: The Tibet Post International online newspaper

The Tibet Post International 31 October, 2012 DharamshalaTPI NEWS4 TIBET

38-year Old Buddhist MonkArr ested In Eastern Tibet

By Samuel Ivor, Tibet Post

Dharamshala: On 25th of October 2012, a monknamed Jinpa (38) from Mura monastery (also MayulChoekhorling) of Mura area, Marchu County(Eastern Tibet) was arrested by Chinese authorities.The reason for his arrest remains unknown.Jinpa was arrested in Chengdu city (Chinese:Sichuan Province). His whereabouts are currentlyunknown. Furthermore, Chinese authorities havenot given a reason for his arrest.In an interview for the Tibet Post International,Lhamo Kyab, an ex-political prisoner who resides inDharamshala: India, explained that:‘Jinpa was arrested several times before this event.He has been accused previously of sendinginformation to the outside world for information onthe 2008 protests in Tibet’

Two Tibetans Self-immolate inProtest Against China's Rule

By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

Dharamshala: - Two young Tibetan men died intwo separate self-immolation incidents in Tibettoday. Another Tibetan man died on Friday eveningafter setting himself on fire in north-eastern regionof Tibet, an information received by The Tibet PostInternational Friday evening said, in the fifth self-immolation protest in the region in less than a week.Tsephak Kyab, a 21-year-old man from a Sertri villageof Sangkhok area in the Sangchu county, North-eastern Tibet, (Xiahe County, Gannan TibetanAutonomous Prefecture, northwest China's GansuProvince.) died after setting himself alight around8.0 p.m. near a local bus stand at the township, saidAjam Achok, a Tibetan from Bangalore, south India,citing sources inside Tibet."The local Tibetans protected him from Chineseauthorities during his protest and later they tookhim back to his home town. Traditional prayerservices are also reportedly being held for Tsephak,"he added.He also said that "the local Tibetans paid their lastrespects to Tsephak and offered traditional whitescarfs to his body.""Tsephak shouted slogans calling for "return of HisHoliness the Dalai Lama to Tibet, freedom in Tibet,and release of the Panchen Lama, including all theTibetan political prisoners," Ajam further said.A photo shows that local Tibetans were surroundinghim paying their respects, while his body stillburning and smoking from the ground.The incident follows that of another Tibetan mantoday, Lhamo Tseten, a father of two years olddaughter who set fire to himself near a hospital inthe region today at around 2.30pm. Three otherTibetan men have self-immolated in the same county

A photo taken shows Tsephak Kyab's self-immolation protest in Sangchu county, north-eastern Tibet, on 26 October,2012. Photo: TPI

jinpa, Photo: TPI

"It was not clear at that point whether he was stillalive," said Lhachab Jinpa, an official from exileTibetan political prisoners' group, Gu-Chu-SumMovement of Tibet."Dhondup set himself on fire at Labrang monasteryin Sangchu county, shouting slogans of protestagainst the Chinese government and the Chinesesecurity forces and police stationed nearby rantoward him and tried to put out the flames," sources

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Tibetan Man Self-immolates in Labrang, Sangchu of Eastern Tibet

‘Jinpa usually resides in his monastery. He is welleducated, and everyone admires him. This time, hisfamily and friends are very concerned about a prisonsentence from the Chinese authorities.’Lately in Mura area, which is in Amdo Eastern Tibet,Chinese military forces have been visibly present.Chinese police are reportedly also present inschools.Communication in the region has been severed byChinese authorities, leaving further whereaboutsand conditions of Jinpa only speculative. Howeverit is reported that in the Mura area Tibetans in thestreet are checked by Chinese authorities regularly,and it would appear that the drastic measures theChinese government are now taking to enforce ruleare beyond the margins of basic human rights.

said.Jinpa stated this early morning that he could notimmediately find any photo or video of the incident.Dhondup's present condition and whereabouts arenot known.But, In a photograph taken on October. 22, 2012 inthe area during the incident, Dhondup lies on theground, his body still burning and smoking fromsetting himself on fire and the image received from

Two Men Self-immolate in TibetAmid Protests Over China's Rule

By Samuel Ivor, Tibet Post

Dharamshala: - Amid further communicationblackouts imposed by the People’s Republic ofChina, reports have emerged of a double self-immolation on Thursday 26th of October, in Nagchuprefecture, Tibet. The news emerges amid a monthof escalating protest in the region, which haswitnessed the self-immolation of at least 62Tibetans since 2009.Two young men; Tsepho aged 20, and Tenzin aged25, took to the streets of Nagrog Phampa village inDriru County (Nagchu prefecture in TibetAutonomous Region ) eastern Tibet. The twoyoung men self-immolated near a local school inthe village, and reportedly shouted slogans of‘Free Tibet’, and unity for Tibetans as brothersand sisters. It is reported the men also called for areturn of exiled spiritual leader His Holiness theDalai Lama to Tibet; a trend that has emerged forthe majority of the self-immolation protests.Amid a deteriorating situation, draconian blackoutshave been enforced in the region by Chineseauthorities to prevent Tibetans from sendinginformation regarding protests to the outside world.It has emerged that Tsepho reportedly died aftersetting himself on fire, though it is not confirmedweather this was Tsepo or Tenzin.However, it is reported that Tenzin (25) was in Indiain 2008. The young Tibetanapparently joined SujaSchool in Bir; Himachal Pradesh (Northern India).He stayed for 6 months to study, and then returnedto Tibet.No photos have emerged from the event. However

Chinese military in Lhasa, Tibet on 14 March 2008. Photo: TPI

the news comes after two young men died ofseparate self-immolations the following day; alsoin Eastern Tibet.TsephakKyab (21) from Sangchucounty (Northwest China's Gansu Province) whodied after setting himself alight around 8 pm near alocal bus stand in the Sertri village of Sangkhok.In a separate incident, LhamoTseten; father of atwo year old daughter, set fire to himself near ahospital in the region the same day (Friday 26thOctober 2012). Three other Tibetan men have self-immolated in the same county since Saturday,October 20th, pushing the total since 2009 past 62.The shocking rise in self-immolations this monthalone, which have witnessed Tibetans take to theform of protest against Beijing's heavy-handedrule, have been taking place since 2009. Themajority of protests demand freedom for Tibetans,as well as the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lamato Tibet. Over 62 Tibetans - including monks, nuns,students and lay people - have set themselves onfire amid a deteriorating situation and escalatingforms of self-immolation protest by Tibetans.The spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the DalaiLama, has stated he does not encourage theprotests, however has praised the courage of thosewho engage in self-immolation, blaming the"cultural genocide" by Chinese authorities to leadTibetans to such measures. In return, Chineseauthorities have tightened their grip on Tibetans,imposing blackouts on even the most basic formsof communication and arresting those involved inprotests with severe penalties and prisonsentences.

since Saturday, October 20.The tragic wave of protesting against Beijing'sheavy-handed rule in Tibet have been taking placesince 2009, demanding freedom for Tibetans and

the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet.Over 60 Tibetans - including monks, nuns, studentsand lay people - have set themselves on fire andthat 50 of them already passed-away.

A Young Tibetan Dies in Latest TibetSelf-immolation Protest

By Amanda peters,The Tibet Post

Achok Lhamo Tseten. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala: - A young Tibetan man from AchokYultso township of Labrang, Sangchu county ofnorth-eastern Tibet , (Xiahe County, GannanTibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China'sGansu Province.), died on Friday, 26 October, aftersetting himself alight in the latest nonviolent actof self-immolation protesting against China's failedpolicies in Tibet."Achok Lhamo Tseten, a 24-year old young Tibetanfrom Achok Yultso township of Labrang, Sangchucounty, north-eastern Tibet, set himself on firetoday (Firday, around 2.30 pm, local Tibet time),October 26, 2012," in front of a local Chinese courtin Amchok township of Labrang," said LhachabJinpa from Dharamshala, citing sources insideTibet.This is the nineth self-immolation death in themonth of Octobeer, as a result of Tibet protestsagainst the oppressive policies of the Chineseregime in Tibet.Lhamo Tseten reportedly died in Amchoktownship, where he set himself on fire. He is thefourth to self-immolate in Sangchu county and atleast 59 Tibetans - including monks, nuns, studentsand lay people - have set themselves on fire andthat 49 of them died."Today is a holiday of Yultso School, therefore, somany local Tibetans were gathered, where Tsetensacrificed his life for freedom of Tibet. Traditionalprayer services are still taking place across hishome-town and surrounding areas after theincident," according to Ajam Achok fromBangalore, South India."Achok Lhamo Tseten shouted slogans, callingfor the return of His Holines the Dalai Lama toTibet and freedom of Tibet, untill his last breath.Local Tibetans protected him from Chinese policeand military forces during his protest and later theytook him back to his hom-town, after paying theirrespects and offering prayers for him in front ofthe local court," Ajam said.

Tibet just hours after the self-immolations protestoccured. The photo show that he is severely injuredand may not survive.Confirming the self-immolation, Dhondup whoreportedly died in a hospital, is the latest to self-immolate in a wave of protests against Chinese rulesince 2009 and that have now surpassed over fiftyseven. Dhondup was married to Dorjee Tso, andleaves behind his only son.

Lhamo Tseten, a father of two years old daughterNyingmo Kyid was married to Tsering Lhamo. Hisfather's name is Namchuk Tsering (49) and mother'sname is Zungdhu Kyid (50).Tibetans and their supporters are deeply

concerned over the increasing self-immolations inTibet. However, there is still a lack of an enoughinternational pressure on China to find a lastingsolution to the year after year of tragic situationsin Tibet.

Page 5: The Tibet Post International online newspaper

31 October, 2012 Dharamshala The Tibet Post InternationalTPI NEWS 5Italian Support: Important for the

Tibet's Non-violent Struggle

By Tibetan Official Media: Tibet.Net

Rome, 25 October: On the second day of the politicalleader of Tibetans, (Sikyong) Dr. Lobsang Sangay'svisit to the Italian capital Rome, he had a meetingwith 11 Italian Parliamentarians from different politicalparties.The Tibetan Political leader thanked the ItalianParliamentarians for their continued support forTibet. He said the 8 February 2012 resolution forTibet by the Italian Parliament was a testimony oftheir support for Tibet during the very tragic anddifficult period in the Tibetan history."Your support sends a very strong message toTibet," said Dr. Sangay. "Your support is veryimportant and it is also a support for democracyand non-violence - two core principles of theTibetan struggle."He said 42 Tibetans have self-immolated since 8February. In the last seven days, four more Tibetanshave self-immolated in Tibet. Despite his plead tothe Tibetans not to restore to such drastic measures,the self-immolation continues."It clearly speaks of the very difficult life underChinese oppression," he said.A total of 58 Tibetans have self-immolated sinceFebruary 2009 and 48 of them have died. They havecalled for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Tibet Seeks Genuine Autonomy, NotSeparation - Political Leader

By The Tibet Post International

Dr. Lobsang Sangay on October 21), addressing during the 16th Forum 2000 conference in Prague, the capital ofCzech Republic. Photo: CTK

Prague - The Central Tibetan Administration"seeks genuine autonomy within China" for Tibetand it wants China´s written laws to beimplemented, its political leader Lobsang Sangay,who is taking part in the 16th Forum 2000international conference, established by latepresident Vaclav Havel, according to a CzechNews Agency."We seek genuine autonomy within China andwithin the framework of the Chinese constitution,that is what we call middle-way policy," Sangaytold the news agency called ?eská Tiskovákancelá? (CTK.)"So we don´t seek independence or separationfrom China, and we do not challenge China´ssovereignty or territorial integrity," he said.Speaking about the current situation in Tibet,Sangay said at the moment it is an occupation.He said Chinese written laws are not implementedon Tibetan territory. For example, all the Tibetansshould have been under one administrativestructure, yet in reality there are five administrativeareas, he added.Tibet´s top official has never been a Tibetan, hepointed out.Tibet´s exile government has been seated inDharamshala, India since the 1950s, after Chinatook control of Tibet.Sangay said Tibetan people should have a fairshare in the administration, economy, education,environment and other issues.He became the head of Tibet´s government-in-exile last year, after His Holiness the Dalai Lamahanded-over his political posts to electedleaderships but retained his position of thespiritual leader.Sangay said a number of Tibetan people burntthemselves in protest against the continuingoccupation and repressive politics of the Chinesegovernment.The latest case was reported on October 21. Untilnow, 56 persons have burnt themselves and at


Press Conference at the Italian Parliament- Mattoe Mecacci, MP, Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay (C) and GianniVernetti MP

and Freedom in Tibet.The reasons the Tibetans have self-immolated aredue to the Chinese government's systematicrepression of Tibetan religion, language and culture,and forced resettlement of Tibetan nomads in Tibet.The Tibet Group within the Italian Parliamentorganized a Press Conference for Dr. Sangay. SixParliamentarians took part and expressed theirsupport and concern for the situation in Tibet.In the afternoon, the Tibetan Political leader metwith Ms. Emma Bonnio, Vice President of the ItalianSenate at her office.Ms. Federica Mogherini, MP of the DemocraticParty received Dr. Sangay at their party head office.Mr. Leondard Taoudt, MP and Ms. Carmen Motta,MP also joined the meeting. Ms. Mogheriniexpressed her support for dialogue with China andher concern at the self-immolations in Tibet.The Tibetan Political leader before leaving Romehad a meeting with Mr. Marco Pannella, Presidentof the Radical Party. Mr. Pannella re-counted hisseveral memorable meetings with His Holiness theDalai Lama.Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay said that he was veryhappy to meet a long time and strong friend of Tibet.Radical Party has maintained a long and steady

Forum 2000: Commitment to Furtheringthe Legacy of Václav Havel

By James Dunn, The Tibet Post

The 16th Forum 2000 Conference in Prague, the capital of Czech Republic. Photo: TPI/Forum 2000

Prague: - Fresh from traveling around the globe asthe new President of Czechoslovakia, Václav Havel,came to realize that while civilization had alwaysfaced challenges, those that it faced today appearedmore complex, more interconnected and more in fluxthan at any time in history.He saw that a single individual, group, country, orregion could not effectively meet such challenges,nor could they be dealt with from the perspective ofa single ideology, religion, or branch of knowledge.Instead, he believed that the search for solutionswould require a continuous, open-minded dialogueon a broad range of topics involving a wide varietyof participants.Václav Havel searched for a way to make this happenand along with Elie Wiesel and Yohei Sasakawaestablished Forum 2000 in 1997. They provided itwith their sponsorship, their ideas, and practicalmeans to operate. Over the past decade and a half,Forum 2000 has made a unique contribution to

facilitating a wide-ranging global dialogue on manydifferent issues set in the symbolic environment ofPrague.For centuries, Prague has been a crossroads ofhistory. It represents a symbiosis of differentcultures, in particular the Czech, German and Jewishcultures, until their relative harmony was destroyedby nationalist clashes and the horrors of Nazism. Inboth 1938 and 1948, Czechoslovakia paid dearly forthe politics of appeasement and yielding tointimidation. Communism, which established atotalitarian state in post-war Czechoslovakia,managed to survive attempts at reform by crushingthe Prague Spring in 1968 and went on to last a totalof forty years. Democracy has not come easily tothis region, and it has had to be struggled forthroughout a troublesome transformation. The questcontinues.The past year has been marked by two painfullosses: the passing away of Václav Havel and thedeath of Old?ich ?erný, who from the beginning

was Forum 2000's Executive Director.Forum 2000's founders have left us the indeliblelegacy of their ideas and approaches, whether it beVáclav Havel's insistence that "telling lies can neversave us from further lies," or Elie Wiesel's profoundobservation that "indifference is the epitome of evil,"or Yohei Sasakawa's devotion to alleviating diseaseand human suffering. These are the principles thatwill continue to guide us as we move forward.Since 1997, the growing number of Forum 2000participants, prominent personalities from all walksof life who cherish the experience and often returnto participate have also shaped our discussionsagain providing us with valuable feedback andinspiration for our further activities.Forum 2000 believe that injustice and tyranny mustbe confronted with courage and perseverance.The very least we can do is to remember and remind.The late Cuban dissident Oswaldo Payá, as well asBurma's Aung San Suu Kyi, were regularly invitedto Forum 2000 conferences, even though it wascertain their authoritarian rulers would not allow themto attend. Forum 2000 also repeatedly drew attentionto the plight of freedom-loving people in Belarus,Russia and Tibet.Václav Havel was the first head of state to inviteHis Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet for an officialvisit, and support to Tibetans has been maintainedvia Forum 2000 till the present. Through Forum2000's Shared Concern Initiative, Václav Havelbegan a successful campaign to award the 2010Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo, jailed in China forhis human rights activities, and urged his and hiswife's release from prison. As symbolic as theseactions are, we believe they bolster the power ofthese powerless and confirm the legitimacy of theiruncompromising stances.The struggles of human rights activists are an acutereminder of the need to stand up for democracy andhuman rights, freedom and liberty, and the principlesof citizenship, civility and responsibility, whereverthey are under threat.They believe that vibrant and engaged civil societiesform the bedrock on which respect for human rights,functioning democracy, social justice andsustainable economic prosperity are based. These

civil societies are equally vital for posing the keyquestions of public life, and often help find practicalsolutions.They believe in genuine and open dialogue. Ratherthan pretend they have ready-made answers to theproblems we face, Forum 2000 seeks to create a spacefor frank and profound reflection about the valuesthat underlie human behavior and for exploring howthey can be applied to real-world situations. It seeksto be a place where commonly accepted orthodoxiescan be questioned with audacity, and directly.They believe that real partnership can exist amongthose who speak openly and tell the truth. Such arelationship requires tolerance between nations,ethnic groups, cultures, religions and individuals ata basic human level. It requires a willingness to listen

and, on occasion, an agreement to disagree. It is onlyby attempting to place oneself in the shoes of anotherthat entrenched differences can be overcome andsolutions to great challenges envisaged.Forum 2000's flagship annual Conferences gatherdozens of participants of many different ethnic,cultural, religious and professional backgrounds,including prominent politicians, senior academics,religious leaders, but also little-known dissidents andyoung activists. The discussions are open to thepublic in Prague, and to a global audience via onlinebroadcasting and the publication of contributionsand outcomes. In addition, Forum 2000 conductsspecific dialogues in other smaller-scale formats. Weenvisage bringing the dialogue to other locations inthe world.

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"We have consistently expressed our concern aboutthe violence in the Tibetan areas, about thecontinuing pattern of self-immolations, heightenedtensions, and Tibet in general," US State Departmentspokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters duringa press briefing in Washington."We continue to both publicly and privately urge theChinese Government at all levels to address theunderlying policies in Tibet that have created thesetensions and that threaten the cultural heritage ofthe region," she added.The spokesperson, Nuland's comments came whenasked by a reporter whether she was aware about areward of about $8,000 offered by the Chinesegovernment for information about people planningto set themselves on fire. Nuland said she was notaware of the reward offer but expressed concern aboutthe volatile situation in Tibet.The U.S government voiced deep concern about thetragic situation in Tibet a day after a Tibetan man inhis late fifties set himself on fire Tuesday,23 Octoberto protest against the oppressive Chinese policies inTibet. The Tibetan man, identified as Dorjee Richen,reportedly suffered third-degree burns and died.Dorjee Richen set fire to himself near a military campand in front of the Cayuga market on the main streetof Lab rang in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture ofKano in Gan's province. According to some reports,Dorjee Richen died at his home in Sayue village, wherehe was taken by the local people.

The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile based in Indiayesterday, 24 October, strongly urged governmentsand human rights organisations to apply meaningfulpressure on China to find a lasting solution to theaggravating situation in Tibet.It strongly urged "the international community,including governments, human rights organisations,and freedom loving people, to take serious note ofthe grim situation in Tibet and apply meaningfulpressure on the Chinese government to address theproblem of Tibet through dialogue," it said in astatement."The self-immolations by Tibetans is a highest formof non-violent protest against the Chinesegovernment's systematic repression of their freedomof religion and human rights, destruction of Tibetanlanguage, culture and environment, and assimilationof Tibetan nationality through induced massive influxof Chinese population into Tibet," it added."The Chinese government is solely responsible forthe continuing self-immolations by Tibetans in Tibetas it refuses to address the underlying the causes ofthe problem, and instead intensifies measures tosuppress the Tibetan people," it said."If the Chinese government's allegations against theso-called "Dalai clique" for fomenting self-immolations in Tibet are right, then it should allowindependent fact-finding delegations and the mediato find out the ground reality in the Tibetan areas," itcontinued.

China's Policies Create Tensions inTibet, Threaten Its' Culture: US

least 44 of them have died, he said.Sangay said this is a sad part of Tibetan history,however, it also shows that Tibetans have stillbeen strong seeking in searching for and aspiringfor basic freedom.Many Tibetans are deeply shocked by the self-immolations as such acts are against the Buddhistteachings, which consider all life sacred. Thegovernment-in-exile calls on Tibetans not to resortto such an act.The exile government said some time ago it is readyto starts talks with China.Sangay said he believed the situation in Tibetwould improve sooner or later because there wereso many examples of freedom winning in the world.He mentioned the 1968 Prague Spring and the 1989Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia but also theArab Spring and the Colour Revolution, NelsonMandela and Aung San Suu Kyi being free."Our day will come and we will return to Tibet," hesaid.This is Sangay´s first visit to the Czech Republic.He is participating in the Forum 2000 conference

that opened on Sunday.Sangay said modern Czech history and Havel´slife and ideas are a great inspiration for theTibetans.He said Havel´s death is a big loss for people inTibet, too. He added he regretted very much thathe had not had the chance of meeting Havel.Havel died last December after a long illness. Hewas a friend of the Tibetan Dalai Lama who oftenvisited Prague. The Dalai Lama is to come to theCzech Republic next year again.According to available information, Sangay doesnot plan to meet representatives of the Czechgovernment during his stay in Prague. He is to talkto the members of parliament associated in theGroup of the Friends of Tibet.Czech politicians recently had a dispute over theposition of the Czech diplomacy on China. PrimeMinister Petr Necas (Civic Democrats,ODS)indicated that support to His Holiness theDalai Lama may threaten Czech exports to China.Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg (TOP09) criticised such an argument, CTK reported.

friendship and support for the Tibetan issue.The Italian national TV channel 2's prime newsshowed the meeting between Mr. Pannella andSikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay.

Page 6: The Tibet Post International online newspaper

The Tibet Post International 31 October, 2012 DharamshalaTPI NEWS6

Tibetans Attend Vigils in UnprecedentedNumbers for Self-Immolators

By Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post

Dharamshala: - Amid a month of escalating protestsin Tibet in the form of self-immolations, the exilecommunity of Dharamshala has responded in unityand symbolism. Lining the streets with candlelightvigils and alliance, Tibetans in exile have proventhat those facing suppression and loss in theirhomeland will not be forgotten.Marking the emerging news of a double self-immolation on Thursday 26th of October in Nagchuprefecture, Tibet, the community of Dharamshala ocontinued to show enormous support; closingshops in respect, and taking to the streets.Numbering at least 500 attendees, Saturday 28thOctober marked the day when news finally emergedof the protest which had occurred the previousThursday.Amid a month of escalating protest in the region,which has witnessed the self-immolation of at least62 Tibetans since 2009, two young men; Tsephoaged 20, and Tenzin aged 25, took to the streets ofNagrog Phampa village in Driru County, eastern Tibetand self-immolated against Chinese rule.Responding in Dharamshala, holding aloft empty


Tibetans in exile attending a mass candlie-light vigil which being held in Mcleod Ganj, Dharamshala, India, on 28October, 2012. Photo: TPI/Atermas

Prayer service being held for Self-Immolations in TibetBy CTA Media: Tibet Net

Dharamshala: - The Central Tibetan Administrationorganised a prayer service yesterday at the maintemple here, to mourn and express solidarity with allthose Tibetans who have self-immolated for thecause of Tibet.Three more Tibetans have set themselves on fire inthe last four days, protesting against the Chinesegovernment's wrong policies in Tibet. The prayerservice was presided over by Dakri Tulku from SeraJey monastery.Lhamo Kyab, 27, set himself on fire in Bora villagein Sangchu County, Kanlho, in north-eastern Tibet,around 2pm (local time) Saturday (20 October).Dhondup, 61, set himself on fire near LabrangMonastery on 22 October.Dorjee Rinchen, a 57-year-old Tibetan man sethimself on fire in front of the local police station inSangchu county, north-eastern Tibet around 04:30pm (local time)on 23 October.Kalon Pema Chhinjor, the officiating Sikyong,delivered the statement of the Kashag.Since 2009, 58 Tibetans in Tibet set themselves on

Kalon Pema Chhinjor expressing solidarity with the wave of self-immolations in Tibet, October 24, 2012.Photo: Tibet Net

time) in Bura town (Amdo).The 27 year old layman was married to 29 year oldDojee Kyi, and leaves behind two daughters, aged10 and 7 years old. Lhamo reportedly died at thescene.In return, the community of Dharamshala; exile homeof His Holiness the Dalai Lama, took to the streetsthe very same evening, holding aloft candles andconnected by a string of Katha prayer scarves. Atleast 250 people attended the vigil, which concludedat the Main Temple of the town.Speaking at the event in an interview for the TibetPost International, Lamsangfrom the RegionalTibetan Youth Congress stated: "It is the 56th self-immolation of a Tibetan inside Tibet""Since 1959 Tibetans in Tibet have been sufferingunder Chinese rule. The situation has become worseand worse. This is the helpless voice of Tibetans inTibet. They can do nothing. The only thing theycan do is burn themselves;to let people know howthey are suffering in Tibet"."This is not only a protest against the Chinesegovernment. This is a message to the world; to letpeople know what is happening inside Tibet. Thisisa very big message to the world".Lhamo Kyap is the latest to self-immolate amid aseries of similar protests since 2009, which havenow surpassed 56. He leaves behind a wife and twochildren.

Vigil in Exile to Markthe Self- Immolation

of Lhamo Kyap...... Continued from front page

coffins draped in Tibetan flags, the streets of theexile community were illuminated once again withcandlelight and unity.Upon the final destination of the peaceful march, aseries of speeches were made by members of theRegional Tibetan Youth Congress.Political activist Tenzin Tsundue highlighted theurgency of the situation in Tibet, highlighting themanner in which the west is ‘directly funding theeconomy of China', and the desperation Tibetansare facing to take to such extreme measures.Tsundue also highlighted the manner in whichorganisations such as the United Nations areignoring the crisis in Tibet; largely due to the powerand funding of economic giant: China.After a series of speeches, a minute of silence forthose who had self-immolation, and songs of unity,a quiet prayer service was held for those who hadsacrificed everything for their homeland. As thenumber of Tibetans self-immolating surpasses 62,one can only speculate when intervention andchange will occur for Tibetans to have even basichuman rights and freedoms.

Conference to Highlight the TibetanSelf-immolation Protests

By Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post

Tibetans in exile attending a mass candlie-light vigil which being held in Mcleod Ganj, Dharamshala, India, on 28October, 2012. Photo: TPI/Atermas

Dharamshala: Speaking at a press conferencemeeting on October 26th in the exile communityof Dharamshala - India, a young Tibetan LobsangChoejor put into motion the arrangements of aspecial meeting by young Tibetan intellectuals inexile.The meeting will be held on 17th November 2012.Its focus: to draw together ideas and solutionson the wave of self-immolations that have fannedacross Tibet recently, with the hope of utilisingsome of Tibet’s finest young minds in exile.Choejor told reporters that the meeting will beheld on 17th November 2012. Its focus: to drawtogether ideas and solutions on the wave of self-immolations that have fanned across Tibetrecently, with the hope of utilising some of Tibet’sfinest young minds in exile.Cheojor individually organised the conference.Future meetings hope to look behind the recentself-immolations from an alternative view. he saidhe has invited 43 Tibetan researchers, historiansand writers from around Dharamshala to theevent, and together they will they will discussthe reasons behind the self-immolation in Tibet,

as well as focus on the prophecy of the self-immolations, the results and their effect, and howto address this issue. However, the names ofTibetan intellectuals in exile have not beenmentioned yet.Lobsang also hopes to better place the form ofprotest in the context of Tibetan history, as wellas looking into what we should do for the futureregarding the phenomenon.Addressing the media, Lobsang explained:“All Tibetan intellectuals in exile have a duty tokeep Tibetan culture and ethics alive. Politicalissues should be especially concentrated upon.Young Tibetan intellectuals have a special dutyto use their energy, working together for Tibet”.Conclusions, ideas and resolutions made atmeetings will be forwarded to the Tibetan Kashag,Parliament, and further to NGOs, as well as theUnited Nations; hoping to resolve and readdressthe situation using the power of young creativeminds.The first meeting will be held on 17th November2012, in Hotel Tibet, McLeod Ganj (HimachalPradesh, India)

fire calling for the return of His Holiness the DalaiLama to Tibet and freedom for Tibetans.

Tibetan Childrens' Village Celebrates 52ndFounding Anniversary

By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

H.H the Gyalwa Karmapa addressing at the the 52nd founding anniversary of TCV at Dharamshala on 23rd October2012. Photo: TP/Artemas Liu

Dharamshala: - The Tibetan Children’s Village(TCV) school celebrated its 52nd anniversary onOctober 23 at a special ceremony presided over byHis Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa OgyenTrinley Dojree and high officials of the three pillarsof Tibetan democracy, Kalon Pema Chhinjor, SpeakerPenpa Tsering and Chief Justice CommissionerNgawang Phelgyal Gyechen.In his address as chief guest at the ceremony, theKarmapa said, "We all know the world is changingcontinually, as well as sources of community andculture. Particularly, science development ischanging rapidly. We have to meet the century."On the other hand, there are two questions: Howwe can protect our culture? And how we will be ableto follow the century, especially those Tibetans whowere born and grew up in exile? How we can standon our own feet whilst living within a newcommunity and also be self-reliant. To protect ourculture is an very important issue at the presenttime."In answer to the first question, it seems as timepasses within a new community, and as it facesdifficulties, it needs to be self-reliant. However, Iwould like to take this opportunity to urge all youngTibetans, including students, to hold on firmly tothe golden times of their education, and continuetheir efforts without wasting opportunities forstudy. I also hope and pray that you will be able tobuild good foundations for the future of Tibet aswell as for your own futures."Many students from TCV came to India aftercrossing many rivers and mountains for an educationand for freedom, whilst keeping their provenancestrong. So, become a complete Tibetan in India, orwherever you live, after finishing your studies inexile, including Tibetan religion and culture, and holdyour provenance inside. It is also important to keepyour hopes and strength to serve our Tibetan

community."Speaking on the importance of education, theKarmapa said, "We should think of both moral andmodern education as being equally important. Beinga Tibetan, it's important to be loyal to our moraleducation, culture and language and and keep aninterest in them. For example, just as we plant a tree,then see its branches develop, we need moderneducation, like science, with other forms of moderneducation as branches. However, if we cannot builda stable trunk, the branches will not flourish.Therefore, all young Tibetans should always be

proud of being Tibetan, without losing their owntraditional values."The Karmapa also praised His Holiness the DalaiLama for his great efforts and contributions in thelast 50 years of the development of Tibetaneducation in exile. "Looking towards the future," hesaid, "we should always remind ourselves aboutthe past. As His Holiness said, Tibetans inside Tibethave great strength even under a very difficultsituation. Tibetans in exile live peacefully andhappily because of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.In his address, Mr Penpa Tsering, Speaker of theTibetan Parliament-in exile, told the audience, "Dueto the Chinese occupation of Tibet, His Holinessthe Dalai Lama and around 80,000 followers escaped

to India. Then, in 1960, His Holiness founded theTibetan Childrens' Village - a great developmentwhich was continued by the efforts of His Holiness'sisters, Tsering Dolma and Jetsun Pema,"Kalon Pema Chhinjor applauded TCV’s developmentsince it’s founding by the late Mrs Tsering Dolma,elder sister of His Holiness, and later under theleadership of Kasur Jetsun Pema. “In the past 52years, TCV has produced hundreds of brightstudents who have contributed to our society byserving the Tibetan community after theireducation,” he said. He added that the 14th Kashag

has outlined education as one of its top prioritiesand urged Tibetan students to concentrate onspecialisation and professional studies.Speaking on the situation inside Tibet, the Kalonsaid over 57 Tibetans have set themselves on firecalling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lamato Tibet and freedom for Tibetans.The day's ceremony also marked the arrival of the‘Flame of Truth’ torch relay to Dharamshala.Founded in 1960, with its head office in Dharamshala,the exile seat of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and theCentral Tibetan Administration, TCV has branchesranging from Ladakh in northern India to Bylakuppein the south, with over 15,000 children under itscare.

Hundreds of TCV students forming a Tibet map which including Tibetans from three traditional provinces during theanniversary showing how Tibet was occupied by China, Dharamshala, India, on October 23, 2012.

Photo: TPI/YC. Dhardhowa

Page 7: The Tibet Post International online newspaper

31 October, 2012 Dharamshala The Tibet Post InternationalTPI NEWS 7

Suu Kyi and H.H. The Dalai LamaJoin Advisory Board of The Forum

2000 Fdn.

By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

Prague, October 17th, 2012: - The Forum 2000Foundation is delighted to announce that AungSan Suu Kyi and His Holiness the Dalai Lama ofTibet have joined its International Advisory Board,said in a press release by the Forum 2000Foundation.Both of them will now join the existing members ofthe committee, namely the former president ofSouth Africa Frederik Willem de Klerk, the chairmanof The Nippon Foundation and co-founder ofForum 2000 Yohei Sasakawa, the former dissidentand editor-in-chief of the Gazeta Wyborcza dailyAdam Michnik, the scientist and brother of thelate Czech president Václav Havel Ivan Havel, andthe director of the People in Need foundationŠimon Pánek."I know that Forum 2000 will keep up the spirit ofVáclav Havel's tireless work with renewed vigorand determination," His Holiness the Dalia Lamawrote in a letter to Forum 2000. "I look forward toworking in close cooperation with Forum 2000Foundation towards building a more peaceful, openand just world.""We are very pleased that, besides His Holinessthe Dalai Lama, the Burmese opposition politicianAung San Suu Kyi has also accepted membershipof the International Advisory Board of the Forum2000 Foundation," said the Forum 2000Foundation's executive director Jakub Klepal. "Weinvited her to the conference every year eventhough it was clear to us that the governing regimewould not let her travel. Now she is finally free andtherefore we hope that we will be able to welcomeboth her and His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Praguein the near future.""The International Advisory Board of the Forum2000 Foundation comprises a group of respectedfigures from different cultures, traditions, andreligious affiliations, who are united by their beliefin democracy, the universality of human rights, andin a lively and vibrant civil society," Klepal added."Václav Havel also shared the same values. Themembers of the Board are global ambassadors forthe foundation and at the same time they also comeup with their own recommendations concerningthe subjects and projects that Forum 2000 devotes

Special Representative Meets US SpecialCoordinator For Tibet Issues

By CTA Official website, tibet.net

Paris, 19 October: Special Representative toEurope Mr Kelsang Gyaltsen today met with UnderSecretary Mario Otero, the US Sepcial Coordinatorfor Tibet issue in Paris, who was in the city toinform her counterparts in Europe about US's policyon Tibet issue.Mr Keslang Gyaltsen was accompanied by Mr.Ngodup Dorjee, Representative of His Holinessthe Dalai Lama for EU, Western Europe andMaghreb.During an hour long discussion, the SpecialRepresentative briefed Under Secretary Otero onthe situation of Tibet issue in Europe,underscoring the problems and challenges faced,and made some important points of suggestion forconsideration.From her part, the US Special Coordinator for Tibetissue highlighted the key issues and concerns ofthe US administration regarding Tibet and assuredher continued support.Under Secretary Maria Otero was appointed as theSpecial Coordinator for Tibet issues on October 1,2009, by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.The first Special Coordinator for Tibet Issues wasappointed in 1997, which was later mandated by


International Advisory of the Forum 2000 Foundation. Photo: File

Special Representative Mr Kelsang Gyaltsen and Representative Mr Ngodup Dorjee along with Under Secretary MariaOTERO, US Special Coordinator for Tibet Issues and her Senior Advisor Ms Charlotte.

Photo: CTA official website, tibet.net

"Political repression, economic marginalisation,environmental destruction and cultural assimilationin Tibet by the Chinese government are leading toself-immolations by the Tibetans," Dr. Sangay said.The Tibetan political leader thanked the membersof the Regional Council of Piemonte for theirsupport. "I urge you to call on the Chinesegovernment to solve the Tibetan issue peacefully,"he said.In honour of Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay's visit tothe Regional Council of Piemonte, the Tibetannational anthem was sung before Dr. Sangay'saddress to the Council members and guest.The visit coincided with the 10th anniversary sincethe Association for Tibet and human rights in theRegional Council of Piemonte was established. It waspreviously called the Association of Municipalities,Provinces and Regions for Tibet.Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay met Mr Valerio Cattaneo,the President of the Regional Council of Piemonte athis office and Mr Giampiero Leo, the President of theAssociation for Tibet and human rights.

Mr Giampiero Leo and Dr Sangay jointly addressed apress conference. Both local and national mediacovered the Tibetan political leader's visit to Torino.In the evening a public talk by Dr Sangay was held atthe Natural Science Museum in Torino. The region'slawyers association hosted the public talk."During His Holiness the Dalai Lama's visit to Torinoin 2007," Dr Sangay said, "you all were able to seeand hear His Holiness speak. Similarly, the Tibetansin Tibet are demanding His Holiness the Dalai Lama'sreturn so that they can see and hear him."Unfortunately, the response from the Chineseauthorities is repression, he added."In Tibet today, there are more Chinese than Tibetans,more troops than Tibetan monks and moresurveillance cameras than windows, more guns thanTibetan butter lamps," Dr Sangay said.The Tibetan political leader said that the Middle Wayapproach policy is seeking genuine autonomy andnot seeking separation from China.Tomorrow Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay leaves forIndia.

...... Continued from front page

Stop Repression in Tibet,Self-immolation will Stop:

Political Leader

itself to."The members of the International Advisory Boardare also invited to the annual Forum 2000conferences, which provide a platform for timelydialogue on the complex issues that are crucial tothe future of our civilisation. The 16th annual Forum2000 Conference will be held in Prague from 21 to23 October. In accordance with the wishes of thelate Czech president Václav Havel, the conferencewill focus on the relationship between democracyand the media. It will also focus on the legacy ofVáclav Havel in the field of democracy and humanrights as well as ways in which this can be builtupon and developed further.As of today's date, more than 120 prominent globalfigures have confirmed their attendance at theconference, e.g. the former U.S. secretary of stateMadeleine Albright, the British philosopher RogerScruton, the Tibetan prime minister LobsangSangay, the Russian opposition leader BorisNemtsov, and the former Slovak prime ministerIveta Radi?ová. You can find a list of all theconfirmed delegates here as well as a preliminaryconference program here. Upon registration,admission to the conference is free and open tothe public. You can watch online streaming of themain part of the conference at www.forum2000.czThe Forum 2000 Foundation pursues the legacy ofVáclav Havel by supporting the values ofdemocracy and respect for human rights, assistingthe development of civil society, and encouragingreligious, cultural and ethnic tolerance. It providesa platform for global leaders, as well as thinkersand courageous individuals from every field ofendeavor, to openly debate and share these criticalissues.The Forum 2000 was founded in 1996 as a jointinitiative of the late Czech President Václav Havel,Japanese philanthropist Yohei Sasakawa, andNobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel. Since 1997,Forum 2000 has organized fifteen annualconferences which have attracted a number ofprominent thought leaders, Nobel laureates, formerand acting politicians, business leaders and otherindividuals, whose common denominative isexperience with bearing responsibility.

the Tibetan Policy Act of 2002 indicating UnitedState's commitment to a negotiated resolution on

Tibet that preserves the distinct religious, culturaland linguistic heritage of the Tibetan people.

Commemoration of 50 Years of Indo-ChinaWar in Mumbai

By The Tibet Post International

Mumbai: - On the eve of 50th Anniversary of Indo-China war, a conflict that changed the course ofIndian history and lead to a full-fledged warbetween the countries who never had one in theirentire history.On October 20, 1962, at dawn the Chinese openedhostilities in Nefa and Ladakh and the war lastedfor a month till China made a unilateral ceasefireon November 20, 1962. The war cost the Indianarmy bravest of their men, who faced the enemyon unequal terms with modest weapons and poorleadership.Friends of Tibet (Mumbai) in association with theRepublican Sena to organise an obituary andhomage at the Amar Jawan Jyoti, ChurchgateStation, Mumbai at 10am on Saturday, October 20,2012.The chief guest to this occasion will be Hon DrShri Anandraj Ambedkar, President of theRepublican Sena and grandson of Hon. Dr BRAmbedkar who will offer flowers at the Amar JawanJyoti. Rohit Singh, Campaigns Coordinator and CAKallianpur, National Coordinator of Friends ofTibet will also speak on the occasion.We gather on this day to salute and remember thosegreat men who fought against all odds in the most

A monk in Mcleod Ganj, a Himalayan town of Dharamshala, India. Photo: TPI/File

difficult terrain in the world.We, the people of India, pledge this day that wewill never let down the sacrifices of those heroes

and will not rest till we regain the lost territories.We request all of you to come and pay obeisanceto the heroes of 1962.

Tibetan Political Leader Addresses ChineseStudents and Tibetans

By CTA Media: Tibet Net

Minneapolis: - The political leader of Tibetans,(Sikyong) Dr. Lobsang Sangay paid his first officialvisit to Minnesota on October 12. He was greetedat the airport by Namgyal Dorjee, President, alongwith the board members of the Tibetan AmericanFoundation of Minnesota ( TAFM) and themembers of the local Tibetan community.His first event in Minnesota was a dialogue with200 Chinese, Tibetan and other students at theUniversity of Minnesota Law School. This studentled initiative touched on topics ranging fromreliable media sources to the recent changes inpolitical structure of the Chinese government andwhat it signifies for the Sino-Tibetan dialogue.In his address, Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangaypresented a brief but detailed analysis of the currentstate of Sino-Tibet relations and the "middle-way"policy of the Central Tibetan Administration.Dr Sangay said "genuine autonomy for Tibetwithin China and the Chinese Constitution doesnot challenge Chinese sovereignty."The Sikyong also discussed the lack of dialoguebetween Chinese authorities and Tibetan envoys,stating that between 2002 and 2010 nine rounds ofdiscussions were held and added that since then,no dialogues have taken place.He also talked about the deteriorating situationinside Tibet, which prompted 54 self-immolationsby Tibetans inside Tibet. "Tibetans feel repressedand are choosing to die," he said, adding that therewas "no freedom of speech and expression in Tibet".He stated that the Central Tibetan Administrationhad issued several statements asking Tibetans inTibet to refrain from taking such drastic actions.

Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay speaking to Chinese and Tibetan students in Minnesota

However, he argued that Tibetans must showsolidarity and support the demands of the Tibetanpeople inside Tibet, for the return of His Holinessthe Dalai Lama to Tibet and freedom for Tibetans.Addressing the Tibetan community the next dayat the Lugnyi Phuntsok Khang community center,Dr Sangay reiterated his promise to fulfill thewishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and theTibetan people, while expressing concern for theescalating situation inside Tibet as a result of thewave of self immolations.More than 600 Tibetans from all over the metro

area came to Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay'saddress.Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay also visited theTibetan Cultural School and met about thirtyTibetan youths. He spoke to them about theimportance of education in paving the way for abrighter future and how the youths have aresponsibility of engaging in Tibetan issues toprepare for future leadership.(With inputs from Tenzin Nordon, KelsangPhuntsok and Tenzin Khando from Minneapolis,Minnesota.)

Page 8: The Tibet Post International online newspaper

The Tibet Post International 31 October, 2012 DharamshalaTPI NEWS8 TIBET

China Offers Rewards for Informationon Tibetan Freedom Fighters

By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

Dharamshala: Chinese authorities in Kanlho, north-eastern Tibet (Chinese: Gannan TibetanAutonomous Prefecture in northwest China's GansuProvince) are offering tipsters a reward of $7,700 forinformation about planned self-immolations inprotest against the regime's rule in Tibet.Since the notice was issued by Gannan PublicSecurity Bureau on October 21, two more Tibetanshave died after setting themselves on fire nearLabrang Monastery.Notices written in Tibetan and Chinese have beenposted everywhere in the area asking residents toassist Chinese police in preventing the self-immolations.Gannan police issued a notice saying that peoplewho tip off Chinese police about immolation planswill be rewarded 50,000 yuan. The notice also saidthat people who provide information on the “criminalacts” or the "black hands" who organized four recentself-immolations would be rewarded up to 200,000yuan.The notices also blamed the spiritual leader of Tibet,His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and "separatist" forces,saying "recent incidents of self-immolation are ahidden political ploy instigated by the Dalai cliqueand separatists with the empty hope of splitting thecountry and destroying social harmony."The notice stated that, "Self-immolation acts areagainst humanity and society as well as against theconstitution. It an extremist behavior which deprives

Ganan Public Security Bureau's notices in Chinese and Tibetan dated 21 October seen everywhere. Photo: TPI

Tragic Wave of Self-immolation ProtestsContinue: Another Tibetan Dies

By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

Dharamshala: - Another Tibetan elder man fromSangchu, north-eastern Tibet died after settinghimself alight in the latest nonviolent act of self-immolation protest against Chinese communist ruleover the Himalayan region of Tibet Tuesday.Dorjee Rinchen, a 57-year old Tibetan layman fromSayue twonship, sangchu county, north-easternTibet, (Xiahe County, Gannan TibetanAutonomous Prefecture, northwest China's GansuProvince.), set himself on fire Tuesday(4.30 pm,local Tibet time), October 23, 2012," according tosources inside Tibet.This is the eighth self-immolation death in themonth of Octobeer, as a result of Tibet protestsagainst the oppressive and discriminatory policiesof the Chinese authorities in Tibet.Confirming the self-immolation, Rinchen reportedlydied on the spot. He is the latest to self-immolatein a tragic wave of protests against Beijing's heavy-handed rule in Tibet and that have now surpassedover 58.Rinchen's body was reportedly taken by localTibetans to his home-town after prayers andrespects were offered for him by local Tibetansand monks from Labrang monastery."The local Tibetans refused to hand over his bodyto Chinese authorities and they took his body backto his home. As a mark of respect, they thengathered to pay their last respects to DorjeeRinchen and offered traditional scarves to his

Dorjee Rinchen's body at his home in Sayue township, covering with traditional scarfs, on 23 October 2012.Photo:TPI

people of life.“Self-immolations have seriously effected socialharmony and the working order of people’s dailylives. The Tibetan people should voluntarily fightagainst such illegal acts."It is a terrorist act, showing contempt for life and isa socially irresponsible behavior towards his/herfamily. We must fight against the illegal and criminalacts to maintain our harmony and stability"1. Public Security Bureau will offer rewards of 50,000yuan [U.S. $7,913] for information on the scheming,planning, and instigation of such acts."2. Information leading police to the planners of thefour most recent self-immolations in Kanlho—believed by most observers to have been solitaryacts—will receive a reward of 20,000 yuan [U.S.$3,165]."3. Public Security Bureau will protect and takeresponsibility for the safety and confidentiality ofthe informant, and the reward will be delivered insecret."4. The rewards will be provided through specialmethods as well as a special process."Over 58 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in thethree traditional provinces of Tibet since March 2009,in protest against Beijing’s heavy-handed rule in theoccupied region.All of the self-immolators have called for the returnof His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and forfreedom in Tibet.

Five More Monks Detained from WonpoMonastery, Eastern Tibet

By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

A recent photo shows, hundreds of Chinese scurity personels marching near by Wonpo monastery, Dzachukha,eastern Tibet. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala: - The Chinese authorities arrestedfive more Buddhist monks from Wonpo Monasteryin the Sershul Dzachukha county of Eastern Tibet,according to latest information received by TheTibet Post International.In Further crackdown and arbitrary detentions inTibet. The authorities arrested five more Tibetanmonks from Wonpo monastery in Wonpo region ofDzachukha, eastern Tibet, on 22 October, allegedlyinvolved in protest raising the banned National Flagof Tibet and distributing leaflets calling "Free Tibet.""The latest development information from the areais stating that, five more monks from Kirti Monastery,who were studying at the Wonpo monastery havebeen arrested by Chinese police, on October 22,2012, after dozens of armed Chinese police arrivedat the monastery," Jampa Yonten, a monk from SouthIndia. .The local authorities had imposed heavy restrictionsin the county and arrested at-least 24 Tibetansincluding 23 monks and 1 layman, after pulling downa Chinese flag at a school in the area, raising theTibetan national flag and distributing leaflets calling

for Tibet's freedom.""But, the health conditions, whereabouts and detailsof these monks are unknown," Jampa said. It'sdifficult-to-reach and to get information from insidethe areas, as all communication with local Tibetanshave been cut off recently by the authorities. Thetotal of people detained Tibetans, can be more thanwhat we can give.Jampa said that nine of the eighteen monks whopreviously arrested have been moved to anotherlocation. The Chinese government has sealed-offWonpo monastery by deploying a large of numberof paramilitary forces in and around the monasteriesand the surrounding areas."The situation there remained tense, as large numberof police and paramilitary forces are still deployedto the area since the incident occurred."A serious investigation was carried out by theauthorities on 19th October to search those whodrew the Tibetan national flag and wrote sloganson the leaflets. They investigated the each andevery monk by looking at their handwriting," saidJampa.

body," according to sources inside Tibet.The situation is still tense among grieving localTibetans as China deployed a large number of armedmilitary forces near to Sayue township and thesurrounding areas. Phone lines and Internetconnectivity in the area has suddenly been blockedafter the incident.Another Tibetan layman from Labrang died in self-immolation protest yesterday, 22 October, after

setting himself on fire, while shouting sloganscalling for His Holiness the Dalai Lama's return toTibet and freedom in Tibet.The Chinese state run media Xinhua News Agencyquoted a provincial government official as saying"a 63-year-old herdsman set himself ablaze at theLabrang monastery on Sunday but the China'smouthpiece media did not give the man's name orsay whether he survived.

Tibetan Head-of-County Police Officer ExpelledFor Safeguarding Protestors

By Samuel Ivor, Tibet Post

Dharamshala: Standing up for fellow Tibetans,Palthope; head police officer of Pema County inAmdo (Eastern Tibet) has been expelled from hisposition for advocating his beliefs and refusing toarrest peaceful protestors earlier this year.Between the 18th to 26th January 2012, in PemaCounty (Amdo), the villages ofCharithang,Thakar,Jekar and Yarthangheld protests againstChinese rule. Calls were made among thecommunities for freedom and a return of HisHoliness the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet.Local villagers of the regions were also reportedto have called for all Tibetan political prisoners tobe released, including His Holiness the PanchenLama, who would be 23 years old this year. Hiswhereabouts still remains unknown.At the time of the event, which lasted around ninedays, Chinese police arrested 6 people in thecounty for the protests.The Chineseauthoritieshave since threatened that otherprotesters will also be arrested in connection withthe event.The PRC head police officer of the province,(Tibetan) officer Palthope, was instructed toarrange arrests for the protestors within threemonths of the event. If the arrests were not made,he was threatened with expulsion from his positionand job.In return, Palthope stated that hewould not arrestany of the demonstrators, in contradiction to thethreat. On July 1st2012 he was expelled from hisjob, having refused to arrest the protestors.After he was expelled the representatives of local

The Dharlak nomad settlement camp in Golok.Photo:Savetibet

monasteries visited his home, offering Karta prayerscarves, and offering long life blessings for hiscommitment and sacrifice. He was also invited toAshongJoanang Monastery in Pema County.Upon arriving, Palthope advised Tibetans in thearea how to work better and more effectively,having insight himself from such a high positionand role in the region previously.On August 1st2012 Palthope returned to his homein from Pema County to Dharlak County; joined byaround 300 different cars full of well-wishers sentby representatives to bid him farewell. The sheer

number of people and support he receivedhighlighted his commitment and sacrifice for hisfellow Tibetan people.Upon his arrival, at a specialgathering incense wasburned to greet him. Wearing traditional Tibetanclothes (Chupa), he addressed and advised localshow to work with the authorities legally andpeacefully. The sacrifice of Palthope of his highposition, job and income highlights one of the manyways Tibetans are peacefully affirming their beliefsand basic human rights within Tibet, and withinthe boundaries of the regional law.

27-year-old Man Dies after Self-Immolation in Amdho: TibetBy Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post

Dorjee Rinchen's body at his home in Sayue township, covering with traditional scarfs, on 23 October 2012.Photo:TPI

Dharamshala: A 27 year old Tibetan man namedLhamo Kyap has self-immolated in SangchuCounty, Eastern Tibet on October 20th 2012 ataround 2 o’clock (local time) in Bura town (Amdo).Lhamo, who reportedly died at the scene, is thelatest to self-immolate in a wave of protests againstChinese rule. The death of Lhamo marks the fifthcase alone within the past month across Tibet.Reportedly the body of Lhamo was taken by localTibetans to (Bura) Ngonbo thang Monasterywhere prayers and respects were offered for himby local Tibetans and monks. His body was thenreportedly taken to his home.

The 27 year old layman was married to 29 year oldDorjee Kyi, and leaves behind two daughters, aged10 and 7 years old. The act of self-immolation by ayoung married man with a wife and childrenhighlights the measures and suppression Tibetansface in the region against Chinese rule.Lhamo Kyap is the latest to take to the symbolicform of protest amid a series of self-immolationssince 2009 that have now surpassed 56.Lhachab Jinpa, a Tibetan writer in exile providedthe latest information to The Tibet PostInternational

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31 October, 2012 Dharamshala The Tibet Post InternationalTPI NEWS 9

China Arr ests Four Monks forInvolvement in Tibet


By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

Dharamshala: - Chinese authorities have arrestedfour Tibetan monks of the 'Dhokar Monastery' inTsoe county, north-eastern Tibet on charges ofallegedly involving self-immolation in protestagainst Chinese rule over Tibet. And several monksfrom 'Tsoe Monastery' also arrested under suspicionof taking photographs of another self-immolation,sources inside Tibet have said."The four Tibetan Buddhist monks were arrestedfor taking care of Sangye Gyatso's body andallegedly taking photographs of his charred body,"said Gedhun Tsering, an exiled Tibetan writer fromDharamshala, India, citing sources from inside Tibet.According to sources from inside Tibet, "SangyeGyatso, 27, was from Tsoe City (Ch: Hezuo), Kanlho(Ch: Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture), inthe traditional province of Amdho, North-EasternTibet. He passed away at the site of his protestfollowing which monks and local Tibetans carriedhis body inside the Monastery premises.""Three of the four monks; Jigme Gyatso, KalsangGyatso, and Kunchok Gyatso were arrested onOctober 17, 2012 by the Chinese police during a raidat the Monastery, eleven days after Sangye Gyatsosetting himself on fire. However, Tashi was arresteda few days earlier, " said reports."Chinese officials offering bribe to family membersof Sangye Gyatso, asking them to sign a documentstating that his self-immolation protest was not

China Sentences Two of Five Tibetan MonksWho Shared News on Tibet

By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

Dharamshala: Two of the five Tibetan monksarrested last month have each been sentenced totwo-year prison terms by an Intermediate People'sCourt in Siling city (Chinese: Xining - the capital ofQinghai province and the largest city on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau) in Amdho region of north-eastern Tibet.Sonam Sherab (45) and Sonam Yignyen (44) werearrested on 1 October 2012 during a Chinese policeraid at Nyatso Zilkar Monastery in Kyegudho County,Kham region, eastern Tibet.The two Buddhist monks were probably imprisonedlast week, according to Lobsang Sangyal - a monkliving in exile but orginally from Kyigudho, who citedsources from inside Tibet. The monks were reportedlydetained last month for sharing information with theoutside world about protests including a recent self-immolation close to the monastery.Sonam Sherab was arrested for photographingChinese armed police and troops, but it remainsunclear on what charges the three other monks weredetained or where they are being held.During the China police's raid on the monastery,several monks who complained about the detentionand beating of their colleagues were also severelybeaten.These latest sentencings mark a continuation of theChinese authorities' crackdown on Tibetanintellectuals and those who send information on theTibet situation outside of Tibet.A court in Barkham county, northeastern Tibet, hasalso sentenced a monk and a layman to long prisonterms for "leaking news from inside Tibet to outsidecontacts". On September 18, the Barkham People'sMiddle Court sentenced Lonsand Tashi, a monk fromKirti monastery, to seven years in prison. Tashi (26)was detained in November 2011. Bu Thubdor (25) alayman who was also detained in November was

A photo showing a heavy military forces and polices were deployed in Tsoe county, Amdho, north-eastern Tibet, onOctober 17, 2012. Photo: TPI

The Tibet Post InternationalHimalayan Literacy Trust(Head Office)1st Floor, Exile HouseRoad, Mcleod Ganj, Dharamsala, Distt.Kangra H.P 176219 India

Advicer Mr. Thomas KeimelAdvicer Dr. Vincent BrucelEditor in Chief Mr. YC. DhardhowaChinese Editor Ms. Keary HuangProject Manager Mathew Singh ToorTibetan Editor Mr. Sangay DorjeeAssistant Editor Ms. Pema TsoCircular Ven Phuntsok DhondupPublisher Mr. Sonam SangayEditor, Tibet Post Europe Mr. James DunnDesigner Mr. Sangay Dorjee

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Contributors for this Editon

Keary Huang TaiwanMathew Singh Toor IndiaSophie Jay UKAmy Ruben USSamuel Ivor UKThu Flower USYC. Dhardhowa IndiaSangay Dorjee IndiaPema Tso India

I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Soanm Yignyen (Left) and Sonam Sherab (Right). Photo: TPI/file

targeted against China's rule over Tibet. Thesituation became very tense in the areas," theTibetan writer stated, citing sources in the region.A highly respected Buddhist master, Tamdrin Dorjee,(52) passed away in his self-immolation protest inthe same region on October 13. The Tsoe city andsurrounding Areas have witnessed several protestsagainst Chinese repressive policies in the past, withmass demonstrations in 2008. "Tamdin Dorjee wasalso grandfather of the 7th Gunthang Rinpoche, whois one of the most revered religious leaders in north-eastern Tibet's Amdo Province,' he added."There are more reports stating that several Tibetanmonks from Tsoe monastery also arrested undersuspicion of taking photographs of Tamdrin Dorjee'sself-immolation protest against China's rule. But, itis still unclear how many monks were arrested,"Gedhun added."Local Tibetans in the region and monks from bothMonasteries were heavily interrogated and severerestrictions have being imposed on their dailymovements and activities," he added.The Chinese government has sealed-off themonastery by deploying a large of number ofparamilitary forces in and around the monasteries."The situation there remained tense, as large numberof police and paramilitary forces are reportedlydeployed to the area since the incident occurred,"sources said.

Heavy Restrictions Imposed onTibetans in Dzachukha, Tibet

By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

Two images from Tibet showing, hundreds of armed police and paramilitary forces were deployed in SershulDzachukha of eastern Tibet, on October 16, 2012. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala: - The situation became very tensein the Sershul Dzachukha county of eastern Tibetin this week after making several arrests, deployingarmed police and paramilitary forces, according toreports from inside Tibet."The heads of each families were ordered by theChinese authorities to hold a meeting on Tuesday,October 16, 2012, but they did not mentioned whatwas the meeting of the local Tibetans about," saidVen Jampa Yonten from Sera Monastery in SouthIndia, citing sources from inside Tibet."On October 15, 2012, Monday knight, severalhundred armed Chinese police and paramilitaryforces being deployed in Sershul town ofDzachukha county, eastern Tibet," according toJampa."The situation became very tense, as several

Tibetans arrested and all means of communicationwere blocked in Sershul Dzachukha of Kham, theeastern region of Tibet," according to sourcesinside Tibet."Two photos show hundreds of armed Chinesepolice and paramilitary forces marching through thestreet of Wonpo township in Sershul Dzachukhacounty, on Tuesday, October 16, 2012" report added.The Serschul Dzachukha area has witnessed manyprotests against Chinese rule in the past, with massdemonstrations in 2008."Seven Buddhist monks from Wonpo Monasteryhave been sentenced to a 2-7 year prison term forinvolving with 2008 protest. They were convictedover 2008 peaceful protest marched by 14 monksfrom Sera Monastery in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet.""Adhe Lama, a respected monk arrested in 2008,

known as the spiritual head of Wonpo Monasteryis still being held in Chushul detention center inLhasa," the sources continued.According to sources from inside Tibet, "theChinese authorities had imposed heavy restrictionson Tibetans in the county, after pulling down aChinese flag at a school in the area, raising theTibetan national flag and distributing Leafletscalling for Tibet's freedom."In recent months, Tibetans have become moreforceful in their protests against China's repressivepolicies targeting Tibetans in their homeland, witha tragedy series of at least 55 Tibetans settingthemselves alight since 2009, 45 of which alreadyhave resulted in death.

sentenced to seven and a half years on the samecharge.Yonten Gyatso, a monk from Khashi monastery,Ngaba county, Amdho region of north-eastern Tibet,who was 'disappeared' in October 2011 was sentencedto seven years in prison on 18 June 2012 fordisseminating information about the situation inTibet. According to sources inside Tibet, he wastransferred to a prison in Wenjiang, Tridu city, wherehe was brutally tortured and kept in a dark room.Three monks from Natso Zilkar monastery, Triducounty, Yulshul, eastern Tibet (Chinese: YushuPrefecture, Qinghai Province) Sonam Gewa - LobsangSamtem and Lobsang Nyima - were given jailsentences in March this year following similarcharges.

The Paris-based international press freedomwatchdog Reporters Without Borders stronglycondemned the Chinese government's frequentarrests of Tibetan monks who try to inform theinternational community about the way they arepersecuted.The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rightto freedom of opinion and expression, Frank La Rue,also condemned the Chinese government, saying thatChina has imposed various restrictions on Tibet,mainly targeting Tibetan Intellectuals in theHimalayan region. "At least 24 Tibetans intellectuals,including monks, men and women, have been givensentences ranging from few months to lifeimprisonment for excising their freedom ofexpression," he said.

Tibetan Man Dies After Self-immolation inProtest Against China

By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post

Dharamshala: - A Tibetan man set himself alightand died today, Saturday afternoon in Tsoe city,Malho county of Amdho region, north-easternTibet to protests against China's repressive policiestargeting Tibetans in their homeland, according toa latest information received by The Tibet PostInternational, a news agency based inDharamshala, India."Tamdrin Dorjee, over 50 year old, was fromKhasok Lhungwarma town near Tsoe City (Ch:Hezuo), Kanlho (Ch: Gannan Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture), in the traditional province of Amdho,North-Eastern Tibet," Gedhun Tsering, a Tibetanwriter in exile, originally came from Amdho toldThe Tibet Post International."Tamdrin Dorjee self-immolated near a TibetanBuddhist stupa (Tibetan: Mila Serkhar Choten)close to Tsoe City, (around 1pm Tibet Time) onSaturday afternoon, 13 of October, 2012, and laterpassed away," he added.Since 2009, the wave of self-immolationsdemanding freedom for the Tibetan people in Tibetand for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama."Witnesses say that he also shouted slogansdemanding freedom for Tibetans and the return ofHis Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet, while settinghimself on fire near the Buddhist stupa," Gedhunstated, citing sources in the region after the latestincident."The local Tibetans refused to hand over his bodyto Chinese authorities and they took his body backto his home. As a mark of respect, they thengathered to pay their last respects to TamdrinDorjee and offered traditional scarves to his body,"he further added.Gedhun stated that "Tamdrin was grandfather of7th Gungthang Rinpoche, a highly respectedTibetan master, also the second most seniorreligious leader at Labrang monastery in Amdhoregion. The Buddhist monks in the area offeringprayers for Dorjee who sacrificed his life forTibetans and Tibet."

A picture taken by a mobile phone during the self-immolation incident shows the local people taking Tamdrin Dorjee'sbody back to his home town, on Saturday, October 13, 2012. Photo: TPI/Gedhun Tsering

The situation there remained tense, as large numberof police and paramilitary forces are reportedlydeployed to the area where the incident occurred.In recent months, Tibetans have become moreforceful in their protests against China's repressivepolicies targeting Tibetans in their homeland, with

a tragedy series of at least 55 Tibetans settingthemselves alight since 2009, 45 of which alreadyhave resulted in death.The Tsoe area has witnessed many protests againstChinese rule in the past, with mass demonstrationsin 2008 and 2010.


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The Tibet Post International 31 October, 2012 DharamshalaTPI NEWS10

Austrian Save Tibet DelegationVisits Tibetan Community

in Exile

By Sophie Jay,The Tibet Post

Dharamshala: - A spokesperson for a Europeancharity for exiled Tibetans has urged beneficiariesto “be honest” and not “misuse” charitable trusts.Kathrin Mullner, from the Austrian branch of SaveTibet, made the comments during a ten-day tour ofDharamshala, when she and colleagues Hardy andAndrea Lutzky visited Tibetan institutionsincluding the Tibetan Children's Village (TCV),Jampaling old people's home, and the EnvironmentDesk of the Central Tibetan Administration'sDepartment of Information and InternationalRelations.Asked on October 16 if she had a message forTibetans living in exile, she said, “My message tothe Tibetans is to be honest and not to misuse anytrust.

The members of the Austrian Save Tibet delegation vising The Tibet Post International, an exile independent newsagency based in Dharamshala, India, on October 16, 2012. Photo: TPI/Artemas Liu

H.H The 17th Karampa Graces The 2012Tibet Film Festival

By Amy Ruben,Tibet Post

Dharamshala: Dharamshala is gearing up for thethree-day, second annual Tibet Film Festival fromOctober 26-28. The year's festival, which focuses onthe theme of "courage," will first be presented to HisHoliness the Karampa, followed by a presentation tofestival sponsors."We are blessed to have His Holiness the 17thGyalwang Karmapa with us at this Benefit Event andhis support to the Tibet Film Festival," says festivalcoordinator, Nyima Thondup.Organizers of the Tibet Film Festival are holding abenefit event at the Art Gallery in the NorbulingkaInsitute. His Holiness the 17th Karmapa will gracethe occasion. The objective of the benefit is to supportTIbetan film makers through the initiatives of the TibetFilm Festival. His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapabelieves this is a perfect opportunity for Tibetans togain a strong sense of selfworth and pride in theiridentity and accomplishments.The 2012 Festival will take place with the sameprogramme in Dharamsala, India and Zurich,Switzerland. This year's first place film will be awarded500 dollars, second place 300 dollars and third place250 dollars.Conceptualized in 2008, The Tibet film festival focuseson films made by Tibetan film-makers from Tibet andin exile. The Gyalwang Karmapa and festivalorganizers hope the festival will serve as a platformfor young, inspired Tibetan film makers to continuemaking films about Tibet. The fourth annual event isa collaborative effort from Filming for Tibet; TibetanYouth Association in Europe; and Students for a freeTibet, India.The Tibet Film Festival will showcase around 20feature films, shorts and documentaries and films byprevious winners of the Tibet Film Festival. One ofthe main highlights of this year's film festival will bePema Tseden's international award winning film "OldDog." His previous film "Search" and hiscinematographer Sonthar Gyal's film "The Sun BeatenPath," were both screened at last years Tibet FilmFestival.This year's festival will offer other platforms such asworkshop discussions and forums where the generalpublic and filmmakers can exchange their views onfilm making and the topic of Tibet.Last year, participants from Asia, North America, andEurope took part in the annual short film competition,which focused on the theme of "Ama" (Tibetan forMother). The theme "Ama" was chosen for itsuniversality; it could be about one's own ancestry orsearching for one's origin.The 2012 Tibet Film Festival is dedicated to DhondupWangchen, who was detained shortly aftercompleting filming his documentary, "Leaving FearBehind." On 28 Dec., 2009, in a Chinese court,Dhondup Wanchen was sentenced to six years in

“I think if Tibetans here are really in need, thenAustrians are will ing to help, but they(beneficiaries) shouldn't misuse this trust and ifthey are not in real need then they should be veryhonest and not only think of money.”About 1,200 Austrian sponsors support Tibetanschool children and elderly people through thecharity.Ms Mullner also advised exiled Tibetans living inIndia not to settle in Europe, stating that manyTibetans living in the West are in danger of feeling“lost” when separated from their community.“I think that it's better for Tibetans here to stay inIndia rather than come to Europe or to other westerncountries," she said, "because they will not behappy there.

Prominent Indians Support Flameof Truth Relay in Rajasthan

By The Tibet Post International

Mr Karma Yeshi, a member of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile speaking to students of Rajasthan University.Photo: TPI/TPIE

Jaipur, October 18: - Flame of Truth relay in Jaipurreceived supports from Speaker of Rajasthan StateAssembly & Deputy Leader of opposition in theAssembly, Educationists, Students and Indian public,according to a report received by The Tibet PostInternational."South India leg of Flame of Truth torch after havingsuccessful relay in Gujarat state reached touristic cityof Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan state on October14. Leaders and advisors of Tibetan Sweater sellersreceived Flame of Truth torch. Later Tibetan MPKarma Yeshi, who is accompanying the Flame ofTruth torch, met Sh. Ghanshyam Tiwari, deputy leaderof Opposition in Rajasthan State Assembly.Mr. Karma on behalf of Tibetan Parliament in Exile(TPIE) briefed Mr. Tiwari on current grave situationinside Tibet and self-immolations taking place inTibet. Mr. Tiwari signed the Tibet petition to besubmitted to United Nations on December 10 andpromised to continue his support in future.On October 14 at 6.00 p.m. Tibetan delegationcomprising of leaders of Tibetan sweater sellers ledby Tibetan MPs visited Rajasthan Home Minister atresidence to pay condolences for the demiseminister's father. Mr. Karma on behalf of TPIE thankedminister for continuously supporting Tibetanrefugees during their seasonal business in Jaipur.On October 16 at 3 p.m. Mr Karma addressed around30 journalists from different media at Pink City Press

Club. He briefed journalists on current grave situationinside Tibet, 55 self-immolations in Tibet sinceFebruary 2009, Importance of protection of Tibet'senvironment for larger interest of south Asiancountries in particular and world at large.He also appealed world leaders to stand behindTibetan cause, if non-violence, peace and humanityhave any value. He then presented pictures of self-immolations in Tibet and how Tibetan people arebeing tortured under brutal Chinese occupation onthe computer. Media people took keen interest andraised many questions, which were respondedaccordingly. TV channels and many print and onlinemedia widely covered the conference.To mark US Congressional Gold Medal award to HisHoliness the Dalai Lama in 2007, Tibetans sweatersellers association organised a function at TibetanMarket on October 17 at 9.30. Programme began withprayers and incense burning Puja. Mr. Pema Lhakyap,president of Tibetan market spoke on the occasion.Later, as the chief guest of the day, Mr Karma spokeon live history of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, currentsituation inside Tibet and self-immolations in Tibet.Programme then concluded with prayers.On October 17 at 11.20 a.m Tibetan delegation led byKarma Yeshi met Sh. Deependra Singh Shekhawat,Honouarble Speaker of Rajasthan State AssemblyMr. Karma also briefed him on current grave situation

Conference on Tibet and Chinaheld in Taipei, Capital of Taiwan

By CTA Media: Tibet Net

A conference on Tibet in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. Photo: Tibet Net

Taipei: - The Office of Tibet and Taiwan TibetanAssociation jointly organised a conference on Tibetand prospect for democratic development in Chinafrom the view of the current situation in both theregion. The day-long conference was held at theinternational conference hall of Taiwan Universityon Sunday, 14 October.More than 60 people, including university professors,researchers, Tibet supporters, members of China-Tibet Association and students, participated in theconference. Some of the keynote speakers at theconference were from USA, France, Sweden, Australiaand Hong Kong, who spoke and share their viewson a number of issues such as experience and first-hand knowledge on Tibet after visiting Dharamsala,issue of Tibet and self-immolations by Tibetans inTibet, democracy in exile Tibetan community, Taiwan

and Hong Kong, and prospect of democratictransition in China.Addressing the conference, Mr Dawa Tsering,Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama inTaiwan, explained the underlying causes of the tragicself-immolations by Tibetans in Tibet.Tibetans in Tibet are driven to these drastic acts toresist political repression, cultural assimilation,economic marginalisation and environmentaldestruction, he said adding, the Chinese government,instead of addressing its failed policies in Tibet,misleads the international community by levellingbaseless allegations against Tibetans in exile.The conference concluded with a question andanswer session. The organisers will bring out all thepresentation papers by key note speakers and postthem on the official Chinese language website of theOffice of Tibet, Taiwan.

inside Tibet, self-immolations taking place in Tibetand submitted memorandum on the issue of Tibet.Sh. D. S. Shekhawat signed the Tibet petition andexpressed his solidarity with the just cause of Tibetan.He also promised to forward memorandum to theExternal Affairs Ministry of Government of India.On October 17 at 12 noon, Mr Karma visited RajasthanUniversity and delivered a lecture to the students(50) and professors (10) on the issue of Tibet andhow Tibetans practice democracy in exile. He alsostated to the gathering that Tibetan people insideTibet under Chinese occupation enjoy no freedomof any kind. He also responded to the questions ofthe teachers and students and interactions went foralmost two hours.He also informed the gathering on Flame of Truthrelay campaign initiated by Tibetan parliament. Laterteachers and students signed the Tibet petition to besubmitted to UN on December 10. Lecture was chairedby Prof. Preeti Joshi, head of the PublicAdministration department and Dr. Om Mhela,lecturer of the university. In the end President ofUniversity Students Association thanked TibetanMP for his talk and gave assurances that Indianstudents and general public are always with Tibetanpeople in their struggle.On October 17 from 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. Tibetansorganised Flame of Truth relay and Candle LightVigil at Udyog Maidan near statue circle. Programmebegan with Tibetan and Indian national anthem. Onminute silence was observed to pay tribute toTibetan martyrs, who laid their lives for just causeof Tibet. Pema Lhakyap, President of Tibetan Marketgave introductory speech. Later Karma spoke inEnglish and Tibetan.In his speech he stated that no occupation will lastforever and time will definitely come to Tibetans.He also spoke on Flame of Truth relay campaigninitiated by Tibetan Parliament. Later Tibetansrecited prayers and prayer of truth composed byHis Holiness the Dalai Lama. Vigil ended withslogans - "Long Live His Holiness the Dalai Lama".Leaflets in Hindi were distributed to local Indians.There were over 200 Tibetans who took part in thevigil. Many media covered the event widely nextday.

prison because of his filming activites. The productionof "Leaving Fear Behind," which was screened all

Freedom for Tibet will Set the Stage forFreedom for All Humankind

By Sophie Jay, The Tibet Post

members of the newly founded organisation of Tibet andVitnam, Dharamshala, India. Photo: TPI/file

Dharamshala: - A Vietnamese freedom fighter whoplanned to self-immolate to protest the communistregime in her country attended the opening of anoffice of a Vietnamese-Tibetan campaign group inMcLeod Ganj, IndiaNguyen Thi Ngoc Hanh, 56, who has been jailed inBritain, The United States (US) and Vietnam for anti-Vietnamese government activities spoke at theVietnam-Tibet Alliance Fighting for Freedom'sopening ceremony alongside the organisation'spresident, Soepa Alias Phuntsok Wangdu, onSaturday, October 6.Addressing the meeting, the mother of four, who in2001 attempted to set herself alight in the ballroom of

San Francisco's Marriot hotel during a visit fromDeputy Prime Minister of Vietnam, Nguyen Tan Dung,to protest the U.S.-Vietnam trade agreement, said: "Ihave and will always support you in any way I can."We all know that any organisation will gather morestrength and consolidation when its leaders are bestendowed with spirits of commitment, devotion andsacrifice."We are a fighting team with a dream and motto. TheVietnam - Tibet Alliance Fighting for Freedomorganisation is always our ideal."We will do our best to honour our 54 Tibetan self-immolation heroes who offered their lives for theultimate and sacred goal - freedom for Tibet. Thereare many Tibetans who are voluntarily putting theirnames on a list of self-immolation for the freedom ofTibet."Freedom for Tibet will set the stage for Freedom forall humankind."The ceremony was attended by a number of Vietnam-Tibet Alliance Fighting for Freedom staff includingVice President, Thupten Tenzin, Advisor, LamaNgawang Woeber, Secretary, Ms Ringzin, andTreasurer, Mrs Passang. The attendees were alsojoined via Skype by members Quang Nguyen fromthe US, Tr?n Qu?c Vi?t from Vietnam and Hoàng Hoafrom Europe.Ms Ngoc Hanh announced that the next importanttask is to select new team leaders for the organisation.

over the world, was completed in Switzerland byFilming For Tibet.
