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TIIE REVIVAT^COXVKXT A C.KKAT Cm-I.-TIAN A8BBMBLT lAî.r.r HO-IH-A "I «uui.rni I I'l'i'iM' ¡ST... \ BT -fig lilI.l'GAll ,'s iN-piririvo w«.«!»*«. » 11F. BO PI v i -1 I »HOI 1.1-t o -I'll I> )'.-AM» 1 i"Y Ml'I'IINi.» 1' ilM i vi.KiS am» LAI it: tfiti:::.- -QOl « IV Vf:. Jl i.'llY-¡.»MlKKg BI hi.v. MA, BOOT-, li-ii, Minn \ ll. nn r>: 1 vi-, i\n OTHI i:-. The t'lnis'tian Convention of IfInBatecs ttti men, called l»y tbe Committees which are eo I-i_*- the revival worh in this city, to eosd-i logias oi hnportenee in »Christian labor, ":¡«i liitl.v oi .«;«... : il rvangellttic esTorta, held AHB-sna .it t'»»«' llii','"ilt'"iiie yeaterday. A n«r«il»>*i f u* lepieeented, ami z an» -.»--: wan shown in tiie di-iHBSBA-M tin* a<ltlroaaaa hy Mr. Moody and hy known ektgjlltven. A novel *>:.t Ihc pr.M e «liai'- was tlie questiouini Mr. II« o 'v In tie delegates opon the ba nmler con-i l.rat on, and liii «inn k And It anewcra iu*«piritcd as well a«; instmots bearers. Tlie topics v !.i h WAN taken Uf iinr | is (lav we-e Evangelistic Bet tices Coa tact sf Prayer-Meetinga, Inquiry Meeting tin* Tn ii ring of Young C-nvetts In ti even as >li- Moody Uilil. iiuiiing with tbe word "Beho Till". MORNING BESSION. At t'i«' «»jiciiii!'-' of tin' C'UiVf!it) >n I .'< ¡. ,i» ;.. ... a: ball. I the Blppodroaae a it lall,a aiidi«-).« mi; pi'« m m a.I.in,"ii t" t .;;.:<"..> pi ami lay «i« i«-.'¡it"-, representing 19Statea and 3401 rii« . .1 ina.ii he. mi It jeeatetl deeply tat« rested In »the revival work sad i . ll Ihey had eo'm- t.. .':«. n.-«, ¡.nil for.neil a lindy of i leti ;in;«*< «ive I.y n..tnl.ers. 7c:«! 'tie.*. Tin* tiltiles 1er the morntag moMt e Aera H¦.¦ rte a and '. ll op« sod with f.. .n».-." 'i'in- R ». Dr. Wat. Orna xmgwt, ntt .i»* i: ¦. i'¡ r. ion- of c lin.tiii a, i*. «.. ¦ extra «4 fiem lbs Btata. Mr. M .ii.iiti nl.nil tnntli oil tl. il ,i. all lo ill ba 11" ..si». i:v qaeet-oat ahonl I « .m. n on Hi.- platto m u ¦mu« p am .i m rapid generell, two or thi« «. atal )Ul t vt.ie always «ml gave greet satlstactlon. The a ai waa h mth Mr. Meedy*i tnlmltaMs »p-:.t. Instead he.»v) .¦), 1 1..:.,.:, .1 ..-.,.. .'.a i a am hoi life nl).I i-srli.stliess and eonta.'i il tn it v\ Br««n«- tli -i mi nii-r Into a en la luli.1i' t and j et tl.' '|',< liolislout none t.i their «.. linti- in t i-. n.. i ;i.i baadl n_ swho w nl lo the « ..'!. thS ",'. I- sonn f'-an i? » mador Mr. Moody*. uail Itie-htf-r an I applaeee wen fn inent if the ¦ of the «'m vriitinii eoarid earvfve aad ba iallied by« .. into his own town and church, the whole a Ir I" awakciit :in«l SgrSBt WOtt p Mr. '.Itii'h, in BBMMBMtag the SBBja ti» of the tjmke a- f.-llows: ', .\,- .o :- ton fn'i - il i u i m to « "min' t Prayer Me« lings. I hare not us an« owe loop ik ...i tii aequestions. I llioirght we je.- I an hour on each <i'ie«t Al Phi a ip.i.a we l«.und II was pn II diii it il lo li aw In th ludi -in «. a«k ¡or fers n -. 'ni ««. would i In r Ink. m. ¦.. :.'¦ i, I to help li, hive «¡,i:.« tilt.. ¡ riada about quest.. Ii. A person aaid to im "Whal do yon moan b] Evai lull, -it - I I- Evai Met W 8m tot mean bj preaeblng the Gimp li Are not HI' (;,,-, ." N" i « nt iln ,- -. n there «m.!. i.. he In «". Bharvh, and even oni t tokceptb-m in tbeti m 1 in" ... I liai i. not | i.« ¡ii, hi n.-« id ....I i«. \t,,i || at ti'...«, v. ben a ind the Loi there la i building up O *»r* i- "p.e. Thai Is not pi inl'ig the g.i of the tin. -* on .¦. i.a\» i' ervlci'i i., t I Well, 1 Sboi - Ji.lll.aiet.UdUl't ttiem tolU-en-st 1 ¡«'"¡'1'. Il til t, . i ,.».¦ ."..mi to i«. .,. is- ¦! up, and n a n, i «¡"i« i wsk In« m u,'. ;rj ... thi Ihnk m «n ¡.-ht lo use «'¡i common ?- .¦. it mb will a ou »n«" ;he word We talk .TOft'l 'ill It. li.lt It,:. it la Bb Ite I nark. I : m'l tm « tl, : «i« try an >tb< » 'i - i, ¦. 'tit p iv. 'if pe l won lei _¦. .- lacy are. '< n a. «..' Into w im- i.. i, ,'., bond a:. 1 ¦- i-dio.-;. - is to Invite you tito lb .-. .«ml -at tic Intt i a ..ui to ll ot i o an f v. i- are -j ln_c le i-..* ' havi- ..it liai- Il.-tt1, fol "".I kUOW BI ,n 1:111. i.t a .1 ./. ¡i j tuns .'. r : «. lanl >. "Keckof A| ¡- a ton in:» 'i be h* n.n« ire alw i t., u a oi new bj u-us ¦ t:." I and It wakes up a conirrepitli «. to tu m- m n »a and thea ne lituiu. Aad i' v on .mi it wake them n 1.1 i. tbeui. 1 believe the time i- c««mit a bon wc aa just *!n.*;ii_ t: led lei n- have hi lu II. en it), ll!« i> Ulli l| « . the i oi loi n vv, .i- Won i.t,' i-l .! « ' S VOU '. ''-I I It p kamt «ui tpii.' nal doubl !.. Ill .I.I > III*, oilll «.¡«III « I!.'''-- till- lllti'- I, ll .Non. itii Dial Imp - ol tm* young oouvert n is il«.ne loi him .-n' t un aw ule mmnuitj ai d ll'l .' |V t- 111'/ Wl It (hi !."!_ tor bliu .- . to brln, In these witui. I las m .»« i n n ither thing. I i loe « anl n im «. ... s are chnn**« u s;, mecí lu h . «i pi un 'i ¡» i ¦. o oree. I ai aetl u ;. Ina i.t apee al nicetln ...i. a : re were no i »nit... ami on liiquir. I found tbej hud a ": aria Bapti t minister another, a i, minute] another, m Congrega ioual minist« i. rder to k.cp nil denomtnaiioua In, andiL i. . . of d '"!-. *i n the f me o' It thai that wonl be ". !«'..:: it , Itll. -.¦..». I, all I |U< S! th ;««,.! st. r .,,,',. n mil ¡-'::. ting bold of th« p- ¦;¦!'. Now i believe we hav mot men. I i. the la«! Wi'ii. I was ther.- vv t.rt . .. 'I ne i«., i' il.'li'tm >'. ». If ne a lei i o »¦.¦ .¦. ¦. wonl« have d'uu u, m-at work if ». .erv I to get a ui t..«e ¦¦-. .,!i _-.'.' in .*.- «... t:.at "in i- wecoul get Ir i «- on «i unite <«¡. «-u i", an 1 n< ». it.at I'.in«- In and pi vents the g si re*«ults we ,*»,>«.' UTe . «n't like ¡t. d. it. I find great) iiiiii.«'. tl i- yoi the -.. i. ov< r Wien 1 .«.cl to _. boni« th,- p ,, t Wasa i ¦ i. i t.. stop » « S"aiU to I. itllt I \t I, .' ..a thi .-.... and we aaaa e l»i.. a bo...... ...»s. 11« r> Mi. M r..¡ *' ,. m a ol lb« . ag of the n .-t from all pettS of tin va»t ! eeeaci Abie to obi .,. names oi the In sen whit » '¦.'.: U A when th.-ic-1« no i tDt' -1 Mr' I. A good tf'i.' J i J ..... IU I Ueti an ) ben we a..- lea H a t, in .er of iiisetiuici as tbe ir.i. Mr ^ upon bow have I « i I attend, I would ,; i; er Is 1 aud 1 ...: il. . ¦, *¦¦. .a >.«...,. iu out ai»le . -u gui.,m tin i- i,.» » it ,i i by i at «>_ . « Mr. M It a scry linpoilunt i]U_stioa If i were a t..... »tei m a I'.iu.i n,.' .a eliuicb, and oonld not a' iu ne t -i» one or two tu ,>¡,¡,...i.../i WvUid Just gut .-in» uiouud to in. atUAy, au 1 Wt would pray und «OS forth In naine of the l,onl und »ay «arcgolngTo have s meettiig,*" and there will be «tervat liiwk out Three tuen can store say toa »««n are it.'ing to unit until the whole sanrel Hioiiied. »"ii will bare to wall a «ksag I.aa, Got 11 ,an, Htid «¡»«I will stand ii.» pon. u. «9am»oas the congregation ulive and the ml «had. Mi. M.'.ily.Tlicti let the rongregnthui go on w tbe mtnlater. ÍÍMOghter.] o. Hnppooe the mtnlater won't i»erniit them I Mr. Moody- lie caul prcielll it. A man that in rk for «Hod can do so sad nobodj tont ',t Bnnpoae there las «li.illculty In tin» cinirch <¦Hiiti.it o«' removed I Mr. M.io-ly. I don't .BOWof an; difficulties tha «.¦iiitioi remove. The «trouble Is ws are trying to re th«-: difficulties «sonelvss (astead at anteo toe prayer. Q Why »vu« it the Lord Jesu« could not do anytbl N ..'..ir. 1 '.¡:. Mood»-.On account nf their unbelief ; but tha the world, aot tbe church. [_angbter.j «;. i«, u tat to put ¡' teal i|it"Mi.Hi in a church,» tboae tli.it ¡ire an««,out» for ihm until« to an.-c, «u i go t«) aiii'tlier rooiiil Mi. Moody.1 think ro. if «uy unm going na red. m la ¦pilng tu take up h. erost, «and it it la a « l\»«.iilil like to ask him to do it. what you waul »..iti.i'i in «i«, «something ihe.» don't want to do. t in « petal croea generally im people to ii«« prayer; but in tic rety net of «dalag it are vi .1. It la lettlne their friCT«lel that ihe.» arelntereatod, and «are on tbe «Lnrtl'i «Idt have found In th lael ihn e ft an ll«al ii baa been a i help to n«. [nfact.1 iiott't ti.i ih I ahm.dattemi I have meeting« without the Inquiry r.a. Peopfi «ometlnii a .in,«!' .-««I under the «serioon, want la to deal with tbem personally. Hen and I one ia converted under tbe «sermon, but tor every cmiveii -ii m.ii'-i tin «sermon in.i'iii-« «l.< «areeoarett« the Inqulrj tnvm, t,i pastor and a mail portion ,-f hi* :. ilcitlre t«. have a meetiiigaud Iba tnulei filie i«« open lb doom ! ..I .'. Well, I ili.oild pray f.«r the truster« « mist iki m eli «. Wc «taut Chriifim nu buldoffl In the church. Men tomotlmcs srs put i nan M. «i haven't ot any character nt all. and t.v'iil.it« your rbolr and » «i » often your minister; ai a in aud ¡ucache», i em, thi j el annoyed und «send hli aa ¦.. t¿ in a «i.i.H'Hi'.ty «»..«.«. ia .«n i forcetin' »halve:» h an.» famille« have nol been reacned.«lo would » ou bave laj ii e toda i n .I would have the whole los o .. an i, ». family lulled. I thl be «1 me. Q. Do ;. ou idvocate "anxl ma m nt* I" »ii.'.il i.iii.cr call II ".¦ it»-«»f decision have ¡«t lay .:. n k many ol tbe dlffetoiu deuouiinatlon d culiari les .. ;.n\.««ii-. ».¦ «i " Is k Me budista, bul if thai iIm ..'. ..« ¡i na .I he all ¡nut «lie 1. i-«, on ih ni- «»ti ild 'l thai t would i«.i»«-, biio l ttnd In ra it is Ik «¦ il into ih- inner room, and «tall t:...'« h i,», Wbai would you say to a peí ton who repliée, " I h«-.. i ii «-i:aa »» n .hli, rising »i prayi rt" dr. à loo Iv. 1 ah i inly be eo ild, ,'i- .i »¦ :. « I lip ill« I lii'it In- »'. oü'l «i«' a t.HH .. I I. til -'« ti-iiiii.) lu.ui.-- .m n in he .. to t¡. i auunend to | pee ,n i... ir to a. y loi ( lu «-: I Mr. "i.-iu the h. -i p aoc.l would bury all stiffta '. 1 IH'I it Mili''» ... Rtlflll ,. iluiooi nu i m m ...« ¡ it tf ii : «¦ and u you wo in n- t id tall »»t«h ¡it.n. you »»111 i peoi i ite it and ; up. i; ». u or n in a. n -tii"» i ol the chm . m the r ainiiuii I cour» "' ilj i,«,no ci. . lui Mr. M.« ..!;. I «a .«I - nl.. I -'ii- l-ii! eh.. «I« m Mattuew andi inhal »«« r.« «taught li til «,,« 1! »a,-.. II« tbem u : i ¡ ii «. m ut«: c lo w«»i k, ...en. rather havi lu m nib l witlii bave ¡i »,i..t lililí, n ol ôou luemliora and Ihewo laughing.. iff. m. iv>. it m .. ..i«i haa e'ai in HH.i «trongur thanl church, »» at i Mr, M " m i hen ..j ih« mistake In all ihla is in lahing uutt |- ««. ill .Hi«« Mu .«.in ll, »« a.'.» gol caretill. i". .-.i,«p.«-« tin n- ¡.i" exciten nts Iu the church tl tentiou o lurob awaj .«ii- .' Mr. --. kuo*. mm abonl politics. T «j.i« il i«.n i-.i. ..i in*. the woi i«i «iinl yi ii mi a ItllUU! m lug ««I« ¡i ::, I' «1, bill iiaiit" I in,- more than 1 u«» poulie« It i.i ». [L l««r.] i.. I i tb< to.u thai b b lue muet. Mon meetings ..if been broken up and I .n«. i-i «ii-.-i, a,« «i i.» «leu Luuars and ctiurt your¡i '¡.[.«al o n .'... o i- o m .-,. i«t « '¡- oui agi young co »«¦¦ ¡ai/ir with hujiur i- lu tue In ¡un.« mi ;.. i a i I believe man » n n greal ill .. nl, for lusta h in ia in« «i, i.-. jo.-i i nt man lo go to »»o, ?> amoug b u, How would yon um tbe boys and g il n. .«1 ." I* Von bave torn i good ded dl I Will «tl Uli tlicit) 11 o.i,i take ¡m .o- :.« ». ire i uy, "U «M that bo] .- relit" and up c >m -,«n ú nu have .... boy. i¿ i- a m .:. Justified lu i . ¦¦ .«t .la on o i.llk 1" t.l -'¦ .1 h0 »»ill ll"! chun ( Mi. «i '.¦-.« otu utiaui ". . r in u »ill -no'« mat.» lili«t till- cllll'i' li' «1 «ll'i- UCgle ¦! It. He worth .it) nit a d »se «« to to ;«.: : uki u«-1 lai- Bund ... aud l m': -. .Ill» oil '. tl i: ¡ tMi.-t preai ta tb and Mi- iii.i; '. doe n't wanl to hear It, must be go ..n. M ¦¦.. \ gre n u. in.» n o hi.. cannot, aud m m 1 ... '¦« I..¦ t.'l l| ..» c in u a certain ¿hen they - !¦¦ -p. ,ik in tiiai chtireb Now, I .»« trtod mai lii'i.t «x-u verteil. I I I uoi 1 m. l could \.« the i i hen I »««'in inn ..M" ¡h nu i. aud Uo and gol p. «i l knea It. ¡i. people lio and] lo tin j l¡. V. Ollid ) «««I « l¡« I' ill I.. i »boni ! «ay it i te«| we »»¡a it iv« n. i don'1 an aboul in «ill I pi'c.ic.i.UIg, ll TAKIM1 1 r im. -l Ml) 81 in: CT. Here Mi d npoo Mr. Oankey to ilng a suet v.hid. closed "ii tola po si Hotted to It. Mr. M< .. iiu n iiiir.«.i;n-«-«i in «at the i. Elow t«i eon lu, t meeting*and make tbem »uoi*e»«ful 1 1 bare noticed :-.»« .ill;.' Up an«I tin «. ;. ni ,. lu in ta.t' can p.'' B«*h th« t la th --iu.. !>.«t ilic man thai kuoa m j.i. ..a to an ."i i.¦.¦.«¦. i at j i.i : wnii you t'.Mii totl ui 1 ,i t thl oi_i .i ou » h oui prayei i.< i «. and] , not out of u tbt.» ,;. .i ;. t«. go, it would bei m nil ud ¦' greal lp i -IUI ¡Hi. .¦» to K I tin- 1"" o ii¡«« «¦ iiiui then ¡tl lilt I: ¡: .I ih«-. i,,- ly 11 AiioMi" .mim tant ti ntilatloi all right. Iu room» where 1 .ii- .iui ..¡i.« ¡.i a m there nv< «i ««u oanu ¦* ¡.:»»- «.'. - in«-! the Jan ¦ i if i .. .i .««« Ink lyoi \'«I» nl i- it -, it'll .1 ¡..i. . »¦:. llioll -. iui .. i get fu o ah it: i. in i... n i: ;. Lei know a »» intu¬ ía u !¦' la 1 «u .«, tii i «Jtfi, - ¦. and i..Mcii to any a II ..- i ia. in r ;"' or, .. I .in ,!.i .ho !:. il et up thai I .».."'t« n »'¦ ««'.'l I..- !.):.¦ ..ii i few words t«. t..ii «verae, aud uftorawui »111 want tu «.t. ;.. ui rb, ami the i«.««.«,... |iiu» b«*. iii.-ii. w...i-, ...«¦ »«.mi .. i«. ..I aiiii ii.-.ieoii iiia»),i do «ill tli«- praying and a_ tin eut.««-'in :.' ... .-.ud lit ate iii inti i> st. would >t have lite uimUtcr alwity« take the 1 ail, for l hu. uoi »i.,« u t;.. ni.i .. ,. . ,, n i, ever true»of] i ere Is a ...:.:¦«.. Sow it.-«. m- tu me a on - luto Uie chu r, und ¡i t:.- o.« etiii/j, «.. an'! ml.u «. '¦«ill n. - ..unió", ...... .u iu -. ..«.--. ... ! i'.i .«a l ..- and ... »»¡«.» i! jii.i. ¡i.. ¡n« h ».: al mm . i.i oui i,., ,, .a.) « m .'¦ to be «i i-: .''¦ bi lp i.' «'c mluiati would only pay ttt« Ir «m to It« lin«', n- m., lawyer», p , Mo i i -u ¡i«« .a «. a lil iiutt. Loi Ut« ,i- i«, o 1 i.i a a h.h a lii'ii ,..i. ing i II -.«.i » mi a liana womb-i ully, ou ¡i «i whtli in let the ». Ill Ha II. ¡«1 I', ol i , ; i. « nd .u in'. i)c,i.on Smith m j n - i . lei the to« ». up a «ai ter and « «... liiiuli a lay ... ni, ni m u n> u t ni in talu ti lie .»-i thi o. I deal i ».ml, hut rery .j QUI ROMS I OH X I M i IKIET1 « 10, ,,..i. .1, mi.¦ ... fouj i were oa ;., «t .t. n. n aja «.« .,.,.«. see, t.»" «o .,..., beat.ras «at.m to tbe lag «»nd tbsts sre BOsisMiSi...o jou i I call It a ting and gn [..ill M'iiat t devotion, «/. lo.i: ol a.oln I Mr. Mo «¦ I«. Id My I i- in lyei oaetlng ought 11 fol i to tiiotit »ud olap to li .,- rial A' i.i awl I will [I_uglit r] I ha ¡, id ., i ,u-. - laiteiin^ onu thlug ¡.id a piajor la, «tli.ji. There also on_ht to be meetings where we proelal Goepel i«, th. naaaved. ('. Would you Uavn an Inquiry meeting after preaeblna 1 .Mr. .Mini.lv My experleeee has tad aaa to think th i in« to i«lri_i'iMt, Inn th«" iron is li««t. If I wa» pi lag, and tried >«> rouse men to «See fi on tbi wr come, I viiiti!«! have an Inquiry meeting aft« rwaiil. t-.. Is it iiiniiiai'le in have preaching aei ftumltiv D'irlit for the unconverted ( Mr. Mondv.Ye-, sad ev< rj nleht, t"«., sometlmet lm in.-a ol church vioiship is an Hit Ilka thla breaking of tbe bread, m i.tuunion; then Ih -caching, ami then In the evening i1, y proclali tiosj.« i, ami m the morning thev come knowlngll the call, li'.lotl ol the HHilits, hllilillil- lip (o"l's p. opl <*-. V'Ui sir inn would allow chiiiih members ta dnct prayer-meetings. Too know the character < New-£n»rluiid Congregational pioyer-ui« eini<. am there Is danger thai three people laigln to take Hie ¡. si,ip mu ««f tii.-1, nul« ot tim minister and trouble of It. What would you do to prevent that I Mr. Mooitt i -mould any the m later bad not faithful in bulb-lug up bli 'people. I don't inmk ti¬ nny tronhle of that kind in a good maní bur« hi « i ineinlii i « lead. l>:. I'm i. i .1«. - n..! h ad hi. ou n pr meeting I'll.in tvhat ee want It lob in the iaJ.nl ta.it' in s biuied In the obnn h. aad if wa bring It oat in the evening meetings l deal know we will. if«-re a tstagata tatoraaed the «meetfagthal Dr.O never langt Ul pi a.» m in.-etin.-s, l.nt sits In his ruii'j tioii, «sBBBettaaea apt aldag and toan time« sol i». Wniiai von advise having a young people's me« separate from the r< tular church pruyet -meeting I Mr. Moody I alwaye have had I.u cbnreb InChii We have c-IUlreu'a iiieetluKi once i wa _,you_ pie's meetings, an. then a meeting Frida, night fu ol l and voung. i}. Is there any fi'latlon between uni.. I wmk nn,'ml pruvei I Mr. Moody.Iftbeygel t«> «prarlng well they «¡lit well. «*. How- hJ'oui the ministen «praying and preac tool Mr. M..o.'iy-i Hunk it is a pood deal better to di the ground if a muriater >i.¦ all Ibe praying preaching and ilnglng, the ohureA will do afl t-i.¦. i«in i, yon believe in selling on people toptai tp ak m tue pra» -meetiog I Mr. M.nii-j|y tlieorj i- one thing and nay p ti. another. I have nlwaya Buroented . pr. in-!-, neit. n ¦.-, I,nt when mir liooii |.| a iii'.tn-s !«. 11 in* so large we often bad v. o..«! «re «lid m.» know eoming up talking aud talking and uot suyinc ai - i ;¦¦__-_ and oil who hu com« a hnnd d mil« |usl to i" i»n »I ni'-.'t i n.-. uai .«o we have had to put it into) i. .,-,¦ on the platform. BtUI, I ««tick to my ih urj It better to h ive an open meeting. You wimetlmes tblngt thai gi ¡u npouyoui nerv« -. bnl al the m » .v««.i >. t i .m. thai t...i would no! ixel ¡t y«»n :""k :t ii h.i .-i-, if ruin ;; nu cting j u Itbth II. and make ti¡. m ).¦ n yon «.... '.m. -. .i «.n a man «" praj wh«.« ne hat no) i -pn ;t nt prayer In him, and thai Isoneol ttieti .- v. it;, [ object to < illii on m n, Home men are calle« t.« piai tli it j lua dead. ei. \\ .. ¡i would you do with the brother who praj Mr. M hi 'i bin» privately and talk a I, ¡:i libo II n. "»¦ D OUI, Il ai «' Vi !.. Oil )'«._ m. n an inulon with Qoa, « ri ; an in Uli ... If yon I .i ¡i 1.» -il t.. !" -'"it and he doU'tOt o I Ir. Moody.1 wonld bave a '>«!!. ¦a... you Ariv him swa. ht that method, vr .«-It.Let blm go. Five men will como and t Id- place. ... I :,. a Iln .- t., tojilesl Sir. »i ...i- wonl«- Bay yes s »d i woeM ax) - .o im »..¡i are .-i ¦:. ml .¦? a series i ... ont, th. -n t t «.,, M ike i'i | winI llin.1 II d eri -tn.i. wiiu'ri with m on« .¦! ¦. I tr«i il«) nul ¦:'""¦ la,-' ¦! a. m--ein. dill III- ..¦ i lit) J in i-- take part tu tl t t ! Mr. M«« '.- it la a oonli¦¦..... u a poli ; so .,«. Will lei !.. oi I,a t- Wonl I yon «topa m iii's priver hy n bell I «ir. Moult If ¡« mail'« pi.n. i- ti«.:, i ecui to ¦_.» hi.'li tit...i i,i. In ud, lim. h ih 'ii down. «,i. If a ma pi a.. In evi in ling, an i thi is ti general ¦!.il wb tl U.« ti I Ir. M«« -I.-I would .." .,,i !.: ... with him, ¡«n 1 if ii-,. tbi be « - m m 1 tell blm to. I lb uk n. ilk a -i' .:- ilia, we don't ...» to lii.h ami ji (>. '..¡1 t mollit! Il a le Hi'- ¡' -til: '." -.. li"ii h. Il Mr, ..!'," i.t i don timw. uu .. .. ' . -. .u.'tiim s i ill 111.4 :.. .1. It nut : >.'¦' «1 Ml .;. \t.. uro leach Une ww il. m III a .a lo- Bi ll Mr. .:¦¦¦ thai the. ahoi <i .n i] «u ave '".it the woman qti ion bj - ..;¦ it i.tl'oVi -ii loud) rhoh ive one bobb boi al lm '. "! bi ii ""' on nil . i"'. v*... n vi nni .... li.; .... I111 I Wh lions ai !¦..'¦ ed lot us li » thai provoke oui. dispute .¡i-'«:..l or breaking up I ,. i. iition. i/. »i.,ii.,i ia well break up a convention aaa'oAun in [hit -i o Mi. Moody.Very welL yoa gel a a eonvehtlon ia i.'.« lilioli h,iu I l)f. .1 «a.« i)..,. [Laughter.| li -i Moody,tbe boar lag Bear), up, r ¡nue-t Mr. *-.t i.- !.. ling .' W. ¡, I.,n ;,:n! Waiting," uf'.' which the n.i prayer-meeting was opened All i.i.'V.«»*. BE BIO!., 'nn* exercises «<l the afternoon seseio. wei begun a. o i.', n ... 'ihi re were - a pie In tl id tbe m Ing ¦¦¦ ¦' tall ot lut. rest, 'i lie were: "Inqulrj Meeunje.: Iiowean the} Beeoine fart < th.- Service In <>ni < Burc-at,*" and "The Ti Voung Converti ..:« I Ley Teachers." Ih ¦i - . from uuuib. r ol prorainenl clergy un i > >, . s a- ¡n the m. «.-. «i: work of the «Jon« ution was entered upon. Mr. Mood ... n1.\ ni a~»le assistance, but bis spirit and pi » nl ilevi '-.. tbiu i :."!.¦ .'. i" «-. y the Rev. A. I 't.ul, the, llev. 1':. i'niiii. r m .-..mil « noIn.i. aad I>i II .1!. in. ui it addreet waeb. Dr. i b M .,. ll Midi Idonol know whj Mr.Moodj ti me t 0|K*U .-,,., i.itu vt nu t... me 1 have had Lu du m lib i ti«! mqi .i;.' im «.¦ Inn oi Ixm ..'. i....«- ... I piivih 111 tun a pre n ol c.¦ ihr« : »tint aud ..... .- «¦»« iiai r win-re tho til ,1 Uli ! itUI 1 ¡!:1 ml m i, than l ba>¦-. .. do ie .. to .. m-, i lee nun-.-'» n be ¦.' i the lu«1 i m, ti part, i . ' '. i ". u-, ,,, -,- is. a of « I .,» I ..ni. au In p .n in, bul i dl«1 « um*. Ih a ti nd ol '. Iu« lib, and full «¦ .1 IU -.-.. I, I a i i * in nun.' it li i ale- MUUOi «. pli. to NttCh ?..ai-' U t...-».«.... i..«.i,i. «in- -"limi.iv night 1 w_a -.r.ini;fruiii ...¦:: kiUd "I .,¡..11 .Is ¦ it"! n,, o- ti 'ol .«: .,..« mi ii i ,o .-..n, lint be picked '. one, apple b. apidv, from i,e in o- i id puts ll »way to .». p. I said a :'" at w lie, la ¡ini ni In- .'.n. lo w. ulglil she l.lil I to the ...:-.. II« fur I lot inn nit .-. . baa t.i,, i ba to «mi - v. ." vv«i.n..n sai . I ."._'!I i v. et.; i ii.. i.,¡ i.. --. ... « «, tul i.- i. .-ui. :.i.t !.,i- i. o ,m .-1 to mi , an,i i | lUld ,._...«: ... lm ml !.. I - ¦ ,n thla sol t lit il 1... I II...I ii IS .. !l l.'.l t ... ¡....n u pi 14-lieal o aim in ...... i. i. a .... !.. .f' r to i' ".««. pel ¦.:. .. .;¦. llUtCd tf.I . ..¡.i. i.....'.., » wbou you are wpt to reuciv. la a I... -a Of I i 1er ia pert. every ail to ImUd uji ... .:. Tin.. a. .....i »n it ol tier. Iu « oaui... a. vi m, im- matter ol üüi the I la »t. it ¦ I And onl more wad on re are I (I i',., ,,. |, iioai«. .. uy nuniluy evemnjc i...,...- n.,i. \- ., i oi tl.« .! on lie tl in tbi! te itlllllls t.. be |> m, «and nn Ite th ui lu, .«n make to I .' .a. ¡o 10 in.: lit« li is all oi .. :, uu l '. ui tiug, v. ... ii i iiud. to make n uiTni i., ,.'¦... ... in : i. o. «-o the desire tu i -.i ...»-t ... AIMHUMB 11V !> i. IKI..III. Dr. Booth il-' n .. a : l .- 1 !.. .1. ntind ¡n in. ... .«n.... ;...,,. n every etion ..( his, an, 'whiinv lie .«.ild BOOM. I ,lo l,-d know Bucli ,'¦'». itaud Bior m »teat that tha Inqulrj m i- -:. itfa : um pria- i I ..'«.. «h dl ¡ ::.. :n piir, o...!«, serví« à i n i,| .. i.ani. n I, I " ¦* .1 II, I «I |l | » ... II ,1,1 , of the atj «i« p. | .. ti r tax« n place D' .n my : 'i id 1 .' . ..:... ... t«U.I .i '!. ,t :..,, oneot th.; un «v«issâesr young iota w.ioa» I bad be«u yetrnlnn- after for year». The laqalry meeting 11 lag to tbe plan of toe Qoapel m a proclamation dilllru.iil-tih.it «II *..!mon» un not Intended to up lotlat climat. If our «sermon« are nu ic or mid tin«.i ic«» of Chiiatlanlir, auch an teiit-ttlon grnaaa ami abaa i ; bs wnontbe .-*-=.»«>i» Mys " I1..111 1. "»111 n ia:.- to end, when it appended to the when it la bleeding with tears and Bob« all tl through, thi n «»«. ran My " tlune." Bu| «."in.« I Then, will )««. flfty v.hn will m ana) and theiHA! n.iili!. prooniiiy. «Look al thla assembly. |. ,1 -iliipli- t.« -¡" p'.'iH h''1 I' -".:i«'.i. I"! a strailon, not aa a pica against mfidelity, bul aaa| iiiatiitn ¡«t d it baa ht Id New-York for a month, believe if it could go oa tot «sis months mi nui« -; di-!i.ri.l our ollce force. »ivl im «liarle- Dickni ago »m nl Into tbe . Theater, In tbe.Ml End of London. Ue ml lorn nt iiiedoor, and an «Eng.th clergyman was 1 telling 11." ttory of 1 inverting a philosopher. I .u. n ¡m ¡null« ine would gather at tbe li»«- Polni in No« -Yoi !.. Mr. in« :...i«», »»ho»- healrl m be drew nearer t o the grare, tooted In «snd ia.'/iiioic in at iii«. ih'iii' out of tbe mire snd dual life, I h.-,1, the it"'.»- of youi «-iv,-I but,** »aid he. " wbi n am ia gnoa t 1.ondo « thai --»ii the story of thedylnj thief on tba en- whom forgave, aud pri sch th il In «London, it will l>u a si, Mar Well, Niw-Yi.ik haa -«¦« n it: it la Si'MiilsiloNS «PBOM MB, HOODT, Mr. m.¡v i««scti tho titsaosteo on thai BObJ at, I iiu' as tallaos 1 If the ministers would encouratre their m mbcrt ¦n'alt.r« il aiiion.' the ¡liidici «'.', to BBTSf iiiiinl Un ii lull .»il hack In thi'tiiiir il m cd lie, or ill tin gt win they cm w.itclI tit* ttt MS ti the SOdl 11 w«>u!«l 'lu- a g.I thing. In .--/Hail laaii WbS With hi« wife «.» «J I among tbem, m they .-.«i.i. to wateh for tools. 1.. aa... .m.', one who seemed impri wed they woti after the meeting and talk with blm. «u 1 in- eonveraio.1 In thai church during the teal l im« had ím'Cii m nie through t Ii.tt mill' H c NOW, could only hare from 30 to .">'. membera ot tba el »» m.»i« buitini - it « .i«i-1 to wateh, «and yon lavmei laywomcoto iftcrward clinch tbem In. rbebeel o our regular ehurcbat 11 i" lei tbeworkeraal hell t«ie net m. You will get a good msay labai wont be 11.11» sad 11.91 «one, bul aeon* and at itraagorcomlugiutoachurchlises tobare ooeapeak lobim, il««!«»- notice! Insulted al si »hihi. 1.1 n coming to Mea Y««¡k a étranger and gol church, If m.iiii- one asks blm to go luto tbe In pilry i, maki«a 1,¡m h.ipi'i and ohecra blm. Two pimiig Into our Inquiry room here the oilnr n ¡m 1 un.a u ciiiiteii" ii:i«i talked »».ih ti m, .Hiwed ih« in im- w.i«, tba Uajbt i.r« >«e u,««'ii ih'Hi. liny »»«re naked, "Win 10 do you church!" They gave Um nai.it e church where im.I b :: i-..'!« on '" ad. No v.iu to SO «In III«- nil li - «if ti,.,t lunch." II. said, "We want to go there an» mora¡ we baregoaa ibera hi .: and u«i one ban ip< .,¦ u lo ua." A man -.«.n predlibiug almul Christiana resogni t.ic 1 other iu iic.ni.i, and ome im« aid, "Iwla WOUld pi.uboUl r. a«', iii/li '. i"i«'ll ol ail' on .11 1.' one place where I preach il where there ta ao «soi m 1 looked orer tbe great Ball of old «u «ii« 1 nr 1 ¡.11»' where if wat helo, and aa I11Ü to u her n. 11 in and there. I «ntd to 1 at the *l l'a I n a .«> gol be ni'' «i«... " w bo are thoae mi n i" II« 1 an .1 baud al woi ki. -." r were all «tontl through ihe laii, ii,nl preaching and watel for soala, mit m Uta .''«' ol «Ibest, 11 t mira .'-«¦ Bad »-««t a asa! aa h and s era 1 lug «¦«¦ pn leblng with tbem. Wa have been lie in :. v«. ui n im- Laity »» il.«' op and the minister the minister will preach belter, li a i«r l 1 1. uoi in « n drawiug Ihe m t right, guo üioii.» m ti'.- cburcfa i«, t«. work and h Ip tami be in «.1 pn i«.:-« 1 Ii« ruions »\:tii that thins in view. Will thla draw men to Chris) 1 l do not i.< how m. meetings. 1 11U< to tee tbe rouvert«. Ou minist« ¦.a«! iaid ¡n- »t'il ti"! Iii Iu disturbing thu Imp If be bad m ide an In p. «¦ wtiou he did uoi »» .n ««ne to .t ij .11« thing. II ud, ». Altei '" «.a,il I«« '»-i« ¡nui dig n nu toi ¡." ihm ¡.. I blm, "Tue furmers all harre In aiter it Is ao« eiL" [A.ppiam 11: \i «IN«; 1 <«. vi BTT8 a D 11 »ciir.i:81 The sabjeet for «the noel Boars is annennnad sa**' Tmlningol tuueg Cometía sad 1.1.» .loses ¦'' 1 i:¡ « top..' Dr. Btcphen II. ag, Jr. "tpoka .1« toUoa 1 :' (tur lailare to trun .»011:11; cotm-ri-, la the Faith : . !.««l 111 l!.c pi. , nl I., odlct in coiiliM.'ii «u [f the young «tronverti who In tbe last ten ye «.. .-. -.a «¡i.., 1,1.u .n eburt hea In this cltj had b ¦»-:.¦«h.1 ¡«-.iii» ..ii.l leí-«.« 11 a. Instructed t-i <" «A'oi ...-i ni m, hut. ui work,we slsould uot lair,«. di ¡it the in-'iiirear« f ¡a four week -, and I am .1. n «i 1 : iii-ii.r done to th 11 i,« «..'.« .,ii« u... of tba fallare of the cbu . iralu lia converts. People eoustantl] ,"ll ie iuvi ¡it tu- revival are going lo stiel III di ocio « ¡ ».. 11 tbe t ma.mm -1 «n ih i-lint unJ in tbe failure ol rerj uianyol them tbi Holy üb : ««Hi o»» 11 la/.IH--.-. Ill I . I In » M 1 seema torn there aw thn «. 1 tlnct .. : In the word, in the worship, and in tbi wi «: the church. «Some ol tbe couvert« come Into « il life, ignui :¦:¦ even ol the succ -.. :, 1,1 ,.« bib «-. du-t nf the Uib a 1* HI',»' 11«-- «l I. II la,I Hill ¿ «'llllg c n the texts of tbs I. t lim i i«n m to test i monj In ip -:ik;n»- before I UOl Is I' '.'¦ Hi c ip : «« n m >nvt i-. Wi.« 11 we are cu «u a «¦ are on «l '...',,' Klsbop irlsw« i.-...." 1 p liuve J "i lunch liii.il.!> I" .¡.U, " .\ I' -.« Hk of." M".-t pe.'.'le h.iVii too 111,1 ." li i- a hody of W'U-Uei.«. and not a body lo : ., a, : rj '«fi»¦ ii «In.iii.ii'.- '.«i.« ..-'I t.» -, ¦. '.» n «i itor iv c ne ««i .h l a i|«. a «I «.a :«n I«« I." lull ho p istol h «Ill to Church o thl to Is a Imd ol «m ki re. o ia «.n ...i to !". trained la hi plw a aa ...ii ¡o |i.i itor 11 the 1< a«i r uf tas »¦ im ¡ Is tue a eral n la te do »» tai t Ihli t:. a fortli »»¦ -l«. o r. .. I..I--U.." .c » ¡««.iii, ia tbe a a] in »» uich ha It tod i ,«iy m.m to »«.urk, ll ;«'«- bh i a .,.¦ ... cupattou. i : blm «i .. .. n ...i Ins an« .¡i lie i«, -i ie of tbe it« k ..i .: . . iork "l Kill «i .«:.,.,.-. ;... ;...;. it la that you ». 11- ».... soon ''«" «in strong ufllcers for i knst. Mi.'. IHIODra i:VKMN(¡ BEBMON. A Ll-«« i«:.a»', M PBOM k NOGL8 WOOD OfPO » I nl-- BIO.B AW'.I M M I.. PllEI »t HV " IP.II." i i il «MK8SA«3S8 iM'IAIsk, -I! «WIM ¡ ¡Uli I: IM -I ai, .> .N IIUI-IIAN 1.11 A i t«-r livi- Iniiiis «il Inrt-sonl «labop, M I i-.-tni ii.-.i lo the pulpil l.i-t. va ii::u-a-if it »v. ie beginning et tba «i.«.»'- »»mU. ni« energyaa a Jaded or flagg.«g whatever tha atrel upon tbem, sas] Ma tjteol pi.»"steal powsc Is i .-in.iil i i-un nt in hi.- .. Il« ii'in.iii'.«'. «I tl i .-¡ii. .'.ii.ai. in..i.i, " Km :. i«r Agi ."»»iii.ii wasbroagl "t.»- '.- ¦:¦ toi* iii'Hiia, .«n i tin« «arbola «tmngregi : «n». ;. re .«»..- .i praj« th i. trd Nf wt- ti of l'hii.,.1« i hte, mi M ">« .. '.f :. f' b ho 1.1 uf 1 ...ih. a bu » retín la tha Pooitl av. hall was conduct« by the lev. "a" i. «Jesap. Mr. M '.'*.'. mon aaa ¡¡« !.« Vim will Had my text ¡«e\:_' ii pi-t Is one word, "ii, » .'¦ a » ««u tin i i i.,' la Be ipi m- j ou m .:: Imp m mi coming, I' Is lust to drat *. : .. behold '. I ara shapes i-. n did inv mo cou letve me.'' Now thin ¦¦ «i ui «n lo I«..«»» before he Is «ave« Is thai he la tost. Yoa seedat pr seh ta Blm u «'« aU ». I.it lio. Í« it Hol'l 111 .ll 111 Savior thai ¡- not l"-'. ^'U needn'i take a panloi to i man l al ««¡ n t been i»«..'.. ¡.....->!. Vou ue. ,,.. ..«¡..-a- lo a well man» ^««« iieedu'i lend foi «l x loi iii- Tbc I .t mu t.« kau . : ¡ a ..«. .. linnet. i .i t till I » ;«. tri Mi: i. o. .ion', Hk tbe L, It. taat .)<.«. a tall «.¡ sin. Moa tba most em u< ul mei li»- - a.««- n i«i- I in H Iptun. bad learn Iba 1'hi iu in Isaiah, bufo .¡. be bu i !¦¦ iu «>>.f < .««, «, ._-, - and the mom IJikI on high and liit.-d Hit i,ii",ic he «tried uu " ta me, i am umtoue, l aai n ¦¦-, I tl-.' a in ¡m u.,.'.« an Flien c in the angel ami put a coal apon hli :¦! i-.i. i.«.-« a. b n «ni i na h«' »» .i- ready te do Gud'a work. \ml.never yon Bad a m.u tulalng .'.un ,.«.«» '.".'«iii h«' is, then i. mm thing » ;i may kaoa tbat that siaa in rat tald dad, m..ne n. a man gels oue glitu -.. ««f i .,i, luto t ie dust " i i«-1 '.. bun i ¡««lio i I.i" i. i." I. I, I .lo'ie till.', a id ih.¡ie thai, ¡ie.ii' Hla.lT'... .; |. .,,i,i.'. \i,ii_\,ii .,,« u ,«l J ,i, , we would think him Jusl m good a mai bava «».". There waa a iluta wbeu Juta ustei bad BS u Ood¡ he bad k aid alu.iit M an, Inn ho n i Bei u iii.ii. bu «.o«! .1 ta, "'. ni nit »uoi hen»." God began «i««! «I««.» a be c m«'. H* p u h a ou not bei- word h un. Ile g ¡u of (tod, nod mat ia what every »In¬ ner wauts io-iiight. ». u he sees (Jod hi a ill cry out i ., .'»"¦,« m ," .«r I.i.« Job, .. i am » n ." \ ¦'¦ to with Muaea wuea be came t.» the burning btisb. »» en he n « I baoa la the acbtwl ««f tba was n ih- i«. m in- »»mk, bul ne tl Kill bi t to thai luimin ui Hi; «be « -l am au -¦¦::.' it iiml iu III« ««'1 chaptei ««I I. I'aul brings tual nl la tin «¦: it »».,«.. t...n .. a a become gulli » n » m.m' mouth i lb blm. »» n a m.. i, i.i -.rile ami h is ci un« Uní « «H bill.ell ll« «,..|» ii.oi.ni.i-«, m,u il i»i» l. il«- saya. .. I ¡nu s.«pen In nl'iultr, .-t m nu mv mother md eoneelvi me;** or like a ol», ' i mall.» I bs « -i«i i i..in ',....-... .... l ..o i.. p«.i», i.«. and :.¦« thai man i. .,1 i.i .¦. er in",' .n - Mit'..! .,.e: Ill .;.!.. g. ». "I su «..I Hint u««. «¡i«,!'; mai. all) lli.ii» i H..I ». it. i «i «.. It Is no u .i «n. i-, . M i bring you «glad i .,:..¦ i » !i,.i. i ¡ i we «in hi uu lb i nui that rot neu from I . " t. ild . ... i i«, '. "I ¦« :,. tine gt Of I. at ... 'lav i tba ite «."l ['.Till n Do yew think t livra bsti.-r n ». sfss aasas dvwu fitiu t.ouu than uiut, thei anean..tar poor lest a ate« pel FTe*. i* a-»avlnr for yon here. " Behold I bring you glad n thl. " I ¦.« !¦.. David u »Sari «r.** Nowl u the world don'l ami thai is that the Gosp« i 11 ».I pews, morels pmcl u the pi >.i and the world d n'tlielleve It. ïou ronliln'1 hnv« :¦« presch If men believed it was good newa why there Is n ti' m n i" » ". ".I m w- If th« t believe It, i.iit it in li : lint »oil «¡. i'l Hol a ! It. that ever r.'«*'na the :. ip« out lbul wl tcllj '.'« l"l ll' ',' ... :,., I Hint ilia. ¡» tl," i. i. a 'hi 'I iln Ir ears. Kov loo« a: .!"¦ If 1 should pill It tO VOte I..IC, l.oll l.'.n, o, tan, i,l li M ii)' an l s ty *" U ii .«. .1 ¡ i h -' it, Wl thai BVOf n'" 1 n-, nil 1 vi t With ail th -" wltni mem trortd to l< Ü It -¡...,1« thai the world i und« tnne I. When man e.-iv. « a i,,.-. ,..-,¦ i can tell by h « !....¦ wh n he i w.Vlbcr il i good newa: so when I preach tbe gospel I can aee who believe It. I '¦..-.- ol pou uilluig; you believe It. .Ami there ai M t looki "i. m tbou.hl brought them a death warrant; they do In i. i'. There is a itoi ov< :«. m the ol«l d II' m flat |..et« 11'.- Uospi I. I .lon't vv if that presents it snj bit tor. Dm day David and Jona¬ than were walking together and .1« uathan «aid i" u_v id, '* lit-, nl. I i.ai.t i oil to make me a pfoiiil-e tfa my t.itii.i It dead ami yon bave my father's throne, 1 want t«» bava yon promise that if there oi the inn.f .- mi v, .in roe. you 4», i show linn kindness." David s ml, .'Why of conree I wlU do that, Jonathan." »Long after that, afte many batth...: 1er I) ned m h ¦. >*¡ ami limit him a pels «¦ no In .! ru .:¦ m, be 1011 of his p....n:«- ...nal one " Haul, iheHoii of Jouathan, who had been hiding rom blm m «Lottebar, a place of bo p ature; aud tiie) It whet -.ini.is nn« doing .they aie billing from 111 m in a place <>t )"> pasture. What did David »yi "Let blm ttey theret" No; bet he - m ti to - m,, r for blm, ami M pblbosbi lb, . lien he beard that l»..v nl had sent after him, was i- in who eame from the king tried 1.-'.-"i« blm, ¡mi at last got blm to go along back with lum to Jem alciu. When I'av.d aaw blm, in» «. art incited ¡ be « « » i« 1 see that he was tho son of bis old and dear friend Jon he vv«nt toward htm, aad Mepbtbosbetb '»«tit down on hia kneee. And David bade hin rise, ai 1..hi him thai he would 1 e him to hi« prora -.- Hon m ih.' Kingdom as a d__e*cn«lant from rían Mephiboalw-tfa then beeama ¡1 part of the boas« «lof- David, nod lived In splendor ami In happiness at I' m. My friends tbe Lord waits to bring you frota l_>.'.'.- liar; In- w ants I«) lia'. «. yo 1 tel at His own tahle Süd to -S with lain forever. Tin: (.«vtivii or i if k SATtOU. The next " llelin'.il " is thai .. 1;. i|.«!il ;.. need By John the iiapt. a « in n Beerted there iu Ibe aHiVirni in- ii;«-t Chrl i n « textbeeame Botlring else bnl " »Be- liold'." At Ira. ii waa .. Repeal I repenl l repeatl" «Bat aflat in* bad personally n«-eii the Lord, bo said, " Behold Lamb >..f ii'"i that taketh away ths dn ..f the world." That wet bis cry. Will roo not look a: Dim, then 1 «Look at Ulm itu a to town, he ling the sr g, ,-: ,., restoring stirbt to the blind, casting out de Ing the«leaif. Yes, looks! Ulm again han .m.- », i'l«.n the 1 m -, oi..,in,, t., i/oui ..::-1 it 11 bad ar ,''¦'!, ¡«nil which lie baa borne aa ... Pi given to [liai on earth to tave you, and He wil von if von let Blm. ihn there is ;. "Behold!" Behold, now is the accepted time." mi :i omplain b< bum I press thai it1 "now." w li, would ti'i not mplain »tly, with snili' a ni cause, 11 I aaid "uexl yeei Insi .! ol "now!" U'by, what a criticism there w ild beu Vork ii Iah Did »y,''Repent, rep .' ar." Snpi'iisiiiM I taid, .. «>h you must re ieul for yo n In bat Von DM I not do ¡I this '.car; you ¡ic.n n't min ii Iltis .«r, but j -¡l inn -, repent ln-.vt year." Th« i.. \ m,,|.|-. would como out and i i, ecrthing la tli that Mi. .loodi Issa tl m \t y .-.i r. I v..i,it to pn--«. the word "Bebo c" ti <i in .." ..nil, well," men t.., " thai « (m ¦.(." Well, my friends, it is for eftect. I imeuto to that. We preach tar effect: we don't preach to pul p- ipli ta ;,. vi,. Bave i" ¡i saying, and a time, i: ipenl now. because II i- i time thai >...l baa given you. Yon cannot turn back the wheels >,f Time; i a are speeding onward to eternity. Even minute thai gone la gone forever; ton cannot recall h. And everj mtuute that li ntbe filiare belongs to Oud ; It don'l belong to ron or me. l i -m'! lay, "Repent n." xt h..,ir.'' idontkno- m my in,ii here m it hour. The door U open for you iioti, ami hi' ami b) tin- doot WlU bS BO In in .'all open it. Voit ... «I teil tint II oui your own i-xperleuce. Uow tnauj have beard the Un Del from thlt platform who are passed ana within the t. ¦,. weeks we bave i.n here, and who ere nowinetei nil». Ton i.ai. beard how death bas been near to tbe choir, having ;ai».-ii the husband of on« of oui tm«-.- of tbe ushers have also gone, and bow many of io I »ve attended ben lu the assembly have been snatched awaj I know not. ¥e1 mans have gone, and now they an gazing upon the bee of the King iu tbe .....1 rusaletu; they h ve plucked Uto fruit off of the «Tree ol l.i tin y are walUIng now by the great river that tlo.is by the Throne. While am preaehingthej are pe. hauce looking over the battlements of Ilc4ven to tee if there Is nuy one here among fheii frl n«li who will ¡>-- p.-nt, or i th.». préfet to puas through the dark .>.. ,|i .ni'"., ! ah without (jod aud without hope. No - ih« latí«- v»«i'(l .. Not ." a ill how many are neglecting the meant of salvation from ilaj i«« day, ami are losing their chance «.. Il ¡mu. " Behold : now the accept« l .bank i,.ni t 1er are bumireds and tboitnanoa uro tonight wno « U take It to their heart.-, aud who will lui up their _«.ul_ t.i brlat, n,an Inquirer «ml to me the other night, M.It. l ». ...¡ai like i«« i.«* ¡i « .¡i i-ti.tii, bul .*o io iroiii m,." i.istiii. .. i; hold uow, 1 ataud at the door and knock." Ttttpik Ood, lie la not :, mu ¡i-. Ji t_ Is lu this i. .. ¦¦ to-night 11«- ti relu this issembly as you und 1 are. Ma. Uod «.;.. n .. ."n to ... .. il u. lie Ii not onlj here on ini- ii ittorm, but lie ie down there where you are. Bark I l." « the heart throb 1 That it Christ knocking. l>o yon bell re that yon are a atañer I TLal la work of the Holy Ubost, He convinces yon <>f «m. .-alando,, not dolt; thai la not fa- work, ii work i try to convince you thai you r.iiy go on ..ml tin as much oa yon like, aud I .¦¦ la pT« my of time to repent h :. aft« :. " behn] ll I «. n u the «'.¦¦ kuock." Who wil[ let Him in I Who wilt make room for ii... to-night I vv.io «rltl nn....the door aud Ulm Into his heart to-night 1 Give Ulm a wc.meand lie will come in. Mark the word, "Behold! I ai the door aud knock." It Is not au angel, or anj seuger ol tfeai ft; ll .- " i" thank «. "i lor ¡i pel i idchb i., t¡¡.- door ««f onr hearts, n. ¡. h to you¡ tie Is close upon you. Mj friend, won ¡I O.l.l ill I li. iUanother "Behold!" "Behold,heprayeth." It via-»ai'i m i «-lut ton to the conversion of rtaul, wl i m nil the Lord on hia way t«. Damascus, Anda .«.nil ill.-n called upon Chrisi .'or II.. comtnni !-. - n-i ry one here to alghl a«... " Lord, tisl wil me io «to i" ¡nul yo -lia.I be t »nghl ii ho 11. Be v. Ill take .'.'"ii bv tbe h_mi and ike room Ulm, ...» t-, lu _,m_¡i r i,, .o :, to-night, and Be a 111 entei sad blets .ou. TBI PRAYER-MEET!-»'«- -\ r ROOM. ThetC W88 -suine .oiil'iiMo» in pAAAÍng from i.ise, of tli»- < «Hiv.-ii; lo.I to UM loon p iii8- yesterday, but tim wtndowa t ¦ led, and thoaa v. ho wiahed to reátalo rase and tang "**¦¦ «: Hour of Prayer" while it,.« ¡.. ¦.'... «aera in for the taWB -nt'"-. ths Kev. F. H. '.'. opened tha aaeetlag by tending tin« nth of Matthew from tha ._. ¡«i rerae.the areoanl ial walking on the water to his disciples oi tbi ¦hip, and the same «ni«;, ."t. w sa cousidered m ¡-.»et uf the remarks which followed. Tbei i were i ir¡,in the Kiv. In. Irvine of Augnota, «.a.. Dr. » ¦¦, ol Newark, N. J., nu.l Ike War. c «HLKcudol Kl bmoud, v.i. M tars. Haukey and (hatcher tanft« "«m. ta nothing, nothing," the mosi Ifeetlve .,,n,i¡ ol tha who.' the t.i .-.¡Tit.- closed with tb« beuedlotion by tbe iu v. W. W. Plaauaer, L». i».. oi Oolumbla,a. C. Tin: -i i.\ [CE8 TO DAY. Finiu 10 to ll «I'lloe!. in tin' morning the ,o in foii-i.icie.l t.i the »Coaventloa ia ¡ _tow8h*tLI the leevice ef A ngbe Condaeted In tbe Lord'a \v.«rkt illt» 12: Qnestion andRepUee. i om 19 to i, the i.«nal iii-niidai i'la.i. il.n;. Iiola A t«. ton;.: " i ¡«.v. 1.1 ¡t Bold of .s. ii i. in c¡: Enera." Kr.un i te 5: «in Tooag m b : What More Oaa Are do ter Theat t Prem .s to p. m., tin aanal eveata - sei i le a lili: MIRORtTT IN DR BTORR3- CHTJRC I. To the Ldi I o r u I Ihr fr À a Su;: I DOtfa by \V< ilin-silay's l'irim nk tli.tf Kio.it of the i. s,s"¡ m theeall tar the ehureh m ,- imroi Maith lil, 1-7.'.. in Dr. .-»torrs's i harch. s.. n, te ba s.:i-.:ive about Iba taets atetad la an Interview reported ta-_aaday*a paper, aad eheraetertae the h amata prlacad a. .. a Uaaua «»r misrepreeentai Wore ii tot tor tins ezprei .i«m .here nealA be m aei «i f aaea am te Iba atattir. for if i¡n> ens what no -a Interest will. ami are tl mad la ti:U sard wttb tbe Aeetarattans repotted aa asad» b. ., no diacre] me. will appear. There la glvwa to the me little ea »lea ittua ..f the prívete an etb («r:«).' to Uta «hilicll nn*. ' n.', v. h;« h «-v. t 10 that «h ,"." no t. ci" the minority, mi far as I before, mid which all Bedeabtedl) will m to ir«t. 'luí i tvoatd have given moat i fully the «repec-W bad i poseetsed it. I every ssaertlea ta tha pal oi _UchaadP. Baekead otbera, aacerdB wttb Bad iirniatory of my remarks as given, except that the n a ...» on present that Dr. Mon n nd hta at item« nl . ¡ nl lo the n.'i.Ti-. it ion ibes« gentlemen toy " Ho did nol reed any state I did sa« wh .i l t. as 11 i«orted as I noted ut the interview a :i« tin. 'I «nil Kl ti ,i -nl. am i! i rted «a m ire, a ltttie si in «. thai in. n -It« lllil «t- ,11 II le-.-c--.al to UUIte III - II i above. i,, i brow .h- «..i ell '... upon Ihi ep «rtor o rwa giren w¡s -.»ul of good will to 1 *-i«irr-, neither making mn tal« ndin itton upon blm, In tue lut. id ¡a m.- ile Ire lo mi i- ii'-.-i l. d, t... .:.!,. iin until .. «il ., inoio. lit I.at, nl fu,)! ., ,i ,, » J :illli V.l.. i HITS, 1'IMSL ll. llloil.so*.. Si m l i.. Ma. ill ..h 1 -7'). VN AMERII \s* «ni'iiiti i: BUSKED AT PARA Ailvic «i ii.iiu Pair, Brtiil, ondnr «Iu«* of .i tue Am iean schooner ¡silt Cant. Mabnay. arblsb tall AawTerb Pab N In «rived thci». rei-eii'l, ami «>n .itl.r took fire. In-.- a-.».,. t ;, ,, a i Brd-boaad | .. tla.it o i .!...»¦¦) I .-.I. of 3 a,,_.'..'): >0 ,-».), ,.a»her, L<v Lain is ot loiui, kud 1.0 -i'.«i ti pcrlum i r. THE COURT& Tm-. i.AWIM.Ni K |»n !-i,,v. POAAIMUn HiAr BA MAT EXPO , »:.\i - i, v n m. i ,i In regard t«» in.' décision whi 1 (.71 Ha -la. ill lii f Ih't I'llli. '.I Alton, ;. BUM , Lawrence pi , Wednes lay in May. Wl lut« n tlonal .'¦< !.. ¡ II«) iloill«! li at I »WTl lo WOlll'l ii.t ... n ni for ! ndbntt in an. i » *-,. - hi« eontaderatei la tin- . t -i.iteil in Washington ll , he (-..imliiered 1, ;W|«I.....'.- testimony ; theufbl that. In aayevci naimt a win, had aln Bdy bt b removí <i :. sit ..*!-. «.«n. li. r.. PaoteTi AssBMsat D «" m pm .1 «I«-,, i, tm t, »-.!, ) -...'. .| tl it been deckt «ii for I h Incorpora Ing ta tbe treaty ol 1.12 the Aet of Hi- B( Of 1870, tbould m t BS 111' I tal an ¦' "ta r 0_l u. ths wa. rani of _ -j 11 » pr.«iM lea,as «- Intended te previ «t ibsexirafl fon of any one for an I » te tacare tbe pareen oa ,,f. -, sad to pul him on trial for t ¡-., the .! f the tatee wen i m t...- ... of Wh ,this Q ly to Greet Ri Id no! an*, *.i oto r than thai tar which be m «iiio'l, f.ir bit .!. nee la sol again ttb m .i. «. bat agslnal the lawa la ¡*«. R P. t. i y, eoiiis«: «tar Lewi II anssun prissd ths sass bad not atl setod more puh I not m ' .. m ». ii ,.,,, ,_. ,t< .- on the meaningAhd seope of the «-vi tma txtr__ i t.- ...¦ of Law* mm.-« pn- iiuu I r. ¦.,! In Hie a.Un ai hy «¡ii ul . extr iditiou n r, and a . iu his lieilef tiie 1 ¦ io «l'ii-i.«:) Hi« r .'"r. i-t. any other on" :i->* not nn ntioned In In his <«p. »loa the tn it. ..f l-1. i Immunltj I ii ilii. j¡. anide : niai, nt et i »gre« tn m with !¦..¦ .«. ai ol uld be tr, .1 mi« lor iso had In) f w e-:, -, th i: «ton | before I.g id to United »late« ¦. tract ¡m« -, a PI i, in« io .¦, riiui the p .... y.. ipplu -I to tbe Lawn «. «. i- . tti i.m s foreign couniryon a trumpeA* and t.¡. n m. .! for polu other .il. use. app. tuintng to a cl fon n co inn 11 '.-- to (Jen. Tracy knee nothing of an. Intention on tbi .,_«>( ¦.¦ t" expose bis infi tes lu lb .- mr provided tbo Oovernu il gave him Immunity. A .nVIM.HIi.AIF.O «ESTATE, i.AW DRA K>n »irt.iis yi:w:-. 9180,000 «pfnt, am« nu: t d sor vii. X.'iflrinii'l (.ihn.in died in \Yattiv:]le, Mr, m December, 18801 leavtag abont >i."«'m,-n,». in Lit win he provided thai the Batata tbanU bedlvMed inr«. ten eqaal abanti aumng bis ehUdrea, tobe paM at the b_s ef 85 yean TO his addon as ¡.-it set am one- tiiird part of a houaaia Clinton at, Broohlya, with the tarnltureand plate, a berae and ebatar, watch ahahah portrait, -tassoads, aad$10«000 In oesh. i. aidesthh in- ic.t 025,000 to he invi-.'ci -fou- p resnt «M the Interest to he given her for he,- ass, sad the reel to h«- added t«> the principal. The testater as- been nuurriedtwtoe aad had ehOdren _ysaehw_b ¦_ alao bjwb to the ans ef iiii widen sad lier t tint rent aad pretto of abetal and two stores Should Mt wife eoateet the will, he ordered that4 Iba earth nmenata -. : a.-a'e for in r and bet chlldn n't nee thi aid to AivMBd BBBOBg all of his chiMieii. Be BBB H litnrt F., Charlee i:, and Anaa K. OUmsn, In. ¡,,.i- I « iell'in, ¡'11 t - '., 1 R La!, Ul« three lael naaaad b.-m,, mm la-law. r WBS aa extensive leather _aereh_Bt la ttk .t, I. it hi« r.'-i.l.i.«".- at tue time ef his death :t ,i il by tbo young r ehOdren, was at Watervfflta, Ths iirst iMgattoa m tew out of t Is,aad dta question wat rain lastewbeea tbe win tboaúd be pen bated. Iba body waa removed to Kew-Yorh toi harisi, and tba elder eh ..ir. n obtained poeeeeomuef _ha arfl sad bad It probated bean. Tbe will trat long eeetaates. aad daring tbo eontas. Cyras Curtis waa sppotatedby rog »te reeelveraf Iba eel mt. Tba »¡11 wat i'.naiiy d to probeta Xay 88,1961, bal Ibera lia* N «-r -¡me. 81 asti]1 alter th- death of Mr. (Mb 1 low lied a petition la tba Probate Oeattsf Kennebee Couaty, Maine, tor the mtttag apart sf s f money la Neu of d owed 173,000. «; orce P. Oilman, tbe senior ex rarer,ap I to ih'-1 ipretae Ooart, which affirme l tbe arda. 1 irt of Probate and Increased tbe illowaaeeta :-,'"o:i. .be widow tb i-"¡. .' -n.' lu the Biipreese '1 against the «... < ut« to obi 1 tba tiioucv, Bbe also began an ai'tlon tn tae Cinult Omrt >f the l':: HtaUi igninst «Ueor- e 1 fl a to 1 r mt on a promi «jori not« riven him le Wat iiiiii.iii. Boon after tho iiearliiniugof theet ae» W Oilman and '«¦ ¦:.¦¦ O. Pereival (one of the .1'-n- « I All :. ¦: "i IS 1. -' ¦' WfatOW 10 prosecutions ol the two actions brought by (¿er. Ibe ui.. « i. suite i in a Oei ision for tbe y aiiiil«. After tho trial ic.-«.ri. lions were entered Into tar aa ol ill math In d :t rene The resell teas .: ion a compromise ....« nt betweeaall v«. ,a K. <; iimm. ii«. v,. to i. ad heir, who was absent In Europe, in.- a ... .-,.,. t pro» i eklow, Iu addition t . uni ul -jo.« 0 ived by bei. of A-iO.WO and I I cou »el fees, ia all aboul AM,.i, In full n the* ¡«r, ««. il a \ al . ,¦¦.¦- s.ioii .1 !>«. canee Ml; that an account sh u .v niton d, an l the state b l. Thetlut.of t. ;-.....i n.«m ..a- Not. i, i-;.'. ..' ....ii,!,, m th. -I'm !. .1 -I.it- -i « ircnit roiirt hy Aima. K. i. :.... l'. lillmsii and otl in r ...ia. uni thai n mat tha duty p luv« i.' ." the ..-«. ta «>f the ¦,.¦.. a ibej failed lodo un ÜI Vug. Id. IfMh., »alca Inventor) retirencnfed about »''''.. In rash au«1 «.J values i tbeea thectaimt proved to be In han .. Ui ., r sinn. i....l.uii .¡.-o s lerts that the del nd-ntt were Ih« - II. !!!.!.'. III. 'Ill »mounts iu iiiiii.'i--s..i » and dilstory filan i m| - ..' tbeea da iu sio.-k- or tin ;. otll "I * miii.ii th..> lost sad n"!..'- i' ".."! tatat i, i ¦.-:... amo t-. ¿g, 1870, Anna K. Gl aull :, . :,« m. '.*..! ps "in m March and April. l-.«>. .lid which were nol a preiiei '¦."'¦ .1 ..nl vi.-r. m 1..HHI to l li. KliOX a Kii«J ... 1. ... .i .1 ,. i»l d - '' Ir-» i.i. exo.uk ....:.-.« 1 i).- ll« fl lot. ' i--'.4'- tag« a . wa ,.,, ... n :,....,ti «-i.ai.no,) «peni in litigation, ana a ... m coiupii tc aU-uiuisUaU-B d ra a«o. Ill i: RLEECKEB BTKEBI KAILBOAD. .i v at aurai bi row v ¡ «. ¡a. rutcxi u ^ in i «it lit -.vliilL'.vil.Nl.s OnACKK-INd »HIA !.;;. il j, li A-»:. I"; i.li.l Stint BA-faotd WAA before ipt ne Court, t a ,,,i i ,..- io leans lbs mad ta tbsTatacy .. ,.i:t._l ('..tn. ....! II -al' ¡' '»* :. John If. -' "f lt,ñ .. Brand U. H I N,r i'..,n:., third atget t ___lfraad « ___¦ ni «pattereoa tor Mr. Matare, who, as s ., baa ....... .i au iml' ,'.. .»,- :i.-il .. K n «.tn app« «. t in a aiiit two ate«.... Man >>f I ¡ *** i :. «ni i-i.tit «.f Iba i" 'v. a B w. k. Ball tar Wdllam tt. w*aH ,.. .»,, « map i¦¦;. bit. Watt '11U' . , inn ih.it. i. :.' .¦'.,' on^the .i b) .'iu. r ate abba cliiess ¦: ;¦. pared to srgu« .:.. u nhothm the "...,,.' O .-4.' -I' 'I1«**"'" 1. ...i the a*tHtaa ef »___"* »re to lesee tbe i sd ra .. ms oi i"1 '»' li .-i.-, Etailrus .< omi ;., »... a-... ilntadthan ..-..:,. p.-.-.i m IB7A and l4-75,tba*_2 !. tbe in : "¦» »¦";1" "ir? ..re» ..Ir. im. i- leste v.<__»e » t*-__.ie bond ««r ____-_____¦ *««
Page 1: THE TIIE REVIVAT^COXVKXT - Chronicling America...TIIE REVIVAT^COXVKXT A C.KKAT Cm-I.-TIAN A8BBMBLT lAî.r.r HO-IH-A "I «uui.rni I I'l'i'iM' ¡ST... \BT -fig lilI.l'GAll,'s iN-piririvo


lAî.r.r HO-IH-A "I «uui.rni I I'l'i'iM'

¡ST... \ BT -fig lilI.l'GAll

,'s iN-piririvo w«.«!»*«. » 11F. BOPI v i -1 I« I »HOI 1.1-t o -I'll I> )'.-AM» 1

i"Y Ml'I'IINi.» 1' ilM i

vi.KiS am» LAI it: tfiti:::.- -QOl« IV Vf:. Jl i.'llY-¡.»MlKKg BI

hi.v. MA, BOOT-, li-ii, Minn \ ll. nnr>: 1 vi-, i\n OTHI i:-.

The t'lnis'tian Convention of IfInBatecs tttimen, called l»y tbe Committees which are eo

I-i_*- the revival worh in this city, to eosd-ilogias oi hnportenee in »Christian labor, ":¡«i v¡

liitl.v oi .«;«... : il rvangellttic esTorta, heldAHB-sna .it t'»»«' llii','"ilt'"iiie yeaterday. An«r«il»>*i f u* lepieeented, ami z

an» -.»--: wan shown in tiie di-iHBSBA-Mtin* a<ltlroaaaa hy Mr. Moody and hyknown ektgjlltven. A novel *>:.t

Ihc pr.M e «liai'- was tlie questiouiniMr. II« o 'v In tie delegates opon the ba

nmler con-i l.rat on, and liii «inn k And Itanewcra iu*«piritcd as well a«; instmotsbearers. Tlie topics v !.i h WAN taken Ufiinr | is (lav we-e Evangelistic BetticesCoa tact sf Prayer-Meetinga, Inquiry Meetingtin* Tn ii ring of Young C-nvettsIn ti even as >li- MoodyUilil. iiuiiing with tbe word "Beho

Till". MORNING BESSION.At t'i«' «»jiciiii!'-' of tin' C'UiVf!it) >n I

.'< ¡. ,i» ;.. ... a: ball. I the Blppodroaae a it lall,aaiidi«-).« b« mi; pi'« m m a.I.in,"ii t" t .;;.:<"..> pi

ami lay «i« i«-.'¡it"-, representing 19Statea and 3401rii« . .1 ina.ii he. mi It

jeeatetl deeply tat« rested In »the revival work sad i

. i» ll Ihey had eo'm- t.. .':«. n.-«, ¡.nil

for.neil a lindy of i leti ;in;«*< «ive I.y n..tnl.ers. 7c:«!

_¦ 'tie.*. Tin* tiltiles 1er the morntagmoMt e Aera H¦.¦rte a and '. ll

op« sod with f...n».-." 'i'in- R ». Dr. Wat. Orna

xmgwt, ntt .i»* i: ¦. i'¡ r. ion- of c lin.tiii a, i*. «..

¦ extra «4 fiem lbs Btata. Mr. M.ii.iiti nl.nil tnntli oil tl.il ,i.

all lo ill ba 11" ..si». i:v qaeet-oat ahonl I« .m. n on Hi.- platto m :¦ u

¦mu« p am .i m rapid generell, two or thi« «. atal)Ul t vt.ie always«ml gave greet satlstactlon. The a

ai waa h

mth Mr. Meedy*i tnlmltaMs »p-:.t. Instead

he.»v) .¦), 1 1..:.,.:, .1 ..-.,.. .'.a i a am hoi

life nl).I i-srli.stliess and eonta.'i il tn it v\

Br««n«- tli -i mi nii-r Into a en la

luli.1i' t and j et tl.' '|',< liolislout none t.i their «.. linti-

in t i-. n.. i ;i.i baadl n_ swho w nl lo the «

..'!. thS ",'. I-

sonn f'-an i? » mador Mr. Moody*.uail Itie-htf-r an I applaeee wen fn inent if the ¦

of the «'m vriitinii eoarid earvfve aad ba iallied by«.. into his own town and church, the whole a

Ir I" awakciit :in«l SgrSBt WOtt pMr. '.Itii'h, in BBMMBMtag the SBBja ti» of the

tjmke a- f.-llows:', .\,- .o :- ton

fn'i - ili u im to « "min' t Prayer Me« lings. I hare not us

an« owe loop ik ...i tii aequestions. I llioirght we w«

je.- I an hour on each <i'ie«tAl Phi a I« ip.i.a we l«.und II was pn II diii it il lo liaw In th ludi -in «. a«k ¡or

fers n -. 'ni ««. would i

In r Ink. m. ¦.. :.'¦ i, I to help li,

hive «¡,i:.« tilt.. ¡ riada aboutquest.. Ii.

A person aaid to im "Whal do yon moan b] Evailull, -it - I I- Evai Met W8m tot mean bj preaeblng the Gimp li Are notHI'(;,,-, ." N" i«

nt iln ,- -. n.« there «m.!. i.. he In «".

Bharvh, and even oni t tokceptb-m in tbeti m

1 in" ... I liai i. not |i.« ¡ii, hi n.-« id ....I i«. \t,,i ||

at ti'...«, v. ben a ind the Loithere la i

building up O *»r* i- "p.e. Thai Is not piinl'ig the g.i u«

of thetin. -* on .¦. i.a\» i'ervlci'i

i., t I Well, 1 Sboi -

Ji.lll.aiet.UdUl't ttiem tolU-en-st 1 ¡«'"¡'1'. Il tilt, . i ,.».¦ ."..mi to i«. .,. is- ¦! up, and

n a n, i «¡"i« i wsk In« m u,'. ;rj ... thiIhnk m «n ¡.-ht lo use «'¡i common ?- .¦.

it mb will a ou »n«" ;he word We talk.TOft'l 'ill It. li.lt It,:. it la BbIte Inark. I : m'l tm « tl, : «i« try an >tb<» 'i - i, ¦. 'tit p iv. 'if pe l

won lei u« _¦. .- lacy are. '<

n a. «..' Into w im- i.. i, ,'., bond a:. 1 ¦-

i-dio.-;. - is to Invite you tito lb .-. .«ml -at ticIntt i a ..ui

to llot i o an

f v. i- are -jln_c le i-..* ' .¦ havi- ..itliai-Il.-tt1, fol "".I kUOW BI ,n 1:111.

i.t a .1 ./. ¡i j tuns .'. r : «. lanl>."Keckof A| ¡- a tonin:» 'i be h* n.n« ire alw i

t., u aoi new bj u-us ¦t:." I and It wakes up a conirrepitli«. to tu m- m n »a and thea .« nelituiu. Aad i' v on .mi it wake them n1.1 i. tbeui. 1 believe the time i- c««mit

a bon wc aa just *!n.*;ii_ t:led lei n- have hi

lu II. en it), ll!« i> Ulli l| «

.the i oi loi n vv,


Won i.t,' i-l [¦ .! « 'S VOU '. ''-I I It pkamt «ui tpii.' nal doubl

!.. Ill .I.I > III*, oilll «.¡«III« I!.'''-- till- lllti'- I, ll

.Non. itii Dial Imp - ol tm* young oouvertn is il«.ne loi him .-n'

t un a w ule mmnuitj ai d4« ll'l .' |V t- 111'/ Wl It (hi !."!_

tor bliu .- . to brln, In these witui. Ilas m .»« i n n ither thing. I i -¦ loe

« anl n im «. ... s are chnn**« us;, mecí lu

h t» . «i pi un 'i ¡» i ¦. o oree. I ai

aetl u ;. Ina i.t apee al nicetln...i. a : re were no i

»nit... ami on liiquir. I found tbej hud a ":

aria Bapti t minister another, a

i, minute] another, m Congrega ioual minist«i. rder to k.cp nil denomtnaiioua In, andiL

i. . . of d '"!-. *i nthe f me o' It thai that wonl be ".

!«'..:: it ,Itll. I« -.¦..». I, all I |U<

S! th ;««,.! st. r .,,,',. n mil ¡-'::.

ting bold of th« p- ¦;¦!'. Now i believe we havmot men.

I i. the la«! Wi'ii. I was ther.- vv

t.rt .

.. 'I ne i«.,

i' il.'li'tm

>'. ». If ne alei i o »¦.¦ .¦. ¦. wonl«

have d'uu u, m-at workif »..erv

I to get a ui

t..«e ¦¦-. .,!i _-.'.' in .*.- «... t:.at "in i- wecoulget Ir i «- on «i unite <«¡.

n« «-u i", an1 n< ».

it.at I'.in«- In and pi vents the g si re*«ults we ,*»,>«.'UTe . «n't like ¡t.

d.it. I find


tl i- yoithe -..

i. ov< r

Wien 1 .«.cl to _.

boni« th,- p ,,

tWasa i


i. it.. stop »

« S"aiU to I. itllt I

\t I, .'..a thi

.-.... and weaaaa e l»i.. a bo......


11« r> Mi. Mr..¡

*' ,.

ma ol lb«

. ag of the n.-t from all pettS of tin

va»t !

eeeaci Abie to obi .,. names oi the Insen whit »


U A when th.-ic-1« no itDt' -1

Mr' I. A goodtf'i.' J

iJ .....


Ueti an ) ben we a..-

leaH a t, in .er of iiisetiuici as tbe

ir.i.Mr ^ 1» upon bow

have I « i I attend, I would,;

i;er Is 1 aud 1...: il. . ¦, *¦¦. .a >.«...,. iu out

ai»le . -u gui.,m tin i- i,.» » it ,i i by i

at «>_ . «Mr. M It a scry linpoilunt i]U_stioa If i

were a t..... »tei m a I'.iu.i n,.' .a eliuicb, and oonldnot a' iu ne t -i» one or two tu ,>¡,¡,...i.../i w¡

WvUid Just gut .-in» uiouud to in. atUAy, au 1 Wt would

pray und «OS forth In t» naine of the l,onl und »ay«arcgolngTo have s meettiig,*" and there will be«tervat liiwk out Three tuen can store say toa»««n are it.'ing to unit until the whole sanrelHioiiied. »"ii will bare to wall a «ksag I.aa, Got a«

11 ,an, Htid «¡»«I will stand ii.» pon.u. «9am»oas the congregation i» ulive and the ml

1« «had.Mi. M.'.ily.Tlicti let the rongregnthui go on w

tbe mtnlater. ÍÍMOghter.]o. Hnppooe the mtnlater won't i»erniit them IMr. Moody- lie caul prcielll it. A man that

in v» rk for «Hod can do so sad nobodj tont',t Bnnpoae there las «li.illculty In tin» cinirch

<¦Hiiti.it o«' removed IMr. M.io-ly. I don't .BOWof an; difficulties tha

«.¦iiitioi remove. The «trouble Is ws are trying to reth«-: difficulties «sonelvss (astead at anteo toeprayer.Q Why »vu« it the Lord Jesu« could not do anytbl

N ..'..ir. 1'.¡:. Mood»-.On account nf their unbelief ; but tha

the world, aot tbe church. [_angbter.j«;. i«, u n« tat to put ¡' teal i|it"Mi.Hi in a church,»

tboae tli.it ¡ire an««,out» for ihm until« to an.-c, «u i

go t«) aiii'tlier rooiiilMi. Moody.1 think ro. if «uy unm i» going

na red. m la ¦pilng tu take up h. erost, «and it it la a «

l\»«.iilil like to ask him to do it. what you waul»..iti.i'i in «i«, «something ihe.» don't want to do. tin « petal croea generally im people to ii««

prayer; but in tic rety net of «dalag itare vi .1. It la lettlne their friCT«lelthat ihe.» arelntereatod, and «are on tbe «Lnrtl'i «Idthave found In th lael ihn e ft an ll«al ii baa been a i

help to n«. [nfact.1 iiott't ti.i ih I ahm.dattemiI have meeting« without the Inquiry r.a. Peopfi«ometlnii a .in,«!' .-««I under the «serioon,want la to deal with tbem personally. Hen and Ione ia converted under tbe «sermon, but tor everycmiveii -ii m.ii'-i tin «sermon in.i'iii-« «l.< «areeoarett«the Inqulrj tnvm,

t,i pastor and a mail portion ,-f hi*:. ilcitlre t«. have a meetiiigaud Iba tnulei

filie i«« open lb doom !..I .'. Well, I ili.oild pray f.«r the truster«

«mist iki m eli«. Wc «taut Chriifim nu

buldoffl In the church. Men tomotlmcs srs put i

nan M. «i haven't ot any character nt all. andt.v'iil.it« your rbolr and » «i » often your minister; ai

a in i« aud ¡ucache», i

em, thi j el annoyed und «send hli aa ¦..

t¿ in a «i.i.H'Hi'.ty «»..«.«. ia .«n i forcetin'»halve:» h an.» famille« have nol been reacned.«lo

would » ou bave lajii e toda i

n d» .I would have the whole los o ..

an i, ». family lulled. I thl be «1 me.

Q. Do ;. ou idvocate "anxl ma m nt* I"»ii.'.il i.iii.cr call II ".¦ it»-«»f decision

have ¡«t lay .:. n kmany ol tbe dlffetoiu deuouiinatlon d p« culiari les.. ;.n\.««ii-. ».¦ «i " Is k Me budista, bul if

thai iIm ..'. ..« ¡i na .I he all¡nut «lie 1. i-«, on ih ni- «»ti ild 'l thai t

would i«.i»«-, biio l ttnd In ra it is Ik «¦

il into ih- inner room, and «tallt:...'« h i«

i,», Wbai would you say to a peí ton who repliée, " Ih«-.. i ii «-i:aa »» n .hli, rising »i prayi rt"

dr. à loo Iv. 1 ah i inly be eo ild,,'i- .i »¦ :. « I lip ill« I

lii'it In- »'. oü'l «i«' a t.HH .. I .« I. til -'« ti-iiiii.) lu.ui.--

.m n in he .. tot¡. \» i auunend to | pee

,n i... ir i« to i« a. y loi ( lu «-: IMr. i« "i.-iu the h. -i p aoc.l would bury all stiffta

'. 1 IH'I it Mili''» ... Rtlflll,. iluiooi nu

i m m ...« ¡ it tf ii : «¦ and u you woin n- t id tall »»t«h ¡it.n. you »»111 i

peoi i ite it and ; up.i; ». u or n in a. n -tii"» i ol the chm

. m the r ainiiuii I

cour» "' ilj i,«,no ci.. luiMr. M.« ..!;. I «a .«I - nl.. I -'ii-

l-ii! eh.. «I« m Mattuew andi inhal »«« r.« «taughtli til «,,« 1! »a,-.. II«

tbem u : i ¡ i« ii «. m ut«: c lo w«»i k,...en. rather havi lu m nib l witliibave ¡i »,i..t lililí, n ol ôou luemliora and Ihewolaughing.. iff. m.

iv>. it m .. ..i«i haa e'ai in HH.i «trongur thanlchurch, »» at iMr, M " m i hen

..j ih« mistake In all ihla is in lahing uutt|- ««. ill .Hi«« Mu .«.in ll, »« a.'.» gol

caret ill.i". .-.i,«p.«-« tin n- ¡.i" exciten nts Iu the church tl

tentiou o lurob awaj.«ii- .'

Mr. --. kuo*. mm abonl politics. T«j.i« il i«.n i-.i. ..i in*. the woi i«i «iinl yi

ii mi a ItllUU! m lug ««I« ¡i ::, I' «1, billiiaiit" I in,- more than 1 u«» poulie« It i.i

». [L l««r.] i.. I i tb< to.u thai b blue muet. Mon meetings ..if been broken up and I.n«. i-i «ii-.-i, a,« «i i.» «leu Luuars and ctiurt

your¡i '¡.[.«al m«o n .'... o i- o m .-,. i«t « '¡- ouiagi young co »«¦¦

¡ai/ir with hujiur i- lu tue In ¡un.« mi;.. i a i I believe

man » n n greal ill .. nl, for lustan« h in ia in« «i, i.-. jo.-i i nt man lo go to »»o, ?> amoug b

u, How would yon um tbe boys and g iln. .«1 ." I* Von bave torn i good ded oí dl

I Will «tl Uli tlicit) 11o.i,i take ¡m .o- :.«

». ire i uy, "U «M that bo] .- relit" and up c >m

-,«n ú .» nu have .... boy.i¿ i- a m .:. Justified lu i . .« ¦¦ .«t .la on

o i.llk 1" t.l -'¦ .1 h0 »»ill ll"!chun (

Mi.«i '.¦-.« otu utiaui ". . r in u »ill

-no'« mat.» lili«t till- cllll'i' li' «1 «ll'i- UCgle ¦! It. Heworth .it) nit a d »se «« to to ;«.: : uki

u«-1 lai- Bund ... aud l m': -.

.Ill» oil '.

tl .» i« i: ¡ tMi.-t preai ta tband Mi- iii.i; '. doe n't wanl to hear It, must be go

..n. M ¦¦.. \ gre n u. in.» no hi.. cannot, aud m m

1 ... '¦« I..¦ t.'l l| ;«..» c in u a certain ¿hen they

- !¦¦ -p. ,ik in tiiai chtireb Now, I i« .»« trtod mailii'i.t «x-u verteil. I

I I uoi 1m. l could \.« the i

i hen I »««'in inn ..M" ¡h nu i. aud Uoand gol p. «i l knea It.

¡i. peoplelio and] lo tinj

l¡. V. Ollid ) «««I « l¡« I' ill I..

i »boni ! «ay it i te«|we »»¡a it iv« n. i don'1 an aboul in«ill I pi'c.ic.i.UIg, ll

TAKIM1 1 r im. -l Ml) 81 in: CT.Here Mi d npoo Mr. Oankey to ilng a suet

v.hid. closed "ii tola po siHotted to It. Mr. M< .. iiu n iiiir.«.i;n-«-«i in

«at the i. Elow t«i eon lu, t

meeting*and make tbem »uoi*e»«ful 1 1 bare noticed:-.»« .ill;.' Up an«I tin «. ;. ni .¡ ,.

lu in ta.t' can p.'' B«*h th« t la th--iu.. !>.«t ilic man thai kuoa

m j.i. ..a to an ."i i.¦.¦.«¦. i at j i.i :

wnii you t'.Mii totl ui 1,i t thl oi_i .i

ou » h oui prayei i.< i «.

and] , not out of u

tbt.» ,;. .i ;. t«. go, it would beim nil '¦ ud ¦' greal h« lp i

-IUI ¡Hi. .¦» to K I tin- 1"" 1« o ii¡«« «¦

iiiui then ¡tl lilt I: ¡: .I ih«-.i,,- ly 11AiioMi" .mim tant tintilatloi

I« all right. Iu room» where 1.ii- .iui ..¡i.« ¡.i a m there nv<

«i ««u oanu ¦* ¡.:»»- «.'. - in«-! the Jan ¦ i if i.. .i .««« Ink lyoi

\'«I» nl i- it -, it'll .1 ¡..i. . »¦:. llioll-. iui .. i get fu o ah it: i.

in i... n i: ;. Leiknow a »» intu¬

ía u !¦' la 1 «u .«, tiii «Jtfi, - ¦. and i..Mciito any aII ..- iia. in r ;"' or, .. I .in ,!.i .ho !:. ilet up thai I .».."'t« n

»'¦ ««'.'l I..- .» !.):.¦..ii i few words t«. t..ii «verae, aud uftorawui»111 want tu «.t. ;.. ui rb, ami the i«.««.«,... |iiu» b«*.

iii.-ii. w...i-, ...«¦ »«.mi I».. i«. .« ..I

aiiii ii.-.ieoii iiia»),i do «ill tli«- praying and a_ tineut.««-'in :.' ...

.-.ud lit ate iii inti i> st.would >t have lite uimUtcr alwity« take the 1 ail, for

l hu. uoi »i.,« u t;.. ni.i .. ,. . ,, n i,ever true»of] i ere Is a ...:.:¦«.. Sow it.-«. m- tu me a

on - luto Uie chu r, und¡i t:.- o.« etiii/j, «.. an'! ml.u «.

'¦«illn. - ..unió",......

.u iu -. ..«.--. ... ! i'.i .«a l ..-

and >«...

»»¡«.» i! jii.i..« ¡i.. ¡n« h ».: al mm . i.i oui i,., ,,

.a.) « m .'¦ to

be «i i-: .''¦ bi lp i.' «'c mluiati would only pay ttt« Ir«m to It« lin«', n- m., lawyer», p ,

Mo i

i -u ¡i«« .a «. a lil iiutt. Loi Ut«,i- i«, o 1

i.i a a h.h a lii'ii ,..i. ing i

II -.«.i » mi a liana womb-i ully, ou ¡i

«i whtli in let the ».

Ill .» Ha II. ¡«1 I',

ol i ,« ,

; i. « nd .u in'.i)c,i.on Smith m j n - i

. lei the .« to«


up a «ai ter and « «...

liiiuli a lay...

ni, ni m u

\» n> u t ni in taluti lie .»-i thi o. I deal i ».ml, hut

rery .j

QUI ROMS I OH X I M i IKIET1 « 10,,,..i. .1, mi.¦ ... fouj i were oa

;., «t .t. n. n aja «.«

.,.,.«. see, t.»" «o .,..., beat.ras «at.m to tbelag «»nd tbsts sre BOsisMiSi...o jou

i I call It a ting and gn[..ill

'¦ M'iiat tdevotion, «/.

lo.i: ol a.oln IMr. Mo «¦ I«. Id My I i- in lyei oaetlng ought

11 n« fol ito tiiotit »ud olap

to li .,- rialA'i.i awl I will

[I_uglit r] I ha ¡, id ., i ,u-. -

laiteiin^ I» onu thlug ¡.id a piajor la, «tli.ji.

There also on_ht to be meetings where we proelalGoepel i«, th. naaaved.

('. Would you Uavn an Inquiry meeting afterpreaeblna 1

.Mr. .Mini.lv My experleeee has tad aaa to think thi in« to i«lri_i'iMt, Inn th«" iron is li««t. If I wa» pilag, and tried >«> rouse men to «See fi on tbi wrcome, I viiiti!«! have an Inquiry meeting aft« rwaiil.

t-.. Is it iiiniiiai'le in have preaching aeiftumltiv D'irlit for the unconverted (Mr. Mondv.Ye-, sad ev< rj nleht, t"«., sometlmet

lm in.-a ol church vioiship is an Hit Ilka thla W«breaking of tbe bread, m i.tuunion; then Ih-caching, ami then In the evening i1, y proclalitiosj.« i, ami m the morning thev come knowlngllthe call, li'.lotl ol the HHilits, hllilillil- lip (o"l's p. opl

<*-. V'Ui sir inn would allow chiiiih members tadnct prayer-meetings. Too know the character <

New-£n»rluiid Congregational pioyer-ui« eini<. am

there Is danger thai three people laigln to take Hie ¡.

si,ip mu ««f tii.-1, nul« ot tim minister and troubleof It. What would you do to prevent that IMr. Mooitt i -mould any the m later bad not

faithful in bulb-lug up bli 'people. I don't inmk ti¬nny tronhle of that kind in a good maní bur« hi « i

ineinlii i « lead. l>:. I'm i. i .1«. - n..! h ad hi. ou n prmeeting I'll.in tvhat ee want It lob in

the iaJ.nl ta.it' in s biuied In the obnn h. aad if wabring It oat in the evening meetings l deal knowwe will.

if«-re a tstagata tatoraaed the «meetfagthal Dr.Onever langt Ul pi a.» m in.-etin.-s, l.nt sits In his ruii'j

tioii, «sBBBettaaea apt aldag and toan time« soli». Wniiai von advise having a young people's me«

separate from the r< tular church pruyet -meeting IMr. Moody I alwaye have hadI.u cbnreb InChii

We have c-IUlreu'a iiieetluKi once i wa _,you_pie's meetings, an. then a meeting Frida, night fuol l and voung.

i}. Is there any fi'latlon between uni.. I wmknn,'ml pruvei IMr. Moody.Iftbeygel t«> «prarlng well they «¡lit

well.«*. How- hJ'oui the ministen «praying and preac

toolMr. M..o.'iy-i Hunk it is a pood deal better to di

the ground if a muriater >i.¦ all Ibe prayingpreaching and ilnglng, the ohureA will do aflt-i.¦. i«in i,

i« u« yon believe in selling on people toptaitp ak m tue pra» -meetiog IMr. M.nii-j|y tlieorj i- one thing and nay p

ti. another. I have nlwaya Buroented .

pr. in-!-, neit. n ¦.-, I,nt when mir liooii |.| a

iii'.tn-s !«. 11 in* so large we often badv. o..«! «re «lid m.» know eoming uptalking aud talking and uot suyinc ai - i r¦ ;¦¦__-_ and oilwho hu com« a hnnd d mil« |usl to i" i»n »Ini'-.'t i n.-. uai .«o we have had to put it into)i. .,-,¦ on the platform. BtUI, I ««tick to my ih urjIt l« better to h ive an open meeting. You wimetlmestblngt thai gi ¡u npouyoui nerv« -. bnl al the m »

.v««.i >. t i .m. thai t...i would no! ixel ¡t y«»n :""k :t

ii h.i .-i-, if m« ruin ;; nu cting ju Itbth II. and make ti¡. m ).¦ n

yon «.... '.m. -. .i «.n a man «" praj wh«.« ne hat no)i -pn ;t nt prayer In him, and thai Isoneol ttieti .-

v. it;, [ object to < illii on m n, Home men are calle«t.« piai tli it j lua dead.

ei. \\ .. ¡i would you do with the brother who praj

Mr. M hi 'i bin» privately and talk aI, ¡:i libo II n. "»¦ D OUI, Il ai «' Vi !.. Oil )'«._m. n an inulon with Qoa, « ri ; anin Uli

... Ifyon I .i ¡i 1.» -il t.. !" -'"it and he doU'tOto I

Ir. Moody.1 wonld bave a '>«!!.¦a... you Ariv him swa. ht that method, vr

.«-It.Let blm go. Five men will como and tId- place.

... I :,. a Iln .- t., tojileslSir. »i ...i- wonl«- Bay yes s »d i woeM ax)

- .o im »..¡i are .-i ¦:. ml .¦? a series i

... ont, th. -n t t «.,,

M ike i'i |win I llin.1 IIderi -tn.i.

wiiu'ri with m

on« .¦! ¦. I tr«i il«) nul ¦:'""¦

.¡ la,-' ¦! a. m--ein. dill III- ..¦ i lit) Jin i»i-- take part tu tl t t !

Mr. M«« '.- it la a oonli¦¦..... u a poli; so .,«. Will lei !.. oi I,a

t- Wonl I yon «topa m iii's priver hy n bell I«ir. Moult If ¡« mail'« pi.n. i- ti«.:, i ecui to ¦_.» hi.'li

tit...ii,i.In ud, lim. h ih'iidown.«,i. If a ma pi a.. In evi in ling, an i thi

is ti general ¦!.il wb tl U.« ti IIr. M«« -I.-I would .." .,,i !.: ... with him, ¡«n 1 if

ii-,. tbi be « - m m 1 tell blm to. I lb ukn. ilk a -i' .:- .¦ ilia, we don't ...» to lii.h ami ji

(>. '..¡1 t mollit! Il a le Hi'- ¡' -til: '." -.. li"ii h. IlMr, ..!'," i.t i don timw. uu .. ..

' .-. .u.'tiim s iill 111.4 :.. .1. It nut

: >.'¦' «1 Ml

.;. \t.. uro leach Une wwil. m III a .a lo- Bi llMr. .:¦¦¦ thai the. ahoi <i.n

i] «u I« ave '".it the woman qti ion bj - ..;¦it .« i.tl'oVi

-ii loud) rhoh ive one bobbboi -« al lm '. "! bi ii ""' on nil . i"'. v*... n vi

nni .... li.; .... I111 I Whlions ai !¦..'¦ ed lot us li »

thai provoke oui. dispute .¡i-'«:..l or breaking up I,. i. iition.

i/. »i.,ii.,i ia well break up a convention aaa'oAunin [hit -i o

Mi. Moody.Very welL yoa gel a a eonvehtlonia i.'.« lilioli h,iu I l)f. .1 «a.«

i)..,. [Laughter.|li -i Moody,tbe boar lag Bear), up, r ¡nue-t

Mr. *-.t i.- !.. ling .' W. ¡, I.,n ;,:n! Waiting," uf'.'

which the n.i prayer-meeting was opened

All i.i.'V.«»*. BE BIO!.,'nn* exercises «<l the afternoon seseio. wei

begun a. o i.', n ... 'ihi re were - a pie In tlid tbe m Ing ¦¦¦ ¦' tall ot lut. rest, 'i lie

were: "Inqulrj Meeunje.: Iiowean the} Beeoine fart <

th.- Service In <>ni < Burc-at,*" and "The TiVoung Converti ..:« I Ley Teachers." Ih

¦i - . from uuuib. r ol prorainenl clergyuni > >, .

s a- ¡n the m. «.-. «i:

work of the «Jon« ution was entered upon. Mr. Mood... n1.\ ni a~»le assistance, but bis spirit and pi

» nl ilevi '-.. tbiu i :."!.¦ .'. i« i" «-. y the Rev. A. I't.ul, the, llev. 1':. i'niiii. r m .-..mil « noIn.i. aad I>i

II .1!. in. ui it addreet waeb. Dr. i b M .,. ll

MidiIdonol know whj Mr.Moodj '¦ ti me t

0|K*U .-,,., i.ituvt nut... me 1 have hadLu du m lib i ti«! mqi .i;.' im «.¦ Inn oi Ixm

..'. i....«- ... I piivih 111 tuna pre

n olc.¦ ihr« : »tint

aud ......- «¦»« iiai

r win-re thotil ,1 Uli ! itUI 1 ¡!:1 ml m

i, than l ba>¦-. .. do ie.. to .. m-, i lee nun-.-'» n be ¦.'

i the lu«1 i m,

ti part, i . ' '. i ". u-,,,, -,-

is. a of « I .,» I ..ni. auIn p .n

in, bul i dl«1 « um*. Iha ti nd ol '. Iu« lib, and full «¦

.1 IU -.-.. I, I a i i * in nun.'it li

i ale- MUUOi «. pli. to NttCh ?..ai-' Ut...-».«.... i..«.i,i. «in- -"limi.iv night 1 w_a -.r.ini;fruiii

...¦:: kiUd "I.,¡..11 .Is ¦ it"! n,, o- ti 'ol

.«: .,..« mi ii i,o .-..n, lint be

picked '. one, apple b. apidv, fromi,e in o- i id puts ll »way to .». p. I said

a :'" at w lie,la ¡ini ni In- .'.n. lo w. ulglil she l.lil

I to the ...:-.. II« fur Ilot

inn nit .-. . baat.i,, n» i ba to «mi - v. ."

vv«i.n..n sai . I ."._'!I i v. et.; i ii.. i.,¡ i.. --. .¦ ... « «,

tul i.- i. .-ui. :.i.t !.,i- i. o

,m .-1 to mi , an,i i | lUld ,._...«: ... lm ml!.. !»

I- ¦ ,n thlasol t lit il 1... I II...I ii IS .. !l l.'.l t... ¡....n u pi 14-lieal o aim in ...... i.

i. a ....!.. .f' r to i' ".««. pel ¦.:. .. .;¦. llUtCd tf.I. ..¡.i. i.....'.., » wbou you are wpt to reuciv. la aI... -a Of I

i 1er ia pert.every ail to ImUd

uji ....:. Tin.. a. .....i »n

it ol tier.Iu « oaui... a. vi m, im- matter ol üüi the I

la »t. it¦ I And onl more

wad on re are I (Ii',., ,,. |,

iioai«. .. uy nuniluy evemnjc i...,...- n.,i. \-

., i oitl.«

.! on lie tl in tbi! te itlllllls t.. be |>m, «and nn Ite th ui lu, .«n maketo I .' .a. ¡o 10 in.: lit« li is

all oi .. :, uu l '. ui tiug, v. ... ii i iiud. tomake n uiTni

i., ,.'¦...... in

: i. o.


the desire tu i

-.i ...»-t ...


Dr. Booth il-' n .. a : l.- 1 !.. .1.

ntind ¡n in. ... .«n.... ;...,,. n every etion ..(

his, an, 'whiinv lie .«.ild BOOM. I ,lo l,-d

know Bucli ,'¦'».

itaud Bior m »teat that tha Inqulrj mi- -:. itfa : um pria-

i I ..'«.. «h dl ¡ ::.. :n piir,o...!«, serví« à i n i,|

.. i.ani.n I,

I " ¦* .1 II,

I «I |l |» ...

II ,1,1

, of the atj«i« p.

| ..

ti r tax« n place D' .n my:'i id '» 1 .'


..:... ... t«U.I .i '!. ,t :..,,oneot th.; un «v«issâesr young iota w.ioa» I bad be«u

yetrnlnn- after for year». The laqalry meeting 11

lag to tbe plan of toe Qoapel m a proclamationdilllru.iil-tih.it «II *..!mon» un not Intended to

up lotlat climat. If our «sermon« are nu ic or

mid tin«.i ic«» of Chiiatlanlir, auch an teiit-ttlon I«

grnaaa ami abaa i ; bs wnontbe .-*-=.»«>i» Mys "

I1..111 1. "»111 n ia:.- to end, when it I» appended to thewhen it la bleeding with tears and Bob« all tlthrough, thi n «»«. ran My " tlune." Bu|«."in.« I Then, will )««. flfty v.hn will m ana) andtheiHA! n.iili!. prooniiiy. «Look al thla assembly.|. ,1 -iliipli- t.« -¡" p'.'iH h''1 I' -".:i«'.i. I"! a

strailon, not aa a pica against mfidelity, bul aaa|iiiatiitn ¡«t d it baa ht Id New-York for a month,believe if it could go oa tot «sis months mi

nui« -; di-!i.ri.l our ollce force. »ivl im

«liarle- Dickni ago »m nl Into tbe .

Theater, In tbe.Ml End of London. Ue ml lornnt iiiedoor, and an «Eng.th clergyman was 1

telling 11." ttory of 1 inverting a philosopher. I

.u. n ¡m ¡null« ine a« would gather at tbe li»«- Polniin No« -Yoi !.. Mr. in« :...i«», »»ho»- healrlm be drew nearer t o the grare, tooted In «snd

ia.'/iiioic in at iii«. ih'iii' out of tbe mire snd duallife, I h.-,1, the it"'.»- of youi «-iv,-I

but,** »aid he. " wbi n am ia gnoa t 1.ondo « thai --»ii

the story of thedylnj thief on tba en- whomforgave, aud pri sch th il In «London, it will l>u a si,Mar Well, Niw-Yi.ik haa -«¦« n it: it la h« I»

Si'MiilsiloNS «PBOM MB, HOODT,Mr. m.¡v i««scti tho titsaosteo on thai BObJ at, I

iiu' as tallaos 1If the ministers would encouratre their m mbcrt

¦n'alt.r« il aiiion.' the ¡liidici «'.', to BBTSf iiiiinl Un ii

lull .»il hack In thi'tiiiir il m cd lie, or ill tin gtwinn« they cm w.itclI tit* ttt MS ti the SOdl11 w«>u!«l 'lu- a g.I thing. In .--/Hail

laaii WbS With hi« wife «.» «JI among tbem,m they .-.«i.i. to wateh for tools.

1.. aa... .m.', one who seemed impri wed they wotiafter the meeting and talk with blm. N« «u

1 in- eonveraio.1 In thai church during the teal l im«had ím'Cii m nie through t Ii.tt mill' H c NOW,could only hare from 30 to .">'. membera ot tba el»» m.»i« buitini - it « .i«i-1 to wateh, «and yon lavmei

laywomcoto iftcrward clinch tbem In. rbebeel oour regular ehurcbat 11 i" lei tbeworkeraal hellt«ie net m. You will get a good msay labaiwont be 11.11» sad 11.91 «one, bul aeon* and at

itraagorcomlugiutoachurchlises tobareooeapeak lobim, il««!«»- notice! Insulted al si»hihi. 1.1 n coming to Mea Y««¡k a étranger and golchurch, If m.iiii- one asks blm to go luto tbe In pilryi, maki«a 1,¡m h.ipi'i and ohecra blm. Two pimiig

Into our Inquiry room here the oilnr n¡m 1 un.a u ciiiiteii" ii:i«i talked »».ih ti m,

.Hiwed ih« in im- w.i«, tba Uajbt i.r« >«e

u,««'ii ih'Hi. liny »»«re naked, "Win 10 do youchurch!" They gave Um nai.it e church whereim.I b :: i-..'!« on '" ad. No v.iu to SO «In

III«- nil li - :¦ «if ti,.,t lunch." II.1» said, "Wewant to go there an» mora¡ we baregoaa ibera hi_» .: and u«i one ban ip< .,¦ u lo ua."A man -.«.n predlibiug almul Christiana resogni

t.ic 1 other iu iic.ni.i, and ome im« aid, "IwlaWOUld pi.uboUl r. a«', iii/li '. i"i«'ll ol ail' on .11 1.'one place where I preach il where there ta ao «soi

m 1 looked orer tbe great Ball ofold «u «ii« 1 nr 1 ¡.11»' where if wat helo, and aa

I11Ü to u her n. 11 in .¦ and there. I «ntd to 1at the*l l'a I '¦ n a .«> golbe ni'' «i«... " w bo are thoae mi n i" II« 1

an .1 baud al woi ki. -." r were all «tontlthrough ihe laii, ii,nl preaching and watelfor soala, mit m Uta .''«' ol «Ibest, 11 oí t

mira .'-«¦ Bad »-««t a asa! aa h and s era 1

lug «¦«¦ pn leblng with tbem. Wa have been .« lie in:. v«. ui n im- Laity »» il.«' op and

the minister the minister will preach belter, lia i«r l '¦ 1 1. uoi in « n drawiug Ihe m t right,

guo üioii.» m ti'.- cburcfa i«, t«. work and h Ip tami bein «.1 pn i«.:-« 1 Ii« /« ruions »\:tii that

thins in view. Will thla draw men to Chris) 1l do not i.< how m.

meetings. 1 11U< to tee tbe rouvert«. Ou minist«¦.a«! iaid ¡n- »t'il ti"! i« Iii Iu disturbing thu Imp

If be bad m ide an In p. «¦ wtiou he did uoi »» .n««ne to .t ij .11« thing. II ud, ». Altei

'" «.a,il I«« '»-i« ¡nui dig n nu toi¡." ihm ¡.. I blm, "Tue furmers all harre

In aiter it Is ao« eiL" [A.ppiam11: \i «IN«; 1 <«. vi BTT8 a D 11 »ciir.i:81

The sabjeet for «the noel Boars is annennnad sa**'Tmlningol tuueg Cometía sad 1.1.» .loses ¦'' 1

i:¡ « top..' Dr. Btcphen II. 1» ag, Jr. "tpoka .1« toUoa 1 :'

(tur lailare to trun .»011:11; cotm-ri-, la the Faith: . !.««l 111 l!.c pi. , nl I., odlct in coiiliM.'ii «u

[f the young «tronverti who In tbe last ten ye«.. .-. -.a «¡i.., 1,1.u .n eburt hea In this cltj had b

¦»-:.¦«h.1 ¡«-.iii» ..ii.l leí-«.« 11 a. I» Instructed t-i <"

«A'oi ...-i ni m, hut. ui work,we slsould uot b«lair,«. di ¡it the in-'iiirear« f

¡a four week -, and I am .1. n «i 1

: iii-ii.r i« done to th 11i,« «..'.« .,ii« u... of tba fallare of the cbu

. iralu lia converts. People eoustantl] .¦ ,"llie iuvi ¡it tu- revival are going lo stielIII di ocio « ¡ ».. 11 tbe t ma.mm -1 «n ih i-lint

unJ in tbe failure ol rerj uianyol them tbi Holy üb: ««Hi o»» 11 la/.IH--.-. Ill I . I In »

M 1 seema torn there aw thn «. 1 tlnct.. : In the word, in the worship, and in tbi wi

«: the church. «Some ol tbe couvert« come Into «

il life, ignui :¦:¦ even ol the succ-.. :, 1,1 ,.« bib «-. du-t nf the Uib a 1*

HI',»' 11«-- «l I. II la,I Hill ¿ «'llllg cn the texts of tbs a« I.

t lim i i«nm to test imonj In ip -:ik;n»- beforeI m« UOl Is I' '.'¦ Hi c ip : «« n m

>nvt i-. Wi.« 11 we are cu«u a «¦ are on «l

'...',,' Klsbop irlsw«i.-...." 1 p liuve J "i lunch liii.il.!> I"

.¡.U, " .\ I' -.« Hk of." M".-t pe.'.'le h.iVii too 111,1

." li i- a hody of W'U-Uei.«. and not a body lo

: ., a, : rj '«fi»¦ ii «In.iii.ii'.- '.«i.« ..-'I t.» -,¦. '.»

n «i i« itor iv c ne ««i .h l a

i|«. a «I «.a :«n I«« I." lull ho p istol h«Ill to

Church o thl to Is a Imd ol «m ki re.o ia «.n ...i to !". trained la hi plw a aa

...ii ¡o |i.i itor 11 the 1< a«i r uf tas »¦ im ¡

Is tue a eral n la te do »» tai t Ihli t:. afortli »»¦ -l«. o r. .. I..I--U.." .c » ¡««.iii,

ia tbe a a] in »» uich ha It tod i

,«iy m.m to »«.urk, ll ;«'«-bh n« i i« a .,.¦ ... cupattou. i : blm «i ..

.. n ...i Ins an« .¡i lie i«, -i ie of tbe it« k ..i

.: . . iork "l Kill«i .« .«:.,.,.-. ;... ;...;. it la that you». 11- ».... soon ''«" «in strong ufllcers for i knst.

Mi.'. IHIODra i:VKMN(¡ BEBMON.A Ll-«« i«:.a»', M PBOM k NOGL8 WOOD OfPO

» I nl-- BIO.B AW'.I M M *« I.. PllEI »t

HV " H« IP.II." i i il «MK8SA«3S8 iM'IAIsk,

-I! «WIM ¡ ¡Uli I:IM -I ai, .> .N IIUI-IIAN 1.11

A i t«-r livi- Iniiiis «il Inrt-sonl «labop, MI i-.-tni ii.-.i lo the pulpil l.i-t. va ii::u-a-if it »v.

ie beginning et tba «i.«.»'- »»mU. ni« energyaaa Jaded or flagg.«g whatever tha atrel

upon tbem, sas] Ma tjteol pi.»"steal powsc Is i.-in.iil i i-un nt in hi.- .. Il« ii'in.iii'.«'. «I tli .-¡ii. .'.ii.ai. in..i.i, " Km :. i«r Agi ."»»iii.ii wasbroagl

"t.»- '.- ¦:¦ toi* iii'Hiia, .«n i tin« «arbola «tmngregi: «n». ;. re .«»..- .i praj«

th i. trd Nf wt- ti of l'hii.,.1« i hte, mi M">« .. '.f :. f' b ho 1.1 uf 1 ...ih. a bu »

retín la tha Pooitl av. hall was conduct«

by the lev. "a" i. «Jesap.Mr. M '.'*.'. mon aaa ¡¡« !.«

Vim will Had my text ¡«e\:_' ii pi-t Is one word, "ii,» .'¦ i« a » ««u tin i i i.,' la Be ipi m- j ou m

.:: Imp m mi i» coming, I' Is lust to drat*. '¦ : .. behold '. I ara shapes

i-. n did inv mo h« cou letve me.'' Nowthin ¦¦ «i ui «n lo I«..«»» before he Is «ave«

Is thai he la tost. Yoa seedat pr seh ta Blm u«'« I« aU I« ». I.it lio. Í« it Hol'l 111 .ll 111

Savior thai ¡- not l"-'. ^'U needn'i take a panloito i man l al ««¡ n t been i»«..'.. ¡.....->!. Vou ue. ,,..

..«¡..-a- lo a well man» ^««« iieedu'i lend foi«l x loi iii- Tbc I.t m u

t.« kau . : ¡ a ..«. I« .. linnet. i.i

t till I » ;«. tri Mi:i. o. .ion', Hk tbe L, It.

taat .)<.«. a tall «.¡ sin. Moatba most em u< ul mei

li»- - a.««- n i«i- I in H Iptun. bad t«

learn Iba 1'hi iu in Isaiah, bufo.¡. be bu i !¦¦ iu «>>.f < .««, «,

._-, - and the mom IJikI on high and liit.-d u¡m« Hit i,ii",ic he «tried uu " >» ta me, i am umtoue,l aai n ¦¦-, I tl-.' a in ¡m u.,.'.« an

Flien c in the angel ami put a coal apon hli:¦! i-.i. .¦ i.«.-« a. b n «ni i na h«' »» .i- ready te

do Gud'a work. \ml.never yon Bad a m.u tulalng.'.un ,.«.«» '.".'«iii h«' is, then i. mm thing » ;i

may kaoa tbat that siaa in rat tald dad,m..ne n. a man gels oue glitu -.. ««f i .,i,

luto t ie dust " i i«-1 '.. bun i¡««lio i I.i" i. i." I. I, I .lo'ie till.', a id ih.¡ie thai, ¡ie.ii'

Hla.lT'... .« .; |. .,,i,i.'. \i,ii_\,ii .,,« u ,«l J ,i,

, we would think him Jusl m good a maibava «».". There waa a iluta wbeu Juta usteibad BS u Ood¡ he bad k aid alu.iit M an, Innho n i Bei u iii.ii. bu «.o«!

.1 ta, "'. ni nit »uoi hen»." God began«i««! «I««.» a be c m«'. H* p u h

a ou not bei- wordh un. Ile g ¡u of (tod, nod mat ia what every »In¬ner wauts io-iiight. ». h« u he sees (Jod hi a ill cry out

i ., .'»"¦,« m ," .«r I.i.« Job, .. i am » n ."\ ¦'¦ to with Muaea wuea be came t.» the burning

btisb. »» en he n « I baoa la the acbtwl ««f tbawas n ih- i«. m in- »»mk, bul ne

tl Kill bi t to thai luiminui Hi; «be « -l am au

-¦¦::.' itiiml iu III« ««'1 chaptei ««I I.

I'aul brings tual nl la tin «¦: it »».,«.. t...n .. aa become gulli »

n » m.m' mouth i« i i« lbblm. »» n a :« m.. i, i.i -.rile ami h is ci

un« i» Uní i» « «H bill.ell ll« «,..|» ii.oi.ni.i-«, m,uil i»i» l. il«- saya. .. I ¡nu s.«pen In

nl'iultr, .-t m nu mv mother md eoneelvi me;** orlike a ol», ' i mall.»

I bs« -i«i i "« i..in ',....-... .... l

..o i.. p«.i», i.«. and :.¦« thai mani. .,1 i.i

.¦. er in",'.n -

Mit'..! .,.e: Ill

.;.!.. g. ». "I su

«..I Hint i« u««. «¡i«,!'; mai. all) lli.ii»i H..I

». it. i «i «.. It Is no u .i «n. i-,


M i bring you «glad

i .,:..¦ i »

!i,.i. i ¡i we «in hi uu lb

i nui that rotneu fromI .

" t. ild '« o» . ... i i«, '.

"I ¦« :,. tine gt Of I. at J« i«

'¦ ... 'lav i tba ite «."l ['.Till n

Do yew think t livra 1« bsti.-r n ».

sfss aasas dvwu fitiu t.ouu than uiut, thei

'¦ anean..tar poor lest a ate« pel FTe*. i*

a-»avlnr for yon here. " Behold I bring you gladn thl. " I ¦.« !¦..

David u »Sari «r.** Nowl u the world don'lami thai is that the Gosp« i 11 ».I pews,

morels pmcl u the pi >.i

and the world d n'tlielleve It. ïou ronliln'1 hnv« :¦«

presch If men believed it was good newa whythere Is n ti' m n i" »

". ".I m w- If th« t believe It, i.iit ith« in v« li : lint »oil «¡. i'l Hol a ! It. thath« ever r.'«*'na the :. ip« out lbul wl tcllj'.'« l"l ll' ',' ... :,., I Hint ilia. ¡» tl," i.

i. a 'hi 'I iln Ir ears. Kov loo« a: .!"¦If 1 should pill It tO VOte I..IC, l.oll l.'.n, o, tan, i,l

li M ii)' an l s ty *" U ii .«. .1 ¡ i h -'

it, Wl thai BVOf !¦ n'" 1 n-, nil 1 vi t With ailth -" wltni mem trortd to l< ÜIt -¡...,1« thai the world i« i und« tnne I. When .« man r«

e.-iv. « a i,,.-. ,..-,¦ i can tell by h « !....¦ wh n he i

w.Vlbcr il i good newa: so when I preach tbe gospel Ican aee who believe It. I '¦..-.- m« ol pou uilluig; youbelieve It. .Ami there ai M t looki "i. mtbou.hl brought them a death warrant; they doIn i. i'. There is a itoi ov< -¦ h« :«. m the ol«l dII' m flat |..et« 11'.- Uospi I. I .lon't -» vv ifthat presents it snj bit tor. Dm day David and Jona¬than were walking together and .1« uathan «aid i" u_v id,'* lit-, nl. I i.ai.t i oil to make me a pfoiiil-e tfamy t.itii.i It dead ami yon bave my father's throne, 1want t«» bava yon promise that if thereoi the inn.f .- mi v, .in roe. you 4», ishow linn kindness." David s ml, .'Why of conreeI wlU do that, Jonathan." »Long after that, afte manybatth...: 1er I) ned m h ¦. >*¡

ami limit him a pels «¦ no In .! ru .:¦ m, be 1011 of hisp....n:«- ...nal one " Haul,iheHoii of Jouathan, who had been hiding rom blm m

«Lottebar, a place of bo p ature; aud tiie) Itwhet -.ini.is nn« doing.they aie billingfrom 111m in a place <>t )"> pasture.What did David »yi "Let blm ttey theret" No; bethe - m ti to - m,, r for blm, ami M pblbosbi lb, . lien hebeard that l»..v nl had sent after him, wasi- in who eame from the king tried 1.-'.-"i« blm, ¡mi

at last got blm to go along back with lum to Jem alciu.When I'av.d aaw blm, in» «. art incited ¡ be « « » i « 1 seethat he was tho son of bis old and dear friend Jonhe vv«nt toward htm, aad Mepbtbosbetb '»«tit

down on hia kneee. And David bade hin rise, ai1..hi him thai he would 1 e him to hi« prora .¦ -.-

Hon m ih.' Kingdom as a d__e*cn«lant from rían

Mephiboalw-tfa then beeama ¡1 part of the boas« «lof-David, nod lived In splendor ami In happiness atI' m. My friends tbe Lord waits to bring you frota l_>.'.'.-liar; In- w ants I«) lia'. «. yo 1 tel at His own tahle Süd to -Swith lain forever.

Tin: (.«vtivii or i if k SATtOU.The next " llelin'.il " is thai .. 1;. i|.«!il ;.. need By John

the iiapt. a « in n Beerted there iu Ibe aHiVirniin- ii;«-t Chrl i n « textbeeame Botlring else bnl " »Be-liold'." At Ira. ii waa .. Repeal I repenl l repeatl" «Bataflat in* bad personally n«-eii the Lord, bo said, " Behold

Lamb >..f ii'"i that taketh away ths dn..f the world." That wet bis cry. Will roonot look a: Dim, then 1 «Look at Ulm itu ato town, he ling the sr g, ,-: ,.,

restoring stirbt to the blind, casting out deIng the«leaif. Yes, looks! Ulm again han .m.- »,i'l«.n the 1 m -, oi..,in,, t., i/oui ..::-1 it 11 badar ,''¦'!, ¡«nil which lie baa borne aa ... Pigiven to [liai on earth to tave you, and He wilvon if von let Blm. ihn there is ;.

"Behold!" Behold, now is the accepted time."mi :i omplain b< bum I press thai it1

"now." w li, would ti'i not mplain »tly,with snili' a ni cause, 11 I aaid "uexl yeei Insi .! ol"now!" U'by, what a criticism there w ild beuVork ii Iah Did »y,''Repent, rep .' ar."Snpi'iisiiiM I taid, .. «>h you must re ieul for yo n In batVon DM I not do ¡I this '.car;you ¡ic.n n't min ii Iltis .» .«r, but j -¡l inn -, repent ln-.vt

year." Th« i.. \ m,,|.|-. would como out and i

i, ecrthing la tli that Mi. .loodi Issa tl m \t

y .-.i r. I v..i,it to pn--«. the word "Beboc" ti <i in .." ..nil, well," men t.., " thai« (m ¦.(." Well, my friends, it is for eftect. I imeutoto that. We preach tar effect: we don't preach to pulp- ipli ta ;,. vi,. Bave i" ¡i saying, and a

time, i: ipenl now. because IIi- i time thai >...l baa given you. Yon cannot turnback the wheels >,f Time; i a are speeding onward toeternity. Even minute thai i» gone la gone forever;ton cannot recall h. And everj mtuute that li ntbefiliare belongs to Oud ; It don'l belong to ron or me.l i -m'! lay, "Repent n." xt h..,ir.'' idontkno-m my in,ii i« here m it hour. The door U open for youiioti, ami hi' ami b) tin- doot WlU bSBO In in .'all open it. Voit ... «I teil tint II ouiyour own i-xperleuce. Uow tnauj have beard the UnDel from thlt platform who are passed ana within thet. ¦,. weeks we bave i.n here, and who ere nowineteinil». Ton i.ai. beard how death bas been near to tbechoir, having ;ai».-ii the husband of on« of ouitm«-.- of tbe ushers have also gone, and bow many of

io I »ve attended ben lu the assembly have beensnatched awaj I know not. ¥e1 mans have gone, andnow they an gazing upon the bee of the King iu tbe.....1 rusaletu; they h ve plucked Uto fruit off of the«Tree ol l.i tin y are walUIng now by the great riverthat tlo.is by the Throne. While am preaehingthej arepe. hauce looking over the battlements of Ilc4ven to teeif there Is nuy one here among fheii frl n«li who will ¡>--

p.-nt, or i th.». préfet to puas through the dark .>..

,|i .ni'"., o» ! ah without (jod aud without hope. No- ih« latí«- v»«i'(l .. Not ." a ill

how many are neglecting the meant of salvation fromilaj i«« day, ami are losing their chance «.. Il ¡mu." Behold : now the accept« l .bank i,.ni t 1erare bumireds and tboitnanoa uro tonight wno « U takeIt to their heart.-, aud who will lui up their _«.ul_ t.i

brlat,n,an Inquirer «ml to me the other night,

M.It. l ». ...¡ai like i«« i.«* ¡i « .¡i i-ti.tii, bul.*o io iroiii m,." i.istiii. .. i; hold uow, 1 ataud at thedoor and knock." Ttttpik Ood, lie la not:, mu ¡i-. Ji t_ Is lu this i. .. ¦¦ to-night 11«- i«

ti relu this issembly as you und 1 are. Ma. Uod«.;.. n .. ."n to ... .. il u. lie Ii not onlj here on ini-ii ittorm, but lie ie down there where you are. Bark Il." « the heart throb 1 That it Christ knocking. l>o

yon bell re that yon are a atañer I TLal lawork of the Holy Ubost, He convinces yon <>f «m.

.-alando,, not dolt; thai la not fa- work, iiwork i try to convince you thai you r.iiy go on ..ml tinas much oa yon like, aud I .¦¦ la pT« my of time to

repent h :. aft« :. " behn] ll I «. n u the «'.¦¦kuock." Who wil[ let Him in I Who wilt make room forii... to-night I vv.io «rltl nn....!» the door aud w«Ulm Into his heart to-night 1 Give Ulm a wc.meandlie will come in. Mark the word, "Behold! Iai the door aud knock." It Is not au angel, or anjseuger ol tfeai ft; ll .-

" i" thank «. "i lor ¡i g« peli idchb i., t¡¡.- door ««f onr hearts, n.¡. h to you¡ tie Is close upon you. Mj friend, won¡I O.l.l ill I

li. iUanother "Behold!" "Behold,heprayeth." Itvia-»ai'i m i «-lut ton to the conversion of rtaul, wl

i m nil the Lord on hia way t«. Damascus, Anda.«.nil ill.-n called upon Chrisi .'or II.. comtnni !-. - n-i

ry one here to alghl a«... " Lord, tisl wilme io «to i" ¡nul yo -lia.I be t »nghl ii ho 11. Bev. Ill take .'.'"ii bv tbe h_mi and

ike room ;¦ Ulm, ...» t-, lu _,m_¡i r

i,, .o :, to-night, and Be a 111 entei sad blets .ou.

TBI PRAYER-MEET!-»'«- -\ r ROOM.ThetC W88 -suine .oiil'iiMo» in pAAAÍng from

i.ise, of tli»- < «Hiv.-ii; lo.I to UM loon piii8- yesterday, but tim wtndowa t ¦ led, andthoaa v. ho wiahed to reátalo rase and tang "**¦¦ «:

Hour of Prayer" while it,.« ¡.. ¦.'... «aera

in for the taWB -nt'"-. ths Kev. F. H. '.'.

opened tha aaeetlag by tending tin« nthof Matthew from tha ._. ¡«i rerae.the areoanl

ial walking on the water to his disciples oi tbi¦hip, and the same «ni«;, ."t. w sa cousidered m ¡-.»et uf theremarks which followed. Tbei i were i

ir¡,in the Kiv. In. Irvine of Augnota, «.a.. Dr. » ¦¦, olNewark, N. J., nu.l Ike War. c «HLKcudol Kl bmoud,v.i. M tars. Haukey and (hatcher tanft« "«m. ta .¦

nothing, nothing," the mosi Ifeetlve .,,n,i¡ ol tha who.'the t.i .-.¡Tit.- closed with tb« beuedlotion by tbe

iu v. W. W. Plaauaer, L». i».. oi Oolumbla,a. C.

Tin: -i i.\ [CE8 TO DAY.Finiu 10 to ll «I'lloe!. in tin' morning the

,o in foii-i.icie.l t.i the »Coaventloa ia ¡ _tow8h*tLItheleevice efA ngbe Condaeted In tbe Lord'a \v.«rkt

illt» 12: Qnestion andRepUee. i om 19 to i,the i.«nal iii-niidai i'la.i. im« l.n;. Iiola A t«. ton;.:" i ¡«.v. 1.1 ¡t Bold of .s. ii i. in c¡: Enera." Kr.un i te 5:«in Tooag m b : What More Oaa Are do ter Theat t Prem.s to i» p. m., tin aanal eveata - sei i le a


To the Ldi I o r u I Ihr fr À a

Su;: I DOtfa by \V< ilin-silay's l'irim nk tli.tfKio.it of the i. s,s"¡ t« m theeall tar the ehurehm ,-

imroi Maith lil, 1-7.'.. in Dr. .-»torrs's i harch. s.. n, te bas.:i-.:ive about Iba taets atetad la an Interviewreported ta-_aaday*a paper, aad eheraetertae the hamata prlacad a. .. a Uaaua «»r misrepreeentaiWore ii tot tor tins ezprei .i«m .here nealA be m aei «i f

aaea h¡ am te Iba atattir. for if i¡n> ens whatno -a Interest will. ami are tl mad

la ti:U sard wttb tbeAeetarattans repotted aa asad» b.., no diacre] me. will appear. There la glvwa to the

me little ea »lea ittua ..f the prívete an etb

(«r:«).' to Uta «hilicll nn*. ' n.', v. h;« h «-v. t 10 that «h ,"."

no t. ci" the minority, mi far as I

before, mid which all Bedeabtedl) will m

to ir«t. 'luí i tvoatd have given moat i

fully t» the «repec-W bad i poseetsed it. I

every ssaertlea ta tha paloi _UchaadP. Baekead otbera, aacerdB wttb Badiirniatory of my remarks as given, except that the n

a ...» on present that Dr. Mon n nd hta at item« nl

. ¡ nl lo the n.'i.Ti-. it ionibes« gentlemen toy "Ho did nol reed any stateI did sa« wh .i l t. as 11 i«orted as

r« I noted ut the interview a:i« tin. 'I «nil Kl ti ,i -nl. am i!

i rted «a

m ire, a ltttie si in «. thai in. n

-It« lllil «t- ,11 II le-.-c--.al to UUIte III - II

i above.i,, i brow .h- t« «..i ell '... upon Ihi ep «rtor o

rwa giren w¡s -.»ul ofgood will to 1 *-i«irr-, neither making mn tal« ndin

itton upon blm, In tue lut.id ¡a m.- ile Ire lo

mi i- ii'-.-i l. d, t... .:.!,. iin until ..

«il ., inoio. lit I.at, nl fu,)! ., ,i ,, » J :illli

V.l.. i HITS, 1'IMSL ll. llloil.so*..

Si m l oí i.. Ma. ill ..h 1 -7').

VN AMERII \s* «ni'iiiti i: BUSKED AT PARAAilvic «i ii.iiu Pair, Brtiil, ondnr «Iu«* of

.i tue Am iean schooner ¡silt

Cant. Mabnay. arblsb tall AawTerb Pab N In«rived thci». rei-eii'l, ami .« «>n .itl.r took fire. In-.-

a-.».,. t ;, ,, a i Brd-boaad | ..

tla.it o

i .!...»¦¦) I .-.I. of 3 a,,_.'..'): >0 f« ,-».), ,.a»her,L<v Lain is ot loiui, kud 1.0 -i'.«i ti pcrlum i r.

THE COURT&Tm-. i.AWIM.Ni K |»n !-i,,v.


»:.\i - i, v n m. i ,i

In regard t«» in.' décision whi 1(.71 Ha -la. ill lii fIh't I'llli. '.IAlton, ;. BUM ,

Lawrence pi ,

Wednes lay in May. Wllut« n tlonal .'¦< !.. .¦ ¡II«) iloill«! li at I »WTl lo WOlll'l ii.t ...

n ni for ! I« ndbntt in an. i » *-,.- hi« eontaderatei la tin- . t

-i.iteil in Washington ll ,

he (-..imliiered 1, ;W|«I.....'.- testimony ;

theufbl that. In aayevci naimta win, had aln Bdy bt b removí <i :.

sit ..*!-.

«.«n. li. r.. PaoteTi AssBMsat D «" m pm.1 «I«-,, i, tm t, »-.!, ) -...'. .| tl

it been deckt «ii for Ih

Incorpora Ing ta tbe treaty ol 1.12 the Aet ofHi- B( Of 1870,tbould m t BS 111' I tal an ¦' "ta r 0_lu. ths wa. rani of _ -j 11 »pr.«iM lea,as «- Intended te previ «t ibsexiraflfon of any one for an I

» te tacare tbe pareen oa ,¡ ,,f.-, sad to pul him on trial for t ¡-.,

the .!f the tatee wen i

m t...- ... of Wh ,this Qly to Greet Ri Id no!

an*, *.i n» oto r than thai tar which be m«iiio'l, f.ir bit .!. nee la sol again ttbm .i. «. bat agslnal the lawa la ¡*«.R P. t. i y, eoiiis«: «tar Lewi II anssun

prissd ths sass bad not atl setod more puhI not m '.. m ». ii ,.,,, ,_. ,t<

.- on the meaningAhd seope of the «-vi tma txtr__i t.-

...¦ of Law*mm.-« pn- iiuu I r. ¦.,! In Hie a.Un ai hy«¡ii ul . extr iditiou n

r, and a .

iu his lieilef tiie 1¦ io

«l'ii-i.«:) Hi«r .'"r. i-t.

any other on" :i->* not nn ntioned InIn his <«p. »loa the tn it. ..f l-1.

i Immunltj I

ii ilii. j¡. anide: niai, nt eti

»gre« tn m with !¦..¦ .«. ai oluld be tr, .1 mi« lor

iso had In)f w e-:, -, th i: «ton

|before I.g

id to United »late« ¦. tract¡m« m« -, a«

aPI i, in« io .¦, riiui the p .... y..ipplu -I to tbe Lawn a« «. «. i- .

tti i.m s foreign couniryon a trumpeA*and t.¡. n m. .! for polu

other .il. use. app. tuintng to a clfon n co inn 11 '.-- to

(Jen. Tracy knee nothing of an. Intention on tbi .,_«>(¦.¦ t" expose bis <¦ infi .« tes lu lb .- mr

provided tbo Oovernu il gave him Immunity.

A .nVIM.HIi.AIF.O «ESTATE,i.AW DRA K>n »irt.iis yi:w:-. 9180,000 «pfnt,

am« nu: t d sor vii.

X.'iflrinii'l (.ihn.in died in \Yattiv:]le, Mr,m December, 18801 leavtag abont >i."«'m,-n,». in Litwin he provided thai the Batata tbanU bedlvMed inr«.

ten eqaal abanti aumng bis ehUdrea, tobe paM at theb_s ef 85 yean TO his addon as ¡.-it set am one-

tiiird part of a houaaia Clinton at, Broohlya, with thetarnltureand plate, a berae and ebatar, watch ahahahportrait, -tassoads, aad$10«000 In oesh. i. aidesthhin- ic.t 025,000 to he invi-.'ci -fou- p resnt «M theInterest to he given i» her for he,- ass, sad thereel to h«- added t«> the principal. The testater as-been nuurriedtwtoe aad had ehOdren _ysaehw_b ¦_alao bjwb to the ans ef iiii widen sad lier t tintrent aad pretto of abetal and two stores Should Mtwife eoateet the will, heordered that4 Iba earth nmenata-. : a.-a'e for in r and bet chlldn n't nee thi aid to AivMBdBBBOBg all of his chiMieii. Be BBB H litnrt

F., Charlee i:, and Anaa K. OUmsn, In. ¡,,.i-I « iell'in, ¡'11 t - '., 1 R La!, Ul«

three lael naaaad b.-m,, mm la-law.r WBS aa extensive leather _aereh_Bt la ttk

.t, I. it hi« r.'-i.l.i.«".- at tue time ef his death :t ,i

il by tbo young r ehOdren, was at Watervfflta, Thsiirst iMgattoa m tew out of t Is,aad dtaquestion wat rain lastewbeea tbe win tboaúd be penbated. Iba body waa removed to Kew-Yorh toi harisi,and tba elder eh ..ir. n obtained poeeeeomuef _ha arflsad bad It probated bean. Tbe will trat long eeetaates.aad daring tbo eontas. Cyras Curtis waa sppotatedby

rog »te reeelveraf Iba eel mt. Tba »¡11 wat i'.naiiyd to probeta Xay 88,1961, bal Ibera lia* N

'¦ «-r -¡me. 81 asti]1 alter th- death of Mr. (Mb1 low lied a petition la tba Probate Oeattsf

Kennebee Couaty, Maine, tor the mtttag apart sf s

f money la Neu of d owed173,000. «; orce P. Oilman, tbe seniorex rarer,ap I

to ih'-1 ipretae Ooart, which affirme l tbe arda.1 irt of Probate and Increased tbe illowaaeeta

:-,'"o:i. .be widow tb i-"¡. .' -n.' lu the Biipreese'1 against the «... < ut« to obi 1 tba

tiioucv, Bbe also began an ai'tlon tn tae Cinult Omrt >fthe l':: HtaUi igninst «Ueor- e 1 fl a to 1 r

mt on a promi «jori not« riven b« him le Watiiiiii.iii. Boon after tho iiearliiniugof theet ae»W Oilman and '«¦ ¦:.¦¦ O. Pereival (one of the

.1'-n- « I All :. ¦: "i IS 1. -' ¦' WfatOW 10

prosecutions ol the two actions brought by(¿er. Ibe ui.. « i. suite i in a Oei ision for tbe y aiiiil«.After tho trial ic.-«.ri. lions were entered Into tar aa

ol ill math In d :t rene The resell teas.: ion "¡ a compromise ....« m« nt betweeaall

v«. ,a K. <; iimm. ii«. v,. to i. adheir, who was absent In Europe, in.- a ... .-,.,. t pro»

i eklow, Iu addition t . uni ul -jo.« 0ived by bei. of A-iO.WO and I

I cou »el fees, ia all aboul AM,.i, In full n the*¡«r, ««. il u» a \ al

. ,¦¦.¦-s.ioii .1 !>«. canee Ml; that an account sh u

.v niton d, an l the state bl. Thetlut.of t. ;-.....i n.«m ..a- Not. i, i-;.'...' ....ii,!,, m th. -I'm !. .1 -I.it- -i « ircnit roiirt hy

Aima. K. i. :.... l'. lillmsii and otlin h« r ...ia. uni thai n mat tha duty

p luv« i.' ." the ..-«. ta «>f the¦,.¦.. a ibej failed lodo un ÜI Vug. Id. IfMh., »alca

Inventor) retirencnfed about »''''.. In rash au«1«.J values i tbeea thectaimt proved to be In han

.. Ui ., r sinn.

i....l.uii .¡.-o s lerts that the del nd-ntt were

Ih« - II. !!!.!.'. III. 'Ill»mounts iu iiiiii.'i--s..i » and dilstory

filan i m| .¦ -..' tbeea da

iu sio.-k- or tin ;. otll "I *

miii.ii th..> lost sad n"!..'- i' ".."! tatati, i ¦.-:... amo t-.

¿g, 1870, Anna K. Gl aull:, . :,« m. '.*..!

ps "in m March and April. l-.«>..lid which were nol a preiiei '¦."'¦

.1 ..nl vi.-r. m 1..HHI to l li. KliOX a

Kii«J ... 1. ... .i .1 ,. i»l d - '' H» Ir-»

i.i. exo.uk....:.-.« 1 i).- ll« fl lot. ' i--'.4'-

tag« a. wa

,.,, ... n :,....,ti «-i.ai.no,) «peni in litigation, anaa ... m coiupii tc aU-uiuisUaU-B

d y« ra a«o.

Ill i: RLEECKEB BTKEBI KAILBOAD..i v at aurai bi row v ¡ «. ¡a. rutcxi u

^ in i «it lit -.vliilL'.vil.Nl.s OnACKK-INd »HIA

!.;;. il s¡ j, li A-»:.

I"; i.li.l Stint BA-faotd WAA beforeipt ne Court, t a

,,,i i ,..- io leans lbs mad ta tbsTatacy.. ,.i:t._l ('..tn. ....! II -al' ¡' '»*

:. John If. -' "f lt,ñ

.. Brand U. H I N,r

i'..,n:., third atget t ___lfraad « ___¦

ni «pattereoa tor Mr. Matare, who, as s

., baa ....... .i au iml' ,'...»,-

:i.-il .. K n «.tn app« «. t in a aiiit

two ate«.... Man >>f I ¡ ***

i :. «ni i-i.tit «.f Iba i" 'v. a B w. k.Ball tar Wdllam tt. w*aH

,.. .»,, « map i¦¦;. bit. Watt'11U'


inn ih.it. i. :.' .¦'.,' on^the.i b) .'iu. r ateabba cliiess

¦: ;¦. pared to srgu«.:.. u nhothm the

"...,,.' O .-4.' -I' 'I1«**"'"1.

...i the a*tHtaa ef »___"*»re to lesee tbe i sd ra .. ms oi i"1 '»'

li .-i.-, Etailrus .< omi;., »... a-... ilntadthan

..-..:,. p.-.-.i m IB7A and l4-75,tba*_2!. tbe in : "¦» »¦";1" "ir? ..re»..Ir. im. i-

leste v.<__»e » t*-__.ie bond ««r ____-_____¦ *««
