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Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church & Preschool, 2606 Chimney Rock Rd., Hendersonville, NC 28792 828-692-7027 April 2015 Vol. 60 No.4 The Tomb Is a Victory Symbol During the Lenten season we are focusing on different crosses. At the close of the Lenten season is the result of what took place on the “Cross of Calvary”: the EMPTY TOMB. At Easter time the “Empty Tomb” is a sign of victory and joy. Rightly so because Jesus no longer laid in the tomb. He was NOT to be found in the tomb! “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!” The empty tomb is a reminder of our victory over death. "… Don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? {4} We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (Romans 6:3-4 NIV). While the cross is the most recognizable symbol in the world. The “Empty Tomb” is a greatest resurrection symbol. Does the “Empty Tomb” have to be a victory symbol only for Christians? Paul wrote (Philippians 1:21f), "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. If we are separated from the body then we, Christians, are with our Lord in paradise. Someone once wrote, "When I go down to the grave I can say, like so many others: I have finished my work, but I cannot say I have finished my life…. My tomb is not a blind alley. It is a thoroughfare. It closes in the twilight to open in the dawn.” That dawn is life in heaven for those who believe in Christ as their Lord and Savior. The tomb apart from Christ is gloom. Paul went on to write, “But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith….” It is true that the empty tomb is a victory symbol only to Christians, that why it is imperative that we remain in the flesh so that Christ love can shine through us into the hearts of those in darkness that they too may see the empty tomb as a victory for them as well. The “Empty Tomb” of Easter is a victory symbol because of the “Empty Tomb” we know that Jesus was victorious over sin, death, and the devil when He died on Calvary. We want everyone to be able to look at any tomb and know it is only a thoroughfare to heaven. “Neither death nor life … can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom 8:38,39). Christ’s victory is your victory too! Have a joyous and Christ-filled Easter celebration! Pastor
Page 1: The Tomb Is a Victory Symbol - Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Churchmtpisgahlutheran.com/newsletters/view_apr2015.pdf · 2015-04-06 · Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church & Preschool, 2606 Chimney Rock

Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church & Preschool, 2606 Chimney Rock Rd., Hendersonville, NC 28792 828-692-7027

April 2015 Vol. 60 No.4

The Tomb Is a Victory Symbol

During the Lenten season we are focusing on different crosses. At the close of the

Lenten season is the result of what took place on the “Cross of Calvary”: the

EMPTY TOMB. At Easter time the “Empty Tomb” is a sign of victory and

joy. Rightly so because Jesus no longer laid in the tomb. He was NOT to

be found in the tomb! “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!” The empty

tomb is a reminder of our victory over death. "… Don't you know that all

of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his

death? {4} We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death

in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we

too may live a new life” (Romans 6:3-4 NIV). While the cross is the most recognizable

symbol in the world. The “Empty Tomb” is a greatest resurrection symbol.

Does the “Empty Tomb” have to be a victory symbol only for Christians? Paul wrote

(Philippians 1:21f), "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the

flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot

tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be

with Christ, for that is far better. If we are separated from the body then we,

Christians, are with our Lord in paradise. Someone once wrote, "When I go

down to the grave I can say, like so many others: I have finished my work, but

I cannot say I have finished my life…. My tomb is not a blind alley. It is a

thoroughfare. It closes in the twilight to open in the dawn.” That dawn is life in heaven for

those who believe in Christ as their Lord and Savior. The tomb apart from Christ is gloom.

Paul went on to write, “But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account.

Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress

and joy in the faith….” It is true that the empty tomb is a victory symbol only to Christians,

that why it is imperative that we remain in the flesh so that Christ love can shine through us

into the hearts of those in darkness that they too may see the empty tomb as a victory for them

as well.

The “Empty Tomb” of Easter is a victory symbol because of the “Empty Tomb” we

know that Jesus was victorious over sin, death, and the devil when He died on Calvary. We

want everyone to be able to look at any tomb and know it is only a thoroughfare to heaven.

“Neither death nor life … can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our

Lord” (Rom 8:38,39). Christ’s victory is your victory too!

Have a joyous and Christ-filled Easter celebration! Pastor

Page 2: The Tomb Is a Victory Symbol - Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Churchmtpisgahlutheran.com/newsletters/view_apr2015.pdf · 2015-04-06 · Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church & Preschool, 2606 Chimney Rock

Mission of the Month for April:

Human Trafficking (Samaritan’s Purse)

Every day thousands of impoverished persons cross from Cambodia into Thailand looking for work. About one fourth of them

become victims of human trafficking–that is thousands become enslaved every day!

Every person is created in the image of God.

Human trafficking—the exploitation of men,

women, and children to gain a profit—is therefore

a crime against both humanity and our Creator.

This form of slavery is happening today in 2015.

This modern-day slavery is a global crisis even

with victims in every state of the USA. The

average age when people become enslaved is 14–

with many as young as 8. Some are taken by force;

others are deceived by promises of a better life. In

the 1800s, a slave would cost $10,000 in today’s

terms. Now, when the average price is just $90,

people have become disposable.

Men are lured into forced labor in agriculture,

fishing, and construction. A deceitful broker will

promise a man a job. Hoping that this will be his

chance to provide for his family, the man will pay

all of his money, which is never enough. He

becomes enslaved to the broker, often beaten, and

forced to do backbreaking labor to work off the

debt. This could take years, and in many cases, the

men are never heard from again. The fishing

industry is one of the worst perpetrators of labor

trafficking. Men will be put on boats, drugged to

work 20 hours a day, fed enough to stay alive, and

discarded when they are not useful anymore.

Women are trafficked for forced labor in

factories, domestic servants, and sexual

exploitation. A broker will coerce a woman to

accept a position as a paid house worker for a

family across the border, but she will actually

become their slave. Enduring repeated abuse, she

will be threatened with imprisonment or worse if

she tries to escape.

Of all trafficking victims, children are perhaps

the most tragic. Young girls and boys are

trafficked for organized begging rings, street

vending, and sexual exploitation. Many suffer

horrendous cruelty. In the USA, children become

enslaved when they are orphaned, abandoned, or

run away. Of the estimated 27 million trafficking

victims in the world today, only 1 to 2 percent will

be rescued.

Samaritan’s Purse is working to prevent the

horrors of human trafficking primarily through

awareness training and income generation in

vulnerable communities. They provide help to

men, women, and children in desperate situations

and share the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please join in praying that God will use their

ministry to bring justice and shine the light of the


Let not the downtrodden turn back in shame; let the poor and needy praise your name.

(Psalm 74:21 ESV)

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Our Missionaries

The students at the Licey preschool enjoy a special day of

outdoor activities.

Large fields of rice paddies line many rural roads.

6th / 7th graders lead an alphabet song during the literacy

block in Palmar Arriba.

Nicole leads a teacher’s workshop on literacy.

The Lohmeyers: Sharing Christ’s Love in the Dominican Republic

In Licey (a preschool with eighty students), the

mission has been blessed with enough donations to

purchase land. So, we will be able to build our own

church and school (instead of squeezing into a

rented space!). We anticipate short-term teams to

help with construction starting this summer. We

have hired a part-time accountant to process

tuition, reimbursements, etc. Now our director,

Yanela, will be freed of these duties and able to

focus more on the teachers and students.

In Palmar Arriba (preschool-seventh grade with

125 students), recognizing the great need for

improvement in literacy among the students, we

launched a new program in January. After a

workshop with the teachers, we began a daily

literacy block. During this time, the entire school is

focused on learning the alphabet, the sounds of the

letters, reading, writing, spelling, and vocabulary.

To include Christian education, all classes use

One Hundred Bible Stories for the literature and

Bible verse of the week. Nicole emphasized the

necessity teaching the sounds of every letter of the

alphabet. In the past, the school (guided by the

national curriculum) taught only the sounds of the

vowels. With the help of a song that teaches the

sounds, the kids are making significant strides to

master this essential life skill.

Nicole is happy to use her background in

language arts to implement this program. After the

Christian faith, reading tops her list for the most

important gifts one can give a child!

Pick up the latest PORTALS OF PRAYER on the table next to the Church office.

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THANK YOU from Pastor Walta in Laotchikit, Haiti

Brother & Sisters in Christ from North Carolina,

Members of the mission team from Mt. Pisgah,

traveling to Laotchikit, Haiti on Jan. 16-24, 2015.

It is a privilege for me this morning to write you

this letter, to thank you for this mission team and

for your past and continuing blessings.

Especially, I thank you for the team mission

who came to Haiti last week to:

1. Evangelism by visiting people door to door;

2. Provide medical care;

3. Teach sewing;

4. Plant gardens.

It was a wonderful mission that men could not

do alone. They have been guided by the Holy

Spirit to do that in Laotchikit, Haiti.

Today, many women in Laotchikit can sew.

They have this profession, and they will be able to

sew the uniforms of the children in the school

yearly!!! Blessings!!! To God be the Glory. God

will continue to keep Mrs. Mikki Reinicker and

Barbara Volk, the sewing team. They have a good

heart for helping the children in Laotchikit. They

have been kind and so patient with the sewing

students. We will never forget their help there.

And, their students really love them. Thank you

my Sisters. May God continue to bless you.

We thank also Dr. Jim Volk, a pediatrician and

Kim Rector from Hickory at St Peters Lutheran

Church, a nurse practitioner who has been to Haiti

many times on medical mission trips. They really

helped us in Laotchikit by providing medical care.

Many people in Laotchikit were sick when they

were arriving there but, before leaving they were

fine because they receive medical care by Brother

Jim and Sister Kim. Praise God!!! To God be the

Glory!!! For example, a child in our school could

not walk. Before they leave Laotchikit, this boy

can walk and come alone to our school. Many

other cases like that. We really appreciate their

work. They train also a nurse in Laotchikit to pro-

vide medical care there. God is good!

This team works for development of the area in


They did not give people of Laotchikit fish, but

they teach them how to catch fishes. They

encouraged people to make the garden a success.

This is exactly what we need for this area!!!

Finally, we thank our Sister Wendy White, the

leader of the team for her leadership and her work.

We love her! She is really a woman of God with a

big heart for helping the people in Laotchikit. We

feel that she would like to do all for the people

there. She visited many, many people in Laotchikit

in their houses, talking to them, encouraging them.

I think that she learns more things about

Laotchikit. Because, in Laotchikit, if you do not

visit people homes, you will not see the reality that

they are facing. People there were so happy to see

in their house Dr. Jim, Sister Kim, and Sister

Wendy. Sisters Mikki Reinicker and Barbara Volk

did not have the possibility to visit people because

they were in class all the days, working so hard.

Brother and Sisters in Christ,

Please, thank Pastor Rabon and all the members

of Mt. Pisgah for all they are doing. Thank you for

your time, your love, your gifts, your generosity,

and your money!

Thank you for the wonderful attention you gave

the people in the school by making a party for

them at the hotel. They really appreciated that: the

gate keepers, cookers, teachers, principal, lay

pastors...THANK YOU in capital letters!!!

It was a wonderful blessing to see and meet my

brothers and sisters in Christ from North Carolina.

We were so blessed by their presence last week.

This Mission team is really a blessing and suc-

cess!!! God is good!

Brother and Sisters in Christ, please continue to

do this wonderful work for the children and people

of Laotchikit.

Thank you for all you do for God’s people.

To God be the praise and Glory forever, Amen!

Your Brother in Christ,

Walta CLERCIUS ([email protected])

First Evangelical Lutheran Church of

Laotchikit, Hinche, Haiti.

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Photos from Pastor Walta in Laotchikit, Haiti

A typical Haitian family: a mother with 4 children

The MPLC Sunday School recently sent $200 to

buy four nanny goats. When a goat has kids, one

female kid is given to another family in the church.

Our team saw this lady being baptized.

Nurse Tanaze Joseph shows the medicines and the

cabinet provided by Mt. Pisgah.

Security guard Lolo with his family below.

They share this small structure with Lay Pastor

Mura, the medical clinic, and the sewing room.

Medicine inventory compiled by Nurse Tanaze Jo-


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The Sin Of Prayerlessness

by Glenn Leavitt

Far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you…1 Samuel 12:23

All of us have been guilty of prayerlessness. We hear of a great prayer need, or we assure someone

we will pray for them; and never follow through on our knees before the Lord. Lord, forgive us; Lord,

forgive me!

The needs in our church, in our community, and among our Christian brothers and sisters around

the world are staggering. The need is only exceeded by the power God promises His people who will

humble themselves and pray. God has promised “power from on High” for His prayer warriors. As the

19th century prayer warrior, Andrew Murray, wrote: “God’s child can conquer everything by prayer. Is it

any wonder that Satan does his utmost to snatch this weapon from the Christian or to hinder him in the

use of it?”

Mount Pisgah brothers and sisters, here are some urgent prayer needs. Whether it is on your

knees, with bowed head at your table, or standing with hands expectantly raised toward heaven, please

take time to labor before the Lord on these matters. If you sacrifice some time you might have devoted to

entertainment and relaxation, God promises to reward you with the “peace that passes all

understanding,” and victory in Jesus.

1. Recently, MPLC members and families have suffered tragic losses. Please hold up each person

before the Lord; naming names, and praying for God’s strength, God’s healing, and for

miraculous transformation of anguish into blessing and spiritual growth.

2. Cholera is on a sharp increase in Haiti. The mother of a Laotchikit church member has

contracted this disease from polluted water. We are asked to pray for her healing and for no

more cases in the area. Pray for the potable water crisis in Haiti. Also, Pastor Walta reports that a

lady who is critically ill with breast cancer refused communion because she believed that “when s

omeone is sick like her, she is not worthy.” Only after the Pastor used the Bible to explain the

truth to her would she consent to joining others at the Lord’s Table. Let’s all praise the Lord for

what He is accomplishing in Laotchikit; and let’s keep praying for the availability of sound

Christian literature in the desperately poor country of Haiti.

3. Persecution of Christians continues around the world. Praise the Lord for the testimonies of

Egyptian Christians in Syria. The mother of one of the 21 young Christians beheaded by Islamic

State terrorists said: “I’m so happy that he remained true to his faith in Christ.” Another one of

the young victims was slain after refusing Islamic offers of money and land if he would deny Christ

and join the terrorists. When asked what they would like to tell an ISIS terrorist one victim’s

family said, “Our Christ taught us love and peace, and forgiveness. He didn’t teach us

revenge.” Pray that we here at MPLC may stand so firmly on our faith when anti-Christian

terrorism reaches Hendersonville.

4. Our MPLC Stewardship Committee and Call Committee each continue to need strong prayer

support from the congregation. During our present period of uncertainty, there is a strong need for

members to step in with help in the regular worship services, and to undergird our church’s

outreach to our community through The Storehouse, IAM, and the Rescue Mission. Why not

pray, “Here I am, Lord. Send me.”

May the Lord not find MPLC prayerless when He comes!

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“THANK YOU MT. PISGAH” I was humbly grateful to have been honored as Elder Emeritus when presented with a certificate and

lapel pin at the November Voter’s meeting. Serving as Elder was an honor and privilege. I am not sure

how long I was officially an Elder, I feel I served in this capacity in many ways “before I was one”.

In a subsequent “View” newsletter article, the comments on the presentation were brief. The impression

was that Ann and I had been members continuously since MPLC was founded in 1956. Our membership

was not without lapses, the following is an overview of our activity both at MPLC and away:

In a period during confirmation years for their three sons, MPLC, a mission congregation, was served

by several area pastors with irregular worship schedules. The Cheadle family returned to First Lutheran,

LCMS in Asheville , 25 miles North.

Bob and his mother Elsie, both lifelong Lutherans, joined First Lutheran on Bob’s discharge from the

Marine’s in 1946. Bob and Ann were married there in 1951, there sons were baptized there.

In 1977 Bob accepted a position with G.E. in Houston where he and Ann were active at Memorial

Lutheran—Westheimer. After retirement, they returned to Hendersonville and MPLC in 1987.

First Lutheran has returned to it’s 1904 founding name, Emmanuel.

- Bob Cheadle

Ladies’ Night at the Cedars Dear ladies of Mt. Pisgah Church and Preschool,

You are cordially invited to be guests of honor for dinner at The Cedars

on Friday, June 19, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. You will also enjoy entertainment

and be eligible for door prizes while we celebrate the women who honor

and serve our Lord. Please RSVP a.s.a.p. to Vickie Amato at

828-698-0127 or [email protected]. Please advise if you require

transportation to the dinner.

The Ladies Guild will be collecting items to be donated to Mainstay. Mainstay is the Safe Haven

where battered women and children take refuge in Hendersonville. We are asking members of the

Church to donate any of the following items. Pots and Pans various sizes, baking dishes,

pyrex bowls. Batteries any size. Canned goods, such as Mac & Cheese, Baked Beans,

Ravioli, Peas and Beans. The items can be placed in the cartons in the Narthex. Thrivent is

giving us the seed money, but we as a church have this as our Project. Any questions please call

Maureen Duemig 692-9617


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Weekly Bible Studies

Wednesday @ 10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study:

will resume after Lent on April 15th.

Thursday @ 8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study will be

looking at the Scripture readings for the following

Sunday, at Denny’s Restaurant (with breakfast).

Friday @ 7:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study at Steve &

Kathy Kirchoefer’s home. The group will be choosing

a new topic to study in the new year. Call 393-5945 for


Sunday @ 9:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study: “Book of

First John” led by Paul Mincer. On April 19, Pastor

McLain will start teaching a class for new members

Thank you to the following Thrivent Financial

members who directed Choice Dollars to

Mt. Pisgah in February: Fred Forster, Carole

Steverson , Maureen Duemig & Jan Tharp.

FOUND – A “fitbit” was found in the

Sanctuary on Tuesday - 2/24. Please see

Carol in the Church office if you lost this



The Church exclusive of Preschool’s income thru Febru-

ary has been very good! We are about $8,000 over budget

and we are showing a positive net income of over

$10,000. This is promising but remember that we are pay-

ing for a vacancy pastor whose expenses are not as much

as a full time pastor, which has allowed us save about

$8,000 in wages and benefits.

Preschool is also showing a positive net income, they are

about $8,000 over budget.

Income and Expense – Year to date as of February 28, 2015

Church Exclusive

Of Preschool Preschool

Income $40,650 $82,412

Expenses $30,634 $69,626

Net Income or Loss $10,016 $12,787

Dedicated Income - Year to Date $10,498

Cash on hand

Operational Accounts $83,833 Dedicated Accounts $88,966

The Quilter’s Ministry is in

need of old blankets,

flannel sheets or mattress

pads that can be used as

liners for quilts. If you have

some to donate please put them in the

Fellowship Hall for the quilters to pick up.

Thank you!

Marilyn Bertram




We are excited and looking forward to

welcoming our Preschool families on

Sunday, April 26th as they join us

for worship at the 10:45AM service.

Lunch in the Fellowship Hall will

follow the Worship Service.

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Please check the “Outreach” bulletin board in the hall near the

kitchen for a list of needed food and clothing items.

Altar Guild

1st and 3rd Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.

Contact Ann Cheadle at 692-6438

Service Opportunities at Mount Pisgah

Greeters and Ushers

Serve on Sundays at 7:45 a.m.

Contact Tony Selius at 692-5489 or

[email protected]

Serve on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Contact Bob Cheadle at 692-6438

Members Needed to Count the Offering

on Mondays at 11:00 a.m.

Time is flexible in accord with participant needs.

Contact Jean Siebold at 692-7535 or

[email protected]

Quilting Group

Meets on 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 9:00 a.m.

Contact Jan Tharp at 698-3451 or

[email protected]

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Meets on 1st Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.

Contact Jean Siebold at 692-7535 or

[email protected]

Hendersonville Rescue Mission

Serves on the 4th Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Contact Glenn Leavitt at 692-5130 or

[email protected]

The Ladies Guild will be holding its annual

yard sale at Lydia Cassidy's home on June

19th and 20th in order to raise money for our

mission projects. Please keep us in mind as you

do your spring cleaning. We are looking for

household items, small appliances, tools, and

clothing in good condition. We are unable to

accept furniture. Collection of items will be in

April and May. Please call Lydia at 696-0588

to make arrangements for pickup either at

your home or at church. If you leave items

in the Fellowship Hall please clearly mark

them as yard sale items.

TUBE SOCK PROJECT The Ladies Guild will be sponsoring a special project

during the month of April to benefit the homeless in

this area. We are inviting all members of MPLC to


Collection items are:

small combs

tooth brushes and toothpaste

bath soap (4oz +)

nail clippers

safety razors

facial tissue packets

wash cloths

health bar treats

small writing pads and pens

tube socks

These items will be put into pairs of tube socks. The

filled socks will be given to the Rescue Mission and

IAM here in Hendersonville, to be distributed to those

in need.

Look for a sample sock for your reference in the

Narthex. We thank you for your interest and help with

this project.

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Mission of the Month for April: Human Trafficking (Samaritan’s Purse)

APRIL 2015




1 Prayer Shawl

Ministry 1pm

2 Maundy



10AM & 7PM

Men’s Bible

Study 8 am

3 Good



10AM &



Bible Study





Communion 8am Easter Breakfast 9:15am

Communion 10:45am

Choir rehearsal


Ladies Guild




9 Men’s Bible

Study 8 am

Elders Meeting


Church Council




Bible Study



12 Worship 8am Bible Classes 9:15am

Worship 10:45am

Choir rehearsal




Women’s Bible

Study 10AM

16 Men’s Bible

Study 8 am

Quilter’s Min-

istry 9am



Bible Study



19 Communion 8am Bible Classes 9:15am

Communion 10:45am

Choir rehearsal


21 22

Women’s Bible

Study 10AM


Men’s Bible

Study 8 am

ECM Meeting




Bible Study




Worship 8am Bible Classes 9:15am

Worship 10:45am

Choir rehearsal

27 28

29 Women’s Bible

Study 10AM


Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church & Preschool

Page 11: The Tomb Is a Victory Symbol - Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Churchmtpisgahlutheran.com/newsletters/view_apr2015.pdf · 2015-04-06 · Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church & Preschool, 2606 Chimney Rock

He Lives

Page 12: The Tomb Is a Victory Symbol - Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Churchmtpisgahlutheran.com/newsletters/view_apr2015.pdf · 2015-04-06 · Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church & Preschool, 2606 Chimney Rock

Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church & Preschool 2606 Chimney Rock Road

Hendersonville, NC 28792

PH 828-692-7027 FAX 828-692-7667


Birthday Blessings!

2 Marilyn Masters

3 Logan Clancy

4 Marilyn Pittman

5 Vicki Lee

8 Bea Luecke

11 Bev Duszak

11 Colin Smith

13 Jeff Reid

14 Peggy Blythe

15 Dailyn Rappley

17 Leah Ryel

18 Nathaniel Maybin

19 Anita Fryer

21 Mary Rappley

21 Marjorie Zell

27 Karen Ude

28 Chuck Ginter

29 Jean Siebold


3 Ben Kirchoefer

4 Fred Forster

4 Larry Tharp

5 Richard Harms

14 Barbara Hotaling

14 Barbara Volk

15 Eleney Selius

19 Lydia Cassidy

20 Wendy White

21 Waleria Wysolovski

25 Bob Bower

26 Jan Tharp

29 Erica Genaw

30 Donna Clancy

