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The Torino Process 2012 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Initial conclusions of the vocational education policy analysis in Bosnia and Herzegovina, presented in Sarajevo on 8 November 2012 .
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THE TORINO PROCESS ISa participatory process leading toan evidence-based analysis of VET policies in a given country.

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LAUNCHED IN 2010….and 2012….and 2014

• Bosnia and Herzegovina took part in the first cycle of Torino Process in 2010

• In 2012 new cycle of Torino Process has been launched: methodology based on ETF lead assessment

• To be continued in 2014: to move self-assessment methodology

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Building on the priorities established as part of the 2010 Torino process

•February 2012: ETF has organized consultations with different stakeholders involved in VET in the country; •26 April 2012: Agency for pre-primary, primary and secondary education, VET Department in Banja Luka, seminar has been organized on the topic “Curriculum reform in Vocational Education and Training in Bosnia and Herzegovina: review of the progress in the framework of the Torino Process”. •23 May 2012: in cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Affairs seminar on the topic “Torino process 2012: kick starting the Baseline Qualifications Framework as a tool for European integration”, has been organized in Sarajevo. •8 November 2012: wider consultation event takes place in Sarajevo.

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VET in the focus of Torino Process

Vocational education and training (VET) is

understood in broad sense, covering education and training which aims to equip both young people and adults with knowledge, know-how, skills and competences required on the labour market, for social inclusion and personal development

provided at different levels (incl. secondary, postsecondary or tertiary), in formal, non-formal or informal settings, in institutions, companies or other places, and at different stages of people’s lives

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POLICY VISIONWhat is the vision for VET development, and doesit comply with the broader socioeconomic development objectives?

Key Questions

VET IN RELATION TO ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESSDo the skills offered by the VET system matchthose required by the labour market and economic development?

VET IN RELATION TO SOCIAL DEMAND AND SOCIAL INCLUSIONDo institutions, as well as programmes and skills offered by the VET system, match the aspirationsof individual learners and the needs of vulnerable groups?

INTERNAL QUALITY AND EFFICIENCYWhat further reforms are necessary to modernise the various building blocks of the VET system?

GOVERNANCE AND FINANCINGAre institutional arrangements, capacities and budgets adequate for bringing about the desired changes in the VET system?


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Torino Process 2012 concludes that since last cycle

in 2010 there have been important developments

oBaseline Qualification Framework (BQF) in March 2011o The document represents important direction for lifelong learning, linking the education and labour market in meaningful way, and covers all levels of educationoStrategy for Entrepreneurial Learning 2012-2015, March 2012 oAgency for pre-primary, primary and secondary education: Development Concept 2012 to 2016. Development of VET and lifelong learning is part of the mission and vision, and should become operational though joint efforts of different institutions at different levels. oVET Department - the process of drafting standards for Agriculture and Food processing VET profiles has been completed, including further development of VETIS, which is aimed to support effective decision making in VET

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•Much of quality of teaching and learning in the VET pilot schools has been improved•The Republika Srpska (RS), the District of Brcko (DB), and five out of 10 Cantons in the FBiH (Zenica-Doboj, Sarajevo, Posavina, Bosnian-Podrinje Cantons, Una-Sana) had adopted new legislation for VET, harmonizing it with the state-level Framework Law on VET adopted in 2008. •Adoption of legislation needs to be followed with support in implementation. Including Pedagogical Institutes, Education Inspection and VET schools in the process should be an imperative•A common feature of many VET curriculum reforms is that changes of programme content are not accompanied by training teachers to use the new methods of teaching and learning. And this is in particularly challenging for those teachers that are teaching VET subjects. •With developments in Entrepreneurial learning – at both levels –strategic level and at the level of pilot school, BiH has a unique opportunity to ensure that majority of the VET teachers are implementing problem-based, student-centred and creative risk-taking approach.

Important messages from the Torino Process 2012 (1)

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•Pedagogical institutes in the cantons and entities are responsible for a wide range of tasks that have impact on quality in VET•Education Inspection, also distributed in the cantons and entities plays a role. They are in need for substantial further support in order to be actively engaged in the development of VET quality in BiH•The gradual establishment of BiH level institutions is supportive to improve the governance of the system and to make it more efficient. •There is long way to go in order to make social partners real partners in VET development in BiH •Without formal networks and active participation of social partners but also active engagement of Civic Sector, the progress in VET reform may suffer

Important messages from the Torino Process 2012 (2)

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•The development of quality in adult education and training should follow the steps taken recently

•All VET providers –those that offer programs at upper secondary VET level as well as those that offer programs in adult education and training (public and private) - should be given opportunity to improve the quality of their teaching and learning services provided to various groups of students and target groups •Quality mechanism with specificity of the VET provider could be strengthen: external evaluation of VET providers, than self-assessment of providers, including VET schools, the development of indicators, etc. European Quality Assurance Reference Framework could provide inspiration for that.

Important messages from the Torino Process 2012 (3)

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oThe VET system development, located as it is at the intersection between education and work, requires strengthening of the multi-level systems of relationship, including with Ministries of Labour and Employment services

oVET policies, depend on a whole range of people and institutions, if they are to be successfully implemented

oWhat will be the impact of VET strategic decisions depends on the way how different partners organize the feedback process and how key stakeholders are involved in VET policy implementation and review.

Important messages from the Torino Process 2012 (4)

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oThe main focus in BiH VET reform has been on upper secondary VET and transition to higher education and working life

oIntegrated approach in development of Qualification Frameworks will have positive impact on attractiveness of VET in BiH.

oProvision should be made to facilitate the dialogue between VET and HE sector in reflecting those issues

Important messages from the Torino Process 2012 (5)

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Implementing Baseline Qualifications Framework

More confidence in qualifications from Bosnia and Herzegovina. On 11 March 2011 Baseline QF adopted by Council of Ministers, as a basis for further work, but this need to be operationalised now.

How?By linking with the EQF for lifelong learning (accession) & the Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area (Bologna process)By developing and using quality assured, relevant qualifications, widening the opportunities of citizens

• Qualifications address identified needs• Focus on learning outcomes, describing the required knowledge, skills and competences

for a qualification• Learners are assessed against qualifications standards• Informal and non-formal learning can be recognised• Qualifications inform curricula; Formal learning can take place in different contexts:

allowing for different pathways, curricula, programmes, more work-based learning

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Work of the Intersectoral Committee

Intersectoral Committee: one year mandate to establish a work plan 19 members, decisions are made by majority of voteEstablish links to other developments, drawing on on-going work; and integrate it into workplan

• IVET: Curriculum reform started more than 10 years ago, positive experiences with modular curricula. Recently a stronger focus on the needs of the world of work with EUVET 4 using occupational standards for initial VET. What can be done to strengthen the role of the world of work further? How can more coherence in the assessment be ensured?

• HE: Can already use recent experience and curriculum development good practice guide, Need to design more profiles, establish levels and ECTS credits for HE qualifications and curricula. Rectors Conference should play a role in initiating development in HE.

Identify roles the Agencies for Higher Education and for Pre-primary, primary and secondary education and other relevant organisationsUse International support : Existing projects, ETF, GiZ and CoE are willing to provide support to the Intersectoral Committee

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Important principles for progress

Qualifications Framework to build on qualifications that are fit for purpose and widely recognised, allowing individuals to do more with their qualifications at home and abroad

• A stronger focus on qualifications beyond curricula

• More relevance for beneficiaries and practicality for the users

The intersectoral committee should identify • Beneficiaries for whom qualifications are developed: Learners (young and adults) &

employers (including self-employed, SMEs, international companies, NGO’s and public institutions)

• Users for whom the qualifications are developed: expert bodies at different levels, including agencies as well as learning providers (universities, schools, private training providers) and/or assessment centres

• All the actors in the Qualifications Frameworks that are expected to contribute

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Four Principles of Torino Process


0101 Ownership of both process and results by partnercountry stakeholders.

0202 Broad participation in the process as a basis for reflectionsand consensus building/policy learning.

0303Holistic approach, using a broad concept of VET for bothyoung people and adults and adhering to a system approach,including links to economic and social demands.

0404 Evidence or knowledge-based assessment.

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• Country actors develop common understanding of VET vision, prioritiesand strategy.

• Home-grown and affordable VET policiesare designed and evaluated, based on evidence/knowledge and collaboration.

• Analysis and achievements are updated at regular intervals.

• Opportunities for policy learning within and among partner countries and with EU.

• Policy priorities inform ETF’s support strategy and recommendations to the EU’s external assistance.

• Countries are empowered to coordinatedonor contributions.

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POLICY VISIONWhat is the vision for VET development, and doesit comply with the broader socioeconomic development objectives?

Key Questions

VET IN RELATION TO ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESSDo the skills offered by the VET system matchthose required by the labour market and economic development?

VET IN RELATION TO SOCIAL DEMAND AND SOCIAL INCLUSIONDo institutions, as well as programmes and skills offered by the VET system, match the aspirationsof individual learners and the needs of vulnerable groups?

INTERNAL QUALITY AND EFFICIENCYWhat further reforms are necessary to modernise the various building blocks of the VET system?

GOVERNANCE AND FINANCINGAre institutional arrangements, capacities and budgets adequate for bringing about the desired changes in the VET system?


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Thank you for your active participation in 2012 Bosnia and Herzegovina Torino Process!
