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THE TOWER CHIMES The Newsletter of St. James’ Episcopal Church Phone: (845) 294-6225 Fax: (845) 294-8794 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stjamesgoshen.org April 2013 The Easter Season at St. James’ Easter is a festival season of fifty days whose first day is Easter Day, the Sunday of the Resurrection, and whose last day is the Day of Pentecost. Easter begins after sundown on Holy Saturday. The celebration of Easter is initiated with the Easter Vigil, which can be observed just after sundown. With the final approval of the Book of Common Prayer 1979 as the liturgical norm, the Episcopal Church established the Great Vigil of Easter as its central act of worship. All other liturgical and sacramental acts find their fullest meaning in their rela- tionship to that rite. Easter Day is the principal feast of the church year. The word "Easter" comes from Easter, a Teutonic goddess whose name is associated with springtime, growth, and fertility. In most languages the name of the day is Pascha, which means "Passover." The Easter Season begins with that first alleluia at the Great Vigil and continues through till the Day of Pentecost 50 days later. The color during this season is white and all litur- gies are jubilant and inspiring. The Bishop’s Visitation with be in the Easter Sea- sons on Sunday, May 5, 2013. We will have only a 10:30 a.m. Eucharist in which Bishop Andrew Smith (Assisting Bishop, Diocese of New York) will be officiating. The Bishop will meet with the Vestry and administer Confirmation and Reception into the Episcopal Church. There will be a reception after the service in the Fellowship Hall. The Prayer Book includes these three forms of “confirmation” in which baptized mem- bers make a mature reaffirmation of the faith they received in baptism, and receive the laying on of hands and blessing by Inside this Issue: From the Rector 1-2 Greeters 3 Field Trip Recap 3 Altar Guild 3 Vestry 4 Book Club 4 Altar Flowers 4 Stewardship 5 Outreach 6 Garden Tour 7 Nursery 8 Dom Perfectti 9 Events-Mission 10 Worship Schedule 10 Celebrations 11
Page 1: THE TOWER CHIMES - stjamesgoshen.orgstjamesgoshen.org/wp-content/newsletter/2013/Newsletter April 3-25-13.pdf · THE TOWER CHIMES The Newsletter of St. James’ Episcopal Church Phone:

THE TOWER CHIMES The Newsletter of

St. James’ Episcopal Church

Phone: (845) 294-6225 Fax: (845) 294-8794

E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stjamesgoshen.org

April 2013

The Easter Season at St. James’

Easter is a festival season of fifty days whose first day is Easter Day, the Sunday of the Resurrection, and whose last day is the Day of Pentecost. Easter begins after sundown on Holy Saturday. The celebration of Easter is initiated with the Easter Vigil, which can be observed just after sundown. With the final approval of the Book of Common Prayer 1979 as the liturgical norm, the Episcopal Church established the Great Vigil of Easter as its central act of worship. All other liturgical and sacramental acts find their fullest meaning in their rela-tionship to that rite.

Easter Day is the principal feast of the church year. The word "Easter" comes from Easter, a Teutonic goddess whose name is associated with springtime, growth, and fertility. In most languages the name of the day is Pascha, which means "Passover."

The Easter Season begins with that first alleluia at the Great Vigil and continues through till the Day of Pentecost 50 days later. The color during this season is white and all litur-gies are jubilant and inspiring.

The Bishop’s Visitation with be in the Easter Sea-sons on Sunday, May 5, 2013. We will have only a 10:30 a.m. Eucharist in which Bishop Andrew Smith (Assisting Bishop, Diocese of New York) will be officiating. The Bishop will meet with the Vestry and administer Confirmation and Reception into the Episcopal Church. There will be a reception after the service in the Fellowship Hall. The Prayer Book includes these three forms of “confirmation” in which baptized mem-bers make a mature reaffirmation of the faith they received in baptism, and receive the laying on of hands and blessing by

Inside this Issue:

From the Rector 1-2

Greeters 3

Field Trip Recap 3

Altar Guild 3

Vestry 4

Book Club 4

Altar Flowers 4

Stewardship 5

Outreach 6

Garden Tour 7

Nursery 8

Dom Perfectti 9

Events-Mission 10

Worship Schedule 10

Celebrations 11

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the bishop. The rites differ slightly in the following ways:

Confirmation: is a rite (BCP page 413-419) for those baptized at an early age (or as adults) and, when ready, desire to make their first mature public affirma-tion of their faith (and have not done so in another Christian denomination) by renewing their baptismal vows, making a commitment to the responsibilities of baptism, and receiving the laying on of hands by the bishop.

Reception: is a rite designed for those who have been baptized as members of another Christian denomination and having made an adult affirmation of faith in that community, now desire to be fully incorporated into the Episcopal Church. If an adult has not made some sort of adult affirmation of faith, then that person should be confirmed, rather than received. Both confirmation and reception are a reaffirmation of Baptismal vows, and in each case, the candi-date makes a mature public reaffirmation of faith and receives the laying on of hands by the bishop as a symbol of the grace the sacrament confers.

Reaffirmation: is the last of the three Prayer Book confirmation rites. It is designed for persons who have already made a mature public affirmation of faith and have later left the Church or fallen away and who now wish to express their renewed commitment to their baptismal promises and life as a member of the Episcopal Church.

All of these rites seek to fully incorporate people into the life of the Church. I would like to encourage those who have been attending St. James’, and who have come from another Christian denomination to consider being received into the Episcopal Church. There will be a short class on Sunday, April 14th at 12 noon to discuss Reception and the Episcopal Church. I would be happy to meet with anyone who would like to talk with me about this. Please call me at the office 294-6225 or home 615-1330.

Fr. Carl+

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The Tower Chimes April 2013

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Page 3 The Tower Chimes April 2013

Greeter’s Schedule

The schedule for greeters during the month of April is as follows:

9:00 a.m.

April 07 - Donna Carbone

April 14 - Evelyn Clark

April 21 - Malcolm Diaz

April 28 - Bryan Giudice

May 05 - Jackie Kessler

10:30 a.m.

April 07 - Lillian Quintero

April 14 - LaWahna Search

April 21 - Pat Spencer

April 28 - Florence Stoveken

May 05 - Scott & Sharon Stark

Sincerely, Jackie Kessler


Saturday, March 9th

The bus trip to the American Museum of Natural History and the New York Historical Society was a big success. We had 51 people traveling in to the city on a big, com-fortable bus. The weather was beautiful and everyone said they had a great time! We saw people headed to Shake Shack and Central Park as well. It was a great day in the city. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the scholar-ship fund for this trip. We had a Mom and two children and a Grandmother and two children. They all enjoyed the trip very much, and gave sincere thanks, and asked God's blessings for all of you who made this possible. We collected enough to pay for the children's bus fares and admission to the Museum with a little extra. Your gift mattered! Our next trip is tentatively scheduled for June 1st. Our destinations will be The New York Zoological Society (a/k/a the Bronx Zoo!) and the New Botanical Garden. Keep watch for more information on that trip.

Sincerely, Marci Hanners


to all Altar Guild members who worked so hard to make our Palm Sunday observance and our Easter Celebrations so glorious!

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The Tower Chimes April 2013 Page 4

The Tower Chimes is the official monthly

publication of St. James’ Episcopal Church.

The Rev. M. Carl Lunden Rector

Genie McMonigle Secretary

Petrina Varone Editor


Chris Tippin, Warden Debbie Brown, Warden

Dona Ash Val Bynum

Edward Connor Steve Matula David Meffert

Tom Nixon Lillian Quintero

Jessica Ann Sutton Wayne Wilson

Jerre Coleman,

Treasurer Nicole Wiggins,

Assistant Treasurer Tammy Matula,



will next be reading

“Father Melancholy’s Daughter”

by Gail Godwin

Discussion—April 7th at 2:00 p.m.

at the home of Frank and Julie Zeccola




April 07 - Wansor/Atlas

April 14 - Rainey

April 21 - Grout

April 28 - Wiggins

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I hope everyone took advantage of attending the services between Palm Sunday and Easter during Holy Week. Easter was early this year occurring on March 31, 2013. To have fully enjoyed Easter Sunday, it was important for everyone to have attended the Maundy Thurs-day and Good Friday liturgies.

This is also a good time for all of us to review our stewardship commitment, especially in re-spect to giving. Jesus knew that where your money is, there your heart will be also. ( Luke 12:32-34 ). Martin Luther said there are three conversions: first the mind, then the heart, and finally the pocketbook.

There are many reasons people give today. I offer the following reasons for giving of which you might identify with in your journey with God.

1. Commitment: I give because God's Word says to give. This has been the historical reason to give.

2. Compassion: Today one of the frequent reasons for giving is compassion. People give to a particular need or cause because they have a Christian compassion. This is often called heart-giving.

3. Community: Many people give because of a sense of community. They give to a particular project because of its success or the involvement of their friends.

4. Challenge: Because of the past abuses of challenged giving, some have rejected this ap-proach. With the resources available today, many people are simply under challenged in their giving. Every day we are challenged to spend our money elsewhere, a new car, a larger TV, or other things. I challenge everyone to invest their money on God's kingdom and pur-poses.

5. Critical: The final reason I offer is based on critical reasoning and analysis. People give because they believe it is being handled like they would. This requires responsible budgets, full accountability and full disclosure.

I hope you have been able to identify with several of these reasons for giving. I believe we at St. James can reach the stewardship potential of our parish if we recognize the different rea-sons for giving, including others you may identify. It is never too late to make a pledge to support St. James. Please keep your pledge up to date.



The Tower Chimes April 2013 Page 5

Ed Fritsche, Stewardship Chairman

Page 6: THE TOWER CHIMES - stjamesgoshen.orgstjamesgoshen.org/wp-content/newsletter/2013/Newsletter April 3-25-13.pdf · THE TOWER CHIMES The Newsletter of St. James’ Episcopal Church Phone:

The CommuniTy Dinner aT ST. JameS’, aPriL, 27

Goshen Ecumenical Pantry Inc. APRIL, 13 & 25

The next distribution at the Goshen Ecumenical Food Pantry will be held April, 13 (the 2nd Saturday of each month) from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall at 33 Park Place, Goshen. Please arrive by 9:00 a.m. The Goshen Food Pantry’s second distribution will be held (the last Thursday of each month), April, 25 from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Help is needed; all groups (Adults, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Youth Groups etc.) are welcome to give us a hand. Please arrive at the pantry around 6:00pm.

Bagging & unloading of food dates

Bagging is done at the Goshen Food Pantry, every Tuesday morning at 9:15a.m. and the last Thursday evening of each month at 6:30pm. Unloading of Food pur-chased from the Food Bank in Cornwall is now done on the Wednesday after the second Saturday of the month at 5:00pm at the pantry (The Date for Food unloading for April is the 17th.). Be part of this excellent opportunity for community service.



The Temple Beth Shalom will host the April, 27th Community

Dinner, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in St. James’ Parish Hall.

Call John Strobl at 294-9004 to find out how to help. We

open at 4:00 p.m. to get ready for the 5:30 p.m. meal. The din-

ner is always held the last Saturday of each month. Please help

our youth with this dinner.

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Terry Makuen & Petrina Varone, Co-Chairs, Gardens of Goshen

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The Tower Chimes April 2013

The donations have been coming in for the Garden Tour, and I want you all to know that I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. All of you who gave have been just wonderful!!!!

You are all very dear, kind, and generous.

With a thankful heart,

Terry Makuen


JUNE 15, 2013

The Gardens of Goshen

Garden Tour and Luncheon


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St. James' Nursery Care

Spring Nursery Schedule

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will

not depart from it."

9:00 a.m. Service 10:30 a.m. Service

Apr 7 Evelyn Clark Karen Fogerty

14 OPEN Taylor Torro

21 Evelyn Clark Kathy Martin-Brown

28 OPEN Karen Golding

May 5 Evelyn Clark Karen Fogerty

12 OPEN Taylor Torro

19 Evelyn Clark Kathy Martin-Brown

26 OPEN Karen Golding

Alternate: Dana Wright 342-0577

Questions: LaWahna Search 294-3035

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The Tower Chimes April 2013

Our Nursery is fully staffed for the 10:30 a.m. service, but we are in need of volun-

teers for the 9:00 a.m. service. The second and fourth Sundays of the month are available.

If you can find it in your heart to help with this mission, please contact LaWahna Search at


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Once you know the Way

While sitting in a classroom years ago, (yes, many years ago), our teacher overheard a con-

versation between two students as she was writing on the board. “You don’t know how to

get there? It’s easy!” the first student said to his classmate. The student on the receiving

end just wasn’t connecting. The directions weren’t quite that simple to the one who had nev-

er been there before, and just hearing that “it’s easy” wasn’t cutting it for him. The teacher

paused at the board, looked over at the two of them and calmly said, “It’s always easy once

you know how to get there”, and then calmly returned to her work on the board.

Those words stuck with me for many years. Think of the anxiety that comes with either being

lost or traveling somewhere you’ve never been before. The combination of traveling alone to

a new place along with a number of other factors can really raise our stress levels. On the

other hand, good planning, having a map and getting advice from others who can provide

tips on the best route can help reduce our anxiety and make the trip manageable. Perhaps

the highest comfort level comes with traveling with a companion who actually knows the

way. This can turn a stressful venture into a peaceful journey.

As difficult as it can be at times to make our way to new destinations, how much more diffi-

cult can it be when circumstances in our lives takes us down unknown roads to unfamiliar

locations? How easy is it for us to make a wrong turn or bad choice and end up somewhere

we never wanted to be? These are the times we need to ask the Lord to step in and help us

with directions. If we ever feel “lost”, Jesus is there to show us the Way.

Jesus gives us everything we need to choose the right paths in life. His Word told us the

Way, His walk to the Cross clearly showed us the Way and He gave us the Holy Spirit to re-

main with us as our faithful Companion to help us travel the roads of life in peace and confi-

dence that we’re heading in the right direction.

The choices we make in life and paths we choose may never seem easy, but with Jesus in our

lives, they certainly become much clearer, once we know the Way.

Have a blessed and wonderful Spring,

Dom Perfetti

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The Tower Chimes April 2013

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The Tower Chimes April 2013 Page 10


St. James’ seeks to love and

serve God through Discipleship,

Community Service and

Eucharistic Fellowship.

We encourage spiritual growth

and maturity by educating each

other in the knowledge of the

Christian Gospel.

We seek to live in the image of

Jesus Christ and invite our

neighbors to participate in our

family of faith.


Sunday Worship

9:00 am - Family Eucharist

Rite II

Children’s Chapel

9:00-9:30 a.m.

10:15 am Sunday School

10:30 am - Holy Eucharist

Rite II

(choir and pipe organ)


12:00 pm

Healing & Holy Eucharist

Parish Office Hours:


9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Friday: 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Clip art from ChristArt.com

Alcoholics Anonymous

Wednesday evenings at 8:30 pm


Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm

Boys Scouts

Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm

Camera Club

2nd Tuesday of each month at 7: 15pm

Choir Rehearsal

Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm

Community Dinner at St. James’

Last Saturday of each month at 5:30 pm

Food bagging at the Presbyterian Church

Every Tuesday morning at 9:15 a.m.

Goshen Ecumenical Food Pantry Distributions

2nd Saturday of every month at 9:30 am

The last Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm

Healing and Holy Eucharist

Wednesdays at noon, followed by a Fellowship Lunch

Junior Choir rehearsal

Sunday mornings from 11:20 to 11:45 am

Musical Munchkins

Thursday and Friday Mornings at 9:30 am

Sunday School

Sunday morning from 10:15 am—11:20 am

Vestry meeting

2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:15 pm

Youth Group

3rd Sunday of each month at 11:30 am

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The Tower Chimes April 2013

The newsletter deadline is

the 15th of every month.

Please send contributions

to [email protected]

Paul Chellappa 4 /2

Kaitlyn De Angelis 4 /6

McKenna Pelfrey 4 /9

Elizabeth Mayo 4 /11

Brendan Golding 4 /12

Karinne Howell 4 /12

Brylee Pelfrey 4 /12

Barbara Cassel 4 /13

Sarah Willmott 4 /14

John Pelfrey 4 /15

Jacob Pelfrey 4 /16

Jonathan Search 4 /16

Madison Cartisano 4 /17

Marisa Ely 4 /17

Kit Wallce 4 /21

Nichole Splieth 4 /27

Jerry & Barbara Killenberger 4 /08

Jim & Liz Tarvin 4 /10

Pete & Cindy Ochsner 4 /23

Robert & Diane Rainey 4 /29

If you would like your birthday or anniversary

added to the list for the Newsletter, please

send the information to Petrina Varone at the

e-mail address below. Many thanks.
