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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · THE TRIBUNE. THURSDAYMORNING,FEBRUARY20. tryTittOfficeof...

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THE TRIBUNE. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 20. tryTitt Office of Uie Tsisoe 1- temporarily located at No. 30 Ann street- We expect to l* tu >nr new BuUdttjs In Sassau, opposite the City Hall by the first day of May next. Letters from the country, however, repairs- only to be o¡dres«e.I to " GaCELKT &. MrKiavru, New Vork." Toe street or number need not be endorsed. »ry> Advertisement* for the Dally Tribune inn«.'. >-c '...it at the Publishing Office, No. 30 Ann-street, before 10 o'clock In the. evening. For rates see first pa?e. "¿7-GENERAL COMMITTEE OF DEMOCRATIC WHIO rOVNG MEN-An AdWrned Meetingol.thU ( imniittee ssitl be h*ld a: ¡h- Broadwai House, on Friday, tt^tUtFeh. instant, at ¦> o'clock PM. By order. THEO. E. TOM LINSON, Chairman. B. f. Si'Msll.nar.Lt. Í secretaries Jon» D. Lnrpc». S ^j'-"'*'- 2i,f {jtj- We hope to publish to-morrow a timely and aJmirable Letter from Lieut. Gov. BaxDlsa on the position and tiuties of the Whi? party. It will command and reward genera! attention. jy 'Pearl Streit' is ia type, and only waits for room: THE COURSE OF TUE WHIGS. As we have no shadow of apprehension that the Courier's" preposterous advice, that ihe Whig.« .hould nominate ihe Native American candidate for Mayor, will be followed, we shall waste no words in exposing the mischiefs cf such a course. We do not believe a hundred Whig« in the City, insude those who have from the first been intriguing and coquettine; with Nativistn. to the irreparable injury of the Whig canse, would consent to any «iich coalition. There are a great iimny who wi : formerly thorough Whhjs who have, from a horror of ' Popery' or for some other equally solid reason, almndoned the Whig parly and united with a por- tion of their old opponents under tiie ' American Republican' banner. These are of course for Har¬ per and for restricting Naturalization to the last extent; but lhat the Whigs proper conçut in the« views is what Ihey have never said nor authorized nny man to say for them. Many wonld doubtless jireíersome change, in the Naturalization laws, ea] rulated to prevent frauds and abuses, if they could themselves prescribe that change and have it effect- ed si once; but entering on a vague, interminable rrtisade against Naturalization, with no rational prospect of suce?« and with a certainty of exciting embittered jealousies and hatreds and arraying against us the great mass of Adopted Citizi as, in- eluding tlio"«- who may become snch during the progrens of the struggle, is another alliiir altogetlici We know no Whigs who wish to enter on any such crusade ; if there ever were any such, it is a fair presumption that they have joined the Native*. To that party they rightfully belong, and with it tli^v will undoubtedly act, let tlx-ir words be ns they may. All ihe favor the Whig cause has a right t<> expect of them is that they frankly avow them¬ selves Native, and do not, by a contrary course, unjustly prejudice Adopted Citizens again-; lite Whigs. We cannot doubt that the proceedings ol the Whig Ward Meetings last evening, unless those Meetings were shamefully interfered with by those who had no right to act in them, will evince a very general resolution to steer clear of ihe Mtelstromo Nntivism, nnd beware of the pilots who wouli tempt us into those treacherous water«. JEFFERSON AND MONROE ON TEXAS. It lia.-» long since been remarked thai Southern J^oco-KocoHim i* supplied sviiii u convenient ..mi inexhaustible magazine in the unpublished corre¬ spondence of Thomas Jefferson, as managed by his grandson, Thoinns J. Randolph. Whenever a ne.\ crisis arrives, Mr. Randolph discovers anew letter jnsr suited to it, among the great mass of Mr. Jeffer- s< n's not always consistent correspondence : and .1 the question related to ihe Annexation of llusaia, we doubt not a Jefferson letter would be discovered just meeting the party exigency. We are not at all surprised, therefore, to find i.i our last lllóL the fol¬ lowing : Mr. Jefferson t<> Mr. Monroe. "MoNTtcauo, May li, 1820. " Dean Sin: Your favor of Hi« 3d i- received, and al¬ ways M-lth welcome These texts ol truths relieve nie trmii the floatingthlaeboodsof tin- public i apera. /, to ¡ion (hat I am »..< sorry for Uie nvn-rntifiattion .¦< tin XjkuiWt treaty. Our assent to It has proved oar desire to be mi Wendly terms with Spalu ; tin a dUseUt, tin- linl..- eiiity andmaUgnlty of th->lr government towaruaïua. Wo have placed thorn In tliowrotuj In the eyes of the world. and that Is wall ; but I" us thr ¡t eine* ..' Texas teitt !¦¦ .'.. rtchtttStatt rfovr Urn) m, with 'ft anyt re 'ptùm. It* South¬ er* part irUt matt wore sugar tita i .-. I can eon wme, and tin /tr.l iiireroti it.< ¡Forth ù the most ¦'¦¦ ia u on earth. Florida, moreover, l? nur» ; even nation In Europi consld rr« It «nrh of right ; we need not ..ire for its occupation Ul than of place, and. In war. ilw flrst rann.m make* It our« without offence to any body. Th.- friendly advisements ol Kii-sU uml France, a- well as the change of govoruuieni In Spain, now Insured, roqulro a further apd respectful toi- benranon, wTiUothoir roquastwill rebuttinploaol pre .crlptlve possession, It will kIvo a ritlit t. their appr.-- t.ui.>n whan taken In Uie maturity of drcui istances. i really think, too, that neither til« Mule »t our luauci », the i-oiiititi.in of one count y, n >r iba public opln ou, urge« iu la precipitation Into war. The treaty has had Ott ralnablt effiet of tirenptlumino our tith to Tuas, bettatst Ok 0$floridas it exchange fbr Texasimports an net I Manto/ ..nrri,>>,¡ (..«r. This pros iiico, moo iver, th<- Ptorl- das, and pussiiiiy Cuba, will Join us on Uio acknowledg- inent of ih.ii'liiih'i«-«.l>'ii. a -a measure 10 » hteh ibeli m « (sivuriutiriit wUI probably aecodc voluntiuily. ltn: ivhj should:! bo sayltuj uii inla to you, of whose mind all ihe rirouinsun.v« of ikla affair have luul possossl in ibrj on « " I «hall I»- happy to see you h> re ; und vier, I t.« Uve to soe you lieiv uii.dly. It wtnld bo a day ol Jubileo; t..¡t our day« uro nil numbered, aud mine are uot many. i;.hI b¡e«* ven ami preserve son, muchos anos. "THOMAS JEFFEKSON. "The PassiUKNT riiE IMiun Statks." Mr. Monroe's Secretary of State, Mr. Adams, had made a Treaty with the Embassador s¡.am some time before. By tit it Treaty we acquired Florida, having sel Uj> a claim to 'lVx.is ia the course of negotiation, which wc abandoned at the close Spain was dissatisfied, and hesitated to rat¬ ify the Treaty. Mr. Monroe writes word of this to Mr. Jefferson. Mr. J. replies that he is uot sorry lor it ; for, by setting up a claim to Texas, we have .strengthened our title to thai region, while our re- Itnquishrnent of it will of course be null it Spain ic¬ tuses to ratify the Treaty ; and we can take Florida at any time. Mr. Jefferson has a great opinion of Texas, is anxious to grasp it, and sanguine that we can- Now hear President Mo.nkos in r<'|>ly. He lirs-t go«* over the whole ground the relations c-i the Free andSiave States, tiie:r mutual jealousies, & c. and concludes : "From this s-tc«-. it Is evident tiis: rv further ... ;. .- tioa of territorv to the West ¦m.> Xomh «.. iftwi dj/fi> on ssteeKol ne.ivrr, Mjaiok HMUMUl the t '. i i.- - II osfcTW, >hrrefore, to be tartttoui in ¦<;. liar- ing stsyred the Xist¡*üp¡-% aiulall i.'.s isatera, ttkha eisyjsii.B only, and rrwttd Statt* there, ¦¦>¦;!><: taHsfmi,» far at leo*t as t,- tab no step ut that direction trhieh u »tw .\«.!>.v>iej .u the members, 11 at l< ist jority of those wli>ac-oiii|.lis',:,v. our Kovolution 1 could so Into further details, had I time. I ha« Ihonghtthat tlie«-inli-ht BtTarst yoaaoma sathdaotkm. Whouw« In Albesncrle >vi¡i conuumiu-jtc iiirihoi- »«i :l>.' »uhjc« t. " With great re»;«>ct and tOKert ree&rd. ...m,, "JA.Vt.-s MOKKOK." 'Acsivisiï'.oN.* mind yon, is Mr. Monroe's word, ^ith r*g«rd to Texas.nouo v{ the impudent swin- «ile of ' fsV.^mion.' shall not the Patriot President whs .¦. ;<rù and .'' Party spirit be heeded ^ _ BCh The ¿imeñeau M ^,.3 "TnoTT^aus^-OBterdai k. , «to uy.». »or thasakcof nukUn thnroin-h work ssitti nw vativ aed JiiUlui: ihetn off at a blow this spring, aianv" at ttaiea WIU go ovw to their sJd adversnrl« and s-ôte w ton Datuocrats.** Wo beg leave to assure the Corporation hurt' gîirdy that there is no shadow ot trutlt in its assr tíoa above .¡noted. We never * iniima'.ed ' or i ' 'iir«*d any thing of the sort. We have uuifonr' ¦ u. sained that tVic /I'/ngs tcoidil nominatetk* oka candidates and support them. It is this win cauces the writhings of the Corj>oration pap-absor»»- ."**¦ * What the organ blunders about was a sintpk* *..- s. of ours that, if f/w Whig* snott/rf .not run a st«*ct»,inany of our old comrades, who have been .*u»!e;d into Naiivism and are now setting out .4P»- sick enough of it, would even vote a Tao> »anr ticket if they could find no other wav of op- peanas the present Corporation. B-tt they will Und | a Whig ticket on the course, and will vote it ¡00. The organ has just this to fear, that one or both of! " * saeat national parties.we hope both-wili out- j the motley gathering which rallies under the j banner, and desecrates the Bible by using t-- .cred volume in its street parades and other f Wty aaan.uvres to catch votes. The days of that ' iwrty are numbered .* .-state Prixting.A Select Commutée of the- A-semb.y has re?ort»d in favor of giving out the .lob Printing ofthe State by Contract to th b sponsib!* bidder, instead of doling it out &¿ a re- ward fc>: lue servie« of partisan pp -.-es. We have .ir^ed this reform yars ago, but with fainl then ol its adoption. We preaataM it will not be j done now. h would save t'u'- State, we presume, from $5,000 lo $15,000 per annum but who cares! ! Do».-» not ourjiarty control it '. Do not our Editors gel ¡I ! And wiil they not ¡>riu: mor-; Extras far nothing and stretch th" truth a little farther, when they have these nice picking? and are likely to lose ! them, than if they were baUlingfor barren princt- pies 1 if course they will So let us keep this I little BWt-egg, and we shali know where to?-;oeesi i for a fat contribution when the party needs fonds. -So rea ms trty, and so th, inform never 2.« ef¬ fected. From ( mgrea down to Common Conn- Bblicprintirtgi»aUjob,jt>b,job-aiid a pretty job it makes. ^ fn j, -,-, W. Edmonds, we hear, has been se- Icctcd by Gov. Wright as Judge of the Circuit ( our: of this 1 folrict, vice Wil tarn Kent, resigned. We believe Mr. ¿th« ablest ol die candidates, and iheselection iherefore a gond 1 ne. The Governor has had a han tan--in making th» selection. Judge Kenl retires from office with the hearty commendations ol the Press and the Public. In ! liie.iudi'ialcareer he ha- eminently combiner! in- tegiity and ability with suavity and kindly defer¬ ence. He soon leaves for Europe on a tour of health and obsi nration, nd will lake with him the unanimous good wishes of the entire community. frj* Hon Coi íEsOTos Billing*, President of the Whaling Bank of New-London, and the Loco- Foco candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Con¬ necticut, died on Sunday, aged 7«. He was tleman of high standing, widely known and es¬ teemed. TheT -1 y.- it is noi Benj. F ¡i illeti of Boston but Win. Paxlon Hallett of this City who lias been nominated by John Tyler to the lucrative Consulship to Liverpool. This is bi tier, but still a bad nomination. W. P. Hallett hats been anoffice- holdeT and held .1 mosfl lucrative post 1er the b tu 1 part of his life. Now thi Consulship should he given to some veteran Merchant, who is m the de- cline of life, having loat his property through some ,;c litudeand preserved his integrity through all vicissitudes. The Ha.leltt», ta',»'- either or I¦¦¦ of tin-in. do nol answer to this description Capital Pi xisnMExr..The adjourned meeting of the New-York Society for the Abolition of the Punishment by Death, held lasl evening al the I lull, corner ol i'r< adway and Lispenard strei I, was very fully attended, and tli" spirii cxhibil d was every way encouraging. \ Cha r Mc- C01 .. Prcsid ¡it of the Soci ly, presided Very effective Bpecches were made by Rev. W11. S 11.11 11, Thomas L>. E.v lisit, and Ma 01 11 The tatter spoke more than an hour in his peculiar style, affording high gratification t<> all who heard til m.. The meeting adjourned for one week, when ihc discus ion will be resumed. It is un ! that tli" advocati s of the gallows are invited lo de¬ fend their views al lii'-i- meetings Will no one di pi the invitation .'.11 Elm nos. The last alt mpt to elect a .Mein In ni h j .,1 ¡he 1 agression il ijstriet, Maine, proved unsucci »fui. Returns from all the ; tuwtu but one show the following result ! S. ..,.,,.. i.Wlii .) '.,.-. 11 lernet Its-g Loco) S( ittrri Itayeal Irres I. >oo) ! :" TOI) \ i » i.; l'.-:.'i| First l'ii BI Un mdEditor Hi nnettj L li ra ry (Cotices; Miscellaneous Items. 1. .-' /'" ¦¦ itj '. ;. Ci Money Mat- lor» ; Mali m roui ml. Tin- Texas Ri solutions thi Ma 11 Legislnturc passed the Senateon Tuesday by an unanimous vote, as originally reported lo die House of Representatives. Da. Bannis«.!'s Lectures on Mechanical Physi¬ ology, as applied to health, the philosophy ol the voice, and physical education. The (iist ol this tents of lecture delivered by Dr. Banning, und introductory to the course, aimed lo demonstrate the general proposition, thai a large share ol dis¬ eases, and especially those whi h are chronic, are not owing to the d rangement ol the vital energies, bul lo incidental or intentional vi« latióos of physi¬ cal law*', und that diseases thus produced are nol wholly under the cogoizan of medicine, as ihej consist in the derangement of ilti mechanical and nol the vil tip ,ns. To demonstrate thisheadduced four principli.-. I. 'I hat as man's material ideality ¡s'a machine, it must be subject in its natural ind unnatural phenomen 1, to mechanical laws and m- tiuences. 2 Thai this machine, like all others, has specific chai n :. and position, on which its tan¬ gible I'unctio ends. A de|*arturc from thai snecilic ¡late will indu ¡e morbi I and tan¬ gible changes in the movements ihe parts 01 ubres. ¡>. That the union of n vital or living sn ceptibili > « .:;i this m hiñe, .. s il its locomo¬ tive un i lf-opi iting ch iracteristies, but thai th« dimination of ihes. :;r-¡ dep ndent on the perfect mechauical construction. "The Lord God formed man and breathed iuto him the breath ol life, and wan became ..ul." t That hrnc< we see thai the moving agency und the body arc two, one is liu- fulcrum, and the other tin- j lever. From these uriw iples it mu 1 ;.¦. p. rci ived, that if there an what are called "vil diseases," tin re must also exist mechanical diseases. This i view ol phvsiology demands .'t ouce the bestmode of phyaicaf education, ind considers thai beauty, health and strength of body, are enlial 10 men. tul perfection. While the vital principle should nol be overlooked, the mechanical rcceivi more attention titan it has heretofore. Dr Banning 'hen spoke ol the perfect mechanism ol the hu mini trunk, exhibit**! the leading features ol ils arrangement, how ii may be preserved in its I tion, and what obvious inferences may be drawn from the.-e fa ;.- i his nexl lectun on Friday, I will enter fully into the details is suhj ct", .¦- lerestinj not 1 ly t ¦.- iologists, ; ui to thi j generally. _ Mv.st.:. Tm..B.vru in ritist'tTT..tuadaj ortwo, h Magnetic T. legraj ii « ;: the s- l-r»-". I'-lliM:e_-> »ll!»l the ! rCCUlU BltiWillg, i:l llliMiln.n . Itj this i.....---- . M-i-c t>\ «in», m », \ incrchaul In Wi has .1 - 1er > iuc< and boiled turkey" for «lhiner. \. ttieTdecr h i", e, c 'in 1' - ¦.¦ thoot -. I'.niiiii. What avers .¦- tub »HI tie: _ A Cmurr. Captain Hedges, ol die ship Nathan- 1 the Sorti ^'> » l, re¡ '.:-. «u i! ;. ill v. .:i .'vr. 111 Lu. r.-. S « atSr.Mi' nw * Cornel In s.w. 13 «ley. altitude, its tail Nertli-w..., ::, ; » ,-,.. It coutl hi intil ne were IhUU, .. ...'. South a Wi test M^ht oftt, it luul more altitude, but owing ..»> the .¦» naMc. '.'*..¦ "'..... >' -.\ v.. .By the enter- lUltleM of the Dry 1) 11..- .. the EV ; ¦. streei wl * was tivilv :r.¡y :»-:;'. Sïh Ch ». all l>i:uN ssi-rv- »...'. .! is» lorough- »?Hrc. Tl tow ¦'¦ :..,¦;-. ». : tbeca tv' viujs. :i'..»'. . JJio' (»Ut two riv-'^r |>.i>-.; ; ¦;-. :.. :¦. i suit ¥his pioves to the 1 o: ;;..; 0.1 :.i..: th« tU tab, '.i:r. '.At..Among the ' Amuse- will be loutiJ the advertisement ol this ¦.,; .... Í. » and Ui jar;e::v 5 their eh » 'will s .-- ) - Kev. I'.. H , , s. ,, » ,. ... hb * s will u The »;^^: :. ! tie «.«:.! l'cl!»i\.>'l. such !t i, and with such attractlooî, a crowded house must j W to» ksuX The Cominlttc»?, «»- t>»ir.s'-... have .rml.v Uuuted the number of tickets, which wlS reader a:i eálív »j UcatiOal :;, ¦. »-.-.: j. ^^" Mr. «\,:>.!.. the Temperaace Lsm tarer,..».. to »peak u: Washington t Kmurttra - .. (»O- Rev. John 15. Gildka, a distniguished Cath¬ olic dergjTuan. of Baltimore,died on Tiie-.U.v. IK- was whlejy esteetned ter his many excellent ojaaltuec. {sjh tieu. Caiü, who arrived in this citv onTues- »tiiy, will leave fvr w^iunviou tç-slar. Q^GffîSSIfSAL pipEDINGS. et. m ecportf* ¦¦¦r thî new-toek twbcs -EN AT'..l: CHOA :- '-' THE rEXAS ftUEsl Ws-nt''¦ i"--- ' '- roary IS IS The ^t.^.lTr. ChaMBEB was crowd-.! to-day a earlybour. Long before 12o'clock, (he hou meeting, every seat in '.he Gallertes was ti: and hundreds crowding to every door to gain mission. Never was the Ladies*Gallery filled^ a greater array of lot aessthan : iced its s circular benches. The Ladies' Gallerj : in overflow ing, the doors were thrown open ant _.- eat the prii pal entrance Wii =>j;To' three rows of the fairest of the The Ladies then attacked the Gentlemen's gal and even invaded ihe sanctity of the Kepor gallt ¦.¦' While I am writing, (oh! shame to u .: beautiful young lad] is kn< eling at my side, ing do ¡eat but her knees, while I h-ive a chà My gallantry prompt? me to rise and offer her .'.- me to keep it. tb may give ar readers a sketch of the Around the Lobbies and on the floor of ... are Members of the House, Foreign Mil -'. --. President Dallas, Gen. Scott, &c- <fcc The, occasion of all this ira i is, thai CaoATEof Massachusetts is '.¦ address ihe & .:.:. morning on ihe nib ect of '!'. \ is. It is pn bly the last speei whi ;h he w ill iu;-ke in the.' ate, ¿n;i \. -.' dictory. Tii- morn ..-. hoi h Mr. Cue ihe & nate, which c every lady ¡n the House to start to het feel stretch her pretty !.: le :.-¦< k to seel lie commenci d by referem to Mr. Woodbt speech. If.ihe rivers of Texas ran over Of ¡x:arls and its trees bloomed with vegetable go if it would work all the miracles els le f< : h it was thai soi i< re| n - :.: it. still C nstttution was against *us. His answer t.. thi arguments was, How can I do this great and sin against the Constitution 1 There arc ¡ions opposed to the Annexation.million- i would shed their blood .tidcoiniheir he..--- -¦.:. ty of the '"mon There were many believed, with the loquent Senator from Misse ( ir. !: :.'.":, lhai il was intended and calculi i. e wger the Union. He need not say in 0| «itmn to the ntlem m'ï s|.' h from New Ha shire,tlitt he agreed with the report of iheComi tee on Foreign It- ! itii God help me, sir. Can we not agree in i n ions h tin- subject ! All acknowledge the dut :i-:,li to study ar.d be guided by the Conslituti Ail have natvei tasted of death who witnessec to be able to under t it- provision 1 ¦.-. mid not have made uchh iti to gi I th< ''¦ unbi coming to my years,butfot then fei ..¦¦ rr. eech which 1 h id ihe honor !.) delivi r Secret Session on the Treaty Sorneth ng lhi then said has been tormented into an argument Ann nation. I did not then and do not now ..t any branch ol Government an atn I. -. neither in aty nu'sin-'. n< r p .-.-.. r II belongs to msr naslere, oi ilie j ijie. 'I':.- .¦"' .'.:'. r from New I Iam;--!i with Congi s ng isl I ..,.: wilh our mastat, :.¦.;,..¦ ¡nst both I go with the Committee .r a- -ir j u'". -i Rrsl rat« company ihey .re Would to I iod thatwc could travel to the end ourm v t' gether. The occasion isa lit une t.. specul itc a little ihe question whether any brani !i of íovernmenl ill branches togi ih r bavi \ \ to anni x us any oi all ol ihe n itions ol ihe earth, oi w ... the /'¦ '/'.'f haw" vcl r< lain< d it by n grasp thai ue lias lei it go The c isc is altogethi r dilfen nl i: ..t Lotrsi ma and Florida. The« « nut ;. ift.« oi Territory ; but Texas is an ind< ¦ni facto n it'ton, and the i.-iiii-iüMii ofTcrritory,but oncof ünii IWo :::.'.'il tint:.-Us. The treaty-making pnwei might act in such a i- Louisiana, bul this is totally different. 'I leation ..- net no« ivhelhi r ive sn ¡Il m tkeatr Mr the benefit ol Commerce or for the sake of curing our river navigation, bul ¡I is an act ol uni between two independenl nations.a ; heuer for worse, for peace and wir Vou chati ii'l r.i nal xi¡ le ice ol j our n iti and m ike indei r '. m and difii rent nation« v ¦¦ i. [say to tb Senator from New-Han shire who stand: tv re .so </'. i ratically, God wi for the Congrí t, 1 stund against him and hisC< lie /'. -, IJ. ;. ..¦ I open tin« book "¡' ihe Constitution, stand t Uie period ol 17ri an.I look up to ionstilution. Blending two great natioi won have i> "on eo i-irai.?.- a power that the m of '»< would have been astonished to have hea ctrinc .' at. H id it been intended have annexed an independent nation, a provisi vould have made. !.-¦: us t !.. n f< vv mi ules 'os, ule otir chronometers, not by tie. sim, h by il .. fixed insi thai Mr. "ho a.- here weni int > a di: n pie '."ii wjiellu r ihe lathers ol ; o die ivdm n ol liter nations. 1 Kor i iod's sake, then, lei us look to the e.xami ¦l n fathers. stand upon tin- history of n and ! say that the inferences iir.:\sn fro this period by flic friends ofAmu xadi :: ..;. w ron lota ly wrong \\ hen we refei t.> ihr- dissensions whii h n sulti don, do you surgióse thai sui h a pr position would have been entertained tor oi mínate ! The titril'iignl end ci ntri lutve m.idt more than tie- ci ron. it' our history When L look upon 1 these in., on Uuion, I fee! almost liki n page of lien lotus in w ch you look down i ihe battle of Salamis and tr.-n;!.!-- unddoubt u¡...'¡|i< ihe battle lib -rty i- lost or « on The Declaratii n r>| In ndence verse ofthe Annexation .yet lhi y mu I be :¦.: -: die same power, 'i':.-' one severs on nto tw s- the oilier makes two Slates one. The on made u domestic colom a foreign na n it.on makes n foreign State a dornest c , r< The ;.pie dt-clured their Independence M -... al Forl Moultrie in th Id Pal .; ttto -'.,! . in the cm p, at Kam l' whs the people that spoke a these -A..- bul ihe vi ice of th It was not Congress »ur 1) it was iheiri .'¦¦ I'll-' i a ihe will ol the people, and w ! ou .- li ttgn natii ns of >| le.vo will ol the peopli « hange, tin lhati that will Fora con örm ilion ol ill vi « s he referred Io th :i-. f Vit '."..:. Buren, Mr \\ d .... Panama Miss No whs it nu s ... ., ring il sliall have [Hiwer ii who i f wish to bei mi a citizi with us >ut not ;t vv -.\ r .f foreigners and aliens. Where docs it .¦. « er to adi Suites ! Wilh ne ::.|'ti d t.. be : s'e clause in :;. lonstitutiou .-. - tes .- ¡i known sj t ak as a ^ v; r. .. «ay ever did ihisconstruciion enter into the hi u .... ^...^;'' excej lion, -. '. : ,-; unsobcr. X poi ; \ , from. '. up or dswn, ever im ;inedsucii t thing The recipe for cooking the tisii in the cooker* . .-¦ :i- ie,i io new S'...:.-~ \,-i ::..| the hrrritory before you < in admit new Slates Th' Senai from Ncw-11 .. .,. :-r \ .ion to thi NoWMippose that some adventurtr,A\ ¦i in view, would c:\e ,; [¡ew meat ; some promim nt .<?;t. to .-.-.rtv his object, \< bich !.¦ ther Jew nor Gent le, saim tior sinuer, believer i ntertained before; with what a cachincation.tous : SmithV exprès- -:. as.would ihn) new Huit ;.w; bad b en r--...l int lions of c .. had been lived upon and liie.i upon- ..:.,. Fope, Presbvier nor Bishop h i ever ... .. or given sacha meaning to it.. Wiiy. s r. wi iw scorn would ;...- -, :;. i : ived ! Congress may establish Post-Offices and Post- Itisnotlin limited :.. refor« we have a right to Routes through l\;ta?. nia and i ther nations The Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr. Bcchanan) had ...".' tt bute : the.Cons ition ;u«! t>t-. lore makiug violent (l will say unintentional) at- :: the onstitutii a itself.like the .¦. gai i gold, and then kn rim omhi' ht We »trut :or. was rs of the t. oBstiuilion, bj ! we Olhs s:.te i ii ia a Four::.. Iah oration or an indifferent s _.. than not have r. ..; j!:. The opimon Madison seemed to when he reached theMtssisanpi. lie had m of any S esb led from foreign ten His mind could boldly grasp the whole of our own territory. Maine was to spring out oi Massachu- v f..-. Vermoni out of X-w-Vork. rlentuekv out oi Virginia.''more beaurifu] daughters from beauti- r_l mothers''*.but he r.e\cr thought ' Slates bem.; admitted. Mr. Madtson knew thai it wasbttter for us to be jPtarded by rival naüons. like Greece, which r.-e to greatness bv being surrounded by hostile powers. 1 want to add one ihtng to the* almost perfect view of the argument bv the Senator frctn Vir¬ ginia (Mr. Rives). "Weknowtlut! líoveruecr Mor¬ ns introduced a modified phraseology into the Con- stitution. If we kn^w why he :n--rird Use words, now in ¡he Constatation, we have solved the prob¬ lem. He wa-. mnrremed with ra idiosmetraej ar.d hallucination on his mind that the Westernf would swallow up t e Atlantic .-'it-s aiive. He (Mr. Morri=) said that new States, too .-.-. milted, would mm ihe old w: ¦'. ol the I aion Would he have inserted words giving power to ad- mil Mate* from ail natious I The old articles ol confederation provi ¡- rj :¦¦: the way in wmchCana- darnight'beadmitted. Thkwas irseed back in the adoption of that glorious instrument upon which innovati >ns ¿:-' now attempted lo be made The :'. '- a m :. m îCew-Han -1 rest -d to think mat two-thira*s was not, as ^am Slick would say, sa ill-fired much more than oi,e i ¡)re>urré- they will rind some dirTerence, and feel it. . Bef .. we Im I new States we penni: men :c !.:;»r¡y aiui j' aiun h uuuui ¡iouuuuims. «...». then we adn tthem to t mtthem in the starred skyrof onr National inner so with every Alien whom we naruralize but it we admit Téxa?. how do see know that she fee¡s ...¦¦ force and tnoi rations our ..'..".ntrr Had France cr:: - th :ll id, « .. rj ind '.. re ilized and essen- ed tîiat our own coi peated :i¡onariii¡<'a¡ ¦: r ¦ v.. ¡.-ve ad- t g .. in ten yea:-. won id ol -"' Ah r ¦¦¦ lutiful roraiioi Mr ho il down. having spoken about two iludí I will n it attempt to express -- « tth ibis re ten rt ol Lhe .¦: queni 5 nator from Massachusetts. He said that he was soon to retara to Massachusetts l g ¦.. a account ...:: Wi n ij lísachu- say to her Senator, " Weil done," ¿fcc. House op Rktresi ¡sTatiyes .Mr. Prit: moved ... »total the I :!' for fu ing the Pre« lent's House in Committee of the ¡Whole. Carried. [The 1 pro] ses §20,000 for furnishing the White House, and SS.000 for re- pains Mr. Henley proposed $10,000 instead S20.000, ¡After a Ion; discussion and much confusion, the amendment was pul and l< st. Mr. Hudson proposed that none of this appropria tien should he expended in furnishing ¡lie White House with wine-; or other liquors. Xo: agreed to. An amendment was offered that none but Ameri¬ can liquors and American segara should be used at lhe White House. This was a cut at the provision ol the hill tha; American manufactures should be ;i-i .1 ;n furnishing the House. Lbs«. Mr. Preston King moved to lake up the Post- :- lice Bill. Lost. The Comm The part ol the bill in favor "I Am ri :ai.inufai tun s prevailed: Veas 82, Nays 78 A motion to lay the biü on the table was lost; .. is -">!». Naya 81. The main question w.ts then put by yeas and nays: Yeas62, Nays70 So the billwas lost l*h< ivil and >i| lomatic Appropriation Bill was then taken up. A ¦: mdment to ¡ncre ise the appn ition for ihe Library fin m §2.300 to $5,000, altera long dis- m, was adopted. Thebil! wasunder consideration till the House adjourned._ Pico's Concost..The Concert f Signo« Pico, regret to »ay, andiui« ¦¦¦ She was most itli ..-¦... received, and tlelighti overs by her In 1 sllsh Son?, Drean :!,.ii ! ! llalls,' she was irtli ¦- ful. Sho was eili.ii i.t'y supported by Madame Arnoult, Otto,Si¡ rsA ¦.". ind Itapctti. n Friday, the 7di instant, at half-past 2 .' V Mr.J » X. Well-, .!r. v..i» knocked .li.wii .¦. the Kiiickcrbock r singe* al ihi comer of tlie Eislith-avetiuc mid Tlilrteenth-atrcet, and was procei streel hand« in his outer roat pocket«. When within ¦. ..- taken by a sleuth, on will. Il -Lv. re tl::, ;,,. -.. »,-.,. .,n. ;. '.. v. :, y. -.1. \vh t he SSI] luve N- n .; Ici r '.. rihJ i i. ca wat ehrt wi t>*< lib Ii ici tiackof his under and on .¦:-,. thebrca»! ., bis ivati :i :.¦ m tin ir.! chain. '. Tin. l i mi: At, or .tuns Cobdos, who was yesti rtlay .it the :. An bnuicnic i..¦'. !:. lowei mains of the unfortunate :::.i!i t.. the Soi th i' iri J Ground, where tbey svci itomb. The number In the .-.-' '!: Ul teen hundred, most ol whom, weliavi tuoft to bell * «ire sincere mourners. The Writ01 Urkoh .TheSupr« ;:iei '<>nrt have (rratited the w.-H f error pra r In tli Tilomas \V. l>orr. Tlie ind tttoniey General '.¦'.;¦¦. ... Monday ol D.aber m \t. to in-.ir ;!.. mestion arguai. whcthl : ¦.':-. sta:. « en violated by lhe action of ihi« State lu tin Rom It will i>tbc regn tied h; : ..r uattci IVbatcvsu thclrdri is I: Wan by It. We fear suit. "I raus ri .. :. :¦¦:: ru us .:. :..» ul 1 ¡..;.''. ..Feb. I...U. J, Tliatthi lug K I ... ¦. and «'!.. n- . : and ...-.!. t" < same shall as If tlicdayluu i a ..... ... ¦: ;.'.:h. Eve. .! urnal. Thi -",< » ". K Wkather .1 udei the -.. .i Wheel rcaga ç AVi n the llooslc and Mohawk riverm tributaries ol the ':..- broki n np. 1! h r:-' :. thi ic i>.:!i load« teams. Vlba ¦'.-.... .. . .\':;:i'»l.. !,>';.n T. Ii Quitn .. ¦.: Hill, N. 1!. '...- SI tia- .- ¦. felt buis : [ s.On Sunday last two boys.one 11 and tlie other 13.rt m f the 1 : ed at Brighton, aud 1 \ iiumlx r .¦: : .-. -. uc the yi ¦. :. ;u« », but thei The b -t of India Liubber shoi !' argil. Mr. Polk, in his late pn rri ¦. reled all .- ri.-cal ill -. ... irnure of a with i ., ward trance, thai .- Pin An (w i only e:ul U -.; his hi old ¡e] 1 ::i :.-:iiiie;it of the We ... lhe lion ir done us of en invi- .e'.v ol the new tile for S] .:. and, truly, il Mercurj he only God who sports a [ on his clothes ir.d w.-Ik go ¦. ¦. mortal s'ew-York Hatters ore competitors firm f peri ....-.-.;' mod- id the -'.-. en assays should ted in < ne ider emi to i "Wkabi ¿eves." The one we saw by Beebe V C' >t..: [U.C tori) was . xpressîon. "J" : '¦¦¦ Daxz Sis.I havi seen a O ;.» to comeo! : -morro? array oft .: i i » tin; it, a ny great ..--.... R . Mr. Warren with iu .. Sesr-Jersev an i ..--.. lleis onci ivi.! :'...- ; : ..:.. -. ameliorate the a r. He Is crate the dens ctfwret tr,and retrotr« the m;.. -: ..:'..:..- .. r .: m « .... i.aTv eenboaleoceuchto entei Its a>a- - ¦' tochcdegnuli 7 ... ts of their Creator, bo em '.i-h ¡UU.-1 M .-- f labor. TJ '.. -:': » BóL tüíttoi. 1: « are coaeen i" attract « .: iaat :..,.¦ > anne gramme: bu: ihtre isa.Bol : r;!:;.- the attenti ::...'j: eiti .. n au.I r.rfv phi- hsniarortbU h. this city, in.i t trust that the Tabernacle v.U be fljkd. I have penned :h.-s article with.--.: tin b isiedpe »>f Sir. Warren ur hn :'riet. !s,whn arc tn^at-e,! m ibis n¡*::er, tu: net without thi cun.-trrreiKe it a larg¦¦ ::umber bc:^ i ; -- -, who u.-rprove of tb« excel¬ lent object. m'MAxn, Xew-Yort,Februars- 19th, IMS. It« COURT CALENDAR.THIS DAY. CnstsiL.s: I't >s»-r,r-. :.No«. 9», ».77. 11 O «T 13 i2 j .:.. 2. Nos. Ti T:. Ti, ÎU.O.SlJB.SS.'si. StrrKK.s ..i si. N.4 IÎ.TS.7É. il. lui ¡N;¡ -j III,«*,» C,i,îs,»,ie0.afji ¿^ .<...-<. BY THIS MORNING'S MAIL. THING! PHTLADELPHIA. t_ orres;vud. nee of T'a-- T.-i'-a:..- PfflLjLOl trm i. Keli !'.* .I I' M. sMu-iLsror Tio-si ,irHi. ns-.k.H- .: stsLmeu of ike cowHtkw the Ph'.l ublpnts ifcsis.. > I - 0, Vudi: ., Genets! .' e L-'isi-'ur- i copy ! which sm.u ¡roa it -n ..<s use sri.'.anlrtfi.ii!-'-!.'-'' «-."' tV&m*\*uA, amos« due sw- eùcuUlioa foi . Dae N ..¦" ,. . BilUJi«. Specie depc^rttors ei..uUti.>u :-..-;.¦; ;....,. T.¡ .. ai.lflß ST tîitt.f'd .. ; : BkefNI ¦' "' « :.- £14.2*0 *S :.. ,. WWt ,i Bank: 3SS.I01C5 -"2,1-91* S3S.66S > .- ¦..: .'. - :.:. ,ut.t«»< .UMii'C. ..-.- it.t 1.1 ¦ -¡es-ie land*. Sow Bi^k of Cómasete .i uhierlf setd iwo it : " Bj- > ¦¦:.,- IfarriibLrg Bank..y»r. >. Debt. ' ; ,«W »I Bills Discounted 531 S - f other l>k- Il U Specie. Reliel v ra- ; ds unpaid ÎJ9I B non. Bub.. EAccoont. li.lt* : Due by other B.,s ¦sllr-iu ii.6M li.N....i:;.l Mores '-«.l.*1 16 ' -Loan W Com tl SI ill ¦:..*' urs l;t- '.'..'. Stocks ' nirc.it Expensi 1.693 '.. ¡;. ,i fcjui ¦....¦m .... TumI S6S4JÎS3 "-I Ti'E I na tíovitSJíOE..Aceonlins to n coajmunidDoa :.,!? :.. rbe Lesnlnturc n ¡iKi»-ar- thai Guveroot Porter"«*- .l.rc! 55 persons bef.retri-i!. SrOafterconvietion. rtn.l remitted ;". s and tbrteimres, Ontsecateneesfiw which the pardon« werenuted, 3 were M munl'i m ¡lie first decree, 39tor mur. ii-r :n tbe reron.l decree. £5 lor iiians.aiijliter. -' ful tiiir;la.tr. lit it.-=>..:i. IU f.jrm-ic.STidJtt.r ¡«ermry. , ., ;x..-.; .m :f»,.i Anerenieci r two sine», wbtl .¦. oftd ward Moron osias was en .- drunken wretch, named Mnrray, who In. thi* wife.be «ras wailed udleradmeiuslifewas in ¡mntjeopardy. , . ;. ,K .-IMIT11 -p..A-i bnslishman. - .: in the recent .was :i;Ls mornius folly committed by t!.- May. rl -, Ele« no»..The eeoo?st for Wa.-.i Offic '.'.well, ssill b,- warm. Thethre* parti«*."Whip. Native, insl ,- .,.-,;. niakiae every exertion to succeed. I have no 1th Satires ia S intliw irk, led i nn- fiheAVaids in the otbei Districts. the City it is --.:¡t. .. n, n \< .- m ictii ¦demandI « Bli eks : prices showine, an it¡»»r.l ¡ettd.-ncy. Pennsylvanie Ki>-< .: tbe Kirs! Board at 74. and closed at 71i, i- ins to id- :'; f m yesterday. It.-, lia: Railroad Bonds weal u| did Wilmington Railroad slur«. I S li.u.k » .< ,',.,- Board.SiO o 0 State '.s ~¡: S-'.'.'i-O do7 1; S T.:: $812 do ISM, 731: SO Girard Bank Si; 100 .l-.ïl: 120 shs ! Si Bit -. G 0 Wilmmeton lí.l Öl: ttJKUl Reading I'..! Bds .:. H do C7i: I Camdeo It Ambo? Rd 103; Il r m li s;-, ¡,r. k i>vl Cana] Loa Second Board..to S. i: ,.ik-;: Sau'.t Beadins Rail id BandsCTi: >m .1 b 5,671vJ Kentucky Bank 721; S"»l ¦'¦ j.: m; StOCO TtsnieueeBoi»US3; ISO it rard U.tnk ds St: ii»..!.. ,.,. ::i: I »i Wilmington Rd.221. Surr S'sws .-¡ü» P M...lrnrr<l this day.Snips Edwin, \\'.--:. fin N"( Irkmas; St I..ni?, Marks, fm .1-, Hnrk Louisa, GaUacher. fn. Kavnnn. Itr.ssK.'i/r.licili. Wat«on. tin Matan- 7i.; W¡i'i:inc'"n. Miiiiroç.fm Charleston. !-<.!.:< Ilenry luv. Jnhnson, ñn NYorfc All Coolajr, t'uinp, tin do. St.air.cr Napoleon. It .--. fm Baltimore. Cleared This Jlflei noon Steamer Cumberland. Colm Baltimore. Hn'.'ic. l!-i.-.;n- s II iiri. '. Tin in;.n, Wiiipjile, from New- ... Mary I me from do. Brigs <'.¦ It. Wright, from Trinidad ¿V Cuba; Margret, from New-Orleans; Either, fn u, New-Orle ..--.ill apar Bombay Hi ok. -. I»..-:. l'.-!>. IP..The »hip Ondiakn, from Liverpool, and linrkaway, ir-.ia N Orleans, and still at the Breakwnter, and will probablT cd i" nailer way ¡li s afternoon and proceed lip. Tin- brie Itowenn, fot Lnguayra. an.! sriir. I'.len, tor Chatteston, went to sea fast .venino*. Nothing; ia steht bound up. Wind. X. W. Wt-ntlier pleasant. Vi.i:y I..STF. m.iM Not iírí-nada.. i'lic packet iiru i. Captain Furbcr. arrived yestenlay in twcuty-úv« :.. s ...i ,. .,-,,:!! Cartllagciu. Vmons; her possencers arc lion. William M. Rtackford, I". 5. barge d'Atlalre* t.> Kew Urouada, :>iul Wm. w. Blackford lus. private secretary. ... a.:: mn Mr. Blackford that .Mr Totten, tito Ame¬ rican contractor to cot a canal at Sew Grenada, has :. vcrj Bucce£5futly, and much to the."oitlsfactIon ol the fiov- iriiii.i'iit. Itiv.i- supposed tli.it i: would be finished in about tliroc years. The ilrst -rround was broken on the 27th of December, whldi operation «'a.? witnessed .i great nmnber oi ;^-..i.!v:. All :!. contractors'employed on -.in- canal .ir.' Americans. ,\ :¦'¦..'. deal ol dissatisfaction wo« i.lt at :!.- removal .>! .Mr. Sancliez, the American Consul at Jicw Grenada. It seems thai be was inn. ¡i Uked. Tbe election for President by Electors resulted in no choice; ihe duty now falls on Congress. Gen. Mosgucra ss-n probable be i. [Norfolk Humid, f. b. 17. ih» ,N- «irk Dsily \.!i. ,-:i *r. TllKNTI-N, K-li. IS, Ti.ti !:-tt State-Prison Keeper, who seen« to luw emulated the character of ihe redoubtable Dorr, had t!.- ¡mi adence to send to Mr. I íaddia t i-day .1 ietter to ihe effect that lie (Mr. Yam) had been in- ttT.ii- (i that he (Mr. liaddis) had l> en el.-ctn! ..... er of the Prison, but in liU opinion illegally ; but inasmuch as iw (Mr. V.) h.id bosioesaof im- l»>rt.ini:t- to attend t'>, lie had concluded u> admit Mr «i.intn the posfession ofthe Priaon^to-morrow if he would r-dll down. Yard is s-till in possession, though I learn he re- moved a large portion of his goods from the Prison to-day. ____^____ NEW YORK LEGISLATÜER Ti »¦!.... Feb. I.T Senate..Mr. Johnson presented petitions of citi¬ zens ol ILensseluer and UJ7 inhahitaiiU of Albany counties tor the -r, poinimenl of three commission¬ ers to inquire and report by what title the Manor Lands are held, what relier, it' any, can b»; granted to the tenants, and for other purposes. Mr. John¬ son,by request, moved their refereuce toa select committee. Aftci considerable debate, ihey were referred !.> the Judiciary Commute, 15 ii> 9. 'I he remaining proceedings of the Senate were not >i much interest As.! ¦.:!¦.!.-,..Tin- House went into Committee of Whole, Mr. McCarthy in the Clinir,;'onthe bill 3 an appropriation k,r the N..tt;Vl¡i St.tte Prison Mr. Morrison moved to strike out the provision ;- any relationship, by blood or inar- '......., between the agent ami principal l,ec[K.-r. l...-r. Mr. Blake moved to strike out tii»- secùoii which prohibits the Licensing und sale of intoxicating liqu ira within tlir.-e miles of ihe Prison. Lost. A motion wa.s made t" re.luce the appropriation for the Prison from $100,000 to $75,000, pending which motion the Committee rose. By consent, Mr. Van Valkenburgh moved ti> [ to iOppresB licentiousness a special or¬ der for 12 o'clock to-morrow. Agreed to. By consent, Mr. C F. Crosby offered a resolution to adjourn over Saturday next, (Washiogton's birth-day.) Adopted. C1 T V I N T E LLIG E N C E. HUM" >>. ii" KT mk SESSIONS. Before die It inoea. and Aldermen Gau isdCozzcxs .'.! i ; m .- í'i i, .-¦ s. Ej ¡. District A-.' r. rr. i'.... Trial or Saíi :. Amm,..lodicicd for having "tu i.-ti s,..:.. s.,,, .; I,.. [-,!,. (,;,-:ciicr, frûlll the finn i,l M.-s,.,. Saydam. Safest Co. of this City.sslii Ud m need on Saturday «is resatned. .' is /'. Sagt «n« azaia ^nÜC'l t. ti.- «ta::J n- :. H 'i i ry Ion» and critical crnM-eiaminaxiun lie stated in m.,«« to [u estii propounded, thai th.)- e the pork, bam and lard business \. i:!i Adams ia Xo- .¦.'.- i . '. and lud I rv»it;u>!y. I.-, .. .lir.ta-iun. 'jli¡niur-! ¡!,r llonr sak-s i>.m aim, beliei ins ia hñisoli ¦:.':¦. \ letiei ¦! :-i' V-. 13,dcoedSuydam,SáxeasCo.o0erin;l \ :: -.: a second letter was Js lothei meeffect.and others of divers dates iu rcUti'-ii to t'..-ur; alxi in r-lati"ii to parchase f i ork; Su.atstal 11 ¡ces. These let! »,-Mk rfiwvir; s -, -, ... _. tbe :<>. aces i proda. in .. ., rather i tbe V, .- r.. tl : compbrinanu bad paid analtacit- ment C r AJ,.... ..u -. jadsment i;vir..t bin hi this city. &..-. Lance sheet oT the trade in lloar was read and -h"vi«i -.. of A..;...s m :;,..: ¦.-.. ont wei S I) Tl i Here S '. 67 í::J '!.e iijluicr J.is Snydaa, Sag StCo '¦'. ai account wo* on the -.¦. current dited April. °.:ii.\vi:h UV,.-- x. o showed the credits of Wesser Sc Co-to be Si., - '*¦::¦: ¡.-um.- balance doe '... it ¦.- a, which balooee was traastened to the credit m ter account. The ira* on :).« Ixansactioa« of Soar ia '"u!l U-trt-^u :.'n ¡.a.:i-s. rt s?-i» fu.'.iK-r shown -.¡..it Snydara, k i. receired UM banrls of pork of Messes. Seymour i. ' o. m .i-.i. h t'«: compUmaats oil .:.. .i S2Btt, »nd tnc ba- ..vhich oser the $2SM that ¡h- p«.ik told toi ¡:,K .... lUiuir.'.s held and refused tj pav r>**t '-j i:-' Mk».-». !>-,,. . -'s I elief that the p-rk was tlte property of Sniti ¦-...'..:. i.:....- in Ohiu ümus: Watt. i.S,.(. aurai .- the recorery bick of thé 5¿;3,WiO ad>»nc>-d to A.litn, s. rnoar on i-.rW. kc by <u>iUia. Stae&Co. Tins bsne» rra bad nxaile contracts for set.-r¿l ¡hciuÄiid tirr-1, .ji" ;- rk which :!.-. roul-i net supply until ti>-T went tato tbe ntarkrt ar-d purrh.-j-,j lbei¡u*uti:y »¿rred to be d-liT-reds;me :.i.-i« ; : [TL Grand f arícame into Court with i iromber of bills Ttrc for the terra s»iil, t>.. thai ks pos»« c^:i\.uud si bilb, uddtsmi i -VViUess -m;loyeil aeeuU to so to Ohio »a a ran'tsitioo from oar Goeereor; Attorner.whl,i 5 ..¦. orhewen« ..: bare employed tliree lawyers «idTu c-uductinr -.vnuon. [To * ^ue»t;u0 propo^d to be pot : n ii -.- -::,.;. bsataotm traci d bis ascot to ecu. Cfcreoce with \doms, ou ubtoj .i,.-... arity for the so,ecs .].e. ;t .. ohieelrt t!i,t ¡, w iBl(, {ru¿ t) frinn/tt sen Í ;. tbi -»:.,; da« it was ?.. ,::en>H to e..mts>ur,.i a i-..... uul «ras mied out t.y iheCoort as imdnii.sibl^.] TVslefeoce ¡rre rwicdüse -xamination of tbuwitneas- »od:hedir-,-t eiac.iaa::.Mi was resnined, but was fr-n-rnIIy ootof^rsa: tcterrst. H- staled, howerer, ¡bat 1^ did not l-»ra ii,- wrous priv-tnted upon him f.-rrn Mr. WVu« bnt fremAdsms timself. ssIsm» be came on. and wbo ackr.ovs- ledjri-d thithe had seat oo r-ceifts for property úut 1-lad not ¿VpoMii»,!. A: :..'. K^k, the Conn to?.k a recéis to fi o'rlock. Tl.r Coon .-. un-j^l at li o'rlock. Mr P^r- recslW ty pr..-ecntioo.Tsplsui^d h.:.w ind when hinuell and Attoruey oiaiU the form of the waMicu-.e rrs..v t which isas rr.iù« àr- j rar- ti-.:.as therv was chra Bo (encrai- 1- crr-ct Ibrm ¿f warehcatsi receipt« in ÜV West; nesrr had my ¡Btirástioa ¿61 March, it, tint cteproperty was not ia h\iid. .,! .ni drcUraUoa ol .!.. -Vilarus thaï ill cUrrorertj "¦=.'. , ',- .' " " ».-'.¦ ...':-.m March IIM«; ,: r.whitrh.-.vs.Ui»-, laid »ci return m DU ttotss afee Bi] tetara l.»m - risk -'¦ ^damsra .i. when I fo«md Mm; it wat atar il* latter end of March, I fooad him iaJJo«**' Hotel, wi*w aboututyfoUowine: M : « :"'fl" .:».-'¦-- " wbadsomei.tWbbli.orporli '..'.. ndsome Ham» .1 .'.¦¦-. f&jTai at tt I r the pork, aad als >»¦:.- cold m he bad .-- * '- '.' s '""r v" :' h-ir protection; »stlat cas request gave me mordet ... ..:,.. ¡«control; che -.'... : ¦> Bw ;. the «drice of Horace B iad< U not be arrest \ N -,,.\ ork. 0 .les] the :.e,'. riv .-¡'Seymour. but did not î ;t. [I« weaken proposed by Mr.WI .,- - m ii< »aid in reply to the Je I by Mr. Grata v. I. :;-. < ¦! Hoffman ontheoneside clw ourt ruled out tte declarations arto wüue»: asnopartof the re* gcs/««.] WiUreas i of pork for« lieh .- tad r inO » -, a; he said he tad aoae ikes when .1 die receipt«, cor h I suisse; witaeai ubed him wh i indm ¦! him co >boi chose receipt»; !-.- mid b«! did so through hi« cOBAdeec« in Mr. Adams; asked him if be did .. t know whai Mr. Vdamswas going u do ». laid hedid ..».1 chai Adán « them ii meoEasCi witte*» howedhimthe . told him we had thoae receipts; as the i buined witbont; be said he lid u from i.i» confidence ia Mr. Adam»; dined uith Mr. Seymoai at hi» hi H-' _..;..;/...-.' -W Seymour*» hi* h.it"' ( farm which sras a c.I one; and tbs» cattle. See. I i.-v*r told a man ¦¦¦¦ imed !' IthatM itu& Seymour netec !.. ,. i-.'- si receipt»« give« ami sign- firm, ï Sn ¦. .hm. Sage î» Co. agreed not Co tar« Dr. did J m a»nc in the alleged rraoduleut transac¬ tion. Aftei other teutim« aj idjournedtoThundaymorniog.il o'clock. SUPERIOR COURT. t ÍB l\. B .. ludgi ViM'i i.em C |,,ir.V.:i¡iv..l¡n'i':rlVi;in;i1| l; lui h K.llivi H. Mr. Si.(aa Id. ¦' X '-'.' '< 'treet) «d» arresteslby Wade and Baker, and forcibl; carried to the Police, where he wan detained cwo hour». ThearwjMerew; ojit ol luspii.which .¦. no! realixrd. Measrs. W. and »..were not officers it the time, aad acted wholly wiihontwarrant Mr. B. after tbore time at the Police Office, «*a» du- lilt, Th-iTe,eut a.-tn.ii i*b:\itlghl li imi m'llt. The i'311-e «ill iiied this forenoon. Before Jndge i nikley. rheslei DriagS vs. Win. Wn-»t|!l'.-The ¡.Inlltitl'i« OS! nerof a two-story bnck i.<e.\'u. »UnionPlace. Mr.U'egsi fl was in th.< procès* oferecting a buuding mncli higher cnau Mr. n. - house, on the ml;...une lot. The intention beine fai make a «tone front, Cbe building was cameil np to ti lull night, nod thereofput ou. leaving the front open. Istonunros .,.... ¦..-¦¦ '. chefoi.t il s wind. pi.¦ h portion of th.-M.le.n all Co fell upon the mol ..i Mr. Drices'« house, ami considerably injure e. lb . prescnl action ¡«hrousltt i.over damage*. The Court charged that Uie defendant ivas bound Co build hoi bouse in a ». and «"rk. mai like manner, and if the jury consider thai çlie house hmi ...-: :.-:r m an improper situatinn, lite pUuntiil is entitled to bave lions«! nul in us ci.,-,1 ..riL-t it «vn» before tue acci¬ dent Veidict for plaintiff, S91. COURT OF COMMON PLE vs B 'forejudge l<\< .>. Aaa.siiAM Tiieacl m. Trbbxcr Boïcs:..Action to re- ,- ver vil.I* furniture loaned to M i»« Nelson bl Vil uid Tin II. bui »ïu'chwa* «old m I. » rice Mi v- Co Mr. It. (kr. per ofnl in Cli ilh ini iqus v I .The IrfeniUnr b«c» fide purchased tin» furoi- : .;¦ .. n in gi od failli ta i- »oi liable knew. i*p< ci ihai ¡i b li -..! co ¦: ind in It '. \ tn the furnitnre be. i ¦. ! the pur] ... I' ilI-fame, ¡I . : . Jr. Ti.-ill rei t was I. d hnl il cannot ait cl du sen! -un. Vi ni.. foi plaiutiff, $101. M \I!I.\K in It)'. Beli re J.ulse Itwi.ti.L. I*atrick I' i.'iin.as r», James \. llney. The plniul irwn. ridii r on horseback cbrough VVerl street, on cha evening of UcXnv. last, and wlien npp -.to N'u.23 lii< horso fell os-er a <n»nl.tr at*iron which litrnitb*street, by which Mr. K. »n. . f nruisetl and hun. reoulring ilio tonrltmnf a plirmeian fer two or three weeks nlterwan! rsewns comiderabi; injured, I!.- briun action Core, enverdams ei !' i-assliewn tlinl "'.-ir.ui itid not belong lo Mr. Olner, nndthnt ia owner bod paid a man to -watch lú. . ..i (in dclei il mi ;. ilif. Mr 0. W. ,...». i'..r.!f.it. Mr. H.Crist. POLICE OFFICE. Patrick M ¦< '-indr, und a man iiinioil Wall, engnged ¡-i n fighl Mast niglil in \\'u-i:i.,:-i.in icrcct, when n thud party, immed Pntrink O'llarn, I sed, Co arrest tlieprogrevs ofChe 6ghl McCnral] left \Vnll. with wliom he ssra» engaged. n-:ili!r:ni r ¦ knife, tabbed O'Hara severely is the knee ami hand. MeCandl was nrres'.^i! ami eorntiulistl un a elinrite ol' kill. Juscidi ¡i I.lev s is arrested .nicer Carlisle, foi sUalii t worth $*5 from Kliza V\rilliam#, So. S Leonard »in-et. lie ¦¦ rnimttod. i' n, cnlorcd. was arrcsteil Hir »teal ni n isckel ivnrtli esfrnm Ininiel Seolej. ..t J,.- iteamer \\'.-.¡.-r Witch, at I. N'mtli River. Ilesvos .. »juiUed. Anthun; e and Eilwanl 'I .e-ki-r were »rrcsted und '..-¦¦ i it» of store pipe from Fntacii Ma- Ml -i- .:. a !... '... :. II ilnej e ton '¦¦ isnrrested and conunitted for »t.-tiltnu' a lilversvatchwaitli 'SO from Ezra Eaton, of the sclioonei \;.-. er '..-le River. irargniei ilrrnow-u arrested fen* itoaling carpetine worth -: OlruniMrs. Vsiicr-ft.corner of the Bowery and >:aiii..ii -i..- t. nud committed m iii- I 'pper Polic .. MARRIED: Oh Ti lay ei iug.b) !'. r. William 0. Strubel. 1) 0. ¦\- - IADISO.N BLACKWKLI. Co .:¦»» IKN- NE I I'E DHI MMOND. «laughter of Philip W. Eng» I.. At B. slon. 13th C »nrge L'uici Ellen Sicgleton; lull, Win \ Brow tell to loue G rdon. '.' li iltimoie 13th, George J Mary ' iw< II; id, Jame» McWad id irine Vet in ;her. WED. On Ti i. Keb fier a lingering ¡line»«, -'-.'....:... late Cape 1 rid Li die, in t'.,.-...il The Cri liai mees f t! ¦. famil), mil hersons luiniid N.Leslier*re iauti-.l Co attend i. .i il o'cli '¦. f mi ln-r litr ri-.i-i :.. - '. liLiidi » without f.l ... nil il. Onlhi lier a liugerius ¡Hue»*, Miss SUSAN V Her ¡.i-.-- th .- of her moclier, areiuricedi .- fu ..¦ ft. in, the '.'l»t iost, al ..'. I: i.i bei '.;.- residence, No, !'i ' hnrcfa »7re»r, Oiiilu !.. Islandofl iirac. VNN \ Ur'.\i H.iufaat daughter of Henrj S. Uichard», of Du.-h. .. I 1111 '". Itiker. I ill El ta'i ¡1; Mi Pi loi-e llnr:,. "... Vlha lOcb. S-imuel I :.- i Harris, 2l Cl*i K Hasvl :. li, .:. - jiiiin...- \'. iliac«, II; TI le, il. \ is l. Nil hoi lack on (col red) '.'¦ hingtou dnrinu t!..- \s ,.,. At Che .\ irai Asylum, 1 bil uk-lphia, tith, J..h.i Smith, eu, \ .-r- a bill to-nlghl ai I im ind ... Kn:i!.-r Hill is on the more next week we do hope lint til itwillnut neglect the preae t opporni- i neinoi 11 .: mh ibil m ia icy '1 lie many ... v.luir- Dr. J nsbing. .Greal '. bodv knoss,. full nfhumoi mill littl ise iu the Si ice». 'II,. Ou mil ipirits. .York Mn eum. ta ívhite X< entert lim lent Vdaii :- Blanchard. LaPeUteAiowe. Stc-apr-ear. ic th« evening, pr.ValeaUne n.'r. .:...-, In ¡... ,; hum rca m -«a.. I'siM.i's TiitiTiu:.-!'.:. place or atiiw»....:ii hn» been very «..-.. ,:...! ,.n-,.,.- i| 0 -, ..,... Mr. I. .-. ind his .. : Mtwic a .- are naming rapidly in pn en ¦.. the e tjr, nt the prerent time, where n '¦¦: .emng'» musical «nrtertjmment mar be eaiored. it I! so Man 1 iiso ignorant of Che fact Chat i 3 ma.t b.- attended wild ne i, we mutt !.. !" L * v'. '. .¦.':¦.- .,!.-. It weseek b mea» n> abroad where »i,.|¡ ctuel ..... -- ,.- mswers.lu i¡- nan» 1 ' eompanu'rejy few iu .¦. rea-S» che tai-r .-. lu most, chrre&re, eommanicare with them their own ft -. Son ¡there rewbi -. \V^ .- »:" ":f ««le* agb already ; a.t»fou for u* tc ulren by a svis- man-" If y, u v., rneudle«.makenonew icqrsamtauce».3 This will be ihe case wiin tbe merchant who »its do« .otenl ill in I.i. stoie jad takes uo pans» to let i eknown: . '.' "'!' » '"" n ighboi wh< - early pn ,- ¦"':' " .: teaselelis ...a:,..- _.......:,. ... facditattM »neb encerpriae. V. il. Pa, u .I .a. An.--, i, .....;.... Offices.to N. k ¦ nadelphu. Balcimon -. ,-¡ ¡;. .:.... lis Olli« ia New:\ork .. temp, rani] ! eated ... D Abb- »frett. wtare.ta wdl be tappy-to .- a,,;- who ma .'-. a i-.¡eel ...I -.,.. ¦: '«. m -mir- I'e^rs »ill t,,. m.|e known. LOSS Or >t'i;.-»c::ii-Ti.i.v BOOKS. ¡ry- We lost by the Ore a Subscrl, Lion Book which con- . tamed a nart of the list of our S.,aü,crn suh-crltK-r»« to the Weeih Trttuae rwMttrcdat thU office tmviótM t.. che four- '-"¦¦'-'¦¦ ---. Al ,as::'...-r,r.i.,ri Bookcon- talnlns a stnall p.,rti...n of the nstr.e.« of ccr surwertbera X"~'J' '' :: '' -''-:'-; I : ."' .. ¦'':.' .-î',i. the il'^ii/-» partof ;:.-.,. .:, northern Ohio,.v..,,./,.,-.,pudtuna l-';V *»¦ ..:....: '. V.-WHsmt.Ailv,. iTieMaUlV»káccntatatns Um any wcebs scbecribeii hist yearand tbe 10 t:. .¡ith-..ui.~cr::..er,0rti«: ;.r vjit vc.tr torche ahove r.aaic-«! states am! Districts an- -^vcl. I'i»-'.i;..---.» .., ". jreath oblige as by fonradrujui th<- :-naauM cf i.ur tul «Il t.-» at these r^>iuts and the rime for which lints have paid. AU our Mali Books for the Dally aresavexUsaud wemiaH notw of our Weekly but \'w .:." ve ¦!,-»--r:U-,!. We will keep enough iu¡ er* on hand !o sit;¡>!y tho»e i.f Bur subscribers whose name« we have tyst. I7»ROTJSSEX.L,S SHATINO CREAM.Tbissleiighc. lîllprrpaâtloa Es uie- -.inl.'edf.irsnrrassingslloihersoariainthe emollieai consisieney of its latiier. which so softens the heard as tu read-r éiasiuE pl^asaut and easy. It hi: I.-c exhibited tor cftmpelitioa at tie Ksir »f tlw Americm Institute, aad there 3ssari)«-d a silit-r m. .L.1 and diplcma. Alto » »i'.s-i Bud al at tl-- Kraakim ¡u-titai- iu Philadelphia, ai.d aether it [he laie fi..- ia L'.-.ton l> Ssuaders. Itl ErOidwti, »ole Altanl 1er.New Vsrk. fl7 2wia I nu ¡u» SSSLJ.iJL1. «¡un STING TO-NIGHT. l'.v ..ruer .1 IH-- \Vard > JNO. U. VAN KJLEEK Cbairna». J..-. M. f-iu. ¦- ... ¦-..-. fa¡tr - r H. :. \ i' 11 'sVArôT-TiieU'his v!ri ..,. cf *' '.'. .1 irr-;:- -. -1 -"-ud » uvs-¡iu¿ .: <oo»ii-n Broadwa .....-.,.- thins-'u half-past, i'clock forth« purpose ofselecting a Noa»tm.ri^. Cc-matittee for < bartrr officer» t!ii? Ward. Al.» Nom£ noting Ownroittre l'oral nrrentiosi toi ti«- Mayenlitv CEO. W. BRUEN, i ¡....un. Als caí McN ;.< Secretary. rw WHi-i MEHÏ1VS !A>i NMIiT. j^:- riKST Wai:!'.At i meetlig f-fu¡e Whigs ofth« First VVan". held pursuant to '.lie nNjsjri'.nieii.lj-.!. n of th« fl Ig Gem r.ii C. mmittoe, at Tin »hers ltroac street H>. til. Mr. tEQlt .'t C. MANX was exited io th«- Chair, arj . Thomas S. >hh-.iiii> and John SÄTTSaUS wer« appointed Secretaries. The call of tac Mí« Unfi having Neu read, it v. as ovarrhj- ti ti resolví t:..it tee mcctirnrnow proceesi ballot f.¡r :..¦ en rrsentatlvc« to the Whig Mayoraltj C r.renttos, and .i Commlttcs of seven to nominate Charter Officers ;^r ta s v. arsL The following gentlemen were unanttnoBsh; s :¿: ¦' rRrprt* ataiietsto the ¡faut roäeCasro THOMAS W. CACE, C. CAMMEYER, GEORGE N. STEBWXS. ,- -i y n ait Charter Ojkvrs, JOHN sLCSSOX, AARON REMI», UEORGECCOK, K.M. BABCOCK. JOSEPH JAJITSOV. GEORGE W. STRONG, CEORCE C. MANN. On motion, Resolctd. That there] resenterttves lotbeMajp- ».tv Convi ntioii a: .1 the Ward committee luv» power to ! on\ vacancy which may .vcur In their hum:, r. Resetted, That the pro? eedlngs of this meeting le -^uMWi- ed in ail t'u- Whig newspapers of tUi? city- CEO. C. MANN. Chairman. Tu. s R. 5nsrA«n,T^rertri Jons Sattisxes, j^"1' ' fl7 SECOND W V.KD..At »mi -tioe'of Whitfol Ward held at Second Ward Hotel Feh 10 tïi>. tbi followiuc gentlemen were elected, \,i MmUaratty Cam ration J WiK.S kl'.l.l.N <; V. UOOD, .1. !.. LEFFKRTS Charter : I i. CROSS WM. Tl RXER. v. i.. PECKHAM. THOS. DELANO, OEO. ROWL VXD. ».KO. ROWLAND, il.j.rnuB. (' u.ws Cask. ) Secretaries. , ...ii . b'H.uv.s'^_<-^__ fjoii 7" THIRD WARD..At a meeting of Whigs of th« Third Ward on Wednesday eveoin«. Feb. 19th, Dr. A.SID¬ NEY/ DOANE «w called to tha Chair, and Juin VcKct- vi s v ami William L. Sii sbdlow, appoiated Secretaries TIk- Call oCthe meetinc bavins Imvii r-uJ. the meatier, pre cecded to choose three |vr-..iis t.i Mayoralty >'.. iveali n Tl.- following were duly chosen lONATHAN STURGES. DAVID GRAHAM, DENNING Dl K.K. The meeting then proceeded to «elect five |>ersous to noau iu:>- suitable t--r-=.'n s fur Clutter Officers t'.r ihr Ward. The It liowios were duly chi sea ELLIS POTTER, ISAAC A. JOHNSON, U. \t OGDF.N. H II.1.1 \\l DODGE, thos, Mcknight. On mnti in, ;,'.,../. A, Tl : ..;.- Committee luve power to rill ill n The following Resolutions were then passed bv arcli. mation I, RtsolvtJ, ll.it ill.. WliifRof the Tlnr.1 Wnrd.ut.dil lite defeat ol th.: .11m' leader, I IK Nin I LAI will rail) in the eu.suins Spring Election around the Whin Banner, which was former!) io triumphant, and v..II man-lt to the ballot boxes uuder the .l.l woi cry.On t \ ici i\ ! .'. K.totted. Dut past «sperienci teaches u- thai tetrench- inmi and Ui-lbnn ire to be fonnd only at the hands of lbs m ¦: party. Knotted, That wee II on all those who have been lunsl i moni r.iiU. by false promi -sof clean streets utd dirnia- ished taveT. tn return and struggle once more i. Whim Whig nú-asures. I. Rtiohtd, Thai oui DelecaU-s to the Mayoralty t on«*- linn be instructed m bear iifmiud llial no man caníelons, 't to urse the nomination of some one who will .- mound th.iilidenCi ofevery Hrhig.n in .u « h liug to fight nudei lb» Win.. 11\s>ik tnd bi iacnlind.il ii. r. «- ir\. in i: t'efeuci. ... Hr.nlml. Tlut ha' in.' .Ve» ,-hra'tiI i.-iM-1 si,.,», pledge irselres I.:h otiiei ....I to oui ti itiii \^ bigs Ihrcuah M the! it) tonsees-erj lionorsblsvevenion iu ibecoming let tiou, toelei M,- H lais ticket i.íiIb- li.ir.l Ward. Ou motion, tl/-'u!irii Tint the proceedings of lhi- meeting be pub¬ lished in Tin- 'I limn--. Exprès* and Courier St Enquirer Haalcrd, ¦flu sre t-.uw »ilj...ni. s. Sfl»EY DOANE, liairosan. im: Ai t..:»' sv. t < . U'si. I. ...... -i ¦.¦¦.. s S-"_.¦ - ...' fiu.lt FIFTH WARD. Kebnury l'uh, IÍ4Í..At a large and enthusiastic mertiug of the Whig Elrctcr»-of the Fifth \.'. isxeaibled at the Marion Honse, 165 West Broadway, piinii .it t.. ,i r. ...mendation of the Whig i testerai ( lommit- Ueii.D INTEL LEE " «callad to the Chaii md( iras .-; Hoi ne». I ,, tinted cetary. Mi r tlie call of the mi? ting was read, "u moti "i it s, is /.' sired, 'li. .i the mr-etiiur proceed to elect three Delegalei to the V, .. aralt] uuventioii. Iu \ v. ilet and Do«. Price appoiuted Teilen, where- " WM. ADaSis. JEFPER8ÛN BEIUllAN liENRi ii. GREr \U mi. »... declaredcl n motion. Resolved, That the meeting now proceed to nominates | 1:1:11,1:.. I if I !...¦¦, Dill. .. Whereupon the following geiitl men were nominated wd .: dared el ctedi Momia iti ",' iiliinilt- e I..1 I lnrter OtTicets, J.O.BATI HELOR, J. I!. TA VI.oil, DANIEL '' Mtl'KNTKIt, T. A. U'AHI), WARREN < II Vl'.slA.N. : )n motion, it » is Resetted. I hat the CommitLi liare power to fill any rs occur. On motion, adjourned, DANIEL LEE, I luirman. (in?. M.HoLaiRs, Secretary. I'î.i ElCilTII U\KI).-.\i a meeting >.'. uwlUpiSferda- livcs at*the several ilistn'ctsto ine Eichtb Ward \l«>..rn!i) < oa -Id nt tlie Howard House, Feb. Unit, 1813, ihe follow- mi,* genlleiiKiu were elected tu tin.- Marerallr Cunveotioo i.t< heb) ¦¦' the Broadway llonscon theSlsl m<'. si : o'clock,P M . ROBERT C. WETMORE, JOHN II. COSTEK. Ai.KAIlAM It. LAWRENCE, Tim following were elected to Ihe Nominating ( 'ommittee for i'li.-.il. r ii|li..-r-. s .1. sív;i n, s. M. iii:i,i.iiUs, W. K. BE1UUEN. Joll.N lit ll.l'.lt. ROUT. Mil.l.lKKN, II. L. CIIANK. 1'.. DUVALL. JOHN .«-TAl'LiS. M. I). WIM HEI.. EZRA SMITH, I hainnsn. C V. IIm-.t. Secretary. 1W ¦as». '.i.'.ril WARD...'.taiii««t.nc.ifilii: Whipofls« Ninth \\ :r.l, bekl 1.1 Kentucky Hull ou VVadiwsdar Evetdsgi tho 1:1th iivtoot, V. ELCOME R. BEEBE tvn? called tu Iks id A. A. Scoring and It. S. ii;;wie¡t, Jr. v. <-re sppuu,i- ...: Secretar es. The meeting |.rw:'-<-ile.l tu ballot (of three per to tcprcsoot the Ward in the Mayoralty Convention, sad ilurU-sî-i ¡.. r-.iiis is., a Ward Nominating Vjmmitta». whi'li fesuited 111 Ihe Election ofthe luHowing t>enoin: To the Maiiiirnlty Ct ;irmti.m. JAMES it. ÜAI.I., JiiilN Vi, LAT80N, AN30X T. BEEBEE. Tntht Ward.YoMtiiating Cirmmittre. VLBKRT GILBERT, WM. II. Mien, K; \ll !).\\:s EDEN KIl'l*. THtXS. g VV» \ .'.li. JACOB I.. DODGE, ANDW.lt Ü iM.I.EK.JiiHN C. iiK^AVf, JNO. i'. CONKEV. i HS.CL'NNINGHAM, THEO. SILVA, J.Sii. N. JEVVELL. JOSEPH TINKJIAM. Théfiillonmg Resolutions were ottered by A. Oilbert,Dl Resolved, That tbe Whig creel as promulgated hr the IVbg Cenetoi Commiuee ufthisdty cooUinsonrprincipMi. Kesotved, That wo will givennrmoM hearty and indi""1* sanport t. the Nominees ol the '»'.'hie party and .. "lriff; ,^ l: olvi !. Tin the pn cee -.- : this meeting nepuDiMti» in Uie 'I rtbone, 1 wrier and Eoouiret and Express, OniLoliuuitwos ¡uitlicr Resolved thai Uu: Deiegale1 .*. ('mum Iti.e have power t.i till varauri-.-.-. WELCOME it. BEEBE. OaúnteM. ',' ELEVENTH WABD.-A ire,:iu.ï of ù* WM ith Vv ud .-...¦ held t dnAmerica«*' m Hall in Toesday niiibt. Feb IAD, UHS .' -,! " MONSON Chairman and Iosnt'aC4»H*«T,Seeietarr- On m. Resetted, That ihe m--ti-,¡r do go inn an Electionofilu" audidatesfortho Mayoralty enreation. Wher u m. H.B. BOLSTER, JOHN KELSEV, ....! ISAAC V JONES. ¦....- aftei dl. tug declared chosen. On moti Rtsoltf l. That we go into a.i Electioti lof v»*->|B*" 'J Noniiuaticï Committee !.r (.1»«.-:'r Othc-r«. U bersraj .1, .'.I. BfMONSON, F.. CONKI.IN. _ JOHN McGOWAN. JOHN DOANT. Mr. SOUTHWORTH, I. ABBOTT. ¡; vVÄDE , t .ss wereeleeted. C. M:SIMONSOX.ChsinnJ iHua Cshiiart, Seeretgry. '7" SEVENTEENTH WAR»..Hi/ht Side Atater) bige and euthnsiastíc meeting of«Iw WhigÎ* of tha .S-s-nt^-niJi V.VJ, coovened it the HeaWT ",r "*, ...i VV.-.Ju. das«venu g, Februar] :ji¡.. lîlî. ia r-n"»1**! ri-.-. rniw:t 's:inncf :!ie U big General Ciii.roiU**,Ts>c«*<'^_ P.»e ..fsii>oiuti:i ; Three ¡>- ¡-^jv. i.> the Mayoralty !¡V¿r rio«. <nd w appoint a Nominatiog CommiUre t°t . J, Officers, WILLIAM PHILLIPS, E*| was railed . ^ Chair.and Jossen Kt.'t and EowaKO C. Dft***** appi iolod Secret Al'trr re..ltij^ :;,r call ol" tl..- uie-tiug. winch was r:.....-t> a,!-.; .-.]. .; v. |», jll mi;t|... nil:.. Retired, T!^: * V^mxtt(^jmmitxtea{lhnepaiaa*r¡¿ ..l^ilto P-ii.-e lud rrpo.t ff-rfnj" tJ aaraes ofCandidates for Alderman .il'Asii>:i»t A"^wT'l«' represent lhi? Ward it the eom'niï 'leetion. an-l 'f "J,.^j oomes three ¡arsons as l>le-,{»i.-s m /eprrseat tin« * '-.i oaveotion. ¡¡¡t^t" Aft 1 short ¡«terra!, the Retinue Committee, J'V^.j tieirChairrrr-ui, Edward Dayton, Esq. i-ported 'h'-"1*? ^ nrwnirn..uily oominsted Hon. HAMILTON r'1^V<1tj. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. E*| Ibe candidat« {*'^¡Zf.». and 'sJiistant Aide, man of this Ward, and JAt;0B'cM 11.L. BENEDK T LEWIS. Jr.and JAMES C'OGu>>»»' Es^. as Ueb-gstes to the Mayoralty Conreoiioo. T** nations wrreuuanimoaslycsMieurreil in. ge. On motion. Resolrtd. Thai l\J above vtactaaittV M ' Irsl^d in Tbe Trihuue. On paotie., ^<"»»^,1LUAM PHILLIPS. Cb-r-ss-
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · THE TRIBUNE. THURSDAYMORNING,FEBRUARY20. tryTittOfficeof UieTsisoe1- temporarilylocated at No.30Annstreet- Weexpectto l* tu >nr new BuUdttjs In


tryTitt Office of Uie Tsisoe 1- temporarily located at

No. 30 Ann street- We expect to l* tu >nr new BuUdttjsIn Sassau, opposite the City Hall by the first day of Maynext. Letters from the country, however, repairs- onlyto be o¡dres«e.I to " GaCELKT &. MrKiavru, New Vork."

Toe street or number need not be endorsed.

»ry> Advertisement* for the Dally Tribune inn«.'. >-c '...it

at the Publishing Office, No. 30 Ann-street, before 10

o'clock In the. evening. For rates see first pa?e.

"¿7-GENERAL COMMITTEE OF DEMOCRATICWHIO rOVNG MEN-An AdWrned Meetingol.thU( imniittee ssitl be h*ld a: ¡h- Broadwai House, on Friday,tt^tUtFeh. instant, at ¦> o'clock PM.

By order. THEO. E. TOMLINSON, Chairman.B. f. Si'Msll.nar.Lt. Í secretariesJon» D. Lnrpc». S ^j'-"'*'- 2i,f

{jtj- We hope to publish to-morrow a timely andaJmirable Letter from Lieut. Gov. BaxDlsa on theposition and tiuties of the Whi? party. It willcommand and reward genera! attention.

jy 'Pearl Streit' is ia type, and only waits for room:

THE COURSE OF TUE WHIGS.As we have no shadow of apprehension that the

Courier's" preposterous advice, that ihe Whig.«.hould nominate ihe Native American candidatefor Mayor, will be followed, we shall waste no

words in exposing the mischiefs cf such a course.

We do not believe a hundred Whig« in the City,insude those who have from the first been intriguingand coquettine; with Nativistn. to the irreparableinjury of the Whig canse, would consent to any«iich coalition. There are a great iimny who wi :

formerly thorough Whhjs who have, from a horror

of ' Popery' or for some other equally solid reason,

almndoned the Whig parly and united with a por-tion of their old opponents under tiie ' AmericanRepublican' banner. These are of course for Har¬

per and for restricting Naturalization to the lastextent; but lhat the Whigs proper conçut in the«views is what Ihey have never said nor authorizednny man to say for them. Many wonld doubtlessjireíersome change, in the Naturalization laws, ea]rulated to prevent frauds and abuses, if they couldthemselves prescribe that change and have it effect-ed si once; but entering on a vague, interminablerrtisade against Naturalization, with no rationalprospect of suce?« and with a certainty of excitingembittered jealousies and hatreds and arrayingagainst us the great mass of Adopted Citizi as, in-

eluding tlio"«- who may become snch during theprogrens of the struggle, is another alliiir altogetliciWe know no Whigs who wish to enter on anysuchcrusade ; if there ever were any such, it is a fairpresumption that they have joined the Native*. Tothat party they rightfully belong, and with it tli^vwill undoubtedly act, let tlx-ir words be ns theymay. All ihe favor the Whig cause has a right t<>

expect of them is that they frankly avow them¬selves Native, and do not, by a contrary course,

unjustly prejudice Adopted Citizens again-; liteWhigs.We cannot doubt that the proceedings ol the

Whig Ward Meetings last evening, unless thoseMeetings were shamefully interfered with by thosewho had no right to act in them, will evince a verygeneral resolution to steer clear of ihe MtelstromoNntivism, nnd beware of the pilots who woulitempt us into those treacherous water«.

JEFFERSON AND MONROE ON TEXAS.It lia.-» long since been remarked thai Southern

J^oco-KocoHim i* supplied sviiii u convenient ..mi

inexhaustible magazine in the unpublished corre¬

spondence ofThomas Jefferson, as managed by hisgrandson, Thoinns J. Randolph. Whenever a ne.\

crisis arrives, Mr. Randolph discovers anew letterjnsr suited to it, among the great mass of Mr. Jeffer-s< n's not always consistent correspondence : and .1the question related to ihe Annexation of llusaia,we doubt not a Jefferson letter would be discoveredjust meeting the party exigency. We are not at allsurprised, therefore, to find i.i our last lllóL the fol¬lowing :

Mr. Jefferson t<> Mr. Monroe."MoNTtcauo, May li, 1820.

" Dean Sin: Your favor of Hi« 3d i- received, and al¬ways M-lth welcome These texts ol truths relieve nie

trmii the floatingthlaeboodsof tin- public i apera. /,to ¡ion (hat Iam »..< sorry for Uie nvn-rntifiattion .¦< tinXjkuiWt treaty. Our assent to It has proved oar desire tobe mi Wendly terms with Spalu ; tin a dUseUt, tin- linl..-eiiity andmaUgnlty of th->lr government towaruaïua. Wohave placed thorn In tliowrotuj In the eyes of the world.and that Is wall ; but I" us thr ¡t eine* ..' Texas teitt !¦¦ .'..

rtchtttStatt rfovr Urn) m, with 'ft anyt re 'ptùm. It* South¬er* part irUt matt wore sugar tita i .-. I can eon wme, and tin/tr.l iiireroti it.< ¡Forth ù the most ¦'¦¦ ia u on earth.Florida, moreover, l? nur» ; even nation In Europi consldrr« It «nrh of right ; we need not ..ire for its occupation Ulthan of place, and. In war. ilw flrst rann.m make* It our«without offence to any body. Th.- friendly advisements olKii-sU uml France, a- well as thechange of govoruuieni InSpain, now Insured, roqulro a further apd respectful toi-

benranon, wTiUothoir roquastwill rebuttinploaol pre.crlptlve possession, It will kIvo u« a ritlit t. their appr.--t.ui.>n whan taken In Uie maturity of drcui istances. ireally think, too, that neither til« Mule »t our luauci », thei-oiiititi.in of one count y, n >r iba public opln ou, urge« iu

la precipitation Into war. The treaty has had Ott ralnablteffiet of tirenptlumino our tith to Tuas, bettatst Ok0$floridas it exchangefbr Texasimports an net IManto/ ..nrri,>>,¡ (..«r. Thispros iiico, moo iver, th<- Ptorl-das, and pussiiiiy Cuba, will Join us on Uio acknowledg-inent of ih.ii'liiih'i«-«.l>'ii. a -a measure 10 » hteh ibeli m «

(sivuriutiriit wUI probably aecodc voluntiuily. ltn: ivhjshould:! bo sayltuj uii inla to you, of whose mind all iherirouinsun.v« of ikla affair have luul possossl in ibrj on «

" I «hall I»- happy to see you h> re ; und vier, I t.« Uveto soe you lieiv uii.dly. It wtnld bo a day ol Jubileo; t..¡tour day« uro nil numbered, aud mine are uot many. i;.hIb¡e«* ven ami preserve son, muchos anos.

"THOMAS JEFFEKSON."The PassiUKNT oí riiE IMiun Statks."Mr. Monroe's Secretary of State, Mr. Adams,

had made a Treaty with the Embassador oí s¡.amsome time before. By tit it Treaty we acquiredFlorida, having sel Uj> a claim to 'lVx.is ia thecourse of negotiation, which wc abandoned at theclose Spain was dissatisfied, and hesitated to rat¬

ify the Treaty. Mr. Monroe writesword of this toMr. Jefferson. Mr. J. replies that he is uot sorrylor it ; for, by setting up a claim to Texas, we have.strengthened our title to thai region, while our re-

Itnquishrnent of it will of course be null it Spain ic¬

tuses to ratify the Treaty ; and we can take Floridaat any time. Mr. Jefferson has a great opinion ofTexas, is anxious to grasp it, and sanguine that wecan-Now hear President Mo.nkos in r<'|>ly. He lirs-t

go«* over the whole ground oí the relations c-i theFree andSiave States, tiie:r mutual jealousies, & c.

and concludes :

"From this s-tc«-. it Is evident tiis: rv further ... ;. .-

tioa of territorv to the West ¦m.> Xomh «.. iftwi dj/fi>on ssteeKol ne.ivrr, Mjaiok HMUMUl the t '. i i.- - IIosfcTW, >hrrefore, to be tartttoui in ¦<;. liar-ing stsyred the Xist¡*üp¡-% aiulall i.'.s isatera, ttkhaeisyjsii.B only, and rrwttd Statt* there, ¦¦>¦;!><:taHsfmi,» far at leo*t as t,- tab no step ut that directiontrhieh u »tw .\«.!>.v>iej ^» .u the members, 11 at l< istjority of those wli>ac-oiii|.lis',:,v. our Kovolution 1 couldso Into further details, had I time. I ha« Ihonghtthattlie«-inli-ht BtTarst yoaaoma sathdaotkm. Whouw«In Albesncrle w« >vi¡i conuumiu-jtc iiirihoi- »«i :l>.' »uhjc« t.

" With great re»;«>ct and tOKert ree&rd. ...m,,"JA.Vt.-s MOKKOK."

'Acsivisiï'.oN.* mind yon, is Mr. Monroe's word,^ith r*g«rd to Texas.nouo v{ the impudent swin-«ile of ' fsV.^mion.' shall not the PatriotPresident whs .¦. ;<rù and d« .'' Partyspirit be heeded ^ _BCh The ¿imeñeau M ^,.3"TnoTT^aus^-OBterdai k. , «to uy.».

»or thasakcof nukUn thnroin-h work ssitti nw vativaed JiiUlui: ihetn off at a blow this spring, aianv" atttaiea WIU go ovw to their sJd adversnrl« and s-ôte wton Datuocrats.**Wo beg leave to assure the Corporation hurt'

gîirdy that there is no shadow ot trutlt in its assrtíoa above .¡noted. We never * iniima'.ed '

or i' 'iir«*d any thing of the sort. We have uuifonr'

¦u. sained that tVic /I'/ngs tcoidil nominatetk*oka candidates and support them. It is this wincauces the writhings of the Corj>oration pap-absor»»-."**¦ * What the organ blunders about was a sintpk**..- s. of ours that, if f/w Whig* snott/rf .not run a

st«*ct»,inany of our old comrades, who have been.*u»!e;d into Naiivism and are now setting out

.4P»- sick enough of it, would even vote a Tao>»anr ticket if they could find no other wav of op-peanas the present Corporation. B-tt they will Und |a Whig ticket on the course, and will vote it ¡00.The organ has just this to fear, that one or both of!" * saeat national parties.we hope both-wili out- j

the motley gathering which rallies under the jbanner, and desecrates the Bible by usingt-- .cred volume in its street parades and other fWty aaan.uvres to catch votes. The days of that 'iwrty are numbered .*

.-state Prixting.A Select Commutée of the-A-semb.y has re?ort»d in favor of giving out the.lob Printing ofthe State by Contract to th b

sponsib!* bidder, instead of doling it out &¿ a re-

ward fc>: lue servie«ofpartisan pp -.-es. We have.ir^ed this reform yars ago, but with fainlthen ol its adoption. We preaataM it will not be jdone now. h would save t'u'- State, we presume,from $5,000 lo $15,000 per annum but who cares!

! Do».-» not ourjiarty control it '. Do not our Editorsgel ¡I ! And wiil they not ¡>riu: mor-; Extras far

nothing and stretch th" truth a little farther, when

they have these nice picking? and are likely to lose

! them, than if they were baUlingfor barren princt-pies 1 if course they will So let us keep this -¦

I little BWt-egg, and we shali know where to?-;oeesi

i for a fat contribution when the party needs fonds.

-So rea ms trty, and so th, inform never 2.« ef¬

fected. From ( mgrea down to Common Conn-

Bblicprintirtgi»aUjob,jt>b,job-aiid a pretty

job it makes. ^

fn j, -,-, W. Edmonds, we hear, has been se-

Icctcd by Gov. Wright as Judge of the Circuit( our: of this 1 folrict, vice Wil tarn Kent, resigned.We believeMr. ¿th« ablest ol die candidates, andiheselection iherefore a gond 1 ne. The Governor

has had a han tan--in making th» selection.Judge Kenl retires from office with the hearty

commendations ol the Press and the Public. In

! liie.iudi'ialcareer he ha- eminently combiner! in-

tegiity and ability with suavity and kindly defer¬ence. He soon leaves for Europe on a tour of

health and obsi nration, nd will lake with him the

unanimousgood wishes ofthe entire community.

frj* Hon Coi íEsOTos Billing*, President ofthe Whaling Bank of New-London, and the Loco-

Foco candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Con¬

necticut, died on Sunday, aged 7«. He was

tleman of high standing, widely known and es¬

teemed.TheT -1 y.- it is noi Benj. F ¡i illeti of

Boston but Win. Paxlon Hallett of this City who

lias been nominated by John Tyler to the lucrativeConsulship to Liverpool. This is bi tier, but still a

bad nomination. W. P. Hallett hats been anoffice-holdeT and held .1 mosfl lucrative post 1er the b tu 1

part of his life. Now thi Consulship should he

given to some veteran Merchant, who is m the de-

cline of life, having loat his property through some

,;c litudeand preserved his integrity through allvicissitudes. The Ha.leltt», ta',»'- either or I¦¦¦

of tin-in. do nol answer to this descriptionCapital Pi xisnMExr..The adjourned meeting

of the New-York Society for the Abolition of thePunishment by Death, held lasl evening al theI lull, corner ol i'r< adway and Lispenard strei I, wasvery fully attended, and tli" spirii cxhibil d was

every way encouraging. \ Cha r Mc-C01 .. Prcsid ¡it of the Soci ly, presided Veryeffective Bpecches were made by Rev. W11. S11.11 11, Thomas L>. E.v lisit, and Ma 01 11The tatter spoke more than an hour in his peculiarstyle, affording high gratification t<> all who heardtil m.. The meeting adjourned for one week, whenihc discus ion will be resumed. It is un !

that tli" advocati s of the gallows are invited lo de¬fend their views al lii'-i- meetings Will no one

di pi the invitation.'.11 Elm nos.The last alt mpt to elect a .Mein

In ni h j .,1 ¡he 1 agression il ijstriet,Maine, proved unsucci »fui. Returns from all the

; tuwtu but one show the following result !S. ..,.,,.. i.Wlii .) '.,.-. 11 lernet Its-g Loco)

S( ittrri Itayeal Irres I. >oo) ! :"

TOI) \ i » i.; l'.-:.'i|

First l'ii /¦ BI Un mdEditor Hi nnettj L li ra

ry (Cotices; Miscellaneous Items.1. .-' /'" ¦¦ itj '. ;. Ci Money Mat-

lor» ; Malim roui ml.

Tin- Texas Ri solutions thi Ma 11

Legislnturc passed the Senateon Tuesday by an

unanimous vote, as originally reported lo die Houseof Representatives.Da. Bannis«.!'s Lectures on Mechanical Physi¬

ology, as applied to health, the philosophy ol thevoice, and physical education. The (iist ol thistents of lecture delivered by Dr. Banning, undintroductory to the course, aimed lo demonstratethe general proposition, thai a large share ol dis¬eases, and especially those whi h are chronic, are

not owing to the d rangement ol the vital energies,bul lo incidental or intentional vi« latióos of physi¬cal law*', und that diseases thus produced are nol

wholly under the cogoizan of medicine, as ihejconsist in the derangement of ilti mechanical andnol the vil tip ,ns. To demonstrate thisheadducedfour principli.-. I. 'I hat as man's material ideality¡s'a machine, it must be subject in its natural indunnatural phenomen 1, to mechanical laws and m-

tiuences. 2 Thai this machine, like all others, hasspecific chai n :. and position, on which its tan¬

gible I'unctio ends. A de|*arturcfrom thai snecilic ¡late will indu ¡e morbi I and tan¬gible changes in the movements "¡ ihe parts 01ubres. ¡>. That the union of n vital or living sn

ceptibili > « .:;i this m hiñe, .. s il its locomo¬tive un i lf-opi iting ch iracteristies, but thai th«dimination of ihes. :;r-¡ dep ndent onthe perfect mechauical construction. "The LordGod formed man and breathed iuto him thebreath ol life, and wan became ..ul." tThat hrnc< we see thai the moving agency und thebody arc two, one is liu- fulcrum, and the other tin-

j lever. From these uriw iples it mu 1 ;.¦. p. rci ived,that if there an what are called "vil diseases,"tin re must also exist mechanical diseases. This

i view ol phvsiology demands .'t ouce the bestmodeof phyaicaf education, ind considers thai beauty,health and strength of body, are enlial 10 men.

tul perfection. While the vital principle should nolbe overlooked, the mechanical rcceivimore attention titan it has heretofore. Dr Banning'hen spoke ol the perfect mechanism ol the humini trunk, exhibit**! the leading features ol ilsarrangement, how ii may be preserved in its

I tion, and what obvious inferences may be drawnfrom the.-e fa ;.- i his nexl lectun on Friday,

I will enter fully into the details is suhj ct", .¦-

lerestinj not 1 ly t ¦.- iologists, ; ui to thij generally. _

Mv.st.:. Tm..B.vru in ritist'tTT..tuadaj ortwo,

h Magnetic T. legraj ii « ;: the s-

l-r»-". I'-lliM:e_-> »ll!»l the ! rCCUlU BltiWillg, i:l llliMiln.n .

Itj this i.....---- . M-i-c t>\

«in», m », \ incrchaul In Wihas .1 - 1er > iuc< and

boiled turkey" for «lhiner. \. ttieTdecr h

i", e, c 'in 1' - .¦ ¦.¦

thoot -. I'.niiiii. What avers .¦-

tub »HI tie:_

A Cmurr. Captain Hedges, ol die ship Nathan-1 the Sorti ^'> » l, re¡ '.:-. «u

i! ;. ill v. .:i .'vr. 111 Lu. r.-. S « atSr.Mi'nw * Cornel In s.w. 13 «ley. altitude, its tailNertli-w..., ::, ; » ,-,.. It coutl hi intil newere IhUU, .. ...'. South a Witest M^ht oftt, it luul more altitude, but owing ..»> the

.¦» naMc.

'.'*..¦ "'..... >' -.\ v.. .By the enter-lUltleM of the Dry 1)

11..- .. the EV ; ¦. streei wl * was

tivilv :r.¡y :»-:;'. Sïh Ch».all l>i:uN ssi-rv- »...'. .! is» lorough-

»?Hrc. Tl tow ¦'¦ :..,¦;-. ». : tbeca

tv' viujs. :i'..»'. . JJio' (»Ut two riv-'^r |>.i>-.; ; ¦;-. :.. :¦.

i suit ¥his pioves to the 1 o: ;;..; 0.1 :.i..: th« tU tab,'.i:r.

'.At..Among the ' Amuse-will be loutiJ the advertisement ol this

¦.,; ....

Í. » and Ui jar;e::v

5 their eh » 'wills .-- ) -

Kev. I'.. H , , s. ,,» ,.

... hb * s willuThe »;^^: 1» :.

! tie «.«:.! l'cl!»i\.>'l. such !t

i, and with such attractlooî, a crowded house must

j W to» ksuX The Cominlttc»?, «»- t>»ir.s'-... have.rml.v Uuuted the number of tickets, which wlS reader a:i

eálív »j UcatiOal :;, ¦. »-.-.: j.

^^" Mr. «\,:>.!.. the Temperaace Lsm tarer,..»..to »peak u: Washington t Kmurttra - ..

(»O- Rev. John 15. Gildka, a distniguished Cath¬olic dergjTuan. of Baltimore,died on Tiie-.U.v. IK- was

whlejy esteetned ter his many excellent ojaaltuec.

{sjh tieu. Caiü, who arrived in this citv onTues-»tiiy, will leave fvr w^iunviou tç-slar.

Q^GffîSSIfSAL pipEDINGS.et. m ecportf* ¦¦¦r thî new-toek twbcs

-EN AT'..l: CHOA :- '-' THE rEXAS ftUEslWs-nt''¦ i"--- ' '- roary IS IS

The ^t.^.lTr. ChaMBEB was crowd-.! to-day a

earlybour. Long before 12o'clock, (he hou

meeting, every seat in '.he Gallertes was ti:

and hundreds crowding to every door to gainmission. Never was the Ladies*Gallery filled^a greater array of lot aessthan : iced its s

circular benches. The Ladies' Gallerj :

in overflow ing, the doors were thrown open ant

_.- eat the prii pal entrance Wii =>j;To'

three rows of the fairest of theThe Ladies then attacked the Gentlemen's galand even invaded ihe sanctity of the Keporgallt ¦.¦' While I am writing, (oh! shame to u.: beautiful young lad] is kn< eling at my side,ing do ¡eat but her knees, while I h-ive a chàMy gallantry prompt? me to rise and offer her

.'.- me to keep it. tbmay give ar readers a sketch of theAround the Lobbies and on the floor of ...

are Members of the House, Foreign Mil -'. --.

President Dallas, Gen. Scott, &c- <fccThe, occasion of all this ira i is, thai

CaoATEof Massachusetts is '.¦ address ihe &.:.:. morning on ihe nib ect of '!'. \ is. It is pnbly the last speei whi ;h he w ill iu;-ke in the.'

ate, ¿n;i \. -.'

dictory.Tii- morn ..-. hoi h Mr. Cue

ihe & nate, which c

every lady ¡n the House to start to het feelstretch her pretty !.: le :.-¦< k to seel

lie commenci d by referem to Mr. Woodbtspeech. If.ihe rivers of Texas ran over Of

¡x:arls and its trees bloomed with vegetable goif it would work all the miracles els le f< : hit was thai soi i< re| n - :.: it. stillC nstttution was against *us. His answer t..

thi arguments was, How can I do this greatand sin against the Constitution 1 There arc

¡ions opposed to the Annexation.million- i

would shed their blood .tidcoiniheir he..----¦.:. ty of the '"mon There were manybelieved, with the loquent Senator from Misse( ir. !: :.'.":, lhai il was intended and calculii. e wger the Union. He need not say in 0|«itmn to the "¦ ntlem m'ï s|.' h from New Hashire,tlitt he agreed with the report of iheComitee on Foreign It- ! itiiGod help me, sir. Can we not agree in i n

ions h tin- subject ! All acknowledge the dut:i-:,li to study ar.d be guided by the ConslitutiAil have natvei tasted of death who witnessec

to be able to under tit- provision

1 ¦.-. mid not have made uchh iti to gi I th< ''¦

unbi coming to my years,butfot then fei ..¦¦ rr.

eech which 1 h id ihe honor !.) delivi r

Secret Session on the Treaty Sorneth ng lhithen said has been tormented into an argumentAnn nation. I did not then and do not now

..t any branch ol Government an atn

I. -. neither in aty nu'sin-'. n< r

p .-.-.. r II belongs to msr naslere, oi

ilie j ijie. 'I':.- .¦"' .'.:'. r from New I Iam;--!iwith Congi s ng isl

I ..,.: wilh our mastat,:.¦.;,..¦ ¡nst both I go with the Committee

.r a- -ir j u'". -i Rrsl rat« company ihey .re

Would to I iod thatwc could travel to the endourm v t' gether.The occasion isa lit une t.. specul itc a little

ihe question whether any brani !i of íovernmenlill branches togi ih r bavi \ \ to anni x us

any oi all ol ihe n itions ol ihe earth, oi w ...

the /'¦ '/'.'f haw" vcl r< lain< d it by n grasp thai ue

lias lei it go The c isc is altogethi r dilfen nl i:..t Lotrsi ma and Florida. The« «

nut ;. ift.« oi Territory ; but Texas is an ind<¦ni facto n it'ton, and thei.-iiii-iüMii ofTcrritory,but oncof üniiIWo :::.'.'il tint:.-Us.The treaty-making pnwei might act in such a c¡

i- Louisiana, bul this is totally different. 'I

leation ..- net no« ivhelhi r ive sn ¡Il m tkeatrMr the benefit ol Commerce or for the sake ofcuring our river navigation, bul ¡I is an act ol unibetween two independenl nations.a ;

heuer for worse, for peace and wir Vou chatiii'l r.i nal xi¡ le ice ol j our n iti

and m ike indei r '. m and difii rent nation« v¦¦ i. [say to tb Senator from New-Han

shire who stand: tv re.so </'. i ratically, God wi

for the Congrí t, 1 stund against him and hisC<lie /'. -,

IJ. ;. ..¦ I open tin« book "¡' ihe Constitution,i« stand t Uie period ol 17ri an.I look up toionstilution. Blending two great natioiwon have i> "on eo i-irai.?.- a power that the mof '»< would have been astonished to have hea

ctrinc .' at. H id it been intendedhave annexed an independent nation, a provisivould have made. !.-¦: us t !.. n f< vv miules 'os, ule otir chronometers, not by tie. sim, hby il .. fixed insi thai

Mr. "ho a.- here weni int > a di: n

pie '."ii wjiellu r ihe lathers ol ; o

die ivdm n ol liter nations. 1Kor i iod's sake, then, lei us look to the e.xami

¦l n fathers. stand upon tin- history of nand ! say that the inferences iir.:\sn fro

this period by flic friends ofAmu xadi :: ..;. w ronlota ly wrong

\\ hen we refei t.> ihr- dissensions whii h n sultidon, do you surgióse thai sui h a pr

position would have been entertained tor oi

mínate ! The titril'iignl end ci ntrilutve m.idt more than tie- ci ron.it' our history When L look upon 1these in., on Uuion, I fee! almost likin page of lien lotus in w ch you look down i

ihe battle ofSalamis and tr.-n;!.!-- unddoubt u¡...'¡|i<ihe battle lib -rty i- lost or « on

The Declaratii n r>| In ndenceverse ofthe Annexation .yet lhi y mu I be :¦.: -:

die same power, 'i':.-' one severs on nto tws- the oilier makes two Slatesone. The on

made u domestic colom a foreign na nit.on makes n foreign State a dornest c , r<The ;.pie dt-clured their Independence M

-... al Forl Moultrie in thId Pal .; ttto -'.,! . in the cm p, at Kam

l' whs the people that spoke a these-A..- bul ihe vi ice of th

It was not Congress»ur 1) it was iheiri .'¦¦

I'll-' i a ihe will ol the people, and w! ou .- li ttgn natii ns of >| le.vo

will ol the peopli «

hange, tin lhati that will Fora conörm ilion ol ill vi « s he referred Io th

:i-. f Vit '."..:. Buren, Mr \\ d ....

Panama MissNo whs

it nu s ... ., ring ilsliall have [Hiwer ii

who i f wish to bei mi a citizi with us>ut not ;t vv -.\ r

.f foreigners and aliens. Where docs it.¦. « er to adi Suites !Wilh ne

::.|'ti d t.. be : s'eclause in :;. lonstitutiou .-.

- tes .- ¡i known sj t ak as a ^ v; r. ..

«ay ever did ihisconstruciion enter into the hi u.... ^...^;'' excej lion,

-. '. : ,-; unsobcr. X poi ; \ , from.'. up or dswn, ever im ;inedsucii t thing

The recipe for cooking the tisii in the cooker*. .-¦ :i- ie,i io new S'...:.-~ \,-i ::..|

the hrrritory before you < in admit new SlatesTh' Senai from Ncw-11 .. .,. :-r \

.ion to thiNoWMippose that some adventurtr,A\

¦i in view, would c:\e ,; [¡ew meat ;some promim nt .<?;t. to .-.-.rtv hisobject, \< bich !.¦

ther Jew nor Gent le, saim tior sinuer, believer intertained before; with what a

cachincation.tous : SmithV exprès--:. as.would ihn) newHuit ;.w; bad b en r--...l int lions ofc ..

had been lived upon and liie.i upon- ..:.,.

Fope, Presbvier nor Bishop h i ever ...

.. or given sacha meaning to it..Wiiy. s r. wi iw scorn would ;...- -,

:;. i : ived !Congress may establish Post-Offices and Post-

Itisnotlin limited:.. refor« we have a right to -¦

Routes through l\;ta?. nia and i ther nations TheSenator from Pennsylvania (Mr. Bcchanan) had

...".' tt bute : the.Cons ition ;u«! t>t-.lore makiug violent (l will say unintentional) at-

:: the onstitutii a itself.like the.¦. gai

i gold, and then knrim omhi' ht

We »trut :or. wasrs of the t. oBstiuilion, bj ! we

Olhs s:.tei ii ia a Four::.. Iah oration oran indifferent s _..

than not have r. ..; j!:.The opimon o£ Madison seemed to

when he reached theMtssisanpi. lie had mofany S esb led from foreign tenHis mind could boldly grasp the whole of our own

territory. Maine was to spring out oi Massachu-v f..-. Vermoni out of X-w-Vork. rlentuekv out oiVirginia.''more beaurifu] daughters from beauti-r_l mothers''*.but he r.e\cr thought cî '

Slates bem.; admitted.Mr. Madtson knew thai it wasbttter for us to be

jPtarded by rival naüons. like Greece, which r.-eto greatness bv being surrounded by hostile powers.

1 want to add one ihtng to the* almost perfectview of the argument bv the Senator frctn Vir¬ginia (Mr. Rives). "Weknowtlut! líoveruecr Mor¬ns introduced a modified phraseology into the Con-

stitution. If we kn^w why he :n--rird Use words,now in ¡he Constatation, we have solved the prob¬lem. He wa-. mnrremed with ra idiosmetraej ar.dhallucination on his mind that the Westernfwould swallow up t e Atlantic .-'it-s aiive. He(Mr. Morri=) said that new States, too .-.-.

milted, would mm ihe old w: ¦'. ol the I aion

Would he have inserted words giving power to ad-mil Mate* from ail natious I The old articles olconfederation provi ¡- rj :¦¦: the way in wmchCana-darnight'beadmitted. Thkwas irseed backin the adoption of that glorious instrument uponwhich innovati >ns ¿:-' now attempted lo be made

The :'. '- a m :. m îCew-Han -1 rest-d to think mat two-thira*s was not, as ^am Slickwould say, sa ill-fired much more than oi,e

i ¡)re>urré- they will rind some dirTerence, andfeel it. .

Bef .. we Im I new States we penni: men :c

!.:;»r¡y aiui j' aiun h uuuui ¡iouuuuims. «...».

then we adn tthem to t mtthemin the starred skyrof onr National innerso with every Alien whom we naruralize but it

we admit Téxa?. how do see know that she fee¡s...¦¦ force and tnoi rations

our ..'..".ntrr Had France cr::- th :ll id, «

.. rj ind .¦ '.. re ilized and essen-ed tîiat our own coi peated

:i¡onariii¡<'a¡ ¦: r ¦ v.. ¡.-ve ad-t g .. in ten yea:-.

won id ol -"'

Ah r ¦¦¦ lutiful roraiioi Mr ho il down.having spoken about two iludí

I will n it attempt to express -- « tthibis re ten rt ol Lhe .¦: queni

5 nator from Massachusetts. He said that he was

soon to retara to Massachusetts l g ¦.. a account...:: Wi n ij lísachu-

say to her Senator, " Weil done," ¿fcc.House op Rktresi ¡sTatiyes .Mr. Prit: moved

...»total the I :!' for fuing the Pre« lent's House in Committee of the

¡Whole. Carried. [The 1 pro] ses §20,000 forfurnishing the White House, and SS.000 for re-

painsMr. Henley proposed $10,000 instead oí S20.000,

¡After a Ion; discussion and much confusion, theamendment was pul and l< st.

Mr. Hudson proposed that none of this appropriatien should he expended in furnishing ¡lie WhiteHouse with wine-; or other liquors. Xo: agreedto.An amendment was offered that none but Ameri¬

can liquors and American segara should be used atlhe White House. This was a cut at the provisionol the hill tha; American manufactures should be;i-i .1 ;n furnishing the House. Lbs«.Mr. Preston King moved to lake up the Post- :-

lice Bill. Lost.The Comm The part ol the bill

in favor "I Am ri :ai.inufai tun s prevailed: Veas82, Nays 78A motion to lay the biü on the table was lost;

.. is -">!». Naya 81.The main question w.ts then put by yeas and

nays: Yeas62, Nays70 So the billwas lostl*h< ivil and >i| lomatic Appropriation Bill was

then taken up.A ¦: mdment to ¡ncre ise the appn ition for

ihe Library fin m §2.300 to $5,000, altera long dis-m, was adopted.

Thebil! wasunder consideration till the Houseadjourned._

Pico's Concost..The Concert f Signo« Pico,

regret to »ay, andiui« ¦¦¦ Shewas most itli ..-¦... received, and tlelighti overs

by her In 1 sllsh Son?, Drean:!,.ii ! ! llalls,' she was irtli ¦-

ful. Sho was eili.ii i.t'y supported by Madame Arnoult,Otto,Si¡ rsA ¦.". ind Itapctti.

n Friday, the 7di instant, at half-past 2.' V Mr.J » X. Well-, .!r. v..i» knocked .li.wii

.¦. theKiiickcrbock r singe* al ihi comer of tlie Eislith-avetiucmid Tlilrteenth-atrcet, and was procei streel

hand« in his outer roat pocket«. When within¦. ..- taken by a sleuth, on

will. Il -Lv. re tl::, ;,,. -.. »,-.,. .,n. ;. '.. v. :, y. -.1. \vh t he SSI]luve N- n .; Ici r '.. rihJ i i. ca

wat ehrt wi t>*< lib Ii ici '¦

tiackof his under and on .¦:-,. thebrca»!.,

bis ivati :i :.¦ m tin ir.! chain. '.

Tin. l i mi: At, or .tuns Cobdos, who was

yesti rtlay .it the :.

An bnuicnici..¦'. !:. lowei

mains of the unfortunate :::.i!i t.. the Soi th i' iri J Ground,where tbey svci itomb. The number In the

.-.-' '!: Ulteen hundred, most ol whom, weliavi tuoft to bell *

«ire sincere mourners.

The Writ01 Urkoh .TheSupr« ;:iei '<>nrt have(rratited the w.-H f error pra r In tliTilomas \V. l>orr. Tlie ind tttoniey General

'.¦'.;¦¦. ...

Monday ol D.aber m \t. to in-.ir ;!.. mestion arguai.whcthl : ¦.':-. sta:. «

en violated by lhe action of ihi« State lu tinRom

It will i>tbc regn tied h; :..r uattci IVbatcvsu

thclrdri is I: Wan by It. We fearsuit. "I raus ri ..

:. :¦¦:: ru us .:. :..» ul 1 ¡..;.''. ..Feb. léI...U.

J, Tliatthi lug KI

...¦. and «'!.. n-.: and ...-.!. t" <

same shall as If

tlicdayluu ia ..... ... ¦:

;.'.:h. Eve. .! urnal.

Thi -",< » ". K Wkather .1 udei the-.. .i

Wheel rcaga ç AVin the llooslc and Mohawk riverm tributaries ol the':..- broki n np. 1! h r:-' :.

thi ic i>.:!i load« teams.Vlba ¦'.-.... ..

. .\':;:i'»l.. !,>';.n T. Ii Quitn.. ¦.: Hill, N. 1!. '...- SI tia-

.- ¦. felt buis :

[s.On Sunday last two boys.one

11 and tlie other 13.rt m f the 1

: ed at Brighton, aud 1\ iiumlx r .¦: :

.-. -. uc the yi ¦. :. ;u« », but theiThe b -t of India Liubber shoi

!' argil.Mr. Polk, in his late pn rri ¦. reled all

.- ri.-cal ill -.

... irnure of awith i .,

.¦ ward trance, thai .- Pin An(w i only e:ul U -.; his hi old ¡e] 1 ::i

:.-:iiiie;it of theWe ... lhe lion ir done us of en invi-

.e'.v ol the new tile for S] .:.

and, truly, il Mercurj he only God who sports a[ on his clothes ir.d w.-Ik


¦. mortal s'ew-York Hatters ore competitorsfirm f peri ....-.-.;' mod-

id the -'.-. en assays should ted in < neider emi to i "Wkabi ¿eves." The

one we saw by Beebe V C' >t..: [U.C tori) was. xpressîon.


: '¦¦¦

Daxz Sis.I havi seen a O;.» to comeo! :

-morro? array oft.: i i

» tin; it, a ny great..--....

R . Mr. Warren with iu.. '¦

Sesr-Jersev an i

..--.. lleisonci ivi.! :'...- ;


..:.. -. ameliorate the ar. He Is

crate the dens ctfwrettr,and retrotr« the m;.. -:

..:'..:..- .. r .: m « ....

i.aTv eenboaleoceuchto entei Its a>a--

'¦ ¦' tochcdegnuli7 ...

ts of their Creator,bo em

'.i-h ¡UU.-1 M .--

f labor. TJ'..

-:':» BóL tüíttoi. 1:« are coaeen i" attract


.: iaat :..,.¦> anne gramme: bu: ihtre isa.Bol :

r;!:;.- the attenti::...'j: eiti .. n au.I r.rfv phi-

hsniarortbU h. this city, in.i t trust that the Tabernaclev.U be fljkd. I have penned :h.-s article with.--.: tinb isiedpe »>f Sir. Warren ur hn :'riet. !s,whn arc tn^at-e,!m ibis n¡*::er, tu: net without thi cun.-trrreiKe it a larg¦¦::umber cí bc:^ i ; -- -, who u.-rprove of tb« excel¬lent object. m'MAxn,

Xew-Yort,Februars- 19th, IMS. It«

COURT CALENDAR.THIS DAY.CnstsiL.s: I't >s»-r,r-. :.No«. 9», ».77. 11 O «T 13 i2

j .:.. 2. Nos. Ti T:. Ti, ÎU.O.SlJB.SS.'si.StrrKK.s ..i si. N.4 IÎ.TS.7É. il. lui ¡N;¡ -j

III,«*,» C,i,îs,»,ie0.afji ¿^ .<...-<.


t_ orres;vud. nee of T'a-- T.-i'-a:..-PfflLjLOl trm i. Keli !'.* .I I' M.

sMu-iLsror Tio-si ,irHi. ns-.k.H- .:stsLmeu of ike cowHtkw the Ph'.l ublpnts ifcsis.. > I -

0, Vudi: ., Genets!.' e L-'isi-'ur- i copy ! which sm.u ¡roa it -n ..<s use

sri.'.anlrtfi.ii!-'-!.'-'' «-."' tV&m*\*uA, amos« due sw-

eùcuUlioa foi .

Dae N ..¦",. .BilUJi«. Specie depc^rttors ei..uUti.>u

:-..-;.¦; ;....,. T.¡ ..

ai.lflß ST tîitt.f'd.. ;

:BkefNI ¦' "' «

:.- £14.2*0 *S:.. '¦

,.WWt ,i Bank: 3SS.I01C5 -"2,1-91* S3S.66S >

.- ¦..: .'. - :.:.,ut.t«»< .UMii'C.

..-.- it.t 1.1 ¦

-¡es-ie land*.Sow Bi^k of Cómasete

.i uhierlf setd iwo it : " Bj-

> ¦¦:.,- IfarriibLrg Bank..y»r. >.

Debt. '

; ,«W »I Bills Discounted 531S - f other l>k- Il USpecie.Reliel v ra-

; ds unpaid ÎJ9I B non. Bub..EAccoont. li.lt* : Due by other B.,s

¦sllr-iuii.6M li.N....i:;.l Mores '-«.l.*1 16' -Loan W Com tl

SI ill ¦:..*' urs l;t- '.'..'.Stocks

' nirc.it Expensi 1.693 '..

¡;. ,i fcjui ¦....¦m ....

TumI S6S4JÎS3 "-I

Ti'E I na tíovitSJíOE..Aceonlins to n coajmunidDoa:¦ :.,!? :.. rbe Lesnlnturc n ¡iKi»-ar- thai Guveroot Porter"«*-.l.rc! 55 persons bef.retri-i!. SrOafterconvietion. rtn.l remitted;". s and tbrteimres, Ontsecateneesfiw which the pardon«werenuted, 3 were M munl'i m ¡lie first decree, 39tor mur.ii-r :n tbe reron.l decree. £5 lor iiians.aiijliter. -' ful tiiir;la.tr.lit it.-=>..:i. IU f.jrm-ic.STidJtt.r ¡«ermry., .,

;x..-.; .m :f»,.i Anerenieci r two sine», wbtl.¦. oftd ward Moron osias was en

.- drunken wretch, named Mnrray, who In.thi* wife.be «ras wailed udleradmeiuslifewas

in ¡mntjeopardy. , .

;. ,K .-IMIT11-p..A-i bnslishman.- .: in the recent

.was :i;Ls mornius folly committed by t!.- May. rl

-, Ele« no»..The eeoo?st for Wa.-.i Offic'.'.well, ssill b,- warm. Thethre* parti«*."Whip. Native, insl

,- .,.-,;. niakiae every exertion to succeed. I have no1th Satires ia S intliw irk, led i nn-

fiheAVaids in the otbei Districts. 1« the City it is

--.:¡t... n, n \< .- m ictii ¦demandI « Bli eks :

prices showine, an it¡»»r.l ¡ettd.-ncy. Pennsylvanie Ki>-<.: tbe Kirs! Board at 74. and closed at 71i, i- ins to id-:'; f m yesterday. It.-, lia: Railroad Bonds weal u|

did Wilmington Railroad slur«. I S li.u.k » .<

,',.,- Board.SiO o 0 State '.s ~¡: S-'.'.'i-O do7 1; ST.:: $812 do ISM, 731: SO Girard Bank Si; 100 .l-.ïl: 120 shs !Si Bit -. G 0 Wilmmeton lí.l Öl: ttJKUl Reading I'..! Bds

.:. H do C7i: I Camdeo It Ambo? Rd 103;Il r m li s;-, ¡,r. k i>vl Cana] Loa .¦

Second Board..to S. i: ,.ik-;: Sau'.t Beadins Rail idBandsCTi: >m .1 b 5,671vJ Kentucky Bank 721; S"»l ¦'¦

j.: m; StOCO TtsnieueeBoi»US3; ISO it rard U.tnk dsSt: ii»..!.. ,.,. ::i: I »i Wilmington Rd.221.Surr S'sws .-¡ü» P M...lrnrr<l this day.Snips Edwin,

\\'.--:. fin N"( Irkmas; St I..ni?, Marks, fm .1-, Hnrk Louisa,GaUacher. fn. Kavnnn. Itr.ssK.'i/r.licili. Wat«on. tin Matan-7i.; W¡i'i:inc'"n. Miiiiroç.fm Charleston. !-<.!.:< Ilenry luv.Jnhnson, ñn NYorfc All Coolajr, t'uinp, tin do. St.air.crNapoleon. It .--. fm Baltimore.Cleared This Jlflei noon Steamer Cumberland. Colm

Baltimore.Hn'.'ic. l!-i.-.;n- s II iiri. '. Tin in;.n, Wiiipjile, from New-

... Mary I me from do. Brigs <'.¦ It. Wright, fromTrinidad ¿V Cuba; Margret, from New-Orleans; Either,fn u, New-Orle ..--.ill apar Bombay Hi ok.

-. I»..-:. l'.-!>. IP..The »hip Ondiakn, from Liverpool,and linrkaway, ir-.ia N Orleans, and still at the Breakwnter,and will probablT cd i" nailer way ¡li s afternoon and proceedlip. Tin- brie Itowenn, fot Lnguayra. an.! sriir. I'.len, torChatteston, went to sea fast .venino*. Nothing; ia steht boundup. Wind. X. W. Wt-ntlier pleasant.

Vi.i:y I..STF. m.iM Not iírí-nada.. i'lic packet iirui. Captain Furbcr. arrived yestenlay in twcuty-úv«

:.. s ...i ,. .,-,,:!! Cartllagciu.Vmons; her possencers arc lion. William M. Rtackford,

I". 5. barge d'Atlalre* t.> Kew Urouada, :>iul Wm. w.Blackford lus. private secretary.

... a.:: mn Mr. Blackford that .Mr Totten, titoAme¬rican contractor to cot a canal at Sew Grenada, has :.

vcrj Bucce£5futly, and much to the."oitlsfactIon ol the fiov-iriiii.i'iit. Itiv.i- supposed tli.it i: would be finished inabout tliroc years. The ilrst -rround was broken on the27th of December, whldi operation «'a.? witnessed !¦ .i

great nmnber oi ;^-..i.!v:. All :!. contractors'employed on-.in- canal .ir.' Americans.

,\ :¦'¦..'. deal ol dissatisfaction wo« i.lt at :!.- removal .>!

.Mr. Sancliez, the American Consul at Jicw Grenada. Itseems thai be was inn. ¡i Uked.Tbe election for President by Electors resulted in no

choice; ihe duty now falls on Congress. Gen. Mosgucrass-n probable be i. [Norfolk Humid, f. b. 17.

ih» ,N- «irk Dsily \.!i. ,-:i *r.

TllKNTI-N, K-li. IS,Ti.ti !:-tt State-Prison Keeper, who seen« to luw

emulated the character of ihe redoubtable Dorr,had t!.- ¡mi adence to send to Mr. I íaddia t i-day .1

ietter to ihe effect that lie (Mr. Yam) had been in-ttT.ii- (i that he (Mr. liaddis) had l> en el.-ctn!..... er of the Prison, but in liU opinion illegally ;but inasmuch as iw (Mr. V.) h.id bosioesaof im-l»>rt.ini:t- to attend t'>, lie had concluded u> admitMr «i.intn the posfession ofthe Priaon^to-morrowif he would r-dll down.Yard is s-till in possession, though I learn he re-

moved a large portion of his goods from the Prisonto-day. ____^____


Senate..Mr. Johnson presented petitions of citi¬zens ol ILensseluer and UJ7 inhahitaiiU of Albanycounties tor the -r, poinimenl of three commission¬ers to inquire and report by what title the ManorLands are held, what relier, it' any, can b»; grantedto the tenants, and for other purposes. Mr. John¬son,by request, moved their refereuce toa selectcommittee. Aftci considerable debate, ihey were

referred !.> the Judiciary Commute, 15 ii> 9. 'I heremaining proceedings of the Senate were not >imuch interestAs.! ¦.:!¦.!.-,..Tin- House went into Committee ofWhole, Mr. McCarthy in the Clinir,;'onthe bill

3 an appropriation k,r the N..tt;Vl¡i St.ttePrisonMr. Morrison moved to strike out the provision

;- any relationship, by blood or inar-

'......., between the agent ami principal l,ec[K.-r.l...-r.Mr. Blake moved to strike out tii»- secùoii which

prohibits the Licensing und sale of intoxicatingliqu ira within tlir.-e miles of ihe Prison. Lost.A motion wa.s made t" re.luce the appropriation

for the Prison from $100,000 to $75,000, pendingwhich motion the Committee rose.

By consent, Mr. Van Valkenburgh moved ti>

[ to iOppresB licentiousness aspecial or¬der for 12 o'clock to-morrow. Agreed to.By consent, Mr. C F. Crosby offered a resolution

to adjourn over Saturday next, (Washiogton'sbirth-day.) Adopted.

C1 T V I N T E LLIG E N C E.HUM" >>.

ii" KT mk SESSIONS.Before die It inoea. and Aldermen Gau isdCozzcxs.'.! i ; m .- í'i i, .-¦ s. Ej ¡. District A-.' r. rr.i'.... Trial or Saíi :. Amm,..lodicicd for having"tu i.-ti s,..:.. s.,,, .; I,.. [-,!,. (,;,-:ciicr, frûlll the finn i,l

M.-s,.,. Saydam. Safest Co. of this City.sslii Udm need on Saturday «is resatned.

.' is /'. Sagt «n« azaia ^nÜC'l t. ti.- «ta::J n- :. H'i i ry Ion» and critical crnM-eiaminaxiun

lie stated in m.,«« to [uestii propounded, thai th.)- e

the pork, bam and lard business \. i:!i Adams ia Xo-.¦.'.- i . '. and lud I rv»it;u>!y. I.-, .. .lir.ta-iun. 'jli¡niur-! ¡!,rllonr sak-s i>.m aim, beliei ins ia hñisoli ¦:.':¦. \ letiei ¦! :-i'

V-. 13,dcoedSuydam,SáxeasCo.o0erin;l\ :: -.: a second letter was Js

lothei meeffect.and others of diversdates iu rcUti'-ii to t'..-ur; alxi in r-lati"ii to parchase f i ork;Su.atstal 11 ¡ces. These let! »,-Mk rfiwvir;

s -, -, ... _. tbe :<>.

aces i proda. in .. ., ratheri tbe V, .- r.. tl : compbrinanu bad paid analtacit-

ment C r AJ,.... ..u -. jadsment i;vir..t bin hi this city. &..-.

Lance sheet oT the trade in lloar was read and -h"vi«i-.. of A..;...s m :;,..: ¦.-.. ont wei S I) Tl

i Here S '. 67 í::J '!.e iijluicr J.is Snydaa,Sag StCo '¦'. ai account wo* on the

-.¦. current dited April. °.:ii.\vi:h UV,.--x. o showed the credits of Wesser Sc Co-to be Si.,

- '*¦::¦: ¡.-um.- balance doe '...it ¦.- a, which balooee was traastened to the creditm ter account. The ira* on :).« Ixansactioa« of Soar ia

'"u!l U-trt-^u :.'n ¡.a.:i-s. rt s?-i» fu.'.iK-r shown -.¡..it Snydara,k i. receired UM banrls of pork of Messes. Seymour

i. ' o. m .i-.i. h t'«: compUmaats oil .:.. .i S2Btt, »nd tnc ba-..vhich oser the $2SM that ¡h- p«.ik told toi ¡:,K ....

lUiuir.'.s held and refused tj pav r>**t '-j i:-' Mk».-». !>-,,. .

-'s I elief that the p-rk was tlte property ofSniti ¦-...'..:. i.:....- in Ohiu ümus: Watt. i.S,.(.

aurai .- the recorery bick of thé 5¿;3,WiO ad>»nc>-d to A.litn,s. rnoar on i-.rW. kc by <u>iUia. Stae&Co. Tins

bsne» rra bad nxaile contracts for set.-r¿l ¡hciuÄiid tirr-1, .ji";- rk which :!.-. roul-i net supply until ti>-T went tato tbentarkrt ar-d purrh.-j-,j lbei¡u*uti:y »¿rred to be d-liT-reds;me:.i.-i« ; :

[TL Grand farícame into Court with i iromberof billsTtrc for the terra s»iil, t>.. thai kspos»« c^:i\.uud si bilb, uddtsmi i

-VViUess -m;loyeil aeeuU to so to Ohio»a a ran'tsitioo from oar Goeereor;Attorner.whl,i 5 ..¦. orhewen«

..: bare employed tliree lawyers «idTu c-uductinr-.vnuon. [To * ^ue»t;u0 propo^d to be pot : n ii

-.- -::,.;. bsataotm traci d bis ascot to ecu.Cfcreoce with \doms, ou ubtoj .i,.-... arity for

the so,ecs .].e. ;t .. ohieelrt t!i,t ¡, w iBl(, {ru¿ t) frinn/ttsen Í ;. tbi -»:.,; da« it was ?.. ,::en>H to e..mts>ur,.i a

i-..... uul «ras mied out t.y iheCoort as imdnii.sibl^.]TVslefeoce ¡rre rwicdüse -xamination of tbuwitneas-»od:hedir-,-t eiac.iaa::.Mi was resnined, but was fr-n-rnIIyootof^rsa: tcterrst. H- staled, howerer, ¡bat 1^ did notl-»ra ii,- wrous priv-tnted upon him f.-rrn Mr. WVu« bntfremAdsms timself. ssIsm» be came on. and wbo ackr.ovs-ledjri-d thithe had seat oo r-ceifts for property úut 1-ladnot ¿VpoMii»,!.A: :..'. K^k, the Conn to?.k a recéis to fi o'rlock.Tl.r Coon .-. un-j^l at li o'rlock.Mr P^r- recslW ty pr..-ecntioo.Tsplsui^d h.:.w ind when

hinuell and Attoruey oiaiU the form of the waMicu-.e rrs..v


which isas rr.iù« àr- j rar- ti-.:.as therv was chra Bo (encrai-1- crr-ct Ibrm ¿f warehcatsi receipt« in ÜV West; nesrr had

my ¡Btirástioa ¿61 March, it, tint cteproperty was not

ia h\iid..,! .ni drcUraUoa ol .!.. -Vilarus thaï

ill cUrrorertj "¦=.'., ',-

.'" "

j¡ ».-'.¦ ...':-.m March IIM«;,: r.whitrh.-.vs.Ui»-, laid »ci

return m DU ttotss afee Bi] tetara l.»m - risk-'¦ ^damsra

.i. when I fo«md Mm; it wat atar il* latter end

of March, I fooad him iaJJo«**' Hotel, wi*w

aboututyfoUowine: M : « :"'fl"

.:».-'¦-- "

wbadsomei.tWbbli.orporli'..'.. '» ndsome Ham» .1


f&jTai at tt I

r the pork, aad als >»¦:.-

cold m he bad .-- * '- '.' s '""r v"

:' h-ir protection; »stlat cas request gave me mordet... ..:,.. ¡«control; che-.'... : ¦> Bw

;. the «drice of Horace B

iad< U not be arrest\ N -,,.\ ork.

0 .les] the :.e,'. riv .-¡'Seymour.

but did not î ;t. [I« weaken proposed by Mr.WI.,- - m ii< »aid in reply to the Je

I by Mr. Gratav. I. :;-. < ¦! Hoffman ontheonesideclw ourt ruled out tte declarations

arto wüue»: asnopartof the re* gcs/««.] WiUreasi of pork for« lieh .- tad

r inO» -, a; he said he tad aoae ikes when

.1 die receipt«, cor h I suisse; witaeaiubed him wh i indm ¦! him co >boi chose receipt»; !-.-

mid b«! did so through hi« cOBAdeec« in Mr. Adams; asked

him if be did .. t know whai Mr. Vdamswas going u do

». laid hedid ..».1 chai Adán «

them ii meoEasCi witte*» howedhimthe. told him we had thoae receipts; as

the i buined witbont; be said he lid u

from i.i» confidence ia Mr. Adam»; dined uith Mr. Seymoaiat hi» hi H-'

_..;..;/...-.' -W Seymour*» hi*h.it"'( farm which sras a c.I one; and tbs» cattle. See.

I i.-v*r told a man ¦¦¦¦ imed !' IthatM itu& Seymournetec!.. ,. i-.'- si receipt»« give« ami sign-

firm, ï Sn ¦. .hm. Sage î» Co. agreed not Co tar« Dr.

did J a» m a»nc in the alleged rraoduleut transac¬

tion. Aftei other teutim« ajidjournedtoThundaymorniog.il o'clock.


B .. ludgi ViM'i i.em C

|,,ir.V.:i¡iv..l¡n'i':rlVi;in;i1| l; lui h K.llivi H.

Mr. Si.(aa Id. ¦' X '-'.' '< h« 'treet) «d» arresteslbyWade and Baker, and forcibl; carried to the Police,

where he wan detained cwo hour». ThearwjMerew; ojit olluspii.which .¦. no! realixrd. Measrs. W. and »..were

not officers it the time, aad acted wholly wiihontwarrant Mr.

B. after tbore time at the Police Office, «*a» du-lilt, Th-iTe,eut a.-tn.ii i*b:\itlghl li

imi m'llt. The i'311-e «ill

iiied this forenoon.

Before Jndge i nikley.rheslei DriagS vs. Win. Wn-»t|!l'.-The ¡.Inlltitl'i« OS! nerof

a two-story bnck i.<e.\'u. »UnionPlace. Mr.U'egsi fl was

in th.< procès* oferecting a buuding mncli higher cnau Mr. n. -

house, on the ml;...une lot. The intention beine fai make a

«tone front, Cbe building was cameil np to ti lull night, nodthereofput ou. leaving the front open. Istonunros

.,.... ¦..-¦¦ '. chefoi.t il s wind.pi.¦ h portion of th.-M.le.n all Co fell upon the mol ..i Mr.Drices'« house, ami considerably injure e. lb . prescnl action¡«hrousltt i.over damage*. The Court charged that Uiedefendant ivas bound Co build hoi bouse in a ». and «"rk.mai like manner, and if the jury consider thai çlie house hmi...-: :.-:r m an improper situatinn, lite pUuntiil is entitled to

bave h» lions«! nul in us ci.,-,1 ..riL-t a« it «vn» before tue acci¬

dent Veidict for plaintiff, S91.

COURT OF COMMON PLE vsB 'forejudge l<\< .>.

Aaa.siiAM Tiieacl m. Trbbxcr Boïcs:..Action to re-

,- ver vil.I* furniture loaned to M i»« Nelson bl Vil uidTin II. bui »ïu'chwa* «old m I. » rice Mi v- Co

Mr. It. (kr. per ofnl in Cli ilh ini iqus v I .TheIrfeniUnr b«c» fide purchased tin» furoi-

: .;¦ .. n in gi od failli ta i- »oi liableknew. i*p< ci ihai ¡i b li -..! co ¦:

ind in It '. \ tn the furnitnre be.i¦.!the pur] ... I' ilI-fame,

¡I . : .Jr. Ti.-ill reit was I. d hnl il cannot ait cl du

sen! -un. Vi ni.. foi plaiutiff, $101.M \I!I.\K in It)'.

Beli re J.ulse Itwi.ti.L.I*atrick I' i.'iin.as r», James \. llney. The plniul irwn.

ridii r on horseback cbrough VVerl street, on cha evening ofUcXnv. last, and wlien npp -.to N'u.23 lii< horso fell os-er a<n»nl.tr at*iron which litrnitb*street, by which Mr. K. »n.

. f nruisetl and hun. reoulring iliotonrltmnf a plirmeian fer two or three weeks nlterwan!

rsewns comiderabi; injured, I!.- briun action Core,enverdams ei !' i-assliewn tlinl "'.-ir.ui itid not belong loMr. Olner, nndthnt ia owner bod paid a man to -watch lú.. .¦ ..i (in dclei il mi

;. ilif. Mr 0. W. ,...». i'..r.!f.it. Mr. H.Crist.

POLICE OFFICE.Patrick M ¦< '-indr, und a man iiinioil Wall, engnged ¡-i n fighl

Mast niglil in \\'u-i:i.,:-i.in icrcct, when n thud party, immedPntrink O'llarn, I sed, Co arrest tlieprogrevsofChe 6ghl McCnral] left \Vnll. with wliom he ssra» engaged.n-:ili!r:ni r ¦ knife, tabbed O'Hara severely is the knee amihand. MeCandl was nrres'.^i! ami eorntiulistl un a elinrite ol'

kill.Juscidi ¡i I.lev s is arrested h» .nicer Carlisle, foi sUalii t

worth $*5 from Kliza V\rilliam#, So. S Leonard »in-et.lie ¦¦ rnimttod.

i' n, cnlorcd. was arrcsteil Hir »teal ni n isckelivnrtli esfrnm Ininiel Seolej. ..t J,.- iteamer \\'.-.¡.-r Witch, at

I. N'mtli River. Ilesvos .. »juiUed.Anthun; e and Eilwanl 'I .e-ki-r were »rrcsted und

'..-¦¦ i it» of store pipe from Fntacii Ma-Ml -i- .:. a !... '... :.

II ilnej e ton '¦¦ isnrrested and conunitted for »t.-tiltnu' alilversvatchwaitli 'SO from Ezra Eaton, ofthe sclioonei \;.-.

er '..-le River.irargniei ilrrnow-u arrested fen* itoaling carpetine worth

-: OlruniMrs. Vsiicr-ft.corner of the Bowery and >:aiii..ii-i..- t. nud committed m iii- I 'pper Polic ..

MARRIED:Oh Ti lay ei iug.b) !'. r. William 0. Strubel. 1) 0.

¦\- - IADISO.N BLACKWKLI. Co .:¦»» IKN-NE I I'E DHI MMOND. «laughter ofPhilipW. Eng» I..At B. slon. 13th C »nrge L'uici Ellen Sicgleton; lull, Win

\ Brow tell to loue G rdon.'.' li iltimoie 13th, George J Mary ' iw< II; id,

Jame» McWad id irine Vet in ;her.

WED.On Ti i. Keb fier a lingering ¡line»«,

-'-.'....:... late Cape 1 rid Li die, in t'.,.-...il

The Cri liai mees f t! ¦. famil), milhersons luiniid N.Leslier*re iauti-.l Co

attend i. .i il o'cli '¦. f mi ln-r litrri-.i-i :.. - '. liLiidi » without f.l ... nil il.

Onlhi lier a liugerius ¡Hue»*, Miss SUSANV

Her ¡.i-.-- th .- of her moclier, areiuricediI« .- fu ..¦ ;¦ ft. in, the '.'l»t iost, al ..'.I: i.i bei '.;.- residence, No, !'i ' hnrcfa »7re»r,

Oiiilu !.. Islandofl iirac. VNN \Ur'.\i H.iufaat daughter of Henrj S. Uichard», of Du.-h. ..

I 1111'". Itiker.

Iill El ta'i¡1; Mi Pi loi-e llnr:,. "...A« Vlha lOcb. S-imuel I :.- i Harris, 2l

Cl*i K Hasvl:. li, .:. - jiiiin...- \'. iliac«, II; TI

le, il.\is l. Nil hoi lack on (col red)

'.'¦ hingtou dnrinu t!..- \s ,.,.

At Che .\ irai Asylum, 1 bil uk-lphia, tith, J..h.i Smith, eu,

\ .-r- a bill to-nlghl ai I im ind ...

Kn:i!.-r Hill is on the more next week we do hope lint tilitwillnut neglect the preae t opporni-

ineinoi 11 .: mh ibil mia icy '1 lie many... v.luir- Dr. Jnsbing. .Greal '.

bodv knoss,. i» full nfhumoi milllittl ise iu the Si ice». 'II,. Ou

mil ipirits..York Mn eum.

ta ívhite X< entert lim lentVdaii :- Blanchard. LaPeUteAiowe. Stc-apr-ear. ic th«evening, pr.ValeaUne n.'r. .:...-, In ¡... ,; hum rca m

-«a..I'siM.i's TiitiTiu:.-!'.:. place or atiiw»....:ii hn» been

very «..-.. ,:...! ,.n-,.,.- i| 0 -, ..,... Mr. I. .-. ind his.. : Mtwic a .- are naming rapidly in pn

en ¦.. the e tjr, nt the prerent time, where n'¦¦: .emng'» musical «nrtertjmment mar be eaiored.

it I! so Man 1 iiso ignorant of Che fact Chat i

3 ma.t b.- attended wild nei, we mutt !..

!" L * v'. '. .¦.':¦.-.,!.-. It weseek b mea» n> abroad where »i,.|¡ctuel ..... -- ,.- mswers.lu i¡- nan»

1 ' eompanu'rejy few iu.¦. rea-S» che tai-r

.-. lu most, chrre&re, eommanicare with themtheir own ft -. Son ¡there rewbi -. \V^ .-

»:" ":f ««le* agb already ; a.t»fou for u* tc ulrenby a svis- man-" If y, u v.,

rneudle«.makenonew icqrsamtauce».3 This will be ihe casewiin tbe merchant who »its do« .otenl ill in I.i. stoiejad takes uo pans» to let i eknown:. '.' "'!' » "¦ '"" n ighboi wh< - early pn ,-

¦"':' " .: teaselelis...a:,..- _.......:,. ...

facditattM »neb encerpriae. V. il. Pa, u.I .a. An.--, i, .....;....Offices.to N. k ¦ nadelphu. Balcimon -. ,-¡ ¡;. .:....

lis Olli« ia New:\ork .. temp, rani] ! eated ... D Abb-»frett. wtare.ta wdl be tappy-to .- a,,;- who ma

.'-. a i-.¡eel ...I -.,..¦: '«. m -mir- I'e^rs »ill t,,. m.|e known.

LOSS Or >t'i;.-»c::ii-Ti.i.v BOOKS.¡ry- We lost by the Ore a Subscrl, Lion Book which con-

. tamed a nart of the list of our S.,aü,crn suh-crltK-r»« to theWeeih Trttuae rwMttrcdat thU office tmviótM t.. che four-'-"¦¦'-'¦¦ ---. Al ,as::'...-r,r.i.,ri Bookcon-talnlns a stnall p.,rti...n of the nstr.e.« of ccr surwertberaX"~'J' '' :: '' -''-:'-; I : ."' .. ¦'':.' .-î',i. theil'^ii/-» partof ;:.-.,. .:, northern Ohio,.v..,,./,.,-.,pudtunal-';V *»¦ ..:....: '. V.-WHsmt.Ailv,.iTieMaUlV»káccntatatns Um any wcebs scbecribeiihist yearand tbe 10 t:. .¡ith-..ui.~cr::..er,0rti«: ;.r vjit vc.tr

torche ahove r.aaic-«! states am! Districts an- -^vcl.I'i»-'.i;..---.» .., ". jreath oblige as by fonradrujui th<-

:-naauM cf i.ur tul «Il t.-» at these r^>iuts and the rime forwhich lints have paid. AU our Mali Books for the Dally

aresavexUsaud wemiaH notw of our Weekly but\'w .:." ve ¦!,-»--r:U-,!.We will keep enough iu¡ er* on hand !o sit;¡>!y tho»e i.f

Bur subscribers whose name« we have tyst.

I7»ROTJSSEX.L,S SHATINO CREAM.Tbissleiighc.lîllprrpaâtloa Es uie- -.inl.'edf.irsnrrassingslloihersoariaintheemollieai consisieney of its latiier. which so softens the heardas tu read-r éiasiuE pl^asaut and easy. It hi: I.-c exhibitedtor cftmpelitioa at tie Ksir »f tlw Americm Institute, aadthere 3ssari)«-d a silit-r m. .L.1 and diplcma. Alto » »i'.s-i Budal at tl-- Kraakim ¡u-titai- iu Philadelphia, ai.d aether it [helaie fi..- ia L'.-.ton l> Ssuaders. Itl ErOidwti, »ole Altanl1er.New Vsrk. fl7 2wia I

nu ¡u»

SSSLJ.iJL1. «¡un


l'.v ..ruer .1 IH-- \Vard >

JNO. U. VAN KJLEEK Cbairna».J..-. M. f-iu. ¦- ... ¦-..-. fa¡tr

- r H. :. \ i' 11 'sVArôT-TiieU'his v!ri ..,. cf*'

'.'. .1 irr-;:- -. -1 :¦ -"-ud » uvs-¡iu¿ .: <oo»ii-nBroadwa .....-.,.- thins-'u

half-past, i'clock forth« purpose ofselecting a Noa»tm.ri^.Cc-matittee for < bartrr officer» oí t!ii? Ward. Al.» Nom£noting Ownroittre l'oral nrrentiosi toi ti«- Mayenlitv

CEO. W. BRUEN, i ¡....un.Alscaí McN ;.< Secretary. rw

WHi-i MEHÏ1VS !A>i NMIiT.j^:- riKST Wai:!'.At i meetlig f-fu¡e Whigs ofth«

First VVan". held pursuant to '.lie nNjsjri'.nieii.lj-.!. n of th«fl Ig Gem r.ii C. mmittoe, at Tin »hers ltroac street H>.til. Mr. tEQlt .'t C. MANX was exited io th«- Chair, arj

. Thomas S. >hh-.iiii> and John SÄTTSaUS wer« appointedSecretaries.The call of tac Mí« Unfi having Neu read, it v. as ovarrhj-

ti ti resolví t:..it tee mcctirnrnow proceesi :« ballot f.¡r:..¦ en rrsentatlvc« to the Whig Mayoraltj C r.renttos,and .i Commlttcs of seven to nominate Charter Officers ;^r

ta s v. arsL The following gentlemen were unanttnoBsh;s :¿:

¦' rRrprt* ataiietsto the ¡faut roäeCasroTHOMAS W. CACE, C. CAMMEYER,

GEORGE N. STEBWXS.,- -i y n ait Charter Ojkvrs,


CEORCE C. MANN.On motion, Resolctd.That there] resenterttves lotbeMajp-».tv Convi ntioii a: .1 the Ward committee luv» power to! on\ vacancy which may .vcur In their hum:, r.

Resetted, That the pro? eedlngs of this meeting le -^uMWi-ed in ail t'u- Whig newspapers of tUi? city-

CEO. C. MANN. Chairman.Tu. s R. 5nsrA«n,T^rertriJons Sattisxes, j^"1' ' fl7

SECOND W V.KD..At »mi -tioe'of WhitfolWard held at Second Ward Hotel Feh 10 tïi>. tbi

followiuc gentlemen were elected, \,i

MmUaratty Cam rationJ WiK.S kl'.l.l.N <; V. UOOD,

.1. !.. LEFFKRTSCharter :



(' u.ws Cask. ) Secretaries., ...ii . b'H.uv.s'^_<-^__fjoii7" THIRD WARD..At a meeting of Whigs of th«

Third Ward on Wednesday eveoin«. Feb. 19th, Dr. A.SID¬NEY/ DOANE «w called to tha Chair, and Juin VcKct-vi s v ami William L. Sii sbdlow, appoiated SecretariesTIk- Call oCthe meetinc bavins Imvii r-uJ. the meatier, pre

cecded to choose three |vr-..iis t.i Mayoralty >'.. iveali n Tl.-

following were duly chosenlONATHAN STURGES. DAVID GRAHAM,

DENNING Dl K.K.The meeting then proceeded to «elect five |>ersous to noau

iu:>- suitable t--r-=.'n s fur Clutter Officers t'.r ihr Ward. The

It liowios were duly chi sea


thos, Mcknight.On mnti in,;,'.,../. A, Tl : ..;.- Committee luve power to rill ill n

The following Resolutions were then passed bv arcli.mation

I, RtsolvtJ, ll.it ill.. WliifRof the Tlnr.1 Wnrd.ut.dillite defeat ol th.: .11m' leader, I IK Nin I LAI

will rail) in the eu.suins Spring Election around the WhinBanner, which was former!) io triumphant, and v..II man-ltto the ballot boxes uuder the .l.l woi cry.On t \ ici i\ !

.'. K.totted. Dut past «sperienci teaches u- thai tetrench-inmi and Ui-lbnn ire to be fonnd only at the hands of lbsm ¦: party.

Knotted, That wee II on all those who have been lunsli moni r.iiU. by false promi -sof clean streets utd dirnia-ished taveT. tn return and struggle once more i. WhimWhig nú-asures.

I. Rtiohtd, Thai oui DelecaU-s to the Mayoralty t on«*-linn be instructed m bear iifmiud llial no man caníelons, 't

to urse the nomination of some one who will.- mound th.iilidenCi ofevery Hrhig.n in .u « hliug to fight nudei lb» Win.. 11\s>ik tnd bi iacnlind.ilii. r. «- ir\. in i: t'efeuci.... Hr.nlml. Tlut ha' in.' .Ve» ,-hra'tiI i.-iM-1 si,.,», pledgeirselres I.:h otiiei ....I to oui ti itiii \^ bigs Ihrcuah M

the! it) tonsees-erj lionorsblsvevenion iu ibecoming lettiou, toelei M,- H lais ticket i.íiIb- li.ir.l Ward.Ou motion,tl/-'u!irii Tint the proceedings of lhi- meeting be pub¬

lished in Tin- 'I limn--. Exprès* and Courier St EnquirerHaalcrd, ¦flu sre t-.uw »ilj...ni.

s. Sfl»EY DOANE, liairosan.im: Ai t..:»' sv. t < .

U'si. I. ...... -i ¦.¦¦.. s S-"_.¦ - ...' fiu.lt

FIFTH WARD. Kebnury l'uh, IÍ4Í..At a largeand enthusiastic mertiug of the Whig Elrctcr»-of the Fifth\.'. isxeaibled at the Marion Honse, 165 West Broadway,piinii .it t.. ,i r. ...mendation of the Whig i testerai ( lommit-

Ueii.D INTEL LEE " «callad to the Chaii md( iras.-; Hoi ne». I ,, tinted S« cetary.Mi r tlie call of the mi? ting was read, "u moti "i it s, is

/.' sired, 'li. .i the mr-etiiur proceed to elect three Delegaleito the V, .. aralt] uuventioii.

Iu \ v. ilet and Do«. Price appoiuted Teilen, where-"WM. ADaSis. JEFPER8ÛN BEIUllAN

liENRi ii. GREr \U mi.

»... declaredcln motion.Resolved, That the meeting now proceed to nominates

| 1:1:11,1:.. I if I !...¦¦, Dill. ..

Whereupon the following geiitl men were nominated wd.: dared el ctedi

Momia iti ",' iiliinilt- e I..1 I lnrter OtTicets,J.O.BATI HELOR, J. I!. TA VI.oil,DANIEL '' Mtl'KNTKIt, T. A. U'AHI),

WARREN < II Vl'.slA.N.: )n motion, it » is

Resetted. I hat the CommitLi liare power to fill any rsoccur.

On motion, adjourned, DANIEL LEE, I luirman.(in?. M.HoLaiRs, Secretary. I'î.i

ElCilTII U\KI).-.\i a meeting >.'. uwlUpiSferda-livcs at*the several ilistn'ctsto ine Eichtb Ward \l«>..rn!i) < oa

-Id nt tlie Howard House, Feb. Unit, 1813, ihe follow-mi,* genlleiiKiu were elected tu tin.- Marerallr Cunveotioo i.t<heb) ¦¦' the Broadway llonscon theSlsl m<'. si : o'clock,P M


Tim following were elected to Ihe Nominating ( 'ommittee fori'li.-.il. r ii|li..-r-.

s .1. sív;i n, s. M. iii:i,i.iiUs,W. K. BE1UUEN. Joll.N lit ll.l'.lt.ROUT. Mil.l.lKKN, II. L. CIIANK.1'.. DUVALL. JOHN .«-TAl'LiS.

M. I). WIM HEI..EZRA SMITH, I hainnsn.

C V. IIm-.t. Secretary. 1W¦as».

'.i.'.ril WARD...'.taiii««t.nc.ifilii: Whipofls«Ninth \\ :r.l, bekl 1.1 Kentucky Hull ou VVadiwsdar Evetdsgitho 1:1th iivtoot, V. ELCOME R. BEEBE tvn? called tu Iks

id A. A. Scoring and It. S. ii;;wie¡t, Jr. v. <-re sppuu,i-...: Secretar es. The meeting |.rw:'-<-ile.l tu ballot (of three per

to tcprcsoot the Ward in the Mayoralty Convention, sadilurU-sî-i ¡.. r-.iiis is., a Ward Nominating Vjmmitta». whi'lifesuited 111 Ihe Election ofthe luHowing t>enoin:

To the Maiiiirnlty Ct ;irmti.m.JAMES it. ÜAI.I., JiiilN Vi, LAT80N,

AN30X T. BEEBEE.Tntht Ward.YoMtiiating Cirmmittre.

VLBKRT GILBERT, WM. II. Mien,K; \ll !).\\:s EDEN KIl'l*.


JOSEPH TINKJIAM.Théfiillonmg Resolutions were ottered by A. Oilbert,DlResolved,That tbe Whig creel as promulgated hr the IVbg

Cenetoi Commiuee ufthisdty cooUinsonrprincipMi.Kesotved, That wo will givennrmoM hearty and indi""1*

sanport t. the Nominees ol the '»'.'hie party and .. "lriff; ,^l: olvi !. Tin the pn cee -.- : this meeting nepuDiMti»

in Uie 'I rtbone, 1 wrier and Eoouiret and Express,OniLoliuuitwos ¡uitlicr Resolved thai Uu: Deiegale1 .*.

('mum Iti.e have power t.i till varauri-.-.-.WELCOME it. BEEBE. OaúnteM.

',' ELEVENTH WABD.-A ire,:iu.ï of ù* WM

ith Vv ud .-...¦ held t dnAmerica«*'m Hall in Toesday niiibt. Feb IAD, UHS .' -,! "

MONSON Chairman and Iosnt'aC4»H*«T,Seeietarr-On m.Resetted, That ihe m--ti-,¡r do go inn an Electionofilu"audidatesfortho Mayoralty enreation.Wher u :¦ m.H.B.BOLSTER, JOHN KELSEV,

....! ISAAC V JONES.¦....- aftei dl. tug declared chosen.On motiRtsoltf l. That we go into a.i Electioti lof v»*->|B*" 'J

Noniiuaticï Committee !.r (.1»«.-:'r Othc-r«.U bersraj .1,



¡; vVÄDE , t .sswereeleeted. C. M:SIMONSOX.ChsinnJ

iHua Cshiiart, Seeretgry.

'7" SEVENTEENTH WAR»..Hi/ht Side &£Atater) bige and euthnsiastíc meetingof«IwWhigÎ*of tha .S-s-nt^-niJi V.VJ, coovened it the HeaWT ",r "*,...i VV.-.Ju. das«venu g, Februar] :ji¡.. lîlî. ia r-n"»1**!ri-.-. rniw:t 's:inncf :!ie U big General Ciii.roiU**,Ts>c«*<'^_P.»e ..fsii>oiuti:i ; Three ¡>- ¡-^jv. i.> the Mayoralty !¡V¿rrio«. <nd w appoint a Nominatiog CommiUre t°t

. J,Officers, WILLIAM PHILLIPS, E*| was railed .

^Chair.and Jossen Kt.'t and EowaKO C. Dft*****appi iolod Secret

Al'trr re..ltij^ :;,r call ol" tl..- uie-tiug. winch was

r:.....-t> a,!-.; .-.]. .; v. |», jll mi;t|...


Retired, T!^: * V^mxtt(^jmmitxtea{lhnepaiaa*r¡¿..l^ilto P-ii.-e lud rrpo.t ff-rfnj" tJ

aaraes ofCandidates for Alderman .il'Asii>:i»t A"^wT'l«'represent lhi? Ward it the eom'niï 'leetion. an-l 'f "J,.^j .»oomes three ¡arsons as l>le-,{»i.-s m /eprrseat tin« *

'-.i oaveotion. ¡¡¡t^t"Aft 1 short ¡«terra!, the Retinue Committee, J'V^.j

tieirChairrrr-ui, Edward Dayton, Esq. i-ported 'h'-"1*? ^nrwnirn..uily oominsted Hon. HAMILTON r'1^V<1tj.WILLIAM PHILLIPS. E*| a« Ibe candidat« {*'^¡Zf.».and 'sJiistant Aide, man of this Ward, and JAt;0B'cM 11.L.BENEDK T LEWIS. Jr.and JAMES C'OGu>>»»'Es^. as Ueb-gstes to the Mayoralty Conreoiioo. T**

nations wrreuuanimoaslycsMieurreil in. ge.On motion. Resolrtd. Thai l\J above vtactaaittV M '

Irsl^d in Tbe Trihuue.On paotie., ^<"»»^,1LUAM PHILLIPS. Cb-r-ss-
